- * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
- * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
- * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
#include <kern/processor.h>
+#include <kern/pms.h>
#include <vm/pmap.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOHibernatePrivate.h>
#include <ppc/proc_reg.h>
#include <ppc/misc_protos.h>
+#include <ppc/fpu_protos.h>
#include <ppc/machine_routines.h>
#include <ppc/cpu_internal.h>
#include <ppc/exception.h>
#include <ppc/Diagnostics.h>
#include <ppc/trap.h>
#include <ppc/machine_cpu.h>
+#include <ppc/rtclock.h>
struct SIGtimebase {
- boolean_t avail;
- boolean_t ready;
- boolean_t done;
+ volatile boolean_t avail;
+ volatile boolean_t ready;
+ volatile boolean_t done;
uint64_t abstime;
-perfCallback perfCpuSigHook = 0; /* Pointer to CHUD cpu signal hook routine */
+perfCallback perfCpuSigHook; /* Pointer to CHUD cpu signal hook routine */
-extern int debugger_sync;
+extern uint32_t debugger_sync;
* Forward definitions
+ proc_info->rtcPop = EndOfAllTime; /* forget any existing decrementer setting */
+ etimer_resync_deadlines(); /* Now that the time base is sort of correct, request the next timer pop */
proc_info->cpu_type = CPU_TYPE_POWERPC;
proc_info->cpu_subtype = (cpu_subtype_t)proc_info->pf.rptdProc;
proc_info->cpu_threadtype = CPU_THREADTYPE_NONE;
PE_cpu_machine_init(proc_info->cpu_id, !(proc_info->cpu_flags & BootDone));
+ if (proc_info->hibernate) {
+ uint32_t tbu, tbl;
+ do {
+ tbu = mftbu();
+ tbl = mftb();
+ } while (mftbu() != tbu);
+ proc_info->hibernate = 0;
+ hibernate_machine_init();
+ // hibernate_machine_init() could take minutes and we don't want timeouts
+ // to fire as soon as scheduling starts. Reset timebase so it appears
+ // no time has elapsed, as it would for regular sleep.
+ mttb(0);
+ mttbu(tbu);
+ mttb(tbl);
+ }
if (proc_info != mproc_info) {
while (!((mproc_info->cpu_flags) & SignalReady))
proc_info->cpu_flags |= BootDone|SignalReady;
if (proc_info != mproc_info) {
if (proc_info->ppXFlags & SignalReadyWait) {
- hw_atomic_and(&proc_info->ppXFlags, ~SignalReadyWait);
+ (void)hw_atomic_and(&proc_info->ppXFlags, ~SignalReadyWait);
+ pmsPark(); /* Timers should be cool now, park the power management stepper */
- struct per_proc_info *proc_info=0;
- void *interrupt_stack=0;
- void *debugger_stack=0;
+ struct per_proc_info *proc_info = NULL;
+ void *interrupt_stack = NULL;
+ void *debugger_stack = NULL;
- if ((proc_info = (struct per_proc_info*)kalloc(PAGE_SIZE)) == (struct per_proc_info*)0)
- return (struct per_proc_info *)NULL;;
+ if ((proc_info = (struct per_proc_info*)kalloc(sizeof(struct per_proc_info))) == (struct per_proc_info*)0)
+ return (struct per_proc_info *)NULL;
if ((interrupt_stack = kalloc(INTSTACK_SIZE)) == 0) {
- kfree(proc_info, PAGE_SIZE);
- return (struct per_proc_info *)NULL;;
+ kfree(proc_info, sizeof(struct per_proc_info));
+ return (struct per_proc_info *)NULL;
if ((debugger_stack = kalloc(KERNEL_STACK_SIZE)) == 0) {
- kfree(proc_info, PAGE_SIZE);
+ kfree(proc_info, sizeof(struct per_proc_info));
