- * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
- * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
- * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the
- * License may not be used to create, or enable the creation or
- * redistribution of, unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating
- * system, or to circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or
- * violation of, any terms of an Apple operating system software license
- * agreement.
- *
- * Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
- *
- * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#include <IOKit/IODeviceTreeSupport.h>
#include <pexpert/device_tree.h>
+#if __arm64__
+typedef UInt64 dtptr_t;
+typedef UInt32 dtptr_t;
+#include <machine/machine_routines.h>
extern "C" {
- #include <machine/machine_routines.h>
- void DTInit( void * data );
- int IODTGetLoaderInfo( char *key, void **infoAddr, int *infosize );
- void IODTFreeLoaderInfo( char *key, void *infoAddr, int infoSize );
+int IODTGetLoaderInfo( const char *key, void **infoAddr, int *infosize );
+void IODTFreeLoaderInfo( const char *key, void *infoAddr, int infoSize );
+int IODTGetDefault(const char *key, void *infoAddr, unsigned int infoSize );
#include <IOKit/assert.h>
const IORegistryPlane * gIODTPlane;
-static OSArray * gIODTPHandles;
-static OSArray * gIODTPHandleMap;
+static OSArray * gIODTPHandles;
+static OSArray * gIODTPHandleMap;
+static OSData * gIODTResolvers;
const OSSymbol * gIODTNameKey;
const OSSymbol * gIODTUnitKey;
const OSSymbol * gIODTCompatibleKey;
const OSSymbol * gIODTTypeKey;
const OSSymbol * gIODTModelKey;
+const OSSymbol * gIODTTargetTypeKey;
const OSSymbol * gIODTSizeCellKey;
const OSSymbol * gIODTAddressCellKey;
OSDictionary * gIODTSharedInterrupts;
+static IOLock * gIODTResolversLock;
static IORegistryEntry * MakeReferenceTable( DTEntry dtEntry, bool copy );
static void AddPHandle( IORegistryEntry * regEntry );
static void FreePhysicalMemory( vm_offset_t * range );
IORegistryEntry * parent;
IORegistryEntry * child;
IORegistryIterator * regIter;
- DTEntryIterator iter;
+ OpaqueDTEntryIterator iter;
DTEntry dtChild;
DTEntry mapEntry;
OSArray * stack;
OSData * prop;
- OSObject * obj;
OSDictionary * allInts;
vm_offset_t * dtMap;
- int propSize;
+ unsigned int propSize;
bool intMap;
bool freeDT;
gIODTCompatibleKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "compatible" );
gIODTTypeKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "device_type" );
gIODTModelKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "model" );
+ gIODTTargetTypeKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "target-type" );
gIODTSizeCellKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "#size-cells" );
gIODTAddressCellKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "#address-cells" );
gIODTRangeKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy( "ranges" );
gIODTPHandles = OSArray::withCapacity( 1 );
gIODTPHandleMap = OSArray::withCapacity( 1 );
+ gIODTResolvers = OSData::withCapacity(16);
+ gIODTResolversLock = IOLockAlloc();
= OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("#interrupt-cells");
assert( gIODTDefaultInterruptController && gIODTNWInterruptMappingKey
&& gIODTAAPLInterruptsKey
&& gIODTPHandleKey && gIODTInterruptParentKey
- && gIODTPHandles && gIODTPHandleMap
+ && gIODTPHandles && gIODTPHandleMap && gIODTResolvers && gIODTResolversLock
&& gIODTInterruptCellKey
freeDT = (kSuccess == DTLookupEntry( 0, "/chosen/memory-map", &mapEntry ))
&& (kSuccess == DTGetProperty( mapEntry,
"DeviceTree", (void **) &dtMap, &propSize ))
- && ((2 * sizeof( vm_offset_t)) == propSize);
+ && ((2 * sizeof(uint32_t)) == propSize);
parent = MakeReferenceTable( (DTEntry)dtTop, freeDT );
stack = OSArray::withObjects( (const OSObject **) &parent, 1, 10 );
- DTCreateEntryIterator( (DTEntry)dtTop, &iter );
+ DTInitEntryIterator( (DTEntry)dtTop, &iter );
do {
parent = (IORegistryEntry *)stack->getObject( stack->getCount() - 1);
stack->removeObject( stack->getCount() - 1);
- while( kSuccess == DTIterateEntries( iter, &dtChild) ) {
+ while( kSuccess == DTIterateEntries( &iter, &dtChild) ) {
child = MakeReferenceTable( dtChild, freeDT );
child->attachToParent( parent, gIODTPlane);
AddPHandle( child );
- if( kSuccess == DTEnterEntry( iter, dtChild)) {
+ if( kSuccess == DTEnterEntry( &iter, dtChild)) {
stack->setObject( parent);
parent = child;
} while( stack->getCount()
- && (kSuccess == DTExitEntry( iter, &dtChild)));
+ && (kSuccess == DTExitEntry( &iter, &dtChild)));
- DTDisposeEntryIterator( iter);
+ assert(kSuccess != DTExitEntry(&iter, &dtChild));
// parent is now root of the created tree
// free original device tree
IODTFreeLoaderInfo( "DeviceTree",
- (void *)dtMap[0], round_page_32(dtMap[1]) );
+ (void *)dtMap[0], (int) round_page(dtMap[1]) );
// adjust tree
if( !intMap && child->getProperty( gIODTInterruptParentKey))
intMap = true;
- // Look for a "driver,AAPL,MacOSX,PowerPC" property.
