#include <IOKit/IOWorkLoop.h>
#include <IOKit/IOCommandGate.h>
#include <IOKit/IOPlatformExpert.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOCPU.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitDebug.h>
#include <IOKit/IOTimeStamp.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/IOPMlog.h>
#include "IOPMPowerStateQueue.h"
#include <IOKit/IOCatalogue.h>
#include <IOKit/IOReportMacros.h>
+#include "IOKitKernelInternal.h"
#include <IOKit/IOHibernatePrivate.h>
#include <sys/vnode.h>
#include <sys/vnode_internal.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
+#include <os/log.h>
+#include <pexpert/protos.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "IOServicePrivate.h" // _IOServiceInterestNotifier
+#include "IOServicePrivate.h" // _IOServiceInterestNotifier
#include "IOServicePMPrivate.h"
#include <mach/shared_region.h>
+#include <kern/clock.h>
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
#define kIOPMrootDomainClass "IOPMrootDomain"
#define LOG_PREFIX "PMRD: "
-#define OBFUSCATE(x) ((void *)(VM_KERNEL_ADDRPERM(x)))
#define MSG(x...) \
do { kprintf(LOG_PREFIX x); IOLog(x); } while (false)
#define LOG(x...) \
do { kprintf(LOG_PREFIX x); } while (false)
#define DLOG(x...) do { \
- if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug) \
+ if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug) \
kprintf(LOG_PREFIX x); \
- gRootDomain->sleepWakeDebugLog(x);} while (false)
+ else \
+} while (false)
+#define DLOG(x...) do { \
+ if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug) \
+ kprintf(LOG_PREFIX x); \
+} while (false)
-#define _LOG(x...)
+#define DMSG(x...) do { \
+ if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug) { \
+ kprintf(LOG_PREFIX x); \
+ } \
+} while (false)
+#define _LOG(x...)
kPowerEventAssertionSetLevel, // 11
kPowerEventQueueSleepWakeUUID, // 12
kPowerEventPublishSleepWakeUUID, // 13
- kPowerEventSuspendClient, // 14
- kPowerEventSetDisplayPowerOn // 15
+ kPowerEventSetDisplayPowerOn // 14
// For evaluatePolicy()
extern "C" {
IOReturn OSKextSystemSleepOrWake( UInt32 );
-extern "C" ppnum_t pmap_find_phys(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va);
-extern "C" addr64_t kvtophys(vm_offset_t va);
-extern "C" int stack_snapshot_from_kernel(pid_t pid, void *buf, uint32_t size, uint32_t flags, unsigned *bytesTraced);
+extern "C" ppnum_t pmap_find_phys(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va);
+extern "C" addr64_t kvtophys(vm_offset_t va);
static void idleSleepTimerExpired( thread_call_param_t, thread_call_param_t );
-static void notifySystemShutdown( IOService * root, unsigned long event );
+static void notifySystemShutdown( IOService * root, uint32_t messageType );
static void handleAggressivesFunction( thread_call_param_t, thread_call_param_t );
static void pmEventTimeStamp(uint64_t *recordTS);
#define kIOPMSystemCapabilitiesKey "System Capabilities"
#define kIORequestWranglerIdleKey "IORequestIdle"
-#define kDefaultWranglerIdlePeriod 25 // in milliseconds
+#define kDefaultWranglerIdlePeriod 1000 // in milliseconds
#define kIOSleepWakeDebugKey "Persistent-memory-note"
+#define kIOEFIBootRomFailureKey "wake-failure"
#define kRD_AllPowerSources (kIOPMSupportedOnAC \
| kIOPMSupportedOnBatt \
| kIOPMSupportedOnUPS)
- // not idle around autowake time, secs
- kAutoWakePreWindow = 45,
- kAutoWakePostWindow = 15
#define kLocalEvalClamshellCommand (1 << 15)
#define kIdleSleepRetryInterval (3 * 60)
static IOPMPowerState ourPowerStates[NUM_POWER_STATES] =
{1, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
- {1, kIOPMRestartCapability, kIOPMRestart, RESTART_POWER, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
+ {1, kIOPMRestartCapability, kIOPMRestart, RESTART_POWER, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
{1, kIOPMSleepCapability, kIOPMSleep, SLEEP_POWER, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
{1, kIOPMPowerOn, kIOPMPowerOn, ON_POWER, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
-#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeSleepService "SleepService"
-#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeMaintenance "Maintenance"
-#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeSleepTimer "SleepTimer"
-#define kIOPMrootDomainWakeTypeLowBattery "LowBattery"
-#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeUser "User"
-#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeAlarm "Alarm"
-#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeNetwork "Network"
-#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeHIDActivity "HID Activity"
-#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeNotification "Notification"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeSleepService "SleepService"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeMaintenance "Maintenance"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeSleepTimer "SleepTimer"
+#define kIOPMrootDomainWakeTypeLowBattery "LowBattery"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeUser "User"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeAlarm "Alarm"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeNetwork "Network"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeHIDActivity "HID Activity"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeNotification "Notification"
+#define kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeHibernateError "HibernateError"
// Special interest that entitles the interested client from receiving
// all system messages. Only used by powerd.
#define kIOPMSystemCapabilityInterest "IOPMSystemCapabilityInterest"
-#define kPMSuspendedNotificationClients "PMSuspendedNotificationClients"
+#define WAKEEVENT_LOCK() IOLockLock(wakeEventLock)
+#define WAKEEVENT_UNLOCK() IOLockUnlock(wakeEventLock)
* Aggressiveness
kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleLate = 0x02, // hid tickle after gfx suppression
kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleNone = 0x03, // hid tickle is not posted
kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleMask = 0x03,
- kDarkWakeFlagIgnoreDiskIOInDark = 0x04, // ignore disk idle in DW
- kDarkWakeFlagIgnoreDiskIOAlways = 0x08, // always ignore disk idle
- kDarkWakeFlagIgnoreDiskIOMask = 0x0C,
kDarkWakeFlagAlarmIsDark = 0x0100,
kDarkWakeFlagGraphicsPowerState1 = 0x0200,
kDarkWakeFlagAudioNotSuppressed = 0x0400
static UInt32 gPagingOff = 0;
static UInt32 gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet = false;
static uint32_t gAggressivesState = 0;
+static uint32_t gHaltTimeMaxLog;
+static uint32_t gHaltTimeMaxPanic;
+IOLock * gHaltLogLock;
+static char * gHaltLog;
+enum { kHaltLogSize = 2048 };
+static size_t gHaltLogPos;
+static uint64_t gHaltStartTime;
-uuid_string_t bootsessionuuid_string;
-static uint32_t gDarkWakeFlags = kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleNone | kDarkWakeFlagIgnoreDiskIOAlways;
+uuid_string_t bootsessionuuid_string;
+static uint32_t gDarkWakeFlags = kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleNone;
+static uint32_t gNoIdleFlag = 0;
static PMStatsStruct gPMStats;
struct timeval gIOLastSleepTime;
struct timeval gIOLastWakeTime;
+static char gWakeReasonString[128];
+static bool gWakeReasonSysctlRegistered = false;
+static AbsoluteTime gIOLastWakeAbsTime;
+static AbsoluteTime gIOLastSleepAbsTime;
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+static bool gSpinDumpBufferFull = false;
+static unsigned int gPMHaltBusyCount;
+static unsigned int gPMHaltIdleCount;
+static int gPMHaltDepth;
+static uint32_t gPMHaltMessageType;
+static IOLock * gPMHaltLock = 0;
+static OSArray * gPMHaltArray = 0;
+static const OSSymbol * gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey = 0;
+static bool gPMQuiesced;
// Constants used as arguments to IOPMrootDomain::informCPUStateChange
#define kCPUUnknownIndex 9999999
enum {
kInformableCount = 2
-const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseTimedOut;
-const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseCancel;
-const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseSlow;
+const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsResponseTimedOut;
+const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsResponseCancel;
+const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsResponseSlow;
+const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsResponsePrompt;
+const OSSymbol *gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow;
#define kBadPMFeatureID 0
PMSettingObject *pmso;
- void free(void);
+ void free(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
uint32_t settingCount;
bool disabled;
- void free(void);
+ void free(void) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
static PMSettingObject *pmSettingObject(
#define PMSETTING_WAIT(p) IOLockSleep(settingsCtrlLock, p, THREAD_UNINT)
#define PMSETTING_WAKEUP(p) IOLockWakeup(settingsCtrlLock, p, true)
-/* @class IOPMTimeline
- * @astract Tracks & records PM activity.
- * @discussion Intended for use only as a helper-class to IOPMrootDomain.
- * Do not subclass or directly invoke iOPMTimeline
- */
-class IOPMTimeline : public OSObject
- OSDeclareDefaultStructors( IOPMTimeline );
- static IOPMTimeline* timeline(IOPMrootDomain *root_domain);
- bool setProperties(OSDictionary *d);
- OSDictionary *copyInfoDictionary(void);
- IOReturn recordSystemPowerEvent( PMEventDetails *details );
- IOReturn recordDetailedPowerEvent( PMEventDetails *details );
- IOMemoryDescriptor *getPMTraceMemoryDescriptor();
- uint32_t getNumEventsLoggedThisPeriod();
- void setNumEventsLoggedThisPeriod(uint32_t newCount);
- bool isSleepCycleInProgress();
- void setSleepCycleInProgressFlag(bool flag);
- bool init(void);
- void free(void);
- void setEventsTrackedCount(uint32_t newTracked);
- void setEventsRecordingLevel(uint32_t eventsTrackedBits);
- static uint32_t _atomicIndexIncrement(uint32_t *index, uint32_t limit);
- enum {
- kPMTimelineRecordTardyDrivers = 1 << 0,
- kPMTmielineRecordSystemEvents = 1 << 1,
- kPMTimelineRecordAllDrivers = 1 << 2,
- kPMTimelineRecordOff = 0,
- kPMTimelineRecordDefault = 3,
- kPMTimelineRecordDebug = 7
- };
- // eventsRecordingLevel is a bitfield defining which PM driver events will get logged
- // into the PM buffer.
- uint32_t eventsRecordingLevel;
- // pmTraceMemoryDescriptor represents the memory block that IOPMTimeLine records PM trace points into.
- IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *pmTraceMemoryDescriptor;
- // Pointer to starting address in pmTraceMemoryDescriptor
- IOPMSystemEventRecord *traceBuffer;
- IOPMTraceBufferHeader *hdr;
- uint16_t systemState;
- IOLock *logLock;
- IOPMrootDomain *owner;
- uint32_t numEventsLoggedThisPeriod;
- bool sleepCycleInProgress;
-OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( IOPMTimeline, OSObject )
* PMTraceWorker
* Internal helper object for logging trace points to RTC
static PMTraceWorker *tracer( IOPMrootDomain * );
void tracePCIPowerChange(change_t, IOService *, uint32_t, uint32_t);
void tracePoint(uint8_t phase);
- void tracePoint(uint8_t phase, uint8_t data8);
void traceDetail(uint32_t detail);
- void traceLoginWindowPhase(uint8_t phase);
+ void traceComponentWakeProgress(uint32_t component, uint32_t data);
int recordTopLevelPCIDevice(IOService *);
void RTC_TRACE(void);
- virtual bool serialize(OSSerialize *s) const;
+ virtual bool serialize(OSSerialize *s) const APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
IOPMTracePointHandler tracePointHandler;
void * tracePointTarget;
uint64_t getPMStatusCode();
+ uint8_t getTracePhase();
+ uint32_t getTraceData();
IOPMrootDomain *owner;
- IOLock *pciMappingLock;
+ IOLock *pmTraceWorkerLock;
OSArray *pciDeviceBitMappings;
uint8_t addedToRegistry;
uint8_t tracePhase;
- uint8_t loginWindowPhase;
- uint8_t traceData8;
uint32_t traceData32;
+ uint8_t loginWindowData;
+ uint8_t coreDisplayData;
+ uint8_t coreGraphicsData;
static PMAssertionsTracker *pmAssertionsTracker( IOPMrootDomain * );
IOReturn createAssertion(IOPMDriverAssertionType, IOPMDriverAssertionLevel, IOService *, const char *, IOPMDriverAssertionID *);
IOReturn releaseAssertion(IOPMDriverAssertionID);
IOReturn setAssertionLevel(IOPMDriverAssertionID, IOPMDriverAssertionLevel);
PMAssertStruct *detailsForID(IOPMDriverAssertionID, int *);
void tabulate(void);
IOPMrootDomain *owner;
OSArray *assertionsArray;
IOLock *assertionsArrayLock;
IOPMDriverAssertionType assertionsUser;
IOPMDriverAssertionType assertionsCombined;
OSDefineMetaClassAndFinalStructors(PMAssertionsTracker, OSObject);
* PMHaltWorker
* Internal helper object for Shutdown/Restart notifications.
static void main( void * arg, wait_result_t waitResult );
static void work( PMHaltWorker * me );
static void checkTimeout( PMHaltWorker * me, AbsoluteTime * now );
- virtual void free( void );
+ virtual void free( void ) APPLE_KEXT_OVERRIDE;
OSDefineMetaClassAndFinalStructors( PMHaltWorker, OSObject )
if (OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gWillShutdown))
- OSKext::willShutdown();
- for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
- {
- if (OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gSleepOrShutdownPending)) break;
- IOSleep( 100 );
- }
+ OSKext::willShutdown();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
+ {
+ if (OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gSleepOrShutdownPending)) break;
+ IOSleep( 100 );
+ }
-extern "C"
+extern "C" IONotifier * registerSleepWakeInterest(IOServiceInterestHandler handler, void * self, void * ref)
- IONotifier * registerSleepWakeInterest(IOServiceInterestHandler handler, void * self, void * ref)
- {
- return gRootDomain->registerInterest( gIOGeneralInterest, handler, self, ref );
- }
+ return gRootDomain->registerInterest( gIOGeneralInterest, handler, self, ref );
- IONotifier * registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest(IOServiceInterestHandler handler, void * self, void * ref)
- {
- return gRootDomain->registerInterest( gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest, handler, self, ref );
- }
+extern "C" IONotifier * registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest(IOServiceInterestHandler handler, void * self, void * ref)
+ return gRootDomain->registerInterest( gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest, handler, self, ref );
- IOReturn acknowledgeSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon)
- {
- return gRootDomain->allowPowerChange ( (unsigned long)PMrefcon );
- }
+extern "C" IOReturn acknowledgeSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon)
+ return gRootDomain->allowPowerChange ( (unsigned long)PMrefcon );
- IOReturn vetoSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon)
- {
- return gRootDomain->cancelPowerChange ( (unsigned long)PMrefcon );
+extern "C" IOReturn vetoSleepWakeNotification(void * PMrefcon)
+ return gRootDomain->cancelPowerChange ( (unsigned long)PMrefcon );
+extern "C" IOReturn rootDomainRestart ( void )
+ return gRootDomain->restartSystem();
+extern "C" IOReturn rootDomainShutdown ( void )
+ return gRootDomain->shutdownSystem();
+static void halt_log_putc(char c)
+ if (gHaltLogPos >= (kHaltLogSize - 2)) return;
+ gHaltLog[gHaltLogPos++] = c;
+extern "C" void
+_doprnt_log(const char *fmt,
+ va_list *argp,
+ void (*putc)(char),
+ int radix);
+static int
+halt_log(const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list listp;
+ va_start(listp, fmt);
+ _doprnt_log(fmt, &listp, &halt_log_putc, 16);
+ va_end(listp);
+ return (0);
+extern "C" void
+halt_log_enter(const char * what, const void * pc, uint64_t time)
+ uint64_t nano, millis;
+ if (!gHaltLog) return;
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(time, &nano);
+ millis = nano / 1000000ULL;
+ if (millis < 100) return;
+ IOLockLock(gHaltLogLock);
+ if (pc) {
+ halt_log("%s: %qd ms @ 0x%lx, ", what, millis, VM_KERNEL_UNSLIDE(pc));
+ OSKext::printKextsInBacktrace((vm_offset_t *) &pc, 1, &halt_log,
+ OSKext::kPrintKextsLock | OSKext::kPrintKextsUnslide | OSKext::kPrintKextsTerse);
- IOReturn rootDomainRestart ( void )
- {
- return gRootDomain->restartSystem();
+ else {
+ halt_log("%s: %qd ms\n", what, millis);
- IOReturn rootDomainShutdown ( void )
+ gHaltLog[gHaltLogPos] = 0;
+ IOLockUnlock(gHaltLogLock);
+extern uint32_t gFSState;
+extern "C" void IOSystemShutdownNotification(void)
+ uint64_t startTime;
+ IOLockLock(gHaltLogLock);
+ if (!gHaltLog)
- return gRootDomain->shutdownSystem();
+ gHaltLog = IONew(char, kHaltLogSize);
+ gHaltStartTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ if (gHaltLog) halt_log_putc('\n');
+ IOLockUnlock(gHaltLogLock);
- void IOSystemShutdownNotification(void)
+ startTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ IOPMRootDomainWillShutdown();
+ halt_log_enter("IOPMRootDomainWillShutdown", 0, mach_absolute_time() - startTime);
+ startTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ IOHibernateSystemPostWake(true);
+ gRootDomain->swdDebugTeardown();
+ halt_log_enter("IOHibernateSystemPostWake", 0, mach_absolute_time() - startTime);
+ if (OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gPagingOff))
- IOPMRootDomainWillShutdown();
- if (OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gPagingOff))
- {
- gRootDomain->handlePlatformHaltRestart(kPEPagingOff);
- }
+ gRootDomain->handlePlatformHaltRestart(kPEPagingOff);
- int sync_internal(void);
+extern "C" int sync_internal(void);
A device is always in the highest power state which satisfies its driver,
its policy-maker, and any power children it has, but within the constraint
+// updateConsoleUsersCallout
+static void updateConsoleUsersCallout(thread_call_param_t p0, thread_call_param_t p1)
+ IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain = (IOPMrootDomain *) p0;
+ rootDomain->updateConsoleUsers();
+void IOPMrootDomain::updateConsoleUsers(void)
+ IOService::updateConsoleUsers(NULL, kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn);
+ if (tasksSuspended)
+ {
+ tasksSuspended = FALSE;
+ tasks_system_suspend(tasksSuspended);
+ }
+static void swdDebugSetupCallout( thread_call_param_t p0, thread_call_param_t p1 )
+ IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain = (IOPMrootDomain *) p0;
+ uint32_t notifyRef = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) p1;
+ rootDomain->swdDebugSetup();
+ if (p1) {
+ rootDomain->allowPowerChange(notifyRef);
+ }
+ DLOG("swdDebugSetupCallout finish\n");
+void IOPMrootDomain::swdDebugSetup( )
+ static int32_t noDebugFile = -1;
+ if (noDebugFile == -1) {
+ if (PEGetCoprocessorVersion() >= kCoprocessorVersion2)
+ noDebugFile = 1;
+ else if (PE_parse_boot_argn("swd_mem_only", &noDebugFile, sizeof(noDebugFile)) == false)
+ noDebugFile = 0;
+ }
+ if ((noDebugFile == 1) || (gRootDomain->sleepWakeDebugIsWdogEnabled() == false)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ DLOG("swdDebugSetup state:%d\n", swd_DebugImageSetup);
+ if (swd_DebugImageSetup == FALSE) {
+ swd_DebugImageSetup = TRUE;
+ if (CAP_GAIN(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) ||
+ (CAP_LOSS(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics))) {
+ IOHibernateSystemPostWake(true);
+ IOCloseDebugDataFile();
+ }
+ IOOpenDebugDataFile(kSleepWakeStackBinFilename, SWD_BUF_SIZE);
+ }
+static void swdDebugTeardownCallout( thread_call_param_t p0, thread_call_param_t p1 )
+ IOPMrootDomain * rootDomain = (IOPMrootDomain *) p0;
+ uint32_t notifyRef = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) p1;
+ rootDomain->swdDebugTeardown();
+ if (p1) {
+ rootDomain->allowPowerChange(notifyRef);
+ }
+ DLOG("swdDebugTeardownCallout finish\n");
+void IOPMrootDomain::swdDebugTeardown( )
+ DLOG("swdDebugTeardown state:%d\n", swd_DebugImageSetup);
+ if (swd_DebugImageSetup == TRUE) {
+ swd_DebugImageSetup = FALSE;
+ IOCloseDebugDataFile();
+ }
static void disk_sync_callout( thread_call_param_t p0, thread_call_param_t p1 )
if (ON_STATE == powerState)
+ // Block sleep until trim issued on previous wake path is completed.
+ IOHibernateSystemPostWake(true);
+ swdDebugSetupCallout(p0, NULL);
- IOHibernateSystemPostWake();
+ swdDebugTeardownCallout(p0, NULL);
+ IOHibernateSystemPostWake(false);
+ if (gRootDomain)
+ gRootDomain->sleepWakeDebugSaveSpinDumpFile();
-static UInt32 computeDeltaTimeMS( const AbsoluteTime * startTime )
+static UInt32 computeDeltaTimeMS( const AbsoluteTime * startTime, AbsoluteTime * elapsedTime )
- AbsoluteTime endTime;
- UInt64 nano = 0;
+ AbsoluteTime endTime;
+ UInt64 nano = 0;
- clock_get_uptime(&endTime);
- if (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&endTime, startTime) > 0)
- {
- SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&endTime, startTime);
- absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(endTime, &nano);
- }
+ clock_get_uptime(&endTime);
+ if (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&endTime, startTime) <= 0) *elapsedTime = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&endTime, startTime);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(endTime, &nano);
+ *elapsedTime = endTime;
+ }
- return (UInt32)(nano / 1000000ULL);
+ return (UInt32)(nano / 1000000ULL);
struct proc *p = req->p;
if (p == kernproc) {
- return sysctl_io_opaque(req, swt, sizeof(*swt), NULL);
+ return sysctl_io_opaque(req, swt, sizeof(*swt), NULL);
} else if(proc_is64bit(p)) {
- struct user64_timeval t;
+ struct user64_timeval t = {};
t.tv_sec = swt->tv_sec;
t.tv_usec = swt->tv_usec;
return sysctl_io_opaque(req, &t, sizeof(t), NULL);
} else {
- struct user32_timeval t;
+ struct user32_timeval t = {};
t.tv_sec = swt->tv_sec;
t.tv_usec = swt->tv_usec;
return sysctl_io_opaque(req, &t, sizeof(t), NULL);
static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, sleeptime,
- &gIOLastSleepTime, 0, sysctl_sleepwaketime, "S,timeval", "");
+ &gIOLastSleepTime, 0, sysctl_sleepwaketime, "S,timeval", "");
static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, waketime,
- &gIOLastWakeTime, 0, sysctl_sleepwaketime, "S,timeval", "");
+ &gIOLastWakeTime, 0, sysctl_sleepwaketime, "S,timeval", "");
+SYSCTL_QUAD(_kern, OID_AUTO, wake_abs_time, CTLFLAG_RD|CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &gIOLastWakeAbsTime, "");
+SYSCTL_QUAD(_kern, OID_AUTO, sleep_abs_time, CTLFLAG_RD|CTLFLAG_LOCKED, &gIOLastSleepAbsTime, "");
static int
int new_value, changed;
int error = sysctl_io_number(req, gWillShutdown, sizeof(int), &new_value, &changed);
if (changed) {
- if (!gWillShutdown && (new_value == 1)) {
- IOPMRootDomainWillShutdown();
- } else
- error = EINVAL;
+ if (!gWillShutdown && (new_value == 1)) {
+ IOPMRootDomainWillShutdown();
+ } else
+ error = EINVAL;
static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, willshutdown,
- 0, 0, sysctl_willshutdown, "I", "");
+ 0, 0, sysctl_willshutdown, "I", "");
+extern struct sysctl_oid sysctl__kern_iokittest;
+extern struct sysctl_oid sysctl__debug_iokit;
static int
int error;
int new_value, changed;
- error = sysctl_io_number(req, vc_progress_meter_enable, sizeof(int), &new_value, &changed);
+ error = sysctl_io_number(req, vc_progressmeter_enable, sizeof(int), &new_value, &changed);
- if (changed)
- vc_enable_progressmeter(new_value);
+ if (changed) vc_enable_progressmeter(new_value);
return (error);
int error;
int new_value, changed;
- error = sysctl_io_number(req, vc_progress_meter_value, sizeof(int), &new_value, &changed);
+ error = sysctl_io_number(req, vc_progressmeter_value, sizeof(int), &new_value, &changed);
- if (changed)
- vc_set_progressmeter(new_value);
+ if (changed) vc_set_progressmeter(new_value);
return (error);
static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, progressmeterenable,
- 0, 0, sysctl_progressmeterenable, "I", "");
+ 0, 0, sysctl_progressmeterenable, "I", "");
static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, progressmeter,
- 0, 0, sysctl_progressmeter, "I", "");
+ 0, 0, sysctl_progressmeter, "I", "");
+#endif /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+static int
+(__unused struct sysctl_oid *oidp, __unused void *arg1, __unused int arg2, struct sysctl_req *req)
+ int error, changed;
+ uint32_t new_value;
+ error = sysctl_io_number(req, vc_user_options.options, sizeof(uint32_t), &new_value, &changed);
+ if (changed) vc_user_options.options = new_value;
+ return (error);
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, consoleoptions,
+ 0, 0, sysctl_consoleoptions, "I", "");
+static int
+sysctl_progressoptions SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
+ return sysctl_io_opaque(req, &vc_user_options, sizeof(vc_user_options), NULL);
+static SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, progressoptions,
+ NULL, 0, sysctl_progressoptions, "S,vc_progress_user_options", "");
+static int
+sysctl_wakereason SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
+ char wr[ sizeof(gWakeReasonString) ];
+ wr[0] = '\0';
+ if (gRootDomain)
+ gRootDomain->copyWakeReasonString(wr, sizeof(wr));
+ return sysctl_io_string(req, wr, 0, 0, NULL);
+SYSCTL_PROC(_kern, OID_AUTO, wakereason,
+ NULL, 0, sysctl_wakereason, "A", "wakereason");
+static int
+sysctl_targettype SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
+ IOService * root;
+ OSObject * obj;
+ OSData * data;
+ char tt[32];
+ tt[0] = '\0';
+ root = IOService::getServiceRoot();
+ if (root && (obj = root->copyProperty(gIODTTargetTypeKey)))
+ {
+ if ((data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, obj)))
+ {
+ strlcpy(tt, (const char *) data->getBytesNoCopy(), sizeof(tt));
+ }
+ obj->release();
+ }
+ return sysctl_io_string(req, tt, 0, 0, NULL);
+SYSCTL_PROC(_hw, OID_AUTO, targettype,
+ NULL, 0, sysctl_targettype, "A", "targettype");
static SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, darkwake, CTLFLAG_RW, &gDarkWakeFlags, 0, "");
+static SYSCTL_INT(_debug, OID_AUTO, noidle, CTLFLAG_RW, &gNoIdleFlag, 0, "");
static const OSSymbol * gIOPMSettingAutoWakeCalendarKey;
static const OSSymbol * gIOPMSettingAutoWakeSecondsKey;
gIOPMUserTriggeredFullWakeKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMUserTriggeredFullWakeKey);
gIOPMUserIsActiveKey = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(kIOPMUserIsActiveKey);
- gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseTimedOut = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponseTimedOut);
- gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseCancel = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponseCancel);
- gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseSlow = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponseSlow);
+ gIOPMStatsResponseTimedOut = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponseTimedOut);
+ gIOPMStatsResponseCancel = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponseCancel);
+ gIOPMStatsResponseSlow = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponseSlow);
+ gIOPMStatsResponsePrompt = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsResponsePrompt);
+ gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow);
sleepSupportedPEFunction = OSSymbol::withCString("IOPMSetSleepSupported");
sleepMessagePEFunction = OSSymbol::withCString("IOPMSystemSleepMessage");
- const OSSymbol *settingsArr[kRootDomainSettingsCount] =
+ const OSSymbol *settingsArr[kRootDomainSettingsCount] =
PE_parse_boot_argn("darkwake", &gDarkWakeFlags, sizeof(gDarkWakeFlags));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("noidle", &gNoIdleFlag, sizeof(gNoIdleFlag));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("haltmspanic", &gHaltTimeMaxPanic, sizeof(gHaltTimeMaxPanic));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("haltmslog", &gHaltTimeMaxLog, sizeof(gHaltTimeMaxLog));
aggressivesThreadCall = thread_call_allocate(handleAggressivesFunction, this);
aggressivesData = OSData::withCapacity(
featuresDictLock = IOLockAlloc();
settingsCtrlLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ wakeEventLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ gHaltLogLock = IOLockAlloc();
extraSleepTimer = thread_call_allocate(
(thread_call_param_t) this);
diskSyncCalloutEntry = thread_call_allocate(
(thread_call_param_t) this);
- stackshotOffloader = thread_call_allocate(&saveTimeoutAppStackShot,
- (thread_call_param_t) this);
+ swdDebugSetupEntry = thread_call_allocate(
+ &swdDebugSetupCallout,
+ (thread_call_param_t) this);
+ swdDebugTearDownEntry = thread_call_allocate(
+ &swdDebugTeardownCallout,
+ (thread_call_param_t) this);
+ updateConsoleUsersEntry = thread_call_allocate(
+ &updateConsoleUsersCallout,
+ (thread_call_param_t) this);
fullWakeThreadCall = thread_call_allocate(
userDisabledAllSleep = false;
systemBooting = true;
+ idleSleepEnabled = false;
sleepSlider = 0;
idleSleepTimerPending = false;
wrangler = NULL;
clamshellDisabled = true;
acAdaptorConnected = true;
clamshellSleepDisabled = false;
+ gWakeReasonString[0] = '\0';
// Initialize to user active.
