+ ppnum_t start_pnum;
+ unsigned int npages, considered, scanned;
+ unsigned int page_idx, start_idx, last_idx, orig_last_idx;
+ unsigned int idx_last_contig_page_found = 0;
+ int free_considered, free_available;
+ int substitute_needed;
+ boolean_t wrapped, zone_gc_called = FALSE;
+#if DEBUG
+ clock_sec_t tv_start_sec, tv_end_sec;
+ clock_usec_t tv_start_usec, tv_end_usec;
+ int yielded = 0;
+ int dumped_run = 0;
+ int stolen_pages = 0;
+ int compressed_pages = 0;
+ if (contig_pages == 0)
+ return VM_PAGE_NULL;
+ vm_page_verify_free_lists();
+#if DEBUG
+ clock_get_system_microtime(&tv_start_sec, &tv_start_usec);
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ lck_mtx_lock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ scanned = 0;
+ considered = 0;
+ free_available = vm_page_free_count - vm_page_free_reserved;
+ wrapped = FALSE;
+ if(flags & KMA_LOMEM)
+ idx_last_contig_page_found = vm_page_lomem_find_contiguous_last_idx;
+ else
+ idx_last_contig_page_found = vm_page_find_contiguous_last_idx;
+ orig_last_idx = idx_last_contig_page_found;
+ last_idx = orig_last_idx;
+ for (page_idx = last_idx, start_idx = last_idx;
+ npages < contig_pages && page_idx < vm_pages_count;
+ page_idx++) {
+ if (wrapped &&
+ npages == 0 &&
+ page_idx >= orig_last_idx) {
+ /*
+ * We're back where we started and we haven't
+ * found any suitable contiguous range. Let's
+ * give up.
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ scanned++;
+ m = &vm_pages[page_idx];
+ assert(!m->fictitious);
+ assert(!m->private);
+ if (max_pnum && m->phys_page > max_pnum) {
+ /* no more low pages... */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!npages & ((m->phys_page & pnum_mask) != 0)) {
+ /*
+ * not aligned
+ */
+ } else if (VM_PAGE_WIRED(m) || m->gobbled ||
+ m->encrypted_cleaning ||
+ m->pageout_queue || m->laundry || m->wanted ||
+ m->cleaning || m->overwriting || m->pageout) {
+ /*
+ * page is in a transient state
+ * or a state we don't want to deal
+ * with, so don't consider it which
+ * means starting a new run
+ */
+ } else if (!m->free && !m->active && !m->inactive && !m->speculative && !m->throttled && !m->compressor) {
+ /*
+ * page needs to be on one of our queues
+ * or it needs to belong to the compressor pool
+ * in order for it to be stable behind the
+ * locks we hold at this point...
+ * if not, don't consider it which
+ * means starting a new run
+ */
+ } else if (!m->free && (!m->tabled || m->busy)) {
+ /*
+ * pages on the free list are always 'busy'
+ * so we couldn't test for 'busy' in the check
+ * for the transient states... pages that are
+ * 'free' are never 'tabled', so we also couldn't
+ * test for 'tabled'. So we check here to make
+ * sure that a non-free page is not busy and is
+ * tabled on an object...
+ * if not, don't consider it which
+ * means starting a new run
+ */
+ } else {
+ if (m->phys_page != prevcontaddr + 1) {
+ if ((m->phys_page & pnum_mask) != 0) {
+ goto did_consider;
+ } else {
+ npages = 1;
+ start_idx = page_idx;
+ start_pnum = m->phys_page;
+ }
+ } else {
+ npages++;
+ }
+ prevcontaddr = m->phys_page;
+ if (m->free) {
+ free_considered++;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * This page is not free.
+ * If we can't steal used pages,
+ * we have to give up this run
+ * and keep looking.
+ * Otherwise, we might need to
+ * move the contents of this page
+ * into a substitute page.
+ */
+ if (m->pmapped || m->dirty || m->precious) {
+ substitute_needed++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((free_considered + substitute_needed) > free_available) {
+ /*
+ * if we let this run continue
+ * we will end up dropping the vm_page_free_count
+ * below the reserve limit... we need to abort
+ * this run, but we can at least re-consider this
+ * page... thus the jump back to 'retry'
+ */
+ if (free_available && considered <= MAX_CONSIDERED_BEFORE_YIELD) {
+ considered++;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ /*
+ * free_available == 0
+ * so can't consider any free pages... if
+ * we went to retry in this case, we'd
+ * get stuck looking at the same page
+ * w/o making any forward progress
+ * we also want to take this path if we've already
+ * reached our limit that controls the lock latency
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ if (considered > MAX_CONSIDERED_BEFORE_YIELD && npages <= 1) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ mutex_pause(0);
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ lck_mtx_lock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ /*
+ * reset our free page limit since we
+ * dropped the lock protecting the vm_page_free_queue
+ */
+ free_available = vm_page_free_count - vm_page_free_reserved;
+ considered = 0;
+ yielded++;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ considered++;
+ }
+ if (npages != contig_pages) {
+ if (!wrapped) {
+ /*
+ * We didn't find a contiguous range but we didn't
+ * start from the very first page.
+ * Start again from the very first page.
+ */
+ if( flags & KMA_LOMEM)
+ idx_last_contig_page_found = vm_page_lomem_find_contiguous_last_idx = 0;
+ else
+ idx_last_contig_page_found = vm_page_find_contiguous_last_idx = 0;
+ last_idx = 0;
+ page_idx = last_idx;
+ wrapped = TRUE;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ } else {
+ vm_page_t m1;
+ vm_page_t m2;
+ unsigned int cur_idx;
+ unsigned int tmp_start_idx;
+ vm_object_t locked_object = VM_OBJECT_NULL;
+ boolean_t abort_run = FALSE;
+ assert(page_idx - start_idx == contig_pages);
+ tmp_start_idx = start_idx;
+ /*
+ * first pass through to pull the free pages
+ * off of the free queue so that in case we
+ * need substitute pages, we won't grab any
+ * of the free pages in the run... we'll clear
+ * the 'free' bit in the 2nd pass, and even in
+ * an abort_run case, we'll collect all of the
+ * free pages in this run and return them to the free list
+ */
+ while (start_idx < page_idx) {
+ m1 = &vm_pages[start_idx++];
+ assert(m1->free);
+ if (m1->free) {
+ unsigned int color;
+ color = m1->phys_page & vm_color_mask;
+ vm_page_verify_free_list(&vm_page_queue_free[color], color, m1, TRUE);
+ queue_remove(&vm_page_queue_free[color],
+ m1,
+ vm_page_t,
+ pageq);
+ m1->pageq.next = NULL;
+ m1->pageq.prev = NULL;
+ vm_page_verify_free_list(&vm_page_queue_free[color], color, VM_PAGE_NULL, FALSE);
+ /*
+ * Clear the "free" bit so that this page
+ * does not get considered for another
+ * concurrent physically-contiguous allocation.
