- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
/* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/resourcevar.h>
#include <sys/signalvar.h>
-#include <sys/proc.h>
-#include <sys/buf.h>
+#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
+#include <sys/kauth.h>
+#include <sys/malloc.h>
#include <sys/vnode.h>
-#include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <sys/dirent.h>
+#include <sys/mount_internal.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
-#include <sys/sysctl.h>
-#include <sys/ubc.h>
+#include <sys/ubc_internal.h>
+#include <sys/uio_internal.h>
+#include <sys/kpi_mbuf.h>
#include <sys/vm.h>
#include <sys/vmparam.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <kern/clock.h>
+#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
+#include <kern/kalloc.h>
+#include <kern/thread_call.h>
#include <nfs/rpcv2.h>
#include <nfs/nfsproto.h>
#include <nfs/nfs.h>
+#include <nfs/nfs_gss.h>
#include <nfs/nfsmount.h>
-#include <nfs/nqnfs.h>
#include <nfs/nfsnode.h>
+#include <sys/buf_internal.h>
+#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
-#include <sys/kdebug.h>
+#define NFS_BIO_DBG(...) NFS_DBG(NFS_FAC_BIO, 7, ## __VA_ARGS__)
-#define FSDBG(A, B, C, D, E) \
- (int)(B), (int)(C), (int)(D), (int)(E), 0)
-#define FSDBG_TOP(A, B, C, D, E) \
- (int)(B), (int)(C), (int)(D), (int)(E), 0)
-#define FSDBG_BOT(A, B, C, D, E) \
- (int)(B), (int)(C), (int)(D), (int)(E), 0)
+kern_return_t thread_terminate(thread_t); /* XXX */
-static struct buf *nfs_getcacheblk __P((struct vnode *vp, daddr_t bn, int size,
- struct proc *p, int operation));
+#define NFSBUFHASH(np, lbn) \
+ (&nfsbufhashtbl[((long)(np) / sizeof(*(np)) + (int)(lbn)) & nfsbufhash])
+LIST_HEAD(nfsbufhashhead, nfsbuf) *nfsbufhashtbl;
+struct nfsbuffreehead nfsbuffree, nfsbuffreemeta, nfsbufdelwri;
+u_long nfsbufhash;
+int nfsbufcnt, nfsbufmin, nfsbufmax, nfsbufmetacnt, nfsbufmetamax;
+int nfsbuffreecnt, nfsbuffreemetacnt, nfsbufdelwricnt, nfsneedbuffer;
+int nfs_nbdwrite;
+int nfs_buf_timer_on = 0;
+thread_t nfsbufdelwrithd = NULL;
-extern int nfs_numasync;
-extern struct nfsstats nfsstats;
-extern int nbdwrite;
+lck_grp_t *nfs_buf_lck_grp;
+lck_mtx_t *nfs_buf_mutex;
- * Vnode op for read using bio
- * Any similarity to readip() is purely coincidental
- */
-nfs_bioread(vp, uio, ioflag, cred, getpages)
- register struct vnode *vp;
- register struct uio *uio;
- int ioflag;
- struct ucred *cred;
- int getpages;
- register struct nfsnode *np = VTONFS(vp);
- register int biosize, diff, i;
- struct buf *bp = 0, *rabp;
- struct vattr vattr;
- struct proc *p;
- struct nfsmount *nmp = VFSTONFS(vp->v_mount);
- daddr_t lbn, rabn;
- int bufsize;
- int nra, error = 0, n = 0, on = 0, not_readin;
- int operation = (getpages? BLK_PAGEIN : BLK_READ);
- if (uio->uio_rw != UIO_READ)
- panic("nfs_read mode");
- if (uio->uio_resid == 0)
- return (0);
- if (uio->uio_offset < 0)
- return (EINVAL);
- p = uio->uio_procp;
- if ((nmp->nm_flag & (NFSMNT_NFSV3 | NFSMNT_GOTFSINFO)) == NFSMNT_NFSV3)
- (void)nfs_fsinfo(nmp, vp, cred, p);
- /*due to getblk/vm interractions, use vm page size or less values */
- biosize = min(vp->v_mount->mnt_stat.f_iosize, PAGE_SIZE);
- /*
- * For nfs, cache consistency can only be maintained approximately.
- * Although RFC1094 does not specify the criteria, the following is
- * believed to be compatible with the reference port.
- * For nqnfs, full cache consistency is maintained within the loop.
- * For nfs:
- * If the file's modify time on the server has changed since the
- * last read rpc or you have written to the file,
- * you may have lost data cache consistency with the
- * server, so flush all of the file's data out of the cache.
- * Then force a getattr rpc to ensure that you have up to date
- * attributes.
- * NB: This implies that cache data can be read when up to
- * NFS_ATTRTIMEO seconds out of date. If you find that you need current
- * attributes this could be forced by setting n_attrstamp to 0 before
- * the VOP_GETATTR() call.
- */
- if ((nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NQNFS) == 0) {
- if (np->n_flag & NMODIFIED) {
- if (vp->v_type != VREG) {
- if (vp->v_type != VDIR)
- panic("nfs: bioread, not dir");
- nfs_invaldir(vp);
- error = nfs_vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, cred, p, 1);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- }
- np->n_attrstamp = 0;
- error = VOP_GETATTR(vp, &vattr, cred, p);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- np->n_mtime = vattr.va_mtime.tv_sec;
- } else {
- error = VOP_GETATTR(vp, &vattr, cred, p);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- if (np->n_mtime != vattr.va_mtime.tv_sec) {
- if (vp->v_type == VDIR)
- nfs_invaldir(vp);
- error = nfs_vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, cred, p, 1);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- np->n_mtime = vattr.va_mtime.tv_sec;
- }
- }
- }
- do {
+#define NFSBUF_FREE_PERIOD 30 /* seconds */
+#define NFSBUF_LRU_STALE 120
+#define NFSBUF_META_STALE 240
- /*
- * Get a valid lease. If cached data is stale, flush it.
- */
- if (nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NQNFS) {
- if (NQNFS_CKINVALID(vp, np, ND_READ)) {
- do {
- error = nqnfs_getlease(vp, ND_READ, cred, p);
- } while (error == NQNFS_EXPIRED);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- if (np->n_lrev != np->n_brev ||
- (np->n_flag & NQNFSNONCACHE) ||
- ((np->n_flag & NMODIFIED) && vp->v_type == VDIR)) {
- if (vp->v_type == VDIR)
- nfs_invaldir(vp);
- error = nfs_vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, cred, p, 1);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- np->n_brev = np->n_lrev;
- }
- } else if (vp->v_type == VDIR && (np->n_flag & NMODIFIED)) {
- nfs_invaldir(vp);
- error = nfs_vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, cred, p, 1);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- }
- }
- if (np->n_flag & NQNFSNONCACHE) {
- switch (vp->v_type) {
- case VREG:
- return (nfs_readrpc(vp, uio, cred));
- case VLNK:
- return (nfs_readlinkrpc(vp, uio, cred));
- case VDIR:
- break;
- default:
- printf(" NQNFSNONCACHE: type %x unexpected\n",
- vp->v_type);
- };
- }
- switch (vp->v_type) {
- case VREG:
- nfsstats.biocache_reads++;
- lbn = uio->uio_offset / biosize;
- on = uio->uio_offset & (biosize - 1);
- not_readin = 1;
+/* number of nfsbufs nfs_buf_freeup() should attempt to free from nfsbuffree list */
+#define LRU_TO_FREEUP 6
+/* number of nfsbufs nfs_buf_freeup() should attempt to free from nfsbuffreemeta list */
+#define META_TO_FREEUP 3
+/* total number of nfsbufs nfs_buf_freeup() should attempt to free */
+/* fraction of nfsbufs nfs_buf_freeup() should attempt to free from nfsbuffree list when called from timer */
+/* fraction of nfsbufs nfs_buf_freeup() should attempt to free from nfsbuffreemeta list when called from timer */
+/* fraction of total nfsbufs that nfsbuffreecnt should exceed before bothering to call nfs_buf_freeup() */
+/* fraction of total nfsbufs that nfsbuffreemetacnt should exceed before bothering to call nfs_buf_freeup() */
- /*
- * Start the read ahead(s), as required.
- */
- if (nfs_numasync > 0 && nmp->nm_readahead > 0) {
- for (nra = 0; nra < nmp->nm_readahead &&
- (off_t)(lbn + 1 + nra) * biosize < np->n_size;
- nra++) {
- rabn = lbn + 1 + nra;
- if (!incore(vp, rabn)) {
- rabp = nfs_getcacheblk(vp, rabn, biosize, p, operation);
- if (!rabp)
- return (EINTR);
- if (!ISSET(rabp->b_flags, (B_CACHE|B_DELWRI))) {
- SET(rabp->b_flags, (B_READ | B_ASYNC));
- if (nfs_asyncio(rabp, cred)) {
- SET(rabp->b_flags, (B_INVAL|B_ERROR));
- rabp->b_error = EIO;
- brelse(rabp);
- }
- } else
- brelse(rabp);
- }
- }
- }
+#define NFS_BUF_FREEUP() \
+ do { \
+ /* only call nfs_buf_freeup() if it has work to do: */ \
+ if (((nfsbuffreecnt > nfsbufcnt/LRU_FREEUP_MIN_FRAC) || \
+ (nfsbuffreemetacnt > nfsbufcnt/META_FREEUP_MIN_FRAC)) && \
+ ((nfsbufcnt - TOTAL_TO_FREEUP) > nfsbufmin)) \
+ nfs_buf_freeup(0); \
+ } while (0)
- /*
- * If the block is in the cache and has the required data
- * in a valid region, just copy it out.
- * Otherwise, get the block and write back/read in,
- * as required.
- */
- bufsize = biosize;
- if ((off_t)(lbn + 1) * biosize > np->n_size &&
- (off_t)(lbn + 1) * biosize - np->n_size < biosize) {
- bufsize = np->n_size - lbn * biosize;
- bufsize = (bufsize + DEV_BSIZE - 1) & ~(DEV_BSIZE - 1);
- }
- bp = nfs_getcacheblk(vp, lbn, bufsize, p, operation);
- if (!bp)
- return (EINTR);
+ * Initialize nfsbuf lists
+ */
+ nfs_buf_lck_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("nfs_buf", LCK_GRP_ATTR_NULL);
+ nfs_buf_mutex = lck_mtx_alloc_init(nfs_buf_lck_grp, LCK_ATTR_NULL);
- if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_CACHE)) {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_READ);
- CLR(bp->b_flags, (B_DONE | B_ERROR | B_INVAL));
- not_readin = 0;
- error = nfs_doio(bp, cred, p);
- if (error) {
- brelse(bp);
- return (error);
- }
- }
- if (bufsize > on) {
- n = min((unsigned)(bufsize - on), uio->uio_resid);
- } else {
- n = 0;
- }
- diff = np->n_size - uio->uio_offset;
- if (diff < n)
- n = diff;
- if (not_readin && n > 0) {
- if (on < bp->b_validoff || (on + n) > bp->b_validend) {
- if (bp->b_dirtyend > 0) {
- if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI))
- panic("nfsbioread");
- if (VOP_BWRITE(bp) == EINTR)
- return (EINTR);
- } else
- brelse(bp);
- goto again;
- }
- }
- vp->v_lastr = lbn;
- diff = (on >= bp->b_validend) ? 0 : (bp->b_validend - on);
- if (diff < n)
- n = diff;
- break;
- case VLNK:
- nfsstats.biocache_readlinks++;
- bp = nfs_getcacheblk(vp, (daddr_t)0, NFS_MAXPATHLEN, p, operation);
- if (!bp)
- return (EINTR);
- if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_CACHE)) {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_READ);
- error = nfs_doio(bp, cred, p);
- if (error) {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_ERROR);
- brelse(bp);
- return (error);
- }
- }
- n = min(uio->uio_resid, NFS_MAXPATHLEN - bp->b_resid);
- on = 0;
- break;
- case VDIR:
- nfsstats.biocache_readdirs++;
- if (np->n_direofoffset
- && uio->uio_offset >= np->n_direofoffset) {
- return (0);
- }
- lbn = uio->uio_offset / NFS_DIRBLKSIZ;
- on = uio->uio_offset & (NFS_DIRBLKSIZ - 1);
- bp = nfs_getcacheblk(vp, lbn, NFS_DIRBLKSIZ, p, operation);
- if (!bp)
- return (EINTR);
- if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_CACHE)) {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_READ);
- error = nfs_doio(bp, cred, p);
- if (error) {
- brelse(bp);
- }
- while (error == NFSERR_BAD_COOKIE) {
- nfs_invaldir(vp);
- error = nfs_vinvalbuf(vp, 0, cred, p, 1);
- /*
- * Yuck! The directory has been modified on the
- * server. The only way to get the block is by
- * reading from the beginning to get all the
- * offset cookies.
- */
- for (i = 0; i <= lbn && !error; i++) {
- if (np->n_direofoffset
- && (i * NFS_DIRBLKSIZ) >= np->n_direofoffset)
- return (0);
- bp = nfs_getcacheblk(vp, i, NFS_DIRBLKSIZ, p,
- operation);
- if (!bp)
- return (EINTR);
- if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_CACHE)) {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_READ);
- error = nfs_doio(bp, cred, p);
- /*
- * no error + B_INVAL == directory EOF,
- * use the block.
- */
- if (error == 0 && (bp->b_flags & B_INVAL))
- break;
- }
- /*
- * An error will throw away the block and the
- * for loop will break out. If no error and this
- * is not the block we want, we throw away the
- * block and go for the next one via the for loop.
- */
- if (error || i < lbn)
- brelse(bp);
- }
- }
- /*
- * The above while is repeated if we hit another cookie
- * error. If we hit an error and it wasn't a cookie error,
- * we give up.
- */
- if (error)
- return (error);
- }
+ nfsbufcnt = nfsbufmetacnt =
+ nfsbuffreecnt = nfsbuffreemetacnt = nfsbufdelwricnt = 0;
+ nfsbufmin = 128;
+ /* size nfsbufmax to cover at most half sane_size (w/default buf size) */
+ nfsbufmax = (sane_size >> PAGE_SHIFT) / (2 * (NFS_RWSIZE >> PAGE_SHIFT));
+ nfsbufmetamax = nfsbufmax / 4;
+ nfsneedbuffer = 0;
+ nfs_nbdwrite = 0;
- /*
- * If not eof and read aheads are enabled, start one.
- * (You need the current block first, so that you have the
- * directory offset cookie of the next block.)
- */
- if (nfs_numasync > 0 && nmp->nm_readahead > 0 &&
- (np->n_direofoffset == 0 ||
- (lbn + 1) * NFS_DIRBLKSIZ < np->n_direofoffset) &&
- !(np->n_flag & NQNFSNONCACHE) &&
- !incore(vp, lbn + 1)) {
- rabp = nfs_getcacheblk(vp, lbn + 1, NFS_DIRBLKSIZ, p,
- operation);
- if (rabp) {
- if (!ISSET(rabp->b_flags, (B_CACHE|B_DELWRI))) {
- SET(rabp->b_flags, (B_READ | B_ASYNC));
- if (nfs_asyncio(rabp, cred)) {
- SET(rabp->b_flags, (B_INVAL|B_ERROR));
- rabp->b_error = EIO;
- brelse(rabp);
- }
- } else {
- brelse(rabp);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Make sure we use a signed variant of min() since
- * the second term may be negative.
- */
- n = lmin(uio->uio_resid, NFS_DIRBLKSIZ - bp->b_resid - on);
- /*
- * Unlike VREG files, whos buffer size ( bp->b_bcount ) is
- * chopped for the EOF condition, we cannot tell how large
- * NFS directories are going to be until we hit EOF. So
- * an NFS directory buffer is *not* chopped to its EOF. Now,
- * it just so happens that b_resid will effectively chop it
- * to EOF. *BUT* this information is lost if the buffer goes
- * away and is reconstituted into a B_CACHE state (recovered
- * from VM) later. So we keep track of the directory eof
- * in np->n_direofoffset and chop it off as an extra step
- * right here.
- */
- if (np->n_direofoffset &&
- n > np->n_direofoffset - uio->uio_offset)
- n = np->n_direofoffset - uio->uio_offset;
- break;
- default:
- printf(" nfs_bioread: type %x unexpected\n",vp->v_type);
- break;
- };
+ nfsbufhashtbl = hashinit(nfsbufmax/4, M_TEMP, &nfsbufhash);
+ TAILQ_INIT(&nfsbuffree);
+ TAILQ_INIT(&nfsbuffreemeta);
+ TAILQ_INIT(&nfsbufdelwri);
- if (n > 0) {
- error = uiomove(bp->b_data + on, (int)n, uio);
- }
- switch (vp->v_type) {
- case VREG:
- break;
- case VLNK:
- n = 0;
- break;
- case VDIR:
- if (np->n_flag & NQNFSNONCACHE)
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL);
- break;
- default:
- printf(" nfs_bioread: type %x unexpected\n",vp->v_type);
- }
- brelse(bp);
- } while (error == 0 && uio->uio_resid > 0 && n > 0);
- return (error);
- * Vnode op for write using bio
+ * Check periodically for stale/unused nfs bufs
- struct vop_write_args /* {
- struct vnode *a_vp;
- struct uio *a_uio;
- int a_ioflag;
- struct ucred *a_cred;
- } */ *ap;
+nfs_buf_timer(__unused void *param0, __unused void *param1)
- register int biosize;
- register struct uio *uio = ap->a_uio;
- struct proc *p = uio->uio_procp;
- register struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp;
- struct nfsnode *np = VTONFS(vp);
- register struct ucred *cred = ap->a_cred;
- int ioflag = ap->a_ioflag;
- struct buf *bp;
- struct vattr vattr;
- struct nfsmount *nmp = VFSTONFS(vp->v_mount);
- daddr_t lbn;
- int bufsize;
- int n, on, error = 0, iomode, must_commit;
- off_t boff;
- struct iovec iov;
- struct uio auio;
- if (uio->uio_rw != UIO_WRITE)
- panic("nfs_write mode");
- if (uio->uio_segflg == UIO_USERSPACE && uio->uio_procp != current_proc())
- panic("nfs_write proc");
- if (vp->v_type != VREG)
- return (EIO);
- if (np->n_flag & NWRITEERR) {
- np->n_flag &= ~NWRITEERR;
- return (np->n_error);
- }
- if ((nmp->nm_flag & (NFSMNT_NFSV3 | NFSMNT_GOTFSINFO)) == NFSMNT_NFSV3)
- (void)nfs_fsinfo(nmp, vp, cred, p);
- if (ioflag & (IO_APPEND | IO_SYNC)) {
- if (np->n_flag & NMODIFIED) {
- np->n_attrstamp = 0;
- error = nfs_vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, cred, p, 1);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- }
- if (ioflag & IO_APPEND) {
- np->n_attrstamp = 0;
- error = VOP_GETATTR(vp, &vattr, cred, p);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- uio->uio_offset = np->n_size;
- }
- }
- if (uio->uio_offset < 0)
- return (EINVAL);
- if (uio->uio_resid == 0)
- return (0);
- /*
- * Maybe this should be above the vnode op call, but so long as
- * file servers have no limits, i don't think it matters
- */
- if (p && uio->uio_offset + uio->uio_resid >
- p->p_rlimit[RLIMIT_FSIZE].rlim_cur) {
- psignal(p, SIGXFSZ);
- return (EFBIG);
- }
- /*
- * I use nm_rsize, not nm_wsize so that all buffer cache blocks
- * will be the same size within a filesystem. nfs_writerpc will
- * still use nm_wsize when sizing the rpc's.
- */
- /*due to getblk/vm interractions, use vm page size or less values */
- biosize = min(vp->v_mount->mnt_stat.f_iosize, PAGE_SIZE);
- do {
- /*
- * Check for a valid write lease.
- */
- if ((nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NQNFS) &&
- do {
- error = nqnfs_getlease(vp, ND_WRITE, cred, p);
- } while (error == NQNFS_EXPIRED);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- if (np->n_lrev != np->n_brev ||
- (np->n_flag & NQNFSNONCACHE)) {
- error = nfs_vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, cred, p, 1);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- np->n_brev = np->n_lrev;
- }
- }
- if ((np->n_flag & NQNFSNONCACHE) && uio->uio_iovcnt == 1) {
- error = nfs_writerpc(vp, uio, cred, &iomode, &must_commit);
- if (must_commit)
- nfs_clearcommit(vp->v_mount);
- return (error);
- }
- nfsstats.biocache_writes++;
- lbn = uio->uio_offset / biosize;
- on = uio->uio_offset & (biosize-1);
- n = min((unsigned)(biosize - on), uio->uio_resid);
- bufsize = biosize;
-#if 0
-/* (removed for UBC) */
- if ((lbn + 1) * biosize > np->n_size) {
- bufsize = np->n_size - lbn * biosize;
- bufsize = (bufsize + DEV_BSIZE - 1) & ~(DEV_BSIZE - 1);
- }
- /*
- * Get a cache block for writing. The range to be written is
- * (off..off+len) within the block. We ensure that the block
- * either has no dirty region or that the given range is
- * contiguous with the existing dirty region.