// Will never transition to user inactive w/o wrangler.
_statsResponseTypeKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsApplicationResponseTypeKey);
_statsMessageTypeKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsMessageTypeKey);
_statsPowerCapsKey = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMStatsPowerCapabilityKey);
- noAckApps = OSOrderedSet::withCapacity(16);
+ assertOnWakeSecs = -1; // Invalid value to prevent updates
+ pmStatsLock = IOLockAlloc();
idxPMCPUClamshell = kCPUUnknownIndex;
idxPMCPULimitedPower = kCPUUnknownIndex;
tmpDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
setProperty(kRootDomainSupportedFeatures, tmpDict);
settingsCallbacks = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
// Create a list of the valid PM settings that we'll relay to
preventSystemSleepList = OSSet::withCapacity(2);
PMinit(); // creates gIOPMWorkLoop
+ gIOPMWorkLoop = getIOPMWorkloop();
// Create IOPMPowerStateQueue used to queue external power
// events, and to handle those events on the PM work loop.
pmPowerStateQueue = IOPMPowerStateQueue::PMPowerStateQueue(
this, OSMemberFunctionCast(IOEventSource::Action, this,
- getPMworkloop()->addEventSource(pmPowerStateQueue);
- gIOPMWorkLoop = getPMworkloop();
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->addEventSource(pmPowerStateQueue);
// create our power parent
patriarch = new IORootParent;
registerPowerDriver(this, ourPowerStates, NUM_POWER_STATES);
- if (gIOKitDebug & (kIOLogDriverPower1 | kIOLogDriverPower2))
- {
- // Setup our PM logging & recording code
- timeline = IOPMTimeline::timeline(this);
- if (timeline) {
- OSDictionary *tlInfo = timeline->copyInfoDictionary();
- if (tlInfo)
- {
- setProperty(kIOPMTimelineDictionaryKey, tlInfo);
- tlInfo->release();
- }
- }
- }
// install power change handler
gSysPowerDownNotifier = registerPrioritySleepWakeInterest( &sysPowerDownHandler, this, 0);
// Register for a notification when IODisplayWrangler is published
if ((tmpDict = serviceMatching("IODisplayWrangler")))
- _displayWranglerNotifier = addMatchingNotification(
- gIOPublishNotification, tmpDict,
+ _displayWranglerNotifier = addMatchingNotification(
+ gIOPublishNotification, tmpDict,
(IOServiceMatchingNotificationHandler) &displayWranglerMatchPublished,
this, 0);
if ((tmpDict = serviceMatching("IODTNVRAM")))
- notifier = addMatchingNotification(
- gIOFirstPublishNotification, tmpDict,
+ notifier = addMatchingNotification(
+ gIOFirstPublishNotification, tmpDict,
(IOServiceMatchingNotificationHandler) &IONVRAMMatchPublished,
this, 0);
// IOBacklightDisplay can take a long time to load at boot, or it may
// not load at all if you're booting with clamshell closed. We publish
// 'DisplayDims' here redundantly to get it published early and at all.
- psIterator = getMatchingServices( serviceMatching("IOPMPowerSource") );
+ OSDictionary * matching;
+ matching = serviceMatching("IOPMPowerSource");
+ psIterator = getMatchingServices( matching );
+ if (matching) matching->release();
if( psIterator && psIterator->getNextObject() )
// There's at least one battery on the system, so we publish
if(psIterator) {
- pmSuspendedCapacity = pmSuspendedSize = 0;
- pmSuspendedPIDS = NULL;
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_iokittest);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__debug_iokit);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__hw_targettype);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_wakereason);
+#endif /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_consoleoptions);
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_progressoptions);
- registerService(); // let clients find us
+ registerService(); // let clients find us
return true;
+// setProperties
+// Receive a setProperty call
+// The "System Boot" property means the system is completely booted.
-void IOPMrootDomain::handleSuspendPMNotificationClient(uint32_t pid, bool doSuspend)
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::setProperties( OSObject * props_obj )
- int index = -1;
- unsigned int i;
- if (!pmSuspendedPIDS) {
- pmSuspendedCapacity = 8;
- pmSuspendedSize = pmSuspendedCapacity * sizeof(PMNotifySuspendedStruct);
- pmSuspendedPIDS = (PMNotifySuspendedStruct *)IOMalloc(pmSuspendedSize);
- bzero(pmSuspendedPIDS, pmSuspendedSize);
- }
- /* Find the existing pid in the existing array */
- for (i=0; i < pmSuspendedCapacity; i++) {
- if (pmSuspendedPIDS[i].pid == pid) {
- index = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (-1 == index)
- {
- /* Find an unused slot in the suspended pids table. */
- for (i=0; i < pmSuspendedCapacity; i++) {
- if (pmSuspendedPIDS[i].refcount == 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (pmSuspendedCapacity == i)
- {
- /* GROW if necessary */
- PMNotifySuspendedStruct *newSuspended = NULL;
- pmSuspendedCapacity *= 2;
- pmSuspendedSize = pmSuspendedCapacity * sizeof(PMNotifySuspendedStruct);
- newSuspended = (PMNotifySuspendedStruct *)IOMalloc(pmSuspendedSize);
- bzero(newSuspended, pmSuspendedSize);
- bcopy(pmSuspendedPIDS, newSuspended, pmSuspendedSize/2);
- IOFree(pmSuspendedPIDS, pmSuspendedSize/2);
- pmSuspendedPIDS = newSuspended;
- }
- index = i;
- pmSuspendedPIDS[index].pid = pid;
- }
- if (doSuspend) {
- pmSuspendedPIDS[index].refcount++;
- } else {
- pmSuspendedPIDS[index].refcount--;
- }
- /*
- * Publish array of suspended pids in IOPMrootDomain
- */
- OSArray *publish = OSArray::withCapacity(pmSuspendedCapacity);
- for (i=0; i<pmSuspendedCapacity; i++)
- {
- if (pmSuspendedPIDS[i].refcount > 0) {
- OSDictionary *suspended = OSDictionary::withCapacity(2);
- OSNumber *n = NULL;
- n = OSNumber::withNumber(pmSuspendedPIDS[i].pid, 32);
- suspended->setObject("pid", n);
- n->release();
- n = OSNumber::withNumber(pmSuspendedPIDS[i].refcount, 32);
- suspended->setObject("refcount", n);
- n->release();
- publish->setObject(suspended);
- suspended->release();
- }
- }
- if (0 != publish->getCount()) {
- setProperty(kPMSuspendedNotificationClients, publish);
- } else {
- removeProperty(kPMSuspendedNotificationClients);
- }
- publish->release();
- return;
-bool IOPMrootDomain::pmNotificationIsSuspended(uint32_t pid)
- unsigned int index;
- for (index=0; index < pmSuspendedCapacity; index++) {
- if (pmSuspendedPIDS[index].pid == pid) {
- return pmSuspendedPIDS[index].refcount > 0;
- }
- }
- return false;
-void IOPMrootDomain::suspendPMNotificationsForPID(uint32_t pid, bool doSuspend)
- if(pmPowerStateQueue) {
- pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(kPowerEventSuspendClient, (void *)(uintptr_t)pid, (uint64_t)doSuspend );
- }
- return;
-// setProperties
-// Receive a setProperty call
-// The "System Boot" property means the system is completely booted.
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::setProperties( OSObject * props_obj )
- IOReturn return_value = kIOReturnSuccess;
- OSDictionary *dict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, props_obj);
- OSBoolean *b;
- OSNumber *n;
- OSDictionary *d;
- const OSSymbol *key;
- OSObject *obj;
- OSCollectionIterator * iter = 0;
+ IOReturn return_value = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ OSDictionary *dict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, props_obj);
+ OSBoolean *b;
+ OSNumber *n;
+ const OSSymbol *key;
+ OSObject *obj;
+ OSCollectionIterator * iter = 0;
const OSSymbol *publish_simulated_battery_string = OSSymbol::withCString("SoftwareSimulatedBatteries");
const OSSymbol *boot_complete_string = OSSymbol::withCString("System Boot Complete");
const OSSymbol *idle_seconds_string = OSSymbol::withCString("System Idle Seconds");
const OSSymbol *sleepdisabled_string = OSSymbol::withCString("SleepDisabled");
const OSSymbol *ondeck_sleepwake_uuid_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey);
- const OSSymbol *loginwindow_tracepoint_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMLoginWindowSecurityDebugKey);
- const OSSymbol *pmTimelineLogging_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMTimelineDictionaryKey);
+ const OSSymbol *loginwindow_progress_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMLoginWindowProgressKey);
+ const OSSymbol *coredisplay_progress_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMCoreDisplayProgressKey);
+ const OSSymbol *coregraphics_progress_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMCoreGraphicsProgressKey);
const OSSymbol *hibernatemode_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOHibernateModeKey);
const OSSymbol *hibernatefile_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOHibernateFileKey);
const OSSymbol *hibernatefilemin_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOHibernateFileMinSizeKey);
const OSSymbol *hibernatefreeratio_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOHibernateFreeRatioKey);
const OSSymbol *hibernatefreetime_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOHibernateFreeTimeKey);
- const OSSymbol *suspendPMClient_string = OSSymbol::withCString(kPMSuspendedNotificationClients);
if (!dict)
return_value = kIOReturnBadArgument;
setProperty(key, obj);
- else if (key->isEqualTo(pmTimelineLogging_string))
- {
- if ((d = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, obj)) &&
- timeline && timeline->setProperties(d))
- {
- OSDictionary *tlInfo = timeline->copyInfoDictionary();
- if (tlInfo) {
- setProperty(kIOPMTimelineDictionaryKey, tlInfo);
- tlInfo->release();
- }
- }
- }
else if (key->isEqualTo(hibernatemode_string) ||
key->isEqualTo(hibernatefilemin_string) ||
key->isEqualTo(hibernatefilemax_string) ||
OSString * str = OSDynamicCast(OSString, obj);
if (str) setProperty(key, str);
else if (key->isEqualTo(sleepdisabled_string))
if ((b = OSDynamicCast(OSBoolean, obj)))
pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(kPowerEventQueueSleepWakeUUID, (void *)obj);
- else if (key->isEqualTo(loginwindow_tracepoint_string))
+ else if (key->isEqualTo(loginwindow_progress_string))
+ {
+ if (pmTracer && (n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj))) {
+ uint32_t data = n->unsigned32BitValue();
+ pmTracer->traceComponentWakeProgress(kIOPMLoginWindowProgress, data);
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogComponentWakeProgress, 0, kIOPMLoginWindowProgress, data);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (key->isEqualTo(coredisplay_progress_string))
+ {
+ if (pmTracer && (n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj))) {
+ uint32_t data = n->unsigned32BitValue();
+ pmTracer->traceComponentWakeProgress(kIOPMCoreDisplayProgress, data);
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogComponentWakeProgress, 0, kIOPMCoreDisplayProgress, data);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (key->isEqualTo(coregraphics_progress_string))
- if (pmTracer && (n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj)))
- pmTracer->traceLoginWindowPhase(n->unsigned8BitValue());
+ if (pmTracer && (n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj))) {
+ uint32_t data = n->unsigned32BitValue();
+ pmTracer->traceComponentWakeProgress(kIOPMCoreGraphicsProgress, data);
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogComponentWakeProgress, 0, kIOPMCoreGraphicsProgress, data);
+ }
else if (key->isEqualTo(kIOPMDeepSleepEnabledKey) ||
key->isEqualTo(kIOPMDestroyFVKeyOnStandbyKey) ||
setProperty(key, b);
else if (key->isEqualTo(kIOPMDeepSleepDelayKey) ||
+ key->isEqualTo(kIOPMDeepSleepTimerKey) ||
key->isEqualTo(kIOPMAutoPowerOffDelayKey) ||
OSBitAndAtomic(~kIOPMAlarmBitCalendarWake, &_userScheduledAlarm);
DLOG("_userScheduledAlarm = 0x%x\n", (uint32_t) _userScheduledAlarm);
- else if (key->isEqualTo(suspendPMClient_string))
- {
- if ((n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj)))
- {
- // Toggle the suspended status for pid n.
- uint32_t pid_int = n->unsigned32BitValue();
- suspendPMNotificationsForPID(pid_int, !pmNotificationIsSuspended(pid_int));
- }
- }
// Relay our allowed PM settings onto our registered PM clients
else if ((allowedPMSettings->getNextIndexOfObject(key, 0) != (unsigned int) -1))
- if ((gIOPMSettingAutoWakeSecondsKey == key) && ((n = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj))))
- {
- UInt32 rsecs = n->unsigned32BitValue();
- if (!rsecs)
- autoWakeStart = autoWakeEnd = 0;
- else
- {
- AbsoluteTime deadline;
- clock_interval_to_deadline(rsecs + kAutoWakePostWindow, kSecondScale, &deadline);
- autoWakeEnd = AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&deadline);
- if (rsecs > kAutoWakePreWindow)
- rsecs -= kAutoWakePreWindow;
- else
- rsecs = 0;
- clock_interval_to_deadline(rsecs, kSecondScale, &deadline);
- autoWakeStart = AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&deadline);
- }
- }
- return_value = setPMSetting(key, obj);
+ return_value = setPMSetting(key, obj);
if (kIOReturnSuccess != return_value)
if ((data = OSDynamicCast(OSData, obj)) &&
(data->getLength() == sizeof(IOPMCalendarStruct)))
- const IOPMCalendarStruct * cs =
+ const IOPMCalendarStruct * cs =
(const IOPMCalendarStruct *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
if (cs->year)
if(idle_seconds_string) idle_seconds_string->release();
if(sleepdisabled_string) sleepdisabled_string->release();
if(ondeck_sleepwake_uuid_string) ondeck_sleepwake_uuid_string->release();
- if(loginwindow_tracepoint_string) loginwindow_tracepoint_string->release();
- if(pmTimelineLogging_string) pmTimelineLogging_string->release();
+ if(loginwindow_progress_string) loginwindow_progress_string->release();
+ if(coredisplay_progress_string) coredisplay_progress_string->release();
+ if(coregraphics_progress_string) coregraphics_progress_string->release();
if(hibernatemode_string) hibernatemode_string->release();
if(hibernatefile_string) hibernatefile_string->release();
if(hibernatefreeratio_string) hibernatefreeratio_string->release();
if(hibernatefreetime_string) hibernatefreetime_string->release();
- if(suspendPMClient_string) suspendPMClient_string->release();
if (iter) iter->release();
return return_value;
if (!connect || !connect->getReadyFlag())
- if ((service = (IOService *) connect->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane)))
+ if ((service = OSDynamicCast(IOService, connect->copyChildEntry(gIOPowerPlane))))
if (service->assertPMDriverCall(&callEntry))
AbsoluteTime deadline;
+ if (gNoIdleFlag) {
+ DLOG("idle timer not set (noidle=%d)\n", gNoIdleFlag);
+ return;
+ }
if (inSeconds)
- clock_interval_to_deadline(inSeconds, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(inSeconds, kSecondScale, &deadline);
thread_call_enter_delayed(extraSleepTimer, deadline);
idleSleepTimerPending = true;
DLOG("idle timer cancelled\n");
idleSleepTimerPending = false;
+ if (!assertOnWakeSecs && gIOLastWakeAbsTime) {
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ clock_usec_t microsecs;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(now, &assertOnWakeSecs, µsecs);
+ if (assertOnWakeReport) {
+ HISTREPORT_TALLYVALUE(assertOnWakeReport, (int64_t)assertOnWakeSecs);
+ DLOG("Updated assertOnWake %lu\n", (unsigned long)assertOnWakeSecs);
+ }
+ }
void IOPMrootDomain::handleSleepTimerExpiration( void )
- if (!getPMworkloop()->inGate())
+ if (!gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate())
- getPMworkloop()->runAction(
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this,
idleSleepTimerPending = false;
- if ((AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&time) > autoWakeStart) &&
- (AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&time) < autoWakeEnd))
- {
- thread_call_enter_delayed(extraSleepTimer, *((AbsoluteTime *) &autoWakeEnd));
- return;
- }
// getTimeToIdleSleep
// Returns number of seconds left before going into idle sleep.
-// Caller has to make sure that idle sleep is allowed at the time of calling
+// Caller has to make sure that idle sleep is allowed at the time of calling
// this function
uint32_t minutesSinceUserInactive = 0;
uint32_t sleepDelay = 0;
- if (sleepSlider == 0)
+ if (!idleSleepEnabled)
return 0xffffffff;
if (userActivityTime)
lastActivityTime = userActivityTime;
- else
+ else
lastActivityTime = userBecameInactiveTime;
SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &lastActivityTime);
absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(now, &nanos);
minutesSinceUserInactive = nanos / (60000000000ULL);
if (minutesSinceUserInactive >= sleepSlider)
sleepDelay = 0;
- else
+ else
sleepDelay = sleepSlider - minutesSinceUserInactive;
OSObject *obj = NULL;
OSString *reason = NULL;
- /* sleepSystem is a public function, and may be called by any kernel driver.
- * And that's bad - drivers should sleep the system by calling
+ /* sleepSystem is a public function, and may be called by any kernel driver.
+ * And that's bad - drivers should sleep the system by calling
* receivePowerNotification() instead. Drivers should not use sleepSystem.
* Note that user space app calls to IOPMSleepSystem() will also travel
* this code path and thus be correctly identified as software sleeps.
- if (options && options->getObject("OSSwitch"))
+ if (options && options->getObject("OSSwitch"))
// Log specific sleep cause for OS Switch hibernation
return privateSleepSystem( kIOPMSleepReasonOSSwitchHibernate);
- if (options && (obj = options->getObject("Sleep Reason")))
+ if (options && (obj = options->getObject("Sleep Reason")))
reason = OSDynamicCast(OSString, obj);
- if (reason && reason->isEqualTo(kIOPMDarkWakeThermalEmergencyKey))
+ if (reason && reason->isEqualTo(kIOPMDarkWakeThermalEmergencyKey))
return privateSleepSystem(kIOPMSleepReasonDarkWakeThermalEmergency);
if (!checkSystemSleepEnabled() || !pmPowerStateQueue)
- recordPMEvent(kIOPMEventTypeSleep, NULL,
- sleepReason, kIOReturnNotPermitted);
return kIOReturnNotPermitted;
void IOPMrootDomain::powerChangeDone( unsigned long previousPowerState )
+#if !__i386__ && !__x86_64__
+ uint64_t timeSinceReset = 0;
+ uint64_t now;
DLOG("PowerChangeDone: %u->%u\n",
(uint32_t) previousPowerState, (uint32_t) getPowerState());
switch ( getPowerState() )
if (previousPowerState != ON_STATE)
- recordPMEvent(kIOPMEventTypeSleepDone, NULL, 0, kIOReturnSuccess);
+ acceptSystemWakeEvents(true);
// re-enable this timer for next sleep
- clock_sec_t secs;
- clock_usec_t microsecs;
- clock_get_calendar_microtime(&secs, µsecs);
+ clock_sec_t secs;
+ clock_usec_t microsecs;
+ clock_get_calendar_absolute_and_microtime(&secs, µsecs, &now);
gIOLastSleepTime.tv_sec = secs;
gIOLastSleepTime.tv_usec = microsecs;
gIOLastWakeTime.tv_sec = 0;
gIOLastWakeTime.tv_usec = 0;
+ gIOLastSleepAbsTime = now;
+ if (wake2DarkwakeDelay && sleepDelaysReport) {
+ clock_usec_t microsecs;
+ clock_sec_t wake2DarkwakeSecs, darkwake2SleepSecs;
+ // Update 'wake2DarkwakeDelay' histogram if this is a fullwake->sleep transition
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &ts_sleepStart);
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(now, &darkwake2SleepSecs, µsecs);
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(wake2DarkwakeDelay, &wake2DarkwakeSecs, µsecs);
+ (int64_t)(wake2DarkwakeSecs+darkwake2SleepSecs));
+ DLOG("Updated sleepDelaysReport %lu %lu\n", (unsigned long)wake2DarkwakeSecs, (unsigned long)darkwake2SleepSecs);
+ wake2DarkwakeDelay = 0;
+ }
LOG("System %sSleep\n", gIOHibernateState ? "Safe" : "");
LOG("System Sleep\n");
+ if (thermalWarningState) {
+ const OSSymbol *event = OSSymbol::withCString(kIOPMThermalLevelWarningKey);
+ if (event) {
+ systemPowerEventOccurred(event, kIOPMThermalLevelUnknown);
+ event->release();
+ }
+ }
+ assertOnWakeSecs = 0;
((IOService *)this)->stop_watchdog_timer(); //14456299
+ lowBatteryCondition = false;
+ extern int g_should_log_clock_adjustments;
+ if (g_should_log_clock_adjustments) {
+ clock_sec_t secs = 0;
+ clock_usec_t microsecs = 0;
+ uint64_t now_b = mach_absolute_time();
+ PEGetUTCTimeOfDay(&secs, µsecs);
+ uint64_t now_a = mach_absolute_time();
+ os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%s PMU before going to sleep %lu s %d u %llu abs_b_PEG %llu abs_a_PEG \n",
+ __func__, (unsigned long)secs, microsecs, now_b, now_a);
+ }
// The CPU(s) are off at this point,
// Code will resume execution here upon wake.
