- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPM.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOBufferMemoryDescriptor.h>
+#include <sys/vnode.h>
+struct AggressivesRecord;
+struct IOPMMessageFilterContext;
+struct IOPMActions;
+struct IOPMSystemSleepParameters;
+class PMSettingObject;
+class PMTraceWorker;
+class IOPMPowerStateQueue;
class RootDomainUserClient;
+class PMAssertionsTracker;
-#define kRootDomainSupportedFeatures "Supported Features"
+ * Types for PM Assertions
+ * For creating, releasing, and getting PM assertion levels.
+ */
+/*! IOPMDriverAssertionType
+ * A bitfield describing a set of assertions. May be used to specify which assertions
+ * to set with <link>IOPMrootDomain::createPMAssertion</link>; or to query which
+ * assertions are set with <link>IOPMrootDomain::releasePMAssertion</link>.
+ */
+typedef uint64_t IOPMDriverAssertionType;
+/* IOPMDriverAssertionID
+ * Drivers may create PM assertions to request system behavior (keep the system awake,
+ * or keep the display awake). When a driver creates an assertion via
+ * <link>IOPMrootDomain::createPMAssertion</link>, PM returns a handle to
+ * the assertion of type IOPMDriverAssertionID.
+ */
+typedef uint64_t IOPMDriverAssertionID;
+#define kIOPMUndefinedDriverAssertionID 0
+/* IOPMDriverAssertionLevel
+ * Possible values for IOPMDriverAssertionLevel are <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff</link>
+ * and <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link>
+ */
+typedef uint32_t IOPMDriverAssertionLevel;
+#define kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff 0
+#define kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn 255
+ * Flags for get/setSleepSupported()
+ */
enum {
- kRootDomainSleepNotSupported = 0x00000000,
- kRootDomainSleepSupported = 0x00000001,
- kFrameBufferDeepSleepSupported = 0x00000002,
- kPCICantSleep = 0x00000004
+ kRootDomainSleepNotSupported = 0x00000000,
+ kRootDomainSleepSupported = 0x00000001,
+ kFrameBufferDeepSleepSupported = 0x00000002,
+ kPCICantSleep = 0x00000004
-extern "C"
- IONotifier * registerSleepWakeInterest(IOServiceInterestHandler, void *, void * = 0);
- IONotifier * registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest(IOServiceInterestHandler handler, void * self, void * ref = 0);
- IOReturn acknowledgeSleepWakeNotification(void * );
- IOReturn vetoSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon);
- IOReturn rootDomainRestart ( void );
- IOReturn rootDomainShutdown ( void );
+ *IOPMrootDomain registry property keys
+ */
+#define kRootDomainSupportedFeatures "Supported Features"
+#define kRootDomainSleepReasonKey "Last Sleep Reason"
+#define kRootDomainSleepOptionsKey "Last Sleep Options"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeReasonKey "Wake Reason"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeKey "Wake Type"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainPowerStatusKey "Power Status"
+ * Possible sleep reasons found under kRootDomainSleepReasonsKey
+ */
+#define kIOPMClamshellSleepKey "Clamshell Sleep"
+#define kIOPMPowerButtonSleepKey "Power Button Sleep"
+#define kIOPMSoftwareSleepKey "Software Sleep"
+#define kIOPMOSSwitchHibernationKey "OS Switch Sleep"
+#define kIOPMIdleSleepKey "Idle Sleep"
+#define kIOPMLowPowerSleepKey "Low Power Sleep"
+#define kIOPMThermalEmergencySleepKey "Thermal Emergency Sleep"
+#define kIOPMMaintenanceSleepKey "Maintenance Sleep"
+ * String constants for communication with PM CPU
+ */
+#define kIOPMRootDomainLidCloseCString "LidClose"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainBatPowerCString "BatPower"
+ * Supported Feature bitfields for IOPMrootDomain::publishFeature()
+ */
+enum {
+ kIOPMSupportedOnAC = (1<<0),
+ kIOPMSupportedOnBatt = (1<<1),
+ kIOPMSupportedOnUPS = (1<<2)
+typedef IOReturn (*IOPMSettingControllerCallback)
+ (OSObject *target, const OSSymbol *type,
+ OSObject *val, uintptr_t refcon);
+IONotifier * registerSleepWakeInterest(
+ IOServiceInterestHandler, void *, void * = 0);
+IONotifier * registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest(
+ IOServiceInterestHandler handler,
+ void * self, void * ref = 0);
