* Copyright (c) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
* Copyright (c) 1999,2000 Jonathan Lemon <jlemon@FreeBSD.org>
* All rights reserved.
#include <sys/event.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <kern/kern_types.h>
+#include <kern/waitq.h>
+#if defined(XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE)
+typedef int (*kevent_callback_t)(struct kevent_qos_s *, struct kevent_ctx_s *);
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <kern/locks.h>
+#include <mach/thread_policy.h>
+#include <pthread/workqueue_internal.h>
+ * Lock ordering:
+ *
+ * The kqueue locking order can follow a few different patterns:
+ *
+ * Standard file-based kqueues (from above):
+ * proc fd lock -> kq lock -> kq-waitq-set lock -> thread lock
+ *
+ * WorkQ/WorkLoop kqueues (from above):
+ * proc fd lock -> kq lock -> workq lock -> thread lock
+ *
+ * Whenever kqueues interact with source locks, it drops all of its own
+ * locks in exchange for a use-reference on the knote used to synchronize
+ * with the source code. When those sources post events from below, they
+ * have the following lock hierarchy.
+ *
+ * Standard file-based kqueues (from below):
+ * XXX lock -> kq lock -> kq-waitq-set lock -> thread lock
+ *
+ * WorkQ/WorkLoop kqueues (from below):
+ * XXX lock -> kq lock -> workq lock -> thread lock
+ */
+#define KQEXTENT 256 /* linear growth by this amount */
+struct knote_lock_ctx {
+ struct knote *knlc_knote;
+ thread_t knlc_thread;
+ uintptr_t knlc_waiters;
+ LIST_ENTRY(knote_lock_ctx) knlc_link;
+ int knlc_state;
+LIST_HEAD(knote_locks, knote_lock_ctx);
+ * KNOTE_LOCK_CTX(name) is a convenience macro to define a knote lock context on
+ * the stack named `name`. In development kernels, it uses tricks to make sure
+ * not locks was still held when exiting the C-scope that contains this context.
+ */
+static inline void
+knote_lock_ctx_chk(struct knote_lock_ctx *knlc)
+ /* evil hackery to make sure no one forgets to unlock */
+ assert(knlc->knlc_state == KNOTE_LOCK_CTX_UNLOCKED);
+#define KNOTE_LOCK_CTX(n) \
+ struct knote_lock_ctx n __attribute__((cleanup(knote_lock_ctx_chk))); \
+ n.knlc_state = KNOTE_LOCK_CTX_UNLOCKED
+#define KNOTE_LOCK_CTX(n) \
+ struct knote_lock_ctx n
-#define KQ_NEVENTS 16 /* minimize copy{in,out} calls */
-#define KQEXTENT 256 /* linear growth by this amount */
+__options_decl(kq_state_t, uint16_t, {
+ KQ_SEL = 0x0001, /* select was recorded for kq */
+ KQ_SLEEP = 0x0002, /* thread is waiting for events */
+ KQ_PROCWAIT = 0x0004, /* thread waiting for processing */
+ KQ_KEV32 = 0x0008, /* kq is used with 32-bit events */
+ KQ_KEV64 = 0x0010, /* kq is used with 64-bit events */
+ KQ_KEV_QOS = 0x0020, /* kq events carry QoS info */
+ KQ_WORKQ = 0x0040, /* KQ is bound to process workq */
+ KQ_WORKLOOP = 0x0080, /* KQ is part of a workloop */
+ KQ_PROCESSING = 0x0100, /* KQ is being processed */
+ KQ_DRAIN = 0x0200, /* kq is draining */
+ KQ_WAKEUP = 0x0400, /* kq awakened while processing */
+ KQ_DYNAMIC = 0x0800, /* kqueue is dynamically managed */
+ KQ_R2K_ARMED = 0x1000, /* ast notification armed */
+ KQ_HAS_TURNSTILE = 0x2000, /* this kqueue has a turnstile */
+ * kqueue - common core definition of a kqueue
+ *
+ * No real structures are allocated of this type. They are
+ * either kqfile objects or kqworkq objects - each of which is
+ * derived from this definition.
