-/* $FreeBSD: src/sys/netinet6/in6_var.h,v 2001/07/03 11:01:52 ume Exp $ */
-/* $KAME: in6_var.h,v 1.56 2001/03/29 05:34:31 itojun Exp $ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998 WIDE Project.
#ifndef _NETINET6_IN6_VAR_H_
-#define _NETINET6_IN6_VAR_H_
+#define _NETINET6_IN6_VAR_H_
#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
+#include <net/net_kev.h>
-#ifdef __APPLE__
+#include <sys/tree.h>
+#include <sys/mcache.h>
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#include <netinet6/scope6_var.h>
#include <sys/kern_event.h>
- * Interface address, Internet version. One of these structures
- * is allocated for each interface with an Internet address.
- * The ifaddr structure contains the protocol-independent part
- * of the structure and is assumed to be first.
- */
+#include <net/ethernet.h>
* pltime/vltime are just for future reference (required to implements 2
* hour rule for hosts). they should never be modified by nd6_timeout or
* anywhere else.
* userland -> kernel: accept pltime/vltime
- * kernel -> userland: throuw up everything
+ * kernel -> userland: throw up everything
* in kernel: modify preferred/expire only
struct in6_addrlifetime {
u_int32_t ia6t_pltime; /* prefix lifetime */
-struct in6_ifaddr {
- struct ifaddr ia_ifa; /* protocol-independent info */
+struct in6_addrlifetime_32 {
+ u_int32_t ia6t_expire;
+ u_int32_t ia6t_preferred;
+ u_int32_t ia6t_vltime;
+ u_int32_t ia6t_pltime;
+struct in6_addrlifetime_64 {
+ u_int64_t ia6t_expire;
+ u_int64_t ia6t_preferred;
+ u_int32_t ia6t_vltime;
+ u_int32_t ia6t_pltime;
+ * Internal representation of ia6_lifetime (expiration in uptime unit)
+ */
+struct in6_addrlifetime_i {
+ u_int64_t ia6ti_expire; /* valid lifetime expiration time */
+ u_int64_t ia6ti_preferred; /* preferred lifetime expiration time */
+ u_int32_t ia6ti_vltime; /* valid lifetime */
+ u_int32_t ia6ti_pltime; /* prefix lifetime */
+ u_int64_t ia6ti_base_calendartime; /* calendar time at creation */
+ u_int64_t ia6ti_base_uptime; /* uptime at creation */
+ * Interface address, IPv6 version. One of these structures
+ * is allocated for each interface with an IPv6 address.
+ * The ifaddr structure contains the protocol-independent part
+ * of the structure and is assumed to be first.
+ */
+struct in6_ifaddr {
+ struct ifaddr ia_ifa; /* protocol-independent info */
#define ia_ifp ia_ifa.ifa_ifp
-#define ia_flags ia_ifa.ifa_flags
- struct sockaddr_in6 ia_addr; /* interface address */
- struct sockaddr_in6 ia_net; /* network number of interface */
- struct sockaddr_in6 ia_dstaddr; /* space for destination addr */
- struct sockaddr_in6 ia_prefixmask; /* prefix mask */
+#define ia_flags ia_ifa.ifa_flags
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ia_addr; /* interface address */
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ia_net; /* network number of interface */
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ia_dstaddr; /* space for destination addr */
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ia_prefixmask; /* prefix mask */
u_int32_t ia_plen; /* prefix length */
- struct in6_ifaddr *ia_next; /* next in6 list of IP6 addresses */
- int ia6_flags;
+ struct in6_ifaddr *ia_next; /* next in6 list of IP6 addresses */
+ int ia6_flags;
+ struct in6_addrlifetime_i ia6_lifetime;
+ /*
+ * the creation time of this address, which is
+ * currently used for temporary addresses only.
+ */
+ u_int64_t ia6_createtime;
+ u_int64_t ia6_updatetime;
+ /* back pointer to the ND prefix */
+ struct nd_prefix *ia6_ndpr;
- struct in6_addrlifetime ia6_lifetime;
- struct ifprefix *ia6_ifpr; /* back pointer to ifprefix */
+ /* multicast addresses joined from the kernel */
+ LIST_HEAD(, in6_multi_mship) ia6_memberships;
+#define ifatoia6(ifa) ((struct in6_ifaddr *)(void *)(ifa))
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
- struct nd_prefix *ia6_ndpr; /* back pointer to the ND prefix
- * (for autoconfigured addresses only)
- */
+/* control structure to manage address selection policy */
+struct in6_addrpolicy {
+ struct sockaddr_in6 addr; /* prefix address */
+ struct sockaddr_in6 addrmask; /* prefix mask */
+ int preced; /* precedence */
+ int label; /* matching label */
+ u_quad_t use; /* statistics */
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
* IPv6 interface statistics, as defined in RFC2465 Ipv6IfStatsEntry (p12).
struct in6_ifstat {
u_quad_t ifs6_in_receive; /* # of total input datagram */
u_quad_t ifs6_in_hdrerr; /* # of datagrams with invalid hdr */
u_quad_t ifs6_reass_ok; /* # of reassembled packets */
/* NOTE: this is # after reass */
/* NOTE: increment on final dst if */
+ u_quad_t ifs6_atmfrag_rcvd; /* # of atomic fragments received */
u_quad_t ifs6_reass_fail; /* # of reass failures */
/* NOTE: may not be packet count */
/* NOTE: increment on final dst if */
u_quad_t ifs6_in_error;
/* ipv6IfIcmpInDestUnreachs, # of input dest unreach errors */
u_quad_t ifs6_in_dstunreach;
- /* ipv6IfIcmpInAdminProhibs, # of input administratively prohibited errs */
+ /* ipv6IfIcmpInAdminProhibs, # of input admin. prohibited errs */
u_quad_t ifs6_in_adminprohib;
/* ipv6IfIcmpInTimeExcds, # of input time exceeded errors */
u_quad_t ifs6_in_timeexceed;
u_quad_t ifs6_in_routeradvert;
/* ipv6IfIcmpInNeighborSolicits, # of input neighbor solicitations */
u_quad_t ifs6_in_neighborsolicit;
- /* ipv6IfIcmpInNeighborAdvertisements, # of input neighbor advertisements */
+ /* ipv6IfIcmpInNeighborAdvertisements, # of input neighbor advs. */
u_quad_t ifs6_in_neighboradvert;
/* ipv6IfIcmpInRedirects, # of input redirects */
u_quad_t ifs6_in_redirect;
u_quad_t ifs6_out_error;
/* ipv6IfIcmpOutDestUnreachs, # of output dest unreach errors */
u_quad_t ifs6_out_dstunreach;
- /* ipv6IfIcmpOutAdminProhibs, # of output administratively prohibited errs */
+ /* ipv6IfIcmpOutAdminProhibs, # of output admin. prohibited errs */
u_quad_t ifs6_out_adminprohib;