+ */
+ m1->free = FALSE;
+ assert(m1->busy);
+ vm_page_free_count--;
+ }
+ }
+ if( flags & KMA_LOMEM)
+ vm_page_lomem_find_contiguous_last_idx = page_idx;
+ else
+ vm_page_find_contiguous_last_idx = page_idx;
+ /*
+ * we can drop the free queue lock at this point since
+ * we've pulled any 'free' candidates off of the list
+ * we need it dropped so that we can do a vm_page_grab
+ * when substituing for pmapped/dirty pages
+ */
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ start_idx = tmp_start_idx;
+ cur_idx = page_idx - 1;
+ while (start_idx++ < page_idx) {
+ /*
+ * must go through the list from back to front
+ * so that the page list is created in the
+ * correct order - low -> high phys addresses
+ */
+ m1 = &vm_pages[cur_idx--];
+ assert(!m1->free);
+ if (m1->object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) {
+ /*
+ * page has already been removed from
+ * the free list in the 1st pass
+ */
+ assert(m1->offset == (vm_object_offset_t) -1);
+ assert(m1->busy);
+ assert(!m1->wanted);
+ assert(!m1->laundry);
+ } else {
+ vm_object_t object;
+ int refmod;
+ boolean_t disconnected, reusable;
+ if (abort_run == TRUE)
+ continue;
+ object = m1->object;
+ if (object != locked_object) {
+ if (locked_object) {
+ vm_object_unlock(locked_object);
+ locked_object = VM_OBJECT_NULL;
+ }
+ if (vm_object_lock_try(object))
+ locked_object = object;
+ }
+ if (locked_object == VM_OBJECT_NULL ||
+ (VM_PAGE_WIRED(m1) || m1->gobbled ||
+ m1->encrypted_cleaning ||
+ m1->pageout_queue || m1->laundry || m1->wanted ||
+ m1->cleaning || m1->overwriting || m1->pageout || m1->busy)) {
+ if (locked_object) {
+ vm_object_unlock(locked_object);
+ locked_object = VM_OBJECT_NULL;
+ }
+ tmp_start_idx = cur_idx;
+ abort_run = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ disconnected = FALSE;
+ reusable = FALSE;
+ if ((m1->reusable ||
+ m1->object->all_reusable) &&
+ m1->inactive &&
+ !m1->dirty &&
+ !m1->reference) {
+ /* reusable page... */
+ refmod = pmap_disconnect(m1->phys_page);
+ disconnected = TRUE;
+ if (refmod == 0) {
+ /*
+ * ... not reused: can steal
+ * without relocating contents.
+ */
+ reusable = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((m1->pmapped &&
+ ! reusable) ||
+ m1->dirty ||
+ m1->precious) {
+ vm_object_offset_t offset;
+ m2 = vm_page_grab();
+ if (m2 == VM_PAGE_NULL) {
+ if (locked_object) {
+ vm_object_unlock(locked_object);
+ locked_object = VM_OBJECT_NULL;
+ }
+ tmp_start_idx = cur_idx;
+ abort_run = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (! disconnected) {
+ if (m1->pmapped)
+ refmod = pmap_disconnect(m1->phys_page);
+ else
+ refmod = 0;
+ }
+ /* copy the page's contents */
+ pmap_copy_page(m1->phys_page, m2->phys_page);
+ /* copy the page's state */
+ assert(!VM_PAGE_WIRED(m1));
+ assert(!m1->free);
+ assert(!m1->pageout_queue);
+ assert(!m1->laundry);
+ m2->reference = m1->reference;
+ assert(!m1->gobbled);
+ assert(!m1->private);
+ m2->no_cache = m1->no_cache;
+ m2->xpmapped = 0;
+ assert(!m1->busy);
+ assert(!m1->wanted);
+ assert(!m1->fictitious);
+ m2->pmapped = m1->pmapped; /* should flush cache ? */
+ m2->wpmapped = m1->wpmapped;
+ assert(!m1->pageout);
+ m2->absent = m1->absent;
+ m2->error = m1->error;
+ m2->dirty = m1->dirty;
+ assert(!m1->cleaning);
+ m2->precious = m1->precious;
+ m2->clustered = m1->clustered;
+ assert(!m1->overwriting);
+ m2->restart = m1->restart;
+ m2->unusual = m1->unusual;
+ m2->encrypted = m1->encrypted;
+ assert(!m1->encrypted_cleaning);
+ m2->cs_validated = m1->cs_validated;
+ m2->cs_tainted = m1->cs_tainted;
+ m2->cs_nx = m1->cs_nx;
+ /*
+ * If m1 had really been reusable,
+ * we would have just stolen it, so
+ * let's not propagate it's "reusable"
+ * bit and assert that m2 is not
+ * marked as "reusable".
+ */
+ // m2->reusable = m1->reusable;
+ assert(!m2->reusable);
+ assert(!m1->lopage);
+ m2->slid = m1->slid;
+ m2->compressor = m1->compressor;
+ /*
+ * page may need to be flushed if
+ * it is marshalled into a UPL
+ * that is going to be used by a device
+ * that doesn't support coherency
+ */
+ m2->written_by_kernel = TRUE;
+ /*
+ * make sure we clear the ref/mod state
+ * from the pmap layer... else we risk
+ * inheriting state from the last time
+ * this page was used...
+ */
+ pmap_clear_refmod(m2->phys_page, VM_MEM_MODIFIED | VM_MEM_REFERENCED);
+ if (refmod & VM_MEM_REFERENCED)
+ m2->reference = TRUE;
+ if (refmod & VM_MEM_MODIFIED) {
+ }
+ offset = m1->offset;
+ /*
+ * completely cleans up the state
+ * of the page so that it is ready
+ * to be put onto the free list, or
+ * for this purpose it looks like it
+ * just came off of the free list
+ */
+ vm_page_free_prepare(m1);
+ /*
+ * now put the substitute page
+ * on the object
+ */
+ vm_page_insert_internal(m2, locked_object, offset, VM_KERN_MEMORY_NONE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+ if (m2->compressor) {
+ m2->pmapped = TRUE;
+ m2->wpmapped = TRUE;
+ PMAP_ENTER(kernel_pmap, m2->offset, m2,
+ compressed_pages++;
+ } else {
+ if (m2->reference)
+ vm_page_activate(m2);
+ else
+ vm_page_deactivate(m2);
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert(!m1->compressor);
+ /*
+ * completely cleans up the state
+ * of the page so that it is ready
+ * to be put onto the free list, or
+ * for this purpose it looks like it
+ * just came off of the free list
+ */
+ vm_page_free_prepare(m1);
+ }
+ stolen_pages++;
+ }
+ m1->pageq.next = (queue_entry_t) m;
+ m1->pageq.prev = NULL;
+ m = m1;
+ }
+ if (locked_object) {
+ vm_object_unlock(locked_object);
+ locked_object = VM_OBJECT_NULL;
+ }
+ if (abort_run == TRUE) {
+ if (m != VM_PAGE_NULL) {
+ vm_page_free_list(m, FALSE);
+ }
+ dumped_run++;
+ /*
+ * want the index of the last
+ * page in this run that was
+ * successfully 'stolen', so back
+ * it up 1 for the auto-decrement on use
+ * and 1 more to bump back over this page
+ */
+ page_idx = tmp_start_idx + 2;
+ if (page_idx >= vm_pages_count) {
+ if (wrapped)
+ goto done_scanning;
+ page_idx = last_idx = 0;
+ wrapped = TRUE;
+ }
+ abort_run = FALSE;
+ /*
+ * We didn't find a contiguous range but we didn't
+ * start from the very first page.
+ * Start again from the very first page.
+ */
+ if( flags & KMA_LOMEM)
+ idx_last_contig_page_found = vm_page_lomem_find_contiguous_last_idx = page_idx;
+ else
+ idx_last_contig_page_found = vm_page_find_contiguous_last_idx = page_idx;
+ last_idx = page_idx;
+ lck_mtx_lock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ /*
+ * reset our free page limit since we
+ * dropped the lock protecting the vm_page_free_queue
+ */
+ free_available = vm_page_free_count - vm_page_free_reserved;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ for (m1 = m; m1 != VM_PAGE_NULL; m1 = NEXT_PAGE(m1)) {
+ if (wire == TRUE)
+ m1->wire_count++;
+ else
+ m1->gobbled = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (wire == FALSE)
+ vm_page_gobble_count += npages;
+ /*
+ * gobbled pages are also counted as wired pages
+ */
+ vm_page_wire_count += npages;
+ assert(vm_page_verify_contiguous(m, npages));
+ }
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+#if DEBUG
+ clock_get_system_microtime(&tv_end_sec, &tv_end_usec);
+ tv_end_sec -= tv_start_sec;
+ if (tv_end_usec < tv_start_usec) {
+ tv_end_sec--;
+ tv_end_usec += 1000000;
+ }
+ tv_end_usec -= tv_start_usec;
+ if (tv_end_usec >= 1000000) {
+ tv_end_sec++;
+ tv_end_sec -= 1000000;
+ }
+ if (vm_page_find_contig_debug) {
+ printf("%s(num=%d,low=%d): found %d pages at 0x%llx in %ld.%06ds... started at %d... scanned %d pages... yielded %d times... dumped run %d times... stole %d pages... stole %d compressed pages\n",
+ __func__, contig_pages, max_pnum, npages, (vm_object_offset_t)start_pnum << PAGE_SHIFT,
+ (long)tv_end_sec, tv_end_usec, orig_last_idx,
+ scanned, yielded, dumped_run, stolen_pages, compressed_pages);
+ }
+ vm_page_verify_free_lists();
+ if (m == NULL && zone_gc_called == FALSE) {
+ printf("%s(num=%d,low=%d): found %d pages at 0x%llx...scanned %d pages... yielded %d times... dumped run %d times... stole %d pages... stole %d compressed pages... wired count is %d\n",
+ __func__, contig_pages, max_pnum, npages, (vm_object_offset_t)start_pnum << PAGE_SHIFT,
+ scanned, yielded, dumped_run, stolen_pages, compressed_pages, vm_page_wire_count);
+ if (consider_buffer_cache_collect != NULL) {
+ (void)(*consider_buffer_cache_collect)(1);
+ }
+ consider_zone_gc(TRUE);
+ zone_gc_called = TRUE;
+ printf("vm_page_find_contiguous: zone_gc called... wired count is %d\n", vm_page_wire_count);
+ goto full_scan_again;
+ }
+ return m;
+ * Allocate a list of contiguous, wired pages.
