- * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
- * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
- * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the
- * License may not be used to create, or enable the creation or
- * redistribution of, unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating
- * system, or to circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or
- * violation of, any terms of an Apple operating system software license
- * agreement.
- *
- * Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
- *
- * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#include <kern/misc_protos.h>
#include <kern/mach_param.h>
#include <kern/spl.h>
+#include <kern/machine.h>
#include <vm/vm_map.h>
#include <vm/vm_kern.h>
+#include <vm/vm_protos.h>
#include <ppc/misc_protos.h>
#include <ppc/cpu_internal.h>
#include <ppc/vmachmon.h>
#include <ppc/low_trace.h>
#include <ppc/lowglobals.h>
+#include <ppc/fpu_protos.h>
#include <sys/kdebug.h>
* consider_machine_collect: try to collect machine-dependent pages
- * none currently available
+ * XXX none currently available
- return;
ppinfo = getPerProc(); /* Get our processor block */
ppinfo->old_thread = (unsigned int)old;
- ppinfo->cpu_flags &= ~traceBE; /* disable branch tracing if on */
/* Our context might wake up on another processor, so we must
* not keep hot state in our FPU, it must go back to the pcb
hw_blow_seg(lowGlo.lgUMWvaddr + 0x10000000ULL); /* Blow off the second segment */
- old->reason, (int)new, old->sched_pri, new->sched_pri, 0);
retval = Switch_context(old, continuation, new);
assert(retval != NULL);
- if (branch_tracing_enabled()) {
- ppinfo = getPerProc(); /* Get our processor block */
- ppinfo->cpu_flags |= traceBE; /* restore branch tracing */
- }
/* We've returned from having switched context, so we should be
* back in the original context.
thread_t thread,
task_t task)
- savearea *sv; /* Pointer to newly allocated savearea */
- unsigned int *CIsTooLimited, i;
+ struct savearea *sv; /* Pointer to newly allocated savearea */
- hw_atomic_add((uint32_t *)&saveanchor.savetarget, 4); /* Account for the number of saveareas we think we "need"
+ (void)hw_atomic_add(&saveanchor.savetarget, 4); /* Account for the number of saveareas we think we "need"
for this activation */
- assert(thread->machine.pcb == (savearea *)0); /* Make sure there was no previous savearea */
+ assert(thread->machine.pcb == (struct savearea *)0); /* Make sure there was no previous savearea */
sv = save_alloc(); /* Go get us a savearea */
- bzero((char *)((unsigned int)sv + sizeof(savearea_comm)), (sizeof(savearea) - sizeof(savearea_comm))); /* Clear it */
+ bzero((char *)((unsigned int)sv + sizeof(savearea_comm)), (sizeof(struct savearea) - sizeof(savearea_comm))); /* Clear it */
sv->save_hdr.save_prev = 0; /* Clear the back pointer */
sv->save_hdr.save_flags = (sv->save_hdr.save_flags & ~SAVtype) | (SAVgeneral << SAVtypeshft); /* Mark as in use */
thread_t thread)
- register savearea *pcb, *ppsv;
- register savearea_vec *vsv, *vpsv;
- register savearea_fpu *fsv, *fpsv;
- register savearea *svp;
- register int i;
+ struct savearea *local_pcb, *ppsv;
+ savearea_vec *vsv, *vpsv;
+ savearea_fpu *fsv, *fpsv;
boolean_t intr;
while(vsv) { /* Any VMX saved state? */
vpsv = vsv; /* Remember so we can toss this */
+ /* XXX save_prev should be a void * 4425537 */
vsv = CAST_DOWN(savearea_vec *, vsv->save_hdr.save_prev); /* Get one underneath our's */
- save_release((savearea *)vpsv); /* Release it */
+ save_release((struct savearea *)vpsv); /* Release it */
- thread->machine.curctx->VMXsave = 0; /* Kill chain */
+ thread->machine.curctx->VMXsave = NULL; /* Kill chain */
toss_live_fpu(thread->machine.curctx); /* Dump live float */
while(fsv) { /* Any float saved state? */
fpsv = fsv; /* Remember so we can toss this */
+ /* XXX save_prev should be a void * 4425537 */
fsv = CAST_DOWN(savearea_fpu *, fsv->save_hdr.save_prev); /* Get one underneath our's */
- save_release((savearea *)fpsv); /* Release it */
+ save_release((struct savearea *)fpsv); /* Release it */
- thread->machine.curctx->FPUsave = 0; /* Kill chain */
+ thread->machine.curctx->FPUsave = NULL; /* Kill chain */
* free all regular saveareas.
