- * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2002-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 1997 Berkeley Software Design, Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <sys/vnode_internal.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
+#include <kern/host.h>
#include <machine/limits.h>
#include <nfs/rpcv2.h>
#include <nfs/nfsproto.h>
#include <nfs/nfs.h>
+#include <nfs/nfs_gss.h>
#include <nfs/nfsmount.h>
#include <nfs/nfsnode.h>
#include <nfs/nfs_lock.h>
+#include <mach/host_priv.h>
+#include <mach/mig_errors.h>
+#include <mach/host_special_ports.h>
+#include <lockd/lockd_mach.h>
- * globals for managing the lockd fifo
- */
-vnode_t nfslockdvnode = 0;
-int nfslockdwaiting = 0;
-time_t nfslockdstarttimeout = 0;
-int nfslockdfifolock = 0;
+extern void ipc_port_release_send(ipc_port_t);
* pending lock request messages are kept in this queue which is
* kept sorted by transaction ID (xid).
-uint64_t nfs_lockxid = 0;
-LOCKD_MSG_QUEUE nfs_pendlockq;
+static uint64_t nfs_lockxid = 0;
+static LOCKD_MSG_QUEUE nfs_pendlockq;
- * This structure is used to identify processes which have acquired NFS locks.
- * Knowing which processes have ever acquired locks allows us to short-circuit
- * unlock requests for processes that have never had an NFS file lock. Thus
- * avoiding a costly and unnecessary lockd request.
- */
-struct nfs_lock_pid {
- TAILQ_ENTRY(nfs_lock_pid) lp_lru; /* LRU list */
- LIST_ENTRY(nfs_lock_pid) lp_hash; /* hash chain */
- int lp_valid; /* valid entry? */
- int lp_time; /* last time seen valid */
- pid_t lp_pid; /* The process ID. */
- struct timeval lp_pid_start; /* Start time of process id */
-#define NFS_LOCK_PID_HASH_SIZE 64 // XXX tune me
-#define NFS_LOCK_PID_HASH(pid) \
- (&nfs_lock_pid_hash_tbl[(pid) & nfs_lock_pid_hash])
-LIST_HEAD(, nfs_lock_pid) *nfs_lock_pid_hash_tbl;
-TAILQ_HEAD(, nfs_lock_pid) nfs_lock_pid_lru;
-u_long nfs_lock_pid_hash;
-int nfs_lock_pid_lock;
+/* list of mounts that are (potentially) making lockd requests */
+TAILQ_HEAD(nfs_lockd_mount_list,nfsmount) nfs_lockd_mount_list;
+static lck_grp_t *nfs_lock_lck_grp;
+static lck_mtx_t *nfs_lock_mutex;
+void nfs_lockdmsg_enqueue(LOCKD_MSG_REQUEST *);
+void nfs_lockdmsg_dequeue(LOCKD_MSG_REQUEST *);
+int nfs_lockdmsg_compare_to_answer(LOCKD_MSG_REQUEST *, struct lockd_ans *);
+LOCKD_MSG_REQUEST *nfs_lockdmsg_find_by_answer(struct lockd_ans *);
+LOCKD_MSG_REQUEST *nfs_lockdmsg_find_by_xid(uint64_t);
+uint64_t nfs_lockxid_get(void);
+int nfs_lockd_send_request(LOCKD_MSG *, int);
* initialize global nfs lock state
- nfs_lock_pid_lock = 0;
- nfs_lock_pid_hash_tbl = hashinit(NFS_LOCK_PID_HASH_SIZE,
- M_TEMP, &nfs_lock_pid_hash);
- TAILQ_INIT(&nfs_lock_pid_lru);
+ TAILQ_INIT(&nfs_lockd_mount_list);
+ nfs_lock_lck_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("nfs_lock", LCK_GRP_ATTR_NULL);
+ nfs_lock_mutex = lck_mtx_alloc_init(nfs_lock_lck_grp, LCK_ATTR_NULL);
+ * Register a mount as (potentially) making lockd requests.
+ */
+nfs_lockd_mount_register(struct nfsmount *nmp)
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_lock_mutex);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&nfs_lockd_mount_list, nmp, nm_ldlink);
+ nfs_lockd_mounts++;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_lock_mutex);
+ * Unregister a mount as (potentially) making lockd requests.
+ *
+ * When the lockd mount count drops to zero, then send a shutdown request to
+ * lockd if we've sent any requests to it.
+ */
+nfs_lockd_mount_unregister(struct nfsmount *nmp)
+ int send_shutdown;
+ mach_port_t lockd_port = IPC_PORT_NULL;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_lock_mutex);
+ if (nmp->nm_ldlink.tqe_next == NFSNOLIST) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_lock_mutex);
+ return;
+ }
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&nfs_lockd_mount_list, nmp, nm_ldlink);
+ nmp->nm_ldlink.tqe_next = NFSNOLIST;
+ nfs_lockd_mounts--;
+ /* send a shutdown request if there are no more lockd mounts */
+ send_shutdown = ((nfs_lockd_mounts == 0) && nfs_lockd_request_sent);
+ if (send_shutdown)
+ nfs_lockd_request_sent = 0;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_lock_mutex);
+ if (!send_shutdown)
+ return;
+ /*
+ * Let lockd know that it is no longer needed for any NFS mounts
+ */
+ kr = host_get_lockd_port(host_priv_self(), &lockd_port);
+ if ((kr != KERN_SUCCESS) || !IPC_PORT_VALID(lockd_port)) {
+ printf("nfs_lockd_mount_change: shutdown couldn't get port, kr %d, port %s\n",
+ kr, (lockd_port == IPC_PORT_NULL) ? "NULL" :
+ (lockd_port == IPC_PORT_DEAD) ? "DEAD" : "VALID");
+ return;
+ }
+ kr = lockd_shutdown(lockd_port);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ printf("nfs_lockd_mount_change: shutdown %d\n", kr);
+ ipc_port_release_send(lockd_port);
* insert a lock request message into the pending queue
+ * (nfs_lock_mutex must be held)
-static inline void
nfs_lockdmsg_enqueue(LOCKD_MSG_REQUEST *msgreq)
* remove a lock request message from the pending queue
+ * (nfs_lock_mutex must be held)
-static inline void
nfs_lockdmsg_dequeue(LOCKD_MSG_REQUEST *msgreq)
TAILQ_REMOVE(&nfs_pendlockq, msgreq, lmr_next);
* However, this may not be the case if there are blocked requests. We may
* want to move blocked requests to a separate queue (but that'll complicate
* duplicate xid checking).
