* Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
- Foundation Types
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Foundation Types
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
enum {
- kDTPathNameSeparator = '/' /* 0x2F */
+ kDTPathNameSeparator = '/' /* 0x2F */
/* Property Name Definitions (Property Names are C-Strings)*/
enum {
- kDTMaxPropertyNameLength=31 /* Max length of Property Name (terminator not included) */
+ kDTMaxPropertyNameLength=31 /* Max length of Property Name (terminator not included) */
typedef char DTPropertyNameBuf[32];
/* Entry Name Definitions (Entry Names are C-Strings)*/
enum {
- kDTMaxEntryNameLength = 63 /* Max length of a C-String Entry Name (terminator not included) */
+ kDTMaxEntryNameLength = 63 /* Max length of a C-String Entry Name (terminator not included) */
/* length of DTEntryNameBuf = kDTMaxEntryNameLength +1*/
-typedef char DTEntryNameBuf[kDTMaxEntryNameLength+1];
+typedef char DTEntryNameBuf[kDTMaxEntryNameLength + 1];
-Structures for a Flattened Device Tree
+ * Structures for a Flattened Device Tree
-#define kPropNameLength 32
+#define kPropNameLength 32
typedef struct DeviceTreeNodeProperty {
- char name[kPropNameLength]; // NUL terminated property name
- uint32_t length; // Length (bytes) of folloing prop value
+ char name[kPropNameLength];// NUL terminated property name
+ uint32_t length; // Length (bytes) of folloing prop value
// unsigned long value[1]; // Variable length value of property
- // Padded to a multiple of a longword?
+ // Padded to a multiple of a longword?
} DeviceTreeNodeProperty;
typedef struct OpaqueDTEntry {
- uint32_t nProperties; // Number of props[] elements (0 => end)
- uint32_t nChildren; // Number of children[] elements
+ uint32_t nProperties;// Number of props[] elements (0 => end)
+ uint32_t nChildren; // Number of children[] elements
// DeviceTreeNodeProperty props[];// array size == nProperties
// DeviceTreeNode children[]; // array size == nChildren
} DeviceTreeNode;
struct DTSavedScope * nextScope;
RealDTEntry scope;
RealDTEntry entry;
- unsigned long index;
+ unsigned long index;
} *DTSavedScopePtr;
/* Entry Iterator*/
RealDTEntry currentScope;
RealDTEntry currentEntry;
DTSavedScopePtr savedScope;
- unsigned long currentIndex;
+ unsigned long currentIndex;
} OpaqueDTEntryIterator, *DTEntryIterator;
/* Property Iterator*/
/* status values*/
enum {
- kError = -1,
- kIterationDone = 0,
- kSuccess = 1
+ kError = -1,
+ kIterationDone = 0,
+ kSuccess = 1
-#ifndef __MWERKS__
+#ifndef __MWERKS__
- Device Tree Calls
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Device Tree Calls
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
/* Used to initalize the device tree functions. */
/* base is the base address of the flatened device tree */
void DTInit(void *base);
- Entry Handling
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Entry Handling
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
/* Compare two Entry's for equality. */
extern int DTEntryIsEqual(const DTEntry ref1, const DTEntry ref2);
- LookUp Entry by Name
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * LookUp Entry by Name
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
- DTFindEntry:
- Find the device tree entry that contains propName=propValue.
- It currently searches the entire
- tree. This function should eventually go in DeviceTree.c.
- Returns: kSuccess = entry was found. Entry is in entryH.
- kError = entry was not found
+ * DTFindEntry:
+ * Find the device tree entry that contains propName=propValue.
+ * It currently searches the entire
+ * tree. This function should eventually go in DeviceTree.c.
+ * Returns: kSuccess = entry was found. Entry is in entryH.
+ * kError = entry was not found
+ */
extern int DTFindEntry(const char *propName, const char *propValue, DTEntry *entryH);
- Lookup Entry
- Locates an entry given a specified subroot (searchPoint) and path name. If the
- searchPoint pointer is NULL, the path name is assumed to be an absolute path
- name rooted to the root of the device tree.
+ * Lookup Entry
+ * Locates an entry given a specified subroot (searchPoint) and path name. If the
+ * searchPoint pointer is NULL, the path name is assumed to be an absolute path
+ * name rooted to the root of the device tree.
+ */
extern int DTLookupEntry(const DTEntry searchPoint, const char *pathName, DTEntry *foundEntry);
- Entry Iteration
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Entry Iteration
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
- An Entry Iterator maintains three variables that are of interest to clients.
- First is an "OutermostScope" which defines the outer boundry of the iteration.
- This is defined by the starting entry and includes that entry plus all of it's
- embedded entries. Second is a "currentScope" which is the entry the iterator is
- currently in. And third is a "currentPosition" which is the last entry returned
- during an iteration.
