- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
/* Copyright (c) 1991 NeXT Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains machine independent code for performing core dumps.
- * 16-Feb-91 Mike DeMoney (mike@next.com)
- * Massaged into MI form from m68k/core.c.
#include <mach/vm_param.h>
#include <sys/signalvar.h>
#include <sys/resourcevar.h>
#include <sys/namei.h>
-#include <sys/vnode.h>
-#include <sys/proc.h>
+#include <sys/vnode_internal.h>
+#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
+#include <sys/kauth.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
-#include <sys/buf.h>
#include <sys/acct.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <sys/file_internal.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <mach/vm_statistics.h>
#include <vm/vm_kern.h>
+#include <vm/vm_protos.h> /* last */
+#include <vm/vm_map.h> /* current_map() */
+#include <mach/mach_vm.h> /* mach_vm_region_recurse() */
+#include <mach/task.h> /* task_suspend() */
+#include <kern/task.h> /* get_task_numacts() */
typedef struct {
int flavor; /* the number for this flavor */
- int count; /* count of ints in this flavor */
+ mach_msg_type_number_t count; /* count of ints in this flavor */
} mythread_state_flavor_t;
#if defined (__ppc__)
+/* 64 bit */
+mythread_state_flavor_t thread_flavor_array64[]={
+ };
+/* 32 bit */
mythread_state_flavor_t thread_flavor_array[]={
-int mynum_flavors=3;
#elif defined (__i386__)
mythread_state_flavor_t thread_flavor_array [] = {
-int mynum_flavors=9;
+int mynum_flavors=3;
#error architecture not supported
int hoffset;
mythread_state_flavor_t *flavors;
int tstate_size;
+ int flavor_count;
} tir_t;
-collectth_state(thread_act_t th_act, tir_t *t)
+/* XXX should be static */
+void collectth_state(thread_t th_act, void *tirp);
+/* XXX not in a Mach header anywhere */
+kern_return_t thread_getstatus(register thread_t act, int flavor,
+ thread_state_t tstate, mach_msg_type_number_t *count);
+void task_act_iterate_wth_args(task_t, void(*)(thread_t, void *), void *);
+__private_extern__ int do_coredump = 0; /* default: don't dump cores */
+__private_extern__ int do_coredump = 1; /* default: dump cores */
+__private_extern__ int sugid_coredump = 0; /* default: but not SGUID binaries */
+collectth_state(thread_t th_act, void *tirp)
vm_offset_t header;
int hoffset, i ;
mythread_state_flavor_t *flavors;
struct thread_command *tc;
+ tir_t *t = (tir_t *)tirp;
* Fill in thread command structure.
* the appropriate thread state struct for each
* thread state flavor.
- for (i = 0; i < mynum_flavors; i++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < t->flavor_count; i++) {
*(mythread_state_flavor_t *)(header+hoffset) =
hoffset += sizeof(mythread_state_flavor_t);
thread_getstatus(th_act, flavors[i].flavor,
- (thread_state_t *)(header+hoffset),
+ (thread_state_t)(header+hoffset),
hoffset += flavors[i].count*sizeof(int);
t->hoffset = hoffset;
- * Create a core image on the file "core".
+ * coredump
+ *
+ * Description: Create a core image on the file "core" for the process
+ * indicated
+ *
+ * Parameters: core_proc Process to dump core [*]
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * EFAULT Failed
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT: This function can only be called on the current process, due
+ * to assumptions below; see variable declaration section for
+ * details.
