- * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1995-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
-/* Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* @(#)kern_sig.c 8.7 (Berkeley) 4/18/94
+ * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2005 to introduce
+ * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice
+ * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License,
+ * Version 2.0.
+ */
#define SIGPROP /* include signal properties table */
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/resourcevar.h>
-#include <sys/namei.h>
-#include <sys/vnode.h>
-#include <sys/proc.h>
+#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
+#include <sys/kauth.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
-#include <sys/buf.h>
#include <sys/acct.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <sys/file_internal.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/signalvar.h>
-#include <sys/ktrace.h>
#include <sys/syslog.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/lock.h>
#include <sys/kdebug.h>
+#include <sys/reason.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <sys/sysproto.h>
+#include <security/audit/audit.h>
#include <kern/cpu_number.h>
#include <sys/vm.h>
#include <sys/user.h> /* for coredump */
#include <kern/ast.h> /* for APC support */
+#include <kern/kalloc.h>
+#include <kern/task.h> /* extern void *get_bsdtask_info(task_t); */
#include <kern/thread.h>
#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
#include <kern/thread_call.h>
+#include <kern/policy_internal.h>
#include <mach/exception.h>
+#include <mach/task.h>
+#include <mach/thread_act.h>
+#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
+#include <sys/sdt.h>
+#include <sys/codesign.h>
+#include <libkern/section_keywords.h>
+#include <security/mac_framework.h>
+ * Missing prototypes that Mach should export
+ *
+ * +++
+ */
+extern int thread_enable_fpe(thread_t act, int onoff);
+extern thread_t port_name_to_thread(mach_port_name_t port_name);
+extern kern_return_t get_signalact(task_t , thread_t *, int);
+extern unsigned int get_useraddr(void);
+extern boolean_t task_did_exec(task_t task);
+extern boolean_t task_is_exec_copy(task_t task);
+ * ---
+ */
-extern void doexception(int exc, int code, int sub);
-void stop __P((struct proc *p));
-int cansignal __P((struct proc *, struct pcred *, struct proc *, int));
-int killpg1 __P((struct proc *, int, int, int));
-void sigexit_locked __P((struct proc *, int));
-int setsigvec __P((struct proc *, int, struct __sigaction *));
-void exit1 __P((struct proc *, int, int *));
-int signal_lock __P((struct proc *));
-int signal_unlock __P((struct proc *));
-void signal_setast __P((thread_act_t));
-void psignal_lock __P((struct proc *, int, int));
-void psignal_uthread __P((thread_act_t, int));
+extern void doexception(int exc, mach_exception_code_t code,
+ mach_exception_subcode_t sub);
+static void stop(proc_t, proc_t);
+int cansignal(proc_t, kauth_cred_t, proc_t, int, int);
+int killpg1(proc_t, int, int, int, int);
kern_return_t do_bsdexception(int, int, int);
+void __posix_sem_syscall_return(kern_return_t);
+char *proc_name_address(void *p);
+/* implementations in osfmk/kern/sync_sema.c. We do not want port.h in this scope, so void * them */
+kern_return_t semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap_internal(mach_port_name_t, mach_port_name_t, unsigned int, clock_res_t, void (*)(kern_return_t));
+kern_return_t semaphore_timedwait_trap_internal(mach_port_name_t, unsigned int, clock_res_t, void (*)(kern_return_t));
+kern_return_t semaphore_wait_signal_trap_internal(mach_port_name_t, mach_port_name_t, void (*)(kern_return_t));
+kern_return_t semaphore_wait_trap_internal(mach_port_name_t, void (*)(kern_return_t));
+static int filt_sigattach(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_internal_s *kev);
+static void filt_sigdetach(struct knote *kn);
+static int filt_signal(struct knote *kn, long hint);
+static int filt_signaltouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_internal_s *kev);
+static int filt_signalprocess(struct knote *kn, struct filt_process_s *data, struct kevent_internal_s *kev);
+SECURITY_READ_ONLY_EARLY(struct filterops) sig_filtops = {
+ .f_attach = filt_sigattach,
+ .f_detach = filt_sigdetach,
+ .f_event = filt_signal,
+ .f_touch = filt_signaltouch,
+ .f_process = filt_signalprocess,
-void ram_printf __P((int));
-int ram_debug=0;
-unsigned int rdebug_proc=0;
-ram_printf(int x)
+/* structures and fns for killpg1 iterartion callback and filters */
+struct killpg1_filtargs {
+ int posix;
+ proc_t cp;
+struct killpg1_iterargs {
+ proc_t cp;
+ kauth_cred_t uc;
+ int signum;
+ int * nfoundp;
+ int zombie;
+static int killpg1_filt(proc_t p, void * arg);
+static int killpg1_pgrpfilt(proc_t p, __unused void * arg);
+static int killpg1_callback(proc_t p, void * arg);
+static int pgsignal_filt(proc_t p, void * arg);
+static int pgsignal_callback(proc_t p, void * arg);
+static kern_return_t get_signalthread(proc_t, int, thread_t *);
+/* flags for psignal_internal */
+#define PSIG_LOCKED 0x1
+#define PSIG_VFORK 0x2
+#define PSIG_THREAD 0x4
+#define PSIG_TRY_THREAD 0x8
+static os_reason_t build_signal_reason(int signum, const char *procname);
+static void psignal_internal(proc_t p, task_t task, thread_t thread, int flavor, int signum, os_reason_t signal_reason);
+ * NOTE: Source and target may *NOT* overlap! (target is smaller)
+ */
+static void
+sigaltstack_kern_to_user32(struct kern_sigaltstack *in, struct user32_sigaltstack *out)
- printf("x is %d",x);
+ out->ss_sp = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(user32_addr_t, in->ss_sp);
+ out->ss_size = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(user32_size_t, in->ss_size);
+ out->ss_flags = in->ss_flags;
+static void
+sigaltstack_kern_to_user64(struct kern_sigaltstack *in, struct user64_sigaltstack *out)
+ out->ss_sp = in->ss_sp;
+ out->ss_size = in->ss_size;
+ out->ss_flags = in->ss_flags;
-#endif /* SIGNAL_DEBUG */
-signal_lock(struct proc *p)
+ * NOTE: Source and target may are permitted to overlap! (source is smaller);
+ * this works because we copy fields in order from the end of the struct to
+ * the beginning.
+ */
+static void
+sigaltstack_user32_to_kern(struct user32_sigaltstack *in, struct kern_sigaltstack *out)
-int error = 0;
-#ifdef __ppc__
- {
- int register sp, *fp, numsaved;
- __asm__ volatile("mr %0,r1" : "=r" (sp));
- fp = (int *)*((int *)sp);
- for (numsaved = 0; numsaved < 3; numsaved++) {
- p->lockpc[numsaved] = fp[2];
- if ((int)fp <= 0)
- break;
- fp = (int *)*fp;
- }
- }
-#endif /* __ppc__ */
-#endif /* SIGNAL_DEBUG */
-#endif /* DIAGNOSTIC */
+ out->ss_flags = in->ss_flags;
+ out->ss_size = in->ss_size;
+ out->ss_sp = CAST_USER_ADDR_T(in->ss_sp);
+static void
+sigaltstack_user64_to_kern(struct user64_sigaltstack *in, struct kern_sigaltstack *out)
+ out->ss_flags = in->ss_flags;
+ out->ss_size = in->ss_size;
+ out->ss_sp = in->ss_sp;
- /* TBD: check p last arg */
- error = lockmgr(&p->signal_lock, LK_EXCLUSIVE, 0, (struct proc *)p);
- if (error == EINTR)
- goto siglock_retry;
- return(error);
+static void
+sigaction_kern_to_user32(struct kern_sigaction *in, struct user32_sigaction *out)
+ /* This assumes 32 bit __sa_handler is of type sig_t */
+ out->__sigaction_u.__sa_handler = CAST_DOWN_EXPLICIT(user32_addr_t,in->__sigaction_u.__sa_handler);
+ out->sa_mask = in->sa_mask;
+ out->sa_flags = in->sa_flags;
+static void
+sigaction_kern_to_user64(struct kern_sigaction *in, struct user64_sigaction *out)
+ /* This assumes 32 bit __sa_handler is of type sig_t */
+ out->__sigaction_u.__sa_handler = in->__sigaction_u.__sa_handler;
+ out->sa_mask = in->sa_mask;
+ out->sa_flags = in->sa_flags;
-signal_unlock(struct proc *p)
+static void
+__sigaction_user32_to_kern(struct __user32_sigaction *in, struct __kern_sigaction *out)
+ out->__sigaction_u.__sa_handler = CAST_USER_ADDR_T(in->__sigaction_u.__sa_handler);
+ out->sa_tramp = CAST_USER_ADDR_T(in->sa_tramp);
+ out->sa_mask = in->sa_mask;
+ out->sa_flags = in->sa_flags;
+static void
+__sigaction_user64_to_kern(struct __user64_sigaction *in, struct __kern_sigaction *out)
+ out->__sigaction_u.__sa_handler = in->__sigaction_u.__sa_handler;
+ out->sa_tramp = in->sa_tramp;
+ out->sa_mask = in->sa_mask;
+ out->sa_flags = in->sa_flags;
-#ifdef __ppc__
- {
- int register sp, *fp, numsaved;
- __asm__ volatile("mr %0,r1" : "=r" (sp));
- fp = (int *)*((int *)sp);
- for (numsaved = 0; numsaved < 3; numsaved++) {
- p->unlockpc[numsaved] = fp[2];
- if ((int)fp <= 0)
- break;
- fp = (int *)*fp;
- }
- }
-#endif /* __ppc__ */
-#endif /* SIGNAL_DEBUG */
-#endif /* DIAGNOSTIC */
+void ram_printf(int);
+int ram_debug=0;
+unsigned int rdebug_proc=0;
+ram_printf(int x)
+ printf("x is %d",x);
- /* TBD: check p last arg */
- return(lockmgr(&p->signal_lock, LK_RELEASE, (simple_lock_t)0, (struct proc *)p));
+#endif /* SIGNAL_DEBUG */
-thread_act_t sig_actthread;
+signal_setast(thread_t sig_actthread)
- * Can process p, with pcred pc, send the signal signum to process q?
+ * Can process p, with ucred uc, send the signal signum to process q?
+ * uc is refcounted by the caller so internal fileds can be used safely
+ * when called with zombie arg, list lock is held
-cansignal(p, pc, q, signum)
- struct proc *p;
- struct pcred *pc;
- struct proc *q;
- int signum;
+cansignal(proc_t p, kauth_cred_t uc, proc_t q, int signum, int zombie)
+ kauth_cred_t my_cred;
+ struct session * p_sessp = SESSION_NULL;
+ struct session * q_sessp = SESSION_NULL;
+ int error;
+ error = mac_proc_check_signal(p, q, signum);
+ if (error)
+ return (0);
/* you can signal yourself */
if (p == q)
- if (pc->pc_ucred->cr_uid == 0)
+ /* you can't send launchd SIGKILL, even if root */
+ if (signum == SIGKILL && q == initproc)
+ return(0);
+ if (!suser(uc, NULL))
return (1); /* root can always signal */
- if (signum == SIGCONT && q->p_session == p->p_session)
+ if (zombie == 0)
+ proc_list_lock();
+ if (p->p_pgrp != PGRP_NULL)
+ p_sessp = p->p_pgrp->pg_session;
+ if (q->p_pgrp != PGRP_NULL)
+ q_sessp = q->p_pgrp->pg_session;
+ if (signum == SIGCONT && q_sessp == p_sessp) {
+ if (zombie == 0)
+ proc_list_unlock();
return (1); /* SIGCONT in session */
+ }
+ if (zombie == 0)
+ proc_list_unlock();
- * Using kill(), only certain signals can be sent to setugid
- * child processes
+ * If the real or effective UID of the sender matches the real
+ * or saved UID of the target, permit the signal to
+ * be sent.
- if (q->p_flag & P_SUGID) {
- switch (signum) {
- case 0:
- case SIGKILL:
- case SIGINT:
- case SIGTERM:
- case SIGSTOP:
- case SIGTTIN:
- case SIGTTOU:
- case SIGTSTP:
- case SIGHUP:
- case SIGUSR1:
- case SIGUSR2:
- if (pc->p_ruid == q->p_cred->p_ruid ||
- pc->pc_ucred->cr_uid == q->p_cred->p_ruid ||
- pc->p_ruid == q->p_ucred->cr_uid ||
- pc->pc_ucred->cr_uid == q->p_ucred->cr_uid)
- return (1);
- }
- return (0);
+ if (zombie == 0)
+ my_cred = kauth_cred_proc_ref(q);
+ else
+ my_cred = proc_ucred(q);
+ if (kauth_cred_getruid(uc) == kauth_cred_getruid(my_cred) ||
+ kauth_cred_getruid(uc) == kauth_cred_getsvuid(my_cred) ||
+ kauth_cred_getuid(uc) == kauth_cred_getruid(my_cred) ||
+ kauth_cred_getuid(uc) == kauth_cred_getsvuid(my_cred)) {
+ if (zombie == 0)
+ kauth_cred_unref(&my_cred);
+ return (1);
- /* XXX
- * because the P_SUGID test exists, this has extra tests which
- * could be removed.
- */
- if (pc->p_ruid == q->p_cred->p_ruid ||
- pc->p_ruid == q->p_cred->p_svuid ||
- pc->pc_ucred->cr_uid == q->p_cred->p_ruid ||
- pc->pc_ucred->cr_uid == q->p_cred->p_svuid ||
- pc->p_ruid == q->p_ucred->cr_uid ||
- pc->pc_ucred->cr_uid == q->p_ucred->cr_uid)
- return (1);
+ if (zombie == 0)
+ kauth_cred_unref(&my_cred);
return (0);
-struct sigaction_args {
- int signum;
- struct __sigaction *nsa;
- struct sigaction *osa;
+ * <rdar://problem/21952708> Some signals can be restricted from being handled,
+ * forcing the default action for that signal. This behavior applies only to
+ * non-root (EUID != 0) processes, and is configured with the "sigrestrict=x"
+ * bootarg:
+ *
+ * 0 (default): Disallow use of restricted signals. Trying to register a handler
+ * returns ENOTSUP, which userspace may use to take special action (e.g. abort).
+ * 1: As above, but return EINVAL. Restricted signals behave similarly to SIGKILL.
+ * 2: Usual POSIX semantics.
+ */
+unsigned sigrestrict_arg = 0;
+static int
+ if (kauth_getuid() != 0 && sigrestrict_arg != 2) {
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+signal_is_restricted(proc_t p, int signum)
+ if (sigmask(signum) & sigrestrictmask()) {
+ if (sigrestrict_arg == 0 &&
+ task_get_apptype(p->task) == TASK_APPTYPE_APP_DEFAULT) {
+ return ENOTSUP;
+ } else {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static inline int
+signal_is_restricted(proc_t p, int signum)
+ (void)p;
+ (void)signum;
+ return 0;
+#endif /* !PLATFORM_WatchOS */
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * copyout:EFAULT
+ * copyin:EFAULT
+ *
+ * Notes: Uses current thread as a parameter to inform PPC to enable
+ * FPU exceptions via setsigvec(); this operation is not proxy
+ * safe!
