- * Copyright (c) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- *
- * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
- * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
- * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the
- * License may not be used to create, or enable the creation or
- * redistribution of, unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating
- * system, or to circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or
- * violation of, any terms of an Apple operating system software license
- * agreement.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Please obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
- * file.
- * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
- * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
- * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
+ * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
+ * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
+ * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
+ * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
+ *
+ * Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1991, 1993
* @(#)in.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 1/9/95
- * $FreeBSD: src/sys/netinet/in.c,v 2001/08/13 16:26:17 ume Exp $
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/kern_event.h>
#include <sys/syslog.h>
+#include <sys/mcache.h>
+#include <sys/protosw.h>
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <kern/zalloc.h>
+#include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
+#include <os/log.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <net/if_types.h>
#include <net/route.h>
+#include <net/kpi_protocol.h>
+#include <net/dlil.h>
+#include <net/if_llatbl.h>
+#include <net/if_arp.h>
+#if PF
+#include <net/pfvar.h>
+#endif /* PF */
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/in_var.h>
#include <netinet/in_pcb.h>
#include <netinet/igmp_var.h>
-#include <net/dlil.h>
#include <netinet/ip_var.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <netinet/tcp_timer.h>
#include <netinet/tcp_var.h>
+#include <netinet/if_ether.h>
+static int inctl_associd(struct socket *, u_long, caddr_t);
+static int inctl_connid(struct socket *, u_long, caddr_t);
+static int inctl_conninfo(struct socket *, u_long, caddr_t);
+static int inctl_autoaddr(struct ifnet *, struct ifreq *);
+static int inctl_arpipll(struct ifnet *, struct ifreq *);
+static int inctl_setrouter(struct ifnet *, struct ifreq *);
+static int inctl_ifaddr(struct ifnet *, struct in_ifaddr *, u_long,
+ struct ifreq *);
+static int inctl_ifdstaddr(struct ifnet *, struct in_ifaddr *, u_long,
+ struct ifreq *);
+static int inctl_ifbrdaddr(struct ifnet *, struct in_ifaddr *, u_long,
+ struct ifreq *);
+static int inctl_ifnetmask(struct ifnet *, struct in_ifaddr *, u_long,
+ struct ifreq *);
+static void in_socktrim(struct sockaddr_in *);
+static int in_ifinit(struct ifnet *, struct in_ifaddr *,
+ struct sockaddr_in *, int);
+#define IA_HASH_INIT(ia) { \
+ (ia)->ia_hash.tqe_next = (void *)(uintptr_t)-1; \
+ (ia)->ia_hash.tqe_prev = (void *)(uintptr_t)-1; \
-#include <sys/file.h>
+#define IA_IS_HASHED(ia) \
+ (!((ia)->ia_hash.tqe_next == (void *)(uintptr_t)-1 || \
+ (ia)->ia_hash.tqe_prev == (void *)(uintptr_t)-1))
+static void in_iahash_remove(struct in_ifaddr *);
+static void in_iahash_insert(struct in_ifaddr *);
+static void in_iahash_insert_ptp(struct in_ifaddr *);
+static struct in_ifaddr *in_ifaddr_alloc(int);
+static void in_ifaddr_attached(struct ifaddr *);
+static void in_ifaddr_detached(struct ifaddr *);
+static void in_ifaddr_free(struct ifaddr *);
+static void in_ifaddr_trace(struct ifaddr *, int);
+static int in_getassocids(struct socket *, uint32_t *, user_addr_t);
+static int in_getconnids(struct socket *, sae_associd_t, uint32_t *, user_addr_t);
+/* IPv4 Layer 2 neighbor cache management routines */
+static void in_lltable_destroy_lle_unlocked(struct llentry *lle);
+static void in_lltable_destroy_lle(struct llentry *lle);
+static struct llentry *in_lltable_new(struct in_addr addr4, uint16_t flags);
+static int in_lltable_match_prefix(const struct sockaddr *saddr,
+ const struct sockaddr *smask, uint16_t flags, struct llentry *lle);
+static void in_lltable_free_entry(struct lltable *llt, struct llentry *lle);
+static int in_lltable_rtcheck(struct ifnet *ifp, uint16_t flags, const struct sockaddr *l3addr);
+static inline uint32_t in_lltable_hash_dst(const struct in_addr dst, uint32_t hsize);
+static uint32_t in_lltable_hash(const struct llentry *lle, uint32_t hsize);
+static void in_lltable_fill_sa_entry(const struct llentry *lle, struct sockaddr *sa);
+static inline struct llentry * in_lltable_find_dst(struct lltable *llt, struct in_addr dst);
+static void in_lltable_delete_entry(struct lltable *llt, struct llentry *lle);
+static struct llentry * in_lltable_alloc(struct lltable *llt, uint16_t flags, const struct sockaddr *l3addr);
+static struct llentry * in_lltable_lookup(struct lltable *llt, uint16_t flags, const struct sockaddr *l3addr);
+static int in_lltable_dump_entry(struct lltable *llt, struct llentry *lle, struct sysctl_req *wr);
+static struct lltable * in_lltattach(struct ifnet *ifp);
+static int subnetsarelocal = 0;
+SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip, OID_AUTO, subnets_are_local,
+ CTLFLAG_RW | CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &subnetsarelocal, 0, "");
+/* Track whether or not the SIOCARPIPLL ioctl has been called */
+u_int32_t ipv4_ll_arp_aware = 0;
-static int in_mask2len(struct in_addr *);
-static void in_len2mask(struct in_addr *, int);
-static int in_lifaddr_ioctl(struct socket *, u_long, caddr_t,
- struct ifnet *, struct proc *);
+#define INIFA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE 32 /* size of trace history */
-static void in_socktrim(struct sockaddr_in *);
-static int in_ifinit(struct ifnet *,
- struct in_ifaddr *, struct sockaddr_in *, int);
+/* For gdb */
+__private_extern__ unsigned int inifa_trace_hist_size = INIFA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE;
-static int subnetsarelocal = 0;
-SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_ip, OID_AUTO, subnets_are_local, CTLFLAG_RW,
- &subnetsarelocal, 0, "");
+struct in_ifaddr_dbg {
+ struct in_ifaddr inifa; /* in_ifaddr */
+ struct in_ifaddr inifa_old; /* saved in_ifaddr */
+ u_int16_t inifa_refhold_cnt; /* # of IFA_ADDREF */
+ u_int16_t inifa_refrele_cnt; /* # of IFA_REMREF */
+ /*
+ * Alloc and free callers.
+ */
+ ctrace_t inifa_alloc;
+ ctrace_t inifa_free;
+ /*
+ * Circular lists of IFA_ADDREF and IFA_REMREF callers.
+ */
+ ctrace_t inifa_refhold[INIFA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE];
+ ctrace_t inifa_refrele[INIFA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE];
+ /*
+ * Trash list linkage
+ */
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(in_ifaddr_dbg) inifa_trash_link;
+/* List of trash in_ifaddr entries protected by inifa_trash_lock */
+static TAILQ_HEAD(, in_ifaddr_dbg) inifa_trash_head;
+static decl_lck_mtx_data(, inifa_trash_lock);
-struct in_multihead in_multihead; /* XXX BSS initialization */
+#if DEBUG
+static unsigned int inifa_debug = 1; /* debugging (enabled) */
+static unsigned int inifa_debug; /* debugging (disabled) */
+#endif /* !DEBUG */
+static unsigned int inifa_size; /* size of zone element */
+static struct zone *inifa_zone; /* zone for in_ifaddr */
-extern lck_mtx_t *rt_mtx;
+#define INIFA_ZONE_NAME "in_ifaddr" /* zone name */
-/* Track whether or not the SIOCARPIPLL ioctl has been called */
-__private_extern__ u_int32_t ipv4_ll_arp_aware = 0;
+static const unsigned int in_extra_size = sizeof(struct in_ifextra);
+static const unsigned int in_extra_bufsize = in_extra_size +
+ sizeof(void *) + sizeof(uint64_t);
+ * Return 1 if the address is
+ * - loopback
+ * - unicast or multicast link local
+ * - routed via a link level gateway
+ * - belongs to a directly connected (sub)net
+ */
+inaddr_local(struct in_addr in)
+ struct rtentry *rt;
+ struct sockaddr_in sin;
+ int local = 0;
+ if (ntohl(in.s_addr) == INADDR_LOOPBACK ||
+ IN_LINKLOCAL(ntohl(in.s_addr))) {
+ local = 1;
+ } else if (ntohl(in.s_addr) >= INADDR_UNSPEC_GROUP &&
+ ntohl(in.s_addr) <= INADDR_MAX_LOCAL_GROUP) {
+ local = 1;
+ } else {
+ sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sin.sin_len = sizeof(sin);
+ sin.sin_addr = in;
+ rt = rtalloc1((struct sockaddr *)&sin, 0, 0);
+ if (rt != NULL) {
+ if (rt->rt_gateway->sa_family == AF_LINK ||
+ (rt->rt_ifp->if_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) {
+ local = 1;
+ }
+ RT_UNLOCK(rt);
+ rtfree(rt);
+ } else {
+ local = in_localaddr(in);
+ }
+ }
+ return local;
* Return 1 if an internet address is for a ``local'' host
* (one to which we have a connection). If subnetsarelocal
- * is true, this includes other subnets of the local net.
- * Otherwise, it includes only the directly-connected (sub)nets.
+ * is true, this includes other subnets of the local net,
+ * otherwise, it includes the directly-connected (sub)nets.
+ * The IPv4 link local prefix 169.254/16 is also included.
- struct in_addr in;
+in_localaddr(struct in_addr in)
- u_long i = ntohl(in.s_addr);
+ u_int32_t i = ntohl(in.s_addr);
struct in_ifaddr *ia;
+ if (IN_LINKLOCAL(i)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
if (subnetsarelocal) {
- lck_mtx_lock(rt_mtx);
- for (ia = in_ifaddrhead.tqh_first; ia;
- ia = ia->ia_link.tqe_next)
+ lck_rw_lock_shared(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ for (ia = in_ifaddrhead.tqh_first; ia != NULL;
+ ia = ia->ia_link.tqe_next) {
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
if ((i & ia->ia_netmask) == ia->ia_net) {
- lck_mtx_unlock(rt_mtx);
- return (1);
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ lck_rw_done(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ return 1;
- lck_mtx_unlock(rt_mtx);
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ lck_rw_done(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
} else {
- lck_mtx_lock(rt_mtx);
- for (ia = in_ifaddrhead.tqh_first; ia;
- ia = ia->ia_link.tqe_next)
+ lck_rw_lock_shared(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ for (ia = in_ifaddrhead.tqh_first; ia != NULL;
+ ia = ia->ia_link.tqe_next) {
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
if ((i & ia->ia_subnetmask) == ia->ia_subnet) {
- lck_mtx_unlock(rt_mtx);
- return (1);
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ lck_rw_done(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ return 1;
- lck_mtx_unlock(rt_mtx);
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ lck_rw_done(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
- return (0);
+ return 0;
* that may not be forwarded, or whether datagrams to that destination
* may be forwarded.
- struct in_addr in;
+in_canforward(struct in_addr in)
- u_long i = ntohl(in.s_addr);
- u_long net;
+ u_int32_t i = ntohl(in.s_addr);
+ u_int32_t net;
- return (0);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
if (IN_CLASSA(i)) {
net = i & IN_CLASSA_NET;
- if (net == 0 || net == (IN_LOOPBACKNET << IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT))
- return (0);
+ if (net == 0 || net == (IN_LOOPBACKNET << IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- return (1);
+ return TRUE;
* Trim a mask in a sockaddr
static void
-struct sockaddr_in *ap;
+in_socktrim(struct sockaddr_in *ap)
- char *cplim = (char *) &ap->sin_addr;
- char *cp = (char *) (&ap->sin_addr + 1);
+ char *cplim = (char *)&ap->sin_addr;
+ char *cp = (char *)(&ap->sin_addr + 1);
- ap->sin_len = 0;
- while (--cp >= cplim)
- if (*cp) {
- (ap)->sin_len = cp - (char *) (ap) + 1;
- break;
+ ap->sin_len = 0;
+ while (--cp >= cplim) {
+ if (*cp) {
+ (ap)->sin_len = (uint8_t)(cp - (char *)(ap) + 1);
+ break;
+ }
+static int in_interfaces; /* number of external internet interfaces */
static int
- struct in_addr *mask;
+in_domifattach(struct ifnet *ifp)
- int x, y;
- u_char *p;
+ int error;
- p = (u_char *)mask;
- for (x = 0; x < sizeof(*mask); x++) {
- if (p[x] != 0xff)
- break;
- }
- y = 0;
- if (x < sizeof(*mask)) {
- for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
- if ((p[x] & (0x80 >> y)) == 0)
- break;
+ VERIFY(ifp != NULL);
+ if ((error = proto_plumb(PF_INET, ifp)) && error != EEXIST) {
+ log(LOG_ERR, "%s: proto_plumb returned %d if=%s\n",
+ __func__, error, if_name(ifp));
+ } else if (error == 0 && ifp->if_inetdata == NULL) {
+ void **pbuf, *base;
+ struct in_ifextra *ext;
+ int errorx;
+ if ((ext = (struct in_ifextra *)_MALLOC(in_extra_bufsize,
+ error = ENOMEM;
+ errorx = proto_unplumb(PF_INET, ifp);
+ if (errorx != 0) {
+ log(LOG_ERR,
+ "%s: proto_unplumb returned %d if=%s%d\n",
+ __func__, errorx, ifp->if_name,
+ ifp->if_unit);
+ }
+ goto done;
+ /* Align on 64-bit boundary */
+ base = (void *)P2ROUNDUP((intptr_t)ext + sizeof(uint64_t),
+ sizeof(uint64_t));
+ VERIFY(((intptr_t)base + in_extra_size) <=
+ ((intptr_t)ext + in_extra_bufsize));
+ pbuf = (void **)((intptr_t)base - sizeof(void *));
+ *pbuf = ext;
+ ifp->if_inetdata = base;
+ IN_IFEXTRA(ifp)->ii_llt = in_lltattach(ifp);
+ VERIFY(IS_P2ALIGNED(ifp->if_inetdata, sizeof(uint64_t)));
+ }
+ if (error == 0 && ifp->if_inetdata != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * Since the structure is never freed, we need to
+ * zero out its contents to avoid reusing stale data.
+ * A little redundant with allocation above, but it
+ * keeps the code simpler for all cases.
+ */
+ bzero(ifp->if_inetdata, in_extra_size);
- return x * 8 + y;
+ return error;
-static void
-in_len2mask(mask, len)
- struct in_addr *mask;
- int len;
+static __attribute__((noinline)) int
+inctl_associd(struct socket *so, u_long cmd, caddr_t data)
- int i;
- u_char *p;
- p = (u_char *)mask;
- bzero(mask, sizeof(*mask));
- for (i = 0; i < len / 8; i++)
- p[i] = 0xff;
- if (len % 8)
- p[i] = (0xff00 >> (len % 8)) & 0xff;
+ int error = 0;
+ union {
+ struct so_aidreq32 a32;
+ struct so_aidreq64 a64;
+ } u;
-static int in_interfaces; /* number of external internet interfaces */
+ VERIFY(so != NULL);
- * Generic internet control operations (ioctl's).