- register struct proc *p;
+coredump(proc_t core_proc)
- int error=0;
- register struct pcred *pcred = p->p_cred;
- register struct ucred *cred = pcred->pc_ucred;
- struct nameidata nd;
- struct vattr vattr;
- vm_map_t map;
+/* Begin assumptions that limit us to only the current process */
+ vfs_context_t ctx = vfs_context_current();
+ vm_map_t map = current_map();
+ task_t task = current_task();
+/* End assumptions */
+ kauth_cred_t cred = vfs_context_ucred(ctx);
+ int error = 0;
+ struct vnode_attr va;
int thread_count, segment_count;
int command_size, header_size, tstate_size;
- int hoffset, foffset, vmoffset;
+ int hoffset;
+ off_t foffset;
+ vm_map_offset_t vmoffset;
vm_offset_t header;
- struct machine_slot *ms;
- struct mach_header *mh;
- struct segment_command *sc;
- struct thread_command *tc;
- vm_size_t size;
+ vm_map_size_t vmsize;
vm_prot_t prot;
vm_prot_t maxprot;
vm_inherit_t inherit;
- vm_offset_t offset;
- int error1;
- task_t task;
- char core_name[MAXCOMLEN+6];
+ int error1 = 0;
+ char stack_name[MAXCOMLEN+6];
+ char *alloced_name = NULL;
+ char *name;
mythread_state_flavor_t flavors[MAX_TSTATE_FLAVORS];
- vm_size_t nflavors,mapsize;
+ vm_size_t mapsize;
int i;
- int nesting_depth = 0;
+ uint32_t nesting_depth = 0;
kern_return_t kret;
struct vm_region_submap_info_64 vbr;
- int vbrcount=0;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t vbrcount = 0;
tir_t tir1;
struct vnode * vp;
- extern boolean_t coredumpok(vm_map_t map, vm_offset_t va); /* temp fix */
+ struct mach_header *mh = NULL; /* protected by is_64 */
+ struct mach_header_64 *mh64 = NULL; /* protected by is_64 */
+ int is_64 = 0;
+ size_t mach_header_sz = sizeof(struct mach_header);
+ size_t segment_command_sz = sizeof(struct segment_command);
- if (pcred->p_svuid != pcred->p_ruid || pcred->p_svgid != pcred->p_rgid)
+ if (do_coredump == 0 || /* Not dumping at all */
+ ( (sugid_coredump == 0) && /* Not dumping SUID/SGID binaries */
+ ( (cred->cr_svuid != cred->cr_ruid) ||
+ (cred->cr_svgid != cred->cr_rgid)))) {
return (EFAULT);
+ }
+ if (IS_64BIT_PROCESS(core_proc)) {
+ is_64 = 1;
+ mach_header_sz = sizeof(struct mach_header_64);
+ segment_command_sz = sizeof(struct segment_command_64);
+ }
- task = current_task();
- map = current_map();
mapsize = get_vmmap_size(map);
- if (mapsize >= p->p_rlimit[RLIMIT_CORE].rlim_cur)
+ if (mapsize >= core_proc->p_rlimit[RLIMIT_CORE].rlim_cur)
return (EFAULT);
(void) task_suspend(task);
- sprintf(core_name, "/cores/core.%d", p->p_pid);
- NDINIT(&nd, LOOKUP, FOLLOW, UIO_SYSSPACE, core_name, p);
- if(error = vn_open(&nd, O_CREAT | FWRITE, S_IRUSR ))
- return (error);
- vp = nd.ni_vp;
+ MALLOC(alloced_name, char *, MAXPATHLEN, M_TEMP, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO);
+ /* create name according to sysctl'able format string */
+ /* if name creation fails, fall back to historical behaviour... */
+ if (proc_core_name(core_proc->p_comm, kauth_cred_getuid(cred),
+ core_proc->p_pid, alloced_name, MAXPATHLEN)) {
+ snprintf(stack_name, sizeof(stack_name),
+ "/cores/core.%d", core_proc->p_pid);
+ name = stack_name;
+ } else
+ name = alloced_name;
+ if ((error = vnode_open(name, (O_CREAT | FWRITE | O_NOFOLLOW), S_IRUSR, VNODE_LOOKUP_NOFOLLOW, &vp, ctx)))
+ goto out2;
+ VATTR_INIT(&va);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_nlink);
/* Don't dump to non-regular files or files with links. */
if (vp->v_type != VREG ||
- VOP_GETATTR(vp, &vattr, cred, p) || vattr.va_nlink != 1) {
