-<h2>processor_set_create</h2>\r<hr>\r<p>\r<strong>Function</strong> - Create a new processor set object.\r<h3>SYNOPSIS</h3>\r<pre>\r<strong>kern_return_t processor_set_create</strong>\r <strong>(host_t</strong> <var>host_name</var>,\r <strong>processor_set_t</strong> <var>new_set</var>,\r <strong>processor_set_name_t</strong> <var>new_name</var><strong>);</strong>\r</pre>\r<h3>PARAMETERS</h3>\r<dl>\r<dt> <var>host_name</var> \r<dd>\r[in host-name send right]\rThe name (or control) port for the host on \rwhich the set is to be created.\r<dt> <var>new_set</var> \r<dd>\r[out processor-set-control send right]\rControl port used for performing \roperations on the new set.\r<dt> <var>new_name</var> \r<dd>\r[out processor-set-name send right]\rName port used to identify the new \rset and obtain information about it.\r</dl>\r<h3>DESCRIPTION</h3>\r<p>\rThe <strong>processor_set_create</strong> function creates a new processor\rset and returns the \rtwo ports associated with it. The port returned in <var>new_set</var> is the control port\rrepresenting the set. It is used to perform operations such\ras assigning processors, \rtasks or threads. The port returned in <var>new_name</var> is the name port which\ridentifies the set, and is used to obtain information about the set.\r<h3>RETURN VALUES</h3>\r<p>\rOnly generic values apply.\r<h3>RELATED INFORMATION</h3>\r<p>\rFunctions:\r<a href="processor_set_destroy.html">processor_set_destroy</a>,\r<a href="processor_set_info.html">processor_set_info</a>,\r<a href="processor_assign.html">processor_assign</a>,\r<a href="task_assign.html">task_assign</a>,\r<a href="thread_assign.html">thread_assign</a>.\r
\ No newline at end of file
+<strong>Function</strong> - Create a new processor set object.
+<strong>kern_return_t processor_set_create</strong>
+ <strong>(host_t</strong> <var>host_name</var>,
+ <strong>processor_set_t</strong> <var>new_set</var>,
+ <strong>processor_set_name_t</strong> <var>new_name</var><strong>);</strong>
+<dt> <var>host_name</var>
+[in host-name send right]
+The name (or control) port for the host on
+which the set is to be created.
+<dt> <var>new_set</var>
+[out processor-set-control send right]
+Control port used for performing
+operations on the new set.
+<dt> <var>new_name</var>
+[out processor-set-name send right]
+Name port used to identify the new
+set and obtain information about it.
+The <strong>processor_set_create</strong> function creates a new processor
+set and returns the
+two ports associated with it. The port returned in <var>new_set</var> is the control port
+representing the set. It is used to perform operations such
+as assigning processors,
+tasks or threads. The port returned in <var>new_name</var> is the name port which
+identifies the set, and is used to obtain information about the set.
+Only generic values apply.
+<a href="processor_set_destroy.html">processor_set_destroy</a>,
+<a href="processor_set_info.html">processor_set_info</a>,
+<a href="processor_assign.html">processor_assign</a>,
+<a href="task_assign.html">task_assign</a>,
+<a href="thread_assign.html">thread_assign</a>.