- * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
/* Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <machine/_param.h>
+#include <net/net_kev.h>
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <uuid/uuid.h>
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
+#ifndef KERNEL
+#include <Availability.h>
* Definitions related to sockets: types, address families, options.
* Data types.
-#ifndef _GID_T
-typedef __darwin_gid_t gid_t;
-#define _GID_T
-#ifndef _OFF_T
-typedef __darwin_off_t off_t;
-#define _OFF_T
-#ifndef _PID_T
-typedef __darwin_pid_t pid_t;
-#define _PID_T
-#ifndef _SA_FAMILY_T
-#define _SA_FAMILY_T
-typedef __uint8_t sa_family_t;
-#ifndef _SOCKLEN_T
-#define _SOCKLEN_T
-typedef __darwin_socklen_t socklen_t;
+#include <sys/_types/_gid_t.h>
+#include <sys/_types/_off_t.h>
+#include <sys/_types/_pid_t.h>
+#include <sys/_types/_sa_family_t.h>
+#include <sys/_types/_socklen_t.h>
/* XXX Not explicitly defined by POSIX, but function return types are */
-#ifndef _SIZE_T
-#define _SIZE_T
-typedef __darwin_size_t size_t;
+#include <sys/_types/_size_t.h>
/* XXX Not explicitly defined by POSIX, but function return types are */
-#ifndef _SSIZE_T
-#define _SSIZE_T
-typedef __darwin_ssize_t ssize_t;
+#include <sys/_types/_ssize_t.h>
* [XSI] The iovec structure shall be defined as described in <sys/uio.h>.
-#ifndef _STRUCT_IOVEC
-#define _STRUCT_IOVEC
-struct iovec {
- void * iov_base; /* [XSI] Base address of I/O memory region */
- size_t iov_len; /* [XSI] Size of region iov_base points to */
+#include <sys/_types/_iovec_t.h>
* Types
#define SO_BROADCAST 0x0020 /* permit sending of broadcast msgs */
#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)
#define SO_USELOOPBACK 0x0040 /* bypass hardware when possible */
-#define SO_LINGER 0x0080 /* linger on close if data present (in ticks) */
+#define SO_LINGER 0x0080 /* linger on close if data present (in ticks) */
-#define SO_LINGER 0x1080 /* linger on close if data present (in seconds) */
+#define SO_LINGER 0x1080 /* linger on close if data present (in seconds) */
#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
#define SO_OOBINLINE 0x0100 /* leave received OOB data in line */
#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)
#define SO_REUSEPORT 0x0200 /* allow local address & port reuse */
#define SO_TIMESTAMP 0x0400 /* timestamp received dgram traffic */
+#define SO_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC 0x0800 /* Monotonically increasing timestamp on rcvd dgram */
#ifndef __APPLE__
#define SO_ACCEPTFILTER 0x1000 /* there is an accept filter */
-#define SO_DONTTRUNC 0x2000 /* APPLE: Retain unread data */
+#define SO_DONTTRUNC 0x2000 /* APPLE: Retain unread data */
/* (ATOMIC proto) */
-#define SO_WANTMORE 0x4000 /* APPLE: Give hint when more data ready */
-#define SO_WANTOOBFLAG 0x8000 /* APPLE: Want OOB in MSG_FLAG on receive */
+#define SO_WANTMORE 0x4000 /* APPLE: Give hint when more data ready */
+#define SO_WANTOOBFLAG 0x8000 /* APPLE: Want OOB in MSG_FLAG on receive */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#define SO_NOWAKEFROMSLEEP 0x10000 /* Don't wake for traffic to this socket */
+#define SO_NOAPNFALLBK 0x20000 /* Don't attempt APN fallback for the socket */
+#endif /* (!__APPLE__) */
#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
* Additional options, not kept in so_options.
-#define SO_SNDBUF 0x1001 /* send buffer size */
-#define SO_RCVBUF 0x1002 /* receive buffer size */
-#define SO_SNDLOWAT 0x1003 /* send low-water mark */
-#define SO_RCVLOWAT 0x1004 /* receive low-water mark */
-#define SO_SNDTIMEO 0x1005 /* send timeout */
-#define SO_RCVTIMEO 0x1006 /* receive timeout */
+#define SO_SNDBUF 0x1001 /* send buffer size */
+#define SO_RCVBUF 0x1002 /* receive buffer size */
+#define SO_SNDLOWAT 0x1003 /* send low-water mark */
+#define SO_RCVLOWAT 0x1004 /* receive low-water mark */
+#define SO_SNDTIMEO 0x1005 /* send timeout */
+#define SO_RCVTIMEO 0x1006 /* receive timeout */
#define SO_ERROR 0x1007 /* get error status and clear */
#define SO_TYPE 0x1008 /* get socket type */
#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)
-/*efine SO_PRIVSTATE 0x1009 get/deny privileged state */
+#define SO_LABEL 0x1010 /* socket's MAC label */
+#define SO_PEERLABEL 0x1011 /* socket's peer MAC label */
#ifdef __APPLE__
-#define SO_NREAD 0x1020 /* APPLE: get 1st-packet byte count */
-#define SO_NKE 0x1021 /* APPLE: Install socket-level NKE */
-#define SO_NOSIGPIPE 0x1022 /* APPLE: No SIGPIPE on EPIPE */
-#define SO_NOADDRERR 0x1023 /* APPLE: Returns EADDRNOTAVAIL when src is not available anymore */
-#define SO_NWRITE 0x1024 /* APPLE: Get number of bytes currently in send socket buffer */
-#define SO_REUSESHAREUID 0x1025 /* APPLE: Allow reuse of port/socket by different userids */
+#define SO_NREAD 0x1020 /* APPLE: get 1st-packet byte count */
+#define SO_NKE 0x1021 /* APPLE: Install socket-level NKE */
+#define SO_NOSIGPIPE 0x1022 /* APPLE: No SIGPIPE on EPIPE */
+#define SO_NOADDRERR 0x1023 /* APPLE: Returns EADDRNOTAVAIL when src is not available anymore */
+#define SO_NWRITE 0x1024 /* APPLE: Get number of bytes currently in send socket buffer */
+#define SO_REUSESHAREUID 0x1025 /* APPLE: Allow reuse of port/socket by different userids */
-#define SO_NOTIFYCONFLICT 0x1026 /* APPLE: send notification if there is a bind on a port which is already in use */
+#define SO_NOTIFYCONFLICT 0x1026 /* APPLE: send notification if there is a bind on a port which is already in use */
#define SO_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT 0x1027 /* APPLE: block on close until an upcall returns */
-#define SO_LINGER_SEC 0x1080 /* linger on close if data present (in seconds) */