/* ipv6IfIcmpOutTimeExcds, # of output time exceeded errors */
u_quad_t ifs6_out_timeexceed;
u_quad_t ifs6_out_echoreply;
/* ipv6IfIcmpOutRouterSolicits, # of output router solicitations */
u_quad_t ifs6_out_routersolicit;
- /* ipv6IfIcmpOutRouterAdvertisements, # of output router advertisements */
+ /* ipv6IfIcmpOutRouterAdvertisements, # of output router advs. */
u_quad_t ifs6_out_routeradvert;
/* ipv6IfIcmpOutNeighborSolicits, # of output neighbor solicitations */
u_quad_t ifs6_out_neighborsolicit;
- /* ipv6IfIcmpOutNeighborAdvertisements, # of output neighbor advertisements */
+ /* ipv6IfIcmpOutNeighborAdvertisements, # of output neighbor advs. */
u_quad_t ifs6_out_neighboradvert;
/* ipv6IfIcmpOutRedirects, # of output redirects */
u_quad_t ifs6_out_redirect;
/* ipv6IfIcmpOutGroupMembReductions, # of output MLD done */
u_quad_t ifs6_out_mlddone;
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_UNSTABLE */
-struct in6_ifreq {
+struct in6_ifreq {
char ifr_name[IFNAMSIZ];
union {
struct sockaddr_in6 ifru_addr;
struct sockaddr_in6 ifru_dstaddr;
- short ifru_flags;
+ int ifru_flags;
int ifru_flags6;
int ifru_metric;
+ int ifru_intval;
caddr_t ifru_data;
struct in6_addrlifetime ifru_lifetime;
struct in6_ifstat ifru_stat;
struct icmp6_ifstat ifru_icmp6stat;
- u_int32_t ifru_scope_id[16];
+ u_int32_t ifru_scope_id[SCOPE6_ID_MAX];
} ifr_ifru;
-struct in6_aliasreq {
+struct in6_aliasreq {
char ifra_name[IFNAMSIZ];
struct sockaddr_in6 ifra_addr;
struct sockaddr_in6 ifra_dstaddr;
struct in6_addrlifetime ifra_lifetime;
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+struct in6_cga_modifier {
+ u_int8_t octets[IN6_CGA_MODIFIER_LENGTH];
+struct in6_cga_prepare {
+ struct in6_cga_modifier cga_modifier;
+ u_int8_t cga_security_level;
+ u_int8_t reserved_A[15];
+#define IN6_CGA_KEY_MAXSIZE 2048 /* octets */
+struct in6_cga_nodecfg {
+ struct iovec cga_privkey;
+ struct iovec cga_pubkey;
+ struct in6_cga_prepare cga_prepare;
+ * XXX in6_llstartreq will be removed once
+ * configd adopts the more generically named
+ * in6_cgareq structure.
+ */
+struct in6_llstartreq {
+ char llsr_name[IFNAMSIZ];
+ int llsr_flags;
+ struct in6_cga_prepare llsr_cgaprep;
+ struct in6_addrlifetime llsr_lifetime;
+struct in6_cgareq {
+ char cgar_name[IFNAMSIZ];
+ int cgar_flags;
+ struct in6_cga_prepare cgar_cgaprep;
+ struct in6_addrlifetime cgar_lifetime;
+ * XXX Corresponding versions of in6_llstartreq
+ * will be removed after the new in6_cgareq is
+ * adopted by configd
+ */
+struct in6_llstartreq_32 {
+ char llsr_name[IFNAMSIZ];
+ int llsr_flags;
+ struct in6_cga_prepare llsr_cgaprep;
+ struct in6_addrlifetime_32 llsr_lifetime;
+struct in6_llstartreq_64 {
+ char llsr_name[IFNAMSIZ];
+ int llsr_flags;
+ struct in6_cga_prepare llsr_cgaprep;
+ struct in6_addrlifetime_64 llsr_lifetime;
+struct in6_cgareq_32 {
+ char cgar_name[IFNAMSIZ];
+ int cgar_flags;
+ struct in6_cga_prepare cgar_cgaprep;
+ struct in6_addrlifetime_32 cgar_lifetime;
+struct in6_cgareq_64 {
+ char cgar_name[IFNAMSIZ];
+ int cgar_flags;
+ struct in6_cga_prepare cgar_cgaprep;
+ struct in6_addrlifetime_64 cgar_lifetime;
+#endif /* !BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
+struct in6_aliasreq_32 {
+ char ifra_name[IFNAMSIZ];
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ifra_addr;
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ifra_dstaddr;
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ifra_prefixmask;
+ int ifra_flags;
+ struct in6_addrlifetime_32 ifra_lifetime;
+struct in6_aliasreq_64 {
+ char ifra_name[IFNAMSIZ];
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ifra_addr;
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ifra_dstaddr;
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ifra_prefixmask;
+ int ifra_flags;
+ struct in6_addrlifetime_64 ifra_lifetime;
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
/* prefix type macro */
-#define IN6_PREFIX_ND 1
-#define IN6_PREFIX_RR 2
+#define IN6_PREFIX_ND 1
+#define IN6_PREFIX_RR 2
* prefix related flags passed between kernel(NDP related part) and
struct sockaddr_in6 ipr_prefix;
-#define PR_ORIG_RA 0
-#define PR_ORIG_RR 1
-#define PR_ORIG_STATIC 2
-#define PR_ORIG_KERNEL 3
+#define PR_ORIG_RA 0
+#define PR_ORIG_RR 1
+#define PR_ORIG_STATIC 2
+#define PR_ORIG_KERNEL 3
-#define ipr_raf_onlink ipr_flags.prf_ra.onlink
-#define ipr_raf_auto ipr_flags.prf_ra.autonomous
+#define ipr_raf_onlink ipr_flags.prf_ra.onlink
+#define ipr_raf_auto ipr_flags.prf_ra.autonomous
-#define ipr_statef_onlink ipr_flags.prf_state.onlink
+#define ipr_statef_onlink ipr_flags.prf_state.onlink
-#define ipr_rrf_decrvalid ipr_flags.prf_rr.decrvalid
-#define ipr_rrf_decrprefd ipr_flags.prf_rr.decrprefd
+#define ipr_rrf_decrvalid ipr_flags.prf_rr.decrvalid
+#define ipr_rrf_decrprefd ipr_flags.prf_rr.decrprefd
-struct in6_rrenumreq {
+struct in6_rrenumreq {
char irr_name[IFNAMSIZ];
u_char irr_origin;
u_char irr_m_len; /* match len for matchprefix */
struct sockaddr_in6 irr_useprefix;
-#define irr_raf_mask_onlink irr_raflagmask.onlink
-#define irr_raf_mask_auto irr_raflagmask.autonomous
-#define irr_raf_mask_reserved irr_raflagmask.reserved
+#define irr_raf_mask_onlink irr_raflagmask.onlink
+#define irr_raf_mask_auto irr_raflagmask.autonomous
+#define irr_raf_mask_reserved irr_raflagmask.reserved
+#define irr_raf_onlink irr_flags.prf_ra.onlink
+#define irr_raf_auto irr_flags.prf_ra.autonomous
-#define irr_raf_onlink irr_flags.prf_ra.onlink
-#define irr_raf_auto irr_flags.prf_ra.autonomous
+#define irr_statef_onlink irr_flags.prf_state.onlink
-#define irr_statef_onlink irr_flags.prf_state.onlink
+#define irr_rrf irr_flags.prf_rr
+#define irr_rrf_decrvalid irr_flags.prf_rr.decrvalid
+#define irr_rrf_decrprefd irr_flags.prf_rr.decrprefd
-#define irr_rrf irr_flags.prf_rr
-#define irr_rrf_decrvalid irr_flags.prf_rr.decrvalid
-#define irr_rrf_decrprefd irr_flags.prf_rr.decrprefd
+ * Event data, inet6 style.