+ *
+ * (nfs_lock_mutex must be held)
-static inline LOCKD_MSG_REQUEST *
nfs_lockdmsg_find_by_xid(uint64_t lockxid)
* Because we can't depend on nlm_granted messages containing the same
- * cookie we sent with the original lock request, we need code test if
- * an nlm_granted answer matches the lock request. We also need code
+ * cookie we sent with the original lock request, we need code to test
+ * if an nlm_granted answer matches the lock request. We also need code
* that can find a lockd message based solely on the nlm_granted answer.
* returns 0 on equality and 1 if different
-static inline int
nfs_lockdmsg_compare_to_answer(LOCKD_MSG_REQUEST *msgreq, struct lockd_ans *ansp)
if (!(ansp->la_flags & LOCKD_ANS_LOCK_INFO))
* However, this may not be the case if there are blocked requests. We may
* want to move blocked requests to a separate queue (but that'll complicate
* duplicate xid checking).
+ *
+ * (nfs_lock_mutex must be held)
-static inline LOCKD_MSG_REQUEST *
nfs_lockdmsg_find_by_answer(struct lockd_ans *ansp)
* return the next unique lock request transaction ID
+ * (nfs_lock_mutex must be held)
-static inline uint64_t
return nfs_lockxid;
+#define MACH_MAX_TRIES 3
- * Check the nfs_lock_pid hash table for an entry and, if requested,
- * add the entry if it is not found.
- *
- * (Also, if adding, try to clean up some stale entries.)
- */
-static int
-nfs_lock_pid_check(proc_t p, int addflag, vnode_t vp)
+nfs_lockd_send_request(LOCKD_MSG *msg, int interruptable)
- struct nfs_lock_pid *lp, *lplru, *lplru_next;
- proc_t plru;
- int error = 0;
- struct timeval now;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ int retries = 0;
+ mach_port_t lockd_port = IPC_PORT_NULL;
- /* lock hash */
- if (nfs_lock_pid_lock) {
- struct nfsmount *nmp = VFSTONFS(vnode_mount(vp));
- while (nfs_lock_pid_lock) {
- nfs_lock_pid_lock = -1;
- tsleep(&nfs_lock_pid_lock, PCATCH, "nfslockpid", 0);
- if ((error = nfs_sigintr(nmp, NULL, p)))
- return (error);
- }
- goto loop;
- }
- nfs_lock_pid_lock = 1;
- /* Search hash chain */
- error = ENOENT;
- lp = NFS_LOCK_PID_HASH(proc_pid(p))->lh_first;
- for (; lp != NULL; lp = lp->lp_hash.le_next)
- if (lp->lp_pid == proc_pid(p)) {
- /* found pid... */
- if (timevalcmp(&lp->lp_pid_start, &p->p_stats->p_start, ==)) {
- /* ...and it's valid */
- /* move to tail of LRU */
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&nfs_lock_pid_lru, lp, lp_lru);
- microuptime(&now);
- lp->lp_time = now.tv_sec;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nfs_lock_pid_lru, lp, lp_lru);
- error = 0;
- break;
- }
- /* ...but it's no longer valid */
- /* remove from hash, invalidate, and move to lru head */
- LIST_REMOVE(lp, lp_hash);
- lp->lp_valid = 0;
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&nfs_lock_pid_lru, lp, lp_lru);
- TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&nfs_lock_pid_lru, lp, lp_lru);
- lp = NULL;
- break;
- }
+ kr = host_get_lockd_port(host_priv_self(), &lockd_port);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS || !IPC_PORT_VALID(lockd_port))
+ return (ENOTSUP);
- /* if we didn't find it (valid) and we've been asked to add it */
- if ((error == ENOENT) && addflag) {
- /* scan lru list for invalid, stale entries to reuse/free */
- int lrucnt = 0;
- microuptime(&now);
- for (lplru = TAILQ_FIRST(&nfs_lock_pid_lru); lplru; lplru = lplru_next) {
- lplru_next = TAILQ_NEXT(lplru, lp_lru);
- if (lplru->lp_valid && (lplru->lp_time >= (now.tv_sec - 2))) {
- /*
- * If the oldest LRU entry is relatively new, then don't
- * bother scanning any further.