-#define SO_RESTRICTIONS 0x1081 /* APPLE: deny inbound/outbound/both/flag set */
-#define SO_RESTRICT_DENYIN 0x00000001 /* flag for SO_RESTRICTIONS - deny inbound */
-#define SO_RESTRICT_DENYOUT 0x00000002 /* flag for SO_RESTRICTIONS - deny outbound */
-#define SO_RESTRICT_DENYSET 0x80000000 /* flag for SO_RESTRICTIONS - deny has been set */
-#define SO_RANDOMPORT 0x1082 /* APPLE: request local port randomization */
-#define SO_NP_EXTENSIONS 0x1083 /* To turn off some POSIX behavior */
+#define SO_LINGER_SEC 0x1080 /* linger on close if data present (in seconds) */
#ifdef PRIVATE
-#define SO_EXECPATH 0x1085 /* Application Firewall Socket option */
+#define SO_RESTRICTIONS 0x1081 /* APPLE: deny flag set */
+#define SO_RESTRICT_DENY_IN 0x1 /* deny inbound (trapdoor) */
+#define SO_RESTRICT_DENY_OUT 0x2 /* deny outbound (trapdoor) */
+#define SO_RESTRICT_DENY_CELLULAR 0x4 /* deny use of cellular (trapdoor) */
+#define SO_RESTRICT_DENY_EXPENSIVE 0x8 /* deny use of expensive if (trapdoor) */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
+#define SO_RANDOMPORT 0x1082 /* APPLE: request local port randomization */
+#define SO_NP_EXTENSIONS 0x1083 /* To turn off some POSIX behavior */
-#define SO_LABEL 0x1010 /* socket's MAC label */
-#define SO_PEERLABEL 0x1011 /* socket's peer MAC label */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#define SO_EXECPATH 0x1085 /* Application Firewall Socket option */
+ * Traffic service class definitions (lowest to highest):
+ *
+ * "Background System-Initiated", high delay tolerant, high loss
+ * tolerant, elastic flow, variable size & long-lived. E.g: system-
+ * initiated iCloud synching or Time Capsule backup, for which there
+ * is no progress feedbacks.
+ *
+ * SO_TC_BK
+ * "Background", user-initiated, high delay tolerant, high loss tolerant,
+ * elastic flow, variable size. E.g. user-initiated iCloud synching or
+ * Time Capsule backup; or traffics of background applications, for which
+ * there is some progress feedbacks.
+ *
+ * SO_TC_BE
+ * "Best Effort", unclassified/standard. This is the default service
+ * class; pretty much a mix of everything.
+ *
+ * SO_TC_RD
+ * "Responsive Data", a notch higher than "Best Effort", medium delay
+ * tolerant, elastic & inelastic flow, bursty, long-lived. E.g. email,
+ * instant messaging, for which there is a sense of interactivity and
+ * urgency (user waiting for output).
+ *
+ * "Operations, Administration, and Management", medium delay tolerant,
+ * low-medium loss tolerant, elastic & inelastic flows, variable size.
+ * E.g. VPN tunnels.
+ *
+ * SO_TC_AV
+ * "Multimedia Audio/Video Streaming", medium delay tolerant, low-medium
+ * loss tolerant, elastic flow, constant packet interval, variable rate &
+ * size. E.g. AirPlay playback (both video and audio).
+ *
+ * SO_TC_RV
+ * "Responsive Multimedia Audio/Video", low delay tolerant, low-medium
+ * loss tolerant, elastic flow, variable packet interval, rate and size.
+ * E.g. AirPlay mirroring, screen sharing.
+ *
+ * SO_TC_VI
+ * "Interactive Video", low delay tolerant, low-medium loss tolerant,
+ * elastic flow, constant packet interval, variable rate & size. E.g.
+ * FaceTime video.
+ *
+ * SO_TC_VO
+ * "Interactive Voice", low delay tolerant, low loss tolerant, inelastic
+ * flow, constant packet rate, somewhat fixed size. E.g. VoIP including
+ * FaceTime audio.
+ *
+ * "Network Control", low delay tolerant, low loss tolerant, inelastic
+ * flow, rate is bursty but short, variable size. E.g. DNS queries;
+ * certain types of locally-originated ICMP, ICMPv6; IGMP/MLD join/leave,
+ * ARP.
+ */
+#define SO_TRAFFIC_CLASS 0x1086 /* Traffic service class (int) */
+#define SO_TC_BK_SYS 100 /* lowest class */
+#define SO_TC_BK 200
+#define SO_TC_BE 0
+#define SO_TC_RD 300
+#define SO_TC_OAM 400
+#define SO_TC_AV 500
+#define SO_TC_RV 600
+#define SO_TC_VI 700
+#define SO_TC_VO 800
+#define SO_TC_CTL 900 /* highest class */
+#define SO_TC_MAX 10 /* Total # of traffic classes */
+#define _SO_TC_BK 1 /* deprecated */
+#define _SO_TC_VI 2 /* deprecated */
+#define _SO_TC_VO 3 /* deprecated */
+#define _SO_TC_MAX 4 /* deprecated */
+#define SO_VALID_TC(c) \
+ (c == SO_TC_BK_SYS || c == SO_TC_BK || c == SO_TC_BE || \
+ c == SO_TC_RD || c == SO_TC_OAM || c == SO_TC_AV || \
+ c == SO_TC_RV || c == SO_TC_VI || c == SO_TC_VO || \
+ c == SO_TC_CTL)
+#define SO_TC_UNSPEC ((int)-1) /* Traffic class not specified */
+#define SO_TC_SIG SO_TC_VI /* to be removed XXX */
+#define SOTCIX_BK_SYS 0
+#define SOTCIX_BK 1
+#define SOTCIX_BE 2
+#define SOTCIX_RD 3
+#define SOTCIX_OAM 4
+#define SOTCIX_AV 5
+#define SOTCIX_RV 6
+#define SOTCIX_VI 7
+#define SOTCIX_VO 8
+#define SOTCIX_CTL 9
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+/* Background socket configuration flags */
+#define TRAFFIC_MGT_SO_BACKGROUND 0x0001 /* background socket */
+#define TRAFFIC_MGT_TCP_RECVBG 0x0002 /* Only TCP sockets, receiver throttling */
+#define SO_RECV_TRAFFIC_CLASS 0x1087 /* Receive traffic class (bool) */
+#define SO_TRAFFIC_CLASS_DBG 0x1088 /* Debug traffic class (struct so_tcdbg) */
+#define SO_TRAFFIC_CLASS_STATS 0x1089 /* Traffic class statistics */
+#define SO_PRIVILEGED_TRAFFIC_CLASS 0x1090 /* Privileged traffic class (bool) */
+#define SO_DEFUNCTIT 0x1091 /* Defunct a socket (only in internal builds) */
+#define SO_DEFUNCTOK 0x1100 /* can be defunct'd */
+#define SO_ISDEFUNCT 0x1101 /* get defunct status */
+#define SO_OPPORTUNISTIC 0x1102 /* deprecated; use SO_TRAFFIC_CLASS */
+ * SO_FLUSH flushes any unsent data generated by a given socket. It takes
+ * an integer parameter, which can be any of the SO_TC traffic class values,
+ * or the special SO_TC_ALL value.
