- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 1998 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// 45678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <IOKit/assert.h>
#include <IOKit/system.h>
#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMemoryDescriptor.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOMapper.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOKitKeysPrivate.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitDebug.h>
+#include "IOKitKernelInternal.h"
#include <libkern/c++/OSContainers.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSDictionary.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSArray.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSSymbol.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSNumber.h>
-#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <vm/pmap.h>
+#include <vm/vm_pageout.h>
+#include <vm/vm_shared_memory_server.h>
+#include <mach/memory_object_types.h>
#include <device/device_port.h>
-void bcopy_phys(char *from, char *to, int size);
-void pmap_enter(pmap_t pmap, vm_offset_t va, vm_offset_t pa,
- vm_prot_t prot, unsigned int flags, boolean_t wired);
#ifndef i386
-struct phys_entry *pmap_find_physentry(vm_offset_t pa);
+#include <mach/vm_prot.h>
+#include <vm/vm_fault.h>
+struct phys_entry *pmap_find_physentry(ppnum_t pa);
+extern ppnum_t pmap_find_phys(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va);
void ipc_port_release_send(ipc_port_t port);
-vm_offset_t vm_map_get_phys_page(vm_map_t map, vm_offset_t offset);
+/* Copy between a physical page and a virtual address in the given vm_map */
+kern_return_t copypv(addr64_t source, addr64_t sink, unsigned int size, int which);
memory_object_t pager,
vm_object_offset_t offset,
- vm_offset_t phys_addr,
+ ppnum_t phys_addr,
vm_size_t size);
+ ipc_port_t port,
+ memory_object_offset_t offset,
+ vm_size_t *upl_size,
+ upl_t *upl_ptr,
+ upl_page_info_array_t user_page_list,
+ unsigned int *page_list_count,
+ int *flags);
- * Page fault handling based on vm_map (or entries therein)
- */
-extern kern_return_t vm_fault(
- vm_map_t map,
- vm_offset_t vaddr,
- vm_prot_t fault_type,
- boolean_t change_wiring,
- int interruptible,
- pmap_t caller_pmap,
- vm_offset_t caller_pmap_addr);
+unsigned int IOTranslateCacheBits(struct phys_entry *pp);
+#define kIOMaximumMappedIOByteCount (512*1024*1024)
+static IOMapper * gIOSystemMapper;
+static ppnum_t gIOMaximumMappedIOPageCount = atop_32(kIOMaximumMappedIOByteCount);
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
OSDefineMetaClassAndAbstractStructors( IOMemoryDescriptor, OSObject )
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor, IOMemoryDescriptor)
-extern "C" {
-vm_map_t IOPageableMapForAddress( vm_address_t address );
-typedef kern_return_t (*IOIteratePageableMapsCallback)(vm_map_t map, void * ref);
-kern_return_t IOIteratePageableMaps(vm_size_t size,
- IOIteratePageableMapsCallback callback, void * ref);
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
static IORecursiveLock * gIOMemoryLock;
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
-inline vm_map_t IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::getMapForTask( task_t task, vm_address_t address )
+class _IOMemoryMap : public IOMemoryMap
- if( (task == kernel_task) && (kIOMemoryRequiresWire & _flags))
- return( IOPageableMapForAddress( address ) );
- else
- return( get_task_map( task ));
+ OSDeclareDefaultStructors(_IOMemoryMap)
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * memory;
+ IOMemoryMap * superMap;
+ IOByteCount offset;
+ IOByteCount length;
+ IOVirtualAddress logical;
+ task_t addressTask;
+ vm_map_t addressMap;
+ IOOptionBits options;
+ upl_t redirUPL;
+ ipc_port_t redirEntry;
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * owner;
-inline vm_offset_t pmap_extract_safe(task_t task, vm_offset_t va)
- vm_offset_t pa = pmap_extract(get_task_pmap(task), va);
+ virtual void taggedRelease(const void *tag = 0) const;
+ virtual void free();
- if ( pa == 0 )
- {
- pa = vm_map_get_phys_page(get_task_map(task), trunc_page(va));
- if ( pa ) pa += va - trunc_page(va);
- }
- return pa;
+ // IOMemoryMap methods
+ virtual IOVirtualAddress getVirtualAddress();
+ virtual IOByteCount getLength();
+ virtual task_t getAddressTask();
+ virtual IOMemoryDescriptor * getMemoryDescriptor();
+ virtual IOOptionBits getMapOptions();
+ virtual IOReturn unmap();
+ virtual void taskDied();
+ virtual IOReturn redirect(IOMemoryDescriptor * newBackingMemory,
+ IOOptionBits options,
+ IOByteCount offset = 0);
-inline void bcopy_phys_safe(char * from, char * to, int size)
+ virtual IOPhysicalAddress getPhysicalSegment(IOByteCount offset,
+ IOByteCount * length);
+ // for IOMemoryDescriptor use
+ _IOMemoryMap * copyCompatible(
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * owner,
+ task_t intoTask,
+ IOVirtualAddress toAddress,
+ IOOptionBits options,
+ IOByteCount offset,
+ IOByteCount length );
+ bool initCompatible(
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * memory,
+ IOMemoryMap * superMap,
+ IOByteCount offset,
+ IOByteCount length );
+ bool initWithDescriptor(
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * memory,
+ task_t intoTask,
+ IOVirtualAddress toAddress,
+ IOOptionBits options,
+ IOByteCount offset,
+ IOByteCount length );
+ IOReturn redirect(
+ task_t intoTask, bool redirect );
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+// Some data structures and accessor macros used by the initWithOptions
+// Function
+enum ioPLBlockFlags {
+ kIOPLOnDevice = 0x00000001,
+ kIOPLExternUPL = 0x00000002,
+struct typePersMDData
- boolean_t enabled = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);
+ const IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor *fMD;
+ ipc_port_t fMemEntry;
- bcopy_phys(from, to, size);
+struct ioPLBlock {
+ upl_t fIOPL;
+ vm_address_t fIOMDOffset; // The offset of this iopl in descriptor
+ vm_offset_t fPageInfo; // Pointer to page list or index into it
+ ppnum_t fMappedBase; // Page number of first page in this iopl
+ unsigned int fPageOffset; // Offset within first page of iopl
+ unsigned int fFlags; // Flags
- ml_set_interrupts_enabled(enabled);
+struct ioGMDData {
+ IOMapper *fMapper;
+ unsigned int fPageCnt;
+ upl_page_info_t fPageList[];
+ ioPLBlock fBlocks[];
-#define next_page(a) ( trunc_page(a) + page_size )
+#define getDataP(osd) ((ioGMDData *) (osd)->getBytesNoCopy())
+#define getIOPLList(d) ((ioPLBlock *) &(d->fPageList[d->fPageCnt]))
+#define getNumIOPL(osd, d) \
+ (((osd)->getLength() - ((char *) getIOPLList(d) - (char *) d)) / sizeof(ioPLBlock))
+#define getPageList(d) (&(d->fPageList[0]))
+#define computeDataSize(p, u) \
+ (sizeof(ioGMDData) + p * sizeof(upl_page_info_t) + u * sizeof(ioPLBlock))
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+#define next_page(a) ( trunc_page_32(a) + PAGE_SIZE )
extern "C" {
memDesc = ref->memory;
if( memDesc)
+ {
+ memDesc->retain();
kr = memDesc->handleFault( device_pager, 0, 0,
offset, size, kIOMapDefaultCache /*?*/);
+ memDesc->release();
+ }
return( kIOReturnSuccess );
+}; // end extern "C"
+// Note this inline function uses C++ reference arguments to return values
+// This means that pointers are not passed and NULLs don't have to be
+// checked for as a NULL reference is illegal.
+static inline void
+getAddrLenForInd(user_addr_t &addr, IOPhysicalLength &len, // Output variables
+ UInt32 type, IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::Ranges r, UInt32 ind)
+ assert(kIOMemoryTypePhysical == type || kIOMemoryTypeUIO == type
+ || kIOMemoryTypeVirtual == type);
+ if (kIOMemoryTypeUIO == type) {
+ user_size_t us;
+ uio_getiov((uio_t) r.uio, ind, &addr, &us); len = us;
+ }
+ else {
+ IOVirtualRange cur = r.v[ind];
+ addr = cur.address;
+ len = cur.length;
+ }
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
IOMemoryDescriptor *
IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddress(void * address,
- IOByteCount withLength,
- IODirection withDirection)
+ IOByteCount length,
+ IODirection direction)
+ return IOMemoryDescriptor::
+ withAddress((vm_address_t) address, length, direction, kernel_task);
+IOMemoryDescriptor *
+IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddress(vm_address_t address,
+ IOByteCount length,
+ IODirection direction,
+ task_t task)
IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor * that = new IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor;
if (that)
- if (that->initWithAddress(address, withLength, withDirection))
+ if (that->initWithAddress(address, length, direction, task))
return that;
IOMemoryDescriptor *
-IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddress(vm_address_t address,
- IOByteCount withLength,
- IODirection withDirection,
- task_t withTask)
+ IOPhysicalAddress address,
+ IOByteCount length,
+ IODirection direction )
+ IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor *self = new IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor;
+ if (self
+ && !self->initWithPhysicalAddress(address, length, direction)) {
+ self->release();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return self;
+IOMemoryDescriptor *
+IOMemoryDescriptor::withRanges( IOVirtualRange * ranges,
+ UInt32 withCount,
+ IODirection direction,
+ task_t task,
+ bool asReference)
IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor * that = new IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor;
if (that)
- if (that->initWithAddress(address, withLength, withDirection, withTask))
+ if (that->initWithRanges(ranges, withCount, direction, task, asReference))
return that;
return 0;
-IOMemoryDescriptor *
- IOPhysicalAddress address,
- IOByteCount withLength,
- IODirection withDirection )
- return( IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddress( address, withLength,
- withDirection, (task_t) 0 ));
* withRanges:
* Passing the ranges as a reference will avoid an extra allocation.
IOMemoryDescriptor *
-IOMemoryDescriptor::withRanges( IOVirtualRange * ranges,
- UInt32 withCount,
- IODirection withDirection,
- task_t withTask,
- bool asReference = false)
+IOMemoryDescriptor::withOptions(void * buffers,
+ UInt32 count,
+ UInt32 offset,
+ task_t task,
+ IOOptionBits opts,
+ IOMapper * mapper)
- IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor * that = new IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor;
- if (that)
- {
- if (that->initWithRanges(ranges, withCount, withDirection, withTask, asReference))
- return that;
+ IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor *self = new IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor;
- that->release();
+ if (self
+ && !self->initWithOptions(buffers, count, offset, task, opts, mapper))
+ {
+ self->release();
+ return 0;
+ return self;
+// Can't leave abstract but this should never be used directly,
+bool IOMemoryDescriptor::initWithOptions(void * buffers,
+ UInt32 count,
+ UInt32 offset,
+ task_t task,
+ IOOptionBits options,
+ IOMapper * mapper)
+ // @@@ gvdl: Should I panic?
