.Nm lstat ,
.Nm lstat64 ,
.Nm stat ,
-.Nm stat64
+.Nm stat64 ,
+.Nm fstatat
.Nd get file status
.Fd #include <sys/stat.h>
.Fa "const char *restrict path"
.Fa "struct stat *restrict buf"
+.Ft int
+.Fn fstatat "int fd" "const char *path" "struct stat *buf" "int flag"
.Ft int
.Fn stat
returns information about the file the link references.
-Unlike other filesystem objects,
-symbolic links may not have an owner, group, access mode, times, etc.
-Instead, these attributes may be taken from the directory that
-contains the link.
-In this case, the only attributes returned from an
-.Fn lstat
-that refer to the symbolic link itself are the file type (S_IFLNK),
-size, blocks, and link count (always 1).
+For symbolic links, the st_mode member contains meaningful information
+when used with the file type macros, and the st_size member contains
+the length of the pathname contained in the symbolic link. File mode
+bits and the contents of the remaining members of the stat structure
+are unspecified. The value returned in the st_size member is the
+length of the contents of the symbolic link, and does not count any
+trailing null.
.Fn fstat
.Fa fildes .
+.Fn fstatat
+system call is equivalent to
+.Fn stat
+.Fn lstat
+except in the case where the
+.Fa path
+specifies a relative path.
+In this case the status is retrieved from a file relative to
+the directory associated with the file descriptor
+.Fa fd
+instead of the current working directory.
+The values for the
+.Fa flag
+are constructed by a bitwise-inclusive OR of flags from the following list,
+defined in
+.In fcntl.h :
+.Bl -tag -width indent
+.Fa path
+names a symbolic link, the status of the symbolic link is returned.
+.Fn fstatat
+is passed the special value
+in the
+.Fa fd
+parameter, the current working directory is used and the behavior is
+identical to a call to
+.Fn stat
+.Fn lstat
+respectively, depending on whether or not the
+bit is set in
+.Fa flag .
.Fa buf
argument is a pointer to a
.Fa stat
and into which information is placed concerning the file.
When the macro
-is not defined (the
-.Ft ino_t
-type is 32-bits), the
+is not defined (see below for more information about this macro), the
.Fa stat
structure is defined as:
.Bd -literal
dev_t st_dev; /* device inode resides on */
ino_t st_ino; /* inode's number */
mode_t st_mode; /* inode protection mode */
- nlink_t st_nlink; /* number or hard links to the file */
+ nlink_t st_nlink; /* number of hard links to the file */
uid_t st_uid; /* user-id of owner */
gid_t st_gid; /* group-id of owner */
dev_t st_rdev; /* device type, for special file inode */
However, when the macro
is defined, the
-.Ft ino_t
-type will be 64-bits (force 64-bit inode mode by defining the
-macro before including header files).
-This will cause symbol variants of the
-.Fa stat
-family, with the
-.Fa $INODE64
-suffixes, to be automatically linked in.
-In addition, the
.Fa stat
structure will now be defined as:
.Bd -literal
.It st_birthtime
Time of file creation. Only set once when the file is created. This field is
only available in the 64 bit inode variants. On filesystems where birthtime is
-not available, this field holds the
-.Fa ctime
+not available, this field is set to 0 (i.e. epoch).
The size-related fields of the structures are as follows:
.Aq Pa sys/stat.h
.Xr chflags 2 .
+In order to accommodate advanced capabilities of newer file systems, the
+.Fa struct stat ,
+.Fa struct statfs ,
+.Fa struct dirent
+data structures were updated in Mac OSX 10.5.
+The most obvious change is the increased size of
+.Fa ino_t
+from 32 bits to 64 bits. As a consequence, storing an ino_t in an int is
+no longer safe, and file formats storing ino_t as 32-bit values may need to
+be updated. There are other changes as well, such as the widening of
+.Fa f_fstypename ,
+.Fa f_mntonname ,
+.Fa f_mntfromname
+.Fa struct statfs .
+Please refer to
+.Xr stat 2
+.Xr dir 5
+for more detail on the specific changes to the other affected data structures.
+On platforms that existed before these updates were available, ABI
+compatibility is achieved by providing two implementations for related
+functions: one using the legacy data structures and one using the updated
+data structures. Variants which make use of the newer structures have their
+symbols suffixed with $INODE64. These $INODE64 suffixes are automatically
+appended by the compiler tool-chain and should not be used directly.
+Platforms that were released after these updates only have the newer variants
+available to them. These platforms have the macro
+macro should not be set directly. Instead, developers should make use of the
+macros when the default variant is not desired. The following table details
+the effects of defining these macros for different deployment targets.
+c s s s
+l | c s s
+c | c c c
+c | c c c
+l | c c c.
+ Deployment Target
+user defines: < 10.5 10.5 > 10.5
+.Em (none)
+T} 32-bit 32-bit 64-bit
+T} 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit
+T} 32-bit 64-bit 64-bit
+c s s s
+c s s s
+c | l s s
+c | c c c
+l | c c c.
+user defines: Any Deployment Target
+.Em (none)
+T} 64-bit-only
+T} T{
+.Em (error)
+T} 64-bit-only
+.Bl -tag -width 64-bit-only -offset indent
+.It 32-bit
+32-bit inode values are enabled, and the legacy structures involving the
+.Vt ino_t
+type are in use.
+The macro
+is not defined.
+.It 64-bit
+64-bit inode values are enabled, and the expanded structures involving the
+.Vt ino_t
+type are in use.
+The macro
+is defined, and loader symbols will contain the
+.Li $INODE64
+.It 64-bit-only
+Like 64-bit, except loader symbols do not have the
+.Li $INODE64
+.It Em (error)
+A compile time error is generated.
+Due to the increased benefits of the larger structure, it is highly
+recommended that developers not define
+and make use of
+when targeting Mac OSX 10.5.
+In addition to the $INODE64 suffixed symbols, variants suffixed with 64 are
+also available for related functions. These functions were provided as a way
+for developers to use the updated structures in code that also made use of
+the legacy structures. The enlarged stat structures were also prefixed with
+64 to distinguish them from their legacy variants. These functions have been
+deprecated and should be avoided.
Upon successful completion a value of 0 is returned.
Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned and
in the structure pointed to by
.Fa buf .
+In addition to the errors returned by the
+.Fn stat
+.Fn lstat ,
+.Fn fstatat
+may fail if:
+.Bl -tag -width Er
+.It Bq Er EBADF
+.Fa path
+argument does not specify an absolute path and the
+.Fa fd
+argument is neither
+nor a valid file descriptor open for searching.
+The value of the
+.Fa flag
+argument is not valid.
+.Fa path
+argument is not an absolute path and
+.Fa fd
+is neither
+nor a file descriptor associated with a directory.
The file generation number,
.Fa st_gen ,
.Xr chown 2 ,
.Xr utimes 2 ,
.Xr compat 5 ,
+.Xr statfs 2 ,
.Xr symlink 7
.Fn fstat
function calls are expected to conform to
.St -p1003.1-88 .
+.Fn fstatat
+system call is expected to conform to POSIX.1-2008 .
.Fn lstat
.Fn lstat64
system calls first appeared in Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and are now deprecated
in favor of the corresponding symbol variants.
+.Fn fstatat
+system call appeared in OS X 10.10