- */
- break;
- }
- /* remove entry from LRU, and check if it's still in use */
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&nfs_lock_pid_lru, lplru, lp_lru);
- if (!lplru->lp_valid || !(plru = pfind(lplru->lp_pid)) ||
- timevalcmp(&lplru->lp_pid_start, &plru->p_stats->p_start, !=)) {
- /* no longer in use */
- LIST_REMOVE(lplru, lp_hash);
- if (!lp) {
- /* we'll reuse this one */
- lp = lplru;
- } else {
- /* we can free this one */
- FREE(lplru, M_TEMP);
- }
- } else {
- /* still in use */
- lplru->lp_time = now.tv_sec;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nfs_lock_pid_lru, lplru, lp_lru);
- }
- /* don't check too many entries at once */
- if (++lrucnt > 8)
- break;
- }
- if (!lp) {
- /* we need to allocate a new one */
- MALLOC(lp, struct nfs_lock_pid *, sizeof(struct nfs_lock_pid),
- }
- if (!lp) {
- error = ENOMEM;
- } else {
- /* (re)initialize nfs_lock_pid info */
- lp->lp_pid = proc_pid(p);
- lp->lp_pid_start = p->p_stats->p_start;
- /* insert pid in hash */
- LIST_INSERT_HEAD(NFS_LOCK_PID_HASH(lp->lp_pid), lp, lp_hash);
- lp->lp_valid = 1;
- lp->lp_time = now.tv_sec;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nfs_lock_pid_lru, lp, lp_lru);
- error = 0;
- }
+ do {
+ /* In the kernel all mach messaging is interruptable */
+ do {
+ kr = lockd_request(
+ lockd_port,
+ msg->lm_version,
+ msg->lm_flags,
+ msg->lm_xid,
+ msg->lm_fl.l_start,
+ msg->lm_fl.l_len,
+ msg->lm_fl.l_pid,
+ msg->lm_fl.l_type,
+ msg->lm_fl.l_whence,
+ (uint32_t *)&msg->lm_addr,
+ (uint32_t *)&msg->lm_cred,
+ msg->lm_fh_len,
+ msg->lm_fh);
+ if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
+ printf("lockd_request received %d!\n", kr);
+ } while (!interruptable && kr == MACH_SEND_INTERRUPTED);
+ } while (kr == MIG_SERVER_DIED && retries++ < MACH_MAX_TRIES);
+ ipc_port_release_send(lockd_port);
+ switch (kr) {
+ return (EINTR);
+ default:
+ /*
+ * Other MACH or MIG errors we will retry. Eventually
+ * we will call nfs_down and allow the user to disable
+ * locking.
+ */
+ return (EAGAIN);
- /* unlock hash */
- if (nfs_lock_pid_lock < 0) {
- nfs_lock_pid_lock = 0;
- wakeup(&nfs_lock_pid_lock);
- } else
- nfs_lock_pid_lock = 0;
- return (error);
- * nfs_advlock --
- * NFS advisory byte-level locks.
+ * NFS advisory byte-level locks (client)
-nfs_dolock(struct vnop_advlock_args *ap)
-/* struct vnop_advlock_args {
- struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
- vnode_t a_vp;
- caddr_t a_id;
- int a_op;
- struct flock *a_fl;
- int a_flags;
- vfs_context_t a_context;
-}; */
+ nfsnode_t np,
+ int type,
+ int flags,
+ thread_t thd)
- LOCKD_MSG *msg;
- vnode_t vp, wvp;
- struct nfsnode *np;
- int error, error1;
- struct flock *fl;
- int fmode, ioflg;
+ LOCKD_MSG *msg = &msgreq->lmr_msg;
+ int error, error2;
+ int interruptable, slpflag;
struct nfsmount *nmp;
- struct nfs_vattr nvattr;
- off_t start, end;
struct timeval now;
- int timeo, endtime, lastmsg, wentdown = 0;
- int lockpidcheck;
- kauth_cred_t cred;
- proc_t p;
+ int timeo, starttime, endtime, lastmsg, wentdown = 0;
+ struct timespec ts;
struct sockaddr *saddr;
- p = vfs_context_proc(ap->a_context);
- cred = vfs_context_ucred(ap->a_context);
- vp = ap->a_vp;
- fl = ap->a_fl;
- np = VTONFS(vp);
- nmp = VFSTONFS(vnode_mount(vp));
- if (!nmp)
- return (ENXIO);
- if (nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NOLOCKS)
- return (ENOTSUP);
- /*
- * The NLM protocol doesn't allow the server to return an error
- * on ranges, so we do it. Pre LFS (Large File Summit)
- * standards required EINVAL for the range errors. More recent
- * standards use EOVERFLOW, but their EINVAL wording still
- * encompasses these errors.
- * Any code sensitive to this is either:
- * 1) written pre-LFS and so can handle only EINVAL, or
- * 2) written post-LFS and thus ought to be tolerant of pre-LFS
- * implementations.
- * Since returning EOVERFLOW certainly breaks 1), we return EINVAL.
- */
- if (fl->l_whence != SEEK_END) {
- if ((fl->l_whence != SEEK_CUR && fl->l_whence != SEEK_SET) ||
- fl->l_start < 0 ||
- (fl->l_len > 0 && fl->l_len - 1 > OFF_MAX - fl->l_start) ||
- (fl->l_len < 0 && fl->l_start + fl->l_len < 0))
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- /*
- * If daemon is running take a ref on its fifo vnode
- */
- if (!(wvp = nfslockdvnode)) {
- if (!nfslockdwaiting && !nfslockdstarttimeout)
- return (ENOTSUP);
- /*
- * Don't wake lock daemon if it hasn't been started yet and
- * this is an unlock request (since we couldn't possibly
- * actually have a lock on the file). This could be an
- * uninformed unlock request due to closef()'s behavior of doing
- * unlocks on all files if a process has had a lock on ANY file.
- */
- if (!nfslockdvnode && (fl->l_type == F_UNLCK))
- return (EINVAL);
- microuptime(&now);
- if (nfslockdwaiting) {
- /* wake up lock daemon */
- nfslockdstarttimeout = now.tv_sec + 60;
- (void)wakeup((void *)&nfslockdwaiting);
- }
- /* wait on nfslockdvnode for a while to allow daemon to start */
- while (!nfslockdvnode && (now.tv_sec < nfslockdstarttimeout)) {
- error = tsleep((void *)&nfslockdvnode, PCATCH | PUSER, "lockdstart", 2*hz);
- if (error && (error != EWOULDBLOCK))
- return (error);
- /* check that we still have our mount... */
- /* ...and that we still support locks */
- nmp = VFSTONFS(vnode_mount(vp));
- if (!nmp)
- return (ENXIO);
- if (nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NOLOCKS)
- return (ENOTSUP);
- if (!error)
- break;
- microuptime(&now);
- }
- /*
- * check for nfslockdvnode
- * If it hasn't started by now, there's a problem.
- */
- if (!(wvp = nfslockdvnode))
- return (ENOTSUP);
- }
- error = vnode_getwithref(wvp);
- if (error)
- return (ENOTSUP);
- error = vnode_ref(wvp);
- if (error) {
- vnode_put(wvp);
- return (ENOTSUP);
- }
- /*
- * Need to check if this process has successfully acquired an NFS lock before.
