* Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
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- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
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- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
- *
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
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+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
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#include <assym.s>
#include <debug.h>
#include <ppc/Performance.h>
#include <ppc/exception.h>
#include <mach/ppc/vm_param.h>
-#define INSTRUMENT 0
mr r29,r4 ; Save top half of vaddr for later
mr r30,r5 ; Save bottom half of vaddr for later
- mfspr r0,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[16] - Take stamp before mapSearchFull
- stw r0,0x6100+(16*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r0,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r0,0x6100+(16*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r0,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r0,0x6100+(16*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r0,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r0,0x6100+(16*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
bl EXT(mapSearchFull) ; Go see if we can find it
- mfspr r0,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[14] - Take stamp after mapSearchFull
- stw r0,0x6100+(17*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r0,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r0,0x6100+(17*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r0,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r0,0x6100+(17*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r0,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r0,0x6100+(17*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- rlwinm r0,r24,0,mpType ; Isolate the mapping type
- rlwinm r23,r23,12,0,19 ; Convert standard block size to bytes
- cmplwi r0,mpNest ; Is this a nested type?
- cmplwi cr1,r0,mpLinkage ; Linkage type?
- cror cr0_eq,cr1_eq,cr0_eq ; Nested or linkage type?
+ li r22,lo16(0x800C) ; Get 0xFFFF800C
+ rlwinm r0,r24,mpBSub+1,31,31 ; Rotate to get 0 if 4K bsu or 1 if 32MB bsu
+ addi r23,r23,1 ; Get actual length
+ rlwnm r22,r22,r0,27,31 ; Rotate to get 12 or 25
lis r0,0x8000 ; Get 0xFFFFFFFF80000000
- li r22,0 ; Assume high part of size is 0
- bne++ hamNoNest ; This is not a nested or linkage type
- rlwinm r22,r23,16,16,31 ; Convert partially converted size to segments
- rlwinm r23,r23,16,0,3 ; Finish shift
-hamNoNest: add r0,r0,r0 ; Get 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 for 64-bit or 0 for 32-bit
+ slw r9,r23,r22 ; Isolate the low part
+ rlwnm r22,r23,r22,22,31 ; Extract the high order
+ addic r23,r9,-4096 ; Get the length to the last page
+ add r0,r0,r0 ; Get 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 for 64-bit or 0 for 32-bit
+ addme r22,r22 ; Do high order as well...
mr. r3,r3 ; Did we find a mapping here?
- or r0,r0,r30 ; Make sure a carry will propagate all the way in 64-bit
- crmove cr5_eq,cr0_eq ; Remember that if we found the mapping
+ or r0,r30,r0 ; Fill high word of 64-bit with 1s so we will properly carry
+ bne-- hamOverlay ; We found a mapping, this is no good, can not double map...
addc r9,r0,r23 ; Add size to get last page in new range
or. r0,r4,r5 ; Are we beyond the end?
adde r8,r29,r22 ; Add the rest of the length on
- bne-- cr5,hamOverlay ; Yeah, this is no good, can not double map...
rlwinm r9,r9,0,0,31 ; Clean top half of sum
beq++ hamFits ; We are at the end...
cmplw cr1,r9,r5 ; Is the bottom part of our end less?
cmplw r8,r4 ; Is our end before the next (top part)
crand cr0_eq,cr0_eq,cr1_lt ; Is the second half less and the first half equal?
.align 5
- mfspr r3,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[18] - Take stamp before mapSearchFull
- stw r3,0x6100+(18*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r3,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r3,0x6100+(18*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r3,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r3,0x6100+(18*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r3,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r4,0x6100+(18*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mr r3,r28 ; Get the pmap to insert into
+hamGotX: mr r3,r28 ; Get the pmap to insert into
mr r4,r31 ; Point to the mapping
bl EXT(mapInsert) ; Insert the mapping into the list
- mfspr r4,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[19] - Take stamp before mapSearchFull
- stw r4,0x6100+(19*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r4,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r4,0x6100+(19*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r4,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r4,0x6100+(19*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r4,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r4,0x6100+(19*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
rlwinm r11,r24,mpPcfgb+2,mpPcfg>>6 ; Get the index into the page config table
lhz r8,mpSpace(r31) ; Get the address space
lwz r11,lgpPcfg(r11) ; Get the page config
hamR64: mtmsrd r17 ; Restore enables/translation/etc.
