- * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
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mtlr r4
-resetexc: cmplwi r13,RESET_HANDLER_BUPOR ; Special bring up POR sequence?
+resetexc: cmplwi r13,RESET_HANDLER_BUPOR ; Special bring up POR sequence?
bne resetexc2 ; No...
lis r4,hi16(EXT(resetPOR)) ; Get POR code
ori r4,r4,lo16(EXT(resetPOR)) ; The rest
. = 0x700
- mtsprg 2,r13 /* Save R13 */
- mtsprg 3,r11 /* Save R11 */
-#if 0
- mfsrr1 r13 ; (BRINGUP)
- mfcr r11 ; (BRINGUP)
- rlwinm. r13,r13,0,12,12 ; (BRINGUP)
- crmove cr1_eq,cr0_eq ; (BRINGUP)
- mfsrr1 r13 ; (BRINGUP)
- rlwinm. r13,r13,0,MSR_PR_BIT,MSR_PR_BIT ; (BRINGUP)
- crorc cr0_eq,cr1_eq,cr0_eq ; (BRINGUP)
- bf-- cr0_eq,. ; (BRINGUP)
- mtcrf 255,r11 ; (BRINGUP)
- li r11,T_PROGRAM|T_FAM /* Set 'rupt code */
- b .L_exception_entry /* Join common... */
+ mtsprg 2,r13 ; Save R13
+ mtsprg 3,r11 ; Save R11
+ li r11,T_PROGRAM|T_FAM ; Set program interruption code
+ b .L_exception_entry ; Join common...
* Floating point disabled
rlwinm r11,r11,0,0,30 ; clear out bit 31
rlwimi r11,r13,1,0x40 ; move 0x6004 bit into position
lhz r11,lo16(scTable)(r11) ; get branch address from sc table
- mfctr r13 ; save caller's ctr in r13
+ mfctr r13 ; save callers ctr in r13
mtctr r11 ; set up branch to syscall handler
mfsprg r11,0 ; get per_proc, which most UFTs use
bctr ; dispatch (r11 in sprg3, r13 in sprg2, ctr in r13, per_proc in r11)
* only executed when (a) a single step or branch exception is
* hit, (b) in the single step debugger case there is so much
* overhead already the few extra instructions for testing for BE
- * are not even noticable, (c) the BE logging code is *only* run
- * when it is enabled by the tool which will not happen during
- * normal system usage
+ * are not even noticable
* Note that this trace is available only to user state so we do not
* need to set sprg2 before returning.
mtsprg 3,r11 ; Save R11
mfsprg r11,2 ; Get the feature flags
mtsprg 2,r13 ; Save R13
- rlwinm r11,r11,pf64Bitb-4,4,4 ; Get the 64-bit flag
- mfcr r13 ; Get the CR
- mtcrf 0x40,r11 ; Set the CR
- mfsrr1 r11 ; Get the old MSR
- rlwinm. r11,r11,0,MSR_PR_BIT,MSR_PR_BIT ; Are we in supervisor state?
- mfsprg r11,0 ; Get the per_proc
- lhz r11,PP_CPU_FLAGS(r11) ; Get the flags
- crmove cr1_eq,cr0_eq ; Remember if we are in supervisor state
- rlwinm. r11,r11,0,traceBEb+16,traceBEb+16 ; Special trace enabled?
- cror cr0_eq,cr0_eq,cr1_eq ; Is trace off or supervisor state?
- bf-- cr0_eq,specbrtr ; No, we need to trace...
-notspectr: mtcr r13 ; Restore CR
li r11,T_TRACE|T_FAM ; Set interrupt code
b .L_exception_entry ; Join common...
- .align 5
-; We are doing the special branch trace
-specbrtr: mfsprg r11,0 ; Get the per_proc area
- bt++ 4,sbxx64a ; Jump if 64-bit...
- stw r1,tempr0+4(r11) ; Save in a scratch area
- stw r2,tempr1+4(r11) ; Save in a scratch area
- stw r3,tempr2+4(r11) ; Save in a scratch area
- b sbxx64b ; Skip...
-sbxx64a: std r1,tempr0(r11) ; Save in a scratch area
- std r2,tempr1(r11) ; Save in a scratch area
- std r3,tempr2(r11) ; Save in a scratch area
-sbxx64b: lis r2,hi16(EXT(pc_trace_buf)) ; Get the top of the buffer
- lwz r3,spcTRp(r11) ; Pick up buffer position
- ori r2,r2,lo16(EXT(pc_trace_buf)) ; Get the bottom of the buffer
- cmplwi cr2,r3,4092 ; Set cr1_eq if we should take exception
- mfsrr0 r1 ; Get the pc
- stwx r1,r2,r3 ; Save it in the buffer
- addi r3,r3,4 ; Point to the next slot
- rlwinm r3,r3,0,20,31 ; Wrap the slot at one page
- stw r3,spcTRp(r11) ; Save the new slot
- bt++ 4,sbxx64c ; Jump if 64-bit...