+ panic("IOMD::initWithOptions called\n");
return 0;
IOMemoryDescriptor *
IOMemoryDescriptor::withPhysicalRanges( IOPhysicalRange * ranges,
UInt32 withCount,
- IODirection withDirection,
- bool asReference = false)
+ IODirection direction,
+ bool asReference)
IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor * that = new IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor;
if (that)
- if (that->initWithPhysicalRanges(ranges, withCount, withDirection, asReference))
+ if (that->initWithPhysicalRanges(ranges, withCount, direction, asReference))
return that;
IOMemoryDescriptor::withSubRange(IOMemoryDescriptor * of,
IOByteCount offset,
IOByteCount length,
- IODirection withDirection)
+ IODirection direction)
- IOSubMemoryDescriptor * that = new IOSubMemoryDescriptor;
+ IOSubMemoryDescriptor *self = new IOSubMemoryDescriptor;
- if (that && !that->initSubRange(of, offset, length, withDirection)) {
- that->release();
- that = 0;
+ if (self && !self->initSubRange(of, offset, length, direction)) {
+ self->release();
+ self = 0;
+ }
+ return self;
+IOMemoryDescriptor * IOMemoryDescriptor::
+ withPersistentMemoryDescriptor(IOMemoryDescriptor *originalMD)
+ IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor *origGenMD =
+ OSDynamicCast(IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor, originalMD);
+ if (origGenMD)
+ return IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::
+ withPersistentMemoryDescriptor(origGenMD);
+ else
+ return 0;
+IOMemoryDescriptor * IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::
+ withPersistentMemoryDescriptor(IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor *originalMD)
+ ipc_port_t sharedMem = (ipc_port_t) originalMD->createNamedEntry();
+ if (!sharedMem)
+ return 0;
+ if (sharedMem == originalMD->_memEntry) {
+ originalMD->retain(); // Add a new reference to ourselves
+ ipc_port_release_send(sharedMem); // Remove extra send right
+ return originalMD;
+ }
+ IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor * self = new IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor;
+ typePersMDData initData = { originalMD, sharedMem };
+ if (self
+ && !self->initWithOptions(&initData, 1, 0, 0, kIOMemoryTypePersistentMD, 0)) {
+ self->release();
+ self = 0;
- return that;
+ return self;
+void *IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::createNamedEntry()
+ kern_return_t error;
+ ipc_port_t sharedMem;
+ IOOptionBits type = _flags & kIOMemoryTypeMask;
+ user_addr_t range0Addr;
+ IOByteCount range0Len;
+ getAddrLenForInd(range0Addr, range0Len, type, _ranges, 0);
+ range0Addr = trunc_page_64(range0Addr);
+ vm_size_t size = ptoa_32(_pages);
+ vm_address_t kernelPage = (vm_address_t) range0Addr;
+ vm_map_t theMap = ((_task == kernel_task)
+ && (kIOMemoryBufferPageable & _flags))
+ ? IOPageableMapForAddress(kernelPage)
+ : get_task_map(_task);
+ memory_object_size_t actualSize = size;
+ vm_prot_t prot = VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE;
+ if (_memEntry)
+ error = mach_make_memory_entry_64(theMap,
+ &actualSize, range0Addr, prot, &sharedMem, (ipc_port_t) _memEntry);
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS == error) {
+ if (actualSize == size) {
+ return sharedMem;
+ } else {
+ IOLog("IOGMD::mach_make_memory_entry_64 (%08llx) size (%08lx:%08x)\n",
+ (UInt64)range0Addr, (UInt32)actualSize, size);
+ ipc_port_release_send( sharedMem );
+ }
+ }
+ return MACH_PORT_NULL;
return initWithPhysicalRanges( &_singleRange.p, 1, withDirection, true);
+ IOPhysicalRange * ranges,
+ UInt32 count,
+ IODirection direction,
+ bool reference)
+ IOOptionBits mdOpts = direction | kIOMemoryTypePhysical;
+ if (reference)
+ mdOpts |= kIOMemoryAsReference;
+ return initWithOptions(ranges, count, 0, 0, mdOpts, /* mapper */ 0);
+ IOVirtualRange * ranges,
+ UInt32 count,
+ IODirection direction,
+ task_t task,
+ bool reference)
+ IOOptionBits mdOpts = direction;
+ if (reference)
+ mdOpts |= kIOMemoryAsReference;
+ if (task) {
+ mdOpts |= kIOMemoryTypeVirtual;
+ // Auto-prepare if this is a kernel memory descriptor as very few
+ // clients bother to prepare() kernel memory.
+ // But it was not enforced so what are you going to do?
+ if (task == kernel_task)
+ mdOpts |= kIOMemoryAutoPrepare;
+ }
+ else
+ mdOpts |= kIOMemoryTypePhysical;
+ return initWithOptions(ranges, count, 0, task, mdOpts, /* mapper */ 0);
- * initWithRanges:
+ * initWithOptions:
- * Initialize an IOMemoryDescriptor. The buffer is made up of several
- * virtual address ranges, from a given task
+ * IOMemoryDescriptor. The buffer is made up of several virtual address ranges,
+ * from a given task, several physical ranges, an UPL from the ubc
+ * system or a uio (may be 64bit) from the BSD subsystem.
* Passing the ranges as a reference will avoid an extra allocation.
- * An IOMemoryDescriptor can be re-used by calling initWithAddress or
- * initWithRanges again on an existing instance -- note this behavior
- * is not commonly supported in other I/O Kit classes, although it is
- * supported here.
+ * An IOMemoryDescriptor can be re-used by calling initWithOptions again on an
+ * existing instance -- note this behavior is not commonly supported in other
+ * I/O Kit classes, although it is supported here.
- IOVirtualRange * ranges,
- UInt32 withCount,
- IODirection withDirection,
- task_t withTask,
- bool asReference = false)
- assert(ranges);
- assert(withCount);
+IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::initWithOptions(void * buffers,
+ UInt32 count,
+ UInt32 offset,
+ task_t task,
+ IOOptionBits options,
+ IOMapper * mapper)
+ IOOptionBits type = options & kIOMemoryTypeMask;
+ // Grab the original MD's configuation data to initialse the
+ // arguments to this function.
+ if (kIOMemoryTypePersistentMD == type) {
+ typePersMDData *initData = (typePersMDData *) buffers;
+ const IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor *orig = initData->fMD;
+ ioGMDData *dataP = getDataP(orig->_memoryEntries);
+ // Only accept persistent memory descriptors with valid dataP data.
+ assert(orig->_rangesCount == 1);
+ if ( !(orig->_flags & kIOMemoryPersistent) || !dataP)
+ return false;
+ _memEntry = initData->fMemEntry; // Grab the new named entry
+ options = orig->_flags | kIOMemoryAsReference;
+ _singleRange = orig->_singleRange; // Initialise our range
+ buffers = &_singleRange;
+ count = 1;
+ // Now grab the original task and whatever mapper was previously used
+ task = orig->_task;
+ mapper = dataP->fMapper;
+ // We are ready to go through the original initialisation now
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ case kIOMemoryTypeUIO:
+ case kIOMemoryTypeVirtual:
+ assert(task);
+ if (!task)
+ return false;
+ else
+ break;
+ case kIOMemoryTypePhysical: // Neither Physical nor UPL should have a task
+ mapper = kIOMapperNone;
+ case kIOMemoryTypeUPL:
+ assert(!task);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false; /* bad argument */
+ }
+ assert(buffers);
+ assert(count);
* We can check the _initialized instance variable before having ever set
* variables are zeroed on an object's allocation.
- if (_initialized == false)
- {
- if (super::init() == false) return false;
- _initialized = true;
- }
- else
- {
+ if (_initialized) {
* An existing memory descriptor is being retargeted to point to
* somewhere else. Clean up our present state.
- assert(_wireCount == 0);
while (_wireCount)
if (_kernPtrAligned)
if (_ranges.v && _rangesIsAllocated)
IODelete(_ranges.v, IOVirtualRange, _rangesCount);
+ if (_memEntry)
+ { ipc_port_release_send((ipc_port_t) _memEntry); _memEntry = 0; }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!super::init())
+ return false;
+ _initialized = true;
- /*
- * Initialize the memory descriptor.
- */
+ // Grab the appropriate mapper
+ if (mapper == kIOMapperNone)
+ mapper = 0; // No Mapper
+ else if (!mapper) {
+ IOMapper::checkForSystemMapper();
+ gIOSystemMapper = mapper = IOMapper::gSystem;
+ }
+ // Remove the dynamic internal use flags from the initial setting
+ options &= ~(kIOMemoryPreparedReadOnly);
+ _flags = options;
+ _task = task;
- _ranges.v = 0;
- _rangesCount = withCount;
- _rangesIsAllocated = asReference ? false : true;
- _direction = withDirection;
- _length = 0;
- _task = withTask;
+ // DEPRECATED variable initialisation
+ _direction = (IODirection) (_flags & kIOMemoryDirectionMask);
_position = 0;
- _positionAtIndex = 0;
- _positionAtOffset = 0;
_kernPtrAligned = 0;
_cachedPhysicalAddress = 0;
_cachedVirtualAddress = 0;
- _flags = 0;
- if (withTask && (withTask != kernel_task))
- _flags |= kIOMemoryRequiresWire;
+ if (kIOMemoryTypeUPL == type) {
- if (asReference)
- _ranges.v = ranges;
- else
- {
- _ranges.v = IONew(IOVirtualRange, withCount);
- if (_ranges.v == 0) return false;
- bcopy(/* from */ ranges, _ranges.v, withCount * sizeof(IOVirtualRange));
- }
+ ioGMDData *dataP;
+ unsigned int dataSize = computeDataSize(/* pages */ 0, /* upls */ 1);
- for (unsigned index = 0; index < _rangesCount; index++)
- {
- _length += _ranges.v[index].length;
+ if (!_memoryEntries) {
+ _memoryEntries = OSData::withCapacity(dataSize);
+ if (!_memoryEntries)
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (!_memoryEntries->initWithCapacity(dataSize))
+ return false;
+ _memoryEntries->appendBytes(0, sizeof(ioGMDData));
+ dataP = getDataP(_memoryEntries);
+ dataP->fMapper = mapper;
+ dataP->fPageCnt = 0;
+ _wireCount++; // UPLs start out life wired
+ _length = count;
+ _pages += atop_32(offset + count + PAGE_MASK) - atop_32(offset);
+ ioPLBlock iopl;
+ upl_page_info_t *pageList = UPL_GET_INTERNAL_PAGE_LIST((upl_t) buffers);
+ iopl.fIOPL = (upl_t) buffers;
+ // Set the flag kIOPLOnDevice convieniently equal to 1
+ iopl.fFlags = pageList->device | kIOPLExternUPL;
+ iopl.fIOMDOffset = 0;
+ if (!pageList->device) {
+ // Pre-compute the offset into the UPL's page list
+ pageList = &pageList[atop_32(offset)];
+ offset &= PAGE_MASK;
+ if (mapper) {
+ iopl.fMappedBase = mapper->iovmAlloc(_pages);
+ mapper->iovmInsert(iopl.fMappedBase, 0, pageList, _pages);
+ }
+ else
+ iopl.fMappedBase = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ iopl.fMappedBase = 0;
+ iopl.fPageInfo = (vm_address_t) pageList;
+ iopl.fPageOffset = offset;
+ _memoryEntries->appendBytes(&iopl, sizeof(iopl));
+ else {
+ // kIOMemoryTypeVirtual | kIOMemoryTypeUIO | kIOMemoryTypePhysical
+ // Initialize the memory descriptor
+ if (options & kIOMemoryAsReference) {
+ _rangesIsAllocated = false;
+ // Hack assignment to get the buffer arg into _ranges.
+ // I'd prefer to do _ranges = (Ranges) buffers, but that doesn't
+ // work, C++ sigh.
+ // This also initialises the uio & physical ranges.
+ _ranges.v = (IOVirtualRange *) buffers;
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(kIOMemoryTypeUIO != type);
+ _rangesIsAllocated = true;
+ _ranges.v = IONew(IOVirtualRange, count);
+ if (!_ranges.v)
+ return false;
+ bcopy(buffers, _ranges.v, count * sizeof(IOVirtualRange));
+ }
+ // Find starting address within the vector of ranges
+ Ranges vec = _ranges;
+ UInt32 length = 0;
+ UInt32 pages = 0;
+ for (unsigned ind = 0; ind < count; ind++) {
+ user_addr_t addr;
+ UInt32 len;
+ // addr & len are returned by this function
+ getAddrLenForInd(addr, len, type, vec, ind);
+ pages += (atop_64(addr + len + PAGE_MASK) - atop_64(addr));
+ len += length;
+ assert(len > length); // Check for 32 bit wrap around
+ length = len;
+ }
+ _length = length;
+ _pages = pages;
+ _rangesCount = count;
+ // Auto-prepare memory at creation time.
+ // Implied completion when descriptor is free-ed
+ if (kIOMemoryTypePhysical == type)
+ _wireCount++; // Physical MDs are, by definition, wired
+ else { /* kIOMemoryTypeVirtual | kIOMemoryTypeUIO */
+ ioGMDData *dataP;
+ unsigned dataSize = computeDataSize(_pages, /* upls */ count * 2);
+ if (!_memoryEntries) {
+ _memoryEntries = OSData::withCapacity(dataSize);
+ if (!_memoryEntries)
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (!_memoryEntries->initWithCapacity(dataSize))
+ return false;
+ _memoryEntries->appendBytes(0, sizeof(ioGMDData));
+ dataP = getDataP(_memoryEntries);
+ dataP->fMapper = mapper;
+ dataP->fPageCnt = _pages;
- return true;
+ if ( (kIOMemoryPersistent & _flags) && !_memEntry)
+ _memEntry = createNamedEntry();
-IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::initWithPhysicalRanges( IOPhysicalRange * ranges,
- UInt32 withCount,
- IODirection withDirection,
- bool asReference = false)
-#warning assuming virtual, physical addresses same size
- return( initWithRanges( (IOVirtualRange *) ranges,
- withCount, withDirection, (task_t) 0, asReference ));
+ if ((_flags & kIOMemoryAutoPrepare)
+ && prepare() != kIOReturnSuccess)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
while (_wireCount)
+ if (_memoryEntries)
+ _memoryEntries->release();
if (_kernPtrAligned)
if (_ranges.v && _rangesIsAllocated)
IODelete(_ranges.v, IOVirtualRange, _rangesCount);
- if( reserved && reserved->devicePager)
- device_pager_deallocate( reserved->devicePager );
+ if (reserved && reserved->devicePager)
+ device_pager_deallocate( (memory_object_t) reserved->devicePager );
- // memEntry holds a ref on the device pager which owns reserved (ExpansionData)
- // so no reserved access after this point
- if( _memEntry)
+ // memEntry holds a ref on the device pager which owns reserved
+ // (ExpansionData) so no reserved access after this point
+ if (_memEntry)
ipc_port_release_send( (ipc_port_t) _memEntry );
/* DEPRECATED */ void IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::unmapFromKernel()
-/* DEPRECATED */ kern_return_t krtn;
-/* DEPRECATED */ vm_offset_t off;
-/* DEPRECATED */ // Pull the shared pages out of the task map
-/* DEPRECATED */ // Do we need to unwire it first?