- if( (obj = child->getProperty( "driver,AAPL,MacOSX,PowerPC"))) {
- gIOCatalogue->addExtensionsFromArchive((OSData *)obj);
- child->removeProperty( "driver,AAPL,MacOSX,PowerPC");
- }
- // some gross pruning
- child->removeProperty( "lanLib,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC");
- if( (obj = child->getProperty( "driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC"))) {
- if( (0 == (prop = (OSData *)child->getProperty( gIODTTypeKey )))
- || (strcmp( "display", (char *) prop->getBytesNoCopy())) ) {
- child->removeProperty( "driver,AAPL,MacOS,PowerPC");
- }
- }
return( parent);
-int IODTGetLoaderInfo( char *key, void **infoAddr, int *infoSize )
+int IODTGetLoaderInfo( const char *key, void **infoAddr, int *infoSize )
IORegistryEntry *chosen;
OSData *propObj;
- unsigned int *propPtr;
+ dtptr_t *propPtr;
unsigned int propSize;
+ int ret = -1;
chosen = IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/chosen/memory-map", gIODTPlane );
if ( chosen == 0 ) return -1;
propObj = OSDynamicCast( OSData, chosen->getProperty(key) );
- if ( propObj == 0 ) return -1;
+ if ( propObj == 0 ) goto cleanup;
propSize = propObj->getLength();
- if ( propSize != (2 * sizeof(UInt32)) ) return -1;
+ if ( propSize != (2 * sizeof(dtptr_t)) ) goto cleanup;
- propPtr = (unsigned int *)propObj->getBytesNoCopy();
- if ( propPtr == 0 ) return -1;
+ propPtr = (dtptr_t *)propObj->getBytesNoCopy();
+ if ( propPtr == 0 ) goto cleanup;
- *infoAddr = (void *)propPtr[0] ;
- *infoSize = (int) propPtr[1];
+ *infoAddr = (void *)(uintptr_t) (propPtr[0]);
+ *infoSize = (int) (propPtr[1]);
- return 0;
+ ret = 0;
+ chosen->release();
+ return ret;
-void IODTFreeLoaderInfo( char *key, void *infoAddr, int infoSize )
+void IODTFreeLoaderInfo( const char *key, void *infoAddr, int infoSize )
vm_offset_t range[2];
IORegistryEntry *chosen;
chosen = IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/chosen/memory-map", gIODTPlane );
if ( chosen != 0 ) {
+ chosen->release();
+int IODTGetDefault(const char *key, void *infoAddr, unsigned int infoSize )
+ IORegistryEntry *defaults;
+ OSData *defaultObj;
+ unsigned int defaultSize;
+ defaults = IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/defaults", gIODTPlane );
+ if ( defaults == 0 ) return -1;
+ defaultObj = OSDynamicCast( OSData, defaults->getProperty(key) );
+ if ( defaultObj == 0 ) return -1;
+ defaultSize = defaultObj->getLength();
+ if ( defaultSize > infoSize) return -1;
+ memcpy( infoAddr, defaultObj->getBytesNoCopy(), defaultSize );
+ return 0;
static void FreePhysicalMemory( vm_offset_t * range )
vm_offset_t virt;
const OSSymbol *nameKey;
OSData *data;
const OSSymbol *sym;
- DTPropertyIterator dtIter;
+ OpaqueDTPropertyIterator dtIter;
void *prop;
- int propSize;
+ unsigned int propSize;
char *name;
char location[ 32 ];
bool noLocation = true;
+ bool kernelOnly;
regEntry = new IOService;
if( regEntry &&
- (kSuccess == DTCreatePropertyIterator( dtEntry, &dtIter))) {
+ (kSuccess == DTInitPropertyIterator( dtEntry, &dtIter))) {
+ kernelOnly = (kSuccess == DTGetProperty(dtEntry, "kernel-only", &prop, &propSize));
propTable = regEntry->getPropertyTable();
- while( kSuccess == DTIterateProperties( dtIter, &name)) {
+ while( kSuccess == DTIterateProperties( &dtIter, &name)) {
if( kSuccess != DTGetProperty( dtEntry, name, &prop, &propSize ))
assert( nameKey && data );
+ if (kernelOnly)
+ data->setSerializable(false);
propTable->setObject( nameKey, data);
} else if( nameKey == gIODTUnitKey ) {
// all OF strings are null terminated... except this one
- if( propSize >= (int) sizeof( location))
- propSize = sizeof( location) - 1;
+ if( propSize >= (int) sizeof(location))
+ propSize = sizeof(location) - 1;
strncpy( location, (const char *) prop, propSize );
location[ propSize ] = 0;
regEntry->setLocation( location );
