-/* $FreeBSD: src/sys/netinet6/nd6_nbr.c,v 2001/07/06 05:32:25 sumikawa Exp $ */
-/* $KAME: nd6_nbr.c,v 1.64 2001/05/17 03:48:30 itojun Exp $ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998 WIDE Project.
#include <sys/kernel.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/syslog.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <sys/mcache.h>
+#include <sys/protosw.h>
#include <kern/queue.h>
+#include <dev/random/randomdev.h>
+#include <kern/locks.h>
+#include <kern/zalloc.h>
#include <net/if.h>
+#include <net/if_var.h>
#include <net/if_types.h>
#include <net/if_dl.h>
+#include <net/if_llreach.h>
#include <net/route.h>
+#include <net/dlil.h>
+#include <net/nwk_wq.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/in_var.h>
#include <netinet6/in6_var.h>
+#include <netinet6/in6_ifattach.h>
#include <netinet/ip6.h>
#include <netinet6/ip6_var.h>
#include <netinet6/nd6.h>
+#include <netinet6/scope6_var.h>
#include <netinet/icmp6.h>
#if INET6
#include <netinet6/ipsec6.h>
-extern int ipsec_bypass;
-#include <net/net_osdep.h>
+struct dadq;
+static struct dadq *nd6_dad_find(struct ifaddr *, struct nd_opt_nonce *);
+void nd6_dad_stoptimer(struct ifaddr *);
+static void nd6_dad_timer(struct ifaddr *);
+static void nd6_dad_ns_output(struct dadq *, struct ifaddr *);
+static void nd6_dad_ns_input(struct ifaddr *, char *, int, struct nd_opt_nonce *);
+static struct mbuf *nd6_dad_na_input(struct mbuf *, struct ifnet *,
+ struct in6_addr *, caddr_t, int);
+static void dad_addref(struct dadq *, int);
+static void dad_remref(struct dadq *);
+static struct dadq *nd6_dad_attach(struct dadq *, struct ifaddr *);
+static void nd6_dad_detach(struct dadq *, struct ifaddr *);
-#define SDL(s) ((struct sockaddr_dl *)s)
+static int dad_maxtry = 15; /* max # of *tries* to transmit DAD packet */
-struct dadq;
-static struct dadq *nd6_dad_find __P((struct ifaddr *));
-#ifndef __APPLE__
-static void nd6_dad_starttimer __P((struct dadq *, int));
-static void nd6_dad_stoptimer __P((struct dadq *));
-void nd6_dad_stoptimer __P((struct ifaddr *));
-static void nd6_dad_timer __P((struct ifaddr *));
-static void nd6_dad_timer_funnel __P((struct ifaddr *));
-static void nd6_dad_ns_output __P((struct dadq *, struct ifaddr *));
-static void nd6_dad_ns_input __P((struct ifaddr *));
-static void nd6_dad_na_input __P((struct ifaddr *));
+static unsigned int dad_size; /* size of zone element */
+static struct zone *dad_zone; /* zone for dadq */
+#define DAD_ZONE_MAX 64 /* maximum elements in zone */
+#define DAD_ZONE_NAME "nd6_dad" /* zone name */
+#define DAD_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(_dp) \
+#define DAD_LOCK(_dp) \
+ lck_mtx_lock(&(_dp)->dad_lock)
+#define DAD_LOCK_SPIN(_dp) \
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(&(_dp)->dad_lock)
-static int dad_ignore_ns = 0; /* ignore NS in DAD - specwise incorrect*/
-static int dad_maxtry = 15; /* max # of *tries* to transmit DAD packet */
+#define DAD_CONVERT_LOCK(_dp) do { \
+ lck_mtx_convert_spin(&(_dp)->dad_lock); \
+} while (0)
+#define DAD_UNLOCK(_dp) \
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&(_dp)->dad_lock)
+#define DAD_ADDREF(_dp) \
+ dad_addref(_dp, 0)
+#define DAD_ADDREF_LOCKED(_dp) \
+ dad_addref(_dp, 1)
+#define DAD_REMREF(_dp) \
+ dad_remref(_dp)
+extern lck_mtx_t *dad6_mutex;
+extern lck_mtx_t *nd6_mutex;
+static int nd6_llreach_base = 30; /* seconds */
+static struct sockaddr_in6 hostrtmask;
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet6_icmp6, OID_AUTO, nd6_llreach_base,
+ CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &nd6_llreach_base, 0,
+ "default ND6 link-layer reachability max lifetime (in seconds)");
+int dad_enhanced = 1;
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet6_ip6, OID_AUTO, dad_enhanced, CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED,
+ &dad_enhanced, 0,
+ "Enable Enhanced DAD, which adds a random nonce to NS messages for DAD.");
- * Input an Neighbor Solicitation Message.
+ * Obtain a link-layer source cache entry for the sender.
- * Based on RFC 2461
- * Based on RFC 2462 (duplicated address detection)
+ * NOTE: This is currently only for ND6/Ethernet.
-nd6_ns_input(m, off, icmp6len)
- struct mbuf *m;
- int off, icmp6len;
+nd6_llreach_alloc(struct rtentry *rt, struct ifnet *ifp, void *addr,
+ unsigned int alen, boolean_t solicited)
+ struct llinfo_nd6 *ln = rt->rt_llinfo;
+ if (nd6_llreach_base != 0 &&
+ (ln->ln_expire != 0 || (ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV6_ND6ALT) != 0) &&
+ !(rt->rt_ifp->if_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) &&
+ ifp->if_addrlen == IF_LLREACH_MAXLEN && /* Ethernet */
+ alen == ifp->if_addrlen) {
+ struct if_llreach *lr;
+ const char *why = NULL, *type = "";
+ /* Become a regular mutex, just in case */
+ if ((lr = ln->ln_llreach) != NULL) {
+ type = (solicited ? "ND6 advertisement" :
+ "ND6 unsolicited announcement");
+ /*
+ * If target has changed, create a new record;
+ * otherwise keep existing record.
+ */
+ IFLR_LOCK(lr);
+ if (bcmp(addr, lr->lr_key.addr, alen) != 0) {
+ /* Purge any link-layer info caching */
+ VERIFY(rt->rt_llinfo_purge != NULL);
+ rt->rt_llinfo_purge(rt);
+ lr = NULL;
+ why = " for different target HW address; "
+ "using new llreach record";
+ } else {
+ lr->lr_probes = 0; /* reset probe count */
+ if (solicited) {
+ why = " for same target HW address; "
+ "keeping existing llreach record";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (lr == NULL) {
+ lr = ln->ln_llreach = ifnet_llreach_alloc(ifp,
+ ETHERTYPE_IPV6, addr, alen, nd6_llreach_base);
+ if (lr != NULL) {
+ lr->lr_probes = 0; /* reset probe count */
+ if (why == NULL) {
+ why = "creating new llreach record";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (nd6_debug && lr != NULL && why != NULL) {
+ char tmp[MAX_IPv6_STR_LEN];
+ nd6log((LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s%s for %s\n", if_name(ifp),
+ type, why, inet_ntop(AF_INET6,
+ &SIN6(rt_key(rt))->sin6_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp))));
+ }
+ }
+nd6_llreach_use(struct llinfo_nd6 *ln)
+ if (ln->ln_llreach != NULL) {
+ ln->ln_lastused = net_uptime();
+ }
+ * Input a Neighbor Solicitation Message.
+ *
+ * Based on RFC 4861
+ * Based on RFC 4862 (duplicate address detection)
+ */
+ struct mbuf *m,
+ int off,
+ int icmp6len)
struct ifnet *ifp = m->m_pkthdr.rcvif;
struct ip6_hdr *ip6 = mtod(m, struct ip6_hdr *);
struct in6_addr taddr6;
struct in6_addr myaddr6;
char *lladdr = NULL;
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
+ struct ifaddr *ifa = NULL;
int lladdrlen = 0;
- int anycast = 0, proxy = 0, tentative = 0;
+ int anycast = 0, proxy = 0, dadprogress = 0;
int tlladdr;
union nd_opts ndopts;
- struct sockaddr_dl *proxydl = NULL;
+ struct sockaddr_dl proxydl;
+ boolean_t advrouter;
+ boolean_t is_dad_probe;
+ int oflgclr = 0;
- IP6_EXTHDR_CHECK(m, off, icmp6len,);
+ /* Expect 32-bit aligned data pointer on strict-align platforms */
+ IP6_EXTHDR_CHECK(m, off, icmp6len, return );
nd_ns = (struct nd_neighbor_solicit *)((caddr_t)ip6 + off);
- IP6_EXTHDR_GET(nd_ns, struct nd_neighbor_solicit *, m, off, icmp6len);
- if (nd_ns == NULL) {
- icmp6stat.icp6s_tooshort++;
- return;
- }
+ m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags |= PKTF_INET6_RESOLVE;
ip6 = mtod(m, struct ip6_hdr *); /* adjust pointer for safety */
taddr6 = nd_ns->nd_ns_target;
+ if (in6_setscope(&taddr6, ifp, NULL) != 0) {
+ goto bad;
+ }
- if (ip6->ip6_hlim != 255) {
+ if (ip6->ip6_hlim != IPV6_MAXHLIM) {
"nd6_ns_input: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s\n",
ip6->ip6_hlim, ip6_sprintf(&ip6->ip6_src),
goto bad;
- if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&saddr6)) {
- /* dst has to be solicited node multicast address. */
- if (daddr6.s6_addr16[0] == IPV6_ADDR_INT16_MLL
- /*don't check ifindex portion*/
- && daddr6.s6_addr32[1] == 0
- && daddr6.s6_addr32[2] == IPV6_ADDR_INT32_ONE
- && daddr6.s6_addr8[12] == 0xff) {
- ; /*good*/
+ is_dad_probe = IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&saddr6);
+ if (is_dad_probe) {
+ /* dst has to be a solicited node multicast address. */
+ if (daddr6.s6_addr16[0] == IPV6_ADDR_INT16_MLL &&
+ /* don't check ifindex portion */
+ daddr6.s6_addr32[1] == 0 &&
+ daddr6.s6_addr32[2] == IPV6_ADDR_INT32_ONE &&
+ daddr6.s6_addr8[12] == 0xff) {
+ ; /* good */
} else {
nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ns_input: bad DAD packet "
- "(wrong ip6 dst)\n"));
+ "(wrong ip6 dst)\n"));
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ } else if (!nd6_onlink_ns_rfc4861) {
+ struct sockaddr_in6 src_sa6;
+ /*
+ * According to recent IETF discussions, it is not a good idea
+ * to accept a NS from an address which would not be deemed
+ * to be a neighbor otherwise. This point is expected to be
+ * clarified in future revisions of the specification.
+ */
+ bzero(&src_sa6, sizeof(src_sa6));
+ src_sa6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ src_sa6.sin6_len = sizeof(src_sa6);
+ src_sa6.sin6_addr = saddr6;
+ if (!nd6_is_addr_neighbor(&src_sa6, ifp, 0)) {
+ nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ns_input: "
+ "NS packet from non-neighbor\n"));
goto bad;
goto bad;
- if (IN6_IS_SCOPE_LINKLOCAL(&taddr6))
- taddr6.s6_addr16[1] = htons(ifp->if_index);
icmp6len -= sizeof(*nd_ns);
nd6_option_init(nd_ns + 1, icmp6len, &ndopts);
if (nd6_options(&ndopts) < 0) {
if (ndopts.nd_opts_src_lladdr) {
- lladdr = (char *)(ndopts.nd_opts_src_lladdr +1);
+ lladdr = (char *)(ndopts.nd_opts_src_lladdr + 1);
lladdrlen = ndopts.nd_opts_src_lladdr->nd_opt_len << 3;
- if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&ip6->ip6_src) && lladdr) {
+ if (is_dad_probe && lladdr) {
nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_ns_input: bad DAD packet "
"(link-layer address option)\n"));
goto bad;
* In implementation, we add target link-layer address by default.
* We do not add one in MUST NOT cases.
-#if 0 /* too much! */
- ifa = (struct ifaddr *)in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(ifp, &daddr6);
- if (ifa && (((struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa)->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_ANYCAST))
+ if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&daddr6)) {
tlladdr = 0;
- else
- if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&daddr6))
- tlladdr = 0;
- else
+ } else {
tlladdr = 1;
+ }
* Target address (taddr6) must be either:
* (1) Valid unicast/anycast address for my receiving interface,
* (2) Unicast address for which I'm offering proxy service, or
- * (3) "tentative" address on which DAD is being performed.
+ * (3) "tentative" or "optimistic" address [DAD is in progress].