- mfspr r0,pmc1 ; INSTRUMENT - saveinstr[20] - Take stamp before mapSearchFull
- stw r0,0x6100+(20*16)+0x0(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r0,pmc2 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r0,0x6100+(20*16)+0x4(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r0,pmc3 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r0,0x6100+(20*16)+0x8(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- mfspr r0,pmc4 ; INSTRUMENT - Get stamp
- stw r0,0x6100+(20*16)+0xC(0) ; INSTRUMENT - Save it
- lwz r0,(FM_ALIGN((31-17+1)*4)+FM_SIZE+FM_LR_SAVE)(r1) ; Get the return
+hamReturnC: lwz r0,(FM_ALIGN((31-17+1)*4)+FM_SIZE+FM_LR_SAVE)(r1) ; Get the return
lwz r17,FM_ARG0+0x00(r1) ; Save a register
lwz r18,FM_ARG0+0x04(r1) ; Save a register
lwz r19,FM_ARG0+0x08(r1) ; Save a register
.align 5
- lhz r23,mpSpace(r31) ; Get the address space hash
+hrmBlock32: lis r29,0xD000 ; Get shift to 32MB bsu
+ rlwinm r24,r20,mpBSub+1+2,29,29 ; Rotate to get 0 if 4K bsu or 13 if 32MB bsu
lhz r25,mpBSize(r31) ; Get the number of pages in block
+ lhz r23,mpSpace(r31) ; Get the address space hash
lwz r9,mpBlkRemCur(r31) ; Get our current remove position
+ rlwnm r29,r29,r24,28,31 ; Rotate to get 0 or 13
+ addi r25,r25,1 ; Account for zero-based counting
ori r0,r20,mpRIP ; Turn on the remove in progress flag
+ slw r25,r25,r29 ; Adjust for 32MB if needed
mfsdr1 r29 ; Get the hash table base and size
rlwinm r24,r23,maxAdrSpb,32-maxAdrSpb-maxAdrSpb,31-maxAdrSpb ; Get high order of hash
+ subi r25,r25,1 ; Convert back to zero-based counting
lwz r27,mpVAddr+4(r31) ; Get the base vaddr
sub r4,r25,r9 ; Get number of pages left
cmplw cr1,r9,r25 ; Have we already hit the end?
.align 5
+hrmBlock64: lis r29,0xD000 ; Get shift to 32MB bsu
+ rlwinm r10,r20,mpBSub+1+2,29,29 ; Rotate to get 0 if 4K bsu or 13 if 32MB bsu
lhz r24,mpSpace(r31) ; Get the address space hash
lhz r25,mpBSize(r31) ; Get the number of pages in block
lwz r9,mpBlkRemCur(r31) ; Get our current remove position
+ rlwnm r29,r29,r10,28,31 ; Rotate to get 0 or 13
+ addi r25,r25,1 ; Account for zero-based counting
ori r0,r20,mpRIP ; Turn on the remove in progress flag
+ slw r25,r25,r29 ; Adjust for 32MB if needed
mfsdr1 r29 ; Get the hash table base and size
ld r27,mpVAddr(r31) ; Get the base vaddr
+ subi r25,r25,1 ; Convert back to zero-based counting
rlwinm r5,r29,0,27,31 ; Isolate the size
sub r4,r25,r9 ; Get number of pages left
cmplw cr1,r9,r25 ; Have we already hit the end?
