* Copyright (c) 2005, 2015 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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- *
+ *
#include <vm/vm_map.h>
-struct proc_taskinfo_internal {
- uint64_t pti_virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
- uint64_t pti_resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
- uint64_t pti_total_user; /* total time */
- uint64_t pti_total_system;
- uint64_t pti_threads_user; /* existing threads only */
- uint64_t pti_threads_system;
- int32_t pti_policy; /* default policy for new threads */
- int32_t pti_faults; /* number of page faults */
- int32_t pti_pageins; /* number of actual pageins */
- int32_t pti_cow_faults; /* number of copy-on-write faults */
- int32_t pti_messages_sent; /* number of messages sent */
- int32_t pti_messages_received; /* number of messages received */
- int32_t pti_syscalls_mach; /* number of mach system calls */
- int32_t pti_syscalls_unix; /* number of unix system calls */
- int32_t pti_csw; /* number of context switches */
- int32_t pti_threadnum; /* number of threads in the task */
- int32_t pti_numrunning; /* number of running threads */
+struct proc_taskinfo_internal {
+ uint64_t pti_virtual_size; /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
+ uint64_t pti_resident_size; /* resident memory size (bytes) */
+ uint64_t pti_total_user; /* total time */
+ uint64_t pti_total_system;
+ uint64_t pti_threads_user; /* existing threads only */
+ uint64_t pti_threads_system;
+ int32_t pti_policy; /* default policy for new threads */
+ int32_t pti_faults; /* number of page faults */
+ int32_t pti_pageins; /* number of actual pageins */
+ int32_t pti_cow_faults; /* number of copy-on-write faults */
+ int32_t pti_messages_sent; /* number of messages sent */
+ int32_t pti_messages_received; /* number of messages received */
+ int32_t pti_syscalls_mach; /* number of mach system calls */
+ int32_t pti_syscalls_unix; /* number of unix system calls */
+ int32_t pti_csw; /* number of context switches */
+ int32_t pti_threadnum; /* number of threads in the task */
+ int32_t pti_numrunning; /* number of running threads */
int32_t pti_priority; /* task priority*/
struct proc_threadinfo_internal {
- uint64_t pth_user_time; /* user run time */
- uint64_t pth_system_time; /* system run time */
- int32_t pth_cpu_usage; /* scaled cpu usage percentage */
- int32_t pth_policy; /* scheduling policy in effect */
- int32_t pth_run_state; /* run state (see below) */
- int32_t pth_flags; /* various flags (see below) */
- int32_t pth_sleep_time; /* number of seconds that thread */
- int32_t pth_curpri; /* cur priority*/
- int32_t pth_priority; /* priority*/
- int32_t pth_maxpriority; /* max priority*/
- char pth_name[MAXTHREADNAMESIZE]; /* thread name, if any */
+ uint64_t pth_user_time; /* user run time */
+ uint64_t pth_system_time; /* system run time */
+ int32_t pth_cpu_usage; /* scaled cpu usage percentage */
+ int32_t pth_policy; /* scheduling policy in effect */
+ int32_t pth_run_state; /* run state (see below) */
+ int32_t pth_flags; /* various flags (see below) */
+ int32_t pth_sleep_time; /* number of seconds that thread */
+ int32_t pth_curpri; /* cur priority*/
+ int32_t pth_priority; /* priority*/
+ int32_t pth_maxpriority; /* max priority*/
+ char pth_name[MAXTHREADNAMESIZE]; /* thread name, if any */
struct proc_regioninfo_internal {
- uint32_t pri_protection;
- uint32_t pri_max_protection;
- uint32_t pri_inheritance;
- uint32_t pri_flags; /* shared, external pager, is submap */
- uint64_t pri_offset;
- uint32_t pri_behavior;
- uint32_t pri_user_wired_count;
- uint32_t pri_user_tag;
- uint32_t pri_pages_resident;
- uint32_t pri_pages_shared_now_private;
- uint32_t pri_pages_swapped_out;
- uint32_t pri_pages_dirtied;
- uint32_t pri_ref_count;
- uint32_t pri_shadow_depth;
- uint32_t pri_share_mode;
- uint32_t pri_private_pages_resident;
- uint32_t pri_shared_pages_resident;
- uint32_t pri_obj_id;
- uint32_t pri_depth;
- uint64_t pri_address;
- uint64_t pri_size;
+ uint32_t pri_protection;
+ uint32_t pri_max_protection;
+ uint32_t pri_inheritance;
+ uint32_t pri_flags; /* shared, external pager, is submap */
+ uint64_t pri_offset;
+ uint32_t pri_behavior;
+ uint32_t pri_user_wired_count;
+ uint32_t pri_user_tag;
+ uint32_t pri_pages_resident;
+ uint32_t pri_pages_shared_now_private;
+ uint32_t pri_pages_swapped_out;
+ uint32_t pri_pages_dirtied;
+ uint32_t pri_ref_count;
+ uint32_t pri_shadow_depth;
+ uint32_t pri_share_mode;
+ uint32_t pri_private_pages_resident;
+ uint32_t pri_shared_pages_resident;
+ uint32_t pri_obj_id;
+ uint32_t pri_depth;
+ uint64_t pri_address;
+ uint64_t pri_size;
extern uint32_t vnode_vid(void *vp);
kern_return_t vnode_pager_get_object_devvp(memory_object_t mem_obj, uintptr_t *devvp);
extern struct vnode *vnode_mountdevvp(struct vnode *);
+extern boolean_t vnode_isonexternalstorage(void *vp);
extern int fill_procregioninfo(task_t t, uint64_t arg, struct proc_regioninfo_internal *pinfo, uintptr_t *vp, uint32_t *vid);
extern int fill_procregioninfo_onlymappedvnodes(task_t t, uint64_t arg, struct proc_regioninfo_internal *pinfo, uintptr_t *vp, uint32_t *vid);
+extern int find_region_details(task_t task, vm_map_offset_t offset, uintptr_t *vnodeaddr, uint32_t *vid, uint64_t *start, uint64_t *len);
void fill_taskprocinfo(task_t task, struct proc_taskinfo_internal * ptinfo);
-int fill_taskthreadinfo(task_t task, uint64_t thaddr, int thuniqueid, struct proc_threadinfo_internal * ptinfo, void *, int *);
-int fill_taskthreadlist(task_t task, void * buffer, int thcount);
+int fill_taskthreadinfo(task_t task, uint64_t thaddr, bool thuniqueid, struct proc_threadinfo_internal * ptinfo, void *, int *);
+int fill_taskthreadlist(task_t task, void * buffer, int thcount, bool thuniqueid);
int get_numthreads(task_t);
boolean_t bsd_hasthreadname(void *uth);
void bsd_getthreadname(void *uth, char* buffer);
void bsd_setthreadname(void *uth, const char* buffer);
void bsd_threadcdir(void * uth, void *vptr, int *vidp);
extern void bsd_copythreadname(void *dst_uth, void *src_uth);
+int fill_taskipctableinfo(task_t task, uint32_t *table_size, uint32_t *table_free);
#endif /*_SYS_BSDTASK_INFO_H */