- * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
/* Copyright (c) 1995, 1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
#include <sys/event.h>
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <sys/kernel_types.h>
+#include <uuid/uuid.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>
-#ifndef KERNEL
+#if defined(XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE) || !defined(KERNEL)
struct session;
struct pgrp;
u_quad_t p_iticks; /* Statclock hits processing intr. */
int p_traceflag; /* Kernel trace points. */
struct vnode *p_tracep; /* Trace to vnode. */
- int p_siglist; /* DEPRECATED */
+ int p_siglist; /* DEPRECATED. */
struct vnode *p_textvp; /* Vnode of executable. */
int p_holdcnt; /* If non-zero, don't swap. */
sigset_t p_sigmask; /* DEPRECATED. */
#define SSTOP 4 /* Process debugging or suspension. */
#define SZOMB 5 /* Awaiting collection by parent. */
-/* These flags are kept in p_flags. */
+/* These flags are kept in extern_proc.p_flag. */
#define P_ADVLOCK 0x00000001 /* Process may hold POSIX adv. lock */
#define P_CONTROLT 0x00000002 /* Has a controlling terminal */
#define P_LP64 0x00000004 /* Process is LP64 */
#define P_TIMEOUT 0x00000400 /* Timing out during sleep */
#define P_TRACED 0x00000800 /* Debugged process being traced */
-#define P_WAITED 0x00001000 /* Debugging prc has waited for child */
-#define P_WEXIT 0x00002000 /* Working on exiting. */
+#define P_DISABLE_ASLR 0x00001000 /* Disable address space layout randomization */
+#define P_WEXIT 0x00002000 /* Working on exiting */
#define P_EXEC 0x00004000 /* Process called exec. */
/* Should be moved to machine-dependent areas. */
#define P_OWEUPC 0x00008000 /* Owe process an addupc() call at next ast. */
#define P_AFFINITY 0x00010000 /* xxx */
-#define P_CLASSIC 0x00020000 /* xxx */
+#define P_TRANSLATED 0x00020000 /* xxx */
+#define P_CLASSIC P_TRANSLATED /* xxx */
#define P_FSTRACE 0x10000 / * tracing via file system (elsewhere?) * /
#define P_SSTEP 0x20000 / * process needs single-step fixup ??? * /
-#define P_WAITING 0x00040000 /* process has a wait() in progress */
-#define P_KDEBUG 0x00080000 /* kdebug tracing on for this process */
+#define P_DELAYIDLESLEEP 0x00040000 /* Process is marked to delay idle sleep on disk IO */
+#define P_CHECKOPENEVT 0x00080000 /* check if a vnode has the OPENEVT flag set on open */
-#define P_TTYSLEEP 0x00100000 /* blocked due to SIGTTOU or SIGTTIN */
+#define P_DEPENDENCY_CAPABLE 0x00100000 /* process is ok to call vfs_markdependency() */
#define P_REBOOT 0x00200000 /* Process called reboot() */
-#define P_TBE 0x00400000 /* Process is TBE */
-#define P_SIGEXC 0x00800000 /* signal exceptions */
+#define P_RESV6 0x00400000 /* used to be P_TBE */
+#define P_RESV7 0x00800000 /* (P_SIGEXC)signal exceptions */
-#define P_BTRACE 0x01000000 /* process is being branch traced */
-#define P_VFORK 0x02000000 /* process has vfork children */
-#define P_NOATTACH 0x04000000
-#define P_INVFORK 0x08000000 /* proc in vfork */
+#define P_THCWD 0x01000000 /* process has thread cwd */
+#define P_RESV9 0x02000000 /* (P_VFORK)process has vfork children */
+#define P_RESV10 0x04000000 /* used to be P_NOATTACH */
+#define P_RESV11 0x08000000 /* (P_INVFORK) proc in vfork */
#define P_NOSHLIB 0x10000000 /* no shared libs are in use for proc */
/* flag set on exec */
#define P_FSTRACE 0 /* Obsolete: retained for compilation */
#define P_SSTEP 0 /* Obsolete: retained for compilation */
-#endif /* PROC_DEF_ENABLED */
+#define P_DIRTY_TRACK 0x00000001 /* track dirty state */
+#define P_DIRTY_ALLOW_IDLE_EXIT 0x00000002 /* process can be idle-exited when clean */
+#define P_DIRTY_DEFER 0x00000004 /* defer initial opt-in to idle-exit */
+#define P_DIRTY 0x00000008 /* process is dirty */
+#define P_DIRTY_SHUTDOWN 0x00000010 /* process is dirty during shutdown */
+#define P_DIRTY_TERMINATED 0x00000020 /* process has been marked for termination */
+#define P_DIRTY_BUSY 0x00000040 /* serialization flag */
+#define P_DIRTY_MARKED 0x00000080 /* marked dirty previously */
+#define P_DIRTY_DEFER_IN_PROGRESS 0x00000100 /* deferral to idle-band in process */