- clock_get_uptime(&systemWakeTime);
+ clock_get_uptime(&gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
+ IOLog("gIOLastWakeAbsTime: %lld\n", gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
_highestCapability = 0;
((IOService *)this)->start_watchdog_timer(); //14456299
// sleep transition complete
gSleepOrShutdownPending = 0;
- // trip the reset of the calendar clock
- clock_wakeup_calendar();
+ // trip the reset of the calendar clock
+ {
+ clock_sec_t wakeSecs;
+ clock_usec_t wakeMicrosecs;
+ clock_wakeup_calendar();
+ clock_get_calendar_microtime(&wakeSecs, &wakeMicrosecs);
+ gIOLastWakeTime.tv_sec = wakeSecs;
+ gIOLastWakeTime.tv_usec = wakeMicrosecs;
+ }
LOG("System %sWake\n", gIOHibernateState ? "SafeSleep " : "");
- // log system wake
- PMDebug(kPMLogSystemWake, 0, 0);
- lowBatteryCondition = false;
lastSleepReason = 0;
_lastDebugWakeSeconds = _debugWakeSeconds;
_debugWakeSeconds = 0;
_scheduledAlarms = 0;
- // And start logging the wake event here
- // TODO: Publish the wakeReason string as an integer
- recordPMEvent(kIOPMEventTypeWake, NULL, 0, kIOReturnSuccess);
-#ifndef __LP64__
- systemWake();
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
- wranglerTickled = false;
- graphicsSuppressed = false;
- darkWakePostTickle = false;
- darkWakeToSleepASAP = true;
- logGraphicsClamp = true;
- sleepTimerMaintenance = false;
- sleepToStandby = false;
- wranglerTickleLatched = false;
- userWasActive = false;
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogSystemWake, 0, 0, 0);
+ wranglerTickled = false;
+ graphicsSuppressed = false;
+ darkWakePostTickle = false;
+ darkWakeHibernateError = false;
+ darkWakeToSleepASAP = true;
+ logGraphicsClamp = true;
+ sleepTimerMaintenance = false;
+ sleepToStandby = false;
+ wranglerTickleLatched = false;
+ userWasActive = false;
fullWakeReason = kFullWakeReasonNone;
OSString * wakeType = OSDynamicCast(
OSString * wakeReason = OSDynamicCast(
OSString, getProperty(kIOPMRootDomainWakeReasonKey));
+ if (wakeReason && (wakeReason->getLength() >= 2) &&
+ gWakeReasonString[0] == '\0')
+ {
+ // Until the platform driver can claim its wake reasons
+ strlcat(gWakeReasonString, wakeReason->getCStringNoCopy(),
+ sizeof(gWakeReasonString));
+ }
if (wakeType && wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMrootDomainWakeTypeLowBattery))
lowBatteryCondition = true;
else if ((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleMask) != 0)
OSNumber * hibOptions = OSDynamicCast(
OSNumber, getProperty(kIOHibernateOptionsKey));
if (hibernateAborted || ((hibOptions &&
!(hibOptions->unsigned32BitValue() & kIOHibernateOptionDarkWake))))
hibOptions ? hibOptions->unsigned32BitValue() : 0);
if (wakeType && (
wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeUser) ||
darkWakeMaintenance = true;
darkWakeSleepService = true;
if (kIOHibernateStateWakingFromHibernate == gIOHibernateState) {
sleepToStandby = true;
+ }
+ else
+ if (wakeType &&
+ wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeHibernateError))
+ {
+ darkWakeMaintenance = true;
+ darkWakeHibernateError = true;
fullWakeReason = kFullWakeReasonLocalUser;
+ else if (displayPowerOnRequested && checkSystemCanSustainFullWake())
+ {
+ handleDisplayPowerOn();
+ }
else if (!darkWakeMaintenance)
// Early/late tickle for non-maintenance wake.
- if (((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleMask) ==
+ if (((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleMask) ==
kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleEarly) ||
- ((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleMask) ==
+ ((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagHIDTickleMask) ==
darkWakePostTickle = true;
#else /* !__i386__ && !__x86_64__ */
+ timeSinceReset = ml_get_time_since_reset();
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogSystemWake, 0, timeSinceReset >> 32, timeSinceReset);
// stay awake for at least 30 seconds
wranglerTickled = true;
fullWakeReason = kFullWakeReasonLocalUser;
+ thread_call_enter(updateConsoleUsersEntry);
} break;
+#if !__i386__ && !__x86_64__
case ON_STATE: {
if (previousPowerState != ON_STATE)
- recordPMEvent(kIOPMEventTypeWakeDone, NULL, 0, kIOReturnSuccess);
- }
- } break;
+ DLOG("Force re-evaluating aggressiveness\n");
+ /* Force re-evaluate the aggressiveness values to set appropriate idle sleep timer */
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventPolicyStimulus,
+ (void *) kStimulusNoIdleSleepPreventers );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
return super::requestPowerDomainState(0, childConnection, specification);
// updatePreventIdleSleepList
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
- // Disregard disk I/O (anything besides the display wrangler)
- // as a factor preventing idle sleep,except in the case of legacy disk I/O
- if ((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagIgnoreDiskIOAlways) &&
- addNotRemove && (service != wrangler) && (service != this))
+ // Disregard disk I/O (besides the display wrangler) as a factor preventing
+ // idle sleep, except in the case of legacy disk I/O
+ if ((service != wrangler) && (service != this))
return false;
oldCount = preventIdleSleepList->getCount();
if (addNotRemove)
service->getName(), preventIdleSleepList->getCount());
newCount = preventIdleSleepList->getCount();
if ((oldCount == 0) && (newCount != 0))
// Driver added to empty prevent list.
// Update the driver desire to prevent idle sleep.
// Driver desire does not prevent demand sleep.
else if ((oldCount != 0) && (newCount == 0))
evaluatePolicy( kStimulusNoIdleSleepPreventers );
+ messageClient(kIOPMMessageIdleSleepPreventers, systemCapabilityNotifier,
+ &newCount, sizeof(newCount));
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
if (addNotRemove && (service == wrangler) && !checkSystemCanSustainFullWake())
- return false;
+ DLOG("Cannot cancel idle sleep\n");
+ return false; // do not idle-cancel
return true;
+// startSpinDump
+void IOPMrootDomain::startSpinDump(uint32_t spindumpKind)
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageLaunchBootSpinDump, (void *)(uintptr_t)spindumpKind);
// preventSystemSleepListUpdate
void IOPMrootDomain::updatePreventSystemSleepList(
IOService * service, bool addNotRemove )
- unsigned int oldCount;
+ unsigned int oldCount, newCount;
if (this == service)
DLOG("prevent system sleep list: %s+ (%u)\n",
service->getName(), preventSystemSleepList->getCount());
+ if (!assertOnWakeSecs && gIOLastWakeAbsTime) {
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ clock_usec_t microsecs;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(now, &assertOnWakeSecs, µsecs);
+ if (assertOnWakeReport) {
+ HISTREPORT_TALLYVALUE(assertOnWakeReport, (int64_t)assertOnWakeSecs);
+ DLOG("Updated assertOnWake %lu\n", (unsigned long)assertOnWakeSecs);
+ }
+ }
else if (preventSystemSleepList->member(service))
evaluatePolicy( kStimulusDarkWakeEvaluate );
+ newCount = preventSystemSleepList->getCount();
+ messageClient(kIOPMMessageSystemSleepPreventers, systemCapabilityNotifier,
+ &newCount, sizeof(newCount));
+void IOPMrootDomain::copySleepPreventersList(OSArray **idleSleepList, OSArray **systemSleepList)
+ OSCollectionIterator *iterator = NULL;
+ OSObject *object = NULL;
+ OSArray *array = NULL;
+ if (!gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate())
+ {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this,
+ &IOPMrootDomain::IOPMrootDomain::copySleepPreventersList),
+ this, (void *)idleSleepList, (void *)systemSleepList);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (idleSleepList && preventIdleSleepList && (preventIdleSleepList->getCount() != 0))
+ {
+ iterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(preventIdleSleepList);
+ array = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
+ while ((object = iterator->getNextObject()))
+ {
+ IOService *service = OSDynamicCast(IOService, object);
+ if (object)
+ {
+ array->setObject(OSSymbol::withCString(service->getName()));
+ }
+ }
+ iterator->release();
+ *idleSleepList = array;
+ }
+ if (systemSleepList && preventSystemSleepList && (preventSystemSleepList->getCount() != 0))
+ {
+ iterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(preventSystemSleepList);
+ array = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
+ while ((object = iterator->getNextObject()))
+ {
+ IOService *service = OSDynamicCast(IOService, object);
+ if (object)
+ {
+ array->setObject(OSSymbol::withCString(service->getName()));
+ }
+ }
+ iterator->release();
+ *systemSleepList = array;
+ }
if (!ignoreTellChangeDown)
tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepApplications );
- tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepPriorityClients );
+ tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepPriorityClients );
- if ((SLEEP_STATE == stateNum) && !ignoreTellChangeDown)
- {
+ if (!ignoreTellChangeDown) {
userActivityAtSleep = userActivityCount;
- hibernateAborted = false;
DLOG("tellChangeDown::userActivityAtSleep %d\n", userActivityAtSleep);
- // Direct callout into OSKext so it can disable kext unloads
- // during sleep/wake to prevent deadlocks.
- OSKextSystemSleepOrWake( kIOMessageSystemWillSleep );
+ if (SLEEP_STATE == stateNum) {
+ hibernateAborted = false;
- IOService::updateConsoleUsers(NULL, kIOMessageSystemWillSleep);
+ // Direct callout into OSKext so it can disable kext unloads
+ // during sleep/wake to prevent deadlocks.
+ OSKextSystemSleepOrWake( kIOMessageSystemWillSleep );
- // Two change downs are sent by IOServicePM. Ignore the 2nd.
- // But tellClientsWithResponse() must be called for both.
- ignoreTellChangeDown = true;
+ IOService::updateConsoleUsers(NULL, kIOMessageSystemWillSleep);
+ // Two change downs are sent by IOServicePM. Ignore the 2nd.
+ // But tellClientsWithResponse() must be called for both.
+ ignoreTellChangeDown = true;
+ }
return super::tellClientsWithResponse( kIOMessageSystemWillSleep );
void IOPMrootDomain::systemDidNotSleep( void )
+ // reset console lock state
+ thread_call_enter(updateConsoleUsersEntry);
if (!wrangler)
- if (idleSeconds)
+ if (idleSleepEnabled)
// stay awake for at least idleSeconds
- if (sleepSlider && !userIsActive)
+ if (idleSleepEnabled && !userIsActive)
// Manually start the idle sleep timer besides waiting for
// the user to become inactive.
IOService::setAdvisoryTickleEnable( true );
+ // After idle revert and cancel, send a did-change message to powerd
+ // to balance the previous will-change message. Kernel clients do not
+ // need this since sleep cannot be canceled once they are notified.
+ if (toldPowerdCapWillChange && systemCapabilityNotifier &&
+ (_pendingCapability != _currentCapability) &&
+ ((_systemMessageClientMask & kSystemMessageClientPowerd) != 0))
+ {
+ // Differs from a real capability gain change where notifyRef != 0,
+ // but it is zero here since no response is expected.
+ IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters params;
+ bzero(¶ms, sizeof(params));
+ params.fromCapabilities = _pendingCapability;
+ params.toCapabilities = _currentCapability;
+ params.changeFlags = kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange;
+ DLOG("MESG cap %x->%x did change\n",
+ params.fromCapabilities, params.toCapabilities);
+ messageClient(kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange, systemCapabilityNotifier,
+ ¶ms, sizeof(params));
+ }
DLOG("tellNoChangeDown %u->%u\n",
(uint32_t) getPowerState(), (uint32_t) stateNum);
- // Sleep canceled, clear the sleep trace point.
+ // Sleep canceled, clear the sleep trace point.
void IOPMrootDomain::tellChangeUp( unsigned long stateNum )
DLOG("tellChangeUp %u->%u\n",
(uint32_t) getPowerState(), (uint32_t) stateNum);
tellClients( kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOn );
-#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
- if (spindumpDesc)
- {
- AbsoluteTime deadline;
- clock_interval_to_deadline( 30, kSecondScale, &deadline );
- thread_call_enter_delayed(stackshotOffloader, deadline);
- }
tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointWakeApplications );
tellClients( kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn );
+#define CAP_WILL_CHANGE_TO_OFF(params, flag) \
+ (((params)->changeFlags & kIOPMSystemCapabilityWillChange) && \
+ ((params)->fromCapabilities & (flag)) && \
+ (((params)->toCapabilities & (flag)) == 0))
+#define CAP_DID_CHANGE_TO_ON(params, flag) \
+ (((params)->changeFlags & kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange) && \
+ ((params)->toCapabilities & (flag)) && \
+ (((params)->fromCapabilities & (flag)) == 0))
+#define CAP_DID_CHANGE_TO_OFF(params, flag) \
+ (((params)->changeFlags & kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange) && \
+ ((params)->fromCapabilities & (flag)) && \
+ (((params)->toCapabilities & (flag)) == 0))
+#define CAP_WILL_CHANGE_TO_ON(params, flag) \
+ (((params)->changeFlags & kIOPMSystemCapabilityWillChange) && \
+ ((params)->toCapabilities & (flag)) && \
+ (((params)->fromCapabilities & (flag)) == 0))
// sysPowerDownHandler
if (!gRootDomain)
return kIOReturnUnsupported;
- if (messageType == kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange)
+ if (messageType == kIOMessageSystemWillSleep)
+ {
+ IOPowerStateChangeNotification *notify =
+ (IOPowerStateChangeNotification *)messageArgs;
+ notify->returnValue = 30 * 1000 * 1000;
+ thread_call_enter1(
+ gRootDomain->swdDebugSetupEntry,
+ (thread_call_param_t)(uintptr_t) notify->powerRef);
+ }
+ else if (messageType == kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange)
IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters * params =
(IOPMSystemCapabilityChangeParameters *) messageArgs;
params->fromCapabilities, params->toCapabilities,
- if ((params->changeFlags & kIOPMSystemCapabilityWillChange) &&
- (params->fromCapabilities & kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU) &&
- (params->toCapabilities & kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU) == 0)
+ if (CAP_WILL_CHANGE_TO_OFF(params, kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU))
// We will ack within 20 seconds
params->maxWaitForReply = 20 * 1000 * 1000;
// add in time we could spend freeing pages
AbsoluteTime deadline;
clock_interval_to_deadline( 30, kSecondScale, &deadline );
- gRootDomain->diskSyncCalloutEntry,
+ gRootDomain->diskSyncCalloutEntry,
(thread_call_param_t)(uintptr_t) params->notifyRef,
deadline );
(thread_call_param_t)(uintptr_t) params->notifyRef);
- else
- if ((params->changeFlags & kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange) &&
- (params->toCapabilities & kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU) &&
- (params->fromCapabilities & kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU) == 0)
+ else if (CAP_DID_CHANGE_TO_ON(params, kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU))
// We will ack within 110 seconds
params->maxWaitForReply = 110 * 1000 * 1000;
(thread_call_param_t)(uintptr_t) params->notifyRef);
- ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ else if (CAP_WILL_CHANGE_TO_OFF(params, kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) ||
+ CAP_WILL_CHANGE_TO_ON(params, kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics))
+ {
+ // WillChange for Full wake -> Darkwake
+ params->maxWaitForReply = 30 * 1000 * 1000;
+ thread_call_enter1(
+ gRootDomain->swdDebugSetupEntry,
+ (thread_call_param_t)(uintptr_t) params->notifyRef);
+ }
+ else if (CAP_DID_CHANGE_TO_OFF(params, kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) ||
+ CAP_DID_CHANGE_TO_ON(params, kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics))
+ {
+ // DidChange for Full wake -> Darkwake
+ params->maxWaitForReply = 30 * 1000 * 1000;
+ thread_call_enter1(
+ gRootDomain->swdDebugTearDownEntry,
+ (thread_call_param_t)(uintptr_t) params->notifyRef);
+ }
+ ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
return ret;
void IOPMrootDomain::handleQueueSleepWakeUUID(OSObject *obj)
OSString *str = NULL;
- if (kOSBooleanFalse == obj)
+ if (kOSBooleanFalse == obj)
- else if ((str = OSDynamicCast(OSString, obj)))
+ else if ((str = OSDynamicCast(OSString, obj)))
- // This branch caches the UUID for an upcoming sleep/wake
+ // This branch caches the UUID for an upcoming sleep/wake
if (queuedSleepWakeUUIDString) {
queuedSleepWakeUUIDString = NULL;
- /*
+ /*
* Clear the current UUID
if (gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet)
DLOG("SleepWake UUID cleared\n");
- OSString *UUIDstring = NULL;
- if (timeline &&
- (UUIDstring = OSDynamicCast(OSString, getProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey))))
- {
- PMEventDetails *details = PMEventDetails::eventDetails(kIOPMEventTypeUUIDClear,
- UUIDstring->getCStringNoCopy(), NULL, 0);
- if (details) {
- timeline->recordSystemPowerEvent( details );
- details->release();
- }
- timeline->setNumEventsLoggedThisPeriod(0);
- }
gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet = false;
publishThisUUID = queuedSleepWakeUUIDString;
- if (timeline) {
- PMEventDetails *details;
- details = PMEventDetails::eventDetails(kIOPMEventTypeUUIDSet,
- publishThisUUID->getCStringNoCopy(), NULL, 0);
- if (details) {
- timeline->recordSystemPowerEvent( details );
- details->release();
- }
- }
if (publishThisUUID)
setProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey, publishThisUUID);
gSleepWakeUUIDIsSet = true;
messageClients(kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDChange, kIOPMMessageSleepWakeUUIDSet);
void IOPMrootDomain::willNotifyPowerChildren( IOPMPowerStateIndex newPowerState )
+ OSDictionary *dict;
+ OSNumber *secs;
if (SLEEP_STATE == newPowerState)
- IOHibernateSystemSleep();
- IOHibernateIOKitSleep();
- }
+ if (!tasksSuspended)
+ {
+ AbsoluteTime deadline;
+ tasksSuspended = TRUE;
+ tasks_system_suspend(tasksSuspended);
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(10, kSecondScale, &deadline);
+ vm_pageout_wait(AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&deadline));
+#endif /* !CONFIG_EMBEDDED */
+ }
+ IOHibernateSystemSleep();
+ IOHibernateIOKitSleep();
+ if (gRootDomain->activitySinceSleep()) {
+ dict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
+ secs = OSNumber::withNumber(1, 32);
+ if (dict && secs) {
+ dict->setObject(gIOPMSettingDebugWakeRelativeKey, secs);
+ gRootDomain->setProperties(dict);
+ MSG("Reverting sleep with relative wake\n");
+ }
+ if (dict) dict->release();
+ if (secs) secs->release();
+ }
+ }
if (!clamshellExists)
- setProperty(kAppleClamshellStateKey,
+ setProperty(kAppleClamshellStateKey,
clamshellClosed ? kOSBooleanTrue : kOSBooleanFalse);
- setProperty(kAppleClamshellCausesSleepKey,
+ setProperty(kAppleClamshellCausesSleepKey,
shouldSleepOnClamshellClosed() ? kOSBooleanTrue : kOSBooleanFalse);
- /* Argument to message is a bitfiel of
+ /* Argument to message is a bitfiel of
* ( kClamshellStateBit | kClamshellSleepBit )
void IOPMrootDomain::publishFeature(
- const char *feature,
+ const char *feature,
uint32_t supportedWhere,
uint32_t *uniqueFeatureID)
// Feature isn't supported anywhere!
if(next_feature_id > 5000) {
// Far, far too many features!
OSDictionary *features =
(OSDictionary *) getProperty(kRootDomainSupportedFeatures);
// Create new features dict if necessary
if ( features && OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, features)) {
features = OSDictionary::withDictionary(features);
} else {
features = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
// Create OSNumber to track new feature
next_feature_id += 1;
if( uniqueFeatureID ) {
// We don't really mind if the calling kext didn't give us a place
(const OSObject **)&existing_feature, 1, 2);
} else if(( existing_feature_arr = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, osObj) ))
- // Add object to existing array
+ // Add object to existing array
existing_feature_arr = OSArray::withArray(
existing_feature_arr->getCount() + 1);
// set the OSNumber at key 'feature' and we're on our way.
features->setObject(feature, new_feature_data);
setProperty(kRootDomainSupportedFeatures, features);
- if(featuresDictLock) IOLockUnlock(featuresDictLock);
+ if(featuresDictLock) IOLockUnlock(featuresDictLock);
// Notify EnergySaver and all those in user space so they might
- // re-populate their feature specific UI
+ // re-populate their feature specific UI
if(pmPowerStateQueue) {
pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent( kPowerEventFeatureChanged );
uint32_t feature_value = 0;
uint16_t feature_id = 0;
bool madeAChange = false;
OSSymbol *dictKey = NULL;
OSCollectionIterator *dictIterator = NULL;
OSArray *arrayMember = NULL;
OSDictionary *features =
(OSDictionary *) getProperty(kRootDomainSupportedFeatures);
if ( features && OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, features) )
// Any modifications to the dictionary are made to the copy to prevent
ret = kIOReturnNotFound;
goto exit;
// We iterate 'features' dictionary looking for an entry tagged
// with 'removeFeatureID'. If found, we remove it from our tracking
// structures and notify the OS via a general interest message.
dictIterator = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(features);
if(!dictIterator) {
goto exit;
while( (dictKey = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, dictIterator->getNextObject())) )
osObj = features->getObject(dictKey);
// Each Feature is either tracked by an OSNumber
if( osObj && (numberMember = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, osObj)) )
madeAChange = true;
// Or tracked by an OSArray of OSNumbers
} else if( osObj && (arrayMember = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, osObj)) )
unsigned int arrayCount = arrayMember->getCount();
for(unsigned int i=0; i<arrayCount; i++)
osNum = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, arrayMember->getObject(i));
if(!osNum) {
feature_value = osNum->unsigned32BitValue();
feature_id = (uint16_t)(feature_value >> 16);
- }
+ }
if( madeAChange )
- ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
+ ret = kIOReturnSuccess;
setProperty(kRootDomainSupportedFeatures, features);
// Notify EnergySaver and all those in user space so they might
- // re-populate their feature specific UI
+ // re-populate their feature specific UI
if(pmPowerStateQueue) {
pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent( kPowerEventFeatureChanged );
} else {
ret = kIOReturnNotFound;
if(features) features->release();
- if(featuresDictLock) IOLockUnlock(featuresDictLock);
+ if(featuresDictLock) IOLockUnlock(featuresDictLock);
return ret;
- // Update settings dict so changes are visible from copyPMSetting().
+ // Update settings dict so changes are visible from copyPMSetting().
fPMSettingsDict->setObject(type, object);
// Prep all PMSetting objects with the given 'type' for callout.
- array = (const OSArray *) settingsCallbacks->getObject(type);
+ array = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, settingsCallbacks->getObject(type));
if (!array || ((capacity = array->getCount()) == 0))
goto unlock_exit;
pmso = (PMSettingObject *) array->getObject(i);
if (pmso->disabled)
- entries[j].thread = thisThread;
+ entries[j].thread = thisThread;
queue_enter(&pmso->calloutQueue, &entries[j], PMSettingCallEntry *, link);
count = j;
if (!count)
- goto unlock_exit;
+ goto unlock_exit;
return obj;
uintptr_t refcon,
OSObject **handle)
- return registerPMSettingController(
+ return registerPMSettingController(
(kIOPMSupportedOnAC | kIOPMSupportedOnBatt | kIOPMSupportedOnUPS),
func, target, refcon, handle);
// * settings - An OSArray containing OSSymbols. Caller should populate this
// array with a list of settings caller wants notifications from.
// * func - A C function callback of the type IOPMSettingControllerCallback
-// * target - caller may provide an OSObject *, which PM will pass as an
+// * target - caller may provide an OSObject *, which PM will pass as an
// target to calls to "func"
-// * refcon - caller may provide an void *, which PM will pass as an
+// * refcon - caller may provide an void *, which PM will pass as an
// argument to calls to "func"
// * handle - This is a return argument. We will populate this pointer upon
// call success. Hold onto this and pass this argument to
pmso = PMSettingObject::pmSettingObject(
- (IOPMrootDomain *) this, func, target,
+ (IOPMrootDomain *) this, func, target,
refcon, supportedPowerSources, settings, &pmsh);
if (!pmso) {
for (i=0; settings[i]; i++)
- list = (OSArray *) settingsCallbacks->getObject(settings[i]);
+ list = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, settingsCallbacks->getObject(settings[i]));
if (!list) {
// New array of callbacks for this setting
list = OSArray::withCapacity(1);
// Search each PM settings array in the kernel.
iter = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection(settingsCallbacks);
- if (iter)
+ if (iter)
while ((sym = OSDynamicCast(OSSymbol, iter->getNextObject())))
- array = (OSArray *) settingsCallbacks->getObject(sym);
+ array = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, settingsCallbacks->getObject(sym));
index = array->getNextIndexOfObject(pmso, 0);
if (-1 != index) {
void IOPMrootDomain::informCPUStateChange(
- uint32_t type,
+ uint32_t type,
uint32_t value )
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
- pmioctlVariableInfo_t varInfoStruct;
+ pmioctlVariableInfo_t varInfoStruct;
int pmCPUret = 0;
const char *varNameStr = NULL;
int32_t *varIndex = NULL;
} else {
// Set the new value!
// pmCPUControl will assign us a new ID if one doesn't exist yet
bzero(&varInfoStruct, sizeof(pmioctlVariableInfo_t));
varInfoStruct.varType = vBool;
varInfoStruct.varInitValue = value;
varInfoStruct.varCurValue = value;
- strncpy( (char *)varInfoStruct.varName,
+ strlcpy( (char *)varInfoStruct.varName,
(const char *)varNameStr,
- strlen(varNameStr) + 1 );
+ sizeof(varInfoStruct.varName));
// Set!
pmCPUret = pmCPUControl( PMIOCSETVARINFO, (void *)&varInfoStruct );
if ((0 == pmCPUret)
&& (*varIndex == kCPUUnknownIndex))
- // pmCPUControl has assigned us a new variable ID.
+ // pmCPUControl has assigned us a new variable ID.
