- * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
- * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
- * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the
- * License may not be used to create, or enable the creation or
- * redistribution of, unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating
- * system, or to circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or
- * violation of, any terms of an Apple operating system software license
- * agreement.
- *
- * Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
- *
- * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <kern/kern_types.h>
+#include <kern/waitq.h>
#include <kern/zalloc.h>
#include <kern/task.h>
#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
#include <vm/vm_map.h>
+#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#include <sys/kdebug.h>
#define AIO_work_queued 1
#define AIO_worker_wake 2
* user process calls aio_return or the process exits, either way that is our
* trigger to release aio resources.
+typedef struct aio_workq {
+ TAILQ_HEAD(, aio_workq_entry) aioq_entries;
+ int aioq_count;
+ lck_mtx_t aioq_mtx;
+ struct waitq aioq_waitq;
+} *aio_workq_t;
struct aio_anchor_cb
- int aio_async_workq_count; /* entries on aio_async_workq */
- int lio_sync_workq_count; /* entries on lio_sync_workq */
- int aio_active_count; /* entries on all active queues (proc.aio_activeq) */
- int aio_done_count; /* entries on all done queues (proc.aio_doneq) */
- TAILQ_HEAD( , aio_workq_entry ) aio_async_workq;
- TAILQ_HEAD( , aio_workq_entry ) lio_sync_workq;
+ volatile int32_t aio_inflight_count; /* entries that have been taken from a workq */
+ volatile int32_t aio_done_count; /* entries on all done queues (proc.aio_doneq) */
+ volatile int32_t aio_total_count; /* total extant entries */
+ /* Hash table of queues here */
+ int aio_num_workqs;
+ struct aio_workq aio_async_workqs[AIO_NUM_WORK_QUEUES];
typedef struct aio_anchor_cb aio_anchor_cb;
+struct aio_lio_context
+ int io_waiter;
+ int io_issued;
+ int io_completed;
+typedef struct aio_lio_context aio_lio_context;
* Notes on aio sleep / wake channels.
* us sleep channels that currently do not collide with any other kernel routines.
* At this time, for binary compatibility reasons, we cannot create new proc fields.
-#define AIO_SUSPEND_SLEEP_CHAN p_estcpu
-#define AIO_CLEANUP_SLEEP_CHAN p_pctcpu
- * aysnc IO locking macros used to protect critical sections.
- */
-#define AIO_LOCK lck_mtx_lock(aio_lock)
-#define AIO_UNLOCK lck_mtx_unlock(aio_lock)
+#define AIO_SUSPEND_SLEEP_CHAN p_aio_active_count
+#define AIO_CLEANUP_SLEEP_CHAN p_aio_total_count
+#define ASSERT_AIO_FROM_PROC(aiop, theproc) \
+ if ((aiop)->procp != (theproc)) { \
+ panic("AIO on a proc list that does not belong to that proc.\n"); \
+ }
-static int aio_active_requests_for_process( struct proc *procp );
+static void aio_proc_lock(proc_t procp);
+static void aio_proc_lock_spin(proc_t procp);
+static void aio_proc_unlock(proc_t procp);
+static lck_mtx_t* aio_proc_mutex(proc_t procp);
+static void aio_proc_move_done_locked(proc_t procp, aio_workq_entry *entryp);
+static void aio_proc_remove_done_locked(proc_t procp, aio_workq_entry *entryp);
+static int aio_get_process_count(proc_t procp );
+static int aio_active_requests_for_process(proc_t procp );
+static int aio_proc_active_requests_for_file(proc_t procp, int fd);
+static boolean_t is_already_queued(proc_t procp, user_addr_t aiocbp );
+static boolean_t should_cancel(aio_workq_entry *entryp, user_addr_t aiocbp, int fd);
+static void aio_entry_lock(aio_workq_entry *entryp);
+static void aio_entry_lock_spin(aio_workq_entry *entryp);
+static aio_workq_t aio_entry_workq(aio_workq_entry *entryp);
+static lck_mtx_t* aio_entry_mutex(__unused aio_workq_entry *entryp);
+static void aio_workq_remove_entry_locked(aio_workq_t queue, aio_workq_entry *entryp);
+static void aio_workq_add_entry_locked(aio_workq_t queue, aio_workq_entry *entryp);
+static void aio_entry_ref_locked(aio_workq_entry *entryp);
+static void aio_entry_unref_locked(aio_workq_entry *entryp);
+static void aio_entry_ref(aio_workq_entry *entryp);
+static void aio_entry_unref(aio_workq_entry *entryp);
+static void aio_entry_update_for_cancel(aio_workq_entry *entryp, boolean_t cancelled,
+ int wait_for_completion, boolean_t disable_notification);
+static int aio_entry_try_workq_remove(aio_workq_entry *entryp);
static boolean_t aio_delay_fsync_request( aio_workq_entry *entryp );
-static int aio_free_request( aio_workq_entry *entryp, vm_map_t the_map );
-static int aio_get_all_queues_count( void );
-static int aio_get_process_count( struct proc *procp );
-static aio_workq_entry * aio_get_some_work( void );
-static boolean_t aio_last_group_io( aio_workq_entry *entryp );
-static void aio_mark_requests( aio_workq_entry *entryp );
-static int aio_queue_async_request( struct proc *procp,
- user_addr_t aiocbp,
- int kindOfIO );
-static int aio_validate( aio_workq_entry *entryp );
-static void aio_work_thread( void );
-static int do_aio_cancel( struct proc *p,
- int fd,
- user_addr_t aiocbp,
- boolean_t wait_for_completion,
- boolean_t disable_notification );
-static void do_aio_completion( aio_workq_entry *entryp );
-static int do_aio_fsync( aio_workq_entry *entryp );
-static int do_aio_read( aio_workq_entry *entryp );
-static int do_aio_write( aio_workq_entry *entryp );
-static void do_munge_aiocb( struct aiocb *my_aiocbp, struct user_aiocb *the_user_aiocbp );
-static boolean_t is_already_queued( struct proc *procp,
- user_addr_t aiocbp );
-static int lio_create_async_entry( struct proc *procp,
- user_addr_t aiocbp,
- user_addr_t sigp,
- long group_tag,
- aio_workq_entry **entrypp );
-static int lio_create_sync_entry( struct proc *procp,
- user_addr_t aiocbp,
- long group_tag,
- aio_workq_entry **entrypp );
+static int aio_free_request(aio_workq_entry *entryp);
+static void aio_workq_init(aio_workq_t wq);
+static void aio_workq_lock_spin(aio_workq_t wq);
+static void aio_workq_unlock(aio_workq_t wq);
+static lck_mtx_t* aio_workq_mutex(aio_workq_t wq);
+static void aio_work_thread( void );
+static aio_workq_entry *aio_get_some_work( void );
+static int aio_get_all_queues_count( void );
+static int aio_queue_async_request(proc_t procp, user_addr_t aiocbp, int kindOfIO );
+static int aio_validate( aio_workq_entry *entryp );
+static int aio_increment_total_count(void);
+static int aio_decrement_total_count(void);
+static int do_aio_cancel_locked(proc_t p, int fd, user_addr_t aiocbp, int wait_for_completion, boolean_t disable_notification );
+static void do_aio_completion( aio_workq_entry *entryp );
+static int do_aio_fsync( aio_workq_entry *entryp );
+static int do_aio_read( aio_workq_entry *entryp );
+static int do_aio_write( aio_workq_entry *entryp );
+static void do_munge_aiocb_user32_to_user( struct user32_aiocb *my_aiocbp, struct user_aiocb *the_user_aiocbp );
+static void do_munge_aiocb_user64_to_user( struct user64_aiocb *my_aiocbp, struct user_aiocb *the_user_aiocbp );
+static int lio_create_entry(proc_t procp,
+ user_addr_t aiocbp,
+ void *group_tag,
+ aio_workq_entry **entrypp );
+static aio_workq_entry *aio_create_queue_entry(proc_t procp,
+ user_addr_t aiocbp,
+ void *group_tag,
+ int kindOfIO);
+static user_addr_t *aio_copy_in_list(proc_t procp, user_addr_t aiocblist, int nent);
+static void free_lio_context(aio_lio_context* context);
+static void aio_enqueue_work( proc_t procp, aio_workq_entry *entryp, int proc_locked);
+#define ASSERT_AIO_PROC_LOCK_OWNED(p) lck_mtx_assert(aio_proc_mutex((p)), LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED)
+#define ASSERT_AIO_WORKQ_LOCK_OWNED(q) lck_mtx_assert(aio_workq_mutex((q)), LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED)
+#define ASSERT_AIO_ENTRY_LOCK_OWNED(e) lck_mtx_assert(aio_entry_mutex((e)), LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED)
/* in ...bsd/kern/sys_generic.c */
-extern int dofileread( struct proc *p, struct fileproc *fp, int fd,
- user_addr_t bufp, user_size_t nbyte,
- off_t offset, int flags, user_ssize_t *retval );
-extern int dofilewrite( struct proc *p, struct fileproc *fp, int fd,
- user_addr_t bufp, user_size_t nbyte, off_t offset,
- int flags, user_ssize_t *retval );
+extern int dofileread(vfs_context_t ctx, struct fileproc *fp,
+ user_addr_t bufp, user_size_t nbyte,
+ off_t offset, int flags, user_ssize_t *retval );
+extern int dofilewrite(vfs_context_t ctx, struct fileproc *fp,
+ user_addr_t bufp, user_size_t nbyte, off_t offset,
+ int flags, user_ssize_t *retval );
+#if DEBUG
+static uint32_t lio_contexts_alloced = 0;
+#endif /* DEBUG */
* aio external global variables.
-extern int aio_max_requests; /* AIO_MAX - configurable */
+extern int aio_max_requests; /* AIO_MAX - configurable */
extern int aio_max_requests_per_process; /* AIO_PROCESS_MAX - configurable */
-extern int aio_worker_threads; /* AIO_THREAD_COUNT - configurable */
+extern int aio_worker_threads; /* AIO_THREAD_COUNT - configurable */
* aio static variables.
-static aio_anchor_cb aio_anchor;
-static lck_mtx_t * aio_lock;
-static lck_grp_t * aio_lock_grp;
-static lck_attr_t * aio_lock_attr;
-static lck_grp_attr_t * aio_lock_grp_attr;
-static struct zone *aio_workq_zonep;
+static aio_anchor_cb aio_anchor;
+static lck_grp_t *aio_proc_lock_grp;
+static lck_grp_t *aio_entry_lock_grp;
+static lck_grp_t *aio_queue_lock_grp;
+static lck_attr_t *aio_lock_attr;
+static lck_grp_attr_t *aio_lock_grp_attr;
+static struct zone *aio_workq_zonep;
+static lck_mtx_t aio_entry_mtx;
+static lck_mtx_t aio_proc_mtx;
+static void
+aio_entry_lock(__unused aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ lck_mtx_lock(&aio_entry_mtx);
+static void
+aio_entry_lock_spin(__unused aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(&aio_entry_mtx);
+static void
+aio_entry_unlock(__unused aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&aio_entry_mtx);
+/* Hash */
+static aio_workq_t
+aio_entry_workq(__unused aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ return &aio_anchor.aio_async_workqs[0];
+static lck_mtx_t*
+aio_entry_mutex(__unused aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ return &aio_entry_mtx;
+static void
+aio_workq_init(aio_workq_t wq)
+ TAILQ_INIT(&wq->aioq_entries);
+ wq->aioq_count = 0;
+ lck_mtx_init(&wq->aioq_mtx, aio_queue_lock_grp, aio_lock_attr);
+ waitq_init(&wq->aioq_waitq, SYNC_POLICY_FIFO);
+ * Can be passed a queue which is locked spin.
