return s
-def SaveStackshotReport(j, outfile_name, dsc_uuid, dsc_libs_arr, incomplete):
+def SaveStackshotReport(j, outfile_name, incomplete):
import time
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
ss = j.get('kcdata_stackshot')
os_version = ss.get('osversion', 'Unknown')
timebase = ss.get('mach_timebase_info', {"denom": 1, "numer": 1})
- if not dsc_uuid and 'imageSlidBaseAddress' not in ss.get('shared_cache_dyld_load_info'):
- print "Stackshot format does not include slid shared cache base address and no UUID provided. Skipping writing report."
- return
- # If a shared cache UUID is provided, treat the slide as the base address
- # for compatibility with existing tools that operate based on this logic
- if dsc_uuid:
- shared_cache_base_addr = ss.get('shared_cache_dyld_load_info')['imageLoadAddress']
- elif 'imageSlidBaseAddress' in ss.get('shared_cache_dyld_load_info'):
- shared_cache_base_addr = ss.get('shared_cache_dyld_load_info')['imageSlidBaseAddress']
- else:
- print "No shared cache UUID provided and data doesn't include imageSlidBaseAddress. Skipping writing report."
- return
- dsc_common = [format_uuid(ss.get('shared_cache_dyld_load_info')['imageUUID']),
- shared_cache_base_addr, "S" ]
+ dsc_common = None
+ shared_cache_info = ss.get('shared_cache_dyld_load_info')
+ if shared_cache_info:
+ shared_cache_base_addr = shared_cache_info['imageSlidBaseAddress']
+ dsc_common = [format_uuid(shared_cache_info['imageUUID']), shared_cache_info['imageSlidBaseAddress'], "S" ]
+ print "Shared cache UUID found from the binary data is <%s> " % str(dsc_common[0])
dsc_layout = ss.get('system_shared_cache_layout')
dsc_libs = []
- print "Shared cache UUID found from the binary data is <%s> " % str(dsc_common[0])
- if dsc_common[0].replace('-', '').lower() == dsc_uuid:
- print "SUCCESS: Found Matching dyld shared cache uuid. Loading library load addresses from layout provided."
- _load_addr = dsc_common[1]
- #print _load_addr
- #print dsc_libs_arr
- for i in dsc_libs_arr:
- _uuid = i[2].lower().replace('-','').strip()
- _addr = int(i[0], 16) + _load_addr
- dsc_libs.append([_uuid, _addr, "C"])
- #print "adding ", [_uuid, _addr, "C"]
- elif dsc_uuid:
- print "Provided shared cache UUID does not match. Skipping writing report."
- return
- elif dsc_layout:
+ if dsc_layout:
print "Found in memory system shared cache layout with {} images".format(len(dsc_layout))
slide = ss.get('shared_cache_dyld_load_info')['imageLoadAddress']
pr_lib_dsc = [format_uuid(tsnap.get('shared_cache_dyld_load_info')['imageUUID']),
- "S"
- ]
+ "S"]
pr_libs = []
- if len(dsc_libs) == 0:
+ if len(dsc_libs) == 0 and pr_lib_dsc:
_lib_type = "P"
if int(pid) == 0:
return (exit_code, output_str)
-def ProcessDyldSharedCacheFile(shared_cache_file_path, sdk_str=""):
- """ returns (uuid, text_info) output from shared_cache_util.
- In case of error None is returned and err message is printed to stdout.
- """
- if not os.path.exists(shared_cache_file_path):
- print "File path: %s does not exists" % shared_cache_file_path
- return None
- if sdk_str:
- sdk_str = ' -sdk "%s" ' % sdk_str
- (c, so) = RunCommand("xcrun {} -find dyld_shared_cache_util".format(sdk_str))
- if c:
- print "Failed to find path to dyld_shared_cache_util. Exit code: %d , message: %s" % (c,so)
- return None
- dyld_shared_cache_util = so.strip()
- (c, so) = RunCommand("{} -info {}".format(dyld_shared_cache_util, shared_cache_file_path))
- if c:
- print "Failed to get uuid info from %s" % shared_cache_file_path
- print so
- return None
- uuid = so.splitlines()[0].split(": ")[-1].strip().replace("-","").lower()
- (c, so) = RunCommand("{} -text_info {}".format(dyld_shared_cache_util, shared_cache_file_path))
- if c:
- print "Failed to get text_info from %s" % shared_cache_file_path
- print so
- return None
- print "Found %s uuid: %s" % (shared_cache_file_path, uuid)
- text_info = so
- return (uuid, so)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Decode a kcdata binary file.")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--listtypes", action="store_true", required=False, default=False,
parser.add_argument("-p", "--plist", required=False, default=False,
help="output as plist", action="store_true")
-parser.add_argument("-U", "--uuid", required=False, default="", help="UUID of dyld shared cache to be analysed and filled in libs of stackshot report", dest="uuid")
-parser.add_argument("-L", "--layout", required=False, type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="Path to layout file for DyldSharedCache. You can generate one by doing \n\tbash$xcrun -sdk <sdk> dyld_shared_cache_util -text_info </path/to/dyld_shared_cache> ", dest="layout")
parser.add_argument("-S", "--sdk", required=False, default="", help="sdk property passed to xcrun command to find the required tools. Default is empty string.", dest="sdk")
-parser.add_argument("-D", "--dyld_shared_cache", required=False, default="", help="Path to dyld_shared_cache built by B&I", dest="dsc")
parser.add_argument("--pretty", default=False, action='store_true', help="make the output a little more human readable")
parser.add_argument("--incomplete", action='store_true', help="accept incomplete data")
parser.add_argument("kcdata_file", type=argparse.FileType('r'), help="Path to a kcdata binary file.")
if args.pretty:
json_obj = prettify(json_obj)
- dsc_uuid = None
- dsc_libs_arr = []
- libs_re = re.compile("^\s*(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)\s->\s(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)\s+<([a-fA-F0-9\-]+)>\s+.*$", re.MULTILINE)
- if args.uuid and args.layout:
- dsc_uuid = args.uuid.strip().replace("-",'').lower()
- dsc_libs_arr = libs_re.findall(
- if args.dsc:
- _ret = ProcessDyldSharedCacheFile(args.dsc, args.sdk)
- if _ret:
- dsc_uuid = _ret[0]
- dsc_libs_arr = libs_re.findall(_ret[1])
if args.stackshot_file:
- SaveStackshotReport(json_obj, args.stackshot_file, dsc_uuid, dsc_libs_arr, G.data_was_incomplete)
+ SaveStackshotReport(json_obj, args.stackshot_file, G.data_was_incomplete)
elif args.plist:
import Foundation
plist = Foundation.NSPropertyListSerialization.dataWithPropertyList_format_options_error_(