+#define P_DIRTY_LAUNCH_IN_PROGRESS 0x00000200 /* launch is in progress */
#ifdef KERNEL
extern proc_t kernproc;
-extern int proc_is_classic(struct proc *p);
-struct proc *current_proc_EXTERNAL(void);
+extern int proc_is_classic(proc_t p);
+proc_t current_proc_EXTERNAL(void);
extern int msleep(void *chan, lck_mtx_t *mtx, int pri, const char *wmesg, struct timespec * ts );
-extern void unsleep(struct proc *);
extern void wakeup(void *chan);
extern void wakeup_one(caddr_t chan);
extern int proc_ppid(proc_t);
/* returns 1 if the process is marked for no remote hangs */
extern int proc_noremotehang(proc_t);
-/* returns 1 is the process is marked for force quota */
+/* returns 1 if the process is marked for force quota */
extern int proc_forcequota(proc_t);
/* this routine returns 1 if the process is running with 64bit address space, else 0 */
extern int proc_is64bit(proc_t);
/* is this process exiting? */
extern int proc_exiting(proc_t);
-/* this routine returns error is the process is not one with super user privileges */
-int proc_suser(struct proc *p);
-/* returns the ucred assicaited with the process; temporary api */
-struct ucred * proc_ucred(struct proc *p);
+/* this routine returns error if the process is not one with super user privileges */
+int proc_suser(proc_t p);
+/* returns the cred assicaited with the process; temporary api */
+kauth_cred_t proc_ucred(proc_t p);
-/* LP64todo - figure out how to identify 64-bit processes if NULL procp */
-extern int IS_64BIT_PROCESS(proc_t);
-extern int proc_pendingsignals(struct proc *, sigset_t);
-extern int proc_tbe(struct proc *);
+extern int proc_tbe(proc_t);
+ @function proc_selfpgrpid
+ @abstract Get the process group id for the current process, as with proc_pgrpid().
+ @return pgrpid of current process.
+ */
+pid_t proc_selfpgrpid(void);
+ @function proc_pgrpid
+ @abstract Get the process group id for the passed-in process.
+ @param p Process whose pgrpid to grab.
+ @return pgrpid for "p".
+ */
+pid_t proc_pgrpid(proc_t);
+// mark a process as being allowed to call vfs_markdependency()
+void bsd_set_dependency_capable(task_t task);
+extern int IS_64BIT_PROCESS(proc_t);
extern int tsleep(void *chan, int pri, const char *wmesg, int timo);
extern int msleep1(void *chan, lck_mtx_t *mtx, int pri, const char *wmesg, u_int64_t timo);
+task_t proc_task(proc_t);
+extern int proc_pidversion(proc_t);
+extern int proc_getcdhash(proc_t, unsigned char *);
+ @function proc_pidbackgrounded
+ @abstract KPI to determine if a process is currently backgrounded.
+ @discussion The process may move into or out of background state at any time,
+ so be prepared for this value to be outdated immediately.
+ @param pid PID of the process to be queried.
+ @param state Pointer to a value which will be set to 1 if the process
+ is currently backgrounded, 0 otherwise.
+ @return ESRCH if pid cannot be found or has started exiting.
+ EINVAL if state is NULL.
+ */
+extern int proc_pidbackgrounded(pid_t pid, uint32_t* state);
+ * This returns an unique 64bit id of a given process.
+ * Caller needs to hold proper reference on the
+ * passed in process strucutre.
+ */
+extern uint64_t proc_uniqueid(proc_t);
+#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
+/* unique 64bit id for process's original parent */
+extern uint64_t proc_puniqueid(proc_t);
+extern void proc_getexecutableuuid(proc_t, unsigned char *, unsigned long);
+extern int proc_get_originatorbgstate(uint32_t *is_backgrounded);
+/* Kernel interface to get the uuid of the originator of the work.*/
+extern int proc_pidoriginatoruuid(uuid_t uuid_buf, uint32_t buffersize);
+extern uint64_t proc_was_throttled(proc_t);
+extern uint64_t proc_did_throttle(proc_t);
+extern uint64_t proc_coalitionid(proc_t);
+extern vnode_t proc_getexecutablevnode(proc_t); /* Returned with iocount, use vnode_put() to drop */
#endif /* KERNEL */
+#ifdef PRIVATE
+/* Values for pid_shutdown_sockets */
+#ifdef KERNEL
+#endif /* KERNEL */
+#ifndef KERNEL
+int pid_suspend(int pid);
+int pid_resume(int pid);
+#endif /* !KERNEL */
+#endif /* PRIVATE */
#endif /* !_SYS_PROC_H_ */