+/* $NetBSD: if_bridgevar.h,v 1.4 2003/07/08 07:13:50 itojun Exp $ */
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
-/* $apfw: if_bridgevar,v 1.7 2008/10/24 02:34:06 cbzimmer Exp $ */
-/* $NetBSD: if_bridgevar.h,v 1.8 2005/12/10 23:21:38 elad Exp $ */
* Copyright 2001 Wasabi Systems, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* OpenBSD: if_bridge.h,v 1.14 2001/03/22 03:48:29 jason Exp
+ *
+ * $FreeBSD$
#define BRDGGMA 19 /* get max age (ifbrparam) */
#define BRDGSMA 20 /* set max age (ifbrparam) */
#define BRDGSIFPRIO 21 /* set if priority (ifbreq) */
-#define BRDGSIFCOST 22 /* set if path cost (ifbreq) */
-#define BRDGGFILT 23 /* get filter flags (ifbrparam) */
-#define BRDGSFILT 24 /* set filter flags (ifbrparam) */
+#define BRDGSIFCOST 22 /* set if path cost (ifbreq) */
+#define BRDGGFILT 23 /* get filter flags (ifbrparam) */
+#define BRDGSFILT 24 /* set filter flags (ifbrparam) */
#define BRDGPURGE 25 /* purge address cache for a particular interface (ifbreq) */
+#define BRDGADDS 26 /* add bridge span member (ifbreq) */
+#define BRDGDELS 27 /* delete bridge span member (ifbreq) */
+#define BRDGPARAM 28 /* get bridge STP params (ifbropreq) */
+#define BRDGGRTE 29 /* get cache drops (ifbrparam) */
+#define BRDGGIFSSTP 30 /* get member STP params list (ifbpstpconf) */
+#define BRDGSPROTO 31 /* set protocol (ifbrparam) */
+#define BRDGSTXHC 32 /* set tx hold count (ifbrparam) */
+#define BRDGSIFAMAX 33 /* set max interface addrs (ifbreq) */
* Generic bridge control request.
struct ifbreq {
char ifbr_ifsname[IFNAMSIZ]; /* member if name */
uint32_t ifbr_ifsflags; /* member if flags */
- uint16_t ifbr_portno; /* member if port number */
- uint8_t ifbr_state; /* member if STP state */
+ uint32_t ifbr_stpflags; /* member if STP flags */
+ uint32_t ifbr_path_cost; /* member if STP cost */
+ uint8_t ifbr_portno; /* member if port number */
uint8_t ifbr_priority; /* member if STP priority */
- uint8_t ifbr_path_cost; /* member if STP cost */
+ uint8_t ifbr_proto; /* member if STP protocol */
+ uint8_t ifbr_role; /* member if STP role */
+ uint8_t ifbr_state; /* member if STP state */
+ uint32_t ifbr_addrcnt; /* member if addr number */
+ uint32_t ifbr_addrmax; /* member if addr max */
+ uint32_t ifbr_addrexceeded; /* member if addr violations */
+ uint8_t pad[32];
#pragma pack()
-#define IFBIF_LEARNING 0x01 /* if can learn */
-#define IFBIF_DISCOVER 0x02 /* if sends packets w/ unknown dest. */
-#define IFBIF_STP 0x04 /* if participates in spanning tree */
-/* APPLE MODIFICATION <cbz@apple.com>
- add the following bits for ProxySTA:
- add the following bits for Guest Network
- */
-#define IFBIF_PROXYSTA 0x08 /* if interface is a proxy sta */
-#define IFBIF_PROXYSTA_DISCOVER 0x10 /* if interface is used to discover proxy sta candidates */
-#define IFBIF_NO_FORWARDING 0x20 /* if interface cannot forward traffic from one interface to the next */
-/* APPLE MODIFICATION <cbz@apple.com>
- add the following bits for ProxySTA:
- add the following bits for Guest Network
- this was...