+ */
+ vm_size_t size,
+ vm_page_t *list,
+ ppnum_t max_pnum,
+ ppnum_t pnum_mask,
+ boolean_t wire,
+ int flags)
+ vm_page_t pages;
+ unsigned int npages;
+ if (size % PAGE_SIZE != 0)
+ npages = (unsigned int) (size / PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (npages != size / PAGE_SIZE) {
+ /* 32-bit overflow */
+ }
+ /*
+ * Obtain a pointer to a subset of the free
+ * list large enough to satisfy the request;
+ * the region will be physically contiguous.
+ */
+ pages = vm_page_find_contiguous(npages, max_pnum, pnum_mask, wire, flags);
+ if (pages == VM_PAGE_NULL)
+ return KERN_NO_SPACE;
+ /*
+ * determine need for wakeups
+ */
+ if ((vm_page_free_count < vm_page_free_min) ||
+ ((vm_page_free_count < vm_page_free_target) &&
+ ((vm_page_inactive_count + vm_page_speculative_count) < vm_page_inactive_min)))
+ thread_wakeup((event_t) &vm_page_free_wanted);
+ /*
+ * The CPM pages should now be available and
+ * ordered by ascending physical address.
+ */
+ assert(vm_page_verify_contiguous(pages, npages));
+ *list = pages;
+ return KERN_SUCCESS;
+unsigned int vm_max_delayed_work_limit = DEFAULT_DELAYED_WORK_LIMIT;
+ * when working on a 'run' of pages, it is necessary to hold
+ * the vm_page_queue_lock (a hot global lock) for certain operations
+ * on the page... however, the majority of the work can be done
+ * while merely holding the object lock... in fact there are certain
+ * collections of pages that don't require any work brokered by the
+ * vm_page_queue_lock... to mitigate the time spent behind the global
+ * lock, go to a 2 pass algorithm... collect pages up to DELAYED_WORK_LIMIT
+ * while doing all of the work that doesn't require the vm_page_queue_lock...
+ * then call vm_page_do_delayed_work to acquire the vm_page_queue_lock and do the
+ * necessary work for each page... we will grab the busy bit on the page
+ * if it's not already held so that vm_page_do_delayed_work can drop the object lock
+ * if it can't immediately take the vm_page_queue_lock in order to compete
+ * for the locks in the same order that vm_pageout_scan takes them.
+ * the operation names are modeled after the names of the routines that
+ * need to be called in order to make the changes very obvious in the
+ * original loop
+ */
+ vm_object_t object,
+ vm_tag_t tag,
+ struct vm_page_delayed_work *dwp,
+ int dw_count)
+ int j;
+ vm_page_t m;
+ vm_page_t local_free_q = VM_PAGE_NULL;
+ /*
+ * pageout_scan takes the vm_page_lock_queues first
+ * then tries for the object lock... to avoid what
+ * is effectively a lock inversion, we'll go to the
+ * trouble of taking them in that same order... otherwise
+ * if this object contains the majority of the pages resident
+ * in the UBC (or a small set of large objects actively being
+ * worked on contain the majority of the pages), we could
+ * cause the pageout_scan thread to 'starve' in its attempt
+ * to find pages to move to the free queue, since it has to
+ * successfully acquire the object lock of any candidate page
+ * before it can steal/clean it.
+ */
+ if (!vm_page_trylockspin_queues()) {
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ for (j = 0; ; j++) {
+ if (!vm_object_lock_avoid(object) &&
+ _vm_object_lock_try(object))
+ break;
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ mutex_pause(j);
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < dw_count; j++, dwp++) {
+ m = dwp->dw_m;
+ if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_vm_pageout_throttle_up)
+ vm_pageout_throttle_up(m);
+ if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_vm_phantom_cache_update)
+ vm_phantom_cache_update(m);
+ if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_vm_page_wire)
+ vm_page_wire(m, tag, FALSE);
+ else if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_vm_page_unwire) {
+ boolean_t queueit;
+ queueit = (dwp->dw_mask & (DW_vm_page_free | DW_vm_page_deactivate_internal)) ? FALSE : TRUE;
+ vm_page_unwire(m, queueit);
+ }
+ if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_vm_page_free) {
+ vm_page_free_prepare_queues(m);
+ assert(m->pageq.next == NULL && m->pageq.prev == NULL);
+ /*
+ * Add this page to our list of reclaimed pages,
+ * to be freed later.
