- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* limitations under the License.
- */
+ *
+ *
* Copyright (c) 1999 John D. Polstra
* All rights reserved.
#define _SYS_LINKER_SET_H_
#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
#if !defined(KERNEL) || defined(__APPLE_API_PRIVATE)
* The following macros are used to declare global sets of objects, which
- * are collected by the linker into a `struct linker_set' as defined below.
- * For ELF, this is done by constructing a separate segment for each set.
- * For a.out, it is done automatically by the linker.
+ * are collected by the linker into a `linker set' as defined below.
+ * For Mach-O, this is done by constructing a separate segment inside the
+ * __DATA section for each set. The contents of this segment are an array
+ * of pointers to the objects in the set.
+ *
+ * Note that due to limitations of the Mach-O format, there cannot
+ * be more than 255 sections in a segment, so linker set usage should be
+ * conserved. Set names may not exceed 16 characters.
-#define __ELF__
-#ifdef __ELF__
+#ifdef KERNEL
+# include <mach-o/loader.h>
+# include <libkern/kernel_mach_header.h>
+# include <mach-o/ldsyms.h>
+# include <mach-o/getsect.h>
+# include <mach-o/loader.h>
-#define MAKE_SET(seg, set, sym) \
- static void const * const __set_##set##_sym_##sym = &sym; \
- __asm(".section seg, " #set ""); \
- __asm(".long " #sym);
-/* __asm(".previous") */
+ * Private macros, not to be used outside this header file.
+ *
+ * The objective of this macro stack is to produce the following output,
+ * given SET and SYM as arguments:
+ *
+ * void const * __set_SET_sym_SYM __attribute__((section("__DATA,SET"))) = & SYM
+ */
+#ifdef __LS_VA_STRINGIFY__
+# undef __LS_VA_STRINGIFY__
+#ifdef __LS_VA_STRCONCAT__
+# undef __LS_VA_STRCONCAT__
+#define __LS_VA_STRINGIFY(_x...) #_x
+#define __LS_VA_STRCONCAT(_x,_y) __LS_VA_STRINGIFY(_x,_y)
+#define __LINKER_MAKE_SET(_set, _sym) \
+ /*__unused*/ /*static*/ void const * /*const*/ __set_##_set##_sym_##_sym \
+ __attribute__ ((section(__LS_VA_STRCONCAT(__DATA,_set)))) = (void *)&_sym
+/* the line above is very fragile - if your compiler breaks linker sets,
+ just play around with "static", "const" etc. :-) */
+ * Public macros.
+ */
+#define LINKER_SET_ENTRY(_set, _sym) __LINKER_MAKE_SET(_set, _sym)
-#define TEXT_SET(set, sym) MAKE_SET(__TEXT, set, sym)
-#define DATA_SET(set, sym) MAKE_SET(__DATA, set, sym)
-#define BSS_SET(set, sym) MAKE_SET(__BSS, set, sym)
-#define ABS_SET(set, sym) MAKE_SET(__ABS, set, sym)
+ * FreeBSD compatibility.
+ */
+# define TEXT_SET(_set, _sym) __LINKER_MAKE_SET(_set, _sym)
+# define DATA_SET(_set, _sym) __LINKER_MAKE_SET(_set, _sym)
+# define BSS_SET(_set, _sym) __LINKER_MAKE_SET(_set, _sym)
+# define ABS_SET(_set, _sym) __LINKER_MAKE_SET(_set, _sym)
+# define SET_ENTRY(_set, _sym) __LINKER_MAKE_SET(_set, _sym)
+#endif /* __APPLE_API_OBSOLETE */
+ * Extended linker set API.
+ *
+ * Since linker sets are per-object-file, and we may have multiple
+ * object files, we need to be able to specify which object's set
+ * to scan.
+ *
+ * The set itself is a contiguous array of pointers to the objects
+ * within the set.
+ */
- * NB: the constants defined below must match those defined in
- * nlist.h. Since their calculation requires arithmetic, we
- * can't name them symbolically (e.g., 7 is N_DATA | N_EXT).
+ * Public interface.
+ *
+ * void **LINKER_SET_OBJECT_BEGIN(_object, _set)
+ * Preferred interface to linker_set_object_begin(), takes set name unquoted.
+ * void **LINKER_SET_OBJECT_LIMIT(_object, _set)
+ * Preferred interface to linker_set_object_begin(), takes set name unquoted.
