- u_long total_size; /* Size of entire event msg */
- u_long vendor_code; /* For non-Apple extensibility */
- u_long kev_class; /* Layer of event source */
- u_long kev_subclass; /* Component within layer */
- u_long id; /* Monotonically increasing value */
- u_long event_code; /* unique code */
- u_long event_data[1]; /* One or more data longwords */
+ u_int32_t total_size; /* Size of entire event msg */
+ u_int32_t vendor_code; /* For non-Apple extensibility */
+ u_int32_t kev_class; /* Layer of event source */
+ u_int32_t kev_subclass; /* Component within layer */
+ u_int32_t id; /* Monotonically increasing value */
+ u_int32_t event_code; /* unique code */
+ u_int32_t event_data[1]; /* One or more data words */