+ */
+ m->pageq.next = (queue_entry_t) local_free_q;
+ local_free_q = m;
+ } else {
+ if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_vm_page_deactivate_internal)
+ vm_page_deactivate_internal(m, FALSE);
+ else if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_vm_page_activate) {
+ if (m->active == FALSE) {
+ vm_page_activate(m);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_vm_page_speculate)
+ vm_page_speculate(m, TRUE);
+ else if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_enqueue_cleaned) {
+ /*
+ * if we didn't hold the object lock and did this,
+ * we might disconnect the page, then someone might
+ * soft fault it back in, then we would put it on the
+ * cleaned queue, and so we would have a referenced (maybe even dirty)
+ * page on that queue, which we don't want
+ */
+ int refmod_state = pmap_disconnect(m->phys_page);
+ if ((refmod_state & VM_MEM_REFERENCED)) {
+ /*
+ * this page has been touched since it got cleaned; let's activate it
+ * if it hasn't already been
+ */
+ vm_pageout_enqueued_cleaned++;
+ vm_pageout_cleaned_reactivated++;
+ vm_pageout_cleaned_commit_reactivated++;
+ if (m->active == FALSE)
+ vm_page_activate(m);
+ } else {
+ m->reference = FALSE;
+ vm_page_enqueue_cleaned(m);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_vm_page_lru)
+ vm_page_lru(m);
+ else if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_VM_PAGE_QUEUES_REMOVE) {
+ if ( !m->pageout_queue)
+ vm_page_queues_remove(m);
+ }
+ if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_set_reference)
+ m->reference = TRUE;
+ else if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_clear_reference)
+ m->reference = FALSE;
+ if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_move_page) {
+ if ( !m->pageout_queue) {
+ vm_page_queues_remove(m);
+ assert(m->object != kernel_object);
+ vm_page_enqueue_inactive(m, FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_clear_busy)
+ m->busy = FALSE;
+ if (dwp->dw_mask & DW_PAGE_WAKEUP)
+ }
+ }
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ if (local_free_q)
+ vm_page_free_list(local_free_q, TRUE);
+ int page_count,
+ int flags,
+ vm_page_t *list)
+ vm_page_t lo_page_list = VM_PAGE_NULL;
+ vm_page_t mem;
+ int i;
+ if ( !(flags & KMA_LOMEM))
+ panic("vm_page_alloc_list: called w/o KMA_LOMEM");
+ for (i = 0; i < page_count; i++) {
+ mem = vm_page_grablo();
+ if (mem == VM_PAGE_NULL) {
+ if (lo_page_list)
+ vm_page_free_list(lo_page_list, FALSE);
+ *list = VM_PAGE_NULL;
+ }
+ mem->pageq.next = (queue_entry_t) lo_page_list;
+ lo_page_list = mem;
+ }
+ *list = lo_page_list;
+ return (KERN_SUCCESS);
+vm_page_set_offset(vm_page_t page, vm_object_offset_t offset)
+ page->offset = offset;
+vm_page_get_next(vm_page_t page)
+ return ((vm_page_t) page->pageq.next);
+vm_page_get_offset(vm_page_t page)
+ return (page->offset);
+vm_page_get_phys_page(vm_page_t page)
+ return (page->phys_page);
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+static vm_page_t hibernate_gobble_queue;
+static int hibernate_drain_pageout_queue(struct vm_pageout_queue *);
+static int hibernate_flush_dirty_pages(int);
+static int hibernate_flush_queue(queue_head_t *, int);
+void hibernate_flush_wait(void);
+void hibernate_mark_in_progress(void);
+void hibernate_clear_in_progress(void);
+void hibernate_free_range(int, int);
+void hibernate_hash_insert_page(vm_page_t);
+uint32_t hibernate_mark_as_unneeded(addr64_t, addr64_t, hibernate_page_list_t *, hibernate_page_list_t *);
+void hibernate_rebuild_vm_structs(void);
+uint32_t hibernate_teardown_vm_structs(hibernate_page_list_t *, hibernate_page_list_t *);
+ppnum_t hibernate_lookup_paddr(unsigned int);
+struct hibernate_statistics {
+ int hibernate_considered;
+ int hibernate_reentered_on_q;
+ int hibernate_found_dirty;
+ int hibernate_skipped_cleaning;
+ int hibernate_skipped_transient;
+ int hibernate_skipped_precious;
+ int hibernate_skipped_external;
+ int hibernate_queue_nolock;
+ int hibernate_queue_paused;
+ int hibernate_throttled;
+ int hibernate_throttle_timeout;
+ int hibernate_drained;
+ int hibernate_drain_timeout;
+ int cd_lock_failed;
+ int cd_found_precious;
+ int cd_found_wired;
+ int cd_found_busy;
+ int cd_found_unusual;
+ int cd_found_cleaning;
+ int cd_found_laundry;
+ int cd_found_dirty;
+ int cd_found_xpmapped;
+ int cd_skipped_xpmapped;
+ int cd_local_free;
+ int cd_total_free;
+ int cd_vm_page_wire_count;
+ int cd_vm_struct_pages_unneeded;
+ int cd_pages;
+ int cd_discarded;
+ int cd_count_wire;
+} hibernate_stats;
+ * clamp the number of 'xpmapped' pages we'll sweep into the hibernation image
+ * so that we don't overrun the estimated image size, which would
+ * result in a hibernation failure.
+ */
+static int
+hibernate_drain_pageout_queue(struct vm_pageout_queue *q)
+ wait_result_t wait_result;
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ while ( !queue_empty(&q->pgo_pending) ) {
+ q->pgo_draining = TRUE;
+ assert_wait_timeout((event_t) (&q->pgo_laundry+1), THREAD_INTERRUPTIBLE, 5000, 1000*NSEC_PER_USEC);
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ wait_result = thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ if (wait_result == THREAD_TIMED_OUT && !queue_empty(&q->pgo_pending)) {
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_drain_timeout++;
+ if (q == &vm_pageout_queue_external)
+ return (0);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_drained++;
+ }
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ return (0);
+boolean_t hibernate_skip_external = FALSE;
+static int
+hibernate_flush_queue(queue_head_t *q, int qcount)
+ vm_page_t m;
+ vm_object_t l_object = NULL;
+ vm_object_t m_object = NULL;
+ int refmod_state = 0;
+ int try_failed_count = 0;
+ int retval = 0;
+ int current_run = 0;
+ struct vm_pageout_queue *iq;
+ struct vm_pageout_queue *eq;
+ struct vm_pageout_queue *tq;
+ iq = &vm_pageout_queue_internal;
+ eq = &vm_pageout_queue_external;
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ while (qcount && !queue_empty(q)) {
+ if (current_run++ == 1000) {
+ if (hibernate_should_abort()) {
+ retval = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ current_run = 0;
+ }
+ m = (vm_page_t) queue_first(q);
+ m_object = m->object;
+ /*
+ * check to see if we currently are working
+ * with the same object... if so, we've
+ * already got the lock
+ */
+ if (m_object != l_object) {
+ /*
+ * the object associated with candidate page is
+ * different from the one we were just working
+ * with... dump the lock if we still own it
+ */
+ if (l_object != NULL) {
+ vm_object_unlock(l_object);
+ l_object = NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Try to lock object; since we've alread got the
+ * page queues lock, we can only 'try' for this one.
+ * if the 'try' fails, we need to do a mutex_pause
+ * to allow the owner of the object lock a chance to
+ * run...
+ */
+ if ( !vm_object_lock_try_scan(m_object)) {
+ if (try_failed_count > 20) {
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_queue_nolock++;
+ goto reenter_pg_on_q;
+ }
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ mutex_pause(try_failed_count++);
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_queue_paused++;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ l_object = m_object;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !m_object->alive || m->encrypted_cleaning || m->cleaning || m->laundry || m->busy || m->absent || m->error) {
+ /*
+ * page is not to be cleaned
+ * put it back on the head of its queue
+ */
+ if (m->cleaning)
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_skipped_cleaning++;
+ else
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_skipped_transient++;
+ goto reenter_pg_on_q;
+ }
+ if (m_object->copy == VM_OBJECT_NULL) {
+ if (m_object->purgable == VM_PURGABLE_VOLATILE || m_object->purgable == VM_PURGABLE_EMPTY) {
+ /*
+ * let the normal hibernate image path
+ * deal with these
+ */
+ goto reenter_pg_on_q;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !m->dirty && m->pmapped) {
+ refmod_state = pmap_get_refmod(m->phys_page);
+ if ((refmod_state & VM_MEM_MODIFIED)) {
+ }
+ } else
+ refmod_state = 0;
+ if ( !m->dirty) {
+ /*
+ * page is not to be cleaned
+ * put it back on the head of its queue
+ */
+ if (m->precious)
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_skipped_precious++;
+ goto reenter_pg_on_q;
+ }
+ if (hibernate_skip_external == TRUE && !m_object->internal) {
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_skipped_external++;
+ goto reenter_pg_on_q;
+ }