propTable->removeObject( gIODTUnitKey );
noLocation = false;
- } else if( noLocation && (0 == strcmp( name, "reg"))) {
+ } else if(noLocation && (!strncmp(name, "reg", sizeof("reg")))) {
// default location - override later
- sprintf( location, "%lX", *((UInt32 *) prop) );
+ snprintf(location, sizeof(location), "%X", *((uint32_t *) prop));
regEntry->setLocation( location );
- DTDisposePropertyIterator( dtIter);
return( regEntry);
static bool GetUInt32( IORegistryEntry * regEntry, const OSSymbol * name,
UInt32 * value )
- OSData *data;
+ OSObject * obj;
+ OSData * data;
+ bool result;
- if( (data = OSDynamicCast( OSData, regEntry->getProperty( name )))
- && (4 == data->getLength())) {
- *value = *((UInt32 *) data->getBytesNoCopy());
- return( true );
- } else
- return( false );
+ if (!(obj = regEntry->copyProperty(name))) return (false);
+ result = ((data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, obj)) && (sizeof(UInt32) == data->getLength()));
+ if (result) *value = *((UInt32 *) data->getBytesNoCopy());
+ obj->release();
+ return(result);
-IORegistryEntry * IODTFindInterruptParent( IORegistryEntry * regEntry )
+static IORegistryEntry * IODTFindInterruptParent( IORegistryEntry * regEntry, IOItemCount index )
IORegistryEntry * parent;
UInt32 phandle;
+ OSData * data;
+ unsigned int len;
- if( GetUInt32( regEntry, gIODTInterruptParentKey, &phandle))
- parent = FindPHandle( phandle );
+ if( (data = OSDynamicCast( OSData, regEntry->getProperty( gIODTInterruptParentKey )))
+ && (sizeof(UInt32) <= (len = data->getLength()))) {
+ if (((index + 1) * sizeof(UInt32)) > len)
+ index = 0;
+ phandle = ((UInt32 *) data->getBytesNoCopy())[index];
+ parent = FindPHandle( phandle );
- else if( 0 == regEntry->getProperty( "interrupt-controller"))
+ } else if( 0 == regEntry->getProperty( "interrupt-controller"))
parent = regEntry->getParentEntry( gIODTPlane);
parent = 0;
assert( ok );
if( ok) {
- sprintf( buf, "IOInterruptController%08lX", phandle);
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "IOInterruptController%08X", (uint32_t)phandle);
sym = OSSymbol::withCString( buf );
} else
sym = 0;
*aCellCount = 0;
-UInt32 IODTMapOneInterrupt( IORegistryEntry * regEntry, UInt32 * intSpec,
- OSData ** spec, const OSSymbol ** controller )
+static UInt32 IODTMapOneInterrupt( IORegistryEntry * regEntry, UInt32 * intSpec, UInt32 index,
+ OSData ** spec, const OSSymbol ** controller )
IORegistryEntry *parent = 0;
OSData *data;
UInt32 i, original_icells;
bool cmp, ok = false;
- parent = IODTFindInterruptParent( regEntry );
+ parent = IODTFindInterruptParent( regEntry, index );
IODTGetICellCounts( parent, &icells, &acells );
addrCmp = 0;
if( acells) {
data = OSDynamicCast( OSData, regEntry->getProperty( "reg" ));
- if( data && (data->getLength() >= (acells * sizeof( UInt32))))
+ if( data && (data->getLength() >= (acells * sizeof(UInt32))))
addrCmp = (UInt32 *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
original_icells = icells;
// found a controller - don't want to follow cascaded controllers
parent = 0;
*spec = OSData::withBytesNoCopy( (void *) intSpec,
- icells * sizeof( UInt32));
+ icells * sizeof(UInt32));
*controller = IODTInterruptControllerName( regEntry );
ok = (*spec && *controller);
} else if( parent && (data = OSDynamicCast( OSData,
map = (UInt32 *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
endMap = map + (data->getLength() / sizeof(UInt32));
data = OSDynamicCast( OSData, regEntry->getProperty( "interrupt-map-mask" ));
- if( data && (data->getLength() >= ((acells + icells) * sizeof( UInt32))))
+ if( data && (data->getLength() >= ((acells + icells) * sizeof(UInt32))))
maskCmp = (UInt32 *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
maskCmp = 0;
OSData * local2;
UInt32 * localBits;
UInt32 * localEnd;
+ IOItemCount index;