+ */
+static void
+aio_workq_remove_entry_locked(aio_workq_t queue, aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ if (entryp->aio_workq_link.tqe_prev == NULL) {
+ panic("Trying to remove an entry from a work queue, but it is not on a queue\n");
+ }
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&queue->aioq_entries, entryp, aio_workq_link);
+ queue->aioq_count--;
+ entryp->aio_workq_link.tqe_prev = NULL; /* Not on a workq */
+ if (queue->aioq_count < 0) {
+ panic("Negative count on a queue.\n");
+ }
+static void
+aio_workq_add_entry_locked(aio_workq_t queue, aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&queue->aioq_entries, entryp, aio_workq_link);
+ if (queue->aioq_count < 0) {
+ panic("Negative count on a queue.\n");
+ }
+ queue->aioq_count++;
+static void
+aio_proc_lock(proc_t procp)
+ lck_mtx_lock(aio_proc_mutex(procp));
+static void
+aio_proc_lock_spin(proc_t procp)
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(aio_proc_mutex(procp));
+static void
+aio_proc_move_done_locked(proc_t procp, aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&procp->p_aio_activeq, entryp, aio_proc_link );
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL( &procp->p_aio_doneq, entryp, aio_proc_link);
+ procp->p_aio_active_count--;
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&aio_anchor.aio_done_count);
+static void
+aio_proc_remove_done_locked(proc_t procp, aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&procp->p_aio_doneq, entryp, aio_proc_link);
+ OSDecrementAtomic(&aio_anchor.aio_done_count);
+ aio_decrement_total_count();
+ procp->p_aio_total_count--;
+static void
+aio_proc_unlock(proc_t procp)
+ lck_mtx_unlock(aio_proc_mutex(procp));
+static lck_mtx_t*
+aio_proc_mutex(proc_t procp)
+ return &procp->p_mlock;
+static void
+aio_entry_ref_locked(aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ if (entryp->aio_refcount < 0) {
+ panic("AIO workq entry with a negative refcount.\n");
+ }
+ entryp->aio_refcount++;
+/* Return 1 if you've freed it */
+static void
+aio_entry_unref_locked(aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ entryp->aio_refcount--;
+ if (entryp->aio_refcount < 0) {
+ panic("AIO workq entry with a negative refcount.\n");
+ }
+static void
+aio_entry_ref(aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ aio_entry_lock_spin(entryp);
+ aio_entry_ref_locked(entryp);
+ aio_entry_unlock(entryp);
+static void
+aio_entry_unref(aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ aio_entry_lock_spin(entryp);
+ aio_entry_unref_locked(entryp);
+ if ((entryp->aio_refcount == 0) && ((entryp->flags & AIO_DO_FREE) != 0)) {
+ aio_entry_unlock(entryp);
+ aio_free_request(entryp);
+ } else {
+ aio_entry_unlock(entryp);
+ }
+ return;
+static void
+aio_entry_update_for_cancel(aio_workq_entry *entryp, boolean_t cancelled, int wait_for_completion, boolean_t disable_notification)
+ aio_entry_lock_spin(entryp);
+ if (cancelled) {
+ aio_entry_ref_locked(entryp);
+ entryp->errorval = ECANCELED;
+ entryp->returnval = -1;
+ }
+ if ( wait_for_completion ) {
+ entryp->flags |= wait_for_completion; /* flag for special completion processing */
+ }
+ if ( disable_notification ) {
+ entryp->flags |= AIO_DISABLE; /* Don't want a signal */
+ }
+ aio_entry_unlock(entryp);
+static int
+aio_entry_try_workq_remove(aio_workq_entry *entryp)
+ /* Can only be cancelled if it's still on a work queue */
+ if (entryp->aio_workq_link.tqe_prev != NULL) {
+ aio_workq_t queue;
+ /* Will have to check again under the lock */
+ queue = aio_entry_workq(entryp);
+ aio_workq_lock_spin(queue);
+ if (entryp->aio_workq_link.tqe_prev != NULL) {
+ aio_workq_remove_entry_locked(queue, entryp);
+ aio_workq_unlock(queue);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ aio_workq_unlock(queue);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void
+aio_workq_lock_spin(aio_workq_t wq)
+ lck_mtx_lock_spin(aio_workq_mutex(wq));
+static void
+aio_workq_unlock(aio_workq_t wq)
+ lck_mtx_unlock(aio_workq_mutex(wq));
+static lck_mtx_t*
+aio_workq_mutex(aio_workq_t wq)
+ return &wq->aioq_mtx;
* aio_cancel - attempt to cancel one or more async IO requests currently
* is NULL then all outstanding async IO request for the given file
* descriptor are cancelled (if possible).
-aio_cancel( struct proc *p, struct aio_cancel_args *uap, int *retval )
+aio_cancel(proc_t p, struct aio_cancel_args *uap, int *retval )
struct user_aiocb my_aiocb;
int result;
(int)p, (int)uap->aiocbp, 0, 0, 0 );
/* quick check to see if there are any async IO requests queued up */
- result = aio_get_all_queues_count( );
- if ( result < 1 ) {
- result = EBADF;
+ if (aio_get_all_queues_count() < 1) {
+ result = 0;
+ *retval = AIO_ALLDONE;
goto ExitRoutine;
*retval = -1;
if ( uap->aiocbp != USER_ADDR_NULL ) {
- if ( !IS_64BIT_PROCESS(p) ) {
- struct aiocb aiocb32;
+ if ( proc_is64bit(p) ) {
+ struct user64_aiocb aiocb64;
+ result = copyin( uap->aiocbp, &aiocb64, sizeof(aiocb64) );
+ if (result == 0 )
+ do_munge_aiocb_user64_to_user(&aiocb64, &my_aiocb);
+ } else {
+ struct user32_aiocb aiocb32;
result = copyin( uap->aiocbp, &aiocb32, sizeof(aiocb32) );
if ( result == 0 )
- do_munge_aiocb( &aiocb32, &my_aiocb );
- } else
- result = copyin( uap->aiocbp, &my_aiocb, sizeof(my_aiocb) );
+ do_munge_aiocb_user32_to_user( &aiocb32, &my_aiocb );
+ }
if ( result != 0 ) {
result = EAGAIN;
goto ExitRoutine;
- result = do_aio_cancel( p, uap->fd, uap->aiocbp, FALSE, FALSE );
+ aio_proc_lock(p);
+ result = do_aio_cancel_locked( p, uap->fd, uap->aiocbp, 0, FALSE );
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
if ( result != -1 ) {
*retval = result;
* a file descriptor that is closing.
__private_extern__ void
-_aio_close( struct proc *p, int fd )
+_aio_close(proc_t p, int fd )
- int error, count;
+ int error;
/* quick check to see if there are any async IO requests queued up */
- count = aio_get_all_queues_count( );
- if ( count < 1 )
+ if (aio_get_all_queues_count() < 1) {
+ }
(int)p, fd, 0, 0, 0 );
/* cancel all async IO requests on our todo queues for this file descriptor */
- error = do_aio_cancel( p, fd, 0, TRUE, FALSE );
+ aio_proc_lock(p);
+ error = do_aio_cancel_locked( p, fd, 0, AIO_CLOSE_WAIT, FALSE );
if ( error == AIO_NOTCANCELED ) {
* AIO_NOTCANCELED is returned when we find an aio request for this process
(int)p, fd, 0, 0, 0 );
- tsleep( &p->AIO_CLEANUP_SLEEP_CHAN, PRIBIO, "aio_close", 0 );
- }
+ while (aio_proc_active_requests_for_file(p, fd) > 0) {
+ msleep(&p->AIO_CLEANUP_SLEEP_CHAN, aio_proc_mutex(p), PRIBIO, "aio_close", 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
(int)p, fd, 0, 0, 0 );
* value that would be set by the corresponding IO request (read, wrtie,
* fdatasync, or sync).
-aio_error( struct proc *p, struct aio_error_args *uap, int *retval )
+aio_error(proc_t p, struct aio_error_args *uap, int *retval )
aio_workq_entry *entryp;
int error;
(int)p, (int)uap->aiocbp, 0, 0, 0 );
- /* quick check to see if there are any async IO requests queued up */
- if ( aio_get_all_queues_count( ) < 1 ) {
- error = EINVAL;
- goto ExitRoutine;
+ /* see if there are any aios to check */
+ if (aio_get_all_queues_count() < 1) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ aio_proc_lock(p);
/* look for a match on our queue of async IO requests that have completed */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &p->aio_doneq, aio_workq_link ) {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &p->p_aio_doneq, aio_proc_link) {
if ( entryp->uaiocbp == uap->aiocbp ) {
+ ASSERT_AIO_FROM_PROC(entryp, p);
+ aio_entry_lock_spin(entryp);
*retval = entryp->errorval;
error = 0;
+ aio_entry_unlock(entryp);
(int)p, (int)uap->aiocbp, *retval, 0, 0 );
goto ExitRoutine;
/* look for a match on our queue of active async IO requests */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &p->aio_activeq, aio_workq_link ) {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &p->p_aio_activeq, aio_proc_link) {
if ( entryp->uaiocbp == uap->aiocbp ) {
+ ASSERT_AIO_FROM_PROC(entryp, p);
*retval = EINPROGRESS;
error = 0;
goto ExitRoutine;
- /* look for a match on our queue of todo work */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( p == entryp->procp && entryp->uaiocbp == uap->aiocbp ) {
- *retval = EINPROGRESS;
- error = 0;
- (int)p, (int)uap->aiocbp, *retval, 0, 0 );
- goto ExitRoutine;
- }
- }
error = EINVAL;
(int)p, (int)uap->aiocbp, error, 0, 0 );
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
return( error );
* NOTE - we do not support op O_DSYNC at this point since we do not support the
* fdatasync() call.
-aio_fsync( struct proc *p, struct aio_fsync_args *uap, int *retval )
+aio_fsync(proc_t p, struct aio_fsync_args *uap, int *retval )
int error;
int fsync_kind;
/* 0 := O_SYNC for binary backward compatibility with Panther */
if (uap->op == O_SYNC || uap->op == 0)
fsync_kind = AIO_FSYNC;
-#if 0 // we don't support fdatasync() call yet
else if ( uap->op == O_DSYNC )
fsync_kind = AIO_DSYNC;
else {
*retval = -1;
error = EINVAL;
* file descriptor (uap->aiocbp->aio_fildes) into the buffer
* (uap->aiocbp->aio_buf).
-aio_read( struct proc *p, struct aio_read_args *uap, int *retval )
+aio_read(proc_t p, struct aio_read_args *uap, int *retval )
int error;
* aio_return - return the return status associated with the async IO
* request referred to by uap->aiocbp. The return status is the value
- * that would be returned by corresponding IO request (read, wrtie,
+ * that would be returned by corresponding IO request (read, write,
* fdatasync, or sync). This is where we release kernel resources
* held for async IO call associated with the given aiocb pointer.
-aio_return( struct proc *p, struct aio_return_args *uap, user_ssize_t *retval )
+aio_return(proc_t p, struct aio_return_args *uap, user_ssize_t *retval )
aio_workq_entry *entryp;
int error;
- boolean_t lock_held;
+ boolean_t proc_lock_held = FALSE;
(int)p, (int)uap->aiocbp, 0, 0, 0 );
- lock_held = TRUE;
- *retval = 0;
- /* quick check to see if there are any async IO requests queued up */
- if ( aio_get_all_queues_count( ) < 1 ) {
+ /* See if there are any entries to check */
+ if (aio_get_all_queues_count() < 1) {
error = EINVAL;
goto ExitRoutine;
+ aio_proc_lock(p);
+ proc_lock_held = TRUE;
+ *retval = 0;
/* look for a match on our queue of async IO requests that have completed */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &p->aio_doneq, aio_workq_link ) {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &p->p_aio_doneq, aio_proc_link) {
+ ASSERT_AIO_FROM_PROC(entryp, p);
if ( entryp->uaiocbp == uap->aiocbp ) {
- TAILQ_REMOVE( &p->aio_doneq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.aio_done_count--;
- p->aio_done_count--;
+ /* Done and valid for aio_return(), pull it off the list */
+ aio_proc_remove_done_locked(p, entryp);
+ /* Drop the proc lock, but keep the entry locked */
+ aio_entry_lock(entryp);
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
+ proc_lock_held = FALSE;
*retval = entryp->returnval;
+ error = 0;
- /* we cannot free requests that are still completing */
- if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_COMPLETION) == 0 ) {
- vm_map_t my_map;
- my_map = entryp->aio_map;
- entryp->aio_map = VM_MAP_NULL;
- lock_held = FALSE;
- aio_free_request( entryp, my_map );
+ /* No references and off all lists, safe to free */
+ if (entryp->aio_refcount == 0) {
+ aio_entry_unlock(entryp);
+ aio_free_request(entryp);
- else
- /* tell completion code to free this request */
+ else {
+ /* Whoever has the refcount will have to free it */
entryp->flags |= AIO_DO_FREE;
- error = 0;
+ aio_entry_unlock(entryp);
+ }
(int)p, (int)uap->aiocbp, *retval, 0, 0 );
goto ExitRoutine;
/* look for a match on our queue of active async IO requests */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &p->aio_activeq, aio_workq_link ) {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &p->p_aio_activeq, aio_proc_link) {
+ ASSERT_AIO_FROM_PROC(entryp, p);
if ( entryp->uaiocbp == uap->aiocbp ) {
- /* look for a match on our queue of todo work */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( p == entryp->procp && entryp->uaiocbp == uap->aiocbp ) {
- error = EINPROGRESS;
- (int)p, (int)uap->aiocbp, *retval, 0, 0 );
- goto ExitRoutine;
- }
- }
error = EINVAL;
- if ( lock_held )
+ if (proc_lock_held)
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
(int)p, (int)uap->aiocbp, error, 0, 0 );
* for cancelled or active aio requests that complete.
* This routine MAY block!
__private_extern__ void
-_aio_exec( struct proc *p )
+_aio_exec(proc_t p )
* we can and wait for those already active. We also disable signaling
* for cancelled or active aio requests that complete. This routine MAY block!
__private_extern__ void
-_aio_exit( struct proc *p )
+_aio_exit(proc_t p )
- int error, count;
+ int error;
aio_workq_entry *entryp;
/* quick check to see if there are any async IO requests queued up */
- count = aio_get_all_queues_count( );
- if ( count < 1 ) {
+ if (aio_get_all_queues_count() < 1) {
(int)p, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+ aio_proc_lock(p);
* cancel async IO requests on the todo work queue and wait for those
* already active to complete.