+ */
+#define SO_FLUSH 0x1103 /* flush unsent data (int) */
+#define SO_TC_ALL (-1)
+#define SO_RECV_ANYIF 0x1104 /* unrestricted inbound processing */
+#define SO_TRAFFIC_MGT_BACKGROUND 0x1105 /* Background traffic management */
+#define SO_FLOW_DIVERT_TOKEN 0x1106 /* flow divert token */
+#define SO_DELEGATED 0x1107 /* set socket as delegate (pid_t) */
+#define SO_DELEGATED_UUID 0x1108 /* set socket as delegate (uuid_t) */
+#define SO_NECP_ATTRIBUTES 0x1109 /* NECP socket attributes (domain, account, etc.) */
+#define SO_CFIL_SOCK_ID 0x1110 /* get content filter socket ID (cfil_sock_id_t) */
+#define SO_NECP_CLIENTUUID 0x1111 /* NECP Client uuid */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
+#define SO_NUMRCVPKT 0x1112 /* number of datagrams in receive socket buffer */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#define SO_AWDL_UNRESTRICTED 0x1113 /* try to use AWDL in restricted mode */
+#define SO_EXTENDED_BK_IDLE 0x1114 /* extended time to keep socket idle after app is suspended (int) */
+#define SO_MARK_CELLFALLBACK 0x1115 /* Mark as initiated by cell fallback */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
+ * Network Service Type for option SO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE
+ *
+ * The vast majority of sockets should use Best Effort that is the default
+ * Network Service Type. Other Network Service Types have to be used only if
+ * the traffic actually matches the description of the Network Service Type.
+ *
+ * Network Service Types do not represent priorities but rather describe
+ * different categories of delay, jitter and loss parameters.
+ * Those parameters may influence protocols from layer 4 protocols like TCP
+ * to layer 2 protocols like Wi-Fi. The Network Service Type can determine
+ * how the traffic is queued and scheduled by the host networking stack and
+ * by other entities on the network like switches and routers. For example
+ * for Wi-Fi, the Network Service Type can select the marking of the
+ * layer 2 packet with the appropriate WMM Access Category.
+ *
+ * There is no point in attempting to game the system and use
+ * a Network Service Type that does not correspond to the actual
+ * traffic characteristic but one that seems to have a higher precedence.
+ * The reason is that for service classes that have lower tolerance
+ * for delay and jitter, the queues size is lower than for service
+ * classes that are more tolerant to delay and jitter.
+ *
+ * For example using a voice service type for bulk data transfer will lead
+ * to disastrous results as soon as congestion happens because the voice
+ * queue overflows and packets get dropped. This is not only bad for the bulk
+ * data transfer but it is also bad for VoIP apps that legitimately are using
+ * the voice service type.
+ *
+ * The characteristics of the Network Service Types are based on the service
+ * classes defined in RFC 4594 "Configuration Guidelines for DiffServ Service
+ * Classes"
+ *
+ * When system detects the outgoing interface belongs to a DiffServ domain
+ * that follows the recommendation of the IETF draft "Guidelines for DiffServ to
+ * IEEE 802.11 Mapping", the packet will marked at layer 3 with a DSCP value
+ * that corresponds to Network Service Type.
+ *
+ * "Best Effort", unclassified/standard. This is the default service
+ * class and cover the majority of the traffic.
+ *
+ * "Background", high delay tolerant, loss tolerant. elastic flow,
+ * variable size & long-lived. E.g: non-interactive network bulk transfer
+ * like synching or backup.
+ *
+ * "Responsive Data", a notch higher than "Best Effort", medium delay
+ * tolerant, elastic & inelastic flow, bursty, long-lived. E.g. email,
+ * instant messaging, for which there is a sense of interactivity and
+ * urgency (user waiting for output).
+ *
+ * "Operations, Administration, and Management", medium delay tolerant,
+ * low-medium loss tolerant, elastic & inelastic flows, variable size.
+ * E.g. VPN tunnels.
+ *
+ * "Multimedia Audio/Video Streaming", medium delay tolerant, low-medium
+ * loss tolerant, elastic flow, constant packet interval, variable rate
+ * and size. E.g. video and audio playback with buffering.
+ *
+ * "Responsive Multimedia Audio/Video", low delay tolerant, low-medium
+ * loss tolerant, elastic flow, variable packet interval, rate and size.
+ * E.g. screen sharing.
+ *
+ * "Interactive Video", low delay tolerant, low-medium loss tolerant,
+ * elastic flow, constant packet interval, variable rate & size. E.g.
+ * video telephony.
+ *
+ * "Signaling", low delay tolerant, low loss tolerant, inelastic flow,
+ * jitter tolerant, rate is bursty but short, variable size. E.g. SIP.
+ *
+ * "Interactive Voice", very low delay tolerant, very low loss tolerant,
+ * inelastic flow, constant packet rate, somewhat fixed size.
+ * E.g. VoIP.
