- * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
-/* Copyright (c) 1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1990, 1991, 1993
* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* o Restore TS_WOPEN since it is useful in pstat. It must be cleared
* only when _all_ openers leave open().
-#ifdef NeXT
-#define NSNP 0
-#include "snp.h"
-#include "opt_uconsole.h"
#include <sys/param.h>
-#define TTYDEFCHARS 1
+#define TTYDEFCHARS 1
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
#include <sys/kauth.h>
#include <sys/file_internal.h>
#include <sys/conf.h>
#include <sys/dkstat.h>
-#include <sys/uio.h>
+#include <sys/uio_internal.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
#include <sys/vnode.h>
#include <sys/syslog.h>
#include <sys/user.h>
#include <sys/signalvar.h>
#include <sys/signalvar.h>
-#ifndef NeXT
-#include <sys/resourcevar.h>
#include <sys/malloc.h>
-#if NSNP > 0
-#include <sys/snoop.h>
-#ifndef NeXT
-#include <vm/vm.h>
-#include <vm/vm_param.h>
-#include <vm/vm_prot.h>
-#include <vm/lock.h>
-#include <vm/pmap.h>
-#include <vm/vm_map.h>
#include <dev/kmreg_com.h>
#include <machine/cons.h>
-#include <machine/spl.h>
-#if 0 /* [ */
-#include <machdep/machine/pmap.h>
-#endif /* 0 ] */
-#endif /* !NeXT */
-#include <sys/resource.h> /* averunnable */
-#ifndef NeXT
-static int proc_compare(struct proc *p1, struct proc *p2);
-#endif /* NeXT */
-static int ttnread(struct tty *tp);
-static void ttyecho(int c, struct tty *tp);
-static int ttyoutput(int c, register struct tty *tp);
-static void ttypend(struct tty *tp);
-static void ttyretype(struct tty *tp);
-static void ttyrub(int c, struct tty *tp);
-static void ttyrubo(struct tty *tp, int count);
-static void ttystop(struct tty *tp, int rw);
-static void ttyunblock(struct tty *tp);
-static int ttywflush(struct tty *tp);
-static int proc_compare(struct proc *p1, struct proc *p2);
+#include <sys/resource.h> /* averunnable */
+#include <kern/waitq.h>
+#include <libkern/section_keywords.h>
+static lck_grp_t *tty_lck_grp;
+static lck_grp_attr_t *tty_lck_grp_attr;
+static lck_attr_t *tty_lck_attr;
+__private_extern__ int ttnread(struct tty *tp);
+static void ttyecho(int c, struct tty *tp);
+static int ttyoutput(int c, struct tty *tp);
+static void ttypend(struct tty *tp);
+static void ttyretype(struct tty *tp);
+static void ttyrub(int c, struct tty *tp);
+static void ttyrubo(struct tty *tp, int count);
+static void ttystop(struct tty *tp, int rw);
+static void ttyunblock(struct tty *tp);
+static int ttywflush(struct tty *tp);
+static int proc_compare(proc_t p1, proc_t p2);
+void ttyhold(struct tty *tp);
+static void ttydeallocate(struct tty *tp);
+static int isctty(proc_t p, struct tty *tp);
+static int isctty_sp(proc_t p, struct tty *tp, struct session *sessp);
+__private_extern__ void termios32to64(struct termios32 *in, struct user_termios *out);
+__private_extern__ void termios64to32(struct user_termios *in, struct termios32 *out);
* Table with character classes and parity. The 8th bit indicates parity,
* are 0 then the character needs no special processing on output; classes
* other than 0 might be translated or (not currently) require delays.
-#define E 0x00 /* Even parity. */
-#define O 0x80 /* Odd parity. */
-#define PARITY(c) (char_type[c] & O)
-#define ALPHA 0x40 /* Alpha or underscore. */
-#define ISALPHA(c) (char_type[(c) & TTY_CHARMASK] & ALPHA)
-#define CCLASSMASK 0x3f
-#define CCLASS(c) (char_type[c] & CCLASSMASK)
-#define CC CONTROL
-#define CR RETURN
-#define NL NEWLINE
-#define NO ORDINARY
-#define TB TAB
-#define VT VTAB
+#define E 0x00 /* Even parity. */
+#define O 0x80 /* Odd parity. */
+#define PARITY(c) (char_type[c] & O)
+#define ALPHA 0x40 /* Alpha or underscore. */
+#define ISALPHA(c) (char_type[(c) & TTY_CHARMASK] & ALPHA)
+#define CCLASSMASK 0x3f
+#define CCLASS(c) (char_type[c] & CCLASSMASK)
+/* 0b10xxxxxx is the mask for UTF-8 continuations */
+#define CCONT(c) ((c & 0xc0) == 0x80)
+#define CC CONTROL
+#define CR RETURN
+#define NL NEWLINE
+#define NO ORDINARY
+#define TB TAB
+#define VT VTAB
static u_char const char_type[] = {
- E|CC, O|CC, O|CC, E|CC, O|CC, E|CC, E|CC, O|CC, /* nul - bel */
- O|BS, E|TB, E|NL, O|CC, E|VT, O|CR, O|CC, E|CC, /* bs - si */
- O|CC, E|CC, E|CC, O|CC, E|CC, O|CC, O|CC, E|CC, /* dle - etb */
- E|CC, O|CC, O|CC, E|CC, O|CC, E|CC, E|CC, O|CC, /* can - us */
- O|NO, E|NO, E|NO, O|NO, E|NO, O|NO, O|NO, E|NO, /* sp - ' */
- E|NO, O|NO, O|NO, E|NO, O|NO, E|NO, E|NO, O|NO, /* ( - / */
- E|NA, O|NA, O|NA, E|NA, O|NA, E|NA, E|NA, O|NA, /* 0 - 7 */
- O|NA, E|NA, E|NO, O|NO, E|NO, O|NO, O|NO, E|NO, /* 8 - ? */
- O|NO, E|NA, E|NA, O|NA, E|NA, O|NA, O|NA, E|NA, /* @ - G */
- E|NA, O|NA, O|NA, E|NA, O|NA, E|NA, E|NA, O|NA, /* H - O */
- E|NA, O|NA, O|NA, E|NA, O|NA, E|NA, E|NA, O|NA, /* P - W */
- O|NA, E|NA, E|NA, O|NO, E|NO, O|NO, O|NO, O|NA, /* X - _ */
- E|NO, O|NA, O|NA, E|NA, O|NA, E|NA, E|NA, O|NA, /* ` - g */
- O|NA, E|NA, E|NA, O|NA, E|NA, O|NA, O|NA, E|NA, /* h - o */
- O|NA, E|NA, E|NA, O|NA, E|NA, O|NA, O|NA, E|NA, /* p - w */
- E|NA, O|NA, O|NA, E|NO, O|NO, E|NO, E|NO, O|CC, /* x - del */
+ E | CC, O | CC, O | CC, E | CC, O | CC, E | CC, E | CC, O | CC, /* nul - bel */
+ O | BS, E | TB, E | NL, O | CC, E | VT, O | CR, O | CC, E | CC, /* bs - si */
+ O | CC, E | CC, E | CC, O | CC, E | CC, O | CC, O | CC, E | CC, /* dle - etb */
+ E | CC, O | CC, O | CC, E | CC, O | CC, E | CC, E | CC, O | CC, /* can - us */
+ O | NO, E | NO, E | NO, O | NO, E | NO, O | NO, O | NO, E | NO, /* sp - ' */
+ E | NO, O | NO, O | NO, E | NO, O | NO, E | NO, E | NO, O | NO, /* ( - / */
+ E | NA, O | NA, O | NA, E | NA, O | NA, E | NA, E | NA, O | NA, /* 0 - 7 */
+ O | NA, E | NA, E | NO, O | NO, E | NO, O | NO, O | NO, E | NO, /* 8 - ? */
+ O | NO, E | NA, E | NA, O | NA, E | NA, O | NA, O | NA, E | NA, /* @ - G */
+ E | NA, O | NA, O | NA, E | NA, O | NA, E | NA, E | NA, O | NA, /* H - O */
+ E | NA, O | NA, O | NA, E | NA, O | NA, E | NA, E | NA, O | NA, /* P - W */
+ O | NA, E | NA, E | NA, O | NO, E | NO, O | NO, O | NO, O | NA, /* X - _ */
+ E | NO, O | NA, O | NA, E | NA, O | NA, E | NA, E | NA, O | NA, /* ` - g */
+ O | NA, E | NA, E | NA, O | NA, E | NA, O | NA, O | NA, E | NA, /* h - o */
+ O | NA, E | NA, E | NA, O | NA, E | NA, O | NA, O | NA, E | NA, /* p - w */
+ E | NA, O | NA, O | NA, E | NO, O | NO, E | NO, E | NO, O | CC, /* x - del */
* Meta chars; should be settable per character set;
* for now, treat them all as normal characters.
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
- NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
+ NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
-#undef BS
-#undef CC
-#undef CR
-#undef NA
-#undef NL
-#undef NO
-#undef TB
-#undef VT
+#undef BS
+#undef CC
+#undef CR
+#undef NA
+#undef NL
+#undef NO
+#undef TB
+#undef VT
/* Macros to clear/set/test flags. */
-#define SET(t, f) (t) |= (f)
-#define CLR(t, f) (t) &= ~(f)
-#define ISSET(t, f) ((t) & (f))
+#define SET(t, f) (t) |= (f)
+#define CLR(t, f) (t) &= ~(f)
+#define ISSET(t, f) ((t) & (f))
* Input control starts when we would not be able to fit the maximum
* contents of the ping-pong buffers and finishes when we would be able
* to fit that much plus 1/8 more.
-#define I_HIGH_WATER (TTYHOG - 2 * 256) /* XXX */
-#define I_LOW_WATER ((TTYHOG - 2 * 256) * 7 / 8) /* XXX */
-#undef MAX_INPUT /* XXX wrong in <sys/syslimits.h> */
+#define I_HIGH_WATER (TTYHOG - 2 * 256) /* XXX */
+#define I_LOW_WATER ((TTYHOG - 2 * 256) * 7 / 8) /* XXX */
-static void
-termios32to64(struct termios *in, struct user_termios *out)
+__private_extern__ void
+termios32to64(struct termios32 *in, struct user_termios *out)
out->c_iflag = (user_tcflag_t)in->c_iflag;
out->c_oflag = (user_tcflag_t)in->c_oflag;
out->c_ospeed = (user_speed_t)in->c_ospeed;
-static void
-termios64to32(struct user_termios *in, struct termios *out)
+__private_extern__ void
+termios64to32(struct user_termios *in, struct termios32 *out)
- out->c_iflag = (tcflag_t)in->c_iflag;
- out->c_oflag = (tcflag_t)in->c_oflag;
- out->c_cflag = (tcflag_t)in->c_cflag;
- out->c_lflag = (tcflag_t)in->c_lflag;
+ out->c_iflag = (uint32_t)in->c_iflag;
+ out->c_oflag = (uint32_t)in->c_oflag;
+ out->c_cflag = (uint32_t)in->c_cflag;
+ out->c_lflag = (uint32_t)in->c_lflag;
/* bcopy is OK, since this type is ILP32/LP64 size invariant */
bcopy(in->c_cc, out->c_cc, sizeof(in->c_cc));
- out->c_ispeed = (speed_t)in->c_ispeed;
- out->c_ospeed = (speed_t)in->c_ospeed;
+ out->c_ispeed = (uint32_t)MIN(in->c_ispeed, UINT32_MAX);
+ out->c_ospeed = (uint32_t)MIN(in->c_ospeed, UINT32_MAX);
+ * tty_init
+ *
+ * Initialize the tty line discipline subsystem.
+ *
+ * Parameters: void
+ *
+ * Returns: void
+ *
+ * Locks: No ttys can be allocated and no tty locks can be used
+ * until after this function is called
+ *
+ * Notes: The intent of this is to set up a log group attribute,
+ * lock group, and loc atribute for subsequent per-tty locks.
+ * This function is called early in bsd_init(), prior to the
+ * console device initialization.
+ */
+ tty_lck_grp_attr = lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
+ tty_lck_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("tty", tty_lck_grp_attr);
+ tty_lck_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
+ * tty_lock
+ *
+ * Lock the requested tty structure.
+ *
+ * Parameters: tp The tty we want to lock
+ *
+ * Returns: void
+ *
+ * Locks: On return, tp is locked
+ */
+tty_lock(struct tty *tp)
+ TTY_LOCK_NOTOWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
+ lck_mtx_lock(&tp->t_lock);
+ * tty_unlock
+ *
+ * Unlock the requested tty structure.
+ *
+ * Parameters: tp The tty we want to unlock
+ *
+ * Returns: void
+ *
+ * Locks: On return, tp is unlocked
+ */
+tty_unlock(struct tty *tp)
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&tp->t_lock);
+ * ttyopen (LDISC)
+ *
* Initial open of tty, or (re)entry to standard tty line discipline.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
-ttyopen(device, tp)
- dev_t device;
- register struct tty *tp;
+ttyopen(dev_t device, struct tty *tp)
- int s;
- boolean_t funnel_state;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
- s = spltty();
tp->t_dev = device;
if (!ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_ISOPEN)) {
SET(tp->t_state, TS_ISOPEN);
if (ISSET(tp->t_cflag, CLOCAL)) {
- SET(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED); }
+ SET(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED);
+ }
bzero(&tp->t_winsize, sizeof(tp->t_winsize));
-#ifndef NeXT
- /*
- * Initialize or restore a cblock allocation policy suitable for
- * the standard line discipline.
- */
- clist_alloc_cblocks(&tp->t_canq, TTYHOG, 512);
- clist_alloc_cblocks(&tp->t_outq, TTMAXHIWAT + OBUFSIZ + 100,
- clist_alloc_cblocks(&tp->t_rawq, TTYHOG, TTYHOG);
-#endif /* !NeXT */
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
+ return 0;
+ * ttyclose
+ *
* Handle close() on a tty line: flush and set to initial state,
* bumping generation number so that pending read/write calls
* can detect recycling of the tty.
* XXX our caller should have done `spltty(); l_close(); ttyclose();'
* and l_close() should have flushed, but we repeat the spltty() and
* the flush in case there are buggy callers.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
- register struct tty *tp;
+ttyclose(struct tty *tp)
- int s;
+ struct pgrp * oldpg;
+ struct session * oldsessp;
+ struct knote *kn;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
- s = spltty();
if (constty == tp) {
constty = NULL;
-#ifdef NeXT
* Closing current console tty; disable printing of console
- * messages at bottom-level driver.
+ * messages at bottom-level driver.
