- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1993
* $FreeBSD: src/sys/net/bpf.c,v 2001/01/05 04:49:09 jdp Exp $
+ * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2005 to introduce
+ * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice
+ * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License,
+ * Version 2.0.
+ */
#include "bpf.h"
#include <sys/sockio.h>
#include <sys/ttycom.h>
#include <sys/filedesc.h>
+#include <sys/uio_internal.h>
+#include <sys/file_internal.h>
+#include <sys/event.h>
-#if defined(sparc) && BSD < 199103
-#include <sys/stream.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/socketvar.h>
#include <sys/vnode.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <net/bpfdesc.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netinet/in_pcb.h>
+#include <netinet/in_var.h>
+#include <netinet/ip_var.h>
+#include <netinet/tcp.h>
+#include <netinet/tcp_var.h>
+#include <netinet/udp.h>
+#include <netinet/udp_var.h>
#include <netinet/if_ether.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <net/firewire.h>
#include <miscfs/devfs/devfs.h>
#include <net/dlil.h>
+#include <net/pktap.h>
-#if NBPFILTER > 0
+#include <kern/locks.h>
+#include <kern/thread_call.h>
+#include <security/mac_framework.h>
+#endif /* MAC_NET */
+extern int tvtohz(struct timeval *);
- * Older BSDs don't have kernel malloc.
- */
-#if BSD < 199103
-extern bcopy();
-static caddr_t bpf_alloc();
-#include <net/bpf_compat.h>
-#define UIOMOVE(cp, len, code, uio) uiomove(cp, len, code, uio)
#define BPF_BUFSIZE 4096
#define UIOMOVE(cp, len, code, uio) uiomove(cp, len, uio)
#define PRINET 26 /* interruptible */
* The default read buffer size is patchable.
-static int bpf_bufsize = BPF_BUFSIZE;
-SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, bpf_bufsize, CTLFLAG_RW,
+static unsigned int bpf_bufsize = BPF_BUFSIZE;
&bpf_bufsize, 0, "");
-static int bpf_maxbufsize = BPF_MAXBUFSIZE;
-SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, bpf_maxbufsize, CTLFLAG_RW,
+__private_extern__ unsigned int bpf_maxbufsize = BPF_MAXBUFSIZE;
&bpf_maxbufsize, 0, "");
+static unsigned int bpf_maxdevices = 256;
+ &bpf_maxdevices, 0, "");
+ * bpf_wantpktap controls the defaul visibility of DLT_PKTAP
+ * For OS X is off by default so process need to use the ioctl BPF_WANT_PKTAP
+ * explicitly to be able to use DLT_PKTAP.
+ */
+static unsigned int bpf_wantpktap = 0;
+ &bpf_wantpktap, 0, "");
+static int bpf_debug = 0;
+ &bpf_debug, 0, "");
* bpf_iflist is the list of interfaces; each corresponds to an ifnet
- * bpf_dtab holds the descriptors, indexed by minor device #
+ * bpf_dtab holds pointer to the descriptors, indexed by minor device #
static struct bpf_if *bpf_iflist;
#ifdef __APPLE__
* BSD now stores the bpf_d in the dev_t which is a struct
* on their system. Our dev_t is an int, so we still store
* the bpf_d in a separate table indexed by minor device #.
+ *
+ * The value stored in bpf_dtab[n] represent three states:
+ * 0: device not opened
+ * 1: device opening or closing
+ * other: device <n> opened with pointer to storage
-static struct bpf_d bpf_dtab[NBPFILTER];
-static int bpf_dtab_init;
-static int nbpfilter = NBPFILTER;
-static int bpf_allocbufs __P((struct bpf_d *));
-static void bpf_attachd __P((struct bpf_d *d, struct bpf_if *bp));
-static void bpf_detachd __P((struct bpf_d *d));
-static void bpf_freed __P((struct bpf_d *));
-static void bpf_mcopy __P((const void *, void *, size_t));
-static int bpf_movein __P((struct uio *, int,
- struct mbuf **, struct sockaddr *, int *));
-static int bpf_setif __P((struct bpf_d *, struct ifreq *));
-static inline void
- bpf_wakeup __P((struct bpf_d *));
-static void catchpacket __P((struct bpf_d *, u_char *, u_int,
- u_int, void (*)(const void *, void *, size_t)));
-static void reset_d __P((struct bpf_d *));
-static int bpf_setf __P((struct bpf_d *, struct bpf_program *));
+static struct bpf_d **bpf_dtab = NULL;
+static unsigned int bpf_dtab_size = 0;
+static unsigned int nbpfilter = 0;
+decl_lck_mtx_data(static, bpf_mlock_data);
+static lck_mtx_t *bpf_mlock = &bpf_mlock_data;
+static lck_grp_t *bpf_mlock_grp;
+static lck_grp_attr_t *bpf_mlock_grp_attr;
+static lck_attr_t *bpf_mlock_attr;
+static mbuf_tag_id_t bpf_mtag_id;
+#endif /* __APPLE__ */
+static int bpf_allocbufs(struct bpf_d *);
+static errno_t bpf_attachd(struct bpf_d *d, struct bpf_if *bp);
+static int bpf_detachd(struct bpf_d *d, int);
+static void bpf_freed(struct bpf_d *);
+static void bpf_mcopy(const void *, void *, size_t);
+static int bpf_movein(struct uio *, int,
+ struct mbuf **, struct sockaddr *, int *);
+static int bpf_setif(struct bpf_d *, ifnet_t ifp, u_int32_t dlt);
+static void bpf_timed_out(void *, void *);
+static void bpf_wakeup(struct bpf_d *);
+static void catchpacket(struct bpf_d *, u_char *, struct mbuf *, u_int,
+ u_int, int, void (*)(const void *, void *, size_t));
+static void reset_d(struct bpf_d *);
+static int bpf_setf(struct bpf_d *, u_int, user_addr_t, u_long);
+static int bpf_getdltlist(struct bpf_d *, caddr_t, struct proc *);
+static int bpf_setdlt(struct bpf_d *, u_int);
+static int bpf_set_traffic_class(struct bpf_d *, int);
+static void bpf_set_packet_service_class(struct mbuf *, int);
+static void bpf_acquire_d(struct bpf_d *);
+static void bpf_release_d(struct bpf_d *);
+static int bpf_devsw_installed;
+void bpf_init(void *unused);
+static int bpf_tap_callback(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m);
* Darwin differs from BSD here, the following are static
* on BSD and not static on Darwin.
- d_open_t bpfopen;
- d_close_t bpfclose;
- d_read_t bpfread;
- d_write_t bpfwrite;
- d_ioctl_t bpfioctl;
- select_fcn_t bpfpoll;
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-void bpf_mtap(struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *);
+ d_open_t bpfopen;
+ d_close_t bpfclose;
+ d_read_t bpfread;
+ d_write_t bpfwrite;
+ ioctl_fcn_t bpfioctl;
+ select_fcn_t bpfselect;
-int bpfopen(), bpfclose(), bpfread(), bpfwrite(), bpfioctl(),
- bpfpoll();
/* Darwin's cdevsw struct differs slightly from BSDs */
#define CDEV_MAJOR 23
static struct cdevsw bpf_cdevsw = {
- /* open */ bpfopen,
- /* close */ bpfclose,
- /* read */ bpfread,
- /* write */ bpfwrite,
- /* ioctl */ bpfioctl,
- /* stop */ nulldev,
- /* reset */ nulldev,
- /* tty */ NULL,
- /* select */ bpfpoll,
- /* mmap */ eno_mmap,
- /* strategy*/ eno_strat,
- /* getc */ eno_getc,
- /* putc */ eno_putc,
- /* type */ 0
+ /* open */ bpfopen,
+ /* close */ bpfclose,
+ /* read */ bpfread,
+ /* write */ bpfwrite,
+ /* ioctl */ bpfioctl,
+ /* stop */ eno_stop,
+ /* reset */ eno_reset,
+ /* tty */ NULL,
+ /* select */ bpfselect,
+ /* mmap */ eno_mmap,
+ /* strategy*/ eno_strat,
+ /* getc */ eno_getc,
+ /* putc */ eno_putc,
+ /* type */ 0
+#define SOCKADDR_HDR_LEN offsetof(struct sockaddr, sa_data)
static int
-bpf_movein(uio, linktype, mp, sockp, datlen)
- register struct uio *uio;
- int linktype, *datlen;
- register struct mbuf **mp;
- register struct sockaddr *sockp;
+bpf_movein(struct uio *uio, int linktype, struct mbuf **mp, struct sockaddr *sockp, int *datlen)
struct mbuf *m;
int error;
int len;
+ uint8_t sa_family;
int hlen;
- /*
- * Build a sockaddr based on the data link layer type.
- * We do this at this level because the ethernet header
- * is copied directly into the data field of the sockaddr.
- * In the case of SLIP, there is no header and the packet
- * is forwarded as is.
- * Also, we are careful to leave room at the front of the mbuf
- * for the link level header.
- */
switch (linktype) {
+#if SLIP
case DLT_SLIP:
- sockp->sa_family = AF_INET;
+ sa_family = AF_INET;
hlen = 0;
+#endif /* SLIP */
case DLT_EN10MB:
- sockp->sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+ sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
/* XXX Would MAXLINKHDR be better? */
hlen = sizeof(struct ether_header);
+#if FDDI
case DLT_FDDI:
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__bsdi__)
- sockp->sa_family = AF_IMPLINK;
+ #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__bsdi__)
+ sa_family = AF_IMPLINK;
hlen = 0;
- sockp->sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+ #else
+ sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
/* XXX 4(FORMAC)+6(dst)+6(src)+3(LLC)+5(SNAP) */
hlen = 24;
+ #endif
+#endif /* FDDI */
case DLT_RAW:
case DLT_NULL:
- sockp->sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+ sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
hlen = 0;
-#ifdef __FreeBSD__
+ #ifdef __FreeBSD__
case DLT_ATM_RFC1483:
* en atm driver requires 4-byte atm pseudo header.
* though it isn't standard, vpi:vci needs to be
* specified anyway.
- sockp->sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+ sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
hlen = 12; /* XXX 4(ATM_PH) + 3(LLC) + 5(SNAP) */
+ #endif
case DLT_PPP:
- sockp->sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+ sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
hlen = 4; /* This should match PPP_HDRLEN */
+ sa_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+ hlen = sizeof(struct firewire_header);
+ break;
+ case DLT_IEEE802_11: /* IEEE 802.11 wireless */
+ sa_family = AF_IEEE80211;
+ hlen = 0;
+ break;
+ case DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO:
+ sa_family = AF_IEEE80211;
+ hlen = 0;
+ break;
return (EIO);
- len = uio->uio_resid;
+ // LP64todo - fix this!
+ len = uio_resid(uio);
*datlen = len - hlen;
if ((unsigned)len > MCLBYTES)
return (EIO);
+ if (sockp) {
+ /*
+ * Build a sockaddr based on the data link layer type.
+ * We do this at this level because the ethernet header
+ * is copied directly into the data field of the sockaddr.
+ * In the case of SLIP, there is no header and the packet
+ * is forwarded as is.
+ * Also, we are careful to leave room at the front of the mbuf
+ * for the link level header.
+ */
+ if ((hlen + SOCKADDR_HDR_LEN) > sockp->sa_len) {
+ return (EIO);
+ }
+ sockp->sa_family = sa_family;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * We're directly sending the packet data supplied by
+ * the user; we don't need to make room for the link
+ * header, and don't need the header length value any
+ * more, so set it to 0.