+ */
+#define SO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE 0x1116 /* Network service type */
+#define NET_SERVICE_TYPE_BE 0 /* Best effort */
+#define NET_SERVICE_TYPE_BK 1 /* Background system initiated */
+#define NET_SERVICE_TYPE_SIG 2 /* Signaling */
+#define NET_SERVICE_TYPE_VI 3 /* Interactive Video */
+#define NET_SERVICE_TYPE_VO 4 /* Interactive Voice */
+#define NET_SERVICE_TYPE_RV 5 /* Responsive Multimedia Audio/Video */
+#define NET_SERVICE_TYPE_AV 6 /* Multimedia Audio/Video Streaming */
+#define NET_SERVICE_TYPE_OAM 7 /* Operations, Administration, and Management */
+#define NET_SERVICE_TYPE_RD 8 /* Responsive Data */
+#define SO_QOSMARKING_POLICY_OVERRIDE 0x1117 /* int */
+#define SO_INTCOPROC_ALLOW 0x1118 /* Try to use internal co-processor interfaces. */
+#define _NET_SERVICE_TYPE_UNSPEC ((int)-1)
+extern const int sotc_by_netservicetype[_NET_SERVICE_TYPE_COUNT];
+ * Facility to pass Network Service Type values using SO_TRAFFIC_CLASS
+ * Mostly useful to simplify implementation of frameworks to adopt the new
+ * Network Service Type values for Signaling.
+ */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
+#define SO_NETSVC_MARKING_LEVEL 0x1119 /* Get QoS marking in effect for socket */
+#define NETSVC_MRKNG_UNKNOWN 0 /* The outgoing network interface is not known */
+#define NETSVC_MRKNG_LVL_L2 1 /* Default marking at layer 2 (for example Wi-Fi WMM) */
+#define NETSVC_MRKNG_LVL_L3L2_ALL 2 /* Layer 3 DSCP marking and layer 2 marking for all Network Service Types */
+#define NETSVC_MRKNG_LVL_L3L2_BK 3 /* The system policy limits layer 3 DSCP marking and layer 2 marking
+ * to background Network Service Types */
+typedef __uint32_t sae_associd_t;
+#define SAE_ASSOCID_ANY 0
+#define SAE_ASSOCID_ALL ((sae_associd_t)(-1ULL))
+typedef __uint32_t sae_connid_t;
+#define SAE_CONNID_ANY 0
+#define SAE_CONNID_ALL ((sae_connid_t)(-1ULL))
+/* connectx() flag parameters */
+#define CONNECT_RESUME_ON_READ_WRITE 0x1 /* resume connect() on read/write */
+#define CONNECT_DATA_IDEMPOTENT 0x2 /* data is idempotent */
+#define CONNECT_DATA_AUTHENTICATED 0x4 /* data includes security that replaces the TFO-cookie */
+/* sockaddr endpoints */
+typedef struct sa_endpoints {
+ unsigned int sae_srcif; /* optional source interface */
+ const struct sockaddr *sae_srcaddr; /* optional source address */
+ socklen_t sae_srcaddrlen; /* size of source address */
+ const struct sockaddr *sae_dstaddr; /* destination address */
+ socklen_t sae_dstaddrlen; /* size of destination address */
+} sa_endpoints_t;
#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
#ifdef __APPLE__
- * Structure to control non-portable Sockets extension to POSIX
+ * Structure to control non-portable Sockets extension to POSIX
struct so_np_extensions {
u_int32_t npx_flags;
u_int32_t npx_mask;
-#define SONPX_SETOPTSHUT 0x000000001 /* flag for allowing setsockopt after shutdown */
+#define SONPX_SETOPTSHUT 0x000000001 /* flag for allowing setsockopt after shutdown */
+#define IS_SO_TC_BACKGROUND(_tc_) ((_tc_) == SO_TC_BK || (_tc_) == SO_TC_BK_SYS)
+#define IS_SO_TC_BACKGROUNDSYSTEM(_tc_) ((_tc_) == SO_TC_BK_SYS)
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#define AF_DATAKIT 9 /* datakit protocols */
#define AF_CCITT 10 /* CCITT protocols, X.25 etc */
#define AF_SNA 11 /* IBM SNA */
-#define AF_DECnet 12 /* DECnet */
-#define AF_DLI 13 /* DEC Direct data link interface */
-#define AF_LAT 14 /* LAT */
+#define AF_DECnet 12 /* DECnet */
+#define AF_DLI 13 /* DEC Direct data link interface */
+#define AF_LAT 14 /* LAT */
#define AF_HYLINK 15 /* NSC Hyperchannel */
#define AF_APPLETALK 16 /* Apple Talk */
#define AF_ROUTE 17 /* Internal Routing Protocol */
#define pseudo_AF_XTP 19 /* eXpress Transfer Protocol (no AF) */
#define AF_COIP 20 /* connection-oriented IP, aka ST II */
#define AF_CNT 21 /* Computer Network Technology */
-#define pseudo_AF_RTIP 22 /* Help Identify RTIP packets */
+#define pseudo_AF_RTIP 22 /* Help Identify RTIP packets */
#define AF_IPX 23 /* Novell Internet Protocol */
#define AF_SIP 24 /* Simple Internet Protocol */
-#define pseudo_AF_PIP 25 /* Help Identify PIP packets */
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-/*define pseudo_AF_BLUE 26 Identify packets for Blue Box - Not used */
-#define AF_NDRV 27 /* Network Driver 'raw' access */
-#define AF_ISDN 28 /* Integrated Services Digital Network*/
+#define pseudo_AF_PIP 25 /* Help Identify PIP packets */
+#define AF_NDRV 27 /* Network Driver 'raw' access */
+#define AF_ISDN 28 /* Integrated Services Digital Network */
#define AF_E164 AF_ISDN /* CCITT E.164 recommendation */
#define pseudo_AF_KEY 29 /* Internal key-management function */
#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
#define AF_INET6 30 /* IPv6 */
#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)
#define AF_NATM 31 /* native ATM access */
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-#define AF_SYSTEM 32 /* Kernel event messages */
-#define AF_NETBIOS 33 /* NetBIOS */
-#define AF_PPP 34 /* PPP communication protocol */
-#define AF_ATM 30 /* ATM */
-#define pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT 35 /* Used by BPF to not rewrite headers
- * in interface output routine
- */
+#define AF_SYSTEM 32 /* Kernel event messages */
+#define AF_NETBIOS 33 /* NetBIOS */
+#define AF_PPP 34 /* PPP communication protocol */
+#define pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT 35 /* Used by BPF to not rewrite headers
+ in interface output routine */
#ifdef PRIVATE