// Let's re-read the structure we just SET to learn that ID.
pmCPUret = pmCPUControl( PMIOCGETVARNAMEINFO, (void *)&varInfoStruct );
- if (0 == pmCPUret)
- {
+ if (0 == pmCPUret)
+ {
// Store it in idxPMCPUClamshell or idxPMCPULimitedPower
*varIndex = varInfoStruct.varID;
- }
+ }
#endif /* __i386__ || __x86_64__ */
uint32_t standbyDelay = 0;
uint32_t powerOffDelay = 0;
uint32_t powerOffTimer = 0;
+ uint32_t standbyTimer = 0;
uint32_t mismatch;
bool standbyEnabled;
bool powerOffEnabled;
&& (getProperty(kIOPMAutoPowerOffEnabledKey) == kOSBooleanTrue));
if (!getSleepOption(kIOPMAutoPowerOffTimerKey, &powerOffTimer))
powerOffTimer = powerOffDelay;
+ if (!getSleepOption(kIOPMDeepSleepTimerKey, &standbyTimer))
+ standbyTimer = standbyDelay;
- DLOG("phase %d, standby %d delay %u, poweroff %d delay %u timer %u, hibernate 0x%x\n",
- sleepPhase, standbyEnabled, standbyDelay,
+ DLOG("phase %d, standby %d delay %u timer %u, poweroff %d delay %u timer %u, hibernate 0x%x\n",
+ sleepPhase, standbyEnabled, standbyDelay, standbyTimer,
powerOffEnabled, powerOffDelay, powerOffTimer, *hibMode);
// pmset level overrides
currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorACPower;
if (lowBatteryCondition)
currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorBatteryLow;
- if (!standbyDelay)
+ if (!standbyDelay || !standbyTimer)
currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorStandbyNoDelay;
- if (!standbyEnabled)
+ if (standbyNixed || !standbyEnabled)
currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorStandbyDisabled;
+ if (resetTimers)
+ {
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorLocalUserActivity;
+ currentFactors &= ~kIOPMSleepFactorSleepTimerWake;
+ }
if (getPMAssertionLevel(kIOPMDriverAssertionUSBExternalDeviceBit) !=
currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorUSBExternalDevice;
if (getPMAssertionLevel(kIOPMDriverAssertionMagicPacketWakeEnabledBit) !=
currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorMagicPacketWakeEnabled;
if (getPMAssertionLevel(kIOPMDriverAssertionNetworkKeepAliveActiveBit) !=
currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorExternalDisplay;
if (userWasActive)
currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorLocalUserActivity;
+ if (darkWakeHibernateError && !CAP_HIGHEST(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics))
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorHibernateFailed;
+ if (thermalWarningState)
+ currentFactors |= kIOPMSleepFactorThermalWarning;
DLOG("sleep factors 0x%llx\n", currentFactors);
gSleepPolicyVars->sleepReason = lastSleepReason;
gSleepPolicyVars->sleepPhase = sleepPhase;
gSleepPolicyVars->standbyDelay = standbyDelay;
+ gSleepPolicyVars->standbyTimer = standbyTimer;
gSleepPolicyVars->poweroffDelay = powerOffDelay;
gSleepPolicyVars->scheduledAlarms = _scheduledAlarms | _userScheduledAlarm;
gSleepPolicyVars->poweroffTimer = powerOffTimer;
result = gSleepPolicyHandler(gSleepPolicyTarget, gSleepPolicyVars, params);
if (kIOPMSleepPhase0 == sleepPhase)
// restore hibernateMode
gSleepPolicyVars->hibernateMode = savedHibernateMode;
if ((result != kIOReturnSuccess) ||
(kIOPMSleepTypeInvalid == params->sleepType) ||
(params->sleepType >= kIOPMSleepTypeLast) ||
IOPMSystemSleepParameters params;
OSData * paramsData;
+ bool wakeNow;
// Evaluate sleep policy after sleeping drivers but before platform sleep.
DLOG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
bzero(¶ms, sizeof(params));
+ wakeNow = false;
if (evaluateSystemSleepPolicy(¶ms, kIOPMSleepPhase2, &hibernateMode))
- if ((hibernateDisabled || hibernateAborted) &&
+ if ((kIOPMSleepTypeStandby == params.sleepType)
+ && gIOHibernateStandbyDisabled && gSleepPolicyVars
+ && (!(kIOPMSleepFactorStandbyForced & gSleepPolicyVars->sleepFactors)))
+ {
+ standbyNixed = true;
+ wakeNow = true;
+ }
+ if (wakeNow
+ || ((hibernateDisabled || hibernateAborted) &&
(getSleepTypeAttributes(params.sleepType) &
- kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSetup))
+ kIOPMSleepAttributeHibernateSetup)))
// Final evaluation picked a state requiring hibernation,
- // but hibernate setup was skipped. Arm a short sleep using
+ // but hibernate isn't going to proceed. Arm a short sleep using
// the early non-hibernate sleep parameters.
- // Set hibernateRetry flag to force hibernate setup on the
- // next sleep.
bcopy(&gEarlySystemSleepParams, ¶ms, sizeof(params));
params.sleepType = kIOPMSleepTypeAbortedSleep;
params.ecWakeTimer = 1;
- hibernateRetry = true;
- DLOG("wake in %u secs for hibernateDisabled %d, hibernateAborted %d\n",
- params.ecWakeTimer, hibernateDisabled, hibernateAborted);
+ if (standbyNixed)
+ {
+ resetTimers = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Set hibernateRetry flag to force hibernate setup on the
+ // next sleep.
+ hibernateRetry = true;
+ }
+ DLOG("wake in %u secs for hibernateDisabled %d, hibernateAborted %d, standbyNixed %d\n",
+ params.ecWakeTimer, hibernateDisabled, hibernateAborted, standbyNixed);
hibernateRetry = false;
+ if (kIOPMSleepTypeAbortedSleep != params.sleepType)
+ {
+ resetTimers = false;
+ }
paramsData = OSData::withBytes(¶ms, sizeof(params));
if (paramsData)
optionsProp = copyProperty(kRootDomainSleepOptionsKey);
optionsDict = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, optionsProp);
if (optionsDict)
obj = optionsDict->getObject(key);
obj = copyProperty(key);
- if (obj && (num = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj)))
+ if (obj)
- *option = num->unsigned32BitValue();
- ok = true;
+ if ((num = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, obj)))
+ {
+ *option = num->unsigned32BitValue();
+ ok = true;
+ }
+ else if (OSDynamicCast(OSBoolean, obj))
+ {
+ *option = (obj == kOSBooleanTrue) ? 1 : 0;
+ ok = true;
+ }
if (obj)
if (optionsProp)
- return true;
+ return ok;
#endif /* HIBERNATION */
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::getSystemSleepType( uint32_t * sleepType )
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::getSystemSleepType( uint32_t * sleepType, uint32_t * standbyTimer )
IOPMSystemSleepParameters params;
OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this,
(OSObject *) this,
- (void *) sleepType);
+ (void *) sleepType, (void *) standbyTimer);
return ret;
if (ok)
*sleepType = params.sleepType;
+ if (!getSleepOption(kIOPMDeepSleepTimerKey, standbyTimer) &&
+ !getSleepOption(kIOPMDeepSleepDelayKey, standbyTimer)) {
+ DLOG("Standby delay is not set\n");
+ *standbyTimer = 0;
+ }
return kIOReturnSuccess;
+// Phases while performing shutdown/restart
+typedef enum {
+ kNotifyDone = 0x00,
+ kNotifyPriorityClients = 0x10,
+ kNotifyPowerPlaneDrivers = 0x20,
+ kNotifyHaltRestartAction = 0x30,
+ kQuiescePM = 0x40,
+} shutdownPhase_t;
struct HaltRestartApplierContext {
- IOPMrootDomain * RootDomain;
- unsigned long PowerState;
- IOPMPowerFlags PowerFlags;
- UInt32 MessageType;
- UInt32 Counter;
+ IOPMrootDomain * RootDomain;
+ unsigned long PowerState;
+ IOPMPowerFlags PowerFlags;
+ UInt32 MessageType;
+ UInt32 Counter;
+ const char * LogString;
+ shutdownPhase_t phase;
+ IOServiceInterestHandler handler;
+} gHaltRestartCtx;
+const char *shutdownPhase2String(shutdownPhase_t phase)
+ switch(phase) {
+ case kNotifyDone:
+ return "Notifications completed";
+ case kNotifyPriorityClients:
+ return "Notifying priority clients";
+ case kNotifyPowerPlaneDrivers:
+ return "Notifying power plane drivers";
+ case kNotifyHaltRestartAction:
+ return "Notifying HaltRestart action handlers";
+ case kQuiescePM:
+ return "Quiescing PM";
+ default:
+ return "Unknown";
+ }
static void
platformHaltRestartApplier( OSObject * object, void * context )
- IOPowerStateChangeNotification notify;
- HaltRestartApplierContext * ctx;
- AbsoluteTime startTime;
- UInt32 deltaTime;
+ IOPowerStateChangeNotification notify;
+ HaltRestartApplierContext * ctx;
+ AbsoluteTime startTime, elapsedTime;
+ uint32_t deltaTime;
- ctx = (HaltRestartApplierContext *) context;
- memset(¬ify, 0, sizeof(notify));
+ ctx = (HaltRestartApplierContext *) context;
+ _IOServiceInterestNotifier * notifier;
+ notifier = OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object);
+ memset(¬ify, 0, sizeof(notify));
notify.powerRef = (void *)(uintptr_t)ctx->Counter;
notify.returnValue = 0;
notify.stateNumber = ctx->PowerState;
notify.stateFlags = ctx->PowerFlags;
- clock_get_uptime(&startTime);
+ if (notifier) {
+ ctx->handler = notifier->handler;
+ }
+ clock_get_uptime(&startTime);
ctx->RootDomain->messageClient( ctx->MessageType, object, (void *)¬ify );
- deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&startTime);
+ deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&startTime, &elapsedTime);
- if ((deltaTime > kPMHaltTimeoutMS) ||
- (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogPMRootDomain))
- {
- _IOServiceInterestNotifier * notifier;
- notifier = OSDynamicCast(_IOServiceInterestNotifier, object);
- // IOService children of IOPMrootDomain are not instrumented.
- // Only IORootParent currently falls under that group.
- if (notifier)
- {
- LOG("%s handler %p took %u ms\n",
- (ctx->MessageType == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff) ? "PowerOff" :
- (ctx->MessageType == kIOMessageSystemPagingOff) ? "PagingOff" : "Restart",
- OBFUSCATE(notifier->handler), (uint32_t) deltaTime );
- }
- }
+ if ((deltaTime > kPMHaltTimeoutMS) && notifier) {
+ LOG("%s handler %p took %u ms\n",
+ ctx->LogString, OBFUSCATE(notifier->handler), deltaTime);
+ halt_log_enter("PowerOff/Restart message to priority client", (const void *) notifier->handler, elapsedTime);
+ }
+ ctx->handler = 0;
+ ctx->Counter++;
- ctx->Counter++;
+static void quiescePowerTreeCallback( void * target, void * param )
+ IOLockLock(gPMHaltLock);
+ gPMQuiesced = true;
+ thread_wakeup(param);
+ IOLockUnlock(gPMHaltLock);
void IOPMrootDomain::handlePlatformHaltRestart( UInt32 pe_type )
- HaltRestartApplierContext ctx;
- AbsoluteTime startTime;
- UInt32 deltaTime;
+ AbsoluteTime startTime, elapsedTime;
+ uint32_t deltaTime;
- memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
- ctx.RootDomain = this;
+ memset(&gHaltRestartCtx, 0, sizeof(gHaltRestartCtx));
+ gHaltRestartCtx.RootDomain = this;
- clock_get_uptime(&startTime);
- switch (pe_type)
- {
- case kPEHaltCPU:
+ clock_get_uptime(&startTime);
+ switch (pe_type)
+ {
+ case kPEHaltCPU:
case kPEUPSDelayHaltCPU:
- ctx.PowerState = OFF_STATE;
- ctx.MessageType = kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff;
- break;
- case kPERestartCPU:
- ctx.PowerState = RESTART_STATE;
- ctx.MessageType = kIOMessageSystemWillRestart;
- break;
- case kPEPagingOff:
- ctx.PowerState = ON_STATE;
- ctx.MessageType = kIOMessageSystemPagingOff;
- IOService::updateConsoleUsers(NULL, kIOMessageSystemPagingOff);
- IOHibernateSystemRestart();
+ gHaltRestartCtx.PowerState = OFF_STATE;
+ gHaltRestartCtx.MessageType = kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff;
+ gHaltRestartCtx.LogString = "PowerOff";
+ break;
+ case kPERestartCPU:
+ gHaltRestartCtx.PowerState = RESTART_STATE;
+ gHaltRestartCtx.MessageType = kIOMessageSystemWillRestart;
+ gHaltRestartCtx.LogString = "Restart";
+ break;
+ case kPEPagingOff:
+ gHaltRestartCtx.PowerState = ON_STATE;
+ gHaltRestartCtx.MessageType = kIOMessageSystemPagingOff;
+ gHaltRestartCtx.LogString = "PagingOff";
+ IOService::updateConsoleUsers(NULL, kIOMessageSystemPagingOff);
+ IOHibernateSystemRestart();
- break;
+ break;
- default:
- return;
- }
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
- // Notify legacy clients
- applyToInterested(gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest, platformHaltRestartApplier, &ctx);
+ gHaltRestartCtx.phase = kNotifyPriorityClients;
+ // Notify legacy clients
+ applyToInterested(gIOPriorityPowerStateInterest, platformHaltRestartApplier, &gHaltRestartCtx);
// For normal shutdown, turn off File Server Mode.
if (kPEHaltCPU == pe_type)
- if (kPEPagingOff != pe_type)
- {
- // Notify in power tree order
- notifySystemShutdown(this, ctx.MessageType);
- }
- deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&startTime);
- LOG("%s all drivers took %u ms\n",
- (ctx.MessageType == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff) ? "PowerOff" :
- (ctx.MessageType == kIOMessageSystemPagingOff) ? "PagingOff" : "Restart",
- (uint32_t) deltaTime );
+ if (kPEPagingOff != pe_type)
+ {
+ gHaltRestartCtx.phase = kNotifyPowerPlaneDrivers;
+ // Notify in power tree order
+ notifySystemShutdown(this, gHaltRestartCtx.MessageType);
+ }
+ gHaltRestartCtx.phase = kNotifyHaltRestartAction;
+ IOCPURunPlatformHaltRestartActions(pe_type);
+ // Wait for PM to quiesce
+ if ((kPEPagingOff != pe_type) && gPMHaltLock)
+ {
+ gHaltRestartCtx.phase = kQuiescePM;
+ AbsoluteTime quiesceTime = mach_absolute_time();
+ IOLockLock(gPMHaltLock);
+ gPMQuiesced = false;
+ if (quiescePowerTree(this, &quiescePowerTreeCallback, &gPMQuiesced) ==
+ kIOReturnSuccess)
+ {
+ while (!gPMQuiesced)
+ {
+ IOLockSleep(gPMHaltLock, &gPMQuiesced, THREAD_UNINT);
+ }
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(gPMHaltLock);
+ deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&quiesceTime, &elapsedTime);
+ DLOG("PM quiesce took %u ms\n", deltaTime);
+ halt_log_enter("Quiesce", NULL, elapsedTime);
+ }
+ gHaltRestartCtx.phase = kNotifyDone;
+ deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&startTime, &elapsedTime);
+ LOG("%s all drivers took %u ms\n", gHaltRestartCtx.LogString, deltaTime);
+ halt_log_enter(gHaltRestartCtx.LogString, NULL, elapsedTime);
+ deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&gHaltStartTime, &elapsedTime);
+ LOG("%s total %u ms\n", gHaltRestartCtx.LogString, deltaTime);
+ if (gHaltLog && gHaltTimeMaxLog && (deltaTime >= gHaltTimeMaxLog))
+ {
+ printf("%s total %d ms:%s\n", gHaltRestartCtx.LogString, deltaTime, gHaltLog);
+ }
+ checkShutdownTimeout();
+bool IOPMrootDomain::checkShutdownTimeout()
+ AbsoluteTime elapsedTime;
+ uint32_t deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&gHaltStartTime, &elapsedTime);
+ if (gHaltTimeMaxPanic && (deltaTime >= gHaltTimeMaxPanic)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void IOPMrootDomain::panicWithShutdownLog(uint32_t timeoutInMs)
+ if (gHaltLog) {
+ if ((gHaltRestartCtx.phase == kNotifyPriorityClients) && gHaltRestartCtx.handler) {
+ halt_log_enter("Blocked on priority client", (void *)gHaltRestartCtx.handler, mach_absolute_time() - gHaltStartTime);
+ }
+ panic("%s timed out in phase '%s'. Total %d ms:%s",
+ gHaltRestartCtx.LogString, shutdownPhase2String(gHaltRestartCtx.phase), timeoutInMs, gHaltLog);
+ }
+ else {
+ panic("%s timed out in phase \'%s\'. Total %d ms",
+ gHaltRestartCtx.LogString, shutdownPhase2String(gHaltRestartCtx.phase), timeoutInMs);
+ }
// Tag top-level PCI devices. The order of PMinit() call does not
- // change across boots and is used as the PCI bit number.
+ // change across boots and is used as the PCI bit number.
if (pciHostBridgeDevice && service->metaCast("IOPCIDevice"))
// Would prefer to check built-in property, but tagPowerPlaneService()
int bit = pmTracer->recordTopLevelPCIDevice( service );
if (bit >= 0)
- // Save the assigned bit for fast lookup.
+ // Save the assigned bit for fast lookup.
actions->parameter |= (bit & kPMActionsPCIBitNumberMask);
actions->actionPowerChangeStart =
if (CAP_CURRENT(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics))
// Root domain is dropping power state ON->SLEEP.
- // If system is in full wake, first drop to dark wake by
- // converting the power state transitions to a capability
- // change transition.
+ // If system is in full wake, first enter dark wake by
+ // converting the power drop to a capability change.
+ // Once in dark wake, transition to sleep state ASAP.
darkWakeToSleepASAP = true;
- // Drop graphics and audio capability.
- // No transition if system is already in dark wake.
+ // Drop graphics and audio capability
_desiredCapability &= ~(
kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics |
kIOPMSystemCapabilityAudio );
+ // Convert to capability change (ON->ON)
*inOutPowerState = ON_STATE;
*inOutChangeFlags |= kIOPMSynchronize;
- // Revert device desire from SLEEP->ON.
+ // Revert device desire from SLEEP to ON
- // Broadcast root power down
+ // System is in dark wake, ok to drop power state.
+ // Broadcast root powering down to entire tree.
*inOutChangeFlags |= kIOPMRootChangeDown;
_systemTransitionType = kSystemTransitionNone;
_systemMessageClientMask = 0;
capabilityLoss = false;
+ toldPowerdCapWillChange = false;
+ if (lowBatteryCondition)
+ {
+ // Low battery notification may arrive after the initial sleep request
+ // has been queued. Override the sleep reason so powerd and others can
+ // treat this as an emergency sleep.
+ sleepReason = kIOPMSleepReasonLowPower;
+ }
// 1. Explicit capability change.
kIOPMSystemCapabilityAudio );
- IOHibernateSetWakeCapabilities(_desiredCapability);
+ IOHibernateSetWakeCapabilities(_desiredCapability);
_pendingCapability = 0;
capabilityLoss = true;
else if (kSystemTransitionNewCapClient != _systemTransitionType)
tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointDarkWakeExit );
- if (pmStatsAppResponses)
- {
- setProperty(kIOPMSleepStatisticsAppsKey, pmStatsAppResponses);
- pmStatsAppResponses->release();
- pmStatsAppResponses = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
- }
// Full to Dark transition.
if (CAP_LOSS(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics))
+ // Clear previous stats
+ IOLockLock(pmStatsLock);
+ if (pmStatsAppResponses)
+ {
+ pmStatsAppResponses->release();
+ pmStatsAppResponses = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(pmStatsLock);
tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointDarkWakeEntry );
*inOutChangeFlags |= kIOPMSyncTellPowerDown;
_systemMessageClientMask = kSystemMessageClientPowerd |
// rdar://15971327
// Prevent user active transitions before notifying clients
// that system will sleep.
// Publish the sleep reason for full to dark wake
publishSleepReason = true;
lastSleepReason = fullToDarkReason = sleepReason;
// Publish a UUID for the Sleep --> Wake cycle
+ if (sleepDelaysReport) {
+ clock_get_uptime(&ts_sleepStart);
+ DLOG("sleepDelaysReport f->9 start at 0x%llx\n", ts_sleepStart);
+ }
+ wranglerTickled = false;
// Beginning of a system sleep transition.
// Cancellation is still possible.
- tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepStarted, sleepReason );
+ tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSleepStarted );
_systemMessageClientMask = kSystemMessageClientAll;
if ((_currentCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) == 0)
_systemMessageClientMask &= ~kSystemMessageClientLegacyApp;
if ((_highestCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) == 0)
_systemMessageClientMask &= ~kSystemMessageClientKernel;
+ gIOHibernateState = 0;
// Record the reason for dark wake back to sleep
// System may not have ever achieved full wake
publishSleepReason = true;
lastSleepReason = sleepReason;
- if (timeline)
- timeline->setSleepCycleInProgressFlag(true);
- recordPMEvent(kIOPMEventTypeSleep, NULL, sleepReason, kIOReturnSuccess);
+ if (sleepDelaysReport) {
+ clock_get_uptime(&ts_sleepStart);
+ DLOG("sleepDelaysReport 9->0 start at 0x%llx\n", ts_sleepStart);
+ }
// 3. System wake.
else if (kSystemTransitionWake == _systemTransitionType)
tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointWakeWillPowerOnClients );
- if (pmStatsAppResponses)
- {
- setProperty(kIOPMSleepStatisticsAppsKey, pmStatsAppResponses);
- pmStatsAppResponses->release();
- pmStatsAppResponses = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
- }
+ // Clear stats about sleep
if (_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics)
if (!CAP_CURRENT(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) &&
(void *) kStimulusDarkWakeReentry,
_systemStateGeneration );
+ // On embedded, there are no factors that can prolong a
+ // "darkWake" when a power down is vetoed. We need to
+ // promote to "fullWake" at least once so that factors
+ // that prevent idle sleep can assert themselves if required
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(
+ kPowerEventPolicyStimulus,
+ (void *) kStimulusDarkWakeActivityTickle);
// Revert device desire to max.
// Going dark, reset full wake state
// userIsActive will be cleared by wrangler powering down
- wranglerTickled = false;
fullWakeReason = kFullWakeReasonNone;
+ if (ts_sleepStart) {
+ clock_get_uptime(&wake2DarkwakeDelay);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&wake2DarkwakeDelay, &ts_sleepStart);
+ DLOG("sleepDelaysReport f->9 end 0x%llx\n", wake2DarkwakeDelay);
+ ts_sleepStart = 0;
+ }
darkWakeToSleepASAP = false;
pciCantSleepValid = false;
darkWakeSleepService = false;
if (CAP_LOSS(kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU))
// Remove the influence of display power assertion
if (((_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) == 0) &&
(_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityCPU))
- if (((gDarkWakeFlags & kDarkWakeFlagIgnoreDiskIOInDark) == 0) &&
- (kSystemTransitionWake == _systemTransitionType) &&
- (_lastDebugWakeSeconds == 0))
- {
- OSObject * prop = copyProperty(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeKey);
- if (prop)
- {
- OSString * wakeType = OSDynamicCast(OSString, prop);
- if (wakeType &&
- wakeType->isEqualTo(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeNetwork))
- {
- // Woke from network and entered dark wake.
- if (darkWakeToSleepASAP)
- {
- DLOG("cleared darkWakeToSleepASAP\n");
- darkWakeToSleepASAP = false;
- }
- }
- prop->release();
- }
- }
// Queue an evaluation of whether to remain in dark wake,
// and for how long. This serves the purpose of draining
// any assertions from the queue.
darkWakePostTickle = false;
+ else if (wranglerTickled) {
+ requestFullWake( kFullWakeReasonLocalUser );
+ }
// Reset tracepoint at completion of capability change,
// completion of wake transition, and aborted sleep transition.
(changeFlags & kIOPMNotDone)))
setProperty(kIOPMSystemCapabilitiesKey, _currentCapability, 64);
- tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSystemUp, 0 );
+ tracePoint( kIOPMTracePointSystemUp );
_systemTransitionType = kSystemTransitionNone;
_systemMessageClientMask = 0;
+ toldPowerdCapWillChange = false;
logGraphicsClamp = false;
+ if (lowBatteryCondition) {
+ privateSleepSystem (kIOPMSleepReasonLowPower);
+ }
+ else if ((fullWakeReason == kFullWakeReasonDisplayOn) && (!displayPowerOnRequested)) {
+ // Request for full wake is removed while system is waking up to full wake
+ DLOG("DisplayOn fullwake request is removed\n");
+ handleDisplayPowerOn();
+ }
// For graphics devices, arm the limiter when entering
// system sleep. Not when dropping to dark wake.
- actions->parameter |= kPMActionsFlagLimitPower;
+ actions->parameter |= kPMActionsFlagLimitPower;
if (actions->parameter & kPMActionsFlagLimitPower)
uint64_t nsec;
- SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &systemWakeTime);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(now, &nsec);
if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug)
MSG("Graphics suppressed %u ms\n",
bool aborting = ((lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonIdle)
- || (lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonMaintenance));
+ || (lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonMaintenance)
+ || (lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonSoftware));
if (aborting) {
DLOG("display wrangler tickled1 %d lastSleepReason %d\n",
if (!wranglerTickled &&
((_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) == 0))
- setProperty(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeKey, kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeHIDActivity);
DLOG("display wrangler tickled\n");
if (kIOLogPMRootDomain & gIOKitDebug)
OSReportWithBacktrace("Dark wake display tickle");
- (void *) kStimulusDarkWakeActivityTickle );
+ (void *) kStimulusDarkWakeActivityTickle,
+ true /* set wake type */ );
assert(service == wrangler);
// This function implements half of the user active detection
// by monitoring changes to the display wrangler's device desire.
evaluatePolicy( kStimulusLeaveUserActiveState );
+ if (newPowerState <= kWranglerPowerStateSleep) {
+ evaluatePolicy( kStimulusDisplayWranglerSleep );
+ }
+ else if (newPowerState == kWranglerPowerStateMax) {
+ evaluatePolicy( kStimulusDisplayWranglerWake );
+ }
void IOPMrootDomain::handlePowerChangeStartForPCIDevice(
IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
IOPMPowerChangeFlags * inOutChangeFlags )
void IOPMrootDomain::handlePowerChangeDoneForPCIDevice(
IOService * service,
- IOPMActions * actions,
+ IOPMActions * actions,
IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState,
IOPMPowerChangeFlags changeFlags )
// Override IOService::registerInterest() to intercept special clients.
+class IOPMServiceInterestNotifier: public _IOServiceInterestNotifier
+ friend class IOPMrootDomain;
+ OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOPMServiceInterestNotifier)
+ uint32_t ackTimeoutCnt;
+ uint32_t msgType; // Message pending ack
+ uint64_t uuid0;
+ uint64_t uuid1;
+ const OSSymbol *identifier;
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOPMServiceInterestNotifier, _IOServiceInterestNotifier)
IONotifier * IOPMrootDomain::registerInterest(
const OSSymbol * typeOfInterest,
IOServiceInterestHandler handler,
void * target, void * ref )
- IONotifier * notifier;
+ IOPMServiceInterestNotifier *notifier = 0;
bool isSystemCapabilityClient;
bool isKernelCapabilityClient;
+ IOReturn rc = kIOReturnError;;
isSystemCapabilityClient =
typeOfInterest &&
if (isSystemCapabilityClient)
typeOfInterest = gIOAppPowerStateInterest;
- notifier = super::registerInterest(typeOfInterest, handler, target, ref);
- if (notifier && pmPowerStateQueue)
+ notifier = new IOPMServiceInterestNotifier;
+ if (!notifier) return NULL;
+ if (notifier->init()) {
+ rc = super::registerInterestForNotifier(notifier, typeOfInterest, handler, target, ref);
+ }
+ if (rc != kIOReturnSuccess) {
+ notifier->release();
+ notifier = 0;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (pmPowerStateQueue)
+ notifier->ackTimeoutCnt = 0;
if (isSystemCapabilityClient)
+ OSData *data = NULL;
+ uint8_t *uuid = NULL;
+ OSKext *kext = OSKext::lookupKextWithAddress((vm_address_t)handler);
+ if (kext) {
+ data = kext->copyUUID();
+ }
+ if (data && (data->getLength() == sizeof(uuid_t))) {
+ uuid = (uint8_t *)(data->getBytesNoCopy());
+ notifier->uuid0 = ((uint64_t)(uuid[0]) << 56) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[1]) << 48) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[2]) << 40)|
+ ((uint64_t)(uuid[3]) << 32) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[4]) << 24) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[5]) << 16) |
+ ((uint64_t)(uuid[6]) << 8) | (uuid[7]);
+ notifier->uuid1 = ((uint64_t)(uuid[8]) << 56) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[9]) << 48) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[10]) << 40)|
+ ((uint64_t)(uuid[11]) << 32) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[12]) << 24) | ((uint64_t)(uuid[13]) << 16) |
+ ((uint64_t)(uuid[14]) << 8) | (uuid[15]);
+ notifier->identifier = kext->getIdentifier();
+ }
+ if (kext) kext->release();
+ if (data) data->release();
return notifier;
bool isCapMsg = (context->messageType == kIOMessageSystemCapabilityChange);
bool isCapClient = false;
bool allow = false;
+ IOPMServiceInterestNotifier *notifier;
+ notifier = OSDynamicCast(IOPMServiceInterestNotifier, (OSObject *)object);
do {
if ((kSystemTransitionNewCapClient == _systemTransitionType) &&
(!isCapMsg || !_joinedCapabilityClients ||
capArgs->changeFlags = kIOPMSystemCapabilityWillChange;
capArgs->changeFlags = kIOPMSystemCapabilityDidChange;
+ if ((object == (void *) systemCapabilityNotifier) &&
+ context->isPreChange)
+ {
+ toldPowerdCapWillChange = true;
+ }
- // Capability change messages only go to the PM configd plugin.
+ // Capability change messages only go to the PM configd plugin.
// Wait for response post-change if capabilitiy is increasing.
// Wait for response pre-change if capability is decreasing.
// app has not replied yet, wait for it
*((OSObject **) arg3) = kOSBooleanFalse;
allow = true;
allow = true;
// Not idle sleep, don't ask apps.
if (context->changeFlags & kIOPMSkipAskPowerDown)
if ((object == (OSObject *) systemCapabilityNotifier) &&
CAP_HIGHEST(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) &&
- (fullToDarkReason == kIOPMSleepReasonIdle))
+ (fullToDarkReason == kIOPMSleepReasonIdle)) {
allow = true;
+ }
(_systemMessageClientMask & kSystemMessageClientLegacyApp))
allow = true;
- }
- else if ((context->notifyType == kNotifyPriority) &&
- (_systemMessageClientMask & kSystemMessageClientKernel))
+ if (notifier) {
+ if (arg3) {
+ if (notifier->ackTimeoutCnt >= 3)
+ *((OSObject **) arg3) = kOSBooleanFalse;
+ else
+ *((OSObject **) arg3) = kOSBooleanTrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((context->notifyType == kNotifyPriority) &&
+ (_systemMessageClientMask & kSystemMessageClientKernel))
allow = true;
if (_joinedCapabilityClients->getCount() == 0)
DLOG("destroyed capability client set %p\n",
- _joinedCapabilityClients);
+ OBFUSCATE(_joinedCapabilityClients));
_joinedCapabilityClients = 0;
+ if (notifier) {
+ notifier->msgType = context->messageType;
+ }
return allow;
if (!calendar)
return kIOReturnBadArgument;
data = OSData::withBytesNoCopy((void *) calendar, sizeof(*calendar));
if (!data)
return kIOReturnNoMemory;
ret = setPMSetting(gIOPMSettingMaintenanceWakeCalendarKey, data);
if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret)
OSBitOrAtomic(kIOPMAlarmBitMaintenanceWake, &_scheduledAlarms);
- } else
+ } else
if (kPMCalendarTypeSleepService == calendar->selector)
ret = setPMSetting(gIOPMSettingSleepServiceWakeCalendarKey, data);
OSBitOrAtomic(kIOPMAlarmBitSleepServiceWake, &_scheduledAlarms);
DLOG("_scheduledAlarms = 0x%x\n", (uint32_t) _scheduledAlarms);
return ret;
case kIOMessageDeviceHasPoweredOn:
- // Display wrangler has powered on due to user activity
+ // Display wrangler has powered on due to user activity
// or wake from sleep.
if (kWranglerPowerStateMax == displayPowerState)
// When it's published we install a power state change handler.
-bool IOPMrootDomain::displayWranglerMatchPublished(
+bool IOPMrootDomain::displayWranglerMatchPublished(
void * target,
void * refCon,
IOService * newService,
IONotifier * notifier __unused)
- // found the display wrangler, now install a handler
- if( !newService->registerInterest( gIOGeneralInterest,
- &displayWranglerNotification, target, 0) )
+ // found the display wrangler, check for any display assertions already created
+ gRootDomain->evaluateWranglerAssertions();
+ // install a handler
+ if( !newService->registerInterest( gIOGeneralInterest,
+ &displayWranglerNotification, target, 0) )
return false;
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
-bool IOPMrootDomain::IONVRAMMatchPublished(
+bool IOPMrootDomain::IONVRAMMatchPublished(
void * target,
void * refCon,
IOService * newService,
unsigned int len = 0;
IOPMrootDomain *rd = (IOPMrootDomain *)target;
+ OSNumber *statusCode = NULL;
if (PEReadNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeDebugKey, NULL, &len))
- rd->swd_flags |= SWD_BOOT_BY_WDOG;
- MSG("System was rebooted due to Sleep/Wake failure\n");
- if ( (rd->swd_logBufMap = rd->sleepWakeDebugRetrieve()) != NULL) {
- rd->swd_flags |= SWD_VALID_LOGS;
+ statusCode = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, rd->getProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeFailureCodeKey));
+ if (statusCode != NULL) {
+ if (statusCode->unsigned64BitValue() != 0) {
+ rd->swd_flags |= SWD_BOOT_BY_SW_WDOG;
+ MSG("System was rebooted due to Sleep/Wake failure\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ rd->swd_flags |= SWD_BOOT_BY_OSX_WDOG;
+ MSG("System was non-responsive and was rebooted by watchdog\n");
+ }
+ rd->swd_logBufMap = rd->sleepWakeDebugRetrieve();
if (notifier) notifier->remove();
return true;
-bool IOPMrootDomain::IONVRAMMatchPublished(
+bool IOPMrootDomain::IONVRAMMatchPublished(
void * target,
void * refCon,
IOService * newService,
OSIterator * iter;
+ OSDictionary * matching;
- if(!wrangler)
+ if(!wrangler)
- iter = getMatchingServices(serviceMatching("IODisplayWrangler"));
- if(iter)
+ matching = serviceMatching("IODisplayWrangler");
+ iter = getMatchingServices(matching);
+ if (matching) matching->release();
+ if(iter)
- wrangler = (IOService *) iter->getNextObject();
+ wrangler = OSDynamicCast(IOService, iter->getNextObject());
if (latch)
- // Not too late to prevent the display from lighting up
if (!(_currentCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) &&
!(_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) &&
+ // Currently in dark wake, and not transitioning to full wake.
+ // Full wake is unsustainable, so latch the tickle to prevent
+ // the display from lighting up momentarily.
wranglerTickleLatched = true;
void IOPMrootDomain::setDisplayPowerOn( uint32_t options )
- if (checkSystemCanSustainFullWake())
- {
- pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent( kPowerEventSetDisplayPowerOn,
- (void *) 0, options );
- }
+ pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent( kPowerEventSetDisplayPowerOn,
+ (void *) 0, options );
// MARK: -
// Notification on battery class IOPowerSource appearance
-bool IOPMrootDomain::batteryPublished(
- void * target,
+bool IOPMrootDomain::batteryPublished(
+ void * target,
void * root_domain,
IOService * resourceService,
IONotifier * notifier __unused )
- // rdar://2936060&4435589
+ // rdar://2936060&4435589
// All laptops have dimmable LCD displays
// All laptops have batteries
// So if this machine has a battery, publish the fact that the backlight
- if (lowBatteryCondition)
+ if (lowBatteryCondition || thermalWarningState)
- break; // always sleep on low battery
+ break; // always sleep on low battery or when in thermal warning state
if (sleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonDarkWakeThermalEmergency)
bool IOPMrootDomain::checkSystemCanSustainFullWake( void )
- if (lowBatteryCondition)
+ if (lowBatteryCondition || thermalWarningState)
// Low battery wake, or received a low battery notification
- // while system is awake.
+ // while system is awake. This condition will persist until
+ // the following wake.
return false;
if (clamshellExists && clamshellClosed && !clamshellSleepDisabled)
+ // Graphics state is unknown and external display might not be probed.
+ // Do not incorporate state that requires graphics to be in max power
+ // such as desktopMode or clamshellDisabled.
if (!acAdaptorConnected)
DLOG("full wake check: no AC\n");
return false;
- if (CAP_CURRENT(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) &&
- !desktopMode && !clamshellDisabled)
- {
- // No external display
- DLOG("full wake check: no ext display\n");
- return false;
- }
return true;
+// mustHibernate
+bool IOPMrootDomain::mustHibernate( void )
+ return (lowBatteryCondition || thermalWarningState);
+#endif /* HIBERNATION */
// adjustPowerState
void IOPMrootDomain::adjustPowerState( bool sleepASAP )
- DLOG("adjustPowerState ps %u, asap %d, slider %ld\n",
- (uint32_t) getPowerState(), sleepASAP, sleepSlider);
+ DLOG("adjustPowerState ps %u, asap %d, idleSleepEnabled %d\n",
+ (uint32_t) getPowerState(), sleepASAP, idleSleepEnabled);
- if ((sleepSlider == 0) || !checkSystemSleepEnabled())
+ if ((!idleSleepEnabled) || !checkSystemSleepEnabled())
+void IOPMrootDomain::handleDisplayPowerOn( )
+ if (!wrangler) return;
+ if (displayPowerOnRequested)
+ {
+ if (!checkSystemCanSustainFullWake()) return;
+ // Force wrangler to max power state. If system is in dark wake
+ // this alone won't raise the wrangler's power state.
+ wrangler->changePowerStateForRootDomain(kWranglerPowerStateMax);
+ // System in dark wake, always requesting full wake should
+ // not have any bad side-effects, even if the request fails.
+ if (!CAP_CURRENT(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics))
+ {
+ setProperty(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeKey, kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeNotification);
+ requestFullWake( kFullWakeReasonDisplayOn );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Relenquish desire to power up display.
+ // Must first transition to state 1 since wrangler doesn't
+ // power off the displays at state 0. At state 0 the root
+ // domain is removed from the wrangler's power client list.
+ wrangler->changePowerStateForRootDomain(kWranglerPowerStateMin + 1);
+ wrangler->changePowerStateForRootDomain(kWranglerPowerStateMin);
+ }
// dispatchPowerEvent
void IOPMrootDomain::dispatchPowerEvent(
uint32_t event, void * arg0, uint64_t arg1 )
- DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, arg0, arg1);
switch (event)
case kPowerEventFeatureChanged:
+ DMSG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
messageClients(kIOPMMessageFeatureChange, this);
case kPowerEventReceivedPowerNotification:
+ DMSG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
handlePowerNotification( (UInt32)(uintptr_t) arg0 );
case kPowerEventSystemBootCompleted:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
if (systemBooting)
systemBooting = false;
if (swd_flags & SWD_VALID_LOGS) {
- sleepWakeDebugDump(swd_logBufMap);
- swd_logBufMap->release();
- swd_logBufMap = 0;
+ if (swd_flags & SWD_LOGS_IN_MEM) {
+ sleepWakeDebugDumpFromMem(swd_logBufMap);
+ swd_logBufMap->release();
+ swd_logBufMap = 0;
+ }
+ else if (swd_flags & SWD_LOGS_IN_FILE)
+ sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile();
- else if (swd_flags & SWD_BOOT_BY_WDOG) {
- // If logs are invalid, write the failure code
- sleepWakeDebugDump(NULL);
+ else if (swd_flags & (SWD_BOOT_BY_SW_WDOG|SWD_BOOT_BY_OSX_WDOG)) {
+ // If logs are invalid, write the failure code
+ sleepWakeDebugDumpFromMem(NULL);
// If lid is closed, re-send lid closed notification
// now that booting is complete.
case kPowerEventSystemShutdown:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
if (kOSBooleanTrue == (OSBoolean *) arg0)
/* We set systemShutdown = true during shutdown
to prevent sleep at unexpected times while loginwindow is trying
to shutdown apps and while the OS is trying to transition to
complete power of.
Set to true during shutdown, as soon as loginwindow shows
the "shutdown countdown dialog", through individual app
termination, and through black screen kernel shutdown.
systemShutdown = true;
} else {
- A shutdown was initiated, but then the shutdown
- was cancelled, clearing systemShutdown to false here.
- */
- systemShutdown = false;
+ A shutdown was initiated, but then the shutdown
+ was cancelled, clearing systemShutdown to false here.
+ */
+ systemShutdown = false;
case kPowerEventUserDisabledSleep:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
userDisabledAllSleep = (kOSBooleanTrue == (OSBoolean *) arg0);
case kPowerEventRegisterSystemCapabilityClient:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
if (systemCapabilityNotifier)
/* intentional fall-through */
+ [[clang::fallthrough]];
case kPowerEventRegisterKernelCapabilityClient:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
if (!_joinedCapabilityClients)
_joinedCapabilityClients = OSSet::withCapacity(8);
if (arg0)
case kPowerEventPolicyStimulus:
+ DMSG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
if (arg0)
int stimulus = (uintptr_t) arg0;
case kPowerEventAssertionCreate:
+ DMSG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
if (pmAssertions) {
pmAssertions->handleCreateAssertion((OSData *)arg0);
case kPowerEventAssertionRelease:
+ DMSG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
if (pmAssertions) {
case kPowerEventAssertionSetLevel:
+ DMSG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
if (pmAssertions) {
pmAssertions->handleSetAssertionLevel(arg1, (IOPMDriverAssertionLevel)(uintptr_t)arg0);
case kPowerEventQueueSleepWakeUUID:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
handleQueueSleepWakeUUID((OSObject *)arg0);
case kPowerEventPublishSleepWakeUUID:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
- case kPowerEventSuspendClient:
- handleSuspendPMNotificationClient((uintptr_t)arg0, (bool)arg1);
- break;
case kPowerEventSetDisplayPowerOn:
+ DLOG("power event %u args %p 0x%llx\n", event, OBFUSCATE(arg0), arg1);
if (!wrangler) break;
if (arg1 != 0)
- // Force wrangler to max power state. If system is in dark wake
- // this alone won't raise the wrangler's power state.
- wrangler->changePowerStateForRootDomain(kWranglerPowerStateMax);
- // System in dark wake, always requesting full wake should
- // not have any bad side-effects, even if the request fails.
- if (!CAP_CURRENT(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics))
- {
- setProperty(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeKey, kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeNotification);
- requestFullWake( kFullWakeReasonDisplayOn );
- }
+ displayPowerOnRequested = true;
- // Relenquish desire to power up display.
- // Must first transition to state 1 since wrangler doesn't
- // power off the displays at state 0. At state 0 the root
- // domain is removed from the wrangler's power client list.
- wrangler->changePowerStateForRootDomain(kWranglerPowerStateMin + 1);
- wrangler->changePowerStateForRootDomain(kWranglerPowerStateMin);
+ displayPowerOnRequested = false;
+ handleDisplayPowerOn();
// systemPowerEventOccurred
// The power controller is notifying us of a hardware-related power management
-// event that we must handle.
+// event that we must handle.
// systemPowerEventOccurred covers the same functionality that
// receivePowerNotification does; it simply provides a richer API for conveying
IOReturn attempt = kIOReturnSuccess;
OSNumber *newNumber = NULL;
- if (!event)
+ if (!event)
return kIOReturnBadArgument;
newNumber = OSNumber::withNumber(intValue, 8*sizeof(intValue));
if (!newNumber)
return kIOReturnInternalError;
return attempt;
+void IOPMrootDomain::setThermalState(OSObject *value)
+ OSNumber * num;
+ if (gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate() == false) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this, &IOPMrootDomain::setThermalState),
+ (OSObject *)this,
+ (void *)value);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (value && (num = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, value))) {
+ thermalWarningState = ((num->unsigned32BitValue() == kIOPMThermalLevelWarning) ||
+ (num->unsigned32BitValue() == kIOPMThermalLevelTrap)) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::systemPowerEventOccurred(
const OSSymbol *event,
OSObject *value)
OSDictionary *thermalsDict = NULL;
bool shouldUpdate = true;
- if (!event || !value)
+ if (!event || !value)
return kIOReturnBadArgument;
if (featuresDictLock) IOLockLock(featuresDictLock);
thermalsDict = (OSDictionary *)getProperty(kIOPMRootDomainPowerStatusKey);
if (thermalsDict && OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, thermalsDict)) {
- thermalsDict = OSDictionary::withDictionary(thermalsDict);
+ thermalsDict = OSDictionary::withDictionary(thermalsDict);
} else {
thermalsDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(1);
if (featuresDictLock) IOLockUnlock(featuresDictLock);
- if (shouldUpdate)
+ if (shouldUpdate) {
+ if (event &&
+ event->isEqualTo(kIOPMThermalLevelWarningKey)) {
+ setThermalState(value);
+ }
messageClients (kIOPMMessageSystemPowerEventOccurred, (void *)NULL);
+ }
return kIOReturnSuccess;
- * Sleep if system is in dark wake
+ * Forward DW thermal notification to client, if system is not going to sleep
- if (msg & kIOPMDWOverTemp)
+ if ((msg & kIOPMDWOverTemp) && (_systemTransitionType != kSystemTransitionSleep))
DLOG("DarkWake thermal limits message received!\n");
- // Inform cap client that we're going to sleep
* Sleep Now!
- if (msg & kIOPMSleepNow)
+ if (msg & kIOPMSleepNow)
privateSleepSystem (kIOPMSleepReasonSoftware);
* Power Emergency
- if (msg & kIOPMPowerEmergency)
+ if (msg & kIOPMPowerEmergency)
lowBatteryCondition = true;
privateSleepSystem (kIOPMSleepReasonLowPower);
* Clamshell OPEN
- if (msg & kIOPMClamshellOpened)
+ if (msg & kIOPMClamshellOpened)
+ DLOG("Clamshell opened\n");
// Received clamshel open message from clamshell controlling driver
// Update our internal state and tell general interest clients
clamshellClosed = false;
// Tell PMCPU
informCPUStateChange(kInformLid, 0);
- // Tell general interest clients
+ // Tell general interest clients
bool aborting = ((lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonClamshell)
- || (lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonIdle)
+ || (lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonIdle)
|| (lastSleepReason == kIOPMSleepReasonMaintenance));
if (aborting) userActivityCount++;
DLOG("clamshell tickled %d lastSleepReason %d\n", userActivityCount, lastSleepReason);
- /*
+ /*
* Clamshell CLOSED
- * Send the clamshell interest notification since the lid is closing.
+ * Send the clamshell interest notification since the lid is closing.
if (msg & kIOPMClamshellClosed)
+ DLOG("Clamshell closed\n");
// Received clamshel open message from clamshell controlling driver
// Update our internal state and tell general interest clients
clamshellClosed = true;
// Tell general interest clients
- // And set eval_clamshell = so we can attempt
+ // And set eval_clamshell = so we can attempt
eval_clamshell = true;
* -> reevaluate lid state
- if (msg & kIOPMSetDesktopMode)
+ if (msg & kIOPMSetDesktopMode)
+ DLOG("Desktop mode\n");
desktopMode = (0 != (msg & kIOPMSetValue));
msg &= ~(kIOPMSetDesktopMode | kIOPMSetValue);
// Re-evaluate the lid state
eval_clamshell = true;
* AC Adaptor connected
* -> reevaluate lid state
- if (msg & kIOPMSetACAdaptorConnected)
+ if (msg & kIOPMSetACAdaptorConnected)
acAdaptorConnected = (0 != (msg & kIOPMSetValue));
msg &= ~(kIOPMSetACAdaptorConnected | kIOPMSetValue);
* Enable Clamshell (external display disappear)
* -> reevaluate lid state
- if (msg & kIOPMEnableClamshell)
+ if (msg & kIOPMEnableClamshell)
+ DLOG("Clamshell enabled\n");
// Re-evaluate the lid state
// System should sleep on external display disappearance
// in lid closed operation.
clamshellDisabled = false;
* Disable Clamshell (external display appeared)
* We don't bother re-evaluating clamshell state. If the system is awake,
- * the lid is probably open.
+ * the lid is probably open.
- if (msg & kIOPMDisableClamshell)
+ if (msg & kIOPMDisableClamshell)
+ DLOG("Clamshell disabled\n");
clamshellDisabled = true;
* Power Button
- if (msg & kIOPMPowerButton)
+ if (msg & kIOPMPowerButton)
+ DLOG("Powerbutton press\n");
if (!wranglerAsleep)
OSString *pbs = OSString::withCString("DisablePowerButtonSleep");
uint32_t u32;
} flags;
- DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
flags.u32 = 0;
switch (stimulus)
case kStimulusDisplayWranglerSleep:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
if (!wranglerAsleep)
// first transition to wrangler sleep or lower
- wranglerAsleep = true;
flags.bit.displaySleep = true;
case kStimulusDisplayWranglerWake:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
displayIdleForDemandSleep = false;
wranglerAsleep = false;
case kStimulusEnterUserActiveState:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
if (_preventUserActive)
DLOG("user active dropped\n");
userWasActive = true;
// Stay awake after dropping demand for display power on
- if (kFullWakeReasonDisplayOn == fullWakeReason)
+ if (kFullWakeReasonDisplayOn == fullWakeReason) {
fullWakeReason = fFullWakeReasonDisplayOnAndLocalUser;
+ DLOG("User activity while in notification wake\n");
+ changePowerStateWithOverrideTo( ON_STATE, 0);
+ }
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogUserActiveState, 0, 1, 0);
setProperty(gIOPMUserIsActiveKey, kOSBooleanTrue);
case kStimulusLeaveUserActiveState:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
if (userIsActive)
userIsActive = false;
flags.bit.userBecameInactive = true;
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogUserActiveState, 0, 0, 0);
setProperty(gIOPMUserIsActiveKey, kOSBooleanFalse);
case kStimulusAggressivenessChanged:
+ DMSG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
unsigned long minutesToIdleSleep = 0;
unsigned long minutesToDisplayDim = 0;
unsigned long minutesDelta = 0;
DLOG("idle time -> %ld secs (ena %d)\n",
idleSeconds, (minutesToIdleSleep != 0));
- if (0x7fffffff == minutesToIdleSleep)
- minutesToIdleSleep = idleSeconds;
// How long to wait before sleeping the system once
// the displays turns off is indicated by 'extraSleepDelay'.
else if ( minutesToIdleSleep == minutesToDisplayDim )
minutesDelta = 1;
- if ((sleepSlider == 0) && (minutesToIdleSleep != 0))
- flags.bit.idleSleepEnabled = true;
+ if ((!idleSleepEnabled) && (minutesToIdleSleep != 0))
+ idleSleepEnabled = flags.bit.idleSleepEnabled = true;
- if ((sleepSlider != 0) && (minutesToIdleSleep == 0))
+ if ((idleSleepEnabled) && (minutesToIdleSleep == 0)) {
flags.bit.idleSleepDisabled = true;
+ idleSleepEnabled = false;
+ }
+ if (0x7fffffff == minutesToIdleSleep)
+ minutesToIdleSleep = idleSeconds;
- if (((minutesDelta != extraSleepDelay) ||
+ if (((minutesDelta != extraSleepDelay) ||
(userActivityTime != userActivityTime_prev)) &&
!flags.bit.idleSleepEnabled && !flags.bit.idleSleepDisabled)
flags.bit.sleepDelayChanged = true;
} break;
case kStimulusDemandSystemSleep:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
displayIdleForDemandSleep = true;
- if(wrangler && wranglerIdleSettings)
+ if (wrangler && wranglerIdleSettings)
// Request wrangler idle only when demand sleep is triggered
// from full wake.
case kStimulusAllowSystemSleepChanged:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
flags.bit.adjustPowerState = true;
case kStimulusDarkWakeActivityTickle:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
+ // arg == true implies real and not self generated wrangler tickle.
+ // Update wake type on PM work loop instead of the tickle thread to
+ // eliminate the possibility of an early tickle clobbering the wake
+ // type set by the platform driver.
