-<h2>mach_port_allocate_name</h2>\r<hr>\r<p>\r<strong>Function</strong> - Create a port right with the caller-specified name.\r<h3>SYNOPSIS</h3>\r<pre>\r<strong>kern_return_t mach_port_allocate_name</strong>\r <strong>(ipc_space_t</strong> <var>task</var>,\r <strong>mach_port_right_t</strong> <var>right</var>,\r <strong>mach_port_name_t</strong> <var>name</var><strong>);</strong>\r</pre>\r<h3>PARAMETERS</h3>\r<dl>\r<p>\r<dt> <var>task</var> \r<dd>\r[in task send right]\rThe task acquiring the port right.\r<p>\r<dt> <var>right</var> \r<dd>\r[in scalar]\rThe kind of entity to be created. This is one of the following:\r<dl>\r<p>\r<dt> <strong>MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE</strong>\r<dd>\r<strong>mach_port_allocate_name</strong> creates a port. The new port is \rnot a member of any port set. It doesn't have any extant send \ror send-once rights. Its make-send count is zero, its sequence \rnumber is zero, its queue limit is <strong>MACH_PORT_QLIMIT_DEFAULT</strong>, \rand it has no queued messages. \r<var>name</var> denotes the receive right for the new port.\r<var>task</var> does not hold send rights for the new port, only the\rreceive right. <strong>mach_port_insert_right</strong> and\r<strong>mach_port_extract_right</strong> can be used to convert the receive right into a \rcombined send/receive right.\r<p>\r<dt> <strong>MACH_PORT_RIGHT_PORT_SET</strong>\r<dd>\r<strong>mach_port_allocate_name</strong> creates a port set. The new port \rset has no members.\r<p>\r<dt> <strong>MACH_PORT_RIGHT_DEAD_NAME</strong>\r<dd>\r<strong>mach_port_allocate_name</strong> creates a dead name. The new \rdead name has one user reference.\r</dl>\r<p>\r<dt> <var>name</var> \r<dd>\r[in scalar]\rThe task's name for the port right. name must not already be \rin use for some right, and it can't be the reserved values \r<strong>MACH_PORT_NULL</strong> and <strong>MACH_PORT_DEAD</strong>. \r</dl>\r<h3>DESCRIPTION</h3>\r<p>\rThe <strong>mach_port_allocate_name</strong> function creates a new\rright in the specified \rtask, with a specified name for the new right.\r<h3>NOTES</h3>\r<p>\rThis interface is machine word length specific because of the port name\rparameter.\r<h3>RETURN VALUES</h3>\r<dl>\r<p>\r<dt> <strong>KERN_NAME_EXISTS</strong>\r<dd>\rname was already in use for a port right.\r</dl>\r<h3>RELATED INFORMATION</h3>\r<p>\rFunctions:\r<a href="mach_port_allocate.html"><strong>mach_port_allocate</strong></a>,\r<a href="mach_port_deallocate.html"><strong>mach_port_deallocate</strong></a>,\r<a href="mach_port_insert_right.html"><strong>mach_port_insert_right</strong></a>,\r<a href="mach_port_extract_right.html"><strong>mach_port_extract_right</strong></a>.\r
\ No newline at end of file
+<strong>Function</strong> - Create a port right with the caller-specified name.
+<strong>kern_return_t mach_port_allocate_name</strong>
+ <strong>(ipc_space_t</strong> <var>task</var>,
+ <strong>mach_port_right_t</strong> <var>right</var>,
+ <strong>mach_port_name_t</strong> <var>name</var><strong>);</strong>
+<dt> <var>task</var>
+[in task send right]
+The task acquiring the port right.
+<dt> <var>right</var>
+[in scalar]
+The kind of entity to be created. This is one of the following:
+<dt> <strong>MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE</strong>
+<strong>mach_port_allocate_name</strong> creates a port. The new port is
+not a member of any port set. It doesn't have any extant send
+or send-once rights. Its make-send count is zero, its sequence
+number is zero, its queue limit is <strong>MACH_PORT_QLIMIT_DEFAULT</strong>,
+and it has no queued messages.
+<var>name</var> denotes the receive right for the new port.
+<var>task</var> does not hold send rights for the new port, only the
+receive right. <strong>mach_port_insert_right</strong> and
+<strong>mach_port_extract_right</strong> can be used to convert the receive right into a
+combined send/receive right.
+<dt> <strong>MACH_PORT_RIGHT_PORT_SET</strong>
+<strong>mach_port_allocate_name</strong> creates a port set. The new port
+set has no members.
+<dt> <strong>MACH_PORT_RIGHT_DEAD_NAME</strong>
+<strong>mach_port_allocate_name</strong> creates a dead name. The new
+dead name has one user reference.
+<dt> <var>name</var>
+[in scalar]
+The task's name for the port right. name must not already be
+in use for some right, and it can't be the reserved values
+<strong>MACH_PORT_NULL</strong> and <strong>MACH_PORT_DEAD</strong>.
+The <strong>mach_port_allocate_name</strong> function creates a new
+right in the specified
+task, with a specified name for the new right.
+This interface is machine word length specific because of the port name
+<dt> <strong>KERN_NAME_EXISTS</strong>
+name was already in use for a port right.
+<a href="mach_port_allocate.html"><strong>mach_port_allocate</strong></a>,
+<a href="mach_port_deallocate.html"><strong>mach_port_deallocate</strong></a>,
+<a href="mach_port_insert_right.html"><strong>mach_port_insert_right</strong></a>,
+<a href="mach_port_extract_right.html"><strong>mach_port_extract_right</strong></a>.