.align 5
hsg64Miss: bl mapPhysUnlock ; Unlock physent chain
- mtmsr r11 ; Restore 'rupts, translation
+ mtmsrd r11 ; Restore 'rupts, translation
li r3,mapRtEmpty ; No mappings found matching specified criteria
b hrmRetnCmn ; Exit through common epilog
addi r3,r3,physEntrySize ; Next phys_entry
- rlwinm. r4,r4,0,0,25 ; Clean and test mapping address
+ rlwinm. r4,r4,0,~ppFlags ; Clean and test mapping address
beq hcmNoMap32 ; Did not find one...
lwz r0,mpPte(r4) ; Grab the offset to the PTE
blt hwpSrc32 ; Do TLB invalidate/purge/merge/reload for each mapping
beq hwpMSrc32 ; Do TLB merge for each mapping
-hwpQSrc32: rlwinm. r31,r31,0,0,25 ; Clean and test mapping address
+hwpQSrc32: rlwinm. r31,r31,0,~ppFlags ; Clean and test mapping address
beq hwpNone32 ; Did not find one...
bctrl ; Call the op function
b hwpQSrc32 ; Check it out...
.align 5
-hwpMSrc32: rlwinm. r31,r31,0,0,25 ; Clean and test mapping address
+hwpMSrc32: rlwinm. r31,r31,0,~ppFlags ; Clean and test mapping address
beq hwpNone32 ; Did not find one...
bl mapMergeRC32 ; Merge reference and change into mapping and physent
; Function 2 - Set protection in mapping
+; NOTE: Changes to no-execute permission are ignored
.set .,hwpOpBase+(2*128) ; Generate error if previous function too long
hwpSPrtMap: lwz r9,mpFlags(r31) ; Get the mapping flags
lwz r8,mpVAddr+4(r31) ; Get the protection part of mapping
rlwinm. r9,r9,0,mpPermb,mpPermb ; Is the mapping permanent?
- li r0,lo16(mpN|mpPP) ; Get no-execute and protection bits
+ li r0,lo16(mpPP) ; Get protection bits
crnot cr0_eq,cr0_eq ; Change CR0_EQ to true if mapping is permanent
- rlwinm r2,r25,0,mpNb-32,mpPPe-32 ; Isolate new no-execute and protection bits
+ rlwinm r2,r25,0,mpPP ; Isolate new protection bits
beqlr-- ; Leave if permanent mapping (before we trash R5)...
- andc r5,r5,r0 ; Clear the old no-execute and prot bits
- or r5,r5,r2 ; Move in the new no-execute and prot bits
+ andc r5,r5,r0 ; Clear the old prot bits
+ or r5,r5,r2 ; Move in the new prot bits
rlwimi r8,r5,0,20,31 ; Copy into the mapping copy
cmpw r0,r0 ; Make sure we return CR0_EQ
stw r8,mpVAddr+4(r31) ; Set the flag part of mapping
lwz r5,mrStart(r9) ; Get start of table entry
lwz r0,mrEnd(r9) ; Get end of table entry
addi r9,r9,mrSize ; Point to the next slot
- cmplwi cr2,r3,0 ; Are we at the end of the table?
+ cmplwi cr7,r3,0 ; Are we at the end of the table?
cmplw r2,r5 ; See if we are in this table
cmplw cr1,r2,r0 ; Check end also
sub r4,r2,r5 ; Calculate index to physical entry
- beq-- cr2,mapFLPNmiss ; Leave if we did not find an entry...
+ beq-- cr7,mapFLPNmiss ; Leave if we did not find an entry...
cror cr0_lt,cr0_lt,cr1_gt ; Set CR0_LT if it is NOT this entry
slwi r4,r4,3 ; Get offset to physical entry
bne-- cr5,hpfNoCacheEnt2 ; Skip the cache entry if this is a "special nest" fault....
mr r3,r25 ; Point to the pmap
- mr r4,r22 ; ESID high half
- mr r5,r23 ; ESID low half
+ mr r4,r29 ; ESID high half
+ mr r5,r30 ; ESID low half
bl pmapCacheLookup ; Go see if this is in the cache already
mr. r3,r3 ; Did we find it?