+ */
-sigaction(p, uap, retval)
- struct proc *p;
- register struct sigaction_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
+sigaction(proc_t p, struct sigaction_args *uap, __unused int32_t *retval)
- struct sigaction vec;
- struct __sigaction __vec;
+ struct kern_sigaction vec;
+ struct __kern_sigaction __vec;
- register struct sigaction *sa;
- register struct sigacts *ps = p->p_sigacts;
- register int signum;
+ struct kern_sigaction *sa = &vec;
+ struct sigacts *ps = p->p_sigacts;
+ int signum;
int bit, error=0;
signum = uap->signum;
if (signum <= 0 || signum >= NSIG ||
- signum == SIGKILL || signum == SIGSTOP)
+ signum == SIGKILL || signum == SIGSTOP)
return (EINVAL);
- sa = &vec;
+ if (uap->nsa) {
+ if (IS_64BIT_PROCESS(p)) {
+ struct __user64_sigaction __vec64;
+ error = copyin(uap->nsa, &__vec64, sizeof(__vec64));
+ __sigaction_user64_to_kern(&__vec64, &__vec);
+ } else {
+ struct __user32_sigaction __vec32;
+ error = copyin(uap->nsa, &__vec32, sizeof(__vec32));
+ __sigaction_user32_to_kern(&__vec32, &__vec);
+ }
+ if (error)
+ return (error);
+ __vec.sa_flags &= SA_USERSPACE_MASK; /* Only pass on valid sa_flags */
+ if ((__vec.sa_flags & SA_SIGINFO) || __vec.sa_handler != SIG_DFL) {
+ if ((error = signal_is_restricted(p, signum))) {
+ if (error == ENOTSUP) {
+ printf("%s(%d): denied attempt to register action for signal %d\n",
+ proc_name_address(p), proc_pid(p), signum);
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (uap->osa) {
sa->sa_handler = ps->ps_sigact[signum];
sa->sa_mask = ps->ps_catchmask[signum];
sa->sa_flags |= SA_SIGINFO;
if (ps->ps_signodefer & bit)
sa->sa_flags |= SA_NODEFER;
+ if (ps->ps_64regset & bit)
+ sa->sa_flags |= SA_64REGSET;
if ((signum == SIGCHLD) && (p->p_flag & P_NOCLDSTOP))
sa->sa_flags |= SA_NOCLDSTOP;
if ((signum == SIGCHLD) && (p->p_flag & P_NOCLDWAIT))
sa->sa_flags |= SA_NOCLDWAIT;
- if (error = copyout((caddr_t)sa, (caddr_t)uap->osa,
- sizeof (vec)))
+ if (IS_64BIT_PROCESS(p)) {
+ struct user64_sigaction vec64 = {};
+ sigaction_kern_to_user64(sa, &vec64);
+ error = copyout(&vec64, uap->osa, sizeof(vec64));
+ } else {
+ struct user32_sigaction vec32 = {};
+ sigaction_kern_to_user32(sa, &vec32);
+ error = copyout(&vec32, uap->osa, sizeof(vec32));
+ }
+ if (error)
return (error);
if (uap->nsa) {
- if (error = copyin((caddr_t)uap->nsa, (caddr_t)&__vec,
- sizeof (__vec)))
- return (error);
- error = setsigvec(p, signum, &__vec);
+ error = setsigvec(p, current_thread(), signum, &__vec, FALSE);
return (error);
/* Routines to manipulate bits on all threads */
-clear_procsiglist(struct proc *p, int bit)
+clear_procsiglist(proc_t p, int bit, boolean_t in_signalstart)
struct uthread * uth;
- thread_act_t thact;
+ thread_t thact;
- signal_lock(p);
+ proc_lock(p);
+ if (!in_signalstart)
+ proc_signalstart(p, 1);
- if ((p->p_flag & P_INVFORK) && p->p_vforkact) {
+ if ((p->p_lflag & P_LINVFORK) && p->p_vforkact) {
thact = p->p_vforkact;
uth = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(thact);
if (uth) {
uth->uu_siglist &= ~bit;
- p->p_siglist &= ~bit;
- signal_unlock(p);
+ if (!in_signalstart)
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
+ proc_unlock(p);
uth->uu_siglist &= ~bit;
p->p_siglist &= ~bit;
- signal_unlock(p);
+ if (!in_signalstart)
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
+ proc_unlock(p);
-unblock_procsigmask(struct proc *p, int bit)
+static int
+unblock_procsigmask(proc_t p, int bit)
struct uthread * uth;
- thread_act_t thact;
+ thread_t thact;
- signal_lock(p);
- if ((p->p_flag & P_INVFORK) && p->p_vforkact) {
+ proc_lock(p);
+ proc_signalstart(p, 1);
+ if ((p->p_lflag & P_LINVFORK) && p->p_vforkact) {
thact = p->p_vforkact;
uth = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(thact);
if (uth) {
uth->uu_sigmask &= ~bit;
p->p_sigmask &= ~bit;
- signal_unlock(p);
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
+ proc_unlock(p);
TAILQ_FOREACH(uth, &p->p_uthlist, uu_list) {
uth->uu_sigmask &= ~bit;
p->p_sigmask &= ~bit;
- signal_unlock(p);
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
+ proc_unlock(p);
-block_procsigmask(struct proc *p, int bit)
+static int
+block_procsigmask(proc_t p, int bit)
struct uthread * uth;
- thread_act_t thact;
+ thread_t thact;
- signal_lock(p);
- if ((p->p_flag & P_INVFORK) && p->p_vforkact) {
+ proc_lock(p);
+ proc_signalstart(p, 1);
+ if ((p->p_lflag & P_LINVFORK) && p->p_vforkact) {
thact = p->p_vforkact;
uth = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(thact);
if (uth) {
uth->uu_sigmask |= bit;
p->p_sigmask |= bit;
- signal_unlock(p);
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
+ proc_unlock(p);
TAILQ_FOREACH(uth, &p->p_uthlist, uu_list) {
uth->uu_sigmask |= bit;
p->p_sigmask |= bit;
- signal_unlock(p);
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
+ proc_unlock(p);
-set_procsigmask(struct proc *p, int bit)
+set_procsigmask(proc_t p, int bit)
struct uthread * uth;
- thread_act_t thact;
+ thread_t thact;
+ proc_lock(p);
+ proc_signalstart(p, 1);
- signal_lock(p);
- if ((p->p_flag & P_INVFORK) && p->p_vforkact) {
+ if ((p->p_lflag & P_LINVFORK) && p->p_vforkact) {
thact = p->p_vforkact;
uth = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(thact);
if (uth) {
uth->uu_sigmask = bit;
p->p_sigmask = bit;
- signal_unlock(p);
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
+ proc_unlock(p);
TAILQ_FOREACH(uth, &p->p_uthlist, uu_list) {
uth->uu_sigmask = bit;
p->p_sigmask = bit;
- signal_unlock(p);
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
+ proc_unlock(p);
+/* XXX should be static? */
+ * Notes: The thread parameter is used in the PPC case to select the
+ * thread on which the floating point exception will be enabled
+ * or disabled. We can't simply take current_thread(), since
+ * this is called from posix_spawn() on the not currently running
+ * process/thread pair.
+ *
+ * We mark thread as unused to alow compilation without warning
+ * on non-PPC platforms.
+ */
-setsigvec(p, signum, sa)
- register struct proc *p;
- int signum;
- register struct __sigaction *sa;
+setsigvec(proc_t p, __unused thread_t thread, int signum, struct __kern_sigaction *sa, boolean_t in_sigstart)
- register struct sigacts *ps = p->p_sigacts;
- register int bit;
+ struct sigacts *ps = p->p_sigacts;
+ int bit;
+ assert(signum < NSIG);
if ((signum == SIGKILL || signum == SIGSTOP) &&
sa->sa_handler != SIG_DFL)
ps->ps_siginfo |= bit;
ps->ps_siginfo &= ~bit;
+ if (sa->sa_flags & SA_64REGSET)
+ ps->ps_64regset |= bit;
+ else
+ ps->ps_64regset &= ~bit;
if ((sa->sa_flags & SA_RESTART) == 0)
ps->ps_sigintr |= bit;
ps->ps_signodefer &= ~bit;
if (signum == SIGCHLD) {
if (sa->sa_flags & SA_NOCLDSTOP)
- p->p_flag |= P_NOCLDSTOP;
+ OSBitOrAtomic(P_NOCLDSTOP, &p->p_flag);
- p->p_flag &= ~P_NOCLDSTOP;
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~((uint32_t)P_NOCLDSTOP), &p->p_flag);
if ((sa->sa_flags & SA_NOCLDWAIT) || (sa->sa_handler == SIG_IGN))
- p->p_flag |= P_NOCLDWAIT;
+ OSBitOrAtomic(P_NOCLDWAIT, &p->p_flag);
- p->p_flag &= ~P_NOCLDWAIT;
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~((uint32_t)P_NOCLDWAIT), &p->p_flag);
-#ifdef __ppc__
- if (signum == SIGFPE) {
- if (sa->sa_handler == SIG_DFL || sa->sa_handler == SIG_IGN)
- thread_enable_fpe(current_act(), 0);
- else
- thread_enable_fpe(current_act(), 1);
- }
-#endif /* __ppc__ */
* Set bit in p_sigignore for signals that are set to SIG_IGN,
* and for signals set to SIG_DFL where the default is to ignore.
if (sa->sa_handler == SIG_IGN ||
(sigprop[signum] & SA_IGNORE && sa->sa_handler == SIG_DFL)) {
- clear_procsiglist(p, bit);
+ clear_procsiglist(p, bit, in_sigstart);
if (signum != SIGCONT)
p->p_sigignore |= bit; /* easier in psignal */
p->p_sigcatch &= ~bit;
* set to ignore signals that are ignored by default.
- struct proc *p;
+siginit(proc_t p)
- register int i;
+ int i;
- for (i = 0; i < NSIG; i++)
+ for (i = 1; i < NSIG; i++)
if (sigprop[i] & SA_IGNORE && i != SIGCONT)
p->p_sigignore |= sigmask(i);
* Reset signals for an exec of the specified process.
-execsigs(p, thr_act)
- register struct proc *p;
- register thread_act_t thr_act;
+execsigs(proc_t p, thread_t thread)
- register struct sigacts *ps = p->p_sigacts;
- register int nc, mask;
+ struct sigacts *ps = p->p_sigacts;
+ int nc, mask;
struct uthread *ut;
+ ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(thread);
+ /*
+ * transfer saved signal states from the process
+ * back to the current thread.
+ *
+ * NOTE: We do this without the process locked,
+ * because we are guaranteed to be single-threaded
+ * by this point in exec and the p_siglist is
+ * only accessed by threads inside the process.
+ */
+ ut->uu_siglist |= p->p_siglist;
+ p->p_siglist = 0;
* Reset caught signals. Held signals remain held
* through p_sigmask (unless they were caught,
if (sigprop[nc] & SA_IGNORE) {
if (nc != SIGCONT)
p->p_sigignore |= mask;
- if (thr_act){
- ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(thr_act);
- ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask;
- } else
- clear_procsiglist(p, mask);
+ ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
ps->ps_sigact[nc] = SIG_DFL;
* Reset stack state to the user stack.
* Clear set of signals caught on the signal stack.
- ps->ps_sigstk.ss_flags = SA_DISABLE;
- ps->ps_sigstk.ss_size = 0;
- ps->ps_sigstk.ss_sp = 0;
- ps->ps_flags = 0;
+ /* thread */
+ ut->uu_sigstk.ss_flags = SA_DISABLE;
+ ut->uu_sigstk.ss_size = 0;
+ ut->uu_sigstk.ss_sp = USER_ADDR_NULL;
+ ut->uu_flag &= ~UT_ALTSTACK;
+ /* process */
+ ps->ps_sigonstack = 0;
* and return old mask as return value;
* the library stub does the rest.
-struct sigprocmask_args {
- int how;
- sigset_t *mask;
- sigset_t * omask;
-sigprocmask(p, uap, retval)
- register struct proc *p;
- struct sigprocmask_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
+sigprocmask(proc_t p, struct sigprocmask_args *uap, __unused int32_t *retval)
int error = 0;
sigset_t oldmask, nmask;
- sigset_t * omask = uap->omask;
+ user_addr_t omask = uap->omask;
struct uthread *ut;
- ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_act());
+ ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
oldmask = ut->uu_sigmask;
- if (uap->mask == (sigset_t *)0) {
+ if (uap->mask == USER_ADDR_NULL) {
/* just want old mask */
goto out;
- error = copyin((caddr_t)uap->mask, &nmask, sizeof(sigset_t));
+ error = copyin(uap->mask, &nmask, sizeof(sigset_t));
if (error)
goto out;
switch (uap->how) {
block_procsigmask(p, (nmask & ~sigcantmask));
- signal_setast(current_act());
+ signal_setast(current_thread());
unblock_procsigmask(p, (nmask & ~sigcantmask));
- signal_setast(current_act());
+ signal_setast(current_thread());
set_procsigmask(p, (nmask & ~sigcantmask));
- signal_setast(current_act());
+ signal_setast(current_thread());
- if (!error && omask)
+ if (!error && omask != USER_ADDR_NULL)
copyout(&oldmask, omask, sizeof(sigset_t));
return (error);
-struct sigpending_args {
- struct sigvec *osv;
-sigpending(p, uap, retval)
- struct proc *p;
- register struct sigpending_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
+sigpending(__unused proc_t p, struct sigpending_args *uap, __unused int32_t *retval)
struct uthread *ut;
sigset_t pendlist;
- ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_act());
+ ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
pendlist = ut->uu_siglist;
if (uap->osv)
-#if COMPAT_43
- * Generalized interface signal handler, 4.3-compatible.
- */
-struct osigvec_args {
- int signum;
- struct sigvec *nsv;
- struct sigvec *osv;
-osigvec(p, uap, retval)
- struct proc *p;
- register struct osigvec_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
- struct sigvec __vec;
- struct sigvec vec;
- register struct sigacts *ps = p->p_sigacts;
- register struct sigvec *sv;
- register int signum;
- int bit, error=0;
- panic("osigvec: notsupp");
-#if 0
- signum = uap->signum;
- if (signum <= 0 || signum >= NSIG ||
- signum == SIGKILL || signum == SIGSTOP)
- return (EINVAL);
- sv = &vec;
- if (uap->osv) {
- *(sig_t *)&sv->sv_handler = ps->ps_sigact[signum];
- sv->sv_mask = ps->ps_catchmask[signum];
- bit = sigmask(signum);
- sv->sv_flags = 0;
- if ((ps->ps_sigonstack & bit) != 0)
- sv->sv_flags |= SV_ONSTACK;
- if ((ps->ps_sigintr & bit) != 0)
- sv->sv_flags |= SV_INTERRUPT;
- if (p->p_flag & P_NOCLDSTOP)
- sv->sv_flags |= SA_NOCLDSTOP;
- if (error = copyout((caddr_t)sv, (caddr_t)uap->osv,
- sizeof (vec)))
- return (error);
- }
- if (uap->nsv) {
- if (error = copyin((caddr_t)uap->nsv, (caddr_t)sv,
- sizeof (vec)))
- return (error);
- sv->sv_flags ^= SA_RESTART; /* opposite of SV_INTERRUPT */
- error = setsigvec(p, signum, (struct sigaction *)sv);
- }
- return (error);
-struct osigblock_args {
- int mask;
-osigblock(p, uap, retval)
- register struct proc *p;
- struct osigblock_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
- struct uthread * uth = get_bsdthread_info(current_act());
- *retval = uth->uu_sigmask;
- uth->uu_sigmask |= (uap->mask & ~sigcantmask);
- return (0);
-struct osigsetmask_args {
- int mask;
-osigsetmask(p, uap, retval)
- struct proc *p;
- struct osigsetmask_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
- struct uthread * uth = get_bsdthread_info(current_act());
- *retval = uth->uu_sigmask;
- uth->uu_sigmask = (uap->mask & ~sigcantmask);
- return (0);
-#endif /* COMPAT_43 */
* Suspend process until signal, providing mask to be set
* in the meantime. Note nonstandard calling convention:
* libc stub passes mask, not pointer, to save a copyin.
+static int
+sigcontinue(__unused int error)
- struct uthread *ut = get_bsdthread_info(current_act());
- unix_syscall_return(EINTR);
+// struct uthread *ut = get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
+ unix_syscall_return(EINTR);
-struct sigsuspend_args {
- sigset_t mask;
+sigsuspend(proc_t p, struct sigsuspend_args *uap, int32_t *retval)
+ __pthread_testcancel(1);
+ return(sigsuspend_nocancel(p, (struct sigsuspend_nocancel_args *)uap, retval));
-sigsuspend(p, uap, retval)
- register struct proc *p;
- struct sigsuspend_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
+sigsuspend_nocancel(proc_t p, struct sigsuspend_nocancel_args *uap, __unused int32_t *retval)
- register struct sigacts *ps = p->p_sigacts;
struct uthread *ut;
- ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_act());
+ ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
* When returning from sigpause, we want
* to indicate this.
ut->uu_oldmask = ut->uu_sigmask;
- ut->uu_flag |= USAS_OLDMASK;
+ ut->uu_flag |= UT_SAS_OLDMASK;
ut->uu_sigmask = (uap->mask & ~sigcantmask);
(void) tsleep0((caddr_t) p, PPAUSE|PCATCH, "pause", 0, sigcontinue);
/* always return EINTR rather than ERESTART... */
return (EINTR);
-struct __disable_thsignal_args {
- int value;
-__disable_threadsignal(p, uap, retval)
- struct proc *p;
- register struct __disable_thsignal_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
+__disable_threadsignal(__unused proc_t p,
+ __unused struct __disable_threadsignal_args *uap,
+ __unused int32_t *retval)
struct uthread *uth;
- uth = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_act());
+ uth = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
/* No longer valid to have any signal delivered */
- signal_lock(p);
- uth->uu_flag |= UNO_SIGMASK;
- signal_unlock(p);
+ uth->uu_flag |= (UT_NO_SIGMASK | UT_CANCELDISABLE);
-struct pthread_kill_args {
- void * thread_port;
- int sig;
+__pthread_testcancel(int presyscall)
-__pthread_kill(p, uap, retval)
- struct proc *p;
- register struct pthread_kill_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
+ struct uthread * uthread;
+ uthread = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(self);
+ uthread->uu_flag &= ~UT_NOTCANCELPT;
+ if ((uthread->uu_flag & (UT_CANCELDISABLE | UT_CANCEL | UT_CANCELED)) == UT_CANCEL) {
+ if(presyscall != 0) {
+ unix_syscall_return(EINTR);
+ } else
+ thread_abort_safely(self);
+ }
+__pthread_markcancel(__unused proc_t p,
+ struct __pthread_markcancel_args *uap, __unused int32_t *retval)
thread_act_t target_act;
int error = 0;
- int signum = uap->sig;
struct uthread *uth;
- target_act = (thread_act_t)port_name_to_act(uap->thread_port);
+ target_act = (thread_act_t)port_name_to_thread(uap->thread_port);
if (target_act == THR_ACT_NULL)
return (ESRCH);
- if ((u_int)signum >= NSIG) {
- error = EINVAL;
- goto out;
- }
uth = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(target_act);
- { void *tht = getshuttle_thread(target_act);
- if (uth->uu_flag & UNO_SIGMASK) {
- error = ESRCH;
- goto out;
+ /* if the thread is in vfork do not cancel */
+ if ((uth->uu_flag & (UT_VFORK | UT_CANCEL | UT_CANCELED )) == 0) {
+ uth->uu_flag |= (UT_CANCEL | UT_NO_SIGMASK);
+ if (((uth->uu_flag & UT_NOTCANCELPT) == 0)
+ && ((uth->uu_flag & UT_CANCELDISABLE) == 0))
+ thread_abort_safely(target_act);
- if (signum)
- psignal_uthread(target_act, signum);
- act_deallocate(target_act);
+ thread_deallocate(target_act);
return (error);
+/* if action =0 ; return the cancellation state ,
+ * if marked for cancellation, make the thread canceled
+ * if action = 1 ; Enable the cancel handling
+ * if action = 2; Disable the cancel handling
+ */
+__pthread_canceled(__unused proc_t p,
+ struct __pthread_canceled_args *uap, __unused int32_t *retval)
+ thread_act_t thread;
+ struct uthread *uth;
+ int action = uap->action;
-struct pthread_sigmask_args {
- int how;
- const sigset_t *set;
- sigset_t * oset;
-pthread_sigmask(p, uap, retval)
- register struct proc *p;
- register struct pthread_sigmask_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
- int how = uap->how;
- const sigset_t *set = uap->set;
- sigset_t * oset = uap->oset;
- const sigset_t nset;
- int error = 0;
- struct uthread *ut;
- sigset_t oldset;
+ thread = current_thread();
+ uth = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(thread);
- ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_act());
- oldset = ut->uu_sigmask;
+ switch (action) {
+ case 1:
+ uth->uu_flag &= ~UT_CANCELDISABLE;
+ return(0);
+ case 2:
+ uth->uu_flag |= UT_CANCELDISABLE;
+ return(0);
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ /* if the thread is in vfork do not cancel */
+ if((uth->uu_flag & ( UT_CANCELDISABLE | UT_CANCEL | UT_CANCELED)) == UT_CANCEL) {
+ uth->uu_flag &= ~UT_CANCEL;
+ uth->uu_flag |= (UT_CANCELED | UT_NO_SIGMASK);
+ return(0);
+ }
+ return(EINVAL);
+ }
+ return(EINVAL);
- if (set == (sigset_t *) 0) {
- /* need only old mask */
- goto out;
- }
+__posix_sem_syscall_return(kern_return_t kern_result)
+ int error = 0;
- error = copyin((caddr_t)set, (caddr_t)&nset, sizeof(sigset_t));
- if (error)
+ if (kern_result == KERN_SUCCESS)
+ error = 0;
+ else if (kern_result == KERN_ABORTED)
+ error = EINTR;
+ else if (kern_result == KERN_OPERATION_TIMED_OUT)
+ error = ETIMEDOUT;
+ else
+ error = EINVAL;
+ unix_syscall_return(error);
+ /* does not return */
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * EFAULT if timespec is NULL
+ */
+__old_semwait_signal(proc_t p, struct __old_semwait_signal_args *uap,
+ int32_t *retval)
+ __pthread_testcancel(0);
+ return(__old_semwait_signal_nocancel(p, (struct __old_semwait_signal_nocancel_args *)uap, retval));
+__old_semwait_signal_nocancel(proc_t p, struct __old_semwait_signal_nocancel_args *uap,
+ __unused int32_t *retval)
+ kern_return_t kern_result;
+ int error;
+ mach_timespec_t then;
+ struct timespec now;
+ struct user_timespec ts;
+ boolean_t truncated_timeout = FALSE;
+ if(uap->timeout) {
+ if (IS_64BIT_PROCESS(p)) {
+ struct user64_timespec ts64;
+ error = copyin(uap->ts, &ts64, sizeof(ts64));
+ ts.tv_sec = ts64.tv_sec;
+ ts.tv_nsec = ts64.tv_nsec;
+ } else {
+ struct user32_timespec ts32;
+ error = copyin(uap->ts, &ts32, sizeof(ts32));
+ ts.tv_sec = ts32.tv_sec;
+ ts.tv_nsec = ts32.tv_nsec;
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ if ((ts.tv_sec & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL) != 0) {
+ ts.tv_sec = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ ts.tv_nsec = 0;
+ truncated_timeout = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (uap->relative) {
+ then.tv_sec = ts.tv_sec;
+ then.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
+ } else {
+ nanotime(&now);
+ /* if time has elapsed, set time to null timepsec to bailout rightaway */
+ if (now.tv_sec == ts.tv_sec ?