- */
- bp = nfs_getcacheblk(vp, lbn, bufsize, p, BLK_WRITE);
- if (!bp)
- return (EINTR);
- /*
- * Resize nfsnode *after* we busy the buffer to prevent
- * readers from reading garbage.
- * If there was a partial buf at the old eof, validate
- * and zero the new bytes.
- */
- if (uio->uio_offset + n > np->n_size) {
- struct buf *bp0 = NULL;
- daddr_t bn = np->n_size / biosize;
- int off = np->n_size & (biosize - 1);
- if (off && bn < lbn && incore(vp, bn))
- bp0 = nfs_getcacheblk(vp, bn, biosize, p,
- np->n_flag |= NMODIFIED;
- np->n_size = uio->uio_offset + n;
- ubc_setsize(vp, (off_t)np->n_size); /* XXX errors */
- if (bp0) {
- bzero((char *)bp0->b_data + off, biosize - off);
- bp0->b_validend = biosize;
- brelse(bp0);
- }
- }
- /*
- * NFS has embedded ucred so crhold() risks zone corruption
- */
- if (bp->b_wcred == NOCRED)
- bp->b_wcred = crdup(cred);
- /*
- * If dirtyend exceeds file size, chop it down. This should
- * not occur unless there is a race.
- */
- if ((off_t)bp->b_blkno * DEV_BSIZE + bp->b_dirtyend >
- np->n_size)
- bp->b_dirtyend = np->n_size - (off_t)bp->b_blkno *
- /*
- * UBC doesn't (yet) handle partial pages so nfs_biowrite was
- * hacked to never bdwrite, to start every little write right
- * away. Running IE Avie noticed the performance problem, thus
- * this code, which permits those delayed writes by ensuring an
- * initial read of the entire page. The read may hit eof
- * ("short read") but that we will handle.
- *
- * We are quite dependant on the correctness of B_CACHE so check
- * that first in case of problems.
- */
- if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_CACHE) && n < PAGE_SIZE) {
- boff = (off_t)bp->b_blkno * DEV_BSIZE;
- auio.uio_iov = &iov;
- auio.uio_iovcnt = 1;
- auio.uio_offset = boff;
- auio.uio_resid = PAGE_SIZE;
- auio.uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE;
- auio.uio_rw = UIO_READ;
- auio.uio_procp = p;
- iov.iov_base = bp->b_data;
- iov.iov_len = PAGE_SIZE;
- error = nfs_readrpc(vp, &auio, cred);
- if (error) {
- bp->b_error = error;
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_ERROR);
- printf("nfs_write: readrpc %d", error);
- }
- if (auio.uio_resid > 0)
- bzero(iov.iov_base, auio.uio_resid);
- bp->b_validoff = 0;
- bp->b_validend = PAGE_SIZE - auio.uio_resid;
- if (np->n_size > boff + bp->b_validend)
- bp->b_validend = min(np->n_size - boff,
- bp->b_dirtyoff = 0;
- bp->b_dirtyend = 0;
- }
- /*
- * If the new write will leave a contiguous dirty
- * area, just update the b_dirtyoff and b_dirtyend,
- * otherwise try to extend the dirty region.
- */
- if (bp->b_dirtyend > 0 &&
- (on > bp->b_dirtyend || (on + n) < bp->b_dirtyoff)) {
- off_t start, end;
- boff = (off_t)bp->b_blkno * DEV_BSIZE;
- if (on > bp->b_dirtyend) {
- start = boff + bp->b_validend;
- end = boff + on;
- } else {
- start = boff + on + n;
- end = boff + bp->b_validoff;
- }
- /*
- * It may be that the valid region in the buffer
- * covers the region we want, in which case just
- * extend the dirty region. Otherwise we try to
- * extend the valid region.
- */
- if (end > start) {
- auio.uio_iov = &iov;
- auio.uio_iovcnt = 1;
- auio.uio_offset = start;
- auio.uio_resid = end - start;
- auio.uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE;
- auio.uio_rw = UIO_READ;
- auio.uio_procp = p;
- iov.iov_base = bp->b_data + (start - boff);
- iov.iov_len = end - start;
- error = nfs_readrpc(vp, &auio, cred);
- /*
- * If we couldn't read, do not do a VOP_BWRITE
- * as originally coded. That could also error
- * and looping back to "again" as it was doing
- * could have us stuck trying to write same buf
- * again. nfs_write, will get the entire region
- * if nfs_readrpc succeeded. If unsuccessful
- * we should just error out. Errors like ESTALE
- * would keep us looping rather than transient
- * errors justifying a retry. We can return here
- * instead of altering dirty region later. We
- * did not write old dirty region at this point.
- */
- if (error) {
- bp->b_error = error;
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_ERROR);
- printf("nfs_write: readrpc2 %d", error);
- brelse(bp);
- return (error);
- }
- /*
- * The read worked.
- * If there was a short read, just zero fill.
- */
- if (auio.uio_resid > 0)
- bzero(iov.iov_base, auio.uio_resid);
- if (on > bp->b_dirtyend)
- bp->b_validend = on;
- else
- bp->b_validoff = on + n;
- }
- /*
- * We now have a valid region which extends up to the
- * dirty region which we want.
- */
- if (on > bp->b_dirtyend)
- bp->b_dirtyend = on;
- else
- bp->b_dirtyoff = on + n;
- }
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_ERROR)) {
- error = bp->b_error;
- brelse(bp);
- return (error);
- }
- /*
- * NFS has embedded ucred so crhold() risks zone corruption
- */
- if (bp->b_wcred == NOCRED)
- bp->b_wcred = crdup(cred);
- np->n_flag |= NMODIFIED;
- /*
- * Check for valid write lease and get one as required.
- * In case getblk() and/or bwrite() delayed us.
- */
- if ((nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NQNFS) &&
- do {
- error = nqnfs_getlease(vp, ND_WRITE, cred, p);
- } while (error == NQNFS_EXPIRED);
- if (error) {
- brelse(bp);
- return (error);
- }
- if (np->n_lrev != np->n_brev ||
- (np->n_flag & NQNFSNONCACHE)) {
- brelse(bp);
- error = nfs_vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, cred, p, 1);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- np->n_brev = np->n_lrev;
- goto again;
- }
- }
- error = uiomove((char *)bp->b_data + on, n, uio);
- if (error) {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_ERROR);
- brelse(bp);
- return (error);
- }
- if (bp->b_dirtyend > 0) {
- bp->b_dirtyoff = min(on, bp->b_dirtyoff);
- bp->b_dirtyend = max((on + n), bp->b_dirtyend);
- } else {
- bp->b_dirtyoff = on;
- bp->b_dirtyend = on + n;
- }
- if (bp->b_validend == 0 || bp->b_validend < bp->b_dirtyoff ||
- bp->b_validoff > bp->b_dirtyend) {
- bp->b_validoff = bp->b_dirtyoff;
- bp->b_validend = bp->b_dirtyend;
- } else {
- bp->b_validoff = min(bp->b_validoff, bp->b_dirtyoff);
- bp->b_validend = max(bp->b_validend, bp->b_dirtyend);
- }
+ nfs_buf_freeup(1);
- /*
- * Since this block is being modified, it must be written
- * again and not just committed.
- */
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_NEEDCOMMIT);
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (nfsbufcnt <= nfsbufmin) {
+ nfs_buf_timer_on = 0;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ return;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
- /*
- * If the lease is non-cachable or IO_SYNC do bwrite().
- */
- if ((np->n_flag & NQNFSNONCACHE) || (ioflag & IO_SYNC)) {
- bp->b_proc = p;
- error = VOP_BWRITE(bp);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- if (np->n_flag & NQNFSNONCACHE) {
- error = nfs_vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, cred, p, 1);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- }
- } else if ((n + on) == biosize &&
- (nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NQNFS) == 0) {
- bp->b_proc = (struct proc *)0;
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_ASYNC);
- (void)nfs_writebp(bp, 0);
- } else
- bdwrite(bp);
- } while (uio->uio_resid > 0 && n > 0);
- return (0);
+ nfs_interval_timer_start(nfs_buf_timer_call,
- * Get an nfs cache block.
- * Allocate a new one if the block isn't currently in the cache
- * and return the block marked busy. If the calling process is
- * interrupted by a signal for an interruptible mount point, return
- * NULL.
+ * try to free up some excess, unused nfsbufs
-static struct buf *
-nfs_getcacheblk(vp, bn, size, p, operation)
- struct vnode *vp;
- daddr_t bn;
- int size;
- struct proc *p;
- int operation; /* defined in sys/buf.h */
+nfs_buf_freeup(int timer)
- register struct buf *bp;
- struct nfsmount *nmp = VFSTONFS(vp->v_mount);
- /*due to getblk/vm interractions, use vm page size or less values */
- int biosize = min(vp->v_mount->mnt_stat.f_iosize, PAGE_SIZE);
+ struct nfsbuf *fbp;
+ struct timeval now;
+ int count;
+ struct nfsbuffreehead nfsbuffreeup;
+ TAILQ_INIT(&nfsbuffreeup);
- if (nbdwrite > ((nbuf/4)*3) && operation == BLK_WRITE) {
- struct buf *tbp[__BUFFERS_RECLAIMED];
- int i;
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
- /* too many delayed writes, try to free up some buffers */
- for (i = 0; i < __BUFFERS_RECLAIMED; i++)
- tbp[i] = geteblk(512);
+ microuptime(&now);
- /* Yield to IO thread */
- (void)tsleep((caddr_t)&nbdwrite, PCATCH, "nbdwrite", 1);
+ FSDBG(320, nfsbufcnt, nfsbuffreecnt, nfsbuffreemetacnt, 0);
- for (i = (__BUFFERS_RECLAIMED - 1); i >= 0; i--)
- brelse(tbp[i]);
+ count = timer ? nfsbuffreecnt/LRU_FREEUP_FRAC_ON_TIMER : LRU_TO_FREEUP;
+ while ((nfsbufcnt > nfsbufmin) && (count-- > 0)) {
+ fbp = TAILQ_FIRST(&nfsbuffree);
+ if (!fbp)
+ break;
+ if (fbp->nb_refs)
+ break;
+ if (NBUFSTAMPVALID(fbp) &&
+ (fbp->nb_timestamp + (2*NFSBUF_LRU_STALE)) > now.tv_sec)
+ break;
+ nfs_buf_remfree(fbp);
+ /* disassociate buffer from any nfsnode */
+ if (fbp->nb_np) {
+ if (fbp->nb_vnbufs.le_next != NFSNOLIST) {
+ LIST_REMOVE(fbp, nb_vnbufs);
+ fbp->nb_vnbufs.le_next = NFSNOLIST;
+ }
+ fbp->nb_np = NULL;
+ }
+ LIST_REMOVE(fbp, nb_hash);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nfsbuffreeup, fbp, nb_free);
+ nfsbufcnt--;
- if (nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_INT) {
- bp = getblk(vp, bn, size, PCATCH, 0, operation);
- while (bp == (struct buf *)0) {
- if (nfs_sigintr(nmp, (struct nfsreq *)0, p))
- return ((struct buf *)0);
- bp = getblk(vp, bn, size, 0, 2 * hz, operation);
+ count = timer ? nfsbuffreemetacnt/META_FREEUP_FRAC_ON_TIMER : META_TO_FREEUP;
+ while ((nfsbufcnt > nfsbufmin) && (count-- > 0)) {
+ fbp = TAILQ_FIRST(&nfsbuffreemeta);
+ if (!fbp)
+ break;
+ if (fbp->nb_refs)
+ break;
+ if (NBUFSTAMPVALID(fbp) &&
+ (fbp->nb_timestamp + (2*NFSBUF_META_STALE)) > now.tv_sec)
+ break;
+ nfs_buf_remfree(fbp);
+ /* disassociate buffer from any nfsnode */
+ if (fbp->nb_np) {
+ if (fbp->nb_vnbufs.le_next != NFSNOLIST) {
+ LIST_REMOVE(fbp, nb_vnbufs);
+ fbp->nb_vnbufs.le_next = NFSNOLIST;
+ }
+ fbp->nb_np = NULL;
- } else
- bp = getblk(vp, bn, size, 0, 0, operation);
+ LIST_REMOVE(fbp, nb_hash);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nfsbuffreeup, fbp, nb_free);
+ nfsbufcnt--;
+ nfsbufmetacnt--;
+ }
- if( vp->v_type == VREG)
- bp->b_blkno = (bn * biosize) / DEV_BSIZE;
+ FSDBG(320, nfsbufcnt, nfsbuffreecnt, nfsbuffreemetacnt, 0);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ while ((fbp = TAILQ_FIRST(&nfsbuffreeup))) {
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&nfsbuffreeup, fbp, nb_free);
+ /* nuke any creds */
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(fbp->nb_rcred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&fbp->nb_rcred);
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(fbp->nb_wcred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&fbp->nb_wcred);
+ /* if buf was NB_META, dump buffer */
+ if (ISSET(fbp->nb_flags, NB_META) && fbp->nb_data)
+ kfree(fbp->nb_data, fbp->nb_bufsize);
+ FREE(fbp, M_TEMP);
+ }
- return (bp);
- * Flush and invalidate all dirty buffers. If another process is already
- * doing the flush, just wait for completion.
+ * remove a buffer from the freelist
+ * (must be called with nfs_buf_mutex held)
-nfs_vinvalbuf(vp, flags, cred, p, intrflg)
- struct vnode *vp;
- int flags;
- struct ucred *cred;
- struct proc *p;
- int intrflg;
+nfs_buf_remfree(struct nfsbuf *bp)
- register struct nfsnode *np = VTONFS(vp);
- struct nfsmount *nmp = VFSTONFS(vp->v_mount);
- int error = 0, slpflag, slptimeo;
- int didhold = 0;
- if ((nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_INT) == 0)
- intrflg = 0;
- if (intrflg) {
- slpflag = PCATCH;
- slptimeo = 2 * hz;
+ if (bp->nb_free.tqe_next == NFSNOLIST)
+ panic("nfsbuf not on free list");
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DELWRI)) {
+ nfsbufdelwricnt--;
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&nfsbufdelwri, bp, nb_free);
+ } else if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_META)) {
+ nfsbuffreemetacnt--;
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&nfsbuffreemeta, bp, nb_free);
} else {
- slpflag = 0;
- slptimeo = 0;
- }
- /*
- * First wait for any other process doing a flush to complete.
- */
- while (np->n_flag & NFLUSHINPROG) {
- np->n_flag |= NFLUSHWANT;
- error = tsleep((caddr_t)&np->n_flag, PRIBIO + 2, "nfsvinval",
- slptimeo);
- if (error && intrflg && nfs_sigintr(nmp, (struct nfsreq *)0, p))
- return (EINTR);
+ nfsbuffreecnt--;
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&nfsbuffree, bp, nb_free);
+ bp->nb_free.tqe_next = NFSNOLIST;
- /*
- * Now, flush as required.
- */
- np->n_flag |= NFLUSHINPROG;
- error = vinvalbuf(vp, flags, cred, p, slpflag, 0);
- while (error) {
- /* we seem to be stuck in a loop here if the thread got aborted.
- * nfs_flush will return EINTR. Not sure if that will cause
- * other consequences due to EINTR having other meanings in NFS
- * To handle, no dirty pages, it seems safe to just return from
- * here. But if we did have dirty pages, how would we get them
- * written out if thread was aborted? Some other strategy is
- * necessary. -- EKN
- */
- if ((intrflg && nfs_sigintr(nmp, (struct nfsreq *)0, p)) ||
- (error == EINTR && current_thread_aborted())) {
- np->n_flag &= ~NFLUSHINPROG;
- if (np->n_flag & NFLUSHWANT) {
- np->n_flag &= ~NFLUSHWANT;
- wakeup((caddr_t)&np->n_flag);
+ * check for existence of nfsbuf in cache
+ */
+nfs_buf_is_incore(nfsnode_t np, daddr64_t blkno)
+ boolean_t rv;
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (nfs_buf_incore(np, blkno))
+ rv = TRUE;
+ else
+ rv = FALSE;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ return (rv);
+ * return incore buffer (must be called with nfs_buf_mutex held)
+ */
+struct nfsbuf *
+nfs_buf_incore(nfsnode_t np, daddr64_t blkno)
+ /* Search hash chain */
+ struct nfsbuf * bp = NFSBUFHASH(np, blkno)->lh_first;
+ for (; bp != NULL; bp = bp->nb_hash.le_next)
+ if ((bp->nb_lblkno == blkno) && (bp->nb_np == np)) {
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_INVAL)) {
+ FSDBG(547, bp, blkno, bp->nb_flags, bp->nb_np);
+ return (bp);
- return (EINTR);
- error = vinvalbuf(vp, flags, cred, p, 0, slptimeo);
- }
- np->n_flag &= ~(NMODIFIED | NFLUSHINPROG);
- if (np->n_flag & NFLUSHWANT) {
- np->n_flag &= ~NFLUSHWANT;
- wakeup((caddr_t)&np->n_flag);
- }
- didhold = ubc_hold(vp);
- if (didhold) {
- (void) ubc_clean(vp, 1); /* get the pages out of vm also */
- ubc_rele(vp);
- }
- return (0);
+ return (NULL);
- * Initiate asynchronous I/O. Return an error if no nfsiods are available.
- * This is mainly to avoid queueing async I/O requests when the nfsiods
- * are all hung on a dead server.
+ * Check if it's OK to drop a page.
+ *
+ * Called by vnode_pager() on pageout request of non-dirty page.
+ * We need to make sure that it's not part of a delayed write.
+ * If it is, we can't let the VM drop it because we may need it
+ * later when/if we need to write the data (again).
-nfs_asyncio(bp, cred)
- register struct buf *bp;
- struct ucred *cred;
+nfs_buf_page_inval(vnode_t vp, off_t offset)
- struct nfsmount *nmp;
- int i;
- int gotiod;
- int slpflag = 0;
- int slptimeo = 0;
- int error;
+ struct nfsmount *nmp = VTONMP(vp);
+ struct nfsbuf *bp;
+ int error = 0;
- if (nfs_numasync == 0)
- return (EIO);
- nmp = VFSTONFS(bp->b_vp->v_mount);
- if (nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_INT)
- slpflag = PCATCH;
- gotiod = FALSE;
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp))
+ return (ENXIO);
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ bp = nfs_buf_incore(VTONFS(vp), (daddr64_t)(offset / nmp->nm_biosize));
+ if (!bp)
+ goto out;
+ FSDBG(325, bp, bp->nb_flags, bp->nb_dirtyoff, bp->nb_dirtyend);
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_BUSY)) {
+ error = EBUSY;
+ goto out;
+ }
- * Find a free iod to process this request.
+ * If there's a dirty range in the buffer, check to
+ * see if this page intersects with the dirty range.
+ * If it does, we can't let the pager drop the page.
- for (i = 0; i < NFS_MAXASYNCDAEMON; i++)
- if (nfs_iodwant[i]) {
+ if (bp->nb_dirtyend > 0) {
+ int start = offset - NBOFF(bp);
+ if ((bp->nb_dirtyend > start) &&
+ (bp->nb_dirtyoff < (start + PAGE_SIZE))) {
- * Found one, so wake it up and tell it which
- * mount to process.
+ * Before returning the bad news, move the
+ * buffer to the start of the delwri list and
+ * give the list a push to try to flush the
+ * buffer out.
- ("nfs_asyncio: waking iod %d for mount %p\n",
- i, nmp));
- nfs_iodwant[i] = (struct proc *)0;
- nfs_iodmount[i] = nmp;
- nmp->nm_bufqiods++;
- wakeup((caddr_t)&nfs_iodwant[i]);
- gotiod = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * If none are free, we may already have an iod working on this mount
- * point. If so, it will process our request.
- */
- if (!gotiod) {
- if (nmp->nm_bufqiods > 0) {
- ("nfs_asyncio: %d iods are already processing mount %p\n",
- nmp->nm_bufqiods, nmp));
- gotiod = TRUE;
+ error = EBUSY;
+ nfs_buf_remfree(bp);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&nfsbufdelwri, bp, nb_free);
+ nfsbufdelwricnt++;
+ nfs_buf_delwri_push(1);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ return (error);
- /*
- * If we have an iod which can process the request, then queue
- * the buffer.