OSData * map;
OSObject * oneMap;
OSArray * mapped;
OSArray * controllerInts;
- const OSSymbol * controller;
+ const OSSymbol * controller = 0;
OSArray * controllers;
UInt32 skip = 1;
bool ok, nw;
localBits = (UInt32 *) local->getBytesNoCopy();
- localEnd = localBits + (local->getLength() / sizeof( UInt32));
+ localEnd = localBits + (local->getLength() / sizeof(UInt32));
+ index = 0;
mapped = OSArray::withCapacity( 1 );
controllers = OSArray::withCapacity( 1 );
if( ok) do {
if( nw) {
- skip = IODTMapOneInterrupt( regEntry, localBits, &map, &controller );
+ skip = IODTMapOneInterrupt( regEntry, localBits, index, &map, &controller );
if( 0 == skip) {
IOLog("%s: error mapping interrupt[%d]\n",
regEntry->getName(), mapped->getCount());
} else {
- map = OSData::withData( local, mapped->getCount() * sizeof( UInt32),
- sizeof( UInt32));
+ map = OSData::withData( local, mapped->getCount() * sizeof(UInt32),
+ sizeof(UInt32));
controller = gIODTDefaultInterruptController;
+ index++;
localBits += skip;
mapped->setObject( map );
controllers->setObject( controller );
-static const char *
+static bool
CompareKey( OSString * key,
- const IORegistryEntry * table, const OSSymbol * propName )
+ const IORegistryEntry * table, const OSSymbol * propName,
+ OSString ** matchingName )
OSObject *prop;
OSData *data;
OSString *string;
const char *ckey;
UInt32 keyLen;
+ UInt32 nlen;
const char *names;
const char *lastName;
bool wild;
bool matched;
const char *result = 0;
- if( 0 == (prop = table->getProperty( propName )))
- return( 0 );
+ if( 0 == (prop = table->copyProperty( propName ))) return( 0 );
if( (data = OSDynamicCast( OSData, prop ))) {
names = (const char *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
} else if( (string = OSDynamicCast( OSString, prop ))) {
names = string->getCStringNoCopy();
lastName = names + string->getLength() + 1;
- } else
- return( 0 );
+ } else names = 0;
- ckey = key->getCStringNoCopy();
- keyLen = key->getLength();
- wild = ('*' == key->getChar( keyLen - 1 ));
+ if (names) {
+ ckey = key->getCStringNoCopy();
+ keyLen = key->getLength();
+ wild = ('*' == key->getChar( keyLen - 1 ));
- do {
- // for each name in the property
- if( wild)
- matched = (0 == strncmp( ckey, names, keyLen - 1 ));
- else
- matched = (keyLen == strlen( names ))
- && (0 == strncmp( ckey, names, keyLen ));
+ do {
+ // for each name in the property
+ nlen = strnlen(names, lastName - names);
+ if( wild)
+ matched = ((nlen >= (keyLen - 1)) && (0 == strncmp(ckey, names, keyLen - 1)));
+ else
+ matched = (keyLen == nlen) && (0 == strncmp(ckey, names, keyLen));
- if( matched)
- result = names;
+ if( matched)
+ result = names;
- names = names + strlen( names) + 1;
+ names = names + nlen + 1;
- } while( (names < lastName) && (false == matched));
+ } while( (names < lastName) && (false == matched));
+ }
- return( result);
+ if (result && matchingName) *matchingName = OSString::withCString( result );
+ if (prop) prop->release();
+ return (result != 0);
bool IODTCompareNubName( const IORegistryEntry * regEntry,
OSString * name, OSString ** matchingName )
- const char *result;
- bool matched;
- matched = (0 != (result = CompareKey( name, regEntry, gIODTNameKey)))
- || (0 != (result = CompareKey( name, regEntry, gIODTCompatibleKey)))
- || (0 != (result = CompareKey( name, regEntry, gIODTTypeKey)))
- || (0 != (result = CompareKey( name, regEntry, gIODTModelKey)));
+ bool matched;
- if( result && matchingName)
- *matchingName = OSString::withCString( result );
+ matched = CompareKey( name, regEntry, gIODTNameKey, matchingName)
+ || CompareKey( name, regEntry, gIODTCompatibleKey, matchingName)
+ || CompareKey( name, regEntry, gIODTTypeKey, matchingName)
+ || CompareKey( name, regEntry, gIODTModelKey, matchingName);
- return( result != 0 );
+ return (matched);