+ now.tv_nsec > ts.tv_nsec :
+ now.tv_sec > ts.tv_sec) {
+ then.tv_sec = 0;
+ then.tv_nsec = 0;
+ } else {
+ then.tv_sec = ts.tv_sec - now.tv_sec;
+ then.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec - now.tv_nsec;
+ if (then.tv_nsec < 0) {
+ then.tv_nsec += NSEC_PER_SEC;
+ then.tv_sec--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (uap->mutex_sem == 0)
+ kern_result = semaphore_timedwait_trap_internal((mach_port_name_t)uap->cond_sem, then.tv_sec, then.tv_nsec, __posix_sem_syscall_return);
+ else
+ kern_result = semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap_internal(uap->cond_sem, uap->mutex_sem, then.tv_sec, then.tv_nsec, __posix_sem_syscall_return);
+ } else {
+ if (uap->mutex_sem == 0)
+ kern_result = semaphore_wait_trap_internal(uap->cond_sem, __posix_sem_syscall_return);
+ else
+ kern_result = semaphore_wait_signal_trap_internal(uap->cond_sem, uap->mutex_sem, __posix_sem_syscall_return);
+ }
+ if (kern_result == KERN_SUCCESS && !truncated_timeout)
+ return(0);
+ else if (kern_result == KERN_SUCCESS && truncated_timeout)
+ return(EINTR); /* simulate an exceptional condition because Mach doesn't support a longer timeout */
+ else if (kern_result == KERN_ABORTED)
+ return(EINTR);
+ else if (kern_result == KERN_OPERATION_TIMED_OUT)
+ return(ETIMEDOUT);
+ else
+ return(EINVAL);
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * EFAULT if timespec is NULL
+ */
+__semwait_signal(proc_t p, struct __semwait_signal_args *uap,
+ int32_t *retval)
+ __pthread_testcancel(0);
+ return(__semwait_signal_nocancel(p, (struct __semwait_signal_nocancel_args *)uap, retval));
+__semwait_signal_nocancel(__unused proc_t p, struct __semwait_signal_nocancel_args *uap,
+ __unused int32_t *retval)
+ kern_return_t kern_result;
+ mach_timespec_t then;
+ struct timespec now;
+ struct user_timespec ts;
+ boolean_t truncated_timeout = FALSE;
+ if(uap->timeout) {
+ ts.tv_sec = uap->tv_sec;
+ ts.tv_nsec = uap->tv_nsec;
+ if ((ts.tv_sec & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL) != 0) {
+ ts.tv_sec = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ ts.tv_nsec = 0;
+ truncated_timeout = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (uap->relative) {
+ then.tv_sec = ts.tv_sec;
+ then.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec;
+ } else {
+ nanotime(&now);
+ /* if time has elapsed, set time to null timepsec to bailout rightaway */
+ if (now.tv_sec == ts.tv_sec ?
+ now.tv_nsec > ts.tv_nsec :
+ now.tv_sec > ts.tv_sec) {
+ then.tv_sec = 0;
+ then.tv_nsec = 0;
+ } else {
+ then.tv_sec = ts.tv_sec - now.tv_sec;
+ then.tv_nsec = ts.tv_nsec - now.tv_nsec;
+ if (then.tv_nsec < 0) {
+ then.tv_nsec += NSEC_PER_SEC;
+ then.tv_sec--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (uap->mutex_sem == 0)
+ kern_result = semaphore_timedwait_trap_internal((mach_port_name_t)uap->cond_sem, then.tv_sec, then.tv_nsec, __posix_sem_syscall_return);
+ else
+ kern_result = semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap_internal(uap->cond_sem, uap->mutex_sem, then.tv_sec, then.tv_nsec, __posix_sem_syscall_return);
+ } else {
+ if (uap->mutex_sem == 0)
+ kern_result = semaphore_wait_trap_internal(uap->cond_sem, __posix_sem_syscall_return);
+ else
+ kern_result = semaphore_wait_signal_trap_internal(uap->cond_sem, uap->mutex_sem, __posix_sem_syscall_return);
+ }
+ if (kern_result == KERN_SUCCESS && !truncated_timeout)
+ return(0);
+ else if (kern_result == KERN_SUCCESS && truncated_timeout)
+ return(EINTR); /* simulate an exceptional condition because Mach doesn't support a longer timeout */
+ else if (kern_result == KERN_ABORTED)
+ return(EINTR);
+ else if (kern_result == KERN_OPERATION_TIMED_OUT)
+ return(ETIMEDOUT);
+ else
+ return(EINVAL);
+__pthread_kill(__unused proc_t p, struct __pthread_kill_args *uap,
+ __unused int32_t *retval)
+ thread_t target_act;
+ int error = 0;
+ int signum = uap->sig;
+ struct uthread *uth;
+ target_act = (thread_t)port_name_to_thread(uap->thread_port);
+ if (target_act == THREAD_NULL)
+ return (ESRCH);
+ if ((u_int)signum >= NSIG) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ uth = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(target_act);
+ if (uth->uu_flag & UT_NO_SIGMASK) {
+ error = ESRCH;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (signum)
+ psignal_uthread(target_act, signum);
+ thread_deallocate(target_act);
+ return (error);
+__pthread_sigmask(__unused proc_t p, struct __pthread_sigmask_args *uap,
+ __unused int32_t *retval)
+ user_addr_t set = uap->set;
+ user_addr_t oset = uap->oset;
+ sigset_t nset;
+ int error = 0;
+ struct uthread *ut;
+ sigset_t oldset;
+ ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
+ oldset = ut->uu_sigmask;
+ if (set == USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ /* need only old mask */
+ goto out;
+ }
+ error = copyin(set, &nset, sizeof(sigset_t));
+ if (error)
goto out;
switch (uap->how) {
ut->uu_sigmask &= ~(nset);
- signal_setast(current_act());
+ signal_setast(current_thread());
ut->uu_sigmask = (nset & ~sigcantmask);
- signal_setast(current_act());
+ signal_setast(current_thread());
- if (!error && oset)
- copyout((caddr_t)&oldset, (caddr_t)oset, sizeof(sigset_t));
+ if (!error && oset != USER_ADDR_NULL)
+ copyout(&oldset, oset, sizeof(sigset_t));
-struct sigwait_args {
- const sigset_t *set;
- int *sig;
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * copyin:EFAULT
+ * copyout:EFAULT
+ */
+__sigwait(proc_t p, struct __sigwait_args *uap, int32_t *retval)
+ __pthread_testcancel(1);
+ return(__sigwait_nocancel(p, (struct __sigwait_nocancel_args *)uap, retval));
-sigwait(p, uap, retval)
- register struct proc *p;
- register struct sigwait_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
+__sigwait_nocancel(proc_t p, struct __sigwait_nocancel_args *uap, __unused int32_t *retval)
- register struct sigacts *ps = p->p_sigacts;
struct uthread *ut;
struct uthread *uth;
- thread_act_t thact;
int error = 0;
sigset_t mask;
sigset_t siglist;
sigset_t sigw=0;
int signum;
- ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_act());
+ ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
- if (uap->set == (const sigset_t *)0)
+ if (uap->set == USER_ADDR_NULL)
- error = copyin((caddr_t)uap->set, (caddr_t)&mask, sizeof(sigset_t));
+ error = copyin(uap->set, &mask, sizeof(sigset_t));
if (error)
if (siglist == 0)
- signal_lock(p);
- if ((p->p_flag & P_INVFORK) && p->p_vforkact) {
- signal_unlock(p);
+ proc_lock(p);
+ if ((p->p_lflag & P_LINVFORK) && p->p_vforkact) {
+ proc_unlock(p);
} else {
+ proc_signalstart(p, 1);
TAILQ_FOREACH(uth, &p->p_uthlist, uu_list) {
- if (sigw = uth->uu_siglist & siglist) {
+ if ( (sigw = uth->uu_siglist & siglist) ) {
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
- signal_unlock(p);
if (sigw) {
/* The signal was pending on a thread */
goto sigwait1;
* save it here and mark the sigacts structure
* to indicate this.
+ uth = ut; /* wait for it to be delivered to us */
ut->uu_oldmask = ut->uu_sigmask;
- ut->uu_flag |= USAS_OLDMASK;
- if (siglist == (sigset_t)0)
+ ut->uu_flag |= UT_SAS_OLDMASK;
+ if (siglist == (sigset_t)0) {
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ }
/* SIGKILL and SIGSTOP are not maskable as well */
ut->uu_sigmask = ~(siglist|sigcantmask);
ut->uu_sigwait = siglist;
/* No Continuations for now */
- error = tsleep((caddr_t)&ut->uu_sigwait, PPAUSE|PCATCH, "pause", 0);
+ error = msleep((caddr_t)&ut->uu_sigwait, &p->p_mlock, PPAUSE|PCATCH, "pause", 0);
- if ((error == EINTR) || (error == ERESTART))
+ if (error == ERESTART)
error = 0;
sigw = (ut->uu_sigwait & siglist);
ut->uu_sigmask = ut->uu_oldmask;
ut->uu_oldmask = 0;
- ut->uu_flag &= ~USAS_OLDMASK;
+ ut->uu_flag &= ~UT_SAS_OLDMASK;
ut->uu_sigwait = 0;
if (!error) {
signum = ffs((unsigned int)sigw);
if (!signum)
panic("sigwait with no signal wakeup");
- ut->uu_siglist &= ~(sigmask(signum));
- if (uap->sig)
- error = copyout(&signum, uap->sig, sizeof(int));
- }
- return(error);
+ /* Clear the pending signal in the thread it was delivered */
+ uth->uu_siglist &= ~(sigmask(signum));
+ DTRACE_PROC2(signal__clear, int, signum, siginfo_t *, &(ut->t_dtrace_siginfo));
-#if COMPAT_43
-struct osigstack_args {
- struct sigstack *nss;
- struct sigstack *oss;
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ if (uap->sig != USER_ADDR_NULL)
+ error = copyout(&signum, uap->sig, sizeof(int));
+ } else
+ proc_unlock(p);
-osigstack(p, uap, retval)
- struct proc *p;
- register struct osigstack_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
- struct sigstack ss;
- struct sigacts *psp;
- int error = 0;
+ return(error);
- psp = p->p_sigacts;
- ss.ss_sp = psp->ps_sigstk.ss_sp;
- ss.ss_onstack = psp->ps_sigstk.ss_flags & SA_ONSTACK;
- if (uap->oss && (error = copyout((caddr_t)&ss,
- (caddr_t)uap->oss, sizeof (struct sigstack))))
- return (error);
- if (uap->nss && (error = copyin((caddr_t)uap->nss,
- (caddr_t)&ss, sizeof (ss))) == 0) {
- psp->ps_sigstk.ss_sp = ss.ss_sp;
- psp->ps_sigstk.ss_size = 0;
- psp->ps_sigstk.ss_flags |= ss.ss_onstack & SA_ONSTACK;
- psp->ps_flags |= SAS_ALTSTACK;
- }
- return (error);
-#endif /* COMPAT_43 */
-struct sigaltstack_args {
- struct sigaltstack *nss;
- struct sigaltstack *oss;
-sigaltstack(p, uap, retval)
- struct proc *p;
- register struct sigaltstack_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
+sigaltstack(__unused proc_t p, struct sigaltstack_args *uap, __unused int32_t *retval)
- struct sigacts *psp;
- struct sigaltstack ss;
+ struct kern_sigaltstack ss;
+ struct kern_sigaltstack *pstk;
int error;
- psp = p->p_sigacts;
- if ((psp->ps_flags & SAS_ALTSTACK) == 0)
- psp->ps_sigstk.ss_flags |= SA_DISABLE;
- if (uap->oss && (error = copyout((caddr_t)&psp->ps_sigstk,
- (caddr_t)uap->oss, sizeof (struct sigaltstack))))
- return (error);
- if (uap->nss == 0)
+ struct uthread *uth;
+ int onstack;
+ uth = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
+ pstk = &uth->uu_sigstk;
+ if ((uth->uu_flag & UT_ALTSTACK) == 0)
+ uth->uu_sigstk.ss_flags |= SA_DISABLE;
+ onstack = pstk->ss_flags & SA_ONSTACK;
+ if (uap->oss) {
+ if (IS_64BIT_PROCESS(p)) {
+ struct user64_sigaltstack ss64 = {};
+ sigaltstack_kern_to_user64(pstk, &ss64);
+ error = copyout(&ss64, uap->oss, sizeof(ss64));
+ } else {
+ struct user32_sigaltstack ss32 = {};
+ sigaltstack_kern_to_user32(pstk, &ss32);
+ error = copyout(&ss32, uap->oss, sizeof(ss32));
+ }
+ if (error)
+ return (error);
+ }
+ if (uap->nss == USER_ADDR_NULL)
return (0);
- if (error = copyin((caddr_t)uap->nss, (caddr_t)&ss,
- sizeof (ss)))
+ if (IS_64BIT_PROCESS(p)) {
+ struct user64_sigaltstack ss64;
+ error = copyin(uap->nss, &ss64, sizeof(ss64));
+ sigaltstack_user64_to_kern(&ss64, &ss);
+ } else {
+ struct user32_sigaltstack ss32;
+ error = copyin(uap->nss, &ss32, sizeof(ss32));
+ sigaltstack_user32_to_kern(&ss32, &ss);
+ }
+ if (error)
return (error);
if ((ss.ss_flags & ~SA_DISABLE) != 0) {
if (ss.ss_flags & SA_DISABLE) {
- if (psp->ps_sigstk.ss_flags & SA_ONSTACK)
+ /* if we are here we are not in the signal handler ;so no need to check */
+ if (uth->uu_sigstk.ss_flags & SA_ONSTACK)
return (EINVAL);
- psp->ps_flags &= ~SAS_ALTSTACK;
- psp->ps_sigstk.ss_flags = ss.ss_flags;
+ uth->uu_flag &= ~UT_ALTSTACK;
+ uth->uu_sigstk.ss_flags = ss.ss_flags;
return (0);
- if (ss.ss_size < MINSIGSTKSZ)
+ if (onstack)
+ return (EPERM);
+/* The older stacksize was 8K, enforce that one so no compat problems */
+#define OLDMINSIGSTKSZ 8*1024
+ if (ss.ss_size < OLDMINSIGSTKSZ)
return (ENOMEM);
- psp->ps_flags |= SAS_ALTSTACK;
- psp->ps_sigstk= ss;
+ uth->uu_flag |= UT_ALTSTACK;
+ uth->uu_sigstk= ss;
return (0);
-struct kill_args {
- int pid;
- int signum;
-kill(cp, uap, retval)
- register struct proc *cp;
- register struct kill_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
+kill(proc_t cp, struct kill_args *uap, __unused int32_t *retval)
- register struct proc *p;
- register struct pcred *pc = cp->p_cred;
+ proc_t p;
+ kauth_cred_t uc = kauth_cred_get();
+ int posix = uap->posix; /* !0 if posix behaviour desired */
+ AUDIT_ARG(pid, uap->pid);
+ AUDIT_ARG(signum, uap->signum);
if ((u_int)uap->signum >= NSIG)
return (EINVAL);
if (uap->pid > 0) {
/* kill single process */
- if ((p = pfind(uap->pid)) == NULL)
+ if ((p = proc_find(uap->pid)) == NULL) {
+ if ((p = pzfind(uap->pid)) != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * IEEE Std 1003.1-2001: return success
+ * when killing a zombie.