- */
+#define IFBIF_LEARNING 0x0001 /* if can learn */
+#define IFBIF_DISCOVER 0x0002 /* if sends packets w/ unknown dest. */
+#define IFBIF_STP 0x0004 /* if participates in spanning tree */
+#define IFBIF_SPAN 0x0008 /* if is a span port */
+#define IFBIF_STICKY 0x0010 /* if learned addresses stick */
+#define IFBIF_BSTP_EDGE 0x0020 /* member stp edge port */
+#define IFBIF_BSTP_AUTOEDGE 0x0040 /* member stp autoedge enabled */
+#define IFBIF_BSTP_PTP 0x0080 /* member stp point to point */
+#define IFBIF_BSTP_AUTOPTP 0x0100 /* member stp autoptp enabled */
+#define IFBIF_BSTP_ADMEDGE 0x0200 /* member stp admin edge enabled */
+#define IFBIF_BSTP_ADMCOST 0x0400 /* member stp admin path cost */
+#define IFBIF_PRIVATE 0x0800 /* if is a private segment */
+#define IFBIFBITS "\020\001LEARNING\002DISCOVER\003STP\004SPAN" \
+ "\011AUTOPTP"
+ IFBIF_BSTP_ADMCOST) /* not saved */
#define IFBF_FLUSHDYN 0x00 /* flush learned addresses only */
-/* STP port states */
* Interface list structure.
#pragma pack(4)
struct ifbifconf {
uint32_t ifbic_len; /* buffer size */
union {
caddr_t ifbicu_buf;
struct ifbreq *ifbicu_req;
- } ifbic_ifbicu;
#define ifbic_buf ifbic_ifbicu.ifbicu_buf
#define ifbic_req ifbic_ifbicu.ifbicu_req
+ } ifbic_ifbicu;
struct ifbifconf32 {
uint32_t ifbic_len; /* buffer size */
union {
user32_addr_t ifbicu_buf;
user32_addr_t ifbicu_req;
+#define ifbic_buf ifbic_ifbicu.ifbicu_buf
+#define ifbic_req ifbic_ifbicu.ifbicu_req
} ifbic_ifbicu;
user64_addr_t ifbicu_req;
} ifbic_ifbicu;
-#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#pragma pack()
#pragma pack(4)
struct ifbareq {
char ifba_ifsname[IFNAMSIZ]; /* member if name */
unsigned long ifba_expire; /* address expire time */
uint8_t ifba_flags; /* address flags */
uint8_t ifba_dst[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];/* destination address */
+ uint16_t ifba_vlan; /* vlan id */
struct ifbareq32 {
char ifba_ifsname[IFNAMSIZ]; /* member if name */
uint32_t ifba_expire; /* address expire time */
uint8_t ifba_flags; /* address flags */
uint8_t ifba_dst[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];/* destination address */
+ uint16_t ifba_vlan; /* vlan id */
struct ifbareq64 {
uint64_t ifba_expire; /* address expire time */
uint8_t ifba_flags; /* address flags */
uint8_t ifba_dst[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];/* destination address */
+ uint16_t ifba_vlan; /* vlan id */
-#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#pragma pack()
#define IFBAF_TYPEMASK 0x03 /* address type mask */
#define IFBAF_DYNAMIC 0x00 /* dynamically learned address */
#define IFBAF_STATIC 0x01 /* static address */
+#define IFBAF_STICKY 0x02 /* sticky address */
-#define IFBAFBITS "\020\1STATIC"
* Address list structure.
#pragma pack(4)
struct ifbaconf {
uint32_t ifbac_len; /* buffer size */
union {
caddr_t ifbacu_buf;
struct ifbareq *ifbacu_req;
- } ifbac_ifbacu;
#define ifbac_buf ifbac_ifbacu.ifbacu_buf
#define ifbac_req ifbac_ifbacu.ifbacu_req
+ } ifbac_ifbacu;
struct ifbaconf32 {
uint32_t ifbac_len; /* buffer size */
union {
user32_addr_t ifbacu_buf;
user32_addr_t ifbacu_req;
+#define ifbac_buf ifbac_ifbacu.ifbacu_buf
+#define ifbac_req ifbac_ifbacu.ifbacu_req
} ifbac_ifbacu;
user64_addr_t ifbacu_req;
} ifbac_ifbacu;
-#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#pragma pack()
#define ifbrp_csize ifbrp_ifbrpu.ifbrpu_int32 /* cache size */
#define ifbrp_ctime ifbrp_ifbrpu.ifbrpu_int32 /* cache time (sec) */
#define ifbrp_prio ifbrp_ifbrpu.ifbrpu_int16 /* bridge priority */
+#define ifbrp_proto ifbrp_ifbrpu.ifbrpu_int8 /* bridge protocol */
+#define ifbrp_txhc ifbrp_ifbrpu.ifbrpu_int8 /* bpdu tx holdcount */
#define ifbrp_hellotime ifbrp_ifbrpu.ifbrpu_int8 /* hello time (sec) */
#define ifbrp_fwddelay ifbrp_ifbrpu.ifbrpu_int8 /* fwd time (sec) */
#define ifbrp_maxage ifbrp_ifbrpu.ifbrpu_int8 /* max age (sec) */
+#define ifbrp_cexceeded ifbrp_ifbrpu.ifbrpu_int32 /* # of cache dropped
+ * adresses */
#define ifbrp_filter ifbrp_ifbrpu.ifbrpu_int32 /* filtering flags */
-#ifdef KERNEL
- * Timekeeping structure used in spanning tree code.