+ vnode_getattr(vp, &va, ctx) || va.va_nlink != 1) {
error = EFAULT;
goto out;
- VATTR_NULL(&vattr);
- vattr.va_size = 0;
- VOP_LEASE(vp, p, cred, LEASE_WRITE);
- VOP_SETATTR(vp, &vattr, cred, p);
- p->p_acflag |= ACORE;
+ VATTR_INIT(&va); /* better to do it here than waste more stack in vnode_setsize */
+ VATTR_SET(&va, va_data_size, 0);
+ vnode_setattr(vp, &va, ctx);
+ core_proc->p_acflag |= ACORE;
* If the task is modified while dumping the file
thread_count = get_task_numacts(task);
segment_count = get_vmmap_entries(map); /* XXX */
- /*
- * nflavors here is really the number of ints in flavors
- * to meet the thread_getstatus() calling convention
- */
-#if 0
- nflavors = sizeof(flavors)/sizeof(int);
- if (thread_getstatus(current_thread(), THREAD_STATE_FLAVOR_LIST,
- (thread_state_t)(flavors),
- &nflavors) != KERN_SUCCESS)
- panic("core flavor list");
- /* now convert to number of flavors */
- nflavors /= sizeof(mythread_state_flavor_t)/sizeof(int);
- nflavors = mynum_flavors;
- bcopy(thread_flavor_array,flavors,sizeof(thread_flavor_array));
+#if defined (__ppc__)
+ if (is_64) {
+ tir1.flavor_count = sizeof(thread_flavor_array64)/sizeof(mythread_state_flavor_t);
+ bcopy(thread_flavor_array64, flavors,sizeof(thread_flavor_array64));
+ } else {
+#endif /* __ppc __ */
+ tir1.flavor_count = sizeof(thread_flavor_array)/sizeof(mythread_state_flavor_t);
+ bcopy(thread_flavor_array, flavors,sizeof(thread_flavor_array));
+#if defined (__ppc__)
+ }
+#endif /* __ppc __ */
tstate_size = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < nflavors; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < tir1.flavor_count; i++)
tstate_size += sizeof(mythread_state_flavor_t) +
(flavors[i].count * sizeof(int));
- command_size = segment_count*sizeof(struct segment_command) +
+ command_size = segment_count * segment_command_sz +
thread_count*sizeof(struct thread_command) +
- header_size = command_size + sizeof(struct mach_header);
+ header_size = command_size + mach_header_sz;
- (void) kmem_alloc_wired(kernel_map,
+ (void) kmem_alloc(kernel_map,
(vm_offset_t *)&header,
* Set up Mach-O header.
- mh = (struct mach_header *) header;
- ms = &machine_slot[cpu_number()];
- mh->magic = MH_MAGIC;
- mh->cputype = ms->cpu_type;
- mh->cpusubtype = ms->cpu_subtype;
- mh->filetype = MH_CORE;
- mh->ncmds = segment_count + thread_count;
- mh->sizeofcmds = command_size;
- hoffset = sizeof(struct mach_header); /* offset into header */
+ if (is_64) {
+ mh64 = (struct mach_header_64 *)header;
+ mh64->magic = MH_MAGIC_64;
+ mh64->cputype = cpu_type();
+ mh64->cpusubtype = cpu_subtype();
+ mh64->filetype = MH_CORE;
+ mh64->ncmds = segment_count + thread_count;
+ mh64->sizeofcmds = command_size;
+ mh64->reserved = 0; /* 8 byte alignment */
+ } else {
+ mh = (struct mach_header *)header;
+ mh->magic = MH_MAGIC;
+ mh->cputype = cpu_type();
+ mh->cpusubtype = cpu_subtype();
+ mh->filetype = MH_CORE;
+ mh->ncmds = segment_count + thread_count;
+ mh->sizeofcmds = command_size;
+ }
+ hoffset = mach_header_sz; /* offset into header */
foffset = round_page(header_size); /* offset into file */
- vmoffset = VM_MIN_ADDRESS; /* offset into VM */
- /* We use to check for an error, here, now we try and get
+ vmoffset = MACH_VM_MIN_ADDRESS; /* offset into VM */
+ /*
+ * We use to check for an error, here, now we try and get
* as much as we can
- while (segment_count > 0){
+ while (segment_count > 0) {
+ struct segment_command *sc;
+ struct segment_command_64 *sc64;
* Get region information for next region.