+ */
+ return (0);
+ }
return (ESRCH);
- if (!cansignal(cp, pc, p, uap->signum))
- return (EPERM);
+ }
+ AUDIT_ARG(process, p);
+ if (!cansignal(cp, uc, p, uap->signum, 0)) {
+ proc_rele(p);
+ return(EPERM);
+ }
if (uap->signum)
psignal(p, uap->signum);
+ proc_rele(p);
return (0);
switch (uap->pid) {
case -1: /* broadcast signal */
- return (killpg1(cp, uap->signum, 0, 1));
+ return (killpg1(cp, uap->signum, 0, 1, posix));
case 0: /* signal own process group */
- return (killpg1(cp, uap->signum, 0, 0));
+ return (killpg1(cp, uap->signum, 0, 0, posix));
default: /* negative explicit process group */
- return (killpg1(cp, uap->signum, -(uap->pid), 0));
+ return (killpg1(cp, uap->signum, -(uap->pid), 0, posix));
-#if COMPAT_43
-struct okillpg_args {
- int pgid;
- int signum;
+build_userspace_exit_reason(uint32_t reason_namespace, uint64_t reason_code, user_addr_t payload, uint32_t payload_size,
+ user_addr_t reason_string, uint64_t reason_flags)
+ os_reason_t exit_reason = OS_REASON_NULL;
+ int error = 0;
+ int num_items_to_copy = 0;
+ uint32_t user_data_to_copy = 0;
+ char *reason_user_desc = NULL;
+ size_t reason_user_desc_len = 0;
+ exit_reason = os_reason_create(reason_namespace, reason_code);
+ if (exit_reason == OS_REASON_NULL) {
+ printf("build_userspace_exit_reason: failed to allocate exit reason\n");
+ return exit_reason;
+ }
+ exit_reason->osr_flags |= OS_REASON_FLAG_FROM_USERSPACE;
+ /*
+ * Only apply flags that are allowed to be passed from userspace.
+ */
+ exit_reason->osr_flags |= (reason_flags & OS_REASON_FLAG_MASK_ALLOWED_FROM_USER);
+ if ((reason_flags & OS_REASON_FLAG_MASK_ALLOWED_FROM_USER) != reason_flags) {
+ printf("build_userspace_exit_reason: illegal flags passed from userspace (some masked off) 0x%llx, ns: %u, code 0x%llx\n",
+ reason_flags, reason_namespace, reason_code);
+ }
+ if (!(exit_reason->osr_flags & OS_REASON_FLAG_NO_CRASH_REPORT)) {
+ exit_reason->osr_flags |= OS_REASON_FLAG_GENERATE_CRASH_REPORT;
+ }
+ if (payload != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ if (payload_size == 0) {
+ printf("build_userspace_exit_reason: exit reason with namespace %u, nonzero payload but zero length\n",
+ reason_namespace);
+ exit_reason->osr_flags |= OS_REASON_FLAG_BAD_PARAMS;
+ payload = USER_ADDR_NULL;
+ } else {
+ num_items_to_copy++;
+ if (payload_size > EXIT_REASON_PAYLOAD_MAX_LEN) {
+ exit_reason->osr_flags |= OS_REASON_FLAG_PAYLOAD_TRUNCATED;
+ }
+ user_data_to_copy += payload_size;
+ }
+ }
+ if (reason_string != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ reason_user_desc = (char *) kalloc(EXIT_REASON_USER_DESC_MAX_LEN);
+ if (reason_user_desc != NULL) {
+ error = copyinstr(reason_string, (void *) reason_user_desc,
+ EXIT_REASON_USER_DESC_MAX_LEN, &reason_user_desc_len);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ num_items_to_copy++;
+ user_data_to_copy += reason_user_desc_len;
+ } else if (error == ENAMETOOLONG) {
+ num_items_to_copy++;
+ reason_user_desc[EXIT_REASON_USER_DESC_MAX_LEN - 1] = '\0';
+ user_data_to_copy += reason_user_desc_len;
+ } else {
+ exit_reason->osr_flags |= OS_REASON_FLAG_FAILED_DATA_COPYIN;
+ kfree(reason_user_desc, EXIT_REASON_USER_DESC_MAX_LEN);
+ reason_user_desc = NULL;
+ reason_user_desc_len = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_items_to_copy != 0) {
+ uint32_t reason_buffer_size_estimate = 0;
+ mach_vm_address_t data_addr = 0;
+ reason_buffer_size_estimate = kcdata_estimate_required_buffer_size(num_items_to_copy, user_data_to_copy);
+ error = os_reason_alloc_buffer(exit_reason, reason_buffer_size_estimate);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ printf("build_userspace_exit_reason: failed to allocate signal reason buffer\n");
+ goto out_failed_copyin;
+ }
+ if (reason_user_desc != NULL && reason_user_desc_len != 0) {
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS == kcdata_get_memory_addr(&exit_reason->osr_kcd_descriptor,
+ reason_user_desc_len,
+ &data_addr)) {
+ kcdata_memcpy(&exit_reason->osr_kcd_descriptor, (mach_vm_address_t) data_addr,
+ reason_user_desc, reason_user_desc_len);
+ } else {
+ printf("build_userspace_exit_reason: failed to allocate space for reason string\n");
+ goto out_failed_copyin;
+ }
+ }
+ if (payload != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ kcdata_get_memory_addr(&exit_reason->osr_kcd_descriptor,
+ payload_size,
+ &data_addr)) {
+ error = copyin(payload, (void *) data_addr, payload_size);
+ if (error) {
+ printf("build_userspace_exit_reason: failed to copy in payload data with error %d\n", error);
+ goto out_failed_copyin;
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf("build_userspace_exit_reason: failed to allocate space for payload data\n");
+ goto out_failed_copyin;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (reason_user_desc != NULL) {
+ kfree(reason_user_desc, EXIT_REASON_USER_DESC_MAX_LEN);
+ reason_user_desc = NULL;
+ reason_user_desc_len = 0;
+ }
+ return exit_reason;
+ if (reason_user_desc != NULL) {
+ kfree(reason_user_desc, EXIT_REASON_USER_DESC_MAX_LEN);
+ reason_user_desc = NULL;
+ reason_user_desc_len = 0;
+ }
+ exit_reason->osr_flags |= OS_REASON_FLAG_FAILED_DATA_COPYIN;
+ os_reason_alloc_buffer(exit_reason, 0);
+ return exit_reason;
+static int
+terminate_with_payload_internal(struct proc *cur_proc, int target_pid, uint32_t reason_namespace,
+ uint64_t reason_code, user_addr_t payload, uint32_t payload_size,
+ user_addr_t reason_string, uint64_t reason_flags)
+ proc_t target_proc = PROC_NULL;
+ kauth_cred_t cur_cred = kauth_cred_get();
+ os_reason_t signal_reason = OS_REASON_NULL;
+ AUDIT_ARG(pid, target_pid);
+ if ((target_pid <= 0)) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ target_proc = proc_find(target_pid);
+ if (target_proc == PROC_NULL) {
+ return ESRCH;
+ }
+ AUDIT_ARG(process, target_proc);
+ if (!cansignal(cur_proc, cur_cred, target_proc, SIGKILL, 0)) {
+ proc_rele(target_proc);
+ return EPERM;
+ }
+ target_proc->p_pid, reason_namespace,
+ reason_code, 0, 0);
+ signal_reason = build_userspace_exit_reason(reason_namespace, reason_code, payload, payload_size,
+ reason_string, (reason_flags | OS_REASON_FLAG_NO_CRASHED_TID));
+ if (target_pid == cur_proc->p_pid) {
+ /*
+ * psignal_thread_with_reason() will pend a SIGKILL on the specified thread or
+ * return if the thread and/or task are already terminating. Either way, the
+ * current thread won't return to userspace.
+ */
+ psignal_thread_with_reason(target_proc, current_thread(), SIGKILL, signal_reason);
+ } else {
+ psignal_with_reason(target_proc, SIGKILL, signal_reason);
+ }
+ proc_rele(target_proc);
+ return 0;
-okillpg(p, uap, retval)
- struct proc *p;
- register struct okillpg_args *uap;
- register_t *retval;
+terminate_with_payload(struct proc *cur_proc, struct terminate_with_payload_args *args,
+ __unused int32_t *retval)
+ return terminate_with_payload_internal(cur_proc, args->pid, args->reason_namespace, args->reason_code, args->payload,
+ args->payload_size, args->reason_string, args->reason_flags);
+static int
+killpg1_filt(proc_t p, void * arg)
+ struct killpg1_filtargs * kfargp = (struct killpg1_filtargs *)arg;
+ proc_t cp = kfargp->cp;
+ int posix = kfargp->posix;
- if ((u_int)uap->signum >= NSIG)
- return (EINVAL);
- return (killpg1(p, uap->signum, uap->pgid, 0));
+ if (p->p_pid <= 1 || p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM ||
+ (!posix && p == cp))
+ return(0);
+ else
+ return(1);
+static int
+killpg1_pgrpfilt(proc_t p, __unused void * arg)
+ if (p->p_pid <= 1 || p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM ||
+ (p->p_stat == SZOMB))
+ return(0);
+ else
+ return(1);
+static int
+killpg1_callback(proc_t p, void * arg)
+ struct killpg1_iterargs * kargp = (struct killpg1_iterargs *)arg;
+ proc_t cp = kargp->cp;
+ kauth_cred_t uc = kargp->uc; /* refcounted by the caller safe to use internal fields */
+ int signum = kargp->signum;
+ int * nfoundp = kargp->nfoundp;
+ int n;
+ int zombie = 0;
+ int error = 0;
+ if ((kargp->zombie != 0) && ((p->p_listflag & P_LIST_EXITED) == P_LIST_EXITED))
+ zombie = 1;
+ if (zombie != 0) {
+ proc_list_lock();
+ error = cansignal(cp, uc, p, signum, zombie);
+ proc_list_unlock();
+ if (error != 0 && nfoundp != NULL) {
+ n = *nfoundp;
+ *nfoundp = n+1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (cansignal(cp, uc, p, signum, 0) == 0)
+ return(PROC_RETURNED);
+ if (nfoundp != NULL) {
+ n = *nfoundp;
+ *nfoundp = n+1;
+ }
+ if (signum != 0)
+ psignal(p, signum);
+ }
+ return(PROC_RETURNED);
-#endif /* COMPAT_43 */
* Common code for kill process group/broadcast kill.
* cp is calling process.
-killpg1(cp, signum, pgid, all)
- register struct proc *cp;
- int signum, pgid, all;
+killpg1(proc_t cp, int signum, int pgid, int all, int posix)
- register struct proc *p;
- register struct pcred *pc = cp->p_cred;
+ kauth_cred_t uc;
struct pgrp *pgrp;
int nfound = 0;
+ struct killpg1_iterargs karg;
+ struct killpg1_filtargs kfarg;
+ int error = 0;
+ uc = kauth_cred_proc_ref(cp);
if (all) {
* broadcast
- for (p = allproc.lh_first; p != 0; p = p->p_list.le_next) {
- if (p->p_pid <= 1 || p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM ||
- p == cp || !cansignal(cp, pc, p, signum))
- continue;
- nfound++;
- if (signum)
- psignal(p, signum);
- }
+ kfarg.posix = posix;
+ kfarg.cp = cp;
+ karg.cp = cp;
+ karg.uc = uc;
+ karg.nfoundp = &nfound;
+ karg.signum = signum;
+ karg.zombie = 1;
+ proc_iterate((PROC_ALLPROCLIST | PROC_ZOMBPROCLIST), killpg1_callback, &karg, killpg1_filt, (void *)&kfarg);
} else {
- if (pgid == 0)
+ if (pgid == 0) {
* zero pgid means send to my process group.
- pgrp = cp->p_pgrp;
- else {
+ pgrp = proc_pgrp(cp);
+ } else {
pgrp = pgfind(pgid);
- if (pgrp == NULL)
- return (ESRCH);
- }
- for (p = pgrp->pg_members.lh_first; p != 0;
- p = p->p_pglist.le_next) {
- if (p->p_pid <= 1 || p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM ||
- p->p_stat == SZOMB ||
- !cansignal(cp, pc, p, signum))
- continue;
- nfound++;
- if (signum)
- psignal(p, signum);
+ if (pgrp == NULL) {
+ error = ESRCH;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ karg.nfoundp = &nfound;
+ karg.uc = uc;
+ karg.signum = signum;
+ karg.cp = cp;
+ karg.zombie = 0;
+ /* PGRP_DROPREF drops the pgrp refernce */
+ pgrp_iterate(pgrp, PGRP_DROPREF, killpg1_callback, &karg,
+ killpg1_pgrpfilt, NULL);
- return (nfound ? 0 : ESRCH);
+ error = (nfound ? 0 : (posix ? EPERM : ESRCH));
+ kauth_cred_unref(&uc);
+ return (error);
* Send a signal to a process group.
-gsignal(pgid, signum)
- int pgid, signum;
+gsignal(int pgid, int signum)
struct pgrp *pgrp;
- if (pgid && (pgrp = pgfind(pgid)))
+ if (pgid && (pgrp = pgfind(pgid))) {
pgsignal(pgrp, signum, 0);
+ pg_rele(pgrp);
+ }
- * Send a signal to a process group. If checktty is 1,
+ * Send a signal to a process group. If checkctty is 1,
* limit to members which have a controlling terminal.
-pgsignal(pgrp, signum, checkctty)
- struct pgrp *pgrp;
- int signum, checkctty;
+static int
+pgsignal_filt(proc_t p, void * arg)
- register struct proc *p;
+ int checkctty = *(int*)arg;
- if (pgrp)
- for (p = pgrp->pg_members.lh_first; p != 0;
- p = p->p_pglist.le_next)
- if (checkctty == 0 || p->p_flag & P_CONTROLT)
- psignal(p, signum);
+ if ((checkctty == 0) || p->p_flag & P_CONTROLT)
+ return(1);
+ else
+ return(0);
- * Send signal to a backgrounded process blocked due to tty access
- * In FreeBSD, the backgrounded process wakes up every second and
- * discovers whether it is foregounded or not. In our case, we block
- * the thread in tsleep as we want to avoid storm of processes as well
- * as the suspend is only at AST level
- */
-tty_pgsignal(pgrp, signum)
- struct pgrp *pgrp;
- int signum;
+static int
+pgsignal_callback(proc_t p, void * arg)
- register struct proc *p;
+ int signum = *(int*)arg;
- if (pgrp)
- for (p = pgrp->pg_members.lh_first; p != 0;
- p = p->p_pglist.le_next)
- if ((p->p_flag & P_TTYSLEEP) && (p->p_flag & P_CONTROLT))
- psignal(p, signum);
+ psignal(p, signum);
+ return(PROC_RETURNED);
+pgsignal(struct pgrp *pgrp, int signum, int checkctty)
+ if (pgrp != PGRP_NULL) {
+ pgrp_iterate(pgrp, 0, pgsignal_callback, &signum, pgsignal_filt, &checkctty);
+ }
+tty_pgsignal(struct tty *tp, int signum, int checkctty)
+ struct pgrp * pg;
+ pg = tty_pgrp(tp);
+ if (pg != PGRP_NULL) {
+ pgrp_iterate(pg, 0, pgsignal_callback, &signum, pgsignal_filt, &checkctty);
+ pg_rele(pg);
+ }
* Send a signal caused by a trap to a specific thread.
-threadsignal(sig_actthread, signum, code)
- register thread_act_t sig_actthread;
- register int signum;
- u_long code;
- register struct uthread *uth;
- register struct task * sig_task;
- register struct proc *p ;
+threadsignal(thread_t sig_actthread, int signum, mach_exception_code_t code, boolean_t set_exitreason)
+ struct uthread *uth;
+ struct task * sig_task;
+ proc_t p;
int mask;
if ((u_int)signum >= NSIG || signum == 0)
if ((mask & threadmask) == 0)
sig_task = get_threadtask(sig_actthread);
- p = (struct proc *)(get_bsdtask_info(sig_task));
+ p = (proc_t)(get_bsdtask_info(sig_task));
uth = get_bsdthread_info(sig_actthread);
- if (uth && (uth->uu_flag & P_VFORK))
+ if (uth->uu_flag & UT_VFORK)
p = uth->uu_proc;
- if (!(p->p_flag & P_TRACED) && (p->p_sigignore & mask))
+ proc_lock(p);
+ if (!(p->p_lflag & P_LTRACED) && (p->p_sigignore & mask)) {
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ }
uth->uu_siglist |= mask;
- p->p_siglist |= mask; /* just for lame ones looking here */
uth->uu_code = code;
- /* mark on process as well */
- signal_setast(sig_actthread);
-psignal(p, signum)
- register struct proc *p;
- register int signum;
- psignal_lock(p, signum, 1);
+ /* Attempt to establish whether the signal will be fatal (mirrors logic in psignal_internal()) */
+ if (set_exitreason && ((p->p_lflag & P_LTRACED) || (!(uth->uu_sigwait & mask)
+ && !(uth->uu_sigmask & mask) && !(p->p_sigcatch & mask))) &&
+ !(mask & stopsigmask) && !(mask & contsigmask)) {
-psignal_vfork(p, new_task, thr_act, signum)
- register struct proc *p;
- task_t new_task;
- thread_act_t thr_act;
- register int signum;
- int withlock = 1;
- int pend = 0;
- register int s, prop;
- register sig_t action;
- int mask;
- kern_return_t kret;
- struct uthread *uth;
+ if (uth->uu_exit_reason == OS_REASON_NULL) {
+ p->p_pid, OS_REASON_SIGNAL, signum, 0, 0);
- if ((u_int)signum >= NSIG || signum == 0)
- panic("psignal signal number");
- mask = sigmask(signum);
- prop = sigprop[signum];
+ os_reason_t signal_reason = build_signal_reason(signum, "exc handler");
- if(rdebug_proc && (p == rdebug_proc)) {
- ram_printf(3);
- }
-#endif /* SIGNAL_DEBUG */
+ set_thread_exit_reason(sig_actthread, signal_reason, TRUE);
- if ((new_task == TASK_NULL) || (thr_act == (thread_act_t)NULL) || is_kerneltask(new_task))
- return;
- uth = get_bsdthread_info(thr_act);
- signal_lock(p);
- /*
- * proc is traced, always give parent a chance.