+ tq = NULL;
+ if (m_object->internal) {
+ tq = iq;
+ } else if (VM_PAGE_Q_THROTTLED(eq))
+ tq = eq;
+ if (tq != NULL) {
+ wait_result_t wait_result;
+ int wait_count = 5;
+ if (l_object != NULL) {
+ vm_object_unlock(l_object);
+ l_object = NULL;
+ }
+ while (retval == 0) {
+ tq->pgo_throttled = TRUE;
+ assert_wait_timeout((event_t) &tq->pgo_laundry, THREAD_INTERRUPTIBLE, 1000, 1000*NSEC_PER_USEC);
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ wait_result = thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ if (wait_result != THREAD_TIMED_OUT)
+ break;
+ break;
+ if (hibernate_should_abort())
+ retval = 1;
+ if (--wait_count == 0) {
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_throttle_timeout++;
+ if (tq == eq) {
+ hibernate_skip_external = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ retval = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (retval)
+ break;
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_throttled++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * we've already factored out pages in the laundry which
+ * means this page can't be on the pageout queue so it's
+ * safe to do the vm_page_queues_remove
+ */
+ assert(!m->pageout_queue);
+ vm_page_queues_remove(m);
+ if (COMPRESSED_PAGER_IS_ACTIVE && m_object->internal == TRUE)
+ pmap_disconnect_options(m->phys_page, PMAP_OPTIONS_COMPRESSOR, NULL);
+ (void)vm_pageout_cluster(m, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_found_dirty++;
+ goto next_pg;
+ queue_remove(q, m, vm_page_t, pageq);
+ queue_enter(q, m, vm_page_t, pageq);
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_reentered_on_q++;
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_considered++;
+ qcount--;
+ try_failed_count = 0;
+ }
+ if (l_object != NULL) {
+ vm_object_unlock(l_object);
+ l_object = NULL;
+ }
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ KERNEL_DEBUG_CONSTANT(IOKDBG_CODE(DBG_HIBERNATE, 4) | DBG_FUNC_END, hibernate_stats.hibernate_found_dirty, retval, 0, 0, 0);
+ return (retval);
+static int
+hibernate_flush_dirty_pages(int pass)
+ struct vm_speculative_age_q *aq;
+ uint32_t i;
+ if (vm_page_local_q) {
+ for (i = 0; i < vm_page_local_q_count; i++)
+ vm_page_reactivate_local(i, TRUE, FALSE);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i <= VM_PAGE_MAX_SPECULATIVE_AGE_Q; i++) {
+ int qcount;
+ vm_page_t m;
+ aq = &vm_page_queue_speculative[i];
+ if (queue_empty(&aq->age_q))
+ continue;
+ qcount = 0;
+ vm_page_lockspin_queues();
+ queue_iterate(&aq->age_q,
+ m,
+ vm_page_t,
+ pageq)
+ {
+ qcount++;
+ }
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ if (qcount) {
+ if (hibernate_flush_queue(&aq->age_q, qcount))
+ return (1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (hibernate_flush_queue(&vm_page_queue_inactive, vm_page_inactive_count - vm_page_anonymous_count - vm_page_cleaned_count))
+ return (1);
+ if (hibernate_flush_queue(&vm_page_queue_anonymous, vm_page_anonymous_count))
+ return (1);
+ if (hibernate_flush_queue(&vm_page_queue_cleaned, vm_page_cleaned_count))
+ return (1);
+ if (hibernate_drain_pageout_queue(&vm_pageout_queue_internal))
+ return (1);
+ if (COMPRESSED_PAGER_IS_ACTIVE && pass == 1)
+ vm_compressor_record_warmup_start();
+ if (hibernate_flush_queue(&vm_page_queue_active, vm_page_active_count)) {
+ if (COMPRESSED_PAGER_IS_ACTIVE && pass == 1)
+ vm_compressor_record_warmup_end();
+ return (1);
+ }
+ if (hibernate_drain_pageout_queue(&vm_pageout_queue_internal)) {
+ if (COMPRESSED_PAGER_IS_ACTIVE && pass == 1)
+ vm_compressor_record_warmup_end();
+ return (1);
+ }
+ if (COMPRESSED_PAGER_IS_ACTIVE && pass == 1)
+ vm_compressor_record_warmup_end();
+ if (hibernate_skip_external == FALSE && hibernate_drain_pageout_queue(&vm_pageout_queue_external))
+ return (1);
+ return (0);
+ bzero(&hibernate_stats, sizeof(struct hibernate_statistics));
+ int retval;
+ hibernate_cleaning_in_progress = TRUE;
+ hibernate_skip_external = FALSE;
+ if ((retval = hibernate_flush_dirty_pages(1)) == 0) {
+ vm_compressor_flush();
+ }
+ if (consider_buffer_cache_collect != NULL) {
+ unsigned int orig_wire_count;
+ orig_wire_count = vm_page_wire_count;
+ (void)(*consider_buffer_cache_collect)(1);
+ consider_zone_gc(TRUE);
+ HIBLOG("hibernate_flush_memory: buffer_cache_gc freed up %d wired pages\n", orig_wire_count - vm_page_wire_count);
+ KERNEL_DEBUG_CONSTANT(IOKDBG_CODE(DBG_HIBERNATE, 7) | DBG_FUNC_END, orig_wire_count - vm_page_wire_count, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ hibernate_cleaning_in_progress = FALSE;
+ KERNEL_DEBUG_CONSTANT(IOKDBG_CODE(DBG_HIBERNATE, 3) | DBG_FUNC_END, vm_page_free_count, hibernate_stats.hibernate_found_dirty, retval, 0, 0);
+ HIBLOG("hibernate_flush_memory() failed to finish - vm_page_compressor_count(%d)\n", VM_PAGE_COMPRESSOR_COUNT);
+ HIBPRINT("hibernate_flush_memory() considered(%d) reentered_on_q(%d) found_dirty(%d)\n",
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_considered,
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_reentered_on_q,
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_found_dirty);
+ HIBPRINT(" skipped_cleaning(%d) skipped_transient(%d) skipped_precious(%d) skipped_external(%d) queue_nolock(%d)\n",
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_skipped_cleaning,
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_skipped_transient,
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_skipped_precious,
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_skipped_external,
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_queue_nolock);
+ HIBPRINT(" queue_paused(%d) throttled(%d) throttle_timeout(%d) drained(%d) drain_timeout(%d)\n",
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_queue_paused,
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_throttled,
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_throttle_timeout,
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_drained,
+ hibernate_stats.hibernate_drain_timeout);
+ return (retval);
+static void
+hibernate_page_list_zero(hibernate_page_list_t *list)
+ uint32_t bank;
+ hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap;
+ bitmap = &list->bank_bitmap[0];
+ for (bank = 0; bank < list->bank_count; bank++)
+ {
+ uint32_t last_bit;
+ bzero((void *) &bitmap->bitmap[0], bitmap->bitmapwords << 2);
+ // set out-of-bound bits at end of bitmap.
+ last_bit = ((bitmap->last_page - bitmap->first_page + 1) & 31);
+ if (last_bit)
+ bitmap->bitmap[bitmap->bitmapwords - 1] = (0xFFFFFFFF >> last_bit);
+ bitmap = (hibernate_bitmap_t *) &bitmap->bitmap[bitmap->bitmapwords];
+ }
+ vm_page_t m, next;
+ uint32_t count = 0;
+ m = (vm_page_t) hibernate_gobble_queue;
+ while(m)
+ {
+ next = (vm_page_t) m->pageq.next;
+ vm_page_free(m);
+ count++;
+ m = next;
+ }
+ hibernate_gobble_queue = VM_PAGE_NULL;
+ if (count)
+ HIBLOG("Freed %d pages\n", count);
+static boolean_t
+hibernate_consider_discard(vm_page_t m, boolean_t preflight)
+ vm_object_t object = NULL;
+ int refmod_state;
+ boolean_t discard = FALSE;
+ do
+ {
+ if (m->private)
+ panic("hibernate_consider_discard: private");
+ if (!vm_object_lock_try(m->object)) {
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_stats.cd_lock_failed++;
+ break;
+ }
+ object = m->object;
+ if (VM_PAGE_WIRED(m)) {
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_stats.cd_found_wired++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m->precious) {
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_stats.cd_found_precious++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m->busy || !object->alive) {
+ /*
+ * Somebody is playing with this page.
+ */
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_stats.cd_found_busy++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m->absent || m->unusual || m->error) {
+ /*
+ * If it's unusual in anyway, ignore it
+ */
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_stats.cd_found_unusual++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m->cleaning) {
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_stats.cd_found_cleaning++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m->laundry) {
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_stats.cd_found_laundry++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!m->dirty)
+ {
+ refmod_state = pmap_get_refmod(m->phys_page);
+ if (refmod_state & VM_MEM_REFERENCED)
+ m->reference = TRUE;
+ if (refmod_state & VM_MEM_MODIFIED) {
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If it's clean or purgeable we can discard the page on wakeup.