-/* DEPRECATED */ for ( off = 0; off < _kernSize; off += page_size )
-/* DEPRECATED */ pmap_change_wiring(
-/* DEPRECATED */ kernel_pmap,
-/* DEPRECATED */ _kernPtrAligned + off,
-/* DEPRECATED */ pmap_remove(
-/* DEPRECATED */ kernel_pmap,
-/* DEPRECATED */ _kernPtrAligned + off,
-/* DEPRECATED */ _kernPtrAligned + off + page_size);
-/* DEPRECATED */ // Free the former shmem area in the task
-/* DEPRECATED */ krtn = vm_deallocate(kernel_map,
-/* DEPRECATED */ _kernPtrAligned,
-/* DEPRECATED */ _kernSize );
-/* DEPRECATED */ assert(krtn == KERN_SUCCESS);
-/* DEPRECATED */ _kernPtrAligned = 0;
+ panic("IOGMD::unmapFromKernel deprecated");
/* DEPRECATED */ void IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::mapIntoKernel(unsigned rangeIndex)
-/* DEPRECATED */ kern_return_t krtn;
-/* DEPRECATED */ vm_offset_t off;
-/* DEPRECATED */ if (_kernPtrAligned)
-/* DEPRECATED */ if (_kernPtrAtIndex == rangeIndex) return;
-/* DEPRECATED */ unmapFromKernel();
-/* DEPRECATED */ assert(_kernPtrAligned == 0);
-/* DEPRECATED */ vm_offset_t srcAlign = trunc_page(_ranges.v[rangeIndex].address);
-/* DEPRECATED */ _kernSize = trunc_page(_ranges.v[rangeIndex].address +
-/* DEPRECATED */ _ranges.v[rangeIndex].length +
-/* DEPRECATED */ page_size - 1) - srcAlign;
-/* DEPRECATED */ /* Find some memory of the same size in kernel task. We use vm_allocate() */
-/* DEPRECATED */ /* to do this. vm_allocate inserts the found memory object in the */
-/* DEPRECATED */ /* target task's map as a side effect. */
-/* DEPRECATED */ krtn = vm_allocate( kernel_map,
-/* DEPRECATED */ &_kernPtrAligned,
-/* DEPRECATED */ _kernSize,
-/* DEPRECATED */ assert(krtn == KERN_SUCCESS);
-/* DEPRECATED */ if(krtn) return;
-/* DEPRECATED */ /* For each page in the area allocated from the kernel map, */
-/* DEPRECATED */ /* find the physical address of the page. */
-/* DEPRECATED */ /* Enter the page in the target task's pmap, at the */
-/* DEPRECATED */ /* appropriate target task virtual address. */
-/* DEPRECATED */ for ( off = 0; off < _kernSize; off += page_size )
-/* DEPRECATED */ vm_offset_t kern_phys_addr, phys_addr;
-/* DEPRECATED */ if( _task)
-/* DEPRECATED */ phys_addr = pmap_extract( get_task_pmap(_task), srcAlign + off );
-/* DEPRECATED */ else
-/* DEPRECATED */ phys_addr = srcAlign + off;
-/* DEPRECATED */ assert(phys_addr);
-/* DEPRECATED */ if(phys_addr == 0) return;
-/* DEPRECATED */ // Check original state.
-/* DEPRECATED */ kern_phys_addr = pmap_extract( kernel_pmap, _kernPtrAligned + off );
-/* DEPRECATED */ // Set virtual page to point to the right physical one
-/* DEPRECATED */ pmap_enter(
-/* DEPRECATED */ kernel_pmap,
-/* DEPRECATED */ _kernPtrAligned + off,
-/* DEPRECATED */ phys_addr,
-/* DEPRECATED */ _kernPtrAtIndex = rangeIndex;
+ panic("IOGMD::mapIntoKernel deprecated");
return _length;
-void IOMemoryDescriptor::setTag(
- IOOptionBits tag )
+void IOMemoryDescriptor::setTag( IOOptionBits tag )
_tag = tag;
return( _tag);
+// @@@ gvdl: who is using this API? Seems like a wierd thing to implement.
IOPhysicalAddress IOMemoryDescriptor::getSourceSegment( IOByteCount offset,
IOByteCount * length )
return( physAddr );
-IOByteCount IOMemoryDescriptor::readBytes( IOByteCount offset,
- void * bytes,
- IOByteCount withLength )
+IOByteCount IOMemoryDescriptor::readBytes
+ (IOByteCount offset, void *bytes, IOByteCount length)
- IOByteCount bytesCopied = 0;
+ addr64_t dstAddr = (addr64_t) (UInt32) bytes;
+ IOByteCount remaining;
- assert(offset <= _length);
- assert(offset <= _length - withLength);
- if ( offset < _length )
- {
- withLength = min(withLength, _length - offset);
- while ( withLength ) // (process another source segment?)
- {
- IOPhysicalAddress sourceSegment;
- IOByteCount sourceSegmentLength;
- sourceSegment = getPhysicalSegment(offset, &sourceSegmentLength);
- if ( sourceSegment == 0 ) goto readBytesErr;
- sourceSegmentLength = min(sourceSegmentLength, withLength);
- while ( sourceSegmentLength ) // (process another target segment?)
- {
- IOPhysicalAddress targetSegment;
- IOByteCount targetSegmentLength;
+ // Assert that this entire I/O is withing the available range
+ assert(offset < _length);
+ assert(offset + length <= _length);
+ if (offset >= _length) {
+IOLog("IOGMD(%p): rB = o%lx, l%lx\n", this, offset, length); // @@@ gvdl
+ return 0;
+ }
- targetSegment = pmap_extract_safe(kernel_task, (vm_offset_t) bytes);
- if ( targetSegment == 0 ) goto readBytesErr;
+ remaining = length = min(length, _length - offset);
+ while (remaining) { // (process another target segment?)
+ addr64_t srcAddr64;
+ IOByteCount srcLen;
- targetSegmentLength = min(next_page(targetSegment) - targetSegment, sourceSegmentLength);
+ srcAddr64 = getPhysicalSegment64(offset, &srcLen);
+ if (!srcAddr64)
+ break;
- if ( sourceSegment + targetSegmentLength > next_page(sourceSegment) )
- {
- IOByteCount pageLength;
- pageLength = next_page(sourceSegment) - sourceSegment;
- bcopy_phys_safe( /* from */ (char *) sourceSegment,
- /* to */ (char *) targetSegment,
- /* size */ (int ) pageLength );
- ((UInt8 *) bytes) += pageLength;
- bytesCopied += pageLength;
- offset += pageLength;
- sourceSegment += pageLength;
- sourceSegmentLength -= pageLength;
- targetSegment += pageLength;
- targetSegmentLength -= pageLength;
- withLength -= pageLength;
- }
+ // Clip segment length to remaining
+ if (srcLen > remaining)
+ srcLen = remaining;
- bcopy_phys_safe( /* from */ (char *) sourceSegment,
- /* to */ (char *) targetSegment,
- /* size */ (int ) targetSegmentLength );
+ copypv(srcAddr64, dstAddr, srcLen,
+ cppvPsrc | cppvNoRefSrc | cppvFsnk | cppvKmap);
- ((UInt8 *) bytes) += targetSegmentLength;
- bytesCopied += targetSegmentLength;
- offset += targetSegmentLength;
- sourceSegment += targetSegmentLength;
- sourceSegmentLength -= targetSegmentLength;
- withLength -= targetSegmentLength;
- }
- }
+ dstAddr += srcLen;
+ offset += srcLen;
+ remaining -= srcLen;
- if ( bytesCopied )
- {
- // We mark the destination pages as modified, just
- // in case they are made pageable later on in life.
- pmap_modify_pages( /* pmap */ kernel_pmap,
- /* start */ trunc_page(((vm_offset_t) bytes) - bytesCopied),
- /* end */ round_page(((vm_offset_t) bytes)) );
- }
+ assert(!remaining);
- return bytesCopied;
+ return length - remaining;
-IOByteCount IOMemoryDescriptor::writeBytes( IOByteCount offset,
- const void * bytes,
- IOByteCount withLength )
+IOByteCount IOMemoryDescriptor::writeBytes
+ (IOByteCount offset, const void *bytes, IOByteCount length)
- IOByteCount bytesCopied = 0;
- assert(offset <= _length);
- assert(offset <= _length - withLength);
- if ( offset < _length )
- {
- withLength = min(withLength, _length - offset);
- while ( withLength ) // (process another target segment?)
- {
- IOPhysicalAddress targetSegment;
- IOByteCount targetSegmentLength;
- targetSegment = getPhysicalSegment(offset, &targetSegmentLength);
- if ( targetSegment == 0 ) goto writeBytesErr;
- targetSegmentLength = min(targetSegmentLength, withLength);
- while ( targetSegmentLength ) // (process another source segment?)
- {
- IOPhysicalAddress sourceSegment;
- IOByteCount sourceSegmentLength;
- sourceSegment = pmap_extract_safe(kernel_task, (vm_offset_t) bytes);
- if ( sourceSegment == 0 ) goto writeBytesErr;
- sourceSegmentLength = min(next_page(sourceSegment) - sourceSegment, targetSegmentLength);
+ addr64_t srcAddr = (addr64_t) (UInt32) bytes;
+ IOByteCount remaining;
- if ( targetSegment + sourceSegmentLength > next_page(targetSegment) )
- {
- IOByteCount pageLength;
- pageLength = next_page(targetSegment) - targetSegment;
+ // Assert that this entire I/O is withing the available range
+ assert(offset < _length);
+ assert(offset + length <= _length);
- bcopy_phys_safe( /* from */ (char *) sourceSegment,
- /* to */ (char *) targetSegment,
- /* size */ (int ) pageLength );
+ assert( !(kIOMemoryPreparedReadOnly & _flags) );
- // We flush the data cache in case it is code we've copied,
- // such that the instruction cache is in the know about it.
- flush_dcache(targetSegment, pageLength, true);
+ if ( (kIOMemoryPreparedReadOnly & _flags) || offset >= _length) {
+IOLog("IOGMD(%p): wB = o%lx, l%lx\n", this, offset, length); // @@@ gvdl
+ return 0;
+ }
- ((UInt8 *) bytes) += pageLength;
- bytesCopied += pageLength;
- offset += pageLength;
- sourceSegment += pageLength;
- sourceSegmentLength -= pageLength;
- targetSegment += pageLength;
- targetSegmentLength -= pageLength;
- withLength -= pageLength;
- }
+ remaining = length = min(length, _length - offset);
+ while (remaining) { // (process another target segment?)
+ addr64_t dstAddr64;
+ IOByteCount dstLen;
- bcopy_phys_safe( /* from */ (char *) sourceSegment,
- /* to */ (char *) targetSegment,
- /* size */ (int ) sourceSegmentLength );
+ dstAddr64 = getPhysicalSegment64(offset, &dstLen);
+ if (!dstAddr64)
+ break;
- // We flush the data cache in case it is code we've copied,
- // such that the instruction cache is in the know about it.
+ // Clip segment length to remaining
+ if (dstLen > remaining)
+ dstLen = remaining;
- flush_dcache(targetSegment, sourceSegmentLength, true);
+ copypv(srcAddr, (addr64_t) dstAddr64, dstLen,
+ cppvPsnk | cppvFsnk | cppvNoRefSrc | cppvNoModSnk | cppvKmap);
- ((UInt8 *) bytes) += sourceSegmentLength;
- bytesCopied += sourceSegmentLength;
- offset += sourceSegmentLength;
- targetSegment += sourceSegmentLength;
- targetSegmentLength -= sourceSegmentLength;
- withLength -= sourceSegmentLength;
- }
- }
+ srcAddr += dstLen;
+ offset += dstLen;
+ remaining -= dstLen;
+ assert(!remaining);
- return bytesCopied;
+ return length - remaining;
-extern "C" {
// osfmk/device/iokit_rpc.c
-extern unsigned int IOTranslateCacheBits(struct phys_entry *pp);
+extern "C" unsigned int IODefaultCacheBits(addr64_t pa);
/* DEPRECATED */ void IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::setPosition(IOByteCount position)
-/* DEPRECATED */ assert(position <= _length);
-/* DEPRECATED */ if (position >= _length)
-/* DEPRECATED */ _position = _length;
-/* DEPRECATED */ _positionAtIndex = _rangesCount; /* careful: out-of-bounds */
-/* DEPRECATED */ _positionAtOffset = 0;
-/* DEPRECATED */ return;
-/* DEPRECATED */ if (position < _position)
-/* DEPRECATED */ _positionAtOffset = position;
-/* DEPRECATED */ _positionAtIndex = 0;
-/* DEPRECATED */ else
-/* DEPRECATED */ _positionAtOffset += (position - _position);
-/* DEPRECATED */ _position = position;
-/* DEPRECATED */ while (_positionAtOffset >= _ranges.v[_positionAtIndex].length)
-/* DEPRECATED */ _positionAtOffset -= _ranges.v[_positionAtIndex].length;
-/* DEPRECATED */ _positionAtIndex++;
+ panic("IOGMD::setPosition deprecated");
-IOPhysicalAddress IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::getPhysicalSegment( IOByteCount offset,
- IOByteCount * lengthOfSegment )
+IOPhysicalAddress IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::getPhysicalSegment
+ (IOByteCount offset, IOByteCount *lengthOfSegment)
IOPhysicalAddress address = 0;
IOPhysicalLength length = 0;
+// assert(offset <= _length);
+ if (offset < _length) // (within bounds?)