- * Ifp is 0 if not an interface-specific ioctl.
- */
- struct socket *so,
- u_long cmd,
- caddr_t data,
- struct ifnet *ifp,
- struct proc *p)
- struct ifreq *ifr = (struct ifreq *)data;
- struct in_ifaddr *ia = 0, *iap;
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
- struct in_ifaddr *oia;
- struct in_aliasreq *ifra = (struct in_aliasreq *)data;
- struct sockaddr_in oldaddr;
- int error, hostIsNew, maskIsNew;
- u_long i;
- struct kev_msg ev_msg;
- struct kev_in_data in_event_data;
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case SIOCGASSOCIDS32: /* struct so_aidreq32 */
+ bcopy(data, &u.a32, sizeof(u.a32));
+ error = in_getassocids(so, &u.a32.sar_cnt, u.a32.sar_aidp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ bcopy(&u.a32, data, sizeof(u.a32));
+ }
+ break;
+ case SIOCGASSOCIDS64: /* struct so_aidreq64 */
+ bcopy(data, &u.a64, sizeof(u.a64));
+ error = in_getassocids(so, &u.a64.sar_cnt, (user_addr_t)u.a64.sar_aidp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ bcopy(&u.a64, data, sizeof(u.a64));
+ }
+ break;
- switch (cmd) {
- if (p && (error = proc_suser(p)) != 0)
- return error;
- /*fall through*/
- if (!ifp)
- return EINVAL;
- return in_lifaddr_ioctl(so, cmd, data, ifp, p);
+ default:
+ VERIFY(0);
- /*
- * Find address for this interface, if it exists.
- *
- * If an alias address was specified, find that one instead of
- * the first one on the interface.
- */
- if (ifp) {
- lck_mtx_lock(rt_mtx);
- for (iap = in_ifaddrhead.tqh_first; iap;
- iap = iap->ia_link.tqe_next)
- if (iap->ia_ifp == ifp) {
- if (((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr->ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr ==
- iap->ia_addr.sin_addr.s_addr) {
- ia = iap;
- break;
- } else if (ia == NULL) {
- ia = iap;
- if (ifr->ifr_addr.sa_family != AF_INET)
- break;
- }
- }
- lck_mtx_unlock(rt_mtx);
- }
+ return error;
+static __attribute__((noinline)) int
+inctl_connid(struct socket *so, u_long cmd, caddr_t data)
+ int error = 0;
+ union {
+ struct so_cidreq32 c32;
+ struct so_cidreq64 c64;
+ } u;
+ VERIFY(so != NULL);
switch (cmd) {
- if (p && (error = proc_suser(p)) != 0)
- return error;
+ case SIOCGCONNIDS32: /* struct so_cidreq32 */
+ bcopy(data, &u.c32, sizeof(u.c32));
+ error = in_getconnids(so, u.c32.scr_aid, &u.c32.scr_cnt,
+ u.c32.scr_cidp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ bcopy(&u.c32, data, sizeof(u.c32));
+ }
- if (ifp == 0)
- if (ifra->ifra_addr.sin_family == AF_INET) {
- lck_mtx_lock(rt_mtx);
- for (oia = ia; ia; ia = ia->ia_link.tqe_next) {
- if (ia->ia_ifp == ifp &&
- ia->ia_addr.sin_addr.s_addr ==
- ifra->ifra_addr.sin_addr.s_addr)
- break;
- }
- lck_mtx_unlock(rt_mtx);
- if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT)
- && (cmd == SIOCAIFADDR)
- && (ifra->ifra_dstaddr.sin_addr.s_addr
- == INADDR_ANY)) {
- }
+ case SIOCGCONNIDS64: /* struct so_cidreq64 */
+ bcopy(data, &u.c64, sizeof(u.c64));
+ error = in_getconnids(so, u.c64.scr_aid, &u.c64.scr_cnt,
+ (user_addr_t)u.c64.scr_cidp);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ bcopy(&u.c64, data, sizeof(u.c64));
- else if (cmd == SIOCAIFADDR)
- return (EINVAL);
- if (cmd == SIOCDIFADDR && ia == 0)
- if ((so->so_state & SS_PRIV) == 0)
- return (EPERM);
- if (ifp == 0)
- if (ifra->ifra_addr.sin_family != AF_INET && cmd == SIOCSIFADDR)
- return (EINVAL);
- if (ia == (struct in_ifaddr *)0) {
- ia = (struct in_ifaddr *)
- _MALLOC(sizeof *ia, M_IFADDR, M_WAITOK);
- if (ia == (struct in_ifaddr *)NULL)
- return (ENOBUFS);
- bzero((caddr_t)ia, sizeof *ia);
- /*
- * Protect from ipintr() traversing address list
- * while we're modifying it.
- */
- ifa = &ia->ia_ifa;
+ break;
- ifa->ifa_addr = (struct sockaddr *)&ia->ia_addr;
- ifa->ifa_dstaddr = (struct sockaddr *)&ia->ia_dstaddr;
- ifa->ifa_netmask = (struct sockaddr *)&ia->ia_sockmask;
- ia->ia_sockmask.sin_len = 8;
- ifnet_lock_exclusive(ifp);
- if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) {
- ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_len = sizeof(ia->ia_addr);
- ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- }
- ia->ia_ifp = ifp;
- if (!(ifp->if_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK))
- in_interfaces++;
- if_attach_ifa(ifp, ifa);
- ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
+ default:
+ VERIFY(0);
+ }
- lck_mtx_lock(rt_mtx);
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&in_ifaddrhead, ia, ia_link);
- lck_mtx_unlock(rt_mtx);
+ return error;
- /* Generic protocol plumbing */
+static __attribute__((noinline)) int
+inctl_conninfo(struct socket *so, u_long cmd, caddr_t data)
+ int error = 0;
+ union {
+ struct so_cinforeq32 ci32;
+ struct so_cinforeq64 ci64;
+ } u;
- if (error = dlil_plumb_protocol(PF_INET, ifp)) {
- kprintf("in.c: warning can't plumb proto if=%s%n type %d error=%d\n",
- ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit, ifp->if_type, error);
- error = 0; /*discard error, can be cold with unsupported interfaces */
- }
+ VERIFY(so != NULL);
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case SIOCGCONNINFO32: /* struct so_cinforeq32 */
+ bcopy(data, &u.ci32, sizeof(u.ci32));
+ error = in_getconninfo(so, u.ci32.scir_cid, &u.ci32.scir_flags,
+ &u.ci32.scir_ifindex, &u.ci32.scir_error, u.ci32.scir_src,
+ &u.ci32.scir_src_len, u.ci32.scir_dst, &u.ci32.scir_dst_len,
+ &u.ci32.scir_aux_type, u.ci32.scir_aux_data,
+ &u.ci32.scir_aux_len);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ bcopy(&u.ci32, data, sizeof(u.ci32));
- if (p && (error = proc_suser(p)) != 0)
- return error;
- if (ifp == 0)
- break;
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- if ((so->so_state & SS_PRIV) == 0)
- return (EPERM);
- if (p && (error = suser(p)) != 0)
- return error;
- if (ia == (struct in_ifaddr *)0)
+ case SIOCGCONNINFO64: /* struct so_cinforeq64 */
+ bcopy(data, &u.ci64, sizeof(u.ci64));
+ error = in_getconninfo(so, u.ci64.scir_cid, &u.ci64.scir_flags,
+ &u.ci64.scir_ifindex, &u.ci64.scir_error, (user_addr_t)u.ci64.scir_src,
+ &u.ci64.scir_src_len, (user_addr_t)u.ci64.scir_dst, &u.ci64.scir_dst_len,
+ &u.ci64.scir_aux_type, (user_addr_t)u.ci64.scir_aux_data,
+ &u.ci64.scir_aux_len);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ bcopy(&u.ci64, data, sizeof(u.ci64));
+ }
+ default:
+ VERIFY(0);
- switch (cmd) {
- if (ifp == 0)
- ifnet_lock_exclusive(ifp);
- if (ifr->ifr_intval)
- ifp->if_eflags |= IFEF_AUTOCONFIGURING;
- else
- ifp->if_eflags &= ~IFEF_AUTOCONFIGURING;
- ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
- break;
- if (ifp == 0)
- ipv4_ll_arp_aware = 1;
- ifnet_lock_exclusive(ifp);
- if (ifr->ifr_data)
- ifp->if_eflags |= IFEF_ARPLL;
- else
- ifp->if_eflags &= ~IFEF_ARPLL;
- ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
- break;
- *((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr->ifr_addr) = ia->ia_addr;
- break;
+ return error;
- if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) == 0)
- return (EINVAL);
- *((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr->ifr_dstaddr) = ia->ia_broadaddr;
- break;
+ * Caller passes in the ioctl data pointer directly via "ifr", with the
+ * expectation that this routine always uses bcopy() or other byte-aligned
+ * memory accesses.
+ */
+static __attribute__((noinline)) int
+inctl_autoaddr(struct ifnet *ifp, struct ifreq *ifr)
+ int error = 0, intval;
- if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) == 0)
- return (EINVAL);
- *((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr->ifr_dstaddr) = ia->ia_dstaddr;
- break;
+ VERIFY(ifp != NULL);
- *((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr->ifr_addr) = ia->ia_sockmask;
- break;
+ bcopy(&ifr->ifr_intval, &intval, sizeof(intval));
- if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) == 0)
- return (EINVAL);
- oldaddr = ia->ia_dstaddr;
- ia->ia_dstaddr = *(struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr->ifr_dstaddr;
- error = dlil_ioctl(PF_INET, ifp, SIOCSIFDSTADDR, (caddr_t)ia);
- if (error == EOPNOTSUPP)
- error = 0;
- if (error) {
- ia->ia_dstaddr = oldaddr;
- return error;
- }
- ev_msg.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
- ev_msg.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
- ev_msg.kev_subclass = KEV_INET_SUBCLASS;
- ev_msg.event_code = KEV_INET_SIFDSTADDR;
- if (ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)
- in_event_data.ia_dstaddr =
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr;
- else
- in_event_data.ia_dstaddr.s_addr = 0;
- in_event_data.ia_addr = ia->ia_addr.sin_addr;
- in_event_data.ia_net = ia->ia_net;
- in_event_data.ia_netmask = ia->ia_netmask;
- in_event_data.ia_subnet = ia->ia_subnet;
- in_event_data.ia_subnetmask = ia->ia_subnetmask;
- in_event_data.ia_netbroadcast = ia->ia_netbroadcast;
- strncpy(&in_event_data.link_data.if_name[0], ifp->if_name, IFNAMSIZ);
- in_event_data.link_data.if_family = ifp->if_family;
- in_event_data.link_data.if_unit = (unsigned long) ifp->if_unit;
+ ifnet_lock_exclusive(ifp);
+ if (intval) {
+ /*
+ * An interface in IPv4 router mode implies that it
+ * is configured with a static IP address and should
+ * not act as a DHCP client; prevent SIOCAUTOADDR from
+ * being set in that mode.
+ */
+ if (ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV4_ROUTER) {
+ intval = 0; /* be safe; clear flag if set */
+ error = EBUSY;
+ } else {
+ if_set_eflags(ifp, IFEF_AUTOCONFIGURING);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!intval) {
+ if_clear_eflags(ifp, IFEF_AUTOCONFIGURING);
+ }
+ ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
- ev_msg.dv[0].data_ptr = &in_event_data;
- ev_msg.dv[0].data_length = sizeof(struct kev_in_data);
- ev_msg.dv[1].data_length = 0;
+ return error;
- kev_post_msg(&ev_msg);
+ * Caller passes in the ioctl data pointer directly via "ifr", with the
+ * expectation that this routine always uses bcopy() or other byte-aligned
+ * memory accesses.
+ */
+static __attribute__((noinline)) int
+inctl_arpipll(struct ifnet *ifp, struct ifreq *ifr)
+ int error = 0, intval;
+ VERIFY(ifp != NULL);
- if (ia->ia_flags & IFA_ROUTE) {
- ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr = (struct sockaddr *)&oldaddr;
- rtinit(&(ia->ia_ifa), (int)RTM_DELETE, RTF_HOST);
- ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr =
- (struct sockaddr *)&ia->ia_dstaddr;
- rtinit(&(ia->ia_ifa), (int)RTM_ADD, RTF_HOST|RTF_UP);
- }
- break;
+ bcopy(&ifr->ifr_intval, &intval, sizeof(intval));
+ ipv4_ll_arp_aware = 1;
- if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) == 0)
- return (EINVAL);
- ia->ia_broadaddr = *(struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr->ifr_broadaddr;
+ ifnet_lock_exclusive(ifp);
+ if (intval) {
+ /*
+ * An interface in IPv4 router mode implies that it
+ * is configured with a static IP address and should
+ * not have to deal with IPv4 Link-Local Address;
+ * prevent SIOCARPIPLL from being set in that mode.
+ */
+ if (ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV4_ROUTER) {
+ intval = 0; /* be safe; clear flag if set */
+ error = EBUSY;
+ } else {
+ if_set_eflags(ifp, IFEF_ARPLL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!intval) {
+ if_clear_eflags(ifp, IFEF_ARPLL);
+ }
+ ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
- ev_msg.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
- ev_msg.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
- ev_msg.kev_subclass = KEV_INET_SUBCLASS;
- ev_msg.event_code = KEV_INET_SIFBRDADDR;
+ return error;
- if (ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)
- in_event_data.ia_dstaddr =
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr;
- else
- in_event_data.ia_dstaddr.s_addr = 0;
- in_event_data.ia_addr = ia->ia_addr.sin_addr;
- in_event_data.ia_net = ia->ia_net;
- in_event_data.ia_netmask = ia->ia_netmask;
- in_event_data.ia_subnet = ia->ia_subnet;
- in_event_data.ia_subnetmask = ia->ia_subnetmask;
- in_event_data.ia_netbroadcast = ia->ia_netbroadcast;
- strncpy(&in_event_data.link_data.if_name[0], ifp->if_name, IFNAMSIZ);
- in_event_data.link_data.if_family = ifp->if_family;
- in_event_data.link_data.if_unit = (unsigned long) ifp->if_unit;
+ * Handle SIOCSETROUTERMODE to set or clear the IPv4 router mode flag on
+ * the interface. When in this mode, IPv4 Link-Local Address support is
+ * disabled in ARP, and DHCP client support is disabled in IP input; turning
+ * any of them on would cause an error to be returned. Entering or exiting
+ * this mode will result in the removal of IPv4 addresses currently configured
+ * on the interface.
+ *
+ * Caller passes in the ioctl data pointer directly via "ifr", with the
+ * expectation that this routine always uses bcopy() or other byte-aligned
+ * memory accesses.
+ */
+static __attribute__((noinline)) int
+inctl_setrouter(struct ifnet *ifp, struct ifreq *ifr)
+ int error = 0, intval;
- ev_msg.dv[0].data_ptr = &in_event_data;
- ev_msg.dv[0].data_length = sizeof(struct kev_in_data);
- ev_msg.dv[1].data_length = 0;
+ VERIFY(ifp != NULL);
- kev_post_msg(&ev_msg);
+ /* Router mode isn't valid for loopback */
+ if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) {
+ return ENODEV;
+ }
+ bcopy(&ifr->ifr_intval, &intval, sizeof(intval));
+ switch (intval) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ default:
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ ifnet_lock_exclusive(ifp);
+ if (intval != 0) {
+ if_set_eflags(ifp, IFEF_IPV4_ROUTER);
+ if_clear_eflags(ifp, (IFEF_ARPLL | IFEF_AUTOCONFIGURING));
+ } else {
+ if_clear_eflags(ifp, IFEF_IPV4_ROUTER);
+ }
+ ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
- return (in_ifinit(ifp, ia,
- (struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr->ifr_addr, 1));
- error = dlil_plumb_protocol(PF_INET, ifp);
- if (error)
- return(error);
- break;
- // if an ip address is still present, refuse to detach
- ifnet_lock_shared(ifp);
- TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link)
- if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET)
- break;
- ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
- if (ifa != 0)
- return EBUSY;
+ /* purge all IPv4 addresses configured on this interface */
+ in_purgeaddrs(ifp);
- error = dlil_unplumb_protocol(PF_INET, ifp);
- if (error)
- return(error);
- break;
+ return error;
- i = ifra->ifra_addr.sin_addr.s_addr;
- ia->ia_subnetmask = ntohl(ia->ia_sockmask.sin_addr.s_addr = i);
- ev_msg.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
- ev_msg.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
- ev_msg.kev_subclass = KEV_INET_SUBCLASS;
- ev_msg.event_code = KEV_INET_SIFNETMASK;
+ * Caller passes in the ioctl data pointer directly via "ifr", with the
+ * expectation that this routine always uses bcopy() or other byte-aligned
+ * memory accesses.
+ */
+static __attribute__((noinline)) int
+inctl_ifaddr(struct ifnet *ifp, struct in_ifaddr *ia, u_long cmd,
+ struct ifreq *ifr)
+ struct kev_in_data in_event_data;
+ struct kev_msg ev_msg;
+ struct sockaddr_in addr;
+ struct ifaddr *ifa;
+ int error = 0;
- if (ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)
- in_event_data.ia_dstaddr =
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr;
- else
- in_event_data.ia_dstaddr.s_addr = 0;
- in_event_data.ia_addr = ia->ia_addr.sin_addr;
- in_event_data.ia_net = ia->ia_net;
- in_event_data.ia_netmask = ia->ia_netmask;
- in_event_data.ia_subnet = ia->ia_subnet;
- in_event_data.ia_subnetmask = ia->ia_subnetmask;
- in_event_data.ia_netbroadcast = ia->ia_netbroadcast;
- strncpy(&in_event_data.link_data.if_name[0], ifp->if_name, IFNAMSIZ);
- in_event_data.link_data.if_family = ifp->if_family;
- in_event_data.link_data.if_unit = (unsigned long) ifp->if_unit;
+ VERIFY(ifp != NULL);
- ev_msg.dv[0].data_ptr = &in_event_data;
- ev_msg.dv[0].data_length = sizeof(struct kev_in_data);
- ev_msg.dv[1].data_length = 0;
+ bzero(&in_event_data, sizeof(struct kev_in_data));
+ bzero(&ev_msg, sizeof(struct kev_msg));
- kev_post_msg(&ev_msg);
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case SIOCGIFADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ if (ia == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ bcopy(&ia->ia_addr, &ifr->ifr_addr, sizeof(addr));
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ break;
+ case SIOCSIFADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ VERIFY(ia != NULL);
+ bcopy(&ifr->ifr_addr, &addr, sizeof(addr));
+ /*
+ * If this is a new address, the reference count for the
+ * hash table has been taken at creation time above.
+ */
+ error = in_ifinit(ifp, ia, &addr, 1);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ (void) ifnet_notify_address(ifp, AF_INET);
+ }
+ case SIOCAIFADDR: { /* struct {if,in_}aliasreq */
+ struct in_aliasreq *ifra = (struct in_aliasreq *)ifr;
+ struct sockaddr_in broadaddr, mask;
+ int hostIsNew, maskIsNew;
+ VERIFY(ia != NULL);
+ bcopy(&ifra->ifra_addr, &addr, sizeof(addr));
+ bcopy(&ifra->ifra_broadaddr, &broadaddr, sizeof(broadaddr));
+ bcopy(&ifra->ifra_mask, &mask, sizeof(mask));
maskIsNew = 0;
hostIsNew = 1;
error = 0;
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
if (ia->ia_addr.sin_family == AF_INET) {
- if (ifra->ifra_addr.sin_len == 0) {
- ifra->ifra_addr = ia->ia_addr;
+ if (addr.sin_len == 0) {
+ addr = ia->ia_addr;
hostIsNew = 0;
- } else if (ifra->ifra_addr.sin_addr.s_addr ==
- ia->ia_addr.sin_addr.s_addr)
+ } else if (addr.sin_addr.s_addr ==
+ ia->ia_addr.sin_addr.s_addr) {
hostIsNew = 0;
+ }
- if (ifra->ifra_mask.sin_len) {
+ if (mask.sin_len != 0) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
in_ifscrub(ifp, ia, 0);
- ia->ia_sockmask = ifra->ifra_mask;
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ ia->ia_sockmask.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ ia->ia_sockmask.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ ia->ia_sockmask.sin_port = 0;
+ ia->ia_sockmask.sin_addr = mask.sin_addr;
+ bzero(&ia->ia_sockmask.sin_zero, sizeof(ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_zero));
ia->ia_subnetmask =
- ntohl(ia->ia_sockmask.sin_addr.s_addr);
+ ntohl(ia->ia_sockmask.sin_addr.s_addr);
maskIsNew = 1;
if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) &&
- (ifra->ifra_dstaddr.sin_family == AF_INET)) {
+ (broadaddr.sin_family == AF_INET)) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
in_ifscrub(ifp, ia, 0);
- ia->ia_dstaddr = ifra->ifra_dstaddr;
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_port = 0;
+ ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_addr = broadaddr.sin_addr;
+ bzero(&ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_zero, sizeof(ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_zero));
maskIsNew = 1; /* We lie; but the effect's the same */
- if (ifra->ifra_addr.sin_family == AF_INET &&
- (hostIsNew || maskIsNew)) {
- error = in_ifinit(ifp, ia, &ifra->ifra_addr, 0);
+ if (addr.sin_family == AF_INET && (hostIsNew || maskIsNew)) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ error = in_ifinit(ifp, ia, &addr, 0);
+ } else {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ if (error == 0) {
+ (void) ifnet_notify_address(ifp, AF_INET);
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) &&
- (ifra->ifra_broadaddr.sin_family == AF_INET))
- ia->ia_broadaddr = ifra->ifra_broadaddr;
+ (broadaddr.sin_family == AF_INET)) {
+ ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_port = 0;
+ ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_addr = broadaddr.sin_addr;
+ bzero(&ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_zero, sizeof(ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_zero));
+ }
* Report event.
if ((error == 0) || (error == EEXIST)) {
- ev_msg.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
- ev_msg.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
- ev_msg.kev_subclass = KEV_INET_SUBCLASS;
- if (hostIsNew)
- ev_msg.event_code = KEV_INET_NEW_ADDR;
- else
- ev_msg.event_code = KEV_INET_CHANGED_ADDR;
- if (ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)
- in_event_data.ia_dstaddr =
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr;
- else
- in_event_data.ia_dstaddr.s_addr = 0;
- in_event_data.ia_addr = ia->ia_addr.sin_addr;
- in_event_data.ia_net = ia->ia_net;
- in_event_data.ia_netmask = ia->ia_netmask;
- in_event_data.ia_subnet = ia->ia_subnet;
- in_event_data.ia_subnetmask = ia->ia_subnetmask;
- in_event_data.ia_netbroadcast = ia->ia_netbroadcast;
- strncpy(&in_event_data.link_data.if_name[0], ifp->if_name, IFNAMSIZ);
- in_event_data.link_data.if_family = ifp->if_family;
- in_event_data.link_data.if_unit = (unsigned long) ifp->if_unit;
- ev_msg.dv[0].data_ptr = &in_event_data;
- ev_msg.dv[0].data_length = sizeof(struct kev_in_data);
- ev_msg.dv[1].data_length = 0;
- kev_post_msg(&ev_msg);
- }
- return (error);
- error = dlil_ioctl(PF_INET, ifp, SIOCDIFADDR, (caddr_t)ia);
- if (error == EOPNOTSUPP)
+ ev_msg.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
+ ev_msg.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
+ ev_msg.kev_subclass = KEV_INET_SUBCLASS;
+ if (hostIsNew) {
+ ev_msg.event_code = KEV_INET_NEW_ADDR;
+ } else {
+ ev_msg.event_code = KEV_INET_CHANGED_ADDR;
+ }
+ if (ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr) {
+ in_event_data.ia_dstaddr =
+ ((struct sockaddr_in *)(void *)ia->
+ ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr;
+ } else {
+ in_event_data.ia_dstaddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
+ }
+ in_event_data.ia_addr = ia->ia_addr.sin_addr;
+ in_event_data.ia_net = ia->ia_net;
+ in_event_data.ia_netmask = ia->ia_netmask;
+ in_event_data.ia_subnet = ia->ia_subnet;
+ in_event_data.ia_subnetmask = ia->ia_subnetmask;
+ in_event_data.ia_netbroadcast = ia->ia_netbroadcast;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ (void) strlcpy(&in_event_data.link_data.if_name[0],
+ ifp->if_name, IFNAMSIZ);
+ in_event_data.link_data.if_family = ifp->if_family;
+ in_event_data.link_data.if_unit = ifp->if_unit;
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_ptr = &in_event_data;
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_length = sizeof(struct kev_in_data);
+ ev_msg.dv[1].data_length = 0;
+ dlil_post_complete_msg(ifp, &ev_msg);
+ } else {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case SIOCDIFADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ VERIFY(ia != NULL);
+ error = ifnet_ioctl(ifp, PF_INET, SIOCDIFADDR, ia);
+ if (error == EOPNOTSUPP) {
error = 0;
- if (error)
- return error;
+ }
+ if (error != 0) {
+ break;
+ }
/* Fill out the kernel event information */
- ev_msg.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
- ev_msg.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
- ev_msg.kev_subclass = KEV_INET_SUBCLASS;
- ev_msg.event_code = KEV_INET_ADDR_DELETED;
- if (ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)
- in_event_data.ia_dstaddr =
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr;
- else
- in_event_data.ia_dstaddr.s_addr = 0;
- in_event_data.ia_addr = ia->ia_addr.sin_addr;
- in_event_data.ia_net = ia->ia_net;
- in_event_data.ia_netmask = ia->ia_netmask;
- in_event_data.ia_subnet = ia->ia_subnet;
- in_event_data.ia_subnetmask = ia->ia_subnetmask;
- in_event_data.ia_netbroadcast = ia->ia_netbroadcast;
- strncpy(&in_event_data.link_data.if_name[0], ifp->if_name, IFNAMSIZ);
+ ev_msg.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
+ ev_msg.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
+ ev_msg.kev_subclass = KEV_INET_SUBCLASS;
+ ev_msg.event_code = KEV_INET_ADDR_DELETED;
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr) {
+ in_event_data.ia_dstaddr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)
+ (void *)ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr;
+ } else {
+ in_event_data.ia_dstaddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
+ }
+ in_event_data.ia_addr = ia->ia_addr.sin_addr;
+ in_event_data.ia_net = ia->ia_net;
+ in_event_data.ia_netmask = ia->ia_netmask;
+ in_event_data.ia_subnet = ia->ia_subnet;
+ in_event_data.ia_subnetmask = ia->ia_subnetmask;
+ in_event_data.ia_netbroadcast = ia->ia_netbroadcast;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ (void) strlcpy(&in_event_data.link_data.if_name[0],
+ ifp->if_name, IFNAMSIZ);
in_event_data.link_data.if_family = ifp->if_family;
- in_event_data.link_data.if_unit = (unsigned long) ifp->if_unit;
+ in_event_data.link_data.if_unit = (u_int32_t)ifp->if_unit;
ev_msg.dv[0].data_ptr = &in_event_data;
ev_msg.dv[0].data_length = sizeof(struct kev_in_data);
ev_msg.dv[1].data_length = 0;
- lck_mtx_lock(rt_mtx);
+ ifa = &ia->ia_ifa;
+ lck_rw_lock_exclusive(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ /* Release ia_link reference */
+ IFA_REMREF(ifa);
TAILQ_REMOVE(&in_ifaddrhead, ia, ia_link);
+ IFA_LOCK(ifa);
+ if (IA_IS_HASHED(ia)) {
+ in_iahash_remove(ia);
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ lck_rw_done(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
* in_ifscrub kills the interface route.
- in_ifscrub(ifp, ia, 1);
- ifa = &ia->ia_ifa;
- lck_mtx_unlock(rt_mtx);
+ in_ifscrub(ifp, ia, 0);
+ IFA_LOCK(ifa);
+ /* if_detach_ifa() releases ifa_link reference */
if_detach_ifa(ifp, ifa);
- ifafree(&ia->ia_ifa);
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- /*
- * If the interface supports multicast, and no address is left,
- * remove the "all hosts" multicast group from that interface.
- */
- if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_MULTICAST) {
- struct in_addr addr;
- struct in_multi *inm;
+ /* Our reference to this address is dropped at the bottom */
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
- TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link)
- if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET)
- break;
+ /* invalidate route caches */
+ routegenid_inet_update();
- if (ifa == 0) {
- addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ALLHOSTS_GROUP);
- IN_LOOKUP_MULTI(addr, ifp, inm);
+ /*
+ * If the interface supports multicast, and no address is left,
+ * remove the "all hosts" multicast group from that interface.
+ */
+ if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_MULTICAST) ||
+ ifp->if_allhostsinm != NULL) {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link) {
+ IFA_LOCK(ifa);
+ if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ break;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
- if (inm)
- in_delmulti(&inm);
- } else
+ lck_mtx_lock(&ifp->if_addrconfig_lock);
+ if (ifa == NULL && ifp->if_allhostsinm != NULL) {
+ struct in_multi *inm = ifp->if_allhostsinm;
+ ifp->if_allhostsinm = NULL;
+ in_delmulti(inm);
+ /* release the reference for allhostsinm */
+ INM_REMREF(inm);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&ifp->if_addrconfig_lock);
+ } else {
+ }
/* Post the kernel event */
- kev_post_msg(&ev_msg);
- break;
+ dlil_post_complete_msg(ifp, &ev_msg);
+ /*
+ * See if there is any IPV4 address left and if so,
+ * reconfigure KDP to use current primary address.