+IOReturn acknowledgeSleepWakeNotification(void * );
+IOReturn vetoSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon);
class IOPMrootDomain: public IOService
+ OSDeclareFinalStructors(IOPMrootDomain)
+ static IOPMrootDomain * construct( void );
- class IOService * wrangler; // we tickle the wrangler on button presses, etc
+ virtual bool start( IOService * provider ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual IOReturn setAggressiveness( unsigned long, unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual IOReturn getAggressiveness( unsigned long, unsigned long * ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
- static IOPMrootDomain * construct( void );
- virtual bool start( IOService * provider );
- virtual IOReturn newUserClient ( task_t, void *, UInt32, IOUserClient ** );
- virtual IOReturn setAggressiveness ( unsigned long, unsigned long );
- virtual IOReturn youAreRoot ( void );
- virtual IOReturn sleepSystem ( void );
- virtual IOReturn setProperties ( OSObject * );
- IOReturn shutdownSystem ( void );
- IOReturn restartSystem ( void );
- virtual IOReturn receivePowerNotification (UInt32 msg);
- virtual void setSleepSupported( IOOptionBits flags );
- virtual IOOptionBits getSleepSupported();
- virtual IOReturn requestPowerDomainState ( IOPMPowerFlags, IOPowerConnection *, unsigned long );
- virtual void handleSleepTimerExpiration ( void );
- void stopIgnoringClamshellEventsDuringWakeup ( void );
- void wakeFromDoze( void );
- void broadcast_it (unsigned long, unsigned long );
- void publishFeature( const char *feature );
- // Override of these methods for logging purposes.
- virtual IOReturn changePowerStateTo ( unsigned long ordinal );
- virtual IOReturn changePowerStateToPriv ( unsigned long ordinal );
+ virtual IOReturn sleepSystem( void );
+ IOReturn sleepSystemOptions( OSDictionary *options );
+ virtual IOReturn setProperties( OSObject * ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool serializeProperties( OSSerialize * s ) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual OSObject * copyProperty( const char * aKey ) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+/*! @function systemPowerEventOccurred
+ @abstract Other drivers may inform IOPMrootDomain of system PM events
+ @discussion systemPowerEventOccurred is a richer alternative to receivePowerNotification()
+ Only Apple-owned kexts should have reason to call systemPowerEventOccurred.
+ @param event An OSSymbol describing the type of power event.
+ @param intValue A 32-bit integer value associated with the event.
+ @result kIOReturnSuccess on success */
+ IOReturn systemPowerEventOccurred(
+ const OSSymbol *event,
+ uint32_t intValue );
+ IOReturn systemPowerEventOccurred(
+ const OSSymbol *event,
+ OSObject *value );
+#ifdef XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE // Hide doc from public headers
+/*! @function claimSystemWakeEvent
+ @abstract Apple-internal SPI to describe system wake events.
+ @discussion IOKit drivers may call claimSystemWakeEvent() during system wakeup to
+ provide human readable debug information describing the event(s) that
+ caused the system to wake.
+ - Drivers should call claimSystemWakeEvent before completing
+ their setPowerState() acknowledgement. IOPMrootDomain stops
+ collecting wake events when driver wake is complete.
+ - It is only appropriate to claim a wake event when the driver
+ can positively identify its hardware has generated an event
+ that can wake the system.
+ - This call tracks wake events from a non-S0 state (S0i, S3, S4) into S0.
+ - This call does not track wake events from DarkWake(S0) to FullWake(S0).
+ Examples:
+ (reason = "WiFi.TCPData",
+ details = "TCPKeepAlive packet arrived from IP")
+ (reason = "WiFi.ScanOffload",
+ details = "WiFi station 'AppleWiFi' signal dropped below threshold")
+ (reason = "Enet.LinkToggle",
+ details = "Ethernet attached")
+ @param device The device/nub that is associated with the wake event.
+ @param flags Pass kIOPMWakeEventSource if the device is the source
+ of the wake event. Pass zero if the device is forwarding or
+ aggregating wake events from multiple sources, e.g. an USB or
+ Thunderbolt host controller.