+ {
+ if ( (_flags & kIOMemoryTypeMask) == kIOMemoryTypePhysical) {
+ unsigned int ind;
-// assert(offset <= _length);
+ // Physical address based memory descriptor
- if ( offset < _length ) // (within bounds?)
- {
- unsigned rangesIndex = 0;
+ // Find offset within descriptor and make it relative
+ // to the current _range.
+ for (ind = 0 ; offset >= _ranges.p[ind].length; ind++ )
+ offset -= _ranges.p[ind].length;
+ IOPhysicalRange cur = _ranges.p[ind];
+ address = cur.address + offset;
+ length = cur.length - offset;
+ // see how far we can coalesce ranges
+ for (++ind; ind < _rangesCount; ind++) {
+ cur = _ranges.p[ind];
+ if (address + length != cur.address)
+ break;
+ length += cur.length;
+ }
- for ( ; offset >= _ranges.v[rangesIndex].length; rangesIndex++ )
- {
- offset -= _ranges.v[rangesIndex].length; // (make offset relative)
+ // @@@ gvdl: should be assert(address);
+ // but can't as NVidia GeForce creates a bogus physical mem
+ assert(address
+ || /* nvidia */ (!_ranges.p[0].address && 1 == _rangesCount));
+ assert(length);
+ else do {
+ // We need wiring & we are wired.
+ assert(_wireCount);
- if ( _task == 0 ) // (physical memory?)
- {
- address = _ranges.v[rangesIndex].address + offset;
- length = _ranges.v[rangesIndex].length - offset;
+ if (!_wireCount)
+ {
+ panic("IOGMD: not wired for getPhysicalSegment()");
+ continue;
+ }
- for ( ++rangesIndex; rangesIndex < _rangesCount; rangesIndex++ )
- {
- if ( address + length != _ranges.v[rangesIndex].address ) break;
+ assert(_memoryEntries);
- length += _ranges.v[rangesIndex].length; // (coalesce ranges)
+ ioGMDData * dataP = getDataP(_memoryEntries);
+ const ioPLBlock *ioplList = getIOPLList(dataP);
+ UInt ind, numIOPLs = getNumIOPL(_memoryEntries, dataP);
+ upl_page_info_t *pageList = getPageList(dataP);
+ assert(numIOPLs > 0);
+ // Scan through iopl info blocks looking for block containing offset
+ for (ind = 1; ind < numIOPLs; ind++) {
+ if (offset < ioplList[ind].fIOMDOffset)
+ break;
- }
- else // (virtual memory?)
- {
- vm_address_t addressVirtual = _ranges.v[rangesIndex].address + offset;
- assert((0 == (kIOMemoryRequiresWire & _flags)) || _wireCount);
+ // Go back to actual range as search goes past it
+ ioPLBlock ioplInfo = ioplList[ind - 1];
- address = pmap_extract_safe(_task, addressVirtual);
- length = next_page(addressVirtual) - addressVirtual;
- length = min(_ranges.v[rangesIndex].length - offset, length);
- }
+ if (ind < numIOPLs)
+ length = ioplList[ind].fIOMDOffset;
+ else
+ length = _length;
+ length -= offset; // Remainder within iopl
+ // Subtract offset till this iopl in total list
+ offset -= ioplInfo.fIOMDOffset;
- assert(address);
- if ( address == 0 ) length = 0;
+ // This is a mapped IOPL so we just need to compute an offset
+ // relative to the mapped base.
+ if (ioplInfo.fMappedBase) {
+ offset += (ioplInfo.fPageOffset & PAGE_MASK);
+ address = ptoa_32(ioplInfo.fMappedBase) + offset;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Currently the offset is rebased into the current iopl.
+ // Now add the iopl 1st page offset.
+ offset += ioplInfo.fPageOffset;
+ // For external UPLs the fPageInfo field points directly to
+ // the upl's upl_page_info_t array.
+ if (ioplInfo.fFlags & kIOPLExternUPL)
+ pageList = (upl_page_info_t *) ioplInfo.fPageInfo;
+ else
+ pageList = &pageList[ioplInfo.fPageInfo];
+ // Check for direct device non-paged memory
+ if ( ioplInfo.fFlags & kIOPLOnDevice ) {
+ address = ptoa_32(pageList->phys_addr) + offset;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Now we need compute the index into the pageList
+ ind = atop_32(offset);
+ offset &= PAGE_MASK;
+ IOPhysicalAddress pageAddr = pageList[ind].phys_addr;
+ address = ptoa_32(pageAddr) + offset;
+ // Check for the remaining data in this upl being longer than the
+ // remainder on the current page. This should be checked for
+ // contiguous pages
+ if (length > PAGE_SIZE - offset) {
+ // See if the next page is contiguous. Stop looking when we hit
+ // the end of this upl, which is indicated by the
+ // contigLength >= length.
+ IOByteCount contigLength = PAGE_SIZE - offset;
+ // Look for contiguous segment
+ while (contigLength < length
+ && ++pageAddr == pageList[++ind].phys_addr) {
+ contigLength += PAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+ if (length > contigLength)
+ length = contigLength;
+ }
+ assert(address);
+ assert(length);
+ } while (0);
+ if (!address)
+ length = 0;
- if ( lengthOfSegment ) *lengthOfSegment = length;
+ if (lengthOfSegment)
+ *lengthOfSegment = length;
return address;
-IOPhysicalAddress IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::getSourceSegment( IOByteCount offset,
- IOByteCount * lengthOfSegment )
+addr64_t IOMemoryDescriptor::getPhysicalSegment64
+ (IOByteCount offset, IOByteCount *lengthOfSegment)
- IOPhysicalAddress address = 0;
- IOPhysicalLength length = 0;
+ IOPhysicalAddress phys32;
+ IOByteCount length;
+ addr64_t phys64;
- assert(offset <= _length);
+ phys32 = getPhysicalSegment(offset, lengthOfSegment);
+ if (!phys32)
+ return 0;
- if ( offset < _length ) // (within bounds?)
+ if (gIOSystemMapper)
- unsigned rangesIndex = 0;
- for ( ; offset >= _ranges.v[rangesIndex].length; rangesIndex++ )
- {
- offset -= _ranges.v[rangesIndex].length; // (make offset relative)
- }
+ IOByteCount origLen;
+ phys64 = gIOSystemMapper->mapAddr(phys32);
+ origLen = *lengthOfSegment;
+ length = page_size - (phys64 & (page_size - 1));
+ while ((length < origLen)
+ && ((phys64 + length) == gIOSystemMapper->mapAddr(phys32 + length)))
+ length += page_size;
+ if (length > origLen)
+ length = origLen;
+ *lengthOfSegment = length;
+ }
+ else
+ phys64 = (addr64_t) phys32;
- address = _ranges.v[rangesIndex].address + offset;
- length = _ranges.v[rangesIndex].length - offset;
+ return phys64;
- for ( ++rangesIndex; rangesIndex < _rangesCount; rangesIndex++ )
- {
- if ( address + length != _ranges.v[rangesIndex].address ) break;
+IOPhysicalAddress IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::
+getSourceSegment(IOByteCount offset, IOByteCount *lengthOfSegment)
+ IOPhysicalAddress address = 0;
+ IOPhysicalLength length = 0;
+ IOOptionBits type = _flags & kIOMemoryTypeMask;
- length += _ranges.v[rangesIndex].length; // (coalesce ranges)
- }
+ assert(offset <= _length);
- assert(address);
- if ( address == 0 ) length = 0;
+ if ( type == kIOMemoryTypeUPL)
+ return super::getSourceSegment( offset, lengthOfSegment );
+ else if ( offset < _length ) // (within bounds?)
+ {
+ unsigned rangesIndex = 0;
+ Ranges vec = _ranges;
+ user_addr_t addr;
+ // Find starting address within the vector of ranges
+ for (;;) {
+ getAddrLenForInd(addr, length, type, vec, rangesIndex);
+ if (offset < length)
+ break;
+ offset -= length; // (make offset relative)
+ rangesIndex++;
+ }
+ // Now that we have the starting range,
+ // lets find the last contiguous range
+ addr += offset;
+ length -= offset;
+ for ( ++rangesIndex; rangesIndex < _rangesCount; rangesIndex++ ) {
+ user_addr_t newAddr;
+ IOPhysicalLength newLen;
+ getAddrLenForInd(newAddr, newLen, type, vec, rangesIndex);
+ if (addr + length != newAddr)
+ break;
+ length += newLen;
+ }
+ if (addr)
+ address = (IOPhysicalAddress) addr; // Truncate address to 32bit
+ else
+ length = 0;
if ( lengthOfSegment ) *lengthOfSegment = length;
/* DEPRECATED */ void * IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::getVirtualSegment(IOByteCount offset,
/* DEPRECATED */ IOByteCount * lengthOfSegment)
-/* DEPRECATED */ if( offset != _position)
-/* DEPRECATED */ setPosition( offset );
-/* DEPRECATED */ assert(_position <= _length);
-/* DEPRECATED */ /* Fail gracefully if the position is at (or past) the end-of-buffer. */
-/* DEPRECATED */ if (_position >= _length)
-/* DEPRECATED */ *lengthOfSegment = 0;
-/* DEPRECATED */ return 0;
-/* DEPRECATED */ /* Compute the relative length to the end of this virtual segment. */
-/* DEPRECATED */ *lengthOfSegment = _ranges.v[_positionAtIndex].length - _positionAtOffset;
-/* DEPRECATED */ /* Compute the relative address of this virtual segment. */
-/* DEPRECATED */ if (_task == kernel_task)
-/* DEPRECATED */ return (void *)(_ranges.v[_positionAtIndex].address + _positionAtOffset);
-/* DEPRECATED */ else
-/* DEPRECATED */ vm_offset_t off;
-/* DEPRECATED */ mapIntoKernel(_positionAtIndex);
-/* DEPRECATED */ off = _ranges.v[_kernPtrAtIndex].address;
-/* DEPRECATED */ off -= trunc_page(off);
-/* DEPRECATED */ return (void *) (_kernPtrAligned + off + _positionAtOffset);
+ if (_task == kernel_task)
+ return (void *) getSourceSegment(offset, lengthOfSegment);
+ else
+ panic("IOGMD::getVirtualSegment deprecated");
+ return 0;
/* DEPRECATED */ /* USE INSTEAD: map(), readBytes(), writeBytes() */
- * prepare
- *
- * Prepare the memory for an I/O transfer. This involves paging in
- * the memory, if necessary, and wiring it down for the duration of
- * the transfer. The complete() method completes the processing of
- * the memory after the I/O transfer finishes. This method needn't
- * called for non-pageable memory.
- */
-IOReturn IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::prepare(
- IODirection forDirection = kIODirectionNone)
- UInt rangeIndex = 0;
- if((_wireCount == 0) && (kIOMemoryRequiresWire & _flags)) {
- kern_return_t rc;
- if(forDirection == kIODirectionNone)
- forDirection = _direction;
+IOReturn IOMemoryDescriptor::setPurgeable( IOOptionBits newState,
+ IOOptionBits * oldState )
+ IOReturn err = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ vm_purgable_t control;
+ int state;
- vm_prot_t access;
+ do
+ {
+ if (!_memEntry)
+ {
+ err = kIOReturnNotReady;
+ break;
+ }
- switch (forDirection)
+ switch (newState)
- case kIODirectionIn:
- access = VM_PROT_WRITE;
+ case kIOMemoryPurgeableKeepCurrent:
- case kIODirectionOut:
- access = VM_PROT_READ;
+ case kIOMemoryPurgeableNonVolatile:
+ break;
+ case kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatile:
+ break;
+ case kIOMemoryPurgeableEmpty:
+ err = kIOReturnBadArgument;
- //
- // Check user read/write access to the data buffer.