kfree(interrupt_stack, INTSTACK_SIZE);
- return (struct per_proc_info *)NULL;;
+ return (struct per_proc_info *)NULL;
bzero((void *)proc_info, sizeof(struct per_proc_info));
+ /* Set physical address of the second page */
+ proc_info->pp2ndPage = (addr64_t)pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap,
+ ((addr64_t)(unsigned int)proc_info) + 0x1000)
proc_info->next_savearea = (uint64_t)save_get_init();
proc_info->pf = BootProcInfo.pf;
proc_info->istackptr = (vm_offset_t)interrupt_stack + INTSTACK_SIZE - FM_SIZE;
proc_info->intstack_top_ss = proc_info->istackptr;
proc_info->debstackptr = (vm_offset_t)debugger_stack + KERNEL_STACK_SIZE - FM_SIZE;
proc_info->debstack_top_ss = proc_info->debstackptr;
-#endif /* MACH_KDP || MACH_KDB */
return proc_info;
kfree((void *)(proc_info->intstack_top_ss - INTSTACK_SIZE + FM_SIZE), INTSTACK_SIZE);
kfree((void *)(proc_info->debstack_top_ss - KERNEL_STACK_SIZE + FM_SIZE), KERNEL_STACK_SIZE);
- kfree((void *)proc_info, PAGE_SIZE);
+ kfree((void *)proc_info, sizeof(struct per_proc_info)); /* Release the per_proc */
cpu = real_ncpus;
proc_info->cpu_number = cpu;
PerProcTable[cpu].ppe_vaddr = proc_info;
- PerProcTable[cpu].ppe_paddr = ((addr64_t)pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap, (vm_offset_t)proc_info)) << PAGE_SHIFT;
+ PerProcTable[cpu].ppe_paddr = (addr64_t)pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap, (addr64_t)(unsigned int)proc_info) << PAGE_SHIFT;
proc_info->interrupts_enabled = 0;
proc_info->pending_ast = AST_NONE;
proc_info->istackptr = proc_info->intstack_top_ss;
- proc_info->rtcPop = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
+ proc_info->rtcPop = EndOfAllTime;
+ proc_info->FPU_owner = NULL;
+ proc_info->VMX_owner = NULL;
+ proc_info->pms.pmsStamp = 0; /* Dummy transition time */
+ proc_info->pms.pmsPop = EndOfAllTime; /* Set the pop way into the future */
+ proc_info->pms.pmsState = pmsParked; /* Park the stepper */
+ proc_info->pms.pmsCSetCmd = pmsCInit; /* Set dummy initial hardware state */
mp = (mapping_t *)(&proc_info->ppUMWmp);
mp->mpFlags = 0x01000000 | mpLinkage | mpPerm | 1;
mp->mpSpace = invalSpace;
} else {
if (!((*(volatile short *)&proc_info->cpu_flags) & SignalReady)) {
- hw_atomic_or(&proc_info->ppXFlags, SignalReadyWait);
+ (void)hw_atomic_or(&proc_info->ppXFlags, SignalReadyWait);
&SignalReadyLock, THREAD_UNINT);
proc_info->running = FALSE;
fowner = proc_info->FPU_owner; /* Cache this */
- if(fowner) fpu_save(fowner); /* If anyone owns FPU, save it */
- proc_info->FPU_owner = 0; /* Set no fpu owner now */
+ if(fowner) /* If anyone owns FPU, save it */
+ fpu_save(fowner);
+ proc_info->FPU_owner = NULL; /* Set no fpu owner now */
fowner = proc_info->VMX_owner; /* Cache this */
if(fowner) vec_save(fowner); /* If anyone owns vectors, save it */
- proc_info->VMX_owner = 0; /* Set no vector owner now */
+ proc_info->VMX_owner = NULL; /* Set no vector owner now */
if (proc_info->cpu_number == master_cpu) {
proc_info->cpu_flags &= BootDone;
* the lock and signal the other guy.