+ @param reason Caller should pass a human readable C string describing the
+ wake reason. Please use a string from the list below, or create
+ your own string matching this format:
+ [Hardware].[Event]
+ WiFi.MagicPacket
+ WiFi.ScanOffload
+ WiFi.mDNSConflict
+ WiFi.mDNSService
+ WiFi.TCPData
+ WiFi.TCPTimeout
+ WiFi.FirmwareCrash
+ Enet.MagicPacket
+ Enet.mDNSConflict
+ Enet.mDNSService
+ Enet.TCPData
+ Enet.TCPTimeout
+ Enet.Service
+ Enet.LinkToggle
+ Enet.ConflictResolution
+ Enet.PatternMatch
+ Enet.Timer
+ Enet.LinkUpTimeout
+ Enet.LinkDown
+ USB.DeviceAttach
+ USB.DeviceDetach
+ @param details Optional details further describing the wake event.
+ Please pass an OSString defining the event.
+ */
+ void claimSystemWakeEvent( IOService *device,
+ IOOptionBits flags,
+ const char *reason,
+ OSObject *details = 0 );
+ virtual IOReturn receivePowerNotification( UInt32 msg );
+ virtual void setSleepSupported( IOOptionBits flags );
+ virtual IOOptionBits getSleepSupported( void );
+ void wakeFromDoze( void );
+ // KEXT driver announces support of power management feature
+ void publishFeature( const char *feature );
+ // KEXT driver announces support of power management feature
+ // And specifies power sources with kIOPMSupportedOn{AC/Batt/UPS} bitfield.
+ // Returns a unique uint32_t identifier for later removing support for this
+ // feature.
+ // NULL is acceptable for uniqueFeatureID for kexts without plans to unload.
+ void publishFeature( const char *feature,
+ uint32_t supportedWhere,
+ uint32_t *uniqueFeatureID);
+ // KEXT driver announces removal of a previously published power management
+ // feature. Pass 'uniqueFeatureID' returned from publishFeature()
+ IOReturn removePublishedFeature( uint32_t removeFeatureID );
+/*! @function copyPMSetting
+ @abstract Copy the current value for a PM setting. Returns an OSNumber or
+ OSData depending on the setting.
+ @param whichSetting Name of the desired setting.
+ @result OSObject value if valid, NULL otherwise. */
+ OSObject * copyPMSetting( OSSymbol *whichSetting );
+/*! @function registerPMSettingController
+ @abstract Register for callbacks on changes to certain PM settings.
+ @param settings NULL terminated array of C strings, each string for a PM
+ setting that the caller is interested in and wants to get callbacks for.
+ @param callout C function ptr or member function cast as such.
+ @param target The target of the callback, usually 'this'
+ @param refcon Will be passed to caller in callback; for caller's use.
+ @param handle Caller should keep the OSObject * returned here. If non-NULL,
+ handle will have a retain count of 1 on return. To deregister, pass to
+ unregisterPMSettingController()
+ @result kIOReturnSuccess on success. */
+ IOReturn registerPMSettingController(
+ const OSSymbol *settings[],
+ IOPMSettingControllerCallback callout,
+ OSObject *target,
+ uintptr_t refcon,
+ OSObject **handle); // out param
+/*! @function registerPMSettingController
+ @abstract Register for callbacks on changes to certain PM settings.
+ @param settings NULL terminated array of C strings, each string for a PM
+ setting that the caller is interested in and wants to get callbacks for.
+ @param supportedPowerSources bitfield indicating which power sources these
+ settings are supported for (kIOPMSupportedOnAC, etc.)
+ @param callout C function ptr or member function cast as such.
+ @param target The target of the callback, usually 'this'
+ @param refcon Will be passed to caller in callback; for caller's use.
+ @param handle Caller should keep the OSObject * returned here. If non-NULL,
+ handle will have a retain count of 1 on return. To deregister, pass to
+ unregisterPMSettingController()
+ @result kIOReturnSuccess on success. */
+ IOReturn registerPMSettingController(
+ const OSSymbol *settings[],
+ uint32_t supportedPowerSources,
+ IOPMSettingControllerCallback callout,
+ OSObject *target,
+ uintptr_t refcon,
+ OSObject **handle); // out param
+ virtual IONotifier * registerInterest(
+ const OSSymbol * typeOfInterest,
+ IOServiceInterestHandler handler,
+ void * target, void * ref = 0 ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual IOReturn callPlatformFunction(
+ const OSSymbol *functionName,
+ bool waitForFunction,
+ void *param1, void *param2,
+ void *param3, void *param4 ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+/*! @function createPMAssertion
+ @abstract Creates an assertion to influence system power behavior.
+ @param whichAssertionsBits A bitfield specify the assertion that the caller requests.
+ @param assertionLevel An integer detailing the initial assertion level, kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn
+ or kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff.
+ @param ownerService A pointer to the caller's IOService class, for tracking.