-#define AF_AFP 36 /* Used by AFP */
+#define AF_AFP 36 /* Used by AFP */
-#define AF_RESERVED_36 36 /* Reserved for internal usage */
-#ifndef __APPLE__
-#define AF_NETGRAPH 32 /* Netgraph sockets */
+#define AF_RESERVED_36 36 /* Reserved for internal usage */
-#define AF_IEEE80211 37 /* IEEE 802.11 protocol */
-#define AF_MAX 38
+#define AF_IEEE80211 37 /* IEEE 802.11 protocol */
+#define AF_UTUN 38
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#define AF_MULTIPATH 39
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
+#define AF_MAX 40
#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
__uint16_t sp_family; /* address family */
__uint16_t sp_protocol; /* protocol */
-#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE)*/
+#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
* RFC 2553: protocol-independent placeholder for socket addresses
#define PF_SNA AF_SNA
-#define PF_DECnet AF_DECnet
-#define PF_DLI AF_DLI
-#define PF_LAT AF_LAT
+#define PF_DECnet AF_DECnet
+#define PF_DLI AF_DLI
+#define PF_LAT AF_LAT
#define PF_CNT AF_CNT
#define PF_SIP AF_SIP
#define PF_IPX AF_IPX /* same format as AF_NS */
-#define PF_RTIP pseudo_AF_RTIP /* same format as AF_INET */
-#define PF_PIP pseudo_AF_PIP
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-#define PF_NDRV AF_NDRV
+#define PF_RTIP pseudo_AF_RTIP /* same format as AF_INET */
+#define PF_PIP pseudo_AF_PIP
+#define PF_NDRV AF_NDRV
#define PF_KEY pseudo_AF_KEY
#define PF_INET6 AF_INET6
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-#define PF_PPP AF_PPP
+#define PF_PPP AF_PPP
#ifdef PRIVATE
-#define PF_AFP AF_AFP
+#define PF_AFP AF_AFP
-#define PF_ATM AF_ATM
+#define PF_UTUN AF_UTUN
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
#define PF_MAX AF_MAX
* These do not have socket-layer support:
#define PF_VLAN ((uint32_t)0x766c616e) /* 'vlan' */
-#define PF_BOND ((uint32_t)0x626f6e64) /* 'bond' */
+#define PF_BOND ((uint32_t)0x626f6e64) /* 'bond' */
+#define PF_BRIDGE ((uint32_t)0x62726467) /* 'brdg' */
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
* Definitions for network related sysctl, CTL_NET.
* Further levels are defined by the individual families below.
#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)
#endif /* (_POSIX_C_SOURCE && !_DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
-#define CTL_NET_NAMES { \
+#define CTL_NET_NAMES { \
{ 0, 0 }, \
{ "local", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \
{ "inet", CTLTYPE_NODE }, \
* Fifth: type of info, defined below
* Sixth: flag(s) to mask with for NET_RT_FLAGS
-#define NET_RT_DUMP 1 /* dump; may limit to a.f. */
-#define NET_RT_FLAGS 2 /* by flags, e.g. RESOLVING */
-#define NET_RT_IFLIST 3 /* survey interface list */
-#define NET_RT_STAT 4 /* routing statistics */
-#define NET_RT_TRASH 5 /* routes not in table but not freed */
-#define NET_RT_IFLIST2 6 /* interface list with addresses */
-#define NET_RT_DUMP2 7 /* dump; may limit to a.f. */
-#define NET_RT_MAXID 8
+#define NET_RT_DUMP 1 /* dump; may limit to a.f. */
+#define NET_RT_FLAGS 2 /* by flags, e.g. RESOLVING */
+#define NET_RT_IFLIST 3 /* survey interface list */
+#define NET_RT_STAT 4 /* routing statistics */
+#define NET_RT_TRASH 5 /* routes not in table but not freed */
+#define NET_RT_IFLIST2 6 /* interface list with addresses */
+#define NET_RT_DUMP2 7 /* dump; may limit to a.f. */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#define NET_RT_DUMPX 8 /* private */
+#define NET_RT_DUMPX_FLAGS 9 /* private */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
+#define NET_RT_MAXID 10
#endif /* (_POSIX_C_SOURCE && !_DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
-#define CTL_NET_RT_NAMES { \
+#define CTL_NET_RT_NAMES { \
{ 0, 0 }, \
{ "dump", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \
{ "flags", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \
{ "stat", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \
{ "trash", CTLTYPE_INT }, \
{ "iflist2", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \
- { "dump2", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \
+ { "dump2", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \
+ { "dumpx", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \
+ { "dumpx_flags", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
int msg_flags; /* [XSI] flags on received message */
-#ifdef KERNEL
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+ * Extended version for sendmsg_x() and recvmsg_x() calls
+ *
+ * For recvmsg_x(), the size of the data received is given by the field
+ * msg_datalen.
+ *
+ * For sendmsg_x(), the size of the data to send is given by the length of
+ * the iovec array -- like sendmsg(). The field msg_datalen is ignored.
+ */
+struct msghdr_x {
+ void *msg_name; /* optional address */
+ socklen_t msg_namelen; /* size of address */
+ struct iovec *msg_iov; /* scatter/gather array */
+ int msg_iovlen; /* # elements in msg_iov */
+ void *msg_control; /* ancillary data, see below */
+ socklen_t msg_controllen; /* ancillary data buffer len */
+ int msg_flags; /* flags on received message */
+ size_t msg_datalen; /* byte length of buffer in msg_iov */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
* In-kernel representation of "struct msghdr" from
* userspace. Has enough precision for 32-bit or
int msg_flags; /* flags on received message */
-#endif // KERNEL
+ * In-kernel representation of "struct msghdr_x" from
+ * userspace. Has enough precision for 32-bit or
+ * 64-bit clients, but does not need to be packed.