- */
- if (gotiod) {
+ * set up the UPL for a buffer
+ * (must NOT be called with nfs_buf_mutex held)
+ */
+nfs_buf_upl_setup(struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ kern_return_t kret;
+ upl_t upl;
+ int upl_flags;
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_PAGELIST))
+ return (0);
+ upl_flags = UPL_PRECIOUS;
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_READ)) {
- * Ensure that the queue never grows too large.
+ * We're doing a "write", so we intend to modify
+ * the pages we're gathering.
- while (nmp->nm_bufqlen >= 2*nfs_numasync) {
- ("nfs_asyncio: waiting for mount %p queue to drain\n", nmp));
- nmp->nm_bufqwant = TRUE;
- error = tsleep(&nmp->nm_bufq, slpflag | PRIBIO,
- "nfsaio", slptimeo);
+ upl_flags |= UPL_WILL_MODIFY;
+ }
+ kret = ubc_create_upl(NFSTOV(bp->nb_np), NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_bufsize,
+ &upl, NULL, upl_flags);
+ if (kret == KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT) {
+ /* vm object probably doesn't exist any more */
+ bp->nb_pagelist = NULL;
+ return (EINVAL);
+ }
+ if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ printf("nfs_buf_upl_setup(): failed to get pagelist %d\n", kret);
+ bp->nb_pagelist = NULL;
+ return (EIO);
+ }
+ FSDBG(538, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_bufsize, bp->nb_np);
+ bp->nb_pagelist = upl;
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_PAGELIST);
+ return (0);
+ * update buffer's valid/dirty info from UBC
+ * (must NOT be called with nfs_buf_mutex held)
+ */
+nfs_buf_upl_check(struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ upl_page_info_t *pl;
+ off_t filesize, fileoffset;
+ int i, npages;
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_PAGELIST))
+ return;
+ npages = round_page_32(bp->nb_bufsize) / PAGE_SIZE;
+ filesize = ubc_getsize(NFSTOV(bp->nb_np));
+ fileoffset = NBOFF(bp);
+ if (fileoffset < filesize)
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_CACHE);
+ else
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_CACHE);
+ pl = ubc_upl_pageinfo(bp->nb_pagelist);
+ bp->nb_valid = bp->nb_dirty = 0;
+ for (i=0; i < npages; i++, fileoffset += PAGE_SIZE_64) {
+ /* anything beyond the end of the file is not valid or dirty */
+ if (fileoffset >= filesize)
+ break;
+ if (!upl_valid_page(pl, i)) {
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_CACHE);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (upl_dirty_page(pl, i))
+ }
+ fileoffset = NBOFF(bp);
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_CACHE)) {
+ bp->nb_validoff = 0;
+ bp->nb_validend = bp->nb_bufsize;
+ if (fileoffset + bp->nb_validend > filesize)
+ bp->nb_validend = filesize - fileoffset;
+ } else {
+ bp->nb_validoff = bp->nb_validend = -1;
+ }
+ FSDBG(539, bp, fileoffset, bp->nb_valid, bp->nb_dirty);
+ FSDBG(539, bp->nb_validoff, bp->nb_validend, bp->nb_dirtyoff, bp->nb_dirtyend);
+ * make sure that a buffer is mapped
+ * (must NOT be called with nfs_buf_mutex held)
+ */
+nfs_buf_map(struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ kern_return_t kret;
+ if (bp->nb_data)
+ return (0);
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_PAGELIST))
+ return (EINVAL);
+ kret = ubc_upl_map(bp->nb_pagelist, (vm_offset_t *)&(bp->nb_data));
+ if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ panic("nfs_buf_map: ubc_upl_map() failed with (%d)", kret);
+ if (bp->nb_data == 0)
+ panic("ubc_upl_map mapped 0");
+ FSDBG(540, bp, bp->nb_flags, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_data);
+ return (0);
+ * normalize an nfsbuf's valid range
+ *
+ * the read/write code guarantees that we'll always have a valid
+ * region that is an integral number of pages. If either end
+ * of the valid range isn't page-aligned, it gets corrected
+ * here as we extend the valid range through all of the
+ * contiguous valid pages.
+ */
+nfs_buf_normalize_valid_range(nfsnode_t np, struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ int pg, npg;
+ /* pull validoff back to start of contiguous valid page range */
+ pg = bp->nb_validoff/PAGE_SIZE;
+ while (pg >= 0 && NBPGVALID(bp,pg))
+ pg--;
+ bp->nb_validoff = (pg+1) * PAGE_SIZE;
+ /* push validend forward to end of contiguous valid page range */
+ npg = bp->nb_bufsize/PAGE_SIZE;
+ pg = bp->nb_validend/PAGE_SIZE;
+ while (pg < npg && NBPGVALID(bp,pg))
+ pg++;
+ bp->nb_validend = pg * PAGE_SIZE;
+ /* clip to EOF */
+ if (NBOFF(bp) + bp->nb_validend > (off_t)np->n_size)
+ bp->nb_validend = np->n_size % bp->nb_bufsize;
+ * process some entries on the delayed write queue
+ * (must be called with nfs_buf_mutex held)
+ */
+ struct nfsbuf *bp;
+ nfsnode_t np;
+ int error, i = 0;
+ while (i < 8 && (bp = TAILQ_FIRST(&nfsbufdelwri)) != NULL) {
+ np = bp->nb_np;
+ nfs_buf_remfree(bp);
+ nfs_buf_refget(bp);
+ while ((error = nfs_buf_acquire(bp, 0, 0, 0)) == EAGAIN);
+ nfs_buf_refrele(bp);
+ if (error)
+ break;
+ if (!bp->nb_np) {
+ /* buffer is no longer valid */
+ nfs_buf_drop(bp);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NEEDCOMMIT))
+ nfs_buf_check_write_verifier(np, bp);
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NEEDCOMMIT)) {
+ /* put buffer at end of delwri list */
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nfsbufdelwri, bp, nb_free);
+ nfsbufdelwricnt++;
+ nfs_buf_drop(bp);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ nfs_flushcommits(np, 1);
+ } else {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ASYNC);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ nfs_buf_write(bp);
+ }
+ i++;
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ }
+ * thread to service the delayed write queue when asked
+ */
+nfs_buf_delwri_thread(__unused void *arg, __unused wait_result_t wr)
+ struct timespec ts = { 30, 0 };
+ int error = 0;
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ while (!error) {
+ nfs_buf_delwri_service();
+ error = msleep(&nfsbufdelwrithd, nfs_buf_mutex, 0, "nfsbufdelwri", &ts);
+ }
+ nfsbufdelwrithd = NULL;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ thread_terminate(nfsbufdelwrithd);
+ * try to push out some delayed/uncommitted writes
+ * ("locked" indicates whether nfs_buf_mutex is already held)
+ */
+nfs_buf_delwri_push(int locked)
+ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&nfsbufdelwri))
+ return;
+ if (!locked)
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ /* wake up the delayed write service thread */
+ if (nfsbufdelwrithd)
+ wakeup(&nfsbufdelwrithd);
+ else if (kernel_thread_start(nfs_buf_delwri_thread, NULL, &nfsbufdelwrithd) == KERN_SUCCESS)
+ thread_deallocate(nfsbufdelwrithd);
+ /* otherwise, try to do some of the work ourselves */
+ if (!nfsbufdelwrithd)
+ nfs_buf_delwri_service();
+ if (!locked)
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ * Get an nfs buffer.
+ *
+ * Returns errno on error, 0 otherwise.
+ * Any buffer is returned in *bpp.
+ *
+ * If NBLK_ONLYVALID is set, only return buffer if found in cache.
+ * If NBLK_NOWAIT is set, don't wait for the buffer if it's marked BUSY.
+ *
+ * Check for existence of buffer in cache.
+ * Or attempt to reuse a buffer from one of the free lists.
+ * Or allocate a new buffer if we haven't already hit max allocation.
+ * Or wait for a free buffer.
+ *
+ * If available buffer found, prepare it, and return it.
+ *
+ * If the calling process is interrupted by a signal for
+ * an interruptible mount point, return EINTR.
+ */
+ nfsnode_t np,
+ daddr64_t blkno,
+ uint32_t size,
+ thread_t thd,
+ int flags,
+ struct nfsbuf **bpp)
+ vnode_t vp = NFSTOV(np);
+ struct nfsmount *nmp = VTONMP(vp);
+ struct nfsbuf *bp;
+ uint32_t bufsize;
+ int slpflag = PCATCH;
+ int operation = (flags & NBLK_OPMASK);
+ int error = 0;
+ struct timespec ts;
+ FSDBG_TOP(541, np, blkno, size, flags);
+ *bpp = NULL;
+ bufsize = size;
+ if (bufsize > NFS_MAXBSIZE)
+ panic("nfs_buf_get: buffer larger than NFS_MAXBSIZE requested");
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp)) {
+ FSDBG_BOT(541, np, blkno, 0, ENXIO);
+ return (ENXIO);
+ }
+ if (!UBCINFOEXISTS(vp)) {
+ operation = NBLK_META;
+ } else if (bufsize < (uint32_t)nmp->nm_biosize) {
+ /* reg files should always have biosize blocks */
+ bufsize = nmp->nm_biosize;
+ }
+ /* if NBLK_WRITE, check for too many delayed/uncommitted writes */
+ if ((operation == NBLK_WRITE) && (nfs_nbdwrite > NFS_A_LOT_OF_DELAYED_WRITES)) {
+ FSDBG_TOP(542, np, blkno, nfs_nbdwrite, NFS_A_LOT_OF_DELAYED_WRITES);
+ /* poke the delwri list */
+ nfs_buf_delwri_push(0);
+ /* sleep to let other threads run... */
+ tsleep(&nfs_nbdwrite, PCATCH, "nfs_nbdwrite", 1);
+ FSDBG_BOT(542, np, blkno, nfs_nbdwrite, NFS_A_LOT_OF_DELAYED_WRITES);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ /* wait for any buffer invalidation/flushing to complete */
+ while (np->n_bflag & NBINVALINPROG) {
+ np->n_bflag |= NBINVALWANT;
+ ts.tv_sec = 2;
+ ts.tv_nsec = 0;
+ msleep(&np->n_bflag, nfs_buf_mutex, slpflag, "nfs_buf_get_invalwait", &ts);
+ if ((error = nfs_sigintr(VTONMP(vp), NULL, thd, 0))) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ FSDBG_BOT(541, np, blkno, 0, error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ if (np->n_bflag & NBINVALINPROG)
+ slpflag = 0;
+ }
+ /* check for existence of nfsbuf in cache */
+ if ((bp = nfs_buf_incore(np, blkno))) {
+ /* if busy, set wanted and wait */
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_BUSY)) {
+ if (flags & NBLK_NOWAIT) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ FSDBG_BOT(541, np, blkno, bp, 0xbcbcbcbc);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ FSDBG_TOP(543, np, blkno, bp, bp->nb_flags);
+ SET(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_WANTED);
+ ts.tv_sec = 2;
+ ts.tv_nsec = 0;
+ msleep(bp, nfs_buf_mutex, slpflag|(PRIBIO+1)|PDROP,
+ "nfsbufget", (slpflag == PCATCH) ? NULL : &ts);
+ slpflag = 0;
+ FSDBG_BOT(543, np, blkno, bp, bp->nb_flags);
+ if ((error = nfs_sigintr(VTONMP(vp), NULL, thd, 0))) {
+ FSDBG_BOT(541, np, blkno, 0, error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ if (bp->nb_bufsize != bufsize)
+ panic("nfsbuf size mismatch");
+ SET(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_BUSY);
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_CACHE);
+ nfs_buf_remfree(bp);
+ /* additional paranoia: */
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_PAGELIST))
+ panic("pagelist buffer was not busy");
+ goto buffer_setup;
+ }
+ if (flags & NBLK_ONLYVALID) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ FSDBG_BOT(541, np, blkno, 0, 0x0000cace);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * where to get a free buffer:
+ * - if meta and maxmeta reached, must reuse meta
+ * - alloc new if we haven't reached min bufs
+ * - if free lists are NOT empty
+ * - if free list is stale, use it
+ * - else if freemeta list is stale, use it
+ * - else if max bufs allocated, use least-time-to-stale
+ * - alloc new if we haven't reached max allowed
+ * - start clearing out delwri list and try again
+ */
+ if ((operation == NBLK_META) && (nfsbufmetacnt >= nfsbufmetamax)) {
+ /* if we've hit max meta buffers, must reuse a meta buffer */
+ bp = TAILQ_FIRST(&nfsbuffreemeta);
+ } else if ((nfsbufcnt > nfsbufmin) &&
+ (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&nfsbuffree) || !TAILQ_EMPTY(&nfsbuffreemeta))) {
+ /* try to pull an nfsbuf off a free list */
+ struct nfsbuf *lrubp, *metabp;
+ struct timeval now;
+ microuptime(&now);
+ /* if the next LRU or META buffer is invalid or stale, use it */
+ lrubp = TAILQ_FIRST(&nfsbuffree);
+ if (lrubp && (!NBUFSTAMPVALID(lrubp) ||
+ ((lrubp->nb_timestamp + NFSBUF_LRU_STALE) < now.tv_sec)))
+ bp = lrubp;
+ metabp = TAILQ_FIRST(&nfsbuffreemeta);
+ if (!bp && metabp && (!NBUFSTAMPVALID(metabp) ||
+ ((metabp->nb_timestamp + NFSBUF_META_STALE) < now.tv_sec)))
+ bp = metabp;
+ if (!bp && (nfsbufcnt >= nfsbufmax)) {
+ /* we've already allocated all bufs, so */
+ /* choose the buffer that'll go stale first */
+ if (!metabp)
+ bp = lrubp;
+ else if (!lrubp)
+ bp = metabp;
+ else {
+ int32_t lru_stale_time, meta_stale_time;
+ lru_stale_time = lrubp->nb_timestamp + NFSBUF_LRU_STALE;
+ meta_stale_time = metabp->nb_timestamp + NFSBUF_META_STALE;
+ if (lru_stale_time <= meta_stale_time)
+ bp = lrubp;
+ else
+ bp = metabp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bp) {
+ /* we have a buffer to reuse */
+ FSDBG(544, np, blkno, bp, bp->nb_flags);
+ nfs_buf_remfree(bp);
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DELWRI))
+ panic("nfs_buf_get: delwri");
+ SET(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_BUSY);
+ /* disassociate buffer from previous nfsnode */
+ if (bp->nb_np) {
+ if (bp->nb_vnbufs.le_next != NFSNOLIST) {
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ bp->nb_vnbufs.le_next = NFSNOLIST;
+ }
+ bp->nb_np = NULL;
+ }
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_hash);
+ /* nuke any creds we're holding */
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(bp->nb_rcred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&bp->nb_rcred);
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(bp->nb_wcred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&bp->nb_wcred);
+ /* if buf will no longer be NB_META, dump old buffer */
+ if (operation == NBLK_META) {
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_META))
+ nfsbufmetacnt++;
+ } else if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_META)) {
+ if (bp->nb_data) {
+ kfree(bp->nb_data, bp->nb_bufsize);
+ bp->nb_data = NULL;
+ }
+ nfsbufmetacnt--;
+ }
+ /* re-init buf fields */
+ bp->nb_error = 0;
+ bp->nb_validoff = bp->nb_validend = -1;
+ bp->nb_dirtyoff = bp->nb_dirtyend = 0;
+ bp->nb_valid = 0;
+ bp->nb_dirty = 0;
+ bp->nb_verf = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* no buffer to reuse */
+ if ((nfsbufcnt < nfsbufmax) &&
+ ((operation != NBLK_META) || (nfsbufmetacnt < nfsbufmetamax))) {
+ /* just alloc a new one */
+ MALLOC(bp, struct nfsbuf *, sizeof(struct nfsbuf), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
+ if (!bp) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ FSDBG_BOT(541, np, blkno, 0, error);
+ return (ENOMEM);
+ }
+ nfsbufcnt++;
+ /*
+ * If any excess bufs, make sure the timer
+ * is running to free them up later.
+ */
+ if (nfsbufcnt > nfsbufmin && !nfs_buf_timer_on) {
+ nfs_buf_timer_on = 1;
+ nfs_interval_timer_start(nfs_buf_timer_call,
+ }
+ if (operation == NBLK_META)
+ nfsbufmetacnt++;
+ /* init nfsbuf */
+ bzero(bp, sizeof(*bp));
+ bp->nb_free.tqe_next = NFSNOLIST;
+ bp->nb_validoff = bp->nb_validend = -1;
+ FSDBG(545, np, blkno, bp, 0);
+ } else {
+ /* too many bufs... wait for buffers to free up */
+ FSDBG_TOP(546, np, blkno, nfsbufcnt, nfsbufmax);
+ /* poke the delwri list */
+ nfs_buf_delwri_push(1);
+ nfsneedbuffer = 1;
+ msleep(&nfsneedbuffer, nfs_buf_mutex, PCATCH|PDROP, "nfsbufget", NULL);
+ FSDBG_BOT(546, np, blkno, nfsbufcnt, nfsbufmax);
+ if ((error = nfs_sigintr(VTONMP(vp), NULL, thd, 0))) {
+ FSDBG_BOT(541, np, blkno, 0, error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ }
+ /* set up nfsbuf */
+ SET(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_BUSY);
+ bp->nb_flags = 0;
+ bp->nb_lblkno = blkno;
+ /* insert buf in hash */
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(NFSBUFHASH(np, blkno), bp, nb_hash);
+ /* associate buffer with new nfsnode */
+ bp->nb_np = np;
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&np->n_cleanblkhd, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ /* unlock hash */
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ switch (operation) {
+ case NBLK_META:
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_META);
+ if ((bp->nb_bufsize != bufsize) && bp->nb_data) {
+ kfree(bp->nb_data, bp->nb_bufsize);
+ bp->nb_data = NULL;
+ bp->nb_validoff = bp->nb_validend = -1;
+ bp->nb_dirtyoff = bp->nb_dirtyend = 0;
+ bp->nb_valid = 0;
+ bp->nb_dirty = 0;
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_CACHE);
+ }
+ if (!bp->nb_data)
+ bp->nb_data = kalloc(bufsize);
+ if (!bp->nb_data) {
+ /* Ack! couldn't allocate the data buffer! */
+ /* clean up buffer and return error */
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ bp->nb_vnbufs.le_next = NFSNOLIST;
+ bp->nb_np = NULL;
+ /* invalidate usage timestamp to allow immediate freeing */
+ if (bp->nb_free.tqe_next != NFSNOLIST)
+ panic("nfsbuf on freelist");
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&nfsbuffree, bp, nb_free);
+ nfsbuffreecnt++;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ FSDBG_BOT(541, np, blkno, 0xb00, ENOMEM);
+ return (ENOMEM);
+ }
+ bp->nb_bufsize = bufsize;
+ break;
+ case NBLK_READ:
+ case NBLK_WRITE:
+ /*
+ * Set or clear NB_READ now to let the UPL subsystem know
+ * if we intend to modify the pages or not.
+ */
+ if (operation == NBLK_READ) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_READ);
+ } else {
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_READ);
+ }
+ if (bufsize < PAGE_SIZE)
+ bufsize = PAGE_SIZE;
+ bp->nb_bufsize = bufsize;
+ bp->nb_validoff = bp->nb_validend = -1;
+ if (UBCINFOEXISTS(vp)) {
+ /* set up upl */
+ if (nfs_buf_upl_setup(bp)) {
+ /* unable to create upl */
+ /* vm object must no longer exist */
+ /* clean up buffer and return error */
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ bp->nb_vnbufs.le_next = NFSNOLIST;
+ bp->nb_np = NULL;
+ /* invalidate usage timestamp to allow immediate freeing */
+ if (bp->nb_free.tqe_next != NFSNOLIST)
+ panic("nfsbuf on freelist");
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&nfsbuffree, bp, nb_free);
+ nfsbuffreecnt++;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ FSDBG_BOT(541, np, blkno, 0x2bc, EIO);
+ return (EIO);
+ }
+ nfs_buf_upl_check(bp);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("nfs_buf_get: %d unknown operation", operation);
+ }
+ *bpp = bp;
+ FSDBG_BOT(541, np, blkno, bp, bp->nb_flags);
+ return (0);
+nfs_buf_release(struct nfsbuf *bp, int freeup)
+ nfsnode_t np = bp->nb_np;
+ vnode_t vp;
+ struct timeval now;
+ int wakeup_needbuffer, wakeup_buffer, wakeup_nbdwrite;
+ FSDBG_TOP(548, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_flags, bp->nb_data);
+ FSDBG(548, bp->nb_validoff, bp->nb_validend, bp->nb_dirtyoff, bp->nb_dirtyend);
+ FSDBG(548, bp->nb_valid, 0, bp->nb_dirty, 0);
+ vp = np ? NFSTOV(np) : NULL;
+ if (vp && UBCINFOEXISTS(vp) && bp->nb_bufsize) {
+ int upl_flags, rv;
+ upl_t upl;
+ uint32_t i;
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_PAGELIST) && !ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_INVAL)) {
+ rv = nfs_buf_upl_setup(bp);
+ if (rv)
+ printf("nfs_buf_release: upl create failed %d\n", rv);
+ else
+ nfs_buf_upl_check(bp);
+ }
+ upl = bp->nb_pagelist;
+ if (!upl)
+ goto pagelist_cleanup_done;
+ if (bp->nb_data) {
+ if (ubc_upl_unmap(upl) != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ panic("ubc_upl_unmap failed");
+ bp->nb_data = NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Abort the pages on error or: if this is an invalid or
+ * non-needcommit nocache buffer AND no pages are dirty.
