#include <mach/mach_time.h>
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
+#include <libkern/version.h>
* The four main object types
* to the IORegistry (this way only usable PMCs and Perf Monitors will be shown.)
- * @abstract A pointer to a method that returns whether or not the given performance monitor driver supports context switched counters
- * @param pm A registered performance monitor driver object (see <link>perf_monitor_register</link>).
- * @result TRUE if the driver supports context switching, FALSE otherwise.
- */
-typedef boolean_t (*perfmon_supports_context_switch_method_t)(perf_monitor_object_t pm);
+typedef kern_return_t (*perfmon_get_accessible_cores_method_t)(pmc_object_t pmc, uint32_t **cores, size_t *coreCt);
* @abstract A pointer to a method that enables a set of counters.
typedef kern_return_t (*perfmon_disable_counters_method_t)(perf_monitor_object_t pm, pmc_object_t *pmcs, uint32_t pmcCount);
+typedef void (*perfmon_on_idle_method_t)(perf_monitor_object_t pm);
+typedef void (*perfmon_on_idle_exit_method_t)(perf_monitor_object_t pm);
/*!struct perf_monitor_methods
* @abstract A set of method pointers to be used when interacting with a performance monitor object
typedef struct perf_monitor_methods {
uint32_t perf_monitor_methods_version; // Always set to MACH_PERFMON_METHODS_VERSION when writing driver kexts
- // All methods are required.
- perfmon_supports_context_switch_method_t supports_context_switching;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ perfmon_get_accessible_cores_method_t accessible_cores;
perfmon_enable_counters_method_t enable_counters;
perfmon_disable_counters_method_t disable_counters;
+ perfmon_on_idle_method_t on_idle;
+ perfmon_on_idle_exit_method_t on_idle_exit;
+} perf_monitor_methods_t;
* Method types for performance counter registration
* @abstract A pointer to a method that returns an array of the logical cores from which a PMC can be accessed.
- * @discussion A pointer to a method that returns an array of the logical cores from which a PMC can be accessed. Resulting array of cores should not be released by xnu.
+ * @discussion A pointer to a method that returns an array of the logical cores from which a PMC can be accessed.
+ * Resulting array of cores should not be released by xnu.
* Implementations of this method type must be safe to call at interrupt context.
* @param pmc A valid pmc object
* @param cores A value-returned array of logical cores that can access the given PMC.
pmc_enable_method_t enable;
pmc_open_method_t open;
pmc_close_method_t close;
+} pmc_methods_t;
* Kext interface Methods
* KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE if the kernel lacks the resources to register another performance monitor
* driver, KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT if one or both of the arguments is null
+/* Prevent older AppleProfileFamily kexts from loading on newer kernels.
+ * Alas, C doesn't necessarily have a cleaner way to do the version number concatenation
+ */
+#define PERF_REG_NAME1(a, b) a ## b
+#define PERF_REG_NAME(a, b) PERF_REG_NAME1(a, b)
+#define perf_monitor_register PERF_REG_NAME(perf_monitor_register_, VERSION_MAJOR)
kern_return_t perf_monitor_register(perf_monitor_object_t monitor, perf_monitor_methods_t *methods);
// reference counted
uint32_t useCount;
- // link to other perf monitors
+ uint32_t reservedCounters;
+ // A value of -1 here indicates independence from a particular core
+ int cpu;
+ // links to other perf monitors
queue_chain_t link;
+ queue_chain_t cpu_link;
/*!struct pmc
* @abstract Setup the configuration
- * @discussion Configurations for counter are architecture-neutral key-value pairs (8bit key, 64bit value). Meanings of the keys and values are defined by the driver-writer and are listed in XML form available for interrogation via the CoreProfile framework. This method is not interrupt safe.
+ * @discussion Configurations for counter are architecture-neutral key-value pairs (8bit key, 64bit value). Meanings of the keys and values are defined
+ * by the driver-writer and are listed in XML form available for interrogation via the CoreProfile framework. This method is not interrupt safe.
* @result KERN_SUCCESS on success.
kern_return_t pmc_config_set_value(pmc_t pmc, pmc_config_t config, uint8_t id, uint64_t value);
* @abstract Interrupt Threshold Setup
- * @discussion In order to configure a PMC to use PMI (cause an interrupt after so-many events occur), use this method, and provide a function to be called after the interrupt occurs, along with a reference context. PMC Threshold handler methods will have the pmc that generated the interrupt as the first argument when the interrupt handler is invoked, and the given @refCon (which may be NULL) as the second. This method is not interrupt safe.
+ * @discussion In order to configure a PMC to use PMI (cause an interrupt after so-many events occur), use this method, and provide a function to be
+ * called after the interrupt occurs, along with a reference context. PMC Threshold handler methods will have the pmc that generated the interrupt as
+ * the first argument when the interrupt handler is invoked, and the given @refCon (which may be NULL) as the second. This method is not interrupt safe.
kern_return_t pmc_config_set_interrupt_threshold(pmc_t pmc, pmc_config_t config, uint64_t threshold, pmc_interrupt_method_t method, void *refCon);
* @abstract Finds pmcs by partial string matching.