bool IODTMatchNubWithKeys( IORegistryEntry * regEntry,
result = regEntry->compareNames( obj );
-#ifdef DEBUG
+#if DEBUG
else IOLog("Couldn't unserialize %s\n", keys );
cIter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( result);
- result->release();
+ if (result) result->release();
return( cIter);
struct IODTPersistent {
IODTCompareAddressCellFunc compareFunc;
- IODTNVLocationFunc locationFunc;
void IODTSetResolving( IORegistryEntry * regEntry,
IODTCompareAddressCellFunc compareFunc,
- IODTNVLocationFunc locationFunc )
+ IODTNVLocationFunc locationFunc __unused )
- IODTPersistent persist;
- OSData *prop;
+ IODTPersistent persist;
+ IODTPersistent * entry;
+ OSNumber * num;
+ unsigned int index, count;
- persist.compareFunc = compareFunc;
- persist.locationFunc = locationFunc;
- prop = OSData::withBytes( &persist, sizeof( persist));
- if( !prop)
- return;
+ IOLockLock(gIODTResolversLock);
+ count = (gIODTResolvers->getLength() / sizeof(IODTPersistent));
+ entry = (typeof(entry)) gIODTResolvers->getBytesNoCopy();
+ for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
+ {
+ if (compareFunc == entry->compareFunc) break;
+ entry++;
+ }
+ if (index == count)
+ {
+ persist.compareFunc = compareFunc;
+ if (!gIODTResolvers->appendBytes(&persist, sizeof(IODTPersistent))) panic("IODTSetResolving");
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(gIODTResolversLock);
+ num = OSNumber::withNumber(index, 32);
+ regEntry->setProperty(gIODTPersistKey, num);
+ OSSafeReleaseNULL(num);
- regEntry->setProperty( gIODTPersistKey, prop);
- prop->release();
+#if defined(__arm64__)
+static SInt64 DefaultCompare( UInt32 cellCount, UInt32 left[], UInt32 right[] )
+ SInt64 diff = 0;
+ if (cellCount == 2) {
+ diff = IOPhysical32(left[1], left[0]) - IOPhysical32(right[1], right[0]);
+ } else if (cellCount == 1) {
+ diff = ( left[0] - right[0] );
+ } else {
+ panic("DefaultCompare only knows how to handle 1 or 2 cells.");
+ }
+ return diff;
+#elif defined(__arm__) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
static SInt32 DefaultCompare( UInt32 cellCount, UInt32 left[], UInt32 right[] )
- cellCount--;
- return( left[ cellCount ] - right[ cellCount ] );
+ cellCount--;
+ return( left[ cellCount ] - right[ cellCount ] );
+#error Unknown architecture.
+static void AddLengthToCells( UInt32 numCells, UInt32 *cells, UInt64 offset)
+ if (numCells == 1)
+ {
+ cells[0] += (UInt32)offset;
+ }
+ else {
+#if defined(__arm64__) || defined(__arm__)
+ UInt64 sum = cells[numCells - 2] + offset;
+ cells[numCells - 2] = (UInt32)sum;
+ if (sum > UINT32_MAX) {
+ cells[numCells - 1] += (UInt32)(sum >> 32);
+ }
+ UInt64 sum = cells[numCells - 1] + offset;
+ cells[numCells - 1] = (UInt32)sum;
+ if (sum > UINT32_MAX) {
+ cells[numCells - 2] += (UInt32)(sum >> 32);
+ }
+ }
+static IOPhysicalAddress CellsValue( UInt32 numCells, UInt32 *cells)
+ if (numCells == 1) {
+ return IOPhysical32( 0, cells[0] );
+ } else {
+#if defined(__arm64__) || defined(arm)
+ return IOPhysical32( cells[numCells - 1], cells[numCells - 2] );
+ return IOPhysical32( cells[numCells - 2], cells[numCells - 1] );
+ }
void IODTGetCellCounts( IORegistryEntry * regEntry,
// Range[]: child-addr our-addr child-len
// #cells: child ours child
-bool IODTResolveAddressCell( IORegistryEntry * regEntry,
+bool IODTResolveAddressCell( IORegistryEntry * startEntry,
UInt32 cellsIn[],
- IOPhysicalAddress * phys, IOPhysicalLength * len )
+ IOPhysicalAddress * phys, IOPhysicalLength * lenOut )
- IORegistryEntry *parent;
- OSData *prop;
+ IORegistryEntry * parent;
+ IORegistryEntry * regEntry;
+ OSData * prop;
+ OSNumber * num;
+ unsigned int index, count;
// cells in addresses at regEntry
UInt32 sizeCells, addressCells;
// cells in addresses below regEntry
UInt32 childSizeCells, childAddressCells;
UInt32 childCells;