+ */
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR) || (!bp->nb_dirty && (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_INVAL) ||
+ (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NOCACHE) && !ISSET(bp->nb_flags, (NB_NEEDCOMMIT | NB_DELWRI)))))) {
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, (NB_READ | NB_INVAL | NB_NOCACHE)))
+ upl_flags = UPL_ABORT_DUMP_PAGES;
+ else
+ upl_flags = 0;
+ ubc_upl_abort(upl, upl_flags);
+ goto pagelist_cleanup_done;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i <= (bp->nb_bufsize - 1)/PAGE_SIZE; i++) {
+ if (!NBPGVALID(bp,i))
+ ubc_upl_abort_range(upl,
+ else {
+ if (NBPGDIRTY(bp,i))
+ upl_flags = UPL_COMMIT_SET_DIRTY;
+ else
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, (NB_NEEDCOMMIT | NB_DELWRI)))
+ ubc_upl_commit_range(upl,
+ upl_flags |
+ }
+ }
+ /* invalidate any pages past EOF */
+ if (NBOFF(bp) + bp->nb_bufsize > (off_t)(np->n_size)) {
+ off_t start, end;
+ start = trunc_page_64(np->n_size) + PAGE_SIZE_64;
+ end = trunc_page_64(NBOFF(bp) + bp->nb_bufsize);
+ if (start < NBOFF(bp))
+ start = NBOFF(bp);
+ if (end > start) {
+ if ((rv = ubc_msync(vp, start, end, NULL, UBC_INVALIDATE)))
+ printf("nfs_buf_release(): ubc_msync failed!, error %d\n", rv);
+ }
+ }
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_PAGELIST);
+ bp->nb_pagelist = NULL;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ wakeup_needbuffer = wakeup_buffer = wakeup_nbdwrite = 0;
+ /* Wake up any processes waiting for any buffer to become free. */
+ if (nfsneedbuffer) {
+ nfsneedbuffer = 0;
+ wakeup_needbuffer = 1;
+ }
+ /* Wake up any processes waiting for _this_ buffer to become free. */
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_WANTED)) {
+ CLR(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_WANTED);
+ wakeup_buffer = 1;
+ }
+ /* If it's non-needcommit nocache, or an error, mark it invalid. */
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR) ||
+ (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NOCACHE) && !ISSET(bp->nb_flags, (NB_NEEDCOMMIT | NB_DELWRI))))
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_INVAL);
+ if ((bp->nb_bufsize <= 0) || ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_INVAL)) {
+ /* If it's invalid or empty, dissociate it from its nfsnode */
+ if (bp->nb_vnbufs.le_next != NFSNOLIST) {
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ bp->nb_vnbufs.le_next = NFSNOLIST;
+ }
+ bp->nb_np = NULL;
+ /* if this was a delayed write, wakeup anyone */
+ /* waiting for delayed writes to complete */
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DELWRI)) {
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_DELWRI);
+ nfs_nbdwrite--;
+ wakeup_nbdwrite = 1;
+ }
+ /* invalidate usage timestamp to allow immediate freeing */
+ /* put buffer at head of free list */
+ if (bp->nb_free.tqe_next != NFSNOLIST)
+ panic("nfsbuf on freelist");
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_INVAL);
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_META)) {
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&nfsbuffreemeta, bp, nb_free);
+ nfsbuffreemetacnt++;
+ } else {
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&nfsbuffree, bp, nb_free);
+ nfsbuffreecnt++;
+ }
+ } else if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DELWRI)) {
+ /* put buffer at end of delwri list */
+ if (bp->nb_free.tqe_next != NFSNOLIST)
+ panic("nfsbuf on freelist");
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nfsbufdelwri, bp, nb_free);
+ nfsbufdelwricnt++;
+ freeup = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* update usage timestamp */
+ microuptime(&now);
+ bp->nb_timestamp = now.tv_sec;
+ /* put buffer at end of free list */
+ if (bp->nb_free.tqe_next != NFSNOLIST)
+ panic("nfsbuf on freelist");
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_META)) {
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nfsbuffreemeta, bp, nb_free);
+ nfsbuffreemetacnt++;
+ } else {
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nfsbuffree, bp, nb_free);
+ nfsbuffreecnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Unlock the buffer. */
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, (NB_ASYNC | NB_STABLE));
+ CLR(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_BUSY);
+ FSDBG_BOT(548, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_flags, bp->nb_data);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (wakeup_needbuffer)
+ wakeup(&nfsneedbuffer);
+ if (wakeup_buffer)
+ wakeup(bp);
+ if (wakeup_nbdwrite)
+ wakeup(&nfs_nbdwrite);
+ if (freeup)
+ * Wait for operations on the buffer to complete.
+ * When they do, extract and return the I/O's error value.
+ */
+nfs_buf_iowait(struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ FSDBG_TOP(549, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_flags, bp->nb_error);
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ while (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DONE))
+ msleep(bp, nfs_buf_mutex, PRIBIO + 1, "nfs_buf_iowait", NULL);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ FSDBG_BOT(549, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_flags, bp->nb_error);
+ /* check for interruption of I/O, then errors. */
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_EINTR)) {
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_EINTR);
+ return (EINTR);
+ } else if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR))
+ return (bp->nb_error ? bp->nb_error : EIO);
+ return (0);
+ * Mark I/O complete on a buffer.
+ */
+nfs_buf_iodone(struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ FSDBG_TOP(550, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_flags, bp->nb_error);
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DONE))
+ panic("nfs_buf_iodone already");
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_READ)) {
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_WRITEINPROG);
+ /*
+ * vnode_writedone() takes care of waking up
+ * any throttled write operations
+ */
+ vnode_writedone(NFSTOV(bp->nb_np));
+ nfs_node_lock_force(bp->nb_np);
+ bp->nb_np->n_numoutput--;
+ nfs_node_unlock(bp->nb_np);
+ }
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ASYNC)) { /* if async, release it */
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DONE); /* note that it's done */
+ nfs_buf_release(bp, 1);
+ } else { /* or just wakeup the buffer */
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DONE); /* note that it's done */
+ CLR(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_WANTED);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ wakeup(bp);
+ }
+ FSDBG_BOT(550, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_flags, bp->nb_error);
+nfs_buf_write_delayed(struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ nfsnode_t np = bp->nb_np;
+ FSDBG_TOP(551, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_flags, 0);
+ FSDBG(551, bp, bp->nb_dirtyoff, bp->nb_dirtyend, bp->nb_dirty);
+ /*
+ * If the block hasn't been seen before:
+ * (1) Mark it as having been seen,
+ * (2) Make sure it's on its node's correct block list,
+ */
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DELWRI)) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DELWRI);
+ /* move to dirty list */
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ nfs_nbdwrite++;
+ if (bp->nb_vnbufs.le_next != NFSNOLIST)
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&np->n_dirtyblkhd, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the vnode has "too many" write operations in progress
+ * wait for them to finish the IO
+ */
+ vnode_waitforwrites(NFSTOV(np), VNODE_ASYNC_THROTTLE, 0, 0, "nfs_buf_write_delayed");
+ /* the file is in a modified state, so make sure the flag's set */
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_flag |= NMODIFIED;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ /*
+ * If we have too many delayed write buffers,
+ * just fall back to doing the async write.
+ */
+ if (nfs_nbdwrite < 0)
+ panic("nfs_buf_write_delayed: Negative nfs_nbdwrite");
+ if (nfs_nbdwrite > NFS_A_LOT_OF_DELAYED_WRITES) {
+ /* issue async write */
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ASYNC);
+ nfs_buf_write(bp);
+ FSDBG_BOT(551, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_flags, bp->nb_error);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Otherwise, the "write" is done, so mark and release the buffer. */
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DONE);
+ nfs_buf_release(bp, 1);
+ FSDBG_BOT(551, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_flags, 0);
+ return;
+ * Check that a "needcommit" buffer can still be committed.
+ * If the write verifier has changed, we need to clear the
+ * the needcommit flag.
+ */
+nfs_buf_check_write_verifier(nfsnode_t np, struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ struct nfsmount *nmp;
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NEEDCOMMIT))
+ return;
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp))
+ return;
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_STALEWVERF) && (bp->nb_verf == nmp->nm_verf))
+ return;
+ /* write verifier changed, clear commit/wverf flags */
+ bp->nb_verf = 0;
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_needcommitcnt--;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ * add a reference to a buffer so it doesn't disappear while being used
+ * (must be called with nfs_buf_mutex held)
+ */
+nfs_buf_refget(struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ bp->nb_refs++;
+ * release a reference on a buffer
+ * (must be called with nfs_buf_mutex held)
+ */
+nfs_buf_refrele(struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ bp->nb_refs--;
+ * mark a particular buffer as BUSY
+ * (must be called with nfs_buf_mutex held)
+ */
+nfs_buf_acquire(struct nfsbuf *bp, int flags, int slpflag, int slptimeo)
+ errno_t error;
+ struct timespec ts;
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_BUSY)) {
+ /*
+ * since the lck_mtx_lock may block, the buffer
+ * may become BUSY, so we need to recheck for
+ * a NOWAIT request
+ */
+ if (flags & NBAC_NOWAIT)
+ return (EBUSY);
+ SET(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_WANTED);
+ ts.tv_sec = (slptimeo/100);
+ /* the hz value is 100; which leads to 10ms */
+ ts.tv_nsec = (slptimeo % 100) * 10 * NSEC_PER_USEC * 1000;
+ error = msleep(bp, nfs_buf_mutex, slpflag | (PRIBIO + 1),
+ "nfs_buf_acquire", &ts);
+ if (error)
+ return (error);
+ return (EAGAIN);
+ }
+ if (flags & NBAC_REMOVE)
+ nfs_buf_remfree(bp);
+ SET(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_BUSY);
+ return (0);
+ * simply drop the BUSY status of a buffer
+ * (must be called with nfs_buf_mutex held)
+ */
+nfs_buf_drop(struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ int need_wakeup = 0;
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_BUSY))
+ panic("nfs_buf_drop: buffer not busy!");
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_WANTED)) {
+ /* delay the actual wakeup until after we clear NBL_BUSY */
+ need_wakeup = 1;
+ }
+ /* Unlock the buffer. */
+ CLR(bp->nb_lflags, (NBL_BUSY | NBL_WANTED));
+ if (need_wakeup)
+ wakeup(bp);
+ * prepare for iterating over an nfsnode's buffer list
+ * this lock protects the queue manipulation
+ * (must be called with nfs_buf_mutex held)
+ */
+nfs_buf_iterprepare(nfsnode_t np, struct nfsbuflists *iterheadp, int flags)
+ struct nfsbuflists *listheadp;
+ if (flags & NBI_DIRTY)
+ listheadp = &np->n_dirtyblkhd;
+ else
+ listheadp = &np->n_cleanblkhd;
+ if ((flags & NBI_NOWAIT) && (np->n_bufiterflags & NBI_ITER)) {
+ LIST_INIT(iterheadp);
+ return(EWOULDBLOCK);
+ }
+ while (np->n_bufiterflags & NBI_ITER) {
+ np->n_bufiterflags |= NBI_ITERWANT;
+ msleep(&np->n_bufiterflags, nfs_buf_mutex, 0, "nfs_buf_iterprepare", NULL);
+ }
+ if (LIST_EMPTY(listheadp)) {
+ LIST_INIT(iterheadp);
+ return(EINVAL);
+ }
+ np->n_bufiterflags |= NBI_ITER;
+ iterheadp->lh_first = listheadp->lh_first;
+ listheadp->lh_first->nb_vnbufs.le_prev = &iterheadp->lh_first;
+ LIST_INIT(listheadp);
+ return(0);
+ * clean up after iterating over an nfsnode's buffer list
+ * this lock protects the queue manipulation
+ * (must be called with nfs_buf_mutex held)
+ */
+nfs_buf_itercomplete(nfsnode_t np, struct nfsbuflists *iterheadp, int flags)
+ struct nfsbuflists * listheadp;
+ struct nfsbuf *bp;
+ if (flags & NBI_DIRTY)
+ listheadp = &np->n_dirtyblkhd;
+ else
+ listheadp = &np->n_cleanblkhd;
+ while (!LIST_EMPTY(iterheadp)) {
+ bp = LIST_FIRST(iterheadp);
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(listheadp, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ }
+ np->n_bufiterflags &= ~NBI_ITER;
+ if (np->n_bufiterflags & NBI_ITERWANT) {
+ np->n_bufiterflags &= ~NBI_ITERWANT;
+ wakeup(&np->n_bufiterflags);
+ }
+ * Read an NFS buffer for a file.
+ */
+nfs_buf_read(struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ int error = 0;
+ nfsnode_t np;
+ thread_t thd;
+ kauth_cred_t cred;
+ np = bp->nb_np;
+ cred = bp->nb_rcred;
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_ref(cred);
+ thd = ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ASYNC) ? NULL : current_thread();
+ /* sanity checks */
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_READ))
+ panic("nfs_buf_read: !NB_READ");
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DONE))
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_DONE);
+ NFS_BUF_MAP(bp);
+ OSAddAtomic64(1, &nfsstats.read_bios);
+ error = nfs_buf_read_rpc(bp, thd, cred);
+ /*
+ * For async I/O, the callbacks will finish up the
+ * read. Otherwise, the read has already been finished.
+ */
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&cred);
+ return (error);
+ * finish the reading of a buffer
+ */
+nfs_buf_read_finish(struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ nfsnode_t np = bp->nb_np;
+ struct nfsmount *nmp;
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR)) {
+ /* update valid range */
+ bp->nb_validoff = 0;
+ bp->nb_validend = bp->nb_endio;
+ if (bp->nb_endio < (int)bp->nb_bufsize) {
+ /*
+ * The read may be short because we have unflushed writes
+ * that are extending the file size and the reads hit the
+ * (old) EOF on the server. So, just make sure nb_validend
+ * correctly tracks EOF.
+ * Note that the missing data should have already been zeroed
+ * in nfs_buf_read_rpc_finish().
+ */
+ off_t boff = NBOFF(bp);
+ if ((off_t)np->n_size >= (boff + bp->nb_bufsize))
+ bp->nb_validend = bp->nb_bufsize;
+ else if ((off_t)np->n_size >= boff)
+ bp->nb_validend = np->n_size - boff;
+ else
+ bp->nb_validend = 0;
+ }
+ if ((nmp = NFSTONMP(np)) && (nmp->nm_vers == NFS_VER2) &&
+ ((NBOFF(bp) + bp->nb_validend) > 0x100000000LL))
+ bp->nb_validend = 0x100000000LL - NBOFF(bp);
+ bp->nb_valid = (1 << (round_page_32(bp->nb_validend) / PAGE_SIZE)) - 1;
+ if (bp->nb_validend & PAGE_MASK) {
+ /* zero-fill remainder of last page */
+ bzero(bp->nb_data + bp->nb_validend, PAGE_SIZE - (bp->nb_validend & PAGE_MASK));
+ }
+ }
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ * initiate the NFS READ RPC(s) for a buffer
+ */
+nfs_buf_read_rpc(struct nfsbuf *bp, thread_t thd, kauth_cred_t cred)
+ struct nfsmount *nmp;
+ nfsnode_t np = bp->nb_np;
+ int error = 0, nfsvers, async;
+ int offset, nrpcs;
+ uint32_t nmrsize, length, len;
+ off_t boff;
+ struct nfsreq *req;
+ struct nfsreq_cbinfo cb;
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp)) {
+ bp->nb_error = error = ENXIO;
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ nfsvers = nmp->nm_vers;
+ nmrsize = nmp->nm_rsize;
+ boff = NBOFF(bp);
+ offset = 0;
+ length = bp->nb_bufsize;
+ if (nfsvers == NFS_VER2) {
+ if (boff > 0xffffffffLL) {
+ bp->nb_error = error = EFBIG;
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ if ((boff + length - 1) > 0xffffffffLL)
+ length = 0x100000000LL - boff;
+ }
+ /* Note: Can only do async I/O if nfsiods are configured. */
+ async = (bp->nb_flags & NB_ASYNC);
+ cb.rcb_func = async ? nfs_buf_read_rpc_finish : NULL;
+ cb.rcb_bp = bp;
+ bp->nb_offio = bp->nb_endio = 0;
+ bp->nb_rpcs = nrpcs = (length + nmrsize - 1) / nmrsize;
+ if (async && (nrpcs > 1)) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_MULTASYNCRPC);
+ } else {
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_MULTASYNCRPC);
+ }
+ while (length > 0) {
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR)) {
+ error = bp->nb_error;
+ break;
+ }
+ len = (length > nmrsize) ? nmrsize : length;
+ cb.rcb_args[0] = offset;
+ cb.rcb_args[1] = len;
+ if (nmp->nm_vers >= NFS_VER4)
+ cb.rcb_args[2] = nmp->nm_stategenid;
+ req = NULL;
+ error = nmp->nm_funcs->nf_read_rpc_async(np, boff + offset, len, thd, cred, &cb, &req);
+ if (error)
+ break;
+ offset += len;
+ length -= len;
+ if (async)
+ continue;
+ nfs_buf_read_rpc_finish(req);
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR)) {
+ error = bp->nb_error;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (length > 0) {
+ /*
+ * Something bad happened while trying to send the RPC(s).
+ * Wait for any outstanding requests to complete.
+ */
+ bp->nb_error = error;
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_MULTASYNCRPC)) {
+ nrpcs = (length + nmrsize - 1) / nmrsize;
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ bp->nb_rpcs -= nrpcs;
+ if (bp->nb_rpcs == 0) {
+ /* No RPCs left, so the buffer's done */
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ } else {
+ /* wait for the last RPC to mark it done */
+ while (bp->nb_rpcs > 0)
+ msleep(&bp->nb_rpcs, nfs_buf_mutex, 0,
+ "nfs_buf_read_rpc_cancel", NULL);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ }
+ } else {
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ }
+ }
+ return (error);
+ * finish up an NFS READ RPC on a buffer
+ */
+nfs_buf_read_rpc_finish(struct nfsreq *req)
+ struct nfsmount *nmp;
+ size_t rlen;
+ struct nfsreq_cbinfo cb;
+ struct nfsbuf *bp;
+ int error = 0, nfsvers, offset, length, eof = 0, multasyncrpc, finished;
+ void *wakeme = NULL;
+ struct nfsreq *rreq = NULL;
+ nfsnode_t np;
+ thread_t thd;
+ kauth_cred_t cred;
+ uio_t auio;
+ char uio_buf [ UIO_SIZEOF(1) ];
+ np = req->r_np;
+ thd = req->r_thread;
+ cred = req->r_cred;
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_ref(cred);
+ cb = req->r_callback;
+ bp = cb.rcb_bp;
+ if (cb.rcb_func) /* take an extra reference on the nfsreq in case we want to resend it later due to grace error */
+ nfs_request_ref(req, 0);
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp)) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ bp->nb_error = error = ENXIO;
+ }
+ if (error || ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR)) {
+ /* just drop it */
+ nfs_request_async_cancel(req);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ nfsvers = nmp->nm_vers;
+ offset = cb.rcb_args[0];
+ rlen = length = cb.rcb_args[1];
+ auio = uio_createwithbuffer(1, NBOFF(bp) + offset, UIO_SYSSPACE,
+ UIO_READ, &uio_buf, sizeof(uio_buf));
+ uio_addiov(auio, CAST_USER_ADDR_T(bp->nb_data + offset), length);
+ /* finish the RPC */
+ error = nmp->nm_funcs->nf_read_rpc_async_finish(np, req, auio, &rlen, &eof);
+ if ((error == EINPROGRESS) && cb.rcb_func) {
+ /* async request restarted */
+ if (cb.rcb_func)
+ nfs_request_rele(req);
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&cred);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((nmp->nm_vers >= NFS_VER4) && nfs_mount_state_error_should_restart(error) && !ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR)) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ if ((error != NFSERR_OLD_STATEID) && (error != NFSERR_GRACE) && (cb.rcb_args[2] == nmp->nm_stategenid)) {
+ NP(np, "nfs_buf_read_rpc_finish: error %d @ 0x%llx, 0x%x 0x%x, initiating recovery",
+ error, NBOFF(bp)+offset, cb.rcb_args[2], nmp->nm_stategenid);
+ nfs_need_recover(nmp, error);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ if (np->n_flag & NREVOKE) {
+ error = EIO;
+ } else {
+ if (error == NFSERR_GRACE) {
+ if (cb.rcb_func) {
+ /*
+ * For an async I/O request, handle a grace delay just like
+ * jukebox errors. Set the resend time and queue it up.