+ */
+struct kev_in6_addrlifetime {
+ u_int32_t ia6t_expire;
+ u_int32_t ia6t_preferred;
+ u_int32_t ia6t_vltime;
+ u_int32_t ia6t_pltime;
+struct kev_in6_data {
+ struct net_event_data link_data;
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ia_addr; /* interface address */
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ia_net; /* network number of interface */
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ia_dstaddr; /* space for destination addr */
+ struct sockaddr_in6 ia_prefixmask; /* prefix mask */
+ u_int32_t ia_plen; /* prefix length */
+ u_int32_t ia6_flags; /* address flags from in6_ifaddr */
+ struct kev_in6_addrlifetime ia_lifetime; /* address life info */
+ uint8_t ia_mac[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
+/* Utility function used inside netinet6 kernel code for generating events */
+void in6_post_msg(struct ifnet *, u_int32_t, struct in6_ifaddr *, uint8_t *mac);
+#define IN6_ARE_MASKED_ADDR_EQUAL(d, a, m) ( \
+ (((d)->s6_addr32[0] ^ (a)->s6_addr32[0]) & (m)->s6_addr32[0]) == 0 && \
+ (((d)->s6_addr32[1] ^ (a)->s6_addr32[1]) & (m)->s6_addr32[1]) == 0 && \
+ (((d)->s6_addr32[2] ^ (a)->s6_addr32[2]) & (m)->s6_addr32[2]) == 0 && \
+ (((d)->s6_addr32[3] ^ (a)->s6_addr32[3]) & (m)->s6_addr32[3]) == 0)
* Given a pointer to an in6_ifaddr (ifaddr),
* return a pointer to the addr as a sockaddr_in6
-#define IA6_IN6(ia) (&((ia)->ia_addr.sin6_addr))
-#define IA6_DSTIN6(ia) (&((ia)->ia_dstaddr.sin6_addr))
-#define IA6_MASKIN6(ia) (&((ia)->ia_prefixmask.sin6_addr))
-#define IA6_SIN6(ia) (&((ia)->ia_addr))
-#define IA6_DSTSIN6(ia) (&((ia)->ia_dstaddr))
-#define IFA_IN6(x) (&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)((x)->ifa_addr))->sin6_addr)
-#define IFA_DSTIN6(x) (&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)((x)->ifa_dstaddr))->sin6_addr)
-#define IFPR_IN6(x) (&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)((x)->ifpr_prefix))->sin6_addr)
+#define IA6_IN6(ia) (&((ia)->ia_addr.sin6_addr))
+#define IA6_DSTIN6(ia) (&((ia)->ia_dstaddr.sin6_addr))
+#define IA6_MASKIN6(ia) (&((ia)->ia_prefixmask.sin6_addr))
+#define IA6_SIN6(ia) (&((ia)->ia_addr))
+#define IA6_DSTSIN6(ia) (&((ia)->ia_dstaddr))
+#define IFA_IN6(x) \
+ (&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)(void *)((x)->ifa_addr))->sin6_addr)
+#define IFA_DSTIN6(x) \
+ (&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)(void *)((x)->ifa_dstaddr))->sin6_addr)
+#define IFPR_IN6(x) \
+ (&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)(void *)((x)->ifpr_prefix))->sin6_addr)
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define SIOCSIFADDR_IN6 _IOW('i', 12, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCGIFADDR_IN6 _IOWR('i', 33, struct in6_ifreq)
+ * SIOCSxxx ioctls should be unused (see comments in in6.c), but
+ * we do not shift numbers for binary compatibility.
+ */
+#define SIOCSIFDSTADDR_IN6 _IOW('i', 14, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCSIFNETMASK_IN6 _IOW('i', 22, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCGIFDSTADDR_IN6 _IOWR('i', 34, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCGIFNETMASK_IN6 _IOWR('i', 37, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCDIFADDR_IN6 _IOW('i', 25, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCAIFADDR_IN6 _IOW('i', 26, struct in6_aliasreq)
+#define SIOCAIFADDR_IN6_32 _IOW('i', 26, struct in6_aliasreq_32)
+#define SIOCAIFADDR_IN6_64 _IOW('i', 26, struct in6_aliasreq_64)
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define SIOCSIFPHYADDR_IN6 _IOW('i', 62, struct in6_aliasreq)
+#define SIOCSIFPHYADDR_IN6_32 _IOW('i', 62, struct in6_aliasreq_32)
+#define SIOCSIFPHYADDR_IN6_64 _IOW('i', 62, struct in6_aliasreq_64)
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define SIOCGIFPSRCADDR_IN6 _IOWR('i', 63, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCGIFPDSTADDR_IN6 _IOWR('i', 64, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCGIFAFLAG_IN6 _IOWR('i', 73, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCGDRLST_IN6 _IOWR('i', 74, struct in6_drlist)
+#define SIOCGDRLST_IN6_32 _IOWR('i', 74, struct in6_drlist_32)
+#define SIOCGDRLST_IN6_64 _IOWR('i', 74, struct in6_drlist_64)
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define SIOCGPRLST_IN6 _IOWR('i', 75, struct in6_prlist)
+#define SIOCGPRLST_IN6_32 _IOWR('i', 75, struct in6_prlist_32)
+#define SIOCGPRLST_IN6_64 _IOWR('i', 75, struct in6_prlist_64)
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define OSIOCGIFINFO_IN6 _IOWR('i', 108, struct in6_ondireq)
+#define SIOCGIFINFO_IN6 _IOWR('i', 76, struct in6_ondireq)
+#define SIOCSNDFLUSH_IN6 _IOWR('i', 77, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCGNBRINFO_IN6 _IOWR('i', 78, struct in6_nbrinfo)
+#define SIOCGNBRINFO_IN6_32 _IOWR('i', 78, struct in6_nbrinfo_32)
+#define SIOCGNBRINFO_IN6_64 _IOWR('i', 78, struct in6_nbrinfo_64)
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define SIOCSPFXFLUSH_IN6 _IOWR('i', 79, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCSRTRFLUSH_IN6 _IOWR('i', 80, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCGIFALIFETIME_IN6 _IOWR('i', 81, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCSIFALIFETIME_IN6 _IOWR('i', 82, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCGIFSTAT_IN6 _IOWR('i', 83, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCGIFSTAT_ICMP6 _IOWR('i', 84, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCSDEFIFACE_IN6 _IOWR('i', 85, struct in6_ndifreq)
+#define SIOCGDEFIFACE_IN6 _IOWR('i', 86, struct in6_ndifreq)
+#define SIOCSDEFIFACE_IN6_32 _IOWR('i', 85, struct in6_ndifreq_32)
+#define SIOCSDEFIFACE_IN6_64 _IOWR('i', 85, struct in6_ndifreq_64)
+#define SIOCGDEFIFACE_IN6_32 _IOWR('i', 86, struct in6_ndifreq_32)
+#define SIOCGDEFIFACE_IN6_64 _IOWR('i', 86, struct in6_ndifreq_64)
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define SIOCSIFINFO_FLAGS _IOWR('i', 87, struct in6_ndireq) /* XXX */
+/* N.B.: These 3 ioctls are deprecated and won't work */
+#define SIOCSSCOPE6 _IOW('i', 88, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCGSCOPE6 _IOWR('i', 89, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCGSCOPE6DEF _IOWR('i', 90, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCSIFPREFIX_IN6 _IOW('i', 100, struct in6_prefixreq) /* set */
+#define SIOCGIFPREFIX_IN6 _IOWR('i', 101, struct in6_prefixreq) /* get */
+#define SIOCDIFPREFIX_IN6 _IOW('i', 102, struct in6_prefixreq) /* del */
+#define SIOCAIFPREFIX_IN6 _IOW('i', 103, struct in6_rrenumreq) /* add */
+/* change */
+#define SIOCCIFPREFIX_IN6 _IOW('i', 104, struct in6_rrenumreq)
+/* set global */
+#define SIOCSGIFPREFIX_IN6 _IOW('i', 105, struct in6_rrenumreq)
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- * Event data, internet6 style.