+ */
+ hlen = 0;
+ }
if (m == 0)
return (ENOBUFS);
- if (len > MHLEN) {
-#if BSD >= 199103
+ if ((unsigned)len > MHLEN) {
if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0) {
- MCLGET(m);
- if (m->m_len != MCLBYTES) {
error = ENOBUFS;
goto bad;
m->m_pkthdr.len = m->m_len = len;
m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = NULL;
*mp = m;
* Make room for link header.
if (hlen != 0) {
m->m_pkthdr.len -= hlen;
m->m_len -= hlen;
-#if BSD >= 199103
m->m_data += hlen; /* XXX */
- m->m_off += hlen;
error = UIOMOVE((caddr_t)sockp->sa_data, hlen, UIO_WRITE, uio);
if (error)
goto bad;
error = UIOMOVE(mtod(m, caddr_t), len - hlen, UIO_WRITE, uio);
- if (!error)
- return (0);
+ if (error)
+ goto bad;
+ /* Check for multicast destination */
+ switch (linktype) {
+ case DLT_EN10MB: {
+ struct ether_header *eh = mtod(m, struct ether_header *);
+ if (ETHER_IS_MULTICAST(eh->ether_dhost)) {
+ if (_ether_cmp(etherbroadcastaddr, eh->ether_dhost) == 0)
+ m->m_flags |= M_BCAST;
+ else
+ m->m_flags |= M_MCAST;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
return (error);
#ifdef __APPLE__
-/* Callback registered with Ethernet driver. */
-int bpf_tap_callback(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m)
+ * The dynamic addition of a new device node must block all processes that
+ * are opening the last device so that no process will get an unexpected
+ */
+static void
+bpf_make_dev_t(int maj)
- boolean_t funnel_state;
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
- /*
- * Do nothing if the BPF tap has been turned off.
- * This is to protect from a potential race where this
- * call blocks on the funnel lock. And in the meantime
- * BPF is turned off, which will clear if_bpf.
- */
- if (ifp->if_bpf)
- bpf_mtap(ifp, m);
- thread_funnel_set(network_flock, funnel_state);
- return 0;
+ static int bpf_growing = 0;
+ unsigned int cur_size = nbpfilter, i;
+ if (nbpfilter >= bpf_maxdevices)
+ return;
+ while (bpf_growing) {
+ /* Wait until new device has been created */
+ (void)tsleep((caddr_t)&bpf_growing, PZERO, "bpf_growing", 0);
+ }
+ if (nbpfilter > cur_size) {
+ /* other thread grew it already */
+ return;
+ }
+ bpf_growing = 1;
+ /* need to grow bpf_dtab first */
+ if (nbpfilter == bpf_dtab_size) {
+ int new_dtab_size;
+ struct bpf_d **new_dtab = NULL;
+ struct bpf_d **old_dtab = NULL;
+ new_dtab_size = bpf_dtab_size + NBPFILTER;
+ new_dtab = (struct bpf_d **)_MALLOC(sizeof(struct bpf_d *) * new_dtab_size, M_DEVBUF, M_WAIT);
+ if (new_dtab == 0) {
+ printf("bpf_make_dev_t: malloc bpf_dtab failed\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (bpf_dtab) {
+ bcopy(bpf_dtab, new_dtab,
+ sizeof(struct bpf_d *) * bpf_dtab_size);
+ }
+ bzero(new_dtab + bpf_dtab_size,
+ sizeof(struct bpf_d *) * NBPFILTER);
+ old_dtab = bpf_dtab;
+ bpf_dtab = new_dtab;
+ bpf_dtab_size = new_dtab_size;
+ if (old_dtab != NULL)
+ _FREE(old_dtab, M_DEVBUF);
+ }
+ i = nbpfilter++;
+ (void) devfs_make_node(makedev(maj, i),
+ "bpf%d", i);
+ bpf_growing = 0;
+ wakeup((caddr_t)&bpf_growing);
* Attach file to the bpf interface, i.e. make d listen on bp.
- * Must be called at splimp.
-static void
-bpf_attachd(d, bp)
- struct bpf_d *d;
- struct bpf_if *bp;
+static errno_t
+bpf_attachd(struct bpf_d *d, struct bpf_if *bp)
+ int first = bp->bif_dlist == NULL;
+ int error = 0;
* Point d at bp, and add d to the interface's list of listeners.
* Finally, point the driver's bpf cookie at the interface so
d->bd_next = bp->bif_dlist;
bp->bif_dlist = d;
- bp->bif_ifp->if_bpf = bp;
+ /*
+ * Take a reference on the device even if an error is returned
+ * because we keep the device in the interface's list of listeners
+ */
+ bpf_acquire_d(d);
+ if (first) {
+ /* Find the default bpf entry for this ifp */
+ if (bp->bif_ifp->if_bpf == NULL) {
+ struct bpf_if *tmp, *primary = NULL;
+ for (tmp = bpf_iflist; tmp; tmp = tmp->bif_next) {
+ if (tmp->bif_ifp != bp->bif_ifp)
+ continue;
+ primary = tmp;
+ /*
+ * Make DLT_PKTAP only if process knows how
+ * to deal with it, otherwise find another one
+ */
+ if (tmp->bif_dlt == DLT_PKTAP &&
+ !(d->bd_flags & BPF_WANT_PKTAP))
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ bp->bif_ifp->if_bpf = primary;
+ }
+ /* Only call dlil_set_bpf_tap for primary dlt */
+ if (bp->bif_ifp->if_bpf == bp)
+ dlil_set_bpf_tap(bp->bif_ifp, BPF_TAP_INPUT_OUTPUT, bpf_tap_callback);
+ if (bp->bif_tap)
+ error = bp->bif_tap(bp->bif_ifp, bp->bif_dlt, BPF_TAP_INPUT_OUTPUT);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Reset the detach flags in case we previously detached an interface
+ */
+ d->bd_flags &= ~(BPF_DETACHING | BPF_DETACHED);
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- if (bp->bif_ifp->if_set_bpf_tap)
- (*bp->bif_ifp->if_set_bpf_tap)(bp->bif_ifp, BPF_TAP_INPUT_OUTPUT, bpf_tap_callback);
+ if (bp->bif_ifp->if_bpf != NULL &&
+ bp->bif_ifp->if_bpf->bif_dlt == DLT_PKTAP)
+ d->bd_flags |= BPF_FINALIZE_PKTAP;
+ else
+ d->bd_flags &= ~BPF_FINALIZE_PKTAP;
+ return error;
* Detach a file from its interface.
+ *
+ * Return 1 if was closed by some thread, 0 otherwise
-static void
- struct bpf_d *d;
+static int
+bpf_detachd(struct bpf_d *d, int closing)
struct bpf_d **p;
struct bpf_if *bp;
-#ifdef __APPLE__
struct ifnet *ifp;
+ /*
+ * Some other thread already detached
+ */
+ if ((d->bd_flags & (BPF_DETACHED | BPF_DETACHING)) != 0)
+ goto done;
+ /*
+ * This thread is doing the detach
+ */
+ d->bd_flags |= BPF_DETACHING;
ifp = d->bd_bif->bif_ifp;
+ bp = d->bd_bif;
+ if (bpf_debug != 0)
+ printf("%s: %llx %s%s\n",
+ __func__, (uint64_t)VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(d),
+ if_name(ifp), closing ? " closing" : "");
- bp = d->bd_bif;
+ /* Remove d from the interface's descriptor list. */
+ p = &bp->bif_dlist;
+ while (*p != d) {
+ p = &(*p)->bd_next;
+ if (*p == 0)
+ panic("bpf_detachd: descriptor not in list");
+ }
+ *p = (*p)->bd_next;
+ if (bp->bif_dlist == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Let the driver know that there are no more listeners.
+ */
+ /* Only call dlil_set_bpf_tap for primary dlt */
+ if (bp->bif_ifp->if_bpf == bp)
+ dlil_set_bpf_tap(ifp, BPF_TAP_DISABLE, NULL);
+ if (bp->bif_tap)
+ bp->bif_tap(ifp, bp->bif_dlt, BPF_TAP_DISABLE);
+ for (bp = bpf_iflist; bp; bp = bp->bif_next)
+ if (bp->bif_ifp == ifp && bp->bif_dlist != 0)
+ break;
+ if (bp == NULL)
+ ifp->if_bpf = NULL;
+ }
+ d->bd_bif = NULL;
* Check if this descriptor had requested promiscuous mode.
* If so, turn it off.
if (d->bd_promisc) {
d->bd_promisc = 0;
- if (ifpromisc(bp->bif_ifp, 0))
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ if (ifnet_set_promiscuous(ifp, 0)) {
* Something is really wrong if we were able to put
* the driver into promiscuous mode, but can't
* take it out.
* Most likely the network interface is gone.
- printf("bpf: ifpromisc failed");
- }
- /* Remove d from the interface's descriptor list. */
- p = &bp->bif_dlist;
- while (*p != d) {
- p = &(*p)->bd_next;
- if (*p == 0)
- panic("bpf_detachd: descriptor not in list");
+ printf("%s: ifnet_set_promiscuous failed\n", __func__);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
- *p = (*p)->bd_next;
- if (bp->bif_dlist == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Wake up other thread that are waiting for this thread to finish
+ * detaching
+ */
+ d->bd_flags &= ~BPF_DETACHING;
+ d->bd_flags |= BPF_DETACHED;
+ /*
+ * Note that We've kept the reference because we may have dropped
+ * the lock when turning off promiscuous mode
+ */
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ /*
+ * When closing makes sure no other thread refer to the bpf_d
+ */
+ if (bpf_debug != 0)
+ printf("%s: %llx done\n",
+ __func__, (uint64_t)VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(d));
+ /*
+ * Let the caller know the bpf_d is closed
+ */
+ if ((d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING))
+ return (1);
+ else
+ return (0);
+ * Start asynchronous timer, if necessary.
+ * Must be called with bpf_mlock held.
+ */
+static void
+bpf_start_timer(struct bpf_d *d)
+ uint64_t deadline;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if (d->bd_rtout > 0 && d->bd_state == BPF_IDLE) {
+ tv.tv_sec = d->bd_rtout / hz;
+ tv.tv_usec = (d->bd_rtout % hz) * tick;
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(
+ (uint64_t)tv.tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC + tv.tv_usec,
+ NSEC_PER_USEC, &deadline);
- * Let the driver know that there are no more listeners.
+ * The state is BPF_IDLE, so the timer hasn't
+ * been started yet, and hasn't gone off yet;
+ * there is no thread call scheduled, so this
+ * won't change the schedule.
+ *
+ * XXX - what if, by the time it gets entered,
+ * the deadline has already passed?
- if (ifp->if_set_bpf_tap)
- (*ifp->if_set_bpf_tap)(ifp, BPF_TAP_DISABLE, 0);
- d->bd_bif->bif_ifp->if_bpf = 0;
+ thread_call_enter_delayed(d->bd_thread_call, deadline);
+ d->bd_state = BPF_WAITING;
- d->bd_bif = 0;
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- * Mark a descriptor free by making it point to itself.
- * This is probably cheaper than marking with a constant since
- * the address should be in a register anyway.
+ * Cancel asynchronous timer.
+ * Must be called with bpf_mlock held.
-#define D_ISFREE(d) ((d) == (d)->bd_next)
-#define D_MARKFREE(d) ((d)->bd_next = (d))
-#define D_MARKUSED(d) ((d)->bd_next = 0)
+static boolean_t
+bpf_stop_timer(struct bpf_d *d)
+ /*
+ * If the timer has already gone off, this does nothing.
+ * Our caller is expected to set d->bd_state to BPF_IDLE,
+ * with the bpf_mlock, after we are called. bpf_timed_out()
+ * also grabs bpf_mlock, so, if the timer has gone off and
+ * bpf_timed_out() hasn't finished, it's waiting for the
+ * lock; when this thread releases the lock, it will
+ * find the state is BPF_IDLE, and just release the
+ * lock and return.
+ */
+ return (thread_call_cancel(d->bd_thread_call));
+bpf_acquire_d(struct bpf_d *d)
+ void *lr_saved = __builtin_return_address(0);
+ lck_mtx_assert(bpf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
+ d->bd_refcnt += 1;
+ d->bd_ref_lr[d->bd_next_ref_lr] = lr_saved;
+ d->bd_next_ref_lr = (d->bd_next_ref_lr + 1) % BPF_REF_HIST;
+bpf_release_d(struct bpf_d *d)
+ void *lr_saved = __builtin_return_address(0);
+ lck_mtx_assert(bpf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
+ if (d->bd_refcnt <= 0)
+ panic("%s: %p refcnt <= 0", __func__, d);
+ d->bd_refcnt -= 1;
+ d->bd_unref_lr[d->bd_next_unref_lr] = lr_saved;
+ d->bd_next_unref_lr = (d->bd_next_unref_lr + 1) % BPF_REF_HIST;
+ if (d->bd_refcnt == 0) {
+ /* Assert the device is detached */
+ if ((d->bd_flags & BPF_DETACHED) == 0)
+ panic("%s: %p BPF_DETACHED not set", __func__, d);
+ }
* Open ethernet device. Returns ENXIO for illegal minor device number,
* EBUSY if file is open by another process.