- * If not, and this is an unlock request we can simply return success here.
- */
- lockpidcheck = nfs_lock_pid_check(p, 0, vp);
- if (lockpidcheck) {
- if (lockpidcheck != ENOENT) {
- vnode_rele(wvp);
- vnode_put(wvp);
- return (lockpidcheck);
- }
- if (ap->a_op == F_UNLCK) {
- vnode_rele(wvp);
- vnode_put(wvp);
- return (0);
- }
- }
- /*
- * The NFS Lock Manager protocol doesn't directly handle
- * negative lengths or SEEK_END, so we need to normalize
- * things here where we have all the info.
- * (Note: SEEK_CUR is already adjusted for at this point)
- */
- /* Convert the flock structure into a start and end. */
- switch (fl->l_whence) {
- case SEEK_SET:
- case SEEK_CUR:
- /*
- * Caller is responsible for adding any necessary offset
- * to fl->l_start when SEEK_CUR is used.
- */
- start = fl->l_start;
- break;
- case SEEK_END:
- /* need to flush, and refetch attributes to make */
- /* sure we have the correct end of file offset */
- if (np->n_flag & NMODIFIED) {
- error = nfs_vinvalbuf(vp, V_SAVE, cred, p, 1);
- if (error) {
- vnode_rele(wvp);
- vnode_put(wvp);
- return (error);
- }
- }
- error = nfs_getattr(vp, &nvattr, cred, p);
- if (error) {
- vnode_rele(wvp);
- vnode_put(wvp);
- return (error);
- }
- start = np->n_size + fl->l_start;
- break;
- default:
- vnode_rele(wvp);
- vnode_put(wvp);
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- if (fl->l_len == 0)
- end = -1;
- else if (fl->l_len > 0)
- end = start + fl->l_len - 1;
- else { /* l_len is negative */
- end = start - 1;
- start += fl->l_len;
- }
- if (start < 0) {
- vnode_rele(wvp);
- vnode_put(wvp);
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- if (!NFS_ISV3(vp) &&
- ((start >= 0x80000000) || (end >= 0x80000000))) {
- vnode_rele(wvp);
- vnode_put(wvp);
- return (EINVAL);
- }
- /*
- * Fill in the information structure.
- */
- msgreq.lmr_answered = 0;
- msgreq.lmr_errno = 0;
- msgreq.lmr_saved_errno = 0;
- msg = &msgreq.lmr_msg;
- msg->lm_version = LOCKD_MSG_VERSION;
- msg->lm_flags = 0;
- msg->lm_fl = *fl;
- msg->lm_fl.l_start = start;
- if (end != -1)
- msg->lm_fl.l_len = end - start + 1;
- msg->lm_fl.l_pid = proc_pid(p);
- if (ap->a_flags & F_WAIT)
- msg->lm_flags |= LOCKD_MSG_BLOCK;
- if (ap->a_op == F_GETLK)
- msg->lm_flags |= LOCKD_MSG_TEST;
- nmp = VFSTONFS(vnode_mount(vp));
- if (!nmp) {
- vnode_rele(wvp);
- vnode_put(wvp);
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if (!nmp || !nmp->nm_saddr)
return (ENXIO);
- }
- saddr = mbuf_data(nmp->nm_nam);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ saddr = nmp->nm_saddr;
bcopy(saddr, &msg->lm_addr, min(sizeof msg->lm_addr, saddr->sa_len));
- msg->lm_fh_len = NFS_ISV3(vp) ? VTONFS(vp)->n_fhsize : NFSX_V2FH;
- bcopy(VTONFS(vp)->n_fhp, msg->lm_fh, msg->lm_fh_len);
- if (NFS_ISV3(vp))
+ if (nmp->nm_vers == NFS_VER3)
msg->lm_flags |= LOCKD_MSG_NFSV3;
- cru2x(cred, &msg->lm_cred);
+ if (nmp->nm_sotype != SOCK_DGRAM)
+ msg->lm_flags |= LOCKD_MSG_TCP;
+ starttime = now.tv_sec;
lastmsg = now.tv_sec - ((nmp->nm_tprintf_delay) - (nmp->nm_tprintf_initial_delay));
+ interruptable = NMFLAG(nmp, INTR);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
- fmode = FFLAGS(O_WRONLY);
- if ((error = VNOP_OPEN(wvp, fmode, ap->a_context))) {
- vnode_rele(wvp);
- vnode_put(wvp);
- return (error);
- }
- vnode_lock(wvp);
- ++wvp->v_writecount;
- vnode_unlock(wvp);
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_lock_mutex);
/* allocate unique xid */
msg->lm_xid = nfs_lockxid_get();
- nfs_lockdmsg_enqueue(&msgreq);
+ nfs_lockdmsg_enqueue(msgreq);
- timeo = 2*hz;
-#define IO_NOMACCHECK 0;
- for (;;) {
- error = 0;
- while (nfslockdfifolock & NFSLOCKDFIFOLOCK_LOCKED) {
- nfslockdfifolock |= NFSLOCKDFIFOLOCK_WANT;
- error = tsleep((void *)&nfslockdfifolock,
- PCATCH | PUSER, "lockdfifo", 20*hz);
- if (error)
- break;
- }
- if (error)
- break;
- nfslockdfifolock |= NFSLOCKDFIFOLOCK_LOCKED;
+ timeo = 4;
- error = vn_rdwr(UIO_WRITE, wvp, (caddr_t)msg, sizeof(*msg), 0,
- UIO_SYSSPACE32, ioflg, proc_ucred(kernproc), NULL, p);
- nfslockdfifolock &= ~NFSLOCKDFIFOLOCK_LOCKED;
- if (nfslockdfifolock & NFSLOCKDFIFOLOCK_WANT) {
- nfslockdfifolock &= ~NFSLOCKDFIFOLOCK_WANT;
- wakeup((void *)&nfslockdfifolock);
- }
+ for (;;) {
+ nfs_lockd_request_sent = 1;
- if (error && (((ioflg & IO_NDELAY) == 0) || error != EAGAIN)) {
+ /* need to drop nfs_lock_mutex while calling nfs_lockd_send_request() */
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_lock_mutex);
+ error = nfs_lockd_send_request(msg, interruptable);
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_lock_mutex);
+ if (error && error != EAGAIN)
- }
* Always wait for an answer. Not waiting for unlocks could
* Retry if it takes too long to get a response.
