+ } else {
+ uint64_t tval = timer_grab(&PROCESSOR_DATA(processor, user_state)) +
+ timer_grab(&PROCESSOR_DATA(processor, system_state));
+ cpu_load_info->cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_USER] = (uint32_t)(tval / hz_tick_interval);
+ cpu_load_info->cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_SYSTEM] = 0;
+ }
+ idle_state = &PROCESSOR_DATA(processor, idle_state);
+ idle_time_snapshot1 = timer_grab(idle_state);
+ idle_time_tstamp1 = idle_state->tstamp;
+ /*
+ * Idle processors are not continually updating their
+ * per-processor idle timer, so it may be extremely
+ * out of date, resulting in an over-representation
+ * of non-idle time between two measurement
+ * intervals by e.g. top(1). If we are non-idle, or
+ * have evidence that the timer is being updated
+ * concurrently, we consider its value up-to-date.
+ */
+ if (PROCESSOR_DATA(processor, current_state) != idle_state) {
+ cpu_load_info->cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE] =
+ (uint32_t)(idle_time_snapshot1 / hz_tick_interval);
+ } else if ((idle_time_snapshot1 != (idle_time_snapshot2 = timer_grab(idle_state))) ||
+ (idle_time_tstamp1 != (idle_time_tstamp2 = idle_state->tstamp))){
+ /* Idle timer is being updated concurrently, second stamp is good enough */
+ cpu_load_info->cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE] =
+ (uint32_t)(idle_time_snapshot2 / hz_tick_interval);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Idle timer may be very stale. Fortunately we have established
+ * that idle_time_snapshot1 and idle_time_tstamp1 are unchanging
+ */
+ idle_time_snapshot1 += mach_absolute_time() - idle_time_tstamp1;
+ cpu_load_info->cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE] =
+ (uint32_t)(idle_time_snapshot1 / hz_tick_interval);
+ }