-/* this routine returns error is the process is not one with super user privileges */
-int proc_suser(struct proc *p);
-/* returns the ucred assicaited with the process; temporary api */
-struct ucred * proc_ucred(struct proc *p);
+/* this routine returns error if the process is not one with super user privileges */
+int proc_suser(proc_t p);
+/* returns the cred assicaited with the process; temporary api */
+kauth_cred_t proc_ucred(proc_t p);
+/* returns the first thread_t in the process, or NULL XXX for NFS, DO NOT USE */
+thread_t proc_thread(proc_t);
+// mark a process as being allowed to call vfs_markdependency()
+void bsd_set_dependency_capable(task_t task);
+extern int proc_pendingsignals(proc_t, sigset_t);
+extern int proc_tbe(proc_t);