+# configuration option for including cypto code
+options CRYPTO # <crypto>
+# HIBERNATION - include hibernation code
+options HIBERNATION # # <hibernation>
+# CONFIG_SLEEP - include sleep power state code
+options CONFIG_SLEEP # # <config_sleep>
+# CONFIG_KEXT_BASEMENT - alloc post boot loaded kexts after prelinked kexts
+options CONFIG_KEXT_BASEMENT # # <config_kext_basement>
+# configurable kernel related resources (CONFIG_THREAD_MAX needs to stay in
+# sync with bsd/conf/MASTER until we fix the config system... todo XXX
+options CONFIG_THREAD_MAX=2560 # <medium,large,xlarge>
+options CONFIG_THREAD_MAX=1536 # <small,xsmall>
+options CONFIG_THREAD_MAX=1024 # <bsmall>
+options CONFIG_TASK_MAX=1024 # <medium,large,xlarge>
+options CONFIG_TASK_MAX=768 # <small,xsmall>
+options CONFIG_TASK_MAX=512 # <bsmall>
+options CONFIG_ZONE_MAP_MIN=12582912 # <medium,large,xlarge>
+options CONFIG_ZONE_MAP_MIN=6291456 # <small,xsmall>
+options CONFIG_ZONE_MAP_MIN=1048576 # <bsmall>
+# Sizes must be a power of two for the zhash to
+# be able to just mask off bits instead of mod
+options CONFIG_ZLEAK_ALLOCATION_MAP_NUM=16384 #<medium,large,xlarge>
+options CONFIG_ZLEAK_ALLOCATION_MAP_NUM=8192 #<small,xsmall,bsmall>
+options CONFIG_ZLEAK_TRACE_MAP_NUM=8192 #<medium,large,xlarge>
+options CONFIG_ZLEAK_TRACE_MAP_NUM=4096 #<small,xsmall,bsmall>
+# configurable kernel - use these options to strip strings from panic
+# and printf calls.
+# no_panic_str - saves around 50K of kernel footprint.
+# no_printf_str - saves around 45K of kernel footprint.
+options CONFIG_NO_PANIC_STRINGS # <no_panic_str>
+options CONFIG_NO_PRINTF_STRINGS # <no_printf_str>
+options CONFIG_NO_KPRINTF_STRINGS # <no_kprintf_str>
+# support dynamic signing of code
+options CONFIG_DYNAMIC_CODE_SIGNING # <dynamic_codesigning>
+# vc_progress_white - make the progress gear white instead of black
+options CONFIG_VC_PROGRESS_WHITE # <vc_progress_white>
+# secure_kernel - secure kernel from user programs
+options SECURE_KERNEL # <secure_kernel>
+# Context switched counters
+options CONFIG_COUNTERS # <config_counters>
+# Timeshare scheduler implementations
+options CONFIG_SCHED_TRADITIONAL # <config_sched_traditional>
+options CONFIG_SCHED_PROTO # <config_sched_proto>
+options CONFIG_SCHED_GRRR # <config_sched_grrr>
+options CONFIG_SCHED_FIXEDPRIORITY # <config_sched_fixedpriority>
+options CONFIG_SCHED_GRRR_CORE # <config_sched_grrr,config_sched_fixedpriority>
+options CONFIG_SCHED_IDLE_IN_PLACE # <config_sched_idle_in_place>
+options CONFIG_GZALLOC # <config_gzalloc>
+# enable per-process memory priority tracking
+options CONFIG_MEMORYSTATUS # <memorystatus>
+# enable jetsam - used on embedded
+options CONFIG_JETSAM # <jetsam>
+# enable freezing of suspended processes - used on embedded
+options CONFIG_FREEZE # <freeze>
+options CHECK_CS_VALIDATION_BITMAP # <config_cs_validation_bitmap>
+# Enable dispatch of memory pressure events from the vm_pageout_garbage_collect thread
+options VM_PRESSURE_EVENTS # <vm_pressure_events>
+# Enable inheritance of importance through specially marked mach ports and for file locks
+# For now debug is enabled wherever inheritance is
+options IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE # <importance_inheritance>
+options IMPORTANCE_DEBUG # <importance_inheritance>
+# Enable allocation of contiguous physical memory through vm_map_enter_cpm()
+options VM_CPM # <vm_cpm>
+options CONFIG_SKIP_PRECISE_USER_KERNEL_TIME # <config_skip_precise_user_kernel_time>
+options CONFIG_TELEMETRY # <config_telemetry>
+# Switch to disable cpu, wakeup and high memory watermark monitors
+options CONFIG_NOMONITORS # <config_nomonitors>
+# In-kernel tests
+options CONFIG_IN_KERNEL_TESTS # <in_kernel_tests>