- lwz r1,tempr0+4(r11) ; Restore work register
- lwz r2,tempr1+4(r11) ; Restore work register
- lwz r3,tempr2+4(r11) ; Restore work register
- beq cr2,notspectr ; Buffer filled, make a rupt...
- mtcr r13 ; Restore CR
- b uftRFI ; Go restore and leave...
-sbxx64c: ld r1,tempr0(r11) ; Restore work register
- ld r2,tempr1(r11) ; Restore work register
- ld r3,tempr2(r11) ; Restore work register
- beq cr2,notspectr ; Buffer filled, make a rupt...
- mtcr r13 ; Restore CR
- b uftRFI ; Go restore and leave...
* Floating point assist
; Handle "vmm_dispatch" (0x6004), of which only some selectors are UFTs.
- mtctr r13 ; restore caller's ctr
+ mtctr r13 ; restore callers ctr
lwz r11,spcFlags(r11) ; get the special flags word from per_proc
- mfcr r13 ; save caller's entire cr (we use all fields below)
+ mfcr r13 ; save callers entire cr (we use all fields below)
rlwinm r11,r11,16,16,31 ; Extract spcFlags upper bits
andi. r11,r11,hi16(runningVM|FamVMena|FamVMmode)
cmpwi cr0,r11,hi16(runningVM|FamVMena|FamVMmode) ; Test in VM FAM
- mtctr r13 ; restore caller's ctr
+ mtctr r13 ; restore callers ctr
lwz r11,spcFlags(r11) ; get the special flags word from per_proc
- mfcr r13,0x80 ; save caller's cr0 so we can use it
+ mfcr r13,0x80 ; save callers cr0 so we can use it
andi. r11,r11,bbNoMachSC|bbPreemptive ; Clear what we do not need
cmplwi r11,bbNoMachSC ; See if we are trapping syscalls
blt-- uftNormal80 ; No...
lwz r3,UAW+4(r11) ; get user assist word, assuming a 32-bit processor
ld r3,UAW(r11) ; get the whole doubleword if 64-bit (patched to nop if 32-bit)
- mtctr r13 ; restore caller's ctr
+ mtctr r13 ; restore callers ctr
b uftRFI ; done
lwz r3,spcFlags(r11) ; get "special flags" word from per_proc
- mtctr r13 ; restore caller's ctr
+ mtctr r13 ; restore callers ctr
b uftRFI ; done
; Handle "Load MSR" UFT (0x7FF4). This is not used on 64-bit processors, though it would work.
- mfsrr1 r11 ; get caller's MSR
- mtctr r13 ; restore caller's ctr
- mfcr r13,0x80 ; save caller's cr0 so we can test PR
+ mfsrr1 r11 ; get callers MSR
+ mtctr r13 ; restore callers ctr
+ mfcr r13,0x80 ; save callers cr0 so we can test PR
rlwinm. r11,r11,0,MSR_PR_BIT,MSR_PR_BIT ; really in the kernel?
bne- uftNormal80 ; do not permit from user mode
mfsprg r11,0 ; restore per_proc
; sprg3 = callers r11
uftRestoreThenRFI: ; WARNING: can drop down to here
- mtcrf 0x80,r13 ; restore caller's cr0
+ mtcrf 0x80,r13 ; restore callers cr0
.globl EXT(uft_nop_if_32bit)
lhz r24,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r11) ; Get the logical processor number
li r23,T_SYSTEM_CALL ; Get the system call id
- mtctr r13 ; Restore the caller's CTR
+ mtctr r13 ; Restore the callers CTR
sth r24,LTR_cpu(r20) ; Save processor number
li r24,64 ; Offset to third line
sth r23,LTR_excpt(r20) ; Set the exception code
lwz r20,tempr0(r11) ; Restore work register
lwz r21,tempr1(r11) ; Restore work register
lwz r25,tempr2(r11) ; Restore work register
- mtctr r13 ; Restore the caller's CTR
+ mtctr r13 ; Restore the callers CTR
lwz r22,tempr3(r11) ; Restore work register
lwz r23,tempr4(r11) ; Restore work register
lwz r24,tempr5(r11) ; Restore work register
lwz r20,tempr0(r11) ; Restore work register
lwz r21,tempr1(r11) ; Restore work register
lwz r25,tempr2(r11) ; Restore work register
- mtctr r13 ; Restore the caller's CTR
+ mtctr r13 ; Restore the callers CTR
lwz r22,tempr3(r11) ; Restore work register
lwz r23,tempr4(r11) ; Restore work register
b uftNormalSyscall ; Go pass it on along...