+ * Bridge current operational parameters structure.
-struct bridge_timer {
- uint16_t active;
- uint16_t value;
+#pragma pack(4)
+struct ifbropreq {
+ uint8_t ifbop_holdcount;
+ uint8_t ifbop_maxage;
+ uint8_t ifbop_hellotime;
+ uint8_t ifbop_fwddelay;
+ uint8_t ifbop_protocol;
+ uint16_t ifbop_priority;
+ uint16_t ifbop_root_port;
+ uint32_t ifbop_root_path_cost;
+ uint64_t ifbop_bridgeid;
+ uint64_t ifbop_designated_root;
+ uint64_t ifbop_designated_bridge;
+ struct timeval ifbop_last_tc_time;
-struct bstp_config_unit {
- uint64_t cu_rootid;
- uint64_t cu_bridge_id;
- uint32_t cu_root_path_cost;
- uint16_t cu_message_age;
- uint16_t cu_max_age;
- uint16_t cu_hello_time;
- uint16_t cu_forward_delay;
- uint16_t cu_port_id;
- uint8_t cu_message_type;
- uint8_t cu_topology_change_acknowledgment;
- uint8_t cu_topology_change;
+struct ifbropreq32 {
+ uint8_t ifbop_holdcount;
+ uint8_t ifbop_maxage;
+ uint8_t ifbop_hellotime;
+ uint8_t ifbop_fwddelay;
+ uint8_t ifbop_protocol;
+ uint16_t ifbop_priority;
+ uint16_t ifbop_root_port;
+ uint32_t ifbop_root_path_cost;
+ uint64_t ifbop_bridgeid;
+ uint64_t ifbop_designated_root;
+ uint64_t ifbop_designated_bridge;
+ struct timeval ifbop_last_tc_time;
-struct bstp_tcn_unit {
- uint8_t tu_message_type;
+struct ifbropreq64 {
+ uint8_t ifbop_holdcount;
+ uint8_t ifbop_maxage;
+ uint8_t ifbop_hellotime;
+ uint8_t ifbop_fwddelay;
+ uint8_t ifbop_protocol;
+ uint16_t ifbop_priority;
+ uint16_t ifbop_root_port;
+ uint32_t ifbop_root_path_cost;
+ uint64_t ifbop_bridgeid;
+ uint64_t ifbop_designated_root;
+ uint64_t ifbop_designated_bridge;
+ struct timeval ifbop_last_tc_time;
-struct bridge_softc;
+#pragma pack()
- * Bridge interface list entry.
- * (VL) bridge_ifmember would be a better name, more descriptive
+ * Bridge member operational STP params structure.
-struct bridge_iflist {
- LIST_ENTRY(bridge_iflist) bif_next;
- uint64_t bif_designated_root;
- uint64_t bif_designated_bridge;
- uint32_t bif_path_cost;
- uint32_t bif_designated_cost;
- struct bridge_timer bif_hold_timer;
- struct bridge_timer bif_message_age_timer;
- struct bridge_timer bif_forward_delay_timer;
- uint16_t bif_port_id;
- uint16_t bif_designated_port;
- struct bstp_config_unit bif_config_bpdu;
- uint8_t bif_state;
- uint8_t bif_topology_change_acknowledge;
- uint8_t bif_config_pending;
- uint8_t bif_change_detection_enabled;
- uint8_t bif_priority;
- struct ifnet *bif_ifp; /* member if */
- uint32_t bif_flags; /* member if flags */
- int bif_mutecap; /* member muted caps */
- interface_filter_t bif_iff_ref;
- struct bridge_softc *bif_sc;
+#pragma pack(4)
+struct ifbpstpreq {
+ uint8_t ifbp_portno; /* bp STP port number */
+ uint32_t ifbp_fwd_trans; /* bp STP fwd transitions */
+ uint32_t ifbp_design_cost; /* bp STP designated cost */
+ uint32_t ifbp_design_port; /* bp STP designated port */
+ uint64_t ifbp_design_bridge; /* bp STP designated bridge */
+ uint64_t ifbp_design_root; /* bp STP designated root */
+#pragma pack()
- * Bridge route node.
+ * Bridge STP ports list structure.