- //
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != err)
+ break;
- for (rangeIndex = 0; rangeIndex < _rangesCount; rangeIndex++)
- {
- vm_offset_t checkBase = trunc_page(_ranges.v[rangeIndex].address);
- vm_size_t checkSize = round_page(_ranges.v[rangeIndex].length );
+ err = mach_memory_entry_purgable_control((ipc_port_t) _memEntry, control, &state);
- while (checkSize)
+ if (oldState)
+ {
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess == err)
- vm_region_basic_info_data_t regionInfo;
- mach_msg_type_number_t regionInfoSize = sizeof(regionInfo);
- vm_size_t regionSize;
- if ( (vm_region(
- /* map */ getMapForTask(_task, checkBase),
- /* address */ &checkBase,
- /* size */ ®ionSize,
- /* flavor */ VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO,
- /* info */ (vm_region_info_t) ®ionInfo,
- /* info size */ ®ionInfoSize,
- /* object name */ 0 ) != KERN_SUCCESS ) ||
- ( (forDirection & kIODirectionIn ) &&
- !(regionInfo.protection & VM_PROT_WRITE) ) ||
- ( (forDirection & kIODirectionOut) &&
- !(regionInfo.protection & VM_PROT_READ ) ) )
+ switch (state)
- return kIOReturnVMError;
+ state = kIOMemoryPurgeableNonVolatile;
+ break;
+ state = kIOMemoryPurgeableVolatile;
+ break;
+ state = kIOMemoryPurgeableEmpty;
+ break;
+ default:
+ state = kIOMemoryPurgeableNonVolatile;
+ err = kIOReturnNotReady;
+ break;
+ *oldState = state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (false);
- assert((regionSize & PAGE_MASK) == 0);
- regionSize = min(regionSize, checkSize);
- checkSize -= regionSize;
- checkBase += regionSize;
- } // (for each vm region)
- } // (for each io range)
- for (rangeIndex = 0; rangeIndex < _rangesCount; rangeIndex++) {
- vm_offset_t srcAlign = trunc_page(_ranges.v[rangeIndex].address);
- IOByteCount srcAlignEnd = trunc_page(_ranges.v[rangeIndex].address +
- _ranges.v[rangeIndex].length +
- page_size - 1);
- vm_map_t taskVMMap = getMapForTask(_task, srcAlign);
- // If this I/O is for a user land task then protect ourselves
- // against COW and other vm_shenanigans
- if (_task && _task != kernel_task) {
- // setup a data object to hold the 'named' memory regions
- // @@@ gvdl: If we fail to allocate an OSData we will just
- // hope for the best for the time being. Lets not fail a
- // prepare at this late stage in product release.
- if (!_memoryEntries)
- _memoryEntries = OSData::withCapacity(16);
- if (_memoryEntries) {
- vm_object_offset_t desiredSize = srcAlignEnd - srcAlign;
- vm_object_offset_t entryStart = srcAlign;
- ipc_port_t memHandle;
- do {
- vm_object_offset_t actualSize = desiredSize;
- rc = mach_make_memory_entry_64
- (taskVMMap, &actualSize, entryStart,
- forDirection, &memHandle, NULL);
- if (KERN_SUCCESS != rc) {
- IOLog("IOMemoryDescriptor::prepare mach_make_memory_entry_64 failed: %d\n", rc);
- goto abortExit;
- }
- _memoryEntries->
- appendBytes(&memHandle, sizeof(memHandle));
- desiredSize -= actualSize;
- entryStart += actualSize;
- } while (desiredSize);
- }
+ return (err);
+extern "C" void dcache_incoherent_io_flush64(addr64_t pa, unsigned int count);
+extern "C" void dcache_incoherent_io_store64(addr64_t pa, unsigned int count);
+IOReturn IOMemoryDescriptor::performOperation( IOOptionBits options,
+ IOByteCount offset, IOByteCount length )
+ IOByteCount remaining;
+ void (*func)(addr64_t pa, unsigned int count) = 0;
+ switch (options)
+ {
+ case kIOMemoryIncoherentIOFlush:
+ func = &dcache_incoherent_io_flush64;
+ break;
+ case kIOMemoryIncoherentIOStore:
+ func = &dcache_incoherent_io_store64;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!func)
+ return (kIOReturnUnsupported);
+ remaining = length = min(length, getLength() - offset);
+ while (remaining)
+ // (process another target segment?)
+ {
+ addr64_t dstAddr64;
+ IOByteCount dstLen;
+ dstAddr64 = getPhysicalSegment64(offset, &dstLen);
+ if (!dstAddr64)
+ break;
+ // Clip segment length to remaining
+ if (dstLen > remaining)
+ dstLen = remaining;
+ (*func)(dstAddr64, dstLen);
+ offset += dstLen;
+ remaining -= dstLen;
+ }
+ return (remaining ? kIOReturnUnderrun : kIOReturnSuccess);
+#ifdef __ppc__
+extern vm_offset_t static_memory_end;
+#define io_kernel_static_end static_memory_end
+extern vm_offset_t first_avail;
+#define io_kernel_static_end first_avail
+static kern_return_t
+ vm_map_t /* map */,
+ vm_address_t offset,
+ vm_size_t *upl_size,
+ upl_t *upl,
+ upl_page_info_array_t page_list,
+ unsigned int *count)
+ unsigned int pageCount, page;
+ ppnum_t phys;
+ pageCount = atop_32(*upl_size);
+ if (pageCount > *count)
+ pageCount = *count;
+ *upl = NULL;
+ for (page = 0; page < pageCount; page++)
+ {
+ phys = pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap, ((addr64_t)offset) + ptoa_64(page));
+ if (!phys)
+ break;
+ page_list[page].phys_addr = phys;
+ page_list[page].pageout = 0;
+ page_list[page].absent = 0;
+ page_list[page].dirty = 0;
+ page_list[page].precious = 0;
+ page_list[page].device = 0;
+ }
+ return ((page >= pageCount) ? kIOReturnSuccess : kIOReturnVMError);
+IOReturn IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::wireVirtual(IODirection forDirection)
+ IOOptionBits type = _flags & kIOMemoryTypeMask;
+ IOReturn error = kIOReturnNoMemory;
+ ioGMDData *dataP;
+ ppnum_t mapBase = 0;
+ IOMapper *mapper;
+ ipc_port_t sharedMem = (ipc_port_t) _memEntry;
+ assert(!_wireCount);
+ assert(kIOMemoryTypeVirtual == type || kIOMemoryTypeUIO == type);
+ if (_pages >= gIOMaximumMappedIOPageCount)
+ return kIOReturnNoResources;
+ dataP = getDataP(_memoryEntries);
+ mapper = dataP->fMapper;
+ if (mapper && _pages)
+ mapBase = mapper->iovmAlloc(_pages);
+ // Note that appendBytes(NULL) zeros the data up to the
+ // desired length.
+ _memoryEntries->appendBytes(0, dataP->fPageCnt * sizeof(upl_page_info_t));
+ dataP = 0; // May no longer be valid so lets not get tempted.
+ if (forDirection == kIODirectionNone)
+ forDirection = _direction;
+ int uplFlags; // This Mem Desc's default flags for upl creation
+ switch (forDirection)
+ {
+ case kIODirectionOut:
+ // Pages do not need to be marked as dirty on commit
+ uplFlags = UPL_COPYOUT_FROM;
+ _flags |= kIOMemoryPreparedReadOnly;
+ break;
+ case kIODirectionIn:
+ default:
+ uplFlags = 0; // i.e. ~UPL_COPYOUT_FROM
+ break;
+ }
+ // Find the appropriate vm_map for the given task
+ vm_map_t curMap;
+ if (_task == kernel_task && (kIOMemoryBufferPageable & _flags))
+ curMap = 0;
+ else
+ { curMap = get_task_map(_task); }
+ // Iterate over the vector of virtual ranges
+ Ranges vec = _ranges;
+ unsigned int pageIndex = 0;
+ IOByteCount mdOffset = 0;
+ for (UInt range = 0; range < _rangesCount; range++) {
+ ioPLBlock iopl;
+ user_addr_t startPage;
+ IOByteCount numBytes;
+ // Get the startPage address and length of vec[range]
+ getAddrLenForInd(startPage, numBytes, type, vec, range);
+ iopl.fPageOffset = (short) startPage & PAGE_MASK;
+ numBytes += iopl.fPageOffset;
+ startPage = trunc_page_64(startPage);
+ if (mapper)
+ iopl.fMappedBase = mapBase + pageIndex;
+ else
+ iopl.fMappedBase = 0;
+ // Iterate over the current range, creating UPLs
+ while (numBytes) {
+ dataP = getDataP(_memoryEntries);
+ vm_address_t kernelStart = (vm_address_t) startPage;
+ vm_map_t theMap;
+ if (curMap)
+ theMap = curMap;
+ else if (!sharedMem) {
+ assert(_task == kernel_task);
+ theMap = IOPageableMapForAddress(kernelStart);
+ }
+ else
+ theMap = NULL;
+ upl_page_info_array_t pageInfo = getPageList(dataP);
+ int ioplFlags = uplFlags;
+ upl_page_list_ptr_t baseInfo = &pageInfo[pageIndex];
+ vm_size_t ioplSize = round_page_32(numBytes);
+ unsigned int numPageInfo = atop_32(ioplSize);
+ if (theMap == kernel_map && kernelStart < io_kernel_static_end) {
+ error = io_get_kernel_static_upl(theMap,
+ kernelStart,
+ &ioplSize,
+ &iopl.fIOPL,
+ baseInfo,
+ &numPageInfo);
+ else if (sharedMem) {
+ error = memory_object_iopl_request(sharedMem,
+ ptoa_32(pageIndex),
+ &ioplSize,
+ &iopl.fIOPL,
+ baseInfo,
+ &numPageInfo,
+ &ioplFlags);
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(theMap);
+ error = vm_map_create_upl(theMap,
+ startPage,
+ &ioplSize,
+ &iopl.fIOPL,
+ baseInfo,
+ &numPageInfo,
+ &ioplFlags);
+ }
+ assert(ioplSize);
+ if (error != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ goto abortExit;
+ error = kIOReturnNoMemory;
- rc = vm_map_wire(taskVMMap, srcAlign, srcAlignEnd, access, FALSE);
- if (KERN_SUCCESS != rc) {
- IOLog("IOMemoryDescriptor::prepare vm_map_wire failed: %d\n", rc);
- goto abortExit;
+ if (baseInfo->device) {
+ numPageInfo = 1;
+ iopl.fFlags = kIOPLOnDevice;
+ // Don't translate device memory at all
+ if (mapper && mapBase) {
+ mapper->iovmFree(mapBase, _pages);
+ mapBase = 0;
+ iopl.fMappedBase = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ iopl.fFlags = 0;
+ if (mapper)
+ mapper->iovmInsert(mapBase, pageIndex,
+ baseInfo, numPageInfo);
+ }
+ iopl.fIOMDOffset = mdOffset;
+ iopl.fPageInfo = pageIndex;
+ if ((_flags & kIOMemoryAutoPrepare) && iopl.fIOPL)
+ {
+ upl_commit(iopl.fIOPL, 0, 0);
+ upl_deallocate(iopl.fIOPL);
+ iopl.fIOPL = 0;
+ if (!_memoryEntries->appendBytes(&iopl, sizeof(iopl))) {
+ // Clean up partial created and unsaved iopl
+ if (iopl.fIOPL) {
+ upl_abort(iopl.fIOPL, 0);
+ upl_deallocate(iopl.fIOPL);
+ }
+ goto abortExit;
+ }
+ // Check for a multiple iopl's in one virtual range
+ pageIndex += numPageInfo;
+ mdOffset -= iopl.fPageOffset;
+ if (ioplSize < numBytes) {
+ numBytes -= ioplSize;
+ startPage += ioplSize;
+ mdOffset += ioplSize;
+ iopl.fPageOffset = 0;
+ if (mapper)
+ iopl.fMappedBase = mapBase + pageIndex;
+ }
+ else {
+ mdOffset += numBytes;
+ break;
+ }
- _wireCount++;
return kIOReturnSuccess;
- UInt doneIndex;
- for(doneIndex = 0; doneIndex < rangeIndex; doneIndex++) {
- vm_offset_t srcAlign = trunc_page(_ranges.v[doneIndex].address);
- IOByteCount srcAlignEnd = trunc_page(_ranges.v[doneIndex].address +
- _ranges.v[doneIndex].length +
- page_size - 1);
+ {
+ dataP = getDataP(_memoryEntries);
+ UInt done = getNumIOPL(_memoryEntries, dataP);
+ ioPLBlock *ioplList = getIOPLList(dataP);
+ for (UInt range = 0; range < done; range++)
+ {
+ if (ioplList[range].fIOPL) {
+ upl_abort(ioplList[range].fIOPL, 0);
+ upl_deallocate(ioplList[range].fIOPL);
+ }
+ }
+ (void) _memoryEntries->initWithBytes(dataP, sizeof(ioGMDData)); // == setLength()
- vm_map_unwire(getMapForTask(_task, srcAlign), srcAlign,
- srcAlignEnd, FALSE);
+ if (mapper && mapBase)
+ mapper->iovmFree(mapBase, _pages);
- if (_memoryEntries) {
- ipc_port_t *handles, *handlesEnd;
+ return error;
+ * prepare
+ *
+ * Prepare the memory for an I/O transfer. This involves paging in
+ * the memory, if necessary, and wiring it down for the duration of
+ * the transfer. The complete() method completes the processing of
+ * the memory after the I/O transfer finishes. This method needn't
+ * called for non-pageable memory.