/* (1) and (3) check. */
ifa = (struct ifaddr *)in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(ifp, &taddr6);
/* (2) check. */
- if (!ifa) {
+ if (ifa == NULL) {
struct rtentry *rt;
struct sockaddr_in6 tsin6;
- bzero(&tsin6, sizeof tsin6);
+ bzero(&tsin6, sizeof tsin6);
tsin6.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
tsin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
tsin6.sin6_addr = taddr6;
- rt = rtalloc1((struct sockaddr *)&tsin6, 0, 0);
- if (rt && (rt->rt_flags & RTF_ANNOUNCE) != 0 &&
- rt->rt_gateway->sa_family == AF_LINK) {
- /*
- * proxy NDP for single entry
- */
- ifa = (struct ifaddr *)in6ifa_ifpforlinklocal(ifp,
- if (ifa) {
- proxy = 1;
- proxydl = SDL(rt->rt_gateway);
+ rt = rtalloc1_scoped((struct sockaddr *)&tsin6, 0, 0,
+ ifp->if_index);
+ if (rt != NULL) {
+ RT_LOCK(rt);
+ if ((rt->rt_flags & RTF_ANNOUNCE) != 0 &&
+ rt->rt_gateway->sa_family == AF_LINK) {
+ /*
+ * proxy NDP for single entry
+ */
+ ifa = (struct ifaddr *)in6ifa_ifpforlinklocal(
+ if (ifa) {
+ proxy = 1;
+ proxydl = *SDL(rt->rt_gateway);
+ }
- }
- if (rt)
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
+ }
- if (!ifa) {
+ if (ifa == NULL && ip6_forwarding && nd6_prproxy) {
- * We've got an NS packet, and we don't have that adddress
- * assigned for us. We MUST silently ignore it.
- * See RFC2461 7.2.3.
+ * Is the target address part of the prefix that is being
+ * proxied and installed on another interface?
+ ifa = (struct ifaddr *)in6ifa_prproxyaddr(&taddr6);
+ }
+ if (ifa == NULL) {
+ /*
+ * We've got an NS packet, and we don't have that address
+ * assigned for us. We MUST silently ignore it on this
+ * interface, c.f. RFC 4861 7.2.3.
+ *
+ * Forwarding associated with NDPRF_PRPROXY may apply.
+ */
+ if (ip6_forwarding && nd6_prproxy) {
+ nd6_prproxy_ns_input(ifp, &saddr6, lladdr,
+ lladdrlen, &daddr6, &taddr6,
+ (ndopts.nd_opts_nonce == NULL) ? NULL :
+ ndopts.nd_opts_nonce->nd_opt_nonce);
+ }
goto freeit;
+ IFA_LOCK(ifa);
myaddr6 = *IFA_IN6(ifa);
anycast = ((struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa)->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_ANYCAST;
- tentative = ((struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa)->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE;
- if (((struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa)->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_DUPLICATED)
+ dadprogress =
+ ((struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa)->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_DADPROGRESS;
+ if (((struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa)->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_DUPLICATED) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
goto freeit;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
if (lladdr && ((ifp->if_addrlen + 2 + 7) & ~7) != lladdrlen) {
"nd6_ns_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s "
"(if %d, NS packet %d)\n",
- ip6_sprintf(&taddr6), ifp->if_addrlen, lladdrlen - 2));
+ ip6_sprintf(&taddr6), ifp->if_addrlen, lladdrlen - 2));
goto bad;
if (IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&myaddr6, &saddr6)) {
- log(LOG_INFO,
+ nd6log((LOG_INFO,
"nd6_ns_input: duplicate IP6 address %s\n",
- ip6_sprintf(&saddr6));
+ ip6_sprintf(&saddr6)));
goto freeit;
* We have neighbor solicitation packet, with target address equals to
- * one of my tentative address.
+ * one of my DAD in-progress addresses.
* src addr how to process?
* --- ---
* multicast of course, invalid (rejected in ip6_input)
- * unicast somebody is doing address resolution -> ignore
+ * unicast somebody is doing address resolution
* unspec dup address detection
- * The processing is defined in RFC 2462.
+ * The processing is defined in the "draft standard" RFC 4862 (and by
+ * RFC 4429, which is a "proposed standard" update to its obsolete
+ * predecessor, RFC 2462) The reason optimistic DAD is not included
+ * in RFC 4862 is entirely due to IETF procedural considerations.
- if (tentative) {
+ if (dadprogress) {
* If source address is unspecified address, it is for
- * duplicated address detection.
+ * duplicate address detection.
* If not, the packet is for addess resolution;
- * silently ignore it.
+ * silently ignore it when not optimistic
+ *
+ * Per RFC 4429 the reply for an optimistic address must
+ * have the Override flag cleared
- if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&saddr6))
- nd6_dad_ns_input(ifa);
+ if (!is_dad_probe && (dadprogress & IN6_IFF_OPTIMISTIC) != 0) {
+ oflgclr = 1;
+ } else {
+ if (is_dad_probe) {
+ nd6_dad_ns_input(ifa, lladdr, lladdrlen, ndopts.nd_opts_nonce);
+ }
- goto freeit;
+ goto freeit;
+ }
+ /* Are we an advertising router on this interface? */
+ advrouter = (ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV6_ROUTER);
* If the source address is unspecified address, entries must not
* be created or updated.
- * It looks that sender is performing DAD. Output NA toward
- * all-node multicast address, to tell the sender that I'm using
+ * It looks that sender is performing DAD. If I'm using the address,
+ * and it's a "preferred" address, i.e. not optimistic, then output NA
+ * toward all-node multicast address, to tell the sender that I'm using
* the address.
* S bit ("solicited") must be zero.
- if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&saddr6)) {
+ if (is_dad_probe) {
saddr6 = in6addr_linklocal_allnodes;
- saddr6.s6_addr16[1] = htons(ifp->if_index);
- nd6_na_output(ifp, &saddr6, &taddr6,
- ((anycast || proxy || !tlladdr)
- | (ip6_forwarding ? ND_NA_FLAG_ROUTER : 0),
- tlladdr, (struct sockaddr *)proxydl);
+ if (in6_setscope(&saddr6, ifp, NULL) != 0) {
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ if ((dadprogress & IN6_IFF_OPTIMISTIC) == 0) {
+ nd6_na_output(ifp, &saddr6, &taddr6,
+ ((anycast || proxy || !tlladdr) ? 0 :
+ ND_NA_FLAG_OVERRIDE) | (advrouter ?
+ ND_NA_FLAG_ROUTER : 0), tlladdr, proxy ?
+ (struct sockaddr *)&proxydl : NULL);
+ }
goto freeit;
- nd6_cache_lladdr(ifp, &saddr6, lladdr, lladdrlen, ND_NEIGHBOR_SOLICIT, 0);
+ nd6_cache_lladdr(ifp, &saddr6, lladdr, lladdrlen,
nd6_na_output(ifp, &saddr6, &taddr6,
- ((anycast || proxy || !tlladdr) ? 0 : ND_NA_FLAG_OVERRIDE)
- | (ip6_forwarding ? ND_NA_FLAG_ROUTER : 0)
- tlladdr, (struct sockaddr *)proxydl);
- freeit:
+ ((anycast || proxy || !tlladdr || oflgclr) ? 0 : ND_NA_FLAG_OVERRIDE) |
+ tlladdr, proxy ? (struct sockaddr *)&proxydl : NULL);
+ if (ifa != NULL) {
+ IFA_REMREF(ifa);
+ }
- bad:
nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_ns_input: src=%s\n", ip6_sprintf(&saddr6)));
nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_ns_input: dst=%s\n", ip6_sprintf(&daddr6)));
nd6log((LOG_ERR, "nd6_ns_input: tgt=%s\n", ip6_sprintf(&taddr6)));
+ if (ifa != NULL) {
+ IFA_REMREF(ifa);
+ }
- * Output an Neighbor Solicitation Message. Caller specifies:
+ * Output a Neighbor Solicitation Message. Caller specifies:
* - ICMP6 header source IP6 address
* - ND6 header target IP6 address
* - ND6 header source datalink address
- * Based on RFC 2461
- * Based on RFC 2462 (duplicated address detection)
+ * Based on RFC 4861
+ * Based on RFC 4862 (duplicate address detection)
+ * Based on RFC 4429 (optimistic duplicate address detection)
+ *
+ * Caller must bump up ln->ln_rt refcnt to make sure 'ln' doesn't go
+ * away if there is a llinfo_nd6 passed in.
-nd6_ns_output(ifp, daddr6, taddr6, ln, dad)
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- const struct in6_addr *daddr6, *taddr6;
- struct llinfo_nd6 *ln; /* for source address determination */
- int dad; /* duplicated address detection */
+ struct ifnet *ifp,
+ const struct in6_addr *daddr6,
+ const struct in6_addr *taddr6,
+ struct llinfo_nd6 *ln, /* for source address determination */
+ uint8_t *nonce) /* duplicated address detection */
struct mbuf *m;
struct ip6_hdr *ip6;
struct nd_neighbor_solicit *nd_ns;
struct in6_ifaddr *ia = NULL;
- struct ip6_moptions im6o;
+ struct in6_addr *src, src_in, src_storage;
+ struct ip6_moptions *im6o = NULL;
+ struct ifnet *outif = NULL;
int icmp6len;
int maxlen;
+ int flags;
caddr_t mac;
- struct ifnet *outif = NULL;
- if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(taddr6))
+ struct route_in6 ro;
+ struct ip6_out_args ip6oa;
+ u_int32_t rtflags = 0;
+ if ((ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV6_ND6ALT) || IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(taddr6)) {
+ }
+ bzero(&ro, sizeof(ro));
+ bzero(&ip6oa, sizeof(ip6oa));
+ ip6oa.ip6oa_boundif = ifp->if_index;
+ ip6oa.ip6oa_flags = IP6OAF_SELECT_SRCIF | IP6OAF_BOUND_SRCADDR |
+ ip6oa.ip6oa_sotc = SO_TC_UNSPEC;
+ ip6oa.ip6oa_netsvctype = _NET_SERVICE_TYPE_UNSPEC;
+ ip6oa.ip6oa_flags |= IP6OAF_BOUND_IF;
/* estimate the size of message */
maxlen = sizeof(*ip6) + sizeof(*nd_ns);
+ MGETHDR(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA); /* XXXMAC: mac_create_mbuf_linklayer() probably */
if (m && max_linkhdr + maxlen >= MHLEN) {
if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0) {
m = NULL;
- if (m == NULL)
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ }
m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = NULL;
if (daddr6 == NULL || IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(daddr6)) {
m->m_flags |= M_MCAST;
- im6o.im6o_multicast_ifp = ifp;
- im6o.im6o_multicast_hlim = 255;
- im6o.im6o_multicast_loop = 0;
+ im6o = ip6_allocmoptions(M_DONTWAIT);
+ if (im6o == NULL) {
+ m_freem(m);
+ return;
+ }
+ im6o->im6o_multicast_ifp = ifp;
+ im6o->im6o_multicast_hlim = IPV6_MAXHLIM;
+ im6o->im6o_multicast_loop = 0;
icmp6len = sizeof(*nd_ns);
m->m_pkthdr.len = m->m_len = sizeof(*ip6) + icmp6len;
- m->m_data += max_linkhdr; /*or MH_ALIGN() equivalent?*/
+ m->m_data += max_linkhdr; /* or MH_ALIGN() equivalent? */
/* fill neighbor solicitation packet */
ip6 = mtod(m, struct ip6_hdr *);
ip6->ip6_vfc |= IPV6_VERSION;
/* ip6->ip6_plen will be set later */
ip6->ip6_nxt = IPPROTO_ICMPV6;
- ip6->ip6_hlim = 255;
- if (daddr6)
+ ip6->ip6_hlim = IPV6_MAXHLIM;
+ if (daddr6) {
ip6->ip6_dst = *daddr6;
- else {
+ } else {
ip6->ip6_dst.s6_addr16[0] = IPV6_ADDR_INT16_MLL;
- ip6->ip6_dst.s6_addr16[1] = htons(ifp->if_index);
+ ip6->ip6_dst.s6_addr16[1] = 0;
ip6->ip6_dst.s6_addr32[1] = 0;
ip6->ip6_dst.s6_addr32[2] = IPV6_ADDR_INT32_ONE;
ip6->ip6_dst.s6_addr32[3] = taddr6->s6_addr32[3];
ip6->ip6_dst.s6_addr8[12] = 0xff;
- }
- if (!dad) {
-#if 0 /* KAME way, exact address scope match */
- /*
- * Select a source whose scope is the same as that of the dest.
- * Typically, the dest is link-local solicitation multicast
- * (i.e. neighbor discovery) or link-local/global unicast
- * (i.e. neighbor un-reachability detection).
- */
- ia = in6_ifawithifp(ifp, &ip6->ip6_dst);
- if (ia == NULL) {
- m_freem(m);
- return;
+ if (in6_setscope(&ip6->ip6_dst, ifp, NULL) != 0) {
+ goto bad;
- ip6->ip6_src = ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr;
-#else /* spec-wise correct */
+ }
+ if (nonce == NULL) {
* RFC2461 7.2.2:
* "If the source address of the packet prompting the
* (saddr6), if:
* - saddr6 is given from the caller (by giving "ln"), and
* - saddr6 belongs to the outgoing interface.