ld r20,tempr0(r11) ; Restore work register
ld r21,tempr1(r11) ; Restore work register
ld r25,tempr2(r11) ; Restore work register
- mtctr r13 ; Restore the caller's CTR
+ mtctr r13 ; Restore the callers CTR
ld r22,tempr3(r11) ; Restore work register
ld r23,tempr4(r11) ; Restore work register
ld r24,tempr5(r11) ; Restore work register
ld r20,tempr0(r11) ; Restore work register
ld r21,tempr1(r11) ; Restore work register
ld r25,tempr2(r11) ; Restore work register
- mtctr r13 ; Restore the caller's CTR
+ mtctr r13 ; Restore the callers CTR
ld r22,tempr3(r11) ; Restore work register
ld r23,tempr4(r11) ; Restore work register
li r11,T_SYSTEM_CALL|T_FAM ; Set system code call
bf doze,notspdo ; Skip the next if we are not napping/dozing...
rlwinm r2,r1,0,nap+1,doze-1 ; Clear any possible nap and doze bits
mtspr hid0,r2 ; Clear the nap/doze bits
- mfspr r2,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[0] - Take earliest possible stamp
- stw r2,0x6100+(0x00*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r2,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r2,0x6100+(0x00*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r2,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r2,0x6100+(0x00*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r2,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r2,0x6100+(0x00*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
la r1,saver4(r13) ; Point to the next line in case we need it
crmove wasNapping,doze ; Remember if we were napping
mfsprg r2,0 ; Get the per_proc area
andi. r1,r11,T_FAM ; Check FAM bit
- stw r3,saver3+4(r13) ; Save this one
- stw r4,saver4+4(r13) ; Save this one
+ stw r3,saver3+4(r13) ; Save this one
+ stw r4,saver4+4(r13) ; Save this one
andc r11,r11,r1 ; Clear FAM bit
beq+ noFAM ; Is it FAM intercept
mfsrr1 r3 ; Load srr1
cmpwi cr0,r1,2 ; Check FamVMena set without FamVMmode
bne+ noFAM ; Can this context be FAM intercept
lwz r4,FAMintercept(r2) ; Load exceptions mask to intercept
- srwi r1,r11,2 ; divide r11 by 4
+ srwi r1,r11,2 ; Divide r11 by 4
lis r3,0x8000 ; Set r3 to 0x80000000
srw r1,r3,r1 ; Set bit for current exception
and. r1,r1,r4 ; And current exception with the intercept mask
la r3,saver16(r13) ; point to next line
dcbz 0,r8 ; allocate 32-byte line with SRR0, SRR1, CR, XER, and LR
stw r7,saver7+4(r13) ; Save this one
- lhz r8,PP_CPU_FLAGS(r2) ; Get the flags
mfsrr1 r7 ; Get the interrupt SRR1
- rlwinm r8,r8,(((31-MSR_BE_BIT)+(traceBEb+16+1))&31),MSR_BE_BIT,MSR_BE_BIT ; Set BE bit if special trace is on
stw r6,savesrr0+4(r13) ; Save the SRR0
- rlwinm r6,r7,(((31-MSR_BE_BIT)+(MSR_PR_BIT+1))&31),MSR_BE_BIT,MSR_BE_BIT ; Move PR bit to BE bit
stw r5,saver5+4(r13) ; Save this one
- and r8,r6,r8 ; Remove BE bit only if problem state and special tracing on
mfsprg r6,2 ; Get interrupt time R13
mtsprg 2,r1 ; Set the feature flags
- andc r7,r7,r8 ; Clear BE bit if special trace is on and PR is set
mfsprg r8,3 ; Get rupt time R11
stw r7,savesrr1+4(r13) ; Save SRR1
stw r8,saver11+4(r13) ; Save rupt time R11
cmplw r6,r8 ; Did the top tick?
bne- getTB ; Yeah, need to get it again...
- mfspr r6,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[1] - Save halfway context save stamp
- stw r6,0x6100+(0x01*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r6,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r6,0x6100+(0x01*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r6,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r6,0x6100+(0x01*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r6,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r6,0x6100+(0x01*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
stw r8,ruptStamp(r2) ; Save the top of time stamp
stw r8,SAVtime(r13) ; Save the top of time stamp
stw r7,ruptStamp+4(r2) ; Save the bottom of time stamp
; At this point, we can take another exception and lose nothing.
- mfspr r26,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[2] - Take stamp after save is done
- stw r26,0x6100+(0x02*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r26,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r26,0x6100+(0x02*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r26,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r26,0x6100+(0x02*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r26,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r26,0x6100+(0x02*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
bne+ cr5,xcp32xit ; Skip all of this if no tracing here...
dcbz r10,r2 ; Clear for speed
stw r3,next_savearea+4(r2) ; Store the savearea for the next rupt
- mfspr r4,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[3] - Take stamp after next savearea
- stw r4,0x6100+(0x03*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r4,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r4,0x6100+(0x03*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r4,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r4,0x6100+(0x03*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r4,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r4,0x6100+(0x03*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
b xcpCommon ; Go join the common interrupt processing...