+ */
+ discard = (!m->dirty)
+ || (VM_PURGABLE_VOLATILE == object->purgable)
+ || (VM_PURGABLE_EMPTY == object->purgable);
+ if (discard == FALSE) {
+ if (!preflight)
+ hibernate_stats.cd_found_dirty++;
+ } else if (m->xpmapped && m->reference && !object->internal) {
+ if (hibernate_stats.cd_found_xpmapped < HIBERNATE_XPMAPPED_LIMIT) {
+ if (!preflight)
+ hibernate_stats.cd_found_xpmapped++;
+ discard = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ if (!preflight)
+ hibernate_stats.cd_skipped_xpmapped++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (FALSE);
+ if (object)
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+ return (discard);
+static void
+hibernate_discard_page(vm_page_t m)
+ if (m->absent || m->unusual || m->error)
+ /*
+ * If it's unusual in anyway, ignore
+ */
+ return;
+ vm_object_t object = m->object;
+ if (!vm_object_lock_try(m->object))
+ panic("hibernate_discard_page(%p) !vm_object_lock_try", m);
+ /* No need to lock page queue for token delete, hibernate_vm_unlock()
+ makes sure these locks are uncontended before sleep */
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT || DEBUG */
+ if (m->pmapped == TRUE)
+ {
+ __unused int refmod_state = pmap_disconnect(m->phys_page);
+ }
+ if (m->laundry)
+ panic("hibernate_discard_page(%p) laundry", m);
+ if (m->private)
+ panic("hibernate_discard_page(%p) private", m);
+ if (m->fictitious)
+ panic("hibernate_discard_page(%p) fictitious", m);
+ if (VM_PURGABLE_VOLATILE == m->object->purgable)
+ {
+ /* object should be on a queue */
+ assert((m->object->objq.next != NULL) && (m->object->objq.prev != NULL));
+ purgeable_q_t old_queue = vm_purgeable_object_remove(m->object);
+ assert(old_queue);
+ if (m->object->purgeable_when_ripe) {
+ vm_purgeable_token_delete_first(old_queue);
+ }
+ m->object->purgable = VM_PURGABLE_EMPTY;
+ /*
+ * Purgeable ledgers: pages of VOLATILE and EMPTY objects are
+ * accounted in the "volatile" ledger, so no change here.
+ * We have to update vm_page_purgeable_count, though, since we're
+ * effectively purging this object.
+ */
+ unsigned int delta;
+ assert(m->object->resident_page_count >= m->object->wired_page_count);
+ delta = (m->object->resident_page_count - m->object->wired_page_count);
+ assert(vm_page_purgeable_count >= delta);
+ assert(delta > 0);
+ OSAddAtomic(-delta, (SInt32 *)&vm_page_purgeable_count);
+ }
+ vm_page_free(m);
+ vm_object_unlock(object);
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT || DEBUG */
+ Grab locks for hibernate_page_list_setall()
+ vm_object_lock(compressor_object);
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ lck_mtx_lock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ if (vm_page_local_q) {
+ uint32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < vm_page_local_q_count; i++) {
+ struct vpl *lq;
+ lq = &vm_page_local_q[i].vpl_un.vpl;
+ VPL_LOCK(&lq->vpl_lock);
+ }
+ }
+ if (vm_page_local_q) {
+ uint32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < vm_page_local_q_count; i++) {
+ struct vpl *lq;
+ lq = &vm_page_local_q[i].vpl_un.vpl;
+ VPL_UNLOCK(&lq->vpl_lock);
+ }
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ vm_object_unlock(compressor_object);
+ Bits zero in the bitmaps => page needs to be saved. All pages default to be saved,
+ pages known to VM to not need saving are subtracted.
+ Wired pages to be saved are present in page_list_wired, pageable in page_list.
+hibernate_page_list_setall(hibernate_page_list_t * page_list,
+ hibernate_page_list_t * page_list_wired,
+ hibernate_page_list_t * page_list_pal,
+ boolean_t preflight,
+ boolean_t will_discard,
+ uint32_t * pagesOut)
+ uint64_t start, end, nsec;
+ vm_page_t m;
+ vm_page_t next;
+ uint32_t pages = page_list->page_count;
+ uint32_t count_anonymous = 0, count_throttled = 0, count_compressor = 0;
+ uint32_t count_inactive = 0, count_active = 0, count_speculative = 0, count_cleaned = 0;
+ uint32_t count_wire = pages;
+ uint32_t count_discard_active = 0;
+ uint32_t count_discard_inactive = 0;
+ uint32_t count_discard_cleaned = 0;
+ uint32_t count_discard_purgeable = 0;
+ uint32_t count_discard_speculative = 0;
+ uint32_t count_discard_vm_struct_pages = 0;
+ uint32_t i;
+ uint32_t bank;
+ hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap;
+ hibernate_bitmap_t * bitmap_wired;
+ boolean_t discard_all;
+ boolean_t discard;
+ HIBLOG("hibernate_page_list_setall(preflight %d) start\n", preflight);
+ if (preflight) {
+ page_list = NULL;
+ page_list_wired = NULL;
+ page_list_pal = NULL;
+ discard_all = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ discard_all = will_discard;
+ }
+ if (!preflight)
+ {
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ if (vm_page_local_q) {
+ for (i = 0; i < vm_page_local_q_count; i++) {
+ struct vpl *lq;
+ lq = &vm_page_local_q[i].vpl_un.vpl;
+ VPL_LOCK(&lq->vpl_lock);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT || DEBUG */
+ clock_get_uptime(&start);
+ if (!preflight) {
+ hibernate_page_list_zero(page_list);
+ hibernate_page_list_zero(page_list_wired);
+ hibernate_page_list_zero(page_list_pal);
+ hibernate_stats.cd_vm_page_wire_count = vm_page_wire_count;
+ hibernate_stats.cd_pages = pages;
+ }
+ if (vm_page_local_q) {
+ for (i = 0; i < vm_page_local_q_count; i++)
+ vm_page_reactivate_local(i, TRUE, !preflight);
+ }
+ if (preflight) {
+ vm_object_lock(compressor_object);
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ lck_mtx_lock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ }
+ m = (vm_page_t) hibernate_gobble_queue;
+ while (m)
+ {
+ pages--;
+ count_wire--;
+ if (!preflight) {
+ hibernate_page_bitset(page_list, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ hibernate_page_bitset(page_list_wired, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ }
+ m = (vm_page_t) m->pageq.next;
+ }
+ if (!preflight) for( i = 0; i < real_ncpus; i++ )
+ {
+ if (cpu_data_ptr[i] && cpu_data_ptr[i]->cpu_processor)
+ {
+ for (m = PROCESSOR_DATA(cpu_data_ptr[i]->cpu_processor, free_pages); m; m = (vm_page_t)m->pageq.next)
+ {
+ pages--;
+ count_wire--;
+ hibernate_page_bitset(page_list, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ hibernate_page_bitset(page_list_wired, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ hibernate_stats.cd_local_free++;
+ hibernate_stats.cd_total_free++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < vm_colors; i++ )
+ {
+ queue_iterate(&vm_page_queue_free[i],
+ m,
+ vm_page_t,
+ pageq)
+ {
+ pages--;
+ count_wire--;
+ if (!preflight) {
+ hibernate_page_bitset(page_list, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ hibernate_page_bitset(page_list_wired, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ hibernate_stats.cd_total_free++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ queue_iterate(&vm_lopage_queue_free,
+ m,
+ vm_page_t,
+ pageq)
+ {
+ pages--;
+ count_wire--;
+ if (!preflight) {
+ hibernate_page_bitset(page_list, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ hibernate_page_bitset(page_list_wired, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ hibernate_stats.cd_total_free++;