- */
- action = SIG_DFL;
- if (p->p_nice > NZERO && action == SIG_DFL && (prop & SA_KILL) &&
- (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0)
- p->p_nice = NZERO;
- if (prop & SA_CONT) {
- p->p_siglist &= ~stopsigmask;
- uth->uu_siglist &= ~stopsigmask;
- }
- if (prop & SA_STOP) {
- /*
- * If sending a tty stop signal to a member of an orphaned
- * process group, discard the signal here if the action
- * is default; don't stop the process below if sleeping,
- * and don't clear any pending SIGCONT.
- */
- if (prop & SA_TTYSTOP && p->p_pgrp->pg_jobc == 0 &&
- action == SIG_DFL)
- goto psigout;
- uth->uu_siglist &= ~contsigmask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~contsigmask;
- }
- uth->uu_siglist |= mask;
- p->p_siglist |= mask; /* just for lame ones looking here */
- /* Deliver signal to the activation passed in */
- act_set_astbsd(thr_act);
- /*
- * SIGKILL priority twiddling moved here from above because
- * it needs sig_thread. Could merge it into large switch
- * below if we didn't care about priority for tracing
- * as SIGKILL's action is always SIG_DFL.
- */
- if ((signum == SIGKILL) && (p->p_nice > NZERO)) {
- p->p_nice = NZERO;
- }
- /*
- * This Process is traced - wake it up (if not already
- * stopped) so that it can discover the signal in
- * issig() and stop for the parent.
- */
- if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) {
- if (p->p_stat != SSTOP)
- goto run;
- else
- goto psigout;
- }
- /*
- * If we're being traced (possibly because someone attached us
- * while we were stopped), check for a signal from the debugger.
- */
- if (p->p_stat == SSTOP) {
- if ((p->p_flag & P_TRACED) != 0 && p->p_xstat != 0) {
- uth->uu_siglist |= sigmask(p->p_xstat);
- p->p_siglist |= mask; /* just for lame ones looking here */
+ /* We dropped/consumed the reference in set_thread_exit_reason() */
+ signal_reason = OS_REASON_NULL;
- /*
- * setrunnable(p) in BSD
- */
- p->p_stat = SRUN;
- signal_unlock(p);
+ proc_unlock(p);
-get_signalthread(struct proc *p, int signum)
- struct uthread *uth;
- thread_act_t thr_act;
- sigset_t mask = sigmask(signum);
- thread_act_t sig_thread_act;
- struct task * sig_task = p->task;
- thread_t sig_thread;
- kern_return_t kret;
- if ((p->p_flag & P_INVFORK) && p->p_vforkact) {
- sig_thread_act = p->p_vforkact;
- kret = check_actforsig(sig_task, sig_thread_act, &sig_thread, 1);
- if (kret == KERN_SUCCESS)
- return(sig_thread_act);
- else
- return(THR_ACT_NULL);
- }
- TAILQ_FOREACH(uth, &p->p_uthlist, uu_list) {
- if(((uth->uu_flag & UNO_SIGMASK)== 0) &&
- (((uth->uu_sigmask & mask) == 0) || (uth->uu_sigwait & mask))) {
- if (check_actforsig(p->task, uth->uu_act, NULL, 1) == KERN_SUCCESS)
- return(uth->uu_act);
- }
- }
- if (get_signalact(p->task, &thr_act, NULL, 1) == KERN_SUCCESS) {
- return(thr_act);
- }
- return(THR_ACT_NULL);
+ /* mark on process as well */
+ signal_setast(sig_actthread);
- * Send the signal to the process. If the signal has an action, the action
- * is usually performed by the target process rather than the caller; we add
- * the signal to the set of pending signals for the process.
- *
- * Exceptions:
- * o When a stop signal is sent to a sleeping process that takes the
- * default action, the process is stopped without awakening it.
- * o SIGCONT restarts stopped processes (or puts them back to sleep)
- * regardless of the signal action (eg, blocked or ignored).
- *
- * Other ignored signals are discarded immediately.
- */
-psignal_lock(p, signum, withlock)
- register struct proc *p;
- register int signum;
- register int withlock;
- register int s, prop;
- register sig_t action;
- thread_act_t sig_thread_act;
- thread_t sig_thread;
- register task_t sig_task;
- register thread_t cur_thread;
- thread_act_t cur_act;
- int mask;
- struct uthread *uth;
- kern_return_t kret;
- int sw_funnel = 0;
- if ((u_int)signum >= NSIG || signum == 0)
- panic("psignal signal number");
- mask = sigmask(signum);
- prop = sigprop[signum];
+set_thread_exit_reason(void *th, void *reason, boolean_t proc_locked)
+ struct uthread *targ_uth = get_bsdthread_info(th);
+ struct task *targ_task = NULL;
+ proc_t targ_proc = NULL;
- if(rdebug_proc && (p == rdebug_proc)) {
- ram_printf(3);
- }
-#endif /* SIGNAL_DEBUG */
+ os_reason_t exit_reason = (os_reason_t)reason;
- if (thread_funnel_get() == (funnel_t *)network_flock) {
- sw_funnel = 1;
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
- }
- /*
- * We will need the task pointer later. Grab it now to
- * check for a zombie process. Also don't send signals
- * to kernel internal tasks.
- */
- if (((sig_task = p->task) == TASK_NULL) || is_kerneltask(sig_task)) {
- if (sw_funnel)
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
+ if (exit_reason == OS_REASON_NULL)
- }
- /*
- * do not send signals to the process that has the thread
- * doing a reboot(). Not doing so will mark that thread aborted
- * and can cause IO failures wich will cause data loss.
- */
- if (ISSET(p->p_flag, P_REBOOT)) {
- if (sw_funnel)
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
- return;
- }
- if (withlock)
- signal_lock(p);
- /*
- * Deliver the signal to the first thread in the task. This
- * allows single threaded applications which use signals to
- * be able to be linked with multithreaded libraries. We have
- * an implicit reference to the current_thread, but need
- * an explicit one otherwise. The thread reference keeps
- * the corresponding task data structures around too. This
- * reference is released by thread_deallocate.
- */
- if (((p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0) && (p->p_sigignore & mask))
- goto psigout;
- cur_thread = current_thread(); /* this is a shuttle */
- cur_act = current_act();
- /* If successful return with ast set */
- sig_thread_act = get_signalthread(p, signum);
- if (sig_thread_act == THR_ACT_NULL) {
- /* if it is sigkill, may be we should
- * inject a thread to terminate
- */
- ram_printf(1);
-#endif /* SIGNAL_DEBUG */
- goto psigout;
- }
- uth = get_bsdthread_info(sig_thread_act);
- /*
- * If proc is traced, always give parent a chance.
- */
- if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED)
- action = SIG_DFL;
- else {
- /*
- * If the signal is being ignored,
- * then we forget about it immediately.
- * (Note: we don't set SIGCONT in p_sigignore,
- * and if it is set to SIG_IGN,
- * action will be SIG_DFL here.)
- */
- if (p->p_sigignore & mask)
- goto psigout;
- if (uth->uu_sigwait & mask)
- action = SIG_WAIT;
- if (uth->uu_sigmask & mask)
- action = SIG_HOLD;
- else if (p->p_sigcatch & mask)
- action = SIG_CATCH;
- else
- action = SIG_DFL;
- }
- if (p->p_nice > NZERO && action == SIG_DFL && (prop & SA_KILL) &&
- (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0)
- p->p_nice = NZERO;
- if (prop & SA_CONT) {
- uth->uu_siglist &= ~stopsigmask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~stopsigmask;
- }
- if (prop & SA_STOP) {
- /*
- * If sending a tty stop signal to a member of an orphaned
- * process group, discard the signal here if the action
- * is default; don't stop the process below if sleeping,
- * and don't clear any pending SIGCONT.
- */
- if (prop & SA_TTYSTOP && p->p_pgrp->pg_jobc == 0 &&
- action == SIG_DFL)
- goto psigout;
- uth->uu_siglist &= ~contsigmask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~contsigmask;
- }
- uth->uu_siglist |= mask;
- p->p_siglist |= mask; /* just for lame ones looking here */
- /*
- * Defer further processing for signals which are held,
- * except that stopped processes must be continued by SIGCONT.
- */
- if (action == SIG_HOLD && ((prop & SA_CONT) == 0 || p->p_stat != SSTOP)) {
- goto psigout;
- }
- /*
- * SIGKILL priority twiddling moved here from above because
- * it needs sig_thread. Could merge it into large switch
- * below if we didn't care about priority for tracing
- * as SIGKILL's action is always SIG_DFL.
- */
- if ((signum == SIGKILL) && (p->p_nice > NZERO)) {
- p->p_nice = NZERO;
- }
- /*
- * Process is traced - wake it up (if not already
- * stopped) so that it can discover the signal in
- * issig() and stop for the parent.
- */
- if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) {
- if (p->p_stat != SSTOP)
- goto run;
- else
- goto psigout;
- }
- if (action == SIG_WAIT) {
- uth->uu_sigwait = mask;
- uth->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask;
- wakeup(&uth->uu_sigwait);
- /* if it is SIGCONT resume whole process */
- if (prop & SA_CONT)
- (void) task_resume(sig_task);
- goto psigout;
- }
- if (action != SIG_DFL) {
- /*
- * User wants to catch the signal.
- * Wake up the thread, but don't un-suspend it
- * (except for SIGCONT).
- */
- if (prop & SA_CONT)
- (void) task_resume(sig_task);
- goto run;
- } else {
- /* Default action - varies */
- if (mask & stopsigmask) {
- /*
- * These are the signals which by default
- * stop a process.
- *
- * Don't clog system with children of init
- * stopped from the keyboard.
- */
- if (!(prop & SA_STOP) && p->p_pptr == initproc) {
- psignal_lock(p, SIGKILL, 0);
- uth->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask;
- goto psigout;
- }
- /*
- * Stop the task
- * if task hasn't already been stopped by
- * a signal.
- */
- uth->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask;
- if (p->p_stat != SSTOP) {
- p->p_xstat = signum;
- stop(p);
- if ((p->p_pptr->p_flag & P_NOCLDSTOP) == 0) {
- struct proc *pp = p->p_pptr;
- pp->si_pid = p->p_pid;
- pp->si_status = p->p_xstat;
- pp->si_code = CLD_STOPPED;
- pp->si_uid = p->p_cred->p_ruid;
- psignal(pp, SIGCHLD);
- }
- }
- goto psigout;
- }
+ if (!proc_locked) {
+ targ_task = get_threadtask(th);
+ targ_proc = (proc_t)(get_bsdtask_info(targ_task));
- switch (signum) {
- /*
- * Signals ignored by default have been dealt
- * with already, since their bits are on in
- * p_sigignore.
- */
+ proc_lock(targ_proc);
+ }
- case SIGKILL:
- /*
- * Kill signal always sets process running and
- * unsuspends it.
- */
- /*
- * Process will be running after 'run'
- */
- p->p_stat = SRUN;
+ if (targ_uth->uu_exit_reason == OS_REASON_NULL) {
+ targ_uth->uu_exit_reason = exit_reason;
+ } else {
+ /* The caller expects that we drop a reference on the exit reason */
+ os_reason_free(exit_reason);
+ }
- thread_abort(sig_thread_act);
+ if (!proc_locked) {
+ assert(targ_proc != NULL);
+ proc_unlock(targ_proc);
+ }
- goto psigout;
+ * get_signalthread
+ *
+ * Picks an appropriate thread from a process to target with a signal.
+ *
+ * Called with proc locked.
+ * Returns thread with BSD ast set.
+ *
+ * We attempt to deliver a proc-wide signal to the first thread in the task.
+ * This allows single threaded applications which use signals to
+ * be able to be linked with multithreaded libraries.
+ */
+static kern_return_t
+get_signalthread(proc_t p, int signum, thread_t * thr)
+ struct uthread *uth;
+ sigset_t mask = sigmask(signum);
+ thread_t sig_thread;
+ struct task * sig_task = p->task;
+ kern_return_t kret;
- case SIGCONT:
- /*
- * Let the process run. If it's sleeping on an
- * event, it remains so.
- */
- if (p->p_flag & P_TTYSLEEP) {
- p->p_flag &= ~P_TTYSLEEP;
- wakeup(&p->p_siglist);
- } else {
- (void) task_resume(sig_task);
- }
- uth->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask;
- p->p_stat = SRUN;
+ *thr = THREAD_NULL;
- goto psigout;
+ if ((p->p_lflag & P_LINVFORK) && p->p_vforkact) {
+ sig_thread = p->p_vforkact;
+ kret = check_actforsig(sig_task, sig_thread, 1);
+ if (kret == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ *thr = sig_thread;
+ return(KERN_SUCCESS);
+ }else
+ return(KERN_FAILURE);
+ }
- default:
- /*
- * All other signals wake up the process, but don't
- * resume it.
- */
- goto run;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(uth, &p->p_uthlist, uu_list) {
+ if(((uth->uu_flag & UT_NO_SIGMASK)== 0) &&
+ (((uth->uu_sigmask & mask) == 0) || (uth->uu_sigwait & mask))) {
+ if (check_actforsig(p->task, uth->uu_context.vc_thread, 1) == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ *thr = uth->uu_context.vc_thread;
+ return(KERN_SUCCESS);
+ }
- /*
- * If we're being traced (possibly because someone attached us
- * while we were stopped), check for a signal from the debugger.
- */
- if (p->p_stat == SSTOP) {
- if ((p->p_flag & P_TRACED) != 0 && p->p_xstat != 0)
- uth->uu_siglist |= sigmask(p->p_xstat);
- } else {
- /*
- * setrunnable(p) in BSD and
- * Wake up the thread if it is interruptible.
- */
- p->p_stat = SRUN;
- thread_abort_safely(sig_thread_act);
+ if (get_signalact(p->task, thr, 1) == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ return(KERN_SUCCESS);
- if (withlock)
- signal_unlock(p);
- if (sw_funnel)
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
+ return(KERN_FAILURE);
+static os_reason_t
+build_signal_reason(int signum, const char *procname)
+ os_reason_t signal_reason = OS_REASON_NULL;
+ proc_t sender_proc = current_proc();
+ uint32_t reason_buffer_size_estimate = 0, proc_name_length = 0;
+ const char *default_sender_procname = "unknown";
+ mach_vm_address_t data_addr;
+ int ret;
-/* psignal_lock(p, signum, withlock ) */
-psignal_uthread(thr_act, signum)
- thread_act_t thr_act;
- int signum;
+ signal_reason = os_reason_create(OS_REASON_SIGNAL, signum);
+ if (signal_reason == OS_REASON_NULL) {
+ printf("build_signal_reason: unable to allocate signal reason structure.\n");
+ return signal_reason;
+ }
+ reason_buffer_size_estimate = kcdata_estimate_required_buffer_size(2, sizeof(sender_proc->p_name) +
+ sizeof(sender_proc->p_pid));
+ ret = os_reason_alloc_buffer_noblock(signal_reason, reason_buffer_size_estimate);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ printf("build_signal_reason: unable to allocate signal reason buffer.\n");
+ return signal_reason;
+ }
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS == kcdata_get_memory_addr(&signal_reason->osr_kcd_descriptor, KCDATA_TYPE_PID,
+ sizeof(sender_proc->p_pid), &data_addr)) {
+ kcdata_memcpy(&signal_reason->osr_kcd_descriptor, data_addr, &sender_proc->p_pid,
+ sizeof(sender_proc->p_pid));
+ } else {
+ printf("build_signal_reason: exceeded space in signal reason buf, unable to log PID\n");
+ }
+ proc_name_length = sizeof(sender_proc->p_name);
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS == kcdata_get_memory_addr(&signal_reason->osr_kcd_descriptor, KCDATA_TYPE_PROCNAME,
+ proc_name_length, &data_addr)) {
+ if (procname) {
+ char truncated_procname[proc_name_length];
+ strncpy((char *) &truncated_procname, procname, proc_name_length);
+ truncated_procname[proc_name_length - 1] = '\0';
+ kcdata_memcpy(&signal_reason->osr_kcd_descriptor, data_addr, truncated_procname,
+ strlen((char *) &truncated_procname));
+ } else if (*sender_proc->p_name) {
+ kcdata_memcpy(&signal_reason->osr_kcd_descriptor, data_addr, &sender_proc->p_name,
+ sizeof(sender_proc->p_name));
+ } else {
+ kcdata_memcpy(&signal_reason->osr_kcd_descriptor, data_addr, &default_sender_procname,
+ strlen(default_sender_procname) + 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf("build_signal_reason: exceeded space in signal reason buf, unable to log procname\n");
+ }
+ return signal_reason;
+ * Send the signal to the process. If the signal has an action, the action
+ * is usually performed by the target process rather than the caller; we add
+ * the signal to the set of pending signals for the process.
+ *
+ * Always drops a reference on a signal_reason if one is provided, whether via
+ * passing it to a thread or deallocating directly.
+ *
+ * Exceptions:
+ * o When a stop signal is sent to a sleeping process that takes the
+ * default action, the process is stopped without awakening it.
+ * o SIGCONT restarts stopped processes (or puts them back to sleep)
+ * regardless of the signal action (eg, blocked or ignored).
+ *
+ * Other ignored signals are discarded immediately.