- * Otherwise, we perform a scope-wise match.
+ * Otherwise, we perform the source address selection as usual.
- struct ip6_hdr *hip6; /*hold ip6*/
- struct in6_addr *saddr6;
- if (ln && ln->ln_hold) {
- hip6 = mtod(ln->ln_hold, struct ip6_hdr *);
- /* XXX pullup? */
- if (sizeof(*hip6) < ln->ln_hold->m_len)
- saddr6 = &hip6->ip6_src;
- else
- saddr6 = NULL;
- } else
- saddr6 = NULL;
- if (saddr6 && in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(ifp, saddr6))
- bcopy(saddr6, &ip6->ip6_src, sizeof(*saddr6));
- else {
- ia = in6_ifawithifp(ifp, &ip6->ip6_dst);
- if (ia == NULL) {
- m_freem(m); /*XXX*/
- return;
+ struct ip6_hdr *hip6; /* hold ip6 */
+ struct in6_addr *hsrc = NULL;
+ /* Caller holds ref on this route */
+ if (ln != NULL) {
+ RT_LOCK(ln->ln_rt);
+ /*
+ * assuming every packet in ln_hold has the same IP
+ * header
+ */
+ if (ln->ln_hold != NULL) {
+ hip6 = mtod(ln->ln_hold, struct ip6_hdr *);
+ /* XXX pullup? */
+ if (sizeof(*hip6) < ln->ln_hold->m_len) {
+ hsrc = &hip6->ip6_src;
+ } else {
+ hsrc = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Update probe count, if applicable */
+ if (ln->ln_llreach != NULL) {
+ IFLR_LOCK_SPIN(ln->ln_llreach);
+ ln->ln_llreach->lr_probes++;
+ IFLR_UNLOCK(ln->ln_llreach);
+ }
+ rtflags = ln->ln_rt->rt_flags;
+ RT_UNLOCK(ln->ln_rt);
+ }
+ if (hsrc != NULL && (ia = in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(ifp, hsrc)) &&
+ (ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_OPTIMISTIC) == 0) {
+ src = hsrc;
+ } else {
+ int error;
+ struct sockaddr_in6 dst_sa;
+ bzero(&dst_sa, sizeof(dst_sa));
+ dst_sa.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ dst_sa.sin6_len = sizeof(dst_sa);
+ dst_sa.sin6_addr = ip6->ip6_dst;
+ src = in6_selectsrc(&dst_sa, NULL,
+ NULL, &ro, NULL, &src_storage, ip6oa.ip6oa_boundif,
+ &error);
+ if (src == NULL) {
+ nd6log((LOG_DEBUG,
+ "nd6_ns_output: source can't be "
+ "determined: dst=%s, error=%d\n",
+ ip6_sprintf(&dst_sa.sin6_addr),
+ error));
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ if (ia != NULL) {
+ IFA_REMREF(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ ia = NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * RFC 4429 section 3.2:
+ * When a node has a unicast packet to send
+ * from an Optimistic Address to a neighbor,
+ * but does not know the neighbor's link-layer
+ * address, it MUST NOT perform Address
+ * Resolution.
+ */
+ ia = in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(ifp, src);
+ if (!ia || (ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_OPTIMISTIC)) {
+ nd6log((LOG_DEBUG,
+ "nd6_ns_output: no preferred source "
+ "available: dst=%s\n",
+ ip6_sprintf(&dst_sa.sin6_addr)));
+ goto bad;
- ip6->ip6_src = ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr;
} else {
* Source address for DAD packet must always be IPv6
* unspecified address. (0::0)
+ * We actually don't have to 0-clear the address (we did it
+ * above), but we do so here explicitly to make the intention
+ * clearer.
- bzero(&ip6->ip6_src, sizeof(ip6->ip6_src));
+ bzero(&src_in, sizeof(src_in));
+ src = &src_in;
+ ip6oa.ip6oa_flags &= ~IP6OAF_BOUND_SRCADDR;
+ ip6->ip6_src = *src;
nd_ns = (struct nd_neighbor_solicit *)(ip6 + 1);
nd_ns->nd_ns_type = ND_NEIGHBOR_SOLICIT;
nd_ns->nd_ns_code = 0;
nd_ns->nd_ns_reserved = 0;
nd_ns->nd_ns_target = *taddr6;
- if (IN6_IS_SCOPE_LINKLOCAL(&nd_ns->nd_ns_target))
- nd_ns->nd_ns_target.s6_addr16[1] = 0;
+ in6_clearscope(&nd_ns->nd_ns_target); /* XXX */
* Add source link-layer address option.
* Multicast NS MUST add one add the option
* Unicast NS SHOULD add one add the option
- if (!dad && (mac = nd6_ifptomac(ifp))) {
+ if (nonce == NULL && (mac = nd6_ifptomac(ifp))) {
int optlen = sizeof(struct nd_opt_hdr) + ifp->if_addrlen;
struct nd_opt_hdr *nd_opt = (struct nd_opt_hdr *)(nd_ns + 1);
/* 8 byte alignments... */
optlen = (optlen + 7) & ~7;
m->m_pkthdr.len += optlen;
m->m_len += optlen;
icmp6len += optlen;
nd_opt->nd_opt_len = optlen >> 3;
bcopy(mac, (caddr_t)(nd_opt + 1), ifp->if_addrlen);
+ /*
+ * Add a Nonce option (RFC 3971) to detect looped back NS messages.
+ * This behavior is documented as Enhanced Duplicate Address
+ * Detection in draft-ietf-6man-enhanced-dad-13.
+ * net.inet6.ip6.dad_enhanced=0 disables this.
+ */
+ if (dad_enhanced != 0 && nonce != NULL && !(ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT)) {
+ int optlen = sizeof(struct nd_opt_hdr) + ND_OPT_NONCE_LEN;
+ struct nd_opt_hdr *nd_opt = (struct nd_opt_hdr *)(nd_ns + 1);
+ /* 8-byte alignment is required. */
+ optlen = (optlen + 7) & ~7;
+ m->m_pkthdr.len += optlen;
+ m->m_len += optlen;
+ icmp6len += optlen;
+ bzero((caddr_t)nd_opt, optlen);
+ nd_opt->nd_opt_type = ND_OPT_NONCE;
+ nd_opt->nd_opt_len = optlen >> 3;
+ bcopy(nonce, (caddr_t)(nd_opt + 1), ND_OPT_NONCE_LEN);
+ }
ip6->ip6_plen = htons((u_short)icmp6len);
nd_ns->nd_ns_cksum = 0;
- = in6_cksum(m, IPPROTO_ICMPV6, sizeof(*ip6), icmp6len);
+ = in6_cksum(m, IPPROTO_ICMPV6, sizeof(*ip6), icmp6len);
-#if IPSEC
- /* Don't lookup socket */
- if (ipsec_bypass == 0)
- (void)ipsec_setsocket(m, NULL);
- ip6_output(m, NULL, NULL, dad ? IPV6_DADOUTPUT : 0, &im6o, &outif);
+ flags = nonce ? IPV6_UNSPECSRC : 0;
+ flags |= IPV6_OUTARGS;
+ /*
+ * PKTF_{INET,INET6}_RESOLVE_RTR are mutually exclusive, so make
+ * sure only one of them is set (just in case.)
+ */
+ m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags &= ~(PKTF_INET_RESOLVE | PKTF_RESOLVE_RTR);
+ m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags |= PKTF_INET6_RESOLVE;
+ /*
+ * If this is a NS for resolving the (default) router, mark
+ * the packet accordingly so that the driver can find out,
+ * in case it needs to perform driver-specific action(s).
+ */
+ if (rtflags & RTF_ROUTER) {
+ m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags |= PKTF_RESOLVE_RTR;
+ }
+ if (ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_TXSTART) {
+ /*
+ * Use control service class if the interface
+ * supports transmit-start model
+ */
+ (void) m_set_service_class(m, MBUF_SC_CTL);
+ }
+ ip6_output(m, NULL, NULL, flags, im6o, &outif, &ip6oa);
if (outif) {
icmp6_ifstat_inc(outif, ifs6_out_msg);
icmp6_ifstat_inc(outif, ifs6_out_neighborsolicit);
+ ifnet_release(outif);
+ if (im6o != NULL) {
+ IM6O_REMREF(im6o);
+ }
+ ROUTE_RELEASE(&ro); /* we don't cache this route. */
+ if (ia != NULL) {
+ IFA_REMREF(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ return;
+ m_freem(m);
+ goto exit;
* Neighbor advertisement input handling.
- * Based on RFC 2461
- * Based on RFC 2462 (duplicated address detection)
+ * Based on RFC 4861
+ * Based on RFC 4862 (duplicate address detection)
* the following items are not implemented yet:
- * - proxy advertisement delay rule (RFC2461 7.2.8, last paragraph, SHOULD)
- * - anycast advertisement delay rule (RFC2461 7.2.7, SHOULD)
+ * - anycast advertisement delay rule (RFC 4861 7.2.7, SHOULD)
+ * - proxy advertisement delay rule (RFC 4861 7.2.8, last paragraph, "should")
-nd6_na_input(m, off, icmp6len)
- struct mbuf *m;
- int off, icmp6len;
+nd6_na_input(struct mbuf *m, int off, int icmp6len)
struct ifnet *ifp = m->m_pkthdr.rcvif;
struct ip6_hdr *ip6 = mtod(m, struct ip6_hdr *);
struct nd_neighbor_advert *nd_na;
-#if 0
struct in6_addr saddr6 = ip6->ip6_src;
struct in6_addr daddr6 = ip6->ip6_dst;
struct in6_addr taddr6;
int flags;
int is_override;
char *lladdr = NULL;
int lladdrlen = 0;
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
struct llinfo_nd6 *ln;
struct rtentry *rt;
struct sockaddr_dl *sdl;
union nd_opts ndopts;
+ uint64_t timenow;
+ bool send_nc_alive_kev = false;
+ if ((ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV6_ND6ALT) != 0) {
+ nd6log((LOG_INFO, "nd6_na_input: on ND6ALT interface!\n"));
+ goto freeit;
+ }
- if (ip6->ip6_hlim != 255) {
+ /* Expect 32-bit aligned data pointer on strict-align platforms */
+ if (ip6->ip6_hlim != IPV6_MAXHLIM) {
"nd6_na_input: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s\n",
ip6->ip6_hlim, ip6_sprintf(&ip6->ip6_src),
goto bad;
- IP6_EXTHDR_CHECK(m, off, icmp6len,);
+ IP6_EXTHDR_CHECK(m, off, icmp6len, return );
nd_na = (struct nd_neighbor_advert *)((caddr_t)ip6 + off);
- IP6_EXTHDR_GET(nd_na, struct nd_neighbor_advert *, m, off, icmp6len);
- if (nd_na == NULL) {
- icmp6stat.icp6s_tooshort++;
- return;
- }
- taddr6 = nd_na->nd_na_target;
+ m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags |= PKTF_INET6_RESOLVE;
flags = nd_na->nd_na_flags_reserved;
is_router = ((flags & ND_NA_FLAG_ROUTER) != 0);
is_solicited = ((flags & ND_NA_FLAG_SOLICITED) != 0);
is_override = ((flags & ND_NA_FLAG_OVERRIDE) != 0);
- if (IN6_IS_SCOPE_LINKLOCAL(&taddr6))
- taddr6.s6_addr16[1] = htons(ifp->if_index);
+ taddr6 = nd_na->nd_na_target;
+ if (in6_setscope(&taddr6, ifp, NULL)) {
+ goto bad; /* XXX: impossible */
+ }
if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&taddr6)) {
"nd6_na_input: invalid target address %s\n",
goto bad;
- if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&daddr6))
+ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&daddr6)) {
if (is_solicited) {
"nd6_na_input: a solicited adv is multicasted\n"));
goto bad;
+ }
icmp6len -= sizeof(*nd_na);
nd6_option_init(nd_na + 1, icmp6len, &ndopts);
if (ndopts.nd_opts_tgt_lladdr) {
lladdr = (char *)(ndopts.nd_opts_tgt_lladdr + 1);
lladdrlen = ndopts.nd_opts_tgt_lladdr->nd_opt_len << 3;
- }
- ifa = (struct ifaddr *)in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(ifp, &taddr6);
- /*
- * Target address matches one of my interface address.
- *
- * If my address is tentative, this means that there's somebody
- * already using the same address as mine. This indicates DAD failure.
- * This is defined in RFC 2462.
- *
- * Otherwise, process as defined in RFC 2461.