* The timeout numbers were picked out of thin air... they start
- * at 2 and double each timeout with a max of 60 seconds.
+ * at 4 and double each timeout with a max of 30 seconds.
* In order to maintain responsiveness, we pass a small timeout
- * to tsleep and calculate the timeouts ourselves. This allows
+ * to msleep and calculate the timeouts ourselves. This allows
* us to pick up on mount changes quicker.
+ slpflag = (interruptable && (type != F_UNLCK)) ? PCATCH : 0;
+ ts.tv_sec = 2;
+ ts.tv_nsec = 0;
- if ((timeo/hz) > 0)
- endtime = now.tv_sec + timeo/hz;
- else
- endtime = now.tv_sec + 1;
+ endtime = now.tv_sec + timeo;
while (now.tv_sec < endtime) {
- error = tsleep((void *)&msgreq, PCATCH | PUSER, "lockd", 2*hz);
- if (msgreq.lmr_answered) {
+ error = error2 = 0;
+ if (!msgreq->lmr_answered) {
+ error = msleep(msgreq, nfs_lock_mutex, slpflag | PUSER, "lockd", &ts);
+ slpflag = 0;
+ }
+ if (msgreq->lmr_answered) {
* Note: it's possible to have a lock granted at
* essentially the same time that we get interrupted.
* error from this request or we might not unlock the
* lock that's been granted.
- error = 0;
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if ((msgreq->lmr_errno == ENOTSUP) && nmp &&
+ (nmp->nm_state & NFSSTA_LOCKSWORK)) {
+ /*
+ * We have evidence that locks work, yet lockd
+ * returned ENOTSUP. This is probably because
+ * it was unable to contact the server's lockd
+ * to send it the request.
+ *
+ * Because we know locks work, we'll consider
+ * this failure to be a timeout.
+ */
+ error = EWOULDBLOCK;
+ } else {
+ error = 0;
+ }
if (error != EWOULDBLOCK)
/* check that we still have our mount... */
/* ...and that we still support locks */
- nmp = VFSTONFS(vnode_mount(vp));
- if (!nmp || (nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NOLOCKS))
+ /* ...and that there isn't a recovery pending */
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if ((error2 = nfs_sigintr(nmp, NULL, NULL, 0))) {
+ error = error2;
+ if (type == F_UNLCK)
+ printf("nfs3_lockd_request: aborting unlock request, error %d\n", error);
- /*
- * If the mount is hung and we've requested not to hang
- * on remote filesystems, then bail now.
- */
- if ((p != NULL) && ((proc_noremotehang(p)) != 0) &&
- ((nmp->nm_state & (NFSSTA_TIMEO|NFSSTA_LOCKTIMEO)) != 0)) {
- if (fl->l_type == F_UNLCK)
- printf("nfs_dolock: aborting unlock request "
- "due to timeout (noremotehang)\n");
- error = EIO;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ if (nmp->nm_lockmode == NFS_LOCK_MODE_DISABLED) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((nmp->nm_state & NFSSTA_RECOVER) && !(flags & R_RECOVER)) {
+ /* recovery pending... return an error that'll get this operation restarted */
+ error = NFSERR_GRACE;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ interruptable = NMFLAG(nmp, INTR);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
if (error) {
/* check that we still have our mount... */
- nmp = VFSTONFS(vnode_mount(vp));
- if (!nmp) {
- if (error == EWOULDBLOCK)
- error = ENXIO;
- break;
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if ((error2 = nfs_sigintr(nmp, NULL, NULL, 0))) {
+ error = error2;
+ if (error2 != EINTR) {
+ if (type == F_UNLCK)
+ printf("nfs3_lockd_request: aborting unlock request, error %d\n", error);
+ break;
+ }
/* ...and that we still support locks */
- if (nmp->nm_flag & NFSMNT_NOLOCKS) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ if (nmp->nm_lockmode == NFS_LOCK_MODE_DISABLED) {
if (error == EWOULDBLOCK)
error = ENOTSUP;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
- if ((error == ENOTSUP) &&
- (nmp->nm_state & NFSSTA_LOCKSWORK)) {
- /*
- * We have evidence that locks work, yet lockd
- * returned ENOTSUP. This is probably because
- * it was unable to contact the server's lockd to
- * send it the request.
- *
- * Because we know locks work, we'll consider
- * this failure to be a timeout.
- */
- error = EWOULDBLOCK;
+ /* ...and that there isn't a recovery pending */
+ if ((error == EWOULDBLOCK) && (nmp->nm_state & NFSSTA_RECOVER) && !(flags & R_RECOVER)) {
+ /* recovery pending... return to allow recovery to occur */
+ error = NFSERR_DENIED;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ break;
- if (error != EWOULDBLOCK) {
+ interruptable = NMFLAG(nmp, INTR);
+ if ((error != EWOULDBLOCK) ||
+ ((nmp->nm_state & NFSSTA_RECOVER) && !(flags & R_RECOVER)) ||
+ ((flags & R_RECOVER) && ((now.tv_sec - starttime) > 30))) {
+ if ((error == EWOULDBLOCK) && (flags & R_RECOVER)) {
+ /* give up if this is for recovery and taking too long */
+ error = ETIMEDOUT;
+ } else if ((nmp->nm_state & NFSSTA_RECOVER) && !(flags & R_RECOVER)) {
+ /* recovery pending... return an error that'll get this operation restarted */
+ error = NFSERR_GRACE;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
* We're going to bail on this request.
* If we were a blocked lock request, send a cancel.