- UInt32 cell[ 5 ], offset = 0, length;
- UInt32 endCell[ 5 ];
+ UInt32 cell[ 8 ], propLen;
+ UInt64 offset = 0;
+ UInt32 endCell[ 8 ];
UInt32 *range;
UInt32 *lookRange;
UInt32 *startRange;
UInt32 *endRanges;
bool ok = true;
- SInt32 diff, endDiff;
+ SInt64 diff, diff2, endDiff;
+ UInt64 len, rangeLen;
IODTPersistent *persist;
IODTCompareAddressCellFunc compare;
+ regEntry = startEntry;
IODTGetCellCounts( regEntry, &childSizeCells, &childAddressCells );
childCells = childAddressCells + childSizeCells;
- bcopy( cellsIn, cell, 4 * childCells );
- if( childSizeCells > 1)
- *len = IOPhysical32( cellsIn[ childAddressCells ],
- cellsIn[ childAddressCells + 1 ] );
- else
- *len = IOPhysical32( 0, cellsIn[ childAddressCells ] );
+ if (childCells > sizeof(cell)/sizeof(cell[0]))
+ panic("IODTResolveAddressCell: Invalid device tree (%u,%u)", (uint32_t)childAddressCells, (uint32_t)childSizeCells);
+ bcopy( cellsIn, cell, sizeof(UInt32) * childCells );
+ *lenOut = CellsValue( childSizeCells, cellsIn + childAddressCells );
- prop = OSDynamicCast( OSData, regEntry->getProperty( gIODTRangeKey ));
- if( 0 == prop) {
- /* end of the road */
- *phys = IOPhysical32( 0, cell[ childAddressCells - 1 ] + offset);
- break;
- }
+ prop = OSDynamicCast( OSData, regEntry->getProperty( gIODTRangeKey ));
+ if( 0 == prop) {
+ /* end of the road */
+ *phys = CellsValue( childAddressCells, cell );
+ *phys += offset;
+ if (regEntry != startEntry) regEntry->release();
+ break;
+ }
- parent = regEntry->getParentEntry( gIODTPlane );
- IODTGetCellCounts( parent, &sizeCells, &addressCells );
- if( (length = prop->getLength())) {
- // search
- startRange = (UInt32 *) prop->getBytesNoCopy();
- range = startRange;
- endRanges = range + (length / 4);
- prop = (OSData *) regEntry->getProperty( gIODTPersistKey );
- if( prop) {
- persist = (IODTPersistent *) prop->getBytesNoCopy();
- compare = persist->compareFunc;
- } else
- compare = DefaultCompare;
- for( ok = false;
- range < endRanges;
- range += (childCells + addressCells) ) {
- // is cell start >= range start?
- diff = (*compare)( childAddressCells, cell, range );
- if( diff < 0)
- continue;
- ok = (0 == cell[childCells - 1]);
- if (!ok)
+ parent = regEntry->copyParentEntry( gIODTPlane );
+ IODTGetCellCounts( parent, &sizeCells, &addressCells );
+ if( (propLen = prop->getLength())) {
+ // search
+ startRange = (UInt32 *) prop->getBytesNoCopy();
+ range = startRange;
+ endRanges = range + (propLen / sizeof(UInt32));
+ compare = NULL;
+ num = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, regEntry->getProperty(gIODTPersistKey));
+ if (num)
+ {
+ IOLockLock(gIODTResolversLock);
+ index = num->unsigned32BitValue();
+ count = gIODTResolvers->getLength() / sizeof(IODTPersistent);
+ if (index < count)
- // search for cell end
- bcopy(cell, endCell, childAddressCells * sizeof(UInt32));
- endCell[childAddressCells - 1] += cell[childCells - 1] - 1;
- lookRange = startRange;
- for( ;
- lookRange < endRanges;
- lookRange += (childCells + addressCells) )
- {
- // is cell >= range start?
- endDiff = (*compare)( childAddressCells, endCell, lookRange );
- if( endDiff < 0)
- continue;
- if ((endDiff - cell[childCells - 1] + 1 + lookRange[childAddressCells + addressCells - 1])
- == (diff + range[childAddressCells + addressCells - 1]))
- {
- ok = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!ok)
- continue;
+ persist = ((IODTPersistent *) gIODTResolvers->getBytesNoCopy()) + index;
+ compare = persist->compareFunc;
- offset += diff;
- break;
+ IOLockUnlock(gIODTResolversLock);
+ }
+ if (!compare && (addressCells == childAddressCells)) {
+ compare = DefaultCompare;
+ if (!compare) {
+ panic("There is no mixed comparison function yet...");
+ }
+ for( ok = false;
+ range < endRanges;
+ range += (childCells + addressCells) ) {
+ // is cell start within range?