- * @discussion This method returns a list of pmcs (similar to <link>pmc_get_pmc_list</link>) whose names match the given string up to it's length. For example, searching for "ia32" would return pmcs "ia32gp0" and "ia32gp1". Results should be released by the caller using <link>pmc_free_pmc_list</link>
+ * @discussion This method returns a list of pmcs (similar to <link>pmc_get_pmc_list</link>) whose names match the given string up to it's length.
+ * For example, searching for "ia32" would return pmcs "ia32gp0" and "ia32gp1". Results should be released by the caller using <link>pmc_free_pmc_list</link>
* @param name Partial string to search for.
* @param pmcs Storage for the resultant pmc_t array pointer.
* @param pmcCount Storage for the resultant count of pmc_t's.
* @abstract Returns a list of logical cores from which the given pmc can be read from or written to.
- * @discussion This method can return a NULL list with count of 0 -- this indicates any core can read the given pmc. This method does not allocate the list, therefore callers should take care not to mutate or free the resultant list. This method is interrupt safe.
+ * @discussion This method can return a NULL list with count of 0 -- this indicates any core can read the given pmc. This method does not allocate the list,
+ * therefore callers should take care not to mutate or free the resultant list. This method is interrupt safe.
* @param pmc The PMC for which to return the cores that can read/write it.
* @param logicalCores Storage for the pointer to the list.
* @param logicalCoreCt Value-return number of elements in the returned list. 0 indicates all cores can read/write the given pmc.
kern_return_t pmc_get_accessible_core_list(pmc_t pmc, uint32_t **logicalCores, size_t *logicalCoreCt);
- * @abstract Returns TRUE if the given logical core can read/write the given PMC.
- * @discussion This method is interrupt safe.
- * @param pmc The PMC to test
- * @param logicalCore The core from which to test.
- */
-boolean_t pmc_accessible_from_core(pmc_t pmc, uint32_t logicalCore);
* BEGIN PMC Reservations
* @abstract Reserve a PMC for System-wide counting.
- * @discussion This method will attempt to reserve the given pmc at system-scope. It will configure the given pmc to count the event indicated by the given configuration object. This method consumes the given configuration object if the return value is KERN_SUCCESS - any other return value indicates the caller should free the configuration object via <link>pmc_free_config</link>. This method is not interrupt safe.
+ * @discussion This method will attempt to reserve the given pmc at system-scope. It will configure the given pmc to count the event indicated by the given
+ * configuration object. This method consumes the given configuration object if the return value is KERN_SUCCESS - any other return value indicates the caller
+ * should free the configuration object via <link>pmc_free_config</link>. This method is not interrupt safe.
* @param pmc The PMC to reserve.
* @param config The configuration object to use with the given pmc.
* @param reservation A value-return reservation object to be used in pmc_reservation_* methods.
* @abstract Reserve a PMC for task-wide counting.
- * @discussion This method will attempt to reserve the given pmc for task-wide counting. The resulting reservation will only count when the task is running on one of the logical cores that can read the given pmc. The semantics of this method are the same as <link>pmc_reserve</link> in all other respects.
+ * @discussion This method will attempt to reserve the given pmc for task-wide counting. The resulting reservation will only count when the task is running
+ * on one of the logical cores that can read the given pmc. The semantics of this method are the same as <link>pmc_reserve</link> in all other respects.
* @param pmc The PMC to reserve
* @param config The configuration object to use.
* @param task The task for which to enable the counter.
* @abstract Reserve a PMC for thread-wide counting.
- * @discussion This method will attempt to reserve the given pmc for thread-wide counting. The resulting reservation will only count when the thread is running on one of the logical cores that can read the given pmc. The semantics of this method are the same as <link>pmc_reserve_task</link> in all other respects.
+ * @discussion This method will attempt to reserve the given pmc for thread-wide counting. The resulting reservation will only count when the thread is
+ * running on one of the logical cores that can read the given pmc. The semantics of this method are the same as <link>pmc_reserve_task</link> in all other respects.
* @param pmc The PMC to reserve
* @param config The configuration object to use.
* @param thread The thread for which to enable the counter.
* @abstract Start counting
- * @discussion This method instructs the given reservation to start counting as soon as possible. If the reservation is for a thread (or task) other than the current thread, or for a pmc that is not accessible from the current logical core, the reservation will start counting the next time the thread (or task) runs on a logical core than can access the pmc. This method is interrupt safe. If this method is called from outside of interrupt context, it may block.
+ * @discussion This method instructs the given reservation to start counting as soon as possible. If the reservation is for a thread (or task) other than the
+ * current thread, or for a pmc that is not accessible from the current logical core, the reservation will start counting the next time the thread (or task)
+ * runs on a logical core than can access the pmc. This method is interrupt safe. If this method is called from outside of interrupt context, it may block.