- (tp->t_dev, KMIOCDISABLCONS, NULL, 0, current_proc());
-#endif /* NeXT */
+ (tp->t_dev, KMIOCDISABLCONS, NULL, 0, current_proc());
ttyflush(tp, FREAD | FWRITE);
-#ifndef NeXT
- clist_free_cblocks(&tp->t_canq);
- clist_free_cblocks(&tp->t_outq);
- clist_free_cblocks(&tp->t_rawq);
-#if NSNP > 0
- if (ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_SNOOP) && tp->t_sc != NULL)
- snpdown((struct snoop *)tp->t_sc);
tp->t_line = TTYDISC;
+ proc_list_lock();
+ oldpg = tp->t_pgrp;
+ oldsessp = tp->t_session;
tp->t_pgrp = NULL;
tp->t_session = NULL;
+ if (oldsessp != SESSION_NULL) {
+ oldsessp->s_ttypgrpid = NO_PID;
+ }
+ proc_list_unlock();
+ /* drop the reference on prev session and pgrp */
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ if (oldsessp != SESSION_NULL) {
+ session_rele(oldsessp);
+ }
+ if (oldpg != PGRP_NULL) {
+ pg_rele(oldpg);
+ }
+ tty_lock(tp);
tp->t_state = 0;
-#if NeXT
+ SLIST_FOREACH(kn, &tp->t_wsel.si_note, kn_selnext) {
+ KNOTE_DETACH(&tp->t_wsel.si_note, kn);
+ }
+ SLIST_FOREACH(kn, &tp->t_rsel.si_note, kn_selnext) {
+ KNOTE_DETACH(&tp->t_rsel.si_note, kn);
+ }
- splx(s);
- return (0);
+ return 0;
-#define FLUSHQ(q) { \
- if ((q)->c_cc) \
- ndflush(q, (q)->c_cc); \
+#define FLUSHQ(q) { \
+ if ((q)->c_cc) \
+ ndflush(q, (q)->c_cc); \
/* Is 'c' a line delimiter ("break" character)? */
-#define TTBREAKC(c, lflag) \
- ((c) == '\n' || (((c) == cc[VEOF] || \
- (c) == cc[VEOL] || ((c) == cc[VEOL2] && lflag & IEXTEN)) && \
+#define TTBREAKC(c, lflag) \
+ ((c) == '\n' || (((c) == cc[VEOF] || \
+ (c) == cc[VEOL] || ((c) == cc[VEOL2] && lflag & IEXTEN)) && \
+ * ttyinput (LDISC)
+ *
* Process input of a single character received on a tty.
+ *
+ * Parameters: c The character received
+ * tp The tty on which it was received
+ *
+ * Returns: .
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
-ttyinput(c, tp)
- register int c;
- register struct tty *tp;
+ttyinput(int c, struct tty *tp)
- register tcflag_t iflag, lflag;
- register cc_t *cc;
- int i, err, retval;
- boolean_t funnel_state;
+ tcflag_t iflag, lflag;
+ cc_t *cc;
+ int i, err;
+ int retval = 0; /* default return value */
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
* If input is pending take it first.
lflag = tp->t_lflag;
- if (ISSET(lflag, PENDIN))
+ if (ISSET(lflag, PENDIN)) {
+ }
* Gather stats.
if (tp->t_rawq.c_cc + tp->t_canq.c_cc > I_HIGH_WATER - 3 &&
(!ISSET(lflag, ICANON) || tp->t_canq.c_cc != 0) &&
(ISSET(tp->t_cflag, CRTS_IFLOW) || ISSET(iflag, IXOFF)) &&
- !ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_TBLOCK))
+ !ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_TBLOCK)) {
+ }
/* Handle exceptional conditions (break, parity, framing). */
cc = tp->t_cc;
if (ISSET(err, TTY_BI)) {
if (ISSET(iflag, IGNBRK)) {
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
- }
+ goto out;
+ }
if (ISSET(iflag, BRKINT)) {
ttyflush(tp, FREAD | FWRITE);
- pgsignal(tp->t_pgrp, SIGINT, 1);
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ tty_pgsignal(tp, SIGINT, 1);
+ tty_lock(tp);
goto endcase;
- if (ISSET(iflag, PARMRK))
+ if (ISSET(iflag, PARMRK)) {
goto parmrk;
+ }
} else if ((ISSET(err, TTY_PE) && ISSET(iflag, INPCK))
- || ISSET(err, TTY_FE)) {
+ || ISSET(err, TTY_FE)) {
if (ISSET(iflag, IGNPAR)) {
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
- }
- else if (ISSET(iflag, PARMRK)) {
+ goto out;
+ } else if (ISSET(iflag, PARMRK)) {
if (tp->t_rawq.c_cc + tp->t_canq.c_cc >
- MAX_INPUT - 3)
+ MAX_INPUT - 3) {
goto input_overflow;
+ }
(void)putc(0377 | TTY_QUOTE, &tp->t_rawq);
(void)putc(0 | TTY_QUOTE, &tp->t_rawq);
(void)putc(c | TTY_QUOTE, &tp->t_rawq);
goto endcase;
- } else
+ } else {
c = 0;
+ }
- if (!ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_TYPEN) && ISSET(iflag, ISTRIP))
+ if (!ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_TYPEN) && ISSET(iflag, ISTRIP)) {
CLR(c, 0x80);
+ }
if (!ISSET(lflag, EXTPROC)) {
* Check for literal nexting very first
if (ISSET(lflag, ECHOE)) {
(void)ttyoutput('^', tp);
(void)ttyoutput('\b', tp);
- } else
+ } else {
ttyecho(c, tp);
+ }
SET(tp->t_state, TS_LNCH);
goto endcase;
if (CCEQ(cc[VDISCARD], c)) {
- if (ISSET(lflag, FLUSHO))
+ if (ISSET(lflag, FLUSHO)) {
CLR(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO);
- else {
+ } else {
ttyflush(tp, FWRITE);
ttyecho(c, tp);
- if (tp->t_rawq.c_cc + tp->t_canq.c_cc)
+ if (tp->t_rawq.c_cc + tp->t_canq.c_cc) {
+ }
SET(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO);
goto startoutput;
if (ISSET(lflag, ISIG)) {
if (CCEQ(cc[VINTR], c) || CCEQ(cc[VQUIT], c)) {
- if (!ISSET(lflag, NOFLSH))
+ if (!ISSET(lflag, NOFLSH)) {
ttyflush(tp, FREAD | FWRITE);
+ }
ttyecho(c, tp);
- pgsignal(tp->t_pgrp,
+ /*
+ * SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return;
+ * SAFE: if we lose a threaded race on change
+ * SAFE: of the interrupt character, we could
+ * SAFE: have lost that race anyway due to the
+ * SAFE: scheduler executing threads in
+ * SAFE: priority order rather than "last
+ * SAFE: active thread" order (FEATURE).
+ */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ tty_pgsignal(tp,
+ tty_lock(tp);
goto endcase;
if (CCEQ(cc[VSUSP], c)) {
- if (!ISSET(lflag, NOFLSH))
+ if (!ISSET(lflag, NOFLSH)) {
ttyflush(tp, FREAD);
+ }
ttyecho(c, tp);
- pgsignal(tp->t_pgrp, SIGTSTP, 1);
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ tty_pgsignal(tp, SIGTSTP, 1);
+ tty_lock(tp);
goto endcase;
if (CCEQ(cc[VSTOP], c)) {
if (!ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_TTSTOP)) {
SET(tp->t_state, TS_TTSTOP);
- ttystop(tp, 0);
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
+ ttystop(tp, 0);
+ goto out;
if (!CCEQ(cc[VSTART], c)) {
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
- }
+ goto out;
+ }
* if VSTART == VSTOP then toggle
goto endcase;
- if (CCEQ(cc[VSTART], c))
+ if (CCEQ(cc[VSTART], c)) {
goto restartoutput;
+ }
if (c == '\r') {
if (ISSET(iflag, IGNCR)) {
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
- }
- else if (ISSET(iflag, ICRNL))
+ goto out;
+ } else if (ISSET(iflag, ICRNL)) {
c = '\n';
- } else if (c == '\n' && ISSET(iflag, INLCR))
+ }
+ } else if (c == '\n' && ISSET(iflag, INLCR)) {
c = '\r';
+ }
if (!ISSET(tp->t_lflag, EXTPROC) && ISSET(lflag, ICANON)) {
* erase (^H / ^?)
if (CCEQ(cc[VERASE], c)) {
- if (tp->t_rawq.c_cc)
- ttyrub(unputc(&tp->t_rawq), tp);
+ if (tp->t_rawq.c_cc) {
+ if (ISSET(iflag, IUTF8)) {
+ do {
+ ttyrub((c = unputc(&tp->t_rawq)), tp);
+ } while (tp->t_rawq.c_cc && CCONT(c));
+ } else {
+ ttyrub(unputc(&tp->t_rawq), tp);
+ }
+ }
goto endcase;
if (CCEQ(cc[VKILL], c)) {
if (ISSET(lflag, ECHOKE) &&
tp->t_rawq.c_cc == tp->t_rocount &&
- !ISSET(lflag, ECHOPRT))
- while (tp->t_rawq.c_cc)
+ !ISSET(lflag, ECHOPRT)) {
+ while (tp->t_rawq.c_cc) {
ttyrub(unputc(&tp->t_rawq), tp);
- else {
+ }
+ } else {
ttyecho(c, tp);
if (ISSET(lflag, ECHOK) ||
- ISSET(lflag, ECHOKE))
+ ISSET(lflag, ECHOKE)) {
ttyecho('\n', tp);
+ }
tp->t_rocount = 0;
* erase whitespace
- while ((c = unputc(&tp->t_rawq)) == ' ' || c == '\t')
+ while ((c = unputc(&tp->t_rawq)) == ' ' || c == '\t') {
ttyrub(c, tp);
- if (c == -1)
+ }
+ if (c == -1) {
goto endcase;
+ }
* erase last char of word and remember the
* next chars type (for ALTWERASE)
ttyrub(c, tp);
c = unputc(&tp->t_rawq);
- if (c == -1)
+ if (c == -1) {
goto endcase;
+ }
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') {
(void)putc(c, &tp->t_rawq);
goto endcase;
do {
ttyrub(c, tp);
c = unputc(&tp->t_rawq);
- if (c == -1)
+ if (c == -1) {
goto endcase;
+ }
} while (c != ' ' && c != '\t' &&
(!ISSET(lflag, ALTWERASE) || ISALPHA(c) == ctype));
(void)putc(c, &tp->t_rawq);
* ^T - kernel info and generate SIGINFO
if (CCEQ(cc[VSTATUS], c) && ISSET(lflag, IEXTEN)) {
- if (ISSET(lflag, ISIG))
- pgsignal(tp->t_pgrp, SIGINFO, 1);
- if (!ISSET(lflag, NOKERNINFO))
- ttyinfo(tp);
+ if (ISSET(lflag, ISIG)) {
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ tty_pgsignal(tp, SIGINFO, 1);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ }
+ if (!ISSET(lflag, NOKERNINFO)) {
+ ttyinfo_locked(tp);
+ }
goto endcase;
if (tp->t_rawq.c_cc + tp->t_canq.c_cc >= MAX_INPUT) {
if (ISSET(iflag, IMAXBEL)) {
- if (tp->t_outq.c_cc < tp->t_hiwat)
+ if (tp->t_outq.c_cc < tp->t_hiwat) {
(void)ttyoutput(CTRL('g'), tp);
+ }
goto endcase;
- if ( c == 0377 && ISSET(iflag, PARMRK) && !ISSET(iflag, ISTRIP)
+ if (c == 0377 && ISSET(iflag, PARMRK) && !ISSET(iflag, ISTRIP)
+ && ISSET(iflag, IGNBRK | IGNPAR) != (IGNBRK | IGNPAR)) {
(void)putc(0377 | TTY_QUOTE, &tp->t_rawq);
+ }
* Put data char in q for user and
tp->t_rocount = 0;
catq(&tp->t_rawq, &tp->t_canq);
- } else if (tp->t_rocount++ == 0)
+ } else if (tp->t_rocount++ == 0) {
tp->t_rocol = tp->t_column;
+ }
if (ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_ERASE)) {
* end of prterase \.../
* IXANY means allow any character to restart output.
if (ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_TTSTOP) &&
!ISSET(iflag, IXANY) && cc[VSTART] != cc[VSTOP]) {
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
- }
+ goto out;
+ }
CLR(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO);
CLR(tp->t_state, TS_TTSTOP);
- retval = ttstart(tp);
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (retval);
+ /* Start the output */
+ retval = ttstart(tp);
+ return retval;
+ * ttyoutput
+ *
* Output a single character on a tty, doing output processing
* as needed (expanding tabs, newline processing, etc.).
- * Returns < 0 if succeeds, otherwise returns char to resend.
- * Must be recursive.
+ *
+ * Parameters: c The character to output
+ * tp The tty on which to output on the tty
+ *
+ * Returns: < 0 Success
+ * >= 0 Character to resend (failure)
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tp is locked on entry, remains locked on exit
+ *
+ * Notes: Must be recursive.
static int
-ttyoutput(c, tp)
- register int c;
- register struct tty *tp;
+ttyoutput(int c, struct tty *tp)
- register tcflag_t oflag;
- register int col, s;
+ tcflag_t oflag;
+ int col;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
oflag = tp->t_oflag;
if (!ISSET(oflag, OPOST)) {
- if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO))
- return (-1);
- if (putc(c, &tp->t_outq))
- return (c);
+ if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (putc(c, &tp->t_outq)) {
+ return c;
+ }
- return (-1);
+ return -1;
* Do tab expansion if OXTABS is set. Special case if we external
if (c == '\t' &&
ISSET(oflag, OXTABS) && !ISSET(tp->t_lflag, EXTPROC)) {
- c = 8 - (tp->t_column & 7);
+ col = c = 8 - (tp->t_column & 7);
if (!ISSET(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO)) {
- s = spltty(); /* Don't interrupt tabs. */
- c -= b_to_q(" ", c, &tp->t_outq);
+ c -= b_to_q((const u_char *)" ", c, &tp->t_outq);
tk_nout += c;
tp->t_outcc += c;
- splx(s);
tp->t_column += c;
- return (c ? -1 : '\t');
+ return c == col ? -1 : '\t';
+ }
+ if (c == CEOT && ISSET(oflag, ONOEOT)) {
+ return -1;
- if (c == CEOT && ISSET(oflag, ONOEOT))
- return (-1);
* Newline translation: if ONLCR is set,
if (c == '\n' && ISSET(tp->t_oflag, ONLCR)) {
- if (putc('\r', &tp->t_outq))
- return (c);
+ if (putc('\r', &tp->t_outq)) {
+ return c;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If OCRNL is set, translate "\r" into "\n". */
+ else if (c == '\r' && ISSET(tp->t_oflag, OCRNL)) {
+ c = '\n';
+ }
+ /* If ONOCR is set, don't transmit CRs when on column 0. */
+ else if (c == '\r' && ISSET(tp->t_oflag, ONOCR) && tp->t_column == 0) {
+ return -1;
- if (!ISSET(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO) && putc(c, &tp->t_outq))
- return (c);
+ if (!ISSET(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO) && putc(c, &tp->t_outq)) {
+ return c;
+ }
col = tp->t_column;
switch (CCLASS(c)) {
- if (col > 0)
+ if (col > 0) {
+ }
tp->t_column = col;
- return (-1);
+ return -1;
+ * ttioctl
+ *
+ * Identical to ttioctl_locked, only the lock is not held
+ *
+ * Parameters: <See ttioctl_locked()>
+ *
+ * Returns: <See ttioctl_locked()>
+ *
+ * Locks: This function assumes the tty_lock() is not held on entry;
+ * it takes the lock, and releases it before returning.