- int
-bpfopen(dev, flags, fmt, p)
- dev_t dev;
- int flags;
- int fmt;
- struct proc *p;
+bpfopen(dev_t dev, int flags, __unused int fmt,
+ __unused struct proc *p)
- register struct bpf_d *d;
+ struct bpf_d *d;
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- if (minor(dev) >= nbpfilter)
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ if ((unsigned int) minor(dev) >= nbpfilter) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
return (ENXIO);
+ }
+ /*
+ * New device nodes are created on demand when opening the last one.
+ * The programming model is for processes to loop on the minor starting at 0
+ * as long as EBUSY is returned. The loop stops when either the open succeeds or
+ * an error other that EBUSY is returned. That means that bpf_make_dev_t() must
+ * block all processes that are opening the last node. If not all
+ * processes are blocked, they could unexpectedly get ENOENT and abort their
+ * opening loop.
+ */
+ if ((unsigned int) minor(dev) == (nbpfilter - 1))
+ bpf_make_dev_t(major(dev));
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
- d = &bpf_dtab[minor(dev)];
- if (p->p_prison)
- return (EPERM);
- d = dev->si_drv1;
* Each minor can be opened by only one process. If the requested
* minor is in use, return EBUSY.
+ *
+ * Important: bpfopen() and bpfclose() have to check and set the status of a device
+ * in the same lockin context otherwise the device may be leaked because the vnode use count
+ * will be unpextectly greater than 1 when close() is called.
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- if (!D_ISFREE(d)) {
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
- return (EBUSY);
- }
- /* Mark "free" and do most initialization. */
- bzero((char *)d, sizeof(*d));
- if (d)
+ if (bpf_dtab[minor(dev)] == 0) {
+ bpf_dtab[minor(dev)] = (void *)1; /* Mark opening */
+ } else {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
return (EBUSY);
- make_dev(&bpf_cdevsw, minor(dev), 0, 0, 0600, "bpf%d", lminor(dev));
- MALLOC(d, struct bpf_d *, sizeof(*d), M_BPF, M_WAITOK);
- bzero(d, sizeof(*d));
- dev->si_drv1 = d;
+ }
+ d = (struct bpf_d *)_MALLOC(sizeof(struct bpf_d), M_DEVBUF,
+ if (d == NULL) {
+ /* this really is a catastrophic failure */
+ printf("bpfopen: malloc bpf_d failed\n");
+ bpf_dtab[minor(dev)] = NULL;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return ENOMEM;
+ }
+ /* Mark "in use" and do most initialization. */
+ bpf_acquire_d(d);
d->bd_bufsize = bpf_bufsize;
d->bd_sig = SIGIO;
d->bd_seesent = 1;
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
+ d->bd_oflags = flags;
+ d->bd_state = BPF_IDLE;
+ d->bd_traffic_class = SO_TC_BE;
+ d->bd_flags |= BPF_DETACHED;
+ if (bpf_wantpktap)
+ d->bd_flags |= BPF_WANT_PKTAP;
+ else
+ d->bd_flags &= ~BPF_WANT_PKTAP;
+ d->bd_thread_call = thread_call_allocate(bpf_timed_out, d);
+ if (d->bd_thread_call == NULL) {
+ printf("bpfopen: malloc thread call failed\n");
+ bpf_dtab[minor(dev)] = NULL;
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ENOMEM);
+ }
+ mac_bpfdesc_label_init(d);
+ mac_bpfdesc_label_associate(kauth_cred_get(), d);
+ bpf_dtab[minor(dev)] = d; /* Mark opened */
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
return (0);
* deallocating its buffers, and marking it free.
- int
-bpfclose(dev, flags, fmt, p)
- dev_t dev;
- int flags;
- int fmt;
- struct proc *p;
+bpfclose(dev_t dev, __unused int flags, __unused int fmt,
+ __unused struct proc *p)
- register struct bpf_d *d;
- register int s;
+ struct bpf_d *d;
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
+ /* Take BPF lock to ensure no other thread is using the device */
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ d = bpf_dtab[minor(dev)];
+ if (d == 0 || d == (void *)1) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ENXIO);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Other threads may call bpd_detachd() if we drop the bpf_mlock
+ */
+ d->bd_flags |= BPF_CLOSING;
+ if (bpf_debug != 0)
+ printf("%s: %llx\n",
+ __func__, (uint64_t)VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(d));
+ bpf_dtab[minor(dev)] = (void *)1; /* Mark closing */
+ /*
+ * Deal with any in-progress timeouts.
+ */
+ switch (d->bd_state) {
+ case BPF_IDLE:
+ /*
+ * Not waiting for a timeout, and no timeout happened.
+ */
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Waiting for a timeout.
+ * Cancel any timer that has yet to go off,
+ * and mark the state as "closing".
+ * Then drop the lock to allow any timers that
+ * *have* gone off to run to completion, and wait
+ * for them to finish.
+ */
+ if (!bpf_stop_timer(d)) {
+ /*
+ * There was no pending call, so the call must
+ * have been in progress. Wait for the call to
+ * complete; we have to drop the lock while
+ * waiting. to let the in-progrss call complete
+ */
+ d->bd_state = BPF_DRAINING;
+ while (d->bd_state == BPF_DRAINING)
+ msleep((caddr_t)d, bpf_mlock, PRINET,
+ "bpfdraining", NULL);
+ }
+ d->bd_state = BPF_IDLE;
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Timer went off, and the timeout routine finished.
+ */
+ d->bd_state = BPF_IDLE;
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Another thread is blocked on a close waiting for
+ * a timeout to finish.
+ * This "shouldn't happen", as the first thread to enter
+ * bpfclose() will set bpf_dtab[minor(dev)] to 1, and
+ * all subsequent threads should see that and fail with
+ * ENXIO.
+ */
+ panic("Two threads blocked in a BPF close");
+ break;
+ }
-#ifndef __APPLE__
- funsetown(d->bd_sigio);
- s = splimp();
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- d = &bpf_dtab[minor(dev)];
if (d->bd_bif)
- bpf_detachd(d);
- splx(s);
-#ifdef __APPLE__
+ bpf_detachd(d, 1);
+ mac_bpfdesc_label_destroy(d);
+ thread_call_free(d->bd_thread_call);
+ while (d->bd_hbuf_read)
+ msleep((caddr_t)d, bpf_mlock, PRINET, "bpf_reading", NULL);
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
+ /* Mark free in same context as bpfopen comes to check */
+ bpf_dtab[minor(dev)] = NULL; /* Mark closed */
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
return (0);
- * Support for SunOS, which does not have tsleep.
- */
-#if BSD < 199103
- caddr_t arg;
- boolean_t funnel_state;
- struct bpf_d *d = (struct bpf_d *)arg;
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
- d->bd_timedout = 1;
- wakeup(arg);
- (void) thread_funnel_set(network_flock, FALSE);
-#define BPF_SLEEP(chan, pri, s, t) bpf_sleep((struct bpf_d *)chan)
+#define BPF_SLEEP bpf_sleep
- register struct bpf_d *d;
+static int
+bpf_sleep(struct bpf_d *d, int pri, const char *wmesg, int timo)
- register int rto = d->bd_rtout;
- register int st;
+ u_int64_t abstime = 0;
- if (rto != 0) {
- d->bd_timedout = 0;
- timeout(bpf_timeout, (caddr_t)d, rto);
- }
- st = sleep((caddr_t)d, PRINET|PCATCH);
- if (rto != 0) {
- if (d->bd_timedout == 0)
- untimeout(bpf_timeout, (caddr_t)d);
- else if (st == 0)
- }
- return (st != 0) ? EINTR : 0;
+ if(timo)
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(timo, NSEC_PER_SEC / hz, &abstime);
+ return msleep1((caddr_t)d, bpf_mlock, pri, wmesg, abstime);
-#define BPF_SLEEP tsleep
* Rotate the packet buffers in descriptor d. Move the store buffer
* Zero the length of the new store buffer.
#define ROTATE_BUFFERS(d) \
+ if (d->bd_hbuf_read) \
+ panic("rotating bpf buffers during read"); \
(d)->bd_hbuf = (d)->bd_sbuf; \
(d)->bd_hlen = (d)->bd_slen; \
+ (d)->bd_hcnt = (d)->bd_scnt; \
(d)->bd_sbuf = (d)->bd_fbuf; \
(d)->bd_slen = 0; \
- (d)->bd_fbuf = 0;
+ (d)->bd_scnt = 0; \
+ (d)->bd_fbuf = NULL;
* bpfread - read next chunk of packets from buffers
- int
-bpfread(dev, uio, ioflag)
- dev_t dev;
- struct uio *uio;
- int ioflag;
+bpfread(dev_t dev, struct uio *uio, int ioflag)
- register struct bpf_d *d;
+ struct bpf_d *d;
+ caddr_t hbuf;
+ int timed_out, hbuf_len;
int error;
- int s;
+ int flags;
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
- d = &bpf_dtab[minor(dev)];
+ d = bpf_dtab[minor(dev)];
+ if (d == 0 || d == (void *)1 || (d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ENXIO);
+ }
+ bpf_acquire_d(d);
* Restrict application to use a buffer the same size as
* as kernel buffers.
- if (uio->uio_resid != d->bd_bufsize) {
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
+ if (uio_resid(uio) != d->bd_bufsize) {
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
return (EINVAL);
+ if (d->bd_state == BPF_WAITING)
+ bpf_stop_timer(d);
+ timed_out = (d->bd_state == BPF_TIMED_OUT);
+ d->bd_state = BPF_IDLE;
+ while (d->bd_hbuf_read)
+ msleep((caddr_t)d, bpf_mlock, PRINET, "bpf_reading", NULL);
- s = splimp();
+ if ((d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0) {
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ENXIO);
+ }
* If the hold buffer is empty, then do a timed sleep, which
* ends when the timeout expires or when enough packets
* have arrived to fill the store buffer.
while (d->bd_hbuf == 0) {
- if (d->bd_immediate && d->bd_slen != 0) {
+ if ((d->bd_immediate || timed_out || (ioflag & IO_NDELAY))
+ && d->bd_slen != 0) {
- * A packet(s) either arrived since the previous
+ * We're in immediate mode, or are reading
+ * in non-blocking mode, or a timer was
+ * started before the read (e.g., by select()
+ * or poll()) and has expired and a packet(s)
+ * either arrived since the previous
* read or arrived while we were asleep.
* Rotate the buffers and return what's here.
* it before using it again.
if (d->bd_bif == NULL) {
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
return (ENXIO);
- if (ioflag & IO_NDELAY)
- error = EWOULDBLOCK;
- else
- error = BPF_SLEEP((caddr_t)d, PRINET|PCATCH, "bpf",
- d->bd_rtout);
+ if (ioflag & IO_NDELAY) {
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (EWOULDBLOCK);
+ }
+ error = BPF_SLEEP(d, PRINET|PCATCH, "bpf",
+ d->bd_rtout);
+ /*
+ * Make sure device is still opened
+ */
+ if ((d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0) {
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ENXIO);
+ }
+ while (d->bd_hbuf_read)
+ msleep((caddr_t)d, bpf_mlock, PRINET, "bpf_reading", NULL);
+ if ((d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0) {
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ENXIO);
+ }
if (error == EINTR || error == ERESTART) {
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
+ if (d->bd_hbuf) {
+ /*
+ * Because we msleep, the hold buffer might
+ * be filled when we wake up. Avoid rotating
+ * in this case.
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (d->bd_slen) {
+ /*
+ * Sometimes we may be interrupted often and
+ * the sleep above will not timeout.
+ * Regardless, we should rotate the buffers
+ * if there's any new data pending and
+ * return it.
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
return (error);
if (error == EWOULDBLOCK) {
if (d->bd_slen == 0) {
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
return (0);
* At this point, we know we have something in the hold slot.
- splx(s);
+ /*
+ * Set the hold buffer read. So we do not
+ * rotate the buffers until the hold buffer
+ * read is complete. Also to avoid issues resulting
+ * from page faults during disk sleep (<rdar://problem/13436396>).
+ */
+ d->bd_hbuf_read = 1;
+ hbuf = d->bd_hbuf;
+ hbuf_len = d->bd_hlen;
+ flags = d->bd_flags;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ /*
+ * Before we move data to userland, we fill out the extended
+ * header fields.