- Initialize Entry Iterator
- Fill out the iterator structure. The outermostScope and currentScope of the iterator
- are set to "startEntry". If "startEntry" = NULL, the outermostScope and
- currentScope are set to the root entry. The currentPosition for the iterator is
- set to "nil".
+ * An Entry Iterator maintains three variables that are of interest to clients.
+ * First is an "OutermostScope" which defines the outer boundry of the iteration.
+ * This is defined by the starting entry and includes that entry plus all of it's
+ * embedded entries. Second is a "currentScope" which is the entry the iterator is
+ * currently in. And third is a "currentPosition" which is the last entry returned
+ * during an iteration.
+ *
+ * Initialize Entry Iterator
+ * Fill out the iterator structure. The outermostScope and currentScope of the iterator
+ * are set to "startEntry". If "startEntry" = NULL, the outermostScope and
+ * currentScope are set to the root entry. The currentPosition for the iterator is
+ * set to "nil".
+ */
extern int DTInitEntryIterator(const DTEntry startEntry, DTEntryIterator iter);
- Enter Child Entry
- Move an Entry Iterator into the scope of a specified child entry. The
- currentScope of the iterator is set to the entry specified in "childEntry". If
- "childEntry" is nil, the currentScope is set to the entry specified by the
- currentPosition of the iterator.
+ * Enter Child Entry
+ * Move an Entry Iterator into the scope of a specified child entry. The
+ * currentScope of the iterator is set to the entry specified in "childEntry". If
+ * "childEntry" is nil, the currentScope is set to the entry specified by the
+ * currentPosition of the iterator.
+ */
extern int DTEnterEntry(DTEntryIterator iterator, DTEntry childEntry);
- Exit to Parent Entry
- Move an Entry Iterator out of the current entry back into the scope of it's parent
- entry. The currentPosition of the iterator is reset to the current entry (the
- previous currentScope), so the next iteration call will continue where it left off.
- This position is returned in parameter "currentPosition".
+ * Exit to Parent Entry
+ * Move an Entry Iterator out of the current entry back into the scope of it's parent
+ * entry. The currentPosition of the iterator is reset to the current entry (the
+ * previous currentScope), so the next iteration call will continue where it left off.
+ * This position is returned in parameter "currentPosition".
+ */
extern int DTExitEntry(DTEntryIterator iterator, DTEntry *currentPosition);
- Iterate Entries
- Iterate and return entries contained within the entry defined by the current
- scope of the iterator. Entries are returned one at a time. When
- int == kIterationDone, all entries have been exhausted, and the
- value of nextEntry will be Nil.
+ * Iterate Entries
+ * Iterate and return entries contained within the entry defined by the current
+ * scope of the iterator. Entries are returned one at a time. When
+ * int == kIterationDone, all entries have been exhausted, and the
+ * value of nextEntry will be Nil.
+ */
extern int DTIterateEntries(DTEntryIterator iterator, DTEntry *nextEntry);
- Restart Entry Iteration
- Restart an iteration within the current scope. The iterator is reset such that
- iteration of the contents of the currentScope entry can be restarted. The
- outermostScope and currentScope of the iterator are unchanged. The currentPosition
- for the iterator is set to "nil".
+ * Restart Entry Iteration
+ * Restart an iteration within the current scope. The iterator is reset such that
+ * iteration of the contents of the currentScope entry can be restarted. The
+ * outermostScope and currentScope of the iterator are unchanged. The currentPosition
+ * for the iterator is set to "nil".
+ */
extern int DTRestartEntryIteration(DTEntryIterator iterator);
- Get Property Values
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Get Property Values
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
- Get the value of the specified property for the specified entry.
- Get Property
+ * Get the value of the specified property for the specified entry.
+ *
+ * Get Property
+ */
extern int DTGetProperty(const DTEntry entry, const char *propertyName, void **propertyValue, unsigned int *propertySize);
- Iterating Properties
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Iterating Properties
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
- Initialize Property Iterator
- Fill out the property iterator structure. The target entry is defined by entry.
+ * Initialize Property Iterator
+ * Fill out the property iterator structure. The target entry is defined by entry.
+ */
extern int DTInitPropertyIterator(const DTEntry entry, DTPropertyIterator iter);
- Iterate Properites
- Iterate and return properties for given entry.
- When int == kIterationDone, all properties have been exhausted.
+ * Iterate Properites
+ * Iterate and return properties for given entry.
+ * When int == kIterationDone, all properties have been exhausted.
+ */
extern int DTIterateProperties(DTPropertyIterator iterator,
- char **foundProperty);
+ char **foundProperty);
- Restart Property Iteration
- Used to re-iterate over a list of properties. The Property Iterator is
- reset to the beginning of the list of properties for an entry.
+ * Restart Property Iteration
+ * Used to re-iterate over a list of properties. The Property Iterator is
+ * reset to the beginning of the list of properties for an entry.
+ */
extern int DTRestartPropertyIteration(DTPropertyIterator iterator);