- */
- if (ifa
- && (((struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa)->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE)) {
- nd6_dad_na_input(ifa);
- goto freeit;
+ if (((ifp->if_addrlen + 2 + 7) & ~7) != lladdrlen) {
+ nd6log((LOG_INFO,
+ "nd6_na_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s "
+ "(if %d, NA packet %d)\n",
+ ip6_sprintf(&taddr6), ifp->if_addrlen,
+ lladdrlen - 2));
+ goto bad;
+ }
- /* Just for safety, maybe unnecessery. */
- if (ifa) {
- log(LOG_ERR,
- "nd6_na_input: duplicate IP6 address %s\n",
- ip6_sprintf(&taddr6));
- goto freeit;
+ m = nd6_dad_na_input(m, ifp, &taddr6, lladdr, lladdrlen);
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ return;
- if (lladdr && ((ifp->if_addrlen + 2 + 7) & ~7) != lladdrlen) {
- nd6log((LOG_INFO,
- "nd6_na_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s "
- "(if %d, NA packet %d)\n",
- ip6_sprintf(&taddr6), ifp->if_addrlen, lladdrlen - 2));
- goto bad;
+ /* Forwarding associated with NDPRF_PRPROXY may apply. */
+ if (ip6_forwarding && nd6_prproxy) {
+ nd6_prproxy_na_input(ifp, &saddr6, &daddr6, &taddr6, flags);
- * If no neighbor cache entry is found, NA SHOULD silently be discarded.
+ * If no neighbor cache entry is found, NA SHOULD silently be
+ * discarded. If we are forwarding (and Scoped Routing is in
+ * effect), try to see if there is a neighbor cache entry on
+ * another interface (in case we are doing prefix proxying.)
- rt = nd6_lookup(&taddr6, 0, ifp);
- if ((rt == NULL) ||
- ((ln = (struct llinfo_nd6 *)rt->rt_llinfo) == NULL) ||
- ((sdl = SDL(rt->rt_gateway)) == NULL))
+ if ((rt = nd6_lookup(&taddr6, 0, ifp, 0)) == NULL) {
+ if (!ip6_forwarding || !nd6_prproxy) {
+ goto freeit;
+ }
+ if ((rt = nd6_lookup(&taddr6, 0, NULL, 0)) == NULL) {
+ goto freeit;
+ }
+ if (rt->rt_ifp != ifp) {
+ /*
+ * Purge any link-layer info caching.
+ */
+ if (rt->rt_llinfo_purge != NULL) {
+ rt->rt_llinfo_purge(rt);
+ }
+ /* Adjust route ref count for the interfaces */
+ if (rt->rt_if_ref_fn != NULL) {
+ rt->rt_if_ref_fn(ifp, 1);
+ rt->rt_if_ref_fn(rt->rt_ifp, -1);
+ }
+ /* Change the interface when the existing route is on */
+ rt->rt_ifp = ifp;
+ /*
+ * If rmx_mtu is not locked, update it
+ * to the MTU used by the new interface.
+ */
+ if (!(rt->rt_rmx.rmx_locks & RTV_MTU)) {
+ rt->rt_rmx.rmx_mtu = rt->rt_ifp->if_mtu;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((ln = rt->rt_llinfo) == NULL ||
+ (sdl = SDL(rt->rt_gateway)) == NULL) {
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
goto freeit;
+ }
+ timenow = net_uptime();
if (ln->ln_state == ND6_LLINFO_INCOMPLETE) {
* If the link-layer has address, and no lladdr option came,
* discard the packet.
- if (ifp->if_addrlen && !lladdr)
+ if (ifp->if_addrlen && !lladdr) {
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
goto freeit;
+ }
* Record link-layer address, and update the state.
sdl->sdl_alen = ifp->if_addrlen;
bcopy(lladdr, LLADDR(sdl), ifp->if_addrlen);
if (is_solicited) {
- ln->ln_state = ND6_LLINFO_REACHABLE;
- ln->ln_byhint = 0;
- if (ln->ln_expire)
- ln->ln_expire = time_second +
- nd_ifinfo[rt->rt_ifp->if_index].reachable;
+ send_nc_alive_kev = (rt->rt_flags & RTF_ROUTER) ? true : false;
+ if (ln->ln_expire != 0) {
+ struct nd_ifinfo *ndi = NULL;
+ ndi = ND_IFINFO(rt->rt_ifp);
+ VERIFY(ndi != NULL && ndi->initialized);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock);
+ ln_setexpire(ln, timenow + ndi->reachable);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock);
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
+ lck_mtx_lock(rnh_lock);
+ nd6_sched_timeout(NULL, NULL);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(rnh_lock);
+ RT_LOCK(rt);
+ }
} else {
- ln->ln_state = ND6_LLINFO_STALE;
- ln->ln_expire = time_second + nd6_gctimer;
+ ln_setexpire(ln, timenow + nd6_gctimer);
+ /*
+ * Enqueue work item to invoke callback for this
+ * route entry
+ */
+ route_event_enqueue_nwk_wq_entry(rt, NULL,
if ((ln->ln_router = is_router) != 0) {
+ struct radix_node_head *rnh = NULL;
+ struct route_event rt_ev;
+ route_event_init(&rt_ev, rt, NULL, ROUTE_LLENTRY_RESOLVED);
* This means a router's state has changed from
* non-reachable to probably reachable, and might
* affect the status of associated prefixes..
+ * We already have a reference on rt. Don't need to
+ * take one for the unlock/lock.
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
+ lck_mtx_lock(rnh_lock);
+ rnh = rt_tables[AF_INET6];
+ if (rnh != NULL) {
+ (void) rnh->rnh_walktree(rnh, route_event_walktree,
+ (void *)&rt_ev);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(rnh_lock);
+ lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex);
+ RT_LOCK(rt);
} else {
- int llchange;
+ int llchange = 0;
* Check if the link-layer address has changed or not.
- if (!lladdr)
+ if (lladdr == NULL) {
llchange = 0;
- else {
+ } else {
if (sdl->sdl_alen) {
- if (bcmp(lladdr, LLADDR(sdl), ifp->if_addrlen))
+ if (bcmp(lladdr, LLADDR(sdl), ifp->if_addrlen)) {
llchange = 1;
- else
+ } else {
llchange = 0;
- } else
+ }
+ } else {
llchange = 1;
+ }
- * This is VERY complex. Look at it with care.
+ * This is VERY complex. Look at it with care.
* override solicit lladdr llchange action
* (L: record lladdr)
* 1 1 y n (2a) L *->REACHABLE
* 1 1 y y (2a) L *->REACHABLE
- if (!is_override && (lladdr && llchange)) { /* (1) */
+ if (!is_override && (lladdr != NULL && llchange)) { /* (1) */
* If state is REACHABLE, make it STALE.
* no other updates should be done.
if (ln->ln_state == ND6_LLINFO_REACHABLE) {
- ln->ln_state = ND6_LLINFO_STALE;
- ln->ln_expire = time_second + nd6_gctimer;
+ ln_setexpire(ln, timenow + nd6_gctimer);
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
goto freeit;
- } else if (is_override /* (2a) */
- || (!is_override && (lladdr && !llchange)) /* (2b) */
- || !lladdr) { /* (2c) */
+ } else if (is_override /* (2a) */
+ || (!is_override && (lladdr && !llchange)) /* (2b) */
+ || !lladdr) { /* (2c) */
* Update link-local address, if any.
* changed, make it STALE.
if (is_solicited) {
- ln->ln_state = ND6_LLINFO_REACHABLE;
- ln->ln_byhint = 0;
- if (ln->ln_expire) {
- ln->ln_expire = time_second +
- nd_ifinfo[ifp->if_index].reachable;
+ if (ln->ln_expire != 0) {
+ struct nd_ifinfo *ndi = NULL;
+ ndi = ND_IFINFO(ifp);
+ VERIFY(ndi != NULL && ndi->initialized);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock);
+ ln_setexpire(ln,
+ timenow + ndi->reachable);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock);
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
+ lck_mtx_lock(rnh_lock);
+ nd6_sched_timeout(NULL, NULL);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(rnh_lock);
+ RT_LOCK(rt);
} else {
if (lladdr && llchange) {
- ln->ln_state = ND6_LLINFO_STALE;
- ln->ln_expire = time_second + nd6_gctimer;
+ ln_setexpire(ln, timenow + nd6_gctimer);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * XXX
+ * The above is somewhat convoluted, for now just
+ * issue a callback for LLENTRY changed.
+ */
+ /* Enqueue work item to invoke callback for this route entry */
+ if (llchange) {
+ route_event_enqueue_nwk_wq_entry(rt, NULL,
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the router's link-layer address has changed,
+ * notify routes using this as gateway so they can
+ * update any cached information.
+ */
+ if (ln->ln_router && is_router && llchange) {
+ struct radix_node_head *rnh = NULL;
+ struct route_event rt_ev;
+ route_event_init(&rt_ev, rt, NULL, ROUTE_LLENTRY_CHANGED);
+ /*
+ * This means a router's state has changed from
+ * non-reachable to probably reachable, and might
+ * affect the status of associated prefixes..
+ *
+ * We already have a valid rt reference here.
+ * We don't need to take another one for unlock/lock.
+ */
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
+ lck_mtx_lock(rnh_lock);
+ rnh = rt_tables[AF_INET6];
+ if (rnh != NULL) {
+ (void) rnh->rnh_walktree(rnh, route_event_walktree,
+ (void *)&rt_ev);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(rnh_lock);
+ RT_LOCK(rt);
struct nd_defrouter *dr;
struct in6_addr *in6;
- int s;
+ struct ifnet *rt_ifp = rt->rt_ifp;
+ in6 = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)
+ (void *)rt_key(rt))->sin6_addr;
- in6 = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)rt_key(rt))->sin6_addr;
- s = splnet();
- dr = defrouter_lookup(in6, rt->rt_ifp);
- if (dr)
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
+ lck_mtx_lock(nd6_mutex);
+ dr = defrouter_lookup(in6, rt_ifp);
+ if (dr) {
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&nd_defrouter, dr, dr_entry);
- else if (!ip6_forwarding && ip6_accept_rtadv) {
+ NDDR_REMREF(dr); /* remove list reference */
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex);
+ } else {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nd6_mutex);
- * Even if the neighbor is not in the default
- * router list, the neighbor may be used
- * as a next hop for some destinations
- * (e.g. redirect case). So we must
- * call rt6_flush explicitly.
+ * Even if the neighbor is not in the
+ * default router list, the neighbor
+ * may be used as a next hop for some
+ * destinations (e.g. redirect case).
+ * So we must call rt6_flush explicitly.
- rt6_flush(&ip6->ip6_src, rt->rt_ifp);
+ rt6_flush(&ip6->ip6_src, rt_ifp);
- splx(s);
+ RT_LOCK(rt);
ln->ln_router = is_router;
- rt->rt_flags &= ~RTF_REJECT;
- ln->ln_asked = 0;
- if (ln->ln_hold) {
- /*
- * we assume ifp is not a p2p here, so just set the 2nd
- * argument as the 1st one.
- */
- nd6_output(ifp, ifp, ln->ln_hold,
- (struct sockaddr_in6 *)rt_key(rt), rt);
- ln->ln_hold = 0;
+ if (send_nc_alive_kev && (ifp->if_addrlen == IF_LLREACH_MAXLEN)) {
+ struct kev_msg ev_msg;
+ struct kev_nd6_ndalive nd6_ndalive;
+ bzero(&ev_msg, sizeof(ev_msg));
+ bzero(&nd6_ndalive, sizeof(nd6_ndalive));
+ ev_msg.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
+ ev_msg.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
+ ev_msg.kev_subclass = KEV_ND6_SUBCLASS;
+ ev_msg.event_code = KEV_ND6_NDALIVE;
+ nd6_ndalive.link_data.if_family = ifp->if_family;
+ nd6_ndalive.link_data.if_unit = ifp->if_unit;
+ strlcpy(nd6_ndalive.link_data.if_name,
+ ifp->if_name,
+ sizeof(nd6_ndalive.link_data.if_name));
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_ptr = &nd6_ndalive;
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_length =
+ sizeof(nd6_ndalive);
+ dlil_post_complete_msg(NULL, &ev_msg);
- freeit:
+ rt->rt_flags &= ~RTF_REJECT;
+ /* cache the gateway (sender HW) address */
+ nd6_llreach_alloc(rt, ifp, LLADDR(sdl), sdl->sdl_alen, TRUE);
+ /* update the llinfo, send a queued packet if there is one */
+ ln->ln_asked = 0;
+ if (ln->ln_hold != NULL) {
+ struct mbuf *m_hold, *m_hold_next;
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sin6;
+ rtkey_to_sa6(rt, &sin6);
+ /*
+ * reset the ln_hold in advance, to explicitly
+ * prevent a ln_hold lookup in nd6_output()
+ * (wouldn't happen, though...)
+ */
+ m_hold = ln->ln_hold;
+ ln->ln_hold = NULL;
+ for (; m_hold; m_hold = m_hold_next) {
+ m_hold_next = m_hold->m_nextpkt;
+ m_hold->m_nextpkt = NULL;
+ /*
+ * we assume ifp is not a loopback here, so just set
+ * the 2nd argument as the 1st one.
