- * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#ifndef _KERN_LOCK_H_
#define _KERN_LOCK_H_
-#include <kern/simple_lock.h>
-#include <machine/lock.h>
-#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <kern/locks.h>
-typedef struct __mutex__ mutex_t;
-#define decl_mutex_data(class,name) class mutex_t name;
-#define mutex_addr(m) (&(m))
-extern void mutex_init(
- mutex_t *mutex,
- unsigned short tag);
-extern mutex_t *mutex_alloc(
- unsigned short tag);
-extern void mutex_free(
- mutex_t *mutex);
-extern void mutex_lock(
- mutex_t *mutex);
-extern void mutex_unlock(
- mutex_t *mutex);
-extern boolean_t mutex_try(
- mutex_t *mutex);
-extern void mutex_pause(void);
-#define MA_OWNED 0x01
-#define MA_NOTOWNED 0x02
-void _mutex_assert (
- mutex_t *mutex,
- unsigned int what);
-#define mutex_assert(a, b) _mutex_assert(a, b)
-typedef struct __lock__ lock_t;
-extern void lock_init(
- lock_t *lock,
- boolean_t can_sleep,
- unsigned short tag0,
- unsigned short tag1);
-extern lock_t *lock_alloc(
- boolean_t can_sleep,
- unsigned short tag0,
- unsigned short tag1);
-extern void lock_free(
- lock_t *lock);
-extern void lock_write(
- lock_t *lock);
-extern void lock_read(
- lock_t *lock);
-extern void lock_done(
- lock_t *lock);
-extern void lock_write_to_read(
- lock_t *lock);
-#define lock_read_done(l) lock_done(l)
-#define lock_write_done(l) lock_done(l)
-extern boolean_t lock_read_to_write(
- lock_t *lock);
-/* Sleep, unlocking and then relocking a usimple_lock in the process */
-extern wait_result_t thread_sleep_usimple_lock(
- event_t event,
- usimple_lock_t lock,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
-/* Sleep, unlocking and then relocking a mutex in the process */
-extern wait_result_t thread_sleep_mutex(
- event_t event,
- mutex_t *mutex,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
-/* Sleep with a deadline, unlocking and then relocking a mutex in the process */
-extern wait_result_t thread_sleep_mutex_deadline(
- event_t event,
- mutex_t *mutex,
- uint64_t deadline,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
-/* Sleep, unlocking and then relocking a write lock in the process */
-extern wait_result_t thread_sleep_lock_write(
- event_t event,
- lock_t *lock,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
-extern wait_result_t thread_sleep_fast_usimple_lock(
- event_t event,
- simple_lock_t lock,
- wait_interrupt_t interruptible);
+#warning This header is deprecated. Use <kern/locks.h> instead.
#endif /* _KERN_LOCK_H_ */