- if ((msgreq.lmr_errno == EINPROGRESS) &&
+ if ((msgreq->lmr_errno == EINPROGRESS) &&
!(msg->lm_flags & LOCKD_MSG_CANCEL)) {
/* set this request up as a cancel */
msg->lm_flags |= LOCKD_MSG_CANCEL;
- nfs_lockdmsg_dequeue(&msgreq);
+ nfs_lockdmsg_dequeue(msgreq);
msg->lm_xid = nfs_lockxid_get();
- nfs_lockdmsg_enqueue(&msgreq);
- msgreq.lmr_saved_errno = error;
- msgreq.lmr_errno = 0;
- msgreq.lmr_answered = 0;
+ nfs_lockdmsg_enqueue(msgreq);
+ msgreq->lmr_saved_errno = error;
+ msgreq->lmr_errno = 0;
+ msgreq->lmr_answered = 0;
/* reset timeout */
- timeo = 2*hz;
+ timeo = 2;
/* send cancel request */
- /*
- * If the mount is hung and we've requested not to hang
- * on remote filesystems, then bail now.
- */
- if ((p != NULL) && ((proc_noremotehang(p)) != 0) &&
- ((nmp->nm_state & (NFSSTA_TIMEO|NFSSTA_LOCKTIMEO)) != 0)) {
- if (fl->l_type == F_UNLCK)
- printf("nfs_dolock: aborting unlock request "
- "due to timeout (noremotehang)\n");
- error = EIO;
- break;
- }
/* warn if we're not getting any response */
- if ((msgreq.lmr_errno != EINPROGRESS) &&
+ if ((msgreq->lmr_errno != EINPROGRESS) &&
+ !(msg->lm_flags & LOCKD_MSG_DENIED_GRACE) &&
(nmp->nm_tprintf_initial_delay != 0) &&
((lastmsg + nmp->nm_tprintf_delay) < now.tv_sec)) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
lastmsg = now.tv_sec;
- nfs_down(nmp, p, 0, NFSSTA_LOCKTIMEO, "lockd not responding");
+ nfs_down(nmp, thd, 0, NFSSTA_LOCKTIMEO, "lockd not responding", 1);
wentdown = 1;
- }
- if (msgreq.lmr_errno == EINPROGRESS) {
+ } else
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ if (msgreq->lmr_errno == EINPROGRESS) {
* We've got a blocked lock request that we are
* going to retry. First, we'll want to try to
* it is NLM_BLOCKED).
msg->lm_flags |= LOCKD_MSG_CANCEL;
- nfs_lockdmsg_dequeue(&msgreq);
+ nfs_lockdmsg_dequeue(msgreq);
msg->lm_xid = nfs_lockxid_get();
- nfs_lockdmsg_enqueue(&msgreq);
- msgreq.lmr_saved_errno = msgreq.lmr_errno;
- msgreq.lmr_errno = 0;
- msgreq.lmr_answered = 0;
- timeo = 2*hz;
+ nfs_lockdmsg_enqueue(msgreq);
+ msgreq->lmr_saved_errno = msgreq->lmr_errno;
+ msgreq->lmr_errno = 0;
+ msgreq->lmr_answered = 0;
+ timeo = 2;
/* send cancel then resend request */
- * We timed out, so we will rewrite the request
- * to the fifo, but only if it isn't already full.
+ * We timed out, so we will resend the request.
- ioflg |= IO_NDELAY;
- timeo *= 2;
- if (timeo > 60*hz)
- timeo = 60*hz;
+ if (!(flags & R_RECOVER))
+ timeo *= 2;
+ if (timeo > 30)
+ timeo = 30;
/* resend request */
/* we got a reponse, so the server's lockd is OK */
- nfs_up(VFSTONFS(vnode_mount(vp)), p, NFSSTA_LOCKTIMEO,
wentdown ? "lockd alive again" : NULL);
wentdown = 0;
- if (msgreq.lmr_errno == EINPROGRESS) {
+ if (msgreq->lmr_answered && (msg->lm_flags & LOCKD_MSG_DENIED_GRACE)) {
+ /*
+ * The lock request was denied because the server lockd is
+ * still in its grace period. So, we need to try the
+ * request again in a little bit. Return the GRACE error so
+ * the higher levels can perform the retry.
+ */
+ msgreq->lmr_saved_errno = msgreq->lmr_errno = error = NFSERR_GRACE;
+ }
+ if (msgreq->lmr_errno == EINPROGRESS) {
/* got NLM_BLOCKED response */
/* need to wait for NLM_GRANTED */
- timeo = 60*hz;
- msgreq.lmr_answered = 0;
+ timeo = 30;
+ msgreq->lmr_answered = 0;
goto wait_for_granted;
if ((msg->lm_flags & LOCKD_MSG_CANCEL) &&
- (msgreq.lmr_saved_errno == EINPROGRESS)) {
+ (msgreq->lmr_saved_errno == EINPROGRESS)) {
* We just got a successful reply to the
* cancel of the previous blocked lock request.
- * Now, go ahead and resend the request.
+ * Now, go ahead and return a DENIED error so the
+ * higher levels can resend the request.
msg->lm_flags &= ~LOCKD_MSG_CANCEL;
- nfs_lockdmsg_dequeue(&msgreq);
- msg->lm_xid = nfs_lockxid_get();
- nfs_lockdmsg_enqueue(&msgreq);
- msgreq.lmr_saved_errno = 0;
- msgreq.lmr_errno = 0;
- msgreq.lmr_answered = 0;
- timeo = 2*hz;
- /* resend request */
- continue;
- }
- if ((msg->lm_flags & LOCKD_MSG_TEST) && msgreq.lmr_errno == 0) {
- if (msg->lm_fl.l_type != F_UNLCK) {
- fl->l_type = msg->lm_fl.l_type;
- fl->l_pid = msg->lm_fl.l_pid;
- fl->l_start = msg->lm_fl.l_start;
- fl->l_len = msg->lm_fl.l_len;
- fl->l_whence = SEEK_SET;
- } else {
- fl->l_type = F_UNLCK;
- }
+ nfs_lockdmsg_dequeue(msgreq);
+ error = NFSERR_DENIED;
+ break;
if (msg->lm_flags & LOCKD_MSG_CANCEL) {
msg->lm_flags &= ~LOCKD_MSG_CANCEL;
- error = msgreq.lmr_saved_errno;
- } else
- error = msgreq.lmr_errno;
+ error = msgreq->lmr_saved_errno;
+ } else {
+ error = msgreq->lmr_errno;
+ }
- if (!error) {
- /* record that NFS file locking has worked on this mount */
- nmp = VFSTONFS(vnode_mount(vp));
- if (nmp && !(nmp->nm_state & NFSSTA_LOCKSWORK))
- nmp->nm_state |= NFSSTA_LOCKSWORK;
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if ((error == ENOTSUP) && nmp && !(nmp->nm_state & NFSSTA_LOCKSWORK)) {
- * If we successfully acquired a lock, make sure this pid
- * is in the nfs_lock_pid hash table so we know we can't
- * short-circuit unlock requests.