+ */
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
+ nd6_output(ifp, ifp, m_hold, &sin6, rt, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
- bad:
+ /* fall through */
+ return;
* the following items are not implemented yet:
* - proxy advertisement delay rule (RFC2461 7.2.8, last paragraph, SHOULD)
* - anycast advertisement delay rule (RFC2461 7.2.7, SHOULD)
+ *
+ * tlladdr - 1 if include target link-layer address
+ * sdl0 - sockaddr_dl (= proxy NA) or NULL
-nd6_na_output(ifp, daddr6, taddr6, flags, tlladdr, sdl0)
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- const struct in6_addr *daddr6, *taddr6;
- u_long flags;
- int tlladdr; /* 1 if include target link-layer address */
- struct sockaddr *sdl0; /* sockaddr_dl (= proxy NA) or NULL */
+ struct ifnet *ifp,
+ const struct in6_addr *daddr6_0,
+ const struct in6_addr *taddr6,
+ uint32_t flags,
+ int tlladdr, /* 1 if include target link-layer address */
+ struct sockaddr *sdl0) /* sockaddr_dl (= proxy NA) or NULL */
struct mbuf *m;
struct ip6_hdr *ip6;
struct nd_neighbor_advert *nd_na;
- struct in6_ifaddr *ia = NULL;
- struct ip6_moptions im6o;
- int icmp6len;
- int maxlen;
- caddr_t mac;
+ struct ip6_moptions *im6o = NULL;
+ caddr_t mac = NULL;
+ struct route_in6 ro;
+ struct in6_addr *src, src_storage, daddr6;
+ struct in6_ifaddr *ia;
+ struct sockaddr_in6 dst_sa;
+ int icmp6len, maxlen, error;
struct ifnet *outif = NULL;
+ struct ip6_out_args ip6oa;
+ bzero(&ro, sizeof(ro));
+ daddr6 = *daddr6_0; /* make a local copy for modification */
+ bzero(&ip6oa, sizeof(ip6oa));
+ ip6oa.ip6oa_boundif = ifp->if_index;
+ ip6oa.ip6oa_flags = IP6OAF_SELECT_SRCIF | IP6OAF_BOUND_SRCADDR |
+ ip6oa.ip6oa_sotc = SO_TC_UNSPEC;
+ ip6oa.ip6oa_netsvctype = _NET_SERVICE_TYPE_UNSPEC;
+ ip6oa.ip6oa_flags |= IP6OAF_BOUND_IF;
/* estimate the size of message */
maxlen = sizeof(*ip6) + sizeof(*nd_na);
maxlen += (sizeof(struct nd_opt_hdr) + ifp->if_addrlen + 7) & ~7;
+ MGETHDR(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA); /* XXXMAC: mac_create_mbuf_linklayer() probably */
if (m && max_linkhdr + maxlen >= MHLEN) {
if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0) {
m = NULL;
- if (m == NULL)
+ if (m == NULL) {
+ }
m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = NULL;
- if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(daddr6)) {
+ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&daddr6)) {
m->m_flags |= M_MCAST;
- im6o.im6o_multicast_ifp = ifp;
- im6o.im6o_multicast_hlim = 255;
- im6o.im6o_multicast_loop = 0;
+ im6o = ip6_allocmoptions(M_DONTWAIT);
+ if (im6o == NULL) {
+ m_freem(m);
+ return;
+ }
+ im6o->im6o_multicast_ifp = ifp;
+ im6o->im6o_multicast_hlim = IPV6_MAXHLIM;
+ im6o->im6o_multicast_loop = 0;
icmp6len = sizeof(*nd_na);
m->m_pkthdr.len = m->m_len = sizeof(struct ip6_hdr) + icmp6len;
- m->m_data += max_linkhdr; /*or MH_ALIGN() equivalent?*/
+ m->m_data += max_linkhdr; /* or MH_ALIGN() equivalent? */
/* fill neighbor advertisement packet */
ip6 = mtod(m, struct ip6_hdr *);
ip6->ip6_vfc &= ~IPV6_VERSION_MASK;
ip6->ip6_vfc |= IPV6_VERSION;
ip6->ip6_nxt = IPPROTO_ICMPV6;
- ip6->ip6_hlim = 255;
- if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(daddr6)) {
+ ip6->ip6_hlim = IPV6_MAXHLIM;
+ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&daddr6)) {
/* reply to DAD */
- ip6->ip6_dst.s6_addr16[0] = IPV6_ADDR_INT16_MLL;
- ip6->ip6_dst.s6_addr16[1] = htons(ifp->if_index);
- ip6->ip6_dst.s6_addr32[1] = 0;
- ip6->ip6_dst.s6_addr32[2] = 0;
- ip6->ip6_dst.s6_addr32[3] = IPV6_ADDR_INT32_ONE;
+ daddr6.s6_addr16[0] = IPV6_ADDR_INT16_MLL;
+ daddr6.s6_addr16[1] = 0;
+ daddr6.s6_addr32[1] = 0;
+ daddr6.s6_addr32[2] = 0;
+ daddr6.s6_addr32[3] = IPV6_ADDR_INT32_ONE;
+ if (in6_setscope(&daddr6, ifp, NULL)) {
+ goto bad;
+ }
- } else
- ip6->ip6_dst = *daddr6;
+ } else {
+ ip6->ip6_dst = daddr6;
+ }
+ bzero(&dst_sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
+ dst_sa.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ dst_sa.sin6_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
+ dst_sa.sin6_addr = daddr6;
* Select a source whose scope is the same as that of the dest.
- ia = in6_ifawithifp(ifp, &ip6->ip6_dst);
- if (ia == NULL) {
- m_freem(m);
- return;
+ bcopy(&dst_sa, &ro.ro_dst, sizeof(dst_sa));
+ src = in6_selectsrc(&dst_sa, NULL, NULL, &ro, NULL, &src_storage,
+ ip6oa.ip6oa_boundif, &error);
+ if (src == NULL) {
+ nd6log((LOG_DEBUG, "nd6_na_output: source can't be "
+ "determined: dst=%s, error=%d\n",
+ ip6_sprintf(&dst_sa.sin6_addr), error));
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ ip6->ip6_src = *src;
+ /*
+ * RFC 4429 requires not setting "override" flag on NA packets sent
+ * from optimistic addresses.
+ */
+ ia = in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(ifp, src);
+ if (ia != NULL) {
+ if (ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_OPTIMISTIC) {
+ flags &= ~ND_NA_FLAG_OVERRIDE;
+ }
+ IFA_REMREF(&ia->ia_ifa);
- ip6->ip6_src = ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr;
nd_na = (struct nd_neighbor_advert *)(ip6 + 1);
nd_na->nd_na_type = ND_NEIGHBOR_ADVERT;
nd_na->nd_na_code = 0;
nd_na->nd_na_target = *taddr6;
- if (IN6_IS_SCOPE_LINKLOCAL(&nd_na->nd_na_target))
- nd_na->nd_na_target.s6_addr16[1] = 0;
+ in6_clearscope(&nd_na->nd_na_target); /* XXX */
* "tlladdr" indicates NS's condition for adding tlladdr or not.
* target lladdr option SHOULD NOT be included.
if (tlladdr) {
- mac = NULL;
* sdl0 != NULL indicates proxy NA. If we do proxy, use
* lladdr in sdl0. If we are not proxying (sending NA for
* my address) use lladdr configured for the interface.
- if (sdl0 == NULL)
+ if (sdl0 == NULL) {
mac = nd6_ifptomac(ifp);
- else if (sdl0->sa_family == AF_LINK) {
+ } else if (sdl0->sa_family == AF_LINK) {
struct sockaddr_dl *sdl;
- sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)sdl0;
- if (sdl->sdl_alen == ifp->if_addrlen)
+ sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)(void *)sdl0;
+ if (sdl->sdl_alen == ifp->if_addrlen) {
mac = LLADDR(sdl);
+ }
if (tlladdr && mac) {
int optlen = sizeof(struct nd_opt_hdr) + ifp->if_addrlen;
struct nd_opt_hdr *nd_opt = (struct nd_opt_hdr *)(nd_na + 1);
/* roundup to 8 bytes alignment! */
optlen = (optlen + 7) & ~7;
nd_opt->nd_opt_type = ND_OPT_TARGET_LINKADDR;
nd_opt->nd_opt_len = optlen >> 3;
bcopy(mac, (caddr_t)(nd_opt + 1), ifp->if_addrlen);
- } else
+ } else {
+ }
ip6->ip6_plen = htons((u_short)icmp6len);
nd_na->nd_na_flags_reserved = flags;
nd_na->nd_na_cksum = 0;
nd_na->nd_na_cksum =
- in6_cksum(m, IPPROTO_ICMPV6, sizeof(struct ip6_hdr), icmp6len);
+ in6_cksum(m, IPPROTO_ICMPV6, sizeof(struct ip6_hdr), icmp6len);
-#if IPSEC
- /* Don't lookup socket */
- if (ipsec_bypass == 0)
- (void)ipsec_setsocket(m, NULL);
- ip6_output(m, NULL, NULL, 0, &im6o, &outif);
+ m->m_pkthdr.pkt_flags |= PKTF_INET6_RESOLVE;
+ if (ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_TXSTART) {
+ /* Use control service class if the interface supports
+ * transmit-start model.
+ */
+ (void) m_set_service_class(m, MBUF_SC_CTL);
+ }
+ ip6_output(m, NULL, NULL, IPV6_OUTARGS, im6o, &outif, &ip6oa);
if (outif) {
icmp6_ifstat_inc(outif, ifs6_out_msg);
icmp6_ifstat_inc(outif, ifs6_out_neighboradvert);
+ ifnet_release(outif);
+ if (im6o != NULL) {
+ IM6O_REMREF(im6o);
+ }
+ return;
+ m_freem(m);
+ goto exit;
- struct ifnet *ifp;
+ struct ifnet *ifp)
switch (ifp->if_type) {
+ case IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG:
case IFT_FDDI:
case IFT_IEEE1394:
+#ifdef IFT_L2VLAN
case IFT_L2VLAN:
-#if IFT_IEEE80211
+#ifdef IFT_IEEE80211
case IFT_IEEE80211:
- return ((caddr_t)(ifp + 1));
- break;
+#ifdef IFT_CARP
+ case IFT_CARP:
+ case IFT_BRIDGE:
+ case IFT_ISO88025:
+ return (caddr_t)IF_LLADDR(ifp);
return NULL;
TAILQ_HEAD(dadq_head, dadq);
struct dadq {
+ decl_lck_mtx_data(, dad_lock);
+ u_int32_t dad_refcount; /* reference count */
+ int dad_attached;
TAILQ_ENTRY(dadq) dad_list;
struct ifaddr *dad_ifa;
- int dad_count; /* max NS to send */
- int dad_ns_tcount; /* # of trials to send NS */
- int dad_ns_ocount; /* NS sent so far */
+ int dad_count; /* max NS to send */
+ int dad_ns_tcount; /* # of trials to send NS */
+ int dad_ns_ocount; /* NS sent so far */
int dad_ns_icount;
int dad_na_icount;
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && __FreeBSD__ >= 3
- struct callout_handle dad_timer;
+ int dad_ns_lcount; /* looped back NS */
+ int dad_loopbackprobe; /* probing state for loopback detection */
+ uint8_t dad_lladdr[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
+ uint8_t dad_lladdrlen;
+#define ND_OPT_NONCE_LEN32 \
+ ((ND_OPT_NONCE_LEN + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1)/sizeof(uint32_t))
+ uint32_t dad_nonce[ND_OPT_NONCE_LEN32];
static struct dadq_head dadq;
-static int dad_init = 0;
-static struct dadq *
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
- struct dadq *dp;
+ int i;
- for (dp = dadq.tqh_first; dp; dp = dp->dad_list.tqe_next) {
- if (dp->dad_ifa == ifa)
- return dp;
+ TAILQ_INIT(&dadq);
+ dad_size = sizeof(struct dadq);
+ dad_zone = zinit(dad_size, DAD_ZONE_MAX * dad_size, 0, DAD_ZONE_NAME);
+ if (dad_zone == NULL) {
+ panic("%s: failed allocating %s", __func__, DAD_ZONE_NAME);
+ }
+ zone_change(dad_zone, Z_EXPAND, TRUE);
+ zone_change(dad_zone, Z_CALLERACCT, FALSE);
+ bzero(&hostrtmask, sizeof hostrtmask);
+ hostrtmask.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ hostrtmask.sin6_len = sizeof hostrtmask;
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof hostrtmask.sin6_addr; ++i) {
+ hostrtmask.sin6_addr.s6_addr[i] = 0xff;
- return NULL;
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
+static struct dadq *
+nd6_dad_find(struct ifaddr *ifa, struct nd_opt_nonce *nonce)
- untimeout((void (*) __P((void *)))nd6_dad_timer_funnel, (void *)ifa);
-static void
-nd6_dad_starttimer(dp, ticks)
struct dadq *dp;
- int ticks;
- callout_reset(&dp->dad_timer_ch, ticks,
- (void (*) __P((void *)))nd6_dad_timer, (void *)dp->dad_ifa);
+ lck_mtx_lock(dad6_mutex);
+ for (dp = dadq.tqh_first; dp; dp = dp->dad_list.tqe_next) {
+ if (dp->dad_ifa != ifa) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Skip if the nonce matches the received one.