+ *
+ * Notes: This is supported to ensure the line discipline interfaces
+ * all have the same locking semantics.
+ *
+ * This function is called from
+ */
+ttioctl(struct tty *tp, u_long cmd, caddr_t data, int flag, proc_t p)
+ int retval;
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ retval = ttioctl_locked(tp, cmd, data, flag, p);
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ return retval;
- * Ioctls for all tty devices. Called after line-discipline specific ioctl
- * has been called to do discipline-specific functions and/or reject any
- * of these ioctl commands.
+ * ttioctl_locked
+ *
+ * Ioctls for all tty devices.
+ *
+ * Parameters: tp Tty on which ioctl() is being called
+ * cmd ioctl() command parameter
+ * data ioctl() data argument (if any)
+ * flag fileglob open modes from fcntl.h;
+ * if called internally, this is usually
+ * set to 0, rather than something useful
+ * p Process context for the call; if the
+ * call is proxied to a worker thread,
+ * this will not be the current process!!!
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * EIO I/O error (no process group, job
+ * control, etc.)
+ * EINTR Interrupted by signal
+ * EBUSY Attempt to become the console while
+ * the console is busy
+ * ENOTTY TIOCGPGRP on a non-controlling tty
+ * EINVAL Invalid baud rate
+ * ENXIO TIOCSETD of invalid line discipline
+ * EPERM TIOCSTI, not root, not open for read
+ * EACCES TIOCSTI, not root, not your controlling
+ * tty
+ * EPERM TIOCSDRAINWAIT as non-root user
+ * suser:EPERM Console control denied
+ * ttywait:EIO t_timeout too small/expired
+ * ttywait:ERESTART Upper layer must redrive the call;
+ * this is usually done by the Libc
+ * stub in user space
+ * ttywait:EINTR Interrupted (usually a signal)
+ * ttcompat:EINVAL
+ * ttcompat:ENOTTY
+ * ttcompat:EIOCTL
+ * ttcompat:ENOTTY TIOCGSID, if no session or session
+ * leader
+ * ttcompat:ENOTTY All unrecognized ioctls
+ * *tp->t_param:? TIOCSETA* underlying function
+ * *linesw[t].l_open:? TIOCSETD line discipline open failure
+ *
+ *
+ * Locks: This function assumes that the tty_lock() is held for the
+ * tp at the time of the call. The lock remains held on return.
+ *
+ * Notes: This function is called after line-discipline specific ioctl
+ * has been called to do discipline-specific functions and/or
+ * reject any of these ioctl() commands.
+ *
+ * This function calls ttcompat(), which can re-call ttioctl()
+ * to a depth of one (FORTRAN style mutual recursion); at some
+ * point, we should just in-line ttcompat() here.
-ttioctl(register struct tty *tp,
- u_long cmd, caddr_t data, int flag,
- struct proc *p)
+ttioctl_locked(struct tty *tp, u_long cmd, caddr_t data, int flag, proc_t p)
- int s, error;
+ int error = 0;
+ int bogusData = 1;
struct uthread *ut;
+ struct pgrp *pg, *oldpg;
+ struct session *sessp, *oldsessp;
+ struct tty *oldtp;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
- /* If the ioctl involves modification, hang if in the background. */
+ /* If the ioctl involves modification, signal if in the background. */
switch (cmd) {
+ case TIOCIXON:
- case TIOCSETA:
+ case TIOCSTOP:
+ case TIOCSETA_32:
case TIOCSETA_64:
+ case TIOCSETAF_32:
case TIOCSETAF_64:
+ case TIOCSETAW_32:
case TIOCSETAW_64:
-#ifdef notdef
-#if COMPAT_43_TTY || defined(COMPAT_SUNOS)
while (isbackground(p, tp) &&
- (p->p_flag & P_PPWAIT) == 0 &&
+ (p->p_lflag & P_LPPWAIT) == 0 &&
(p->p_sigignore & sigmask(SIGTTOU)) == 0 &&
(ut->uu_sigmask & sigmask(SIGTTOU)) == 0) {
- if (p->p_pgrp->pg_jobc == 0)
- return (EIO);
- pgsignal(p->p_pgrp, SIGTTOU, 1);
- error = ttysleep(tp, &lbolt, TTOPRI | PCATCH | PTTYBLOCK, "ttybg1",
- 0);
- if (error)
- return (error);
+ pg = proc_pgrp(p);
+ if (pg == PGRP_NULL) {
+ error = EIO;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ if (pg->pg_jobc == 0) {
+ pg_rele(pg);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ error = EIO;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ pgsignal(pg, SIGTTOU, 1);
+ pg_rele(pg);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ /*
+ * We signalled ourself, so we need to act as if we
+ * have been "interrupted" from a "sleep" to act on
+ * the signal. If it's a signal that stops the
+ * process, that's handled in the signal sending code.
+ */
+ error = EINTR;
+ goto out;
- switch (cmd) { /* Process the ioctl. */
- case FIOASYNC: /* set/clear async i/o */
- s = spltty();
- if (*(int *)data)
+ switch (cmd) { /* Process the ioctl. */
+ case FIOASYNC: /* set/clear async i/o */
+ if (*(int *)data) {
SET(tp->t_state, TS_ASYNC);
- else
+ } else {
CLR(tp->t_state, TS_ASYNC);
- splx(s);
+ }
- case FIONBIO: /* set/clear non-blocking i/o */
- break; /* XXX: delete. */
- case FIONREAD: /* get # bytes to read */
- s = spltty();
+ case FIONBIO: /* set/clear non-blocking i/o */
+ break; /* XXX: delete. */
+ case FIONREAD: /* get # bytes to read */
*(int *)data = ttnread(tp);
- splx(s);
- case TIOCEXCL: /* set exclusive use of tty */
- s = spltty();
+ case TIOCEXCL: /* set exclusive use of tty */
SET(tp->t_state, TS_XCLUDE);
- splx(s);
- case TIOCFLUSH: { /* flush buffers */
- register int flags = *(int *)data;
+ case TIOCFLUSH: { /* flush buffers */
+ int flags = *(int *)data;
- if (flags == 0)
+ if (flags == 0) {
flags = FREAD | FWRITE;
- else
+ } else {
flags &= FREAD | FWRITE;
+ }
ttyflush(tp, flags);
-#ifdef NeXT
/* Set current console device to this line */
- int bogusData = 1;
data = (caddr_t) &bogusData;
- /* No break - Fall through to BSD code */
-#endif /* NeXT */
- case TIOCCONS: { /* become virtual console */
+ case TIOCCONS: { /* become virtual console */
if (*(int *)data) {
if (constty && constty != tp &&
ISSET(constty->t_state, TS_CONNECTED)) {
- return (EBUSY);
+ error = EBUSY;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if ((error = suser(kauth_cred_get(), &p->p_acflag))) {
+ goto out;
-#if defined(NeXT) || !defined(UCONSOLE)
- if ( (error = suser(kauth_cred_get(), &p->p_acflag)) )
- return (error);
constty = tp;
} else if (tp == constty) {
constty = NULL;
-#ifdef NeXT
if (constty) {
- (*cdevsw[major(cons.t_dev)].d_ioctl)
- (cons.t_dev, KMIOCDISABLCONS, NULL, 0, p);
+ (*cdevsw[major(constty->t_dev)].d_ioctl)
+ (constty->t_dev, KMIOCDISABLCONS, NULL, 0, p);
} else {
- (tp->t_dev, KMIOCDISABLCONS, NULL, 0, p);
+ (tp->t_dev, KMIOCDISABLCONS, NULL, 0, p);
-#endif /* NeXT */
- case TIOCDRAIN: /* wait till output drained */
+ case TIOCDRAIN: /* wait till output drained */
error = ttywait(tp);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- break;
- case TIOCGETA: /* get termios struct */
- case TIOCGETA_64: { /* get termios struct */
- if (IS_64BIT_PROCESS(p)) {
- termios32to64(&tp->t_termios, (struct user_termios *)data);
- } else {
- bcopy(&tp->t_termios, data, sizeof(struct termios));
+ if (error) {
+ goto out;
- }
- case TIOCGETD: /* get line discipline */
+ case TIOCGETA_32: /* get termios struct */
+#ifdef __LP64__
+ termios64to32((struct user_termios *)&tp->t_termios, (struct termios32 *)data);
+ bcopy(&tp->t_termios, data, sizeof(struct termios));
+ break;
+ case TIOCGETA_64: /* get termios struct */
+#ifdef __LP64__
+ bcopy(&tp->t_termios, data, sizeof(struct termios));
+ termios32to64((struct termios32 *)&tp->t_termios, (struct user_termios *)data);
+ break;
+ case TIOCGETD: /* get line discipline */
*(int *)data = tp->t_line;
- case TIOCGWINSZ: /* get window size */
+ case TIOCGWINSZ: /* get window size */
*(struct winsize *)data = tp->t_winsize;
- case TIOCGPGRP: /* get pgrp of tty */
- if (!isctty(p, tp))
- return (ENOTTY);
+ case TIOCGPGRP: /* get pgrp of tty */
+ if (!isctty(p, tp)) {
+ error = ENOTTY;
+ goto out;
+ }
*(int *)data = tp->t_pgrp ? tp->t_pgrp->pg_id : NO_PID;
- case TIOCHPCL: /* hang up on last close */
- s = spltty();
+ case TIOCHPCL: /* hang up on last close */
SET(tp->t_cflag, HUPCL);
- splx(s);
- case TIOCNXCL: /* reset exclusive use of tty */
- s = spltty();
+ case TIOCNXCL: /* reset exclusive use of tty */
CLR(tp->t_state, TS_XCLUDE);
- splx(s);
- case TIOCOUTQ: /* output queue size */
+ case TIOCOUTQ: /* output queue size */
*(int *)data = tp->t_outq.c_cc;
- case TIOCSETA: /* set termios struct */
+ case TIOCSETA_32: /* set termios struct */
case TIOCSETA_64:
- case TIOCSETAW: /* drain output, set */
+ case TIOCSETAW_32: /* drain output, set */
case TIOCSETAW_64:
- case TIOCSETAF: /* drn out, fls in, set */
- case TIOCSETAF_64: { /* drn out, fls in, set */
- register struct termios *t = (struct termios *)data;
+ case TIOCSETAF_32: /* drn out, fls in, set */
+ case TIOCSETAF_64:
+ { /* drn out, fls in, set */
+ struct termios *t = (struct termios *)data;
struct termios lcl_termios;
- if (IS_64BIT_PROCESS(p)) {
- termios64to32((struct user_termios *)data, &lcl_termios);
+#ifdef __LP64__
+ if (cmd == TIOCSETA_32 || cmd == TIOCSETAW_32 || cmd == TIOCSETAF_32) {
+ termios32to64((struct termios32 *)data, (struct user_termios *)&lcl_termios);
t = &lcl_termios;
- if (t->c_ispeed < 0 || t->c_ospeed < 0)
- return (EINVAL);
- s = spltty();
- if (cmd == TIOCSETAW || cmd == TIOCSETAF ||
+ if (cmd == TIOCSETA_64 || cmd == TIOCSETAW_64 || cmd == TIOCSETAF_64) {
+ termios64to32((struct user_termios *)data, (struct termios32 *)&lcl_termios);
+ t = &lcl_termios;
+ }
+#if 0
+ /* XXX bogus test; always false */
+ if (t->c_ispeed < 0 || t->c_ospeed < 0) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+#endif /* 0 - leave in; may end up being a conformance issue */
+ if (t->c_ispeed == 0) {
+ t->c_ispeed = t->c_ospeed;
+ }
+ if (cmd == TIOCSETAW_32 || cmd == TIOCSETAF_32 ||
cmd == TIOCSETAW_64 || cmd == TIOCSETAF_64) {
error = ttywait(tp);
if (error) {
- splx(s);
- return (error);
+ goto out;
- if (cmd == TIOCSETAF || cmd == TIOCSETAF_64)
+ if (cmd == TIOCSETAF_32 || cmd == TIOCSETAF_64) {
ttyflush(tp, FREAD);
+ }
if (!ISSET(t->c_cflag, CIGNORE)) {
* Set device hardware.
if (tp->t_param && (error = (*tp->t_param)(tp, t))) {
- splx(s);
- return (error);
+ goto out;
if (ISSET(t->c_cflag, CLOCAL) &&
!ISSET(tp->t_cflag, CLOCAL)) {
if ((ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_CARR_ON) ||
- ISSET(t->c_cflag, CLOCAL)) &&
- !ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_ZOMBIE))
+ ISSET(t->c_cflag, CLOCAL)) &&
+ !ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_ZOMBIE)) {
SET(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED);
- else
+ } else {
CLR(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED);
+ }
tp->t_cflag = t->c_cflag;
tp->t_ispeed = t->c_ispeed;
tp->t_ospeed = t->c_ospeed;
if (ISSET(t->c_lflag, ICANON) != ISSET(tp->t_lflag, ICANON) &&
- cmd != TIOCSETAF && cmd != TIOCSETAF_64) {
- if (ISSET(t->c_lflag, ICANON))
+ cmd != TIOCSETAF_32 && cmd != TIOCSETAF_64) {
+ if (ISSET(t->c_lflag, ICANON)) {
SET(tp->t_lflag, PENDIN);
- else {
+ } else {
* XXX we really shouldn't allow toggling
* ICANON while we're in a non-termios line
* discipline. Now we have to worry about
* panicing for a null queue.
-#ifndef NeXT
- if (tp->t_canq.c_cbreserved > 0 &&
- tp->t_rawq.c_cbreserved > 0) {
- catq(&tp->t_rawq, &tp->t_canq);
- /*
- * XXX the queue limits may be
- * different, so the old queue
- * swapping method no longer works.
