* Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
-/* Copyright (c) 1992 NeXT Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+/* Copyright (c) 1992 NeXT Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* kmreg_com.h - machine independent km ioctl interface.
- * 16-Jan-92 Doug Mitchell at NeXT
- * Created.
+ * 16-Jan-92 Doug Mitchell at NeXT
+ * Created.
-#ifndef _BSD_DEV_KMREG_COM_
+#ifndef _BSD_DEV_KMREG_COM_
#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
- * Colors for fg, bg in struct km_drawrect
+ * Colors for fg, bg in struct km_drawrect
-#define KM_COLOR_WHITE 0
-#define KM_COLOR_LTGRAY 1
-#define KM_COLOR_DKGRAY 2
-#define KM_COLOR_BLACK 3
+#define KM_COLOR_WHITE 0
+#define KM_COLOR_LTGRAY 1
+#define KM_COLOR_DKGRAY 2
+#define KM_COLOR_BLACK 3
* The data to be rendered is treated as a pixmap of 2 bit pixels.
- * The most significant bits of each byte is the leftmost pixel in that
+ * The most significant bits of each byte is the leftmost pixel in that
* byte. Pixel values are assigned as described above.
* Each scanline should start on a 4 pixel boundry within the bitmap,
* and should be a multiple of 4 pixels in length.
- * For the KMIOCERASERECT call, 'data' should be an integer set to the
+ * For the KMIOCERASERECT call, 'data' should be an integer set to the
* color to be used for the clear operation (data.fill).
- * A rect at (x,y) measuring 'width' by 'height' will be cleared to
+ * A rect at (x,y) measuring 'width' by 'height' will be cleared to
* the specified value.
struct km_drawrect {
- unsigned short x; /* Upper left corner of rect to be imaged. */
+ unsigned short x; /* Upper left corner of rect to be imaged. */
unsigned short y;
- unsigned short width; /* Width and height of rect to be imaged,
- * in pixels */
+ unsigned short width; /* Width and height of rect to be imaged,
+ * in pixels */
unsigned short height;
union {
- void *bits; /* Pointer to 2 bit per pixel raster data. */
- int fill; /* Const color for erase operation. */
+ void *bits; /* Pointer to 2 bit per pixel raster data. */
+ int fill; /* Const color for erase operation. */
} data;
* Argument to KMIOCANIMCTL.
typedef enum {
- KM_ANIM_STOP, /* stop permanently */
- KM_ANIM_SUSPEND, /* suspend */
- KM_ANIM_RESUME /* resume */
+ KM_ANIM_STOP, /* stop permanently */
+ KM_ANIM_SUSPEND, /* suspend */
+ KM_ANIM_RESUME /* resume */
} km_anim_ctl_t;
-#define KMIOCPOPUP _IO('k', 1) /* popup new window */
-#define KMIOCRESTORE _IO('k', 2) /* restore background */
-#define KMIOCDUMPLOG _IO('k', 3) /* dump message log */
-#define KMIOCDRAWRECT _IOW('k', 5, struct km_drawrect) /* Draw rect from
- * bits */
-#define KMIOCERASERECT _IOW('k', 6, struct km_drawrect) /* Erase a rect */
+#define KMIOCPOPUP _IO('k', 1) /* popup new window */
+#define KMIOCRESTORE _IO('k', 2) /* restore background */
+#define KMIOCDUMPLOG _IO('k', 3) /* dump message log */
+#define KMIOCDRAWRECT _IOW('k', 5, struct km_drawrect) /* Draw rect from
+ * bits */
+#define KMIOCERASERECT _IOW('k', 6, struct km_drawrect) /* Erase a rect */
-#define KMIOCDISABLCONS _IO('k', 8) /* disable console messages */
-#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define KMIOCDISABLCONS _IO('k', 8) /* disable console messages */
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
-#define KMIOCANIMCTL _IOW('k',9, km_anim_ctl_t)
- /* stop animation */
-#define KMIOCSTATUS _IOR('k',10, int) /* get status bits */
-#define KMIOCSIZE _IOR('k',11, struct winsize) /* get screen size */
+#define KMIOCANIMCTL _IOW('k',9, km_anim_ctl_t)
+/* stop animation */
+#define KMIOCSTATUS _IOR('k',10, int) /* get status bits */
+#define KMIOCSIZE _IOR('k',11, struct winsize) /* get screen size */
* Status bits returned via KMIOCSTATUS.
-#define KMS_SEE_MSGS 0x00000001
+#define KMS_SEE_MSGS 0x00000001
-#endif /* _BSD_DEV_KMREG_COM_ */
+#endif /* _BSD_DEV_KMREG_COM_ */
-#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */