- * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
- *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
- * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
- * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
- * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
- * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
- * Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
+ * file.
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
-/* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
- * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993
- * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
+ * Portions Copyright (c) 1992, 1993
+ * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
* John Heidemann of the UCLA Ficus project.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- * must display the following acknowledgement:
- * This product includes software developed by the University of
- * California, Berkeley and its contributors.
* 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
- * @(#)null_vnops.c 8.6 (Berkeley) 5/27/95
+ * @(#)null_vnops.c 8.6 (Berkeley) 5/27/95
* Ancestors:
- * @(#)lofs_vnops.c 1.2 (Berkeley) 6/18/92
- * ...and...
- * @(#)null_vnodeops.c 1.20 92/07/07 UCLA Ficus project
- */
- * Null Layer
- *
- * (See mount_null(8) for more information.)
- *
- * The null layer duplicates a portion of the file system
- * name space under a new name. In this respect, it is
- * similar to the loopback file system. It differs from
- * the loopback fs in two respects: it is implemented using
- * a stackable layers techniques, and it's "null-node"s stack above
- * all lower-layer vnodes, not just over directory vnodes.
- *
- * The null layer has two purposes. First, it serves as a demonstration
- * of layering by proving a layer which does nothing. (It actually
- * does everything the loopback file system does, which is slightly
- * more than nothing.) Second, the null layer can serve as a prototype
- * layer. Since it provides all necessary layer framework,
- * new file system layers can be created very easily be starting
- * with a null layer.
- *
- * The remainder of this man page examines the null layer as a basis
- * for constructing new layers.
- *
- *
- *
- * New null layers are created with mount_null(8).
- * Mount_null(8) takes two arguments, the pathname
- * of the lower vfs (target-pn) and the pathname where the null
- * layer will appear in the namespace (alias-pn). After
- * the null layer is put into place, the contents
- * of target-pn subtree will be aliased under alias-pn.
- *
- *
- *
- * The null layer is the minimum file system layer,
- * simply bypassing all possible operations to the lower layer
- * for processing there. The majority of its activity centers
- * on the bypass routine, though which nearly all vnode operations
- * pass.
- *
- * The bypass routine accepts arbitrary vnode operations for
- * handling by the lower layer. It begins by examing vnode
- * operation arguments and replacing any null-nodes by their
- * lower-layer equivlants. It then invokes the operation
- * on the lower layer. Finally, it replaces the null-nodes
- * in the arguments and, if a vnode is return by the operation,
- * stacks a null-node on top of the returned vnode.
- *
- * Although bypass handles most operations, vnop_getattr, vnop_lock,
- * vnop_unlock, vnop_inactive, vnop_reclaim, and vnop_print are not
- * bypassed. Vop_getattr must change the fsid being returned.
- * Vop_lock and vnop_unlock must handle any locking for the
- * current vnode as well as pass the lock request down.
- * Vop_inactive and vnop_reclaim are not bypassed so that
- * they can handle freeing null-layer specific data. Vop_print
- * is not bypassed to avoid excessive debugging information.
- * Also, certain vnode operations change the locking state within
- * the operation (create, mknod, remove, link, rename, mkdir, rmdir,
- * and symlink). Ideally these operations should not change the
- * lock state, but should be changed to let the caller of the
- * function unlock them. Otherwise all intermediate vnode layers
- * (such as union, umapfs, etc) must catch these functions to do
- * the necessary locking at their layer.
- *
- *
- *
- * Mounting associates the null layer with a lower layer,
- * effect stacking two VFSes. Vnode stacks are instead
- * created on demand as files are accessed.
- *
- * The initial mount creates a single vnode stack for the
- * root of the new null layer. All other vnode stacks
- * are created as a result of vnode operations on
- * this or other null vnode stacks.
- *
- * New vnode stacks come into existance as a result of
- * an operation which returns a vnode.
- * The bypass routine stacks a null-node above the new
- * vnode before returning it to the caller.
- *
- * For example, imagine mounting a null layer with
- * "mount_null /usr/include /dev/layer/null".
- * Changing directory to /dev/layer/null will assign
- * the root null-node (which was created when the null layer was mounted).
- * Now consider opening "sys". A vnop_lookup would be
- * done on the root null-node. This operation would bypass through
- * to the lower layer which would return a vnode representing
- * the UFS "sys". Null_bypass then builds a null-node
- * aliasing the UFS "sys" and returns this to the caller.
- * Later operations on the null-node "sys" will repeat this
- * process when constructing other vnode stacks.
- *
- *
- *
- * One of the easiest ways to construct new file system layers is to make
- * a copy of the null layer, rename all files and variables, and
- * then begin modifing the copy. Sed can be used to easily rename
- * all variables.
- *
- * The umap layer is an example of a layer descended from the
- * null layer.
- *
- *
- *
- * There are two techniques to invoke operations on a lower layer
- * when the operation cannot be completely bypassed. Each method
- * is appropriate in different situations. In both cases,
- * it is the responsibility of the aliasing layer to make
- * the operation arguments "correct" for the lower layer
- * by mapping an vnode arguments to the lower layer.
- *
- * The first approach is to call the aliasing layer's bypass routine.
- * This method is most suitable when you wish to invoke the operation
- * currently being hanldled on the lower layer. It has the advantage
- * that the bypass routine already must do argument mapping.
- * An example of this is null_getattrs in the null layer.
- *
- * A second approach is to directly invoked vnode operations on
- * the lower layer with the VOP_OPERATIONNAME interface.
- * The advantage of this method is that it is easy to invoke
- * arbitrary operations on the lower layer. The disadvantage
- * is that vnodes arguments must be manualy mapped.
+ * @(#)lofs_vnops.c 1.2 (Berkeley) 6/18/92
+ * ...and...
+ * @(#)null_vnodeops.c 1.20 92/07/07 UCLA Ficus project
+ * $FreeBSD$
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
-#include <sys/proc.h>
-#include <sys/kauth.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/vnode.h>
+#include <sys/conf.h>
+#include <sys/kernel.h>
+#include <sys/lock.h>
+#include <sys/malloc.h>
+#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/mount_internal.h>
#include <sys/namei.h>
-#include <sys/malloc.h>
-#include <sys/buf.h>
-#include <miscfs/nullfs/null.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <sys/vnode.h>
+#include <sys/xattr.h>
+#include <sys/ubc.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/dirent.h>
+#include "nullfs.h"
-int null_bug_bypass = 0; /* for debugging: enables bypass printf'ing */
+#define NULL_ROOT_INO 2
+#define NULL_SECOND_INO 3
+#define NULL_THIRD_INO 4
- * This is the 10-Apr-92 bypass routine.
- * This version has been optimized for speed, throwing away some
- * safety checks. It should still always work, but it's not as
- * robust to programmer errors.
- * Define SAFETY to include some error checking code.
- *
- * In general, we map all vnodes going down and unmap them on the way back.
- * As an exception to this, vnodes can be marked "unmapped" by setting
- * the Nth bit in operation's vdesc_flags.
- *
- * Also, some BSD vnode operations have the side effect of node_put'ing
- * their arguments. With stacking, the reference counts are held
- * by the upper node, not the lower one, so we must handle these
- * side-effects here. This is not of concern in Sun-derived systems
- * since there are no such side-effects.
- *
- * This makes the following assumptions:
- * - only one returned vpp
- * - no INOUT vpp's (Sun's vnop_open has one of these)
- * - the vnode operation vector of the first vnode should be used
- * to determine what implementation of the op should be invoked
- * - all mapped vnodes are of our vnode-type (NEEDSWORK:
- * problems on rmdir'ing mount points and renaming?)
- */
- struct vnop_generic_args /* {
- struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
- <other random data follows, presumably>
- } */ *ap;
+vop_t * nullfs_vnodeop_p = NULL;
+/* the mountpoint lock should be held going into this function */
+static int
+nullfs_isspecialvp(struct vnode * vp)
- extern int (**null_vnodeop_p)(void *); /* not extern, really "forward" */
- register struct vnode **this_vp_p;
- int error;
- struct vnode *old_vps[VDESC_MAX_VPS];
- struct vnode **vps_p[VDESC_MAX_VPS];
- struct vnode ***vppp;
- struct vnodeop_desc *descp = ap->a_desc;
- int reles, i;
+ struct null_mount * null_mp;
- if (null_bug_bypass)
- printf ("null_bypass: %s\n", descp->vdesc_name);
+ null_mp = MOUNTTONULLMOUNT(vnode_mount(vp));
-#ifdef SAFETY
- /*
- * We require at least one vp.
- */
- if (descp->vdesc_vp_offsets == NULL ||
- descp->vdesc_vp_offsets[0] == VDESC_NO_OFFSET)
- panic ("null_bypass: no vp's in map.\n");
+ /* only check for root and second here, third is special in a different way,
+ * related only to lookup and readdir */
+ if (vp && (vp == null_mp->nullm_rootvp || vp == null_mp->nullm_secondvp)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
- /*
- * Map the vnodes going in.
- * Later, we'll invoke the operation based on
- * the first mapped vnode's operation vector.
- */
- reles = descp->vdesc_flags;
- for (i = 0; i < VDESC_MAX_VPS; reles >>= 1, i++) {
- if (descp->vdesc_vp_offsets[i] == VDESC_NO_OFFSET)
- break; /* bail out at end of list */
- vps_p[i] = this_vp_p =
- VOPARG_OFFSETTO(struct vnode**,descp->vdesc_vp_offsets[i],ap);
- /*
- * We're not guaranteed that any but the first vnode
- * are of our type. Check for and don't map any
- * that aren't. (We must always map first vp or vclean fails.)
- */
- if (i && (*this_vp_p == NULL ||
- (*this_vp_p)->v_op != null_vnodeop_p)) {
- old_vps[i] = NULL;
- } else {
- old_vps[i] = *this_vp_p;
- *(vps_p[i]) = NULLVPTOLOWERVP(*this_vp_p);
- /*
- * XXX - Several operations have the side effect
- * of vnode_put'ing their vp's. We must account for
- * that. (This should go away in the future.)
- */
- if (reles & 1)
- vnode_get(*this_vp_p);
+/* helper function to handle locking where possible */
+static int
+nullfs_checkspecialvp(struct vnode* vp)
+ int result = 0;
+ struct null_mount * null_mp;
+ null_mp = MOUNTTONULLMOUNT(vnode_mount(vp));
+ lck_mtx_lock(&null_mp->nullm_lock);
+ result = (nullfs_isspecialvp(vp));
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&null_mp->nullm_lock);
+ return result;
+static int
+nullfs_default(__unused struct vnop_generic_args * args)
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s (default)\n", ((struct vnodeop_desc_fake *)args->a_desc)->vdesc_name);
+ return ENOTSUP;
+static int
+nullfs_special_getattr(struct vnop_getattr_args * args)
+ mount_t mp = vnode_mount(args->a_vp);
+ struct null_mount * null_mp = MOUNTTONULLMOUNT(mp);
+ ino_t ino = NULL_ROOT_INO;
+ struct vnode_attr covered_rootattr;
+ vnode_t checkvp = null_mp->nullm_lowerrootvp;
+ VATTR_INIT(&covered_rootattr);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&covered_rootattr, va_uid);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&covered_rootattr, va_gid);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&covered_rootattr, va_create_time);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&covered_rootattr, va_modify_time);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&covered_rootattr, va_access_time);
+ /* prefer to get this from the lower root vp, but if not (i.e. forced unmount
+ * of lower fs) try the mount point covered vnode */
+ if (vnode_getwithvid(checkvp, null_mp->nullm_lowerrootvid)) {
+ checkvp = vfs_vnodecovered(mp);
+ if (checkvp == NULL) {
+ return EIO;
- /*
- * Call the operation on the lower layer
- * with the modified argument structure.
- */
- error = VCALL(*(vps_p[0]), descp->vdesc_offset, ap);
+ int error = vnode_getattr(checkvp, &covered_rootattr, args->a_context);
- /*
- * Maintain the illusion of call-by-value
- * by restoring vnodes in the argument structure
- * to their original value.
- */
- reles = descp->vdesc_flags;
- for (i = 0; i < VDESC_MAX_VPS; reles >>= 1, i++) {
- if (descp->vdesc_vp_offsets[i] == VDESC_NO_OFFSET)
- break; /* bail out at end of list */
- if (old_vps[i]) {
- *(vps_p[i]) = old_vps[i];
- if (reles & 1)
- vnode_put(*(vps_p[i]));
+ vnode_put(checkvp);
+ if (error) {
+ /* we should have been able to get attributes fore one of the two choices so
+ * fail if we didn't */
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* we got the attributes of the vnode we cover so plow ahead */
+ if (args->a_vp == null_mp->nullm_secondvp) {
+ }
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_type, vnode_vtype(args->a_vp));
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_rdev, 0);
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_nlink, 3); /* always just ., .., and the child */
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_total_size, 0); // hoping this is ok
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_data_size, 0); // hoping this is ok
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_data_alloc, 0);
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_iosize, vfs_statfs(mp)->f_iosize);
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_fileid, ino);
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_linkid, ino);
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_fsid, vfs_statfs(mp)->f_fsid.val[0]); // return the fsid of the mount point
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_filerev, 0);
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_gen, 0);
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_flags, UF_HIDDEN); /* mark our fake directories as hidden. People
+ shouldn't be enocouraged to poke around in them */
+ if (ino == NULL_SECOND_INO) {
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_parentid, NULL_ROOT_INO); /* no parent at the root, so
+ the only other vnode that
+ goes through this path is
+ second and its parent is
+ 1.*/
+ }
+ if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(args->a_vap, va_mode)) {
+ /* force dr_xr_xr_x */
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_mode, S_IFDIR | S_IRUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
+ }
+ if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(args->a_vap, va_uid)) {
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_uid, covered_rootattr.va_uid);
+ }
+ if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(args->a_vap, va_gid)) {
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_gid, covered_rootattr.va_gid);
+ }
+ if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(args->a_vap, va_create_time)) {
+ VATTR_SET_SUPPORTED(args->a_vap, va_create_time);
+ args->a_vap->va_create_time.tv_sec = covered_rootattr.va_create_time.tv_sec;
+ args->a_vap->va_create_time.tv_nsec = covered_rootattr.va_create_time.tv_nsec;
+ }
+ if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(args->a_vap, va_modify_time)) {
+ VATTR_SET_SUPPORTED(args->a_vap, va_modify_time);
+ args->a_vap->va_modify_time.tv_sec = covered_rootattr.va_modify_time.tv_sec;
+ args->a_vap->va_modify_time.tv_nsec = covered_rootattr.va_modify_time.tv_nsec;
+ }
+ if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(args->a_vap, va_access_time)) {
+ VATTR_SET_SUPPORTED(args->a_vap, va_access_time);
+ args->a_vap->va_modify_time.tv_sec = covered_rootattr.va_access_time.tv_sec;
+ args->a_vap->va_modify_time.tv_nsec = covered_rootattr.va_access_time.tv_nsec;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+nullfs_getattr(struct vnop_getattr_args * args)
+ int error;
+ struct null_mount * null_mp = MOUNTTONULLMOUNT(vnode_mount(args->a_vp));
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, args->a_vp);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&null_mp->nullm_lock);
+ if (nullfs_isspecialvp(args->a_vp)) {
+ error = nullfs_special_getattr(args);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&null_mp->nullm_lock);
+ return error;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&null_mp->nullm_lock);
+ /* this will return a different inode for third than read dir will */
+ struct vnode * lowervp = NULLVPTOLOWERVP(args->a_vp);
+ error = vnode_getwithref(lowervp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = VNOP_GETATTR(lowervp, args->a_vap, args->a_context);
+ vnode_put(lowervp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ /* fix up fsid so it doesn't say the underlying fs*/
+ VATTR_RETURN(args->a_vap, va_fsid, vfs_statfs(vnode_mount(args->a_vp))->f_fsid.val[0]);
- /*
- * Map the possible out-going vpp
- * (Assumes that the lower layer always returns
- * a vnode_get'ed vpp unless it gets an error.)
- */
- if (descp->vdesc_vpp_offset != VDESC_NO_OFFSET &&
- !(descp->vdesc_flags & VDESC_NOMAP_VPP) &&
- !error) {
- /*
- * XXX - even though some ops have vpp returned vp's,
- * several ops actually vnode_put this before returning.
- * We must avoid these ops.
- * (This should go away when these ops are regularized.)
- */
- if (descp->vdesc_flags & VDESC_VPP_WILLRELE)
- goto out;
- vppp = VOPARG_OFFSETTO(struct vnode***,
- descp->vdesc_vpp_offset,ap);
- error = null_node_create(old_vps[0]->v_mount, **vppp, *vppp);
+ return error;
+static int
+nullfs_open(struct vnop_open_args * args)
+ int error;
+ struct vnode *vp, *lvp;
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, args->a_vp);
+ if (nullfs_checkspecialvp(args->a_vp)) {
+ return 0; /* nothing extra needed */
- out:
- return (error);
+ vp = args->a_vp;
+ error = vnode_getwithref(lvp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = VNOP_OPEN(lvp, args->a_mode, args->a_context);
+ vnode_put(lvp);
+ }
+ return error;
+static int
+nullfs_close(struct vnop_close_args * args)
+ int error;
+ struct vnode *vp, *lvp;
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, args->a_vp);
+ if (nullfs_checkspecialvp(args->a_vp)) {
+ return 0; /* nothing extra needed */
+ }
+ vp = args->a_vp;
+ error = vnode_getwithref(lvp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = VNOP_CLOSE(lvp, args->a_fflag, args->a_context);
+ vnode_put(lvp);
+ }
+ return error;
+/* get lvp's parent, if possible, even if it isn't set.
+ lvp is expected to have an iocount before and after this call.
+ if a dvpp is populated the returned vnode has an iocount. */
+static int
+null_get_lowerparent(vnode_t lvp, vnode_t * dvpp, vfs_context_t ctx)
+ int error = 0;
+ struct vnode_attr va;
+ mount_t mp = vnode_mount(lvp);
+ vnode_t dvp = vnode_parent(lvp);
+ if (dvp) {
+ error = vnode_get(dvp);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ error = ENOENT;
+ if (!(mp->mnt_kern_flag & MNTK_PATH_FROM_ID)) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ VATTR_INIT(&va);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_parentid);
+ error = vnode_getattr(lvp, &va, ctx);
+ if (error || !VATTR_IS_SUPPORTED(&va, va_parentid)) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ error = VFS_VGET(mp, (ino64_t)va.va_parentid, &dvp, ctx);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ *dvpp = dvp;
+ }
+ return error;
+/* the mountpoint lock should be held going into this function */
+static int
+null_special_lookup(struct vnop_lookup_args * ap)
+ struct componentname * cnp = ap->a_cnp;
+ struct vnode * dvp = ap->a_dvp;
+ struct vnode * ldvp = NULL;
+ struct vnode * lvp = NULL;
+ struct vnode * vp = NULL;
+ struct mount * mp = vnode_mount(dvp);
+ struct null_mount * null_mp = MOUNTTONULLMOUNT(mp);
+ int error = ENOENT;
+ if (dvp == null_mp->nullm_rootvp) {
+ /* handle . and .. */
+ if (cnp->cn_nameptr[0] == '.') {
+ if (cnp->cn_namelen == 1 || (cnp->cn_namelen == 2 && cnp->cn_nameptr[1] == '.')) {
+ /* this is the root so both . and .. give back the root */
+ vp = dvp;
+ error = vnode_get(vp);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ /* our virtual wrapper directory should be d but D is acceptable if the
+ * lower file system is case insensitive */
+ if (cnp->cn_namelen == 1 &&
+ (cnp->cn_nameptr[0] == 'd' || (null_mp->nullm_flags & NULLM_CASEINSENSITIVE ? cnp->cn_nameptr[0] == 'D' : 0))) {
+ error = 0;
+ if (null_mp->nullm_secondvp == NULL) {
+ error = null_getnewvnode(mp, NULL, dvp, &vp, cnp, 0);
+ if (error) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ null_mp->nullm_secondvp = vp;
+ } else {
+ vp = null_mp->nullm_secondvp;
+ error = vnode_get(vp);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (dvp == null_mp->nullm_secondvp) {
+ /* handle . and .. */
+ if (cnp->cn_nameptr[0] == '.') {
+ if (cnp->cn_namelen == 1) {
+ vp = dvp;
+ error = vnode_get(vp);
+ goto end;
+ } else if (cnp->cn_namelen == 2 && cnp->cn_nameptr[1] == '.') {
+ /* parent here is the root vp */
+ vp = null_mp->nullm_rootvp;
+ error = vnode_get(vp);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ /* nullmp->nullm_lowerrootvp was set at mount time so don't need to lock to
+ * access it */
+ /* v_name should be null terminated but cn_nameptr is not necessarily.
+ cn_namelen is the number of characters before the null in either case */
+ error = vnode_getwithvid(null_mp->nullm_lowerrootvp, null_mp->nullm_lowerrootvid);
+ if (error) {
+ goto end;
+ }
+ /* We don't want to mess with case insensitivity and unicode, so the plan to
+ check here is
+ 1. try to get the lower root's parent
+ 2. If we get a parent, then perform a lookup on the lower file system
+ using the parent and the passed in cnp
+ 3. If that worked and we got a vp, then see if the vp is lowerrootvp. If
+ so we got a match
+ 4. Anything else results in ENOENT.
+ */
+ error = null_get_lowerparent(null_mp->nullm_lowerrootvp, &ldvp, ap->a_context);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = VNOP_LOOKUP(ldvp, &lvp, cnp, ap->a_context);
+ vnode_put(ldvp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ if (lvp == null_mp->nullm_lowerrootvp) {
+ /* always check the hashmap for a vnode for this, the root of the
+ * mirrored system */
+ error = null_nodeget(mp, lvp, dvp, &vp, cnp, 0);
+ if (error == 0 && null_mp->nullm_thirdcovervp == NULL) {
+ /* if nodeget succeeded then vp has an iocount*/
+ null_mp->nullm_thirdcovervp = vp;
+ }
+ } else {
+ error = ENOENT;
+ }
+ vnode_put(lvp);
+ }
+ }
+ vnode_put(null_mp->nullm_lowerrootvp);
+ }
+ if (error == 0) {
+ *ap->a_vpp = vp;
+ }
+ return error;
* as we progress through the tree. We also have to enforce read-only
* if this layer is mounted read-only.
- struct vnop_lookup_args /* {
- struct vnode * a_dvp;
- struct vnode ** a_vpp;
- struct componentname * a_cnp;
- vfs_context_t a_context;
- } */ *ap;
+static int
+null_lookup(struct vnop_lookup_args * ap)
- struct componentname *cnp = ap->a_cnp;
- struct proc *p = cnp->cn_proc;
- int flags = cnp->cn_flags;
- struct vnode *dvp, *vp;
+ struct componentname * cnp = ap->a_cnp;
+ struct vnode * dvp = ap->a_dvp;
+ struct vnode *vp, *ldvp, *lvp;
+ struct mount * mp;
+ struct null_mount * null_mp;
int error;
- error = null_bypass(ap);
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s parent: %p component: %.*s\n", __FUNCTION__, ap->a_dvp, cnp->cn_namelen, cnp->cn_nameptr);
+ mp = vnode_mount(dvp);
+ /* rename and delete are not allowed. this is a read only file system */
+ if (cnp->cn_nameiop == DELETE || cnp->cn_nameiop == RENAME || cnp->cn_nameiop == CREATE) {
+ return (EROFS);
+ }
+ null_mp = MOUNTTONULLMOUNT(mp);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&null_mp->nullm_lock);
+ if (nullfs_isspecialvp(dvp)) {
+ error = null_special_lookup(ap);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&null_mp->nullm_lock);
+ return error;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&null_mp->nullm_lock);
+ // . and .. handling
+ if (cnp->cn_nameptr[0] == '.') {
+ if (cnp->cn_namelen == 1) {
+ vp = dvp;
+ } else if (cnp->cn_namelen == 2 && cnp->cn_nameptr[1] == '.') {
+ /* mount point crossing is handled in null_special_lookup */
+ vp = vnode_parent(dvp);
+ } else {
+ goto notdot;
+ }
+ error = vp ? vnode_get(vp) : ENOENT;
+ if (error == 0) {
+ *ap->a_vpp = vp;
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ ldvp = NULLVPTOLOWERVP(dvp);
+ vp = lvp = NULL;
- * We must do the same locking and unlocking at this layer as
- * is done in the layers below us. We could figure this out
- * based on the error return and the LASTCN, LOCKPARENT, and
- * LOCKLEAF flags. However, it is more expidient to just find
- * out the state of the lower level vnodes and set ours to the
- * same state.
+ * Hold ldvp. The reference on it, owned by dvp, is lost in
+ * case of dvp reclamation.
- dvp = ap->a_dvp;
- vp = *ap->a_vpp;
- if (dvp == vp)
- return (error);
+ error = vnode_getwithref(ldvp);
+ if (error) {
+ return error;
+ }
+ error = VNOP_LOOKUP(ldvp, &lvp, cnp, ap->a_context);
+ vnode_put(ldvp);
+ if ((error == 0 || error == EJUSTRETURN) && lvp != NULL) {
+ if (ldvp == lvp) {
+ vp = dvp;
+ error = vnode_get(vp);
+ } else {
+ error = null_nodeget(mp, lvp, dvp, &vp, cnp, 0);
+ }
+ if (error == 0) {
+ *ap->a_vpp = vp;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if we got lvp, drop the iocount from VNOP_LOOKUP */
+ if (lvp != NULL) {
+ vnode_put(lvp);
+ }
return (error);
- * Setattr call.
+ * Don't think this needs to do anything
- struct vnop_setattr_args /* {
- struct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;
- struct vnode *a_vp;
- struct vnode_attr *a_vap;
- kauth_cred_t a_cred;
- struct proc *a_p;
- } */ *ap)
+static int
+null_inactive(__unused struct vnop_inactive_args * ap)
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, ap->a_vp);
+ return (0);
+static int
+null_reclaim(struct vnop_reclaim_args * ap)
- struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp;
- struct vnode_attr *vap = ap->a_vap;
- if (VATTR_IS_ACTIVE(vap, va_data_size)) {
- switch (vp->v_type) {
- case VDIR:
- return (EISDIR);
- case VCHR:
- case VBLK:
- case VSOCK:
- case VFIFO:
- return (0);
- case VREG:
- case VLNK:
- default:
+ struct vnode * vp;
+ struct null_node * xp;
+ struct vnode * lowervp;
+ struct null_mount * null_mp = MOUNTTONULLMOUNT(vnode_mount(ap->a_vp));
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, ap->a_vp);
+ vp = ap->a_vp;
+ xp = VTONULL(vp);
+ lowervp = xp->null_lowervp;
+ lck_mtx_lock(&null_mp->nullm_lock);
+ vnode_removefsref(vp);
+ if (lowervp != NULL) {
+ /* root and second don't have a lowervp, so nothing to release and nothing
+ * got hashed */
+ if (xp->null_flags & NULL_FLAG_HASHED) {
+ /* only call this if we actually made it into the hash list. reclaim gets
+ called also to
+ clean up a vnode that got created when it didn't need to under race
+ conditions */
+ null_hashrem(xp);
+ vnode_getwithref(lowervp);
+ vnode_rele(lowervp);
+ vnode_put(lowervp);
+ }
+ if (vp == null_mp->nullm_rootvp) {
+ null_mp->nullm_rootvp = NULL;
+ } else if (vp == null_mp->nullm_secondvp) {
+ null_mp->nullm_secondvp = NULL;
+ } else if (vp == null_mp->nullm_thirdcovervp) {
+ null_mp->nullm_thirdcovervp = NULL;
- return (null_bypass(ap));
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&null_mp->nullm_lock);
+ cache_purge(vp);
+ vnode_clearfsnode(vp);
+ FREE(xp, M_TEMP);
+ return 0;
- * We handle getattr only to change the fsid.
- */
- struct vnop_getattr_args /* {
- struct vnode *a_vp;
- struct vnode_attr *a_vap;
- vfs_context_t a_context;
- } */ *ap;
+#define DIRENT_SZ(dp) ((sizeof(struct dirent) - NAME_MAX) + (((dp)->d_namlen + 1 + 3) & ~3))
+static int
+store_entry_special(ino_t ino, const char * name, struct uio * uio)
- int error;
+ struct dirent e;
+ size_t namelen = strlen(name);
+ int error = EINVAL;
- if (error = null_bypass(ap))
- return (error);
- /* Requires that arguments be restored. */
- VATTR_RETURN(ap->a_vap, va_fsid, ap->a_vp->v_mount->mnt_vfsstat.f_fsid.val[0]);
- return (0);
+ if (namelen + 1 <= NAME_MAX) {
+ memset(&e, 0, sizeof(e));
+ e.d_ino = ino;
+ e.d_type = DT_DIR;
+ e.d_namlen = namelen; /* don't include NUL */
+ e.d_reclen = DIRENT_SZ(&e);
+ if (uio_resid(uio) >= e.d_reclen) {
+ strlcpy(e.d_name, name, NAME_MAX);
+ error = uiomove((caddr_t)&e, e.d_reclen, uio);
+ } else {
+ error = EMSGSIZE;
+ }
+ }
+ return error;
- struct vnop_access_args /* {
- struct vnode *a_vp;
- int a_action;
- vfs_context_t a_context;
- } */ *ap;
+static int
+nullfs_special_readdir(struct vnop_readdir_args * ap)
- return (null_bypass(ap));
+ struct vnode * vp = ap->a_vp;
+ struct uio * uio = ap->a_uio;
+ struct null_mount * null_mp = MOUNTTONULLMOUNT(vnode_mount(vp));
+ off_t offset = uio_offset(uio);
+ int error = ERANGE;
+ int items = 0;
+ ino_t ino = 0;
+ const char * name = NULL;
+ return (EINVAL);
+ if (offset == 0) {
+ /* . case */
+ if (vp == null_mp->nullm_rootvp) {
+ ino = NULL_ROOT_INO;
+ } else /* only get here if vp matches nullm_rootvp or nullm_secondvp */
+ {
+ }
+ error = store_entry_special(ino, ".", uio);
+ if (error) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ offset++;
+ items++;
+ }
+ if (offset == 1) {
+ /* .. case */
+ /* only get here if vp matches nullm_rootvp or nullm_secondvp */
+ ino = NULL_ROOT_INO;
+ error = store_entry_special(ino, "..", uio);
+ if (error) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ offset++;
+ items++;
+ }
+ if (offset == 2) {
+ /* the directory case */
+ if (vp == null_mp->nullm_rootvp) {
+ name = "d";
+ } else /* only get here if vp matches nullm_rootvp or nullm_secondvp */
+ {
+ if (vnode_getwithvid(null_mp->nullm_lowerrootvp, null_mp->nullm_lowerrootvid)) {
+ /* In this case the lower file system has been ripped out from under us,
+ but we don't want to error out
+ Instead we just want d to look empty. */
+ error = 0;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ name = vnode_getname_printable(null_mp->nullm_lowerrootvp);
+ }
+ error = store_entry_special(ino, name, uio);
+ if (ino == NULL_THIRD_INO) {
+ vnode_putname_printable(name);
+ vnode_put(null_mp->nullm_lowerrootvp);
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ offset++;
+ items++;
+ }
+ if (error == EMSGSIZE) {
+ error = 0; /* return success if we ran out of space, but we wanted to make
+ sure that we didn't update offset and items incorrectly */
+ }
+ uio_setoffset(uio, offset);
+ if (ap->a_numdirent) {
+ *ap->a_numdirent = items;
+ }
+ return error;
- struct vnop_inactive_args /* {
- struct vnode *a_vp;
- vfs_context_t a_context;
- } */ *ap;
+static int
+nullfs_readdir(struct vnop_readdir_args * ap)
- /*
- * Do nothing (and _don't_ bypass).
- * Wait to vnode_put lowervp until reclaim,
- * so that until then our null_node is in the
- * cache and reusable.
- *
- * NEEDSWORK: Someday, consider inactive'ing
- * the lowervp and then trying to reactivate it
- * with capabilities (v_id)
- * like they do in the name lookup cache code.
- * That's too much work for now.
+ struct vnode *vp, *lvp;
+ int error;
+ struct null_mount * null_mp = MOUNTTONULLMOUNT(vnode_mount(ap->a_vp));
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, ap->a_vp);
+ /* assumption is that any vp that comes through here had to go through lookup
- return (0);
+ lck_mtx_lock(&null_mp->nullm_lock);
+ if (nullfs_isspecialvp(ap->a_vp)) {
+ error = nullfs_special_readdir(ap);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&null_mp->nullm_lock);
+ return error;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&null_mp->nullm_lock);
+ vp = ap->a_vp;
+ error = vnode_getwithref(lvp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = VNOP_READDIR(lvp, ap->a_uio, ap->a_flags, ap->a_eofflag, ap->a_numdirent, ap->a_context);
+ vnode_put(lvp);
+ }
+ return error;
- struct vnop_reclaim_args /* {
- struct vnode *a_vp;
- vfs_context_t a_context;
- } */ *ap;
+static int
+nullfs_readlink(struct vnop_readlink_args * ap)
- struct vnode *vp = ap->a_vp;
- struct null_node *xp = VTONULL(vp);
- struct vnode *lowervp = xp->null_lowervp;
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, ap->a_vp);
+ int error;
+ struct vnode *vp, *lvp;
- /*
- * Note: in vnop_reclaim, vp->v_op == dead_vnodeop_p,
- * so we can't call VOPs on ourself.
- */
- /* After this assignment, this node will not be re-used. */
- xp->null_lowervp = NULL;
- LIST_REMOVE(xp, null_hash);
- FREE(vp->v_data, M_TEMP);
- vp->v_data = NULL;
- vnode_put (lowervp);
- return (0);
+ if (nullfs_checkspecialvp(ap->a_vp)) {
+ return ENOTSUP; /* the special vnodes aren't links */
+ }
+ vp = ap->a_vp;
+ error = vnode_getwithref(lvp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = VNOP_READLINK(lvp, ap->a_uio, ap->a_context);
+ vnode_put(lvp);
+ if (error) {
+ NULLFSDEBUG("readlink failed: %d\n", error);
+ }
+ }
+ return error;
- * XXX - vnop_strategy must be hand coded because it has no
- * vnode in its arguments.
- * This goes away with a merged VM/buffer cache.
- */
- struct vnop_strategy_args /* {
- struct buf *a_bp;
- } */ *ap;
+static int
+nullfs_pathconf(__unused struct vnop_pathconf_args * args)
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, args->a_vp);
+ return EINVAL;
+static int
+nullfs_fsync(__unused struct vnop_fsync_args * args)
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, args->a_vp);
+ return 0;
+static int
+nullfs_mmap(struct vnop_mmap_args * args)
- struct buf *bp = ap->a_bp;
int error;
- struct vnode *savedvp;
+ struct vnode *vp, *lvp;
- savedvp = vnode(bp);
- buf_setvnode(bp, NULLVPTOLOWERVP(savedvp));
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, args->a_vp);
- error = VNOP_STRATEGY(bp);
+ if (nullfs_checkspecialvp(args->a_vp)) {
+ return 0; /* nothing extra needed */
+ }
- buf_setvnode(bp, savedvp);
+ vp = args->a_vp;
+ error = vnode_getwithref(lvp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = VNOP_MMAP(lvp, args->a_fflags, args->a_context);
+ vnode_put(lvp);
+ }
- return (error);
+ return error;
- * XXX - like vnop_strategy, vnop_bwrite must be hand coded because it has no
- * vnode in its arguments.
- * This goes away with a merged VM/buffer cache.
- */
- struct vnop_bwrite_args /* {
- struct buf *a_bp;
- } */ *ap;
+static int
+nullfs_mnomap(struct vnop_mnomap_args * args)
- struct buf *bp = ap->a_bp;
int error;
- struct vnode *savedvp;
+ struct vnode *vp, *lvp;
- savedvp = buf_vnode(bp);
- buf_setvnode(bp, NULLVPTOLOWERVP(savedvp));
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, args->a_vp);
- error = VNOP_BWRITE(bp);
+ if (nullfs_checkspecialvp(args->a_vp)) {
+ return 0; /* nothing extra needed */
+ }
- buf_setvnode(bp, savedvp);
+ vp = args->a_vp;
+ error = vnode_getwithref(lvp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = VNOP_MNOMAP(lvp, args->a_context);
+ vnode_put(lvp);
+ }
- return (error);
+ return error;
- * Global vfs data structures
- */
+static int
+nullfs_getxattr(struct vnop_getxattr_args * args)
+ int error;
+ struct vnode *vp, *lvp;
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, args->a_vp);
+ if (nullfs_checkspecialvp(args->a_vp)) {
+ return 0; /* nothing extra needed */
+ }
+ vp = args->a_vp;
+ error = vnode_getwithref(lvp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = VNOP_GETXATTR(lvp, args->a_name, args->a_uio, args->a_size, args->a_options, args->a_context);
+ vnode_put(lvp);
+ }
+ return error;
+static int
+nullfs_listxattr(struct vnop_listxattr_args * args)
+ int error;
+ struct vnode *vp, *lvp;
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, args->a_vp);
+ if (nullfs_checkspecialvp(args->a_vp)) {
+ return 0; /* nothing extra needed */
+ }
+ vp = args->a_vp;
+ error = vnode_getwithref(lvp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ error = VNOP_LISTXATTR(lvp, args->a_uio, args->a_size, args->a_options, args->a_context);
+ vnode_put(lvp);
+ }
+ return error;
+/* relies on v1 paging */
+static int
+nullfs_pagein(struct vnop_pagein_args * ap)
+ int error = EIO;
+ struct vnode *vp, *lvp;
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, ap->a_vp);
+ vp = ap->a_vp;
+ if (vnode_vtype(vp) != VREG) {
+ return ENOTSUP;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Ask VM/UBC/VFS to do our bidding
+ */
+ if (vnode_getwithvid(lvp, NULLVPTOLOWERVID(vp)) == 0) {
+ vm_offset_t ioaddr;
+ uio_t auio;
+ kern_return_t kret;
+ off_t bytes_to_commit;
+ off_t lowersize;
+ upl_t upl = ap->a_pl;
+ user_ssize_t bytes_remaining = 0;
-#define VOPFUNC int (*)(void *)
+ auio = uio_create(1, ap->a_f_offset, UIO_SYSSPACE, UIO_READ);
+ if (auio == NULL) {
+ error = EIO;
+ goto exit_no_unmap;
+ }
+ kret = ubc_upl_map(upl, &ioaddr);
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != kret) {
+ panic("nullfs_pagein: ubc_upl_map() failed with (%d)", kret);
+ }
+ ioaddr += ap->a_pl_offset;
+ error = uio_addiov(auio, (user_addr_t)ioaddr, ap->a_size);
+ if (error) {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ lowersize = ubc_getsize(lvp);
+ if (lowersize != ubc_getsize(vp)) {
+ (void)ubc_setsize(vp, lowersize); /* ignore failures, nothing can be done */
