- * Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <kern/kern_types.h>
#include <kern/kalloc.h>
+#include <sys/netboot.h>
+#include <sys/imageboot.h>
#include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
//#include <libkern/libkern.h>
IOBSDRegistryEntryGetData(void * entry, const char * property_name,
int * packet_length);
-extern int vndevice_root_image(const char * path, char devname[],
- dev_t * dev_p);
-extern int di_root_image(const char *path, char devname[], dev_t *dev_p);
#define BOOTP_RESPONSE "bootp-response"
#define BSDP_RESPONSE "bsdp-response"
#define DHCP_RESPONSE "dhcp-response"
-/* forward declarations */
-int inet_aton(char * cp, struct in_addr * pin);
-boolean_t netboot_iaddr(struct in_addr * iaddr_p);
-boolean_t netboot_rootpath(struct in_addr * server_ip,
- char * name, int name_len,
- char * path, int path_len);
-int netboot_setup(void);
-int netboot_mountroot(void);
-int netboot_root(void);
#define IP_FORMAT "%d.%d.%d.%d"
#define IP_CH(ip) ((u_char *)ip)
#define IP_LIST(ip) IP_CH(ip)[0],IP_CH(ip)[1],IP_CH(ip)[2],IP_CH(ip)[3]
char * image_path;
int image_path_length;
NetBootImageType image_type;
- boolean_t use_hdix;
+ char * second_image_path;
+ int second_image_path_length;
-inet_aton(char * cp, struct in_addr * pin)
- u_char * b = (u_char *)pin;
- int i;
- char * p;
- for (p = cp, i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- u_long l = strtoul(p, 0, 0);
- if (l > 255)
- return (FALSE);
- b[i] = l;
- p = strchr(p, '.');
- if (i < 3 && p == NULL)
- return (FALSE);
- p++;
- }
- return (TRUE);
* Function: parse_booter_path
* Purpose:
parse_netboot_path(char * path, struct in_addr * iaddr_p, char const * * host,
char * * mount_dir, char * * image_path)
- static char tmp[MAX_IPv4_STR_LEN]; /* Danger - not thread safe */
+ static char tmp[MAX_IPv4_STR_LEN]; /* Danger - not thread safe */
char * start;
char * colon;
+static void
+save_path(char * * str_p, int * length_p, char * path)
+ *length_p = strlen(path) + 1;
+ *str_p = (char *)kalloc(*length_p);
+ strlcpy(*str_p, path, *length_p);
+ return;
static struct netboot_info *
netboot_info_init(struct in_addr iaddr)
- struct netboot_info * info;
+ boolean_t have_root_path = FALSE;
+ struct netboot_info * info = NULL;
char * root_path = NULL;
- boolean_t use_hdix = TRUE;
- char * vndevice = NULL;
- if (vndevice == NULL)
- panic("netboot_info_init: M_NAMEI zone exhausted");
- if (PE_parse_boot_argn("vndevice", vndevice, MAXPATHLEN) == TRUE) {
- use_hdix = FALSE;
- }
info = (struct netboot_info *)kalloc(sizeof(*info));
bzero(info, sizeof(*info));
info->client_ip = iaddr;
info->image_type = kNetBootImageTypeUnknown;
- info->use_hdix = use_hdix;
/* check for a booter-specified path then a NetBoot path */
if (root_path == NULL)
panic("netboot_info_init: M_NAMEI zone exhausted");
- if (PE_parse_boot_argn("rp", root_path, MAXPATHLEN) == TRUE
- || PE_parse_boot_argn("rootpath", root_path, MAXPATHLEN) == TRUE
- || get_root_path(root_path) == TRUE) {
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("rp0", root_path, MAXPATHLEN) == TRUE
+ || PE_parse_boot_argn("rp", root_path, MAXPATHLEN) == TRUE
+ || PE_parse_boot_argn("rootpath", root_path, MAXPATHLEN) == TRUE) {
+ if (imageboot_format_is_valid(root_path)) {
+ printf("netboot_info_init: rp0='%s' isn't a network path,"
+ " ignoring\n", root_path);
+ }
+ else {
+ have_root_path = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (have_root_path == FALSE) {
+ have_root_path = get_root_path(root_path);
+ }
+ if (have_root_path) {
const char * server_name = NULL;
char * mount_point = NULL;
char * image_path = NULL;
strlcpy(info->server_name, server_name, info->server_name_length);
strlcpy(info->mount_point, mount_point, info->mount_point_length);
- printf("Server %s Mount %s",
+ printf("netboot: NFS Server %s Mount %s",
server_name, info->mount_point);
if (image_path != NULL) {
boolean_t needs_slash = FALSE;
info->image_path_length = strlen(image_path) + 1;
if (image_path[0] != '/') {
needs_slash = TRUE;
else if (strncmp(root_path, kNetBootRootPathPrefixHTTP,
