- lck_mtx_t *gss_clnt_mtx;
- thread_t gss_clnt_thread; // Thread creating context
- TAILQ_ENTRY(nfs_gss_clnt_ctx) gss_clnt_entries;
- uint32_t gss_clnt_flags; // Flag bits - see below
- uint32_t gss_clnt_refcnt; // Reference count
- uid_t gss_clnt_uid; // Owner of this context
- uint32_t gss_clnt_proc; // Current GSS proc for cred
- uint32_t gss_clnt_seqnum; // GSS sequence number
- uint32_t gss_clnt_service; // Indicates krb5, krb5i or krb5p
- u_char *gss_clnt_handle; // Identifies server context
- uint32_t gss_clnt_handle_len; // Size of server's ctx handle
- time_t gss_clnt_ctime; // When context was created
- uint32_t gss_clnt_seqwin; // Server's seq num window
- uint32_t *gss_clnt_seqbits; // Bitmap to track seq numbers in use
- mach_port_t gss_clnt_mport; // Mach port for gssd upcall
- u_char *gss_clnt_verf; // RPC verifier from server
- char *gss_clnt_svcname; // Service name e.g. "nfs/big.apple.com"
- gss_cred gss_clnt_cred_handle; // Opaque cred handle from gssd
- gss_ctx gss_clnt_context; // Opaque context handle from gssd
- u_char *gss_clnt_token; // GSS token exchanged via gssd & server
- uint32_t gss_clnt_tokenlen; // Length of token
- gss_key_info gss_clnt_kinfo; // GSS key info
- uint32_t gss_clnt_gssd_flags; // Special flag bits to gssd
- uint32_t gss_clnt_major; // GSS major result from gssd or server
- uint32_t gss_clnt_minor; // GSS minor result from gssd or server
+ lck_mtx_t *gss_clnt_mtx;
+ thread_t gss_clnt_thread; // Thread creating context
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(nfs_gss_clnt_ctx) gss_clnt_entries;
+ uint32_t gss_clnt_flags; // Flag bits - see below
+ int32_t gss_clnt_refcnt; // Reference count
+ kauth_cred_t gss_clnt_cred; // Owner of this context
+ uint8_t *gss_clnt_principal; // Principal to use for this credential
+ uint32_t gss_clnt_prinlen; // Length of principal
+ gssd_nametype gss_clnt_prinnt; // Name type of principal
+ char *gss_clnt_display; // display name of principal
+ uint32_t gss_clnt_proc; // Current GSS proc for cred
+ uint32_t gss_clnt_seqnum; // GSS sequence number
+ uint32_t gss_clnt_service; // Indicates krb5, krb5i or krb5p
+ uint8_t *gss_clnt_handle; // Identifies server context
+ uint32_t gss_clnt_handle_len; // Size of server's ctx handle
+ time_t gss_clnt_nctime; // When context was put in the negative cache
+ uint32_t gss_clnt_seqwin; // Server's seq num window
+ uint32_t *gss_clnt_seqbits; // Bitmap to track seq numbers in use
+ mach_port_t gss_clnt_mport; // Mach port for gssd upcall
+ uint32_t gss_clnt_verflen; // RPC verifier length from server
+ uint8_t *gss_clnt_verf; // RPC verifier from server
+ uint8_t *gss_clnt_svcname; // Service name e.g. "nfs/big.apple.com"
+ uint32_t gss_clnt_svcnamlen; // Service name length
+ gssd_nametype gss_clnt_svcnt; // Service name type
+ gssd_cred gss_clnt_cred_handle; // Opaque cred handle from gssd
+ gssd_ctx gss_clnt_context; // Opaque context handle from gssd
+ gss_ctx_id_t gss_clnt_ctx_id; // Underlying gss context
+ uint8_t *gss_clnt_token; // GSS token exchanged via gssd & server
+ uint32_t gss_clnt_tokenlen; // Length of token
+ uint32_t gss_clnt_gssd_flags; // Special flag bits to gssd
+ uint32_t gss_clnt_major; // GSS major result from gssd or server
+ uint32_t gss_clnt_minor; // GSS minor result from gssd or server
+ time_t gss_clnt_ptime; // When last error message was printed