+ */
struct kqueue {
- decl_lck_spin_data( ,kq_lock) /* kqueue lock */
- int kq_state;
- int kq_count; /* number of queued events */
- struct kqtailq kq_head; /* list of queued events */
- struct kqtailq kq_inprocess; /* list of in-process events */
- struct selinfo kq_sel; /* parent select/kqueue info */
- struct filedesc *kq_fdp;
-#define KQ_SEL 0x01
-#define KQ_SLEEP 0x02
-#define KQ_PROCWAIT 0x04
+ struct {
+ struct waitq_set kq_wqs; /* private waitq set */
+ lck_spin_t kq_lock; /* kqueue lock */
+ kq_state_t kq_state; /* state of the kq */
+ union {
+ uint16_t kq_waitq_hook;/* prepost hook (kqwl/kqwq) */
+ uint16_t kq_level; /* nesting level of the kq */
+ };
+ uint32_t kq_count; /* number of queued events */
+ struct proc *kq_p; /* process containing kqueue */
+ struct knote_locks kq_knlocks; /* list of knote locks held */
+ }; /* make sure struct padding is put before kq_queue */
+ struct kqtailq kq_queue[0]; /* variable array of queues */
+ * kqfile - definition of a typical kqueue opened as a file descriptor
+ * via the kqueue() system call.
+ *
+ * Adds selinfo support to the base kqueue definition, as these
+ * fds can be fed into select().
+ */
+struct kqfile {
+ struct kqueue kqf_kqueue; /* common kqueue core */
+ struct kqtailq kqf_queue; /* queue of woken up knotes */
+ struct kqtailq kqf_suppressed; /* suppression queue */
+ struct selinfo kqf_sel; /* parent select/kqueue info */
+#define kqf_wqs kqf_kqueue.kq_wqs
+#define kqf_lock kqf_kqueue.kq_lock
+#define kqf_state kqf_kqueue.kq_state
+#define kqf_level kqf_kqueue.kq_level
+#define kqf_count kqf_kqueue.kq_count
+#define kqf_p kqf_kqueue.kq_p
+#define QOS_INDEX_KQFILE 0 /* number of qos levels in a file kq */
+ * WorkQ kqueues need to request threads to service the triggered
+ * knotes in the queue. These threads are brought up on a
+ * effective-requested-QoS basis. Knotes are segregated based on
+ * that value - calculated by computing max(event-QoS, kevent-QoS).
+ * Only one servicing thread is requested at a time for all the
+ * knotes at a given effective-requested-QoS.
+ */
+#if !defined(KQWQ_QOS_MANAGER)
+#if !defined(KQWQ_NBUCKETS)
+ * kqworkq - definition of a private kqueue used to coordinate event
+ * handling for pthread work queues.
+ *
+ * These have per-qos processing queues and state to coordinate with
+ * the pthread kext to ask for threads at corresponding pthread priority
+ * values.
+ */
+struct kqworkq {
+ struct kqueue kqwq_kqueue;
+ struct kqtailq kqwq_queue[KQWQ_NBUCKETS]; /* array of queues */
+ struct kqtailq kqwq_suppressed[KQWQ_NBUCKETS]; /* Per-QoS suppression queues */
+ workq_threadreq_s kqwq_request[KQWQ_NBUCKETS]; /* per-QoS request states */
+#define kqwq_wqs kqwq_kqueue.kq_wqs
+#define kqwq_lock kqwq_kqueue.kq_lock
+#define kqwq_state kqwq_kqueue.kq_state
+#define kqwq_waitq_hook kqwq_kqueue.kq_waitq_hook
+#define kqwq_count kqwq_kqueue.kq_count
+#define kqwq_p kqwq_kqueue.kq_p
+ * WorkLoop kqueues need to request a thread to service the triggered
+ * knotes in the queue. The thread is brought up on a
+ * effective-requested-QoS basis. Knotes are segregated based on
+ * that value. Once a request is made, it cannot be undone. If
+ * events with higher QoS arrive after, they are stored in their
+ * own queues and an override applied to the original request based
+ * on the delta between the two QoS values.
+ */
+ * "Stay-active" knotes are held in a separate bucket that indicates
+ * special handling required. They are kept separate because the
+ * wakeups issued to them don't have context to tell us where to go
+ * to find and process them. All processing of them happens at the
+ * highest QoS. Unlike WorkQ kqueues, there is no special singular
+ * "manager thread" for a process. We simply request a servicing
+ * thread at the higest known QoS when these are woken (or override
+ * an existing request to that).
+ */
+#if !defined(KQWL_NBUCKETS)
+ * kqworkloop - definition of a private kqueue used to coordinate event
+ * handling for pthread workloops.
+ *
+ * Workloops vary from workqs in that only a single thread is ever
+ * requested to service a workloop at a time. But unlike workqs,
+ * workloops may be "owned" by user-space threads that are
+ * synchronously draining an event off the workloop. In those cases,
+ * any overrides have to be applied to the owner until it relinqueshes
+ * ownership.
+ *
+ * NOTE: "lane" support is TBD.