strlen(kNetBootRootPathPrefixHTTP)) == 0) {
- /* only HDIX supports HTTP */
info->image_type = kNetBootImageTypeHTTP;
- info->use_hdix = TRUE;
- info->image_path_length = strlen(root_path) + 1;
- info->image_path = (char *)kalloc(info->image_path_length);
- strlcpy(info->image_path, root_path, info->image_path_length);
+ save_path(&info->image_path, &info->image_path_length,
+ root_path);
+ printf("netboot: HTTP URL %s\n", info->image_path);
else {
printf("netboot: root path uses unrecognized format\n");
+ /* check for image-within-image */
+ if (info->image_path != NULL) {
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn(IMAGEBOOT_ROOT_ARG, root_path, MAXPATHLEN)
+ || PE_parse_boot_argn("rp1", root_path, MAXPATHLEN)) {
+ /* rp1/root-dmg is the second-level image */
+ save_path(&info->second_image_path, &info->second_image_path_length,
+ root_path);
+ }
+ }
+ if (info->second_image_path != NULL) {
+ printf("netboot: nested image %s\n", info->second_image_path);
+ }
return (info);
if (info->image_path) {
kfree(info->image_path, info->image_path_length);
+ if (info->second_image_path) {
+ kfree(info->second_image_path, info->second_image_path_length);
+ }
kfree(info, sizeof(*info));
*info_p = NULL;
mask.sin_len = sizeof(mask);
mask.sin_family = AF_INET;
mask.sin_addr = m;
- lck_mtx_assert(rnh_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED);
- lck_mtx_lock(rnh_lock);
- error = rtrequest_scoped_locked(cmd, (struct sockaddr *)&dst,
- (struct sockaddr *)&gw,
- (struct sockaddr *)&mask,
- flags, NULL, ifscope);
- lck_mtx_unlock(rnh_lock);
+ error = rtrequest_scoped(cmd, (struct sockaddr *)&dst,
+ (struct sockaddr *)&gw, (struct sockaddr *)&mask, flags, NULL, ifscope);
return (error);
struct ifnet * ifp = NULL;
+ dlil_if_lock();
if (rootdevice[0]) {
ifp = ifunit((char *)rootdevice);
+ dlil_if_unlock();
return (ifp);
error = ENXIO;
goto failed;
- snprintf(ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name), "%s%d", ifp->if_name,
- ifp->if_unit);
+ snprintf(ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name), "%s", if_name(ifp));
printf("netboot: using network interface '%s'\n", ifr.ifr_name);
/* bring it up */
- dev_t dev;
int error = 0;
if (S_netboot_info_p == NULL
|| S_netboot_info_p->image_path == NULL) {
goto done;
- if (S_netboot_info_p->use_hdix) {
- printf("netboot_setup: calling di_root_image\n");
- error = di_root_image(S_netboot_info_p->image_path,
- (char *)rootdevice, &dev);
- if (error) {
- printf("netboot_setup: di_root_image: failed %d\n", error);
- goto done;
- }
+ printf("netboot_setup: calling imageboot_mount_image\n");
+ error = imageboot_mount_image(S_netboot_info_p->image_path, -1);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("netboot: failed to mount root image, %d\n", error);
- else {
- printf("netboot_setup: calling vndevice_root_image\n");
- error = vndevice_root_image(S_netboot_info_p->image_path,
- (char *)rootdevice, &dev);
- if (error) {
- printf("netboot_setup: vndevice_root_image: failed %d\n", error);
- goto done;
+ else if (S_netboot_info_p->second_image_path != NULL) {
+ error = imageboot_mount_image(S_netboot_info_p->second_image_path, 0);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("netboot: failed to mount second root image, %d\n", error);
- rootdev = dev;
- mountroot = NULL;
- printf("netboot: root device 0x%x\n", (int32_t)rootdev);
- error = vfs_mountroot();
- if (error == 0 && rootvnode != NULL) {
- struct vnode *tvp;
- struct vnode *newdp;
- /* Get the vnode for '/'. Set fdp->fd_fd.fd_cdir to reference it. */
- if (VFS_ROOT(TAILQ_LAST(&mountlist,mntlist), &newdp, vfs_context_kernel()))
- panic("netboot_setup: cannot find root vnode");
- vnode_ref(newdp);
- vnode_put(newdp);
- tvp = rootvnode;
- vnode_rele(tvp);
- filedesc0.fd_cdir = newdp;
- rootvnode = newdp;
- mount_list_lock();
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&mountlist, TAILQ_FIRST(&mountlist), mnt_list);
- mount_list_unlock();
- mountlist.tqh_first->mnt_flag |= MNT_ROOTFS;
- }
return (error);