+/*! @function createPMAssertion
+ @abstract Creates an assertion to influence system power behavior.
+ @param whichAssertionBits A bitfield specify the assertion that the caller requests.
+ @param assertionLevel An integer detailing the initial assertion level, kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn
+ or kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff.
+ @param ownerService A pointer to the caller's IOService class, for tracking.
+ @param ownerDescription A reverse-DNS string describing the caller's identity and reason.
+ @result On success, returns a new assertion of type IOPMDriverAssertionID
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID createPMAssertion(
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType whichAssertionsBits,
+ IOPMDriverAssertionLevel assertionLevel,
+ IOService *ownerService,
+ const char *ownerDescription);
+/* @function setPMAssertionLevel
+ @abstract Modify the level of a pre-existing assertion.
+ @discussion Change the value of a PM assertion to influence system behavior,
+ without undergoing the work required to create or destroy an assertion. Suggested
+ for clients who will assert and de-assert needs for PM behavior several times over
+ their lifespan.
+ @param assertionID An assertion ID previously returned by <link>createPMAssertion</link>
+ @param assertionLevel The new assertion level.
+ @result kIOReturnSuccess if it worked; kIOReturnNotFound or other IOReturn error on failure.
+ IOReturn setPMAssertionLevel(IOPMDriverAssertionID assertionID, IOPMDriverAssertionLevel assertionLevel);
+/*! @function getPMAssertionLevel
+ @absract Returns the active level of the specified assertion(s).
+ @discussion Returns <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff</link> or
+ <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link>. If multiple assertions are specified
+ in the bitfield, only returns <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link>
+ if all assertions are active.
+ @param whichAssertionBits Bits defining the assertion or assertions the caller is interested in
+ the level of. If in doubt, pass <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit</link> as the argument.
+ @result Returns <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff</link> or
+ <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link> indicating the specified assertion's levels, if available.
+ If the assertions aren't supported on this machine, or aren't recognized by the OS, the
+ result is undefined.
+ IOPMDriverAssertionLevel getPMAssertionLevel(IOPMDriverAssertionType whichAssertionBits);
+/*! @function releasePMAssertion
+ @abstract Removes an assertion to influence system power behavior.
+ @result On success, returns a new assertion of type IOPMDriverAssertionID *
+ IOReturn releasePMAssertion(IOPMDriverAssertionID releaseAssertion);