+ */
+ if (flags & BPF_EXTENDED_HDR) {
+ char *p;
+ p = hbuf;
+ while (p < hbuf + hbuf_len) {
+ struct bpf_hdr_ext *ehp;
+ uint32_t flowid;
+ struct so_procinfo soprocinfo;
+ int found = 0;
+ ehp = (struct bpf_hdr_ext *)(void *)p;
+ if ((flowid = ehp->bh_flowid)) {
+ if (ehp->bh_proto == IPPROTO_TCP)
+ found = inp_findinpcb_procinfo(&tcbinfo,
+ flowid, &soprocinfo);
+ else if (ehp->bh_proto == IPPROTO_UDP)
+ found = inp_findinpcb_procinfo(&udbinfo,
+ flowid, &soprocinfo);
+ if (found == 1) {
+ ehp->bh_pid = soprocinfo.spi_pid;
+ proc_name(ehp->bh_pid, ehp->bh_comm, MAXCOMLEN);
+ }
+ ehp->bh_flowid = 0;
+ }
+ if (flags & BPF_FINALIZE_PKTAP) {
+ struct pktap_header *pktaphdr;
+ pktaphdr = (struct pktap_header *)(void *)
+ (p + BPF_WORDALIGN(ehp->bh_hdrlen));
+ if (pktaphdr->pth_flags & PTH_FLAG_DELAY_PKTAP)
+ pktap_finalize_proc_info(pktaphdr);
+ if (pktaphdr->pth_flags & PTH_FLAG_TSTAMP) {
+ ehp->bh_tstamp.tv_sec =
+ pktaphdr->pth_tstamp.tv_sec;
+ ehp->bh_tstamp.tv_usec =
+ pktaphdr->pth_tstamp.tv_usec;
+ }
+ }
+ p += BPF_WORDALIGN(ehp->bh_hdrlen + ehp->bh_caplen);
+ }
+ } else if (flags & BPF_FINALIZE_PKTAP) {
+ char *p;
+ p = hbuf;
+ while (p < hbuf + hbuf_len) {
+ struct bpf_hdr *hp;
+ struct pktap_header *pktaphdr;
+ hp = (struct bpf_hdr *)(void *)p;
+ pktaphdr = (struct pktap_header *)(void *)
+ (p + BPF_WORDALIGN(hp->bh_hdrlen));
+ if (pktaphdr->pth_flags & PTH_FLAG_DELAY_PKTAP)
+ pktap_finalize_proc_info(pktaphdr);
+ if (pktaphdr->pth_flags & PTH_FLAG_TSTAMP) {
+ hp->bh_tstamp.tv_sec =
+ pktaphdr->pth_tstamp.tv_sec;
+ hp->bh_tstamp.tv_usec =
+ pktaphdr->pth_tstamp.tv_usec;
+ }
+ p += BPF_WORDALIGN(hp->bh_hdrlen + hp->bh_caplen);
+ }
+ }
* Move data from hold buffer into user space.
* We know the entire buffer is transferred since
* we checked above that the read buffer is bpf_bufsize bytes.
- error = UIOMOVE(d->bd_hbuf, d->bd_hlen, UIO_READ, uio);
- s = splimp();
+ error = UIOMOVE(hbuf, hbuf_len, UIO_READ, uio);
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ /*
+ * Make sure device is still opened
+ */
+ if ((d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0) {
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ENXIO);
+ }
+ d->bd_hbuf_read = 0;
d->bd_fbuf = d->bd_hbuf;
- d->bd_hbuf = 0;
+ d->bd_hbuf = NULL;
d->bd_hlen = 0;
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
+ d->bd_hcnt = 0;
+ wakeup((caddr_t)d);
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
return (error);
* If there are processes sleeping on this descriptor, wake them up.
-static inline void
- register struct bpf_d *d;
+static void
+bpf_wakeup(struct bpf_d *d)
+ if (d->bd_state == BPF_WAITING) {
+ bpf_stop_timer(d);
+ d->bd_state = BPF_IDLE;
+ }
if (d->bd_async && d->bd_sig && d->bd_sigio)
- pgsigio(d->bd_sigio, d->bd_sig, 0);
+ pgsigio(d->bd_sigio, d->bd_sig);
-#if BSD >= 199103
-#ifndef __APPLE__
- /* XXX */
- d->bd_sel.si_pid = 0;
- if (d->bd_selproc) {
- selwakeup(d->bd_selproc, (int)d->bd_selcoll);
- d->bd_selcoll = 0;
- d->bd_selproc = 0;
+ if ((d->bd_flags & BPF_KNOTE))
+ KNOTE(&d->bd_sel.si_note, 1);
+static void
+bpf_timed_out(void *arg, __unused void *dummy)
+ struct bpf_d *d = (struct bpf_d *)arg;
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ if (d->bd_state == BPF_WAITING) {
+ /*
+ * There's a select or kqueue waiting for this; if there's
+ * now stuff to read, wake it up.
+ */
+ d->bd_state = BPF_TIMED_OUT;
+ if (d->bd_slen != 0)
+ bpf_wakeup(d);
+ } else if (d->bd_state == BPF_DRAINING) {
+ /*
+ * A close is waiting for this to finish.
+ * Mark it as finished, and wake the close up.
+ */
+ d->bd_state = BPF_IDLE;
+ bpf_wakeup(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
- int
-bpfwrite(dev, uio, ioflag)
- dev_t dev;
- struct uio *uio;
- int ioflag;
+/* keep in sync with bpf_movein above: */
+#define MAX_DATALINK_HDR_LEN (sizeof(struct firewire_header))
+bpfwrite(dev_t dev, struct uio *uio, __unused int ioflag)
- register struct bpf_d *d;
+ struct bpf_d *d;
struct ifnet *ifp;
- struct mbuf *m;
- int error, s;
- static struct sockaddr dst;
- int datlen;
+ struct mbuf *m = NULL;
+ int error;
+ int datlen = 0;
+ int bif_dlt;
+ int bd_hdrcmplt;
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ d = bpf_dtab[minor(dev)];
+ if (d == 0 || d == (void *)1 || (d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ENXIO);
+ }
+ bpf_acquire_d(d);
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
- d = &bpf_dtab[minor(dev)];
if (d->bd_bif == 0) {
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
- return (ENXIO);
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ENXIO);
ifp = d->bd_bif->bif_ifp;
- if (uio->uio_resid == 0) {
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
- return (0);
+ if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) == 0) {
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ENETDOWN);
+ if (uio_resid(uio) == 0) {
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (0);
+ }
+ ((struct sockaddr *)dst_buf)->sa_len = sizeof(dst_buf);
+ /*
+ * fix for PR-6849527
+ * geting variables onto stack before dropping lock for bpf_movein()
+ */
+ bif_dlt = (int)d->bd_bif->bif_dlt;
+ bd_hdrcmplt = d->bd_hdrcmplt;
+ /* bpf_movein allocating mbufs; drop lock */
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
- error = bpf_movein(uio, (int)d->bd_bif->bif_dlt, &m, &dst, &datlen);
+ error = bpf_movein(uio, bif_dlt, &m,
+ bd_hdrcmplt ? NULL : (struct sockaddr *)dst_buf,
+ &datlen);
+ /* take the lock again */
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
if (error) {
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
- return (error);
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ /* verify the device is still open */
+ if ((d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0) {
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ m_freem(m);
+ return (ENXIO);
+ }
+ if (d->bd_bif == NULL) {
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ m_free(m);
+ return (ENXIO);
- if (datlen > ifp->if_mtu) {
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
- return (EMSGSIZE);
+ if ((unsigned)datlen > ifp->if_mtu) {
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ m_freem(m);
+ return (EMSGSIZE);
- if (d->bd_hdrcmplt)
- dst.sa_family = pseudo_AF_HDRCMPLT;
- s = splnet();
+ mac_mbuf_label_associate_bpfdesc(d, m);
+ bpf_set_packet_service_class(m, d->bd_traffic_class);
- error = dlil_output(ifp->if_data.default_proto, m,
- (caddr_t) 0, &dst, 0);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
* The driver frees the mbuf.
+ if (d->bd_hdrcmplt) {
+ if (d->bd_bif->bif_send)
+ error = d->bd_bif->bif_send(ifp, d->bd_bif->bif_dlt, m);
+ else
+ error = dlil_output(ifp, 0, m, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL);
+ } else {
+ error = dlil_output(ifp, PF_INET, m, NULL,
+ (struct sockaddr *)dst_buf, 0, NULL);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
return (error);
* Reset a descriptor by flushing its packet buffer and clearing the
- * receive and drop counts. Should be called at splimp.
+ * receive and drop counts.
static void
- struct bpf_d *d;
+reset_d(struct bpf_d *d)
+ if (d->bd_hbuf_read)
+ panic("resetting buffers during read");
if (d->bd_hbuf) {
/* Free the hold buffer. */
d->bd_fbuf = d->bd_hbuf;
- d->bd_hbuf = 0;
+ d->bd_hbuf = NULL;
d->bd_slen = 0;
d->bd_hlen = 0;
+ d->bd_scnt = 0;
+ d->bd_hcnt = 0;
d->bd_rcount = 0;
d->bd_dcount = 0;
* BIOCSHDRCMPLT Set "header already complete" flag
* BIOCGSEESENT Get "see packets sent" flag
* BIOCSSEESENT Set "see packets sent" flag
+ * BIOCSETTC Set traffic class.
+ * BIOCGETTC Get traffic class.
+ * BIOCSEXTHDR Set "extended header" flag
+ * BIOCSHEADDROP Drop head of the buffer if user is not reading
+ * BIOCGHEADDROP Get "head-drop" flag
-bpfioctl(dev, cmd, addr, flags, p)
- dev_t dev;
- u_long cmd;
- caddr_t addr;
- int flags;
- struct proc *p;
+bpfioctl(dev_t dev, u_long cmd, caddr_t addr, __unused int flags,
+ struct proc *p)
- register struct bpf_d *d;
- int s, error = 0;
+ struct bpf_d *d;
+ int error = 0;
+ u_int int_arg;
+ struct ifreq ifr;
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ d = bpf_dtab[minor(dev)];
+ if (d == 0 || d == (void *)1 || (d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ENXIO);
+ }
+ bpf_acquire_d(d);
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
- d = &bpf_dtab[minor(dev)];
+ if (d->bd_state == BPF_WAITING)
+ bpf_stop_timer(d);
+ d->bd_state = BPF_IDLE;
switch (cmd) {
* Check for read packet available.
- case FIONREAD:
+ case FIONREAD: /* int */
int n;
- s = splimp();
n = d->bd_slen;
- if (d->bd_hbuf)
+ if (d->bd_hbuf && d->bd_hbuf_read == 0)
n += d->bd_hlen;
- splx(s);
- *(int *)addr = n;
+ bcopy(&n, addr, sizeof (n));
+ case SIOCGIFADDR: /* struct ifreq */
struct ifnet *ifp;
error = EINVAL;
else {
ifp = d->bd_bif->bif_ifp;
- error = (*ifp->if_ioctl)(ifp, cmd, addr);
+ error = ifnet_ioctl(ifp, 0, cmd, addr);
* Get buffer len [for read()].
- *(u_int *)addr = d->bd_bufsize;
+ case BIOCGBLEN: /* u_int */
+ bcopy(&d->bd_bufsize, addr, sizeof (u_int));
* Set buffer length.
-#if BSD < 199103
- error = EINVAL;
+ case BIOCSBLEN: /* u_int */
if (d->bd_bif != 0)
error = EINVAL;
else {
- register u_int size = *(u_int *)addr;
+ u_int size;
- if (size > bpf_maxbufsize)
- *(u_int *)addr = size = bpf_maxbufsize;
+ bcopy(addr, &size, sizeof (size));
+ /*
+ * Allow larger buffer in head drop mode with the
+ * assumption the capture is in standby mode to
+ * keep a cache of recent traffic
+ */
+ if (d->bd_headdrop != 0 && size > 2 * bpf_maxbufsize)
+ size = 2 * bpf_maxbufsize;
+ else if (size > bpf_maxbufsize)
+ size = bpf_maxbufsize;
else if (size < BPF_MINBUFSIZE)
- *(u_int *)addr = size = BPF_MINBUFSIZE;
+ bcopy(&size, addr, sizeof (size));
d->bd_bufsize = size;
* Set link layer read filter.