+ */
+ ifa = ifa_ifpgetprimary(ifp, AF_INET);
+ if (ifa != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * NOTE: SIOCSIFADDR is defined with struct ifreq
+ * as parameter, but here we are sending it down
+ * to the interface with a pointer to struct ifaddr,
+ * for legacy reasons.
+ */
+ error = ifnet_ioctl(ifp, PF_INET, SIOCSIFADDR, ifa);
+ if (error == EOPNOTSUPP) {
+ error = 0;
+ }
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- case SIOCSETOT: {
- /*
- * Inspiration from tcp_ctloutput() and ip_ctloutput()
- * Special ioctl for OpenTransport sockets
- */
- struct inpcb *inp, *cloned_inp;
- int error2 = 0;
- int cloned_fd = *(int *)data;
- inp = sotoinpcb(so);
- if (inp == NULL) {
- break;
- }
- /* let's make sure it's either -1 or a valid file descriptor */
- if (cloned_fd != -1) {
- struct socket *cloned_so;
- error2 = file_socket(cloned_fd, &cloned_so);
- if (error2){
- break;
- }
- cloned_inp = sotoinpcb(cloned_so);
- file_drop(cloned_fd);
- } else {
- cloned_inp = NULL;
- }
- if (cloned_inp == NULL) {
- /* OT always uses IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH */
- inp->inp_flags &= ~(INP_LOWPORT);
- inp->inp_flags |= INP_HIGHPORT;
- /* For UDP, OT allows broadcast by default */
- if (so->so_type == SOCK_DGRAM)
- so->so_options |= SO_BROADCAST;
- /* For TCP we want to see MSG_OOB when receive urgent data */
- else if (so->so_type == SOCK_STREAM)
- so->so_options |= SO_WANTOOBFLAG;
- } else {
- inp->inp_ip_tos = cloned_inp->inp_ip_tos;
- inp->inp_ip_ttl = cloned_inp->inp_ip_ttl;
- inp->inp_flags = cloned_inp->inp_flags;
- /* Multicast options */
- if (cloned_inp->inp_moptions != NULL) {
- int i;
- struct ip_moptions *cloned_imo = cloned_inp->inp_moptions;
- struct ip_moptions *imo = inp->inp_moptions;
- if (imo == NULL) {
- /*
- * No multicast option buffer attached to the pcb;
- * allocate one.
- */
- imo = (struct ip_moptions*)
- _MALLOC(sizeof(*imo), M_IPMOPTS, M_WAITOK);
- if (imo == NULL) {
- error2 = ENOBUFS;
- break;
- }
- inp->inp_moptions = imo;
- }
- imo->imo_multicast_ifp = cloned_imo->imo_multicast_ifp;
- imo->imo_multicast_vif = cloned_imo->imo_multicast_vif;
- imo->imo_multicast_ttl = cloned_imo->imo_multicast_ttl;
- imo->imo_multicast_loop = cloned_imo->imo_multicast_loop;
- imo->imo_num_memberships = cloned_imo->imo_num_memberships;
- for (i = 0; i < cloned_imo->imo_num_memberships; i++) {
- imo->imo_membership[i] =
- in_addmulti(&cloned_imo->imo_membership[i]->inm_addr,
- cloned_imo->imo_membership[i]->inm_ifp);
- if (imo->imo_membership[i] == NULL) {
- error2 = ENOBUFS;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i < cloned_imo->imo_num_memberships) {
- /* Failed, perform cleanup */
- for (i--; i >= 0; i--)
- in_delmulti(&imo->imo_membership[i]);
- imo->imo_num_memberships = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
-#endif /* __APPLE__ */
+ /* Release reference from ifa_ifpgetprimary() */
+ IFA_REMREF(ifa);
+ }
+ (void) ifnet_notify_address(ifp, AF_INET);
+ break;
- return EOPNOTSUPP;
+ VERIFY(0);
- return (0);
+ return error;
- * SIOCGLIFADDR: get first address. (?!?)
- * get first address that matches the specified prefix.
- * SIOCALIFADDR: add the specified address.
- * EINVAL since we can't deduce hostid part of the address.
- * SIOCDLIFADDR: delete the specified address.
- * delete the first address that matches the specified prefix.
- * return values:
- * EINVAL on invalid parameters
- * EADDRNOTAVAIL on prefix match failed/specified address not found
- * other values may be returned from in_ioctl()
+ * Caller passes in the ioctl data pointer directly via "ifr", with the
+ * expectation that this routine always uses bcopy() or other byte-aligned
+ * memory accesses.
-static int
- struct socket *so,
- u_long cmd,
- caddr_t data,
- struct ifnet *ifp,
- struct proc *p)
+static __attribute__((noinline)) int
+inctl_ifdstaddr(struct ifnet *ifp, struct in_ifaddr *ia, u_long cmd,
+ struct ifreq *ifr)
- struct if_laddrreq *iflr = (struct if_laddrreq *)data;
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
+ struct kev_in_data in_event_data;
+ struct kev_msg ev_msg;
+ struct sockaddr_in dstaddr;
+ int error = 0;
- /* sanity checks */
- if (!data || !ifp) {
- panic("invalid argument to in_lifaddr_ioctl");
- }
+ VERIFY(ifp != NULL);
+ if (!(ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT)) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ bzero(&in_event_data, sizeof(struct kev_in_data));
+ bzero(&ev_msg, sizeof(struct kev_msg));
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case SIOCGIFDSTADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ if (ia == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ bcopy(&ia->ia_dstaddr, &ifr->ifr_dstaddr, sizeof(dstaddr));
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ break;
+ case SIOCSIFDSTADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ VERIFY(ia != NULL);
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ dstaddr = ia->ia_dstaddr;
+ ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_port = 0;
+ bcopy(&(SIN(&ifr->ifr_dstaddr)->sin_addr),
+ &ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_addr, sizeof(ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_addr));
+ bzero(&ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_zero, sizeof(ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_zero));
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ /*
+ * NOTE: SIOCSIFDSTADDR is defined with struct ifreq
+ * as parameter, but here we are sending it down
+ * to the interface with a pointer to struct ifaddr,
+ * for legacy reasons.
+ */
+ error = ifnet_ioctl(ifp, PF_INET, SIOCSIFDSTADDR, ia);
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (error == EOPNOTSUPP) {
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ if (error != 0) {
+ ia->ia_dstaddr = dstaddr;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ break;
+ }
+ IFA_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ ev_msg.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
+ ev_msg.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
+ ev_msg.kev_subclass = KEV_INET_SUBCLASS;
+ ev_msg.event_code = KEV_INET_SIFDSTADDR;
+ if (ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr) {
+ in_event_data.ia_dstaddr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)
+ (void *)ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr;
+ } else {
+ in_event_data.ia_dstaddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
+ }
+ in_event_data.ia_addr = ia->ia_addr.sin_addr;
+ in_event_data.ia_net = ia->ia_net;
+ in_event_data.ia_netmask = ia->ia_netmask;
+ in_event_data.ia_subnet = ia->ia_subnet;
+ in_event_data.ia_subnetmask = ia->ia_subnetmask;
+ in_event_data.ia_netbroadcast = ia->ia_netbroadcast;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ (void) strlcpy(&in_event_data.link_data.if_name[0],
+ ifp->if_name, IFNAMSIZ);
+ in_event_data.link_data.if_family = ifp->if_family;
+ in_event_data.link_data.if_unit = (u_int32_t)ifp->if_unit;
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_ptr = &in_event_data;
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_length = sizeof(struct kev_in_data);
+ ev_msg.dv[1].data_length = 0;
+ dlil_post_complete_msg(ifp, &ev_msg);
+ lck_mtx_lock(rnh_lock);
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (ia->ia_flags & IFA_ROUTE) {
+ ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr = (struct sockaddr *)&dstaddr;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ rtinit_locked(&(ia->ia_ifa), (int)RTM_DELETE, RTF_HOST);
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr =
+ (struct sockaddr *)&ia->ia_dstaddr;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ rtinit_locked(&(ia->ia_ifa), (int)RTM_ADD,
+ } else {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(rnh_lock);
+ break;
+ default:
+ VERIFY(0);
+ }
+ return error;
+ * Caller passes in the ioctl data pointer directly via "ifr", with the
+ * expectation that this routine always uses bcopy() or other byte-aligned
+ * memory accesses.
+ */
+static __attribute__((noinline)) int
+inctl_ifbrdaddr(struct ifnet *ifp, struct in_ifaddr *ia, u_long cmd,
+ struct ifreq *ifr)
+ struct kev_in_data in_event_data;
+ struct kev_msg ev_msg;
+ int error = 0;
+ VERIFY(ifp != NULL);
+ if (ia == NULL) {
+ }
+ if (!(ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST)) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ bzero(&in_event_data, sizeof(struct kev_in_data));
+ bzero(&ev_msg, sizeof(struct kev_msg));
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case SIOCGIFBRDADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ bcopy(&ia->ia_broadaddr, &ifr->ifr_broadaddr,
+ sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ break;
+ case SIOCSIFBRDADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_port = 0;
+ bcopy(&(SIN(&ifr->ifr_broadaddr)->sin_addr),
+ &ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_addr, sizeof(ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_addr));
+ bzero(&ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_zero, sizeof(ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_zero));
+ ev_msg.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
+ ev_msg.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
+ ev_msg.kev_subclass = KEV_INET_SUBCLASS;
+ ev_msg.event_code = KEV_INET_SIFBRDADDR;
+ if (ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr) {
+ in_event_data.ia_dstaddr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)
+ (void *)ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr;
+ } else {
+ in_event_data.ia_dstaddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
+ }
+ in_event_data.ia_addr = ia->ia_addr.sin_addr;
+ in_event_data.ia_net = ia->ia_net;
+ in_event_data.ia_netmask = ia->ia_netmask;
+ in_event_data.ia_subnet = ia->ia_subnet;
+ in_event_data.ia_subnetmask = ia->ia_subnetmask;
+ in_event_data.ia_netbroadcast = ia->ia_netbroadcast;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ (void) strlcpy(&in_event_data.link_data.if_name[0],
+ ifp->if_name, IFNAMSIZ);
+ in_event_data.link_data.if_family = ifp->if_family;
+ in_event_data.link_data.if_unit = (u_int32_t)ifp->if_unit;
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_ptr = &in_event_data;
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_length = sizeof(struct kev_in_data);
+ ev_msg.dv[1].data_length = 0;
+ dlil_post_complete_msg(ifp, &ev_msg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ VERIFY(0);
+ }
+ return error;
+ * Caller passes in the ioctl data pointer directly via "ifr", with the
+ * expectation that this routine always uses bcopy() or other byte-aligned
+ * memory accesses.
+ */
+static __attribute__((noinline)) int
+inctl_ifnetmask(struct ifnet *ifp, struct in_ifaddr *ia, u_long cmd,
+ struct ifreq *ifr)
+ struct kev_in_data in_event_data;
+ struct kev_msg ev_msg;
+ struct sockaddr_in mask;
+ int error = 0;
+ VERIFY(ifp != NULL);
+ bzero(&in_event_data, sizeof(struct kev_in_data));
+ bzero(&ev_msg, sizeof(struct kev_msg));
switch (cmd) {
- /* address must be specified on GET with IFLR_PREFIX */
- if ((iflr->flags & IFLR_PREFIX) == 0)
+ case SIOCGIFNETMASK: /* struct ifreq */
+ if (ia == NULL) {
- /* address must be specified on ADD and DELETE */
- if (iflr->addr.ss_family != AF_INET)
- return EINVAL;
- if (iflr->addr.ss_len != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
- return EINVAL;
- /* XXX need improvement */
- if (iflr->dstaddr.ss_family
- && iflr->dstaddr.ss_family != AF_INET)
- return EINVAL;
- if (iflr->dstaddr.ss_family
- && iflr->dstaddr.ss_len != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
- return EINVAL;
+ }
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ bcopy(&ia->ia_sockmask, &ifr->ifr_addr, sizeof(mask));
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ break;
+ case SIOCSIFNETMASK: { /* struct ifreq */
+ in_addr_t i;
+ bcopy(&ifr->ifr_addr, &mask, sizeof(mask));
+ i = mask.sin_addr.s_addr;
+ VERIFY(ia != NULL);
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ ia->ia_subnetmask = ntohl(ia->ia_sockmask.sin_addr.s_addr = i);
+ ev_msg.vendor_code = KEV_VENDOR_APPLE;
+ ev_msg.kev_class = KEV_NETWORK_CLASS;
+ ev_msg.kev_subclass = KEV_INET_SUBCLASS;
+ ev_msg.event_code = KEV_INET_SIFNETMASK;
+ if (ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr) {
+ in_event_data.ia_dstaddr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)
+ (void *)ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr;
+ } else {
+ in_event_data.ia_dstaddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
+ }
+ in_event_data.ia_addr = ia->ia_addr.sin_addr;
+ in_event_data.ia_net = ia->ia_net;
+ in_event_data.ia_netmask = ia->ia_netmask;
+ in_event_data.ia_subnet = ia->ia_subnet;
+ in_event_data.ia_subnetmask = ia->ia_subnetmask;
+ in_event_data.ia_netbroadcast = ia->ia_netbroadcast;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ (void) strlcpy(&in_event_data.link_data.if_name[0],
+ ifp->if_name, IFNAMSIZ);
+ in_event_data.link_data.if_family = ifp->if_family;
+ in_event_data.link_data.if_unit = (u_int32_t)ifp->if_unit;
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_ptr = &in_event_data;
+ ev_msg.dv[0].data_length = sizeof(struct kev_in_data);
+ ev_msg.dv[1].data_length = 0;
+ dlil_post_complete_msg(ifp, &ev_msg);
- default: /*shouldn't happen*/
- return EOPNOTSUPP;
- if (sizeof(struct in_addr) * 8 < iflr->prefixlen)
+ default:
+ VERIFY(0);
+ }
+ return error;
+ * Generic INET control operations (ioctl's).
+ *
+ * ifp is NULL if not an interface-specific ioctl.
+ *
+ * Most of the routines called to handle the ioctls would end up being
+ * tail-call optimized, which unfortunately causes this routine to
+ * consume too much stack space; this is the reason for the "noinline"
+ * attribute used on those routines.
+ *
+ * If called directly from within the networking stack (as opposed to via
+ * pru_control), the socket parameter may be NULL.