+ diff = (*compare)( childAddressCells, cell, range );
+ if (childAddressCells > sizeof(endCell)/sizeof(endCell[0]))
+ panic("IODTResolveAddressCell: Invalid device tree (%u)", (uint32_t)childAddressCells);
+ bcopy(range, endCell, childAddressCells * sizeof(UInt32));
+ rangeLen = CellsValue(childSizeCells, range + childAddressCells + addressCells);
+ AddLengthToCells(childAddressCells, endCell, rangeLen);
+ diff2 = (*compare)( childAddressCells, cell, endCell );
+ // if start of cell < start of range, or end of range >= start of cell, skip
+ if ((diff < 0) || (diff2 >= 0))
+ continue;
+ len = CellsValue(childSizeCells, cell + childAddressCells);
+ ok = (0 == len);
+ if (!ok)
+ {
+ // search for cell end
+ bcopy(cell, endCell, childAddressCells * sizeof(UInt32));
+ AddLengthToCells(childAddressCells, endCell, len - 1);
+ for( lookRange = startRange;
+ lookRange < endRanges;
+ lookRange += (childCells + addressCells) )
+ {
+ // make sure end of cell >= range start
+ endDiff = (*compare)( childAddressCells, endCell, lookRange );
+ if( endDiff < 0)
+ continue;
+ UInt64 rangeStart = CellsValue(addressCells, range + childAddressCells);
+ UInt64 lookRangeStart = CellsValue(addressCells, lookRange + childAddressCells);
+ if ((endDiff - len + 1 + lookRangeStart) == (diff + rangeStart))
+ {
+ ok = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ok)
+ continue;
+ }
+ offset += diff;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (addressCells + sizeCells > sizeof(cell)/sizeof(cell[0]))
+ panic("IODTResolveAddressCell: Invalid device tree (%u, %u)", (uint32_t)addressCells, (uint32_t)sizeCells);
- // Get the physical start of the range from our parent
- bcopy( range + childAddressCells, cell, 4 * addressCells );
- bzero( cell + addressCells, 4 * sizeCells );
+ // Get the physical start of the range from our parent
+ bcopy( range + childAddressCells, cell, sizeof(UInt32) * addressCells );
+ bzero( cell + addressCells, sizeof(UInt32) * sizeCells );
- } /* else zero length range => pass thru to parent */
+ } /* else zero length range => pass thru to parent */
- regEntry = parent;
- childSizeCells = sizeCells;
- childAddressCells = addressCells;
- childCells = childAddressCells + childSizeCells;
+ if (regEntry != startEntry) regEntry->release();
+ regEntry = parent;
+ childSizeCells = sizeCells;
+ childAddressCells = addressCells;
+ childCells = childAddressCells + childSizeCells;
while( ok && regEntry);
OSArray *array;
IODeviceMemory *range;
- parentEntry = regEntry->getParentEntry( gIODTPlane );
- addressProperty = (OSData *) regEntry->getProperty( addressPropertyName );
- if( (0 == addressProperty) || (0 == parentEntry))
- return( 0);
- IODTGetCellCounts( parentEntry, &sizeCells, &addressCells );
- if( 0 == sizeCells)
- return( 0);
- cells = sizeCells + addressCells;
- reg = (UInt32 *) addressProperty->getBytesNoCopy();
- num = addressProperty->getLength() / (4 * cells);
- array = OSArray::withCapacity( 1 );
- if( 0 == array)
- return( 0);
- for( i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- if( IODTResolveAddressCell( parentEntry, reg, &phys, &len )) {
- range = 0;
- if( parent)
- range = IODeviceMemory::withSubRange( parent,
- phys - parent->getPhysicalAddress(), len );
- if( 0 == range)
- range = IODeviceMemory::withRange( phys, len );
- if( range)
- array->setObject( range );
+ array = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ parentEntry = regEntry->copyParentEntry( gIODTPlane );
+ addressProperty = (OSData *) regEntry->getProperty( addressPropertyName );
+ if( (0 == addressProperty) || (0 == parentEntry)) break;
+ IODTGetCellCounts( parentEntry, &sizeCells, &addressCells );
+ if( 0 == sizeCells) break;
+ cells = sizeCells + addressCells;
+ reg = (UInt32 *) addressProperty->getBytesNoCopy();
+ num = addressProperty->getLength() / (4 * cells);
+ array = OSArray::withCapacity( 1 );
+ if( 0 == array) break;