+ */
+static void
+psignal_internal(proc_t p, task_t task, thread_t thread, int flavor, int signum, os_reason_t signal_reason)
- struct proc *p;
- register int s, prop;
- register sig_t action;
- thread_act_t sig_thread_act;
- thread_t sig_thread;
- register task_t sig_task;
- register thread_t cur_thread;
- thread_act_t cur_act;
- int mask;
- struct uthread *uth;
- kern_return_t kret;
- int error = 0;
+ int prop;
+ user_addr_t action = USER_ADDR_NULL;
+ proc_t sig_proc;
+ thread_t sig_thread;
+ task_t sig_task;
+ int mask;
+ struct uthread *uth;
+ kern_return_t kret;
+ uid_t r_uid;
+ proc_t pp;
+ kauth_cred_t my_cred;
+ char *launchd_exit_reason_desc = NULL;
+ boolean_t update_thread_policy = FALSE;
- p = (struct proc *)get_bsdtask_info(get_threadtask(thr_act));
if ((u_int)signum >= NSIG || signum == 0)
- panic("Invalid signal number in psignal_uthread");
+ panic("psignal: bad signal number %d", signum);
mask = sigmask(signum);
prop = sigprop[signum];
- if(rdebug_proc && (p == rdebug_proc)) {
+ if(rdebug_proc && (p != PROC_NULL) && (p == rdebug_proc)) {
#endif /* SIGNAL_DEBUG */
+ /* catch unexpected initproc kills early for easier debuggging */
+ if (signum == SIGKILL && p == initproc) {
+ if (signal_reason == NULL) {
+ panic_plain("unexpected SIGKILL of %s %s (no reason provided)",
+ (p->p_name[0] != '\0' ? p->p_name : "initproc"),
+ ((p->p_csflags & CS_KILLED) ? "(CS_KILLED)" : ""));
+ } else {
+ launchd_exit_reason_desc = launchd_exit_reason_get_string_desc(signal_reason);
+ panic_plain("unexpected SIGKILL of %s %s with reason -- namespace %d code 0x%llx description %." LAUNCHD_PANIC_REASON_STRING_MAXLEN "s",
+ (p->p_name[0] != '\0' ? p->p_name : "initproc"),
+ ((p->p_csflags & CS_KILLED) ? "(CS_KILLED)" : ""),
+ signal_reason->osr_namespace, signal_reason->osr_code,
+ launchd_exit_reason_desc ? launchd_exit_reason_desc : "none");
+ }
+ }
* We will need the task pointer later. Grab it now to
* check for a zombie process. Also don't send signals
* to kernel internal tasks.
- if (((sig_task = p->task) == TASK_NULL) || is_kerneltask(sig_task)) {
+ if (flavor & PSIG_VFORK) {
+ sig_task = task;
+ sig_thread = thread;
+ sig_proc = p;
+ } else if (flavor & PSIG_THREAD) {
+ sig_task = get_threadtask(thread);
+ sig_thread = thread;
+ sig_proc = (proc_t)get_bsdtask_info(sig_task);
+ } else if (flavor & PSIG_TRY_THREAD) {
+ assert((thread == current_thread()) && (p == current_proc()));
+ sig_task = p->task;
+ sig_thread = thread;
+ sig_proc = p;
+ } else {
+ sig_task = p->task;
+ sig_thread = THREAD_NULL;
+ sig_proc = p;
+ }
+ if ((sig_task == TASK_NULL) || is_kerneltask(sig_task)) {
+ os_reason_free(signal_reason);
- sig_thread_act = thr_act;
* do not send signals to the process that has the thread
* doing a reboot(). Not doing so will mark that thread aborted
- * and can cause IO failures wich will cause data loss.
+ * and can cause IO failures wich will cause data loss. There's
+ * also no need to send a signal to a process that is in the middle
+ * of being torn down.
- if (ISSET(p->p_flag, P_REBOOT)) {
+ if (ISSET(sig_proc->p_flag, P_REBOOT) || ISSET(sig_proc->p_lflag, P_LEXIT)) {
+ DTRACE_PROC3(signal__discard, thread_t, sig_thread, proc_t, sig_proc, int, signum);
+ os_reason_free(signal_reason);
- signal_lock(p);
+ if( (flavor & (PSIG_VFORK | PSIG_THREAD)) == 0) {
+ proc_knote(sig_proc, NOTE_SIGNAL | signum);
+ }
+ if ((flavor & PSIG_LOCKED)== 0)
+ proc_signalstart(sig_proc, 0);
+ /* Don't send signals to a process that has ignored them. */
+ if (((flavor & PSIG_VFORK) == 0) && ((sig_proc->p_lflag & P_LTRACED) == 0) && (sig_proc->p_sigignore & mask)) {
+ DTRACE_PROC3(signal__discard, thread_t, sig_thread, proc_t, sig_proc, int, signum);
+ goto sigout_unlocked;
+ }
- * Deliver the signal to the first thread in the task. This
- * allows single threaded applications which use signals to
- * be able to be linked with multithreaded libraries. We have
- * an implicit reference to the current_thread, but need
- * an explicit one otherwise. The thread reference keeps
- * the corresponding task data structures around too. This
- * reference is released by thread_deallocate.
+ * The proc_lock prevents the targeted thread from being deallocated
+ * or handling the signal until we're done signaling it.
+ *
+ * Once the proc_lock is dropped, we have no guarantee the thread or uthread exists anymore.
+ *
+ * XXX: What if the thread goes inactive after the thread passes bsd ast point?
- if (((p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0) && (p->p_sigignore & mask))
- goto puthout;
+ proc_lock(sig_proc);
- cur_thread = current_thread(); /* this is a shuttle */
- cur_act = current_act();
- kret = check_actforsig(sig_task, sig_thread_act, &sig_thread, 1);
+ if (flavor & PSIG_VFORK) {
+ action = SIG_DFL;
+ act_set_astbsd(sig_thread);
+ kret = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ } else if (flavor & PSIG_TRY_THREAD) {
+ uth = get_bsdthread_info(sig_thread);
+ if (((uth->uu_flag & UT_NO_SIGMASK) == 0) &&
+ (((uth->uu_sigmask & mask) == 0) || (uth->uu_sigwait & mask)) &&
+ ((kret = check_actforsig(sig_proc->task, sig_thread, 1)) == KERN_SUCCESS)) {
+ /* deliver to specified thread */
+ } else {
+ /* deliver to any willing thread */
+ kret = get_signalthread(sig_proc, signum, &sig_thread);
+ }
+ } else if (flavor & PSIG_THREAD) {
+ /* If successful return with ast set */
+ kret = check_actforsig(sig_task, sig_thread, 1);
+ } else {
+ /* If successful return with ast set */
+ kret = get_signalthread(sig_proc, signum, &sig_thread);
+ }
if (kret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- error = EINVAL;
- goto puthout;
+ DTRACE_PROC3(signal__discard, thread_t, sig_thread, proc_t, sig_proc, int, signum);
+ proc_unlock(sig_proc);
+ goto sigout_unlocked;
- uth = get_bsdthread_info(sig_thread_act);
+ uth = get_bsdthread_info(sig_thread);
* If proc is traced, always give parent a chance.
- if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED)
- action = SIG_DFL;
- else {
- /*
- * If the signal is being ignored,
- * then we forget about it immediately.
- * (Note: we don't set SIGCONT in p_sigignore,
- * and if it is set to SIG_IGN,
- * action will be SIG_DFL here.)
- */
- if (p->p_sigignore & mask)
- goto puthout;
- if (uth->uu_sigwait & mask)
- action = SIG_WAIT;
- if (uth->uu_sigmask & mask)
- action = SIG_HOLD;
- else if (p->p_sigcatch & mask)
- action = SIG_CATCH;
- else
+ if ((flavor & PSIG_VFORK) == 0) {
+ if (sig_proc->p_lflag & P_LTRACED)
action = SIG_DFL;
+ else {
+ /*
+ * If the signal is being ignored,
+ * then we forget about it immediately.
+ * (Note: we don't set SIGCONT in p_sigignore,
+ * and if it is set to SIG_IGN,
+ * action will be SIG_DFL here.)
+ */
+ if (sig_proc->p_sigignore & mask)
+ goto sigout_locked;
+ if (uth->uu_sigwait & mask)
+ action = KERN_SIG_WAIT;
+ else if (uth->uu_sigmask & mask)
+ action = KERN_SIG_HOLD;
+ else if (sig_proc->p_sigcatch & mask)
+ action = KERN_SIG_CATCH;
+ else
+ action = SIG_DFL;
+ }
- if (p->p_nice > NZERO && action == SIG_DFL && (prop & SA_KILL) &&
- (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0)
- p->p_nice = NZERO;
+ /* TODO: p_nice isn't hooked up to the scheduler... */
+ if (sig_proc->p_nice > NZERO && action == SIG_DFL && (prop & SA_KILL) &&
+ (sig_proc->p_lflag & P_LTRACED) == 0)
+ sig_proc->p_nice = NZERO;
- if (prop & SA_CONT) {
+ if (prop & SA_CONT)
uth->uu_siglist &= ~stopsigmask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~stopsigmask;
- }
if (prop & SA_STOP) {
+ struct pgrp *pg;
* If sending a tty stop signal to a member of an orphaned
* process group, discard the signal here if the action
* is default; don't stop the process below if sleeping,
* and don't clear any pending SIGCONT.
- if (prop & SA_TTYSTOP && p->p_pgrp->pg_jobc == 0 &&
- action == SIG_DFL)
- goto puthout;
+ pg = proc_pgrp(sig_proc);
+ if (prop & SA_TTYSTOP && pg->pg_jobc == 0 &&
+ action == SIG_DFL) {
+ pg_rele(pg);
+ goto sigout_locked;
+ }
+ pg_rele(pg);
uth->uu_siglist &= ~contsigmask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~contsigmask;
uth->uu_siglist |= mask;
- p->p_siglist |= mask; /* just for lame ones looking here */
* Defer further processing for signals which are held,
* except that stopped processes must be continued by SIGCONT.
- if (action == SIG_HOLD && ((prop & SA_CONT) == 0 || p->p_stat != SSTOP))
- goto puthout;
+ /* vfork will not go thru as action is SIG_DFL */
+ if ((action == KERN_SIG_HOLD) && ((prop & SA_CONT) == 0 || sig_proc->p_stat != SSTOP))
+ goto sigout_locked;
* SIGKILL priority twiddling moved here from above because
* it needs sig_thread. Could merge it into large switch
* below if we didn't care about priority for tracing
* as SIGKILL's action is always SIG_DFL.
+ *
+ * TODO: p_nice isn't hooked up to the scheduler...
- if ((signum == SIGKILL) && (p->p_nice > NZERO)) {
- p->p_nice = NZERO;
+ if ((signum == SIGKILL) && (sig_proc->p_nice > NZERO)) {
+ sig_proc->p_nice = NZERO;
* stopped) so that it can discover the signal in
* issig() and stop for the parent.
- if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) {
- if (p->p_stat != SSTOP)
- goto psurun;
+ if (sig_proc->p_lflag & P_LTRACED) {
+ if (sig_proc->p_stat != SSTOP)
+ goto runlocked;
- goto puthout;
+ goto sigout_locked;
- if (action == SIG_WAIT) {
+ if ((flavor & PSIG_VFORK) != 0)
+ goto runlocked;
+ if (action == KERN_SIG_WAIT) {
+ /*
+ * DTrace proc signal-clear returns a siginfo_t. Collect the needed info.
+ */
+ r_uid = kauth_getruid(); /* per thread credential; protected by our thread context */
+ bzero((caddr_t)&(uth->t_dtrace_siginfo), sizeof(uth->t_dtrace_siginfo));
+ uth->t_dtrace_siginfo.si_signo = signum;
+ uth->t_dtrace_siginfo.si_pid = current_proc()->p_pid;
+ uth->t_dtrace_siginfo.si_status = W_EXITCODE(signum, 0);
+ uth->t_dtrace_siginfo.si_uid = r_uid;
+ uth->t_dtrace_siginfo.si_code = 0;
uth->uu_sigwait = mask;
uth->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask;
/* if it is SIGCONT resume whole process */
- if (prop & SA_CONT)
- (void) task_resume(sig_task);
- goto puthout;
+ if (prop & SA_CONT) {
+ OSBitOrAtomic(P_CONTINUED, &sig_proc->p_flag);
+ sig_proc->p_contproc = current_proc()->p_pid;
+ (void) task_resume_internal(sig_task);
+ }
+ goto sigout_locked;
if (action != SIG_DFL) {
* Wake up the thread, but don't un-suspend it
* (except for SIGCONT).
- if (prop & SA_CONT)
- (void) task_resume(sig_task);
- goto psurun;
+ if (prop & SA_CONT) {
+ OSBitOrAtomic(P_CONTINUED, &sig_proc->p_flag);
+ (void) task_resume_internal(sig_task);
+ sig_proc->p_stat = SRUN;
+ } else if (sig_proc->p_stat == SSTOP) {
+ goto sigout_locked;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Fill out siginfo structure information to pass to the
+ * signalled process/thread sigaction handler, when it
+ * wakes up. si_code is 0 because this is an ordinary
+ * signal, not a SIGCHLD, and so si_status is the signal
+ * number itself, instead of the child process exit status.
+ * We shift this left because it will be shifted right before
+ * it is passed to user space. kind of ugly to use W_EXITCODE
+ * this way, but it beats defining a new macro.
+ *
+ * Note: Avoid the SIGCHLD recursion case!
+ */
+ if (signum != SIGCHLD) {
+ r_uid = kauth_getruid();
+ sig_proc->si_pid = current_proc()->p_pid;
+ sig_proc->si_status = W_EXITCODE(signum, 0);
+ sig_proc->si_uid = r_uid;
+ sig_proc->si_code = 0;
+ }
+ goto runlocked;
} else {
/* Default action - varies */
if (mask & stopsigmask) {
+ assert(signal_reason == NULL);
* These are the signals which by default
* stop a process.
* Don't clog system with children of init
* stopped from the keyboard.
- if (!(prop & SA_STOP) && p->p_pptr == initproc) {
- psignal_lock(p, SIGKILL, 0);
+ if (!(prop & SA_STOP) && sig_proc->p_pptr == initproc) {
uth->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask;
- goto puthout;
+ proc_unlock(sig_proc);
+ /* siglock still locked, proc_lock not locked */
+ psignal_locked(sig_proc, SIGKILL);
+ goto sigout_unlocked;
* Stop the task
* if task hasn't already been stopped by
* a signal.
uth->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask;
- if (p->p_stat != SSTOP) {
- p->p_xstat = signum;
- if ((p->p_pptr->p_flag & P_NOCLDSTOP) == 0) {
- struct proc *pp = p->p_pptr;
- pp->si_pid = p->p_pid;
- pp->si_status = p->p_xstat;
+ if (sig_proc->p_stat != SSTOP) {
+ sig_proc->p_xstat = signum;
+ sig_proc->p_stat = SSTOP;
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~((uint32_t)P_CONTINUED), &sig_proc->p_flag);
+ sig_proc->p_lflag &= ~P_LWAITED;
+ proc_unlock(sig_proc);
+ pp = proc_parentholdref(sig_proc);
+ stop(sig_proc, pp);
+ if (( pp != PROC_NULL) && ((pp->p_flag & P_NOCLDSTOP) == 0)) {
+ my_cred = kauth_cred_proc_ref(sig_proc);
+ r_uid = kauth_cred_getruid(my_cred);
+ kauth_cred_unref(&my_cred);
+ proc_lock(sig_proc);
+ pp->si_pid = sig_proc->p_pid;
+ /*
+ * POSIX: sigaction for a stopped child
+ * when sent to the parent must set the
+ * child's signal number into si_status.
+ */
+ if (signum != SIGSTOP)
+ pp->si_status = WEXITSTATUS(sig_proc->p_xstat);
+ else
+ pp->si_status = W_EXITCODE(signum, signum);
pp->si_code = CLD_STOPPED;
- pp->si_uid = p->p_cred->p_ruid;
+ pp->si_uid = r_uid;
+ proc_unlock(sig_proc);
psignal(pp, SIGCHLD);
- stop(p);
+ if (pp != PROC_NULL) {
+ proc_parentdropref(pp, 0);
+ }
+ goto sigout_unlocked;
- goto puthout;
+ goto sigout_locked;
+ DTRACE_PROC3(signal__send, thread_t, sig_thread, proc_t, p, int, signum);
switch (signum) {
* Signals ignored by default have been dealt
* Process will be running after 'run'
- p->p_stat = SRUN;
+ sig_proc->p_stat = SRUN;
+ /*
+ * In scenarios where suspend/resume are racing
+ * the signal we are missing AST_BSD by the time
+ * we get here, set again to avoid races. This
+ * was the scenario with spindump enabled shutdowns.
+ * We would need to cover this approp down the line.
+ */
+ act_set_astbsd(sig_thread);
+ kret = thread_abort(sig_thread);
+ update_thread_policy = (kret == KERN_SUCCESS);
+ if (uth->uu_exit_reason == OS_REASON_NULL) {
+ if (signal_reason == OS_REASON_NULL) {
+ sig_proc->p_pid, OS_REASON_SIGNAL, signum, 0, 0);
- thread_abort(sig_thread_act);
+ signal_reason = build_signal_reason(signum, NULL);
+ }
+ os_reason_ref(signal_reason);
+ set_thread_exit_reason(sig_thread, signal_reason, TRUE);
+ }
- goto puthout;
+ goto sigout_locked;
* Let the process run. If it's sleeping on an
* event, it remains so.
- if (p->p_flag & P_TTYSLEEP) {
- p->p_flag &= ~P_TTYSLEEP;
- wakeup(&p->p_siglist);
- } else {
- (void) task_resume(sig_task);
+ assert(signal_reason == NULL);
+ OSBitOrAtomic(P_CONTINUED, &sig_proc->p_flag);
+ sig_proc->p_contproc = sig_proc->p_pid;
+ sig_proc->p_xstat = signum;
+ (void) task_resume_internal(sig_task);
+ /*
+ * When processing a SIGCONT, we need to check
+ * to see if there are signals pending that
+ * were not delivered because we had been
+ * previously stopped. If that's the case,
+ * we need to thread_abort_safely() to trigger
+ * interruption of the current system call to
+ * cause their handlers to fire. If it's only
+ * the SIGCONT, then don't wake up.