- pcb = thread->machine.pcb; /* Get the general savearea */
+ local_pcb = thread->machine.pcb; /* Get the general savearea */
- while(pcb) { /* Any float saved state? */
- ppsv = pcb; /* Remember so we can toss this */
- pcb = CAST_DOWN(savearea *, pcb->save_hdr.save_prev); /* Get one underneath our's */
+ while(local_pcb) { /* Any float saved state? */
+ ppsv = local_pcb; /* Remember so we can toss this */
+ /* XXX save_prev should be a void * 4425537 */
+ local_pcb = CAST_DOWN(struct savearea *, local_pcb->save_hdr.save_prev); /* Get one underneath our's */
save_release(ppsv); /* Release it */
- hw_atomic_sub((uint32_t *)&saveanchor.savetarget, 4); /* Unaccount for the number of saveareas we think we "need" */
+ (void)hw_atomic_sub(&saveanchor.savetarget, 4); /* Unaccount for the number of saveareas we think we "need" */
(void) ml_set_interrupts_enabled(intr); /* Restore interrupts if enabled */
* act_machine_sv_free
- * release saveareas associated with an act. if flag is true, release
+ * release saveareas associated with a thread. if flag is true, release
* user level savearea(s) too, else don't
- * This code must run with interruptions disabled because an interrupt handler could use
- * floating point and/or vectors. If this happens and the thread we are blowing off owns
- * the facility, we can deadlock.
+ * This code must run with interruptions disabled because an interrupt handler
+ * could use floating point and/or vectors. If this happens and the thread we
+ * are blowing off owns the facility, we can deadlock.
-act_machine_sv_free(thread_t act)
+act_machine_sv_free(thread_t act, __unused int flag)
- register savearea *pcb, *userpcb;
+ struct savearea *local_pcb, *userpcb;
register savearea_vec *vsv, *vpst, *vsvt;
register savearea_fpu *fsv, *fpst, *fsvt;
- register savearea *svp;
- register int i;
+ struct savearea *svp;
boolean_t intr;
vsv = act->machine.curctx->VMXsave; /* Get the top vector savearea */
- while(vsv && vsv->save_hdr.save_level) vsv = (savearea_vec *)vsv->save_hdr.save_prev; /* Find user context if any */
+ while(vsv && vsv->save_hdr.save_level) /* Find user context if any */
+ /* XXX save_prev should be a void * 4425537 */
+ vsv = CAST_DOWN(savearea_vec *,
+ vsv->save_hdr.save_prev);
vsvt = act->machine.curctx->VMXsave; /* Get the top of the chain */
act->machine.curctx->VMXsave = vsv; /* Point to the user context */
- act->machine.curctx->VMXlevel = 0; /* Set the level to user */
+ act->machine.curctx->VMXlevel = NULL; /* Set the level to user */
hw_lock_unlock((hw_lock_t)&act->machine.curctx->VMXsync); /* Unlock */
while(vsvt) { /* Clear any VMX saved state */
if (vsvt == vsv) break; /* Done when hit user if any */
vpst = vsvt; /* Remember so we can toss this */
- vsvt = (savearea_vec *)vsvt->save_hdr.save_prev; /* Get one underneath our's */
- save_ret((savearea *)vpst); /* Release it */
+ /* XXX save_prev should be a void * 4425537 */
+ vsvt = CAST_DOWN(savearea_vec *, vsvt->save_hdr.save_prev); /* Get one underneath our's */
+ save_ret((struct savearea *)vpst); /* Release it */
fsv = act->machine.curctx->FPUsave; /* Get the top floats savearea */
- while(fsv && fsv->save_hdr.save_level) fsv = (savearea_fpu *)fsv->save_hdr.save_prev; /* Find user context if any */
+ while(fsv && fsv->save_hdr.save_level) /* Find user context if any */
+ /* XXX save_prev should be a void * */
+ fsv = CAST_DOWN(savearea_fpu *, fsv->save_hdr.save_prev);
fsvt = act->machine.curctx->FPUsave; /* Get the top of the chain */