std r8,saver8(r13) ; Save this one
mtcrf 0x40,r1 ; Put the features flags (that we care about) in the CR
mfsrr0 r6 ; Get the interruption SRR0
- lhz r8,PP_CPU_FLAGS(r2) ; Get the flags
mtcrf 0x20,r1 ; Put the features flags (that we care about) in the CR
mfsrr1 r7 ; Get the interrupt SRR1
- rlwinm r8,r8,(((31-MSR_BE_BIT)+(traceBEb+16+1))&31),MSR_BE_BIT,MSR_BE_BIT ; Set BE bit if special trace is on
std r6,savesrr0(r13) ; Save the SRR0
mtcrf 0x02,r1 ; Put the features flags (that we care about) in the CR
- rlwinm r6,r7,(((31-MSR_BE_BIT)+(MSR_PR_BIT+1))&31),MSR_BE_BIT,MSR_BE_BIT ; Move PR bit to BE bit
- and r8,r6,r8 ; Remove BE bit only if problem state and special tracing on
std r9,saver9(r13) ; Save this one
- andc r7,r7,r8 ; Clear BE bit if special trace is on and PR is set
crmove featAltivec,pfAltivecb ; Set the Altivec flag
std r7,savesrr1(r13) ; Save SRR1
mfsprg r9,3 ; Get rupt time R11
- mfspr r20,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[4] - Take stamp before exception filter
- stw r20,0x6100+(0x04*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r20,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r20,0x6100+(0x04*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r20,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r20,0x6100+(0x04*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r20,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r20,0x6100+(0x04*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
lwz r22,SAVflags(r13) ; Pick up the flags
lwz r0,saver0+4(r13) ; Get back interrupt time syscall number
mfsprg r2,0 ; Restore per_proc
.long PassUpRupt ; T_INTERRUPT
.long EXT(AlignAssist) ; T_ALIGNMENT
- .long EXT(Emulate) ; T_PROGRAM
+ .long ProgramChk ; T_PROGRAM
.long PassUpRupt ; T_DECREMENTER
.long PassUpTrap ; T_IO_ERROR
stw r0,savemisc3(r13) ; Set it
b PassUpTrap ; Go up and log error and probably panic
+; We come here to handle program exceptions
+; When the program check is a trap instruction and it happens when
+; we are executing injected code, we need to check if it is an exit trap.
+; If it is, we need to populate the current savearea with some of the context from
+; the saved pre-inject savearea. This is needed because the current savearea will be
+; tossed as part of the pass up code. Additionally, because we will not be nullifying
+; the emulated instruction as we do with any other exception.
+ .align 5
+ProgramChk: lwz r5,savesrr1+4(r13) ; Get the interrupt SRR1
+ lwz r3,ijsave(r2) ; Get the inject savearea top
+ lwz r4,ijsave+4(r2) ; And get the bottom of the inject savearea pointer
+ rlwimi r5,r5,15,31,31 ; Scoot trap flag down to a spare bit
+ rlwinm r3,r3,0,1,0 ; Copy low 32 bits of to top 32
+ li r0,0x0023 ; Get bits that match scooted trap flag, IR, and RI
+ and r0,r5,r0 ; Clear any extra SRR1 bits
+ rlwimi. r3,r4,0,0,31 ; Insert low part of 64-bit address in bottom 32 bits and see if ijsave is 0
+ cmplwi cr1,r0,1 ; Make sure we were IR off, RI off, and got a trap exception
+ crandc cr0_eq,cr1_eq,cr0_eq ; If we are injecting, ijsave will be non-zero and we had the trap bit set
+ mfsrr0 r4 ; Get the PC
+ bne++ cr0,mustem ; This is not an injection exit...
+ lwz r4,0(r4) ; Get the trap instruction
+ lis r5,hi16(ijtrap) ; Get high half of inject exit trap
+ ori r5,r5,lo16(ijtrap) ; And the low half
+ cmplw r4,r5 ; Correct trap instruction?
+ bne mustem ; No, not inject exit...
+ lwz r4,savesrr0(r3) ; Get the original SRR0
+ lwz r5,savesrr0+4(r3) ; And the rest of it
+ lwz r6,savesrr1(r3) ; Get the original SRR1
+ stw r4,savesrr0(r13) ; Set the new SRR0 to the original
+ lwz r4,savesrr1+4(r13) ; Get the bottom of the new SRR1
+ lwz r7,savesrr1+4(r3) ; Get the bottom of the original SRR1
+ li r11,T_INJECT_EXIT ; Set an inject exit exception
+ stw r5,savesrr0+4(r13) ; Set the new bottom of SRR0 to the original
+ rlwimi r7,r4,0,MSR_FP_BIT,MSR_FP_BIT ; Make sure we retain the current floating point enable bit
+ stw r6,savesrr1(r13) ; Save the top half of the original SRR1
+ sth r7,savesrr1+6(r13) ; And the last bottom
+ stw r11,saveexception(r13) ; Set the new the exception code
+ b PassUpTrap ; Go pass it on up...
+mustem: b EXT(Emulate) ; Go try to emulate this one...
