+#include <mach/boolean.h>
+#include <mach/ppc/vm_types.h>
+#include <mach/thread_status.h>
+#include <kern/lock.h>
+#include <kern/clock.h>
+#include <ppc/savearea.h>
+ * Kernel state structure
+ *
+ * This holds the kernel state that is saved and restored across context
+ * switches.
+ */
+ * PPC process control block
+ *
+ * The PCB holds normal context. It does not contain vector or floating point
+ * registers.
+ *
+ */
+typedef struct savearea pcb;
+typedef struct savearea *pcb_t;
+struct facility_context {
+ savearea_fpu *FPUsave; /* The floating point savearea */
+ savearea *FPUlevel; /* The floating point context level */
+ unsigned int FPUcpu; /* The last processor to enable floating point */
+ unsigned int FPUsync; /* Sync lock */
+ savearea_vec *VMXsave; /* The VMX savearea */
+ savearea *VMXlevel; /* The VMX context level */
+ unsigned int VMXcpu; /* The last processor to enable vector */
+ unsigned int VMXsync; /* Sync lock */
+ struct thread *facAct;
+typedef struct facility_context facility_context;
+ * Maps state flavor to number of words in the state:
+ */
+__private_extern__ unsigned int _MachineStateCount[];
+#define USER_REGS(ThrAct) ((ThrAct)->machine.pcb)
+#define user_pc(ThrAct) ((ThrAct)->machine.pcb->save_srr0)
+#define act_machine_state_ptr(ThrAct) (thread_state_t)USER_REGS(ThrAct)
+struct machine_thread {
+ /*
+ * pointer to process control block control blocks. Potentially
+ * one for each active facility context. They may point to the
+ * same saveareas.
+ */
+ savearea *pcb; /* The "normal" savearea */
+ savearea *upcb; /* The "normal" user savearea */
+ facility_context *curctx; /* Current facility context */
+ facility_context *deferctx; /* Deferred facility context */
+ facility_context facctx; /* "Normal" facility context */
+ struct vmmCntrlEntry *vmmCEntry; /* Pointer current emulation context or 0 */
+ struct vmmCntrlTable *vmmControl; /* Pointer to virtual machine monitor control table */
+ uint64_t qactTimer; /* Time thread needs to interrupt. This is a single-shot timer. Zero is unset */
+ unsigned int umwSpace; /* Address space ID for user memory window */
+#define umwSwitchAway 0x80000000 /* Context switched away from thread since MapUserAddressWindow */
+#define umwSwitchAwayb 0
+ addr64_t umwRelo; /* Relocation value for user memory window */
+ unsigned int ksp; /* points to TOP OF STACK or zero */
+ unsigned int preemption_count; /* preemption count */
+ struct per_proc_info *PerProc; /* current per processor data */
+ unsigned int bbDescAddr; /* Points to Blue Box Trap descriptor area in kernel (page aligned) */
+ unsigned int bbUserDA; /* Points to Blue Box Trap descriptor area in user (page aligned) */
+ unsigned int bbTableStart; /* Points to Blue Box Trap dispatch area in user */
+ unsigned int emPendRupts; /* Number of pending emulated interruptions */
+ unsigned int bbTaskID; /* Opaque task ID for Blue Box threads */
+ unsigned int bbTaskEnv; /* Opaque task data reference for Blue Box threads */
+ unsigned int specFlags; /* Special flags */
+ unsigned int pmcovfl[8]; /* PMC overflow count */
+ unsigned int perfmonFlags; /* Perfmon facility flags */
+ unsigned int bbTrap; /* Blue Box trap vector */
+ unsigned int bbSysCall; /* Blue Box syscall vector */
+ unsigned int bbInterrupt; /* Blue Box interrupt vector */
+ unsigned int bbPending; /* Blue Box pending interrupt vector */
+/* special flags bits */
+#define ignoreZeroFaultbit 0
+#define floatUsedbit 1
+#define vectorUsedbit 2
+#define runningVMbit 4
+#define floatCngbit 5
+#define vectorCngbit 6
+#define timerPopbit 7
+#define userProtKeybit 8
+#define FamVMenabit 11
+#define FamVMmodebit 12
+#define perfMonitorbit 13
+#define OnProcbit 14
+/* NOTE: Do not move or assign bit 31 without changing exception vector ultra fast path code */
+#define bbThreadbit 28
+#define bbNoMachSCbit 29
+#define bbPreemptivebit 30
+#define spfReserved1 31 /* See note above */
+#define ignoreZeroFault 0x80000000 /* (1<<(31-ignoreZeroFaultbit)) */
+#define floatUsed 0x40000000 /* (1<<(31-floatUsedbit)) */
+#define vectorUsed 0x20000000 /* (1<<(31-vectorUsedbit)) */
+#define runningVM 0x08000000 /* (1<<(31-runningVMbit)) */
+#define floatCng 0x04000000 /* (1<<(31-floatCngbit)) */
+#define vectorCng 0x02000000 /* (1<<(31-vectorCngbit)) */
+#define timerPop 0x01000000 /* (1<<(31-timerPopbit)) */
+#define userProtKey 0x00800000 /* (1<<(31-userProtKeybit)) */
+#define FamVMena 0x00100000 /* (1<<(31-FamVMenabit)) */
+#define FamVMmode 0x00080000 /* (1<<(31-FamVMmodebit)) */
+#define perfMonitor 0x00040000 /* (1<<(31-perfMonitorbit)) */
+#define OnProc 0x00020000 /* (1<<(31-OnProcbit)) */
+#define bbThread 0x00000008 /* (1<<(31-bbThreadbit)) */
+#define bbNoMachSC 0x00000004 /* (1<<(31-bbNoMachSCbit)) */
+#define bbPreemptive 0x00000002 /* (1<<(31-bbPreemptivebit)) */
+#define fvChkb 0
+#define fvChk 0x80000000
+#ifdef MACH_BSD
+ uint64_t cthread_self; /* for use of cthread package */
+extern struct savearea *find_user_regs(thread_t);
+extern struct savearea *get_user_regs(thread_t);
+extern struct savearea_fpu *find_user_fpu(thread_t);
+extern struct savearea_vec *find_user_vec(thread_t);
+extern struct savearea_vec *find_user_vec_curr(void);
+extern int thread_enable_fpe(thread_t act, int onoff);
+extern struct savearea *find_kern_regs(thread_t);
+extern void *act_thread_csave(void);
+extern void act_thread_catt(void *ctx);
+extern void act_thread_cfree(void *ctx);