+ */
+in_control(struct socket *so, u_long cmd, caddr_t data, struct ifnet *ifp,
+ struct proc *p)
+ struct ifreq *ifr = (struct ifreq *)(void *)data;
+ struct sockaddr_in addr, dstaddr;
+ struct sockaddr_in sin, *sa = NULL;
+ boolean_t privileged = (proc_suser(p) == 0);
+ boolean_t so_unlocked = FALSE;
+ struct in_ifaddr *ia = NULL;
+ struct ifaddr *ifa;
+ int error = 0;
+ int intval;
+ /* In case it's NULL, make sure it came from the kernel */
+ VERIFY(so != NULL || p == kernproc);
+ /*
+ * ioctls which don't require ifp, but require socket.
+ */
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case SIOCGASSOCIDS32: /* struct so_aidreq32 */
+ case SIOCGASSOCIDS64: /* struct so_aidreq64 */
+ return inctl_associd(so, cmd, data);
+ case SIOCGCONNIDS32: /* struct so_cidreq32 */
+ case SIOCGCONNIDS64: /* struct so_cidreq64 */
+ return inctl_connid(so, cmd, data);
+ case SIOCGCONNINFO32: /* struct so_cinforeq32 */
+ case SIOCGCONNINFO64: /* struct so_cinforeq64 */
+ return inctl_conninfo(so, cmd, data);
+ }
+ /*
+ * The rest of ioctls require ifp; reject if we don't have one;
+ * return ENXIO to be consistent with ifioctl().
+ */
+ if (ifp == NULL) {
+ return ENXIO;
+ }
+ /*
+ * ioctls which require ifp but not interface address.
+ */
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case SIOCAUTOADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ if (!privileged) {
+ return EPERM;
+ }
+ return inctl_autoaddr(ifp, ifr);
+ case SIOCARPIPLL: /* struct ifreq */
+ if (!privileged) {
+ return EPERM;
+ }
+ return inctl_arpipll(ifp, ifr);
+ case SIOCGETROUTERMODE: /* struct ifreq */
+ intval = (ifp->if_eflags & IFEF_IPV4_ROUTER) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ bcopy(&intval, &ifr->ifr_intval, sizeof(intval));
+ return 0;
+ case SIOCSETROUTERMODE: /* struct ifreq */
+ if (!privileged) {
+ return EPERM;
+ }
+ return inctl_setrouter(ifp, ifr);
+ case SIOCPROTOATTACH: /* struct ifreq */
+ if (!privileged) {
+ return EPERM;
+ }
+ return in_domifattach(ifp);
+ case SIOCPROTODETACH: /* struct ifreq */
+ if (!privileged) {
+ return EPERM;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If an IPv4 address is still present, refuse to detach.
+ */
+ ifnet_lock_shared(ifp);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link) {
+ IFA_LOCK(ifa);
+ if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ break;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ }
+ ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
+ return (ifa == NULL) ? proto_unplumb(PF_INET, ifp) : EBUSY;
+ }
+ /*
+ * ioctls which require interface address; obtain sockaddr_in.
+ */
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case SIOCAIFADDR: /* struct {if,in_}aliasreq */
+ if (!privileged) {
+ return EPERM;
+ }
+ bcopy(&((struct in_aliasreq *)(void *)data)->ifra_addr,
+ &sin, sizeof(sin));
+ sa = &sin;
+ break;
+ case SIOCDIFADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCSIFADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCSIFDSTADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCSIFNETMASK: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCSIFBRDADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ if (!privileged) {
+ return EPERM;
+ }
+ case SIOCGIFADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCGIFDSTADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCGIFNETMASK: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCGIFBRDADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ bcopy(&ifr->ifr_addr, &sin, sizeof(sin));
+ sa = &sin;
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Find address for this interface, if it exists.
+ *
+ * If an alias address was specified, find that one instead of
+ * the first one on the interface, if possible.
+ */
+ VERIFY(ia == NULL);
+ if (sa != NULL) {
+ struct in_ifaddr *iap;
+ /*
+ * Any failures from this point on must take into account
+ * a non-NULL "ia" with an outstanding reference count, and
+ * therefore requires IFA_REMREF. Jump to "done" label
+ * instead of calling return if "ia" is valid.
+ */
+ lck_rw_lock_shared(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(iap, INADDR_HASH(sa->sin_addr.s_addr), ia_hash) {
+ IFA_LOCK(&iap->ia_ifa);
+ if (iap->ia_ifp == ifp &&
+ iap->ia_addr.sin_addr.s_addr ==
+ sa->sin_addr.s_addr) {
+ ia = iap;
+ IFA_ADDREF_LOCKED(&iap->ia_ifa);
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&iap->ia_ifa);
+ break;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&iap->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ lck_rw_done(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ if (ia == NULL) {
+ ifnet_lock_shared(ifp);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link) {
+ iap = ifatoia(ifa);
+ IFA_LOCK(&iap->ia_ifa);
+ if (iap->ia_addr.sin_family == AF_INET) {
+ ia = iap;
+ IFA_ADDREF_LOCKED(&iap->ia_ifa);
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&iap->ia_ifa);
+ break;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&iap->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Unlock the socket since ifnet_ioctl() may be invoked by
+ * one of the ioctl handlers below. Socket will be re-locked
+ * prior to returning.
+ */
+ if (so != NULL) {
+ socket_unlock(so, 0);
+ so_unlocked = TRUE;
+ }
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case SIOCAIFADDR: /* struct {if,in_}aliasreq */
+ case SIOCDIFADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ if (cmd == SIOCAIFADDR) {
+ bcopy(&((struct in_aliasreq *)(void *)data)->
+ ifra_addr, &addr, sizeof(addr));
+ bcopy(&((struct in_aliasreq *)(void *)data)->
+ ifra_dstaddr, &dstaddr, sizeof(dstaddr));
+ } else {
+ bcopy(&((struct ifreq *)(void *)data)->ifr_addr,
+ &addr, sizeof(addr));
+ bzero(&dstaddr, sizeof(dstaddr));
+ }
+ if (addr.sin_family == AF_INET) {
+ struct in_ifaddr *oia;
+ lck_rw_lock_shared(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ for (oia = ia; ia; ia = ia->ia_link.tqe_next) {
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (ia->ia_ifp == ifp &&
+ ia->ia_addr.sin_addr.s_addr ==
+ addr.sin_addr.s_addr) {
+ IFA_ADDREF_LOCKED(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ break;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ lck_rw_done(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ if (oia != NULL) {
+ IFA_REMREF(&oia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) &&
+ (cmd == SIOCAIFADDR) &&
+ (dstaddr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY)) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ } else if (cmd == SIOCAIFADDR) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (cmd == SIOCDIFADDR) {
+ if (ia == NULL) {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ /*
+ * Avoid the race condition seen when two
+ * threads process SIOCDIFADDR command
+ * at the same time.
+ */
+ while (ia->ia_ifa.ifa_debug & IFD_DETACHING) {
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT,
+ "Another thread is already attempting to "
+ "delete IPv4 address: %s on interface %s. "
+ "Go to sleep and check again after the operation is done",
+ inet_ntoa(sa->sin_addr), ia->ia_ifp->if_xname);
+ ia->ia_ifa.ifa_del_waiters++;
+ (void) msleep(ia->ia_ifa.ifa_del_wc, &ia->ia_ifa.ifa_lock, (PZERO - 1),
+ __func__, NULL);
+ IFA_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ if ((ia->ia_ifa.ifa_debug & IFD_ATTACHED) == 0) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ia->ia_ifa.ifa_debug |= IFD_DETACHING;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ case SIOCSIFADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCSIFDSTADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCSIFNETMASK: /* struct ifreq */
+ if (cmd == SIOCAIFADDR) {
+ /* fell thru from above; just repeat it */
+ bcopy(&((struct in_aliasreq *)(void *)data)->
+ ifra_addr, &addr, sizeof(addr));
+ } else {
+ bcopy(&((struct ifreq *)(void *)data)->ifr_addr,
+ &addr, sizeof(addr));
+ }
+ if (addr.sin_family != AF_INET && cmd == SIOCSIFADDR) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (ia == NULL) {
+ ia = in_ifaddr_alloc(M_WAITOK);
+ if (ia == NULL) {
+ error = ENOBUFS;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ifnet_lock_exclusive(ifp);
+ ifa = &ia->ia_ifa;
+ IFA_LOCK(ifa);
+ /* Hold a reference for this routine */
+ ifa->ifa_addr = (struct sockaddr *)&ia->ia_addr;
+ ifa->ifa_dstaddr = (struct sockaddr *)&ia->ia_dstaddr;
+ ifa->ifa_netmask = (struct sockaddr *)&ia->ia_sockmask;
+ ia->ia_sockmask.sin_len = offsetof(struct sockaddr_in, sin_zero);
+ if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) {
+ ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_len = sizeof(ia->ia_addr);
+ ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ }
+ ia->ia_ifp = ifp;
+ if (!(ifp->if_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK)) {
+ in_interfaces++;
+ }
+ /* if_attach_ifa() holds a reference for ifa_link */
+ if_attach_ifa(ifp, ifa);
+ /*
+ * If we have to go through in_ifinit(), make sure
+ * to avoid installing route(s) based on this address
+ * via PFC_IFUP event, before the link resolver (ARP)
+ * initializes it.
+ */
+ if (cmd == SIOCAIFADDR || cmd == SIOCSIFADDR) {
+ ifa->ifa_debug |= IFD_NOTREADY;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
+ lck_rw_lock_exclusive(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ /* Hold a reference for ia_link */
+ IFA_ADDREF(ifa);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&in_ifaddrhead, ia, ia_link);
+ lck_rw_done(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ /* discard error */
+ (void) in_domifattach(ifp);
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case SIOCGIFDSTADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCSIFDSTADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ error = inctl_ifdstaddr(ifp, ia, cmd, ifr);
+ break;
+ case SIOCGIFBRDADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCSIFBRDADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ error = inctl_ifbrdaddr(ifp, ia, cmd, ifr);
+ break;
+ case SIOCGIFNETMASK: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCSIFNETMASK: /* struct ifreq */
+ error = inctl_ifnetmask(ifp, ia, cmd, ifr);
+ break;
+ case SIOCGIFADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCSIFADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ case SIOCAIFADDR: /* struct {if,in_}aliasreq */
+ case SIOCDIFADDR: /* struct ifreq */
+ error = inctl_ifaddr(ifp, ia, cmd, ifr);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error = EOPNOTSUPP;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ia != NULL) {
+ if (cmd == SIOCDIFADDR) {
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ ia->ia_ifa.ifa_debug &= ~IFD_DETACHING;
+ if (ia->ia_ifa.ifa_del_waiters > 0) {
+ ia->ia_ifa.ifa_del_waiters = 0;
+ wakeup(ia->ia_ifa.ifa_del_wc);
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ IFA_REMREF(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ if (so_unlocked) {
+ socket_lock(so, 0);
+ }
+ return error;
+ * Delete any existing route for an interface.
+ */
+in_ifscrub(struct ifnet *ifp, struct in_ifaddr *ia, int locked)
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if ((ia->ia_flags & IFA_ROUTE) == 0) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ return;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (!locked) {
+ lck_mtx_lock(rnh_lock);
+ }
+ if (ifp->if_flags & (IFF_LOOPBACK | IFF_POINTOPOINT)) {
+ rtinit_locked(&(ia->ia_ifa), (int)RTM_DELETE, RTF_HOST);
+ } else {
+ rtinit_locked(&(ia->ia_ifa), (int)RTM_DELETE, 0);
+ }
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ ia->ia_flags &= ~IFA_ROUTE;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (!locked) {
+ lck_mtx_unlock(rnh_lock);
+ }
+ * Caller must hold in_ifaddr_rwlock as writer.
+ */
+static void
+in_iahash_remove(struct in_ifaddr *ia)
+ IFA_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (!IA_IS_HASHED(ia)) {
+ panic("attempt to remove wrong ia %p from hash table\n", ia);
+ }
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(INADDR_HASH(ia->ia_addr.sin_addr.s_addr), ia, ia_hash);
+ if (IFA_REMREF_LOCKED(&ia->ia_ifa) == NULL) {
+ panic("%s: unexpected (missing) refcnt ifa=%p", __func__,
+ &ia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ * Caller must hold in_ifaddr_rwlock as writer.
+ */
+static void
+in_iahash_insert(struct in_ifaddr *ia)
+ IFA_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (ia->ia_addr.sin_family != AF_INET) {
+ panic("attempt to insert wrong ia %p into hash table\n", ia);
+ } else if (IA_IS_HASHED(ia)) {
+ panic("attempt to double-insert ia %p into hash table\n", ia);
+ }
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(INADDR_HASH(ia->ia_addr.sin_addr.s_addr),
+ ia, ia_hash);
+ IFA_ADDREF_LOCKED(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ * Some point to point interfaces that are tunnels borrow the address from
+ * an underlying interface (e.g. VPN server). In order for source address
+ * selection logic to find the underlying interface first, we add the address
+ * of borrowing point to point interfaces at the end of the list.
+ * (see rdar://6733789)
+ *
+ * Caller must hold in_ifaddr_rwlock as writer.
+ */
+static void
+in_iahash_insert_ptp(struct in_ifaddr *ia)
+ struct in_ifaddr *tmp_ifa;
+ struct ifnet *tmp_ifp;
+ IFA_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (ia->ia_addr.sin_family != AF_INET) {
+ panic("attempt to insert wrong ia %p into hash table\n", ia);
+ } else if (IA_IS_HASHED(ia)) {
+ panic("attempt to double-insert ia %p into hash table\n", ia);
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(tmp_ifa, INADDR_HASH(ia->ia_addr.sin_addr.s_addr),
+ ia_hash) {
+ IFA_LOCK(&tmp_ifa->ia_ifa);
+ /* ia->ia_addr won't change, so check without lock */
+ if (IA_SIN(tmp_ifa)->sin_addr.s_addr ==
+ ia->ia_addr.sin_addr.s_addr) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&tmp_ifa->ia_ifa);
+ break;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&tmp_ifa->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ tmp_ifp = (tmp_ifa == NULL) ? NULL : tmp_ifa->ia_ifp;
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (tmp_ifp == NULL) {
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(INADDR_HASH(ia->ia_addr.sin_addr.s_addr),
+ ia, ia_hash);
+ } else {
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(INADDR_HASH(ia->ia_addr.sin_addr.s_addr),
+ ia, ia_hash);
+ }
+ IFA_ADDREF_LOCKED(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ * Initialize an interface's internet address
+ * and routing table entry.
+ */
+static int
+in_ifinit(struct ifnet *ifp, struct in_ifaddr *ia, struct sockaddr_in *sin,
+ int scrub)
+ u_int32_t i = ntohl(sin->sin_addr.s_addr);
+ struct sockaddr_in oldaddr;
+ int flags = RTF_UP, error;
+ struct ifaddr *ifa0;
+ unsigned int cmd;
+ int oldremoved = 0;
+ /* Take an extra reference for this routine */
+ IFA_ADDREF(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ lck_rw_lock_exclusive(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ oldaddr = ia->ia_addr;
+ if (IA_IS_HASHED(ia)) {
+ oldremoved = 1;
+ in_iahash_remove(ia);
+ }
+ ia->ia_addr = *sin;
+ /*
+ * Interface addresses should not contain port or sin_zero information.