+ * +2 in the length is required because of type and
+ * length fields are included in a header.
+ */
+ if (nonce != NULL &&
+ nonce->nd_opt_nonce_len == (ND_OPT_NONCE_LEN + 2) / 8 &&
+ memcmp(&nonce->nd_opt_nonce[0], &dp->dad_nonce[0],
+ ND_OPT_NONCE_LEN) == 0) {
+ nd6log((LOG_ERR, "%s: a looped back NS message is "
+ "detected during DAD for %s. Ignoring.\n",
+ if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp),
+ ip6_sprintf(IFA_IN6(ifa))));
+ dp->dad_ns_lcount++;
+ ++ip6stat.ip6s_dad_loopcount;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(dad6_mutex);
+ return dp;
-static void
- struct dadq *dp;
- callout_stop(&dp->dad_timer_ch);
+ struct ifaddr *ifa)
+ untimeout((void (*)(void *))nd6_dad_timer, (void *)ifa);
- * Start Duplicated Address Detection (DAD) for specified interface address.
+ * Start Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) for specified interface address.
-nd6_dad_start(ifa, tick)
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
- int *tick; /* minimum delay ticks for IFF_UP event */
+ struct ifaddr *ifa,
+ int *tick_delay) /* minimum delay ticks for IFF_UP event */
struct in6_ifaddr *ia = (struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa;
struct dadq *dp;
- if (!dad_init) {
- TAILQ_INIT(&dadq);
- dad_init++;
- }
+ nd6log2((LOG_DEBUG, "%s - %s ifp %s ia6_flags 0x%x\n",
+ __func__,
+ ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
+ if_name(ia->ia_ifp),
+ ia->ia6_flags));
* If we don't need DAD, don't do it.
* - DAD is disabled (ip6_dad_count == 0)
* - the interface address is anycast
- if (!(ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE)) {
- log(LOG_DEBUG,
- "nd6_dad_start: called with non-tentative address "
- "%s(%s)\n",
- ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
- ifa->ifa_ifp ? if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp) : "???");
- return;
- }
- if (ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_ANYCAST) {
- ia->ia6_flags &= ~IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE;
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (!(ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_DADPROGRESS)) {
+ nd6log0((LOG_DEBUG,
+ "nd6_dad_start: not a tentative or optimistic address "
+ "%s(%s)\n",
+ ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
+ ifa->ifa_ifp ? if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp) : "???"));
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
- if (!ip6_dad_count) {
- ia->ia6_flags &= ~IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE;
+ if (!ip6_dad_count || (ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_ANYCAST) != 0) {
+ ia->ia6_flags &= ~IN6_IFF_DADPROGRESS;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
- if (!ifa->ifa_ifp)
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (ifa->ifa_ifp == NULL) {
panic("nd6_dad_start: ifa->ifa_ifp == NULL");
- if (!(ifa->ifa_ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP))
+ }
+ if (!(ifa->ifa_ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) ||
+ (ifa->ifa_ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV6_ND6ALT)) {
- if (nd6_dad_find(ifa) != NULL) {
+ }
+ if ((dp = nd6_dad_find(ifa, NULL)) != NULL) {
/* DAD already in progress */
- dp = _MALLOC(sizeof(*dp), M_IP6NDP, M_NOWAIT);
+ dp = zalloc(dad_zone);
if (dp == NULL) {
- log(LOG_ERR, "nd6_dad_start: memory allocation failed for "
- "%s(%s)\n",
- ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
- ifa->ifa_ifp ? if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp) : "???");
+ nd6log0((LOG_ERR, "nd6_dad_start: memory allocation failed for "
+ "%s(%s)\n",
+ ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
+ ifa->ifa_ifp ? if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp) : "???"));
- bzero(dp, sizeof(*dp));
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && __FreeBSD__ >= 3
- callout_init(&dp->dad_timer_ch);
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&dadq, (struct dadq *)dp, dad_list);
+ bzero(dp, dad_size);
+ lck_mtx_init(&dp->dad_lock, ifa_mtx_grp, ifa_mtx_attr);
+ /* Callee adds one reference for us */
+ dp = nd6_dad_attach(dp, ifa);
- nd6log((LOG_DEBUG, "%s: starting DAD for %s\n", if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp),
+ nd6log0((LOG_DEBUG, "%s: starting %sDAD %sfor %s\n",
+ if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp),
+ (ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_OPTIMISTIC) ? "optimistic " : "",
+ (tick_delay == NULL) ? "immediately " : "",
* first packet to be sent from the interface after interface
* (re)initialization.
- dp->dad_ifa = ifa;
- ifaref(ifa); /*just for safety*/
- dp->dad_count = ip6_dad_count;
- dp->dad_ns_icount = dp->dad_na_icount = 0;
- dp->dad_ns_ocount = dp->dad_ns_tcount = 0;
- if (!tick) {
+ if (tick_delay == NULL) {
+ u_int32_t retrans;
+ struct nd_ifinfo *ndi = NULL;
nd6_dad_ns_output(dp, ifa);
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && __FreeBSD__ >= 3
- dp->dad_timer =
- timeout((void (*) __P((void *)))nd6_dad_timer_funnel, (void *)ifa,
- nd_ifinfo[ifa->ifa_ifp->if_index].retrans * hz / 1000);
+ ndi = ND_IFINFO(ifa->ifa_ifp);
+ VERIFY(ndi != NULL && ndi->initialized);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock);
+ retrans = ndi->retrans * hz / 1000;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock);
+ timeout((void (*)(void *))nd6_dad_timer, (void *)ifa, retrans);
} else {
int ntick;
- if (*tick == 0)
+ if (*tick_delay == 0) {
ntick = random() % (MAX_RTR_SOLICITATION_DELAY * hz);
- else
- ntick = *tick + random() % (hz / 2);
- *tick = ntick;
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && __FreeBSD__ >= 3
- dp->dad_timer =
- timeout((void (*) __P((void *)))nd6_dad_timer_funnel, (void *)ifa,
- ntick);
+ } else {
+ ntick = *tick_delay + random() % (hz / 2);
+ }
+ *tick_delay = ntick;
+ timeout((void (*)(void *))nd6_dad_timer, (void *)ifa,
+ ntick);
+ }
+ DAD_REMREF(dp); /* drop our reference */
+static struct dadq *
+nd6_dad_attach(struct dadq *dp, struct ifaddr *ifa)
+ lck_mtx_lock(dad6_mutex);
+ DAD_LOCK(dp);
+ dp->dad_ifa = ifa;
+ IFA_ADDREF(ifa); /* for dad_ifa */
+ dp->dad_count = ip6_dad_count;
+ dp->dad_ns_icount = dp->dad_na_icount = 0;
+ dp->dad_ns_ocount = dp->dad_ns_tcount = 0;
+ dp->dad_ns_lcount = dp->dad_loopbackprobe = 0;
+ VERIFY(!dp->dad_attached);
+ dp->dad_attached = 1;
+ dp->dad_lladdrlen = 0;
+ DAD_ADDREF_LOCKED(dp); /* for caller */
+ DAD_ADDREF_LOCKED(dp); /* for dadq_head list */
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&dadq, (struct dadq *)dp, dad_list);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(dad6_mutex);
+ return dp;
+static void
+nd6_dad_detach(struct dadq *dp, struct ifaddr *ifa)
+ int detached;
+ lck_mtx_lock(dad6_mutex);
+ DAD_LOCK(dp);
+ if ((detached = dp->dad_attached)) {
+ VERIFY(dp->dad_ifa == ifa);
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&dadq, (struct dadq *)dp, dad_list);
+ dp->dad_list.tqe_next = NULL;
+ dp->dad_list.tqe_prev = NULL;
+ dp->dad_attached = 0;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(dad6_mutex);
+ if (detached) {
+ DAD_REMREF(dp); /* drop dadq_head reference */
* terminate DAD unconditionally. used for address removals.
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
+nd6_dad_stop(struct ifaddr *ifa)
struct dadq *dp;
- if (!dad_init)
- return;
- dp = nd6_dad_find(ifa);
+ dp = nd6_dad_find(ifa, NULL);
if (!dp) {
/* DAD wasn't started yet */
- untimeout((void (*) __P((void *)))nd6_dad_timer_funnel, (void *)ifa);
+ untimeout((void (*)(void *))nd6_dad_timer, (void *)ifa);
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&dadq, (struct dadq *)dp, dad_list);
- FREE(dp, M_IP6NDP);
- dp = NULL;
- ifafree(ifa);
+ nd6_dad_detach(dp, ifa);
+ DAD_REMREF(dp); /* drop our reference */
-static void
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
+static void
+nd6_unsol_na_output(struct ifaddr *ifa)
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- boolean_t funnel_state;
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(network_flock, TRUE);
- nd6_dad_timer(ifa);
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- (void) thread_funnel_set(network_flock, FALSE);
+ struct in6_ifaddr *ia = (struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa;
+ struct ifnet *ifp = ifa->ifa_ifp;
+ struct in6_addr saddr6, taddr6;
+ if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) == 0 ||
+ (ifp->if_flags & IFF_RUNNING) == 0 ||
+ (ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV6_ND6ALT) != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ IFA_LOCK_SPIN(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ taddr6 = ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (in6_setscope(&taddr6, ifp, NULL) != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ saddr6 = in6addr_linklocal_allnodes;
+ if (in6_setscope(&saddr6, ifp, NULL) != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ nd6log((LOG_INFO, "%s: sending unsolicited NA\n",
+ if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp)));
+ nd6_na_output(ifp, &saddr6, &taddr6, ND_NA_FLAG_OVERRIDE, 1, NULL);
static void
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
+nd6_dad_timer(struct ifaddr *ifa)
- int s;
struct in6_ifaddr *ia = (struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa;
- struct dadq *dp;
- s = splnet(); /*XXX*/
+ struct dadq *dp = NULL;
+ struct nd_ifinfo *ndi = NULL;
+ u_int32_t retrans;
/* Sanity check */
if (ia == NULL) {
- log(LOG_ERR, "nd6_dad_timer: called with null parameter\n");
+ nd6log0((LOG_ERR, "nd6_dad_timer: called with null parameter\n"));
goto done;
- dp = nd6_dad_find(ifa);
+ nd6log2((LOG_DEBUG, "%s - %s ifp %s ia6_flags 0x%x\n",
+ __func__,
+ ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
+ if_name(ia->ia_ifp),
+ ia->ia6_flags));
+ dp = nd6_dad_find(ifa, NULL);
if (dp == NULL) {
- log(LOG_ERR, "nd6_dad_timer: DAD structure not found\n");
+ nd6log0((LOG_ERR, "nd6_dad_timer: DAD structure not found\n"));
goto done;
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
if (ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_DUPLICATED) {
- log(LOG_ERR, "nd6_dad_timer: called with duplicated address "
- "%s(%s)\n",
- ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
- ifa->ifa_ifp ? if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp) : "???");
+ nd6log0((LOG_ERR, "nd6_dad_timer: called with duplicated address "
+ "%s(%s)\n",
+ ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
+ ifa->ifa_ifp ? if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp) : "???"));
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
goto done;
- if ((ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE) == 0) {
- log(LOG_ERR, "nd6_dad_timer: called with non-tentative address "
- "%s(%s)\n",
- ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
- ifa->ifa_ifp ? if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp) : "???");
+ if ((ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_DADPROGRESS) == 0) {
+ nd6log0((LOG_ERR, "nd6_dad_timer: not a tentative or optimistic "
+ "address %s(%s)\n",
+ ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
+ ifa->ifa_ifp ? if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp) : "???"));
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
goto done;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
/* timeouted with IFF_{RUNNING,UP} check */
+ DAD_LOCK(dp);
if (dp->dad_ns_tcount > dad_maxtry) {
- nd6log((LOG_INFO, "%s: could not run DAD, driver problem?\n",
- if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp)));
+ nd6log0((LOG_INFO, "%s: could not run DAD, driver problem?\n",
+ if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp)));
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&dadq, (struct dadq *)dp, dad_list);
- FREE(dp, M_IP6NDP);
- dp = NULL;
- ifafree(ifa);
+ nd6_dad_detach(dp, ifa);
goto done;
/* Need more checks? */
if (dp->dad_ns_ocount < dp->dad_count) {
* We have more NS to go. Send NS packet for DAD.
nd6_dad_ns_output(dp, ifa);
-#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && __FreeBSD__ >= 3
- dp->dad_timer =
- timeout((void (*) __P((void *)))nd6_dad_timer_funnel, (void *)ifa,
- nd_ifinfo[ifa->ifa_ifp->if_index].retrans * hz / 1000);
+ ndi = ND_IFINFO(ifa->ifa_ifp);
+ VERIFY(ndi != NULL && ndi->initialized);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock);
+ retrans = ndi->retrans * hz / 1000;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock);
+ timeout((void (*)(void *))nd6_dad_timer, (void *)ifa, retrans);
} else {
* We have transmitted sufficient number of DAD packets.