while (1) {
- if((kret = vm_region_recurse_64(map,
- &vmoffset, &size, &nesting_depth,
- &vbr, &vbrcount)) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ if((kret = mach_vm_region_recurse(map,
+ &vmoffset, &vmsize, &nesting_depth,
+ (vm_region_recurse_info_t)&vbr,
+ &vbrcount)) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we get a valid mapping back, but we're dumping
+ * a 32 bit process, and it's over the allowable
+ * address space of a 32 bit process, it's the same
+ * as if mach_vm_region_recurse() failed.
+ */
+ if (!(is_64) &&
+ (vmoffset + vmsize > VM_MAX_ADDRESS)) {
if(vbr.is_submap) {
* Fill in segment command structure.
- sc = (struct segment_command *) (header + hoffset);
- sc->cmd = LC_SEGMENT;
- sc->cmdsize = sizeof(struct segment_command);
- /* segment name is zerod by kmem_alloc */
- sc->segname[0] = 0;
- sc->vmaddr = vmoffset;
- sc->vmsize = size;
- sc->fileoff = foffset;
- sc->filesize = size;
- sc->maxprot = maxprot;
- sc->initprot = prot;
- sc->nsects = 0;
+ if (is_64) {
+ sc64 = (struct segment_command_64 *)(header + hoffset);
+ sc64->cmd = LC_SEGMENT_64;
+ sc64->cmdsize = sizeof(struct segment_command_64);
+ /* segment name is zeroed by kmem_alloc */
+ sc64->segname[0] = 0;
+ sc64->vmaddr = vmoffset;
+ sc64->vmsize = vmsize;
+ sc64->fileoff = foffset;
+ sc64->filesize = vmsize;
+ sc64->maxprot = maxprot;
+ sc64->initprot = prot;
+ sc64->nsects = 0;
+ } else {
+ sc = (struct segment_command *) (header + hoffset);
+ sc->cmd = LC_SEGMENT;
+ sc->cmdsize = sizeof(struct segment_command);
+ /* segment name is zeroed by kmem_alloc */
+ sc->segname[0] = 0;
+ sc->vmaddr = CAST_DOWN(vm_offset_t,vmoffset);
+ sc->vmsize = CAST_DOWN(vm_size_t,vmsize);
+ sc->fileoff = CAST_DOWN(uint32_t,foffset);
+ sc->filesize = CAST_DOWN(uint32_t,vmsize);
+ sc->maxprot = maxprot;
+ sc->initprot = prot;
+ sc->nsects = 0;
+ }
* Write segment out. Try as hard as possible to
* get read access to the data.
if ((prot & VM_PROT_READ) == 0) {
- vm_protect(map, vmoffset, size, FALSE,
- prot|VM_PROT_READ);
+ mach_vm_protect(map, vmoffset, vmsize, FALSE,
+ prot|VM_PROT_READ);
* Only actually perform write if we can read.
* Note: if we can't read, then we end up with
* a hole in the file.