+ */
+struct user_msghdr_x {
+ user_addr_t msg_name; /* optional address */
+ socklen_t msg_namelen; /* size of address */
+ user_addr_t msg_iov; /* scatter/gather array */
+ int msg_iovlen; /* # elements in msg_iov */
+ user_addr_t msg_control; /* ancillary data, see below */
+ socklen_t msg_controllen; /* ancillary data buffer len */
+ int msg_flags; /* flags on received message */
+ size_t msg_datalen; /* byte length of buffer in msg_iov */
+ * LP64 user version of struct msghdr_x
+ * WARNING - keep in sync with struct msghdr_x
+ */
+struct user64_msghdr_x {
+ user64_addr_t msg_name; /* optional address */
+ socklen_t msg_namelen; /* size of address */
+ user64_addr_t msg_iov; /* scatter/gather array */
+ int msg_iovlen; /* # elements in msg_iov */
+ user64_addr_t msg_control; /* ancillary data, see below */
+ socklen_t msg_controllen; /* ancillary data buffer len */
+ int msg_flags; /* flags on received message */
+ user64_size_t msg_datalen; /* byte length of buffer in msg_iov */
+ * ILP32 user version of struct msghdr_x
+ * WARNING - keep in sync with struct msghdr_x
+ */
+struct user32_msghdr_x {
+ user32_addr_t msg_name; /* optional address */
+ socklen_t msg_namelen; /* size of address */
+ user32_addr_t msg_iov; /* scatter/gather array */
+ int msg_iovlen; /* # elements in msg_iov */
+ user32_addr_t msg_control; /* ancillary data, see below */
+ socklen_t msg_controllen; /* ancillary data buffer len */
+ int msg_flags; /* flags on received message */
+ user32_size_t msg_datalen; /* byte length of buffer in msg_iov */
+ * In-kernel representation of "struct sa_endpoints" from
+ * userspace. Has enough precision for 32-bit or
+ * 64-bit clients, but does not need to be packed.
+ */
+struct user_sa_endpoints {
+ unsigned int sae_srcif; /* optional source interface */
+ user_addr_t sae_srcaddr; /* optional source address */
+ socklen_t sae_srcaddrlen; /* size of source address */
+ user_addr_t sae_dstaddr; /* destination address */
+ socklen_t sae_dstaddrlen; /* size of destination address */
+ * LP64 user version of struct sa_endpoints
+ * WARNING - keep in sync with struct sa_endpoints
+ */
+struct user64_sa_endpoints {
+ unsigned int sae_srcif; /* optional source interface */
+ user64_addr_t sae_srcaddr; /* optional source address */
+ socklen_t sae_srcaddrlen; /* size of source address */
+ user64_addr_t sae_dstaddr; /* destination address */
+ socklen_t sae_dstaddrlen; /* size of destination address */
+ * ILP32 user version of struct sa_endpoints
+ * WARNING - keep in sync with struct sa_endpoints
+ */
+struct user32_sa_endpoints {
+ unsigned int sae_srcif; /* optional source interface */
+ user32_addr_t sae_srcaddr; /* optional source address */
+ socklen_t sae_srcaddrlen; /* size of source address */
+ user32_addr_t sae_dstaddr; /* destination address */
+ socklen_t sae_dstaddrlen; /* size of destination address */
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#define MSG_OOB 0x1 /* process out-of-band data */
#define MSG_PEEK 0x2 /* peek at incoming message */
#define MSG_DONTWAIT 0x80 /* this message should be nonblocking */
#define MSG_EOF 0x100 /* data completes connection */
#ifdef __APPLE__
-#define MSG_WAITSTREAM 0x200 /* wait up to full request.. may return partial */
-#define MSG_FLUSH 0x400 /* Start of 'hold' seq; dump so_temp */
-#define MSG_HOLD 0x800 /* Hold frag in so_temp */
-#define MSG_SEND 0x1000 /* Send the packet in so_temp */
-#define MSG_HAVEMORE 0x2000 /* Data ready to be read */
-#define MSG_RCVMORE 0x4000 /* Data remains in current pkt */
+#ifndef PRIVATE
+#define MSG_WAITSTREAM 0x200 /* wait up to full request.. may return partial */
+#define MSG_WAITSTREAM 0x200 /* wait up to full request.. may return partial */
+#define MSG_FLUSH 0x400 /* Start of 'hold' seq; dump so_temp */
+#define MSG_HOLD 0x800 /* Hold frag in so_temp */
+#define MSG_SEND 0x1000 /* Send the packet in so_temp */
+#define MSG_HAVEMORE 0x2000 /* Data ready to be read */
+#define MSG_RCVMORE 0x4000 /* Data remains in current pkt */
-#define MSG_COMPAT 0x8000 /* deprecated */
+#define MSG_COMPAT 0x8000 /* deprecated */
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
-#define MSG_NEEDSA 0x10000 /* Fail receive if socket address cannot be allocated */
+#define MSG_NEEDSA 0x10000 /* Fail receive if socket address cannot be allocated */
-#define MSG_NBIO 0x20000 /* FIONBIO mode, used by fifofs */
+#define MSG_NBIO 0x20000 /* FIONBIO mode, used by fifofs */
+#define MSG_SKIPCFIL 0x40000 /* skip pass content filter */
#ifdef KERNEL
-#define MSG_USEUPCALL 0x80000000 /* Inherit upcall in sock_accept */
+#define MSG_USEUPCALL 0x80000000 /* Inherit upcall in sock_accept */
#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
* While we may have more groups than this, the cmsgcred struct must
* be able to fit in an mbuf, and NGROUPS_MAX is too large to allow
* this.
-#define CMGROUP_MAX 16
+ */
+#define CMGROUP_MAX 16
* Credentials structure, used to verify the identity of a peer
/* given pointer to struct cmsghdr, return pointer to data */
#define CMSG_DATA(cmsg) ((unsigned char *)(cmsg) + \
- __DARWIN_ALIGN32(sizeof(struct cmsghdr)))
+ __DARWIN_ALIGN32(sizeof(struct cmsghdr)))
* RFC 2292 requires to check msg_controllen, in case that the kernel returns
* an empty list for some reasons.