+ */
+IOReturn IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::prepare(IODirection forDirection)
+ IOReturn error = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ IOOptionBits type = _flags & kIOMemoryTypeMask;
- handles = (ipc_port_t *) _memoryEntries->getBytesNoCopy();
- handlesEnd = (ipc_port_t *)
- ((vm_address_t) handles + _memoryEntries->getLength());
- while (handles < handlesEnd)
- ipc_port_release_send(*handles++);
- _memoryEntries->release();
- _memoryEntries = 0;
+ if (!_wireCount
+ && (kIOMemoryTypeVirtual == type || kIOMemoryTypeUIO == type) ) {
+ error = wireVirtual(forDirection);
+ if (error)
+ return error;
- return kIOReturnVMError;
+ _wireCount++;
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
* before and after an I/O transfer involving pageable memory.
-IOReturn IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::complete(
- IODirection forDirection = kIODirectionNone)
+IOReturn IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor::complete(IODirection /* forDirection */)
- if(0 == _wireCount)
+ if (!_wireCount)
return kIOReturnSuccess;
- if((_wireCount == 0) && (kIOMemoryRequiresWire & _flags)) {
- UInt rangeIndex;
- kern_return_t rc;
- if(forDirection == kIODirectionNone)
- forDirection = _direction;
- for(rangeIndex = 0; rangeIndex < _rangesCount; rangeIndex++) {
+ if (!_wireCount) {
+ IOOptionBits type = _flags & kIOMemoryTypeMask;
- vm_offset_t srcAlign = trunc_page(_ranges.v[rangeIndex].address);
- IOByteCount srcAlignEnd = trunc_page(_ranges.v[rangeIndex].address +
- _ranges.v[rangeIndex].length +
- page_size - 1);
- if(forDirection == kIODirectionIn)
- pmap_modify_pages(get_task_pmap(_task), srcAlign, srcAlignEnd);
- rc = vm_map_unwire(getMapForTask(_task, srcAlign), srcAlign,
- srcAlignEnd, FALSE);
- if(rc != KERN_SUCCESS)
- IOLog("IOMemoryDescriptor::complete: vm_map_unwire failed: %d\n", rc);
+ if (kIOMemoryTypePhysical == type) {
+ /* kIOMemoryTypePhysical */
+ else {
+ ioGMDData * dataP = getDataP(_memoryEntries);
+ ioPLBlock *ioplList = getIOPLList(dataP);
+ UInt count = getNumIOPL(_memoryEntries, dataP);
+ if (dataP->fMapper && _pages && ioplList[0].fMappedBase)
+ dataP->fMapper->iovmFree(ioplList[0].fMappedBase, _pages);
+ // Only complete iopls that we created which are for TypeVirtual
+ if (kIOMemoryTypeVirtual == type || kIOMemoryTypeUIO == type) {
+ for (UInt ind = 0; ind < count; ind++)
+ if (ioplList[ind].fIOPL) {
+ upl_commit(ioplList[ind].fIOPL, 0, 0);
+ upl_deallocate(ioplList[ind].fIOPL);
+ }
+ }
- if (_memoryEntries) {
- ipc_port_t *handles, *handlesEnd;
- handles = (ipc_port_t *) _memoryEntries->getBytesNoCopy();
- handlesEnd = (ipc_port_t *)
- ((vm_address_t) handles + _memoryEntries->getLength());
- while (handles < handlesEnd)
- ipc_port_release_send(*handles++);
- _memoryEntries->release();
- _memoryEntries = 0;
- }
+ (void) _memoryEntries->initWithBytes(dataP, sizeof(ioGMDData)); // == setLength()
+ }
return kIOReturnSuccess;
vm_map_t addressMap,
IOVirtualAddress * atAddress,
IOOptionBits options,
- IOByteCount sourceOffset = 0,
- IOByteCount length = 0 )
+ IOByteCount sourceOffset,
+ IOByteCount length )
kern_return_t kr;
ipc_port_t sharedMem = (ipc_port_t) _memEntry;
+ IOOptionBits type = _flags & kIOMemoryTypeMask;
+ Ranges vec = _ranges;
+ user_addr_t range0Addr = 0;
+ IOByteCount range0Len = 0;
+ if (vec.v)
+ getAddrLenForInd(range0Addr, range0Len, type, vec, 0);
// mapping source == dest? (could be much better)
- if( _task && (addressMap == get_task_map(_task)) && (options & kIOMapAnywhere)
- && (1 == _rangesCount) && (0 == sourceOffset)
- && (length <= _ranges.v[0].length) ) {
- *atAddress = _ranges.v[0].address;
+ if( _task
+ && (addressMap == get_task_map(_task)) && (options & kIOMapAnywhere)
+ && (1 == _rangesCount) && (0 == sourceOffset)
+ && range0Addr && (length <= range0Len) ) {
+ if (sizeof(user_addr_t) > 4 && ((UInt64) range0Addr) >> 32)
+ return kIOReturnOverrun; // Doesn't fit in 32bit return field
+ else {
+ *atAddress = range0Addr;
return( kIOReturnSuccess );
+ }
if( 0 == sharedMem) {
- vm_size_t size = 0;
- for (unsigned index = 0; index < _rangesCount; index++)
- size += round_page(_ranges.v[index].address + _ranges.v[index].length)
- - trunc_page(_ranges.v[index].address);
+ vm_size_t size = ptoa_32(_pages);
if( _task) {
#ifndef i386
- vm_size_t actualSize = size;
- kr = mach_make_memory_entry( get_task_map(_task),
- &actualSize, _ranges.v[0].address,
+ memory_object_size_t actualSize = size;
+ kr = mach_make_memory_entry_64(get_task_map(_task),
+ &actualSize, range0Addr,
- if( (KERN_SUCCESS == kr) && (actualSize != round_page(size))) {
+ if( (KERN_SUCCESS == kr) && (actualSize != round_page_32(size))) {
- IOLog("mach_make_memory_entry_64 (%08lx) size (%08lx:%08lx)\n",
- _ranges.v[0].address, (UInt32)actualSize, size);
+ IOLog("mach_make_memory_entry_64 (%08llx) size (%08lx:%08x)\n",
+ range0Addr, (UInt32) actualSize, size);
kr = kIOReturnVMError;
ipc_port_release_send( sharedMem );
if( KERN_SUCCESS != kr)
-#endif /* i386 */
+#endif /* !i386 */
sharedMem = MACH_PORT_NULL;
} else do {
- memory_object_t pager;
- unsigned int flags=0;
- struct phys_entry *pp;
- IOPhysicalAddress pa;
+ memory_object_t pager;
+ unsigned int flags = 0;
+ addr64_t pa;
IOPhysicalLength segLen;
- pa = getPhysicalSegment( sourceOffset, &segLen );
+ pa = getPhysicalSegment64( sourceOffset, &segLen );
if( !reserved) {
reserved = IONew( ExpansionData, 1 );
reserved->pagerContig = (1 == _rangesCount);
reserved->memory = this;
-#ifndef i386
- switch(options & kIOMapCacheMask ) { /*What cache mode do we need*/
+ /*What cache mode do we need*/
+ switch(options & kIOMapCacheMask ) {
case kIOMapDefaultCache:
- if((pp = pmap_find_physentry(pa))) {/* Find physical address */
- /* Use physical attributes as default */
- flags = IOTranslateCacheBits(pp);
- }
- else { /* If no physical, just hard code attributes */
- }
- break;
+ flags = IODefaultCacheBits(pa);
+ break;
case kIOMapInhibitCache:
- break;
+ break;
case kIOMapWriteThruCache:
- break;
+ break;
case kIOMapCopybackCache:
- break;
+ break;
+ case kIOMapWriteCombineCache:
+ break;
- flags |= reserved->pagerContig ? DEVICE_PAGER_CONTIGUOUS : 0;
- flags = reserved->pagerContig ? DEVICE_PAGER_CONTIGUOUS : 0;
+ flags |= reserved->pagerContig ? DEVICE_PAGER_CONTIGUOUS : 0;
pager = device_pager_setup( (memory_object_t) 0, (int) reserved,
size, flags);
_memEntry = (void *) sharedMem;
#ifndef i386
if( 0 == sharedMem)
kr = kIOReturnVMError;
IOByteCount length )
// could be much better
- if( _task && (addressMap == getMapForTask(_task, _ranges.v[0].address)) && (1 == _rangesCount)
- && (logical == _ranges.v[0].address)
- && (length <= _ranges.v[0].length) )
+ if( _task && (addressMap == get_task_map(_task)) && (1 == _rangesCount)) {
+ IOOptionBits type = _flags & kIOMemoryTypeMask;
+ user_addr_t range0Addr;
+ IOByteCount range0Len;
+ getAddrLenForInd(range0Addr, range0Len, type, _ranges, 0);
+ if (logical == range0Addr && length <= range0Len)
return( kIOReturnSuccess );
+ }
return( super::doUnmap( addressMap, logical, length ));
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
-extern "C" {
-// osfmk/device/iokit_rpc.c
-extern kern_return_t IOMapPages( vm_map_t map, vm_offset_t va, vm_offset_t pa,
- vm_size_t length, unsigned int mapFlags);
-extern kern_return_t IOUnmapPages(vm_map_t map, vm_offset_t va, vm_size_t length);
-/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
OSDefineMetaClassAndAbstractStructors( IOMemoryMap, OSObject )
/* inline function implementation */
IOPhysicalAddress IOMemoryMap::getPhysicalAddress()
{ return( getPhysicalSegment( 0, 0 )); }
-/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
-class _IOMemoryMap : public IOMemoryMap
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors(_IOMemoryMap)
- IOMemoryDescriptor * memory;
- IOMemoryMap * superMap;
- IOByteCount offset;
- IOByteCount length;
- IOVirtualAddress logical;
- task_t addressTask;
- vm_map_t addressMap;
- IOOptionBits options;
- virtual void taggedRelease(const void *tag = 0) const;
- virtual void free();
- // IOMemoryMap methods
- virtual IOVirtualAddress getVirtualAddress();
- virtual IOByteCount getLength();
- virtual task_t getAddressTask();
- virtual IOMemoryDescriptor * getMemoryDescriptor();
- virtual IOOptionBits getMapOptions();
- virtual IOReturn unmap();
- virtual void taskDied();
- virtual IOPhysicalAddress getPhysicalSegment(IOByteCount offset,
- IOByteCount * length);
- // for IOMemoryDescriptor use
- _IOMemoryMap * copyCompatible(
- IOMemoryDescriptor * owner,
- task_t intoTask,
- IOVirtualAddress toAddress,
- IOOptionBits options,
- IOByteCount offset,
- IOByteCount length );
- bool initCompatible(
- IOMemoryDescriptor * memory,
- IOMemoryMap * superMap,
- IOByteCount offset,
- IOByteCount length );
- bool initWithDescriptor(
- IOMemoryDescriptor * memory,
- task_t intoTask,
- IOVirtualAddress toAddress,
- IOOptionBits options,
- IOByteCount offset,
- IOByteCount length );
- IOReturn redirect(
- task_t intoTask, bool redirect );
-/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
#undef super
#define super IOMemoryMap
IOByteCount _offset,
IOByteCount _length )
- bool ok;
+ bool ok;
+ bool redir = ((kIOMapUnique|kIOMapReference) == ((kIOMapUnique|kIOMapReference) & _options));
- if( (!_memory) || (!intoTask) || !super::init())
+ if ((!_memory) || (!intoTask))
return( false);
if( (_offset + _length) > _memory->getLength())
return( false);
- addressMap = get_task_map(intoTask);
- if( !addressMap)
- return( false);
- vm_map_reference(addressMap);
+ if (!redir)
+ {
+ if (!super::init())
+ return(false);
+ addressMap = get_task_map(intoTask);
+ if( !addressMap)
+ return( false);
+ vm_map_reference(addressMap);
+ addressTask = intoTask;
+ logical = toAddress;
+ options = _options;
+ }
- memory = _memory;
offset = _offset;
if( _length)
length = _memory->getLength();
- addressTask = intoTask;
- logical = toAddress;
- options = _options;
if( options & kIOMapStatic)
ok = true;
- ok = (kIOReturnSuccess == memory->doMap( addressMap, &logical,
- options, offset, length ));
- if( !ok) {
- logical = 0;
- memory->release();
- memory = 0;
- vm_map_deallocate(addressMap);
- addressMap = 0;
+ ok = (kIOReturnSuccess == _memory->doMap( addressMap, &toAddress,
+ _options, offset, length ));
+ if (ok || redir)
+ {
+ if (memory)
+ memory->release();
+ memory = _memory;