- if ((maxprot & VM_PROT_READ) == VM_PROT_READ && vbr.user_tag != VM_MEMORY_IOKIT && coredumpok(map,vmoffset)) {
- error = vn_rdwr(UIO_WRITE, vp, (caddr_t)vmoffset, size, foffset,
- UIO_USERSPACE, IO_NODELOCKED|IO_UNIT, cred, (int *) 0, p);
+ if ((maxprot & VM_PROT_READ) == VM_PROT_READ
+ && vbr.user_tag != VM_MEMORY_IOKIT
+ && coredumpok(map,vmoffset)) {
+ vm_map_size_t tmp_vmsize = vmsize;
+ off_t xfer_foffset = foffset;
+ //LP64todo - works around vn_rdwr_64() 2G limit
+ while (tmp_vmsize > 0) {
+ vm_map_size_t xfer_vmsize = tmp_vmsize;
+ if (xfer_vmsize > INT_MAX)
+ xfer_vmsize = INT_MAX;
+ error = vn_rdwr_64(UIO_WRITE, vp,
+ vmoffset, xfer_vmsize, xfer_foffset,
+ IO_NODELOCKED|IO_UNIT, cred, (int *) 0, core_proc);
+ tmp_vmsize -= xfer_vmsize;
+ xfer_foffset += xfer_vmsize;
+ }
- hoffset += sizeof(struct segment_command);
- foffset += size;
- vmoffset += size;
+ hoffset += segment_command_sz;
+ foffset += vmsize;
+ vmoffset += vmsize;
-#if 0 /* [ */
- task_lock(task);
- thread = (thread_t) queue_first(&task->thread_list);
- while (thread_count > 0) {
- /*
- * Fill in thread command structure.
- */
- tc = (struct thread_command *) (header + hoffset);
- tc->cmd = LC_THREAD;
- tc->cmdsize = sizeof(struct thread_command)
- + tstate_size;
- hoffset += sizeof(struct thread_command);
- /*
- * Follow with a struct thread_state_flavor and
- * the appropriate thread state struct for each
- * thread state flavor.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < nflavors; i++) {
- *(mythread_state_flavor_t *)(header+hoffset) =
- flavors[i];
- hoffset += sizeof(mythread_state_flavor_t);
- thread_getstatus(thread, flavors[i].flavor,
- (thread_state_t *)(header+hoffset),
- &flavors[i].count);
- hoffset += flavors[i].count*sizeof(int);
- }
- thread = (thread_t) queue_next(&thread->thread_list);
- thread_count--;
+ /*
+ * If there are remaining segments which have not been written
+ * out because break in the loop above, then they were not counted
+ * because they exceed the real address space of the executable
+ * type: remove them from the header's count. This is OK, since
+ * we are allowed to have a sparse area following the segments.
+ */
+ if (is_64) {
+ mh64->ncmds -= segment_count;
+ mh64->sizeofcmds -= segment_count * segment_command_sz;
+ } else {
+ mh->ncmds -= segment_count;
+ mh->sizeofcmds -= segment_count * segment_command_sz;
- task_unlock(task);
-#else /* /* 0 ][ */
tir1.header = header;
tir1.hoffset = hoffset;
tir1.flavors = flavors;
tir1.tstate_size = tstate_size;
task_act_iterate_wth_args(task, collectth_state,&tir1);
-#endif /* 0 ] */
* Write out the Mach header at the beginning of the
- * file.
+ * file. OK to use a 32 bit write for this.
error = vn_rdwr(UIO_WRITE, vp, (caddr_t)header, header_size, (off_t)0,
- UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_NODELOCKED|IO_UNIT, cred, (int *) 0, p);
+ UIO_SYSSPACE32, IO_NODELOCKED|IO_UNIT, cred, (int *) 0, core_proc);
kmem_free(kernel_map, header, header_size);
- VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0, p);
- error1 = vn_close(vp, FWRITE, cred, p);
+ error1 = vnode_close(vp, FWRITE, ctx);
+ if (alloced_name != NULL)
+ FREE(alloced_name, M_TEMP);
if (error == 0)
error = error1;
+ return (error);