+ * multicast routing, get s/g pkt cnt, pkt cnt per interface.
+#define SIOCGETSGCNT_IN6 _IOWR('u', 28, struct sioc_sg_req6)
+#define SIOCGETMIFCNT_IN6 _IOWR('u', 107, struct sioc_mif_req6)
+#define SIOCGETMIFCNT_IN6_32 _IOWR('u', 107, struct sioc_mif_req6_32)
+#define SIOCGETMIFCNT_IN6_64 _IOWR('u', 107, struct sioc_mif_req6_64)
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
-struct kev_in6_data {
- struct net_event_data link_data;
- struct sockaddr_in6 ia_addr; /* interface address */
- struct sockaddr_in6 ia_net; /* network number of interface */
- struct sockaddr_in6 ia_dstaddr; /* space for destination addr */
- struct sockaddr_in6 ia_prefixmask; /* prefix mask */
- u_int32_t ia_plen; /* prefix length */
- u_int32_t ia6_flags; /* address flags from in6_ifaddr */
- struct in6_addrlifetime ia_lifetime; /* address life info */
+#define SIOCAADDRCTL_POLICY _IOW('u', 108, struct in6_addrpolicy)
+#define SIOCDADDRCTL_POLICY _IOW('u', 109, struct in6_addrpolicy)
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+ * temporary control calls to attach/detach IPv6 to/from an interface.
+ */
+#define SIOCPROTOATTACH_IN6 _IOWR('i', 110, struct in6_aliasreq)
+#define SIOCPROTOATTACH_IN6_32 _IOWR('i', 110, struct in6_aliasreq_32)
+#define SIOCPROTOATTACH_IN6_64 _IOWR('i', 110, struct in6_aliasreq_64)
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define SIOCPROTODETACH_IN6 _IOWR('i', 111, struct in6_ifreq)
- * Define inet6 event subclass and specific inet6 events.
+ * start/stop aquiring linklocal on interface
+#define SIOCLL_START _IOWR('i', 130, struct in6_aliasreq)
+#define SIOCLL_START_32 _IOWR('i', 130, struct in6_aliasreq_32)
+#define SIOCLL_START_64 _IOWR('i', 130, struct in6_aliasreq_64)
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define SIOCLL_STOP _IOWR('i', 131, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define KEV_INET6_SUBCLASS 6 /* inet6 subclass identifier */
+ * accept rtadvd (and stop accepting) on this interface.
+ */
+#define SIOCAUTOCONF_START _IOWR('i', 132, struct in6_ifreq)
+#define SIOCAUTOCONF_STOP _IOWR('i', 133, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define KEV_INET6_NEW_USER_ADDR 1 /* Userland configured IPv6 address */
-#define KEV_INET6_CHANGED_ADDR 2 /* Address changed event (future) */
-#define KEV_INET6_ADDR_DELETED 3 /* IPv6 add. in ia_addr field was deleted */
-#define KEV_INET6_NEW_LL_ADDR 4 /* Autoconfigured linklocal address has appeared */
-#define KEV_INET6_NEW_RTADV_ADDR 5 /* Autoconf router advertised address has appeared */
-#define KEV_INET6_DEFROUTER 6 /* Default router dectected by kernel */
+ * add/remove default IPv6 router.
+ */
+#define SIOCDRADD_IN6 _IOWR('u', 134, struct in6_defrouter)
+#define SIOCDRADD_IN6_32 _IOWR('u', 134, struct in6_defrouter_32)
+#define SIOCDRADD_IN6_64 _IOWR('u', 134, struct in6_defrouter_64)
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define SIOCDRDEL_IN6 _IOWR('u', 135, struct in6_defrouter)
+#define SIOCDRDEL_IN6_32 _IOWR('u', 135, struct in6_defrouter_32)
+#define SIOCDRDEL_IN6_64 _IOWR('u', 135, struct in6_defrouter_64)
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
-#ifdef KERNEL
-/* Utility function used inside netinet6 kernel code for generating events */
-void in6_post_msg(struct ifnet *, u_long, struct in6_ifaddr *);
-#endif /* __APPLE__ */
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
+ * enable/disable IPv6 router mode on interface.
+ */
+#define SIOCSETROUTERMODE_IN6 _IOWR('i', 136, struct in6_ifreq)
-#ifdef KERNEL
-#define IN6_ARE_MASKED_ADDR_EQUAL(d, a, m) ( \
- (((d)->s6_addr32[0] ^ (a)->s6_addr32[0]) & (m)->s6_addr32[0]) == 0 && \
- (((d)->s6_addr32[1] ^ (a)->s6_addr32[1]) & (m)->s6_addr32[1]) == 0 && \
- (((d)->s6_addr32[2] ^ (a)->s6_addr32[2]) & (m)->s6_addr32[2]) == 0 && \
- (((d)->s6_addr32[3] ^ (a)->s6_addr32[3]) & (m)->s6_addr32[3]) == 0 )
+ * start secure link-local interface addresses
+ */
+#define SIOCLL_CGASTART _IOW('i', 160, struct in6_cgareq)
+#define SIOCLL_CGASTART_32 _IOW('i', 160, struct in6_cgareq_32)
+#define SIOCLL_CGASTART_64 _IOW('i', 160, struct in6_cgareq_64)
+#define SIOCGIFCGAPREP_IN6 _IOWR('i', 187, struct in6_cgareq)
+#define SIOCSIFCGAPREP_IN6 _IOWR('i', 188, struct in6_cgareq)
-#define SIOCSIFADDR_IN6 _IOW('i', 12, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCGIFADDR_IN6 _IOWR('i', 33, struct in6_ifreq)
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
-#ifdef KERNEL
- * SIOCSxxx ioctls should be unused (see comments in in6.c), but
- * we do not shift numbers for binary compatibility.