+ logical = toAddress;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _memory->release();
+ if (!redir)
+ {
+ logical = 0;
+ memory = 0;
+ vm_map_deallocate(addressMap);
+ addressMap = 0;
+ }
return( ok );
+/* LP64todo - these need to expand */
struct IOMemoryDescriptorMapAllocRef
ipc_port_t sharedMem;
if( ref->sharedMem) {
vm_prot_t prot = VM_PROT_READ
| ((ref->options & kIOMapReadOnly) ? 0 : VM_PROT_WRITE);
+ // set memory entry cache
+ vm_prot_t memEntryCacheMode = prot | MAP_MEM_ONLY;
+ switch (ref->options & kIOMapCacheMask)
+ {
+ case kIOMapInhibitCache:
+ SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_IO, memEntryCacheMode);
+ break;
+ case kIOMapWriteThruCache:
+ SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_WTHRU, memEntryCacheMode);
+ break;
+ case kIOMapWriteCombineCache:
+ SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_WCOMB, memEntryCacheMode);
+ break;
+ case kIOMapCopybackCache:
+ break;
+ case kIOMapDefaultCache:
+ default:
+ SET_MAP_MEM(MAP_MEM_NOOP, memEntryCacheMode);
+ break;
+ }
+ vm_size_t unused = 0;
+ err = mach_make_memory_entry( NULL /*unused*/, &unused, 0 /*unused*/,
+ memEntryCacheMode, NULL, ref->sharedMem );
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != err)
+ IOLog("MAP_MEM_ONLY failed %d\n", err);
err = vm_map( map,
ref->size, 0 /* mask */,
prot, // cur
prot, // max
if( KERN_SUCCESS != err) {
ref->mapped = 0;
vm_map_t addressMap,
IOVirtualAddress * atAddress,
IOOptionBits options,
- IOByteCount sourceOffset = 0,
- IOByteCount length = 0 )
+ IOByteCount sourceOffset,
+ IOByteCount length )
IOReturn err = kIOReturnSuccess;
memory_object_t pager;
if( 0 == length)
length = getLength();
- sourceAddr = getSourceSegment( sourceOffset, NULL );
- assert( sourceAddr );
- pageOffset = sourceAddr - trunc_page( sourceAddr );
+ sourceAddr = getSourceSegment( sourceOffset, NULL );
+ pageOffset = sourceAddr - trunc_page_32( sourceAddr );
- ref.size = round_page( length + pageOffset );
+ ref.size = round_page_32( length + pageOffset );
- logical = *atAddress;
- if( options & kIOMapAnywhere)
- // vm_map looks for addresses above here, even when VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE
- ref.mapped = 0;
- else {
- ref.mapped = trunc_page( logical );
- if( (logical - ref.mapped) != pageOffset) {
- err = kIOReturnVMError;
- continue;
- }
- }
+ if ((kIOMapReference|kIOMapUnique) == ((kIOMapReference|kIOMapUnique) & options))
+ {
+ upl_t redirUPL2;
+ vm_size_t size;
+ int flags;
- if( ref.sharedMem && (addressMap == kernel_map) && (kIOMemoryRequiresWire & _flags))
- err = IOIteratePageableMaps( ref.size, &IOMemoryDescriptorMapAlloc, &ref );
- else
- err = IOMemoryDescriptorMapAlloc( addressMap, &ref );
+ _IOMemoryMap * mapping = (_IOMemoryMap *) *atAddress;
+ ref.mapped = mapping->getVirtualAddress();
+ if (!_memEntry)
+ {
+ err = kIOReturnNotReadable;
+ continue;
+ }
+ size = length;
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != memory_object_iopl_request((ipc_port_t) _memEntry, 0, &size, &redirUPL2,
+ &flags))
+ redirUPL2 = NULL;
+ err = upl_transpose(redirUPL2, mapping->redirUPL);
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != err)
+ {
+ IOLog("upl_transpose(%x)\n", err);
+ err = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ }
+ if (redirUPL2)
+ {
+ upl_commit(redirUPL2, NULL, 0);
+ upl_deallocate(redirUPL2);
+ redirUPL2 = 0;
+ }
+ {
+ // swap the memEntries since they now refer to different vm_objects
+ void * me = _memEntry;
+ _memEntry = mapping->memory->_memEntry;
+ mapping->memory->_memEntry = me;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ logical = *atAddress;
+ if( options & kIOMapAnywhere)
+ // vm_map looks for addresses above here, even when VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE
+ ref.mapped = 0;
+ else {
+ ref.mapped = trunc_page_32( logical );
+ if( (logical - ref.mapped) != pageOffset) {
+ err = kIOReturnVMError;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if( ref.sharedMem && (addressMap == kernel_map) && (kIOMemoryBufferPageable & _flags))
+ err = IOIteratePageableMaps( ref.size, &IOMemoryDescriptorMapAlloc, &ref );
+ else
+ err = IOMemoryDescriptorMapAlloc( addressMap, &ref );
+ }
if( err != KERN_SUCCESS)
vm_size_t bytes;
vm_size_t page;
IOByteCount pageOffset;
+ IOByteCount pagerOffset;
IOPhysicalLength segLen;
- IOPhysicalAddress physAddr;
+ addr64_t physAddr;
if( !addressMap) {
return( kIOReturnSuccess );
- physAddr = getPhysicalSegment( sourceOffset, &segLen );
+ physAddr = getPhysicalSegment64( sourceOffset, &segLen );
assert( physAddr );
- pageOffset = physAddr - trunc_page( physAddr );
+ pageOffset = physAddr - trunc_page_64( physAddr );
+ pagerOffset = sourceOffset;
size = length + pageOffset;
physAddr -= pageOffset;
// in the middle of the loop only map whole pages
if( segLen >= bytes)
segLen = bytes;
- else if( segLen != trunc_page( segLen))
+ else if( segLen != trunc_page_32( segLen))
err = kIOReturnVMError;
- if( physAddr != trunc_page( physAddr))
+ if( physAddr != trunc_page_64( physAddr))
err = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ if (kIOReturnSuccess != err)
+ break;
#ifdef DEBUG
if( kIOLogMapping & gIOKitDebug)
- IOLog("_IOMemoryMap::map(%p) %08lx->%08lx:%08lx\n",
+ IOLog("_IOMemoryMap::map(%p) %08lx->%08qx:%08lx\n",
addressMap, address + pageOffset, physAddr + pageOffset,
segLen - pageOffset);
#ifdef i386
/* i386 doesn't support faulting on device memory yet */
if( addressMap && (kIOReturnSuccess == err))
- err = IOMapPages( addressMap, address, physAddr, segLen, options );
+ err = IOMapPages( addressMap, address, (IOPhysicalAddress) physAddr, segLen, options );
assert( KERN_SUCCESS == err );
if( err)
if( pager) {
if( reserved && reserved->pagerContig) {
IOPhysicalLength allLen;
- IOPhysicalAddress allPhys;
+ addr64_t allPhys;
- allPhys = getPhysicalSegment( 0, &allLen );
+ allPhys = getPhysicalSegment64( 0, &allLen );
assert( allPhys );
- err = device_pager_populate_object( pager, 0, trunc_page(allPhys), round_page(allLen) );
+ err = device_pager_populate_object( pager, 0, allPhys >> PAGE_SHIFT, round_page_32(allLen) );
} else {
- for( page = 0;
+ for( page = 0;
(page < segLen) && (KERN_SUCCESS == err);
page += page_size) {
- err = device_pager_populate_object( pager, sourceOffset + page,
- physAddr + page, page_size );
+ err = device_pager_populate_object(pager, pagerOffset,
+ (ppnum_t)((physAddr + page) >> PAGE_SHIFT), page_size);
+ pagerOffset += page_size;
assert( KERN_SUCCESS == err );
/* handle. This is required for machine architecture independence.*/
if(!(kIOMemoryRedirected & _flags)) {
- vm_fault(addressMap, address, 3, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 0);
+ vm_fault(addressMap,
+ (vm_map_offset_t)address,
+ (vm_map_offset_t)0);
/* *** Temporary Workaround *** */
pageOffset = 0;
} while( bytes
- && (physAddr = getPhysicalSegment( sourceOffset, &segLen )));
+ && (physAddr = getPhysicalSegment64( sourceOffset, &segLen )));
if( bytes)
err = kIOReturnBadArgument;
addressMap, logical, length );
- if( (addressMap == kernel_map) || (addressMap == get_task_map(current_task()))) {
+ if( true /* && (addressMap == kernel_map) || (addressMap == get_task_map(current_task()))*/) {
- if( _memEntry && (addressMap == kernel_map) && (kIOMemoryRequiresWire & _flags))
+ if( _memEntry && (addressMap == kernel_map) && (kIOMemoryBufferPageable & _flags))
addressMap = IOPageableMapForAddress( logical );
err = vm_deallocate( addressMap, logical, length );
return( err );
-IOReturn IOMemoryDescriptor::redirect( task_t safeTask, bool redirect )
+IOReturn IOMemoryDescriptor::redirect( task_t safeTask, bool doRedirect )
- IOReturn err;
+ IOReturn err = kIOReturnSuccess;
_IOMemoryMap * mapping = 0;
OSIterator * iter;
+ if( doRedirect)
+ _flags |= kIOMemoryRedirected;
+ else
+ _flags &= ~kIOMemoryRedirected;
do {
if( (iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( _mappings))) {
- while( (mapping = (_IOMemoryMap *) iter->getNextObject()))
- mapping->redirect( safeTask, redirect );
+ while( (mapping = (_IOMemoryMap *) iter->getNextObject()))
+ mapping->redirect( safeTask, doRedirect );
- iter->release();
- }
+ iter->release();
+ }
} while( false );
- if( redirect)
- _flags |= kIOMemoryRedirected;
- else {
- _flags &= ~kIOMemoryRedirected;
+ if (!doRedirect)
+ {
// temporary binary compatibility
IOSubMemoryDescriptor * subMem;
if( (subMem = OSDynamicCast( IOSubMemoryDescriptor, this)))
- err = subMem->redirect( safeTask, redirect );
+ err = subMem->redirect( safeTask, doRedirect );
- err = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ err = kIOReturnSuccess;
return( err );
-IOReturn IOSubMemoryDescriptor::redirect( task_t safeTask, bool redirect )
+IOReturn IOSubMemoryDescriptor::redirect( task_t safeTask, bool doRedirect )
- return( _parent->redirect( safeTask, redirect ));
+ return( _parent->redirect( safeTask, doRedirect ));
-IOReturn _IOMemoryMap::redirect( task_t safeTask, bool redirect )
+IOReturn _IOMemoryMap::redirect( task_t safeTask, bool doRedirect )
IOReturn err = kIOReturnSuccess;
if( superMap) {
-// err = ((_IOMemoryMap *)superMap)->redirect( safeTask, redirect );
+// err = ((_IOMemoryMap *)superMap)->redirect( safeTask, doRedirect );
} else {
if( logical && addressMap
- && (get_task_map( safeTask) != addressMap)
- && (0 == (options & kIOMapStatic))) {
- IOUnmapPages( addressMap, logical, length );
- if( !redirect) {
+ && (!safeTask || (get_task_map(safeTask) != addressMap))
+ && (0 == (options & kIOMapStatic)))
+ {
+ IOUnmapPages( addressMap, logical, length );
+ if(!doRedirect && safeTask
+ && ((memory->_flags & kIOMemoryTypeMask) == kIOMemoryTypePhysical))
+ {
err = vm_deallocate( addressMap, logical, length );
err = memory->doMap( addressMap, &logical,
(options & ~kIOMapAnywhere) /*| kIOMapReserve*/,
} else
err = kIOReturnSuccess;
#ifdef DEBUG
- IOLog("IOMemoryMap::redirect(%d, %p) %x:%lx from %p\n", redirect, this, logical, length, addressMap);
+ IOLog("IOMemoryMap::redirect(%d, %p) %x:%lx from %p\n", doRedirect, this, logical, length, addressMap);
+ if (((memory->_flags & kIOMemoryTypeMask) == kIOMemoryTypePhysical)
+ && safeTask
+ && (doRedirect != (0 != (memory->_flags & kIOMemoryRedirected))))
+ memory->redirect(safeTask, doRedirect);
return( err );
// of a memory descriptors _mappings set. This means that we
// always have 2 references on a mapping. When either of these mappings
// are released we need to free ourselves.