+ if (arg == true)
+ setProperty(kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeKey, kIOPMRootDomainWakeTypeHIDActivity);
if (false == wranglerTickled)
if (latchDisplayWranglerTickle(true))
case kStimulusDarkWakeEntry:
case kStimulusDarkWakeReentry:
+ DLOG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
// Any system transitions since the last dark wake transition
// will invalid the stimulus.
flags.bit.evaluateDarkWake = true;
+ if (activitySinceSleep()) {
+ DLOG("User activity recorded while going to darkwake\n");
+ reportUserInput();
+ }
// Always accelerate disk spindown while in dark wake,
case kStimulusDarkWakeEvaluate:
+ DMSG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
if (systemDarkWake)
flags.bit.evaluateDarkWake = true;
case kStimulusNoIdleSleepPreventers:
+ DMSG("evaluatePolicy( %d, 0x%x )\n", stimulus, arg);
flags.bit.adjustPowerState = true;
newSleepReason = kIOPMSleepReasonMaintenance;
if (checkSystemCanSleep(newSleepReason))
(kFullWakeReasonDisplayOn == fullWakeReason))
// kIOPMSleepReasonMaintenance?
+ DLOG("Display sleep while in notification wake\n");
changePowerStateWithOverrideTo( SLEEP_STATE, kIOPMSleepReasonMaintenance );
- DLOG("user inactive\n");
+ DLOG("user inactive\n");
- if (!userIsActive && sleepSlider)
+ if (!userIsActive && idleSleepEnabled)
if (cancelQuickSpindown)
if (!wrangler)
- if (idleSeconds)
- {
- startIdleSleepTimer( idleSeconds );
- }
+ startIdleSleepTimer( idleSeconds );
if (!wrangler)
- if (idleSeconds)
+ if (idleSleepEnabled)
// stay awake for at least idleSeconds
uint32_t options = 0;
IOService * pciRoot = 0;
+ bool promotion = false;
// System must be in dark wake and a valid reason for entering full wake
if ((kFullWakeReasonNone == reason) ||
!(_pendingCapability & kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics) &&
- DLOG("promote to full wake\n");
// Promote to full wake while waking up to dark wake due to tickle.
// PM will hold off notifying the graphics subsystem about system wake
// as late as possible, so if a HID tickle does arrive, graphics can
// Immediately bring up audio and graphics
pciRoot = pciHostBridgeDriver;
+ promotion = true;
// Unsafe to cancel once graphics was powered.
- if (options & kIOPMSyncCancelPowerDown)
+ // Log a timestamp for the initial full wake request.
+ // System may not always honor this full wake request.
+ if (!CAP_HIGHEST(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics))
AbsoluteTime now;
uint64_t nsec;
- // Log a timestamp for the initial full wake
- SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &systemWakeTime);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(now, &nsec);
- MSG("full wake (reason %u) %u ms\n",
+ MSG("full wake %s (reason %u) %u ms\n",
+ promotion ? "promotion" : "request",
fullWakeReason, ((int)((nsec) / 1000000ULL)));
hibernateRetry = false;
sleepToStandby = false;
+ standbyNixed = false;
+ resetTimers = false;
sleepTimerMaintenance = false;
_systemMessageClientMask = kSystemMessageClientPowerd |
IOPMDriverAssertionType changedBits = newAssertions ^ oldAssertions;
- messageClients(kIOPMMessageDriverAssertionsChanged);
+ messageClients(kIOPMMessageDriverAssertionsChanged);
if (changedBits & kIOPMDriverAssertionPreventDisplaySleepBit) {
- if (changedBits & kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit)
+ if (changedBits & kIOPMDriverAssertionCPUBit) {
+ if (!assertOnWakeSecs && gIOLastWakeAbsTime) {
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ clock_usec_t microsecs;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&now, &gIOLastWakeAbsTime);
+ absolutetime_to_microtime(now, &assertOnWakeSecs, µsecs);
+ if (assertOnWakeReport) {
+ HISTREPORT_TALLYVALUE(assertOnWakeReport, (int64_t)assertOnWakeSecs);
+ DLOG("Updated assertOnWake %lu\n", (unsigned long)assertOnWakeSecs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (changedBits & kIOPMDriverAssertionReservedBit7) {
bool value = (newAssertions & kIOPMDriverAssertionReservedBit7) ? true : false;
+void IOPMrootDomain::evaluateWranglerAssertions()
+ if (gIOPMWorkLoop->inGate() == false) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this, &IOPMrootDomain::evaluateWranglerAssertions),
+ (OSObject *)this);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pmAssertions->getActivatedAssertions() & kIOPMDriverAssertionPreventDisplaySleepBit) {
+ DLOG("wrangler setIgnoreIdleTimer\(1) on matching\n");
+ wrangler->setIgnoreIdleTimer( true );
+ }
// MARK: -
// MARK: Statistics
* IOPMrootDomain::pmStatsAppResponses
void IOPMrootDomain::pmStatsRecordApplicationResponse(
- const OSSymbol *response,
- const char *name,
- int messageType,
+ const OSSymbol *response,
+ const char *name,
+ int messageType,
uint32_t delay_ms,
- int app_pid)
+ uint64_t id,
+ OSObject *object,
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex powerState)
OSDictionary *responseDescription = NULL;
OSNumber *delayNum = NULL;
OSNumber *pidNum = NULL;
OSNumber *msgNum = NULL;
const OSSymbol *appname;
- const OSSymbol *entryName;
- OSObject *entryType;
- int i;
-#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
- swd_hdr *hdr = NULL;
- OSString *UUIDstring = NULL;
- uint32_t spindumpSize = 0;
- const OSSymbol *namesym = NULL;
+ const OSSymbol *sleep = NULL, *wake = NULL;
+ IOPMServiceInterestNotifier *notify = 0;
- if (!pmStatsAppResponses || pmStatsAppResponses->getCount() > 50)
+ if (object && (notify = OSDynamicCast(IOPMServiceInterestNotifier, object)))
+ {
+ if (response->isEqualTo(gIOPMStatsResponseTimedOut))
+ notify->ackTimeoutCnt++;
+ else
+ notify->ackTimeoutCnt = 0;
+ }
+ if (response->isEqualTo(gIOPMStatsResponsePrompt) ||
+ (_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionNone) || (_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionNewCapClient))
- i = 0;
- while ((responseDescription = (OSDictionary *) pmStatsAppResponses->getObject(i++)))
- {
- entryType = responseDescription->getObject(_statsResponseTypeKey);
- entryName = (OSSymbol *) responseDescription->getObject(_statsNameKey);
- powerCaps = (OSNumber *) responseDescription->getObject(_statsPowerCapsKey);
- if (entryName && (entryType == response) && entryName->isEqualTo(name) &&
- (powerCaps->unsigned32BitValue() == _pendingCapability))
- {
- OSNumber * entryValue;
- entryValue = (OSNumber *) responseDescription->getObject(_statsTimeMSKey);
- if (entryValue && (entryValue->unsigned32BitValue() < delay_ms))
- entryValue->setValue(delay_ms);
- return;
+ if (response->isEqualTo(gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow)) {
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogDrvPSChangeDelay, id, messageType, delay_ms);
+ }
+ else if (notify) {
+ // User space app or kernel capability client
+ if (id) {
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogAppResponseDelay, id, notify->msgType, delay_ms);
+ }
+ else {
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogDrvResponseDelay, notify->uuid0, messageType, delay_ms);
+ notify->msgType = 0;
responseDescription = OSDictionary::withCapacity(5);
- if (responseDescription)
+ if (responseDescription)
if (response) {
responseDescription->setObject(_statsResponseTypeKey, response);
- if (messageType != 0) {
- msgNum = OSNumber::withNumber(messageType, 32);
- if (msgNum) {
- responseDescription->setObject(_statsMessageTypeKey, msgNum);
- msgNum->release();
- }
+ msgNum = OSNumber::withNumber(messageType, 32);
+ if (msgNum) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(_statsMessageTypeKey, msgNum);
+ msgNum->release();
+ }
+ if (!name && notify && notify->identifier) {
+ name = notify->identifier->getCStringNoCopy();
if (name && (strlen(name) > 0))
- if (app_pid != -1) {
- pidNum = OSNumber::withNumber(app_pid, 32);
+ if (!id && notify) {
+ id = notify->uuid0;
+ }
+ if (id != 0) {
+ pidNum = OSNumber::withNumber(id, 64);
if (pidNum) {
responseDescription->setObject(_statsPIDKey, pidNum);
- powerCaps = OSNumber::withNumber(_pendingCapability, 32);
+ if (response->isEqualTo(gIOPMStatsDriverPSChangeSlow)) {
+ powerCaps = OSNumber::withNumber(powerState, 32);
+#if !defined(__i386__) && !defined(__x86_64__) && (DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG)
+ IOLog("%s::powerStateChange type(%d) to(%lu) async took %d ms\n",
+ name, messageType,
+ powerState, delay_ms);
+ }
+ else {
+ powerCaps = OSNumber::withNumber(_pendingCapability, 32);
+ }
if (powerCaps) {
responseDescription->setObject(_statsPowerCapsKey, powerCaps);
- if (pmStatsAppResponses) {
- pmStatsAppResponses->setObject(responseDescription);
+ sleep = OSSymbol::withCString("Sleep");
+ wake = OSSymbol::withCString("Wake");
+ if (_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionSleep) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(kIOPMStatsSystemTransitionKey, sleep);
+ else if (_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionWake) {
+ responseDescription->setObject(kIOPMStatsSystemTransitionKey, wake);
+ }
+ else if (_systemTransitionType == kSystemTransitionCapability) {
+ if (CAP_LOSS(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics))
+ responseDescription->setObject(kIOPMStatsSystemTransitionKey, sleep);
+ else if (CAP_GAIN(kIOPMSystemCapabilityGraphics))
+ responseDescription->setObject(kIOPMStatsSystemTransitionKey, wake);
+ }
+ if (sleep) sleep->release();
+ if (wake) wake->release();
- responseDescription->release();
- }
-#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
- if ((gIOKitDebug & kIOAppRespStacksOn) == 0)
- goto done;
- if (!name || name[0] == '\0' ||
- !response->isEqualTo(gIOPMStatsApplicationResponseTimedOut))
- goto done;
- namesym = OSSymbol::withCString(name);
- // Skip stackshots of previous offenders
- if (noAckApps->containsObject(namesym))
- goto done;
- if (noAckApps->getCount() == noAckApps->getCapacity()) {
- // Remove oldest entry from over-flowing list
- noAckApps->removeObject(noAckApps->getFirstObject());
- }
- noAckApps->setLastObject(namesym);
- if (spindumpDesc != NULL) {
- /* Add name of this new process in the header */
- hdr = (swd_hdr *)spindumpDesc->getBytesNoCopy();
- if (!hdr) goto done;
- snprintf(hdr->PMStatusCode, sizeof(hdr->PMStatusCode), "%s,%s",hdr->PMStatusCode, name);
- goto done;
- }
- spindumpSize = 256*1024;
- spindumpDesc = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(
- kernel_task, kIODirectionIn | kIOMemoryMapperNone, spindumpSize);
- if (!spindumpDesc)
- goto done;
- hdr = (swd_hdr *)spindumpDesc->getBytesNoCopy();
- memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(swd_hdr));
- if ((UUIDstring = OSDynamicCast(OSString,
- getProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey))) != NULL ) {
- snprintf(hdr->UUID, sizeof(hdr->UUID), "UUID: %s\n", UUIDstring->getCStringNoCopy());
- }
- snprintf(hdr->cps, sizeof(hdr->cps), "caps: %d\n", _pendingCapability);
- snprintf(hdr->PMStatusCode, sizeof(hdr->PMStatusCode), "Process: %s", name);
- snprintf(hdr->reason, sizeof(hdr->reason), "\nStackshot reason: App Response Timeout\n");
- hdr->spindump_offset = sizeof(swd_hdr);
+ IOLockLock(pmStatsLock);
+ if (pmStatsAppResponses && pmStatsAppResponses->getCount() < 50) {
+ pmStatsAppResponses->setObject(responseDescription);
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(pmStatsLock);
- stack_snapshot_from_kernel(-1, (char*)hdr+hdr->spindump_offset,
- spindumpSize - hdr->spindump_offset,
- &hdr->spindump_size);
- if (hdr->spindump_size == 0) {
- spindumpDesc->release();
- spindumpDesc = NULL;
+ responseDescription->release();
- if (namesym) namesym->release();
-#define kIOPMRegisterNVRAMTracePointHandlerKey \
- "IOPMRegisterNVRAMTracePointHandler"
+#define kIOPMRegisterNVRAMTracePointHandlerKey \
+ "IOPMRegisterNVRAMTracePointHandler"
IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::callPlatformFunction(
const OSSymbol * functionName,
void * param1, void * param2,
void * param3, void * param4 )
+ uint32_t bootFailureCode = 0xffffffff;
if (pmTracer && functionName &&
functionName->isEqualTo(kIOPMRegisterNVRAMTracePointHandlerKey) &&
!pmTracer->tracePointHandler && !pmTracer->tracePointTarget)
uint32_t tracePointPhases, tracePointPCI;
- uint64_t statusCode;
+ uint64_t statusCode;
pmTracer->tracePointHandler = (IOPMTracePointHandler) param1;
pmTracer->tracePointTarget = (void *) param2;
- tracePointPCI = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) param3;
- tracePointPhases = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) param4;
+ tracePointPCI = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) param3;
+ tracePointPhases = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t) param4;
+ if ((tracePointPhases & 0xff) == kIOPMTracePointSystemSleep) {
+ IORegistryEntry *node = IORegistryEntry::fromPath( "/chosen", gIODTPlane );
+ if ( node ) {
+ OSData *data = OSDynamicCast( OSData, node->getProperty(kIOEFIBootRomFailureKey) );
+ if ( data && data->getLength() == sizeof(bootFailureCode) ) {
+ memcpy(&bootFailureCode, data->getBytesNoCopy(), sizeof(bootFailureCode));
+ }
+ node->release();
+ }
+ // Failure code from EFI/BootRom is a four byte structure
+ tracePointPCI = OSSwapBigToHostInt32(bootFailureCode);
+ }
statusCode = (((uint64_t)tracePointPCI) << 32) | tracePointPhases;
- if ((tracePointPhases >> 24) != kIOPMTracePointSystemUp)
- {
+ if ((tracePointPhases & 0xff) != kIOPMTracePointSystemUp) {
MSG("Sleep failure code 0x%08x 0x%08x\n",
tracePointPCI, tracePointPhases);
- setProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeFailureCodeKey, statusCode, 64);
+ setProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeFailureCodeKey, statusCode, 64);
pmTracer->tracePointHandler( pmTracer->tracePointTarget, 0, 0 );
return kIOReturnSuccess;
functionName, waitForFunction, param1, param2, param3, param4);
+void IOPMrootDomain::kdebugTrace(uint32_t event, uint64_t id,
+ uintptr_t param1, uintptr_t param2, uintptr_t param3)
+ uint32_t code = IODBG_POWER(event);
+ uint64_t regId = id;
+ if (regId == 0) {
+ regId = getRegistryEntryID();
+ }
+ IOTimeStampConstant(code, (uintptr_t) regId, param1, param2, param3);
void IOPMrootDomain::tracePoint( uint8_t point )
if (systemBooting) return;
- PMDebug(kPMLogSleepWakeTracePoint, point, 0);
+ if (kIOPMTracePointWakeCapabilityClients == point)
+ acceptSystemWakeEvents(false);
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogSleepWakeTracePoint, 0, point, 0);
-void IOPMrootDomain::tracePoint( uint8_t point, uint8_t data )
+void IOPMrootDomain::traceDetail(OSObject *object)
- if (systemBooting) return;
+ IOPMServiceInterestNotifier *notifier = OSDynamicCast(IOPMServiceInterestNotifier, object);
+ if (!notifier) {
+ DLOG("Unknown notifier\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!systemBooting) {
+ pmTracer->traceDetail( notifier->uuid0 >> 32 );
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogSleepWakeMessage, pmTracer->getTracePhase(), notifier->msgType, notifier->uuid0, notifier->uuid1);
+ if (notifier->identifier) {
+ DLOG("trace point 0x%02x msg 0x%x to %s\n", pmTracer->getTracePhase(), notifier->msgType,
+ notifier->identifier->getCStringNoCopy());
+ }
+ else {
+ DLOG("trace point 0x%02x msg 0x%x\n", pmTracer->getTracePhase(), notifier->msgType);
+ }
+ }
- PMDebug(kPMLogSleepWakeTracePoint, point, data);
- pmTracer->tracePoint(point, data);
-void IOPMrootDomain::traceDetail( uint32_t detail )
+void IOPMrootDomain::traceAckDelay(OSObject *object, uint32_t response, uint32_t delay_ms)
+ IOPMServiceInterestNotifier *notifier = OSDynamicCast(IOPMServiceInterestNotifier, object);
+ if (!notifier) {
+ DLOG("Unknown notifier\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!systemBooting) {
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogDrvResponseDelay, notifier->uuid0, notifier->uuid1, response, delay_ms);
+ if (notifier->identifier) {
+ DLOG("Response from %s took %d ms(response:%d)\n",
+ notifier->identifier->getCStringNoCopy(), delay_ms, response);
+ }
+ else {
+ DLOG("Response from kext UUID %llx-%llx took %d ms(response:%d)\n",
+ notifier->uuid0, notifier->uuid1, delay_ms, response);
+ }
+ }
+void IOPMrootDomain::traceDetail(uint32_t msgType, uint32_t msgIndex, uint32_t delay)
- if (!systemBooting)
+ if (!systemBooting) {
+ uint32_t detail = ((msgType & 0xffff) << 16) | (delay & 0xffff);
pmTracer->traceDetail( detail );
+ kdebugTrace(kPMLogSleepWakeTracePoint, pmTracer->getTracePhase(), msgType, delay);
+ DLOG("trace point 0x%02x msgType 0x%x detail 0x%08x\n", pmTracer->getTracePhase(), msgType, delay);
+ }
+void IOPMrootDomain::configureReportGated(uint64_t channel_id, uint64_t action, void *result)
+ size_t reportSize;
+ void **report = NULL;
+ uint32_t bktCnt;
+ uint32_t bktSize;
+ uint32_t *clientCnt;
+ report = NULL;
+ if (channel_id == kAssertDelayChID) {
+ report = &assertOnWakeReport;
+ bktCnt = kAssertDelayBcktCnt;
+ bktSize = kAssertDelayBcktSize;
+ clientCnt = &assertOnWakeClientCnt;
+ }
+ else if (channel_id == kSleepDelaysChID) {
+ report = &sleepDelaysReport;
+ bktCnt = kSleepDelaysBcktCnt;
+ bktSize = kSleepDelaysBcktSize;
+ clientCnt = &sleepDelaysClientCnt;
+ }
+ switch (action)
+ {
+ case kIOReportEnable:
+ if (*report) {
+ (*clientCnt)++;
+ break;
+ }
+ reportSize = HISTREPORT_BUFSIZE(bktCnt);
+ *report = IOMalloc(reportSize);
+ if (*report == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ bzero(*report, reportSize);
+ HISTREPORT_INIT(bktCnt, bktSize, *report, reportSize,
+ getRegistryEntryID(), channel_id, kIOReportCategoryPower);
+ if (channel_id == kAssertDelayChID)
+ assertOnWakeSecs = 0;
+ break;
+ case kIOReportDisable:
+ if (*clientCnt == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*clientCnt == 1)
+ {
+ IOFree(*report, HISTREPORT_BUFSIZE(bktCnt));
+ *report = NULL;
+ }
+ (*clientCnt)--;
+ if (channel_id == kAssertDelayChID)
+ assertOnWakeSecs = -1; // Invalid value to prevent updates
+ break;
+ case kIOReportGetDimensions:
+ if (*report) {
+ HISTREPORT_UPDATERES(*report, kIOReportGetDimensions, result);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::configureReport(IOReportChannelList *channelList,
IOReportConfigureAction action,
void *result,
void *destination)
unsigned cnt;
- if (action != kIOReportGetDimensions) goto exit;
+ uint64_t configAction = (uint64_t)action;
for (cnt = 0; cnt < channelList->nchannels; cnt++) {
if ( (channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id == kSleepCntChID) ||
(channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id == kDarkWkCntChID) ||
(channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id == kUserWkCntChID) ) {
+ if (action != kIOReportGetDimensions) continue;
SIMPLEREPORT_UPDATERES(kIOReportGetDimensions, result);
+ else if ((channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id == kAssertDelayChID) ||
+ (channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id == kSleepDelaysChID)) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this, &IOPMrootDomain::configureReportGated),
+ (OSObject *)this, (void *)channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id,
+ (void *)configAction, (void *)result);
+ }
return super::configureReport(channelList, action, result, destination);
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::updateReport(IOReportChannelList *channelList,
- IOReportUpdateAction action,
- void *result,
- void *destination)
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::updateReportGated(uint64_t ch_id, void *result, IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *dest)
- uint32_t size2cpy;
- void *data2cpy;
- IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *dest = OSDynamicCast(IOBufferMemoryDescriptor, (OSObject *)destination);
+ uint32_t size2cpy;
+ void *data2cpy;
+ void **report;
+ report = NULL;
+ if (ch_id == kAssertDelayChID) {
+ report = &assertOnWakeReport;
+ }
+ else if (ch_id == kSleepDelaysChID) {
+ report = &sleepDelaysReport;
+ }
+ if (*report == NULL) {
+ return kIOReturnNotOpen;
+ }
+ HISTREPORT_UPDATEPREP(*report, data2cpy, size2cpy);
+ if (size2cpy > (dest->getCapacity() - dest->getLength()) ) {
+ return kIOReturnOverrun;
+ }
+ HISTREPORT_UPDATERES(*report, kIOReportCopyChannelData, result);
+ dest->appendBytes(data2cpy, size2cpy);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::updateReport(IOReportChannelList *channelList,
+ IOReportUpdateAction action,
+ void *result,
+ void *destination)
+ uint32_t size2cpy;
+ void *data2cpy;
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *dest = OSDynamicCast(IOBufferMemoryDescriptor, (OSObject *)destination);
unsigned cnt;
uint64_t ch_id;
for (cnt = 0; cnt < channelList->nchannels; cnt++) {
ch_id = channelList->channels[cnt].channel_id ;
- if ((ch_id == kSleepCntChID) ||
+ if ((ch_id == kAssertDelayChID) || (ch_id == kSleepDelaysChID)) {
+ gIOPMWorkLoop->runAction(
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(IOWorkLoop::Action, this, &IOPMrootDomain::updateReportGated),
+ (OSObject *)this, (void *)ch_id,
+ (void *)result, (void *)dest);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if ((ch_id == kSleepCntChID) ||
(ch_id == kDarkWkCntChID) || (ch_id == kUserWkCntChID)) {
SIMPLEREPORT_INIT(buf, sizeof(buf), getRegistryEntryID(), ch_id, kIOReportCategoryPower);
SIMPLEREPORT_UPDATEPREP(buf, data2cpy, size2cpy);
SIMPLEREPORT_UPDATERES(kIOReportCopyChannelData, result);
- dest->appendBytes(data2cpy, size2cpy);
+ dest->appendBytes(data2cpy, size2cpy);
PMTraceWorker *PMTraceWorker::tracer(IOPMrootDomain *owner)
PMTraceWorker *me;
me = OSTypeAlloc( PMTraceWorker );
if (!me || !me->init())
// this dictionary lazily.
me->owner = owner;
me->pciDeviceBitMappings = NULL;
- me->pciMappingLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ me->pmTraceWorkerLock = IOLockAlloc();
me->tracePhase = kIOPMTracePointSystemUp;
- me->loginWindowPhase = 0;
me->traceData32 = 0;
+ me->loginWindowData = 0;
+ me->coreDisplayData = 0;
+ me->coreGraphicsData = 0;
return me;
void PMTraceWorker::RTC_TRACE(void)
- if (tracePointHandler && tracePointTarget)
- {
- uint32_t wordA;
+ if (tracePointHandler && tracePointTarget)
+ {
+ uint32_t wordA;
- wordA = (tracePhase << 24) | (loginWindowPhase << 16) |
- (traceData8 << 8);
+ IOLockLock(pmTraceWorkerLock);
+ wordA = (loginWindowData << 24) | (coreDisplayData << 16) |
+ (coreGraphicsData << 8) | tracePhase;
+ IOLockUnlock(pmTraceWorkerLock);
tracePointHandler( tracePointTarget, traceData32, wordA );
- _LOG("RTC_TRACE wrote 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", traceData32, wordA);
- }
+ _LOG("RTC_TRACE wrote 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", traceData32, wordA);
+ }
int PMTraceWorker::recordTopLevelPCIDevice(IOService * pciDevice)
const OSSymbol * deviceName;
int index = -1;
- IOLockLock(pciMappingLock);
+ IOLockLock(pmTraceWorkerLock);
if (!pciDeviceBitMappings)
addedToRegistry = owner->setProperty("PCITopLevel", this);
- IOLockUnlock(pciMappingLock);
+ IOLockUnlock(pmTraceWorkerLock);
return index;
bool ok = false;
if (pciDeviceBitMappings)
- IOLockLock(pciMappingLock);
+ IOLockLock(pmTraceWorkerLock);
ok = pciDeviceBitMappings->serialize(s);
- IOLockUnlock(pciMappingLock);
+ IOLockUnlock(pmTraceWorkerLock);
return ok;
-void PMTraceWorker::tracePoint(uint8_t phase, uint8_t data8)
- // clear trace detail when phase begins
- if (tracePhase != phase)
- traceData32 = 0;
- tracePhase = phase;
- traceData8 = data8;
- DLOG("trace point 0x%02x 0x%02x\n", tracePhase, traceData8);
void PMTraceWorker::traceDetail(uint32_t detail)
- if (kIOPMTracePointSleepPriorityClients != tracePhase)
+ if (detail == traceData32) {
+ }
traceData32 = detail;
- DLOG("trace point 0x%02x detail 0x%08x\n", tracePhase, traceData32);
-void PMTraceWorker::traceLoginWindowPhase(uint8_t phase)
+void PMTraceWorker::traceComponentWakeProgress(uint32_t component, uint32_t data)
- loginWindowPhase = phase;
- DLOG("loginwindow tracepoint 0x%02x\n", loginWindowPhase);
+ switch (component) {
+ case kIOPMLoginWindowProgress:
+ loginWindowData = data & kIOPMLoginWindowProgressMask;
+ break;
+ case kIOPMCoreDisplayProgress:
+ coreDisplayData = data & kIOPMCoreDisplayProgressMask;
+ break;
+ case kIOPMCoreGraphicsProgress:
+ coreGraphicsData = data & kIOPMCoreGraphicsProgressMask;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ DLOG("component trace point 0x%02x data 0x%08x\n", component, data);
void PMTraceWorker::tracePCIPowerChange(
- change_t type, IOService *service, uint32_t changeFlags, uint32_t bitNum)
+ change_t type, IOService *service, uint32_t changeFlags, uint32_t bitNum)
- uint32_t bitMask;
- uint32_t expectedFlag;
+ uint32_t bitMask;
+ uint32_t expectedFlag;
- // Ignore PCI changes outside of system sleep/wake.