+ @param ownerDescription A reverse-DNS string describing the caller's identity and reason.
+ @result On success, returns a new assertion of type IOPMDriverAssertionID
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID createPMAssertion(
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType whichAssertionsBits,
+ IOPMDriverAssertionLevel assertionLevel,
+ IOService *ownerService,
+ const char *ownerDescription);
+/* @function setPMAssertionLevel
+ @abstract Modify the level of a pre-existing assertion.
+ @discussion Change the value of a PM assertion to influence system behavior,
+ without undergoing the work required to create or destroy an assertion. Suggested
+ for clients who will assert and de-assert needs for PM behavior several times over
+ their lifespan.
+ @param assertionID An assertion ID previously returned by <link>createPMAssertion</link>
+ @param assertionLevel The new assertion level.
+ @result kIOReturnSuccess if it worked; kIOReturnNotFound or other IOReturn error on failure.
+ IOReturn setPMAssertionLevel(IOPMDriverAssertionID assertionID, IOPMDriverAssertionLevel assertionLevel);
+/*! @function getPMAssertionLevel
+ @absract Returns the active level of the specified assertion(s).
+ @discussion Returns <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff</link> or
+ <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link>. If multiple assertions are specified
+ in the bitfield, only returns <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link>
+ if all assertions are active.
+ @param whichAssertionBits Bits defining the assertion or assertions the caller is interested in
+ the level of. If in doubt, pass <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit</link> as the argument.
+ @result Returns <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff</link> or
+ <link>kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOn</link> indicating the specified assertion's levels, if available.
+ If the assertions aren't supported on this machine, or aren't recognized by the OS, the
+ result is undefined.
+ IOPMDriverAssertionLevel getPMAssertionLevel(IOPMDriverAssertionType whichAssertionBits);
+/*! @function releasePMAssertion
+ @abstract Removes an assertion to influence system power behavior.
+ @result On success, returns a new assertion of type IOPMDriverAssertionID *
+ IOReturn releasePMAssertion(IOPMDriverAssertionID releaseAssertion);
+/*! @function restartWithStackshot
+ @abstract Take a stackshot of the system and restart the system.
+ @result Return kIOReturnSuccess if it work, kIOReturnError if the service is not available.
+ IOReturn restartWithStackshot();
+ virtual IOReturn changePowerStateTo( unsigned long ordinal ) APPLE_KEXT_COMPATIBILITY_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual IOReturn changePowerStateToPriv( unsigned long ordinal );
+ virtual IOReturn requestPowerDomainState( IOPMPowerFlags, IOPowerConnection *, unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void powerChangeDone( unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool tellChangeDown( unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool askChangeDown( unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void tellChangeUp( unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void tellNoChangeDown( unsigned long ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual IOReturn configureReport(IOReportChannelList *channels,
+ IOReportConfigureAction action,
+ void *result,
+ void *destination) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual IOReturn updateReport(IOReportChannelList *channels,
+ IOReportUpdateAction action,
+ void *result,
+ void *destination) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ void configureReportGated(uint64_t channel_id,
+ uint64_t action,
+ void *result);
+ IOReturn updateReportGated(uint64_t ch_id,
+ void *result,
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *dest);
+ /* Root Domain internals */
+ void tagPowerPlaneService(
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions );
+ void overrideOurPowerChange(
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex * inOutPowerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags,