-#define CMSG_FIRSTHDR(mhdr) \
- ((mhdr)->msg_controllen >= sizeof(struct cmsghdr) ? \
- (struct cmsghdr *)(mhdr)->msg_control : \
- (struct cmsghdr *)0L)
+#define CMSG_FIRSTHDR(mhdr) \
+ ((mhdr)->msg_controllen >= sizeof(struct cmsghdr) ? \
+ (struct cmsghdr *)(mhdr)->msg_control : \
+ (struct cmsghdr *)0L)
* Given pointer to struct cmsghdr, return pointer to next cmsghdr
* RFC 2292 says that CMSG_NXTHDR(mhdr, NULL) is equivalent to CMSG_FIRSTHDR(mhdr)
#define CMSG_NXTHDR(mhdr, cmsg) \
((char *)(cmsg) == (char *)0L ? CMSG_FIRSTHDR(mhdr) : \
- ((((unsigned char *)(cmsg) + \
+ ((((unsigned char *)(cmsg) + \
__DARWIN_ALIGN32((__uint32_t)(cmsg)->cmsg_len) + \
__DARWIN_ALIGN32(sizeof(struct cmsghdr))) > \
((unsigned char *)(mhdr)->msg_control + \
- (mhdr)->msg_controllen)) ? \
- (struct cmsghdr *)0L /* NULL */ : \
- (struct cmsghdr *)((unsigned char *)(cmsg) + \
- __DARWIN_ALIGN32((__uint32_t)(cmsg)->cmsg_len))))
+ (mhdr)->msg_controllen)) ? \
+ (struct cmsghdr *)0L /* NULL */ : \
+ (struct cmsghdr *)(void *)((unsigned char *)(cmsg) + \
+ __DARWIN_ALIGN32((__uint32_t)(cmsg)->cmsg_len))))
#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)
/* RFC 2292 additions */
#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
/* "Socket"-level control message types: */
-#define SCM_RIGHTS 0x01 /* access rights (array of int) */
+#define SCM_RIGHTS 0x01 /* access rights (array of int) */
#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)
-#define SCM_TIMESTAMP 0x02 /* timestamp (struct timeval) */
-#define SCM_CREDS 0x03 /* process creds (struct cmsgcred) */
+#define SCM_TIMESTAMP 0x02 /* timestamp (struct timeval) */
+#define SCM_CREDS 0x03 /* process creds (struct cmsgcred) */
+#define SCM_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC 0x04 /* timestamp (uint64_t) */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#define SCM_SEQNUM 0x05 /* TCP unordered recv seq no */
+#define SCM_MSG_PRIORITY 0x06 /* TCP unordered snd priority */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
void *msg_accrights; /* access rights sent/rcvd */
int msg_accrightslen;
+#define SA(s) ((struct sockaddr *)(void *)(s))
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
#endif /* !_POSIX_C_SOURCE */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)
+ * Structure for SIOCGASSOCIDS
+ */
+struct so_aidreq {
+ __uint32_t sar_cnt; /* number of associations */
+ sae_associd_t *sar_aidp; /* array of association IDs */
+struct so_aidreq32 {
+ __uint32_t sar_cnt;
+ user32_addr_t sar_aidp;
+struct so_aidreq64 {
+ __uint32_t sar_cnt;
+ user64_addr_t sar_aidp __attribute__((aligned(8)));
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+ * Structure for SIOCGCONNIDS
+ */
+struct so_cidreq {
+ sae_associd_t scr_aid; /* association ID */
+ __uint32_t scr_cnt; /* number of connections */
+ sae_connid_t *scr_cidp; /* array of connection IDs */
+struct so_cidreq32 {
+ sae_associd_t scr_aid;
+ __uint32_t scr_cnt;
+ user32_addr_t scr_cidp;
+struct so_cidreq64 {
+ sae_associd_t scr_aid;
+ __uint32_t scr_cnt;
+ user64_addr_t scr_cidp __attribute__((aligned(8)));
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+ * Structure for SIOCGCONNINFO
+ */
+struct so_cinforeq {
+ sae_connid_t scir_cid; /* connection ID */
+ __uint32_t scir_flags; /* see flags below */
+ __uint32_t scir_ifindex; /* (last) outbound interface */
+ __int32_t scir_error; /* most recent error */
+ struct sockaddr *scir_src; /* source address */
+ socklen_t scir_src_len; /* source address len */
+ struct sockaddr *scir_dst; /* destination address */
+ socklen_t scir_dst_len; /* destination address len */
+ __uint32_t scir_aux_type; /* aux data type (CIAUX) */
+ void *scir_aux_data; /* aux data */
+ __uint32_t scir_aux_len; /* aux data len */
+struct so_cinforeq32 {
+ sae_connid_t scir_cid;
+ __uint32_t scir_flags;
+ __uint32_t scir_ifindex;
+ __int32_t scir_error;
+ user32_addr_t scir_src;
+ socklen_t scir_src_len;
+ user32_addr_t scir_dst;
+ socklen_t scir_dst_len;
+ __uint32_t scir_aux_type;
+ user32_addr_t scir_aux_data;
+ __uint32_t scir_aux_len;
+struct so_cinforeq64 {
+ sae_connid_t scir_cid;
+ __uint32_t scir_flags;
+ __uint32_t scir_ifindex;
+ __int32_t scir_error;
+ user64_addr_t scir_src __attribute__((aligned(8)));
+ socklen_t scir_src_len;
+ user64_addr_t scir_dst __attribute__((aligned(8)));
+ socklen_t scir_dst_len;
+ __uint32_t scir_aux_type;
+ user64_addr_t scir_aux_data __attribute__((aligned(8)));
+ __uint32_t scir_aux_len;
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+/* valid connection info flags */
+#define CIF_CONNECTING 0x1 /* connection was attempted */
+#define CIF_CONNECTED 0x2 /* connection is established */
+#define CIF_DISCONNECTING 0x4 /* disconnection was attempted */
+#define CIF_DISCONNECTED 0x8 /* has been disconnected */
+#define CIF_BOUND_IF 0x10 /* bound to an interface */
+#define CIF_BOUND_IP 0x20 /* bound to a src address */
+#define CIF_BOUND_PORT 0x40 /* bound to a src port */
+#define CIF_PREFERRED 0x80 /* connection is primary/preferred */
+#define CIF_MP_CAPABLE 0x100 /* supports multipath protocol */
+#define CIF_MP_READY 0x200 /* multipath protocol confirmed */
+#define CIF_MP_DEGRADED 0x400 /* has lost its multipath capability */
+#define CIF_MP_ACTIVE 0x800 /* this is the active subflow */
+/* valid connection info auxiliary data types */
+#define CIAUX_TCP 0x1 /* TCP auxiliary data (conninfo_tcp_t) */