-struct bridge_rtnode {
- LIST_ENTRY(bridge_rtnode) brt_hash; /* hash table linkage */
- LIST_ENTRY(bridge_rtnode) brt_list; /* list linkage */
- struct ifnet *brt_ifp; /* destination if */
- unsigned long brt_expire; /* expiration time */
- uint8_t brt_flags; /* address flags */
- uint8_t brt_addr[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
- /* APPLE MODIFICATION <cbz@apple.com> - add the following elements:
- brt_flags_ext, brt_ifp_proxysta */
-#define IFBAF_EXT_PROXYSTA 0x01
- uint8_t brt_flags_ext; /* extended flags */
- struct ifnet *brt_ifp_proxysta; /* proxy sta if */
+#pragma pack(4)
+struct ifbpstpconf {
+ uint32_t ifbpstp_len; /* buffer size */
+ union {
+ caddr_t ifbpstpu_buf;
+ struct ifbpstpreq *ifbpstpu_req;
+ } ifbpstp_ifbpstpu;
+#define ifbpstp_buf ifbpstp_ifbpstpu.ifbpstpu_buf
+#define ifbpstp_req ifbpstp_ifbpstpu.ifbpstpu_req
- * Software state for each bridge.
- */
-struct bridge_softc {
- LIST_ENTRY(bridge_softc) sc_list;
- struct ifnet *sc_if;
- uint64_t sc_designated_root;
- uint64_t sc_bridge_id;
- struct bridge_iflist *sc_root_port;
- uint32_t sc_root_path_cost;
- uint16_t sc_max_age;
- uint16_t sc_hello_time;
- uint16_t sc_forward_delay;
- uint16_t sc_bridge_max_age;
- uint16_t sc_bridge_hello_time;
- uint16_t sc_bridge_forward_delay;
- uint16_t sc_topology_change_time;
- uint16_t sc_hold_time;
- uint16_t sc_bridge_priority;
- uint8_t sc_topology_change_detected;
- uint8_t sc_topology_change;
- struct bridge_timer sc_hello_timer;
- struct bridge_timer sc_topology_change_timer;
- struct bridge_timer sc_tcn_timer;
- uint32_t sc_brtmax; /* max # of addresses */
- uint32_t sc_brtcnt; /* cur. # of addresses */
- /* APPLE MODIFICATION <cbz@apple.com> - add the following elements:
- sc_brtmax_proxysta */
- uint32_t sc_brtmax_proxysta; /* max # of proxy sta addresses */
- uint32_t sc_brttimeout; /* rt timeout in seconds */
- LIST_HEAD(, bridge_iflist) sc_iflist; /* member interface list */
- LIST_HEAD(, bridge_rtnode) *sc_rthash; /* our forwarding table */
- LIST_HEAD(, bridge_rtnode) sc_rtlist; /* list version of above */
- uint32_t sc_rthash_key; /* key for hash */
- uint32_t sc_filter_flags; /* ipf and flags */
- //(VL)
- char sc_if_xname[IFNAMSIZ];
- bpf_packet_func sc_bpf_input;
- bpf_packet_func sc_bpf_output;
- u_int32_t sc_flags;
- lck_mtx_t *sc_mtx;
+struct ifbpstpconf32 {
+ uint32_t ifbpstp_len; /* buffer size */
+ union {
+ user32_addr_t ifbpstpu_buf;
+ user32_addr_t ifbpstpu_req;
+#define ifbpstp_buf ifbpstp_ifbpstpu.ifbpstpu_buf
+#define ifbpstp_req ifbpstp_ifbpstpu.ifbpstpu_req
+ } ifbpstp_ifbpstpu;
-#define SCF_DETACHING 0x1
+struct ifbpstpconf64 {
+ uint32_t ifbpstp_len; /* buffer size */
+ union {
+ user64_addr_t ifbpstpu_buf;
+ user64_addr_t ifbpstpu_req;
+ } ifbpstp_ifbpstpu;
-extern const uint8_t bstp_etheraddr[];
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
-int bridgeattach(int);
-void bridge_enqueue(struct bridge_softc *, struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *);
-void bridge_rtdelete(struct bridge_softc *, struct ifnet *, int);
+#pragma pack()
-void bstp_initialization(struct bridge_softc *);
-void bstp_stop(struct bridge_softc *);
-struct mbuf *bstp_input(struct bridge_softc *, struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *);
-#endif /* KERNEL */
+int bridgeattach(int);
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* PRIVATE */
#endif /* !_NET_IF_BRIDGEVAR_H_ */