+ * We have NO evidence that locks work and lockd
+ * returned ENOTSUP. Let's take this as a hint
+ * that locks aren't supported and disable them
+ * for this mount.
- if ((lockpidcheck == ENOENT) &&
- ((ap->a_op == F_SETLK) || (ap->a_op == F_SETLKW)))
- nfs_lock_pid_check(p, 1, vp);
+ nfs_lockdmsg_dequeue(msgreq);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_lock_mutex);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ if (nmp->nm_lockmode == NFS_LOCK_MODE_ENABLED) {
+ nmp->nm_lockmode = NFS_LOCK_MODE_DISABLED;
+ nfs_lockd_mount_unregister(nmp);
+ }
+ nmp->nm_state &= ~NFSSTA_LOCKTIMEO;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ printf("lockd returned ENOTSUP, disabling locks for nfs server: %s\n",
+ vfs_statfs(nmp->nm_mountp)->f_mntfromname);
+ return (error);
+ }
+ if (!error) {
+ /* record that NFS file locking has worked on this mount */
+ if (nmp) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ if (!(nmp->nm_state & NFSSTA_LOCKSWORK))
+ nmp->nm_state |= NFSSTA_LOCKSWORK;
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ }
- nfs_lockdmsg_dequeue(&msgreq);
+ nfs_lockdmsg_dequeue(msgreq);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_lock_mutex);
+ return (error);
+ * Send an NLM LOCK message to the server
+ */
+ nfsnode_t np,
+ struct nfs_open_file *nofp,
+ struct nfs_file_lock *nflp,
+ int reclaim,
+ int flags,
+ thread_t thd,
+ kauth_cred_t cred)
+ struct nfs_lock_owner *nlop = nflp->nfl_owner;
+ struct nfsmount *nmp;
+ int error;
+ LOCKD_MSG *msg;
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp))
+ return (ENXIO);
+ if (!nlop->nlo_open_owner) {
+ nfs_open_owner_ref(nofp->nof_owner);
+ nlop->nlo_open_owner = nofp->nof_owner;
+ }
+ if ((error = nfs_lock_owner_set_busy(nlop, thd)))
+ return (error);
+ /* set up lock message request structure */
+ bzero(&msgreq, sizeof(msgreq));
+ msg = &msgreq.lmr_msg;
+ msg->lm_version = LOCKD_MSG_VERSION;
+ if ((nflp->nfl_flags & NFS_FILE_LOCK_WAIT) && !reclaim)
+ msg->lm_flags |= LOCKD_MSG_BLOCK;
+ if (reclaim)
+ msg->lm_flags |= LOCKD_MSG_RECLAIM;
+ msg->lm_fh_len = (nmp->nm_vers == NFS_VER2) ? NFSX_V2FH : np->n_fhsize;
+ bcopy(np->n_fhp, msg->lm_fh, msg->lm_fh_len);
+ cru2x(cred, &msg->lm_cred);
+ msg->lm_fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+ msg->lm_fl.l_start = nflp->nfl_start;
+ msg->lm_fl.l_len = NFS_FLOCK_LENGTH(nflp->nfl_start, nflp->nfl_end);
+ msg->lm_fl.l_type = nflp->nfl_type;
+ msg->lm_fl.l_pid = nlop->nlo_pid;
+ error = nfs3_lockd_request(np, 0, &msgreq, flags, thd);
+ nfs_lock_owner_clear_busy(nlop);
+ return (error);
+ * Send an NLM UNLOCK message to the server
+ */
+ nfsnode_t np,
+ struct nfs_lock_owner *nlop,
+ __unused int type,
+ uint64_t start,
+ uint64_t end,
+ int flags,
+ thread_t thd,
+ kauth_cred_t cred)
+ struct nfsmount *nmp;
+ LOCKD_MSG *msg;
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if (!nmp)
+ return (ENXIO);
+ /* set up lock message request structure */
+ bzero(&msgreq, sizeof(msgreq));
+ msg = &msgreq.lmr_msg;
+ msg->lm_version = LOCKD_MSG_VERSION;
+ msg->lm_fh_len = (nmp->nm_vers == NFS_VER2) ? NFSX_V2FH : np->n_fhsize;
+ bcopy(np->n_fhp, msg->lm_fh, msg->lm_fh_len);
+ cru2x(cred, &msg->lm_cred);
+ msg->lm_fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+ msg->lm_fl.l_start = start;
+ msg->lm_fl.l_len = NFS_FLOCK_LENGTH(start, end);
+ msg->lm_fl.l_type = F_UNLCK;
+ msg->lm_fl.l_pid = nlop->nlo_pid;
+ return (nfs3_lockd_request(np, F_UNLCK, &msgreq, flags, thd));
+ * Send an NLM LOCK TEST message to the server
+ */
+ nfsnode_t np,
+ struct nfs_lock_owner *nlop,
+ struct flock *fl,
+ uint64_t start,
+ uint64_t end,
+ vfs_context_t ctx)
+ struct nfsmount *nmp;
+ int error;
+ LOCKD_MSG *msg;
+ nmp = NFSTONMP(np);
+ if (nfs_mount_gone(nmp))
+ return (ENXIO);
- error1 = VNOP_CLOSE(wvp, FWRITE, ap->a_context);
- vnode_rele(wvp);
- vnode_put(wvp);
- /* prefer any previous 'error' to our vn_close 'error1'. */
- return (error != 0 ? error : error1);
+ /* set up lock message request structure */
+ bzero(&msgreq, sizeof(msgreq));
+ msg = &msgreq.lmr_msg;
+ msg->lm_version = LOCKD_MSG_VERSION;
+ msg->lm_flags |= LOCKD_MSG_TEST;