- */
- catq(&tp->t_canq, &tp->t_rawq);
- }
if (tp->t_rawq.c_cs && tp->t_canq.c_cs) {
- struct clist tq;
+ struct clist tq;
- catq(&tp->t_rawq, &tp->t_canq);
- tq = tp->t_rawq;
- tp->t_rawq = tp->t_canq;
- tp->t_canq = tq;
+ catq(&tp->t_rawq, &tp->t_canq);
+ tq = tp->t_rawq;
+ tp->t_rawq = tp->t_canq;
+ tp->t_canq = tq;
-#endif /* !NeXT */
CLR(tp->t_lflag, PENDIN);
* Make the EXTPROC bit read only.
- if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, EXTPROC))
+ if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, EXTPROC)) {
SET(t->c_lflag, EXTPROC);
- else
+ } else {
CLR(t->c_lflag, EXTPROC);
+ }
tp->t_lflag = t->c_lflag | ISSET(tp->t_lflag, PENDIN);
if (t->c_cc[VMIN] != tp->t_cc[VMIN] ||
- t->c_cc[VTIME] != tp->t_cc[VTIME])
+ t->c_cc[VTIME] != tp->t_cc[VTIME]) {
+ }
bcopy(t->c_cc, tp->t_cc, sizeof(t->c_cc));
- splx(s);
- case TIOCSETD: { /* set line discipline */
- register int t = *(int *)data;
+ case TIOCSETD: { /* set line discipline */
+ int t = *(int *)data;
dev_t device = tp->t_dev;
- if (t >= nlinesw)
- return (ENXIO);
+ if (t >= nlinesw || t < 0) {
+ error = ENXIO;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the new line discipline is not equal to the old one,
+ * close the old one and open the new one.
+ */
if (t != tp->t_line) {
- s = spltty();
(*linesw[tp->t_line].l_close)(tp, flag);
error = (*linesw[t].l_open)(device, tp);
if (error) {
+ /* This is racy; it's possible to lose both */
(void)(*linesw[tp->t_line].l_open)(device, tp);
- splx(s);
- return (error);
+ goto out;
tp->t_line = t;
- splx(s);
- case TIOCSTART: /* start output, like ^Q */
- s = spltty();
+ case TIOCSTART: /* start output, like ^Q */
if (ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_TTSTOP) ||
ISSET(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO)) {
CLR(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO);
CLR(tp->t_state, TS_TTSTOP);
- splx(s);
- case TIOCSTI: /* simulate terminal input */
- if (suser(kauth_cred_get(), NULL) && (flag & FREAD) == 0)
- return (EPERM);
- if (suser(kauth_cred_get(), NULL) && !isctty(p, tp))
- return (EACCES);
- s = spltty();
+ case TIOCSTI: /* simulate terminal input */
+ if (suser(kauth_cred_get(), NULL) && (flag & FREAD) == 0) {
+ error = EPERM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (suser(kauth_cred_get(), NULL) && !isctty(p, tp)) {
+ error = EACCES;
+ goto out;
+ }
(*linesw[tp->t_line].l_rint)(*(u_char *)data, tp);
- splx(s);
- case TIOCSTOP: /* stop output, like ^S */
- s = spltty();
+ case TIOCSTOP: /* stop output, like ^S */
if (!ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_TTSTOP)) {
SET(tp->t_state, TS_TTSTOP);
- ttystop(tp, 0);
+ ttystop(tp, 0);
- splx(s);
- case TIOCSCTTY: /* become controlling tty */
+ case TIOCIXON:
+ ttyunblock(tp);
+ break;
+ ttyblock(tp);
+ break;
+ case TIOCSCTTY: /* become controlling tty */
/* Session ctty vnode pointer set in vnode layer. */
- if (!SESS_LEADER(p) ||
- ((p->p_session->s_ttyvp || tp->t_session) &&
- (tp->t_session != p->p_session)))
- return (EPERM);
- tp->t_session = p->p_session;
- tp->t_pgrp = p->p_pgrp;
- p->p_session->s_ttyp = tp;
- p->p_flag |= P_CONTROLT;
- /* The backgrounded process blocking on tty now
- * could be foregound process. Wake such processes
+ sessp = proc_session(p);
+ if (sessp == SESSION_NULL) {
+ error = EPERM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /*
+ * This can only be done by a session leader.
+ */
+ if (!SESS_LEADER(p, sessp)) {
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ session_rele(sessp);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ error = EPERM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If this terminal is already the controlling terminal for the
+ * session, nothing to do here.
+ */
+ if (tp->t_session == sessp) {
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ session_rele(sessp);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ error = 0;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ pg = proc_pgrp(p);
+ /*
+ * Deny if the terminal is already attached to another session or
+ * the session already has a terminal vnode.
- tty_pgsignal(tp->t_pgrp, SIGCONT);
+ session_lock(sessp);
+ if (sessp->s_ttyvp || tp->t_session) {
+ session_unlock(sessp);
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ if (pg != PGRP_NULL) {
+ pg_rele(pg);
+ }
+ session_rele(sessp);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ error = EPERM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ sessp->s_ttypgrpid = pg->pg_id;
+ oldtp = sessp->s_ttyp;
+ ttyhold(tp);
+ sessp->s_ttyp = tp;
+ session_unlock(sessp);
+ proc_list_lock();
+ oldsessp = tp->t_session;
+ oldpg = tp->t_pgrp;
+ if (oldsessp != SESSION_NULL) {
+ oldsessp->s_ttypgrpid = NO_PID;
+ }
+ /* do not drop refs on sessp and pg as tp holds them */
+ tp->t_session = sessp;
+ tp->t_pgrp = pg;
+ proc_list_unlock();
+ OSBitOrAtomic(P_CONTROLT, &p->p_flag);
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ /* drop the reference on prev session and pgrp */
+ if (oldsessp != SESSION_NULL) {
+ session_rele(oldsessp);
+ }
+ if (oldpg != PGRP_NULL) {
+ pg_rele(oldpg);
+ }
+ if (NULL != oldtp) {
+ ttyfree(oldtp);
+ }
+ tty_lock(tp);
- case TIOCSPGRP: { /* set pgrp of tty */
- register struct pgrp *pgrp = pgfind(*(int *)data);
- if (!isctty(p, tp))
- return (ENOTTY);
- else if (pgrp == NULL || pgrp->pg_session != p->p_session)
- return (EPERM);
+ case TIOCSPGRP: { /* set pgrp of tty */
+ struct pgrp *pgrp = PGRP_NULL;
+ sessp = proc_session(p);
+ if (!isctty_sp(p, tp, sessp)) {
+ if (sessp != SESSION_NULL) {
+ session_rele(sessp);
+ }
+ error = ENOTTY;
+ goto out;
+ } else if ((pgrp = pgfind(*(int *)data)) == PGRP_NULL) {
+ if (sessp != SESSION_NULL) {
+ session_rele(sessp);
+ }
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ } else if (pgrp->pg_session != sessp) {
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ if (sessp != SESSION_NULL) {
+ session_rele(sessp);
+ }
+ pg_rele(pgrp);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ error = EPERM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ proc_list_lock();
+ oldpg = tp->t_pgrp;
tp->t_pgrp = pgrp;
- /* The backgrounded process blocking on tty now
- * could be foregound process. Wake such processes
+ sessp->s_ttypgrpid = pgrp->pg_id;
+ proc_list_unlock();
+ /*
+ * Wakeup readers to recheck if they are still the foreground
+ * process group.
+ *
+ * ttwakeup() isn't called because the readers aren't getting
+ * woken up because there is something to read but to force
+ * the re-evaluation of their foreground process group status.
+ *
+ * Ordinarily leaving these readers waiting wouldn't be an issue
+ * as launchd would send them a termination signal eventually
+ * (if nobody else does). But if this terminal happens to be
+ * /dev/console, launchd itself could get blocked forever behind
+ * a revoke of /dev/console and leave the system deadlocked.
- tty_pgsignal(tp->t_pgrp, SIGCONT);
+ wakeup(TSA_HUP_OR_INPUT(tp));
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ if (oldpg != PGRP_NULL) {
+ pg_rele(oldpg);
+ }
+ if (sessp != SESSION_NULL) {
+ session_rele(sessp);
+ }
+ tty_lock(tp);
- case TIOCSTAT: /* simulate control-T */
- s = spltty();
- ttyinfo(tp);
- splx(s);
+ case TIOCSTAT: /* simulate control-T */
+ ttyinfo_locked(tp);
- case TIOCSWINSZ: /* set window size */
+ case TIOCSWINSZ: /* set window size */
if (bcmp((caddr_t)&tp->t_winsize, data,
- sizeof (struct winsize))) {
+ sizeof(struct winsize))) {
tp->t_winsize = *(struct winsize *)data;
- pgsignal(tp->t_pgrp, SIGWINCH, 1);
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ tty_pgsignal(tp, SIGWINCH, 1);
+ tty_lock(tp);
error = suser(kauth_cred_get(), &p->p_acflag);
- if (error)
- return (error);
+ if (error) {
+ goto out;
+ }
tp->t_timeout = *(int *)data * hz;
*(int *)data = tp->t_timeout / hz;
+ SET(tp->t_state, TS_REVOKE);
+ tp->t_gen++;
+ /*
+ * At this time, only this wait channel is woken up as only
+ * ttread has been problematic. It is possible we may need
+ * to add wake up other tty wait addresses as well.
+ */
+ wakeup(TSA_HUP_OR_INPUT(tp));
+ break;
+ CLR(tp->t_state, TS_REVOKE);
+ break;
-#if COMPAT_43_TTY || defined(COMPAT_SUNOS)
-#ifdef NeXT
- return (ttcompat(tp, cmd, data, flag, p));
- return (ttcompat(tp, cmd, data, flag));
-#endif /* NeXT */
- return (ENOTTY);
+ error = ttcompat(tp, cmd, data, flag, p);
+ goto out;
- return (0);
+ error = 0;
+ return error;
+ * Locks: Assumes tp is locked on entry, remains locked on exit
+ */
-ttyselect(tp, rw, wql, p)
- struct tty *tp;
- int rw;
- void * wql;
- struct proc *p;
+ttyselect(struct tty *tp, int rw, void *wql, proc_t p)
- int s;
+ int retval = 0;
+ /*
+ * Attaching knotes to TTYs needs to call selrecord in order to hook
+ * up the waitq to the selinfo, regardless of data being ready. See
+ * filt_ttyattach.
+ */
+ bool needs_selrecord = rw & FMARK;
+ rw &= ~FMARK;
- if (tp == NULL)
- return (ENXIO);
+ if (tp == NULL) {
+ return ENXIO;
+ }
+ if (tp->t_state & TS_ZOMBIE) {
+ retval = 1;
+ goto out;
+ }
- s = spltty();
switch (rw) {
case FREAD:
- if (ttnread(tp) > 0 || ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_ZOMBIE))
- goto win;
+ retval = ttnread(tp);
+ if (retval > 0) {
+ break;
+ }
selrecord(p, &tp->t_rsel, wql);
case FWRITE:
- if ((tp->t_outq.c_cc <= tp->t_lowat &&
- ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED))
- || ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_ZOMBIE)) {
-win: splx(s);
- return (1);
+ if ((tp->t_outq.c_cc <= tp->t_lowat) &&
+ (tp->t_state & TS_CONNECTED)) {
+ retval = tp->t_hiwat - tp->t_outq.c_cc;
+ break;
selrecord(p, &tp->t_wsel, wql);
- splx(s);
- return (0);
+ if (retval > 0 && needs_selrecord) {
+ switch (rw) {
+ case FREAD:
+ selrecord(p, &tp->t_rsel, wql);
+ break;
+ case FWRITE:
+ selrecord(p, &tp->t_wsel, wql);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
* This is a wrapper for compatibility with the select vector used by
* cdevsw. It relies on a proper xxxdevtotty routine.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is not held prior to calling.
-ttselect(dev, rw, wql, p)
- dev_t dev;
- int rw;
- void * wql;
- struct proc *p;
+ttselect(dev_t dev, int rw, void *wql, proc_t p)
-#ifndef NeXT
- return ttyselect((*cdevsw[major(dev)]->d_devtotty)(dev), rw, wql, p);
- return ttyselect(cdevsw[major(dev)].d_ttys[minor(dev)], rw, wql, p);
+ int rv;
+ struct tty *tp = cdevsw[major(dev)].d_ttys[minor(dev)];
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ rv = ttyselect(tp, rw, wql, p);
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ return rv;
- * Must be called at spltty().
+ * Locks: Assumes tp is locked on entry, remains locked on exit
-static int
- struct tty *tp;
+__private_extern__ int
+ttnread(struct tty *tp)
int nread;
- if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, PENDIN))
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
+ if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, PENDIN)) {
+ }
nread = tp->t_canq.c_cc;
if (!ISSET(tp->t_lflag, ICANON)) {
nread += tp->t_rawq.c_cc;
- if (nread < tp->t_cc[VMIN] && tp->t_cc[VTIME] == 0)
+ if (nread < tp->t_cc[VMIN] && tp->t_cc[VTIME] == 0) {
nread = 0;
+ }
- return (nread);
+ return nread;
+ * ttywait
+ *
* Wait for output to drain.
+ *
+ * Parameters: tp Tty on which to wait for output to drain
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ * EIO t_timeout too small/expired
+ * ttysleep:ERESTART Upper layer must redrive the call;
+ * this is usually done by the Libc
+ * stub in user space
+ * ttysleep:EINTR Interrupted (usually a signal)
+ *
+ * Notes: Called from proc_exit() and vproc_exit().