* Here's where we come back from some instruction emulator. If we come back with
PassUpFPU: lis r20,hi16(EXT(fpu_switch)) ; Get FPU switcher address
ori r20,r20,lo16(EXT(fpu_switch)) ; Get FPU switcher address
b PassUp ; Go pass it up...
+ .align 5
PassUpVMX: lis r20,hi16(EXT(vec_switch)) ; Get VMX switcher address
ori r20,r20,lo16(EXT(vec_switch)) ; Get VMX switcher address
bt++ featAltivec,PassUp ; We have VMX on this CPU...
.align 5
- mfspr r29,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[11] - Take stamp at passup or eatrupt
- stw r29,0x6100+(11*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r29,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r29,0x6100+(11*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r29,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r29,0x6100+(11*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r29,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r29,0x6100+(11*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
+ mfsprg r29,0 ; Get the per_proc block back
- lwz r10,SAVflags(r13) ; Pick up the flags
+ cmplwi cr1,r11,T_INJECT_EXIT ; Are we exiting from an injection?
+ lwz r3,ijsave(r29) ; Get the inject savearea top
+ lwz r4,ijsave+4(r29) ; And get the bottom of the inject savearea pointer
+ rlwinm r3,r3,0,1,0 ; Copy low 32 bits to top 32
+ rlwimi. r3,r4,0,0,31 ; Insert low part of 64-bit address in bottom 32 bits and see if ijsave is 0
+ beq++ notaninjct ; Skip tossing savearea if no injection...
+ beq-- cr1,nonullify ; Have not finished the instruction, go nullify it...
+ lwz r4,savesrr1+4(r3) ; Get the interrupt modifiers from the original SRR1
+ lwz r5,savesrr1+4(r13) ; Get the interrupt modifiers from the new SRR1
+ lwz r6,savedar(r13) ; Get the top of the DAR
+ rlwimi r4,r5,0,0,15 ; copy the new top to the original SRR1
+ lwz r7,savedar+4(r13) ; Get the bottom of the DAR
+ rlwimi r4,r5,0,MSR_FP_BIT,MSR_FP_BIT ; Copy the new FP enable bit into the old SRR1
+ stw r4,savesrr1+4(r3) ; Save the updated SRR1
+ lwz r5,savedsisr(r13) ; Grab the new DSISR
+ mr r4,r13 ; Save the new savearea pointer
+ mr r13,r3 ; Point to the old savearea we are keeping
+ stw r6,savedar(r13) ; Save top of new DAR
+ stw r7,savedar+4(r13) ; Save bottom of new DAR
+ stw r5,savedsisr(r13) ; Set the new DSISR
+ stw r11,saveexception(r13) ; Set the new exception code
+ mr r3,r4 ; Point to the new savearea in order to toss it
+nonullify: li r0,0 ; Get a zero
+ stw r0,ijsave(r29) ; Clear the pointer to the saved savearea
+ stw r0,ijsave+4(r29) ; Clear the pointer to the saved savearea
+ bl EXT(save_ret_phys) ; Dump that pesky extra savearea
+notaninjct: lwz r10,SAVflags(r13) ; Pick up the flags
li r0,0xFFF ; Get a page mask
li r2,MASK(MSR_BE)|MASK(MSR_SE) ; Get the mask to save trace bits
stw r10,SAVflags(r13) ; Set the flags with the cleared redrive flag
xor r4,r13,r5 ; Pass up the virtual address of context savearea
- mfsprg r29,0 ; Get the per_proc block back
rlwinm r4,r4,0,0,31 ; Clean top half of virtual savearea if 64-bit
mr r3,r21 ; Pass in the MSR we will go to
bl EXT(switchSegs) ; Go handle the segment registers/STB
- mfspr r30,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[7] - Take stamp afer switchsegs
- stw r30,0x6100+(7*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r30,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r30,0x6100+(7*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r30,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r30,0x6100+(7*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r30,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r30,0x6100+(7*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
lwz r3,saveexception(r13) ; Recall the exception code
mtsrr0 r20 ; Set up the handler address
.align 5
- mfspr r30,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[5] - Take stamp at saveareas released
- stw r30,0x6100+(5*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r30,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r30,0x6100+(5*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r30,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r30,0x6100+(5*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r30,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r30,0x6100+(5*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
+ lwz r30,SAVflags(r31) ; Pick up the flags
+ lis r0,hi16(SAVinject) ; Get inject flag
dcbt 0,r21 ; Touch in the first thing we need
; savearea to the head of the local list. Then, if it needs to trim, it will
; start with the SECOND savearea, leaving ours intact.
+; If we are going to inject code here, we must not toss the savearea because
+; we will continue to use it. The code stream to inject is in it and we
+; use it to hold the pre-inject context so that we can merge that with the
+; post-inject context. The field ijsave in the per-proc is used to point to the savearea.
+; Note that we will NEVER pass an interrupt up without first dealing with this savearea.