+ * LINKER_SET_OBJECT_FOREACH(_object, (set_member_type **)_pvar, _cast, _set)
+ * Iterates over the members of _set within _object. Since the set contains
+ * pointers to its elements, for a set of elements of type etyp, _pvar must
+ * be (etyp **).
+ * set_member_type **LINKER_SET_OBJECT_ITEM(_object, _set, _i)
+ * Returns a pointer to the _i'th element of _set within _object.
+ *
+ * void **LINKER_SET_BEGIN(_set)
+ * void **LINKER_SET_LIMINT(_set)
+ * LINKER_SET_FOREACH((set_member_type **)_pvar, _cast, _set)
+ * set_member_type **LINKER_SET_ITEM(_set, _i)
+ * These versions implicitly reference the kernel/application object.
+ *
+ * Example of _cast: For the _pvar "struct sysctl_oid **oidpp", _cast would be
+ * "struct sysctl_oid **"
+ *
-#define MAKE_SET(set, sym, type) \
- static void const * const __set_##set##_sym_##sym = &sym; \
- __asm(".stabs \"_" #set "\", " #type ", 0, 0, _" #sym)
-#define TEXT_SET(set, sym) MAKE_SET(set, sym, 5)
-#define DATA_SET(set, sym) MAKE_SET(set, sym, 7)
-#define BSS_SET(set, sym) MAKE_SET(set, sym, 9)
-#define ABS_SET(set, sym) MAKE_SET(set, sym, 3)
+#define LINKER_SET_OBJECT_BEGIN(_object, _set) __linker_set_object_begin(_object, _set)
+#define LINKER_SET_OBJECT_LIMIT(_object, _set) __linker_set_object_limit(_object, _set)
+#define LINKER_SET_OBJECT_FOREACH(_object, _pvar, _cast, _set) \
+ for (_pvar = (_cast) LINKER_SET_OBJECT_BEGIN(_object, _set); \
+ _pvar < (_cast) LINKER_SET_OBJECT_LIMIT(_object, _set); \
+ _pvar++)
+#define LINKER_SET_OBJECT_ITEM(_object, _set, _i) \
+ ((LINKER_SET_OBJECT_BEGIN(_object, _set))[_i])
+#define LINKER_SET_BEGIN(_set) \
+ LINKER_SET_OBJECT_BEGIN((kernel_mach_header_t *)&_mh_execute_header, _set)
+#define LINKER_SET_LIMIT(_set) \
+ LINKER_SET_OBJECT_LIMIT((kernel_mach_header_t *)&_mh_execute_header, _set)
+#define LINKER_SET_FOREACH(_pvar, _cast, _set) \
+ LINKER_SET_OBJECT_FOREACH((kernel_mach_header_t *)&_mh_execute_header, _pvar, _cast, _set)
+#define LINKER_SET_ITEM(_set, _i) \
+ LINKER_SET_OBJECT_ITEM((kernel_mach_header_t *)&_mh_execute_header, _set, _i)
+ * Implementation.
+ *
+ * void **__linker_set_object_begin(_header, _set)
+ * Returns a pointer to the first pointer in the linker set.
+ * void **__linker_set_object_limi(_header, _set)
+ * Returns an upper bound to the linker set (base + size).
+ */
+static __inline void **
+__linker_set_object_begin(kernel_mach_header_t *_header, const char *_set)
+ __attribute__((__const__));
+static __inline void **
+__linker_set_object_begin(kernel_mach_header_t *_header, const char *_set)
+ void *_set_begin;
+ unsigned long _size;
+ _set_begin = getsectdatafromheader(_header, "__DATA", _set, &_size);
+ return( (void **) _set_begin );
+static __inline void **
+__linker_set_object_limit(kernel_mach_header_t *_header, const char *_set)
+ __attribute__((__const__));
+static __inline void **
+__linker_set_object_limit(kernel_mach_header_t *_header, const char *_set)
+ void *_set_begin;
+ unsigned long _size;
+ _set_begin = getsectdatafromheader(_header, "__DATA", _set, &_size);
+ return ((void **) ((uintptr_t) _set_begin + _size));
-struct linker_set {
- int ls_length;
- const void *ls_items[1]; /* really ls_length of them,
- * trailing NULL */
#endif /* !KERNEL || __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
#endif /* _SYS_LINKER_SET_H_ */