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tp is locked on entry, remains locked on exit
- register struct tty *tp;
+ttywait(struct tty *tp)
- int error, s;
+ int error;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
error = 0;
- s = spltty();
while ((tp->t_outq.c_cc || ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_BUSY)) &&
- ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED) && tp->t_oproc) {
+ ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED) && tp->t_oproc) {
if ((tp->t_outq.c_cc || ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_BUSY)) &&
ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED)) {
SET(tp->t_state, TS_SO_OCOMPLETE);
error = ttysleep(tp, TSA_OCOMPLETE(tp),
- TTOPRI | PCATCH, "ttywai",
- tp->t_timeout);
+ TTOPRI | PCATCH, "ttywai",
+ tp->t_timeout);
if (error) {
- if (error == EWOULDBLOCK)
+ if (error == EWOULDBLOCK) {
error = EIO;
+ }
- } else
+ } else {
+ }
- if (!error && (tp->t_outq.c_cc || ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_BUSY)))
+ if (!error && (tp->t_outq.c_cc || ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_BUSY))) {
error = EIO;
- splx(s);
- return (error);
+ }
+ return error;
+ * Stop the underlying device driver.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
+ */
static void
-ttystop(tp, rw)
- struct tty *tp;
- int rw;
+ttystop(struct tty *tp, int rw)
-#ifdef sun4c /* XXX */
- (*tp->t_stop)(tp, rw);
-#elif defined(NeXT)
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
(*cdevsw[major(tp->t_dev)].d_stop)(tp, rw);
- (*cdevsw[major(tp->t_dev)]->d_stop)(tp, rw);
* Flush if successfully wait.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
static int
- struct tty *tp;
+ttywflush(struct tty *tp)
int error;
- if ((error = ttywait(tp)) == 0)
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
+ if ((error = ttywait(tp)) == 0) {
ttyflush(tp, FREAD);
- return (error);
+ }
+ return error;
* Flush tty read and/or write queues, notifying anyone waiting.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
-ttyflush(tp, rw)
- register struct tty *tp;
- int rw;
+ttyflush(struct tty *tp, int rw)
- register int s;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
- s = spltty();
#if 0
CLR(tp->t_state, TS_TTSTOP);
- ttystop(tp, rw);
- if (rw & FREAD) {
+ ttystop(tp, rw);
+ if (rw & FREAD) {
CLR(tp->t_lflag, PENDIN);
CLR(tp->t_state, TS_LOCAL);
if (ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_TBLOCK)) {
- if (rw & FWRITE)
+ if (rw & FWRITE) {
+ }
SET(tp->t_state, TS_SO_OCOMPLETE);
ttysleep(tp, TSA_OCOMPLETE(tp), TTOPRI,
- "ttyfls", hz / 10);
+ "ttyfls", hz / 10);
* Don't try sending the stop character again.
- splx(s);
* Copy in the default termios characters.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
+ *
+ * Notes: No assertion; tp is not in scope.
- struct termios *t;
+termioschars(struct termios *t)
bcopy(ttydefchars, t->c_cc, sizeof t->c_cc);
- * Old interface.
- */
- struct tty *tp;
- termioschars(&tp->t_termios);
* Handle input high water. Send stop character for the IXOFF case. Turn
* on our input flow control bit and propagate the changes to the driver.
* XXX the stop character should be put in a special high priority queue.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held for the call.
- struct tty *tp;
+ttyblock(struct tty *tp)
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
SET(tp->t_state, TS_TBLOCK);
if (ISSET(tp->t_iflag, IXOFF) && tp->t_cc[VSTOP] != _POSIX_VDISABLE &&
- putc(tp->t_cc[VSTOP], &tp->t_outq) != 0)
- CLR(tp->t_state, TS_TBLOCK); /* try again later */
+ putc(tp->t_cc[VSTOP], &tp->t_outq) != 0) {
+ CLR(tp->t_state, TS_TBLOCK); /* try again later */
+ }
* Handle input low water. Send start character for the IXOFF case. Turn
* off our input flow control bit and propagate the changes to the driver.
* XXX the start character should be put in a special high priority queue.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held for the call.
static void
- struct tty *tp;
+ttyunblock(struct tty *tp)
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
CLR(tp->t_state, TS_TBLOCK);
if (ISSET(tp->t_iflag, IXOFF) && tp->t_cc[VSTART] != _POSIX_VDISABLE &&
- putc(tp->t_cc[VSTART], &tp->t_outq) != 0)
- SET(tp->t_state, TS_TBLOCK); /* try again later */
+ putc(tp->t_cc[VSTART], &tp->t_outq) != 0) {
+ SET(tp->t_state, TS_TBLOCK); /* try again later */
+ }
-#if defined(NeXT) || defined(notyet)
-/* FreeBSD: Not used by any current (i386) drivers. */
- * Restart after an inter-char delay.
+ * ttstart
+ *
+ * Start tty output
+ *
+ * Parameters: tp tty on which to start output
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 Success
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held for the call.
+ *
+ * Notes: This function might as well be void; it always returns success
+ *
+ * Called from ttioctl_locked(), LDISC routines, and
+ * ttycheckoutq(), ttyblock(), ttyunblock(), and tputchar()
- void *tp_arg;
- struct tty *tp;
- int s;
- if (tp_arg == NULL)
- panic("ttrstrt");
- tp = tp_arg;
- s = spltty();
- CLR(tp->t_state, TS_TIMEOUT);
- ttstart(tp);
- splx(s);
-#endif /* NeXT || notyet */
- struct tty *tp;
+ttstart(struct tty *tp)
- boolean_t funnel_state;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
- if (tp->t_oproc != NULL) /* XXX: Kludge for pty. */
+ if (tp->t_oproc != NULL) { /* XXX: Kludge for pty. */
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * ttylclose (LDISC)
+ *
* "close" a line discipline
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
-ttylclose(tp, flag)
- struct tty *tp;
- int flag;
+ttylclose(struct tty *tp, int flag)
- boolean_t funnel_state;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
- if ( (flag & FNONBLOCK) || ttywflush(tp))
+ if ((flag & FNONBLOCK) || ttywflush(tp)) {
ttyflush(tp, FREAD | FWRITE);
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * ttymodem (LDISC)
+ *
* Handle modem control transition on a tty.
* Flag indicates new state of carrier.
* Returns 0 if the line should be turned off, otherwise 1.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
-ttymodem(tp, flag)
- register struct tty *tp;
- int flag;
+ttymodem(struct tty *tp, int flag)
- boolean_t funnel_state;
+ int rval = 1; /* default return value */
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
if (ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_CARR_ON) && ISSET(tp->t_cflag, MDMBUF)) {
} else if (!ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_CAR_OFLOW)) {
SET(tp->t_state, TS_CAR_OFLOW);
SET(tp->t_state, TS_TTSTOP);
- ttystop(tp, 0);
+ ttystop(tp, 0);
} else if (flag == 0) {
!ISSET(tp->t_cflag, CLOCAL)) {
SET(tp->t_state, TS_ZOMBIE);
CLR(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED);
- if (tp->t_session && tp->t_session->s_leader)
+ if (tp->t_session && tp->t_session->s_leader) {
psignal(tp->t_session->s_leader, SIGHUP);
+ }
ttyflush(tp, FREAD | FWRITE);
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
+ rval = 0;
+ goto out;
} else {
* Carrier now on.
SET(tp->t_state, TS_CARR_ON);
- if (!ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_ZOMBIE))
+ if (!ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_ZOMBIE)) {
SET(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED);
+ }
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (1);
+ return rval;
* Reinput pending characters after state switch
* call at spltty().
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held for the call.
static void
- register struct tty *tp;
+ttypend(struct tty *tp)
struct clist tq;
- register int c;
+ int c;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
CLR(tp->t_lflag, PENDIN);
SET(tp->t_state, TS_TYPEN);
-#ifndef NeXT
- /*
- * XXX this assumes too much about clist internals. It may even
- * fail if the cblock slush pool is empty. We can't allocate more
- * cblocks here because we are called from an interrupt handler
- * and clist_alloc_cblocks() can wait.
- */
- tq = tp->t_rawq;
- bzero(&tp->t_rawq, sizeof tp->t_rawq);
- tp->t_rawq.c_cbmax = tq.c_cbmax;
- tp->t_rawq.c_cbreserved = tq.c_cbreserved;
tq = tp->t_rawq;
tp->t_rawq.c_cc = 0;
- tp->t_rawq.c_cf = tp->t_rawq.c_cl = 0;
-#endif /* !NeXT */
- while ((c = getc(&tq)) >= 0)
+ tp->t_rawq.c_cf = tp->t_rawq.c_cl = NULL;
+ while ((c = getc(&tq)) >= 0) {
ttyinput(c, tp);
+ }
CLR(tp->t_state, TS_TYPEN);
+ * ttread (LDISC)
+ *
* Process a read call on a tty device.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
-ttread(tp, uio, flag)
- register struct tty *tp;
- struct uio *uio;
- int flag;
+ttread(struct tty *tp, struct uio *uio, int flag)
- register struct clist *qp;
- register int c;
- register tcflag_t lflag;
- register cc_t *cc = tp->t_cc;
- register struct proc *p = current_proc();
- int s, first, error = 0;
+ struct clist *qp;
+ int c;
+ tcflag_t lflag;
+ cc_t *cc = tp->t_cc;
+ proc_t p = current_proc();
+ int first, error = 0;
int has_etime = 0, last_cc = 0;
- long slp = 0; /* XXX this should be renamed `timo'. */
- boolean_t funnel_state;
+ long slp = 0; /* XXX this should be renamed `timo'. */
struct uthread *ut;
+ struct pgrp * pg;
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
- s = spltty();
lflag = tp->t_lflag;
* take pending input first
if (ISSET(lflag, PENDIN)) {
- splx(s); /* reduce latency */
- s = spltty();
- lflag = tp->t_lflag; /* XXX ttypend() clobbers it */
+ lflag = tp->t_lflag; /* XXX ttypend() clobbers it */
- * Hang process if it's in the background.
+ * Signal the process if it's in the background. If the terminal is
+ * getting revoked, everybody is in the background.
- if (isbackground(p, tp)) {
- splx(s);
+ if (isbackground(p, tp) || ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_REVOKE)) {
if ((p->p_sigignore & sigmask(SIGTTIN)) ||
- (ut->uu_sigmask & sigmask(SIGTTIN)) ||
- p->p_flag & P_PPWAIT || p->p_pgrp->pg_jobc == 0) {
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (EIO);
+ (ut->uu_sigmask & sigmask(SIGTTIN)) ||
+ p->p_lflag & P_LPPWAIT) {
+ error = EIO;
+ goto err;
- pgsignal(p->p_pgrp, SIGTTIN, 1);
- error = ttysleep(tp, &lbolt, TTIPRI | PCATCH | PTTYBLOCK, "ttybg2", 0);
- if (error){
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (error);
+ pg = proc_pgrp(p);
+ if (pg == PGRP_NULL) {
+ error = EIO;
+ goto err;
- goto loop;
+ if (pg->pg_jobc == 0) {
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ pg_rele(pg);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ error = EIO;
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ pgsignal(pg, SIGTTIN, 1);
+ pg_rele(pg);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ /*
+ * We signalled ourself, so we need to act as if we
+ * have been "interrupted" from a "sleep" to act on
+ * the signal. If it's a signal that stops the
+ * process, that's handled in the signal sending code.
+ */
+ error = EINTR;
+ goto err;
if (ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_ZOMBIE)) {
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0); /* EOF */
+ /* EOF - returning 0 */
+ goto err;
qp = ISSET(lflag, ICANON) ? &tp->t_canq : &tp->t_rawq;
if (flag & IO_NDELAY) {
- if (qp->c_cc > 0)
+ if (qp->c_cc > 0) {
goto read;
- if (!ISSET(lflag, ICANON) && cc[VMIN] == 0) {
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (EWOULDBLOCK);
+ if (ISSET(lflag, ICANON) || cc[VMIN] != 0) {
+ error = EWOULDBLOCK;
+ }
+ /* else polling - returning 0 */
+ goto err;
if (!ISSET(lflag, ICANON)) {
int m = cc[VMIN];
long t = cc[VTIME];
- struct timeval etime, timecopy;
+ struct timeval timecopy;
+ struct timeval etime = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = 0}; /* protected by !has_etime */
* Check each of the four combinations.
* into slp.
if (t == 0) {
- if (qp->c_cc < m)
+ if (qp->c_cc < m) {
goto sleep;
- if (qp->c_cc > 0)
+ }
+ if (qp->c_cc > 0) {
goto read;
+ }
/* m, t and qp->c_cc are all 0. 0 is enough input. */
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
+ goto err;
- t *= 100000; /* time in us */
+ t *= 100000; /* time in us */
#define diff(t1, t2) (((t1).tv_sec - (t2).tv_sec) * 1000000 + \
- ((t1).tv_usec - (t2).tv_usec))
+ ((t1).tv_usec - (t2).tv_usec))
if (m > 0) {
- if (qp->c_cc <= 0)
+ if (qp->c_cc <= 0) {
goto sleep;
- if (qp->c_cc >= m)
+ }
+ if (qp->c_cc >= m) {
goto read;
+ }
- if (!has_etime) {
- /* first character, start timer */
+ if (!has_etime || qp->c_cc > last_cc) {
+ /* first character or got a character, start timer */
has_etime = 1;
etime.tv_sec = t / 1000000;
- etime.tv_usec = (t - (etime.tv_sec * 1000000));
- timeradd(&etime, &timecopy, &etime);
- slp = t;
- } else if (qp->c_cc > last_cc) {
- /* got a character, restart timer */
- etime.tv_sec = t / 1000000;
- etime.tv_usec = (t - (etime.tv_sec * 1000000));
+ etime.tv_usec =
+ (__darwin_suseconds_t)(t - (etime.tv_sec * 1000000));
timeradd(&etime, &timecopy, &etime);
slp = t;
} else {
/* nothing, check expiration */
- if (timercmp(&etime, &timecopy, <=))
+ if (timercmp(&etime, &timecopy, <=)) {
goto read;
+ }
slp = diff(etime, timecopy);
last_cc = qp->c_cc;
- } else { /* m == 0 */
- if (qp->c_cc > 0)
+ } else { /* m == 0 */
+ if (qp->c_cc > 0) {
goto read;
+ }
if (!has_etime) {
has_etime = 1;
etime.tv_sec = t / 1000000;
- etime.tv_usec = (t - (etime.tv_sec * 1000000));
+ etime.tv_usec =
+ (__darwin_suseconds_t)(t - (etime.tv_sec * 1000000));
timeradd(&etime, &timecopy, &etime);
slp = t;
} else {
- if (timercmp(&etime, &timecopy, <=)) {
+ if (timercmp(&etime, &timecopy, <=)) {
/* Timed out, but 0 is enough input. */
- splx(s);
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
+ goto err;
slp = diff(etime, timecopy);
* is large (divide by `tick' and/or arrange to
* use hzto() if hz is large).
- slp = (long) (((u_long)slp * hz) + 999999) / 1000000;
+ slp = (long) (((u_int32_t)slp * hz) + 999999) / 1000000;
goto sleep;
if (qp->c_cc <= 0) {
* There is no input, or not enough input and we can block.
error = ttysleep(tp, TSA_HUP_OR_INPUT(tp), TTIPRI | PCATCH,
- ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED) ?
- "ttyin" : "ttyhup", (int)slp);
- splx(s);
- if (error == EWOULDBLOCK)
+ ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED) ?