- error = do_aio_cancel( p, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE );
+ error = do_aio_cancel_locked( p, 0, 0, AIO_EXIT_WAIT, TRUE );
if ( error == AIO_NOTCANCELED ) {
* AIO_NOTCANCELED is returned when we find an aio request for this process
(int)p, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
- tsleep( &p->AIO_CLEANUP_SLEEP_CHAN, PRIBIO, "aio_exit", 0 );
+ while (p->p_aio_active_count != 0) {
+ msleep(&p->AIO_CLEANUP_SLEEP_CHAN, aio_proc_mutex(p), PRIBIO, "aio_exit", 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ if (p->p_aio_active_count != 0) {
+ panic("Exiting process has %d active AIOs after cancellation has completed.\n", p->p_aio_active_count);
/* release all aio resources used by this process */
- entryp = TAILQ_FIRST( &p->aio_doneq );
+ entryp = TAILQ_FIRST( &p->p_aio_doneq );
while ( entryp != NULL ) {
+ ASSERT_AIO_FROM_PROC(entryp, p);
aio_workq_entry *next_entryp;
- next_entryp = TAILQ_NEXT( entryp, aio_workq_link );
- TAILQ_REMOVE( &p->aio_doneq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.aio_done_count--;
- p->aio_done_count--;
+ next_entryp = TAILQ_NEXT( entryp, aio_proc_link);
+ aio_proc_remove_done_locked(p, entryp);
/* we cannot free requests that are still completing */
- if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_COMPLETION) == 0 ) {
- vm_map_t my_map;
- my_map = entryp->aio_map;
- entryp->aio_map = VM_MAP_NULL;
- aio_free_request( entryp, my_map );
+ aio_entry_lock_spin(entryp);
+ if (entryp->aio_refcount == 0) {
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
+ aio_entry_unlock(entryp);
+ aio_free_request(entryp);
/* need to start over since aio_doneq may have been */
/* changed while we were away. */
- entryp = TAILQ_FIRST( &p->aio_doneq );
+ aio_proc_lock(p);
+ entryp = TAILQ_FIRST( &p->p_aio_doneq );
- else
- /* tell completion code to free this request */
+ else {
+ /* whoever has the reference will have to do the free */
entryp->flags |= AIO_DO_FREE;
+ }
+ aio_entry_unlock(entryp);
entryp = next_entryp;
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
(int)p, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
} /* _aio_exit */
+static boolean_t
+should_cancel(aio_workq_entry *entryp, user_addr_t aiocbp, int fd)
+ if ( (aiocbp == USER_ADDR_NULL && fd == 0) ||
+ (aiocbp != USER_ADDR_NULL && entryp->uaiocbp == aiocbp) ||
+ (aiocbp == USER_ADDR_NULL && fd == entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes) ) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
- * do_aio_cancel - cancel async IO requests (if possible). We get called by
+ * do_aio_cancel_locked - cancel async IO requests (if possible). We get called by
* aio_cancel, close, and at exit.
* There are three modes of operation: 1) cancel all async IOs for a process -
* fd is 0 and aiocbp is NULL 2) cancel all async IOs for file descriptor - fd
* were already complete.
* WARNING - do not deference aiocbp in this routine, it may point to user
* land data that has not been copied in (when called from aio_cancel() )
+ *
+ * Called with proc locked, and returns the same way.
static int
-do_aio_cancel( struct proc *p, int fd, user_addr_t aiocbp,
- boolean_t wait_for_completion, boolean_t disable_notification )
+do_aio_cancel_locked(proc_t p, int fd, user_addr_t aiocbp,
+ int wait_for_completion, boolean_t disable_notification )
aio_workq_entry *entryp;
int result;
result = -1;
/* look for a match on our queue of async todo work. */
- entryp = TAILQ_FIRST( &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq );
+ entryp = TAILQ_FIRST(&p->p_aio_activeq);
while ( entryp != NULL ) {
+ ASSERT_AIO_FROM_PROC(entryp, p);
aio_workq_entry *next_entryp;
- next_entryp = TAILQ_NEXT( entryp, aio_workq_link );
- if ( p == entryp->procp ) {
- if ( (aiocbp == USER_ADDR_NULL && fd == 0) ||
- (aiocbp != USER_ADDR_NULL && entryp->uaiocbp == aiocbp) ||
- (aiocbp == USER_ADDR_NULL && fd == entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes) ) {
- /* we found a match so we remove the entry from the */
- /* todo work queue and place it on the done queue */
- TAILQ_REMOVE( &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.aio_async_workq_count--;
- entryp->errorval = ECANCELED;
- entryp->returnval = -1;
- if ( disable_notification )
- entryp->flags |= AIO_DISABLE; /* flag for special completion processing */
- result = AIO_CANCELED;
- (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, fd, 0, 0 );
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL( &p->aio_doneq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.aio_done_count++;
- p->aio_done_count++;
- entryp->flags |= AIO_COMPLETION;
- /* do completion processing for this request */
- do_aio_completion( entryp );
- entryp->flags &= ~AIO_COMPLETION;
- if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_DO_FREE) != 0 ) {
- vm_map_t my_map;
- my_map = entryp->aio_map;
- entryp->aio_map = VM_MAP_NULL;
- aio_free_request( entryp, my_map );
- }
- else
- if ( aiocbp != USER_ADDR_NULL ) {
- return( result );
- }
- /* need to start over since aio_async_workq may have been */
- /* changed while we were away doing completion processing. */
- entryp = TAILQ_FIRST( &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq );
- continue;
- }
+ next_entryp = TAILQ_NEXT( entryp, aio_proc_link);
+ if (!should_cancel(entryp, aiocbp, fd)) {
+ entryp = next_entryp;
+ continue;
- entryp = next_entryp;
- } /* while... */
- /*
- * look for a match on our queue of synchronous todo work. This will
- * be a rare occurrence but could happen if a process is terminated while
- * processing a lio_listio call.
- */
- entryp = TAILQ_FIRST( &aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq );
- while ( entryp != NULL ) {
- aio_workq_entry *next_entryp;
- next_entryp = TAILQ_NEXT( entryp, aio_workq_link );
- if ( p == entryp->procp ) {
- if ( (aiocbp == USER_ADDR_NULL && fd == 0) ||
- (aiocbp != USER_ADDR_NULL && entryp->uaiocbp == aiocbp) ||
- (aiocbp == USER_ADDR_NULL && fd == entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes) ) {
- /* we found a match so we remove the entry from the */
- /* todo work queue and place it on the done queue */
- TAILQ_REMOVE( &aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq_count--;
- entryp->errorval = ECANCELED;
- entryp->returnval = -1;
- if ( disable_notification )
- entryp->flags |= AIO_DISABLE; /* flag for special completion processing */
- result = AIO_CANCELED;
- (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, fd, 0, 0 );
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL( &p->aio_doneq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.aio_done_count++;
- p->aio_done_count++;
- if ( aiocbp != USER_ADDR_NULL ) {
- return( result );
- }
+ /* Can only be cancelled if it's still on a work queue */
+ if (aio_entry_try_workq_remove(entryp) != 0) {
+ /* Have removed from workq. Update entry state and take a ref */
+ aio_entry_update_for_cancel(entryp, TRUE, 0, disable_notification);
+ /* Put on the proc done queue and update counts, then unlock the proc */
+ aio_proc_move_done_locked(p, entryp);
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
+ /* Now it's officially cancelled. Do the completion */
+ result = AIO_CANCELED;
+ (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, fd, 0, 0 );
+ do_aio_completion(entryp);
+ /* This will free if the aio_return() has already happened ... */
+ aio_entry_unref(entryp);
+ aio_proc_lock(p);
+ if ( aiocbp != USER_ADDR_NULL ) {
+ return( result );
- }
- entryp = next_entryp;
- } /* while... */
- /*
- * look for a match on our queue of active async IO requests and
- * return AIO_NOTCANCELED result.
- */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &p->aio_activeq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( (aiocbp == USER_ADDR_NULL && fd == 0) ||
- (aiocbp != USER_ADDR_NULL && entryp->uaiocbp == aiocbp) ||
- (aiocbp == USER_ADDR_NULL && fd == entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes) ) {
+ /*
+ * Restart from the head of the proc active queue since it
+ * may have been changed while we were away doing completion
+ * processing.
+ *
+ * Note that if we found an uncancellable AIO before, we will
+ * either find it again or discover that it's been completed,
+ * so resetting the result will not cause us to return success
+ * despite outstanding AIOs.
+ */
+ entryp = TAILQ_FIRST(&p->p_aio_activeq);
+ result = -1; /* As if beginning anew */
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * It's been taken off the active queue already, i.e. is in flight.
+ * All we can do is ask for notification.
+ */
- (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, fd, 0, 0 );
+ (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, fd, 0, 0 );
+ /* Mark for waiting and such; will not take a ref if "cancelled" arg is FALSE */
+ aio_entry_update_for_cancel(entryp, FALSE, wait_for_completion, disable_notification);
- if ( wait_for_completion )
- entryp->flags |= AIO_WAITING; /* flag for special completion processing */
- if ( disable_notification )
- entryp->flags |= AIO_DISABLE; /* flag for special completion processing */
if ( aiocbp != USER_ADDR_NULL ) {
return( result );
+ entryp = next_entryp;
- }
+ } /* while... */
* if we didn't find any matches on the todo or active queues then look for a
* match on our queue of async IO requests that have completed and if found
* return AIO_ALLDONE result.
+ *
+ * Proc AIO lock is still held.
if ( result == -1 ) {
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &p->aio_doneq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( (aiocbp == USER_ADDR_NULL && fd == 0) ||
- (aiocbp != USER_ADDR_NULL && entryp->uaiocbp == aiocbp) ||
- (aiocbp == USER_ADDR_NULL && fd == entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes) ) {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(entryp, &p->p_aio_doneq, aio_proc_link) {
+ ASSERT_AIO_FROM_PROC(entryp, p);
+ if (should_cancel(entryp, aiocbp, fd)) {
result = AIO_ALLDONE;
- (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, fd, 0, 0 );
+ (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, fd, 0, 0 );
if ( aiocbp != USER_ADDR_NULL ) {
return( result );
return( result );
-} /* do_aio_cancel */
+ /* do_aio_cancel_locked */
* set appropriately - EAGAIN if timeout elapses or EINTR if an interrupt
* woke us up.
+aio_suspend(proc_t p, struct aio_suspend_args *uap, int *retval )
+ __pthread_testcancel(1);
+ return(aio_suspend_nocancel(p, (struct aio_suspend_nocancel_args *)uap, retval));
-aio_suspend( struct proc *p, struct aio_suspend_args *uap, int *retval )
+aio_suspend_nocancel(proc_t p, struct aio_suspend_nocancel_args *uap, int *retval )
int error;
int i, count;
abstime = 0;
aiocbpp = NULL;
- /* quick check to see if there are any async IO requests queued up */
- count = aio_get_all_queues_count( );
+ count = aio_get_all_queues_count( );
if ( count < 1 ) {
error = EINVAL;
goto ExitThisRoutine;
if ( uap->timeoutp != USER_ADDR_NULL ) {
if ( proc_is64bit(p) ) {
- error = copyin( uap->timeoutp, &ts, sizeof(ts) );
+ struct user64_timespec temp;
+ error = copyin( uap->timeoutp, &temp, sizeof(temp) );
+ if ( error == 0 ) {
+ ts.tv_sec = temp.tv_sec;
+ ts.tv_nsec = temp.tv_nsec;
+ }
else {
- struct timespec temp;
+ struct user32_timespec temp;
error = copyin( uap->timeoutp, &temp, sizeof(temp) );
if ( error == 0 ) {
ts.tv_sec = temp.tv_sec;
goto ExitThisRoutine;
- if ( ts.tv_nsec < 0 || ts.tv_nsec >= 1000000000 ) {
+ if ( ts.tv_sec < 0 || ts.tv_nsec < 0 || ts.tv_nsec >= 1000000000 ) {
error = EINVAL;
goto ExitThisRoutine;
clock_absolutetime_interval_to_deadline( abstime, &abstime );
- /* we reserve enough space for largest possible pointer size */
- MALLOC( aiocbpp, user_addr_t *, (uap->nent * sizeof(user_addr_t)), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK );
+ aiocbpp = aio_copy_in_list(p, uap->aiocblist, uap->nent);
if ( aiocbpp == NULL ) {
error = EAGAIN;
goto ExitThisRoutine;
- /* copyin our aiocb pointers from list */
- error = copyin( uap->aiocblist, aiocbpp,
- proc_is64bit(p) ? (uap->nent * sizeof(user_addr_t))
- : (uap->nent * sizeof(uintptr_t)) );
- if ( error != 0 ) {
- error = EAGAIN;
- goto ExitThisRoutine;
- }
- /* we depend on a list of user_addr_t's so we need to munge and expand */
- /* when these pointers came from a 32-bit process */
- if ( !proc_is64bit(p) && sizeof(uintptr_t) < sizeof(user_addr_t) ) {
- /* position to the last entry and work back from there */
- uintptr_t *my_ptrp = ((uintptr_t *)aiocbpp) + (uap->nent - 1);
- user_addr_t *my_addrp = aiocbpp + (uap->nent - 1);
- for (i = 0; i < uap->nent; i++, my_ptrp--, my_addrp--) {
- *my_addrp = (user_addr_t) (*my_ptrp);
- }
- }
/* check list of aio requests to see if any have completed */
+ aio_proc_lock_spin(p);
for ( i = 0; i < uap->nent; i++ ) {
user_addr_t aiocbp;
/* return immediately if any aio request in the list is done */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &p->aio_doneq, aio_workq_link ) {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &p->p_aio_doneq, aio_proc_link) {
+ ASSERT_AIO_FROM_PROC(entryp, p);
if ( entryp->uaiocbp == aiocbp ) {
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
*retval = 0;
error = 0;
goto ExitThisRoutine;
* interrupts us. If an async IO completes before a signal fires or our
* timeout expires, we get a wakeup call from aio_work_thread().