+; All permanent interruptions (i.e., not denorm, alignment, or handled page and segment faults)
+; will nullify any injected code and pass the interrupt up in the original savearea. A normal
+; inject completion will merge the original context into the new savearea and pass that up.
+; Note that the following code which sets up the injection will only be executed when
+; SAVinject is set. That means that if will not run if we are returning from an alignment
+; or denorm exception, or from a handled page or segment fault.
+ andc r0,r30,r0 ; Clear the inject flag
+ cmplw cr4,r0,r30 ; Remember if we need to inject
mr r3,r31 ; Get the exiting savearea in parm register
- bl EXT(save_ret_phys) ; Put it on the free list
- mfspr r3,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[6] - Take stamp afer savearea released
- stw r3,0x6100+(6*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r3,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r3,0x6100+(6*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r3,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r3,0x6100+(6*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r3,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r3,0x6100+(6*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- lwz r3,savesrr1+4(r31) ; Pass in the MSR we are going to
+ beq+ cr4,noinject ; No, we are not going to inject instructions...
+ stw r0,SAVflags(r31) ; Yes we are, clear the request...
+ lhz r26,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r29) ; Get the cpu number
+ lwz r25,saveinstr(r31) ; Get the instruction count
+ la r3,saveinstr+4(r31) ; Point to the instruction stream
+ slwi r26,r26,6 ; Get offset to the inject code stream for this processor
+ li r5,0 ; Get the current instruction offset
+ ori r26,r26,lo16(EXT(ijcode)) ; Get the base of the inject buffer for this processor (always < 64K)
+ slwi r25,r25,2 ; Multiply by 4
+injctit: lwzx r6,r5,r3 ; Pick up the instruction
+ stwx r6,r5,r26 ; Inject into code buffer
+ addi r5,r5,4 ; Bump offset
+ cmplw r5,r25 ; Have we hit the end?
+ blt- injctit ; Continue until we have copied all...
+ lis r3,0x0FFF ; Build our magic trap
+ ori r3,r3,0xC9C9 ; Build our magic trap
+ stw r31,ijsave+4(r29) ; Save the original savearea for injection
+ stwx r3,r5,r26 ; Save the magic trap
+ li r3,32 ; Get cache line size
+ dcbf 0,r26 ; Flush first line
+ dcbf r3,r26 ; And the second
+ sync ; Hang on until it's done
+ icbi 0,r26 ; Flush instructions in the first line
+ icbi r3,r26 ; And the second
+ isync ; Throw anything stale away
+ sync ; Hang on until it's done
+ b injected ; Skip the savearea release...
+noinject: bl EXT(save_ret_phys) ; Put old savearea on the free list
+injected: lwz r3,savesrr1+4(r31) ; Pass in the MSR we are going to
bl EXT(switchSegs) ; Go handle the segment registers/STB
- mfspr r30,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[10] - Take stamp afer switchsegs
- stw r30,0x6100+(10*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r30,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r30,0x6100+(10*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r30,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r30,0x6100+(10*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r30,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r30,0x6100+(10*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- li r3,savesrr1+4 ; Get offset to the srr1 value
- lhz r9,PP_CPU_FLAGS(r29) ; Get the processor flags
- lwarx r26,r3,r31 ; Get destination MSR and take reservation along the way (just so we can blow it away)
- rlwinm r25,r26,27,22,22 ; Move PR bit to BE
+ li r3,savesrr1+4 ; Get offset to the srr1 value
+ lwarx r8,r3,r31 ; Get destination MSR and take reservation along the way (just so we can blow it away)
cmplw cr3,r14,r14 ; Set that we do not need to stop streams
- rlwinm r9,r9,(((31-MSR_BE_BIT)+(traceBEb+16+1))&31),MSR_BE_BIT,MSR_BE_BIT ; Set BE bit if special trace is on
li r21,emfp0 ; Point to the fp savearea
- and r9,r9,r25 ; Clear BE if supervisor state
- or r26,r26,r9 ; Flip on the BE bit for special trace if needed
- stwcx. r26,r3,r31 ; Blow away any reservations we hold (and set BE)
+ stwcx. r8,r3,r31 ; Blow away any reservations we hold
lwz r25,savesrr0+4(r31) ; Get the SRR0 to use
lwz r0,saver0+4(r31) ; Restore R0
dcbt 0,r28 ; Touch in r4-r7
lwz r1,saver1+4(r31) ; Restore R1
- lwz r2,saver2+4(r31) ; Restore R2
+ beq+ cr4,noinject2 ; No code injection here...
+; If we are injecting, we need to stay in supervisor state with instruction
+; address translation off. We also need to have as few potential interruptions as
+; possible. Therefore, we turn off external interruptions and tracing (which doesn't
+; make much sense anyway).