+ }
+ }
+ m = (vm_page_t) queue_first(&vm_page_queue_throttled);
+ while (m && !queue_end(&vm_page_queue_throttled, (queue_entry_t)m))
+ {
+ next = (vm_page_t) m->pageq.next;
+ discard = FALSE;
+ if ((kIOHibernateModeDiscardCleanInactive & gIOHibernateMode)
+ && hibernate_consider_discard(m, preflight))
+ {
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_page_bitset(page_list, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ count_discard_inactive++;
+ discard = discard_all;
+ }
+ else
+ count_throttled++;
+ count_wire--;
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_page_bitset(page_list_wired, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ if (discard) hibernate_discard_page(m);
+ m = next;
+ }
+ m = (vm_page_t) queue_first(&vm_page_queue_anonymous);
+ while (m && !queue_end(&vm_page_queue_anonymous, (queue_entry_t)m))
+ {
+ next = (vm_page_t) m->pageq.next;
+ discard = FALSE;
+ if ((kIOHibernateModeDiscardCleanInactive & gIOHibernateMode)
+ && hibernate_consider_discard(m, preflight))
+ {
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_page_bitset(page_list, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ if (m->dirty)
+ count_discard_purgeable++;
+ else
+ count_discard_inactive++;
+ discard = discard_all;
+ }
+ else
+ count_anonymous++;
+ count_wire--;
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_page_bitset(page_list_wired, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ if (discard) hibernate_discard_page(m);
+ m = next;
+ }
+ m = (vm_page_t) queue_first(&vm_page_queue_cleaned);
+ while (m && !queue_end(&vm_page_queue_cleaned, (queue_entry_t)m))
+ {
+ next = (vm_page_t) m->pageq.next;
+ discard = FALSE;
+ if ((kIOHibernateModeDiscardCleanInactive & gIOHibernateMode)
+ && hibernate_consider_discard(m, preflight))
+ {
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_page_bitset(page_list, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ if (m->dirty)
+ count_discard_purgeable++;
+ else
+ count_discard_cleaned++;
+ discard = discard_all;
+ }
+ else
+ count_cleaned++;
+ count_wire--;
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_page_bitset(page_list_wired, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ if (discard) hibernate_discard_page(m);
+ m = next;
+ }
+ m = (vm_page_t) queue_first(&vm_page_queue_active);
+ while (m && !queue_end(&vm_page_queue_active, (queue_entry_t)m))
+ {
+ next = (vm_page_t) m->pageq.next;
+ discard = FALSE;
+ if ((kIOHibernateModeDiscardCleanActive & gIOHibernateMode)
+ && hibernate_consider_discard(m, preflight))
+ {
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_page_bitset(page_list, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ if (m->dirty)
+ count_discard_purgeable++;
+ else
+ count_discard_active++;
+ discard = discard_all;
+ }
+ else
+ count_active++;
+ count_wire--;
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_page_bitset(page_list_wired, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ if (discard) hibernate_discard_page(m);
+ m = next;
+ }
+ m = (vm_page_t) queue_first(&vm_page_queue_inactive);
+ while (m && !queue_end(&vm_page_queue_inactive, (queue_entry_t)m))
+ {
+ next = (vm_page_t) m->pageq.next;
+ discard = FALSE;
+ if ((kIOHibernateModeDiscardCleanInactive & gIOHibernateMode)
+ && hibernate_consider_discard(m, preflight))
+ {
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_page_bitset(page_list, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ if (m->dirty)
+ count_discard_purgeable++;
+ else
+ count_discard_inactive++;
+ discard = discard_all;
+ }
+ else
+ count_inactive++;
+ count_wire--;
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_page_bitset(page_list_wired, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ if (discard) hibernate_discard_page(m);
+ m = next;
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i <= VM_PAGE_MAX_SPECULATIVE_AGE_Q; i++ )
+ {
+ m = (vm_page_t) queue_first(&vm_page_queue_speculative[i].age_q);
+ while (m && !queue_end(&vm_page_queue_speculative[i].age_q, (queue_entry_t)m))
+ {
+ next = (vm_page_t) m->pageq.next;
+ discard = FALSE;
+ if ((kIOHibernateModeDiscardCleanInactive & gIOHibernateMode)
+ && hibernate_consider_discard(m, preflight))
+ {
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_page_bitset(page_list, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ count_discard_speculative++;
+ discard = discard_all;
+ }
+ else
+ count_speculative++;
+ count_wire--;
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_page_bitset(page_list_wired, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ if (discard) hibernate_discard_page(m);
+ m = next;
+ }
+ }
+ queue_iterate(&compressor_object->memq, m, vm_page_t, listq)
+ {
+ count_compressor++;
+ count_wire--;
+ if (!preflight) hibernate_page_bitset(page_list_wired, TRUE, m->phys_page);
+ }
+ if (preflight == FALSE && discard_all == TRUE) {
+ HIBLOG("hibernate_teardown started\n");
+ count_discard_vm_struct_pages = hibernate_teardown_vm_structs(page_list, page_list_wired);
+ HIBLOG("hibernate_teardown completed - discarded %d\n", count_discard_vm_struct_pages);
+ pages -= count_discard_vm_struct_pages;
+ count_wire -= count_discard_vm_struct_pages;
+ hibernate_stats.cd_vm_struct_pages_unneeded = count_discard_vm_struct_pages;
+ }
+ if (!preflight) {
+ // pull wired from hibernate_bitmap
+ bitmap = &page_list->bank_bitmap[0];
+ bitmap_wired = &page_list_wired->bank_bitmap[0];
+ for (bank = 0; bank < page_list->bank_count; bank++)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < bitmap->bitmapwords; i++)
+ bitmap->bitmap[i] = bitmap->bitmap[i] | ~bitmap_wired->bitmap[i];
+ bitmap = (hibernate_bitmap_t *) &bitmap->bitmap [bitmap->bitmapwords];
+ bitmap_wired = (hibernate_bitmap_t *) &bitmap_wired->bitmap[bitmap_wired->bitmapwords];
+ }
+ }
+ // machine dependent adjustments
+ hibernate_page_list_setall_machine(page_list, page_list_wired, preflight, &pages);
+ if (!preflight) {
+ hibernate_stats.cd_count_wire = count_wire;
+ hibernate_stats.cd_discarded = count_discard_active + count_discard_inactive + count_discard_purgeable +
+ count_discard_speculative + count_discard_cleaned + count_discard_vm_struct_pages;
+ }
+ clock_get_uptime(&end);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(end - start, &nsec);
+ HIBLOG("hibernate_page_list_setall time: %qd ms\n", nsec / 1000000ULL);
+ HIBLOG("pages %d, wire %d, act %d, inact %d, cleaned %d spec %d, zf %d, throt %d, compr %d, xpmapped %d\n %s discard act %d inact %d purgeable %d spec %d cleaned %d\n",
+ pages, count_wire, count_active, count_inactive, count_cleaned, count_speculative, count_anonymous, count_throttled, count_compressor, hibernate_stats.cd_found_xpmapped,
+ discard_all ? "did" : "could",
+ count_discard_active, count_discard_inactive, count_discard_purgeable, count_discard_speculative, count_discard_cleaned);
+ if (hibernate_stats.cd_skipped_xpmapped)
+ HIBLOG("WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped %d xpmapped pages\n", hibernate_stats.cd_skipped_xpmapped);