+ */
+ struct timeval now;
+ if (req->r_nmrep.nmc_mhead) {
+ mbuf_freem(req->r_nmrep.nmc_mhead);
+ req->r_nmrep.nmc_mhead = NULL;
+ }
+ req->r_error = 0;
+ microuptime(&now);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&req->r_mtx);
+ req->r_resendtime = now.tv_sec + 2;
+ req->r_xid = 0; // get a new XID
+ req->r_flags |= R_RESTART;
+ req->r_start = 0;
+ nfs_asyncio_resend(req);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&req->r_mtx);
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&cred);
+ /* Note: nfsreq reference taken will be dropped later when finished */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* otherwise, just pause a couple seconds and retry */
+ tsleep(&nmp->nm_state, (PZERO-1), "nfsgrace", 2*hz);
+ }
+ if (!(error = nfs_mount_state_wait_for_recovery(nmp))) {
+ rlen = 0;
+ goto readagain;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ bp->nb_error = error;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if ((rlen > 0) && (bp->nb_endio < (offset + (int)rlen)))
+ bp->nb_endio = offset + rlen;
+ if ((nfsvers == NFS_VER2) || eof || (rlen == 0)) {
+ /* zero out the remaining data (up to EOF) */
+ off_t rpcrem, eofrem, rem;
+ rpcrem = (length - rlen);
+ eofrem = np->n_size - (NBOFF(bp) + offset + rlen);
+ rem = (rpcrem < eofrem) ? rpcrem : eofrem;
+ if (rem > 0)
+ bzero(bp->nb_data + offset + rlen, rem);
+ } else if (((int)rlen < length) && !ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR)) {
+ /*
+ * short read
+ *
+ * We haven't hit EOF and we didn't get all the data
+ * requested, so we need to issue another read for the rest.
+ * (Don't bother if the buffer already hit an error.)
+ */
+ offset += rlen;
+ length -= rlen;
+ cb.rcb_args[0] = offset;
+ cb.rcb_args[1] = length;
+ if (nmp->nm_vers >= NFS_VER4)
+ cb.rcb_args[2] = nmp->nm_stategenid;
+ error = nmp->nm_funcs->nf_read_rpc_async(np, NBOFF(bp) + offset, length, thd, cred, &cb, &rreq);
+ if (!error) {
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&cred);
+ if (!cb.rcb_func) {
+ /* if !async we'll need to wait for this RPC to finish */
+ req = rreq;
+ rreq = NULL;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ nfs_request_rele(req);
+ /*
+ * We're done here.
+ * Outstanding RPC count is unchanged.
+ * Callback will be called when RPC is done.
+ */
+ return;
+ }
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ bp->nb_error = error;
+ }
+ if (cb.rcb_func)
+ nfs_request_rele(req);
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&cred);
+ /*
+ * Decrement outstanding RPC count on buffer
+ * and call nfs_buf_read_finish on last RPC.
+ *
+ * (Note: when there are multiple async RPCs issued for a
+ * buffer we need nfs_buffer_mutex to avoid problems when
+ * aborting a partially-initiated set of RPCs)
+ */
+ multasyncrpc = ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_MULTASYNCRPC);
+ if (multasyncrpc)
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ bp->nb_rpcs--;
+ finished = (bp->nb_rpcs == 0);
+ if (multasyncrpc)
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (finished) {
+ if (multasyncrpc)
+ wakeme = &bp->nb_rpcs;
+ nfs_buf_read_finish(bp);
+ if (wakeme)
+ wakeup(wakeme);
+ }
+ * Do buffer readahead.
+ * Initiate async I/O to read buffers not in cache.
+ */
+nfs_buf_readahead(nfsnode_t np, int ioflag, daddr64_t *rabnp, daddr64_t lastrabn, thread_t thd, kauth_cred_t cred)
+ struct nfsmount *nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ struct nfsbuf *bp;
+ int error = 0;
+ uint32_t nra;
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp))
+ return (ENXIO);
+ if (nmp->nm_readahead <= 0)
+ return (0);
+ if (*rabnp > lastrabn)
+ return (0);
+ for (nra = 0; (nra < nmp->nm_readahead) && (*rabnp <= lastrabn); nra++, *rabnp = *rabnp + 1) {
+ /* check if block exists and is valid. */
+ if ((*rabnp * nmp->nm_biosize) >= (off_t)np->n_size) {
+ /* stop reading ahead if we're beyond EOF */
+ *rabnp = lastrabn;
+ break;
+ }
+ error = nfs_buf_get(np, *rabnp, nmp->nm_biosize, thd, NBLK_READ|NBLK_NOWAIT, &bp);
+ if (error)
+ break;
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_lastrahead = *rabnp;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ if (!bp)
+ continue;
+ if ((ioflag & IO_NOCACHE) && ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_CACHE) &&
+ !bp->nb_dirty && !ISSET(bp->nb_flags, (NB_DELWRI|NB_NCRDAHEAD))) {
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_CACHE);
+ bp->nb_valid = 0;
+ bp->nb_validoff = bp->nb_validend = -1;
+ }
+ if ((bp->nb_dirtyend <= 0) && !bp->nb_dirty &&
+ !ISSET(bp->nb_flags, (NB_CACHE|NB_DELWRI))) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, (NB_READ|NB_ASYNC));
+ if (ioflag & IO_NOCACHE)
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NCRDAHEAD);
+ if (!IS_VALID_CRED(bp->nb_rcred) && IS_VALID_CRED(cred)) {
+ kauth_cred_ref(cred);
+ bp->nb_rcred = cred;
+ }
+ if ((error = nfs_buf_read(bp)))
+ break;
+ continue;
+ }
+ nfs_buf_release(bp, 1);
+ }
+ return (error);
+ * NFS buffer I/O for reading files.
+ */
+nfs_bioread(nfsnode_t np, uio_t uio, int ioflag, vfs_context_t ctx)
+ vnode_t vp = NFSTOV(np);
+ struct nfsbuf *bp = NULL;
+ struct nfsmount *nmp = VTONMP(vp);
+ daddr64_t lbn, rabn = 0, lastrabn, maxrabn = -1;
+ off_t diff;
+ int error = 0, n = 0, on = 0;
+ int nfsvers, biosize, modified, readaheads = 0;
+ thread_t thd;
+ kauth_cred_t cred;
+ int64_t io_resid;
+ FSDBG_TOP(514, np, uio_offset(uio), uio_resid(uio), ioflag);
+ nfsvers = nmp->nm_vers;
+ biosize = nmp->nm_biosize;
+ thd = vfs_context_thread(ctx);
+ cred = vfs_context_ucred(ctx);
+ if (vnode_vtype(vp) != VREG) {
+ printf("nfs_bioread: type %x unexpected\n", vnode_vtype(vp));
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, 0xd1e0016, 0, EINVAL);
+ return (EINVAL);
+ }
+ /*
+ * For NFS, cache consistency can only be maintained approximately.
+ * Although RFC1094 does not specify the criteria, the following is
+ * believed to be compatible with the reference port.
+ *
+ * If the file has changed since the last read RPC or you have
+ * written to the file, you may have lost data cache consistency
+ * with the server. So, check for a change, and flush all of the
+ * file's data out of the cache.
+ * NB: This implies that cache data can be read when up to
+ * NFS_MAXATTRTIMO seconds out of date. If you find that you
+ * need current attributes, nfs_getattr() can be forced to fetch
+ * new attributes (via NATTRINVALIDATE() or NGA_UNCACHED).
+ */
+ if (ISSET(np->n_flag, NUPDATESIZE))
+ nfs_data_update_size(np, 0);
+ if ((error = nfs_node_lock(np))) {
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, 0xd1e0222, 0, error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ if (np->n_flag & NNEEDINVALIDATE) {
+ np->n_flag &= ~NNEEDINVALIDATE;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ error = nfs_vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE|V_IGNORE_WRITEERR, ctx, 1);
+ if (!error)
+ error = nfs_node_lock(np);
+ if (error) {
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, 0xd1e0322, 0, error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ }
+ modified = (np->n_flag & NMODIFIED);
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ /* nfs_getattr() will check changed and purge caches */
+ error = nfs_getattr(np, NULL, ctx, modified ? NGA_UNCACHED : NGA_CACHED);
+ if (error) {
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, 0xd1e0004, 0, error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ if (uio_resid(uio) == 0) {
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, 0xd1e0001, 0, 0);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ if (uio_offset(uio) < 0) {
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, 0xd1e0002, 0, EINVAL);
+ return (EINVAL);
+ }
+ /*
+ * set up readahead - which may be limited by:
+ * + current request length (for IO_NOCACHE)
+ * + readahead setting
+ * + file size
+ */
+ if (nmp->nm_readahead > 0) {
+ off_t end = uio_offset(uio) + uio_resid(uio);
+ if (end > (off_t)np->n_size)
+ end = np->n_size;
+ rabn = uio_offset(uio) / biosize;
+ maxrabn = (end - 1) / biosize;
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ if (!(ioflag & IO_NOCACHE) &&
+ (!rabn || (rabn == np->n_lastread) || (rabn == (np->n_lastread+1)))) {
+ maxrabn += nmp->nm_readahead;
+ if ((maxrabn * biosize) >= (off_t)np->n_size)
+ maxrabn = ((off_t)np->n_size - 1)/biosize;
+ }
+ if (maxrabn < np->n_lastrahead)
+ np->n_lastrahead = -1;
+ if (rabn < np->n_lastrahead)
+ rabn = np->n_lastrahead + 1;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ } else {
+ rabn = maxrabn = 0;
+ }
+ do {
+ nfs_data_lock(np, NFS_DATA_LOCK_SHARED);
+ lbn = uio_offset(uio) / biosize;
+ /*
+ * Copy directly from any cached pages without grabbing the bufs.
+ * (If we are NOCACHE and we've issued readahead requests, we need
+ * to grab the NB_NCRDAHEAD bufs to drop them.)
+ */
+ if ((!(ioflag & IO_NOCACHE) || !readaheads) &&
+ ((uio->uio_segflg == UIO_USERSPACE32 ||
+ uio->uio_segflg == UIO_USERSPACE64 ||
+ uio->uio_segflg == UIO_USERSPACE))) {
+ io_resid = uio_resid(uio);
+ diff = np->n_size - uio_offset(uio);
+ if (diff < io_resid)
+ io_resid = diff;
+ if (io_resid > 0) {
+ int count = (io_resid > INT_MAX) ? INT_MAX : io_resid;
+ error = cluster_copy_ubc_data(vp, uio, &count, 0);
+ if (error) {
+ nfs_data_unlock(np);
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, uio_offset(uio), 0xcacefeed, error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ }
+ /* count any biocache reads that we just copied directly */
+ if (lbn != (uio_offset(uio)/biosize)) {
+ OSAddAtomic64((uio_offset(uio)/biosize) - lbn, &nfsstats.biocache_reads);
+ FSDBG(514, np, 0xcacefeed, uio_offset(uio), error);
+ }
+ }
+ lbn = uio_offset(uio) / biosize;
+ on = uio_offset(uio) % biosize;
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_lastread = (uio_offset(uio) - 1) / biosize;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ if ((uio_resid(uio) <= 0) || (uio_offset(uio) >= (off_t)np->n_size)) {
+ nfs_data_unlock(np);
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, uio_offset(uio), uio_resid(uio), 0xaaaaaaaa);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /* adjust readahead block number, if necessary */
+ if (rabn < lbn)
+ rabn = lbn;
+ lastrabn = MIN(maxrabn, lbn + nmp->nm_readahead);
+ if (rabn <= lastrabn) { /* start readaheads */
+ error = nfs_buf_readahead(np, ioflag, &rabn, lastrabn, thd, cred);
+ if (error) {
+ nfs_data_unlock(np);
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, 0xd1e000b, 1, error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ readaheads = 1;
+ }
+ OSAddAtomic64(1, &nfsstats.biocache_reads);
+ /*
+ * If the block is in the cache and has the required data
+ * in a valid region, just copy it out.
+ * Otherwise, get the block and write back/read in,
+ * as required.
+ */
+ io_resid = uio_resid(uio);
+ n = (io_resid > (biosize - on)) ? (biosize - on) : io_resid;
+ diff = np->n_size - uio_offset(uio);
+ if (diff < n)
+ n = diff;
+ error = nfs_buf_get(np, lbn, biosize, thd, NBLK_READ, &bp);
+ if (error) {
+ nfs_data_unlock(np);
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, 0xd1e000c, 0, error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ if ((ioflag & IO_NOCACHE) && ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_CACHE)) {
+ /*
+ * IO_NOCACHE found a cached buffer.
+ * Flush the buffer if it's dirty.
+ * Invalidate the data if it wasn't just read
+ * in as part of a "nocache readahead".
+ */
+ if (bp->nb_dirty || (bp->nb_dirtyend > 0)) {
+ /* so write the buffer out and try again */
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NOCACHE);
+ goto flushbuffer;
+ }
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NCRDAHEAD)) {
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_NCRDAHEAD);
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NOCACHE);
+ }
+ }
+ /* if any pages are valid... */
+ if (bp->nb_valid) {
+ /* ...check for any invalid pages in the read range */
+ int pg, firstpg, lastpg, dirtypg;
+ dirtypg = firstpg = lastpg = -1;
+ pg = on/PAGE_SIZE;
+ while (pg <= (on + n - 1)/PAGE_SIZE) {
+ if (!NBPGVALID(bp,pg)) {
+ if (firstpg < 0)
+ firstpg = pg;
+ lastpg = pg;
+ } else if (firstpg >= 0 && dirtypg < 0 && NBPGDIRTY(bp,pg))
+ dirtypg = pg;
+ pg++;
+ }
+ /* if there are no invalid pages, we're all set */
+ if (firstpg < 0) {
+ if (bp->nb_validoff < 0) {
+ /* valid range isn't set up, so */
+ /* set it to what we know is valid */
+ bp->nb_validoff = trunc_page(on);
+ bp->nb_validend = round_page(on+n);
+ nfs_buf_normalize_valid_range(np, bp);
+ }
+ goto buffer_ready;
+ }
+ /* there are invalid pages in the read range */
+ if (((dirtypg > firstpg) && (dirtypg < lastpg)) ||
+ (((firstpg*PAGE_SIZE) < bp->nb_dirtyend) && (((lastpg+1)*PAGE_SIZE) > bp->nb_dirtyoff))) {
+ /* there are also dirty page(s) (or range) in the read range, */
+ /* so write the buffer out and try again */
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, (NB_DONE | NB_ERROR | NB_INVAL));
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ASYNC);
+ if (!IS_VALID_CRED(bp->nb_wcred)) {
+ kauth_cred_ref(cred);
+ bp->nb_wcred = cred;
+ }
+ error = nfs_buf_write(bp);
+ if (error) {
+ nfs_data_unlock(np);
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, 0xd1e000d, 0, error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ goto again;
+ }
+ if (!bp->nb_dirty && bp->nb_dirtyend <= 0 &&
+ (lastpg - firstpg + 1) > (biosize/PAGE_SIZE)/2) {
+ /* we need to read in more than half the buffer and the */
+ /* buffer's not dirty, so just fetch the whole buffer */
+ bp->nb_valid = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* read the page range in */
+ uio_t auio;
+ char uio_buf[ UIO_SIZEOF(1) ];
+ NFS_BUF_MAP(bp);
+ auio = uio_createwithbuffer(1, (NBOFF(bp) + firstpg * PAGE_SIZE_64),
+ UIO_SYSSPACE, UIO_READ, &uio_buf[0], sizeof(uio_buf));
+ if (!auio) {
+ error = ENOMEM;
+ } else {
+ uio_addiov(auio, CAST_USER_ADDR_T(bp->nb_data + (firstpg * PAGE_SIZE)),
+ ((lastpg - firstpg + 1) * PAGE_SIZE));
+ error = nfs_read_rpc(np, auio, ctx);
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ if (ioflag & IO_NOCACHE)
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NOCACHE);
+ nfs_buf_release(bp, 1);
+ nfs_data_unlock(np);
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, 0xd1e000e, 0, error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ /* Make sure that the valid range is set to cover this read. */
+ bp->nb_validoff = trunc_page_32(on);
+ bp->nb_validend = round_page_32(on+n);
+ nfs_buf_normalize_valid_range(np, bp);
+ if (uio_resid(auio) > 0) {
+ /* if short read, must have hit EOF, */
+ /* so zero the rest of the range */
+ bzero(CAST_DOWN(caddr_t, uio_curriovbase(auio)), uio_resid(auio));
+ }
+ /* mark the pages (successfully read) as valid */
+ for (pg=firstpg; pg <= lastpg; pg++)
+ }
+ }
+ /* if no pages are valid, read the whole block */
+ if (!bp->nb_valid) {
+ if (!IS_VALID_CRED(bp->nb_rcred) && IS_VALID_CRED(cred)) {
+ kauth_cred_ref(cred);
+ bp->nb_rcred = cred;
+ }
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_READ);
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, (NB_DONE | NB_ERROR | NB_INVAL));
+ error = nfs_buf_read(bp);
+ if (ioflag & IO_NOCACHE)
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NOCACHE);
if (error) {
- if (nfs_sigintr(nmp, NULL, bp->b_proc))
- return (EINTR);
- if (slpflag == PCATCH) {
- slpflag = 0;
- slptimeo = 2 * hz;
+ nfs_data_unlock(np);
+ nfs_buf_release(bp, 1);
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, 0xd1e000f, 0, error);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ }
+ /* validate read range against valid range and clip */
+ if (bp->nb_validend > 0) {
+ diff = (on >= bp->nb_validend) ? 0 : (bp->nb_validend - on);
+ if (diff < n)
+ n = diff;
+ }
+ if (n > 0) {
+ NFS_BUF_MAP(bp);
+ error = uiomove(bp->nb_data + on, n, uio);
+ }
+ nfs_buf_release(bp, 1);
+ nfs_data_unlock(np);
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_lastread = (uio_offset(uio) - 1) / biosize;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ } while (error == 0 && uio_resid(uio) > 0 && n > 0);
+ FSDBG_BOT(514, np, uio_offset(uio), uio_resid(uio), error);
+ return (error);
+ * limit the number of outstanding async I/O writes
+ */
+nfs_async_write_start(struct nfsmount *nmp)
+ int error = 0, slpflag = NMFLAG(nmp, INTR) ? PCATCH : 0;
+ struct timespec ts = {1, 0};
+ if (nfs_max_async_writes <= 0)
+ return (0);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ while ((nfs_max_async_writes > 0) && (nmp->nm_asyncwrites >= nfs_max_async_writes)) {
+ if ((error = nfs_sigintr(nmp, NULL, current_thread(), 1)))
+ break;
+ msleep(&nmp->nm_asyncwrites, &nmp->nm_lock, slpflag|(PZERO-1), "nfsasyncwrites", &ts);
+ slpflag = 0;
+ }
+ if (!error)
+ nmp->nm_asyncwrites++;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ return (error);
+nfs_async_write_done(struct nfsmount *nmp)
+ if (nmp->nm_asyncwrites <= 0)
+ return;
+ lck_mtx_lock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ if (nmp->nm_asyncwrites-- >= nfs_max_async_writes)
+ wakeup(&nmp->nm_asyncwrites);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ * write (or commit) the given NFS buffer
+ *
+ * Commit the buffer if we can.
+ * Write out any dirty range.
+ * If any dirty pages remain, write them out.
+ * Mark buffer done.
+ *
+ * For async requests, all the work beyond sending the initial
+ * write RPC is handled in the RPC callback(s).