+ IOPMRequestTag requestTag );
+ void handleOurPowerChangeStart(
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags,
+ IOPMRequestTag requestTag );
+ void handleOurPowerChangeDone(
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags,
+ IOPMRequestTag requestTag );
+ void overridePowerChangeForUIService(
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex * inOutPowerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags );
+ void handleActivityTickleForDisplayWrangler(
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions );
+ void handleUpdatePowerClientForDisplayWrangler(
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ const OSSymbol * powerClient,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex oldPowerState,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex newPowerState );
+ bool shouldDelayChildNotification(
+ IOService * service );
+ void handlePowerChangeStartForPCIDevice(
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags );
+ void handlePowerChangeDoneForPCIDevice(
+ IOService * service,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags );
+ void askChangeDownDone(
+ IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags,
+ bool * cancel );
+ void handlePublishSleepWakeUUID(
+ bool shouldPublish);
+ void handleQueueSleepWakeUUID(
+ OSObject *obj);
+ void handleDisplayPowerOn( );
+ void willNotifyPowerChildren( IOPMPowerStateIndex newPowerState );
+ IOReturn setMaintenanceWakeCalendar(
+ const IOPMCalendarStruct * calendar );
+ IOReturn getSystemSleepType(uint32_t * sleepType, uint32_t * standbyTimer);
+ // Handle callbacks from IOService::systemWillShutdown()
+ void acknowledgeSystemWillShutdown( IOService * from );
+ // Handle platform halt and restart notifications
+ void handlePlatformHaltRestart( UInt32 pe_type );
+ IOReturn shutdownSystem( void );
+ IOReturn restartSystem( void );
+ void handleSleepTimerExpiration( void );
+ bool activitySinceSleep(void);
+ bool abortHibernation(void);
+ void updateConsoleUsers(void);
+ IOReturn joinAggressiveness( IOService * service );
+ void handleAggressivesRequests( void );
+ void kdebugTrace(uint32_t event, uint64_t regId,
+ uintptr_t param1, uintptr_t param2, uintptr_t param3 = 0);
+ void tracePoint(uint8_t point);
+ void traceDetail(uint32_t msgType, uint32_t msgIndex, uint32_t delay);
+ void traceDetail(OSObject *notifier);
+ void traceAckDelay(OSObject *notifier, uint32_t response, uint32_t delay_ms);
+ void startSpinDump(uint32_t spindumpKind);
+ bool systemMessageFilter(
+ void * object, void * arg1, void * arg2, void * arg3 );
+ bool updatePreventIdleSleepList(
+ IOService * service, bool addNotRemove );
+ void updatePreventSystemSleepList(
+ IOService * service, bool addNotRemove );
+ void publishPMSetting(
+ const OSSymbol * feature, uint32_t where, uint32_t * featureID );
+ void pmStatsRecordEvent(
+ int eventIndex,
+ AbsoluteTime timestamp);
+ void pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
+ const OSSymbol *response,
+ const char *name,
+ int messageType,
+ uint32_t delay_ms,
+ uint64_t id,
+ OSObject *object,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex ps=0);
+ void copyWakeReasonString( char * outBuf, size_t bufSize );
+ bool getHibernateSettings(
+ uint32_t * hibernateMode,
+ uint32_t * hibernateFreeRatio,
+ uint32_t * hibernateFreeTime );
+ bool mustHibernate( void );
+ void takeStackshot(bool restart, bool isOSXWatchdog, bool isSpinDump);
+ void sleepWakeDebugTrig(bool restart);
+ void sleepWakeDebugEnableWdog();
+ bool sleepWakeDebugIsWdogEnabled();
+ static void saveTimeoutAppStackShot(void *p0, void *p1);
+ void sleepWakeDebugSaveSpinDumpFile();
+ void swdDebugSetup();
+ void swdDebugTeardown();
+ friend class PMSettingObject;
+ friend class RootDomainUserClient;
+ friend class PMAssertionsTracker;
- class IORootParent * patriarch; // points to our parent
- long sleepSlider; // pref: idle time before idle sleep
- long longestNonSleepSlider; // pref: longest of other idle times
- long extraSleepDelay; // sleepSlider - longestNonSleepSlider
- thread_call_t extraSleepTimer; // used to wait between say display idle and system idle