+ */
+ SIN(&ia->ia_addr)->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ SIN(&ia->ia_addr)->sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ SIN(&ia->ia_addr)->sin_port = 0;
+ bzero(&SIN(&ia->ia_addr)->sin_zero, sizeof(sin->sin_zero));
+ if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT)) {
+ in_iahash_insert_ptp(ia);
+ } else {
+ in_iahash_insert(ia);
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ lck_rw_done(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ /*
+ * Give the interface a chance to initialize if this is its first
+ * address, and to validate the address if necessary. Send down
+ * SIOCSIFADDR for first address, and SIOCAIFADDR for alias(es).
+ * We find the first IPV4 address assigned to it and check if this
+ * is the same as the one passed into this routine.
+ */
+ ifa0 = ifa_ifpgetprimary(ifp, AF_INET);
+ cmd = (&ia->ia_ifa == ifa0) ? SIOCSIFADDR : SIOCAIFADDR;
+ error = ifnet_ioctl(ifp, PF_INET, cmd, ia);
+ if (error == EOPNOTSUPP) {
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we've just sent down SIOCAIFADDR, send another ioctl down
+ * for SIOCSIFADDR for the first IPV4 address of the interface,
+ * because an address change on one of the addresses will result
+ * in the removal of the previous first IPV4 address. KDP needs
+ * be reconfigured with the current primary IPV4 address.
+ */
+ if (error == 0 && cmd == SIOCAIFADDR) {
+ /*
+ * NOTE: SIOCSIFADDR is defined with struct ifreq
+ * as parameter, but here we are sending it down
+ * to the interface with a pointer to struct ifaddr,
+ * for legacy reasons.
+ */
+ error = ifnet_ioctl(ifp, PF_INET, SIOCSIFADDR, ifa0);
+ if (error == EOPNOTSUPP) {
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Release reference from ifa_ifpgetprimary() */
+ IFA_REMREF(ifa0);
+ if (error) {
+ lck_rw_lock_exclusive(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (IA_IS_HASHED(ia)) {
+ in_iahash_remove(ia);
+ }
+ ia->ia_addr = oldaddr;
+ if (oldremoved) {
+ if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT)) {
+ in_iahash_insert_ptp(ia);
+ } else {
+ in_iahash_insert(ia);
+ }
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ lck_rw_done(in_ifaddr_rwlock);
+ /* Release extra reference taken above */
+ IFA_REMREF(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ return error;
+ }
+ lck_mtx_lock(rnh_lock);
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ /*
+ * Address has been initialized by the link resolver (ARP)
+ * via ifnet_ioctl() above; it may now generate route(s).
+ */
+ ia->ia_ifa.ifa_debug &= ~IFD_NOTREADY;
+ if (scrub) {
+ ia->ia_ifa.ifa_addr = (struct sockaddr *)&oldaddr;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ in_ifscrub(ifp, ia, 1);
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ ia->ia_ifa.ifa_addr = (struct sockaddr *)&ia->ia_addr;
+ }
+ IFA_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (IN_CLASSA(i)) {
+ ia->ia_netmask = IN_CLASSA_NET;
+ } else if (IN_CLASSB(i)) {
+ ia->ia_netmask = IN_CLASSB_NET;
+ } else {
+ ia->ia_netmask = IN_CLASSC_NET;
+ }
+ /*
+ * The subnet mask usually includes at least the standard network part,
+ * but may may be smaller in the case of supernetting.
+ * If it is set, we believe it.
+ */
+ if (ia->ia_subnetmask == 0) {
+ ia->ia_subnetmask = ia->ia_netmask;
+ ia->ia_sockmask.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ia->ia_subnetmask);
+ } else {
+ ia->ia_netmask &= ia->ia_subnetmask;
+ }
+ ia->ia_net = i & ia->ia_netmask;
+ ia->ia_subnet = i & ia->ia_subnetmask;
+ in_socktrim(&ia->ia_sockmask);
+ /*
+ * Add route for the network.
+ */
+ ia->ia_ifa.ifa_metric = ifp->if_metric;
+ if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) {
+ ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_addr.s_addr =
+ htonl(ia->ia_subnet | ~ia->ia_subnetmask);
+ ia->ia_netbroadcast.s_addr =
+ htonl(ia->ia_net | ~ia->ia_netmask);
+ } else if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) {
+ ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr = ia->ia_ifa.ifa_addr;
+ flags |= RTF_HOST;
+ } else if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) {
+ if (ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_family != AF_INET) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(rnh_lock);
+ /* Release extra reference taken above */
+ IFA_REMREF(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ flags |= RTF_HOST;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if ((error = rtinit_locked(&(ia->ia_ifa), (int)RTM_ADD, flags)) == 0) {
+ IFA_LOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ ia->ia_flags |= IFA_ROUTE;
+ IFA_UNLOCK(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(rnh_lock);
+ /* XXX check if the subnet route points to the same interface */
+ if (error == EEXIST) {
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the interface supports multicast, join the "all hosts"
+ * multicast group on that interface.
+ */
+ if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_MULTICAST) {
+ struct in_addr addr;
+ lck_mtx_lock(&ifp->if_addrconfig_lock);
+ addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ALLHOSTS_GROUP);
+ if (ifp->if_allhostsinm == NULL) {
+ struct in_multi *inm;
+ inm = in_addmulti(&addr, ifp);
+ if (inm != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * Keep the reference on inm added by
+ * in_addmulti above for storing the
+ * pointer in allhostsinm.
+ */
+ ifp->if_allhostsinm = inm;
+ } else {
+ printf("%s: failed to add membership to "
+ "all-hosts multicast address on %s\n",
+ __func__, if_name(ifp));
+ }
+ }
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&ifp->if_addrconfig_lock);
+ }
+ /* Release extra reference taken above */
+ IFA_REMREF(&ia->ia_ifa);
+ if (error == 0) {
+ /* invalidate route caches */
+ routegenid_inet_update();
+ }
+ return error;
+ * Return TRUE if the address might be a local broadcast address.
+ */
+in_broadcast(struct in_addr in, struct ifnet *ifp)
+ struct ifaddr *ifa;
+ u_int32_t t;
+ if (in.s_addr == INADDR_BROADCAST || in.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!(ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ t = ntohl(in.s_addr);
+ /*
+ * Look through the list of addresses for a match
+ * with a broadcast address.
+ */
+#define ia ((struct in_ifaddr *)ifa)
+ ifnet_lock_shared(ifp);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link) {
+ IFA_LOCK(ifa);
+ if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET &&
+ (in.s_addr == ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_addr.s_addr ||
+ in.s_addr == ia->ia_netbroadcast.s_addr ||
+ /*
+ * Check for old-style (host 0) broadcast.
+ */
+ t == ia->ia_subnet || t == ia->ia_net) &&
+ /*
+ * Check for an all one subnetmask. These
+ * only exist when an interface gets a secondary
+ * address.
+ */
+ ia->ia_subnetmask != (u_int32_t)0xffffffff) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ }
+ ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
+ return FALSE;
+#undef ia
+in_purgeaddrs(struct ifnet *ifp)
+ struct ifaddr **ifap;
+ int err, i;
+ VERIFY(ifp != NULL);
+ /*
+ * Be nice, and try the civilized way first. If we can't get
+ * rid of them this way, then do it the rough way. We must
+ * only get here during detach time, after the ifnet has been
+ * removed from the global list and arrays.
+ */
+ err = ifnet_get_address_list_family_internal(ifp, &ifap, AF_INET, 1,
+ M_WAITOK, 0);
+ if (err == 0 && ifap != NULL) {
+ struct ifreq ifr;
+ bzero(&ifr, sizeof(ifr));
+ (void) snprintf(ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name),
+ "%s", if_name(ifp));
+ for (i = 0; ifap[i] != NULL; i++) {
+ struct ifaddr *ifa;
+ ifa = ifap[i];
+ IFA_LOCK(ifa);
+ bcopy(ifa->ifa_addr, &ifr.ifr_addr,
+ sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ err = in_control(NULL, SIOCDIFADDR, (caddr_t)&ifr, ifp,
+ kernproc);
+ /* if we lost the race, ignore it */
+ if (err == EADDRNOTAVAIL) {
+ err = 0;
+ }
+ if (err != 0) {
+ char s_addr[MAX_IPv4_STR_LEN];
+ char s_dstaddr[MAX_IPv4_STR_LEN];
+ struct in_addr *s, *d;
+ IFA_LOCK(ifa);
+ s = &((struct sockaddr_in *)
+ (void *)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr;
+ d = &((struct sockaddr_in *)
+ (void *)ifa->ifa_dstaddr)->sin_addr;
+ (void) inet_ntop(AF_INET, &s->s_addr, s_addr,
+ sizeof(s_addr));
+ (void) inet_ntop(AF_INET, &d->s_addr, s_dstaddr,
+ sizeof(s_dstaddr));
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ printf("%s: SIOCDIFADDR ifp=%s ifa_addr=%s "
+ "ifa_dstaddr=%s (err=%d)\n", __func__,
+ ifp->if_xname, s_addr, s_dstaddr, err);
+ }
+ }
+ ifnet_free_address_list(ifap);
+ } else if (err != 0 && err != ENXIO) {
+ printf("%s: error retrieving list of AF_INET addresses for "
+ "ifp=%s (err=%d)\n", __func__, ifp->if_xname, err);
+ }
+ * Called as part of ip_init
+ */
+ in_multi_init();
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("ifa_debug", &inifa_debug, sizeof(inifa_debug));
+ inifa_size = (inifa_debug == 0) ? sizeof(struct in_ifaddr) :
+ sizeof(struct in_ifaddr_dbg);
+ inifa_zone = zone_create(INIFA_ZONE_NAME, inifa_size, ZC_NONE);
+ lck_mtx_init(&inifa_trash_lock, ifa_mtx_grp, ifa_mtx_attr);
+ TAILQ_INIT(&inifa_trash_head);
+static struct in_ifaddr *
+in_ifaddr_alloc(int how)
+ struct in_ifaddr *inifa;
+ inifa = (how == M_WAITOK) ? zalloc(inifa_zone) :
+ zalloc_noblock(inifa_zone);
+ if (inifa != NULL) {
+ bzero(inifa, inifa_size);
+ inifa->ia_ifa.ifa_free = in_ifaddr_free;
+ inifa->ia_ifa.ifa_debug |= IFD_ALLOC;
+ inifa->ia_ifa.ifa_del_wc = &inifa->ia_ifa.ifa_debug;
+ inifa->ia_ifa.ifa_del_waiters = 0;
+ ifa_lock_init(&inifa->ia_ifa);
+ if (inifa_debug != 0) {
+ struct in_ifaddr_dbg *inifa_dbg =
+ (struct in_ifaddr_dbg *)inifa;
+ inifa->ia_ifa.ifa_debug |= IFD_DEBUG;
+ inifa->ia_ifa.ifa_trace = in_ifaddr_trace;
+ inifa->ia_ifa.ifa_attached = in_ifaddr_attached;
+ inifa->ia_ifa.ifa_detached = in_ifaddr_detached;
+ ctrace_record(&inifa_dbg->inifa_alloc);
+ }
+ }
+ return inifa;
+static void
+in_ifaddr_free(struct ifaddr *ifa)
+ if (ifa->ifa_refcnt != 0) {
+ panic("%s: ifa %p bad ref cnt", __func__, ifa);
+ }
+ if (!(ifa->ifa_debug & IFD_ALLOC)) {
+ panic("%s: ifa %p cannot be freed", __func__, ifa);
+ }
+ if (ifa->ifa_debug & IFD_DEBUG) {
+ struct in_ifaddr_dbg *inifa_dbg = (struct in_ifaddr_dbg *)ifa;
+ ctrace_record(&inifa_dbg->inifa_free);
+ bcopy(&inifa_dbg->inifa, &inifa_dbg->inifa_old,
+ sizeof(struct in_ifaddr));
+ if (ifa->ifa_debug & IFD_TRASHED) {
+ /* Become a regular mutex, just in case */
+ lck_mtx_lock(&inifa_trash_lock);
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&inifa_trash_head, inifa_dbg,
+ inifa_trash_link);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&inifa_trash_lock);
+ ifa->ifa_debug &= ~IFD_TRASHED;
+ }
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ ifa_lock_destroy(ifa);
+ bzero(ifa, sizeof(struct in_ifaddr));
+ zfree(inifa_zone, ifa);
+static void
+in_ifaddr_attached(struct ifaddr *ifa)
+ struct in_ifaddr_dbg *inifa_dbg = (struct in_ifaddr_dbg *)ifa;
+ if (!(ifa->ifa_debug & IFD_DEBUG)) {
+ panic("%s: ifa %p has no debug structure", __func__, ifa);
+ }
+ if (ifa->ifa_debug & IFD_TRASHED) {
+ /* Become a regular mutex, just in case */
+ lck_mtx_lock(&inifa_trash_lock);
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&inifa_trash_head, inifa_dbg, inifa_trash_link);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&inifa_trash_lock);
+ ifa->ifa_debug &= ~IFD_TRASHED;
+ }
+static void
+in_ifaddr_detached(struct ifaddr *ifa)
+ struct in_ifaddr_dbg *inifa_dbg = (struct in_ifaddr_dbg *)ifa;
+ if (!(ifa->ifa_debug & IFD_DEBUG)) {
+ panic("%s: ifa %p has no debug structure", __func__, ifa);
+ } else if (ifa->ifa_debug & IFD_TRASHED) {
+ panic("%s: ifa %p is already in trash list", __func__, ifa);
+ }
+ ifa->ifa_debug |= IFD_TRASHED;
+ /* Become a regular mutex, just in case */
+ lck_mtx_lock(&inifa_trash_lock);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&inifa_trash_head, inifa_dbg, inifa_trash_link);
+ lck_mtx_unlock(&inifa_trash_lock);
+static void
+in_ifaddr_trace(struct ifaddr *ifa, int refhold)
+ struct in_ifaddr_dbg *inifa_dbg = (struct in_ifaddr_dbg *)ifa;
+ ctrace_t *tr;
+ u_int32_t idx;
+ u_int16_t *cnt;
+ if (!(ifa->ifa_debug & IFD_DEBUG)) {
+ panic("%s: ifa %p has no debug structure", __func__, ifa);
+ }
+ if (refhold) {
+ cnt = &inifa_dbg->inifa_refhold_cnt;
+ tr = inifa_dbg->inifa_refhold;
+ } else {
+ cnt = &inifa_dbg->inifa_refrele_cnt;
+ tr = inifa_dbg->inifa_refrele;
+ }
+ idx = atomic_add_16_ov(cnt, 1) % INIFA_TRACE_HIST_SIZE;
+ ctrace_record(&tr[idx]);
+ * Handle SIOCGASSOCIDS ioctl for PF_INET domain.