+ // Ignore PCI changes outside of system sleep/wake.
if ((kIOPMTracePointSleepPowerPlaneDrivers != tracePhase) &&
(kIOPMTracePointWakePowerPlaneDrivers != tracePhase))
- // Only record the WillChange transition when going to sleep,
- // and the DidChange on the way up.
- changeFlags &= (kIOPMDomainWillChange | kIOPMDomainDidChange);
- expectedFlag = (kIOPMTracePointSleepPowerPlaneDrivers == tracePhase) ?
- kIOPMDomainWillChange : kIOPMDomainDidChange;
- if (changeFlags != expectedFlag)
- return;
+ // Only record the WillChange transition when going to sleep,
+ // and the DidChange on the way up.
+ changeFlags &= (kIOPMDomainWillChange | kIOPMDomainDidChange);
+ expectedFlag = (kIOPMTracePointSleepPowerPlaneDrivers == tracePhase) ?
+ kIOPMDomainWillChange : kIOPMDomainDidChange;
+ if (changeFlags != expectedFlag)
+ return;
// Mark this device off in our bitfield
if (bitNum < kPMMaxRTCBitfieldSize)
traceData32 |= bitMask;
_LOG("PMTrace: Device %s started - bit %2d mask 0x%08x => 0x%08x\n",
service->getName(), bitNum, bitMask, traceData32);
+ owner->kdebugTrace(kPMLogPCIDevChangeStart, service->getRegistryEntryID(), traceData32, 0);
traceData32 &= ~bitMask;
_LOG("PMTrace: Device %s finished - bit %2d mask 0x%08x => 0x%08x\n",
service->getName(), bitNum, bitMask, traceData32);
+ owner->kdebugTrace(kPMLogPCIDevChangeDone, service->getRegistryEntryID(), traceData32, 0);
DLOG("trace point 0x%02x detail 0x%08x\n", tracePhase, traceData32);
uint64_t PMTraceWorker::getPMStatusCode( )
- return (((uint64_t)traceData32 << 32) | (tracePhase << 24) |
- (loginWindowPhase << 16) | (traceData8 << 8));
+ return (((uint64_t)traceData32 << 32) | ((uint64_t)tracePhase));
+uint8_t PMTraceWorker::getTracePhase()
+ return tracePhase;
+uint32_t PMTraceWorker::getTraceData()
+ return traceData32;
// MARK: -
-static unsigned int gPMHaltBusyCount;
-static unsigned int gPMHaltIdleCount;
-static int gPMHaltDepth;
-static unsigned long gPMHaltEvent;
-static IOLock * gPMHaltLock = 0;
-static OSArray * gPMHaltArray = 0;
-static const OSSymbol * gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey = 0;
PMHaltWorker * PMHaltWorker::worker( void )
- PMHaltWorker * me;
- IOThread thread;
+ PMHaltWorker * me;
+ IOThread thread;
- do {
- me = OSTypeAlloc( PMHaltWorker );
- if (!me || !me->init())
- break;
+ do {
+ me = OSTypeAlloc( PMHaltWorker );
+ if (!me || !me->init())
+ break;
- me->lock = IOLockAlloc();
- if (!me->lock)
- break;
+ me->lock = IOLockAlloc();
+ if (!me->lock)
+ break;
- DLOG("PMHaltWorker %p\n", OBFUSCATE(me));
- me->retain(); // thread holds extra retain
- if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernel_thread_start(&PMHaltWorker::main, (void *) me, &thread))
- {
- me->release();
- break;
- }
- thread_deallocate(thread);
- return me;
+ DLOG("PMHaltWorker %p\n", OBFUSCATE(me));
+ me->retain(); // thread holds extra retain
+ if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernel_thread_start(&PMHaltWorker::main, (void *) me, &thread))
+ {
+ me->release();
+ break;
+ }
+ thread_deallocate(thread);
+ return me;
- } while (false);
+ } while (false);
- if (me) me->release();
- return 0;
+ if (me) me->release();
+ return 0;
void PMHaltWorker::free( void )
- DLOG("PMHaltWorker free %p\n", OBFUSCATE(this));
- if (lock)
- {
- IOLockFree(lock);
- lock = 0;
- }
- return OSObject::free();
+ DLOG("PMHaltWorker free %p\n", OBFUSCATE(this));
+ if (lock)
+ {
+ IOLockFree(lock);
+ lock = 0;
+ }
+ return OSObject::free();
void PMHaltWorker::main( void * arg, wait_result_t waitResult )
- PMHaltWorker * me = (PMHaltWorker *) arg;
+ PMHaltWorker * me = (PMHaltWorker *) arg;
- IOLockLock( gPMHaltLock );
- gPMHaltBusyCount++;
- me->depth = gPMHaltDepth;
- IOLockUnlock( gPMHaltLock );
+ IOLockLock( gPMHaltLock );
+ gPMHaltBusyCount++;
+ me->depth = gPMHaltDepth;
+ IOLockUnlock( gPMHaltLock );
- while (me->depth >= 0)
- {
- PMHaltWorker::work( me );
- IOLockLock( gPMHaltLock );
- if (++gPMHaltIdleCount >= gPMHaltBusyCount)
- {
- // This is the last thread to finish work on this level,
- // inform everyone to start working on next lower level.
- gPMHaltDepth--;
- me->depth = gPMHaltDepth;
- gPMHaltIdleCount = 0;
- thread_wakeup((event_t) &gPMHaltIdleCount);
- }
- else
- {
- // One or more threads are still working on this level,
- // this thread must wait.
- me->depth = gPMHaltDepth - 1;
- do {
- IOLockSleep(gPMHaltLock, &gPMHaltIdleCount, THREAD_UNINT);
- } while (me->depth != gPMHaltDepth);
- }
- IOLockUnlock( gPMHaltLock );
- }
+ while (me->depth >= 0)
+ {
+ PMHaltWorker::work( me );
+ IOLockLock( gPMHaltLock );
+ if (++gPMHaltIdleCount >= gPMHaltBusyCount)
+ {
+ // This is the last thread to finish work on this level,
+ // inform everyone to start working on next lower level.
+ gPMHaltDepth--;
+ me->depth = gPMHaltDepth;
+ gPMHaltIdleCount = 0;
+ thread_wakeup((event_t) &gPMHaltIdleCount);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // One or more threads are still working on this level,
+ // this thread must wait.
+ me->depth = gPMHaltDepth - 1;
+ do {
+ IOLockSleep(gPMHaltLock, &gPMHaltIdleCount, THREAD_UNINT);
+ } while (me->depth != gPMHaltDepth);
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock( gPMHaltLock );
+ }
- // No more work to do, terminate thread
- DLOG("All done for worker: %p (visits = %u)\n", OBFUSCATE(me), me->visits);
- thread_wakeup( &gPMHaltDepth );
- me->release();
+ // No more work to do, terminate thread
+ DLOG("All done for worker: %p (visits = %u)\n", OBFUSCATE(me), me->visits);
+ thread_wakeup( &gPMHaltDepth );
+ me->release();
void PMHaltWorker::work( PMHaltWorker * me )
- IOService * service;
- OSSet * inner;
- AbsoluteTime startTime;
- UInt32 deltaTime;
- bool timeout;
+ IOService * service;
+ OSSet * inner;
+ AbsoluteTime startTime, elapsedTime;
+ UInt32 deltaTime;
+ bool timeout;
- while (true)
- {
- service = 0;
- timeout = false;
- // Claim an unit of work from the shared pool
- IOLockLock( gPMHaltLock );
- inner = (OSSet *)gPMHaltArray->getObject(me->depth);
- if (inner)
- {
- service = (IOService *)inner->getAnyObject();
- if (service)
- {
- service->retain();
- inner->removeObject(service);
- }
- }
- IOLockUnlock( gPMHaltLock );
- if (!service)
- break; // no more work at this depth
- clock_get_uptime(&startTime);
- if (!service->isInactive() &&
- service->setProperty(gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey, me))
- {
- IOLockLock(me->lock);
- me->startTime = startTime;
- me->service = service;
- me->timeout = false;
- IOLockUnlock(me->lock);
- service->systemWillShutdown( gPMHaltEvent );
- // Wait for driver acknowledgement
- IOLockLock(me->lock);
- while (service->getProperty(gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey))
- {
- IOLockSleep(me->lock, me, THREAD_UNINT);
- }
- me->service = 0;
- timeout = me->timeout;
- IOLockUnlock(me->lock);
- }
- deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&startTime);
- if ((deltaTime > kPMHaltTimeoutMS) || timeout ||
- (gIOKitDebug & kIOLogPMRootDomain))
- {
- LOG("%s driver %s (%p) took %u ms\n",
- (gPMHaltEvent == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff) ?
- "PowerOff" : "Restart",
- service->getName(), OBFUSCATE(service),
- (uint32_t) deltaTime );
- }
- service->release();
- me->visits++;
- }
+ while (true)
+ {
+ service = 0;
+ timeout = false;
+ // Claim an unit of work from the shared pool
+ IOLockLock( gPMHaltLock );
+ inner = (OSSet *)gPMHaltArray->getObject(me->depth);
+ if (inner)
+ {
+ service = OSDynamicCast(IOService, inner->getAnyObject());
+ if (service)
+ {
+ service->retain();
+ inner->removeObject(service);
+ }
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock( gPMHaltLock );
+ if (!service)
+ break; // no more work at this depth
+ clock_get_uptime(&startTime);
+ if (!service->isInactive() &&
+ service->setProperty(gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey, me))
+ {
+ IOLockLock(me->lock);
+ me->startTime = startTime;
+ me->service = service;
+ me->timeout = false;
+ IOLockUnlock(me->lock);
+ service->systemWillShutdown( gPMHaltMessageType );
+ // Wait for driver acknowledgement
+ IOLockLock(me->lock);
+ while (service->getProperty(gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey))
+ {
+ IOLockSleep(me->lock, me, THREAD_UNINT);
+ }
+ me->service = 0;
+ timeout = me->timeout;
+ IOLockUnlock(me->lock);
+ }
+ deltaTime = computeDeltaTimeMS(&startTime, &elapsedTime);
+ if ((deltaTime > kPMHaltTimeoutMS) || timeout)
+ {
+ LOG("%s driver %s (0x%llx) took %u ms\n",
+ (gPMHaltMessageType == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff) ?
+ "PowerOff" : "Restart",
+ service->getName(), service->getRegistryEntryID(),
+ (uint32_t) deltaTime );
+ halt_log_enter("PowerOff/Restart handler completed",
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(const void *, service, &IOService::systemWillShutdown),
+ elapsedTime);
+ }
+ service->release();
+ me->visits++;
+ }
void PMHaltWorker::checkTimeout( PMHaltWorker * me, AbsoluteTime * now )
- UInt64 nano;
- AbsoluteTime startTime;
- AbsoluteTime endTime;
+ UInt64 nano;
+ AbsoluteTime startTime;
+ AbsoluteTime endTime;
- endTime = *now;
+ endTime = *now;
- IOLockLock(me->lock);
- if (me->service && !me->timeout)
- {
- startTime = me->startTime;
- nano = 0;
- if (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&endTime, &startTime) > 0)
- {
- SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&endTime, &startTime);
- absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(endTime, &nano);
- }
- if (nano > 3000000000ULL)
- {
- me->timeout = true;
- MSG("%s still waiting on %s\n",
- (gPMHaltEvent == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff) ?
- "PowerOff" : "Restart",
- me->service->getName());
- }
- }
- IOLockUnlock(me->lock);
+ IOLockLock(me->lock);
+ if (me->service && !me->timeout)
+ {
+ startTime = me->startTime;
+ nano = 0;
+ if (CMP_ABSOLUTETIME(&endTime, &startTime) > 0)
+ {
+ SUB_ABSOLUTETIME(&endTime, &startTime);
+ absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(endTime, &nano);
+ }
+ if (nano > 3000000000ULL)
+ {
+ me->timeout = true;
+ halt_log_enter("PowerOff/Restart still waiting on handler",
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(const void *, me->service, &IOService::systemWillShutdown),
+ endTime);
+ MSG("%s still waiting on %s\n",
+ (gPMHaltMessageType == kIOMessageSystemWillPowerOff) ? "PowerOff" : "Restart",
+ me->service->getName());
+ }
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(me->lock);
// acknowledgeSystemWillShutdown
void IOPMrootDomain::acknowledgeSystemWillShutdown( IOService * from )
- PMHaltWorker * worker;
- OSObject * prop;
+ PMHaltWorker * worker;
+ OSObject * prop;
- if (!from)
- return;
+ if (!from)
+ return;
- //DLOG("%s acknowledged\n", from->getName());
- prop = from->copyProperty( gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey );
- if (prop)
- {
- worker = (PMHaltWorker *) prop;
- IOLockLock(worker->lock);
- from->removeProperty( gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey );
- thread_wakeup((event_t) worker);
- IOLockUnlock(worker->lock);
- worker->release();
- }
- else
- {
- DLOG("%s acknowledged without worker property\n",
- from->getName());
- }
+ //DLOG("%s acknowledged\n", from->getName());
+ prop = from->copyProperty( gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey );
+ if (prop)
+ {
+ worker = (PMHaltWorker *) prop;
+ IOLockLock(worker->lock);
+ from->removeProperty( gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey );
+ thread_wakeup((event_t) worker);
+ IOLockUnlock(worker->lock);
+ worker->release();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DLOG("%s acknowledged without worker property\n",
+ from->getName());
+ }
static void
-notifySystemShutdown( IOService * root, unsigned long event )
+notifySystemShutdown( IOService * root, uint32_t messageType )
#define PLACEHOLDER ((OSSet *)gPMHaltArray)
- IORegistryIterator * iter;
- IORegistryEntry * entry;
- IOService * node;
- OSSet * inner;
- PMHaltWorker * workers[kPMHaltMaxWorkers];
- AbsoluteTime deadline;
- unsigned int totalNodes = 0;
- unsigned int depth;
- unsigned int rootDepth;
- unsigned int numWorkers;
- unsigned int count;
- int waitResult;
- void * baseFunc;
- bool ok;
- DLOG("%s event = %lx\n", __FUNCTION__, event);
- baseFunc = OSMemberFunctionCast(void *, root, &IOService::systemWillShutdown);
- // Iterate the entire PM tree starting from root
- rootDepth = root->getDepth( gIOPowerPlane );
- if (!rootDepth) goto done;
- // debug - for repeated test runs
- while (PMHaltWorker::metaClass->getInstanceCount())
- IOSleep(1);
- if (!gPMHaltArray)
- {
- gPMHaltArray = OSArray::withCapacity(40);
- if (!gPMHaltArray) goto done;
- }
- else // debug
- gPMHaltArray->flushCollection();
- if (!gPMHaltLock)
- {
- gPMHaltLock = IOLockAlloc();
- if (!gPMHaltLock) goto done;
- }
- if (!gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey)
- {
- gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey =
- OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("PMShutdown");
- if (!gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey) goto done;
- }
- gPMHaltEvent = event;
+ IORegistryIterator * iter;
+ IORegistryEntry * entry;
+ IOService * node;
+ OSSet * inner;
+ PMHaltWorker * workers[kPMHaltMaxWorkers];
+ AbsoluteTime deadline;
+ unsigned int totalNodes = 0;
+ unsigned int depth;
+ unsigned int rootDepth;
+ unsigned int numWorkers;
+ unsigned int count;
+ int waitResult;
+ void * baseFunc;
+ bool ok;
- // Depth-first walk of PM plane
+ DLOG("%s msgType = 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, messageType);
- iter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver(
- root, gIOPowerPlane, kIORegistryIterateRecursively);
+ baseFunc = OSMemberFunctionCast(void *, root, &IOService::systemWillShutdown);
- if (iter)
- {
- while ((entry = iter->getNextObject()))
- {
- node = OSDynamicCast(IOService, entry);
- if (!node)
- continue;
+ // Iterate the entire PM tree starting from root
- if (baseFunc ==
- OSMemberFunctionCast(void *, node, &IOService::systemWillShutdown))
- continue;
+ rootDepth = root->getDepth( gIOPowerPlane );
+ if (!rootDepth) goto done;
- depth = node->getDepth( gIOPowerPlane );
- if (depth <= rootDepth)
- continue;
+ // debug - for repeated test runs
+ while (PMHaltWorker::metaClass->getInstanceCount())
+ IOSleep(1);
- ok = false;
+ if (!gPMHaltArray)
+ {
+ gPMHaltArray = OSArray::withCapacity(40);
+ if (!gPMHaltArray) goto done;
+ }
+ else // debug
+ gPMHaltArray->flushCollection();
- // adjust to zero based depth
- depth -= (rootDepth + 1);
+ if (!gPMHaltLock)
+ {
+ gPMHaltLock = IOLockAlloc();
+ if (!gPMHaltLock) goto done;
+ }
- // gPMHaltArray is an array of containers, each container
- // refers to nodes with the same depth.
+ if (!gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey)
+ {
+ gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey =
+ OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy("PMShutdown");
+ if (!gPMHaltClientAcknowledgeKey) goto done;
+ }
- count = gPMHaltArray->getCount();
- while (depth >= count)
- {
- // expand array and insert placeholders
- gPMHaltArray->setObject(PLACEHOLDER);
- count++;
- }
- count = gPMHaltArray->getCount();
- if (depth < count)
- {
- inner = (OSSet *)gPMHaltArray->getObject(depth);
- if (inner == PLACEHOLDER)
- {
- inner = OSSet::withCapacity(40);
- if (inner)
- {
- gPMHaltArray->replaceObject(depth, inner);
- inner->release();
- }
- }
- // PM nodes that appear more than once in the tree will have
- // the same depth, OSSet will refuse to add the node twice.
- if (inner)
- ok = inner->setObject(node);
- }
- if (!ok)
- DLOG("Skipped PM node %s\n", node->getName());
- }
- iter->release();
- }
+ gPMHaltMessageType = messageType;
- // debug only
- for (int i = 0; (inner = (OSSet *)gPMHaltArray->getObject(i)); i++)
- {
- count = 0;
- if (inner != PLACEHOLDER)
- count = inner->getCount();
- DLOG("Nodes at depth %u = %u\n", i, count);
- }
+ // Depth-first walk of PM plane
- // strip placeholders (not all depths are populated)
- numWorkers = 0;
- for (int i = 0; (inner = (OSSet *)gPMHaltArray->getObject(i)); )
- {
- if (inner == PLACEHOLDER)
- {
- gPMHaltArray->removeObject(i);
- continue;
- }
- count = inner->getCount();
- if (count > numWorkers)
- numWorkers = count;
- totalNodes += count;
- i++;
- }
+ iter = IORegistryIterator::iterateOver(
+ root, gIOPowerPlane, kIORegistryIterateRecursively);
- if (gPMHaltArray->getCount() == 0 || !numWorkers)
- goto done;
+ if (iter)
+ {
+ while ((entry = iter->getNextObject()))
+ {
+ node = OSDynamicCast(IOService, entry);
+ if (!node)
+ continue;
- gPMHaltBusyCount = 0;
- gPMHaltIdleCount = 0;
- gPMHaltDepth = gPMHaltArray->getCount() - 1;
+ if (baseFunc ==
+ OSMemberFunctionCast(void *, node, &IOService::systemWillShutdown))
+ continue;
- // Create multiple workers (and threads)
+ depth = node->getDepth( gIOPowerPlane );
+ if (depth <= rootDepth)
+ continue;
- if (numWorkers > kPMHaltMaxWorkers)
- numWorkers = kPMHaltMaxWorkers;
+ ok = false;
- DLOG("PM nodes %u, maxDepth %u, workers %u\n",
- totalNodes, gPMHaltArray->getCount(), numWorkers);
+ // adjust to zero based depth
+ depth -= (rootDepth + 1);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++)
- workers[i] = PMHaltWorker::worker();
+ // gPMHaltArray is an array of containers, each container
+ // refers to nodes with the same depth.
- // Wait for workers to exhaust all available work
+ count = gPMHaltArray->getCount();
+ while (depth >= count)
+ {
+ // expand array and insert placeholders
+ gPMHaltArray->setObject(PLACEHOLDER);
+ count++;
+ }
+ count = gPMHaltArray->getCount();
+ if (depth < count)
+ {
+ inner = (OSSet *)gPMHaltArray->getObject(depth);
+ if (inner == PLACEHOLDER)
+ {
+ inner = OSSet::withCapacity(40);
+ if (inner)
+ {
+ gPMHaltArray->replaceObject(depth, inner);
+ inner->release();
+ }
+ }
- IOLockLock(gPMHaltLock);
- while (gPMHaltDepth >= 0)
- {
- clock_interval_to_deadline(1000, kMillisecondScale, &deadline);
+ // PM nodes that appear more than once in the tree will have
+ // the same depth, OSSet will refuse to add the node twice.
+ if (inner)
+ ok = inner->setObject(node);
+ }
+ if (!ok)
+ DLOG("Skipped PM node %s\n", node->getName());
+ }
+ iter->release();
+ }
- waitResult = IOLockSleepDeadline(
- gPMHaltLock, &gPMHaltDepth, deadline, THREAD_UNINT);
- if (THREAD_TIMED_OUT == waitResult)
- {
- AbsoluteTime now;
- clock_get_uptime(&now);
+ // debug only
+ for (int i = 0; (inner = (OSSet *)gPMHaltArray->getObject(i)); i++)
+ {
+ count = 0;
+ if (inner != PLACEHOLDER)
+ count = inner->getCount();
+ DLOG("Nodes at depth %u = %u\n", i, count);
+ }
- IOLockUnlock(gPMHaltLock);
- for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < numWorkers; i++)
- {
- if (workers[i])
- PMHaltWorker::checkTimeout(workers[i], &now);
- }
- IOLockLock(gPMHaltLock);
- }
- }
- IOLockUnlock(gPMHaltLock);
+ // strip placeholders (not all depths are populated)
+ numWorkers = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; (inner = (OSSet *)gPMHaltArray->getObject(i)); )
+ {
+ if (inner == PLACEHOLDER)
+ {
+ gPMHaltArray->removeObject(i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ count = inner->getCount();
+ if (count > numWorkers)
+ numWorkers = count;
+ totalNodes += count;
+ i++;
+ }
- // Release all workers
+ if (gPMHaltArray->getCount() == 0 || !numWorkers)
+ goto done;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++)
- {
- if (workers[i])
- workers[i]->release();
- // worker also retained by it's own thread
- }
+ gPMHaltBusyCount = 0;
+ gPMHaltIdleCount = 0;
+ gPMHaltDepth = gPMHaltArray->getCount() - 1;
- DLOG("%s done\n", __FUNCTION__);
- return;
+ // Create multiple workers (and threads)
-// MARK: -
-// MARK: Sleep/Wake Logging
+ if (numWorkers > kPMHaltMaxWorkers)
+ numWorkers = kPMHaltMaxWorkers;
-// Sleep/Wake logging
+ DLOG("PM nodes %u, maxDepth %u, workers %u\n",
+ totalNodes, gPMHaltArray->getCount(), numWorkers);
-IOMemoryDescriptor *IOPMrootDomain::getPMTraceMemoryDescriptor(void)
- if (timeline)
- return timeline->getPMTraceMemoryDescriptor();
- else
- return NULL;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++)
+ workers[i] = PMHaltWorker::worker();
-// Forwards external reports of detailed events to IOPMTimeline
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::recordPMEvent(PMEventDetails *details)
- if (timeline && details) {
- IOReturn rc;
+ // Wait for workers to exhaust all available work
- // Record a detailed driver power change event, or...