- thread_call_t clamshellWakeupIgnore; // Used to ignore clamshell close events while we're waking from sleep
- virtual void powerChangeDone ( unsigned long );
- virtual void command_received ( void *, void * , void * , void *);
- virtual bool tellChangeDown ( unsigned long stateNum);
- virtual bool askChangeDown ( unsigned long stateNum);
- virtual void tellChangeUp ( unsigned long );
- virtual void tellNoChangeDown ( unsigned long );
- void reportUserInput ( void );
static IOReturn sysPowerDownHandler( void * target, void * refCon,
UInt32 messageType, IOService * service,
void * messageArgument, vm_size_t argSize );
UInt32 messageType, IOService * service,
void * messageArgument, vm_size_t argSize );
- static bool displayWranglerPublished( void * target, void * refCon,
- IOService * newService);
+ static IOReturn rootBusyStateChangeHandler( void * target, void * refCon,
+ UInt32 messageType, IOService * service,
+ void * messageArgument, vm_size_t argSize );
+ static bool displayWranglerMatchPublished( void * target, void * refCon,
+ IOService * newService,
+ IONotifier * notifier);
+ static bool IONVRAMMatchPublished( void * target, void * refCon,
+ IOService * newService,
+ IONotifier * notifier);
+ static bool batteryPublished( void * target, void * refCon,
+ IOService * resourceService,
+ IONotifier * notifier);
+ void initializeBootSessionUUID( void );
+ void fullWakeDelayedWork( void );
+ IOService * wrangler;
+ OSDictionary * wranglerIdleSettings;
+ IOLock *featuresDictLock; // guards supportedFeatures
+ IOLock *wakeEventLock;
+ IOPMPowerStateQueue *pmPowerStateQueue;
+ OSArray *allowedPMSettings;
+ OSArray *noPublishPMSettings;
+ PMTraceWorker *pmTracer;
+ PMAssertionsTracker *pmAssertions;
+ // Settings controller info
+ IOLock *settingsCtrlLock;
+ OSDictionary *settingsCallbacks;
+ OSDictionary *fPMSettingsDict;
+ IONotifier *_batteryPublishNotifier;
+ IONotifier *_displayWranglerNotifier;
+ // Statistics
+ const OSSymbol *_statsNameKey;
+ const OSSymbol *_statsPIDKey;
+ const OSSymbol *_statsTimeMSKey;
+ const OSSymbol *_statsResponseTypeKey;
+ const OSSymbol *_statsMessageTypeKey;
+ const OSSymbol *_statsPowerCapsKey;
+ uint32_t sleepCnt;
+ uint32_t darkWakeCnt;
+ uint32_t displayWakeCnt;
+ OSString *queuedSleepWakeUUIDString;
+ OSArray *pmStatsAppResponses;
+ IOLock *pmStatsLock; // guards pmStatsAppResponses
+ void *sleepDelaysReport; // report to track time taken to go to sleep
+ uint32_t sleepDelaysClientCnt; // Number of interested clients in sleepDelaysReport
+ uint64_t ts_sleepStart;
+ uint64_t wake2DarkwakeDelay; // Time taken to change from full wake -> Dark wake
+ void *assertOnWakeReport; // report to track time spent without any assertions held after wake
+ uint32_t assertOnWakeClientCnt; // Number of clients interested in assertOnWakeReport
+ clock_sec_t assertOnWakeSecs; // Num of secs after wake for first assertion
+ bool uuidPublished;
+ // Pref: idle time before idle sleep
+ bool idleSleepEnabled;
+ unsigned long sleepSlider;
+ unsigned long idleSeconds;
+ uint64_t autoWakeStart;
+ uint64_t autoWakeEnd;
+ // Difference between sleepSlider and longestNonSleepSlider
+ unsigned long extraSleepDelay;
+ // Used to wait between say display idle and system idle
+ thread_call_t extraSleepTimer;
+ thread_call_t diskSyncCalloutEntry;
+ thread_call_t fullWakeThreadCall;
+ thread_call_t swdDebugSetupEntry;
+ thread_call_t swdDebugTearDownEntry;
+ thread_call_t updateConsoleUsersEntry;
+ // Track system capabilities.
+ uint32_t _desiredCapability;
+ uint32_t _currentCapability;
+ uint32_t _pendingCapability;
+ uint32_t _highestCapability;
+ OSSet * _joinedCapabilityClients;
+ uint32_t _systemStateGeneration;
- void setQuickSpinDownTimeout ( void );
- void adjustPowerState( void );
- void restoreUserSpinDownTimeout ( void );
+ // Type of clients that can receive system messages.
+ enum {
+ kSystemMessageClientPowerd = 0x01,
+ kSystemMessageClientLegacyApp = 0x02,
+ kSystemMessageClientKernel = 0x04,
+ kSystemMessageClientAll = 0x07
+ };
+ uint32_t _systemMessageClientMask;
- unsigned int user_spindown; // User's selected disk spindown value
+ // Power state and capability change transitions.