+ "ttyin" : "ttyhup", (int)slp);
+ if (error == EWOULDBLOCK) {
error = 0;
- else if (error) {
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (error);
+ } else if (error) {
+ goto err;
* XXX what happens if another process eats some input
goto loop;
- splx(s);
* Input present, check for input mapping and processing.
first = 1;
-#ifdef NeXT
if (ISSET(lflag, ICANON)
- || (ISSET(lflag, IEXTEN | ISIG) == (IEXTEN | ISIG)) )
- if (ISSET(lflag, ICANON | ISIG))
+ || (ISSET(lflag, IEXTEN | ISIG) == (IEXTEN | ISIG))) {
goto slowcase;
+ }
for (;;) {
char ibuf[IBUFSIZ];
int icc;
+ ssize_t size = uio_resid(uio);
+ if (size < 0) {
+ error = ERANGE;
+ break;
+ }
- icc = min(uio_resid(uio), IBUFSIZ);
- icc = q_to_b(qp, ibuf, icc);
+ icc = (int)MIN(size, IBUFSIZ);
+ icc = q_to_b(qp, (u_char *)ibuf, icc);
if (icc <= 0) {
- if (first)
+ if (first) {
goto loop;
+ }
error = uiomove(ibuf, icc, uio);
* XXX if there was an error then we should ungetc() the
* unmoved chars and reduce icc here.
-#if NSNP > 0
- if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, ECHO) &&
- ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_SNOOP) && tp->t_sc != NULL)
- snpin((struct snoop *)tp->t_sc, ibuf, icc);
- if (error)
+ if (error) {
- if (uio_resid(uio) == 0)
+ }
+ if (uio_resid(uio) == 0) {
+ }
first = 0;
goto out;
for (;;) {
c = getc(qp);
if (c < 0) {
- if (first)
+ if (first) {
goto loop;
+ }
if (CCEQ(cc[VDSUSP], c) &&
- pgsignal(tp->t_pgrp, SIGTSTP, 1);
+ /*
+ * SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return and
+ * SAFE: current thread will not change out from
+ * SAFE: under us in the "goto loop" case.
+ */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ tty_pgsignal(tp, SIGTSTP, 1);
+ tty_lock(tp);
if (first) {
- error = ttysleep(tp, &lbolt, TTIPRI | PCATCH,
- "ttybg3", 0);
- if (error)
+ error = ttysleep(tp, &ttread, TTIPRI | PCATCH,
+ "ttybg3", hz);
+ if (error) {
+ }
goto loop;
* Interpret EOF only in canonical mode.
- if (CCEQ(cc[VEOF], c) && ISSET(lflag, ICANON))
+ if (CCEQ(cc[VEOF], c) && ISSET(lflag, ICANON)) {
+ }
* Give user character.
- error = ureadc(c, uio);
- if (error)
+ error = ureadc(c, uio);
+ if (error) {
/* XXX should ungetc(c, qp). */
-#if NSNP > 0
- /*
- * Only snoop directly on input in echo mode. Non-echoed
- * input will be snooped later iff the application echoes it.
- */
- if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, ECHO) &&
- ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_SNOOP) && tp->t_sc != NULL)
- snpinc((struct snoop *)tp->t_sc, (char)c);
- if (uio_resid(uio) == 0)
+ }
+ if (uio_resid(uio) == 0) {
+ }
* In canonical mode check for a "break character"
* marking the end of a "line of input".
- if (ISSET(lflag, ICANON) && TTBREAKC(c, lflag))
+ if (ISSET(lflag, ICANON) && TTBREAKC(c, lflag)) {
+ }
first = 0;
* Look to unblock input now that (presumably)
* the input queue has gone down.
- s = spltty();
if (ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_TBLOCK) &&
- tp->t_rawq.c_cc + tp->t_canq.c_cc <= I_LOW_WATER)
+ tp->t_rawq.c_cc + tp->t_canq.c_cc <= I_LOW_WATER) {
- splx(s);
+ }
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (error);
+ return error;
* Check the output queue on tp for space for a kernel message (from uprintf
* or tprintf). Allow some space over the normal hiwater mark so we don't
* lose messages due to normal flow control, but don't let the tty run amok.
* Sleeps here are not interruptible, but we return prematurely if new signals
* arrive.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held before calling
+ *
+ * Notes: This function is called from tprintf() in subr_prf.c
-ttycheckoutq(tp, wait)
- register struct tty *tp;
- int wait;
+ttycheckoutq(struct tty *tp, int wait)
- int hiwat, s;
+ int hiwat;
sigset_t oldsig;
struct uthread *ut;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
hiwat = tp->t_hiwat;
- s = spltty();
oldsig = wait ? ut->uu_siglist : 0;
- if (tp->t_outq.c_cc > hiwat + OBUFSIZ + 100)
+ if (tp->t_outq.c_cc > hiwat + OBUFSIZ + 100) {
while (tp->t_outq.c_cc > hiwat) {
- if (tp->t_outq.c_cc <= hiwat)
+ if (tp->t_outq.c_cc <= hiwat) {
+ }
if (wait == 0 || ut->uu_siglist != oldsig) {
- splx(s);
- return (0);
+ return 0;
SET(tp->t_state, TS_SO_OLOWAT);
- tsleep(TSA_OLOWAT(tp), PZERO - 1, "ttoutq", hz);
+ ttysleep(tp, TSA_OLOWAT(tp), PZERO - 1, "ttoutq", hz);
- splx(s);
- return (1);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ * ttwrite (LDISC)
+ *
* Process a write call on a tty device.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
-ttwrite(tp, uio, flag)
- register struct tty *tp;
- register struct uio *uio;
- int flag;
+ttwrite(struct tty *tp, struct uio *uio, int flag)
- register char *cp = NULL;
- register int cc, ce;
- register struct proc *p;
- int i, hiwat, count, error, s;
+ char *cp = NULL;
+ int cc, ce;
+ proc_t p;
+ int i, hiwat, error;
+ user_ssize_t count;
char obuf[OBUFSIZ];
- boolean_t funnel_state;
struct uthread *ut;
+ struct pgrp * pg;
- funnel_state = thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, TRUE);
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
ut = (struct uthread *)get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
hiwat = tp->t_hiwat;
- // LP64todo - fix this!
count = uio_resid(uio);
error = 0;
cc = 0;
- s = spltty();
if (ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_ZOMBIE)) {
- splx(s);
- if (uio_resid(uio) == count)
+ if (uio_resid(uio) == count) {
error = EIO;
+ }
goto out;
if (!ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED)) {
if (flag & IO_NDELAY) {
- splx(s);
goto out;
error = ttysleep(tp, TSA_CARR_ON(tp), TTIPRI | PCATCH,
- "ttydcd", 0);
- splx(s);
+ "ttydcd", 0);
if (error) {
- goto out; }
+ goto out;
+ }
goto loop;
- splx(s);
- * Hang the process if it's in the background.
+ * Signal the process if it's in the background.
p = current_proc();
if (isbackground(p, tp) &&
- ISSET(tp->t_lflag, TOSTOP) && (p->p_flag & P_PPWAIT) == 0 &&
+ ISSET(tp->t_lflag, TOSTOP) && (p->p_lflag & P_LPPWAIT) == 0 &&
(p->p_sigignore & sigmask(SIGTTOU)) == 0 &&
(ut->uu_sigmask & sigmask(SIGTTOU)) == 0) {
- if (p->p_pgrp->pg_jobc == 0) {
+ pg = proc_pgrp(p);
+ if (pg == PGRP_NULL) {
error = EIO;
goto out;
- pgsignal(p->p_pgrp, SIGTTOU, 1);
- error = ttysleep(tp, &lbolt, TTIPRI | PCATCH | PTTYBLOCK, "ttybg4", 0);
- if (error)
+ if (pg->pg_jobc == 0) {
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ pg_rele(pg);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ error = EIO;
goto out;
- goto loop;
+ }
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ pgsignal(pg, SIGTTOU, 1);
+ pg_rele(pg);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ /*
+ * We signalled ourself, so we need to act as if we
+ * have been "interrupted" from a "sleep" to act on
+ * the signal. If it's a signal that stops the
+ * process, that's handled in the signal sending code.
+ */
+ error = EINTR;
+ goto out;
* Process the user's data in at most OBUFSIZ chunks. Perform any
while (uio_resid(uio) > 0 || cc > 0) {
if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO)) {
uio_setresid(uio, 0);
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (0);
+ return 0;
- if (tp->t_outq.c_cc > hiwat)
+ if (tp->t_outq.c_cc > hiwat) {
goto ovhiwat;
+ }
* Grab a hunk of data from the user, unless we have some
* leftover from last time.
if (cc == 0) {
- cc = min(uio_resid(uio), OBUFSIZ);
+ ssize_t size = uio_resid(uio);
+ if (size < 0) {
+ error = ERANGE;
+ break;
+ }
+ cc = (int)MIN((size_t)size, OBUFSIZ);
cp = obuf;
error = uiomove(cp, cc, uio);
if (error) {
cc = 0;
-#if NSNP > 0
- if (ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_SNOOP) && tp->t_sc != NULL)
- snpin((struct snoop *)tp->t_sc, cp, cc);
* If nothing fancy need be done, grab those characters we
* immediately.
while (cc > 0) {
- if (!ISSET(tp->t_oflag, OPOST))
+ if (!ISSET(tp->t_oflag, OPOST)) {
ce = cc;
- else {
- ce = cc - scanc((u_int)cc, (u_char *)cp,
- char_type, CCLASSMASK);
+ } else {
+ ce = (int)((size_t)cc - scanc((size_t)cc,
+ (u_char *)cp, char_type, CCLASSMASK));
* If ce is zero, then we're processing
* a special character through ttyoutput.
if (ce == 0) {
tp->t_rocount = 0;
if (ttyoutput(*cp, tp) >= 0) {
-#ifdef NeXT
/* out of space */
goto overfull;
- /* No Clists, wait a bit. */
- ttstart(tp);
- if (flag & IO_NDELAY) {
- error = EWOULDBLOCK;
- goto out;
- }
- error = ttysleep(tp, &lbolt,
- "ttybf1", 0);
- if (error)
- goto out;
- goto loop;
-#endif /* NeXT */
if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO) ||
- tp->t_outq.c_cc > hiwat)
+ tp->t_outq.c_cc > hiwat) {
goto ovhiwat;
+ }
* requiring special handling by ttyoutput.
tp->t_rocount = 0;
- i = b_to_q(cp, ce, &tp->t_outq);
+ i = b_to_q((u_char *)cp, ce, &tp->t_outq);
ce -= i;
tp->t_column += ce;
- cp += ce, cc -= ce, tk_nout += ce;
+ cp += ce;
+ cc -= ce;
+ tk_nout += ce;
tp->t_outcc += ce;
if (i > 0) {
-#ifdef NeXT
/* out of space */
goto overfull;
- /* No Clists, wait a bit. */
- ttstart(tp);
- if (flag & IO_NDELAY) {
- error = EWOULDBLOCK;
- goto out;
- }
- error = ttysleep(tp, &lbolt, TTOPRI | PCATCH,
- "ttybf2", 0);
- if (error)
- goto out;
- goto loop;
-#endif /* NeXT */
if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO) ||
- tp->t_outq.c_cc > hiwat)
+ tp->t_outq.c_cc > hiwat) {
+ }
* (the call will either return short or restart with a new uio).
uio_setresid(uio, (uio_resid(uio) + cc));
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (error);
+ return error;
-#ifdef NeXT
* proceed as normal.
hiwat = tp->t_outq.c_cc - 1;
- s = spltty();
* This can only occur if FLUSHO is set in t_lflag,
* or if ttstart/oproc is synchronous (or very fast).