- case BIOCSETF:
- error = bpf_setf(d, (struct bpf_program *)addr);
+ case BIOCSETF32:
+ case BIOCSETFNR32: { /* struct bpf_program32 */
+ struct bpf_program32 prg32;
+ bcopy(addr, &prg32, sizeof (prg32));
+ error = bpf_setf(d, prg32.bf_len,
+ CAST_USER_ADDR_T(prg32.bf_insns), cmd);
+ break;
+ }
+ case BIOCSETF64:
+ case BIOCSETFNR64: { /* struct bpf_program64 */
+ struct bpf_program64 prg64;
+ bcopy(addr, &prg64, sizeof (prg64));
+ error = bpf_setf(d, prg64.bf_len, prg64.bf_insns, cmd);
+ }
* Flush read packet buffer.
- s = splimp();
+ while (d->bd_hbuf_read) {
+ msleep((caddr_t)d, bpf_mlock, PRINET, "bpf_reading", NULL);
+ }
+ if ((d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0) {
+ error = ENXIO;
+ break;
+ }
- splx(s);
error = EINVAL;
- s = splimp();
if (d->bd_promisc == 0) {
- error = ifpromisc(d->bd_bif->bif_ifp, 1);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ error = ifnet_set_promiscuous(d->bd_bif->bif_ifp, 1);
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
if (error == 0)
d->bd_promisc = 1;
- splx(s);
* Get device parameters.
- case BIOCGDLT:
+ case BIOCGDLT: /* u_int */
if (d->bd_bif == 0)
error = EINVAL;
- *(u_int *)addr = d->bd_bif->bif_dlt;
+ bcopy(&d->bd_bif->bif_dlt, addr, sizeof (u_int));
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Get a list of supported data link types.
+ */
+ case BIOCGDLTLIST: /* struct bpf_dltlist */
+ if (d->bd_bif == NULL) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ } else {
+ error = bpf_getdltlist(d, addr, p);
+ }
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Set data link type.
+ */
+ case BIOCSDLT: /* u_int */
+ if (d->bd_bif == NULL) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ } else {
+ u_int dlt;
+ bcopy(addr, &dlt, sizeof (dlt));
+ error = bpf_setdlt(d, dlt);
+ }
* Get interface name.
+ case BIOCGETIF: /* struct ifreq */
if (d->bd_bif == 0)
error = EINVAL;
else {
struct ifnet *const ifp = d->bd_bif->bif_ifp;
- struct ifreq *const ifr = (struct ifreq *)addr;
- snprintf(ifr->ifr_name, sizeof(ifr->ifr_name),
- "%s%d", ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit);
+ snprintf(((struct ifreq *)(void *)addr)->ifr_name,
+ sizeof (ifr.ifr_name), "%s", if_name(ifp));
* Set interface.
- error = bpf_setif(d, (struct ifreq *)addr);
+ case BIOCSETIF: { /* struct ifreq */
+ ifnet_t ifp;
+ bcopy(addr, &ifr, sizeof (ifr));
+ ifr.ifr_name[IFNAMSIZ - 1] = '\0';
+ ifp = ifunit(ifr.ifr_name);
+ if (ifp == NULL)
+ error = ENXIO;
+ else
+ error = bpf_setif(d, ifp, 0);
+ }
* Set read timeout.
- {
- struct timeval *tv = (struct timeval *)addr;
+ case BIOCSRTIMEOUT32: { /* struct user32_timeval */
+ struct user32_timeval _tv;
+ struct timeval tv;
- /*
- * Subtract 1 tick from tvtohz() since this isn't
- * a one-shot timer.
- */
- if ((error = itimerfix(tv)) == 0)
- d->bd_rtout = tvtohz(tv) - 1;
- break;
- }
+ bcopy(addr, &_tv, sizeof (_tv));
+ tv.tv_sec = _tv.tv_sec;
+ tv.tv_usec = _tv.tv_usec;
+ /*
+ * Subtract 1 tick from tvtohz() since this isn't
+ * a one-shot timer.
+ */
+ if ((error = itimerfix(&tv)) == 0)
+ d->bd_rtout = tvtohz(&tv) - 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ case BIOCSRTIMEOUT64: { /* struct user64_timeval */
+ struct user64_timeval _tv;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ bcopy(addr, &_tv, sizeof (_tv));
+ tv.tv_sec = _tv.tv_sec;
+ tv.tv_usec = _tv.tv_usec;
+ /*
+ * Subtract 1 tick from tvtohz() since this isn't
+ * a one-shot timer.
+ */
+ if ((error = itimerfix(&tv)) == 0)
+ d->bd_rtout = tvtohz(&tv) - 1;
+ break;
+ }
* Get read timeout.
- {
- struct timeval *tv = (struct timeval *)addr;
+ case BIOCGRTIMEOUT32: { /* struct user32_timeval */
+ struct user32_timeval tv;
- tv->tv_sec = d->bd_rtout / hz;
- tv->tv_usec = (d->bd_rtout % hz) * tick;
- break;
- }
+ bzero(&tv, sizeof (tv));
+ tv.tv_sec = d->bd_rtout / hz;
+ tv.tv_usec = (d->bd_rtout % hz) * tick;
+ bcopy(&tv, addr, sizeof (tv));
+ break;
+ }
+ case BIOCGRTIMEOUT64: { /* struct user64_timeval */
+ struct user64_timeval tv;
+ bzero(&tv, sizeof (tv));
+ tv.tv_sec = d->bd_rtout / hz;
+ tv.tv_usec = (d->bd_rtout % hz) * tick;
+ bcopy(&tv, addr, sizeof (tv));
+ break;
+ }
* Get packet stats.
- {
- struct bpf_stat *bs = (struct bpf_stat *)addr;
+ case BIOCGSTATS: { /* struct bpf_stat */
+ struct bpf_stat bs;
- bs->bs_recv = d->bd_rcount;
- bs->bs_drop = d->bd_dcount;
- break;
- }
+ bzero(&bs, sizeof (bs));
+ bs.bs_recv = d->bd_rcount;
+ bs.bs_drop = d->bd_dcount;
+ bcopy(&bs, addr, sizeof (bs));
+ break;
+ }
* Set immediate mode.
- d->bd_immediate = *(u_int *)addr;
+ case BIOCIMMEDIATE: /* u_int */
+ d->bd_immediate = *(u_int *)(void *)addr;
- {
- struct bpf_version *bv = (struct bpf_version *)addr;
+ case BIOCVERSION: { /* struct bpf_version */
+ struct bpf_version bv;
- bv->bv_major = BPF_MAJOR_VERSION;
- bv->bv_minor = BPF_MINOR_VERSION;
- break;
- }
+ bzero(&bv, sizeof (bv));
+ bv.bv_major = BPF_MAJOR_VERSION;
+ bv.bv_minor = BPF_MINOR_VERSION;
+ bcopy(&bv, addr, sizeof (bv));
+ break;
+ }
* Get "header already complete" flag
- *(u_int *)addr = d->bd_hdrcmplt;
+ case BIOCGHDRCMPLT: /* u_int */
+ bcopy(&d->bd_hdrcmplt, addr, sizeof (u_int));
* Set "header already complete" flag
- d->bd_hdrcmplt = *(u_int *)addr ? 1 : 0;
+ case BIOCSHDRCMPLT: /* u_int */
+ bcopy(addr, &int_arg, sizeof (int_arg));
+ d->bd_hdrcmplt = int_arg ? 1 : 0;
* Get "see sent packets" flag
- *(u_int *)addr = d->bd_seesent;
+ case BIOCGSEESENT: /* u_int */
+ bcopy(&d->bd_seesent, addr, sizeof (u_int));
* Set "see sent packets" flag
- d->bd_seesent = *(u_int *)addr;
+ case BIOCSSEESENT: /* u_int */
+ bcopy(addr, &d->bd_seesent, sizeof (u_int));
+ break;
+ /*
+ * Set traffic service class
+ */
+ case BIOCSETTC: { /* int */
+ int tc;
+ bcopy(addr, &tc, sizeof (int));
+ error = bpf_set_traffic_class(d, tc);
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get traffic service class
+ */
+ case BIOCGETTC: /* int */
+ bcopy(&d->bd_traffic_class, addr, sizeof (int));
- case FIONBIO: /* Non-blocking I/O */
+ case FIONBIO: /* Non-blocking I/O; int */
- case FIOASYNC: /* Send signal on receive packets */
- d->bd_async = *(int *)addr;
+ case FIOASYNC: /* Send signal on receive packets; int */
+ bcopy(addr, &d->bd_async, sizeof (int));
#ifndef __APPLE__
*(int *)addr = -fgetown(d->bd_sigio);
- case BIOCSRSIG: /* Set receive signal */
- {
- u_int sig;
+ case BIOCSRSIG: { /* Set receive signal; u_int */
+ u_int sig;
- sig = *(u_int *)addr;
+ bcopy(addr, &sig, sizeof (u_int));
- if (sig >= NSIG)
- error = EINVAL;
- else
- d->bd_sig = sig;
+ if (sig >= NSIG)
+ error = EINVAL;
+ else
+ d->bd_sig = sig;
+ break;
+ }
+ case BIOCGRSIG: /* u_int */
+ bcopy(&d->bd_sig, addr, sizeof (u_int));
+ break;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ case BIOCSEXTHDR: /* u_int */
+ bcopy(addr, &int_arg, sizeof (int_arg));
+ if (int_arg)
+ d->bd_flags |= BPF_EXTENDED_HDR;
+ else
+ d->bd_flags &= ~BPF_EXTENDED_HDR;
+ break;
+ case BIOCGIFATTACHCOUNT: { /* struct ifreq */
+ ifnet_t ifp;
+ struct bpf_if *bp;
+ bcopy(addr, &ifr, sizeof (ifr));
+ ifr.ifr_name[IFNAMSIZ - 1] = '\0';
+ ifp = ifunit(ifr.ifr_name);
+ if (ifp == NULL) {
+ error = ENXIO;
- *(u_int *)addr = d->bd_sig;
+ ifr.ifr_intval = 0;
+ for (bp = bpf_iflist; bp != 0; bp = bp->bif_next) {
+ struct bpf_d *bpf_d;
+ if (bp->bif_ifp == NULL || bp->bif_ifp != ifp)
+ continue;
+ for (bpf_d = bp->bif_dlist; bpf_d; bpf_d = bpf_d->bd_next) {
+ ifr.ifr_intval += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ bcopy(&ifr, addr, sizeof (ifr));
+ break;
+ }
+ case BIOCGWANTPKTAP: /* u_int */
+ int_arg = d->bd_flags & BPF_WANT_PKTAP ? 1 : 0;
+ bcopy(&int_arg, addr, sizeof (int_arg));
+ break;
+ case BIOCSWANTPKTAP: /* u_int */
+ bcopy(addr, &int_arg, sizeof (int_arg));
+ if (int_arg)
+ d->bd_flags |= BPF_WANT_PKTAP;
+ else
+ d->bd_flags &= ~BPF_WANT_PKTAP;
+ break;
+ bcopy(addr, &int_arg, sizeof (int_arg));
+ d->bd_headdrop = int_arg ? 1 : 0;
+ break;
+ bcopy(&d->bd_headdrop, addr, sizeof (int));
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
return (error);
* free it and replace it. Returns EINVAL for bogus requests.
static int
-bpf_setf(d, fp)
- struct bpf_d *d;
- struct bpf_program *fp;
+bpf_setf(struct bpf_d *d, u_int bf_len, user_addr_t bf_insns,
+ u_long cmd)
struct bpf_insn *fcode, *old;
u_int flen, size;
- int s;
+ while (d->bd_hbuf_read)
+ msleep((caddr_t)d, bpf_mlock, PRINET, "bpf_reading", NULL);
+ if ((d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0)
+ return (ENXIO);
old = d->bd_filter;
- if (fp->bf_insns == 0) {
- if (fp->bf_len != 0)
+ if (bf_insns == USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ if (bf_len != 0)
return (EINVAL);
- s = splimp();
- d->bd_filter = 0;
+ d->bd_filter = NULL;
- splx(s);
if (old != 0)
FREE((caddr_t)old, M_DEVBUF);
return (0);
- flen = fp->bf_len;
+ flen = bf_len;
if (flen > BPF_MAXINSNS)
return (EINVAL);
- size = flen * sizeof(*fp->bf_insns);
+ size = flen * sizeof(struct bpf_insn);
fcode = (struct bpf_insn *) _MALLOC(size, M_DEVBUF, M_WAIT);
#ifdef __APPLE__
if (fcode == NULL)
return (ENOBUFS);
- if (copyin((caddr_t)fp->bf_insns, (caddr_t)fcode, size) == 0 &&
+ if (copyin(bf_insns, (caddr_t)fcode, size) == 0 &&
bpf_validate(fcode, (int)flen)) {
- s = splimp();
d->bd_filter = fcode;
- reset_d(d);
- splx(s);
+ if (cmd == BIOCSETF32 || cmd == BIOCSETF64)
+ reset_d(d);
if (old != 0)
FREE((caddr_t)old, M_DEVBUF);
* Return an errno or 0.