+ * XXX: Do not extend IN6_IFF values beyond 16-bit. We currently copy the
+ * values from ia6_flags as is into m_pkthdr.{src,dst}_iff which are
+ * defined as 16-bit variables. We can relax this once we define a
+ * unified set of interface flags for {ia,ia6}_flags and perform
+ * translation between those and the publicly-defined ones below.
-#define SIOCSIFDSTADDR_IN6 _IOW('i', 14, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCSIFNETMASK_IN6 _IOW('i', 22, struct in6_ifreq)
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_OBSOLETE */
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+#define IN6_IFF_ANYCAST 0x0001 /* anycast address */
+#define IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE 0x0002 /* tentative address */
+#define IN6_IFF_DUPLICATED 0x0004 /* DAD detected duplicate */
+#define IN6_IFF_DETACHED 0x0008 /* may be detached from the link */
+#define IN6_IFF_DEPRECATED 0x0010 /* deprecated address */
+/* don't perform DAD on this address (used only at first SIOC* call) */
+#define IN6_IFF_NODAD 0x0020
+#define IN6_IFF_AUTOCONF 0x0040 /* autoconfigurable address. */
+#define IN6_IFF_TEMPORARY 0x0080 /* temporary (anonymous) address. */
+#define IN6_IFF_DYNAMIC 0x0100 /* assigned by DHCPv6 service */
+#define IN6_IFF_OPTIMISTIC 0x0200 /* optimistic DAD, i.e. RFC 4429 */
+#define IN6_IFF_SECURED 0x0400 /* cryptographically generated */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+#define IN6_IFF_SWIFTDAD 0x0800 /* DAD with no delay */
+#define IN6_IFF_NOPFX 0x8000 /* Depreciated. Don't use. */
-#define SIOCGIFDSTADDR_IN6 _IOWR('i', 34, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCGIFNETMASK_IN6 _IOWR('i', 37, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCDIFADDR_IN6 _IOW('i', 25, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCAIFADDR_IN6 _IOW('i', 26, struct in6_aliasreq)
-#define SIOCSIFPHYADDR_IN6 _IOW('i', 62, struct in6_aliasreq)
-#define SIOCGIFPSRCADDR_IN6 _IOWR('i', 63, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCGIFPDSTADDR_IN6 _IOWR('i', 64, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCGIFAFLAG_IN6 _IOWR('i', 73, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCGDRLST_IN6 _IOWR('i', 74, struct in6_drlist)
-#define SIOCGPRLST_IN6 _IOWR('i', 75, struct in6_prlist)
-#define OSIOCGIFINFO_IN6 _IOWR('i', 108, struct in6_ondireq)
-#define SIOCGIFINFO_IN6 _IOWR('i', 76, struct in6_ondireq)
-#define SIOCSNDFLUSH_IN6 _IOWR('i', 77, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCGNBRINFO_IN6 _IOWR('i', 78, struct in6_nbrinfo)
-#define SIOCSPFXFLUSH_IN6 _IOWR('i', 79, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCSRTRFLUSH_IN6 _IOWR('i', 80, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCGIFALIFETIME_IN6 _IOWR('i', 81, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCSIFALIFETIME_IN6 _IOWR('i', 82, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCGIFSTAT_IN6 _IOWR('i', 83, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCGIFSTAT_ICMP6 _IOWR('i', 84, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCSDEFIFACE_IN6 _IOWR('i', 85, struct in6_ndifreq)
-#define SIOCGDEFIFACE_IN6 _IOWR('i', 86, struct in6_ndifreq)
-#define SIOCSIFINFO_FLAGS _IOWR('i', 87, struct in6_ndireq) /* XXX */
-#define SIOCSSCOPE6 _IOW('i', 88, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCGSCOPE6 _IOWR('i', 89, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCGSCOPE6DEF _IOWR('i', 90, struct in6_ifreq)
-#define SIOCSIFPREFIX_IN6 _IOW('i', 100, struct in6_prefixreq) /* set */
-#define SIOCGIFPREFIX_IN6 _IOWR('i', 101, struct in6_prefixreq) /* get */
-#define SIOCDIFPREFIX_IN6 _IOW('i', 102, struct in6_prefixreq) /* del */
-#define SIOCAIFPREFIX_IN6 _IOW('i', 103, struct in6_rrenumreq) /* add */
-#define SIOCCIFPREFIX_IN6 _IOW('i', 104, \
- struct in6_rrenumreq) /* change */
-#define SIOCSGIFPREFIX_IN6 _IOW('i', 105, \
- struct in6_rrenumreq) /* set global */
-#define SIOCGETSGCNT_IN6 _IOWR('u', 28, \
- struct sioc_sg_req6) /* get s,g pkt cnt */
-#define SIOCGETMIFCNT_IN6 _IOWR('u', 107, \
- struct sioc_mif_req6) /* get pkt cnt per if */
-#define IN6_IFF_ANYCAST 0x01 /* anycast address */
-#define IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE 0x02 /* tentative address */
-#define IN6_IFF_DUPLICATED 0x04 /* DAD detected duplicate */
-#define IN6_IFF_DETACHED 0x08 /* may be detached from the link */
-#define IN6_IFF_DEPRECATED 0x10 /* deprecated address */
-#define IN6_IFF_NODAD 0x20 /* don't perform DAD on this address
- * (used only at first SIOC* call)
- */
-#define IN6_IFF_AUTOCONF 0x40 /* autoconfigurable address. */
-#define IN6_IFF_TEMPORARY 0x80 /* temporary (anonymous) address. */
-#define IN6_IFF_NOPFX 0x8000 /* skip kernel prefix management.
- * XXX: this should be temporary.
- */
+/* Duplicate Address Detection [DAD] in progress. */
/* do not input/output */
-#ifdef KERNEL
-#define IN6_ARE_SCOPE_CMP(a,b) ((a)-(b))
-#define IN6_ARE_SCOPE_EQUAL(a,b) ((a)==(b))
+/* SLAAC/DHCPv6 address */
#ifdef KERNEL
-extern struct in6_ifaddr *in6_ifaddr;
+#define IN6_ARE_SCOPE_CMP(a, b) ((a) - (b))
+#define IN6_ARE_SCOPE_EQUAL(a, b) ((a) == (b))
+#endif /* KERNEL */
+extern struct in6_ifaddr *in6_ifaddrs;
-extern struct in6_ifstat **in6_ifstat;
-extern size_t in6_ifstatmax;
extern struct icmp6stat icmp6stat;
-extern struct icmp6_ifstat **icmp6_ifstat;
-extern size_t icmp6_ifstatmax;
-#define in6_ifstat_inc(ifp, tag) \
-do { \
- if ((ifp) && (ifp)->if_index <= if_index \
- && (ifp)->if_index < in6_ifstatmax \
- && in6_ifstat && in6_ifstat[(ifp)->if_index]) { \
- in6_ifstat[(ifp)->if_index]->tag++; \
- } \
+extern lck_rw_t in6_ifaddr_rwlock;
+extern lck_mtx_t proxy6_lock;
+extern u_char inet6ctlerrmap[];
+extern u_int32_t in6_maxmtu;
+/* N.B.: if_inet6data is never freed once set, so we don't need to lock */
+#define in6_ifstat_inc_common(_ifp, _tag, _atomic) do { \
+ if (_ifp != NULL && IN6_IFEXTRA(_ifp) != NULL) { \
+ if (_atomic) \
+ atomic_add_64( \
+ &IN6_IFEXTRA(_ifp)->in6_ifstat._tag, 1); \
+ else \
+ IN6_IFEXTRA(_ifp)->in6_ifstat._tag++; \
+ } \
} while (0)
-extern struct ifqueue ip6intrq; /* IP6 packet input queue */
-extern struct in6_addr zeroin6_addr;
-extern u_char inet6ctlerrmap[];
-extern unsigned long in6_maxmtu;
+/* atomic version */
+#define in6_ifstat_inc(_ifp, _tag) \
+ in6_ifstat_inc_common(_ifp, _tag, TRUE)
+/* non-atomic version (for fast paths) */
+#define in6_ifstat_inc_na(_ifp, _tag) \
+ in6_ifstat_inc_common(_ifp, _tag, FALSE)
* Macro for finding the internet address structure (in6_ifaddr) corresponding
* to a given interface (ifnet structure).