+ */
+nfs_buf_write(struct nfsbuf *bp)
+ int error = 0, oldflags, async;
+ nfsnode_t np;
+ thread_t thd;
+ kauth_cred_t cred;
+ proc_t p = current_proc();
+ int iomode, doff, dend, firstpg, lastpg;
+ uint32_t pagemask;
+ FSDBG_TOP(553, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_flags, 0);
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_lflags, NBL_BUSY))
+ panic("nfs_buf_write: buffer is not busy???");
+ np = bp->nb_np;
+ async = ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ASYNC);
+ oldflags = bp->nb_flags;
+ if (ISSET(oldflags, NB_DELWRI)) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ nfs_nbdwrite--;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ wakeup(&nfs_nbdwrite);
+ }
+ /* move to clean list */
+ if (ISSET(oldflags, (NB_ASYNC|NB_DELWRI))) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (bp->nb_vnbufs.le_next != NFSNOLIST)
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&np->n_cleanblkhd, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ }
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_numoutput++;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ vnode_startwrite(NFSTOV(np));
+ if (p && p->p_stats)
+ OSIncrementAtomicLong(&p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_oublock);
+ cred = bp->nb_wcred;
+ if (!IS_VALID_CRED(cred) && ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_READ))
+ cred = bp->nb_rcred; /* shouldn't really happen, but... */
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_ref(cred);
+ thd = async ? NULL : current_thread();
+ /* We need to make sure the pages are locked before doing I/O. */
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_META)) {
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_PAGELIST)) {
+ error = nfs_buf_upl_setup(bp);
+ if (error) {
+ printf("nfs_buf_write: upl create failed %d\n", error);
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ bp->nb_error = error = EIO;
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ nfs_buf_upl_check(bp);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* We should never be in nfs_buf_write() with no UBCINFO. */
+ printf("nfs_buf_write: ubcinfo already gone\n");
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ bp->nb_error = error = EIO;
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If NB_NEEDCOMMIT is set, a commit RPC may do the trick. */
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NEEDCOMMIT))
+ nfs_buf_check_write_verifier(np, bp);
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NEEDCOMMIT)) {
+ struct nfsmount *nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp)) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ bp->nb_error = error = EIO;
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_WRITEINPROG);
+ error = nmp->nm_funcs->nf_commit_rpc(np, NBOFF(bp) + bp->nb_dirtyoff,
+ bp->nb_dirtyend - bp->nb_dirtyoff, bp->nb_wcred, bp->nb_verf);
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_WRITEINPROG);
+ if (error) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ bp->nb_error = error;
+ }
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ bp->nb_dirtyoff = bp->nb_dirtyend = 0;
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_NEEDCOMMIT);
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_needcommitcnt--;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ }
+ if (!error && (bp->nb_dirtyend > 0)) {
+ /* sanity check the dirty range */
+ if (NBOFF(bp) + bp->nb_dirtyend > (off_t) np->n_size) {
+ bp->nb_dirtyend = np->n_size - NBOFF(bp);
+ if (bp->nb_dirtyoff >= bp->nb_dirtyend)
+ bp->nb_dirtyoff = bp->nb_dirtyend = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!error && (bp->nb_dirtyend > 0)) {
+ /* there's a dirty range that needs to be written out */
+ NFS_BUF_MAP(bp);
+ doff = bp->nb_dirtyoff;
+ dend = bp->nb_dirtyend;
+ /* if doff page is dirty, move doff to start of page */
+ if (NBPGDIRTY(bp, doff / PAGE_SIZE))
+ doff -= doff & PAGE_MASK;
+ /* try to expand write range to include preceding dirty pages */
+ if (!(doff & PAGE_MASK))
+ while ((doff > 0) && NBPGDIRTY(bp, (doff - 1) / PAGE_SIZE))
+ doff -= PAGE_SIZE;
+ /* if dend page is dirty, move dend to start of next page */
+ if ((dend & PAGE_MASK) && NBPGDIRTY(bp, dend / PAGE_SIZE))
+ dend = round_page_32(dend);
+ /* try to expand write range to include trailing dirty pages */
+ if (!(dend & PAGE_MASK))
+ while ((dend < (int)bp->nb_bufsize) && NBPGDIRTY(bp, dend / PAGE_SIZE))
+ dend += PAGE_SIZE;
+ /* make sure to keep dend clipped to EOF */
+ if ((NBOFF(bp) + dend) > (off_t) np->n_size)
+ dend = np->n_size - NBOFF(bp);
+ /* calculate range of complete pages being written */
+ firstpg = round_page_32(doff) / PAGE_SIZE;
+ lastpg = (trunc_page_32(dend) - 1) / PAGE_SIZE;
+ /* calculate mask for that page range */
+ pagemask = ((1 << (lastpg + 1)) - 1) & ~((1 << firstpg) - 1);
+ /*
+ * compare page mask to nb_dirty; if there are other dirty pages
+ * then write FILESYNC; otherwise, write UNSTABLE if async and
+ * not needcommit/stable; otherwise write FILESYNC
+ */
+ if (bp->nb_dirty & ~pagemask)
+ else if ((bp->nb_flags & (NB_ASYNC | NB_NEEDCOMMIT | NB_STABLE)) == NB_ASYNC)
+ else
+ /* write the whole contiguous dirty range */
+ bp->nb_offio = doff;
+ bp->nb_endio = dend;
+ OSAddAtomic64(1, &nfsstats.write_bios);
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_WRITEINPROG);
+ error = nfs_buf_write_rpc(bp, iomode, thd, cred);
+ /*
+ * For async I/O, the callbacks will finish up the
+ * write and push out any dirty pages. Otherwise,
+ * the write has already been finished and any dirty
+ * pages pushed out.
+ */
+ } else {
+ if (!error && bp->nb_dirty) /* write out any dirty pages */
+ error = nfs_buf_write_dirty_pages(bp, thd, cred);
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ }
+ /* note: bp is still valid only for !async case */
+ if (!async) {
+ error = nfs_buf_iowait(bp);
+ /* move to clean list */
+ if (oldflags & NB_DELWRI) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (bp->nb_vnbufs.le_next != NFSNOLIST)
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&np->n_cleanblkhd, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ }
+ FSDBG_BOT(553, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_flags, error);
+ nfs_buf_release(bp, 1);
+ /* check if we need to invalidate (and we can) */
+ if ((np->n_flag & NNEEDINVALIDATE) &&
+ int invalidate = 0;
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ if (np->n_flag & NNEEDINVALIDATE) {
+ invalidate = 1;
+ np->n_flag &= ~NNEEDINVALIDATE;
+ }
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ if (invalidate) {
+ /*
+ * There was a write error and we need to
+ * invalidate attrs and flush buffers in
+ * order to sync up with the server.
+ * (if this write was extending the file,
+ * we may no longer know the correct size)
+ *
+ * But we couldn't call vinvalbuf while holding
+ * the buffer busy. So we call vinvalbuf() after
+ * releasing the buffer.
+ */
+ nfs_vinvalbuf2(NFSTOV(np), V_SAVE|V_IGNORE_WRITEERR, thd, cred, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&cred);
+ return (error);
+ * finish the writing of a buffer
+ */
+nfs_buf_write_finish(struct nfsbuf *bp, thread_t thd, kauth_cred_t cred)
+ nfsnode_t np = bp->nb_np;
+ int error = (bp->nb_flags & NB_ERROR) ? bp->nb_error : 0;
+ int firstpg, lastpg;
+ uint32_t pagemask;
+ if ((error == EINTR) || (error == ERESTART)) {
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_EINTR);
+ }
+ if (!error) {
+ /* calculate range of complete pages being written */
+ firstpg = round_page_32(bp->nb_offio) / PAGE_SIZE;
+ lastpg = (trunc_page_32(bp->nb_endio) - 1) / PAGE_SIZE;
+ /* calculate mask for that page range written */
+ pagemask = ((1 << (lastpg + 1)) - 1) & ~((1 << firstpg) - 1);
+ /* clear dirty bits for pages we've written */
+ bp->nb_dirty &= ~pagemask;
+ }
+ /* manage needcommit state */
+ if (!error && (bp->nb_commitlevel == NFS_WRITE_UNSTABLE)) {
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NEEDCOMMIT)) {
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_needcommitcnt++;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NEEDCOMMIT);
+ }
+ /* make sure nb_dirtyoff/nb_dirtyend reflect actual range written */
+ bp->nb_dirtyoff = bp->nb_offio;
+ bp->nb_dirtyend = bp->nb_endio;
+ } else if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NEEDCOMMIT)) {
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_needcommitcnt--;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_NEEDCOMMIT);
+ }
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_WRITEINPROG);
+ /*
+ * For an unstable write, the buffer is still treated as dirty until
+ * a commit (or stable (re)write) is performed. Buffers needing only
+ * a commit are marked with the NB_DELWRI and NB_NEEDCOMMIT flags.
+ *
+ * If the write was interrupted we set NB_EINTR. Don't set NB_ERROR
+ * because that would cause the buffer to be dropped. The buffer is
+ * still valid and simply needs to be written again.
+ */
+ if ((error == EINTR) || (error == ERESTART) || (!error && (bp->nb_flags & NB_NEEDCOMMIT))) {
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_INVAL);
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DELWRI)) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DELWRI);
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ nfs_nbdwrite++;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Since for the NB_ASYNC case, we've reassigned the buffer to the
+ * clean list, we have to reassign it back to the dirty one. Ugh.
+ */
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ASYNC)) {
+ /* move to dirty list */
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (bp->nb_vnbufs.le_next != NFSNOLIST)
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&np->n_dirtyblkhd, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* either there's an error or we don't need to commit */
+ if (error) {
+ /*
+ * There was a write error and we need to invalidate
+ * attrs and flush buffers in order to sync up with the
+ * server. (if this write was extending the file, we
+ * may no longer know the correct size)
+ *
+ * But we can't call vinvalbuf while holding this
+ * buffer busy. Set a flag to do it after releasing
+ * the buffer.
+ */
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_error = error;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ }
+ /* clear the dirty range */
+ bp->nb_dirtyoff = bp->nb_dirtyend = 0;
+ }
+ if (!error && bp->nb_dirty)
+ nfs_buf_write_dirty_pages(bp, thd, cred);
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ * write out any pages marked dirty in a buffer
+ *
+ * We do use unstable writes and follow up with a commit.
+ * If we catch the write verifier changing we'll restart
+ * do the writes filesync.
+ */
+nfs_buf_write_dirty_pages(struct nfsbuf *bp, thread_t thd, kauth_cred_t cred)
+ nfsnode_t np = bp->nb_np;
+ struct nfsmount *nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ int error = 0, commit, iomode, iomode2, len, pg, count, npages, off;
+ uint32_t dirty = bp->nb_dirty;
+ uint64_t wverf;
+ uio_t auio;
+ char uio_buf [ UIO_SIZEOF(1) ];
+ if (!bp->nb_dirty)
+ return (0);
+ /* there are pages marked dirty that need to be written out */
+ OSAddAtomic64(1, &nfsstats.write_bios);
+ NFS_BUF_MAP(bp);
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_WRITEINPROG);
+ npages = bp->nb_bufsize / PAGE_SIZE;
+ auio = uio_createwithbuffer(1, 0, UIO_SYSSPACE, UIO_WRITE,
+ &uio_buf, sizeof(uio_buf));
+ dirty = bp->nb_dirty;
+ wverf = bp->nb_verf;
+ for (pg = 0; pg < npages; pg++) {
+ if (!NBPGDIRTY(bp, pg))
+ continue;
+ count = 1;
+ while (((pg + count) < npages) && NBPGDIRTY(bp, pg + count))
+ count++;
+ /* write count pages starting with page pg */
+ off = pg * PAGE_SIZE;
+ len = count * PAGE_SIZE;
+ /* clip writes to EOF */
+ if (NBOFF(bp) + off + len > (off_t) np->n_size)
+ len -= (NBOFF(bp) + off + len) - np->n_size;
+ if (len > 0) {
+ iomode2 = iomode;
+ uio_reset(auio, NBOFF(bp) + off, UIO_SYSSPACE, UIO_WRITE);
+ uio_addiov(auio, CAST_USER_ADDR_T(bp->nb_data + off), len);
+ error = nfs_write_rpc2(np, auio, thd, cred, &iomode2, &bp->nb_verf);
+ if (error)
+ break;
+ if (iomode2 < commit) /* Retain the lowest commitment level returned. */
+ commit = iomode2;
+ if ((commit != NFS_WRITE_FILESYNC) && (wverf != bp->nb_verf)) {
+ /* verifier changed, redo all the writes filesync */
+ goto again;
+ }
+ }
+ /* clear dirty bits */
+ while (count--) {
+ dirty &= ~(1 << pg);
+ if (count) /* leave pg on last page */
+ pg++;
+ }
+ }
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_WRITEINPROG);
+ if (!error && (commit != NFS_WRITE_FILESYNC)) {
+ error = nmp->nm_funcs->nf_commit_rpc(np, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_bufsize, cred, wverf);
+ /* verifier changed, so we need to restart all the writes */
+ goto again;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!error) {
+ bp->nb_dirty = dirty;
+ } else {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ bp->nb_error = error;
+ }
+ return (error);
+ * initiate the NFS WRITE RPC(s) for a buffer
+ */
+nfs_buf_write_rpc(struct nfsbuf *bp, int iomode, thread_t thd, kauth_cred_t cred)
+ struct nfsmount *nmp;
+ nfsnode_t np = bp->nb_np;
+ int error = 0, nfsvers, async;
+ int offset, nrpcs;
+ uint32_t nmwsize, length, len;
+ struct nfsreq *req;
+ struct nfsreq_cbinfo cb;
+ uio_t auio;
+ char uio_buf [ UIO_SIZEOF(1) ];
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp)) {
+ bp->nb_error = error = ENXIO;
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ nfsvers = nmp->nm_vers;
+ nmwsize = nmp->nm_wsize;
+ offset = bp->nb_offio;
+ length = bp->nb_endio - bp->nb_offio;
+ /* Note: Can only do async I/O if nfsiods are configured. */
+ async = (bp->nb_flags & NB_ASYNC) && (NFSIOD_MAX > 0);
+ bp->nb_commitlevel = NFS_WRITE_FILESYNC;
+ cb.rcb_func = async ? nfs_buf_write_rpc_finish : NULL;
+ cb.rcb_bp = bp;
+ if ((nfsvers == NFS_VER2) && ((NBOFF(bp) + bp->nb_endio) > 0xffffffffLL)) {
+ bp->nb_error = error = EFBIG;
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ auio = uio_createwithbuffer(1, NBOFF(bp) + offset, UIO_SYSSPACE,
+ UIO_WRITE, &uio_buf, sizeof(uio_buf));
+ uio_addiov(auio, CAST_USER_ADDR_T(bp->nb_data + offset), length);
+ bp->nb_rpcs = nrpcs = (length + nmwsize - 1) / nmwsize;
+ if (async && (nrpcs > 1)) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_MULTASYNCRPC);
+ } else {
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_MULTASYNCRPC);
+ }
+ while (length > 0) {
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR)) {
+ error = bp->nb_error;
+ break;
+ }
+ len = (length > nmwsize) ? nmwsize : length;
+ cb.rcb_args[0] = offset;
+ cb.rcb_args[1] = len;
+ if (nmp->nm_vers >= NFS_VER4)
+ cb.rcb_args[2] = nmp->nm_stategenid;
+ if (async && ((error = nfs_async_write_start(nmp))))
+ break;
+ req = NULL;
+ error = nmp->nm_funcs->nf_write_rpc_async(np, auio, len, thd, cred,
+ iomode, &cb, &req);
+ if (error) {
+ if (async)
+ nfs_async_write_done(nmp);
+ break;
+ }
+ offset += len;
+ length -= len;
+ if (async)
+ continue;
+ nfs_buf_write_rpc_finish(req);
+ }
+ if (length > 0) {
+ /*
+ * Something bad happened while trying to send the RPCs.
+ * Wait for any outstanding requests to complete.
+ */
+ bp->nb_error = error;
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_MULTASYNCRPC)) {
+ nrpcs = (length + nmwsize - 1) / nmwsize;
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ bp->nb_rpcs -= nrpcs;
+ if (bp->nb_rpcs == 0) {
+ /* No RPCs left, so the buffer's done */
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ nfs_buf_write_finish(bp, thd, cred);
+ } else {
+ /* wait for the last RPC to mark it done */
+ while (bp->nb_rpcs > 0)
+ msleep(&bp->nb_rpcs, nfs_buf_mutex, 0,
+ "nfs_buf_write_rpc_cancel", NULL);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ }
+ } else {
+ nfs_buf_write_finish(bp, thd, cred);
+ }
+ /* It may have just been an interrupt... that's OK */
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR))
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ return (error);
+ * finish up an NFS WRITE RPC on a buffer
+ */
+nfs_buf_write_rpc_finish(struct nfsreq *req)
+ int error = 0, nfsvers, offset, length, multasyncrpc, finished;
+ int committed = NFS_WRITE_FILESYNC;
+ uint64_t wverf = 0;
+ size_t rlen;
+ void *wakeme = NULL;
+ struct nfsreq_cbinfo cb;
+ struct nfsreq *wreq = NULL;
+ struct nfsbuf *bp;
+ struct nfsmount *nmp;
+ nfsnode_t np;
+ thread_t thd;
+ kauth_cred_t cred;
+ uio_t auio;
+ char uio_buf [ UIO_SIZEOF(1) ];
+ np = req->r_np;
+ thd = req->r_thread;
+ cred = req->r_cred;
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_ref(cred);
+ cb = req->r_callback;
+ bp = cb.rcb_bp;
+ if (cb.rcb_func) /* take an extra reference on the nfsreq in case we want to resend it later due to grace error */
+ nfs_request_ref(req, 0);
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp)) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ bp->nb_error = error = ENXIO;
+ }
+ if (error || ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR)) {
+ /* just drop it */
+ nfs_request_async_cancel(req);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ nfsvers = nmp->nm_vers;
+ offset = cb.rcb_args[0];
+ rlen = length = cb.rcb_args[1];
+ /* finish the RPC */
+ error = nmp->nm_funcs->nf_write_rpc_async_finish(np, req, &committed, &rlen, &wverf);
+ if ((error == EINPROGRESS) && cb.rcb_func) {
+ /* async request restarted */
+ if (cb.rcb_func)
+ nfs_request_rele(req);
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&cred);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((nmp->nm_vers >= NFS_VER4) && nfs_mount_state_error_should_restart(error) && !ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR)) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ if ((error != NFSERR_OLD_STATEID) && (error != NFSERR_GRACE) && (cb.rcb_args[2] == nmp->nm_stategenid)) {
+ NP(np, "nfs_buf_write_rpc_finish: error %d @ 0x%llx, 0x%x 0x%x, initiating recovery",
+ error, NBOFF(bp)+offset, cb.rcb_args[2], nmp->nm_stategenid);
+ nfs_need_recover(nmp, error);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ if (np->n_flag & NREVOKE) {
+ error = EIO;
+ } else {
+ if (error == NFSERR_GRACE) {
+ if (cb.rcb_func) {
+ /*
+ * For an async I/O request, handle a grace delay just like
+ * jukebox errors. Set the resend time and queue it up.
+ */
+ struct timeval now;
+ if (req->r_nmrep.nmc_mhead) {
+ mbuf_freem(req->r_nmrep.nmc_mhead);
+ req->r_nmrep.nmc_mhead = NULL;
+ }
+ req->r_error = 0;
+ microuptime(&now);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&req->r_mtx);
+ req->r_resendtime = now.tv_sec + 2;
+ req->r_xid = 0; // get a new XID
+ req->r_flags |= R_RESTART;
+ req->r_start = 0;
+ nfs_asyncio_resend(req);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&req->r_mtx);
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&cred);
+ /* Note: nfsreq reference taken will be dropped later when finished */
+ return;
+ /* otherwise, just pause a couple seconds and retry */
+ tsleep(&nmp->nm_state, (PZERO-1), "nfsgrace", 2*hz);
+ }
+ if (!(error = nfs_mount_state_wait_for_recovery(nmp))) {
+ rlen = 0;
+ goto writeagain;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ bp->nb_error = error;
+ }
+ if (error || (nfsvers == NFS_VER2))
+ goto out;
+ if (rlen <= 0) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ bp->nb_error = error = EIO;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* save lowest commit level returned */
+ if (committed < bp->nb_commitlevel)
+ bp->nb_commitlevel = committed;
+ /* check the write verifier */
+ if (!bp->nb_verf) {
+ bp->nb_verf = wverf;
+ } else if (bp->nb_verf != wverf) {
+ /* verifier changed, so buffer will need to be rewritten */
+ bp->nb_flags |= NB_STALEWVERF;
+ bp->nb_commitlevel = NFS_WRITE_UNSTABLE;
+ bp->nb_verf = wverf;
+ }
+ /*
+ * check for a short write
+ *
+ * If the server didn't write all the data, then we
+ * need to issue another write for the rest of it.
+ * (Don't bother if the buffer hit an error or stale wverf.)
