- @struct kern_event_msg
- @discussion This structure is prepended to all kernel events. This
- structure is used to determine the format of the remainder of
- the kernel event. This structure will appear on all messages
- received on a kernel event socket. To post a kernel event, a
- slightly different structure is used.
- @field total_size Total size of the kernel event message including the
- header.
- @field vendor_code The vendor code indicates which vendor generated the
- kernel event. This gives every vendor a unique set of classes
- and subclasses to use. Use the SIOCGKEVVENDOR ioctl to look up
- vendor codes for vendors other than Apple. Apple uses
- @field kev_class The class of the kernel event.
- @field kev_subclass The subclass of the kernel event.
- @field id Monotonically increasing value.
- @field event_code The event code.
- @field event_data Any additional data about this event. Format will
- depend on the vendor_code, kev_class, kev_subclass, and
- event_code. The length of the event_data can be determined
- using total_size - KEV_MSG_HEADER_SIZE.
+ * @struct kern_event_msg
+ * @discussion This structure is prepended to all kernel events. This
+ * structure is used to determine the format of the remainder of
+ * the kernel event. This structure will appear on all messages
+ * received on a kernel event socket. To post a kernel event, a
+ * slightly different structure is used.
+ * @field total_size Total size of the kernel event message including the
+ * header.
+ * @field vendor_code The vendor code indicates which vendor generated the
+ * kernel event. This gives every vendor a unique set of classes
+ * and subclasses to use. Use the SIOCGKEVVENDOR ioctl to look up
+ * vendor codes for vendors other than Apple. Apple uses
+ * @field kev_class The class of the kernel event.
+ * @field kev_subclass The subclass of the kernel event.
+ * @field id Monotonically increasing value.
+ * @field event_code The event code.
+ * @field event_data Any additional data about this event. Format will
+ * depend on the vendor_code, kev_class, kev_subclass, and
+ * event_code. The length of the event_data can be determined
+ * using total_size - KEV_MSG_HEADER_SIZE.