- assert_wait_deadline( (event_t) &p->AIO_SUSPEND_SLEEP_CHAN, THREAD_ABORTSAFE, abstime );
- error = thread_block( THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL );
- if ( error == THREAD_AWAKENED ) {
- /* got our wakeup call from aio_work_thread() */
- *retval = 0;
- error = 0;
+ error = msleep1(&p->AIO_SUSPEND_SLEEP_CHAN, aio_proc_mutex(p), PCATCH | PWAIT | PDROP, "aio_suspend", abstime); /* XXX better priority? */
+ if ( error == 0 ) {
+ /*
+ * got our wakeup call from aio_work_thread().
+ * Since we can get a wakeup on this channel from another thread in the
+ * same process we head back up to make sure this is for the correct aiocbp.
+ * If it is the correct aiocbp we will return from where we do the check
+ * (see entryp->uaiocbp == aiocbp after check_for_our_aiocbp label)
+ * else we will fall out and just sleep again.
+ */
+ goto check_for_our_aiocbp;
- else if ( error == THREAD_TIMED_OUT ) {
+ else if ( error == EWOULDBLOCK ) {
/* our timeout expired */
error = EAGAIN;
-aio_write( struct proc *p, struct aio_write_args *uap, int *retval )
+aio_write(proc_t p, struct aio_write_args *uap, int *retval )
int error;
} /* aio_write */
+static user_addr_t *
+aio_copy_in_list(proc_t procp, user_addr_t aiocblist, int nent)
+ user_addr_t *aiocbpp;
+ int i, result;
+ /* we reserve enough space for largest possible pointer size */
+ MALLOC( aiocbpp, user_addr_t *, (nent * sizeof(user_addr_t)), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK );
+ if ( aiocbpp == NULL )
+ goto err;
+ /* copyin our aiocb pointers from list */
+ result = copyin( aiocblist, aiocbpp,
+ proc_is64bit(procp) ? (nent * sizeof(user64_addr_t))
+ : (nent * sizeof(user32_addr_t)) );
+ if ( result) {
+ FREE( aiocbpp, M_TEMP );
+ aiocbpp = NULL;
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We depend on a list of user_addr_t's so we need to
+ * munge and expand when these pointers came from a
+ * 32-bit process
+ */
+ if ( !proc_is64bit(procp) ) {
+ /* copy from last to first to deal with overlap */
+ user32_addr_t *my_ptrp = ((user32_addr_t *)aiocbpp) + (nent - 1);
+ user_addr_t *my_addrp = aiocbpp + (nent - 1);
+ for (i = 0; i < nent; i++, my_ptrp--, my_addrp--) {
+ *my_addrp = (user_addr_t) (*my_ptrp);
+ }
+ }
+ return (aiocbpp);
+static int
+aio_copy_in_sigev(proc_t procp, user_addr_t sigp, struct user_sigevent *sigev)
+ int result = 0;
+ if (sigp == USER_ADDR_NULL)
+ goto out;
+ /*
+ * We need to munge aio_sigevent since it contains pointers.
+ * Since we do not know if sigev_value is an int or a ptr we do
+ * NOT cast the ptr to a user_addr_t. This means if we send
+ * this info back to user space we need to remember sigev_value
+ * was not expanded for the 32-bit case.
+ *
+ * Notes: This does NOT affect us since we don't support
+ * sigev_value yet in the aio context.
+ */
+ if ( proc_is64bit(procp) ) {
+ struct user64_sigevent sigevent64;
+ result = copyin( sigp, &sigevent64, sizeof(sigevent64) );
+ if ( result == 0 ) {
+ sigev->sigev_notify = sigevent64.sigev_notify;
+ sigev->sigev_signo = sigevent64.sigev_signo;
+ sigev->sigev_value.size_equivalent.sival_int = sigevent64.sigev_value.size_equivalent.sival_int;
+ sigev->sigev_notify_function = sigevent64.sigev_notify_function;
+ sigev->sigev_notify_attributes = sigevent64.sigev_notify_attributes;
+ }
+ } else {
+ struct user32_sigevent sigevent32;
+ result = copyin( sigp, &sigevent32, sizeof(sigevent32) );
+ if ( result == 0 ) {
+ sigev->sigev_notify = sigevent32.sigev_notify;
+ sigev->sigev_signo = sigevent32.sigev_signo;
+ sigev->sigev_value.size_equivalent.sival_int = sigevent32.sigev_value.sival_int;
+ sigev->sigev_notify_function = CAST_USER_ADDR_T(sigevent32.sigev_notify_function);
+ sigev->sigev_notify_attributes = CAST_USER_ADDR_T(sigevent32.sigev_notify_attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( result != 0 ) {
+ result = EAGAIN;
+ }
+ return (result);
- * lio_listio - initiate a list of IO requests. We process the list of aiocbs
- * either synchronously (mode == LIO_WAIT) or asynchronously (mode == LIO_NOWAIT).
- * The caller gets error and return status for each aiocb in the list via aio_error
- * and aio_return. We must keep completed requests until released by the
- * aio_return call.
+ * aio_enqueue_work
+ *
+ * Queue up the entry on the aio asynchronous work queue in priority order
+ * based on the relative priority of the request. We calculate the relative
+ * priority using the nice value of the caller and the value
+ *
+ * Parameters: procp Process queueing the I/O
+ * entryp The work queue entry being queued
+ *
+ * Returns: (void) No failure modes
+ *
+ * Notes: This function is used for both lio_listio and aio
+ *
+ * XXX: At some point, we may have to consider thread priority
+ * rather than process priority, but we don't maintain the
+ * adjusted priority for threads the POSIX way.
+ *
+ *
+ * Called with proc locked.
+static void
+aio_enqueue_work( proc_t procp, aio_workq_entry *entryp, int proc_locked)
+#if 0
+ aio_workq_entry *my_entryp; /* used for insertion sort */
+#endif /* 0 */
+ aio_workq_t queue = aio_entry_workq(entryp);
+ if (proc_locked == 0) {
+ aio_proc_lock(procp);
+ }
+ /* Onto proc queue */
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&procp->p_aio_activeq, entryp, aio_proc_link);
+ procp->p_aio_active_count++;
+ procp->p_aio_total_count++;
+ /* And work queue */
+ aio_workq_lock_spin(queue);
+ aio_workq_add_entry_locked(queue, entryp);
+ waitq_wakeup64_one(&queue->aioq_waitq, CAST_EVENT64_T(queue),
+ aio_workq_unlock(queue);
+ if (proc_locked == 0) {
+ aio_proc_unlock(procp);
+ }
+#if 0
+ /*
+ * Procedure:
+ *
+ * (1) The nice value is in the range PRIO_MIN..PRIO_MAX [-20..20]
+ * (2) The normalized nice value is in the range 0..((2 * NZERO) - 1)
+ * which is [0..39], with 0 not being used. In nice values, the
+ * lower the nice value, the higher the priority.
+ * (3) The normalized scheduling prioritiy is the highest nice value
+ * minus the current nice value. In I/O scheduling priority, the
+ * higher the value the lower the priority, so it is the inverse
+ * of the nice value (the higher the number, the higher the I/O
+ * priority).
+ * (4) From the normalized scheduling priority, we subtract the
+ * request priority to get the request priority value number;
+ * this means that requests are only capable of depressing their
+ * priority relative to other requests,
+ */
+ entryp->priority = (((2 * NZERO) - 1) - procp->p_nice);
+ /* only premit depressing the priority */
+ if (entryp->aiocb.aio_reqprio < 0)
+ entryp->aiocb.aio_reqprio = 0;
+ if (entryp->aiocb.aio_reqprio > 0) {
+ entryp->priority -= entryp->aiocb.aio_reqprio;
+ if (entryp->priority < 0)
+ entryp->priority = 0;
+ }
+ /* Insertion sort the entry; lowest ->priority to highest */
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(my_entryp, &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq, aio_workq_link) {
+ if ( entryp->priority <= my_entryp->priority) {
+ TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(my_entryp, entryp, aio_workq_link);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (my_entryp == NULL)
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL( &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
+#endif /* 0 */
+ * lio_listio - initiate a list of IO requests. We process the list of
+ * aiocbs either synchronously (mode == LIO_WAIT) or asynchronously
+ * (mode == LIO_NOWAIT).
+ *
+ * The caller gets error and return status for each aiocb in the list
+ * via aio_error and aio_return. We must keep completed requests until
+ * released by the aio_return call.
+ */
-lio_listio( struct proc *p, struct lio_listio_args *uap, int *retval )
+lio_listio(proc_t p, struct lio_listio_args *uap, int *retval )
- int i;
- int call_result;
- int result;
- long group_tag;
- aio_workq_entry * *entryp_listp;
- user_addr_t *aiocbpp;
+ int i;
+ int call_result;
+ int result;
+ int old_count;
+ aio_workq_entry **entryp_listp;
+ user_addr_t *aiocbpp;
+ struct user_sigevent aiosigev;
+ aio_lio_context *lio_context;
+ boolean_t free_context = FALSE;
+ uint32_t *paio_offset;
+ uint32_t *paio_nbytes;
(int)p, uap->nent, uap->mode, 0, 0 );
entryp_listp = NULL;
+ lio_context = NULL;
aiocbpp = NULL;
call_result = -1;
*retval = -1;
call_result = EINVAL;
goto ExitRoutine;
- /*
- * we use group_tag to mark IO requests for delayed completion processing
- * which means we wait until all IO requests in the group have completed
- * before we either return to the caller when mode is LIO_WAIT or signal
- * user when mode is LIO_NOWAIT.
- */
- group_tag = random();
- * allocate a list of aio_workq_entry pointers that we will use to queue
- * up all our requests at once while holding our lock.
+ * allocate a list of aio_workq_entry pointers that we will use
+ * to queue up all our requests at once while holding our lock.
MALLOC( entryp_listp, void *, (uap->nent * sizeof(aio_workq_entry *)), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK );
if ( entryp_listp == NULL ) {
call_result = EAGAIN;
goto ExitRoutine;
- /* we reserve enough space for largest possible pointer size */
- MALLOC( aiocbpp, user_addr_t *, (uap->nent * sizeof(user_addr_t)), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK );
- if ( aiocbpp == NULL ) {
+ MALLOC( lio_context, aio_lio_context*, sizeof(aio_lio_context), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK );
+ if ( lio_context == NULL ) {
call_result = EAGAIN;
goto ExitRoutine;
- /* copyin our aiocb pointers from list */
- result = copyin( uap->aiocblist, aiocbpp,
- IS_64BIT_PROCESS(p) ? (uap->nent * sizeof(user_addr_t))
- : (uap->nent * sizeof(uintptr_t)) );
- if ( result != 0 ) {
+#if DEBUG
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&lio_contexts_alloced);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ bzero(lio_context, sizeof(aio_lio_context));
+ aiocbpp = aio_copy_in_list(p, uap->aiocblist, uap->nent);
+ if ( aiocbpp == NULL ) {
call_result = EAGAIN;
goto ExitRoutine;
- /* we depend on a list of user_addr_t's so we need to munge and expand */
- /* when these pointers came from a 32-bit process */
- if ( !IS_64BIT_PROCESS(p) && sizeof(uintptr_t) < sizeof(user_addr_t) ) {
- /* position to the last entry and work back from there */
- uintptr_t *my_ptrp = ((uintptr_t *)aiocbpp) + (uap->nent - 1);
- user_addr_t *my_addrp = aiocbpp + (uap->nent - 1);
- for (i = 0; i < uap->nent; i++, my_ptrp--, my_addrp--) {
- *my_addrp = (user_addr_t) (*my_ptrp);
- }
+ /*
+ * Use sigevent passed in to lio_listio for each of our calls, but
+ * only do completion notification after the last request completes.
+ */
+ bzero(&aiosigev, sizeof(aiosigev));
+ /* Only copy in an sigev if the user supplied one */
+ if (uap->sigp != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ call_result = aio_copy_in_sigev(p, uap->sigp, &aiosigev);
+ if ( call_result)
+ goto ExitRoutine;
/* process list of aio requests */
+ lio_context->io_issued = uap->nent;
+ lio_context->io_waiter = uap->mode == LIO_WAIT ? 1 : 0; /* Should it be freed by last AIO */
for ( i = 0; i < uap->nent; i++ ) {
user_addr_t my_aiocbp;
+ aio_workq_entry *entryp;
*(entryp_listp + i) = NULL;
my_aiocbp = *(aiocbpp + i);
/* NULL elements are legal so check for 'em */
- if ( my_aiocbp == USER_ADDR_NULL )
+ if ( my_aiocbp == USER_ADDR_NULL ) {
+ aio_proc_lock_spin(p);
+ lio_context->io_issued--;
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
+ }
- if ( uap->mode == LIO_NOWAIT )
- result = lio_create_async_entry( p, my_aiocbp, uap->sigp,
- group_tag, (entryp_listp + i) );
- else
- result = lio_create_sync_entry( p, my_aiocbp, group_tag,
- (entryp_listp + i) );
+ /*
+ * We use lio_context to mark IO requests for delayed completion
+ * processing which means we wait until all IO requests in the
+ * group have completed before we either return to the caller
+ * when mode is LIO_WAIT or signal user when mode is LIO_NOWAIT.
+ *
+ * We use the address of the lio_context for this, since it is
+ * unique in the address space.
+ */
+ result = lio_create_entry( p, my_aiocbp, lio_context, (entryp_listp + i) );
if ( result != 0 && call_result == -1 )
call_result = result;
- }
- /*
- * we need to protect this section since we do not want any of these grouped
- * IO requests to begin until we have them all on the queue.
- */
- for ( i = 0; i < uap->nent; i++ ) {
- aio_workq_entry *entryp;
/* NULL elements are legal so check for 'em */
entryp = *(entryp_listp + i);
- if ( entryp == NULL )
+ if ( entryp == NULL ) {
+ aio_proc_lock_spin(p);
+ lio_context->io_issued--;
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
+ }
+ if ( uap->mode == LIO_NOWAIT ) {
+ /* Set signal hander, if any */
+ entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent = aiosigev;
+ } else {
+ /* flag that this thread blocks pending completion */
+ entryp->flags |= AIO_LIO_NOTIFY;
+ }
/* check our aio limits to throttle bad or rude user land behavior */
- if ( aio_get_all_queues_count( ) >= aio_max_requests ||
+ old_count = aio_increment_total_count();
+ aio_proc_lock_spin(p);
+ if ( old_count >= aio_max_requests ||
aio_get_process_count( entryp->procp ) >= aio_max_requests_per_process ||
is_already_queued( entryp->procp, entryp->uaiocbp ) == TRUE ) {
- vm_map_t my_map;
- my_map = entryp->aio_map;
- entryp->aio_map = VM_MAP_NULL;
+ lio_context->io_issued--;
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
+ aio_decrement_total_count();
if ( call_result == -1 )
- call_result = EAGAIN;
- aio_free_request( entryp, my_map );
+ call_result = EAGAIN;
+ aio_free_request(entryp);
+ entryp_listp[i] = NULL;
- /* place the request on the appropriate queue */
- if ( uap->mode == LIO_NOWAIT ) {
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL( &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.aio_async_workq_count++;
- (int)p, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, 0, 0, 0 );
- }
- else {
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL( &aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq_count++;
+ lck_mtx_convert_spin(aio_proc_mutex(p));
+ aio_enqueue_work(p, entryp, 1);
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
+ (int)p, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, entryp->flags, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes, 0 );
+ paio_offset = (uint32_t*) &entryp->aiocb.aio_offset;
+ paio_nbytes = (uint32_t*) &entryp->aiocb.aio_nbytes;
+ paio_offset[0], (sizeof(entryp->aiocb.aio_offset) == sizeof(uint64_t) ? paio_offset[1] : 0),
+ paio_nbytes[0], (sizeof(entryp->aiocb.aio_nbytes) == sizeof(uint64_t) ? paio_nbytes[1] : 0),
+ 0 );
+ }
+ switch(uap->mode) {
+ case LIO_WAIT:
+ aio_proc_lock_spin(p);
+ while (lio_context->io_completed < lio_context->io_issued) {
+ result = msleep(lio_context, aio_proc_mutex(p), PCATCH | PRIBIO | PSPIN, "lio_listio", 0);
+ /* If we were interrupted, fail out (even if all finished) */
+ if (result != 0) {
+ call_result = EINTR;
+ lio_context->io_waiter = 0;
+ break;
+ }
- }
- if ( uap->mode == LIO_NOWAIT ) {
- /* caller does not want to wait so we'll fire off a worker thread and return */
- wakeup_one( (caddr_t) &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq );
- }
- else {
- aio_workq_entry *entryp;
- int error;
- /*
- * mode is LIO_WAIT - handle the IO requests now.
- */
- entryp = TAILQ_FIRST( &aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq );
- while ( entryp != NULL ) {
- if ( p == entryp->procp && group_tag == entryp->group_tag ) {
- TAILQ_REMOVE( &aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq_count--;
- if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_READ) != 0 ) {
- error = do_aio_read( entryp );
- }
- else if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_WRITE) != 0 ) {
- error = do_aio_write( entryp );
- }
- else if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_FSYNC) != 0 ) {
- error = do_aio_fsync( entryp );
- }
- else {
- printf( "%s - unknown aio request - flags 0x%02X \n",
- __FUNCTION__, entryp->flags );
- error = EINVAL;
- }
- entryp->errorval = error;
- if ( error != 0 && call_result == -1 )
- call_result = EIO;
- /* we're done with the IO request so move it on the done queue */
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL( &p->aio_doneq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.aio_done_count++;
- p->aio_done_count++;
- /* need to start over since lio_sync_workq may have been changed while we */
- /* were away doing the IO. */
- entryp = TAILQ_FIRST( &aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq );
- continue;
- } /* p == entryp->procp */
- entryp = TAILQ_NEXT( entryp, aio_workq_link );
- } /* while ( entryp != NULL ) */
- } /* uap->mode == LIO_WAIT */
+ /* If all IOs have finished must free it */
+ if (lio_context->io_completed == lio_context->io_issued) {
+ free_context = TRUE;
+ }
+ aio_proc_unlock(p);
+ break;
+ case LIO_NOWAIT:
+ break;
+ }
/* call_result == -1 means we had no trouble queueing up requests */
if ( call_result == -1 ) {
call_result = 0;
FREE( entryp_listp, M_TEMP );
if ( aiocbpp != NULL )
FREE( aiocbpp, M_TEMP );
+ if ((lio_context != NULL) && ((lio_context->io_issued == 0) || (free_context == TRUE))) {
+ free_lio_context(lio_context);
+ }
(int)p, call_result, 0, 0, 0 );
* we get a wake up call on sleep channel &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq
* after new work is queued up.
static void
-aio_work_thread( void )
aio_workq_entry *entryp;
+ int error;
+ vm_map_t currentmap;
+ vm_map_t oldmap = VM_MAP_NULL;
+ task_t oldaiotask = TASK_NULL;
+ struct uthread *uthreadp = NULL;
for( ;; ) {
- entryp = aio_get_some_work();
- if ( entryp == NULL ) {
- /*
- * aio worker threads wait for some work to get queued up
- * by aio_queue_async_request. Once some work gets queued
- * it will wake up one of these worker threads just before
- * returning to our caller in user land.
- */
- assert_wait( (event_t) &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq, THREAD_UNINT );
- thread_block( (thread_continue_t)aio_work_thread );
- }
+ /*
+ * returns with the entry ref'ed.
+ * sleeps until work is available.
+ */
+ entryp = aio_get_some_work();
+ (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, entryp->flags, 0, 0 );
+ /*
+ * Assume the target's address space identity for the duration
+ * of the IO. Note: don't need to have the entryp locked,
+ * because the proc and map don't change until it's freed.
+ */
+ currentmap = get_task_map( (current_proc())->task );
+ if ( currentmap != entryp->aio_map ) {
+ uthreadp = (struct uthread *) get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
+ oldaiotask = uthreadp->uu_aio_task;
+ uthreadp->uu_aio_task = entryp->procp->task;
+ oldmap = vm_map_switch( entryp->aio_map );
+ }
+ if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_READ) != 0 ) {
+ error = do_aio_read( entryp );
+ }
+ else if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_WRITE) != 0 ) {
+ error = do_aio_write( entryp );
+ }
+ else if ( (entryp->flags & (AIO_FSYNC | AIO_DSYNC)) != 0 ) {
+ error = do_aio_fsync( entryp );
+ }
else {
- int error;
- vm_map_t currentmap;
- vm_map_t oldmap = VM_MAP_NULL;
- task_t oldaiotask = TASK_NULL;
- struct uthread *uthreadp = NULL;
+ printf( "%s - unknown aio request - flags 0x%02X \n",
+ __FUNCTION__, entryp->flags );
+ error = EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* Restore old map */
+ if ( currentmap != entryp->aio_map ) {
+ (void) vm_map_switch( oldmap );
+ uthreadp->uu_aio_task = oldaiotask;
+ }
- (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, entryp->flags, 0, 0 );
- /*
- * Assume the target's address space identity for the duration
- * of the IO.
- */
- currentmap = get_task_map( (current_proc())->task );
- if ( currentmap != entryp->aio_map ) {
- uthreadp = (struct uthread *) get_bsdthread_info(current_thread());
- oldaiotask = uthreadp->uu_aio_task;
- uthreadp->uu_aio_task = entryp->procp->task;
- oldmap = vm_map_switch( entryp->aio_map );
- }
- if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_READ) != 0 ) {
- error = do_aio_read( entryp );
- }
- else if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_WRITE) != 0 ) {
- error = do_aio_write( entryp );
- }
- else if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_FSYNC) != 0 ) {
- error = do_aio_fsync( entryp );
- }
- else {
- printf( "%s - unknown aio request - flags 0x%02X \n",
- __FUNCTION__, entryp->flags );
- error = EINVAL;
- }
- entryp->errorval = error;
- if ( currentmap != entryp->aio_map ) {
- (void) vm_map_switch( oldmap );
- uthreadp->uu_aio_task = oldaiotask;
- }
- /* we're done with the IO request so pop it off the active queue and */
- /* push it on the done queue */
- TAILQ_REMOVE( &entryp->procp->aio_activeq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.aio_active_count--;
- entryp->procp->aio_active_count--;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL( &entryp->procp->aio_doneq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.aio_done_count++;
- entryp->procp->aio_done_count++;
- entryp->flags |= AIO_COMPLETION;
- /* remove our reference to the user land map. */
- if ( VM_MAP_NULL != entryp->aio_map ) {
- vm_map_t my_map;
- my_map = entryp->aio_map;
- entryp->aio_map = VM_MAP_NULL;
- AIO_UNLOCK; /* must unlock before calling vm_map_deallocate() */
- vm_map_deallocate( my_map );
- }
- else {
- }
- do_aio_completion( entryp );
- (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, entryp->errorval,
- entryp->returnval, 0 );
- entryp->flags &= ~AIO_COMPLETION;
- if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_DO_FREE) != 0 ) {
- vm_map_t my_map;
- my_map = entryp->aio_map;
- entryp->aio_map = VM_MAP_NULL;
- aio_free_request( entryp, my_map );
- }
- else
+ (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, entryp->errorval,
+ entryp->returnval, 0 );
+ /* XXX COUNTS */
+ aio_entry_lock_spin(entryp);
+ entryp->errorval = error;
+ aio_entry_unlock(entryp);
+ /* we're done with the IO request so pop it off the active queue and */
+ /* push it on the done queue */
+ aio_proc_lock(entryp->procp);
+ aio_proc_move_done_locked(entryp->procp, entryp);
+ aio_proc_unlock(entryp->procp);
+ OSDecrementAtomic(&aio_anchor.aio_inflight_count);
+ /* remove our reference to the user land map. */
+ if ( VM_MAP_NULL != entryp->aio_map ) {
+ vm_map_t my_map;
+ my_map = entryp->aio_map;
+ entryp->aio_map = VM_MAP_NULL;
+ vm_map_deallocate( my_map );
+ /* Provide notifications */
+ do_aio_completion( entryp );
+ /* Will free if needed */
+ aio_entry_unref(entryp);
} /* for ( ;; ) */
* IO requests at the time the aio_fsync call came in have completed.
* NOTE - AIO_LOCK must be held by caller
static aio_workq_entry *
aio_get_some_work( void )
- aio_workq_entry *entryp;
- /* pop some work off the work queue and add to our active queue */
- for ( entryp = TAILQ_FIRST( &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq );
- entryp != NULL;
- entryp = TAILQ_NEXT( entryp, aio_workq_link ) ) {
+ aio_workq_entry *entryp = NULL;
+ aio_workq_t queue = NULL;
+ /* Just one queue for the moment. In the future there will be many. */
+ queue = &aio_anchor.aio_async_workqs[0];
+ aio_workq_lock_spin(queue);
+ if (queue->aioq_count == 0) {
+ goto nowork;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Hold the queue lock.
+ *
+ * pop some work off the work queue and add to our active queue
+ * Always start with the queue lock held.
+ */
+ for(;;) {
+ /*
+ * Pull of of work queue. Once it's off, it can't be cancelled,
+ * so we can take our ref once we drop the queue lock.
+ */
+ entryp = TAILQ_FIRST(&queue->aioq_entries);
+ /*
+ * If there's no work or only fsyncs that need delay, go to sleep
+ * and then start anew from aio_work_thread
+ */
+ if (entryp == NULL) {
+ goto nowork;
+ }
+ aio_workq_remove_entry_locked(queue, entryp);
+ aio_workq_unlock(queue);
+ /*
+ * Check if it's an fsync that must be delayed. No need to lock the entry;
+ * that flag would have been set at initialization.
+ */
if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_FSYNC) != 0 ) {
- /* leave aio_fsync calls on the work queue if there are IO */
- /* requests on the active queue for the same file descriptor. */
+ /*
+ * Check for unfinished operations on the same file
+ * in this proc's queue.
+ */
+ aio_proc_lock_spin(entryp->procp);
if ( aio_delay_fsync_request( entryp ) ) {
+ /* It needs to be delayed. Put it back on the end of the work queue */
(int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, 0, 0, 0 );
+ aio_proc_unlock(entryp->procp);
+ aio_workq_lock_spin(queue);
+ aio_workq_add_entry_locked(queue, entryp);
- }
+ }
+ aio_proc_unlock(entryp->procp);
- if ( entryp != NULL ) {
- TAILQ_REMOVE( &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.aio_async_workq_count--;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL( &entryp->procp->aio_activeq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.aio_active_count++;
- entryp->procp->aio_active_count++;
- }
+ aio_entry_ref(entryp);
+ OSIncrementAtomic(&aio_anchor.aio_inflight_count);
return( entryp );
-} /* aio_get_some_work */
+ /* We will wake up when someone enqueues something */
+ waitq_assert_wait64(&queue->aioq_waitq, CAST_EVENT64_T(queue), THREAD_UNINT, 0);
+ aio_workq_unlock(queue);
+ thread_block( (thread_continue_t)aio_work_thread );
+ // notreached
+ return NULL;
- * aio_delay_fsync_request - look to see if this aio_fsync request should be delayed at
- * this time. Delay will happen when there are any active IOs for the same file
- * descriptor that were queued at time the aio_sync call was queued.
- * NOTE - AIO_LOCK must be held by caller
+ * aio_delay_fsync_request - look to see if this aio_fsync request should be delayed.
+ * A big, simple hammer: only send it off if it's the most recently filed IO which has
+ * not been completed.
static boolean_t
aio_delay_fsync_request( aio_workq_entry *entryp )
- aio_workq_entry *my_entryp;
- TAILQ_FOREACH( my_entryp, &entryp->procp->aio_activeq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( my_entryp->fsyncp != USER_ADDR_NULL &&
- entryp->uaiocbp == my_entryp->fsyncp &&
- entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes == my_entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes ) {
- return( TRUE );
- }
+ if (entryp == TAILQ_FIRST(&entryp->procp->p_aio_activeq)) {
+ return FALSE;
- return( FALSE );
+ return TRUE;
} /* aio_delay_fsync_request */
- * aio_queue_async_request - queue up an async IO request on our work queue then
- * wake up one of our worker threads to do the actual work. We get a reference
- * to our caller's user land map in order to keep it around while we are
- * processing the request.
- */
-static int
-aio_queue_async_request( struct proc *procp, user_addr_t aiocbp, int kindOfIO )
+static aio_workq_entry *
+aio_create_queue_entry(proc_t procp, user_addr_t aiocbp, void *group_tag, int kindOfIO)
- aio_workq_entry *entryp;
- int result;
+ aio_workq_entry *entryp;
+ int result = 0;
entryp = (aio_workq_entry *) zalloc( aio_workq_zonep );
if ( entryp == NULL ) {
result = EAGAIN;
goto error_exit;
bzero( entryp, sizeof(*entryp) );
/* fill in the rest of the aio_workq_entry */
entryp->procp = procp;
entryp->uaiocbp = aiocbp;
entryp->flags |= kindOfIO;
+ entryp->group_tag = group_tag;
entryp->aio_map = VM_MAP_NULL;
+ entryp->aio_refcount = 0;
- if ( !IS_64BIT_PROCESS(procp) ) {
- struct aiocb aiocb32;
+ if ( proc_is64bit(procp) ) {
+ struct user64_aiocb aiocb64;
+ result = copyin( aiocbp, &aiocb64, sizeof(aiocb64) );
+ if (result == 0 )
+ do_munge_aiocb_user64_to_user(&aiocb64, &entryp->aiocb);
+ } else {
+ struct user32_aiocb aiocb32;
result = copyin( aiocbp, &aiocb32, sizeof(aiocb32) );
if ( result == 0 )
- do_munge_aiocb( &aiocb32, &entryp->aiocb );
- } else
- result = copyin( aiocbp, &entryp->aiocb, sizeof(entryp->aiocb) );
+ do_munge_aiocb_user32_to_user( &aiocb32, &entryp->aiocb );
+ }
if ( result != 0 ) {
result = EAGAIN;
goto error_exit;
- /* do some more validation on the aiocb and embedded file descriptor */
- result = aio_validate( entryp );
- if ( result != 0 )
- goto error_exit;
/* get a reference to the user land map in order to keep it around */
entryp->aio_map = get_task_map( procp->task );
vm_map_reference( entryp->aio_map );
+ /* do some more validation on the aiocb and embedded file descriptor */
+ result = aio_validate( entryp );
+ if ( result != 0 )
+ goto error_exit_with_ref;
- if ( is_already_queued( entryp->procp, entryp->uaiocbp ) == TRUE ) {
- result = EAGAIN;
- goto error_exit;
- }
+ /* get a reference on the current_thread, which is passed in vfs_context. */
+ entryp->thread = current_thread();
+ thread_reference( entryp->thread );
+ return ( entryp );
- /* check our aio limits to throttle bad or rude user land behavior */
- if ( aio_get_all_queues_count( ) >= aio_max_requests ||
- aio_get_process_count( procp ) >= aio_max_requests_per_process ) {
- result = EAGAIN;
- goto error_exit;
+ if ( VM_MAP_NULL != entryp->aio_map ) {
+ vm_map_deallocate( entryp->aio_map );
- /*
- * aio_fsync calls sync up all async IO requests queued at the time
- * the aio_fsync call was made. So we mark each currently queued async
- * IO with a matching file descriptor as must complete before we do the
- * fsync. We set the fsyncp field of each matching async IO
- * request with the aiocb pointer passed in on the aio_fsync call to
- * know which IOs must complete before we process the aio_fsync call.
- */
- if ( (kindOfIO & AIO_FSYNC) != 0 )
- aio_mark_requests( entryp );
- /* queue up on our aio asynchronous work queue */
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL( &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq, entryp, aio_workq_link );
- aio_anchor.aio_async_workq_count++;
- wakeup_one( (caddr_t) &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq );
- (int)procp, (int)aiocbp, 0, 0, 0 );
- return( 0 );
- if ( entryp != NULL ) {
- /* this entry has not been queued up so no worries about unlocked */
- /* state and aio_map */
- aio_free_request( entryp, entryp->aio_map );
+ if ( result && entryp != NULL ) {
+ zfree( aio_workq_zonep, entryp );
+ entryp = NULL;
- return( result );
-} /* aio_queue_async_request */
+ return ( entryp );
- * lio_create_async_entry - allocate an aio_workq_entry and fill it in.
- * If all goes well return 0 and pass the aio_workq_entry pointer back to
- * our caller. We get a reference to our caller's user land map in order to keep
- * it around while we are processing the request.
- * lio_listio calls behave differently at completion they do completion notification
- * when all async IO requests have completed. We use group_tag to tag IO requests
- * that behave in the delay notification manner.
+ * aio_queue_async_request - queue up an async IO request on our work queue then
+ * wake up one of our worker threads to do the actual work. We get a reference
+ * to our caller's user land map in order to keep it around while we are
+ * processing the request.
static int
-lio_create_async_entry( struct proc *procp, user_addr_t aiocbp,
- user_addr_t sigp, long group_tag,
- aio_workq_entry **entrypp )
+aio_queue_async_request(proc_t procp, user_addr_t aiocbp, int kindOfIO )
- aio_workq_entry *entryp;
- int result;
- entryp = (aio_workq_entry *) zalloc( aio_workq_zonep );
- if ( entryp == NULL ) {
- result = EAGAIN;
- goto error_exit;
+ aio_workq_entry *entryp;
+ int result;
+ int old_count;
+ uint32_t *paio_offset;
+ uint32_t *paio_nbytes;
+ old_count = aio_increment_total_count();
+ if (old_count >= aio_max_requests) {
+ result = EAGAIN;
+ goto error_noalloc;
- bzero( entryp, sizeof(*entryp) );
- /* fill in the rest of the aio_workq_entry */
- entryp->procp = procp;
- entryp->uaiocbp = aiocbp;
- entryp->flags |= AIO_LIO;
- entryp->group_tag = group_tag;
- entryp->aio_map = VM_MAP_NULL;
- if ( !IS_64BIT_PROCESS(procp) ) {
- struct aiocb aiocb32;
- result = copyin( aiocbp, &aiocb32, sizeof(aiocb32) );
- if ( result == 0 )
- do_munge_aiocb( &aiocb32, &entryp->aiocb );
- } else
- result = copyin( aiocbp, &entryp->aiocb, sizeof(entryp->aiocb) );
- if ( result != 0 ) {
+ entryp = aio_create_queue_entry( procp, aiocbp, 0, kindOfIO);
+ if ( entryp == NULL ) {
result = EAGAIN;
- goto error_exit;
+ goto error_noalloc;
- /* look for lio_listio LIO_NOP requests and ignore them. */
- /* Not really an error, but we need to free our aio_workq_entry. */
- if ( entryp->aiocb.aio_lio_opcode == LIO_NOP ) {
- result = 0;
- goto error_exit;
- }
- /* use sigevent passed in to lio_listio for each of our calls, but only */
- /* do completion notification after the last request completes. */
- if ( sigp != USER_ADDR_NULL ) {
- if ( !IS_64BIT_PROCESS(procp) ) {
- struct sigevent sigevent32;
- result = copyin( sigp, &sigevent32, sizeof(sigevent32) );
- if ( result == 0 ) {
- /* also need to munge aio_sigevent since it contains pointers */
- /* special case here. since we do not know if sigev_value is an */
- /* int or a ptr we do NOT cast the ptr to a user_addr_t. This */
- /* means if we send this info back to user space we need to remember */
- /* sigev_value was not expanded for the 32-bit case. */
- /* NOTE - this does NOT affect us since we don't support sigev_value */
- /* yet in the aio context. */
- //LP64
- entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = sigevent32.sigev_notify;
- entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_signo = sigevent32.sigev_signo;
- entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_value.size_equivalent.sival_int =
- sigevent32.sigev_value.sival_int;
- entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify_function =
- CAST_USER_ADDR_T(sigevent32.sigev_notify_function);
- entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify_attributes =
- CAST_USER_ADDR_T(sigevent32.sigev_notify_attributes);
- }
- } else
- result = copyin( sigp, &entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent, sizeof(entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent) );
+ aio_proc_lock_spin(procp);
- if ( result != 0 ) {
- result = EAGAIN;
- goto error_exit;
- }
+ if ( is_already_queued( entryp->procp, entryp->uaiocbp ) == TRUE ) {
+ result = EAGAIN;
+ goto error_exit;
- /* do some more validation on the aiocb and embedded file descriptor */
- result = aio_validate( entryp );
- if ( result != 0 )
+ /* check our aio limits to throttle bad or rude user land behavior */
+ if (aio_get_process_count( procp ) >= aio_max_requests_per_process) {
+ printf("aio_queue_async_request(): too many in flight for proc: %d.\n", procp->p_aio_total_count);
+ result = EAGAIN;
goto error_exit;
- /* get a reference to the user land map in order to keep it around */
- entryp->aio_map = get_task_map( procp->task );
- vm_map_reference( entryp->aio_map );
+ }
- *entrypp = entryp;
+ /* Add the IO to proc and work queues, wake up threads as appropriate */
+ lck_mtx_convert_spin(aio_proc_mutex(procp));
+ aio_enqueue_work(procp, entryp, 1);
+ aio_proc_unlock(procp);
+ paio_offset = (uint32_t*) &entryp->aiocb.aio_offset;
+ paio_nbytes = (uint32_t*) &entryp->aiocb.aio_nbytes;
+ (int)procp, (int)aiocbp, entryp->flags, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes, 0 );
+ paio_offset[0], (sizeof(entryp->aiocb.aio_offset) == sizeof(uint64_t) ? paio_offset[1] : 0),
+ paio_nbytes[0], (sizeof(entryp->aiocb.aio_nbytes) == sizeof(uint64_t) ? paio_nbytes[1] : 0),
+ 0 );
return( 0 );
- if ( entryp != NULL )
- zfree( aio_workq_zonep, entryp );
- return( result );
-} /* lio_create_async_entry */
- * aio_mark_requests - aio_fsync calls synchronize file data for all queued async IO
- * requests at the moment the aio_fsync call is queued. We use aio_workq_entry.fsyncp
- * to mark each async IO that must complete before the fsync is done. We use the uaiocbp
- * field from the aio_fsync call as the aio_workq_entry.fsyncp in marked requests.
- * NOTE - AIO_LOCK must be held by caller
- */
+ /*
+ * This entry has not been queued up so no worries about
+ * unlocked state and aio_map
+ */
+ aio_proc_unlock(procp);
+ aio_free_request(entryp);
-static void
-aio_mark_requests( aio_workq_entry *entryp )
- aio_workq_entry *my_entryp;
+ aio_decrement_total_count();
- TAILQ_FOREACH( my_entryp, &entryp->procp->aio_activeq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes == my_entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes ) {
- my_entryp->fsyncp = entryp->uaiocbp;
- }
- }
+ return( result );
- TAILQ_FOREACH( my_entryp, &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( entryp->procp == my_entryp->procp &&
- entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes == my_entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes ) {
- my_entryp->fsyncp = entryp->uaiocbp;
- }
- }
-} /* aio_mark_requests */
+} /* aio_queue_async_request */
- * lio_create_sync_entry - allocate an aio_workq_entry and fill it in.