act->machine.curctx->FPUsave = fsv; /* Point to the user context */
- act->machine.curctx->FPUlevel = 0; /* Set the level to user */
+ act->machine.curctx->FPUlevel = NULL; /* Set the level to user */
hw_lock_unlock((hw_lock_t)&act->machine.curctx->FPUsync); /* Unlock */
while(fsvt) { /* Clear any VMX saved state */
if (fsvt == fsv) break; /* Done when hit user if any */
fpst = fsvt; /* Remember so we can toss this */
- fsvt = (savearea_fpu *)fsvt->save_hdr.save_prev; /* Get one underneath our's */
- save_ret((savearea *)fpst); /* Release it */
+ /* XXX save_prev should be a void * 4425537 */
+ fsvt = CAST_DOWN(savearea_fpu *, fsvt->save_hdr.save_prev); /* Get one underneath our's */
+ save_ret((struct savearea *)fpst); /* Release it */
* free all regular saveareas except a user savearea, if any
- pcb = act->machine.pcb; /* Get the general savearea */
- userpcb = 0; /* Assume no user context for now */
+ local_pcb = act->machine.pcb; /* Get the general savearea */
+ userpcb = NULL; /* Assume no user context for now */
- while(pcb) { /* Any float saved state? */
- if (pcb->save_srr1 & MASK(MSR_PR)) { /* Is this a user savearea? */
- userpcb = pcb; /* Remember so we can toss this */
+ while(local_pcb) { /* Any float saved state? */
+ if (local_pcb->save_srr1 & MASK(MSR_PR)) { /* Is this a user savearea? */
+ userpcb = local_pcb; /* Remember so we can toss this */
- svp = pcb; /* Remember this */
- pcb = CAST_DOWN(savearea *, pcb->save_hdr.save_prev); /* Get one underneath our's */
+ svp = local_pcb; /* Remember this */
+ /* XXX save_prev should be a void * 4425537 */
+ local_pcb = CAST_DOWN(struct savearea *, local_pcb->save_hdr.save_prev); /* Get one underneath our's */
save_ret(svp); /* Release it */
dump_thread(thread_t th)
- printf(" thread @ 0x%x:\n", th);
+ printf(" thread @ %p:\n", th);
- dump_act(thread_t thr_act)
- if (!thr_act)
- return(0);
- printf("thread(0x%x)(%d): task=%x(%d)\n",
- thr_act, thr_act->ref_count,
- thr_act->task, thr_act->task ? thr_act->task->ref_count : 0);
- printf("\tsusp=%x active=%x\n",
- thr_act->suspend_count, thr_act->active);
- return((int)thr_act);
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */
thread, thread->priority,
thread->sched_pri, 0, 0);
- act_machine_sv_free(thread);
+ act_machine_sv_free(thread, 0); /* XXX flag == 0 OK? */
stack = thread->kernel_stack;
thread->kernel_stack = 0;
ppinfo = getPerProc(); /* Get our processor block */
- ppinfo->cpu_flags &= ~traceBE; /* Turn off special branch trace */
if(real_ncpus > 1) { /* This is potentially slow, so only do when actually SMP */
fowner = ppinfo->FPU_owner; /* Cache this because it may change */
if(fowner) { /* Is there any live context? */
old->machine.specFlags &= ~OnProc;
new->machine.specFlags |= OnProc;
- old->reason, (int)new, old->sched_pri, new->sched_pri, 0);
if(new->machine.specFlags & runningVM) { /* Is the new guy running a VM? */
pmap_switch(new->machine.vmmCEntry->vmmPmap); /* Switch to the VM's pmap */
ppinfo->VMMareaPhys = new->machine.vmmCEntry->vmmContextPhys;
mp = (mapping_t *)&ppinfo->ppUMWmp;
mp->mpSpace = invalSpace; /* Since we can't handoff in the middle of copy in/out, just invalidate */
- if (branch_tracing_enabled())
- ppinfo->cpu_flags |= traceBE;
if(trcWork.traceMask) dbgTrace(0x9903, (unsigned int)old, (unsigned int)new, 0, 0); /* Cut trace entry if tracing */
+void Call_continuation(thread_continue_t, void *, wait_result_t, vm_offset_t);
* clean and initialize the current kernel stack and go to
* the given continuation routine