-#define IFP_TO_IA6(ifp, ia) \
-/* struct ifnet *ifp; */ \
-/* struct in6_ifaddr *ia; */ \
+#define IFP_TO_IA6(ifp, ia) \
+ /* struct ifnet *ifp; */ \
+ /* struct in6_ifaddr *ia; */ \
do { \
- struct ifaddr *ifa; \
- for (ifa = (ifp)->if_addrlist.tqh_first; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_list.tqe_next) { \
- if (!ifa->ifa_addr) \
- continue; \
- if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) \
+ struct ifaddr *_ifa; \
+ ifnet_lock_assert(ifp, LCK_RW_ASSERT_HELD); \
+ for (_ifa = (ifp)->if_addrlist.tqh_first; _ifa != NULL; \
+ _ifa = _ifa->ifa_list.tqe_next) { \
+ IFA_LOCK(_ifa); \
+ if (_ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6) { \
+ IFA_UNLOCK(_ifa); \
break; \
+ } \
+ IFA_UNLOCK(_ifa); \
} \
- (ia) = (struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa; \
+ (ia) = (struct in6_ifaddr *)_ifa; \
} while (0)
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
-#endif /* KERNEL */
+ * IPv6 multicast MLD-layer source entry.
+ */
+struct ip6_msource {
+ RB_ENTRY(ip6_msource) im6s_link; /* RB tree links */
+ struct in6_addr im6s_addr;
+ struct im6s_st {
+ uint16_t ex; /* # of exclusive members */
+ uint16_t in; /* # of inclusive members */
+ } im6s_st[2]; /* state at t0, t1 */
+ uint8_t im6s_stp; /* pending query */
+RB_HEAD(ip6_msource_tree, ip6_msource);
+RB_PROTOTYPE_SC_PREV(__private_extern__, ip6_msource_tree, ip6_msource,
+ im6s_link, ip6_msource_cmp);
+ * IPv6 multicast PCB-layer source entry.
+ *
+ * NOTE: overlapping use of struct ip6_msource fields at start.
+ */
+struct in6_msource {
+ RB_ENTRY(ip6_msource) im6s_link; /* Common field */
+ struct in6_addr im6s_addr; /* Common field */
+ uint8_t im6sl_st[2]; /* state before/at commit */
- * Multi-cast membership entry. One for each group/ifp that a PCB
- * belongs to.
+ * IPv6 multicast PCB-layer group filter descriptor.
+ */
+struct in6_mfilter {
+ struct ip6_msource_tree im6f_sources; /* source list for (S,G) */
+ u_long im6f_nsrc; /* # of source entries */
+ uint8_t im6f_st[2]; /* state before/at commit */
+ * Legacy KAME IPv6 multicast membership descriptor.
struct in6_multi_mship {
struct in6_multi *i6mm_maddr; /* Multicast address pointer */
LIST_ENTRY(in6_multi_mship) i6mm_chain; /* multicast options chain */
-struct in6_multi {
+#include <netinet6/nd6_var.h>
+ * * Per-interface IPv6 structures.
+ * */
+struct in6_ifextra {
+ struct scope6_id scope6_id;
+ struct in6_ifstat in6_ifstat;
+ struct icmp6_ifstat icmp6_ifstat;
+ struct nd_ifinfo nd_ifinfo;
+ uint32_t netsig_len;
+ u_int8_t netsig[IFNET_SIGNATURELEN];
+#define IN6_IFEXTRA(_ifp) ((struct in6_ifextra *)(_ifp->if_inet6data))
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+struct mld_ifinfo;
+ * IPv6 group descriptor.
+ *
+ * For every entry on an ifnet's if_multiaddrs list which represents
+ * an IP multicast group, there is one of these structures.
+ *
+ * If any source filters are present, then a node will exist in the RB-tree
+ * to permit fast lookup by source whenever an operation takes place.
+ * This permits pre-order traversal when we issue reports.
+ * Source filter trees are kept separately from the socket layer to
+ * greatly simplify locking.
+ *
+ * When MLDv2 is active, in6m_timer is the response to group query timer.
+ * The state-change timer in6m_sctimer is separate; whenever state changes
+ * for the group the state change record is generated and transmitted,
+ * and kept if retransmissions are necessary.
+ *
+ * The request count here is a count of requests for this address, not a
+ * count of pointers to this structure.
+ *
+ * FUTURE: in6m_entry is now only used when groups are being purged
+ * on a detaching ifnet. It could be demoted to a SLIST_ENTRY.
+ */
+struct in6_multi {
+ decl_lck_mtx_data(, in6m_lock);
+ u_int32_t in6m_refcount; /* reference count */
+ u_int32_t in6m_reqcnt; /* request count for this address */
+ u_int32_t in6m_debug; /* see ifa_debug flags */
LIST_ENTRY(in6_multi) in6m_entry; /* list glue */
struct in6_addr in6m_addr; /* IP6 multicast address */
struct ifnet *in6m_ifp; /* back pointer to ifnet */
struct ifmultiaddr *in6m_ifma; /* back pointer to ifmultiaddr */
- u_int in6m_refcount; /* # membership claims by sockets */
u_int in6m_state; /* state of the membership */
u_int in6m_timer; /* MLD6 listener report timer */
+ /* New fields for MLDv2 follow. */
+ struct mld_ifinfo *in6m_mli; /* MLD info */
+ SLIST_ENTRY(in6_multi) in6m_dtle; /* detached waiting for rele */
+ SLIST_ENTRY(in6_multi) in6m_nrele; /* to-be-released by MLD */
+ u_int32_t in6m_nrelecnt; /* deferred release count */
+ struct ip6_msource_tree in6m_srcs; /* tree of sources */
+ u_long in6m_nsrc; /* # of tree entries */
+ struct ifqueue in6m_scq; /* pending state-change packets */
+ struct timeval in6m_lastgsrtv; /* last G-S-R query */
+ uint16_t in6m_sctimer; /* state-change timer */
+ uint16_t in6m_scrv; /* state-change rexmit count */
+ /*
+ * SSM state counters which track state at T0 (the time the last
+ * state-change report's RV timer went to zero) and T1
+ * (time of pending report, i.e. now).