+ *pagesOut = pages - count_discard_active - count_discard_inactive - count_discard_purgeable - count_discard_speculative - count_discard_cleaned;
+ if (preflight && will_discard) *pagesOut -= count_compressor + count_throttled + count_anonymous + count_inactive + count_cleaned + count_speculative + count_active;
+ if (!preflight)
+ {
+ if (vm_page_local_q) {
+ for (i = 0; i < vm_page_local_q_count; i++) {
+ struct vpl *lq;
+ lq = &vm_page_local_q[i].vpl_un.vpl;
+ VPL_UNLOCK(&lq->vpl_lock);
+ }
+ }
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ }
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT || DEBUG */
+ if (preflight) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock);
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+ vm_object_unlock(compressor_object);
+ }
+hibernate_page_list_discard(hibernate_page_list_t * page_list)
+ uint64_t start, end, nsec;
+ vm_page_t m;
+ vm_page_t next;
+ uint32_t i;
+ uint32_t count_discard_active = 0;
+ uint32_t count_discard_inactive = 0;
+ uint32_t count_discard_purgeable = 0;
+ uint32_t count_discard_cleaned = 0;
+ uint32_t count_discard_speculative = 0;
+ vm_page_lock_queues();
+ if (vm_page_local_q) {
+ for (i = 0; i < vm_page_local_q_count; i++) {
+ struct vpl *lq;
+ lq = &vm_page_local_q[i].vpl_un.vpl;
+ VPL_LOCK(&lq->vpl_lock);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT || DEBUG */
+ clock_get_uptime(&start);
+ m = (vm_page_t) queue_first(&vm_page_queue_anonymous);
+ while (m && !queue_end(&vm_page_queue_anonymous, (queue_entry_t)m))
+ {
+ next = (vm_page_t) m->pageq.next;
+ if (hibernate_page_bittst(page_list, m->phys_page))
+ {
+ if (m->dirty)
+ count_discard_purgeable++;
+ else
+ count_discard_inactive++;
+ hibernate_discard_page(m);
+ }
+ m = next;
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i <= VM_PAGE_MAX_SPECULATIVE_AGE_Q; i++ )
+ {
+ m = (vm_page_t) queue_first(&vm_page_queue_speculative[i].age_q);
+ while (m && !queue_end(&vm_page_queue_speculative[i].age_q, (queue_entry_t)m))
+ {
+ next = (vm_page_t) m->pageq.next;
+ if (hibernate_page_bittst(page_list, m->phys_page))
+ {
+ count_discard_speculative++;
+ hibernate_discard_page(m);
+ }
+ m = next;
+ }
+ }
+ m = (vm_page_t) queue_first(&vm_page_queue_inactive);
+ while (m && !queue_end(&vm_page_queue_inactive, (queue_entry_t)m))
+ {
+ next = (vm_page_t) m->pageq.next;
+ if (hibernate_page_bittst(page_list, m->phys_page))
+ {
+ if (m->dirty)
+ count_discard_purgeable++;
+ else
+ count_discard_inactive++;
+ hibernate_discard_page(m);
+ }
+ m = next;
+ }
+ m = (vm_page_t) queue_first(&vm_page_queue_active);
+ while (m && !queue_end(&vm_page_queue_active, (queue_entry_t)m))
+ {
+ next = (vm_page_t) m->pageq.next;
+ if (hibernate_page_bittst(page_list, m->phys_page))
+ {
+ if (m->dirty)
+ count_discard_purgeable++;
+ else
+ count_discard_active++;
+ hibernate_discard_page(m);
+ }
+ m = next;
+ }
+ m = (vm_page_t) queue_first(&vm_page_queue_cleaned);
+ while (m && !queue_end(&vm_page_queue_cleaned, (queue_entry_t)m))
+ {
+ next = (vm_page_t) m->pageq.next;
+ if (hibernate_page_bittst(page_list, m->phys_page))
+ {
+ if (m->dirty)
+ count_discard_purgeable++;
+ else
+ count_discard_cleaned++;
+ hibernate_discard_page(m);
+ }
+ m = next;
+ }
+ if (vm_page_local_q) {
+ for (i = 0; i < vm_page_local_q_count; i++) {
+ struct vpl *lq;
+ lq = &vm_page_local_q[i].vpl_un.vpl;
+ VPL_UNLOCK(&lq->vpl_lock);
+ }
+ }
+ vm_page_unlock_queues();
+#endif /* MACH_ASSERT || DEBUG */
+ clock_get_uptime(&end);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(end - start, &nsec);
+ HIBLOG("hibernate_page_list_discard time: %qd ms, discarded act %d inact %d purgeable %d spec %d cleaned %d\n",
+ nsec / 1000000ULL,
+ count_discard_active, count_discard_inactive, count_discard_purgeable, count_discard_speculative, count_discard_cleaned);
+boolean_t hibernate_paddr_map_inited = FALSE;
+boolean_t hibernate_rebuild_needed = FALSE;
+unsigned int hibernate_teardown_last_valid_compact_indx = -1;
+vm_page_t hibernate_rebuild_hash_list = NULL;
+unsigned int hibernate_teardown_found_tabled_pages = 0;
+unsigned int hibernate_teardown_found_created_pages = 0;
+unsigned int hibernate_teardown_found_free_pages = 0;
+unsigned int hibernate_teardown_vm_page_free_count;
+struct ppnum_mapping {
+ struct ppnum_mapping *ppnm_next;
+ ppnum_t ppnm_base_paddr;
+ unsigned int ppnm_sindx;
+ unsigned int ppnm_eindx;
+struct ppnum_mapping *ppnm_head;
+struct ppnum_mapping *ppnm_last_found = NULL;
+ unsigned int i;
+ ppnum_t next_ppnum_in_run = 0;
+ struct ppnum_mapping *ppnm = NULL;
+ if (hibernate_paddr_map_inited == FALSE) {
+ for (i = 0; i < vm_pages_count; i++) {
+ if (ppnm)
+ ppnm->ppnm_eindx = i;
+ if (ppnm == NULL || vm_pages[i].phys_page != next_ppnum_in_run) {
+ ppnm = kalloc(sizeof(struct ppnum_mapping));
+ ppnm->ppnm_next = ppnm_head;
+ ppnm_head = ppnm;
+ ppnm->ppnm_sindx = i;
+ ppnm->ppnm_base_paddr = vm_pages[i].phys_page;
+ }
+ next_ppnum_in_run = vm_pages[i].phys_page + 1;
+ }
+ ppnm->ppnm_eindx++;
+ hibernate_paddr_map_inited = TRUE;
+ }
+hibernate_lookup_paddr(unsigned int indx)
+ struct ppnum_mapping *ppnm = NULL;
+ ppnm = ppnm_last_found;
+ if (ppnm) {
+ if (indx >= ppnm->ppnm_sindx && indx < ppnm->ppnm_eindx)
+ goto done;
+ }
+ for (ppnm = ppnm_head; ppnm; ppnm = ppnm->ppnm_next) {
+ if (indx >= ppnm->ppnm_sindx && indx < ppnm->ppnm_eindx) {
+ ppnm_last_found = ppnm;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ppnm == NULL)
+ panic("hibernate_lookup_paddr of %d failed\n", indx);
+ return (ppnm->ppnm_base_paddr + (indx - ppnm->ppnm_sindx));
+hibernate_mark_as_unneeded(addr64_t saddr, addr64_t eaddr, hibernate_page_list_t *page_list, hibernate_page_list_t *page_list_wired)
+ addr64_t saddr_aligned;
+ addr64_t eaddr_aligned;
+ addr64_t addr;
+ ppnum_t paddr;
+ unsigned int mark_as_unneeded_pages = 0;
+ saddr_aligned = (saddr + PAGE_MASK_64) & ~PAGE_MASK_64;
+ eaddr_aligned = eaddr & ~PAGE_MASK_64;
+ for (addr = saddr_aligned; addr < eaddr_aligned; addr += PAGE_SIZE_64) {
+ paddr = pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap, addr);
+ assert(paddr);
+ hibernate_page_bitset(page_list, TRUE, paddr);
+ hibernate_page_bitset(page_list_wired, TRUE, paddr);
+ mark_as_unneeded_pages++;
+ }
+ return (mark_as_unneeded_pages);
+hibernate_hash_insert_page(vm_page_t mem)
+ vm_page_bucket_t *bucket;
+ int hash_id;
+ assert(mem->hashed);
+ assert(mem->object);
+ assert(mem->offset != (vm_object_offset_t) -1);
+ /*
+ * Insert it into the object_object/offset hash table
+ */
+ hash_id = vm_page_hash(mem->object, mem->offset);
+ bucket = &vm_page_buckets[hash_id];
+ mem->next_m = bucket->page_list;
+ bucket->page_list = VM_PAGE_PACK_PTR(mem);
+hibernate_free_range(int sindx, int eindx)
+ vm_page_t mem;
+ unsigned int color;
+ while (sindx < eindx) {
+ mem = &vm_pages[sindx];
+ vm_page_init(mem, hibernate_lookup_paddr(sindx), FALSE);
+ mem->lopage = FALSE;
+ mem->free = TRUE;
+ color = mem->phys_page & vm_color_mask;
+ queue_enter_first(&vm_page_queue_free[color],
+ mem,
+ vm_page_t,
+ pageq);
+ vm_page_free_count++;
+ sindx++;
+ }