+ msg->lm_fh_len = (nmp->nm_vers == NFS_VER2) ? NFSX_V2FH : np->n_fhsize;
+ bcopy(np->n_fhp, msg->lm_fh, msg->lm_fh_len);
+ cru2x(vfs_context_ucred(ctx), &msg->lm_cred);
+ msg->lm_fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+ msg->lm_fl.l_start = start;
+ msg->lm_fl.l_len = NFS_FLOCK_LENGTH(start, end);
+ msg->lm_fl.l_type = fl->l_type;
+ msg->lm_fl.l_pid = nlop->nlo_pid;
+ error = nfs3_lockd_request(np, 0, &msgreq, 0, vfs_context_thread(ctx));
+ if (!error && (msg->lm_flags & LOCKD_MSG_TEST) && !msgreq.lmr_errno) {
+ if (msg->lm_fl.l_type != F_UNLCK) {
+ fl->l_type = msg->lm_fl.l_type;
+ fl->l_pid = msg->lm_fl.l_pid;
+ fl->l_start = msg->lm_fl.l_start;
+ fl->l_len = msg->lm_fl.l_len;
+ fl->l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+ } else
+ fl->l_type = F_UNLCK;
+ }
+ return (error);
if (ansp->la_version != LOCKD_ANS_VERSION)
return (EINVAL);
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_lock_mutex);
/* try to find the lockd message by transaction id (cookie) */
msgreq = nfs_lockdmsg_find_by_xid(ansp->la_xid);
if (ansp->la_flags & LOCKD_ANS_GRANTED) {
if (msgreq && (msgreq->lmr_msg.lm_flags & LOCKD_MSG_CANCEL))
msgreq = NULL;
- if (!msgreq)
+ if (!msgreq) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_lock_mutex);
return (EPIPE);
+ }
msgreq->lmr_errno = ansp->la_errno;
if ((msgreq->lmr_msg.lm_flags & LOCKD_MSG_TEST) && msgreq->lmr_errno == 0) {
msgreq->lmr_msg.lm_fl.l_type = F_UNLCK;
+ if (ansp->la_flags & LOCKD_ANS_DENIED_GRACE)
+ msgreq->lmr_msg.lm_flags |= LOCKD_MSG_DENIED_GRACE;
msgreq->lmr_answered = 1;
- (void)wakeup((void *)msgreq);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_lock_mutex);
+ wakeup(msgreq);
return (0);
- * nfslockdfd --
- * NFS advisory byte-level locks: fifo file# from the lock daemon.
+ * nfslockdnotify --
+ * NFS host restart notification from the lock daemon.
+ *
+ * Used to initiate reclaiming of held locks when a server we
+ * have mounted reboots.
-nfslockdfd(proc_t p, int fd)
+nfslockdnotify(proc_t p, user_addr_t argp)
- int error;
- vnode_t vp, oldvp;
+ int error, i, headsize;
+ struct lockd_notify ln;
+ struct nfsmount *nmp;
+ struct sockaddr *saddr;
+ /* Let root make this call. */
error = proc_suser(p);
if (error)
return (error);
- if (fd < 0) {
- vp = NULL;
- } else {
- error = file_vnode(fd, &vp);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- error = vnode_getwithref(vp);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- error = vnode_ref(vp);
- if (error) {
- vnode_put(vp);
- return (error);
- }
- }
- oldvp = nfslockdvnode;
- nfslockdvnode = vp;
- if (oldvp) {
- vnode_rele(oldvp);
- }
- (void)wakeup((void *)&nfslockdvnode);
- if (vp) {
- vnode_put(vp);
- }
- return (0);
- * nfslockdwait --
- * lock daemon waiting for lock request
- */
-nfslockdwait(proc_t p)
- int error;
- error = proc_suser(p);
+ headsize = (char*)&ln.ln_addr[0] - (char*)&ln.ln_version;
+ error = copyin(argp, &ln, headsize);
if (error)
return (error);
- if (nfslockdwaiting || nfslockdvnode)
- return (EBUSY);
+ if (ln.ln_version != LOCKD_NOTIFY_VERSION)
+ return (EINVAL);
+ if ((ln.ln_addrcount < 1) || (ln.ln_addrcount > 128))
+ return (EINVAL);
+ argp += headsize;
+ saddr = (struct sockaddr *)&ln.ln_addr[0];
- nfslockdstarttimeout = 0;
- nfslockdwaiting = 1;
- tsleep((void *)&nfslockdwaiting, PCATCH | PUSER, "lockd", 0);
- nfslockdwaiting = 0;
+ lck_mtx_lock(nfs_lock_mutex);
- return (0);
+ for (i=0; i < ln.ln_addrcount; i++) {
+ error = copyin(argp, &ln.ln_addr[0], sizeof(ln.ln_addr[0]));
+ if (error)
+ break;
+ argp += sizeof(ln.ln_addr[0]);
+ /* scan lockd mount list for match to this address */
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(nmp, &nfs_lockd_mount_list, nm_ldlink) {
+ /* check if address matches this mount's server address */
+ if (!nmp->nm_saddr || nfs_sockaddr_cmp(saddr, nmp->nm_saddr))
+ continue;
+ /* We have a match! Mark it as needing recovery. */
+ lck_mtx_lock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ nfs_need_recover(nmp, 0);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&nmp->nm_lock);
+ }
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(nfs_lock_mutex);
+ return (error);