+ * Used for computing MLDv2 state-change reports. Several refcounts
+ * are maintained here to optimize for common use-cases.
+ */
+ struct in6m_st {
+ uint16_t iss_fmode; /* MLD filter mode */
+ uint16_t iss_asm; /* # of ASM listeners */
+ uint16_t iss_ex; /* # of exclusive members */
+ uint16_t iss_in; /* # of inclusive members */
+ uint16_t iss_rec; /* # of recorded sources */
+ } in6m_st[2]; /* state at t0, t1 */
+ void (*in6m_trace) /* callback fn for tracing refs */
+ (struct in6_multi *, int);
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
-#ifdef KERNEL
+#define IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(_in6m) \
+ lck_mtx_assert(&(_in6m)->in6m_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED)
+#define IN6M_LOCK_ASSERT_NOTHELD(_in6m) \
+ lck_mtx_assert(&(_in6m)->in6m_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED)
+#define IN6M_LOCK(_in6m) \
+ lck_mtx_lock(&(_in6m)->in6m_lock)
+#define IN6M_LOCK_SPIN(_in6m) \
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(&(_in6m)->in6m_lock)
+#define IN6M_CONVERT_LOCK(_in6m) do { \
+ lck_mtx_convert_spin(&(_in6m)->in6m_lock); \
+} while (0)
+#define IN6M_UNLOCK(_in6m) \
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&(_in6m)->in6m_lock)
+#define IN6M_ADDREF(_in6m) \
+ in6m_addref(_in6m, 0)
+#define IN6M_ADDREF_LOCKED(_in6m) \
+ in6m_addref(_in6m, 1)
+#define IN6M_REMREF(_in6m) \
+ in6m_remref(_in6m, 0)
+#define IN6M_REMREF_LOCKED(_in6m) \
+ in6m_remref(_in6m, 1)
+/* flags to in6_update_ifa */
+#define IN6_IFAUPDATE_NOWAIT 0x1 /* don't block allocating memory */
+#define IN6_IFAUPDATE_1STADDR 0x2 /* first address on interface */
+#define IN6_IFAUPDATE_NEWADDR 0x4 /* new address on interface */
+#define IN6_IFAUPDATE_DADDELAY 0x8 /* must delay initial DAD probe */
+struct ip6_moptions;
+struct sockopt;
+struct inpcb;
extern LIST_HEAD(in6_multihead, in6_multi) in6_multihead;
* Structure used by macros below to remember position when stepping through
- * all of eht in6_multi records.
+ * all of the in6_multi records.
-struct in6_multistep {
- struct in6_ifaddr *i_ia;
- struct in6_multi *i_in6m;
+struct in6_multistep {
+ struct in6_ifaddr *i_ia;
+ struct in6_multi *i_in6m;
* Macros for looking up the in6_multi record for a given IP6 multicast
* address on a given interface. If no matching record is found, "in6m"
- * returns NLL.
+ * returns NULL.
+ *
+ * We do this differently compared other BSD implementations; instead of
+ * walking the if_multiaddrs list at the interface and returning the
+ * ifma_protospec value of a matching entry, we search the global list
+ * of in6_multi records and find it that way. Otherwise either the two
+ * structures (in6_multi, ifmultiaddr) need to be ref counted both ways,
+ * which will make things too complicated, or they need to reside in the
+ * same protected domain, which they aren't.
+ *
+ * Must be called with in6_multihead_lock held.
-#define IN6_LOOKUP_MULTI(addr, ifp, in6m) \
-/* struct in6_addr addr; */ \
-/* struct ifnet *ifp; */ \
-/* struct in6_multi *in6m; */ \
-do { \
- struct ifmultiaddr *ifma; \
- for (ifma = (ifp)->if_multiaddrs.lh_first; ifma; \
- ifma = ifma->ifma_link.le_next) { \
- if (ifma->ifma_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6 \
- && IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)ifma->ifma_addr)->sin6_addr, \
- &(addr))) \
- break; \
- } \
- (in6m) = (struct in6_multi *)(ifma ? ifma->ifma_protospec : 0); \
-} while(0)
+#define IN6_LOOKUP_MULTI(addr, ifp, in6m) \
+ /* struct in6_addr *addr; */ \
+ /* struct ifnet *ifp; */ \
+ /* struct in6_multi *in6m; */ \
+do { \
+ struct in6_multistep _step; \
+ IN6_FIRST_MULTI(_step, in6m); \
+ while ((in6m) != NULL) { \
+ IN6M_LOCK_SPIN(in6m); \
+ if ((in6m)->in6m_ifp == (ifp) && \
+ IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&(in6m)->in6m_addr, (addr))) { \
+ IN6M_UNLOCK(in6m); \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ IN6M_UNLOCK(in6m); \
+ IN6_NEXT_MULTI(_step, in6m); \
+ } \
+} while (0)
* Macro to step through all of the in6_multi records, one at a time.
* provide. IN6_FIRST_MULTI(), below, must be called to initialize "step"
* and get the first record. Both macros return a NULL "in6m" when there
* are no remaining records.
+ *
+ * Must be called with in6_multihead_lock held.