* See what we've got.
- int duplicate;
- duplicate = 0;
+ if (dp->dad_na_icount > 0 || dp->dad_ns_icount) {
+ /* We've seen NS or NA, means DAD has failed. */
+ nd6log0((LOG_INFO,
+ "%s: duplicate IPv6 address %s [timer]\n",
+ __func__, ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
+ if_name(ia->ia_ifp)));
+ nd6_dad_duplicated(ifa);
+ /* (*dp) will be freed in nd6_dad_duplicated() */
+ } else if (dad_enhanced != 0 &&
+ dp->dad_ns_lcount > 0 &&
+ dp->dad_ns_lcount > dp->dad_loopbackprobe) {
+ dp->dad_loopbackprobe = dp->dad_ns_lcount;
+ dp->dad_count =
+ dp->dad_ns_ocount + dad_maxtry - 1;
+ ndi = ND_IFINFO(ifa->ifa_ifp);
+ VERIFY(ndi != NULL && ndi->initialized);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock);
+ retrans = ndi->retrans * hz / 1000;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock);
- if (dp->dad_na_icount) {
- * the check is in nd6_dad_na_input(),
- * but just in case
+ * Sec. 4.1 in RFC 7527 requires transmission of
+ * additional probes until the loopback condition
+ * becomes clear when a looped back probe is detected.
- duplicate++;
- }
- if (dp->dad_ns_icount) {
-#if 0 /*heuristics*/
+ nd6log0((LOG_INFO,
+ "%s: a looped back NS message is "
+ "detected during DAD for %s. "
+ "Another DAD probe is being sent on interface.\n",
+ __func__, ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
+ if_name(ia->ia_ifp)));
- * if
- * - we have sent many(?) DAD NS, and
- * - the number of NS we sent equals to the
- * number of NS we've got, and
- * - we've got no NA
- * we may have a faulty network card/driver which
- * loops back multicasts to myself.
+ * Send an NS immediately and increase dad_count by
+ * nd6_mmaxtries - 1.
- if (3 < dp->dad_count
- && dp->dad_ns_icount == dp->dad_count
- && dp->dad_na_icount == 0) {
- log(LOG_INFO, "DAD questionable for %s(%s): "
- "network card loops back multicast?\n",
- ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
- if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp));
- /* XXX consider it a duplicate or not? */
- /* duplicate++; */
- } else {
- /* We've seen NS, means DAD has failed. */
- duplicate++;
- }
- /* We've seen NS, means DAD has failed. */
- duplicate++;
- }
- if (duplicate) {
- /* (*dp) will be freed in nd6_dad_duplicated() */
- dp = NULL;
- nd6_dad_duplicated(ifa);
+ nd6_dad_ns_output(dp, ifa);
+ timeout((void (*)(void *))nd6_dad_timer, (void *)ifa, retrans);
+ goto done;
} else {
+ boolean_t txunsolna;
* We are done with DAD. No NA came, no NS came.
- * duplicated address found.
+ * No duplicate address found.
- ia->ia6_flags &= ~IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE;
+ IFA_LOCK_SPIN(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ ia->ia6_flags &= ~IN6_IFF_DADPROGRESS;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ ndi = ND_IFINFO(ifa->ifa_ifp);
+ VERIFY(ndi != NULL && ndi->initialized);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock);
+ txunsolna = (ndi->flags & ND6_IFF_REPLICATED) != 0;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock);
+ if (txunsolna) {
+ nd6_unsol_na_output(ifa);
+ }
- nd6log((LOG_DEBUG,
- "%s: DAD complete for %s - no duplicates found\n",
+ nd6log0((LOG_DEBUG,
+ "%s: DAD complete for %s - no duplicates found%s\n",
- ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr)));
+ ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
+ txunsolna ? ", tx unsolicited NA with O=1" : "."));
+ if (dp->dad_ns_lcount > 0) {
+ nd6log0((LOG_DEBUG,
+ "%s: DAD completed while "
+ "a looped back NS message is detected "
+ "during DAD for %s om interface %s\n",
+ __func__,
+ ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
+ if_name(ia->ia_ifp)));
+ }
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&dadq, (struct dadq *)dp, dad_list);
- FREE(dp, M_IP6NDP);
- dp = NULL;
- ifafree(ifa);
+ in6_post_msg(ia->ia_ifp, KEV_INET6_NEW_USER_ADDR, ia,
+ dp->dad_lladdr);
+ nd6_dad_detach(dp, ifa);
- splx(s);
+ if (dp != NULL) {
+ DAD_REMREF(dp); /* drop our reference */
+ }
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
+nd6_dad_duplicated(struct ifaddr *ifa)
struct in6_ifaddr *ia = (struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa;
struct dadq *dp;
+ struct ifnet *ifp = ifa->ifa_ifp;
+ boolean_t candisable;
- dp = nd6_dad_find(ifa);
+ dp = nd6_dad_find(ifa, NULL);
if (dp == NULL) {
- log(LOG_ERR, "nd6_dad_duplicated: DAD structure not found\n");
+ log(LOG_ERR, "%s: DAD structure not found.\n", __func__);
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ DAD_LOCK(dp);
+ nd6log((LOG_ERR, "%s: NS in/out/loopback=%d/%d, NA in=%d\n",
+ __func__, dp->dad_ns_icount, dp->dad_ns_ocount, dp->dad_ns_lcount,
+ dp->dad_na_icount));
+ candisable = FALSE;
+ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr) &&
+ !(ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_SECURED)) {
+ struct in6_addr in6;
+ struct ifaddr *llifa = NULL;
+ struct sockaddr_dl *sdl = NULL;
+ uint8_t *lladdr = dp->dad_lladdr;
+ uint8_t lladdrlen = dp->dad_lladdrlen;
- log(LOG_ERR, "%s: DAD detected duplicate IPv6 address %s: "
- "NS in/out=%d/%d, NA in=%d\n",
- if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp), ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr),
- dp->dad_ns_icount, dp->dad_ns_ocount, dp->dad_na_icount);
+ /*
+ * To avoid over-reaction, we only apply this logic when we are
+ * very sure that hardware addresses are supposed to be unique.
+ */
+ switch (ifp->if_type) {
+ case IFT_BRIDGE:
+ case IFT_ETHER:
+ case IFT_FDDI:
+ case IFT_ATM:
+ case IFT_IEEE1394:
+#ifdef IFT_IEEE80211
+ case IFT_IEEE80211:
+ /*
+ * Check if our hardware address matches the
+ * link layer information received in the
+ * NS/NA
+ */
+ llifa = ifp->if_lladdr;
+ IFA_LOCK(llifa);
+ sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)(void *)
+ llifa->ifa_addr;
+ if (lladdrlen == sdl->sdl_alen &&
+ bcmp(lladdr, LLADDR(sdl), lladdrlen) == 0) {
+ candisable = TRUE;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(llifa);
+ in6 = ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr;
+ if (in6_iid_from_hw(ifp, &in6) != 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Refine decision about whether IPv6 can be disabled */
+ if (candisable &&
+ !IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr, &in6)) {
+ /*
+ * Apply this logic only to the embedded MAC
+ * address form of link-local IPv6 address.
+ */
+ candisable = FALSE;
+ } else if (lladdr == NULL &&
+ IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr, &in6)) {
+ /*
+ * We received a NA with no target link-layer
+ * address option. This means that someone else
+ * has our address. Mark it as a hardware
+ * duplicate so we disable IPv6 later on.
+ */
+ candisable = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- ia->ia6_flags &= ~IN6_IFF_TENTATIVE;
+ ia->ia6_flags &= ~IN6_IFF_DADPROGRESS;
ia->ia6_flags |= IN6_IFF_DUPLICATED;
+ in6_event_enqueue_nwk_wq_entry(IN6_ADDR_MARKED_DUPLICATED,
+ ia->ia_ifa.ifa_ifp, &ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr,
+ 0);
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
- /* We are done with DAD, with duplicated address found. (failure) */
- untimeout((void (*) __P((void *)))nd6_dad_timer_funnel, (void *)ifa);
+ /* increment DAD collision counter */
+ ++ip6stat.ip6s_dad_collide;
+ /* We are done with DAD, with duplicated address found. (failure) */
+ untimeout((void (*)(void *))nd6_dad_timer, (void *)ifa);
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ log(LOG_ERR, "%s: DAD complete for %s - duplicate found.\n",
+ if_name(ifp), ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr));
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (candisable) {
+ struct nd_ifinfo *ndi = ND_IFINFO(ifp);
+ log(LOG_ERR, "%s: possible hardware address duplication "
+ "detected, disabling IPv6 for interface.\n", if_name(ifp));
+ VERIFY((NULL != ndi) && (TRUE == ndi->initialized));
+ ndi->flags |= ND6_IFF_IFDISABLED;
+ /* Make sure to set IFEF_IPV6_DISABLED too */
+ nd6_if_disable(ifp, TRUE);
+ }
- log(LOG_ERR, "%s: DAD complete for %s - duplicate found\n",
- if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp), ip6_sprintf(&ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr));
- log(LOG_ERR, "%s: manual intervention required\n",
- if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp));
+ log(LOG_ERR, "%s: manual intervention required!\n", if_name(ifp));
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&dadq, (struct dadq *)dp, dad_list);
- FREE(dp, M_IP6NDP);
- dp = NULL;
- ifafree(ifa);
+ /* Send an event to the configuration agent so that the
+ * duplicate address will be notified to the user and will
+ * be removed.
+ */
+ in6_post_msg(ifp, KEV_INET6_NEW_USER_ADDR, ia, dp->dad_lladdr);
+ nd6_dad_detach(dp, ifa);
+ DAD_REMREF(dp); /* drop our reference */
static void
-nd6_dad_ns_output(dp, ifa)
- struct dadq *dp;
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
+nd6_dad_ns_output(struct dadq *dp, struct ifaddr *ifa)
struct in6_ifaddr *ia = (struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa;
struct ifnet *ifp = ifa->ifa_ifp;
+ int i = 0;
+ struct in6_addr taddr6;
+ DAD_LOCK(dp);
if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) == 0) {
-#if 0
- printf("%s: interface down?\n", if_name(ifp));
if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_RUNNING) == 0) {
-#if 0
- printf("%s: interface not running?\n", if_name(ifp));
- nd6_ns_output(ifp, NULL, &ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr, NULL, 1);
+ IFA_LOCK_SPIN(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ taddr6 = ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (dad_enhanced != 0 && !(ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < ND_OPT_NONCE_LEN32; i++) {
+ dp->dad_nonce[i] = RandomULong();
+ }
+ /*
+ * XXXHRS: Note that in the case that
+ * DupAddrDetectTransmits > 1, multiple NS messages with
+ * different nonces can be looped back in an unexpected
+ * order. The current implementation recognizes only
+ * the latest nonce on the sender side. Practically it
+ * should work well in almost all cases.
+ */
+ }
+ nd6_ns_output(ifp, NULL, &taddr6, NULL,
+ (uint8_t *)&dp->dad_nonce[0]);
+ * @brief Called to process DAD NS
+ *
+ * @param ifa is the pointer to the interface's address
+ * @param lladdr is source link layer information
+ * @param lladdrlen is source's linklayer length
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
static void
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
+nd6_dad_ns_input(struct ifaddr *ifa, char *lladdr,
+ int lladdrlen, struct nd_opt_nonce *ndopt_nonce)
- struct in6_ifaddr *ia;
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- const struct in6_addr *taddr6;
struct dadq *dp;
- int duplicate;
- if (!ifa)
- panic("ifa == NULL in nd6_dad_ns_input");
+ VERIFY(ifa != NULL);
- ia = (struct in6_ifaddr *)ifa;
- ifp = ifa->ifa_ifp;
- taddr6 = &ia->ia_addr.sin6_addr;
- duplicate = 0;
- dp = nd6_dad_find(ifa);
+ /* Ignore Nonce option when Enhanced DAD is disabled. */
+ if (dad_enhanced == 0) {
+ ndopt_nonce = NULL;
+ }
- /* Quickhack - completely ignore DAD NS packets */
- if (dad_ignore_ns) {
- nd6log((LOG_INFO,
- "nd6_dad_ns_input: ignoring DAD NS packet for "
- "address %s(%s)\n", ip6_sprintf(taddr6),
- if_name(ifa->ifa_ifp)));
+ dp = nd6_dad_find(ifa, ndopt_nonce);
+ if (dp == NULL) {
- /*
- * if I'm yet to start DAD, someone else started using this address
- * first. I have a duplicate and you win.