- void)
- unsigned int holdStat, holdParm0, holdParm1, holdParm2, mtype;
+ unsigned int holdStat, holdParm0, holdParm1, holdParm2;
unsigned int *parmAddr;
struct per_proc_info *proc_info;
int cpu;
proc_info->hwCtr.numSIGPdebug++; /* Count this one */
proc_info->debugger_is_slave++; /* Bump up the count to show we're here */
- hw_atomic_sub(&debugger_sync, 1); /* Show we've received the 'rupt */
+ (void)hw_atomic_sub(&debugger_sync, 1); /* Show we've received the 'rupt */
__asm__ volatile("tw 4,r3,r3"); /* Enter the debugger */
return; /* All done now... */
case SIGPcall: /* Call function on CPU */
proc_info->hwCtr.numSIGPcall++; /* Count this one */
- xfunc = holdParm1; /* Do this since I can't seem to figure C out */
+ xfunc = (broadcastFunc)holdParm1; /* Do this since I can't seem to figure C out */
xfunc(holdParm2); /* Call the passed function */
return; /* Done... */
(unsigned int)&syncClkSpot) != KERN_SUCCESS)
- while (*(volatile int *)&(syncClkSpot.avail) == FALSE)
+ while (syncClkSpot.avail == FALSE)
syncClkSpot.ready = TRUE;
- while (*(volatile int *)&(syncClkSpot.done) == FALSE)
+ while (syncClkSpot.done == FALSE)
+ etimer_resync_deadlines(); /* Start the timer */
timebaseAddr->avail = TRUE;
- while (*(volatile int *)&(timebaseAddr->ready) == FALSE);
+ while (timebaseAddr->ready == FALSE)
+ continue;
if(proc_info->time_base_enable != (void(*)(cpu_id_t, boolean_t ))NULL)
proc_info->time_base_enable(proc_info->cpu_id, TRUE);
* It is not passed to the other processor and must be known by the called function.
* The called function must do a thread_wakeup on the synch if it decrements the
* synch count to 0.
+ *
+ * We start by initializing the synchronizer to the number of possible cpus.
+ * The we signal each popssible processor.
+ * If the signal fails, we count it. We also skip our own.
+ * When we are finished signaling, we adjust the syncronizer count down buy the number of failed signals.
+ * Because the signaled processors are also decrementing the synchronizer count, the adjustment may result in a 0
+ * If this happens, all other processors are finished with the function.
+ * If so, we clear the wait and continue
+ * Otherwise, we block waiting for the other processor(s) to finish.
+ *
+ * Meanwhile, the other processors are decrementing the synchronizer when they are done
+ * If it goes to zero, thread_wakeup is called to run the broadcaster
+ *
+ * Note that because we account for the broadcaster in the synchronization count, we will not get any
+ * premature wakeup calls.
+ *
+ * Also note that when we do the adjustment of the synchronization count, it the result is 0, it means that
+ * all of the other processors are finished. Otherwise, we know that there is at least one more.
+ * When that thread decrements the synchronizer to zero, it will do a thread_wake.
+ *
-int32_t cpu_broadcast(uint32_t *synch, broadcastFunc func, uint32_t parm) {
- int sigproc, cpu, ocpu;
- cpu = cpu_number(); /* Who are we? */
- sigproc = 0; /* Clear called processor count */
- if(real_ncpus > 1) { /* Are we just a uni? */
+cpu_broadcast(uint32_t *synch, broadcastFunc func, uint32_t parm)
+ int failsig;
+ unsigned int cpu, ocpu;
+ cpu = cpu_number(); /* Who are we? */
+ failsig = 0; /* Clear called processor count */
+ if(real_ncpus > 1) { /* Are we just a uni? */
+ *synch = real_ncpus; /* Set how many we are going to try */
assert_wait((event_t)synch, THREAD_UNINT); /* If more than one processor, we may have to wait */
for(ocpu = 0; ocpu < real_ncpus; ocpu++) { /* Tell everyone to call */
- if(ocpu == cpu) continue; /* If we talk to ourselves, people will wonder... */
- hw_atomic_add(synch, 1); /* Tentatively bump synchronizer */
- sigproc++; /* Tentatively bump signal sent count */
+ if(ocpu == cpu) continue; /* If we talk to ourselves, people will wonder... */
if(KERN_SUCCESS != cpu_signal(ocpu, SIGPcall, (uint32_t)func, parm)) { /* Call the function on the other processor */
- hw_atomic_sub(synch, 1); /* Other guy isn't really there, ignore it */
- sigproc--; /* and don't count it */
+ failsig++; /* Count failed signals */
- if(!sigproc) clear_wait(current_thread(), THREAD_AWAKENED); /* Clear wait if we never signalled */
- else thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL); /* Wait for everyone to get into step... */
+ if (hw_atomic_sub(synch, failsig + 1) == 0)
+ clear_wait(current_thread(), THREAD_AWAKENED); /* Clear wait if we never signalled or all of the others finished */
+ else
+ thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL); /* Wait for everyone to get into step... */
- return sigproc; /* Return the number of guys actually signalled */
+ return (real_ncpus - failsig - 1); /* Return the number of guys actually signalled... */