* @param reservation The reservation to start counting
kern_return_t pmc_reservation_start(pmc_reservation_t reservation);
* @abstract Stop counting
- * @discussion This method instructs the given reservation to stop counting as soon as possible. If the reservation is for a thread (or task) other than the current thread, or for a pmc that is not accessible from the current logical core, the reservation will stop counting the next time the thread (or task) ceases to run on a logical core than can access the pmc. This method is interrupt safe. If called form outside of interrupt context, this method may block.
+ * @discussion This method instructs the given reservation to stop counting as soon as possible. If the reservation is for a thread (or task) other than the
+ * current thread, or for a pmc that is not accessible from the current logical core, the reservation will stop counting the next time the thread (or task) c
+ * eases to run on a logical core than can access the pmc. This method is interrupt safe. If called form outside of interrupt context, this method may block.
* @param reservation The reservation to stop counting
kern_return_t pmc_reservation_stop(pmc_reservation_t reservation);
* @abstract Read the counter value
- * @discussion This method will read the event count associated with the given reservation. If the pmc is currently on hardware, and the caller is currently executing in a context that both a) matches the reservation's context, and b) can access the reservation's pmc directly, the value will be read directly from the hardware. Otherwise, the value stored in the reservation is returned. This method is interrupt safe. If the caller is calling from outside of interrupt context, this method may block.
+ * @discussion This method will read the event count associated with the given reservation. If the pmc is currently on hardware, and the caller is currently ]
+ * executing in a context that both a) matches the reservation's context, and b) can access the reservation's pmc directly, the value will be read directly
+ * from the hardware. Otherwise, the value stored in the reservation is returned. This method is interrupt safe. If the caller is calling from outside of
+ * interrupt context, this method may block.
* @param reservation The reservation whose value to read.
* @param value Value-return event count
* @abstract Write the counter value
- * @discussion This method will write the event count associated with the given reservation. If the pmc is currently on hardware, and the caller is currently executing in a context that both a) matches the reservation's context, and b) can access the reservation's pmc directly, the value will be written directly to the hardware. Otherwise, the value stored in the reservation is overwritten. This method is interrupt safe. If the caller is calling from outside of interrupt context, this method may block.
+ * @discussion This method will write the event count associated with the given reservation. If the pmc is currently on hardware, and the caller is currently
+ * executing in a context that both a) matches the reservation's context, and b) can access the reservation's pmc directly, the value will be written directly
+ * to the hardware. Otherwise, the value stored in the reservation is overwritten. This method is interrupt safe. If the caller is calling from outside of
+ * interrupt context, this method may block.
* @param reservation The reservation to write.
* @param value The event count to write
* @abstract Free a reservation and all associated resources.
- * @discussion This method will free the resources associated with the given reservation and release the associated PMC back to general availability. If the reservation is currently counting, it will be stopped prior to release. This method is not interrupt safe.
+ * @discussion This method will free the resources associated with the given reservation and release the associated PMC back to general availability.
+ * If the reservation is currently counting, it will be stopped prior to release. This method is not interrupt safe.
* @param reservation The reservation to free
kern_return_t pmc_reservation_free(pmc_reservation_t reservation);
* @abstract Performs a pmc context switch.
- * @discussion This method will save all PMCs reserved for oldThread (and the task associated with oldThread), as well as restore all PMCs reserved for newThread (and the task associated with newThread). This method is for xnu-internal context switching routines only.
+ * @discussion This method will save all PMCs reserved for oldThread (and the task associated with oldThread), as well as restore all PMCs reserved
+ * for newThread (and the task associated with newThread). This method is for xnu-internal context switching routines only.
boolean_t pmc_context_switch(thread_t oldThread, thread_t newThread);
+ * @abstract Called on per-core idle.
+ * @discussion This method notifies registered performance monitors of impending cpu idle, and can be used to save counter state.
+ */
+boolean_t pmc_idle(void);
+ * @abstract Called on per-core wake from idle.
+ * @discussion This method notifies registered performance monitors of wake-up from the prior idle, and can be used to restore
+ * previously saved counter configuration.
+ */
+boolean_t pmc_idle_exit(void);
+#if defined(THREAD_PMC_FLAG)
+/* Allow inclusion from outside of MACH_KERNEL_PRIVATE scope. */
+ * @abstract Returns true if thread has been marked for counting.
+ * @discussion Task-level reservations are propagated to child threads via thread_create_internal. Any mutation of task reservations forces a recalculate
+ * of t_chud (for the pmc flag) for all threads in that task. Consequently, we can simply check the current thread's flag against THREAD_PMC_FLAG.
+ */
+static inline boolean_t pmc_thread_eligible(thread_t t) {
+ return (t != NULL) ? ((t->t_chud & THREAD_PMC_FLAG) ? TRUE : FALSE) : FALSE;
+#endif /* THREAD_PMC_FLAG*/
#ifdef __cplusplus