+ enum {
+ kSystemTransitionNone = 0,
+ kSystemTransitionSleep = 1,
+ kSystemTransitionWake = 2,
+ kSystemTransitionCapability = 3,
+ kSystemTransitionNewCapClient = 4
+ } _systemTransitionType;
- unsigned int systemBooting:1;
- unsigned int ignoringClamshell:1;
- unsigned int allowSleep:1;
- unsigned int sleepIsSupported:1;
- unsigned int canSleep:1;
- unsigned int idleSleepPending:1;
- unsigned int sleepASAP:1;
- unsigned int desktopMode:1;
+ unsigned int systemBooting :1;
+ unsigned int systemShutdown :1;
+ unsigned int systemDarkWake :1;
+ unsigned int clamshellExists :1;
+ unsigned int clamshellClosed :1;
+ unsigned int clamshellDisabled :1;
+ unsigned int desktopMode :1;
+ unsigned int acAdaptorConnected :1;
- unsigned int acAdaptorConnect:1;
- unsigned int ignoringClamshellDuringWakeup:1;
- unsigned int reservedA:6;
- unsigned char reservedB[3];
+ unsigned int clamshellSleepDisabled :1;
+ unsigned int idleSleepTimerPending :1;
+ unsigned int userDisabledAllSleep :1;
+ unsigned int ignoreTellChangeDown :1;
+ unsigned int wranglerAsleep :1;
+ unsigned int wranglerTickled :1;
+ unsigned int _preventUserActive :1;
+ unsigned int graphicsSuppressed :1;
- thread_call_t diskSyncCalloutEntry;
- IOOptionBits platformSleepSupport;
+ unsigned int capabilityLoss :1;
+ unsigned int pciCantSleepFlag :1;
+ unsigned int pciCantSleepValid :1;
+ unsigned int logGraphicsClamp :1;
+ unsigned int darkWakeToSleepASAP :1;
+ unsigned int darkWakeMaintenance :1;
+ unsigned int darkWakeSleepService :1;
+ unsigned int darkWakePostTickle :1;
+ unsigned int sleepTimerMaintenance :1;
+ unsigned int sleepToStandby :1;
+ unsigned int lowBatteryCondition :1;
+ unsigned int hibernateDisabled :1;
+ unsigned int hibernateRetry :1;
+ unsigned int wranglerTickleLatched :1;
+ unsigned int userIsActive :1;
+ unsigned int userWasActive :1;
+ unsigned int displayIdleForDemandSleep :1;
+ unsigned int darkWakeHibernateError :1;
+ unsigned int thermalWarningState:1;
+ unsigned int toldPowerdCapWillChange :1;
+ unsigned int displayPowerOnRequested:1;
+ uint8_t tasksSuspended;
+ uint32_t hibernateMode;
+ AbsoluteTime userActivityTime;
+ AbsoluteTime userActivityTime_prev;
+ uint32_t userActivityCount;
+ uint32_t userActivityAtSleep;
+ uint32_t lastSleepReason;
+ uint32_t fullToDarkReason;
+ uint32_t hibernateAborted;
+ uint8_t standbyNixed;
+ uint8_t resetTimers;
+ enum FullWakeReason {
+ kFullWakeReasonNone = 0,
+ kFullWakeReasonLocalUser = 1,
+ kFullWakeReasonDisplayOn = 2,
+ fFullWakeReasonDisplayOnAndLocalUser = 3
+ };
+ uint32_t fullWakeReason;
+ // Info for communicating system state changes to PMCPU
+ int32_t idxPMCPUClamshell;
+ int32_t idxPMCPULimitedPower;
+ IOOptionBits platformSleepSupport;
+ uint32_t _debugWakeSeconds;
+ uint32_t _lastDebugWakeSeconds;
+ queue_head_t aggressivesQueue;
+ thread_call_t aggressivesThreadCall;
+ OSData * aggressivesData;
+ AbsoluteTime userBecameInactiveTime;
+ // PCI top-level PM trace
+ IOService * pciHostBridgeDevice;
+ IOService * pciHostBridgeDriver;
+ IONotifier * systemCapabilityNotifier;
+ typedef struct {
+ uint32_t pid;
+ uint32_t refcount;
+ } PMNotifySuspendedStruct;
+ uint32_t pmSuspendedCapacity;
+ uint32_t pmSuspendedSize;
+ PMNotifySuspendedStruct *pmSuspendedPIDS;
+ OSSet * preventIdleSleepList;
+ OSSet * preventSystemSleepList;
+ UInt32 _scheduledAlarms;
+ UInt32 _userScheduledAlarm;
+ clock_sec_t _standbyTimerResetSeconds;
+ volatile uint32_t swd_lock; /* Lock to access swd_buffer & and its header */
+ void * swd_buffer; /* Memory allocated for dumping sleep/wake logs */
+ uint32_t swd_flags; /* Flags defined in IOPMPrivate.h */
+ uint8_t swd_DebugImageSetup;
+ void * swd_spindump_buffer;
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *swd_memDesc;
+ IOMemoryMap * swd_logBufMap; /* Memory with sleep/wake logs from previous boot */
+ // Wake Event Reporting
+ OSArray * _systemWakeEventsArray;
+ bool _acceptSystemWakeEvents;
+ int findSuspendedPID(uint32_t pid, uint32_t *outRefCount);