+ ori r8,r8,lo16(ijemoff) ; Force the need-to-be-off bits on
+ mr r25,r26 ; Get the injected code address
+ xori r8,r8,lo16(ijemoff) ; Turn off all of the need-to-be-off bits
+noinject2: lwz r2,saver2+4(r31) ; Restore R2
la r28,saver8(r31) ; Point to the 32-byte line with r8-r11
lwz r3,saver3+4(r31) ; Restore R3
andis. r6,r27,hi16(pfAltivec) ; Do we have altivec on the machine?
la r28,saver12(r31) ; Point to the 32-byte line with r12-r15
mtsrr0 r25 ; Restore the SRR0 now
lwz r5,saver5+4(r31) ; Restore R5
- mtsrr1 r26 ; Restore the SRR1 now
+ mtsrr1 r8 ; Restore the SRR1 now
lwz r6,saver6+4(r31) ; Restore R6
dcbt 0,r28 ; touch in r12-r15
.align 7
-ernoqfre64: dcbt 0,r21 ; Touch in the first thing we need
+ernoqfre64: lwz r30,SAVflags(r31) ; Pick up the flags
+ lis r0,hi16(SAVinject) ; Get inject flag
+ dcbt 0,r21 ; Touch in the first thing we need
; Here we release the savearea.
; savearea to the head of the local list. Then, if it needs to trim, it will
; start with the SECOND savearea, leaving ours intact.
+; If we are going to inject code here, we must not toss the savearea because
+; we will continue to use it. The code stream to inject is in it and we
+; use it to hold the pre-inject context so that we can merge that with the
+; post-inject context. The field ijsave in the per-proc is used to point to the savearea.
+; Note that we will NEVER pass an interrupt up without first dealing with this savearea.
+; All permanent interruptions (i.e., not denorm, alignment, or handled page and segment faults)
+; will nullify any injected code and pass the interrupt up in the original savearea. A normal
+; inject completion will merge the original context into the new savearea and pass that up.
+; Note that the following code which sets up the injection will only be executed when
+; SAVinject is set. That means that if will not run if we are returning from an alignment
+; or denorm exception, or from a handled page or segment fault.
li r3,lgKillResv ; Get spot to kill reservation
+ andc r0,r30,r0 ; Clear the inject flag
stdcx. r3,0,r3 ; Blow away any reservations we hold
+ cmplw cr4,r0,r30 ; Remember if we need to inject
mr r3,r31 ; Get the exiting savearea in parm register
- bl EXT(save_ret_phys) ; Put it on the free list
+ beq++ cr4,noinject3 ; No, we are not going to inject instructions...
+ stw r0,SAVflags(r31) ; Yes we are, clear the request...
+ lhz r26,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r29) ; Get the cpu number
+ lwz r25,saveinstr(r31) ; Get the instruction count
+ la r3,saveinstr+4(r31) ; Point to the instruction stream
+ slwi r26,r26,6 ; Get offset to the inject code stream for this processor
+ li r5,0 ; Get the current instruction offset
+ ori r26,r26,lo16(EXT(ijcode)) ; Get the base of the inject buffer for this processor (always < 64K)
+ slwi r25,r25,2 ; Multiply by 4
+injctit2: lwzx r6,r5,r3 ; Pick up the instruction
+ stwx r6,r5,r26 ; Inject into code buffer
+ addi r5,r5,4 ; Bump offset
+ cmplw r5,r25 ; Have we hit the end?
+ blt-- injctit2 ; Continue until we have copied all...
+ lis r3,0x0FFF ; Build our magic trap
+ ori r3,r3,0xC9C9 ; Build our magic trap
+ std r31,ijsave(r29) ; Save the original savearea for injection
+ stwx r3,r5,r26 ; Save the magic trap
+ dcbf 0,r26 ; Flush the line
+ sync ; Hang on until it's done
+ icbi 0,r26 ; Flush instructions in the line
+ isync ; Throw anything stale away
+ sync ; Hang on until it's done
+ b injected2 ; Skip the savearea release...
+noinject3: bl EXT(save_ret_phys) ; Put it on the free list
- lwz r3,savesrr1+4(r31) ; Pass in the MSR we will be going to
+injected2: lwz r3,savesrr1+4(r31) ; Pass in the MSR we will be going to
bl EXT(switchSegs) ; Go handle the segment registers/STB
- lhz r9,PP_CPU_FLAGS(r29) ; Get the processor flags
- ld r26,savesrr1(r31) ; Get destination MSR
+ ld r8,savesrr1(r31) ; Get destination MSR
cmplw cr3,r14,r14 ; Set that we do not need to stop streams
- rlwinm r25,r26,27,22,22 ; Move PR bit to BE
- rlwinm r9,r9,(((31-MSR_BE_BIT)+(traceBEb+16+1))&31),MSR_BE_BIT,MSR_BE_BIT ; Set BE bit if special trace is on
li r21,emfp0 ; Point to a workarea
- and r9,r9,r25 ; Clear BE if supervisor state
- or r26,r26,r9 ; Flip on the BE bit for special trace if needed
ld r25,savesrr0(r31) ; Get the SRR0 to use
la r28,saver16(r31) ; Point to the 128-byte line with r16-r31
ld r0,saver0(r31) ; Restore R0
dcbt 0,r28 ; Touch in r16-r31
ld r1,saver1(r31) ; Restore R1
- ld r2,saver2(r31) ; Restore R2
+ beq++ cr4,noinject4 ; No code injection here...