+ */
+ if (((int)rlen < length) && !(bp->nb_flags & (NB_STALEWVERF|NB_ERROR))) {
+ offset += rlen;
+ length -= rlen;
+ auio = uio_createwithbuffer(1, NBOFF(bp) + offset, UIO_SYSSPACE,
+ UIO_WRITE, &uio_buf, sizeof(uio_buf));
+ uio_addiov(auio, CAST_USER_ADDR_T(bp->nb_data + offset), length);
+ cb.rcb_args[0] = offset;
+ cb.rcb_args[1] = length;
+ if (nmp->nm_vers >= NFS_VER4)
+ cb.rcb_args[2] = nmp->nm_stategenid;
+ // XXX iomode should really match the original request
+ error = nmp->nm_funcs->nf_write_rpc_async(np, auio, length, thd, cred,
+ NFS_WRITE_FILESYNC, &cb, &wreq);
+ if (!error) {
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&cred);
+ if (!cb.rcb_func) {
+ /* if !async we'll need to wait for this RPC to finish */
+ req = wreq;
+ wreq = NULL;
+ goto finish;
+ }
+ nfs_request_rele(req);
+ /*
+ * We're done here.
+ * Outstanding RPC count is unchanged.
+ * Callback will be called when RPC is done.
+ */
+ return;
+ }
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ bp->nb_error = error;
+ }
+ if (cb.rcb_func) {
+ nfs_async_write_done(nmp);
+ nfs_request_rele(req);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Decrement outstanding RPC count on buffer
+ * and call nfs_buf_write_finish on last RPC.
+ *
+ * (Note: when there are multiple async RPCs issued for a
+ * buffer we need nfs_buffer_mutex to avoid problems when
+ * aborting a partially-initiated set of RPCs)
+ */
+ multasyncrpc = ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_MULTASYNCRPC);
+ if (multasyncrpc)
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ bp->nb_rpcs--;
+ finished = (bp->nb_rpcs == 0);
+ if (multasyncrpc)
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (finished) {
+ if (multasyncrpc)
+ wakeme = &bp->nb_rpcs;
+ nfs_buf_write_finish(bp, thd, cred);
+ if (wakeme)
+ wakeup(wakeme);
+ }
+ if (IS_VALID_CRED(cred))
+ kauth_cred_unref(&cred);
+ * Send commit(s) for the given node's "needcommit" buffers
+ */
+nfs_flushcommits(nfsnode_t np, int nowait)
+ struct nfsmount *nmp;
+ struct nfsbuf *bp, *prevlbp, *lbp;
+ struct nfsbuflists blist, commitlist;
+ int error = 0, retv, wcred_set, flags, dirty;
+ u_quad_t off, endoff, toff;
+ uint64_t wverf;
+ u_int32_t count;
+ kauth_cred_t wcred = NULL;
+ FSDBG_TOP(557, np, 0, 0, 0);
+ /*
+ * A nb_flags == (NB_DELWRI | NB_NEEDCOMMIT) block has been written to the
+ * server, but nas not been committed to stable storage on the server
+ * yet. The byte range is worked out for as many nfsbufs as we can handle
+ * and the commit rpc is done.
+ */
+ if (!LIST_EMPTY(&np->n_dirtyblkhd)) {
+ error = nfs_node_lock(np);
+ if (error)
+ goto done;
+ np->n_flag |= NMODIFIED;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ }
+ off = (u_quad_t)-1;
+ endoff = 0;
+ wcred_set = 0;
+ LIST_INIT(&commitlist);
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp)) {
+ error = ENXIO;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (nmp->nm_vers == NFS_VER2) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ flags = NBI_DIRTY;
+ if (nowait)
+ flags |= NBI_NOWAIT;
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ wverf = nmp->nm_verf;
+ if (!nfs_buf_iterprepare(np, &blist, flags)) {
+ while ((bp = LIST_FIRST(&blist))) {
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&np->n_dirtyblkhd, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ error = nfs_buf_acquire(bp, NBAC_NOWAIT, 0, 0);
+ if (error)
+ continue;
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NEEDCOMMIT))
+ nfs_buf_check_write_verifier(np, bp);
+ if (((bp->nb_flags & (NB_DELWRI | NB_NEEDCOMMIT)) != (NB_DELWRI | NB_NEEDCOMMIT)) ||
+ (bp->nb_verf != wverf)) {
+ nfs_buf_drop(bp);
+ continue;
+ }
+ nfs_buf_remfree(bp);
+ /* buffer UPLs will be grabbed *in order* below */
+ FSDBG(557, bp, bp->nb_flags, bp->nb_valid, bp->nb_dirty);
+ FSDBG(557, bp->nb_validoff, bp->nb_validend,
+ bp->nb_dirtyoff, bp->nb_dirtyend);
+ /*
+ * Work out if all buffers are using the same cred
+ * so we can deal with them all with one commit.
+ *
+ * Note: creds in bp's must be obtained by kauth_cred_ref
+ * on the same original cred in order for them to be equal.
+ */
+ if (wcred_set == 0) {
+ wcred = bp->nb_wcred;
+ if (!IS_VALID_CRED(wcred))
+ panic("nfs: needcommit w/out wcred");
+ wcred_set = 1;
+ } else if ((wcred_set == 1) && wcred != bp->nb_wcred) {
+ wcred_set = -1;
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_WRITEINPROG);
- * We might have lost our iod while sleeping,
- * so check and loop if nescessary.
+ * Add this buffer to the list of buffers we are committing.
+ * Buffers are inserted into the list in ascending order so that
+ * we can take the UPLs in order after the list is complete.
- if (nmp->nm_bufqiods == 0) {
- ("nfs_asyncio: no iods after mount %p queue was drained, looping\n", nmp));
- goto again;
+ prevlbp = NULL;
+ LIST_FOREACH(lbp, &commitlist, nb_vnbufs) {
+ if (bp->nb_lblkno < lbp->nb_lblkno)
+ break;
+ prevlbp = lbp;
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ if (prevlbp)
+ LIST_INSERT_AFTER(prevlbp, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ else
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&commitlist, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ /* update commit range start, end */
+ toff = NBOFF(bp) + bp->nb_dirtyoff;
+ if (toff < off)
+ off = toff;
+ toff += (u_quad_t)(bp->nb_dirtyend - bp->nb_dirtyoff);
+ if (toff > endoff)
+ endoff = toff;
+ nfs_buf_itercomplete(np, &blist, NBI_DIRTY);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_READ)) {
- if (bp->b_rcred == NOCRED && cred != NOCRED) {
- /*
- * NFS has embedded ucred.
- * Can not crhold() here as that causes zone corruption
- */
- bp->b_rcred = crdup(cred);
- }
- } else {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_WRITEINPROG);
- if (bp->b_wcred == NOCRED && cred != NOCRED) {
- /*
- * NFS has embedded ucred.
- * Can not crhold() here as that causes zone corruption
- */
- bp->b_wcred = crdup(cred);
+ if (LIST_EMPTY(&commitlist)) {
+ error = ENOBUFS;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We need a UPL to prevent others from accessing the buffers during
+ * our commit RPC(s).
+ *
+ * We used to also check for dirty pages here; if there were any we'd
+ * abort the commit and force the entire buffer to be written again.
+ * Instead of doing that, we just go ahead and commit the dirty range,
+ * and then leave the buffer around with dirty pages that will be
+ * written out later.
+ */
+ LIST_FOREACH(bp, &commitlist, nb_vnbufs) {
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_PAGELIST)) {
+ retv = nfs_buf_upl_setup(bp);
+ if (retv) {
+ /* Unable to create the UPL, the VM object probably no longer exists. */
+ printf("nfs_flushcommits: upl create failed %d\n", retv);
+ bp->nb_valid = bp->nb_dirty = 0;
+ nfs_buf_upl_check(bp);
+ }
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nmp->nm_bufq, bp, b_freelist);
- nmp->nm_bufqlen++;
- return (0);
+ /*
+ * Commit data on the server, as required.
+ * If all bufs are using the same wcred, then use that with
+ * one call for all of them, otherwise commit each one
+ * separately.
+ */
+ if (wcred_set == 1) {
+ /*
+ * Note, it's possible the commit range could be >2^32-1.
+ * If it is, we'll send one commit that covers the whole file.
+ */
+ if ((endoff - off) > 0xffffffff)
+ count = 0;
+ else
+ count = (endoff - off);
+ retv = nmp->nm_funcs->nf_commit_rpc(np, off, count, wcred, wverf);
+ } else {
+ retv = 0;
+ LIST_FOREACH(bp, &commitlist, nb_vnbufs) {
+ toff = NBOFF(bp) + bp->nb_dirtyoff;
+ count = bp->nb_dirtyend - bp->nb_dirtyoff;
+ retv = nmp->nm_funcs->nf_commit_rpc(np, toff, count, bp->nb_wcred, wverf);
+ if (retv)
+ break;
+ }
- * All the iods are busy on other mounts, so return EIO to
- * force the caller to process the i/o synchronously.
+ * Now, either mark the blocks I/O done or mark the
+ * blocks dirty, depending on whether the commit
+ * succeeded.
- NFS_DPF(ASYNCIO, ("nfs_asyncio: no iods available, i/o is synchronous\n"));
- return (EIO);
+ while ((bp = LIST_FIRST(&commitlist))) {
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ FSDBG(557, bp, retv, bp->nb_flags, bp->nb_dirty);
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_needcommitcnt--;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ if (retv) {
+ /* move back to dirty list */
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&np->n_dirtyblkhd, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ nfs_buf_release(bp, 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_numoutput++;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ vnode_startwrite(NFSTOV(np));
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DELWRI)) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ nfs_nbdwrite--;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ wakeup(&nfs_nbdwrite);
+ }
+ /* if block still has dirty pages, we don't want it to */
+ /* be released in nfs_buf_iodone(). So, don't set NB_ASYNC. */
+ if (!(dirty = bp->nb_dirty))
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ASYNC);
+ else
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_ASYNC);
+ /* move to clean list */
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&np->n_cleanblkhd, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ bp->nb_dirtyoff = bp->nb_dirtyend = 0;
+ nfs_buf_iodone(bp);
+ if (dirty) {
+ /* throw it back in as a delayed write buffer */
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, NB_DONE);
+ nfs_buf_write_delayed(bp);
+ }
+ }
+ FSDBG_BOT(557, np, 0, 0, error);
+ return (error);
- * Do an I/O operation to/from a cache block. This may be called
- * synchronously or from an nfsiod.
+ * Flush all the blocks associated with a vnode.
+ * Walk through the buffer pool and push any dirty pages
+ * associated with the vnode.
-nfs_doio(bp, cr, p)
- register struct buf *bp;
- struct ucred *cr;
- struct proc *p;
+nfs_flush(nfsnode_t np, int waitfor, thread_t thd, int ignore_writeerr)
- register struct uio *uiop;
- register struct vnode *vp;
- struct nfsnode *np;
- struct nfsmount *nmp;
- int error = 0, diff, len, iomode, must_commit = 0;
- struct uio uio;
- struct iovec io;
- vp = bp->b_vp;
- np = VTONFS(vp);
- nmp = VFSTONFS(vp->v_mount);
- uiop = &uio;
- uiop->uio_iov = &io;
- uiop->uio_iovcnt = 1;
- uiop->uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE;
- uiop->uio_procp = p;
- /*
- * With UBC, getblk() can return a buf with B_DONE set.
- * This indicates that the VM has valid data for that page.
- * NFS being stateless, this case poses a problem.
- * By definition, the NFS server should always be consulted
- * for the data in that page.
- * So we choose to clear the B_DONE and to do the IO.
- *
- * XXX revisit this if there is a performance issue.
- * XXX In that case, we could play the attribute cache games ...
- */
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DONE)) {
- if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_ASYNC))
- panic("nfs_doio: done and not async");
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_DONE);
- }
- FSDBG_TOP(256, np->n_size, bp->b_blkno * DEV_BSIZE, bp->b_bcount,
- bp->b_flags);
- FSDBG(257, bp->b_validoff, bp->b_validend, bp->b_dirtyoff,
- bp->b_dirtyend);
+ struct nfsbuf *bp;
+ struct nfsbuflists blist;
+ struct nfsmount *nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ int error = 0, error2, slptimeo = 0, slpflag = 0;
+ int nfsvers, flags, passone = 1;
+ FSDBG_TOP(517, np, waitfor, ignore_writeerr, 0);
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp)) {
+ error = ENXIO;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ nfsvers = nmp->nm_vers;
+ if (NMFLAG(nmp, INTR))
+ slpflag = PCATCH;
+ if (!LIST_EMPTY(&np->n_dirtyblkhd)) {
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_flag |= NMODIFIED;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ while (np->n_bflag & NBFLUSHINPROG) {
+ np->n_bflag |= NBFLUSHWANT;
+ error = msleep(&np->n_bflag, nfs_buf_mutex, slpflag, "nfs_flush", NULL);
+ if ((error && (error != EWOULDBLOCK)) ||
+ ((error = nfs_sigintr(NFSTONMP(np), NULL, thd, 0)))) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ np->n_bflag |= NBFLUSHINPROG;
- * Historically, paging was done with physio, but no more.
+ * On the first pass, start async/unstable writes on all
+ * delayed write buffers. Then wait for all writes to complete
+ * and call nfs_flushcommits() to commit any uncommitted buffers.
+ * On all subsequent passes, start STABLE writes on any remaining
+ * dirty buffers. Then wait for all writes to complete.
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_PHYS)) {
- /*
- * ...though reading /dev/drum still gets us here.
- */
- io.iov_len = uiop->uio_resid = bp->b_bcount;
- /* mapping was done by vmapbuf() */
- io.iov_base = bp->b_data;
- uiop->uio_offset = (off_t)bp->b_blkno * DEV_BSIZE;
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_READ)) {
- uiop->uio_rw = UIO_READ;
- nfsstats.read_physios++;
- error = nfs_readrpc(vp, uiop, cr);
- } else {
- int com;
- uiop->uio_rw = UIO_WRITE;
- nfsstats.write_physios++;
- error = nfs_writerpc(vp, uiop, cr, &iomode, &com);
- }
- if (error) {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_ERROR);
- bp->b_error = error;
- }
- } else if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_READ)) {
- io.iov_len = uiop->uio_resid = bp->b_bcount;
- io.iov_base = bp->b_data;
- uiop->uio_rw = UIO_READ;
- switch (vp->v_type) {
- case VREG:
- uiop->uio_offset = (off_t)bp->b_blkno * DEV_BSIZE;
- nfsstats.read_bios++;
- error = nfs_readrpc(vp, uiop, cr);
- FSDBG(262, np->n_size, bp->b_blkno * DEV_BSIZE,
- uiop->uio_resid, error);
- if (!error) {
- bp->b_validoff = 0;
- if (uiop->uio_resid) {
- /*
- * If len > 0, there is a hole in the file and
- * no writes after the hole have been pushed to
- * the server yet.
- * Just zero fill the rest of the valid area.
- */
- diff = bp->b_bcount - uiop->uio_resid;
- len = np->n_size - ((u_quad_t)bp->b_blkno * DEV_BSIZE +
- diff);
- if (len > 0) {
- len = min(len, uiop->uio_resid);
- bzero((char *)bp->b_data + diff, len);
- bp->b_validend = diff + len;
- FSDBG(258, diff, len, 0, 1);
- } else
- bp->b_validend = diff;
- } else
- bp->b_validend = bp->b_bcount;
- if (bp->b_validend < bp->b_bufsize) {
- /*
- * we're about to release a partial buffer after a
- * read... the only way we should get here is if
- * this buffer contains the EOF before releasing it,
- * we'll zero out to the end of the buffer so that
- * if a mmap of this page occurs, we'll see zero's
- * even if a ftruncate extends the file in the
- * meantime
- */
- bzero((caddr_t)(bp->b_data + bp->b_validend),
- bp->b_bufsize - bp->b_validend);
- FSDBG(258, bp->b_validend,
- bp->b_bufsize - bp->b_validend, 0, 2);
- }
- }
- if (p && (vp->v_flag & VTEXT) &&
- (((nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NQNFS) &&
- np->n_lrev != np->n_brev) ||
- (!(nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NQNFS) &&
- np->n_mtime != np->n_vattr.va_mtime.tv_sec))) {
- uprintf("Process killed due to text file modification\n");
- psignal(p, SIGKILL);
- p->p_flag |= P_NOSWAP;
+ FSDBG(518, LIST_FIRST(&np->n_dirtyblkhd), np->n_flag, 0, 0);
+ if (!NFSTONMP(np)) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ error = ENXIO;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* Start/do any write(s) that are required. */
+ if (!nfs_buf_iterprepare(np, &blist, NBI_DIRTY)) {
+ while ((bp = LIST_FIRST(&blist))) {
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&np->n_dirtyblkhd, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ flags = (passone || !(waitfor == MNT_WAIT || waitfor == MNT_DWAIT)) ? NBAC_NOWAIT : 0;
+ if (flags != NBAC_NOWAIT)
+ nfs_buf_refget(bp);
+ while ((error = nfs_buf_acquire(bp, flags, slpflag, slptimeo))) {
+ FSDBG(524, bp, flags, bp->nb_lflags, bp->nb_flags);
+ if (error == EBUSY)
+ break;
+ if (error) {
+ error2 = nfs_sigintr(NFSTONMP(np), NULL, thd, 0);
+ if (error2) {
+ if (flags != NBAC_NOWAIT)
+ nfs_buf_refrele(bp);
+ nfs_buf_itercomplete(np, &blist, NBI_DIRTY);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ error = error2;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (slpflag == PCATCH) {
+ slpflag = 0;
+ slptimeo = 2 * hz;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags != NBAC_NOWAIT)
+ nfs_buf_refrele(bp);
+ if (error == EBUSY)
+ continue;
+ if (!bp->nb_np) {
+ /* buffer is no longer valid */
+ nfs_buf_drop(bp);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NEEDCOMMIT))
+ nfs_buf_check_write_verifier(np, bp);
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_DELWRI)) {
+ /* buffer is no longer dirty */
+ nfs_buf_drop(bp);
+ continue;
+ }
+ FSDBG(525, bp, passone, bp->nb_lflags, bp->nb_flags);
+ if ((passone || !(waitfor == MNT_WAIT || waitfor == MNT_DWAIT)) &&
+ ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_NEEDCOMMIT)) {
+ nfs_buf_drop(bp);
+ continue;
+ }
+ nfs_buf_remfree(bp);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR)) {
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_error = bp->nb_error ? bp->nb_error : EIO;
+ np->n_flag |= NWRITEERR;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ nfs_buf_release(bp, 1);
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ continue;
+ }
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ASYNC);
+ if (!passone) {
+ /* NB_STABLE forces this to be written FILESYNC */
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_STABLE);
+ }
+ nfs_buf_write(bp);
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
- break;
- case VLNK:
- uiop->uio_offset = (off_t)0;
- nfsstats.readlink_bios++;
- error = nfs_readlinkrpc(vp, uiop, cr);
- break;
- case VDIR:
- nfsstats.readdir_bios++;
- uiop->uio_offset = ((u_quad_t)bp->b_lblkno) * NFS_DIRBLKSIZ;
- if (!(nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NFSV3))
- nmp->nm_flag &= ~NFSMNT_RDIRPLUS; /* dk@farm.org */
- if (nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_RDIRPLUS) {
- error = nfs_readdirplusrpc(vp, uiop, cr);
- if (error == NFSERR_NOTSUPP)
- nmp->nm_flag &= ~NFSMNT_RDIRPLUS;
- }
- if ((nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_RDIRPLUS) == 0)
- error = nfs_readdirrpc(vp, uiop, cr);
- break;
- default:
- printf("nfs_doio: type %x unexpected\n", vp->v_type);
- break;
- };
- if (error) {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_ERROR);
- bp->b_error = error;
- }
- } else {
- /*
- * mapped I/O may have altered any bytes, so we extend
- * the dirty zone to the valid zone. For best performance
- * a better solution would be to save & restore page dirty bits
- * around the uiomove which brings write-data into the buffer.
- * Then here we'd check if the page is dirty rather than WASMAPPED
- * Also vnode_pager would change - if a page is clean it might
- * still need to be written due to DELWRI.