+ // IOPMrootDomain internal sleep call
+ IOReturn privateSleepSystem( uint32_t sleepReason );
+ void reportUserInput( void );
+ void setDisableClamShellSleep( bool );
+ bool checkSystemSleepAllowed( IOOptionBits options,
+ uint32_t sleepReason );
+ bool checkSystemSleepEnabled( void );
+ bool checkSystemCanSleep( uint32_t sleepReason );
+ bool checkSystemCanSustainFullWake( void );
+ void adjustPowerState( bool sleepASAP = false );
+ void setQuickSpinDownTimeout( void );
+ void restoreUserSpinDownTimeout( void );
+ bool shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed(void );
+ void sendClientClamshellNotification( void );
+ // Inform PMCPU of changes to state like lid, AC vs. battery
+ void informCPUStateChange( uint32_t type, uint32_t value );
+ void dispatchPowerEvent( uint32_t event, void * arg0, uint64_t arg1 );
+ void handlePowerNotification( UInt32 msg );
+ IOReturn setPMSetting(const OSSymbol *, OSObject *);
+ void startIdleSleepTimer( uint32_t inSeconds );
+ void cancelIdleSleepTimer( void );
+ uint32_t getTimeToIdleSleep( void );
+ IOReturn setAggressiveness(
+ unsigned long type,
+ unsigned long value,
+ IOOptionBits options );
+ void synchronizeAggressives(
+ queue_head_t * services,
+ const AggressivesRecord * array,
+ int count );
+ void broadcastAggressives(
+ const AggressivesRecord * array,
+ int count );
+ IOReturn setPMAssertionUserLevels(IOPMDriverAssertionType);
+ void publishSleepWakeUUID( bool shouldPublish );
+ void evaluatePolicy( int stimulus, uint32_t arg = 0 );
+ void requestFullWake( FullWakeReason reason );
+ void willEnterFullWake( void );
+ void evaluateAssertions(IOPMDriverAssertionType newAssertions,
+ IOPMDriverAssertionType oldAssertions);
+ void deregisterPMSettingObject( PMSettingObject * pmso );
+ uint32_t checkForValidDebugData(const char *fname, vfs_context_t *ctx,
+ void *tmpBuf, struct vnode **vp);
+ void sleepWakeDebugMemAlloc( );
+ void sleepWakeDebugSpinDumpMemAlloc( );
+ void sleepWakeDebugDumpFromMem(IOMemoryMap *logBufMap);
+ void sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile( );
+ IOMemoryMap *sleepWakeDebugRetrieve();
+ errno_t sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(const char *name, char *buf, int len);
+ errno_t sleepWakeDebugCopyFile( struct vnode *srcVp,
+ vfs_context_t srcCtx,
+ char *tmpBuf, uint64_t tmpBufSize,
+ uint64_t srcOffset,
+ const char *dstFname,
+ uint64_t numBytes,
+ uint32_t crc);
+ bool getSleepOption( const char * key, uint32_t * option );
+ bool evaluateSystemSleepPolicy( IOPMSystemSleepParameters * p,
+ int phase, uint32_t * hibMode );
+ void evaluateSystemSleepPolicyEarly( void );
+ void evaluateSystemSleepPolicyFinal( void );
+#endif /* HIBERNATION */
+ bool latchDisplayWranglerTickle( bool latch );
+ void setDisplayPowerOn( uint32_t options );
+ void acceptSystemWakeEvents( bool accept );
+ void systemDidNotSleep( void );
+ void preventTransitionToUserActive( bool prevent );
+ void setThermalState(OSObject *value);
+ void copySleepPreventersList(OSArray **idleSleepList, OSArray **systemSleepList);
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
class IORootParent: public IOService
+ OSDeclareFinalStructors(IORootParent)
- unsigned long mostRecentChange;
- bool start ( IOService * nub );
- void shutDownSystem ( void );
- void restartSystem ( void );
- void sleepSystem ( void );
- void dozeSystem ( void );
- void sleepToDoze ( void );
- void wakeSystem ( void );
+ static void initialize( void );
+ virtual OSObject * copyProperty( const char * aKey ) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ bool start( IOService * nub ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
+ void shutDownSystem( void );
+ void restartSystem( void );
+ void sleepSystem( void );
+ void dozeSystem( void );
+ void sleepToDoze( void );
+ void wakeSystem( void );
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
-#endif /* _IOKIT_ROOTDOMAIN_H */
+#endif /* _IOKIT_ROOTDOMAIN_H */