+ */
+static int
+in_getassocids(struct socket *so, uint32_t *cnt, user_addr_t aidp)
+ struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so);
+ sae_associd_t aid;
+ if (inp == NULL || inp->inp_state == INPCB_STATE_DEAD) {
return EINVAL;
+ }
- switch (cmd) {
- {
- struct in_aliasreq ifra;
+ /* INPCB has no concept of association */
+ *cnt = 0;
- if (iflr->flags & IFLR_PREFIX)
- return EINVAL;
+ /* just asking how many there are? */
+ if (aidp == USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
- /* copy args to in_aliasreq, perform ioctl(SIOCAIFADDR_IN6). */
- bzero(&ifra, sizeof(ifra));
- bcopy(iflr->iflr_name, ifra.ifra_name,
- sizeof(ifra.ifra_name));
+ return copyout(&aid, aidp, sizeof(aid));
- bcopy(&iflr->addr, &ifra.ifra_addr, iflr->addr.ss_len);
+ * Handle SIOCGCONNIDS ioctl for PF_INET domain.
+ */
+static int
+in_getconnids(struct socket *so, sae_associd_t aid, uint32_t *cnt,
+ user_addr_t cidp)
+ struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so);
+ sae_connid_t cid;
- if (iflr->dstaddr.ss_family) { /*XXX*/
- bcopy(&iflr->dstaddr, &ifra.ifra_dstaddr,
- iflr->dstaddr.ss_len);
- }
+ if (inp == NULL || inp->inp_state == INPCB_STATE_DEAD) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
- ifra.ifra_mask.sin_family = AF_INET;
- ifra.ifra_mask.sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
- in_len2mask(&ifra.ifra_mask.sin_addr, iflr->prefixlen);
+ if (aid != SAE_ASSOCID_ANY && aid != SAE_ASSOCID_ALL) {
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
- return in_control(so, SIOCAIFADDR, (caddr_t)&ifra, ifp, p);
- }
- {
- struct in_ifaddr *ia;
- struct in_addr mask, candidate, match;
- struct sockaddr_in *sin;
- int cmp;
+ /* if connected, return 1 connection count */
+ *cnt = ((so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED) ? 1 : 0);
- bzero(&mask, sizeof(mask));
- if (iflr->flags & IFLR_PREFIX) {
- /* lookup a prefix rather than address. */
- in_len2mask(&mask, iflr->prefixlen);
+ /* just asking how many there are? */
+ if (cidp == USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
- sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&iflr->addr;
- match.s_addr = sin->sin_addr.s_addr;
- match.s_addr &= mask.s_addr;
+ /* if INPCB is connected, assign it connid 1 */
+ cid = ((*cnt != 0) ? 1 : SAE_CONNID_ANY);
- /* if you set extra bits, that's wrong */
- if (match.s_addr != sin->sin_addr.s_addr)
- return EINVAL;
+ return copyout(&cid, cidp, sizeof(cid));
- cmp = 1;
- } else {
- if (cmd == SIOCGLIFADDR) {
- /* on getting an address, take the 1st match */
- cmp = 0; /*XXX*/
- } else {
- /* on deleting an address, do exact match */
- in_len2mask(&mask, 32);
- sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&iflr->addr;
- match.s_addr = sin->sin_addr.s_addr;
+ * Handle SIOCGCONNINFO ioctl for PF_INET domain.
+ */
+in_getconninfo(struct socket *so, sae_connid_t cid, uint32_t *flags,
+ uint32_t *ifindex, int32_t *soerror, user_addr_t src, socklen_t *src_len,
+ user_addr_t dst, socklen_t *dst_len, uint32_t *aux_type,
+ user_addr_t aux_data, uint32_t *aux_len)
+ struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so);
+ struct sockaddr_in sin;
+ struct ifnet *ifp = NULL;
+ int error = 0;
+ u_int32_t copy_len = 0;
- cmp = 1;
- }
- }
+ /*
+ * Don't test for INPCB_STATE_DEAD since this may be called
+ * after SOF_PCBCLEARING is set, e.g. after tcp_close().
+ */
+ if (inp == NULL) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
- ifnet_lock_shared(ifp);
- TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link) {
- if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_INET6)
- continue;
- if (!cmp)
- break;
- candidate.s_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr;
- candidate.s_addr &= mask.s_addr;
- if (candidate.s_addr == match.s_addr)
- break;
- }
- ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
- if (!ifa)
- ia = (struct in_ifaddr *)ifa;
+ if (cid != SAE_CONNID_ANY && cid != SAE_CONNID_ALL && cid != 1) {
+ error = EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ ifp = inp->inp_last_outifp;
+ *ifindex = ((ifp != NULL) ? ifp->if_index : 0);
+ *soerror = so->so_error;
+ *flags = 0;
+ if (so->so_state & SS_ISCONNECTED) {
+ }
+ if (inp->inp_flags & INP_BOUND_IF) {
+ *flags |= CIF_BOUND_IF;
+ }
+ if (!(inp->inp_flags & INP_INADDR_ANY)) {
+ *flags |= CIF_BOUND_IP;
+ }
+ if (!(inp->inp_flags & INP_ANONPORT)) {
+ *flags |= CIF_BOUND_PORT;
+ }
- if (cmd == SIOCGLIFADDR) {
- /* fill in the if_laddrreq structure */
- bcopy(&ia->ia_addr, &iflr->addr, ia->ia_addr.sin_len);
+ bzero(&sin, sizeof(sin));
+ sin.sin_len = sizeof(sin);
+ sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
- if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) != 0) {
- bcopy(&ia->ia_dstaddr, &iflr->dstaddr,
- ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_len);
- } else
- bzero(&iflr->dstaddr, sizeof(iflr->dstaddr));
+ /* source address and port */
+ sin.sin_port = inp->inp_lport;
+ sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inp->inp_laddr.s_addr;
+ if (*src_len == 0) {
+ *src_len = sin.sin_len;
+ } else {
+ if (src != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ copy_len = min(*src_len, sizeof(sin));
+ error = copyout(&sin, src, copy_len);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ *src_len = copy_len;
+ }
+ }
- iflr->prefixlen =
- in_mask2len(&ia->ia_sockmask.sin_addr);
+ /* destination address and port */
+ sin.sin_port = inp->inp_fport;
+ sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inp->inp_faddr.s_addr;
+ if (*dst_len == 0) {
+ *dst_len = sin.sin_len;
+ } else {
+ if (dst != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ copy_len = min(*dst_len, sizeof(sin));
+ error = copyout(&sin, dst, copy_len);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ *dst_len = copy_len;
+ }
+ }
- iflr->flags = 0; /*XXX*/
+ if (SOCK_PROTO(so) == IPPROTO_TCP) {
+ struct conninfo_tcp tcp_ci;
- return 0;
+ *aux_type = CIAUX_TCP;
+ if (*aux_len == 0) {
+ *aux_len = sizeof(tcp_ci);
} else {
- struct in_aliasreq ifra;
- /* fill in_aliasreq and do ioctl(SIOCDIFADDR_IN6) */
- bzero(&ifra, sizeof(ifra));
- bcopy(iflr->iflr_name, ifra.ifra_name,
- sizeof(ifra.ifra_name));
- bcopy(&ia->ia_addr, &ifra.ifra_addr,
- ia->ia_addr.sin_len);
- if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) != 0) {
- bcopy(&ia->ia_dstaddr, &ifra.ifra_dstaddr,
- ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_len);
+ if (aux_data != USER_ADDR_NULL) {
+ copy_len = min(*aux_len, sizeof(tcp_ci));
+ bzero(&tcp_ci, sizeof(tcp_ci));
+ tcp_getconninfo(so, &tcp_ci);
+ error = copyout(&tcp_ci, aux_data, copy_len);
+ if (error != 0) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ *aux_len = copy_len;
- bcopy(&ia->ia_sockmask, &ifra.ifra_dstaddr,
- ia->ia_sockmask.sin_len);
- return in_control(so, SIOCDIFADDR, (caddr_t)&ifra,
- ifp, p);
- }
+ } else {
+ *aux_type = 0;
+ *aux_len = 0;
- return EOPNOTSUPP; /*just for safety*/
+ return error;
+struct in_llentry {
+ struct llentry base;
+#define IN_LLTBL_HASH(k, h) \
+ ((((((((k) >> 8) ^ (k)) >> 8) ^ (k)) >> 8) ^ (k)) & ((h) - 1))
- * Delete any existing route for an interface.
+ * Do actual deallocation of @lle.
- struct ifnet *ifp,
- struct in_ifaddr *ia,
- int locked)
+static void
+in_lltable_destroy_lle_unlocked(struct llentry *lle)
- if ((ia->ia_flags & IFA_ROUTE) == 0)
- return;
- if (!locked)
- lck_mtx_lock(rt_mtx);
- if (ifp->if_flags & (IFF_LOOPBACK|IFF_POINTOPOINT))
- rtinit_locked(&(ia->ia_ifa), (int)RTM_DELETE, RTF_HOST);
- else
- rtinit_locked(&(ia->ia_ifa), (int)RTM_DELETE, 0);
- ia->ia_flags &= ~IFA_ROUTE;
- if (!locked)
- lck_mtx_unlock(rt_mtx);
- * Initialize an interface's internet address
- * and routing table entry.
+ * Called by LLE_FREE_LOCKED when number of references
+ * drops to zero.
-static int
- struct ifnet *ifp,
- struct in_ifaddr *ia,
- struct sockaddr_in *sin,
- int scrub)
+static void
+in_lltable_destroy_lle(struct llentry *lle)
- u_long i = ntohl(sin->sin_addr.s_addr);
- struct sockaddr_in oldaddr;
- int flags = RTF_UP, error;
+ in_lltable_destroy_lle_unlocked(lle);
- oldaddr = ia->ia_addr;
- ia->ia_addr = *sin;
+static struct llentry *
+in_lltable_new(struct in_addr addr4, uint16_t flags)
+#pragma unused(flags)
+ struct in_llentry *lle;
+ MALLOC(lle, struct in_llentry *, sizeof(struct in_llentry), M_LLTABLE, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO);
+ if (lle == NULL) { /* NB: caller generates msg */
+ return NULL;
+ }
- * Give the interface a chance to initialize
- * if this is its first address,
- * and to validate the address if necessary.
+ * For IPv4 this will trigger "arpresolve" to generate
+ * an ARP request.
- error = dlil_ioctl(PF_INET, ifp, SIOCSIFADDR, (caddr_t)ia);
- if (error == EOPNOTSUPP)
- error = 0;
- if (error) {
- ia->ia_addr = oldaddr;
- return (error);
+ lle->base.la_expire = net_uptime(); /* mark expired */
+ lle->base.r_l3addr.addr4 = addr4;
+ lle->base.lle_refcnt = 1;
+ lle->base.lle_free = in_lltable_destroy_lle;
+ LLE_LOCK_INIT(&lle->base);
+ LLE_REQ_INIT(&lle->base);
+ //callout_init(&lle->base.lle_timer, 1);
+ return &lle->base;
+#define IN_ARE_MASKED_ADDR_EQUAL(d, a, m) ( \
+ ((((d).s_addr ^ (a).s_addr) & (m).s_addr)) == 0 )
+static int
+in_lltable_match_prefix(const struct sockaddr *saddr,
+ const struct sockaddr *smask, uint16_t flags, struct llentry *lle)
+ struct in_addr addr, mask, lle_addr;
+ addr = ((const struct sockaddr_in *)(const void *)saddr)->sin_addr;
+ mask = ((const struct sockaddr_in *)(const void *)smask)->sin_addr;
+ lle_addr.s_addr = ntohl(lle->r_l3addr.addr4.s_addr);
+ if (IN_ARE_MASKED_ADDR_EQUAL(lle_addr, addr, mask) == 0) {
+ return 0;
- if (scrub) {
- ia->ia_ifa.ifa_addr = (struct sockaddr *)&oldaddr;
- in_ifscrub(ifp, ia, 0);
- ia->ia_ifa.ifa_addr = (struct sockaddr *)&ia->ia_addr;
+ if (lle->la_flags & LLE_IFADDR) {
+ /*
+ * Delete LLE_IFADDR records IFF address & flag matches.
+ * Note that addr is the interface address within prefix
+ * being matched.
+ * Note also we should handle 'ifdown' cases without removing
+ * ifaddr macs.
+ */
+ if (addr.s_addr == lle_addr.s_addr && (flags & LLE_STATIC) != 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
- if (IN_CLASSA(i))
- ia->ia_netmask = IN_CLASSA_NET;
- else if (IN_CLASSB(i))
- ia->ia_netmask = IN_CLASSB_NET;
- else
- ia->ia_netmask = IN_CLASSC_NET;
- /*
- * The subnet mask usually includes at least the standard network part,
- * but may may be smaller in the case of supernetting.
- * If it is set, we believe it.
- */
- if (ia->ia_subnetmask == 0) {
- ia->ia_subnetmask = ia->ia_netmask;
- ia->ia_sockmask.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ia->ia_subnetmask);
- } else
- ia->ia_netmask &= ia->ia_subnetmask;
- ia->ia_net = i & ia->ia_netmask;
- ia->ia_subnet = i & ia->ia_subnetmask;
- in_socktrim(&ia->ia_sockmask);
- /*
- * Add route for the network.
- */
- ia->ia_ifa.ifa_metric = ifp->if_metric;
- if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) {
- ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_addr.s_addr =
- htonl(ia->ia_subnet | ~ia->ia_subnetmask);
- ia->ia_netbroadcast.s_addr =
- htonl(ia->ia_net | ~ ia->ia_netmask);
- } else if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) {
- ia->ia_ifa.ifa_dstaddr = ia->ia_ifa.ifa_addr;
- flags |= RTF_HOST;
- } else if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT) {
- if (ia->ia_dstaddr.sin_family != AF_INET)
- return (0);
- flags |= RTF_HOST;
+ /* flags & LLE_STATIC means deleting both dynamic and static entries */
+ if ((flags & LLE_STATIC) || !(lle->la_flags & LLE_STATIC)) {
+ return 1;
- if ((error = rtinit(&(ia->ia_ifa), (int)RTM_ADD, flags)) == 0)
- ia->ia_flags |= IFA_ROUTE;
- /* XXX check if the subnet route points to the same interface */
- if (error == EEXIST)
- error = 0;
- /*
- * If the interface supports multicast, join the "all hosts"
- * multicast group on that interface.