- */
- if (UBCINFOEXISTS(vp) && ubc_issetflags(vp, UI_WASMAPPED)) {
- bp->b_dirtyoff = min(bp->b_dirtyoff, bp->b_validoff);
- bp->b_dirtyend = max(bp->b_dirtyend, bp->b_validend);
- }
- if ((off_t)bp->b_blkno * DEV_BSIZE + bp->b_dirtyend > np->n_size)
- bp->b_dirtyend = np->n_size - (off_t)bp->b_blkno * DEV_BSIZE;
- if (bp->b_dirtyend > bp->b_dirtyoff) {
- io.iov_len = uiop->uio_resid = bp->b_dirtyend - bp->b_dirtyoff;
- uiop->uio_offset = (off_t)bp->b_blkno * DEV_BSIZE +
- bp->b_dirtyoff;
- io.iov_base = (char *)bp->b_data + bp->b_dirtyoff;
- uiop->uio_rw = UIO_WRITE;
- nfsstats.write_bios++;
- if ((bp->b_flags & (B_ASYNC | B_NEEDCOMMIT | B_NOCACHE)) ==
- else
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_WRITEINPROG);
- error = nfs_writerpc(vp, uiop, cr, &iomode, &must_commit);
- if (!error && iomode == NFSV3WRITE_UNSTABLE)
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_NEEDCOMMIT);
- else
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_NEEDCOMMIT);
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_WRITEINPROG);
+ nfs_buf_itercomplete(np, &blist, NBI_DIRTY);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (waitfor == MNT_WAIT || waitfor == MNT_DWAIT) {
+ while ((error = vnode_waitforwrites(NFSTOV(np), 0, slpflag, slptimeo, "nfsflush"))) {
+ error2 = nfs_sigintr(NFSTONMP(np), NULL, thd, 0);
+ if (error2) {
+ error = error2;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (slpflag == PCATCH) {
+ slpflag = 0;
+ slptimeo = 2 * hz;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (nfsvers != NFS_VER2) {
+ /* loop while it looks like there are still buffers to be */
+ /* commited and nfs_flushcommits() seems to be handling them. */
+ while (np->n_needcommitcnt)
+ if (nfs_flushcommits(np, 0))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (passone) {
+ passone = 0;
+ if (!LIST_EMPTY(&np->n_dirtyblkhd)) {
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_flag |= NMODIFIED;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ goto again;
+ }
+ if (waitfor == MNT_WAIT || waitfor == MNT_DWAIT) {
+ if (!LIST_EMPTY(&np->n_dirtyblkhd)) {
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ np->n_flag |= NMODIFIED;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (!LIST_EMPTY(&np->n_dirtyblkhd))
+ goto again;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
- * For an interrupted write, the buffer is still valid
- * and the write hasn't been pushed to the server yet,
- * so we can't set B_ERROR and report the interruption
- * by setting B_EINTR. For the B_ASYNC case, B_EINTR
- * is not relevant, so the rpc attempt is essentially
- * a noop. For the case of a V3 write rpc not being
- * committed to stable storage, the block is still
- * dirty and requires either a commit rpc or another
- * write rpc with iomode == NFSV3WRITE_FILESYNC before
- * the block is reused. This is indicated by setting
- * the B_DELWRI and B_NEEDCOMMIT flags.
+ * OK, it looks like there are no dirty blocks. If we have no
+ * writes in flight and no one in the write code, we can clear
+ * the modified flag. In order to make sure we see the latest
+ * attributes and size, we also invalidate the attributes and
+ * advance the attribute cache XID to guarantee that attributes
+ * newer than our clearing of NMODIFIED will get loaded next.
+ * (If we don't do this, it's possible for the flush's final
+ * write/commit (xid1) to be executed in parallel with a subsequent
+ * getattr request (xid2). The getattr could return attributes
+ * from *before* the write/commit completed but the stale attributes
+ * would be preferred because of the xid ordering.)
- if (error == EINTR || (!error && bp->b_flags & B_NEEDCOMMIT)) {
- int s;
+ if (!np->n_wrbusy && !np->n_numoutput) {
+ np->n_flag &= ~NMODIFIED;
+ nfs_get_xid(&np->n_xid);
+ }
+ } else {
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ }
- CLR(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL | B_NOCACHE);
- if (!ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI)) {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_DELWRI);
- nbdwrite++;
+ FSDBG(526, np->n_flag, np->n_error, 0, 0);
+ if (!ignore_writeerr && (np->n_flag & NWRITEERR)) {
+ error = np->n_error;
+ np->n_flag &= ~NWRITEERR;
+ }
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ flags = np->n_bflag;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (flags & NBFLUSHWANT)
+ wakeup(&np->n_bflag);
+ FSDBG_BOT(517, np, error, ignore_writeerr, 0);
+ return (error);
+ * Flush out and invalidate all buffers associated with a vnode.
+ * Called with the underlying object locked.
+ */
+ nfsnode_t np,
+ int flags,
+ thread_t thd,
+ kauth_cred_t cred,
+ int slpflag,
+ int slptimeo)
+ struct nfsbuf *bp;
+ struct nfsbuflists blist;
+ int list, error = 0;
+ if (flags & V_SAVE) {
+ if ((error = nfs_flush(np, MNT_WAIT, thd, (flags & V_IGNORE_WRITEERR))))
+ return (error);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ for (;;) {
+ list = NBI_CLEAN;
+ if (nfs_buf_iterprepare(np, &blist, list)) {
+ list = NBI_DIRTY;
+ if (nfs_buf_iterprepare(np, &blist, list))
+ break;
+ }
+ while ((bp = LIST_FIRST(&blist))) {
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ if (list == NBI_CLEAN)
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&np->n_cleanblkhd, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ else
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&np->n_dirtyblkhd, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ nfs_buf_refget(bp);
+ while ((error = nfs_buf_acquire(bp, NBAC_REMOVE, slpflag, slptimeo))) {
+ FSDBG(556, np, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_flags);
+ if (error != EAGAIN) {
+ FSDBG(554, np, bp, -1, error);
+ nfs_buf_refrele(bp);
+ nfs_buf_itercomplete(np, &blist, list);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ return (error);
+ }
- FSDBG(261, bp->b_validoff, bp->b_validend,
- bp->b_bufsize, bp->b_bcount);
- /*
- * Since for the B_ASYNC case, nfs_bwrite() has
- * reassigned the buffer to the clean list, we have to
- * reassign it back to the dirty one. Ugh.
- */
- if (ISSET(bp->b_flags, B_ASYNC)) {
- s = splbio();
- reassignbuf(bp, vp);
- splx(s);
- } else {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_EINTR);
+ nfs_buf_refrele(bp);
+ FSDBG(554, np, bp, NBOFF(bp), bp->nb_flags);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if ((flags & V_SAVE) && UBCINFOEXISTS(NFSTOV(np)) && bp->nb_np &&
+ (NBOFF(bp) < (off_t)np->n_size)) {
+ /* extra paranoia: make sure we're not */
+ /* somehow leaving any dirty data around */
+ int mustwrite = 0;
+ int end = (NBOFF(bp) + bp->nb_bufsize > (off_t)np->n_size) ?
+ ((off_t)np->n_size - NBOFF(bp)) : bp->nb_bufsize;
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_PAGELIST)) {
+ error = nfs_buf_upl_setup(bp);
+ if (error == EINVAL) {
+ /* vm object must no longer exist */
+ /* hopefully we don't need to do */
+ /* anything for this buffer */
+ } else if (error)
+ printf("nfs_vinvalbuf: upl setup failed %d\n", error);
+ bp->nb_valid = bp->nb_dirty = 0;
+ }
+ nfs_buf_upl_check(bp);
+ /* check for any dirty data before the EOF */
+ if ((bp->nb_dirtyend > 0) && (bp->nb_dirtyoff < end)) {
+ /* clip dirty range to EOF */
+ if (bp->nb_dirtyend > end) {
+ bp->nb_dirtyend = end;
+ if (bp->nb_dirtyoff >= bp->nb_dirtyend)
+ bp->nb_dirtyoff = bp->nb_dirtyend = 0;
+ }
+ if ((bp->nb_dirtyend > 0) && (bp->nb_dirtyoff < end))
+ mustwrite++;
+ }
+ bp->nb_dirty &= (1 << (round_page_32(end)/PAGE_SIZE)) - 1;
+ if (bp->nb_dirty)
+ mustwrite++;
+ /* also make sure we'll have a credential to do the write */
+ if (mustwrite && !IS_VALID_CRED(bp->nb_wcred) && !IS_VALID_CRED(cred)) {
+ printf("nfs_vinvalbuf: found dirty buffer with no write creds\n");
+ mustwrite = 0;
+ }
+ if (mustwrite) {
+ FSDBG(554, np, bp, 0xd00dee, bp->nb_flags);
+ if (!ISSET(bp->nb_flags, NB_PAGELIST))
+ panic("nfs_vinvalbuf: dirty buffer without upl");
+ /* gotta write out dirty data before invalidating */
+ /* (NB_STABLE indicates that data writes should be FILESYNC) */
+ /* (NB_NOCACHE indicates buffer should be discarded) */
+ CLR(bp->nb_flags, (NB_DONE | NB_ERROR | NB_INVAL | NB_ASYNC));
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_STABLE | NB_NOCACHE);
+ if (!IS_VALID_CRED(bp->nb_wcred)) {
+ kauth_cred_ref(cred);
+ bp->nb_wcred = cred;
+ }
+ error = nfs_buf_write(bp);
+ // Note: bp has been released
+ if (error) {
+ FSDBG(554, bp, 0xd00dee, 0xbad, error);
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ if ((error != EINTR) && (error != ERESTART)) {
+ np->n_error = error;
+ np->n_flag |= NWRITEERR;
+ }
+ /*
+ * There was a write error and we need to
+ * invalidate attrs to sync with server.
+ * (if this write was extending the file,
+ * we may no longer know the correct size)
+ */
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ if ((error == EINTR) || (error == ERESTART)) {
+ /*
+ * Abort on EINTR. If we don't, we could
+ * be stuck in this loop forever because
+ * the buffer will continue to stay dirty.
+ */
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ nfs_buf_itercomplete(np, &blist, list);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ continue;
+ }
- } else {
- if (error) {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_ERROR);
- bp->b_error = np->n_error = error;
- np->n_flag |= NWRITEERR;
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_INVAL);
+ // hold off on FREEUPs until we're done here
+ nfs_buf_release(bp, 0);
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ }
+ nfs_buf_itercomplete(np, &blist, list);
+ }
+ if (!LIST_EMPTY(&(np)->n_dirtyblkhd) || !LIST_EMPTY(&(np)->n_cleanblkhd))
+ panic("nfs_vinvalbuf: flush/inval failed");
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ nfs_node_lock_force(np);
+ if (!(flags & V_SAVE))
+ np->n_flag &= ~NMODIFIED;
+ if (vnode_vtype(NFSTOV(np)) == VREG)
+ np->n_lastrahead = -1;
+ nfs_node_unlock(np);
+ return (0);
+ * Flush and invalidate all dirty buffers. If another process is already
+ * doing the flush, just wait for completion.
+ */
+nfs_vinvalbuf(vnode_t vp, int flags, vfs_context_t ctx, int intrflg)
+ return nfs_vinvalbuf2(vp, flags, vfs_context_thread(ctx), vfs_context_ucred(ctx), intrflg);
+nfs_vinvalbuf2(vnode_t vp, int flags, thread_t thd, kauth_cred_t cred, int intrflg)
+ nfsnode_t np = VTONFS(vp);
+ struct nfsmount *nmp = VTONMP(vp);
+ int error, slpflag, slptimeo, nflags, retry = 0;
+ struct timespec ts = { 2, 0 };
+ off_t size;
+ FSDBG_TOP(554, np, flags, intrflg, 0);
+ /*
+ * If the mount is gone no sense to try and write anything.
+ * and hang trying to do IO.
+ */
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp)) {
+ flags &= ~V_SAVE;
+ ubcflags &= ~UBC_PUSHALL;
+ }
+ if (nmp && !NMFLAG(nmp, INTR))
+ intrflg = 0;
+ if (intrflg) {
+ slpflag = PCATCH;
+ slptimeo = 2 * hz;
+ } else {
+ slpflag = 0;
+ slptimeo = 0;
+ }
+ /* First wait for any other process doing a flush to complete. */
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ while (np->n_bflag & NBINVALINPROG) {
+ np->n_bflag |= NBINVALWANT;
+ msleep(&np->n_bflag, nfs_buf_mutex, slpflag, "nfs_vinvalbuf", &ts);
+ if ((error = nfs_sigintr(VTONMP(vp), NULL, thd, 0))) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ if (np->n_bflag & NBINVALINPROG)
+ slpflag = 0;
+ }
+ np->n_bflag |= NBINVALINPROG;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ /* Now, flush as required. */
+ error = nfs_vinvalbuf_internal(np, flags, thd, cred, slpflag, 0);
+ while (error) {
+ FSDBG(554, np, 0, 0, error);
+ if ((error = nfs_sigintr(VTONMP(vp), NULL, thd, 0)))
+ goto done;
+ error = nfs_vinvalbuf_internal(np, flags, thd, cred, 0, slptimeo);
+ }
+ /* get the pages out of vm also */
+ if (UBCINFOEXISTS(vp) && (size = ubc_getsize(vp)))
+ if ((error = ubc_msync(vp, 0, size, NULL, ubcflags))) {
+ if (error == EINVAL)
+ panic("nfs_vinvalbuf(): ubc_msync failed!, error %d", error);
+ if (retry++ < 10) { /* retry invalidating a few times */
+ if (retry > 1 || error == ENXIO)
+ ubcflags &= ~UBC_PUSHALL;
+ goto again;
+ }
+ /* give up */
+ printf("nfs_vinvalbuf(): ubc_msync failed!, error %d\n", error);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ nflags = np->n_bflag;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (nflags & NBINVALWANT)
+ wakeup(&np->n_bflag);
+ FSDBG_BOT(554, np, flags, intrflg, error);
+ return (error);
+ * Wait for any busy buffers to complete.
+ */
+nfs_wait_bufs(nfsnode_t np)
+ struct nfsbuf *bp;
+ struct nfsbuflists blist;
+ int error = 0;
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ if (!nfs_buf_iterprepare(np, &blist, NBI_CLEAN)) {
+ while ((bp = LIST_FIRST(&blist))) {
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&np->n_cleanblkhd, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ nfs_buf_refget(bp);
+ while ((error = nfs_buf_acquire(bp, 0, 0, 0))) {
+ if (error != EAGAIN) {
+ nfs_buf_refrele(bp);
+ nfs_buf_itercomplete(np, &blist, NBI_CLEAN);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ return;
+ }
- bp->b_dirtyoff = bp->b_dirtyend = 0;
+ nfs_buf_refrele(bp);
+ nfs_buf_drop(bp);
+ }
+ nfs_buf_itercomplete(np, &blist, NBI_CLEAN);
+ }
+ if (!nfs_buf_iterprepare(np, &blist, NBI_DIRTY)) {
+ while ((bp = LIST_FIRST(&blist))) {
+ LIST_REMOVE(bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&np->n_dirtyblkhd, bp, nb_vnbufs);
+ nfs_buf_refget(bp);
+ while ((error = nfs_buf_acquire(bp, 0, 0, 0))) {
+ if (error != EAGAIN) {
+ nfs_buf_refrele(bp);
+ nfs_buf_itercomplete(np, &blist, NBI_DIRTY);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ nfs_buf_refrele(bp);
+ nfs_buf_drop(bp);
+ }
+ nfs_buf_itercomplete(np, &blist, NBI_DIRTY);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_buf_mutex);
+ * Add an async I/O request to the mount's async I/O queue and make
+ * sure that an nfsiod will service it.
+ */
+nfs_asyncio_finish(struct nfsreq *req)
+ struct nfsmount *nmp;
+ struct nfsiod *niod;
+ int started = 0;
+ FSDBG_TOP(552, nmp, 0, 0, 0);
+ nmp = req->r_nmp;
+ if (nmp == NULL)
+ return;
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfsiod_mutex);
+ niod = nmp->nm_niod;
+ /* grab an nfsiod if we don't have one already */
+ if (!niod) {
+ niod = TAILQ_FIRST(&nfsiodfree);
+ if (niod) {
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&nfsiodfree, niod, niod_link);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nfsiodwork, niod, niod_link);
+ niod->niod_nmp = nmp;
+ } else if (((nfsiod_thread_count < NFSIOD_MAX) || (nfsiod_thread_count <= 0)) && (started < 4)) {
- * validoff and validend represent the real data present
- * in this buffer if validoff is non-zero, than we have
- * to invalidate the buffer and kill the page when
- * biodone is called... the same is also true when
- * validend doesn't extend all the way to the end of the
- * buffer and validend doesn't equate to the current
- * EOF... eventually we need to deal with this in a more
- * humane way (like keeping the partial buffer without
- * making it immediately available to the VM page cache)
+ * Try starting a new thread.
+ * We may try a couple times if other callers
+ * get the new threads before we do.
- if (bp->b_validoff)
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL);
- else
- if (bp->b_validend < bp->b_bufsize) {
- if ((off_t)bp->b_blkno * DEV_BSIZE +
- bp->b_validend == np->n_size) {
- bzero((caddr_t)(bp->b_data +
- bp->b_validend),
- bp->b_bufsize - bp->b_validend);
- FSDBG(259, bp->b_validend,
- bp->b_bufsize - bp->b_validend, 0,
- 0);
- } else
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL);
- }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfsiod_mutex);
+ started++;
+ if (!nfsiod_start())
+ goto again;
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfsiod_mutex);
+ }
- } else {
- if (bp->b_validoff ||
- (bp->b_validend < bp->b_bufsize &&
- (off_t)bp->b_blkno * DEV_BSIZE + bp->b_validend !=
- np->n_size)) {
- SET(bp->b_flags, B_INVAL);
+ /*
+ * If we got here while being on the resendq we need to get off. This
+ * happens when the timer fires and errors out requests from nfs_sigintr
+ * or we receive a reply (UDP case) while being on the resend queue so
+ * we're just finishing up and are not going to be resent.
+ */
+ lck_mtx_lock(&req->r_mtx);
+ if (req->r_flags & R_RESENDQ) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ if (req->r_rchain.tqe_next != NFSREQNOLIST) {
+ NFS_BIO_DBG("Proccessing async request on resendq. Removing");
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&nmp->nm_resendq, req, r_rchain);
+ req->r_rchain.tqe_next = NFSREQNOLIST;
+ assert(req->r_refs > 1);
+ /* Remove resendq reference */
+ req->r_refs--;
- if (bp->b_flags & B_INVAL) {
- FSDBG(260, bp->b_validoff, bp->b_validend,
- bp->b_bufsize, bp->b_bcount);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ req->r_flags &= ~R_RESENDQ;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&req->r_mtx);
+ if (req->r_achain.tqe_next == NFSREQNOLIST)
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nmp->nm_iodq, req, r_achain);
+ /* If this mount doesn't already have an nfsiod working on it... */
+ if (!nmp->nm_niod) {
+ if (niod) { /* give it the nfsiod we just grabbed */
+ nmp->nm_niod = niod;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfsiod_mutex);
+ wakeup(niod);
+ } else if (nfsiod_thread_count > 0) {
+ /* just queue it up on nfsiod mounts queue if needed */
+ if (nmp->nm_iodlink.tqe_next == NFSNOLIST)
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nfsiodmounts, nmp, nm_iodlink);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfsiod_mutex);
+ } else {
+ printf("nfs_asyncio(): no nfsiods? %d %d (%d)\n", nfsiod_thread_count, NFSIOD_MAX, started);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfsiod_mutex);
+ /* we have no other option but to be persistent */
+ started = 0;
+ goto again;
- bp->b_resid = 0;
- biodone(bp);
- FSDBG_BOT(256, bp->b_validoff, bp->b_validend, bp->b_bufsize,
- np->n_size);
- return (0);
- }
+ } else {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfsiod_mutex);
- bp->b_resid = uiop->uio_resid;
- if (must_commit)
- nfs_clearcommit(vp->v_mount);
- if (bp->b_flags & B_INVAL) {
- FSDBG(260, bp->b_validoff, bp->b_validend, bp->b_bufsize,
- bp->b_bcount);
+ FSDBG_BOT(552, nmp, 0, 0, 0);
+ * queue up async I/O request for resend
+ */
+nfs_asyncio_resend(struct nfsreq *req)
+ struct nfsmount *nmp = req->r_nmp;
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp))
+ return;
+ nfs_gss_clnt_rpcdone(req);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ if (!(req->r_flags & R_RESENDQ)) {
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nmp->nm_resendq, req, r_rchain);
+ req->r_flags |= R_RESENDQ;
+ /*
+ * We take a reference on this request so that it can't be
+ * destroyed while a resend is queued or in progress.
+ */
+ nfs_request_ref(req, 1);
- FSDBG_BOT(256, bp->b_validoff, bp->b_validend, bp->b_bcount, error);
+ nfs_mount_sock_thread_wake(nmp);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ * Read directory data into a buffer.
+ *
+ * Buffer will be filled (unless EOF is hit).
+ * Buffers after this one may also be completely/partially filled.
+ */
+nfs_buf_readdir(struct nfsbuf *bp, vfs_context_t ctx)
+ nfsnode_t np = bp->nb_np;
+ struct nfsmount *nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ int error = 0;
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp))
+ return (ENXIO);
- biodone(bp);
+ if (nmp->nm_vers < NFS_VER4)
+ error = nfs3_readdir_rpc(np, bp, ctx);
+ else
+ error = nfs4_readdir_rpc(np, bp, ctx);
+ if (error && (error != NFSERR_DIRBUFDROPPED)) {
+ SET(bp->nb_flags, NB_ERROR);
+ bp->nb_error = error;
+ }
return (error);