+ */
+ if (((flavor & (PSIG_VFORK|PSIG_THREAD)) == 0) && (((uth->uu_siglist & ~uth->uu_sigmask) & ~sig_proc->p_sigignore) & ~mask)) {
+ uth->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
+ sig_proc->p_stat = SRUN;
+ goto runlocked;
uth->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask;
- p->p_stat = SRUN;
- goto puthout;
+ sig_proc->p_stat = SRUN;
+ goto sigout_locked;
+ /*
+ * A signal which has a default action of killing
+ * the process, and for which there is no handler,
+ * needs to act like SIGKILL
+ */
+ if (((flavor & (PSIG_VFORK|PSIG_THREAD)) == 0) && (action == SIG_DFL) && (prop & SA_KILL)) {
+ sig_proc->p_stat = SRUN;
+ kret = thread_abort(sig_thread);
+ update_thread_policy = (kret == KERN_SUCCESS);
+ if (uth->uu_exit_reason == OS_REASON_NULL) {
+ if (signal_reason == OS_REASON_NULL) {
+ sig_proc->p_pid, OS_REASON_SIGNAL, signum, 0, 0);
+ signal_reason = build_signal_reason(signum, NULL);
+ }
+ os_reason_ref(signal_reason);
+ set_thread_exit_reason(sig_thread, signal_reason, TRUE);
+ }
+ goto sigout_locked;
+ }
* All other signals wake up the process, but don't
* resume it.
- goto psurun;
+ if (sig_proc->p_stat == SSTOP) {
+ goto sigout_locked;
+ }
+ goto runlocked;
* If we're being traced (possibly because someone attached us
* while we were stopped), check for a signal from the debugger.
- if (p->p_stat == SSTOP) {
- if ((p->p_flag & P_TRACED) != 0 && p->p_xstat != 0) {
- uth->uu_siglist |= sigmask(p->p_xstat);
- p->p_siglist |= sigmask(p->p_xstat);
+ if (sig_proc->p_stat == SSTOP) {
+ if ((sig_proc->p_lflag & P_LTRACED) != 0 && sig_proc->p_xstat != 0)
+ uth->uu_siglist |= sigmask(sig_proc->p_xstat);
+ if ((flavor & PSIG_VFORK) != 0) {
+ sig_proc->p_stat = SRUN;
} else {
* setrunnable(p) in BSD and
* Wake up the thread if it is interruptible.
- p->p_stat = SRUN;
- thread_abort_safely(sig_thread_act);
+ sig_proc->p_stat = SRUN;
+ if ((flavor & PSIG_VFORK) == 0)
+ thread_abort_safely(sig_thread);
- signal_unlock(p);
+ if (update_thread_policy) {
+ /*
+ * Update the thread policy to heading to terminate, increase priority if
+ * necessary. This needs to be done before we drop the proc lock because the
+ * thread can take the fatal signal once it's dropped.
+ */
+ }
+ proc_unlock(sig_proc);
+ os_reason_free(signal_reason);
+ if ((flavor & PSIG_LOCKED)== 0) {
+ proc_signalend(sig_proc, 0);
+ }
+psignal(proc_t p, int signum)
+ psignal_internal(p, NULL, NULL, 0, signum, NULL);
+psignal_with_reason(proc_t p, int signum, struct os_reason *signal_reason)
+ psignal_internal(p, NULL, NULL, 0, signum, signal_reason);
-__inline__ void
- struct proc *p)
+psignal_locked(proc_t p, int signum)
- thread_t self = current_thread();
+ psignal_internal(p, NULL, NULL, PSIG_LOCKED, signum, NULL);
- p->exit_thread = self;
- (void) task_suspend(p->task);
+psignal_vfork_with_reason(proc_t p, task_t new_task, thread_t thread, int signum, struct os_reason *signal_reason)
+ psignal_internal(p, new_task, thread, PSIG_VFORK, signum, signal_reason);
-__inline__ int
- struct proc *p)
+psignal_vfork(proc_t p, task_t new_task, thread_t thread, int signum)
- thread_t self = current_thread();
+ psignal_internal(p, new_task, thread, PSIG_VFORK, signum, NULL);
- while (p->sigwait || p->exit_thread) {
- if (p->exit_thread) {
- if (p->exit_thread != self) {
- /*
- * Already exiting - no signals.
- */
- thread_abort(current_act());
- }
- return(0);
- }
- if(assert_wait_possible()) {
- assert_wait((caddr_t)&p->sigwait_thread,
- }
- signal_unlock(p);
- thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
- signal_lock(p);
- if (thread_should_abort(self)) {
- /*
- * Terminate request - clean up.
- */
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 1;
+psignal_uthread(thread_t thread, int signum)
+ psignal_internal(PROC_NULL, TASK_NULL, thread, PSIG_THREAD, signum, NULL);
+/* same as psignal(), but prefer delivery to 'thread' if possible */
+psignal_try_thread(proc_t p, thread_t thread, int signum)
+ psignal_internal(p, NULL, thread, PSIG_TRY_THREAD, signum, NULL);
+psignal_try_thread_with_reason(proc_t p, thread_t thread, int signum, struct os_reason *signal_reason)
+ psignal_internal(p, TASK_NULL, thread, PSIG_TRY_THREAD, signum, signal_reason);
+psignal_thread_with_reason(proc_t p, thread_t thread, int signum, struct os_reason *signal_reason)
+ psignal_internal(p, TASK_NULL, thread, PSIG_THREAD, signum, signal_reason);
* postsig(signum);
- register struct proc *p;
- register int signum, mask, prop, sigbits;
- task_t task = p->task;
- thread_t cur_thread;
- thread_act_t cur_act;
- int s;
+issignal_locked(proc_t p)
+ int signum, mask, prop, sigbits;
+ thread_t cur_act;
struct uthread * ut;
- kern_return_t kret;
- struct proc *pp;
+ proc_t pp;
+ kauth_cred_t my_cred;
+ int retval = 0;
+ uid_t r_uid;
- cur_thread = current_thread();
- cur_act = current_act();
+ cur_act = current_thread();
- if(rdebug_proc && (p == rdebug_proc)) {
- ram_printf(3);
- }
+ if(rdebug_proc && (p == rdebug_proc)) {
+ ram_printf(3);
+ }
#endif /* SIGNAL_DEBUG */
- signal_lock(p);
* Try to grab the signal lock.
if (sig_try_locked(p) <= 0) {
- signal_unlock(p);
- return (0);
+ return 0;
+ proc_signalstart(p, 1);
ut = get_bsdthread_info(cur_act);
- for(;;) {
- sigbits = ut->uu_siglist & ~ut->uu_sigmask;
+ for (;;) {
+ sigbits = ut->uu_siglist & ~ut->uu_sigmask;
- if (p->p_flag & P_PPWAIT)
+ if (p->p_lflag & P_LPPWAIT)
sigbits &= ~stopsigmask;
if (sigbits == 0) { /* no signal to send */
- signal_unlock(p);
- return (0);
+ retval = 0;
+ goto out;
signum = ffs((long)sigbits);
mask = sigmask(signum);
prop = sigprop[signum];
* We should see pending but ignored signals
- * only if P_TRACED was on when they were posted.
+ * only if P_LTRACED was on when they were posted.
- if (mask & p->p_sigignore && (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0) {
- ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask; /* take the signal! */
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask; /* take the signal! */
+ if (mask & p->p_sigignore && (p->p_lflag & P_LTRACED) == 0) {
+ ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
- if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED && (p->p_flag & P_PPWAIT) == 0) {
- register int hold;
- register task_t task;
+ if (p->p_lflag & P_LTRACED && (p->p_lflag & P_LPPWAIT) == 0) {
- * If traced, always stop, and stay
- * stopped until released by the debugger.
+ * If traced, deliver the signal to the debugger, and wait to be
+ * released.
- /* ptrace debugging */
+ task_t task;
p->p_xstat = signum;
- pp = p->p_pptr;
- if (p->p_flag & P_SIGEXC) {
+ if (p->p_lflag & P_LSIGEXC) {
p->sigwait = TRUE;
p->sigwait_thread = cur_act;
p->p_stat = SSTOP;
- p->p_flag &= ~P_WAITED;
- ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask; /* clear the old signal */
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask; /* clear the old signal */
- signal_unlock(p);
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~((uint32_t)P_CONTINUED), &p->p_flag);
+ p->p_lflag &= ~P_LWAITED;
+ ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask; /* clear the current signal from the pending list */
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
+ proc_unlock(p);
do_bsdexception(EXC_SOFTWARE, EXC_SOFT_SIGNAL, signum);
- signal_lock(p);
+ proc_lock(p);
+ proc_signalstart(p, 1);
} else {
- pp->si_pid = p->p_pid;
- pp->si_status = p->p_xstat;
- pp->si_code = CLD_TRAPPED;
- pp->si_uid = p->p_cred->p_ruid;
- psignal(pp, SIGCHLD);
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ my_cred = kauth_cred_proc_ref(p);
+ r_uid = kauth_cred_getruid(my_cred);
+ kauth_cred_unref(&my_cred);
+ pp = proc_parentholdref(p);
+ if (pp != PROC_NULL) {
+ proc_lock(pp);
+ pp->si_pid = p->p_pid;
+ pp->p_xhighbits = p->p_xhighbits;
+ p->p_xhighbits = 0;
+ pp->si_status = p->p_xstat;
+ pp->si_code = CLD_TRAPPED;
+ pp->si_uid = r_uid;
+ proc_unlock(pp);
+ }
* XXX Have to really stop for debuggers;
* XXX stop() doesn't do the right thing.
- * XXX Inline the task_suspend because we
- * XXX have to diddle Unix state in the
- * XXX middle of it.
task = p->task;
- task_hold(task);
+ task_suspend_internal(task);
+ proc_lock(p);
p->sigwait = TRUE;
p->sigwait_thread = cur_act;
p->p_stat = SSTOP;
- p->p_flag &= ~P_WAITED;
- ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask; /* clear the old signal */
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask; /* clear the old signal */
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~((uint32_t)P_CONTINUED), &p->p_flag);
+ p->p_lflag &= ~P_LWAITED;
+ ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ if (pp != PROC_NULL) {
+ psignal(pp, SIGCHLD);
+ proc_list_lock();
+ wakeup((caddr_t)pp);
+ proc_parentdropref(pp, 1);
+ proc_list_unlock();
+ }
- wakeup((caddr_t)p->p_pptr);
- signal_unlock(p);
assert_wait((caddr_t)&p->sigwait, (THREAD_INTERRUPTIBLE));
- signal_lock(p);
+ proc_lock(p);
+ proc_signalstart(p, 1);
p->sigwait = FALSE;
p->sigwait_thread = NULL;
- /*
- * This code is to detect when gdb is killed
- * even as the traced program is attached.
- * pgsignal would get the SIGKILL to traced program
- * That's what we are trying to see (I hope)
- */
- if (ut->uu_siglist & sigmask(SIGKILL)) {
+ if (signum == SIGKILL || ut->uu_siglist & sigmask(SIGKILL)) {
- * Wait event may still be outstanding;
- * clear it, since sig_lock_to_exit will
- * wait.
+ * Deliver a pending sigkill even if it's not the current signal.
+ * Necessary for PT_KILL, which should not be delivered to the
+ * debugger, but we can't differentiate it from any other KILL.
- clear_wait(current_thread(), THREAD_INTERRUPTED);
- sig_lock_to_exit(p);
- /*
- * Since this thread will be resumed
- * to allow the current syscall to
- * be completed, must save u_qsave
- * before calling exit(). (Since exit()
- * calls closef() which can trash u_qsave.)
- */
- signal_unlock(p);
- exit1(p,signum, (int *)NULL);
- return(0);
+ signum = SIGKILL;
+ goto deliver_sig;
- /*
- * We may have to quit
- */
+ /* We may have to quit. */
if (thread_should_abort(current_thread())) {
- signal_unlock(p);
- return(0);
+ retval = 0;
+ goto out;
* If parent wants us to take the signal,
* then it will leave it in p->p_xstat;
signum = p->p_xstat;
if (signum == 0)
* Put the new signal into p_siglist. If the
* signal is being masked, look for other signals.
mask = sigmask(signum);
ut->uu_siglist |= mask;
- p->p_siglist |= mask; /* just for lame ones looking here */
if (ut->uu_sigmask & mask)
switch ((long)p->p_sigacts->ps_sigact[signum]) {
case (long)SIG_DFL:
- /*
- * Don't take default actions on system processes.
- */
- if (p->p_pptr->p_pid == 0) {
- /*
- * Are you sure you want to ignore SIGSEGV
- * in init? XXX
- */
- printf("Process (pid %d) got signal %d\n",
- p->p_pid, signum);
- break; /* == ignore */
- }
* If there is a pending stop signal to process
* with default action, stop here,
* process group, ignore tty stop signals.
if (prop & SA_STOP) {
- if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED ||
- (p->p_pgrp->pg_jobc == 0 &&
- prop & SA_TTYSTOP))
- break; /* == ignore */
+ struct pgrp * pg;
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ pg = proc_pgrp(p);
+ if (p->p_lflag & P_LTRACED ||
+ (pg->pg_jobc == 0 &&
+ prop & SA_TTYSTOP)) {
+ proc_lock(p);
+ pg_rele(pg);
+ break; /* ignore signal */
+ }
+ pg_rele(pg);
if (p->p_stat != SSTOP) {
+ proc_lock(p);
p->p_xstat = signum;
- stop(p);
- if ((p->p_pptr->p_flag & P_NOCLDSTOP) == 0) {
- pp = p->p_pptr;
+ p->p_stat = SSTOP;
+ p->p_lflag &= ~P_LWAITED;
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ pp = proc_parentholdref(p);
+ stop(p, pp);
+ if ((pp != PROC_NULL) && ((pp->p_flag & P_NOCLDSTOP) == 0)) {
+ my_cred = kauth_cred_proc_ref(p);
+ r_uid = kauth_cred_getruid(my_cred);
+ kauth_cred_unref(&my_cred);
+ proc_lock(pp);
pp->si_pid = p->p_pid;
- pp->si_status = p->p_xstat;
+ pp->si_status = WEXITSTATUS(p->p_xstat);
pp->si_code = CLD_STOPPED;
- pp->si_uid = p->p_cred->p_ruid;
+ pp->si_uid = r_uid;
+ proc_unlock(pp);
psignal(pp, SIGCHLD);
+ if (pp != PROC_NULL)
+ proc_parentdropref(pp, 0);
+ proc_lock(p);
} else if (prop & SA_IGNORE) {
* Except for SIGCONT, shouldn't get here.
* Default action is to ignore; drop it.
- break; /* == ignore */
+ break; /* ignore signal */
} else {
- ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask; /* take the signal! */
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask; /* take the signal! */
- signal_unlock(p);
- return (signum);
+ goto deliver_sig;
case (long)SIG_IGN:
* than SIGCONT, unless process is traced.
if ((prop & SA_CONT) == 0 &&
- (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0)
+ (p->p_lflag & P_LTRACED) == 0)
- break; /* == ignore */
+ break; /* ignore signal */
- /*
- * This signal has an action, let
- * postsig() process it.
- */
- ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask; /* take the signal! */
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask; /* take the signal! */
- signal_unlock(p);
- return (signum);
- }
- ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask; /* take the signal! */
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask; /* take the signal! */
+ /* This signal has an action - deliver it. */
+ goto deliver_sig;
+ /* If we dropped through, the signal was ignored - remove it from pending list. */
+ ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
+ } /* for(;;) */
+ ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
+ retval = signum;
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
+ return retval;
/* called from _sleep */
- register struct proc *p;
- register int signum, mask, prop, sigbits;
- task_t task = p->task;
- thread_t cur_thread;
- thread_act_t cur_act;
- int s;
+CURSIG(proc_t p)
+ int signum, mask, prop, sigbits;
+ thread_t cur_act;
struct uthread * ut;
int retnum = 0;
- cur_thread = current_thread();
- cur_act = current_act();
+ cur_act = current_thread();
ut = get_bsdthread_info(cur_act);
if (ut->uu_siglist == 0)
return (0);
- if (((ut->uu_siglist & ~ut->uu_sigmask) == 0) && ((p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0))
+ if (((ut->uu_siglist & ~ut->uu_sigmask) == 0) && ((p->p_lflag & P_LTRACED) == 0))
return (0);
sigbits = ut->uu_siglist & ~ut->uu_sigmask;
for(;;) {
- if (p->p_flag & P_PPWAIT)
+ if (p->p_lflag & P_LPPWAIT)
sigbits &= ~stopsigmask;
if (sigbits == 0) { /* no signal to send */
return (retnum);
signum = ffs((long)sigbits);
mask = sigmask(signum);
prop = sigprop[signum];
+ sigbits &= ~mask; /* take the signal out */
* We should see pending but ignored signals
- * only if P_TRACED was on when they were posted.
+ * only if P_LTRACED was on when they were posted.
- if (mask & p->p_sigignore && (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0) {
+ if (mask & p->p_sigignore && (p->p_lflag & P_LTRACED) == 0) {
- if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED && (p->p_flag & P_PPWAIT) == 0) {
- /*
- * Put the new signal into p_siglist. If the
- * signal is being masked, look for other signals.
- */
- mask = sigmask(signum);
- if (ut->uu_sigmask & mask)
- continue;
+ if (p->p_lflag & P_LTRACED && (p->p_lflag & P_LPPWAIT) == 0) {
switch ((long)p->p_sigacts->ps_sigact[signum]) {
case (long)SIG_DFL:
- /*
- * Don't take default actions on system processes.
- */
- if (p->p_pptr->p_pid == 0) {
- /*
- * Are you sure you want to ignore SIGSEGV
- * in init? XXX
- */
- printf("Process (pid %d) got signal %d\n",
- p->p_pid, signum);
- break; /* == ignore */
- }
* If there is a pending stop signal to process
* with default action, stop here,
* process group, ignore tty stop signals.
if (prop & SA_STOP) {
- if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED ||
- (p->p_pgrp->pg_jobc == 0 &&
- prop & SA_TTYSTOP))
+ struct pgrp *pg;
+ pg = proc_pgrp(p);
+ if (p->p_lflag & P_LTRACED ||
+ (pg->pg_jobc == 0 &&
+ prop & SA_TTYSTOP)) {
+ pg_rele(pg);
break; /* == ignore */
+ }
+ pg_rele(pg);
retnum = signum;
} else if (prop & SA_IGNORE) {
* than SIGCONT, unless process is traced.
if ((prop & SA_CONT) == 0 &&
- (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) == 0)
+ (p->p_lflag & P_LTRACED) == 0)
break; /* == ignore */
return (signum);
- sigbits &= ~mask; /* take the signal! */
* via wakeup. Signals are handled elsewhere. The process must not be
* on the run queue.