if (tp->t_outq.c_cc <= hiwat) {
- splx(s);
goto loop;
if (flag & IO_NDELAY) {
- splx(s);
uio_setresid(uio, (uio_resid(uio) + cc));
- thread_funnel_set(kernel_flock, funnel_state);
- return (uio_resid(uio) == count ? EWOULDBLOCK : 0);
+ return uio_resid(uio) == count ? EWOULDBLOCK : 0;
SET(tp->t_state, TS_SO_OLOWAT);
error = ttysleep(tp, TSA_OLOWAT(tp), TTOPRI | PCATCH, "ttywri",
- tp->t_timeout);
- splx(s);
- if (error == EWOULDBLOCK)
+ tp->t_timeout);
+ if (error == EWOULDBLOCK) {
error = EIO;
- if (error)
+ }
+ if (error) {
goto out;
+ }
goto loop;
* Rubout one character from the rawq of tp
* as cleanly as possible.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
static void
-ttyrub(c, tp)
- register int c;
- register struct tty *tp;
+ttyrub(int c, struct tty *tp)
- register u_char *cp;
- register int savecol;
- int tabc, s;
+ u_char *cp;
+ int savecol;
+ int tabc;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
- if (!ISSET(tp->t_lflag, ECHO) || ISSET(tp->t_lflag, EXTPROC))
+ if (!ISSET(tp->t_lflag, ECHO) || ISSET(tp->t_lflag, EXTPROC)) {
+ }
CLR(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO);
if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, ECHOE)) {
if (tp->t_rocount == 0) {
- if (c == ('\t' | TTY_QUOTE) || c == ('\n' | TTY_QUOTE))
+ if (c == ('\t' | TTY_QUOTE) || c == ('\n' | TTY_QUOTE)) {
ttyrubo(tp, 2);
- else {
+ } else {
switch (CCLASS(c)) {
- ttyrubo(tp, 1);
+ if (!(ISSET(tp->t_iflag, IUTF8) && CCONT(c))) {
+ ttyrubo(tp, 1);
+ }
case RETURN:
case VTAB:
- if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, ECHOCTL))
+ if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, ECHOCTL)) {
ttyrubo(tp, 2);
+ }
case TAB:
if (tp->t_rocount < tp->t_rawq.c_cc) {
- s = spltty();
savecol = tp->t_column;
SET(tp->t_state, TS_CNTTB);
SET(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO);
tp->t_column = tp->t_rocol;
-#ifndef NeXT
- cp = tp->t_rawq.c_cf;
- if (cp)
- tabc = *cp; /* XXX FIX NEXTC */
- for (; cp; cp = nextc(&tp->t_rawq, cp, &tabc))
- ttyecho(tabc, tp);
for (cp = firstc(&tp->t_rawq, &tabc); cp;
- cp = nextc(&tp->t_rawq, cp, &tabc))
+ cp = nextc(&tp->t_rawq, cp, &tabc)) {
ttyecho(tabc, tp);
-#endif /* !NeXT */
+ }
CLR(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO);
CLR(tp->t_state, TS_CNTTB);
- splx(s);
/* savecol will now be length of the tab. */
savecol -= tp->t_column;
tp->t_column += savecol;
- if (savecol > 8)
- savecol = 8; /* overflow fixup */
- while (--savecol >= 0)
+ if (savecol > 8) {
+ savecol = 8; /* overflow fixup */
+ }
+ while (--savecol >= 0) {
(void)ttyoutput('\b', tp);
+ }
- default: /* XXX */
-#define PANICSTR "ttyrub: would panic c = %d, val = %d\n"
- (void)printf(PANICSTR, c, CCLASS(c));
+ default: /* XXX */
+#define PANICSTR "ttyrub: would panic c = %d, val = %d\n"
+ printf(PANICSTR, c, CCLASS(c));
#ifdef notdef
panic(PANICSTR, c, CCLASS(c));
(void)ttyoutput('\\', tp);
ttyecho(c, tp);
- } else
+ } else {
ttyecho(tp->t_cc[VERASE], tp);
+ }
* Back over count characters, erasing them.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
static void
ttyrubo(struct tty *tp, int count)
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
while (count-- > 0) {
(void)ttyoutput('\b', tp);
* ttyretype --
* Reprint the rawq line. Note, it is assumed that c_cc has already
* been checked.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
static void
- register struct tty *tp;
+ttyretype(struct tty *tp)
- register u_char *cp;
- int s, c;
+ u_char *cp;
+ int c;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
/* Echo the reprint character. */
- if (tp->t_cc[VREPRINT] != _POSIX_VDISABLE)
+ if (tp->t_cc[VREPRINT] != _POSIX_VDISABLE) {
ttyecho(tp->t_cc[VREPRINT], tp);
+ }
(void)ttyoutput('\n', tp);
- s = spltty();
-#ifndef NeXT
- for (cp = tp->t_canq.c_cf, c = (cp != NULL ? *cp : 0);
- cp != NULL; cp = nextc(&tp->t_canq, cp, &c))
- ttyecho(c, tp);
- for (cp = tp->t_rawq.c_cf, c = (cp != NULL ? *cp : 0);
- cp != NULL; cp = nextc(&tp->t_rawq, cp, &c))
+ for (cp = firstc(&tp->t_canq, &c); cp; cp = nextc(&tp->t_canq, cp, &c)) {
ttyecho(c, tp);
-#else NeXT
- for (cp = firstc(&tp->t_canq, &c); cp; cp = nextc(&tp->t_canq, cp, &c))
- ttyecho(c, tp);
- for (cp = firstc(&tp->t_rawq, &c); cp; cp = nextc(&tp->t_rawq, cp, &c))
+ }
+ for (cp = firstc(&tp->t_rawq, &c); cp; cp = nextc(&tp->t_rawq, cp, &c)) {
ttyecho(c, tp);
-#endif /* !NeXT */
+ }
CLR(tp->t_state, TS_ERASE);
- splx(s);
tp->t_rocount = tp->t_rawq.c_cc;
tp->t_rocol = 0;
* Echo a typed character to the terminal.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
static void
-ttyecho(c, tp)
- register int c;
- register struct tty *tp;
+ttyecho(int c, struct tty *tp)
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
- if (!ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_CNTTB))
+ if (!ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_CNTTB)) {
CLR(tp->t_lflag, FLUSHO);
+ }
if ((!ISSET(tp->t_lflag, ECHO) &&
- (c != '\n' || !ISSET(tp->t_lflag, ECHONL))) ||
- ISSET(tp->t_lflag, EXTPROC))
+ (c != '\n' || !ISSET(tp->t_lflag, ECHONL))) ||
+ ISSET(tp->t_lflag, EXTPROC)) {
+ }
if (ISSET(tp->t_lflag, ECHOCTL) &&
((ISSET(c, TTY_CHARMASK) <= 037 && c != '\t' && c != '\n') ||
ISSET(c, TTY_CHARMASK) == 0177)) {
(void)ttyoutput('^', tp);
- if (c == 0177)
+ if (c == 0177) {
c = '?';
- else
+ } else {
c += 'A' - 1;
+ }
(void)ttyoutput(c, tp);
+static void
+ttwakeup_knote(struct selinfo *sip, long hint)
+ if ((sip->si_flags & SI_KNPOSTING) == 0) {
+ sip->si_flags |= SI_KNPOSTING;
+ KNOTE(&sip->si_note, hint);
+ sip->si_flags &= ~SI_KNPOSTING;
+ }
* Wake up any readers on a tty.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held for the call.
- register struct tty *tp;
+ttwakeup(struct tty *tp)
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
-#ifndef NeXT
- if (tp->t_rsel.si_pid != 0)
- selwakeup(&tp->t_rsel);
- if (ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_ASYNC))
- pgsignal(tp->t_pgrp, SIGIO, 1);
+ selwakeup(&tp->t_rsel);
+ ttwakeup_knote(&tp->t_rsel, 0);
+ if (ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_ASYNC)) {
+ /*
+ * XXX: Callers may not revalidate it the tty is closed
+ * XXX: out from under them by another thread, but we do
+ * XXX: not support queued signals. This should be safe,
+ * XXX: since the process we intend to wakeup is in the
+ * XXX: process group, and will wake up because of the
+ * XXX: signal anyway.
+ */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ tty_pgsignal(tp, SIGIO, 1);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ }
+ * ttwwakeup (LDISC)
+ *
* Wake up any writers on a tty.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
- register struct tty *tp;
+ttwwakeup(struct tty *tp)
-#ifndef NeXT
- if (tp->t_wsel.si_pid != 0 && tp->t_outq.c_cc <= tp->t_lowat)
- if (tp->t_outq.c_cc <= tp->t_lowat)
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
+ if (tp->t_outq.c_cc <= tp->t_lowat) {
+ ttwakeup_knote(&tp->t_wsel, 0);
+ }
if (ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_BUSY | TS_SO_OCOMPLETE) ==
TS_SO_OCOMPLETE && tp->t_outq.c_cc == 0) {
CLR(tp->t_state, TS_SO_OCOMPLETE);
* Look up a code for a specified speed in a conversion table;
* used by drivers to map software speed values to hardware parameters.
+ *
+ * Notes: No locks are assumed for this function; it does not
+ * directly access struct tty.
-ttspeedtab(speed, table)
- int speed;
- register struct speedtab *table;
+ttspeedtab(int speed, struct speedtab *table)
- for ( ; table->sp_speed != -1; table++)
- if (table->sp_speed == speed)
- return (table->sp_code);
- return (-1);
+ for (; table->sp_speed != -1; table++) {
+ if (table->sp_speed == speed) {
+ return table->sp_code;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
* Set tty hi and low water marks.
* Try to arrange the dynamics so there's about one second
* from hi to low water.
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
ttsetwater(struct tty *tp)
- int cps;
+ speed_t cps;
unsigned int x;
-#define CLAMP(x, h, l) ((x) > h ? h : ((x) < l) ? l : (x))
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
+#define CLAMP(x, h, l) ((x) > h ? h : ((x) < l) ? l : (x))
cps = tp->t_ospeed / 10;
- tp->t_lowat = x = CLAMP(cps / 2, TTMAXLOWAT, TTMINLOWAT);
+ static_assert(TTMAXLOWAT <= UINT_MAX, "max low water fits in unsigned int");
+ static_assert(TTMINLOWAT <= UINT_MAX, "min low water fits in unsigned int");
+ tp->t_lowat = x = (unsigned int)CLAMP(cps / 2, TTMAXLOWAT, TTMINLOWAT);
x += cps;
tp->t_hiwat = roundup(x, CBSIZE);
-#undef CLAMP
+#undef CLAMP
-/* NeXT ttyinfo has been converted to the MACH kernel */
+/* ttyinfo has been converted to the MACH kernel */
#include <mach/thread_info.h>
/* XXX Should be in Mach header <kern/thread.h>, but doesn't work */
-extern kern_return_t thread_info_internal(thread_t thread,
- thread_flavor_t flavor,
- thread_info_t thread_info_out,
- mach_msg_type_number_t *thread_info_count);
+extern kern_return_t thread_info_internal(thread_t thread,
+ thread_flavor_t flavor,
+ thread_info_t thread_info_out,
+ mach_msg_type_number_t *thread_info_count);
* Report on state of foreground process group.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
-ttyinfo(struct tty *tp)
+ttyinfo_locked(struct tty *tp)
- int load;
- thread_t thread;
- uthread_t uthread;
- struct proc *p;
- struct proc *pick;
- const char *state;
- struct timeval utime;
- struct timeval stime;
- thread_basic_info_data_t basic_info;
- mach_msg_type_number_t mmtn = THREAD_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
- if (ttycheckoutq(tp,0) == 0)
+ int load;
+ thread_t thread;
+ uthread_t uthread;
+ proc_t p;
+ proc_t pick;
+ pid_t pickpid;
+ const char *state;
+ struct timeval utime;
+ struct timeval stime;
+ thread_basic_info_data_t basic_info;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t mmtn = THREAD_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
+ struct pgrp * pg;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
+ if (ttycheckoutq(tp, 0) == 0) {
+ }
/* Print load average. */
load = (averunnable.ldavg[0] * 100 + FSCALE / 2) >> FSHIFT;
ttyprintf(tp, "not a controlling terminal\n");
tp->t_rocount = 0;
+ }
if (tp->t_pgrp == NULL) {
ttyprintf(tp, "no foreground process group\n");
tp->t_rocount = 0;
/* first process in process group */
+ /* XXX is there a need for pgrp lock ? */
if ((p = tp->t_pgrp->pg_members.lh_first) == NULL) {
ttyprintf(tp, "empty foreground process group\n");
tp->t_rocount = 0;
* Pick the most interesting process and copy some of its
* state for printing later.
+ pg = proc_pgrp(p);
+ pgrp_lock(pg);
+ /* the proc_compare is non blocking fn, no need to use iterator */
for (pick = NULL; p != NULL; p = p->p_pglist.le_next) {
- if (proc_compare(pick, p))
+ if (proc_compare(pick, p)) {
pick = p;
+ pickpid = p->p_pid;
+ } else {
+ pickpid = pick->p_pid;
+ }
+ }
+ pgrp_unlock(pg);
+ /* SAFE: All callers drop the lock on return */
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ pg_rele(pg);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ pick = proc_find(pickpid);
+ if (pick == PROC_NULL) {
+ return;
if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&pick->p_uthlist) ||
(uthread = TAILQ_FIRST(&pick->p_uthlist)) == NULL ||
- (thread = uthread->uu_act) == NULL ||
+ (thread = vfs_context_thread(&uthread->uu_context)) == NULL ||
(thread_info_internal(thread, THREAD_BASIC_INFO, (thread_info_t)&basic_info, &mmtn) != KERN_SUCCESS)) {
ttyprintf(tp, "foreground process without thread\n");
tp->t_rocount = 0;
+ proc_rele(pick);
- switch(basic_info.run_state) {
+ switch (basic_info.run_state) {
state = "running";
calcru(pick, &utime, &stime, NULL);
/* Print command, pid, state, utime, and stime */
- ttyprintf(tp, " cmd: %s %d %s %ld.%02ldu %ld.%02lds\n",
- pick->p_comm,
- pick->p_pid,
- state,
- (long)utime.tv_sec, utime.tv_usec / 10000,
- (long)stime.tv_sec, stime.tv_usec / 10000);
+ ttyprintf(tp, " cmd: %s %d %s %ld.%02du %ld.%02ds\n",
+ pick->p_comm,
+ pick->p_pid,
+ state,
+ (long)utime.tv_sec, utime.tv_usec / 10000,
+ (long)stime.tv_sec, stime.tv_usec / 10000);
+ proc_rele(pick);
tp->t_rocount = 0;
* Returns 1 if p2 is "better" than p1
* 3) The sleeper with the shortest sleep time is next.
* 4) Further ties are broken by picking the highest pid.
-#define ISRUN(p) (((p)->p_stat == SRUN) || ((p)->p_stat == SIDL))
+#define ISRUN(p) (((p)->p_stat == SRUN) || ((p)->p_stat == SIDL))
#define TESTAB(a, b) ((a)<<1 | (b))
#define ONLYA 2
#define ONLYB 1
#define BOTH 3
+ * Locks: pgrp_lock(p2) held on call to this function
+ * tty_lock(tp) for p2's tty, for which p2 is the foreground
+ * process, held on call to this function
+ */
static int
-proc_compare(p1, p2)
- register struct proc *p1, *p2;
+proc_compare(proc_t p1, proc_t p2)
+ /* NOTE THIS FN needs to be NON BLOCKING */
- if (p1 == NULL)
- return (1);
+ if (p1 == NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ }
* see if at least one of them is runnable
switch (TESTAB(ISRUN(p1), ISRUN(p2))) {
case ONLYA:
- return (0);
+ return 0;
case ONLYB:
- return (1);
+ return 1;
case BOTH:
* tie - favor one with highest recent cpu utilization
- if (p2->p_estcpu > p1->p_estcpu)
- return (1);
- if (p1->p_estcpu > p2->p_estcpu)
- return (0);
- return (p2->p_pid > p1->p_pid); /* tie - return highest pid */
+ /* Without the support the fields are always zero */
+ if (p2->p_estcpu > p1->p_estcpu) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (p1->p_estcpu > p2->p_estcpu) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+#endif /* _PROC_HAS_SCHEDINFO_ */
+ return p2->p_pid > p1->p_pid; /* tie - return highest pid */
- * weed out zombies
+ * weed out zombies
switch (TESTAB(p1->p_stat == SZOMB, p2->p_stat == SZOMB)) {
case ONLYA:
- return (1);
+ return 1;
case ONLYB:
- return (0);
+ return 0;
case BOTH:
- return (p2->p_pid > p1->p_pid); /* tie - return highest pid */
+ return p2->p_pid > p1->p_pid; /* tie - return highest pid */
* pick the one with the smallest sleep time
- if (p2->p_slptime > p1->p_slptime)
- return (0);
- if (p1->p_slptime > p2->p_slptime)
- return (1);
- return (p2->p_pid > p1->p_pid); /* tie - return highest pid */
+ /* Without the support the fields are always zero */
+ if (p2->p_slptime > p1->p_slptime) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (p1->p_slptime > p2->p_slptime) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+#endif /* _PROC_HAS_SCHEDINFO_ */
+ return p2->p_pid > p1->p_pid; /* tie - return highest pid */
* Output char to tty; console putchar style.
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
+ *
+ * Notes: Only ever called from putchar() in subr_prf.c
-tputchar(c, tp)
- int c;
- struct tty *tp;
+tputchar(int c, struct tty *tp)
- register int s;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
- s = spltty();
if (!ISSET(tp->t_state, TS_CONNECTED)) {
- splx(s);
- return (-1);
+ return -1;
- if (c == '\n')
+ if (c == '\n') {
(void)ttyoutput('\r', tp);
+ }
(void)ttyoutput(c, tp);
- splx(s);
- return (0);
+ return 0;
+ * ttysleep
+ *
+ * Sleep on a wait channel waiting for an interrupt or a condition to come
+ * true so that we are woken up.