+ DAD_LOCK(dp);
+ ++dp->dad_ns_icount;
+ if (lladdr && lladdrlen >= ETHER_ADDR_LEN) {
+ memcpy(dp->dad_lladdr, lladdr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ dp->dad_lladdrlen = lladdrlen;
+ }
+ * @brief Called to process received NA for DAD
+ *
+ * @param m is the pointer to the packet's mbuf
+ * @param ifp is the pointer to the interface on which packet
+ * was receicved.
+ * @param taddr is pointer to target's IPv6 address
+ * @param lladdr is target's link layer information
+ * @param lladdrlen is target's linklayer length
+ *
+ * @return NULL if the packet is consumed by DAD processing, else
+ * pointer to the mbuf.
+ */
+static struct mbuf *
+nd6_dad_na_input(struct mbuf *m, struct ifnet *ifp, struct in6_addr *taddr,
+ caddr_t lladdr, int lladdrlen)
+ struct ifaddr *ifa = NULL;
+ struct in6_ifaddr *ia = NULL;
+ struct dadq *dp = NULL;
+ struct nd_ifinfo *ndi = NULL;
+ boolean_t replicated;
+ ifa = (struct ifaddr *) in6ifa_ifpwithaddr(ifp, taddr);
+ if (ifa == NULL) {
+ return m;
+ }
+ replicated = FALSE;
+ /* Get the ND6_IFF_REPLICATED flag. */
+ ndi = ND_IFINFO(ifp);
+ if (ndi != NULL && ndi->initialized) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(&ndi->lock);
+ replicated = !!(ndi->flags & ND6_IFF_REPLICATED);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&ndi->lock);
+ }
+ if (replicated) {
+ nd6log((LOG_INFO, "%s: ignoring duplicate NA on "
+ "replicated interface %s\n", __func__, if_name(ifp)));
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* Lock the interface address until done (see label below). */
+ IFA_LOCK(ifa);
+ ia = (struct in6_ifaddr *) ifa;
+ if (!(ia->ia6_flags & IN6_IFF_DADPROGRESS)) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ nd6log((LOG_INFO, "%s: ignoring duplicate NA on "
+ "%s [DAD not in progress]\n", __func__,
+ if_name(ifp)));
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* Some sleep proxies improperly send the client's Ethernet address in
+ * the target link-layer address option, so detect this by comparing
+ * the L2-header source address, if we have seen it, with the target
+ * address, and ignoring the NA if they don't match.
- if (!dp || dp->dad_ns_ocount == 0)
- duplicate++;
+ if (lladdr != NULL && lladdrlen >= ETHER_ADDR_LEN) {
+ struct ip6aux *ip6a = ip6_findaux(m);
+ if (ip6a && (ip6a->ip6a_flags & IP6A_HASEEN) != 0 &&
+ bcmp(ip6a->ip6a_ehsrc, lladdr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN) != 0) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ nd6log((LOG_ERR, "%s: ignoring duplicate NA on %s "
+ "[eh_src != tgtlladdr]\n", __func__, if_name(ifp)));
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
- /* XXX more checks for loopback situation - see nd6_dad_timer too */
+ dp = nd6_dad_find(ifa, NULL);
+ if (dp == NULL) {
+ nd6log((LOG_INFO, "%s: no DAD structure for %s on %s.\n",
+ __func__, ip6_sprintf(taddr), if_name(ifp)));
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (lladdr != NULL && lladdrlen >= ETHER_ADDR_LEN) {
+ memcpy(dp->dad_lladdr, lladdr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ dp->dad_lladdrlen = lladdrlen;
+ }
+ dp->dad_na_icount++;
+ /* remove the address. */
+ nd6log((LOG_INFO,
+ "%s: duplicate IPv6 address %s [processing NA on %s]\n", __func__,
+ ip6_sprintf(taddr), if_name(ifp)));
+ IFA_REMREF(ifa);
+ m_freem(m);
+ return NULL;
- if (duplicate) {
- dp = NULL; /* will be freed in nd6_dad_duplicated() */
- nd6_dad_duplicated(ifa);
+static void
+dad_addref(struct dadq *dp, int locked)
+ if (!locked) {
} else {
- /*
- * not sure if I got a duplicate.
- * increment ns count and see what happens.
- */
- if (dp)
- dp->dad_ns_icount++;
+ }
+ if (++dp->dad_refcount == 0) {
+ panic("%s: dad %p wraparound refcnt\n", __func__, dp);
+ }
+ if (!locked) {
static void
+dad_remref(struct dadq *dp)
struct ifaddr *ifa;
+ if (dp->dad_refcount == 0) {
+ panic("%s: dad %p negative refcnt\n", __func__, dp);
+ }
+ --dp->dad_refcount;
+ if (dp->dad_refcount > 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dp->dad_attached ||
+ dp->dad_list.tqe_next != NULL || dp->dad_list.tqe_prev != NULL) {
+ panic("%s: attached dad=%p is being freed", __func__, dp);
+ }
+ if ((ifa = dp->dad_ifa) != NULL) {
+ IFA_REMREF(ifa); /* drop dad_ifa reference */
+ dp->dad_ifa = NULL;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_destroy(&dp->dad_lock, ifa_mtx_grp);
+ zfree(dad_zone, dp);
+nd6_llreach_set_reachable(struct ifnet *ifp, void *addr, unsigned int alen)
- struct dadq *dp;
+ /* Nothing more to do if it's disabled */
+ if (nd6_llreach_base == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
- if (!ifa)
- panic("ifa == NULL in nd6_dad_na_input");
+ ifnet_llreach_set_reachable(ifp, ETHERTYPE_IPV6, addr, alen);
- dp = nd6_dad_find(ifa);
- if (dp)
- dp->dad_na_icount++;
+nd6_alt_node_addr_decompose(struct ifnet *ifp, struct sockaddr *sa,
+ struct sockaddr_dl* sdl, struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6)
+ static const size_t EUI64_LENGTH = 8;
+ VERIFY(nd6_need_cache(ifp));
+ VERIFY(sa);
+ VERIFY(sdl && (void *)sa != (void *)sdl);
+ VERIFY(sin6 && (void *)sa != (void *)sin6);
+ bzero(sin6, sizeof *sin6);
+ sin6->sin6_len = sizeof *sin6;
+ sin6->sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ bzero(sdl, sizeof *sdl);
+ sdl->sdl_len = sizeof *sdl;
+ sdl->sdl_family = AF_LINK;
+ sdl->sdl_type = ifp->if_type;
+ sdl->sdl_index = ifp->if_index;
+ switch (sa->sa_family) {
+ case AF_INET6: {
+ struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6a = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)(void *)sa;
+ struct in6_addr *in6 = &sin6a->sin6_addr;
+ VERIFY(sa->sa_len == sizeof *sin6);
+ sdl->sdl_nlen = strlen(ifp->if_name);
+ bcopy(ifp->if_name, sdl->sdl_data, sdl->sdl_nlen);
+ if (in6->s6_addr[11] == 0xff && in6->s6_addr[12] == 0xfe) {
+ sdl->sdl_alen = ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
+ LLADDR(sdl)[0] = (in6->s6_addr[8] ^ ND6_EUI64_UBIT);
+ LLADDR(sdl)[1] = in6->s6_addr[9];
+ LLADDR(sdl)[2] = in6->s6_addr[10];
+ LLADDR(sdl)[3] = in6->s6_addr[13];
+ LLADDR(sdl)[4] = in6->s6_addr[14];
+ LLADDR(sdl)[5] = in6->s6_addr[15];
+ } else {
+ sdl->sdl_alen = EUI64_LENGTH;
+ bcopy(&in6->s6_addr[8], LLADDR(sdl), EUI64_LENGTH);
+ }
- /* remove the address. */
- nd6_dad_duplicated(ifa);
+ sdl->sdl_slen = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ case AF_LINK: {
+ struct sockaddr_dl *sdla = (struct sockaddr_dl *)(void *)sa;
+ struct in6_addr *in6 = &sin6->sin6_addr;
+ caddr_t lla = LLADDR(sdla);
+ VERIFY(sa->sa_len <= sizeof *sdl);
+ bcopy(sa, sdl, sa->sa_len);
+ sin6->sin6_scope_id = sdla->sdl_index;
+ if (sin6->sin6_scope_id == 0) {
+ sin6->sin6_scope_id = ifp->if_index;
+ }
+ in6->s6_addr[0] = 0xfe;
+ in6->s6_addr[1] = 0x80;
+ if (sdla->sdl_alen == EUI64_LENGTH) {
+ bcopy(lla, &in6->s6_addr[8], EUI64_LENGTH);
+ } else {
+ VERIFY(sdla->sdl_alen == ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+ in6->s6_addr[8] = ((uint8_t) lla[0] ^ ND6_EUI64_UBIT);
+ in6->s6_addr[9] = (uint8_t) lla[1];
+ in6->s6_addr[10] = (uint8_t) lla[2];
+ in6->s6_addr[11] = 0xff;
+ in6->s6_addr[12] = 0xfe;
+ in6->s6_addr[13] = (uint8_t) lla[3];
+ in6->s6_addr[14] = (uint8_t) lla[4];
+ in6->s6_addr[15] = (uint8_t) lla[5];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ VERIFY(false);
+ break;
+ }
+nd6_alt_node_present(struct ifnet *ifp, struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6,
+ struct sockaddr_dl *sdl, int32_t rssi, int lqm, int npm)
+ struct rtentry *rt;
+ struct llinfo_nd6 *ln;
+ struct if_llreach *lr = NULL;
+ const uint16_t temp_embedded_id = sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1];
+ if (IN6_IS_SCOPE_LINKLOCAL(&sin6->sin6_addr) &&
+ (temp_embedded_id == 0)) {
+ sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1] = htons(ifp->if_index);
+ }
+ nd6_cache_lladdr(ifp, &sin6->sin6_addr, LLADDR(sdl), sdl->sdl_alen,
+ lck_mtx_lock(rnh_lock);
+ rt = rtalloc1_scoped_locked((struct sockaddr *)sin6, 1, 0,
+ ifp->if_index);
+ /* Restore the address that was passed to us */
+ if (temp_embedded_id == 0) {
+ sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1] = 0;
+ }
+ if (rt != NULL) {
+ RT_LOCK(rt);
+ VERIFY(rt->rt_flags & RTF_LLINFO);
+ VERIFY(rt->rt_llinfo);
+ ln = rt->rt_llinfo;
+ ln_setexpire(ln, 0);
+ lr = ln->ln_llreach;
+ if (lr) {
+ IFLR_LOCK(lr);
+ lr->lr_rssi = rssi;
+ lr->lr_lqm = (int32_t) lqm;
+ lr->lr_npm = (int32_t) npm;
+ }
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
+ RT_REMREF(rt);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(rnh_lock);
+ if (rt == NULL) {
+ log(LOG_ERR, "%s: failed to add/update host route to %s.\n",
+ __func__, ip6_sprintf(&sin6->sin6_addr));
+ } else {
+ nd6log((LOG_DEBUG, "%s: host route to %s [lr=0x%llx]\n",
+ __func__, ip6_sprintf(&sin6->sin6_addr),
+ (uint64_t)VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(lr)));
+ }
+nd6_alt_node_absent(struct ifnet *ifp, struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6)
+ struct rtentry *rt;
+ const uint16_t temp_embedded_id = sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1];
+ nd6log((LOG_DEBUG, "%s: host route to %s\n", __func__,
+ ip6_sprintf(&sin6->sin6_addr)));
+ if (IN6_IS_SCOPE_LINKLOCAL(&sin6->sin6_addr) &&
+ (temp_embedded_id == 0)) {
+ sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1] = htons(ifp->if_index);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(rnh_lock);
+ rt = rtalloc1_scoped_locked((struct sockaddr *)sin6, 0, 0,
+ ifp->if_index);
+ /* Restore the address that was passed to us */
+ if (temp_embedded_id == 0) {
+ sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr16[1] = 0;
+ }
+ if (rt != NULL) {
+ RT_LOCK(rt);
+ if (!(rt->rt_flags & (RTF_CLONING | RTF_PRCLONING)) &&
+ (rt->rt_flags & (RTF_HOST | RTF_LLINFO | RTF_WASCLONED)) ==
+ rt->rt_flags |= RTF_CONDEMNED;
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
+ (void) rtrequest_locked(RTM_DELETE, rt_key(rt),
+ (struct sockaddr *)NULL, rt_mask(rt), 0,
+ (struct rtentry **)NULL);
+ rtfree_locked(rt);
+ } else {
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
+ }
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(rnh_lock);