- register struct proc *p;
+static void
+stop(proc_t p, proc_t parent)
- p->p_stat = SSTOP;
- p->p_flag &= ~P_WAITED;
- wakeup((caddr_t)p->p_pptr);
- (void) task_suspend(p->task); /*XXX*/
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~((uint32_t)P_CONTINUED), &p->p_flag);
+ if ((parent != PROC_NULL) && (parent->p_stat != SSTOP)) {
+ proc_list_lock();
+ wakeup((caddr_t)parent);
+ proc_list_unlock();
+ }
+ (void) task_suspend_internal(p->task);
* from the current set of pending signals.
- register int signum;
+postsig_locked(int signum)
- register struct proc *p = current_proc();
- register struct sigacts *ps = p->p_sigacts;
- register sig_t action;
- u_long code;
+ proc_t p = current_proc();
+ struct sigacts *ps = p->p_sigacts;
+ user_addr_t catcher;
+ uint32_t code;
int mask, returnmask;
struct uthread * ut;
panic("psig not on master");
- signal_lock(p);
* Try to grab the signal lock.
if (sig_try_locked(p) <= 0) {
- signal_unlock(p);
- ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_act());
+ proc_signalstart(p, 1);
+ ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
mask = sigmask(signum);
ut->uu_siglist &= ~mask;
- p->p_siglist &= ~mask;
- action = ps->ps_sigact[signum];
- ktrpsig(p->p_tracep,
- signum, action, ut->uu_flag & USAS_OLDMASK ?
- &ut->uu_oldmask : &ut->uu_sigmask, 0, -1);
- if (action == SIG_DFL) {
+ catcher = ps->ps_sigact[signum];
+ if (catcher == SIG_DFL) {
- * Default action, where the default is to kill
+ * Default catcher, where the default is to kill
* the process. (Other cases were ignored above.)
- /* called with signal_lock() held */
- sigexit_locked(p, signum);
+ sig_lock_to_exit(p);
+ p->p_acflag |= AXSIG;
+ if (sigprop[signum] & SA_CORE) {
+ p->p_sigacts->ps_sig = signum;
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ if (coredump(p, 0, 0) == 0)
+ signum |= WCOREFLAG;
+ } else {
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ }
+ bzero((caddr_t)&(ut->t_dtrace_siginfo), sizeof(ut->t_dtrace_siginfo));
+ ut->t_dtrace_siginfo.si_signo = signum;
+ ut->t_dtrace_siginfo.si_pid = p->si_pid;
+ ut->t_dtrace_siginfo.si_uid = p->si_uid;
+ ut->t_dtrace_siginfo.si_status = WEXITSTATUS(p->si_status);
+ /* Fire DTrace proc:::fault probe when signal is generated by hardware. */
+ switch (signum) {
+ case SIGILL: case SIGBUS: case SIGSEGV: case SIGFPE: case SIGTRAP:
+ DTRACE_PROC2(fault, int, (int)(ut->uu_code), siginfo_t *, &(ut->t_dtrace_siginfo));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ DTRACE_PROC3(signal__handle, int, signum, siginfo_t *, &(ut->t_dtrace_siginfo),
+ void (*)(void), SIG_DFL);
+ p->p_pid, W_EXITCODE(0, signum), 3, 0, 0);
+ /*
+ * exit_with_reason() will consume a reference to the thread's exit reason, so we take another
+ * reference for the thread. This reference will be destroyed in uthread_cleanup().
+ */
+ os_reason_ref(ut->uu_exit_reason);
+ exit_with_reason(p, W_EXITCODE(0, signum), (int *)NULL, TRUE, TRUE, 0, ut->uu_exit_reason);
+ proc_lock(p);
} else {
* If we get here, the signal must be caught.
- if (action == SIG_IGN || (ut->uu_sigmask & mask))
+ if (catcher == SIG_IGN || (ut->uu_sigmask & mask))
"postsig: processing masked or ignored signal\n");
* Set the new mask value and also defer further
* occurences of this signal.
* mask from before the sigpause is what we want
* restored after the signal processing is completed.
- if (ut->uu_flag & USAS_OLDMASK) {
+ if (ut->uu_flag & UT_SAS_OLDMASK) {
returnmask = ut->uu_oldmask;
- ut->uu_flag &= ~USAS_OLDMASK;
+ ut->uu_flag &= ~UT_SAS_OLDMASK;
ut->uu_oldmask = 0;
} else
returnmask = ut->uu_sigmask;
ps->ps_siginfo &= ~mask;
ps->ps_signodefer &= ~mask;
-#ifdef __ppc__
- /* Needs to disable to run in user mode */
- if (signum == SIGFPE) {
- thread_enable_fpe(current_act(), 0);
- }
-#endif /* __ppc__ */
if (ps->ps_sig != signum) {
code = 0;
code = ps->ps_code;
ps->ps_code = 0;
- p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_nsignals++;
- sendsig(p, action, signum, returnmask, code);
+ OSIncrementAtomicLong(&p->p_stats->p_ru.ru_nsignals);
+ sendsig(p, catcher, signum, returnmask, code);
- signal_unlock(p);
+ proc_signalend(p, 1);
- * Force the current process to exit with the specified signal, dumping core
- * if appropriate. We bypass the normal tests for masked and caught signals,
- * allowing unrecoverable failures to terminate the process without changing
- * signal state. Mark the accounting record with the signal termination.
- * If dumping core, save the signal number for the debugger. Calls exit and
- * does not return.
+ * Attach a signal knote to the list of knotes for this process.
+ *
+ * Signal knotes share the knote list with proc knotes. This
+ * could be avoided by using a signal-specific knote list, but
+ * probably isn't worth the trouble.
- /* called with signal lock */
-sigexit_locked(p, signum)
- register struct proc *p;
- int signum;
+static int
+filt_sigattach(struct knote *kn, __unused struct kevent_internal_s *kev)
+ proc_t p = current_proc(); /* can attach only to oneself */
+ proc_klist_lock();
+ kn->kn_ptr.p_proc = p;
+ KNOTE_ATTACH(&p->p_klist, kn);
+ proc_klist_unlock();
+ /* edge-triggered events can't have fired before we attached */
+ return (0);
+ * remove the knote from the process list, if it hasn't already
+ * been removed by exit processing.
+ */
+static void
+filt_sigdetach(struct knote *kn)
+ proc_t p = kn->kn_ptr.p_proc;
+ proc_klist_lock();
+ kn->kn_ptr.p_proc = NULL;
+ KNOTE_DETACH(&p->p_klist, kn);
+ proc_klist_unlock();
+ * Post an event to the signal filter. Because we share the same list
+ * as process knotes, we have to filter out and handle only signal events.
+ *
+ * We assume that we process fdfree() before we post the NOTE_EXIT for
+ * a process during exit. Therefore, since signal filters can only be
+ * set up "in-process", we should have already torn down the kqueue
+ * hosting the EVFILT_SIGNAL knote and should never see NOTE_EXIT.
+ */
+static int
+filt_signal(struct knote *kn, long hint)
- sig_lock_to_exit(p);
- p->p_acflag |= AXSIG;
- if (sigprop[signum] & SA_CORE) {
- p->p_sigacts->ps_sig = signum;
- if (coredump(p) == 0)
- signum |= WCOREFLAG;
+ if (hint & NOTE_SIGNAL) {
+ hint &= ~NOTE_SIGNAL;
+ if (kn->kn_id == (unsigned int)hint)
+ kn->kn_data++;
+ } else if (hint & NOTE_EXIT) {
+ panic("filt_signal: detected NOTE_EXIT event");
- signal_unlock(p);
- exit1(p, W_EXITCODE(0, signum), (int *)NULL);
+ return (kn->kn_data != 0);
+static int
+ struct knote *kn,
+ struct kevent_internal_s *kev)
+#pragma unused(kev)
+ int res;
+ proc_klist_lock();
+ if ((kn->kn_status & KN_UDATA_SPECIFIC) == 0)
+ kn->kn_udata = kev->udata;
+ /*
+ * No data to save -
+ * just capture if it is already fired
+ */
+ res = (kn->kn_data > 0);
+ proc_klist_unlock();
+ return res;
+static int
+ struct knote *kn,
+ __unused struct filt_process_s *data,
+ struct kevent_internal_s *kev)
+ proc_klist_lock();
+ if (kn->kn_data == 0) {
+ proc_klist_unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Snapshot the event data.
+ * All signal events are EV_CLEAR, so
+ * add that and clear out the data field.
+ */
+ *kev = kn->kn_kevent;
+ kev->flags |= EV_CLEAR;
+ kn->kn_data = 0;
+ proc_klist_unlock();
+ return 1;
-bsd_ast(thread_act_t thr_act)
+bsd_ast(thread_t thread)
- struct proc *p = current_proc();
- struct uthread *ut = get_bsdthread_info(thr_act);
+ proc_t p = current_proc();
+ struct uthread *ut = get_bsdthread_info(thread);
int signum;
- unsigned int pc;
- boolean_t funnel_state;
- static bsd_init_done = 0;
+ user_addr_t pc;
+ static int bsd_init_done = 0;
if (p == NULL)
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
+ /* don't run bsd ast on exec copy or exec'ed tasks */
+ if (task_did_exec(current_task()) || task_is_exec_copy(current_task())) {
+ return;
+ }
if ((p->p_flag & P_OWEUPC) && (p->p_flag & P_PROFIL)) {
pc = get_useraddr();
addupc_task(p, pc, 1);
- p->p_flag &= ~P_OWEUPC;
+ OSBitAndAtomic(~((uint32_t)P_OWEUPC), &p->p_flag);
- if (CHECK_SIGNALS(p, current_thread(), ut)) {
- while (signum = issignal(p))
- postsig(signum);
+ if (timerisset(&p->p_vtimer_user.it_value)) {
+ uint32_t microsecs;
+ task_vtimer_update(p->task, TASK_VTIMER_USER, µsecs);
+ if (!itimerdecr(p, &p->p_vtimer_user, microsecs)) {
+ if (timerisset(&p->p_vtimer_user.it_value))
+ task_vtimer_set(p->task, TASK_VTIMER_USER);
+ else
+ task_vtimer_clear(p->task, TASK_VTIMER_USER);
+ psignal_try_thread(p, thread, SIGVTALRM);
+ }
- if (!bsd_init_done) {
- extern void bsdinit_task(void);
- bsd_init_done = 1;
- bsdinit_task();
+ if (timerisset(&p->p_vtimer_prof.it_value)) {
+ uint32_t microsecs;
+ task_vtimer_update(p->task, TASK_VTIMER_PROF, µsecs);
+ if (!itimerdecr(p, &p->p_vtimer_prof, microsecs)) {
+ if (timerisset(&p->p_vtimer_prof.it_value))
+ task_vtimer_set(p->task, TASK_VTIMER_PROF);
+ else
+ task_vtimer_clear(p->task, TASK_VTIMER_PROF);
+ psignal_try_thread(p, thread, SIGPROF);
+ }
- (void) thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, FALSE);
+ if (timerisset(&p->p_rlim_cpu)) {
+ struct timeval tv;
- * Follwing routines are called using callout from bsd_hardclock
- * so that psignals are called in a thread context and are funneled
- */
-psignal_vtalarm(struct proc *p)
- boolean_t funnel_state;
+ task_vtimer_update(p->task, TASK_VTIMER_RLIM, (uint32_t *) &tv.tv_usec);
- if (p == NULL)
- return;
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
- psignal_lock(p, SIGVTALRM, 1);
- (void) thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, FALSE);
+ proc_spinlock(p);
+ if (p->p_rlim_cpu.tv_sec > 0 || p->p_rlim_cpu.tv_usec > tv.tv_usec) {
+ tv.tv_sec = 0;
+ timersub(&p->p_rlim_cpu, &tv, &p->p_rlim_cpu);
+ proc_spinunlock(p);
+ } else {
-psignal_xcpu(struct proc *p)
- boolean_t funnel_state;
+ timerclear(&p->p_rlim_cpu);
+ proc_spinunlock(p);
- if (p == NULL)
- return;
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
- psignal_lock(p, SIGXCPU, 1);
- (void) thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, FALSE);
+ task_vtimer_clear(p->task, TASK_VTIMER_RLIM);
-psignal_sigprof(struct proc *p)
- boolean_t funnel_state;
+ psignal_try_thread(p, thread, SIGXCPU);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ut->t_dtrace_sig) {
+ uint8_t dt_action_sig = ut->t_dtrace_sig;
+ ut->t_dtrace_sig = 0;
+ psignal(p, dt_action_sig);
+ }
+ if (ut->t_dtrace_stop) {
+ ut->t_dtrace_stop = 0;
+ proc_lock(p);
+ p->p_dtrace_stop = 1;
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ (void)task_suspend_internal(p->task);
+ }
+ if (ut->t_dtrace_resumepid) {
+ proc_t resumeproc = proc_find(ut->t_dtrace_resumepid);
+ ut->t_dtrace_resumepid = 0;
+ if (resumeproc != PROC_NULL) {
+ proc_lock(resumeproc);
+ /* We only act on processes stopped by dtrace */
+ if (resumeproc->p_dtrace_stop) {
+ resumeproc->p_dtrace_stop = 0;
+ proc_unlock(resumeproc);
+ task_resume_internal(resumeproc->task);
+ }
+ else {
+ proc_unlock(resumeproc);
+ }
+ proc_rele(resumeproc);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* CONFIG_DTRACE */
+ proc_lock(p);
+ if (CHECK_SIGNALS(p, current_thread(), ut)) {
+ while ( (signum = issignal_locked(p)) )
+ postsig_locked(signum);
+ }
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ if (!bsd_init_done) {
+ bsd_init_done = 1;
+ bsdinit_task();
+ }
- if (p == NULL)
- return;
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
- psignal_lock(p, SIGPROF, 1);
- (void) thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, FALSE);
-/* ptrace set runnalbe */
+/* ptrace set runnable */
-pt_setrunnable(struct proc *p)
+pt_setrunnable(proc_t p)
-task_t task;
+ task_t task;
task = p->task;
- if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED) {
+ if (p->p_lflag & P_LTRACED) {
+ proc_lock(p);
p->p_stat = SRUN;
+ proc_unlock(p);
if (p->sigwait) {
- task_release(task);
+ if ((p->p_lflag & P_LSIGEXC) == 0) { // 5878479
+ task_release(task);
+ }
int code,
int sub)
- exception_data_type_t codes[EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX];
- extern kern_return_t bsd_exception(int, exception_data_type_t codes[], int);
+ mach_exception_data_type_t codes[EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX];
codes[0] = code;
codes[1] = sub;
return(bsd_exception(exc, codes, 2));
+proc_pendingsignals(proc_t p, sigset_t mask)
+ struct uthread * uth;
+ thread_t th;
+ sigset_t bits = 0;
+ proc_lock(p);
+ /* If the process is in proc exit return no signal info */
+ if (p->p_lflag & P_LPEXIT) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if ((p->p_lflag & P_LINVFORK) && p->p_vforkact) {
+ th = p->p_vforkact;
+ uth = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(th);
+ if (uth) {
+ bits = (((uth->uu_siglist & ~uth->uu_sigmask) & ~p->p_sigignore) & mask);
+ }
+ goto out;
+ }
+ bits = 0;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(uth, &p->p_uthlist, uu_list) {
+ bits |= (((uth->uu_siglist & ~uth->uu_sigmask) & ~p->p_sigignore) & mask);
+ }
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ return(bits);
+thread_issignal(proc_t p, thread_t th, sigset_t mask)
+ struct uthread * uth;
+ sigset_t bits=0;
+ proc_lock(p);
+ uth = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(th);
+ if (uth) {
+ bits = (((uth->uu_siglist & ~uth->uu_sigmask) & ~p->p_sigignore) & mask);
+ }
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ return(bits);
+ * Allow external reads of the sigprop array.
+ */
+hassigprop(int sig, int prop)
+ return (sigprop[sig] & prop);
+pgsigio(pid_t pgid, int sig)
+ proc_t p = PROC_NULL;
+ if (pgid < 0)
+ gsignal(-(pgid), sig);
+ else if (pgid > 0 && (p = proc_find(pgid)) != 0)
+ psignal(p, sig);
+ if (p != PROC_NULL)
+ proc_rele(p);
+proc_signalstart(proc_t p, int locked)
+ if (!locked)
+ proc_lock(p);
+ if(p->p_signalholder == current_thread())
+ panic("proc_signalstart: thread attempting to signal a process for which it holds the signal lock");
+ p->p_sigwaitcnt++;
+ while ((p->p_lflag & P_LINSIGNAL) == P_LINSIGNAL)
+ msleep(&p->p_sigmask, &p->p_mlock, 0, "proc_signstart", NULL);
+ p->p_sigwaitcnt--;
+ p->p_lflag |= P_LINSIGNAL;
+ p->p_signalholder = current_thread();
+ if (!locked)
+ proc_unlock(p);
+proc_signalend(proc_t p, int locked)
+ if (!locked)
+ proc_lock(p);
+ p->p_lflag &= ~P_LINSIGNAL;
+ if (p->p_sigwaitcnt > 0)
+ wakeup(&p->p_sigmask);
+ p->p_signalholder = NULL;
+ if (!locked)
+ proc_unlock(p);
+sig_lock_to_exit(proc_t p)
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
+ p->exit_thread = self;
+ proc_unlock(p);
+ task_hold(p->task);
+ task_wait(p->task, FALSE);
+ proc_lock(p);
+sig_try_locked(proc_t p)
+ thread_t self = current_thread();
+ while (p->sigwait || p->exit_thread) {
+ if (p->exit_thread) {
+ return(0);
+ }
+ msleep((caddr_t)&p->sigwait_thread, &p->p_mlock, PCATCH | PDROP, 0, 0);
+ if (thread_should_abort(self)) {
+ /*
+ * Terminate request - clean up.
+ */
+ proc_lock(p);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ proc_lock(p);
+ }
+ return 1;