static int
-bpf_setif(d, ifr)
- struct bpf_d *d;
- struct ifreq *ifr;
+bpf_setif(struct bpf_d *d, ifnet_t theywant, u_int32_t dlt)
struct bpf_if *bp;
- int s, error;
- struct ifnet *theywant;
+ int error;
+ while (d->bd_hbuf_read)
+ msleep((caddr_t)d, bpf_mlock, PRINET, "bpf_reading", NULL);
- theywant = ifunit(ifr->ifr_name);
- if (theywant == 0)
- return ENXIO;
+ if ((d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0)
+ return (ENXIO);
* Look through attached interfaces for the named one.
for (bp = bpf_iflist; bp != 0; bp = bp->bif_next) {
struct ifnet *ifp = bp->bif_ifp;
- if (ifp == 0 || ifp != theywant)
+ if (ifp == 0 || ifp != theywant || (dlt != 0 && dlt != bp->bif_dlt))
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * If the process knows how to deal with DLT_PKTAP, use it
+ * by default
+ */
+ if (dlt == 0 && bp->bif_dlt == DLT_PKTAP &&
+ !(d->bd_flags & BPF_WANT_PKTAP))
* We found the requested interface.
- * If it's not up, return an error.
- * Allocate the packet buffers if we need to.
- * If we're already attached to requested interface,
- * just flush the buffer.
+ * Allocate the packet buffers.
- if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) == 0)
- return (ENETDOWN);
- if (d->bd_sbuf == 0) {
- error = bpf_allocbufs(d);
- if (error != 0)
- return (error);
- }
- s = splimp();
- if (bp != d->bd_bif) {
- if (d->bd_bif)
- /*
- * Detach if attached to something else.
- */
- bpf_detachd(d);
- bpf_attachd(d, bp);
+ error = bpf_allocbufs(d);
+ if (error != 0)
+ return (error);
+ /*
+ * Detach if attached to something else.
+ */
+ if (bp != d->bd_bif) {
+ if (d->bd_bif != NULL) {
+ if (bpf_detachd(d, 0) != 0)
+ return (ENXIO);
+ }
+ if (bpf_attachd(d, bp) != 0)
+ return (ENXIO);
- splx(s);
return (0);
/* Not found. */
return (ENXIO);
+ * Get a list of available data link type of the interface.
+ */
+static int
+bpf_getdltlist(struct bpf_d *d, caddr_t addr, struct proc *p)
+ u_int n;
+ int error;
+ struct ifnet *ifp;
+ struct bpf_if *bp;
+ user_addr_t dlist;
+ struct bpf_dltlist bfl;
+ bcopy(addr, &bfl, sizeof (bfl));
+ if (proc_is64bit(p)) {
+ dlist = (user_addr_t)bfl.bfl_u.bflu_pad;
+ } else {
+ dlist = CAST_USER_ADDR_T(bfl.bfl_u.bflu_list);
+ }
+ ifp = d->bd_bif->bif_ifp;
+ n = 0;
+ error = 0;
+ for (bp = bpf_iflist; bp; bp = bp->bif_next) {
+ if (bp->bif_ifp != ifp)
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * Return DLT_PKTAP only to processes that know how to handle it
+ */
+ if (bp->bif_dlt == DLT_PKTAP && !(d->bd_flags & BPF_WANT_PKTAP))
+ continue;
+ if (dlist != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ if (n >= bfl.bfl_len) {
+ return (ENOMEM);
+ }
+ error = copyout(&bp->bif_dlt, dlist,
+ sizeof (bp->bif_dlt));
+ if (error != 0)
+ break;
+ dlist += sizeof (bp->bif_dlt);
+ }
+ n++;
+ }
+ bfl.bfl_len = n;
+ bcopy(&bfl, addr, sizeof (bfl));
+ return (error);
+ * Set the data link type of a BPF instance.
+ */
+static int
+bpf_setdlt(struct bpf_d *d, uint32_t dlt)
+ int error, opromisc;
+ struct ifnet *ifp;
+ struct bpf_if *bp;
+ if (d->bd_bif->bif_dlt == dlt)
+ return (0);
+ while (d->bd_hbuf_read)
+ msleep((caddr_t)d, bpf_mlock, PRINET, "bpf_reading", NULL);
+ if ((d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0)
+ return (ENXIO);
+ ifp = d->bd_bif->bif_ifp;
+ for (bp = bpf_iflist; bp; bp = bp->bif_next) {
+ if (bp->bif_ifp == ifp && bp->bif_dlt == dlt)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (bp != NULL) {
+ opromisc = d->bd_promisc;
+ if (bpf_detachd(d, 0) != 0)
+ return (ENXIO);
+ error = bpf_attachd(d, bp);
+ if (error) {
+ printf("bpf_setdlt: bpf_attachd %s%d failed (%d)\n",
+ ifnet_name(bp->bif_ifp), ifnet_unit(bp->bif_ifp), error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ reset_d(d);
+ if (opromisc) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ error = ifnet_set_promiscuous(bp->bif_ifp, 1);
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ if (error) {
+ printf("%s: ifpromisc %s%d failed (%d)\n",
+ __func__, ifnet_name(bp->bif_ifp),
+ ifnet_unit(bp->bif_ifp), error);
+ } else {
+ d->bd_promisc = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (bp == NULL ? EINVAL : 0);
+static int
+bpf_set_traffic_class(struct bpf_d *d, int tc)
+ int error = 0;
+ if (!SO_VALID_TC(tc))
+ error = EINVAL;
+ else
+ d->bd_traffic_class = tc;
+ return (error);
+static void
+bpf_set_packet_service_class(struct mbuf *m, int tc)
+ if (!(m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR))
+ return;
+ (void) m_set_service_class(m, so_tc2msc(tc));
- * Support for select() and poll() system calls
+ * Support for select()
* Return true iff the specific operation will not block indefinitely.
* Otherwise, return false but make a note that a selwakeup() must be done.
-bpfpoll(dev, events, wql, p)
- register dev_t dev;
- int events;
- void * wql;
- struct proc *p;
+bpfselect(dev_t dev, int which, void * wql, struct proc *p)
- register struct bpf_d *d;
- register int s;
- int revents = 0;
+ struct bpf_d *d;
+ int ret = 0;
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
- /*
- * An imitation of the FIONREAD ioctl code.
- */
- d = &bpf_dtab[minor(dev)];
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ d = bpf_dtab[minor(dev)];
+ if (d == 0 || d == (void *)1 || (d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ENXIO);
+ }
+ bpf_acquire_d(d);
if (d->bd_bif == NULL) {
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
return (ENXIO);
- s = splimp();
- if (events & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM)) {
- if (d->bd_hlen != 0 || (d->bd_immediate && d->bd_slen != 0))
- revents |= events & (POLLIN | POLLRDNORM);
- else
- selrecord(p, &d->bd_sel, wql);
+ while (d->bd_hbuf_read)
+ msleep((caddr_t)d, bpf_mlock, PRINET, "bpf_reading", NULL);
+ if ((d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0) {
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ENXIO);
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_switch(NETWORK_FUNNEL, KERNEL_FUNNEL);
- return (revents);
+ switch (which) {
+ case FREAD:
+ if (d->bd_hlen != 0 ||
+ ((d->bd_immediate || d->bd_state == BPF_TIMED_OUT) &&
+ d->bd_slen != 0))
+ ret = 1; /* read has data to return */
+ else {
+ /*
+ * Read has no data to return.
+ * Make the select wait, and start a timer if
+ * necessary.
+ */
+ selrecord(p, &d->bd_sel, wql);
+ bpf_start_timer(d);
+ }
+ break;
+ case FWRITE:
+ ret = 1; /* can't determine whether a write would block */
+ break;
+ }
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (ret);
- * Incoming linkage from device drivers. Process the packet pkt, of length
- * pktlen, which is stored in a contiguous buffer. The packet is parsed
- * by each process' filter, and if accepted, stashed into the corresponding
- * buffer.
+ * Support for kevent() system call. Register EVFILT_READ filters and
+ * reject all others.
-bpf_tap(ifp, pkt, pktlen)
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- register u_char *pkt;
- register u_int pktlen;
+int bpfkqfilter(dev_t dev, struct knote *kn);
+static void filt_bpfdetach(struct knote *);
+static int filt_bpfread(struct knote *, long);
+static int filt_bpftouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_internal_s *kev);
+static int filt_bpfprocess(struct knote *kn, struct filt_process_s *data, struct kevent_internal_s *kev);
+struct filterops bpfread_filtops = {
+ .f_isfd = 1,
+ .f_detach = filt_bpfdetach,
+ .f_event = filt_bpfread,
+ .f_touch = filt_bpftouch,
+ .f_process = filt_bpfprocess,
+static int
+filt_bpfread_common(struct knote *kn, struct bpf_d *d)
- struct bpf_if *bp;
- register struct bpf_d *d;
- register u_int slen;
+ int ready = 0;
+ if (d->bd_immediate) {
+ /*
+ * If there's data in the hold buffer, it's the
+ * amount of data a read will return.
+ *
+ * If there's no data in the hold buffer, but
+ * there's data in the store buffer, a read will
+ * immediately rotate the store buffer to the
+ * hold buffer, the amount of data in the store
+ * buffer is the amount of data a read will
+ * return.
+ *
+ * If there's no data in either buffer, we're not
+ * ready to read.
+ */
+ kn->kn_data = ((d->bd_hlen == 0 || d->bd_hbuf_read)
+ ? d->bd_slen : d->bd_hlen);
+ int64_t lowwat = 1;
+ if (kn->kn_sfflags & NOTE_LOWAT)
+ {
+ if (kn->kn_sdata > d->bd_bufsize)
+ lowwat = d->bd_bufsize;
+ else if (kn->kn_sdata > lowwat)
+ lowwat = kn->kn_sdata;
+ }
+ ready = (kn->kn_data >= lowwat);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * If there's data in the hold buffer, it's the
+ * amount of data a read will return.
+ *
+ * If there's no data in the hold buffer, but
+ * there's data in the store buffer, if the
+ * timer has expired a read will immediately
+ * rotate the store buffer to the hold buffer,
+ * so the amount of data in the store buffer is
+ * the amount of data a read will return.
+ *
+ * If there's no data in either buffer, or there's
+ * no data in the hold buffer and the timer hasn't
+ * expired, we're not ready to read.
+ */
+ kn->kn_data = ((d->bd_hlen == 0 || d->bd_hbuf_read) && d->bd_state == BPF_TIMED_OUT ?
+ d->bd_slen : d->bd_hlen);
+ ready = (kn->kn_data > 0);
+ }
+ if (!ready)
+ bpf_start_timer(d);
+ return (ready);
+bpfkqfilter(dev_t dev, struct knote *kn)
+ struct bpf_d *d;
+ int res;
- * Note that the ipl does not have to be raised at this point.
- * The only problem that could arise here is that if two different
- * interfaces shared any data. This is not the case.
+ * Is this device a bpf?