-void _IOMemoryMap::taggedRelease(const void *tag = 0) const
+void _IOMemoryMap::taggedRelease(const void *tag) const
super::taggedRelease(tag, 2);
void _IOMemoryMap::free()
+ if (owner && (owner != memory))
+ {
+ owner->removeMapping(this);
+ }
if( superMap)
+ if (redirUPL) {
+ upl_commit(redirUPL, NULL, 0);
+ upl_deallocate(redirUPL);
+ }
_IOMemoryMap * mapping;
- if( (!task) || (task != getAddressTask()))
+ if( (!task) || (!addressMap) || (addressMap != get_task_map(task)))
+ return( 0 );
+ if( options & kIOMapUnique)
return( 0 );
if( (options ^ _options) & kIOMapReadOnly)
return( 0 );
IOPhysicalAddress _IOMemoryMap::getPhysicalSegment( IOByteCount _offset,
- IOPhysicalLength * length)
+ IOPhysicalLength * _length)
IOPhysicalAddress address;
- address = memory->getPhysicalSegment( offset + _offset, length );
+ address = memory->getPhysicalSegment( offset + _offset, _length );
return( address );
if( 0 == gIOMemoryLock)
gIOMemoryLock = IORecursiveLockAlloc();
+ IORegistryEntry::getRegistryRoot()->setProperty(kIOMaximumMappedIOByteCountKey,
+ ptoa_64(gIOMaximumMappedIOPageCount), 64);
void IOMemoryDescriptor::free( void )
IOMemoryMap * IOMemoryDescriptor::setMapping(
task_t intoTask,
IOVirtualAddress mapAddress,
- IOOptionBits options = 0 )
+ IOOptionBits options )
- _IOMemoryMap * map;
+ _IOMemoryMap * newMap;
- map = new _IOMemoryMap;
+ newMap = new _IOMemoryMap;
- if( map
- && !map->initWithDescriptor( this, intoTask, mapAddress,
+ if( newMap
+ && !newMap->initWithDescriptor( this, intoTask, mapAddress,
options | kIOMapStatic, 0, getLength() )) {
- map->release();
- map = 0;
+ newMap->release();
+ newMap = 0;
- addMapping( map);
+ addMapping( newMap);
- return( map);
+ return( newMap);
IOMemoryMap * IOMemoryDescriptor::map(
- IOOptionBits options = 0 )
+ IOOptionBits options )
return( makeMapping( this, kernel_task, 0,
task_t intoTask,
IOVirtualAddress toAddress,
IOOptionBits options,
- IOByteCount offset = 0,
- IOByteCount length = 0 )
+ IOByteCount offset,
+ IOByteCount length )
if( 0 == length)
length = getLength();
return( makeMapping( this, intoTask, toAddress, options, offset, length ));
+IOReturn _IOMemoryMap::redirect(IOMemoryDescriptor * newBackingMemory,
+ IOOptionBits options,
+ IOByteCount offset)
+ IOReturn err = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * physMem = 0;
+ if (logical && addressMap) do
+ {
+ if ((memory->_flags & kIOMemoryTypeMask) == kIOMemoryTypePhysical)
+ {
+ physMem = memory;
+ physMem->retain();
+ }
+ if (!redirUPL)
+ {
+ vm_size_t size = length;
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != memory_object_iopl_request((ipc_port_t) memory->_memEntry, 0, &size, &redirUPL,
+ &flags))
+ redirUPL = 0;
+ if (physMem)
+ {
+ IOUnmapPages( addressMap, logical, length );
+ physMem->redirect(0, true);
+ }
+ }
+ if (newBackingMemory)
+ {
+ if (newBackingMemory != memory)
+ {
+ if (this != newBackingMemory->makeMapping(newBackingMemory, addressTask, (IOVirtualAddress) this,
+ options | kIOMapUnique | kIOMapReference,
+ offset, length))
+ err = kIOReturnError;
+ }
+ if (redirUPL)
+ {
+ upl_commit(redirUPL, NULL, 0);
+ upl_deallocate(redirUPL);
+ redirUPL = 0;
+ }
+ if (physMem)
+ physMem->redirect(0, false);
+ }
+ }
+ while (false);
+ if (physMem)
+ physMem->release();
+ return (err);
IOMemoryMap * IOMemoryDescriptor::makeMapping(
IOMemoryDescriptor * owner,
task_t intoTask,
IOByteCount offset,
IOByteCount length )
+ IOMemoryDescriptor * mapDesc = 0;
_IOMemoryMap * mapping = 0;
OSIterator * iter;
- do {
- // look for an existing mapping
- if( (iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( _mappings))) {
+ do
+ {
+ if (kIOMapUnique & options)
+ {
+ IOPhysicalAddress phys;
+ IOByteCount physLen;
+ if (owner != this)
+ continue;
+ if ((_flags & kIOMemoryTypeMask) == kIOMemoryTypePhysical)
+ {
+ phys = getPhysicalSegment(offset, &physLen);
+ if (!phys || (physLen < length))
+ continue;
+ mapDesc = IOMemoryDescriptor::withPhysicalAddress(
+ phys, length, _direction);
+ if (!mapDesc)
+ continue;
+ offset = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mapDesc = this;
+ mapDesc->retain();
+ }
+ if (kIOMapReference & options)
+ {
+ mapping = (_IOMemoryMap *) toAddress;
+ mapping->retain();
+#if 1
+ uint32_t pageOffset1 = mapDesc->getSourceSegment( offset, NULL );
+ pageOffset1 -= trunc_page_32( pageOffset1 );
+ uint32_t pageOffset2 = mapping->getVirtualAddress();
+ pageOffset2 -= trunc_page_32( pageOffset2 );
+ if (pageOffset1 != pageOffset2)
+ IOLog("::redirect can't map offset %x to addr %x\n",
+ pageOffset1, mapping->getVirtualAddress());
- while( (mapping = (_IOMemoryMap *) iter->getNextObject())) {
- if( (mapping = mapping->copyCompatible(
- owner, intoTask, toAddress,
- options | kIOMapReference,
- offset, length )))
- break;
- }
- iter->release();
- if( mapping)
- continue;
- }
+ if (!mapping->initWithDescriptor( mapDesc, intoTask, toAddress, options,
+ offset, length ))
+ {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ IOLog("Didn't redirect map %08lx : %08lx\n", offset, length );
+ }
+ if (mapping->owner)
+ mapping->owner->removeMapping(mapping);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // look for an existing mapping
+ if( (iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( _mappings))) {
+ while( (mapping = (_IOMemoryMap *) iter->getNextObject())) {
+ if( (mapping = mapping->copyCompatible(
+ owner, intoTask, toAddress,
+ options | kIOMapReference,
+ offset, length )))
+ break;
+ }
+ iter->release();
+ }
+ if (mapping)
+ mapping->retain();
- if( mapping || (options & kIOMapReference))
- continue;
+ if( mapping || (options & kIOMapReference))
+ continue;
+ mapDesc = owner;
+ mapDesc->retain();
+ }
owner = this;
mapping = new _IOMemoryMap;
if( mapping
- && !mapping->initWithDescriptor( owner, intoTask, toAddress, options,
+ && !mapping->initWithDescriptor( mapDesc, intoTask, toAddress, options,
offset, length )) {
#ifdef DEBUG
IOLog("Didn't make map %08lx : %08lx\n", offset, length );
mapping = 0;
+ if (mapping)
+ mapping->retain();
} while( false );
- owner->addMapping( mapping);
+ if (mapping)
+ {
+ mapping->owner = owner;
+ owner->addMapping( mapping);
+ mapping->release();
+ }
+ if (mapDesc)
+ mapDesc->release();
return( mapping);
bool IOSubMemoryDescriptor::initSubRange( IOMemoryDescriptor * parent,
IOByteCount offset, IOByteCount length,
- IODirection withDirection )
+ IODirection direction )
- if( !super::init())
- return( false );
if( !parent)
return( false);
if( (offset + length) > parent->getLength())
return( false);
+ /*
+ * We can check the _parent instance variable before having ever set it
+ * to an initial value because I/O Kit guarantees that all our instance
+ * variables are zeroed on an object's allocation.
+ */
+ if( !_parent) {
+ if( !super::init())
+ return( false );
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * An existing memory descriptor is being retargeted to
+ * point to somewhere else. Clean up our present state.
+ */
+ _parent->release();
+ _parent = 0;
+ }
_parent = parent;
_start = offset;
_length = length;
- _direction = withDirection;
+ _direction = direction;
_tag = parent->getTag();
return( true );
return( address );
+IOReturn IOSubMemoryDescriptor::doMap(
+ vm_map_t addressMap,
+ IOVirtualAddress * atAddress,
+ IOOptionBits options,
+ IOByteCount sourceOffset,
+ IOByteCount length )
+ if( sourceOffset >= _length)
+ return( kIOReturnOverrun );
+ return (_parent->doMap(addressMap, atAddress, options, sourceOffset + _start, length));
IOPhysicalAddress IOSubMemoryDescriptor::getSourceSegment( IOByteCount offset,
IOByteCount * length )
IOByteCount IOSubMemoryDescriptor::readBytes(IOByteCount offset,
- void * bytes, IOByteCount withLength)
+ void * bytes, IOByteCount length)
IOByteCount byteCount;
byteCount = _parent->readBytes( _start + offset, bytes,
- min(withLength, _length - offset) );
+ min(length, _length - offset) );
return( byteCount );
IOByteCount IOSubMemoryDescriptor::writeBytes(IOByteCount offset,
- const void* bytes, IOByteCount withLength)
+ const void* bytes, IOByteCount length)
IOByteCount byteCount;
byteCount = _parent->writeBytes( _start + offset, bytes,
- min(withLength, _length - offset) );
+ min(length, _length - offset) );
return( byteCount );
+IOReturn IOSubMemoryDescriptor::setPurgeable( IOOptionBits newState,
+ IOOptionBits * oldState )
+ IOReturn err;
+ err = _parent->setPurgeable( newState, oldState );
+ return( err );
+IOReturn IOSubMemoryDescriptor::performOperation( IOOptionBits options,
+ IOByteCount offset, IOByteCount length )
+ IOReturn err;
+ assert(offset <= _length);
+ if( offset >= _length)
+ return( kIOReturnOverrun );
+ err = _parent->performOperation( options, _start + offset,
+ min(length, _length - offset) );
+ return( err );
IOReturn IOSubMemoryDescriptor::prepare(
- IODirection forDirection = kIODirectionNone)
+ IODirection forDirection)
IOReturn err;
IOReturn IOSubMemoryDescriptor::complete(
- IODirection forDirection = kIODirectionNone)
+ IODirection forDirection)
IOReturn err;
IOByteCount offset,
IOByteCount length )
- IOMemoryMap * mapping;
+ IOMemoryMap * mapping = 0;
- mapping = (IOMemoryMap *) _parent->makeMapping(
+ if (!(kIOMapUnique & options))
+ mapping = (IOMemoryMap *) _parent->makeMapping(
_parent, intoTask,
toAddress - (_start + offset),
options | kIOMapReference,
IOSubMemoryDescriptor::initWithAddress(void * address,
- IOByteCount withLength,
- IODirection withDirection)
+ IOByteCount length,
+ IODirection direction)
return( false );
IOSubMemoryDescriptor::initWithAddress(vm_address_t address,
- IOByteCount withLength,
- IODirection withDirection,
- task_t withTask)
+ IOByteCount length,
+ IODirection direction,
+ task_t task)
return( false );
IOPhysicalAddress address,
- IOByteCount withLength,
- IODirection withDirection )
+ IOByteCount length,
+ IODirection direction )
return( false );
IOVirtualRange * ranges,
UInt32 withCount,
- IODirection withDirection,
- task_t withTask,
- bool asReference = false)
+ IODirection direction,
+ task_t task,
+ bool asReference)
return( false );
IOSubMemoryDescriptor::initWithPhysicalRanges( IOPhysicalRange * ranges,
UInt32 withCount,
- IODirection withDirection,
- bool asReference = false)
+ IODirection direction,
+ bool asReference)
return( false );
OSSymbol const *keys[2];
OSObject *values[2];
- OSDictionary *dict;
- IOVirtualRange *vcopy;
+ struct SerData {
+ user_addr_t address;
+ user_size_t length;
+ } *vcopy;
unsigned int index, nRanges;
bool result;
+ IOOptionBits type = _flags & kIOMemoryTypeMask;
if (s == NULL) return false;
if (s->previouslySerialized(this)) return true;
if (!s->addXMLStartTag(this, "array")) return false;
nRanges = _rangesCount;
- vcopy = (IOVirtualRange *) IOMalloc(sizeof(IOVirtualRange) * nRanges);
+ vcopy = (SerData *) IOMalloc(sizeof(SerData) * nRanges);
if (vcopy == 0) return false;
keys[0] = OSSymbol::withCString("address");
// while the lock is held.
if (nRanges == _rangesCount) {
+ Ranges vec = _ranges;
for (index = 0; index < nRanges; index++) {
- vcopy[index] = _ranges.v[index];
+ user_addr_t addr; IOByteCount len;
+ getAddrLenForInd(addr, len, type, vec, index);
+ vcopy[index].address = addr;
+ vcopy[index].length = len;
} else {
// The descriptor changed out from under us. Give up.
for (index = 0; index < nRanges; index++)
- values[0] = OSNumber::withNumber(_ranges.v[index].address, sizeof(_ranges.v[index].address) * 8);
+ user_addr_t addr = vcopy[index].address;
+ IOByteCount len = (IOByteCount) vcopy[index].length;
+ values[0] =
+ OSNumber::withNumber(addr, (((UInt64) addr) >> 32)? 64 : 32);
if (values[0] == 0) {
result = false;
goto bail;
- values[1] = OSNumber::withNumber(_ranges.v[index].length, sizeof(_ranges.v[index].length) * 8);
+ values[1] = OSNumber::withNumber(len, sizeof(len) * 8);
if (values[1] == 0) {
result = false;
goto bail;
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOMemoryDescriptor, 0);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMemoryDescriptor, 1);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMemoryDescriptor, 2);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMemoryDescriptor, 3);
-OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMemoryDescriptor, 4);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOMemoryDescriptor, 1);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOMemoryDescriptor, 2);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOMemoryDescriptor, 3);
+OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOMemoryDescriptor, 4);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMemoryDescriptor, 5);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMemoryDescriptor, 6);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMemoryDescriptor, 7);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMemoryDescriptor, 14);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMemoryDescriptor, 15);
-/* inline function implementation */
+/* ex-inline function implementation */
IOPhysicalAddress IOMemoryDescriptor::getPhysicalAddress()
{ return( getPhysicalSegment( 0, 0 )); }