+; If we are injecting, we need to stay in supervisor state with instruction
+; address translation off. We also need to have as few potential interruptions as
+; possible. Therefore, we turn off external interruptions and tracing (which doesn't
+; make much sense anyway).
+ ori r8,r8,lo16(ijemoff) ; Force the need-to-be-off bits on
+ mr r25,r26 ; Point pc to injection code buffer
+ xori r8,r8,lo16(ijemoff) ; Turn off all of the need-to-be-off bits
+noinject4: ld r2,saver2(r31) ; Restore R2
ld r3,saver3(r31) ; Restore R3
mtcrf 0x80,r27 ; Get facility availability flags (do not touch CR1-7)
ld r4,saver4(r31) ; Restore R4
mtsrr0 r25 ; Restore the SRR0 now
ld r5,saver5(r31) ; Restore R5
- mtsrr1 r26 ; Restore the SRR1 now
+ mtsrr1 r8 ; Restore the SRR1 now
ld r6,saver6(r31) ; Restore R6
ld r7,saver7(r31) ; Restore R7
lwz r4,SAVflags(r31) ; Pick up the flags
mr r13,r31 ; Put savearea here also
- mfspr r5,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[8] - stamp exception exit
- stw r5,0x6100+(8*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r5,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r5,0x6100+(8*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r5,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r5,0x6100+(8*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r5,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r5,0x6100+(8*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
and. r0,r4,r1 ; Check if redrive requested
dcbt br0,r2 ; We will need this in just a sec
.long 0 ; 5028 user memory window virtual address
.long 0 ; 502C user memory window virtual address
.long 0 ; 5030 VMM boot-args forced feature flags
- .long 0 ; 5034 reserved
- .long 0 ; 5038 reserved
+ .globl EXT(maxDec)
+ .long 0x7FFFFFFF ; 5034 maximum decrementer value
+ .globl EXT(pmsCtlp)
+ .long 0 ; 5038 Pointer to power management stepper control
.long 0 ; 503C reserved
.long 0 ; 5040 reserved
.long 0 ; 5044 reserved
.long 0 ; 5470 reserved
.long 0 ; 5474 reserved
.long 0 ; 5478 reserved
- .long 0 ; 547C reserved
+ .long 0 ; 547C reserved
+ .long EXT(kmod) ; 5480 Pointer to kmod, debugging aid
+ .long EXT(kdp_trans_off) ; 5484 Pointer to kdp_trans_off, debugging aid
+ .long EXT(kdp_read_io) ; 5488 Pointer to kdp_read_io, debugging aid
+ .long 0 ; 548C Reserved for developer use
+ .long 0 ; 5490 Reserved for developer use
+ .long EXT(osversion) ; 5494 Pointer to osversion string, debugging aid
+ .long EXT(flag_kdp_trigger_reboot) ; 5498 Pointer to KDP reboot trigger, debugging aid
-; The "shared page" is used for low-level debugging
+; The "shared page" is used for low-level debugging and is actually 1/2 page long
. = 0x6000
.globl EXT(sharedPage)
-EXT(sharedPage): ; Per processor data area
- .long 0xC24BC195 ; Comm Area validity value
- .long 0x87859393 ; Comm Area validity value
- .long 0xE681A2C8 ; Comm Area validity value
- .long 0x8599855A ; Comm Area validity value
- .long 0xD74BD296 ; Comm Area validity value
- .long 0x8388E681 ; Comm Area validity value
- .long 0xA2C88599 ; Comm Area validity value
- .short 0x855A ; Comm Area validity value
- .short 1 ; Comm Area version number
- .fill 1016*4,1,0 ; (filled with 0s)
+EXT(sharedPage): ; This is a debugging page shared by all processors
+ .long 0xC24BC195 ; Comm Area validity value
+ .long 0x87859393 ; Comm Area validity value
+ .long 0xE681A2C8 ; Comm Area validity value
+ .long 0x8599855A ; Comm Area validity value
+ .long 0xD74BD296 ; Comm Area validity value
+ .long 0x8388E681 ; Comm Area validity value
+ .long 0xA2C88599 ; Comm Area validity value
+ .short 0x855A ; Comm Area validity value
+ .short 1 ; Comm Area version number
+ .fill 504*4,1,0 ; (filled with 0s)
+; The ijcode area is used for code injection. It is 1/2 page long and will allow 32 processors to inject
+; 16 instructions each concurrently.
+ .globl EXT(ijcode)
+EXT(ijcode): ; Code injection area
+ .fill 512*4,1,0 ; 6800 32x64 slots for code injection streams
.align ALIGN