-#define IN6_NEXT_MULTI(step, in6m) \
-/* struct in6_multistep step; */ \
-/* struct in6_multi *in6m; */ \
-do { \
- if (((in6m) = (step).i_in6m) != NULL) \
- (step).i_in6m = (step).i_in6m->in6m_entry.le_next; \
-} while(0)
-#define IN6_FIRST_MULTI(step, in6m) \
-/* struct in6_multistep step; */ \
-/* struct in6_multi *in6m */ \
-do { \
- (step).i_in6m = in6_multihead.lh_first; \
- IN6_NEXT_MULTI((step), (in6m)); \
-} while(0)
-struct in6_multi *in6_addmulti __P((struct in6_addr *, struct ifnet *,
- int *));
-void in6_delmulti __P((struct in6_multi *));
-extern int in6_ifindex2scopeid __P((int));
-extern int in6_mask2len __P((struct in6_addr *, u_char *));
-extern void in6_len2mask __P((struct in6_addr *, int));
-int in6_control __P((struct socket *,
- u_long, caddr_t, struct ifnet *, struct proc *));
-int in6_update_ifa __P((struct ifnet *, struct in6_aliasreq *,
- struct in6_ifaddr *));
-void in6_purgeaddr __P((struct ifaddr *));
-int in6if_do_dad __P((struct ifnet *));
-void in6_purgeif __P((struct ifnet *));
-void in6_savemkludge __P((struct in6_ifaddr *));
-void in6_setmaxmtu __P((void));
-void in6_restoremkludge __P((struct in6_ifaddr *, struct ifnet *));
-void in6_purgemkludge __P((struct ifnet *));
-struct in6_ifaddr *in6ifa_ifpforlinklocal __P((struct ifnet *, int));
-struct in6_ifaddr *in6ifa_ifpwithaddr __P((struct ifnet *,
- struct in6_addr *));
-char *ip6_sprintf __P((const struct in6_addr *));
-int in6_addr2scopeid __P((struct ifnet *, struct in6_addr *));
-int in6_matchlen __P((struct in6_addr *, struct in6_addr *));
-int in6_are_prefix_equal __P((struct in6_addr *p1, struct in6_addr *p2,
- int len));
-void in6_prefixlen2mask __P((struct in6_addr *maskp, int len));
-int in6_prefix_ioctl __P((struct socket *so, u_long cmd, caddr_t data,
- struct ifnet *ifp));
-int in6_prefix_add_ifid __P((int iilen, struct in6_ifaddr *ia));
-void in6_prefix_remove_ifid __P((int iilen, struct in6_ifaddr *ia));
-void in6_purgeprefix __P((struct ifnet *));
-int in6_is_addr_deprecated __P((struct sockaddr_in6 *));
-struct inpcb;
-int in6_embedscope __P((struct in6_addr *, const struct sockaddr_in6 *,
- struct inpcb *, struct ifnet **));
-int in6_recoverscope __P((struct sockaddr_in6 *, const struct in6_addr *,
- struct ifnet *));
-void in6_clearscope __P((struct in6_addr *));
-#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
-#endif /* KERNEL */
+#define IN6_NEXT_MULTI(step, in6m) \
+ /* struct in6_multistep step; */ \
+ /* struct in6_multi *in6m; */ \
+do { \
+ in6_multihead_lock_assert(LCK_RW_ASSERT_HELD); \
+ if (((in6m) = (step).i_in6m) != NULL) \
+ (step).i_in6m = (step).i_in6m->in6m_entry.le_next; \
+} while (0)
+#define IN6_FIRST_MULTI(step, in6m) \
+ /* struct in6_multistep step; */ \
+ /* struct in6_multi *in6m */ \
+do { \
+ in6_multihead_lock_assert(LCK_RW_ASSERT_HELD); \
+ (step).i_in6m = in6_multihead.lh_first; \
+ IN6_NEXT_MULTI((step), (in6m)); \
+} while (0)
+extern lck_mtx_t *inet6_domain_mutex;
+extern struct domain *inet6domain;
+struct ip6_pktopts;
+/* Multicast private KPIs. */
+extern int im6o_mc_filter(const struct ip6_moptions *, const struct ifnet *,
+ const struct sockaddr *, const struct sockaddr *);
+extern int in6_mc_join(struct ifnet *, const struct in6_addr *,
+ struct in6_mfilter *, struct in6_multi **, int);
+extern int in6_mc_leave(struct in6_multi *, struct in6_mfilter *);
+extern void in6m_clear_recorded(struct in6_multi *);
+extern void in6m_commit(struct in6_multi *);
+extern void in6m_purge(struct in6_multi *);
+extern void in6m_print(const struct in6_multi *);
+extern int in6m_record_source(struct in6_multi *, const struct in6_addr *);
+extern int ip6_getmoptions(struct inpcb *, struct sockopt *);
+extern int ip6_setmoptions(struct inpcb *, struct sockopt *);
+/* Legacy KAME multicast private KPIs. */
+extern struct in6_multi_mship *in6_joingroup(struct ifnet *,
+ struct in6_addr *, int *, int);
+extern int in6_leavegroup(struct in6_multi_mship *);
+extern void in6_multi_init(void);
+extern void in6m_addref(struct in6_multi *, int);
+extern void in6m_remref(struct in6_multi *, int);
+extern int in6_multi_detach(struct in6_multi *);
+extern int in6_ifindex2scopeid(int);
+extern int in6_mask2len(struct in6_addr *, u_char *);
+extern void in6_len2mask(struct in6_addr *, int);
+extern int in6_control(struct socket *, u_long, caddr_t, struct ifnet *,
+ struct proc *);
+extern int in6_update_ifa(struct ifnet *, struct in6_aliasreq *, int,
+ struct in6_ifaddr **);
+extern void in6_purgeaddr(struct ifaddr *);
+extern int in6if_do_dad(struct ifnet *);
+extern void in6_purgeif(struct ifnet *);
+extern void in6_savemkludge(struct in6_ifaddr *);
+extern void in6_setmaxmtu(void);
+extern void in6_restoremkludge(struct in6_ifaddr *, struct ifnet *);
+extern void in6_purgemkludge(struct ifnet *);
+extern struct in6_ifaddr *in6ifa_ifpforlinklocal(struct ifnet *, int);
+extern struct in6_ifaddr *in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(struct ifnet *, struct in6_addr *);
+extern struct in6_ifaddr *in6ifa_prproxyaddr(struct in6_addr *);
+extern void in6ifa_getlifetime(struct in6_ifaddr *,
+ struct in6_addrlifetime *, int);
+extern void in6ifa_setlifetime(struct in6_ifaddr *, struct in6_addrlifetime *);
+extern char *ip6_sprintf(const struct in6_addr *);
+extern int in6_addr2scopeid(struct ifnet *, struct in6_addr *);
+extern int in6_matchlen(struct in6_addr *, struct in6_addr *);
+extern int in6_are_prefix_equal(struct in6_addr *p1, struct in6_addr *p2,
+ int len);
+extern void in6_prefixlen2mask(struct in6_addr *maskp, int len);
+extern int in6_prefix_add_ifid(int iilen, struct in6_ifaddr *ia);
+extern void in6_prefix_remove_ifid(int iilen, struct in6_ifaddr *ia);
+extern void in6_purgeprefix(struct ifnet *);
+extern void in6_purgeaddrs(struct ifnet *);
+extern uint8_t im6s_get_mode(const struct in6_multi *,
+ const struct ip6_msource *, uint8_t);
+extern void im6f_leave(struct in6_mfilter *);
+extern void im6f_purge(struct in6_mfilter *);
+extern int in6_embedscope(struct in6_addr *, const struct sockaddr_in6 *,
+ struct inpcb *, struct ifnet **, struct ip6_pktopts *);
+extern int in6_recoverscope(struct sockaddr_in6 *, const struct in6_addr *,
+ struct ifnet *);
+extern void in6_aliasreq_64_to_32(struct in6_aliasreq_64 *,
+ struct in6_aliasreq_32 *);
+extern void in6_aliasreq_32_to_64(struct in6_aliasreq_32 *,
+ struct in6_aliasreq_64 *);
+extern void in6_ifaddr_init(void);
+extern int in6_inithead(void **, int);
+extern void in6_rtqdrain(void);
+extern struct radix_node *in6_validate(struct radix_node *);
+extern int in6_if2idlen(struct ifnet *);
+extern int in6_src_ioctl(u_long, caddr_t);
+extern void in6_multihead_lock_exclusive(void);
+extern void in6_multihead_lock_shared(void);
+extern void in6_multihead_lock_assert(int);
+extern void in6_multihead_lock_done(void);
+extern void in6_cga_init(void);
+extern void in6_cga_node_lock(void);
+extern void in6_cga_node_unlock(void);
+extern void in6_cga_query(struct in6_cga_nodecfg *);
+extern int in6_cga_start(const struct in6_cga_nodecfg *);
+extern int in6_cga_stop(void);
+extern ssize_t in6_cga_parameters_prepare(void *, size_t,
+ const struct in6_addr *, u_int8_t, const struct in6_cga_modifier *);
+extern int in6_cga_generate(struct in6_cga_prepare *, u_int8_t,
+ struct in6_addr *);
+#endif /* BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* _NETINET6_IN6_VAR_H_ */