- * If all goes well return 0 and pass the aio_workq_entry pointer back to
- * our caller.
- * lio_listio calls behave differently at completion they do completion notification
- * when all async IO requests have completed. We use group_tag to tag IO requests
- * that behave in the delay notification manner.
+ * lio_create_entry
+ *
+ * Allocate an aio_workq_entry and fill it in. If all goes well return 0
+ * and pass the aio_workq_entry pointer back to our caller.
+ *
+ * Parameters: procp The process makign the request
+ * aiocbp The aio context buffer pointer
+ * group_tag The group tag used to indicate a
+ * group of operations has completed
+ * entrypp Pointer to the pointer to receive the
+ * address of the created aio_workq_entry
+ *
+ * Returns: 0 Successfully created
+ * EAGAIN Try again (usually resource shortage)
+ *
+ *
+ * Notes: We get a reference to our caller's user land map in order
+ * to keep it around while we are processing the request.
+ *
+ * lio_listio calls behave differently at completion they do
+ * completion notification when all async IO requests have
+ * completed. We use group_tag to tag IO requests that behave
+ * in the delay notification manner.
+ *
+ * All synchronous operations are considered to not have a
+ * signal routine associated with them (sigp == USER_ADDR_NULL).
static int
-lio_create_sync_entry( struct proc *procp, user_addr_t aiocbp,
- long group_tag, aio_workq_entry **entrypp )
+lio_create_entry(proc_t procp, user_addr_t aiocbp, void *group_tag,
+ aio_workq_entry **entrypp )
- aio_workq_entry *entryp;
- int result;
+ aio_workq_entry *entryp;
+ int result;
- entryp = (aio_workq_entry *) zalloc( aio_workq_zonep );
+ entryp = aio_create_queue_entry( procp, aiocbp, group_tag, AIO_LIO);
if ( entryp == NULL ) {
result = EAGAIN;
goto error_exit;
- bzero( entryp, sizeof(*entryp) );
- /* fill in the rest of the aio_workq_entry */
- entryp->procp = procp;
- entryp->uaiocbp = aiocbp;
- entryp->flags |= AIO_LIO;
- entryp->group_tag = group_tag;
- entryp->aio_map = VM_MAP_NULL;
- if ( !IS_64BIT_PROCESS(procp) ) {
- struct aiocb aiocb32;
- result = copyin( aiocbp, &aiocb32, sizeof(aiocb32) );
- if ( result == 0 )
- do_munge_aiocb( &aiocb32, &entryp->aiocb );
- } else
- result = copyin( aiocbp, &entryp->aiocb, sizeof(entryp->aiocb) );
- if ( result != 0 ) {
- result = EAGAIN;
- goto error_exit;
- }
- /* look for lio_listio LIO_NOP requests and ignore them. */
- /* Not really an error, but we need to free our aio_workq_entry. */
+ /*
+ * Look for lio_listio LIO_NOP requests and ignore them; this is
+ * not really an error, but we need to free our aio_workq_entry.
+ */
if ( entryp->aiocb.aio_lio_opcode == LIO_NOP ) {
result = 0;
goto error_exit;
- result = aio_validate( entryp );
- if ( result != 0 ) {
- goto error_exit;
- }
*entrypp = entryp;
return( 0 );
- if ( entryp != NULL )
- zfree( aio_workq_zonep, entryp );
+ if ( entryp != NULL ) {
+ /*
+ * This entry has not been queued up so no worries about
+ * unlocked state and aio_map
+ */
+ aio_free_request(entryp);
+ }
return( result );
-} /* lio_create_sync_entry */
+} /* lio_create_entry */
* aio_free_request - remove our reference on the user land map and
- * free the work queue entry resources.
- * We are not holding the lock here thus aio_map is passed in and
- * zeroed while we did have the lock.
+ * free the work queue entry resources. The entry is off all lists
+ * and has zero refcount, so no one can have a pointer to it.
static int
-aio_free_request( aio_workq_entry *entryp, vm_map_t the_map )
+aio_free_request(aio_workq_entry *entryp)
/* remove our reference to the user land map. */
- if ( VM_MAP_NULL != the_map ) {
- vm_map_deallocate( the_map );
+ if ( VM_MAP_NULL != entryp->aio_map) {
+ vm_map_deallocate(entryp->aio_map);
+ /* remove our reference to thread which enqueued the request */
+ if ( NULL != entryp->thread ) {
+ thread_deallocate( entryp->thread );
+ }
+ entryp->aio_refcount = -1; /* A bit of poisoning in case of bad refcounting. */
zfree( aio_workq_zonep, entryp );
return( 0 );
} /* aio_free_request */
-/* aio_validate - validate the aiocb passed in by one of the aio syscalls.
+ * aio_validate
+ *
+ * validate the aiocb passed in by one of the aio syscalls.
static int
aio_validate( aio_workq_entry *entryp )
flag = FREAD;
- if ( (entryp->flags & (AIO_WRITE | AIO_FSYNC)) != 0 ) {
+ if ( (entryp->flags & (AIO_WRITE | AIO_FSYNC | AIO_DSYNC)) != 0 ) {
flag = FWRITE;
if ( (entryp->flags & (AIO_READ | AIO_WRITE)) != 0 ) {
- // LP64todo - does max value for aio_nbytes need to grow?
if ( entryp->aiocb.aio_nbytes > INT_MAX ||
entryp->aiocb.aio_buf == USER_ADDR_NULL ||
entryp->aiocb.aio_offset < 0 )
return( EINVAL );
- /* validate aiocb.aio_sigevent. at this point we only support sigev_notify
- * equal to SIGEV_SIGNAL or SIGEV_NONE. this means sigev_value,
- * sigev_notify_function, and sigev_notify_attributes are ignored.
+ /*
+ * validate aiocb.aio_sigevent. at this point we only support
+ * sigev_notify equal to SIGEV_SIGNAL or SIGEV_NONE. this means
+ * sigev_value, sigev_notify_function, and sigev_notify_attributes
+ * are ignored, since SIGEV_THREAD is unsupported. This is consistent
+ * with no [RTS] (RalTime Signal) option group support.
- if ( entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify == SIGEV_SIGNAL ) {
+ switch ( entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify ) {
+ {
int signum;
/* make sure we have a valid signal number */
signum = entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_signo;
if ( signum <= 0 || signum >= NSIG ||
signum == SIGKILL || signum == SIGSTOP )
return (EINVAL);
- }
- else if ( entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify != SIGEV_NONE )
+ }
+ break;
+ case SIGEV_NONE:
+ break;
+ /* Unsupported [RTS] */
+ default:
return (EINVAL);
+ }
/* validate the file descriptor and that the file was opened
* for the appropriate read / write access.
/* we don't have read or write access */
result = EBADF;
- else if ( fp->f_fglob->fg_type != DTYPE_VNODE ) {
+ else if ( FILEGLOB_DTYPE(fp->f_fglob) != DTYPE_VNODE ) {
/* this is not a file */
result = ESPIPE;
} else
} /* aio_validate */
+static int
+ return OSIncrementAtomic(&aio_anchor.aio_total_count);
- * aio_get_process_count - runs through our queues that hold outstanding
- * async IO reqests and totals up number of requests for the given
- * process.
- * NOTE - caller must hold aio lock!
- */
+static int
+ int old = OSDecrementAtomic(&aio_anchor.aio_total_count);
+ if (old <= 0) {
+ panic("Negative total AIO count!\n");
+ }
+ return old;
static int
-aio_get_process_count( struct proc *procp )
+aio_get_process_count(proc_t procp )
- aio_workq_entry *entryp;
- int count;
- /* begin with count of completed async IO requests for this process */
- count = procp->aio_done_count;
- /* add in count of active async IO requests for this process */
- count += procp->aio_active_count;
- /* look for matches on our queue of asynchronous todo work */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( procp == entryp->procp ) {
- count++;
- }
- }
- /* look for matches on our queue of synchronous todo work */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( procp == entryp->procp ) {
- count++;
- }
- }
- return( count );
+ return procp->p_aio_total_count;
} /* aio_get_process_count */
- * aio_get_all_queues_count - get total number of entries on all aio work queues.
- * NOTE - caller must hold aio lock!
- */
static int
aio_get_all_queues_count( void )
- int count;
- count = aio_anchor.aio_async_workq_count;
- count += aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq_count;
- count += aio_anchor.aio_active_count;
- count += aio_anchor.aio_done_count;
- return( count );
+ return aio_anchor.aio_total_count;
} /* aio_get_all_queues_count */
* do_aio_completion. Handle async IO completion.
static void
do_aio_completion( aio_workq_entry *entryp )
- /* signal user land process if appropriate */
+ boolean_t lastLioCompleted = FALSE;
+ aio_lio_context *lio_context = NULL;
+ int waiter = 0;
+ lio_context = (aio_lio_context *)entryp->group_tag;
+ if (lio_context != NULL) {
+ aio_proc_lock_spin(entryp->procp);
+ /* Account for this I/O completing. */
+ lio_context->io_completed++;
+ /* Are we done with this lio context? */
+ if (lio_context->io_issued == lio_context->io_completed) {
+ lastLioCompleted = TRUE;
+ }
+ waiter = lio_context->io_waiter;
+ /* explicit wakeup of lio_listio() waiting in LIO_WAIT */
+ if ((entryp->flags & AIO_LIO_NOTIFY) && (lastLioCompleted) && (waiter != 0)) {
+ /* wake up the waiter */
+ wakeup(lio_context);
+ }
+ aio_proc_unlock(entryp->procp);
+ }
if ( entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify == SIGEV_SIGNAL &&
(entryp->flags & AIO_DISABLE) == 0 ) {
- /*
- * if group_tag is non zero then make sure this is the last IO request
- * in the group before we signal.
- */
- if ( entryp->group_tag == 0 ||
- (entryp->group_tag != 0 && aio_last_group_io( entryp )) ) {
+ boolean_t performSignal = FALSE;
+ if (lio_context == NULL) {
+ performSignal = TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ * If this was the last request in the group and a signal
+ * is desired, send one.
+ */
+ performSignal = lastLioCompleted;
+ }
+ if (performSignal) {
- (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp,
- entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_signo, 0, 0 );
+ (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp,
+ entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_signo, 0, 0 );
psignal( entryp->procp, entryp->aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_signo );
- return;
+ if ((entryp->flags & AIO_EXIT_WAIT) && (entryp->flags & AIO_CLOSE_WAIT)) {
+ panic("Close and exit flags set at the same time\n");
+ }
- * need to handle case where a process is trying to exit, exec, or close
- * and is currently waiting for active aio requests to complete. If
- * AIO_WAITING is set then we need to look to see if there are any
+ * need to handle case where a process is trying to exit, exec, or
+ * close and is currently waiting for active aio requests to complete.
+ * If AIO_CLEANUP_WAIT is set then we need to look to see if there are any
* other requests in the active queue for this process. If there are
- * none then wakeup using the AIO_CLEANUP_SLEEP_CHAN tsleep channel. If
- * there are some still active then do nothing - we only want to wakeup
- * when all active aio requests for the process are complete.
+ * none then wakeup using the AIO_CLEANUP_SLEEP_CHAN tsleep channel.
+ * If there are some still active then do nothing - we only want to
+ * wakeup when all active aio requests for the process are complete.
+ *
+ * Don't need to lock the entry or proc to check the cleanup flag. It can only be
+ * set for cancellation, while the entryp is still on a proc list; now it's
+ * off, so that flag is already set if it's going to be.
- if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_WAITING) != 0 ) {
+ if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_EXIT_WAIT) != 0 ) {
int active_requests;
(int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, 0, 0, 0 );
+ aio_proc_lock_spin(entryp->procp);
active_requests = aio_active_requests_for_process( entryp->procp );
if ( active_requests < 1 ) {
- /* no active aio requests for this process, continue exiting */
- wakeup_one( (caddr_t) &entryp->procp->AIO_CLEANUP_SLEEP_CHAN );
+ /*
+ * no active aio requests for this process, continue exiting. In this
+ * case, there should be no one else waiting ont he proc in AIO...
+ */
+ wakeup_one((caddr_t)&entryp->procp->AIO_CLEANUP_SLEEP_CHAN);
+ aio_proc_unlock(entryp->procp);
(int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, 0, 0, 0 );
+ } else {
+ aio_proc_unlock(entryp->procp);
- return;
+ if ( (entryp->flags & AIO_CLOSE_WAIT) != 0 ) {
+ int active_requests;
+ KERNEL_DEBUG( (BSDDBG_CODE(DBG_BSD_AIO, AIO_completion_cleanup_wait)) | DBG_FUNC_NONE,
+ (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, 0, 0, 0 );
+ aio_proc_lock_spin(entryp->procp);
+ active_requests = aio_proc_active_requests_for_file( entryp->procp, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes);
+ if ( active_requests < 1 ) {
+ /* Can't wakeup_one(); multiple closes might be in progress. */
+ wakeup(&entryp->procp->AIO_CLEANUP_SLEEP_CHAN);
+ aio_proc_unlock(entryp->procp);
+ KERNEL_DEBUG( (BSDDBG_CODE(DBG_BSD_AIO, AIO_completion_cleanup_wake)) | DBG_FUNC_NONE,
+ (int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, 0, 0, 0 );
+ } else {
+ aio_proc_unlock(entryp->procp);
+ }
+ }
- * aio_suspend case when a signal was not requested. In that scenario we
- * are sleeping on the AIO_SUSPEND_SLEEP_CHAN channel.