+#define CIAUX_MPTCP 0x2 /* MPTCP auxiliary data (conninfo_mptcp_t) */
+ * Structure for SIOC{S,G}CONNORDER
+ */
+struct so_cordreq {
+ sae_connid_t sco_cid; /* connection ID */
+ __uint32_t sco_rank; /* rank (0 means unspecified) */
+ * Common structure for KEV_NETPOLICY_SUBCLASS
+ */
+struct netpolicy_event_data {
+ __uint64_t eupid; /* effective unique PID */
+ pid_t epid; /* effective PID */
+#if !defined(__LP64__)
+ __uint32_t pad;
+#endif /* __LP64__ */
+ uuid_t euuid; /* effective UUID */
+ * NETPOLICY_IFDENIED event structure
+ */
+struct kev_netpolicy_ifdenied {
+ struct netpolicy_event_data ev_data;
+ __uint32_t ev_if_functional_type;
+ * Common structure for KEV_SOCKET_SUBCLASS
+ */
+struct kev_socket_event_data {
+ struct sockaddr_storage kev_sockname;
+ struct sockaddr_storage kev_peername;
+struct kev_socket_closed {
+ struct kev_socket_event_data ev_data;
+ * Network Service Type to DiffServ Code Point mapping
+ */
+struct netsvctype_dscp_map {
+ int netsvctype;
+ u_int8_t dscp; /* 6 bits diffserv code point */
#ifndef KERNEL
+extern int peeloff(int s, sae_associd_t);
+extern int socket_delegate(int, int, int, pid_t);
+ * recvmsg_x() is a system call similar to recvmsg(2) to receive
+ * several datagrams at once in the array of message headers "msgp".
+ *
+ * recvmsg_x() can be used only with protocols handlers that have been specially
+ * modified to support sending and receiving several datagrams at once.
+ *
+ * The size of the array "msgp" is given by the argument "cnt".
+ *
+ * The "flags" arguments supports only the value MSG_DONTWAIT.
+ *
+ * Each member of "msgp" array is of type "struct msghdr_x".
+ *
+ * The "msg_iov" and "msg_iovlen" are input parameters that describe where to
+ * store a datagram in a scatter gather locations of buffers -- see recvmsg(2).
+ * On output the field "msg_datalen" gives the length of the received datagram.
+ *
+ * The field "msg_flags" must be set to zero on input. On output, "msg_flags"
+ * may have MSG_TRUNC set to indicate the trailing portion of the datagram was
+ * discarded because the datagram was larger than the buffer supplied.
+ * recvmsg_x() returns as soon as a datagram is truncated.
+ *
+ * recvmsg_x() may return with less than "cnt" datagrams received based on
+ * the low water mark and the amount of data pending in the socket buffer.
+ *
+ * recvmsg_x() returns the number of datagrams that have been received,
+ * or -1 if an error occurred.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This a private system call, the API is subject to change.
+ */
+ssize_t recvmsg_x(int s, const struct msghdr_x *msgp, u_int cnt, int flags);
+ * sendmsg_x() is a system call similar to send(2) to send
+ * several datagrams at once in the array of message headers "msgp".
+ *
+ * sendmsg_x() can be used only with protocols handlers that have been specially
+ * modified to support sending and receiving several datagrams at once.
+ *
+ * The size of the array "msgp" is given by the argument "cnt".
+ *
+ * The "flags" arguments supports only the value MSG_DONTWAIT.
+ *
+ * Each member of "msgp" array is of type "struct msghdr_x".
+ *
+ * The "msg_iov" and "msg_iovlen" are input parameters that specify the
+ * data to be sent in a scatter gather locations of buffers -- see sendmsg(2).
+ *
+ * sendmsg_x() fails with EMSGSIZE if the sum of the length of the datagrams
+ * is greater than the high water mark.
+ *
+ * Address and ancillary data are not supported so the following fields
+ * must be set to zero on input:
+ * "msg_name", "msg_namelen", "msg_control" and "msg_controllen".
+ *
+ * The field "msg_flags" and "msg_datalen" must be set to zero on input.
+ *
+ * sendmsg_x() returns the number of datagrams that have been sent,
+ * or -1 if an error occurred.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This a private system call, the API is subject to change.
+ */
+ssize_t sendmsg_x(int s, const struct msghdr_x *msgp, u_int cnt, int flags);
+#endif /* !KERNEL */
+#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
+#ifndef KERNEL
int accept(int, struct sockaddr * __restrict, socklen_t * __restrict)
int bind(int, const struct sockaddr *, socklen_t) __DARWIN_ALIAS(bind);
-int connect(int, const struct sockaddr *, socklen_t) __DARWIN_ALIAS_C( connect);
+int connect(int, const struct sockaddr *, socklen_t) __DARWIN_ALIAS_C(connect);
int getpeername(int, struct sockaddr * __restrict, socklen_t * __restrict)
int getsockname(int, struct sockaddr * __restrict, socklen_t * __restrict)
int, const struct sockaddr *, socklen_t) __DARWIN_ALIAS_C(sendto);
int setsockopt(int, int, int, const void *, socklen_t);
int shutdown(int, int);
-int sockatmark(int);
+int sockatmark(int) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5, __IPHONE_2_0);
int socket(int, int, int);
int socketpair(int, int, int, int *) __DARWIN_ALIAS(socketpair);
#if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || defined(_DARWIN_C_SOURCE)
void pfctlinput(int, struct sockaddr *);
+__API_AVAILABLE(macosx(10.11), ios(9.0), tvos(9.0), watchos(2.0))
+int connectx(int, const sa_endpoints_t *, sae_associd_t, unsigned int,
+ const struct iovec *, unsigned int, size_t *, sae_connid_t *);
+__API_AVAILABLE(macosx(10.11), ios(9.0), tvos(9.0), watchos(2.0))
+int disconnectx(int, sae_associd_t, sae_connid_t);
#endif /* (!_POSIX_C_SOURCE || _DARWIN_C_SOURCE) */
#endif /* !KERNEL */
#ifdef KERNEL