+ *
+ * Parameters: tp Tty going to sleep
+ * chan The sleep channel (usually an address
+ * of a structure member)
+ * pri priority and flags
+ * wmesg Wait message; shows up in debugger,
+ * should show up in "ps", but doesn't
+ * timo Timeout for the sleep
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 Condition came true
+ * ERESTART Upper layer must redrive the call;
+ * this is usually done by the Libc
+ * stub in user space
+ * msleep0:EINTR Interrupted (usually a signal)
+ * msleep0:ERESTART Interrupted (usually a masked signal)
+ * msleep0:EWOULDBLOCK Timeout (timo) already expired
+ *
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
+ *
* Sleep on chan, returning ERESTART if tty changed while we napped and
- * returning any errors (e.g. EINTR/EWOULDBLOCK) reported by tsleep. If
+ * returning any errors (e.g. EINTR/EWOULDBLOCK) reported by msleep0. If
* the tty is revoked, restarting a pending call will redo validation done
* at the start of the call.
int error;
int gen;
+ if (tp->t_state & TS_REVOKE) {
+ return ERESTART;
+ }
gen = tp->t_gen;
- error = tsleep(chan, pri, wmesg, timo);
- if (error)
- return (error);
- return (tp->t_gen == gen ? 0 : ERESTART);
+ /* Use of msleep0() avoids conversion timo/timespec/timo */
+ error = msleep0(chan, &tp->t_lock, pri, wmesg, timo, (int (*)(int))0);
+ if (error) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ return tp->t_gen == gen ? 0 : ERESTART;
-#ifdef NeXT
* Allocate a tty structure and its associated buffers.
+ *
+ * Parameters: void
+ *
+ * Returns: !NULL Address of new struct tty
+ * NULL Error ("ENOMEM")
+ *
+ * Locks: The tty_lock() of the returned tty is not held when it
+ * is returned.
struct tty *
struct tty *tp;
- MALLOC(tp, struct tty *, sizeof(struct tty), M_TTYS, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO);
+ MALLOC(tp, struct tty *, sizeof(struct tty), M_TTYS, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
if (tp != NULL) {
/* XXX: default to TTYCLSIZE(1024) chars for now */
clalloc(&tp->t_rawq, TTYCLSIZE, 1);
clalloc(&tp->t_canq, TTYCLSIZE, 1);
/* output queue doesn't need quoting */
clalloc(&tp->t_outq, TTYCLSIZE, 0);
+ lck_mtx_init(&tp->t_lock, tty_lck_grp, tty_lck_attr);
+ klist_init(&tp->t_rsel.si_note);
+ klist_init(&tp->t_wsel.si_note);
+ tp->t_refcnt = 1;
- return(tp);
+ return tp;
+ * Increment the reference count on a tty.
+ */
+ttyhold(struct tty *tp)
+ tp->t_refcnt++;
- * Free a tty structure and its buffers.
+ * Drops a reference count on a tty structure; if the reference count reaches
+ * zero, then also frees the structure and associated buffers.
-struct tty *tp;
+ttyfree(struct tty *tp)
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ if (--tp->t_refcnt == 0) {
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ ttydeallocate(tp);
+ } else if (tp->t_refcnt < 0) {
+ panic("%s: freeing free tty %p", __func__, tp);
+ } else {
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ }
+ * Deallocate a tty structure and its buffers.
+ *
+ * Locks: The tty_lock() is assumed to not be held at the time of
+ * the free; this function destroys the mutex.
+ */
+static void
+ttydeallocate(struct tty *tp)
+ TTY_LOCK_NOTOWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
+#if DEBUG
+ if (!(SLIST_EMPTY(&tp->t_rsel.si_note) && SLIST_EMPTY(&tp->t_wsel.si_note))) {
+ panic("knotes hooked into a tty when the tty is freed.\n");
+ }
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ lck_mtx_destroy(&tp->t_lock, tty_lck_grp);
-#else /* !NeXT */
-#ifdef notyet
- * XXX this is usable not useful or used. Most tty drivers have
- * ifdefs for using ttymalloc() but assume a different interface.
+ * Locks: Assumes tty_lock() is held prior to calling.
+isbackground(proc_t p, struct tty *tp)
+ return tp->t_session != NULL && p->p_pgrp != NULL && (p->p_pgrp != tp->t_pgrp) && isctty_sp(p, tp, p->p_pgrp->pg_session);
+static int
+isctty(proc_t p, struct tty *tp)
+ int retval;
+ struct session * sessp;
+ sessp = proc_session(p);
+ retval = (sessp == tp->t_session && p->p_flag & P_CONTROLT);
+ session_rele(sessp);
+ return retval;
+static int
+isctty_sp(proc_t p, struct tty *tp, struct session *sessp)
+ return sessp == tp->t_session && p->p_flag & P_CONTROLT;
+static int filt_ttyattach(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+static void filt_ttydetach(struct knote *kn);
+static int filt_ttyevent(struct knote *kn, long hint);
+static int filt_ttytouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+static int filt_ttyprocess(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev);
+SECURITY_READ_ONLY_EARLY(struct filterops) tty_filtops = {
+ .f_isfd = 1,
+ .f_attach = filt_ttyattach,
+ .f_detach = filt_ttydetach,
+ .f_event = filt_ttyevent,
+ .f_touch = filt_ttytouch,
+ .f_process = filt_ttyprocess
- * Allocate a tty struct. Clists in the struct will be allocated by
- * ttyopen().
+ * Called with struct tty locked. Returns non-zero if there is data to be read
+ * or written.
-struct tty *
+static int
+filt_tty_common(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev, struct tty *tp)
- struct tty *tp;
+ int retval = 0;
+ int64_t data = 0;
+ TTY_LOCK_OWNED(tp); /* debug assert */
+ switch (kn->kn_filter) {
+ /*
+ * ttnread can change the tty state,
+ * hence must be done upfront, before any other check.
+ */
+ data = ttnread(tp);
+ retval = (data != 0);
+ break;
+ if ((tp->t_outq.c_cc <= tp->t_lowat) &&
+ (tp->t_state & TS_CONNECTED)) {
+ data = tp->t_hiwat - tp->t_outq.c_cc;
+ retval = (data != 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("tty kevent: unexpected filter: %d, kn = %p, tty = %p",
+ kn->kn_filter, kn, tp);
+ break;
+ }
- MALLOC(tp, struct tty *, sizeof *tp, M_TTYS, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO);
- return (tp);
+ /*
+ * TODO(mwidmann, jandrus): For native knote low watermark support,
+ * check the kn_sfflags for NOTE_LOWAT and check against kn_sdata.
+ *
+ * res = ((kn->kn_sfflags & NOTE_LOWAT) != 0) ?
+ * (kn->kn_data >= kn->kn_sdata) : kn->kn_data;
+ */
+ if (tp->t_state & TS_ZOMBIE) {
+ kn->kn_flags |= EV_EOF;
+ }
+ if (kn->kn_flags & EV_EOF) {
+ retval = 1;
+ }
+ if (retval && kev) {
+ knote_fill_kevent(kn, kev, data);
+ }
+ return retval;
-#if 0 /* XXX not yet usable: session leader holds a ref (see kern_exit.c). */
- * Free a tty struct. Clists in the struct should have been freed by
- * ttyclose().
+ * Find the struct tty from a waitq, which is a member of one of the two struct
+ * selinfos inside the struct tty. Use the seltype to determine which selinfo.
+static struct tty *
+tty_from_waitq(struct waitq *wq, int seltype)
+ struct selinfo *si;
+ struct tty *tp = NULL;
+ /*
+ * The waitq is part of the selinfo structure managed by the driver. For
+ * certain drivers, we want to hook the knote into the selinfo
+ * structure's si_note field so selwakeup can call KNOTE.
+ *
+ * While 'wq' is not really a queue element, this macro only uses the
+ * pointer to calculate the offset into a structure given an element
+ * name.
+ */
+ si = qe_element(wq, struct selinfo, si_waitq);
+ /*
+ * For TTY drivers, the selinfo structure is somewhere in the struct
+ * tty. There are two different selinfo structures, and the one used
+ * corresponds to the type of filter requested.
+ *
+ * While 'si' is not really a queue element, this macro only uses the
+ * pointer to calculate the offset into a structure given an element
+ * name.
+ */
+ switch (seltype) {
+ case FREAD:
+ tp = qe_element(si, struct tty, t_rsel);
+ break;
+ case FWRITE:
+ tp = qe_element(si, struct tty, t_wsel);
+ break;
+ }
+ return tp;
+static struct tty *
+tty_from_knote(struct knote *kn)
+ return (struct tty *)kn->kn_hook;
+ * Set the knote's struct tty to the kn_hook field.
+ *
+ * The idea is to fake a call to select with our own waitq set. If the driver
+ * calls selrecord, we'll get a link to their waitq and access to the tty
+ * structure.
+ *
+ * Returns -1 on failure, with the error set in the knote, or selres on success.
+ */
+static int
+tty_set_knote_hook(struct knote *kn)
+ uthread_t uth;
+ vfs_context_t ctx;
+ vnode_t vp;
+ kern_return_t kr;
+ struct waitq *wq = NULL;
+ struct waitq_set *old_wqs;
+ struct waitq_set tmp_wqs;
+ uint64_t rsvd, rsvd_arg;
+ uint64_t *rlptr = NULL;
+ int selres = -1;
struct tty *tp;
+ uth = get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
+ ctx = vfs_context_current();
+ vp = (vnode_t)kn->kn_fp->fp_glob->fg_data;
+ /*
+ * Reserve a link element to avoid potential allocation under
+ * a spinlock.
+ */
+ rsvd = rsvd_arg = waitq_link_reserve(NULL);
+ rlptr = (void *)&rsvd_arg;
+ /*
+ * Trick selrecord into hooking a known waitq set into the device's selinfo
+ * waitq. Once the link is in place, we can get back into the selinfo from
+ * the waitq and subsequently the tty (see tty_from_waitq).
+ *
+ * We can't use a real waitq set (such as the kqueue's) because wakeups
+ * might happen before we can unlink it.
+ */
+ kr = waitq_set_init(&tmp_wqs, SYNC_POLICY_FIFO | SYNC_POLICY_PREPOST, NULL,
+ NULL);
+ assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS);
+ /*
+ * Lazy allocate the waitqset to avoid potential allocation under
+ * a spinlock;
+ */
+ waitq_set_lazy_init_link(&tmp_wqs);
+ old_wqs = uth->uu_wqset;
+ uth->uu_wqset = &tmp_wqs;
+ /*
+ * FMARK forces selects to always call selrecord, even if data is
+ * available. See ttselect, ptsselect, ptcselect.
+ *
+ * selres also contains the data currently available in the tty.
+ */
+ selres = VNOP_SELECT(vp, knote_get_seltype(kn) | FMARK, 0, rlptr, ctx);
+ uth->uu_wqset = old_wqs;
+ /*
+ * Make sure to cleanup the reserved link - this guards against
+ * drivers that may not actually call selrecord().
+ */
+ waitq_link_release(rsvd);
+ if (rsvd == rsvd_arg) {
+ /*
+ * The driver didn't call selrecord -- there's no tty hooked up so we
+ * can't attach.
+ */
+ knote_set_error(kn, ENOTTY);
+ selres = -1;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* rlptr may not point to a properly aligned pointer */
+ memcpy(&wq, rlptr, sizeof(void *));
+ tp = tty_from_waitq(wq, knote_get_seltype(kn));
+ assert(tp != NULL);
+ /*
+ * Take a reference and stash the tty in the knote.
+ */
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ ttyhold(tp);
+ kn->kn_hook = tp;
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ /*
+ * Cleaning up the wqset will unlink its waitq and clean up any preposts
+ * that occurred as a result of data coming in while the tty was attached.
+ */
+ waitq_set_deinit(&tmp_wqs);
+ return selres;
+static int
+filt_ttyattach(struct knote *kn, __unused struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ int selres = 0;
+ struct tty *tp;
+ /*
+ * This function should be called from filt_specattach (spec_vnops.c),
+ * so most of the knote data structure should already be initialized.
+ */
+ /* don't support offsets in ttys or drivers that don't use struct tty */
+ if (kn->kn_vnode_use_ofst || !kn->kn_vnode_kqok) {
+ knote_set_error(kn, ENOTSUP);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Connect the struct tty to the knote through the selinfo structure
+ * referenced by the waitq within the selinfo.
+ */
+ selres = tty_set_knote_hook(kn);
+ if (selres < 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Attach the knote to selinfo's klist.
+ */
+ tp = tty_from_knote(kn);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ switch (kn->kn_filter) {
+ KNOTE_ATTACH(&tp->t_rsel.si_note, kn);
+ break;
+ KNOTE_ATTACH(&tp->t_wsel.si_note, kn);
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("invalid knote %p attach, filter: %d", kn, kn->kn_filter);
+ }
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ return selres;
+static void
+filt_ttydetach(struct knote *kn)
+ struct tty *tp = tty_from_knote(kn);
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ switch (kn->kn_filter) {
+ KNOTE_DETACH(&tp->t_rsel.si_note, kn);
+ break;
+ KNOTE_DETACH(&tp->t_wsel.si_note, kn);
+ break;
+ default:
+ panic("invalid knote %p detach, filter: %d", kn, kn->kn_filter);
+ break;
+ }
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ ttyfree(tp);
+static int
+filt_ttyevent(struct knote *kn, long hint)
+ struct tty *tp = tty_from_knote(kn);
+ int ret;
+ if (hint & NOTE_REVOKE) {
+ kn->kn_flags |= EV_EOF | EV_ONESHOT;
+ ret = 1;
+ } else {
+ ret = filt_tty_common(kn, NULL, tp);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static int
+filt_ttytouch(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
- FREE(tp, M_TTYS);
+ struct tty *tp = tty_from_knote(kn);
+ int res = 0;
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ kn->kn_sdata = kev->data;
+ kn->kn_sfflags = kev->fflags;
+ if (kn->kn_vnode_kqok) {
+ res = filt_tty_common(kn, NULL, tp);
+ }
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ return res;
+static int
+filt_ttyprocess(struct knote *kn, struct kevent_qos_s *kev)
+ struct tty *tp = tty_from_knote(kn);
+ int res;
+ tty_lock(tp);
+ res = filt_tty_common(kn, kev, tp);
+ tty_unlock(tp);
+ return res;
-#endif /* 0 */
-#endif /* NeXT */