+ */
+struct kqworkloop {
+ struct kqueue kqwl_kqueue; /* queue of events */
+ struct kqtailq kqwl_queue[KQWL_NBUCKETS]; /* array of queues */
+ struct kqtailq kqwl_suppressed; /* Per-QoS suppression queues */
+ workq_threadreq_s kqwl_request; /* thread request state */
+ lck_spin_t kqwl_statelock; /* state/debounce lock */
+ thread_t kqwl_owner; /* current [sync] owner thread */
+ uint32_t kqwl_retains; /* retain references */
+ uint8_t kqwl_wakeup_indexes; /* QoS/override levels that woke */
+ kq_index_t kqwl_stayactive_qos; /* max QoS of statyactive knotes */
+ struct turnstile *kqwl_turnstile; /* turnstile for sync IPC/waiters */
+ kqueue_id_t kqwl_dynamicid; /* dynamic identity */
+ uint64_t kqwl_params; /* additional parameters */
+ LIST_ENTRY(kqworkloop) kqwl_hashlink; /* linkage for search list */
+#define KQWL_HISTORY_WRITE_ENTRY(kqwl, ...) ({ \
+ struct kqworkloop *__kqwl = (kqwl); \
+ unsigned int __index = os_atomic_inc_orig(&__kqwl->kqwl_index, relaxed); \
+ __kqwl->kqwl_history[__index % KQWL_HISTORY_COUNT] = \
+ (struct kqwl_history)__VA_ARGS__; \
+ })
+ struct kqwl_history {
+ thread_t updater; /* Note: updates can be reordered */
+ thread_t servicer;
+ thread_t old_owner;
+ thread_t new_owner;
+ uint64_t kev_ident;
+ int16_t error;
+ uint16_t kev_flags;
+ uint32_t kev_fflags;
+ uint64_t kev_mask;
+ uint64_t kev_value;
+ uint64_t in_value;
+ } kqwl_history[KQWL_HISTORY_COUNT];
+ unsigned int kqwl_index;
+LIST_HEAD(kqwllist, kqworkloop);
+typedef union {
+ struct kqueue *kq;
+ struct kqworkq *kqwq;
+ struct kqfile *kqf;
+ struct kqworkloop *kqwl;
+} __attribute__((transparent_union)) kqueue_t;
+#define kqwl_wqs kqwl_kqueue.kq_wqs
+#define kqwl_lock kqwl_kqueue.kq_lock
+#define kqwl_state kqwl_kqueue.kq_state
+#define kqwl_waitq_hook kqwl_kqueue.kq_waitq_hook
+#define kqwl_count kqwl_kqueue.kq_count
+#define kqwl_p kqwl_kqueue.kq_p
+extern void kqueue_threadreq_unbind(struct proc *p, workq_threadreq_t);
+// called with the kq req held
+extern void kqueue_threadreq_bind(struct proc *p, workq_threadreq_t req,
+ thread_t thread, unsigned int flags);
+struct turnstile *kqueue_threadreq_get_turnstile(workq_threadreq_t kqr);
+// called with the wq lock held
+extern void kqueue_threadreq_bind_prepost(struct proc *p, workq_threadreq_t req,
+ struct uthread *uth);
+// called with no lock held
+extern void kqueue_threadreq_bind_commit(struct proc *p, thread_t thread);
+extern void kqueue_threadreq_cancel(struct proc *p, workq_threadreq_t req);
+// lock not held as kqwl_params is immutable after creation
+extern workq_threadreq_param_t kqueue_threadreq_workloop_param(workq_threadreq_t req);
extern struct kqueue *kqueue_alloc(struct proc *);
-extern void kqueue_dealloc(struct kqueue *, struct proc *);
+extern void kqueue_dealloc(struct kqueue *);
+extern void kqworkq_dealloc(struct kqworkq *kqwq);
+extern void knotes_dealloc(struct proc *);
+extern void kqworkloops_dealloc(struct proc *);
-typedef int (*kevent_callback_t)(struct kqueue *, struct kevent *, void *);
-typedef void (*kevent_continue_t)(struct kqueue *, void *, int);
+extern int kevent_register(struct kqueue *, struct kevent_qos_s *,
+ struct knote **);
+extern int kqueue_scan(struct kqueue *, int flags,
+ struct kevent_ctx_s *, kevent_callback_t);
+extern int kqueue_stat(struct kqueue *, void *, int, proc_t);
-extern int kevent_register(struct kqueue *, struct kevent *, struct proc *);
-extern int kevent_scan(struct kqueue *, kevent_callback_t, kevent_continue_t,
- void *, struct timeval *, struct proc *);
+#endif /* XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* !_SYS_EVENTVAR_H_ */