+ }
+ error = VNOP_READ(lvp, auio, ((ap->a_flags & UPL_IOSYNC) ? IO_SYNC : 0), ap->a_context);
+ bytes_remaining = uio_resid(auio);
+ if (bytes_remaining > 0 && bytes_remaining <= (user_ssize_t)ap->a_size)
+ {
+ /* zero bytes that weren't read in to the upl */
+ bzero((void*)((uintptr_t)(ioaddr + ap->a_size - bytes_remaining)), (size_t) bytes_remaining);
+ }
+ exit:
+ kret = ubc_upl_unmap(upl);
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != kret) {
+ panic("nullfs_pagein: ubc_upl_unmap() failed with (%d)", kret);
+ }
+ if (auio != NULL) {
+ uio_free(auio);
+ }
+ exit_no_unmap:
+ if ((ap->a_flags & UPL_NOCOMMIT) == 0) {
+ if (!error && (bytes_remaining >= 0) && (bytes_remaining <= (user_ssize_t)ap->a_size)) {
+ /* only commit what was read in (page aligned)*/
+ bytes_to_commit = ap->a_size - bytes_remaining;
+ if (bytes_to_commit)
+ {
+ /* need to make sure bytes_to_commit and byte_remaining are page aligned before calling ubc_upl_commit_range*/
+ if (bytes_to_commit & PAGE_MASK)
+ {
+ bytes_to_commit = (bytes_to_commit & (~PAGE_MASK)) + (PAGE_MASK + 1);
+ assert(bytes_to_commit <= (off_t)ap->a_size);
+ bytes_remaining = ap->a_size - bytes_to_commit;
+ }
+ ubc_upl_commit_range(upl, ap->a_pl_offset, (upl_size_t)bytes_to_commit, UPL_COMMIT_FREE_ON_EMPTY);
+ }
+ /* abort anything thats left */
+ if (bytes_remaining) {
+ ubc_upl_abort_range(upl, ap->a_pl_offset + bytes_to_commit, (upl_size_t)bytes_remaining, UPL_ABORT_ERROR | UPL_ABORT_FREE_ON_EMPTY);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ubc_upl_abort_range(upl, ap->a_pl_offset, (upl_size_t)ap->a_size, UPL_ABORT_ERROR | UPL_ABORT_FREE_ON_EMPTY);
+ }
+ }
+ vnode_put(lvp);
+ } else if((ap->a_flags & UPL_NOCOMMIT) == 0) {
+ ubc_upl_abort_range(ap->a_pl, ap->a_pl_offset, (upl_size_t)ap->a_size, UPL_ABORT_ERROR | UPL_ABORT_FREE_ON_EMPTY);
+ }
+ return error;
+static int
+nullfs_read(struct vnop_read_args * ap)
+ int error = EIO;
+ struct vnode *vp, *lvp;
-int (**null_vnodeop_p)(void *);
-struct vnodeopv_entry_desc null_vnodeop_entries[] = {
- { &vnop_default_desc, (VOPFUNC)null_bypass },
+ NULLFSDEBUG("%s %p\n", __FUNCTION__, ap->a_vp);
- { &vnop_lookup_desc, (VOPFUNC)null_lookup },
- { &vnop_setattr_desc, (VOPFUNC)null_setattr },
- { &vnop_getattr_desc, (VOPFUNC)null_getattr },
- { &vnop_access_desc, (VOPFUNC)null_access },
- { &vnop_inactive_desc, (VOPFUNC)null_inactive },
- { &vnop_reclaim_desc, (VOPFUNC)null_reclaim },
+ if (nullfs_checkspecialvp(ap->a_vp)) {
+ return ENOTSUP; /* the special vnodes can't be read */
+ }
- { &vnop_strategy_desc, (VOPFUNC)null_strategy },
- { &vnop_bwrite_desc, (VOPFUNC)null_bwrite },
+ vp = ap->a_vp;
- { (struct vnodeop_desc*)NULL, (int(*)())NULL }
+ /*
+ * First some house keeping
+ */
+ if (vnode_getwithvid(lvp, NULLVPTOLOWERVID(vp)) == 0) {
+ if (!vnode_isreg(lvp) && !vnode_islnk(lvp)) {
+ error = EPERM;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (uio_resid(ap->a_uio) == 0) {
+ error = 0;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now ask VM/UBC/VFS to do our bidding
+ */
+ error = VNOP_READ(lvp, ap->a_uio, ap->a_ioflag, ap->a_context);
+ if (error) {
+ NULLFSDEBUG("VNOP_READ failed: %d\n", error);
+ }
+ end:
+ vnode_put(lvp);
+ }
+ return error;
+ * Global vfs data structures
+ */
+static struct vnodeopv_entry_desc nullfs_vnodeop_entries[] = {
+ {&vnop_default_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_default}, {&vnop_getattr_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_getattr},
+ {&vnop_open_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_open}, {&vnop_close_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_close},
+ {&vnop_inactive_desc, (vop_t)null_inactive}, {&vnop_reclaim_desc, (vop_t)null_reclaim},
+ {&vnop_lookup_desc, (vop_t)null_lookup}, {&vnop_readdir_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_readdir},
+ {&vnop_readlink_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_readlink}, {&vnop_pathconf_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_pathconf},
+ {&vnop_fsync_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_fsync}, {&vnop_mmap_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_mmap},
+ {&vnop_mnomap_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_mnomap}, {&vnop_getxattr_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_getxattr},
+ {&vnop_pagein_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_pagein}, {&vnop_read_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_read},
+ {&vnop_listxattr_desc, (vop_t)nullfs_listxattr}, {NULL, NULL},
-struct vnodeopv_desc null_vnodeop_opv_desc =
- { &null_vnodeop_p, null_vnodeop_entries };
+struct vnodeopv_desc nullfs_vnodeop_opv_desc = {&nullfs_vnodeop_p, nullfs_vnodeop_entries};