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
- bp = ifp->if_bpf;
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- if (bp) {
- for (d = bp->bif_dlist; d != 0; d = d->bd_next) {
- ++d->bd_rcount;
- slen = bpf_filter(d->bd_filter, pkt, pktlen, pktlen);
- if (slen != 0)
- catchpacket(d, pkt, pktlen, slen, bcopy);
+ if (major(dev) != CDEV_MAJOR ||
+ kn->kn_filter != EVFILT_READ) {
+ kn->kn_flags = EV_ERROR;
+ kn->kn_data = EINVAL;
+ return 0;
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- }
- thread_funnel_switch(KERNEL_FUNNEL, NETWORK_FUNNEL);
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ d = bpf_dtab[minor(dev)];
+ if (d == 0 ||
+ d == (void *)1 ||
+ d->bd_bif == NULL ||
+ (d->bd_flags & BPF_CLOSING) != 0) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ kn->kn_flags = EV_ERROR;
+ kn->kn_data = ENXIO;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ kn->kn_hook = d;
+ kn->kn_filtid = EVFILTID_BPFREAD;
+ KNOTE_ATTACH(&d->bd_sel.si_note, kn);
+ d->bd_flags |= BPF_KNOTE;
+ /* capture the current state */
+ res = filt_bpfread_common(kn, d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return (res);
+static void
+filt_bpfdetach(struct knote *kn)
+ struct bpf_d *d = (struct bpf_d *)kn->kn_hook;
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ if (d->bd_flags & BPF_KNOTE) {
+ KNOTE_DETACH(&d->bd_sel.si_note, kn);
+ d->bd_flags &= ~BPF_KNOTE;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+static int
+filt_bpfread(struct knote *kn, long hint)
+#pragma unused(hint)
+ struct bpf_d *d = (struct bpf_d *)kn->kn_hook;
+ return filt_bpfread_common(kn, d);
+static int
+filt_bpftouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_internal_s *kev)
+ struct bpf_d *d = (struct bpf_d *)kn->kn_hook;
+ int res;
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ /* save off the lowat threshold and flag */
+ kn->kn_sdata = kev->data;
+ kn->kn_sfflags = kev->fflags;
+ if ((kn->kn_status & KN_UDATA_SPECIFIC) == 0)
+ kn->kn_udata = kev->udata;
+ /* output data will be re-generated here */
+ res = filt_bpfread_common(kn, d);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return res;
+static int
+filt_bpfprocess(struct knote *kn, struct filt_process_s *data, struct kevent_internal_s *kev)
+#pragma unused(data)
+ struct bpf_d *d = (struct bpf_d *)kn->kn_hook;
+ int res;
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ res = filt_bpfread_common(kn, d);
+ if (res) {
+ *kev = kn->kn_kevent;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return res;
* from m_copydata in sys/uipc_mbuf.c.
static void
-bpf_mcopy(src_arg, dst_arg, len)
- const void *src_arg;
- void *dst_arg;
- register size_t len;
+bpf_mcopy(const void *src_arg, void *dst_arg, size_t len)
- register const struct mbuf *m;
- register u_int count;
+ struct mbuf *m = (struct mbuf *)(uintptr_t)(src_arg);
+ u_int count;
u_char *dst;
- m = src_arg;
dst = dst_arg;
while (len > 0) {
if (m == 0)
count = min(m->m_len, len);
- bcopy(mtod(m, void *), dst, count);
+ bcopy(mbuf_data(m), dst, count);
m = m->m_next;
dst += count;
len -= count;
- * Incoming linkage from device drivers, when packet is in an mbuf chain.
- */
-bpf_mtap(ifp, m)
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- struct mbuf *m;
+static inline void
+ ifnet_t ifp,
+ u_int32_t dlt,
+ mbuf_t m,
+ void* hdr,
+ size_t hlen,
+ int outbound)
- struct bpf_if *bp = ifp->if_bpf;
- struct bpf_d *d;
- u_int pktlen, slen;
- struct mbuf *m0;
+ struct bpf_if *bp;
+ struct mbuf *savedm = m;
- pktlen = 0;
- for (m0 = m; m0 != 0; m0 = m0->m_next)
- pktlen += m0->m_len;
+ /*
+ * It's possible that we get here after the bpf descriptor has been
+ * detached from the interface; in such a case we simply return.
+ * Lock ordering is important since we can be called asynchronously
+ * (from the IOKit) to process an inbound packet; when that happens
+ * we would have been holding its "gateLock" and will be acquiring
+ * "bpf_mlock" upon entering this routine. Due to that, we release
+ * "bpf_mlock" prior to calling ifnet_set_promiscuous (which will
+ * acquire "gateLock" in the IOKit), in order to avoid a deadlock
+ * when a ifnet_set_promiscuous request simultaneously collides with
+ * an inbound packet being passed into the tap callback.
+ */
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ if (ifp->if_bpf == NULL) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return;
+ }
+ bp = ifp->if_bpf;
+ for (bp = ifp->if_bpf; bp && bp->bif_ifp == ifp &&
+ (dlt != 0 && bp->bif_dlt != dlt); bp = bp->bif_next)
+ ;
+ if (bp && bp->bif_ifp == ifp && bp->bif_dlist != NULL) {
+ struct bpf_d *d;
+ struct m_hdr hack_hdr;
+ u_int pktlen = 0;
+ u_int slen = 0;
+ struct mbuf *m0;
+ if (hdr) {
+ /*
+ * This is gross. We mock up an mbuf that points to the
+ * header buffer. This means we don't have to copy the
+ * header. A number of interfaces prepended headers just
+ * for bpf by allocating an mbuf on the stack. We want to
+ * give developers an easy way to prepend a header for bpf.
+ * Since a developer allocating an mbuf on the stack is bad,
+ * we do even worse here, allocating only a header to point
+ * to a buffer the developer supplied. This makes assumptions
+ * that bpf_filter and catchpacket will not look at anything
+ * in the mbuf other than the header. This was true at the
+ * time this code was written.
+ */
+ hack_hdr.mh_next = m;
+ hack_hdr.mh_nextpkt = NULL;
+ hack_hdr.mh_len = hlen;
+ hack_hdr.mh_data = hdr;
+ hack_hdr.mh_type = m->m_type;
+ hack_hdr.mh_flags = 0;
+ __IGNORE_WCASTALIGN(m = (mbuf_t)&hack_hdr);
+ }
- for (d = bp->bif_dlist; d != 0; d = d->bd_next) {
- if (!d->bd_seesent && (m->m_pkthdr.rcvif == NULL))
- continue;
- ++d->bd_rcount;
- slen = bpf_filter(d->bd_filter, (u_char *)m, pktlen, 0);
- if (slen != 0)
- catchpacket(d, (u_char *)m, pktlen, slen, bpf_mcopy);
+ for (m0 = m; m0 != 0; m0 = m0->m_next)
+ pktlen += m0->m_len;
+ for (d = bp->bif_dlist; d; d = d->bd_next) {
+ if (outbound && !d->bd_seesent)
+ continue;
+ ++d->bd_rcount;
+ slen = bpf_filter(d->bd_filter, (u_char *)m, pktlen, 0);
+ if (slen != 0) {
+ if (mac_bpfdesc_check_receive(d, bp->bif_ifp) != 0)
+ continue;
+ catchpacket(d, (u_char *)m, savedm, pktlen,
+ slen, outbound, bpf_mcopy);
+ }
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ ifnet_t ifp,
+ u_int32_t dlt,
+ mbuf_t m,
+ void* hdr,
+ size_t hlen)
+ bpf_tap_imp(ifp, dlt, m, hdr, hlen, 1);
+ ifnet_t ifp,
+ u_int32_t dlt,
+ mbuf_t m,
+ void* hdr,
+ size_t hlen)
+ bpf_tap_imp(ifp, dlt, m, hdr, hlen, 0);
+/* Callback registered with Ethernet driver. */
+static int bpf_tap_callback(struct ifnet *ifp, struct mbuf *m)
+ bpf_tap_imp(ifp, 0, m, NULL, 0, mbuf_pkthdr_rcvif(m) == NULL);
+ return 0;
* pkt is really an mbuf.
static void
-catchpacket(d, pkt, pktlen, snaplen, cpfn)
- register struct bpf_d *d;
- register u_char *pkt;
- register u_int pktlen, snaplen;
- register void (*cpfn) __P((const void *, void *, size_t));
+catchpacket(struct bpf_d *d, u_char *pkt, struct mbuf *m, u_int pktlen,
+ u_int snaplen, int outbound,
+ void (*cpfn)(const void *, void *, size_t))
- register struct bpf_hdr *hp;
- register int totlen, curlen;
- register int hdrlen = d->bd_bif->bif_hdrlen;
+ struct bpf_hdr *hp;
+ struct bpf_hdr_ext *ehp;
+ int totlen, curlen;
+ int hdrlen, caplen;
+ int do_wakeup = 0;
+ u_char *payload;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ struct m_tag *mt = NULL;
+ struct bpf_mtag *bt = NULL;
+ hdrlen = (d->bd_flags & BPF_EXTENDED_HDR) ? d->bd_bif->bif_exthdrlen :
+ d->bd_bif->bif_hdrlen;
* Figure out how many bytes to move. If the packet is
* greater or equal to the snapshot length, transfer that
* This packet will overflow the storage buffer.
* Rotate the buffers if we can, then wakeup any
* pending reads.
+ *
+ * We cannot rotate buffers if a read is in progress
+ * so drop the packet
- if (d->bd_fbuf == 0) {
- /*
- * We haven't completed the previous read yet,
- * so drop the packet.
- */
+ if (d->bd_hbuf_read) {
- bpf_wakeup(d);
+ if (d->bd_fbuf == NULL) {
+ if (d->bd_headdrop == 0) {
+ /*
+ * We haven't completed the previous read yet,
+ * so drop the packet.
+ */
+ ++d->bd_dcount;
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Drop the hold buffer as it contains older packets
+ */
+ d->bd_dcount += d->bd_hcnt;
+ d->bd_fbuf = d->bd_hbuf;
+ } else {
+ }
+ do_wakeup = 1;
curlen = 0;
- else if (d->bd_immediate)
+ else if (d->bd_immediate || d->bd_state == BPF_TIMED_OUT)
- * Immediate mode is set. A packet arrived so any
- * reads should be woken up.
+ * Immediate mode is set, or the read timeout has
+ * already expired during a select call. A packet
+ * arrived, so the reader should be woken up.
- bpf_wakeup(d);
+ do_wakeup = 1;
* Append the bpf header.
- hp = (struct bpf_hdr *)(d->bd_sbuf + curlen);
-#if BSD >= 199103
- microtime(&hp->bh_tstamp);
-#elif defined(sun)
- uniqtime(&hp->bh_tstamp);
- hp->bh_tstamp = time;
- hp->bh_datalen = pktlen;
- hp->bh_hdrlen = hdrlen;
+ microtime(&tv);
+ if (d->bd_flags & BPF_EXTENDED_HDR) {
+ ehp = (struct bpf_hdr_ext *)(void *)(d->bd_sbuf + curlen);
+ memset(ehp, 0, sizeof(*ehp));
+ ehp->bh_tstamp.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
+ ehp->bh_tstamp.tv_usec = tv.tv_usec;
+ ehp->bh_datalen = pktlen;
+ ehp->bh_hdrlen = hdrlen;
+ ehp->bh_caplen = totlen - hdrlen;
+ mt = m_tag_locate(m, bpf_mtag_id, 0, NULL);
+ if (mt && mt->m_tag_len >= sizeof(*bt)) {
+ bt = (struct bpf_mtag *)(mt + 1);
+ ehp->bh_pid = bt->bt_pid;
+ strlcpy(ehp->bh_comm, bt->bt_comm,
+ sizeof(ehp->bh_comm));
+ ehp->bh_svc = so_svc2tc(bt->bt_svc);
+ if (bt->bt_direction == BPF_MTAG_DIR_OUT)
+ ehp->bh_flags |= BPF_HDR_EXT_FLAGS_DIR_OUT;
+ else
+ ehp->bh_flags |= BPF_HDR_EXT_FLAGS_DIR_IN;
+ m_tag_delete(m, mt);
+ } else if (outbound) {
+ /* only do lookups on non-raw INPCB */
+ if ((m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags & (PKTF_FLOW_ID|
+ m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flowsrc == FLOWSRC_INPCB) {
+ ehp->bh_flowid = m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flowid;
+ ehp->bh_proto = m->m_pkthdr.pkt_proto;
+ }
+ ehp->bh_svc = so_svc2tc(m->m_pkthdr.pkt_svc);
+ ehp->bh_flags |= BPF_HDR_EXT_FLAGS_DIR_OUT;
+ if (m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags & PKTF_TCP_REXMT)
+ ehp->bh_pktflags |= BPF_PKTFLAGS_TCP_REXMT;
+ if (m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags & PKTF_START_SEQ)
+ ehp->bh_pktflags |= BPF_PKTFLAGS_START_SEQ;
+ if (m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags & PKTF_LAST_PKT)
+ ehp->bh_pktflags |= BPF_PKTFLAGS_LAST_PKT;
+ if (m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags & PKTF_VALID_UNSENT_DATA) {
+ ehp->bh_unsent_bytes =
+ m->m_pkthdr.bufstatus_if;
+ ehp->bh_unsent_snd =
+ m->m_pkthdr.bufstatus_sndbuf;
+ }
+ } else
+ ehp->bh_flags |= BPF_HDR_EXT_FLAGS_DIR_IN;
+ payload = (u_char *)ehp + hdrlen;
+ caplen = ehp->bh_caplen;
+ } else {
+ hp = (struct bpf_hdr *)(void *)(d->bd_sbuf + curlen);
+ hp->bh_tstamp.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
+ hp->bh_tstamp.tv_usec = tv.tv_usec;
+ hp->bh_datalen = pktlen;
+ hp->bh_hdrlen = hdrlen;
+ hp->bh_caplen = totlen - hdrlen;
+ payload = (u_char *)hp + hdrlen;
+ caplen = hp->bh_caplen;
+ }
* Copy the packet data into the store buffer and update its length.