+ for( i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+ if( IODTResolveAddressCell( parentEntry, reg, &phys, &len )) {
+ range = 0;
+ if( parent)
+ range = IODeviceMemory::withSubRange( parent,
+ phys - parent->getPhysicalSegment(0, 0, kIOMemoryMapperNone), len );
+ if( 0 == range)
+ range = IODeviceMemory::withRange( phys, len );
+ if( range)
+ array->setObject( range );
+ }
+ reg += cells;
- reg += cells;
- }
- regEntry->setProperty( gIODeviceMemoryKey, array);
- array->release(); /* ??? */
- return( array);
-static void IODTGetNVLocation(
- IORegistryEntry * parent,
- IORegistryEntry * regEntry,
- UInt8 * busNum, UInt8 * deviceNum, UInt8 * functionNum )
- OSData *prop;
- IODTPersistent *persist;
- UInt32 *cell;
- prop = (OSData *) parent->getProperty( gIODTPersistKey );
- if( prop) {
- persist = (IODTPersistent *) prop->getBytesNoCopy();
- (*persist->locationFunc)( regEntry, busNum, deviceNum, functionNum );
- } else {
- prop = (OSData *) regEntry->getProperty( "reg" );
- *functionNum = 0;
- if( prop) {
- cell = (UInt32 *) prop->getBytesNoCopy();
- *busNum = 3;
- *deviceNum = 0x1f & (cell[ 0 ] >> 24);
- } else {
- *busNum = 0;
- *deviceNum = 0;
- }
+ regEntry->setProperty( gIODeviceMemoryKey, array);
+ array->release(); /* ??? */
- return;
+ while (false);
- * Try to make the same messed up descriptor as Mac OS
- */
+ OSSafeReleaseNULL(parentEntry);
-IOReturn IODTMakeNVDescriptor( IORegistryEntry * regEntry,
- IONVRAMDescriptor * hdr )
- IORegistryEntry *parent;
- UInt32 level;
- UInt32 bridgeDevices;
- UInt8 busNum;
- UInt8 deviceNum;
- UInt8 functionNum;
- hdr->format = 1;
- hdr->marker = 0;
- for(level = 0, bridgeDevices = 0;
- (parent = regEntry->getParentEntry( gIODTPlane )) && (level < 7); level++ ) {
- IODTGetNVLocation( parent, regEntry,
- &busNum, &deviceNum, &functionNum );
- if( level)
- bridgeDevices |= ((deviceNum & 0x1f) << ((level - 1) * 5));
- else {
- hdr->busNum = busNum;
- hdr->deviceNum = deviceNum;
- hdr->functionNum = functionNum;
- }
- regEntry = parent;
- }
- hdr->bridgeCount = level - 2;
- hdr->bridgeDevices = bridgeDevices;
- return( kIOReturnSuccess );
+ return (array);
OSData * IODTFindSlotName( IORegistryEntry * regEntry, UInt32 deviceNumber )
OSData *ret = 0;
UInt32 *bits;
UInt32 i;
+ size_t nlen;
char *names;
char *lastName;
UInt32 mask;
data = (OSData *) regEntry->getProperty("AAPL,slot-name");
- if( data)
- return( data);
- parent = regEntry->getParentEntry( gIODTPlane );
- if( !parent)
- return( 0 );
- data = OSDynamicCast( OSData, parent->getProperty("slot-names"));
- if( !data)
- return( 0 );
- if( data->getLength() <= 4)
- return( 0 );
- bits = (UInt32 *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
- mask = *bits;
- if( (0 == (mask & (1 << deviceNumber))))
- return( 0 );
- names = (char *)(bits + 1);
- lastName = names + (data->getLength() - 4);
- for( i = 0; (i <= deviceNumber) && (names < lastName); i++ ) {
- if( mask & (1 << i)) {
- if( i == deviceNumber) {
- data = OSData::withBytesNoCopy( names, 1 + strlen( names));
- if( data) {
- regEntry->setProperty("AAPL,slot-name", data);
- ret = data;
- data->release();
- }
- } else
- names += 1 + strlen( names);
+ if (data) return (data);
+ do
+ {
+ parent = regEntry->copyParentEntry( gIODTPlane );
+ if (!parent) break;
+ data = OSDynamicCast( OSData, parent->getProperty("slot-names"));
+ if (!data) break;
+ if (data->getLength() <= 4) break;
+ bits = (UInt32 *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
+ mask = *bits;
+ if ((0 == (mask & (1 << deviceNumber)))) break;
+ names = (char *)(bits + 1);
+ lastName = names + (data->getLength() - 4);
+ for( i = 0; (i <= deviceNumber) && (names < lastName); i++ ) {
+ if( mask & (1 << i)) {
+ nlen = 1 + strnlen(names, lastName - names);
+ if( i == deviceNumber) {
+ data = OSData::withBytesNoCopy(names, nlen);
+ if( data) {
+ regEntry->setProperty("AAPL,slot-name", data);
+ ret = data;
+ data->release();
+ }
+ } else
+ names += nlen;
+ }
+ while (false);
+ OSSafeReleaseNULL(parent);
return( ret );