- * NOTE - the assumption here is that this wakeup call is inexpensive.
- * we really only need to do this when an aio_suspend call is pending.
- * If we find the wakeup call should be avoided we could mark the
- * async IO requests given in the list provided by aio_suspend and only
- * call wakeup for them. If we do mark them we should unmark them after
- * the aio_suspend wakes up.
+ * A thread in aio_suspend() wants to known about completed IOs. If it checked
+ * the done list before we moved our AIO there, then it already asserted its wait,
+ * and we can wake it up without holding the lock. If it checked the list after
+ * we did our move, then it already has seen the AIO that we moved. Herego, we
+ * can do our wakeup without holding the lock.
- wakeup_one( (caddr_t) &entryp->procp->AIO_SUSPEND_SLEEP_CHAN );
+ wakeup( (caddr_t) &entryp->procp->AIO_SUSPEND_SLEEP_CHAN );
(int)entryp->procp, (int)entryp->uaiocbp, 0, 0, 0 );
- return;
-} /* do_aio_completion */
+ /*
+ * free the LIO context if the last lio completed and no thread is
+ * waiting
+ */
+ if (lastLioCompleted && (waiter == 0))
+ free_lio_context (lio_context);
- * aio_last_group_io - checks to see if this is the last unfinished IO request
- * for the given group_tag. Returns TRUE if there are no other active IO
- * requests for this group or FALSE if the are active IO requests
- * NOTE - AIO_LOCK must be held by caller
- */
-static boolean_t
-aio_last_group_io( aio_workq_entry *entryp )
- aio_workq_entry *my_entryp;
- /* look for matches on our queue of active async IO requests */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( my_entryp, &entryp->procp->aio_activeq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( my_entryp->group_tag == entryp->group_tag )
- return( FALSE );
- }
- /* look for matches on our queue of asynchronous todo work */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( my_entryp, &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( my_entryp->group_tag == entryp->group_tag )
- return( FALSE );
- }
- /* look for matches on our queue of synchronous todo work */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( my_entryp, &aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( my_entryp->group_tag == entryp->group_tag )
- return( FALSE );
- }
- return( TRUE );
-} /* aio_last_group_io */
+} /* do_aio_completion */
static int
do_aio_read( aio_workq_entry *entryp )
- struct fileproc *fp;
- int error;
+ struct fileproc *fp;
+ int error;
+ struct vfs_context context;
if ( (error = fp_lookup(entryp->procp, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes, &fp , 0)) )
fp_drop(entryp->procp, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes, fp, 0);
- if ( fp != NULL ) {
- error = dofileread( entryp->procp, fp, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes,
- entryp->aiocb.aio_buf,
- entryp->aiocb.aio_nbytes,
- entryp->aiocb.aio_offset, FOF_OFFSET,
- &entryp->returnval );
- fp_drop(entryp->procp, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes, fp, 0);
- }
- else {
- fp_drop(entryp->procp, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes, fp, 0);
- error = EBADF;
- }
+ context.vc_thread = entryp->thread; /* XXX */
+ context.vc_ucred = fp->f_fglob->fg_cred;
+ error = dofileread(&context, fp,
+ entryp->aiocb.aio_buf,
+ entryp->aiocb.aio_nbytes,
+ entryp->aiocb.aio_offset, FOF_OFFSET,
+ &entryp->returnval);
+ fp_drop(entryp->procp, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes, fp, 0);
return( error );
do_aio_write( aio_workq_entry *entryp )
struct fileproc *fp;
- int error;
+ int error, flags;
+ struct vfs_context context;
if ( (error = fp_lookup(entryp->procp, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes, &fp , 0)) )
fp_drop(entryp->procp, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes, fp, 0);
- if ( fp != NULL ) {
- /* NB: tell dofilewrite the offset, and to use the proc cred */
- error = dofilewrite( entryp->procp,
- fp,
- entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes,
- entryp->aiocb.aio_buf,
- entryp->aiocb.aio_nbytes,
- entryp->aiocb.aio_offset,
- &entryp->returnval);
- fp_drop(entryp->procp, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes, fp, 0);
+ flags = FOF_PCRED;
+ if ( (fp->f_fglob->fg_flag & O_APPEND) == 0 ) {
+ flags |= FOF_OFFSET;
- else {
+ context.vc_thread = entryp->thread; /* XXX */
+ context.vc_ucred = fp->f_fglob->fg_cred;
+ /* NB: tell dofilewrite the offset, and to use the proc cred */
+ error = dofilewrite(&context,
+ fp,
+ entryp->aiocb.aio_buf,
+ entryp->aiocb.aio_nbytes,
+ entryp->aiocb.aio_offset,
+ flags,
+ &entryp->returnval);
+ if (entryp->returnval)
+ fp_drop_written(entryp->procp, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes, fp);
+ else
fp_drop(entryp->procp, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes, fp, 0);
- error = EBADF;
- }
return( error );
* aio_active_requests_for_process - return number of active async IO
* requests for the given process.
- * NOTE - caller must hold aio lock!
+static int
+aio_active_requests_for_process(proc_t procp )
+ return( procp->p_aio_active_count );
+} /* aio_active_requests_for_process */
+ * Called with the proc locked.
+ */
static int
-aio_active_requests_for_process( struct proc *procp )
+aio_proc_active_requests_for_file(proc_t procp, int fd)
- return( procp->aio_active_count );
+ int count = 0;
+ aio_workq_entry *entryp;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(entryp, &procp->p_aio_activeq, aio_proc_link) {
+ if (entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes == fd) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
} /* aio_active_requests_for_process */
* do_aio_fsync
struct vfs_context context;
struct vnode *vp;
struct fileproc *fp;
- int error;
- /*
- * NOTE - we will not support AIO_DSYNC until fdatasync() is supported.
- * AIO_DSYNC is caught before we queue up a request and flagged as an error.
- * The following was shamelessly extracted from fsync() implementation.
- */
+ int sync_flag;
+ int error;
+ /*
+ * We are never called unless either AIO_FSYNC or AIO_DSYNC are set.
+ *
+ * If AIO_DSYNC is set, we can tell the lower layers that it is OK
+ * to mark for update the metadata not strictly necessary for data
+ * retrieval, rather than forcing it to disk.
+ *
+ * If AIO_FSYNC is set, we have to also wait for metadata not really
+ * necessary to data retrival are committed to stable storage (e.g.
+ * atime, mtime, ctime, etc.).
+ *
+ * Metadata necessary for data retrieval ust be committed to stable
+ * storage in either case (file length, etc.).
+ */
+ if (entryp->flags & AIO_FSYNC)
+ sync_flag = MNT_WAIT;
+ else
+ sync_flag = MNT_DWAIT;
error = fp_getfvp( entryp->procp, entryp->aiocb.aio_fildes, &fp, &vp);
if ( error == 0 ) {
if ( (error = vnode_getwithref(vp)) ) {
entryp->returnval = -1;
- context.vc_proc = entryp->procp;
+ context.vc_thread = current_thread();
context.vc_ucred = fp->f_fglob->fg_cred;
- error = VNOP_FSYNC( vp, MNT_WAIT, &context);
+ error = VNOP_FSYNC( vp, sync_flag, &context);
* is_already_queued - runs through our queues to see if the given
* aiocbp / process is there. Returns TRUE if there is a match
* on any of our aio queues.
- * NOTE - callers must hold aio lock!
+ *
+ * Called with proc aio lock held (can be held spin)
static boolean_t
-is_already_queued( struct proc *procp,
+is_already_queued(proc_t procp,
user_addr_t aiocbp )
aio_workq_entry *entryp;
boolean_t result;
result = FALSE;
/* look for matches on our queue of async IO requests that have completed */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &procp->aio_doneq, aio_workq_link ) {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &procp->p_aio_doneq, aio_proc_link ) {
if ( aiocbp == entryp->uaiocbp ) {
result = TRUE;
goto ExitThisRoutine;
/* look for matches on our queue of active async IO requests */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &procp->aio_activeq, aio_workq_link ) {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &procp->p_aio_activeq, aio_proc_link ) {
if ( aiocbp == entryp->uaiocbp ) {
result = TRUE;
goto ExitThisRoutine;
- /* look for matches on our queue of asynchronous todo work */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( procp == entryp->procp && aiocbp == entryp->uaiocbp ) {
- result = TRUE;
- goto ExitThisRoutine;
- }
- }
- /* look for matches on our queue of synchronous todo work */
- TAILQ_FOREACH( entryp, &aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq, aio_workq_link ) {
- if ( procp == entryp->procp && aiocbp == entryp->uaiocbp ) {
- result = TRUE;
- goto ExitThisRoutine;
- }
- }
return( result );
} /* is_already_queued */
+static void
+free_lio_context(aio_lio_context* context)
+#if DEBUG
+ OSDecrementAtomic(&lio_contexts_alloced);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ FREE( context, M_TEMP );
+} /* free_lio_context */
* aio initialization
int i;
aio_lock_grp_attr = lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
- lck_grp_attr_setstat(aio_lock_grp_attr);
- aio_lock_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("aio", aio_lock_grp_attr);
+ aio_proc_lock_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("aio_proc", aio_lock_grp_attr);;
+ aio_entry_lock_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("aio_entry", aio_lock_grp_attr);;
+ aio_queue_lock_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("aio_queue", aio_lock_grp_attr);;
aio_lock_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
- //lck_attr_setdebug(aio_lock_attr);
- aio_lock = lck_mtx_alloc_init(aio_lock_grp, aio_lock_attr);
+ lck_mtx_init(&aio_entry_mtx, aio_entry_lock_grp, aio_lock_attr);
+ lck_mtx_init(&aio_proc_mtx, aio_proc_lock_grp, aio_lock_attr);
- TAILQ_INIT( &aio_anchor.aio_async_workq );
- TAILQ_INIT( &aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq );
- aio_anchor.aio_async_workq_count = 0;
- aio_anchor.lio_sync_workq_count = 0;
- aio_anchor.aio_active_count = 0;
+ aio_anchor.aio_inflight_count = 0;
aio_anchor.aio_done_count = 0;
+ aio_anchor.aio_total_count = 0;
+ aio_anchor.aio_num_workqs = AIO_NUM_WORK_QUEUES;
+ for (i = 0; i < AIO_NUM_WORK_QUEUES; i++) {
+ aio_workq_init(&aio_anchor.aio_async_workqs[i]);
+ }
i = sizeof( aio_workq_entry );
aio_workq_zonep = zinit( i, i * aio_max_requests, i * aio_max_requests, "aiowq" );
_aio_create_worker_threads( aio_worker_threads );
- return;
} /* aio_init */
for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
thread_t myThread;
- myThread = kernel_thread( kernel_task, aio_work_thread );
- if ( THREAD_NULL == myThread ) {
+ if ( KERN_SUCCESS != kernel_thread_start((thread_continue_t)aio_work_thread, NULL, &myThread) ) {
printf( "%s - failed to create a work thread \n", __FUNCTION__ );
+ else
+ thread_deallocate(myThread);
* aiocb (in our case that is a user_aiocb)
static void
-do_munge_aiocb( struct aiocb *my_aiocbp, struct user_aiocb *the_user_aiocbp )
+do_munge_aiocb_user32_to_user( struct user32_aiocb *my_aiocbp, struct user_aiocb *the_user_aiocbp )
the_user_aiocbp->aio_fildes = my_aiocbp->aio_fildes;
the_user_aiocbp->aio_offset = my_aiocbp->aio_offset;
the_user_aiocbp->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify_attributes =
+/* Similar for 64-bit user process, so that we don't need to satisfy
+ * the alignment constraints of the original user64_aiocb
+ */
+static void
+do_munge_aiocb_user64_to_user( struct user64_aiocb *my_aiocbp, struct user_aiocb *the_user_aiocbp )
+ the_user_aiocbp->aio_fildes = my_aiocbp->aio_fildes;
+ the_user_aiocbp->aio_offset = my_aiocbp->aio_offset;
+ the_user_aiocbp->aio_buf = my_aiocbp->aio_buf;
+ the_user_aiocbp->aio_nbytes = my_aiocbp->aio_nbytes;
+ the_user_aiocbp->aio_reqprio = my_aiocbp->aio_reqprio;
+ the_user_aiocbp->aio_lio_opcode = my_aiocbp->aio_lio_opcode;
+ the_user_aiocbp->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = my_aiocbp->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify;
+ the_user_aiocbp->aio_sigevent.sigev_signo = my_aiocbp->aio_sigevent.sigev_signo;
+ the_user_aiocbp->aio_sigevent.sigev_value.size_equivalent.sival_int =
+ my_aiocbp->aio_sigevent.sigev_value.size_equivalent.sival_int;
+ the_user_aiocbp->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify_function =
+ my_aiocbp->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify_function;
+ the_user_aiocbp->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify_attributes =
+ my_aiocbp->aio_sigevent.sigev_notify_attributes;