- (*cpfn)(pkt, (u_char *)hp + hdrlen, (hp->bh_caplen = totlen - hdrlen));
+ (*cpfn)(pkt, payload, caplen);
d->bd_slen = curlen + totlen;
+ d->bd_scnt += 1;
+ if (do_wakeup)
+ bpf_wakeup(d);
* Initialize all nonzero fields of a descriptor.
static int
- register struct bpf_d *d;
+bpf_allocbufs(struct bpf_d *d)
+ if (d->bd_sbuf != NULL) {
+ FREE(d->bd_sbuf, M_DEVBUF);
+ d->bd_sbuf = NULL;
+ }
+ if (d->bd_hbuf != NULL) {
+ FREE(d->bd_hbuf, M_DEVBUF);
+ d->bd_hbuf = NULL;
+ }
+ if (d->bd_fbuf != NULL) {
+ FREE(d->bd_fbuf, M_DEVBUF);
+ d->bd_fbuf = NULL;
+ }
d->bd_fbuf = (caddr_t) _MALLOC(d->bd_bufsize, M_DEVBUF, M_WAIT);
- if (d->bd_fbuf == 0)
+ if (d->bd_fbuf == NULL)
return (ENOBUFS);
d->bd_sbuf = (caddr_t) _MALLOC(d->bd_bufsize, M_DEVBUF, M_WAIT);
- if (d->bd_sbuf == 0) {
+ if (d->bd_sbuf == NULL) {
FREE(d->bd_fbuf, M_DEVBUF);
+ d->bd_fbuf = NULL;
return (ENOBUFS);
d->bd_slen = 0;
d->bd_hlen = 0;
+ d->bd_scnt = 0;
+ d->bd_hcnt = 0;
return (0);
* Called on close.
static void
- register struct bpf_d *d;
+bpf_freed(struct bpf_d *d)
* We don't need to lock out interrupts since this descriptor has
* been detached from its interface and it yet hasn't been marked
* free.
+ if (d->bd_hbuf_read)
+ panic("bpf buffer freed during read");
if (d->bd_sbuf != 0) {
FREE(d->bd_sbuf, M_DEVBUF);
- if (d->bd_hbuf != 0)
+ if (d->bd_hbuf != 0)
FREE(d->bd_hbuf, M_DEVBUF);
if (d->bd_fbuf != 0)
FREE(d->bd_fbuf, M_DEVBUF);
if (d->bd_filter)
FREE((caddr_t)d->bd_filter, M_DEVBUF);
* size of the link header (variable length headers not yet supported).
-bpfattach(ifp, dlt, hdrlen)
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- u_int dlt, hdrlen;
+bpfattach(struct ifnet *ifp, u_int dlt, u_int hdrlen)
- struct bpf_if *bp;
- int i;
- bp = (struct bpf_if *) _MALLOC(sizeof(*bp), M_DEVBUF, M_WAIT);
- if (bp == 0)
- panic("bpfattach");
- bp->bif_dlist = 0;
- bp->bif_ifp = ifp;
- bp->bif_dlt = dlt;
+ bpf_attach(ifp, dlt, hdrlen, NULL, NULL);
- bp->bif_next = bpf_iflist;
- bpf_iflist = bp;
+ ifnet_t ifp,
+ u_int32_t dlt,
+ u_int32_t hdrlen,
+ bpf_send_func send,
+ bpf_tap_func tap)
+ struct bpf_if *bp_new;
+ struct bpf_if *bp_temp;
+ struct bpf_if *bp_first = NULL;
+ bp_new = (struct bpf_if *) _MALLOC(sizeof(*bp_new), M_DEVBUF,
+ if (bp_new == 0)
+ panic("bpfattach");
- bp->bif_ifp->if_bpf = 0;
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
+ /*
+ * Check if this interface/dlt is already attached, record first
+ * attachment for this interface.
+ */
+ for (bp_temp = bpf_iflist; bp_temp && (bp_temp->bif_ifp != ifp ||
+ bp_temp->bif_dlt != dlt); bp_temp = bp_temp->bif_next) {
+ if (bp_temp->bif_ifp == ifp && bp_first == NULL)
+ bp_first = bp_temp;
+ }
+ if (bp_temp != NULL) {
+ printf("bpfattach - %s with dlt %d is already attached\n",
+ if_name(ifp), dlt);
+ FREE(bp_new, M_DEVBUF);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+ return EEXIST;
+ }
+ bp_new->bif_ifp = ifp;
+ bp_new->bif_dlt = dlt;
+ bp_new->bif_send = send;
+ bp_new->bif_tap = tap;
+ if (bp_first == NULL) {
+ /* No other entries for this ifp */
+ bp_new->bif_next = bpf_iflist;
+ bpf_iflist = bp_new;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Add this after the first entry for this interface */
+ bp_new->bif_next = bp_first->bif_next;
+ bp_first->bif_next = bp_new;
+ }
* Compute the length of the bpf header. This is not necessarily
* equal to SIZEOF_BPF_HDR because we want to insert spacing such
* that the network layer header begins on a longword boundary (for
* performance reasons and to alleviate alignment restrictions).
- bp->bif_hdrlen = BPF_WORDALIGN(hdrlen + SIZEOF_BPF_HDR) - hdrlen;
+ bp_new->bif_hdrlen = BPF_WORDALIGN(hdrlen + SIZEOF_BPF_HDR) - hdrlen;
+ bp_new->bif_exthdrlen = BPF_WORDALIGN(hdrlen +
+ sizeof(struct bpf_hdr_ext)) - hdrlen;
+ /* Take a reference on the interface */
+ ifnet_reference(ifp);
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- /*
- * Mark all the descriptors free if this hasn't been done.
- */
- if (!bpf_dtab_init) {
- for (i = 0; i < nbpfilter; ++i)
- D_MARKFREE(&bpf_dtab[i]);
- bpf_dtab_init = 1;
- }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
+#ifndef __APPLE__
if (bootverbose)
- printf("bpf: %s%d attached\n", ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit);
+ printf("bpf: %s attached\n", if_name(ifp));
+ return 0;
- struct ifnet *ifp;
+bpfdetach(struct ifnet *ifp)
- struct bpf_if *bp, *bp_prev;
+ struct bpf_if *bp, *bp_prev, *bp_next;
struct bpf_d *d;
- int s;
- s = splimp();
+ if (bpf_debug != 0)
+ printf("%s: %s\n",
+ __func__, if_name(ifp));
- /* Locate BPF interface information */
- bp_prev = NULL;
- for (bp = bpf_iflist; bp != NULL; bp = bp->bif_next) {
- if (ifp == bp->bif_ifp)
- break;
- bp_prev = bp;
- }
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- /* Check for no BPF interface information */
- if (bp == NULL) {
- return;
- }
+ lck_mtx_lock(bpf_mlock);
- /* Interface wasn't attached */
- if (bp->bif_ifp == NULL) {
- splx(s);
-#ifndef __APPLE__
- printf("bpfdetach: %s%d was not attached\n", ifp->if_name,
- ifp->if_unit);
- return;
- }
+ /*
+ * Build the list of devices attached to that interface
+ * that we need to free while keeping the lock to maintain
+ * the integrity of the interface list
+ */
+ bp_prev = NULL;
+ for (bp = bpf_iflist; bp != NULL; bp = bp_next) {
+ bp_next = bp->bif_next;
- while ((d = bp->bif_dlist) != NULL) {
- bpf_detachd(d);
- bpf_wakeup(d);
- }
+ if (ifp != bp->bif_ifp) {
+ bp_prev = bp;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Unlink from the interface list */
+ if (bp_prev)
+ bp_prev->bif_next = bp->bif_next;
+ else
+ bpf_iflist = bp->bif_next;
- if (bp_prev) {
- bp_prev->bif_next = bp->bif_next;
- } else {
- bpf_iflist = bp->bif_next;
+ /* Detach the devices attached to the interface */
+ while ((d = bp->bif_dlist) != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * Take an extra reference to prevent the device
+ * from being freed when bpf_detachd() releases
+ * the reference for the interface list
+ */
+ bpf_acquire_d(d);
+ bpf_detachd(d, 0);
+ bpf_wakeup(d);
+ bpf_release_d(d);
+ }
+ ifnet_release(ifp);
- splx(s);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(bpf_mlock);
-static void *bpf_devfs_token[NBPFILTER];
-static int bpf_devsw_installed;
-void bpf_init __P((void *unused));
- void *unused;
+bpf_init(__unused void *unused)
#ifdef __APPLE__
int i;
int maj;
- if (!bpf_devsw_installed ) {
+ if (bpf_devsw_installed == 0) {
bpf_devsw_installed = 1;
+ bpf_mlock_grp_attr = lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
+ bpf_mlock_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("bpf", bpf_mlock_grp_attr);
+ bpf_mlock_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
+ lck_mtx_init(bpf_mlock, bpf_mlock_grp, bpf_mlock_attr);
maj = cdevsw_add(CDEV_MAJOR, &bpf_cdevsw);
if (maj == -1) {
+ if (bpf_mlock_attr)
+ lck_attr_free(bpf_mlock_attr);
+ if (bpf_mlock_grp)
+ lck_grp_free(bpf_mlock_grp);
+ if (bpf_mlock_grp_attr)
+ lck_grp_attr_free(bpf_mlock_grp_attr);
+ bpf_mlock = NULL;
+ bpf_mlock_attr = NULL;
+ bpf_mlock_grp = NULL;
+ bpf_mlock_grp_attr = NULL;
+ bpf_devsw_installed = 0;
printf("bpf_init: failed to allocate a major number!\n");
- nbpfilter = 0;
- for (i = 0 ; i < nbpfilter; i++) {
- bpf_devfs_token[i] = devfs_make_node(makedev(maj, i),
- "bpf%x", i);
- }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < NBPFILTER; i++)
+ bpf_make_dev_t(maj);
+ VERIFY(mbuf_tag_id_find(BPF_CONTROL_NAME, &bpf_mtag_id) == 0);
-#else /* !BPF */
-#ifndef __APPLE__
- * NOP stubs to allow bpf-using drivers to load and function.
- *
- * A 'better' implementation would allow the core bpf functionality
- * to be loaded at runtime.
- */
-bpf_tap(ifp, pkt, pktlen)
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- register u_char *pkt;
- register u_int pktlen;
-bpf_mtap(ifp, m)
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- struct mbuf *m;
+struct label *
+mac_bpfdesc_label_get(struct bpf_d *d)
-bpfattach(ifp, dlt, hdrlen)
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- u_int dlt, hdrlen;
+ return (d->bd_label);
- struct ifnet *ifp;
+mac_bpfdesc_label_set(struct bpf_d *d, struct label *label)
-bpf_filter(pc, p, wirelen, buflen)
- register const struct bpf_insn *pc;
- register u_char *p;
- u_int wirelen;
- register u_int buflen;
- return -1; /* "no filter" behaviour */
+ d->bd_label = label;
-#endif /* !defined(__APPLE__) */
-#endif /* NBPFILTER > 0 */