- */
- if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_MULTICAST) {
- struct in_multi *inm;
- struct in_addr addr;
+ return 0;
- addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ALLHOSTS_GROUP);
- ifnet_lock_shared(ifp);
- IN_LOOKUP_MULTI(addr, ifp, inm);
- ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
- if (inm == 0)
- in_addmulti(&addr, ifp);
+static void
+in_lltable_free_entry(struct lltable *llt, struct llentry *lle)
+ struct ifnet *ifp;
+ size_t pkts_dropped;
+ KASSERT(llt != NULL, ("lltable is NULL"));
+ /* Unlink entry from table if not already */
+ if ((lle->la_flags & LLE_LINKED) != 0) {
+ ifp = llt->llt_ifp;
+ IF_AFDATA_WLOCK_ASSERT(ifp, llt->llt_af);
+ lltable_unlink_entry(llt, lle);
+ }
+#if 0
+ /* cancel timer */
+ if (callout_stop(&lle->lle_timer) > 0) {
+ LLE_REMREF(lle);
- return (error);
+ /* Drop hold queue */
+ pkts_dropped = llentry_free(lle);
+ arpstat.dropped += pkts_dropped;
- * Return 1 if the address might be a local broadcast address.
- */
- struct in_addr in,
- struct ifnet *ifp)
+static int
+in_lltable_rtcheck(struct ifnet *ifp, uint16_t flags, const struct sockaddr *l3addr)
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
- u_long t;
+#pragma unused(flags)
+ struct rtentry *rt;
+ KASSERT(l3addr->sa_family == AF_INET,
+ ("sin_family %d", l3addr->sa_family));
+ /* XXX rtalloc1 should take a const param */
+ rt = rtalloc1(__DECONST(struct sockaddr *, l3addr), 0, 0);
+ if (rt == NULL || (rt->rt_flags & RTF_GATEWAY) || rt->rt_ifp != ifp) {
+ log(LOG_INFO, "IPv4 address: \"%s\" is not on the network\n",
+ inet_ntoa(((const struct sockaddr_in *)(const void *)l3addr)->sin_addr));
+ if (rt != NULL) {
+ rtfree_locked(rt);
+ }
+ return EINVAL;
+ }
+ rtfree_locked(rt);
+ return 0;
- if (in.s_addr == INADDR_BROADCAST ||
- in.s_addr == INADDR_ANY)
- return 1;
- if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) == 0)
- return 0;
- t = ntohl(in.s_addr);
- /*
- * Look through the list of addresses for a match
- * with a broadcast address.
- */
-#define ia ((struct in_ifaddr *)ifa)
- ifnet_lock_shared(ifp);
- TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrhead, ifa_link) {
- if (ifa->ifa_addr == NULL) {
- ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
- return (0);
+static inline uint32_t
+in_lltable_hash_dst(const struct in_addr dst, uint32_t hsize)
+ return IN_LLTBL_HASH(dst.s_addr, hsize);
+static uint32_t
+in_lltable_hash(const struct llentry *lle, uint32_t hsize)
+ return in_lltable_hash_dst(lle->r_l3addr.addr4, hsize);
+static void
+in_lltable_fill_sa_entry(const struct llentry *lle, struct sockaddr *sa)
+ struct sockaddr_in *sin;
+ sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)(void *)sa;
+ bzero(sin, sizeof(*sin));
+ sin->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ sin->sin_len = sizeof(*sin);
+ sin->sin_addr = lle->r_l3addr.addr4;
+static inline struct llentry *
+in_lltable_find_dst(struct lltable *llt, struct in_addr dst)
+ struct llentry *lle;
+ struct llentries *lleh;
+ u_int hashidx;
+ hashidx = in_lltable_hash_dst(dst, llt->llt_hsize);
+ lleh = &llt->lle_head[hashidx];
+ LIST_FOREACH(lle, lleh, lle_next) {
+ if (lle->la_flags & LLE_DELETED) {
+ continue;
- if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET &&
- (in.s_addr == ia->ia_broadaddr.sin_addr.s_addr ||
- in.s_addr == ia->ia_netbroadcast.s_addr ||
- /*
- * Check for old-style (host 0) broadcast.
- */
- t == ia->ia_subnet || t == ia->ia_net) &&
- /*
- * Check for an all one subnetmask. These
- * only exist when an interface gets a secondary
- * address.
- */
- ia->ia_subnetmask != (u_long)0xffffffff) {
- ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
- return 1;
+ if (lle->r_l3addr.addr4.s_addr == dst.s_addr) {
+ break;
- ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
- return (0);
-#undef ia
+ return lle;
static void
- void* ifma_protospec)
+in_lltable_delete_entry(struct lltable *llt, struct llentry *lle)
+#pragma unused(llt)
+ lle->la_flags |= LLE_DELETED;
+ log(LOG_INFO, "ifaddr cache = %p is deleted\n", lle);
+ llentry_free(lle);
+static struct llentry *
+in_lltable_alloc(struct lltable *llt, uint16_t flags, const struct sockaddr *l3addr)
- struct in_multi *inm = ifma_protospec;
+ const struct sockaddr_in *sin = (const struct sockaddr_in *) (const void *)l3addr;
+ struct ifnet *ifp = llt->llt_ifp;
+ struct llentry *lle;
+ KASSERT(l3addr->sa_family == AF_INET,
+ ("sin_family %d", l3addr->sa_family));
- * No remaining claims to this record; let IGMP know that
- * we are leaving the multicast group.
+ * A route that covers the given address must have
+ * been installed 1st because we are doing a resolution,
+ * verify this.
- igmp_leavegroup(inm);
- lck_mtx_lock(rt_mtx);
- LIST_REMOVE(inm, inm_link);
- lck_mtx_unlock(rt_mtx);
+ if (!(flags & LLE_IFADDR) &&
+ in_lltable_rtcheck(ifp, flags, l3addr) != 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ lle = in_lltable_new(sin->sin_addr, flags);
+ if (lle == NULL) {
+ log(LOG_INFO, "lla_lookup: new lle malloc failed\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ lle->la_flags = flags & ~LLE_CREATE;
+ if (flags & LLE_STATIC) {
+ lle->r_flags |= RLLE_VALID;
+ }
+ if ((flags & LLE_IFADDR) == LLE_IFADDR) {
+ lltable_set_entry_addr(ifp, lle, LLADDR(SDL(ifp->if_lladdr->ifa_addr)));
+ lle->la_flags |= LLE_STATIC;
+ lle->r_flags |= (RLLE_VALID | RLLE_IFADDR);
+ }
+ return lle;
- * Add an address to the list of IP multicast addresses for a given interface.
+ * Return NULL if not found or marked for deletion.
+ * If found return lle read locked.
-struct in_multi *
- struct in_addr *ap,
- struct ifnet *ifp)
+static struct llentry *
+in_lltable_lookup(struct lltable *llt, uint16_t flags, const struct sockaddr *l3addr)
+ const struct sockaddr_in *sin = (const struct sockaddr_in *)(const void *)l3addr;
+ struct llentry *lle;
+ IF_AFDATA_WLOCK_ASSERT(llt->llt_ifp, llt->llt_af);
+ KASSERT(l3addr->sa_family == AF_INET,
+ ("sin_family %d", l3addr->sa_family));
+ lle = in_lltable_find_dst(llt, sin->sin_addr);
+ if (lle == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ (LLE_UNLOCKED | LLE_EXCLUSIVE), ("wrong lle request flags: 0x%X",
+ flags));
+ if (flags & LLE_UNLOCKED) {
+ return lle;
+ }
+ if (flags & LLE_EXCLUSIVE) {
+ LLE_WLOCK(lle);
+ } else {
+ LLE_RLOCK(lle);
+ }
+ return lle;
+static int
+in_lltable_dump_entry(struct lltable *llt, struct llentry *lle,
+ struct sysctl_req *wr)
- struct in_multi *inm;
+ struct ifnet *ifp = llt->llt_ifp;
+ /* XXX stack use */
+ struct {
+ struct rt_msghdr rtm;
+ struct sockaddr_in sin;
+ struct sockaddr_dl sdl;
+ } arpc;
+ struct sockaddr_dl *sdl;
int error;
- struct sockaddr_in sin;
- struct ifmultiaddr *ifma;
- /*
- * Call generic routine to add membership or increment
- * refcount. It wants addresses in the form of a sockaddr,
- * so we build one here (being careful to zero the unused bytes).
- */
- bzero(&sin, sizeof sin);
- sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sin.sin_len = sizeof sin;
- sin.sin_addr = *ap;
- error = if_addmulti(ifp, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, &ifma);
- if (error) {
+ bzero(&arpc, sizeof(arpc));
+ /* skip deleted entries */
+ if ((lle->la_flags & LLE_DELETED) == LLE_DELETED) {
return 0;
+ /* Skip if jailed and not a valid IP of the prison. */
+ lltable_fill_sa_entry(lle, (struct sockaddr *)&arpc.sin);
- * If ifma->ifma_protospec is null, then if_addmulti() created
- * a new record. Otherwise, we are done.
+ * produce a msg made of:
+ * struct rt_msghdr;
+ * struct sockaddr_in; (IPv4)
+ * struct sockaddr_dl;
- if (ifma->ifma_protospec != 0) {
- return ifma->ifma_protospec;
+ arpc.rtm.rtm_msglen = sizeof(arpc);
+ arpc.rtm.rtm_version = RTM_VERSION;
+ arpc.rtm.rtm_type = RTM_GET;
+ arpc.rtm.rtm_flags = RTF_UP;
+ arpc.rtm.rtm_addrs = RTA_DST | RTA_GATEWAY;
+ /* publish */
+ if (lle->la_flags & LLE_PUB) {
+ arpc.rtm.rtm_flags |= RTF_ANNOUNCE;
- inm = (struct in_multi *) _MALLOC(sizeof(*inm), M_IPMADDR, M_WAITOK);
- if (inm == NULL) {
- return (NULL);
+ sdl = &arpc.sdl;
+ sdl->sdl_family = AF_LINK;
+ sdl->sdl_len = sizeof(*sdl);
+ sdl->sdl_index = ifp->if_index;
+ sdl->sdl_type = ifp->if_type;
+ if ((lle->la_flags & LLE_VALID) == LLE_VALID) {
+ sdl->sdl_alen = ifp->if_addrlen;
+ bcopy(&lle->ll_addr, LLADDR(sdl), ifp->if_addrlen);
+ } else {
+ sdl->sdl_alen = 0;
+ bzero(LLADDR(sdl), ifp->if_addrlen);
- bzero(inm, sizeof *inm);
- inm->inm_addr = *ap;
- inm->inm_ifp = ifp;
- inm->inm_ifma = ifma;
- lck_mtx_lock(rt_mtx);
- if (ifma->ifma_protospec == NULL) {
- ifma->ifma_protospec = inm;
- ifma->ifma_free = in_free_inm;
- LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&in_multihead, inm, inm_link);
+ arpc.rtm.rtm_rmx.rmx_expire =
+ lle->la_flags & LLE_STATIC ? 0 : (int32_t)lle->la_expire;
+ arpc.rtm.rtm_flags |= (RTF_HOST | RTF_LLDATA);
+ if (lle->la_flags & LLE_STATIC) {
+ arpc.rtm.rtm_flags |= RTF_STATIC;
- lck_mtx_unlock(rt_mtx);
- if (ifma->ifma_protospec != inm) {
- _FREE(inm, M_IPMADDR);
- return ifma->ifma_protospec;
+ if (lle->la_flags & LLE_IFADDR) {
+ arpc.rtm.rtm_flags |= RTF_PINNED;
+ arpc.rtm.rtm_flags |= RTF_PINNED;
+ arpc.rtm.rtm_index = ifp->if_index;
+ error = SYSCTL_OUT(wr, &arpc, sizeof(arpc));
- /*
- * Let IGMP know that we have joined a new IP multicast group.
- */
- error = igmp_joingroup(inm);
- if (error) {
- char addrbuf[16];
- /*
- * We can't free the inm because someone else may already be
- * using it. Once we put it in to ifma->ifma_protospec, it
- * must exist as long as the ifma does. Might be nice to flag
- * the error so we can try igmp_joingroup the next time through.
- */
- log(LOG_ERR, "igmp_joingroup error %d joining multicast %s on %s%d\n",
- error, inet_ntop(AF_INET, &sin.sin_addr, addrbuf, sizeof(addrbuf)),
- ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit);
- }
- return (inm);
+ return error;
- * Delete a multicast address record.
- */
- struct in_multi **inm)
+static struct lltable *
+in_lltattach(struct ifnet *ifp)
+ struct lltable *llt;
+ llt = lltable_allocate_htbl(IN_LLTBL_DEFAULT_HSIZE);
+ llt->llt_af = AF_INET;
+ llt->llt_ifp = ifp;
+ llt->llt_lookup = in_lltable_lookup;
+ llt->llt_alloc_entry = in_lltable_alloc;
+ llt->llt_delete_entry = in_lltable_delete_entry;
+ llt->llt_dump_entry = in_lltable_dump_entry;
+ llt->llt_hash = in_lltable_hash;
+ llt->llt_fill_sa_entry = in_lltable_fill_sa_entry;
+ llt->llt_free_entry = in_lltable_free_entry;
+ llt->llt_match_prefix = in_lltable_match_prefix;
+ lltable_link(llt);
+ return llt;
+struct in_ifaddr*
+inifa_ifpwithflag(struct ifnet * ifp, uint32_t flag)
- struct in_multi *inm2;
- lck_mtx_lock(rt_mtx);
- LIST_FOREACH(inm2, &in_multihead, inm_link) {
- if (inm2 == *inm)
+ struct ifaddr *ifa;
+ ifnet_lock_shared(ifp);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrlist, ifa_link)
+ {
+ if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_INET) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((((struct in_ifaddr *)ifa)->ia_flags & flag) == flag) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
- if (inm2 != *inm) {
- lck_mtx_unlock(rt_mtx);
- printf("in_delmulti - ignorning invalid inm (0x%x)\n", *inm);
- return;
- }
- lck_mtx_unlock(rt_mtx);
- /* We intentionally do this a bit differently than BSD */
- if ((*inm)->inm_ifma) {
- if_delmultiaddr((*inm)->inm_ifma, 0);
- ifma_release((*inm)->inm_ifma);
- }
- *inm = NULL;
+ ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
+ return (struct in_ifaddr *)ifa;
-inet_aton(char * cp, struct in_addr * pin)
+struct in_ifaddr *
+inifa_ifpclatv4(struct ifnet * ifp)
- u_char * b = (char *)pin;
- int i;
- char * p;
- for (p = cp, i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- u_long l = strtoul(p, 0, 0);
- if (l > 255)
- return (FALSE);
- b[i] = l;
- p = strchr(p, '.');
- if (i < 3 && p == NULL)
- return (FALSE);
- p++;
- }
- return (TRUE);
+ struct ifaddr *ifa;
+ ifnet_lock_shared(ifp);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(ifa, &ifp->if_addrlist, ifa_link)
+ {
+ uint32_t addr = 0;
+ if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family != AF_INET) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ continue;
+ }
+ addr = ntohl(SIN(ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr);
+ if (!IN_LINKLOCAL(addr) &&
+ !IN_LOOPBACK(addr)) {
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ break;
+ }
+ IFA_UNLOCK(ifa);
+ }
+ ifnet_lock_done(ifp);
+ return (struct in_ifaddr *)ifa;