- if(details->eventClassifier == kIOPMEventClassDriverEvent) {
- rc = timeline->recordDetailedPowerEvent( details );
- }
+ IOLockLock(gPMHaltLock);
+ while (gPMHaltDepth >= 0)
+ {
+ clock_interval_to_deadline(1000, kMillisecondScale, &deadline);
- // Record a system power management event
- else if(details->eventClassifier == kIOPMEventClassSystemEvent) {
- rc = timeline->recordSystemPowerEvent( details );
- }
- else {
- return kIOReturnBadArgument;
- }
- // If we get to record this message, then we've reached the
- // end of another successful Sleep --> Wake cycle
- // At this point, we pat ourselves in the back and allow
- // our Sleep --> Wake UUID to be published
- if(details->eventType == kIOPMEventTypeWakeDone) {
- timeline->setSleepCycleInProgressFlag(false);
- }
+ waitResult = IOLockSleepDeadline(
+ gPMHaltLock, &gPMHaltDepth, deadline, THREAD_UNINT);
+ if (THREAD_TIMED_OUT == waitResult)
+ {
+ AbsoluteTime now;
+ clock_get_uptime(&now);
- // Check if its time to clear the timeline buffer
- if(getProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey)
- && timeline->isSleepCycleInProgress() == false
- && timeline->getNumEventsLoggedThisPeriod() > 500) {
- // Clear the old UUID
- if(pmPowerStateQueue) {
- pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(kPowerEventPublishSleepWakeUUID, (void *)false );
+ IOLockUnlock(gPMHaltLock);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < numWorkers; i++)
+ {
+ if (workers[i])
+ PMHaltWorker::checkTimeout(workers[i], &now);
+ }
+ IOLockLock(gPMHaltLock);
- return rc;
- }
- else
- return kIOReturnNotReady;
-void IOPMrootDomain::recordPMEvent( uint32_t type,
- const char *uuid,
- uint32_t reason,
- uint32_t result )
- PMEventDetails *details = PMEventDetails::eventDetails(type, uuid, reason, result);
- if (details)
- {
- recordPMEvent(details);
- details->release();
+ IOLockUnlock(gPMHaltLock);
-IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::recordAndReleasePMEvent(PMEventDetails *details)
- IOReturn ret = kIOReturnBadArgument;
+ // Release all workers
- if (details)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++)
- ret = recordPMEvent(details);
- details->release();
+ if (workers[i])
+ workers[i]->release();
+ // worker also retained by it's own thread
- return ret;
+ DLOG("%s done\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ return;
// MARK: -
IOReturn ret;
IOPMDriverAssertionID newAssertion;
if (!pmAssertions)
return 0;
ret = pmAssertions->createAssertion(whichAssertionBits, assertionLevel, ownerService, ownerDescription, &newAssertion);
if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret)
if (!pmAssertions)
return kIOReturnInternalError;
return pmAssertions->releaseAssertion(releaseAssertion);
IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::setPMAssertionLevel(
- IOPMDriverAssertionID assertionID,
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID assertionID,
IOPMDriverAssertionLevel assertionLevel)
return pmAssertions->setAssertionLevel(assertionID, assertionLevel);
IOPMDriverAssertionType sysLevels;
- if (!pmAssertions || whichAssertion == 0)
+ if (!pmAssertions || whichAssertion == 0)
return kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelOff;
sysLevels = pmAssertions->getActivatedAssertions();
// Check that every bit set in argument 'whichAssertion' is asserted
// in the aggregate bits.
if ((sysLevels & whichAssertion) == whichAssertion)
if (obj) return obj;
- if (!strncmp(aKey, kIOPMSleepWakeWdogRebootKey,
+ if (!strncmp(aKey, kIOPMSleepWakeWdogRebootKey,
sizeof(kIOPMSleepWakeWdogRebootKey))) {
- if (swd_flags & SWD_BOOT_BY_WDOG)
- return OSBoolean::withBoolean(true);
- else
- return OSBoolean::withBoolean(false);
+ if (swd_flags & SWD_BOOT_BY_SW_WDOG)
+ return kOSBooleanTrue;
+ else
+ return kOSBooleanFalse;
- if (!strncmp(aKey, kIOPMSleepWakeWdogLogsValidKey,
+ if (!strncmp(aKey, kIOPMSleepWakeWdogLogsValidKey,
sizeof(kIOPMSleepWakeWdogLogsValidKey))) {
- if (swd_flags & SWD_VALID_LOGS)
- return OSBoolean::withBoolean(true);
- else
- return OSBoolean::withBoolean(false);
+ if (swd_flags & SWD_VALID_LOGS)
+ return kOSBooleanTrue;
+ else
+ return kOSBooleanFalse;
- /*
- * XXX: We should get rid of "DesktopMode" property when 'kAppleClamshellCausesSleepKey'
- * is set properly in darwake from sleep. For that, kIOPMEnableClamshell msg has to be
+ /*
+ * XXX: We should get rid of "DesktopMode" property when 'kAppleClamshellCausesSleepKey'
+ * is set properly in darwake from sleep. For that, kIOPMEnableClamshell msg has to be
* issued by DisplayWrangler on darkwake.
if (!strcmp(aKey, "DesktopMode")) {
if (desktopMode)
- return OSBoolean::withBoolean(true);
- else
- return OSBoolean::withBoolean(false);
+ return kOSBooleanTrue;
+ else
+ return kOSBooleanFalse;
if (!strcmp(aKey, "DisplayIdleForDemandSleep")) {
if (displayIdleForDemandSleep) {
- return OSBoolean::withBoolean(true);
+ return kOSBooleanTrue;
else {
- return OSBoolean::withBoolean(false);
+ return kOSBooleanFalse;
- return NULL;
+ if (!strcmp(aKey, kIOPMDriverWakeEventsKey))
+ {
+ OSArray * array = 0;
+ if (_systemWakeEventsArray && _systemWakeEventsArray->getCount()) {
+ OSCollection *collection = _systemWakeEventsArray->copyCollection();
+ if (collection && !(array = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, collection))) {
+ collection->release();
+ }
+ }
+ return array;
+ }
-/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+ if (!strcmp(aKey, kIOPMSleepStatisticsAppsKey))
+ {
+ OSArray * array = 0;
+ IOLockLock(pmStatsLock);
+ if (pmStatsAppResponses && pmStatsAppResponses->getCount()) {
+ OSCollection *collection = pmStatsAppResponses->copyCollection();
+ if (collection && !(array = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, collection))) {
+ collection->release();
+ }
+ pmStatsAppResponses->flushCollection();
+ }
+ IOLockUnlock(pmStatsLock);
+ return array;
+ }
-// MARK: -
-// MARK: PMSettingHandle
+ if (!strcmp(aKey, kIOPMIdleSleepPreventersKey))
+ {
+ OSArray *idleSleepList = NULL;
+ gRootDomain->copySleepPreventersList(&idleSleepList, NULL);
+ return idleSleepList;
+ }
-OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( PMSettingHandle, OSObject )
+ if (!strcmp(aKey, kIOPMSystemSleepPreventersKey))
+ {
+ OSArray *systemSleepList = NULL;
+ gRootDomain->copySleepPreventersList(NULL, &systemSleepList);
+ return systemSleepList;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: Wake Event Reporting
+void IOPMrootDomain::copyWakeReasonString( char * outBuf, size_t bufSize )
+ strlcpy(outBuf, gWakeReasonString, bufSize);
+// acceptSystemWakeEvents
+// Private control for the acceptance of driver wake event claims.
+void IOPMrootDomain::acceptSystemWakeEvents( bool accept )
+ bool logWakeReason = false;
+ if (accept)
+ {
+ gWakeReasonString[0] = '\0';
+ if (!_systemWakeEventsArray)
+ _systemWakeEventsArray = OSArray::withCapacity(4);
+ if ((_acceptSystemWakeEvents = (_systemWakeEventsArray != 0)))
+ _systemWakeEventsArray->flushCollection();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _acceptSystemWakeEvents = false;
+ logWakeReason = gWakeReasonSysctlRegistered;
+ static int panic_allowed = -1;
+ if ((panic_allowed == -1) &&
+ (PE_parse_boot_argn("swd_wakereason_panic", &panic_allowed, sizeof(panic_allowed)) == false)) {
+ panic_allowed = 1;
+ }
+ if (panic_allowed) {
+ size_t i = 0;
+ // Panic if wake reason is null or empty
+ for (i = 0; (i < strlen(gWakeReasonString)); i++) {
+ if ((gWakeReasonString[i] != ' ') && (gWakeReasonString[i] != '\t'))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i >= strlen(gWakeReasonString)) {
+ panic("Wake reason is empty\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (logWakeReason)
+ MSG("system wake events:%s\n", gWakeReasonString);
+// claimSystemWakeEvent
+// For a driver to claim a device is the source/conduit of a system wake event.
+void IOPMrootDomain::claimSystemWakeEvent(
+ IOService * device,
+ IOOptionBits flags,
+ const char * reason,
+ OSObject * details )
+ const OSSymbol * deviceName = 0;
+ OSNumber * deviceRegId = 0;
+ OSNumber * claimTime = 0;
+ OSData * flagsData = 0;
+ OSString * reasonString = 0;
+ OSDictionary * d = 0;
+ uint64_t timestamp;
+ bool ok = false;
+ pmEventTimeStamp(×tamp);
+ if (!device || !reason) return;
+ deviceName = device->copyName(gIOServicePlane);
+ deviceRegId = OSNumber::withNumber(device->getRegistryEntryID(), 64);
+ claimTime = OSNumber::withNumber(timestamp, 64);
+ flagsData = OSData::withBytes(&flags, sizeof(flags));
+ reasonString = OSString::withCString(reason);
+ d = OSDictionary::withCapacity(5 + (details ? 1 : 0));
+ if (!deviceName || !deviceRegId || !claimTime || !flagsData || !reasonString)
+ goto done;
+ d->setObject(gIONameKey, deviceName);
+ d->setObject(gIORegistryEntryIDKey, deviceRegId);
+ d->setObject(kIOPMWakeEventTimeKey, claimTime);
+ d->setObject(kIOPMWakeEventFlagsKey, flagsData);
+ d->setObject(kIOPMWakeEventReasonKey, reasonString);
+ if (details)
+ d->setObject(kIOPMWakeEventDetailsKey, details);
+ if (!gWakeReasonSysctlRegistered)
+ {
+ // Lazy registration until the platform driver stops registering
+ // the same name.
+ gWakeReasonSysctlRegistered = true;
+ sysctl_register_oid(&sysctl__kern_wakereason);
+ }
+ if (_acceptSystemWakeEvents)
+ {
+ ok = _systemWakeEventsArray->setObject(d);
+ if (gWakeReasonString[0] != '\0')
+ strlcat(gWakeReasonString, " ", sizeof(gWakeReasonString));
+ strlcat(gWakeReasonString, reason, sizeof(gWakeReasonString));
+ }
+ if (deviceName) deviceName->release();
+ if (deviceRegId) deviceRegId->release();
+ if (claimTime) claimTime->release();
+ if (flagsData) flagsData->release();
+ if (reasonString) reasonString->release();
+ if (d) d->release();
+/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
+// MARK: -
+// MARK: PMSettingHandle
+OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors( PMSettingHandle, OSObject )
void PMSettingHandle::free( void )
#define super OSObject
OSDefineMetaClassAndFinalStructors( PMSettingObject, OSObject )
* Static constructor/initializer for PMSettingObject
PMSettingObject *PMSettingObject::pmSettingObject(
-// MARK: -
-// MARK: IOPMTimeline
-#undef super
-#define super OSObject
-IOPMTimeline *IOPMTimeline::timeline(IOPMrootDomain *root_domain)
- IOPMTimeline *myself;
- if (!root_domain)
- return NULL;
- myself = new IOPMTimeline;
- if (myself) {
- myself->owner = root_domain;
- myself->init();
- }
- return myself;
-bool IOPMTimeline::init(void)
- if (!super::init()) {
- return false;
- }
- logLock = IOLockAlloc();
- // Fresh timeline, no events logged yet
- this->numEventsLoggedThisPeriod = 0;
- this->sleepCycleInProgress = false;
- //this->setEventsRecordingLevel(1); // TODO
- this->setEventsTrackedCount(kIOPMDefaultSystemEventsTracked);
- return true;
-void IOPMTimeline::free(void)
- if (pmTraceMemoryDescriptor) {
- pmTraceMemoryDescriptor->release();
- pmTraceMemoryDescriptor = NULL;
- }
- IOLockFree(logLock);
- super::free();
-IOMemoryDescriptor *IOPMTimeline::getPMTraceMemoryDescriptor()
- return pmTraceMemoryDescriptor;
-bool IOPMTimeline::setProperties(OSDictionary *d)
- OSNumber *n = NULL;
- OSBoolean *b = NULL;
- bool changed = false;
- /* Changes size of detailed events buffer */
- n = (OSNumber *)d->getObject(kIOPMTimelineSystemNumberTrackedKey);
- if (OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, n))
- {
- changed = true;
- this->setEventsTrackedCount(n->unsigned32BitValue());
- }
- /* enables or disables system events */
- b = (OSBoolean *)d->getObject(kIOPMTimelineEnabledKey);
- if (b)
- {
- changed = true;
- this->setEventsRecordingLevel((int)(kOSBooleanTrue == b));
- }
- return changed;
-OSDictionary *IOPMTimeline::copyInfoDictionary(void)
- OSDictionary *out = OSDictionary::withCapacity(3);
- OSNumber *n = NULL;
- if (!out || !hdr)
- return NULL;
- n = OSNumber::withNumber(hdr->sizeEntries, 32);
- out->setObject(kIOPMTimelineSystemNumberTrackedKey, n);
- n->release();
- n = OSNumber::withNumber(hdr->sizeBytes, 32);
- out->setObject(kIOPMTimelineSystemBufferSizeKey, n);
- n->release();
- // bool
- out->setObject(kIOPMTimelineEnabledKey, eventsRecordingLevel ? kOSBooleanTrue : kOSBooleanFalse);
- return out;
-/* IOPMTimeline::recordSystemPowerEvent()
- *
- * Expected "type" arguments are listed in IOPMPrivate.h under enum "SystemEventTypes"
- * Type arguments include "system events", and "Intermediate events"
- *
- * - System Events have paired "start" and "stop" events.
- * - A start event shall be followed by a stop event.
- * - Any number of Intermediate Events may fall between the
- * start and stop events.
- * - Intermediate events are meaningless outside the bounds of a system event's
- * start & stoup routines.
- * - It's invalid to record a Start event without a following Stop event; e.g. two
- * Start events without an intervenining Stop event is invalid.
- *
- * Buffer invariants
- * - The first recorded system event shall be preceded by an entry with type == 0
- * - IOPMTimeline may choose not to record intermediate events while there's not
- * a system event in process.
- */
-IOReturn IOPMTimeline::recordSystemPowerEvent( PMEventDetails *details )
- static bool wakeDonePending = true;
- IOPMSystemEventRecord *record_to = NULL;
- OSString *swUUIDKey = NULL;
- uint32_t useIndex = 0;
- if (!details)
- return kIOReturnBadArgument;
- if (!traceBuffer)
- return kIOReturnNotReady;
- if (details->eventType == kIOPMEventTypeWakeDone)
- {
- if(!wakeDonePending)
- return kIOReturnBadArgument;
- }
- IOLockLock(logLock);
- if (details->eventType == kIOPMEventTypeWake) {
- wakeDonePending = true;
- } else if (details->eventType == kIOPMEventTypeWakeDone) {
- wakeDonePending = false;
- }
- systemState = details->eventType;
- useIndex = _atomicIndexIncrement(&hdr->index, hdr->sizeEntries);
- // The entry immediately after the latest entry (and thus
- // immediately before the first entry) shall have a type 0.
- if (useIndex + 1 >= hdr->sizeEntries) {
- traceBuffer[useIndex + 1].eventType = 0;
- } else {
- traceBuffer[0].eventType = 0;
- }
- record_to = &traceBuffer[useIndex];
- bzero(record_to, sizeof(IOPMSystemEventRecord));
- /*****/
- record_to->eventType = details->eventType;
- record_to->eventReason = details->reason;
- record_to->eventResult = details->result;
- pmEventTimeStamp(&record_to->timestamp);
- // If caller doesn't provide a UUID, we'll use the UUID that's posted
- // on IOPMrootDomain under key kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey
- if (!details->uuid) {
- swUUIDKey = OSDynamicCast(OSString, owner->copyProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey));
- if (swUUIDKey)
- details->uuid = swUUIDKey->getCStringNoCopy();
- }
- if (details->uuid)
- strncpy(record_to->uuid, details->uuid, kMaxPMStringLength);
- if (swUUIDKey)
- swUUIDKey->release();
- numEventsLoggedThisPeriod++;
- /*****/
- IOLockUnlock(logLock);
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
-IOReturn IOPMTimeline::recordDetailedPowerEvent( PMEventDetails *details )
- IOPMSystemEventRecord *record_to = NULL;
- uint32_t useIndex;
- if (!details->eventType || !details->ownerName)
- return kIOReturnBadArgument;
- IOLockLock(logLock);
- useIndex = _atomicIndexIncrement(&hdr->index, hdr->sizeEntries);
- record_to = (IOPMSystemEventRecord *)&traceBuffer[useIndex];
- bzero(record_to, sizeof(IOPMSystemEventRecord));
- /*****/
- record_to->eventType = details->eventType;
- if (details->ownerName && (strlen(details->ownerName) > 1)) {
- strlcpy( record_to->ownerName,
- details->ownerName,
- sizeof(record_to->ownerName));
- }
- record_to->ownerDisambiguateID = details->ownerUnique;
- if (details->interestName && (strlen(details->interestName) > 1)) {
- strlcpy(record_to->interestName,
- details->interestName,
- sizeof(record_to->interestName));
- }
- record_to->oldState = details->oldState;
- record_to->newState = details->newState;
- record_to->eventResult = details->result;
- record_to->elapsedTimeUS = details->elapsedTimeUS;
- pmEventTimeStamp(&record_to->timestamp);
- numEventsLoggedThisPeriod++;
- /*****/
- IOLockUnlock(logLock);
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
-uint32_t IOPMTimeline::getNumEventsLoggedThisPeriod() {
- return this->numEventsLoggedThisPeriod;
-void IOPMTimeline::setNumEventsLoggedThisPeriod(uint32_t newCount) {
- this->numEventsLoggedThisPeriod = newCount;
-bool IOPMTimeline::isSleepCycleInProgress() {
- return this->sleepCycleInProgress;
-void IOPMTimeline::setSleepCycleInProgressFlag(bool flag) {
- this->sleepCycleInProgress = flag;
-void IOPMTimeline::setEventsTrackedCount(uint32_t newTracked)
- size_t make_buf_size = 0;
- make_buf_size = sizeof(IOPMTraceBufferHeader) + (newTracked * sizeof(IOPMSystemEventRecord));
- IOLockLock(logLock);
- if (pmTraceMemoryDescriptor) {
- pmTraceMemoryDescriptor->release();
- pmTraceMemoryDescriptor = NULL;
- }
- hdr = NULL;
- traceBuffer = NULL;
- if (0 == newTracked)
- {
- IOLog("IOPMrootDomain -> erased buffer.\n");
- goto exit;
- }
- pmTraceMemoryDescriptor = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::withOptions(
- kIOMemoryKernelUserShared | kIODirectionIn | kIOMemoryMapperNone,
- make_buf_size);
- if (!pmTraceMemoryDescriptor)
- {
- IOLog("IOPMRootDomain -> IOBufferMemoryDescriptor(%d) returns NULL\n", (int)make_buf_size);
- goto exit;
- }
- pmTraceMemoryDescriptor->prepare(kIODirectionIn);
- // Header occupies the first sizeof(IOPMTraceBufferHeader) bytes
- hdr = (IOPMTraceBufferHeader *)pmTraceMemoryDescriptor->getBytesNoCopy();
- // Recorded events occupy the remaining bulk of the buffer
- traceBuffer = (IOPMSystemEventRecord *)((uint8_t *)hdr + sizeof(IOPMTraceBufferHeader));
- bzero(hdr, make_buf_size);
- hdr->sizeBytes = make_buf_size;
- hdr->sizeEntries = newTracked;
- IOLog("IOPMRootDomain -> IOBufferMemoryDescriptor(%d) returns bufferMB with address 0x%08x\n", (int)make_buf_size, (unsigned int)(uintptr_t)traceBuffer);
- IOLockUnlock(logLock);
-void IOPMTimeline::setEventsRecordingLevel(uint32_t eventsTrackedBits)
- // TODO
- return;
-/* static helper to IOPMTimeline
- */
-uint32_t IOPMTimeline::_atomicIndexIncrement(uint32_t *index, uint32_t limit)
- uint32_t was_index;
- uint32_t inc_index;
- if(!index)
- return NULL;
- do {
- was_index = *index;
- inc_index = (was_index+1)%limit;
- } while (!OSCompareAndSwap(was_index, inc_index, index));
- return inc_index;
// MARK: -
// MARK: PMAssertionsTracker
PMAssertionsTracker *PMAssertionsTracker::pmAssertionsTracker( IOPMrootDomain *rootDomain )
PMAssertionsTracker *myself;
myself = new PMAssertionsTracker;
if (myself) {
myself->owner = rootDomain;
- myself->issuingUniqueID = kAssertUniqueIDStart;
+ myself->issuingUniqueID = kAssertUniqueIDStart;
myself->assertionsArray = OSArray::withCapacity(5);
myself->assertionsKernel = 0;
myself->assertionsUser = 0;
myself->assertionsCombined = 0;
myself->assertionsArrayLock = IOLockAlloc();
myself->tabulateProducerCount = myself->tabulateConsumerCount = 0;
if (!myself->assertionsArray || !myself->assertionsArrayLock)
myself = NULL;
if ((assertionsKernel != oldKernel) ||
(assertionsCombined != oldCombined))
- {
+ {
owner->evaluateAssertions(assertionsCombined, oldCombined);
/* PMAssertionsTracker::createAssertion
- * createAssertion allocates memory for a new PM assertion, and affects system behavior, if
+ * createAssertion allocates memory for a new PM assertion, and affects system behavior, if
* appropiate.
IOReturn PMAssertionsTracker::createAssertion(
IOPMDriverAssertionType which,
IOPMDriverAssertionLevel level,
- IOService *serviceID,
- const char *whoItIs,
+ IOService *serviceID,
+ const char *whoItIs,
IOPMDriverAssertionID *outID)
OSData *dataStore = NULL;
track.registryEntryID = serviceID ? serviceID->getRegistryEntryID():0;
track.modifiedTime = 0;
dataStore = OSData::withBytes(&track, sizeof(PMAssertStruct));
if (!dataStore)
*outID = track.id;
if (owner && owner->pmPowerStateQueue) {
owner->pmPowerStateQueue->submitPowerEvent(kPowerEventAssertionCreate, (void *)dataStore);
return kIOReturnSuccess;
int index;
PMAssertStruct *assertStruct = detailsForID(_id, &index);
if (!assertStruct)
return kIOReturnNotFound;
- if (assertStruct->ownerString)
+ if (assertStruct->ownerString)
return kIOReturnSuccess;
* Runs in PM workloop. Do not call directly.
IOReturn PMAssertionsTracker::handleSetAssertionLevel(
- IOPMDriverAssertionID _id,
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID _id,
IOPMDriverAssertionLevel _level)
PMAssertStruct *assertStruct = detailsForID(_id, NULL);
/* PMAssertionsTracker::setAssertionLevel
IOReturn PMAssertionsTracker::setAssertionLevel(
- IOPMDriverAssertionID _id,
+ IOPMDriverAssertionID _id,
IOPMDriverAssertionLevel _level)
if (owner && owner->pmPowerStateQueue) {
(void *)(uintptr_t)_level, _id);
- return kIOReturnSuccess;
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
IOReturn PMAssertionsTracker::handleSetUserAssertionLevels(void * arg0)
_n = OSNumber::withNumber(_a->id, 64);
- if (_n) {
+ if (_n) {
details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionIDKey, _n);
_n = OSNumber::withNumber(_a->createdTime, 64);
- if (_n) {
+ if (_n) {
details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionCreatedTimeKey, _n);
_n = OSNumber::withNumber(_a->modifiedTime, 64);
- if (_n) {
+ if (_n) {
details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionModifiedTimeKey, _n);
_n = OSNumber::withNumber((uintptr_t)_a->registryEntryID, 64);
- if (_n) {
+ if (_n) {
details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionRegistryEntryIDKey, _n);
_n = OSNumber::withNumber(_a->level, 64);
- if (_n) {
+ if (_n) {
details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionLevelKey, _n);
_n = OSNumber::withNumber(_a->assertionBits, 64);
- if (_n) {
+ if (_n) {
details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionAssertedKey, _n);
if (_a->ownerString) {
details->setObject(kIOPMDriverAssertionOwnerStringKey, _a->ownerString);
if (!recordTS)
// We assume tsec fits into 32 bits; 32 bits holds enough
// seconds for 136 years since the epoch in 1970.
clock_get_calendar_microtime(&tsec, &tusec);
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
-void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugLog(const char *fmt,...)
- char str[100];
- va_list ap;
- int retry = 0;
- char *ptr;
- swd_hdr *hdr;
- uint32_t len = 0;
- uint32_t ts;
- uint32_t curPos = 0, newPos = 0;
- bool reset = false;
- if ( !(kIOPersistentLog & gIOKitDebug) || (swd_buffer == NULL))
- return;
- hdr = (swd_hdr *)swd_buffer;
- if (hdr->dlog_size == 0) {
- if ((hdr->spindump_size != 0) || !OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gRootDomain->swd_lock))
- return;
- hdr->dlog_buf_offset = hdr->dlog_cur_pos = sizeof(swd_hdr);
- hdr->dlog_size = SWD_DLOG_SIZE;
- hdr->spindump_offset = sizeof(swd_hdr) + hdr->dlog_size;
- memset(((char*)hdr)+hdr->dlog_buf_offset, 0, hdr->dlog_size);
- gRootDomain->swd_lock = 0;
- }
- ts = mach_absolute_time() & 0xffffffff;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- len = vsnprintf(str, sizeof(str), fmt, ap)+1;
- va_end(ap);
- if (len > sizeof(str)) len = sizeof(str);
- len += 10; // 8 bytes for time stamp
- do {
- curPos = hdr->dlog_cur_pos;
- newPos = curPos+len;
- if (newPos >= (hdr->dlog_buf_offset+hdr->dlog_size)) {
- newPos = hdr->dlog_buf_offset+len;
- reset = true;
- }
- else
- reset = false;
- if (retry++ == 3) return; // Don't try too hard
- } while (!OSCompareAndSwap(curPos, newPos, &hdr->dlog_cur_pos));
+IOReturn IOPMrootDomain::restartWithStackshot()
+ if ((swd_flags & SWD_WDOG_ENABLED) == 0)
+ return kIOReturnError;
- if (reset) curPos = hdr->dlog_buf_offset;
- ptr = (char*)hdr+curPos;
- snprintf(ptr, len, "%08x: %s", ts, str);
+ takeStackshot(true, true, false);
+ return kIOReturnSuccess;
void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugTrig(bool wdogTrigger)
+ takeStackshot(wdogTrigger, false, false);
+void IOPMrootDomain::takeStackshot(bool wdogTrigger, bool isOSXWatchdog, bool isSpinDump)
swd_hdr * hdr = NULL;
addr64_t data[3];
- uint32_t wdog_panic = 0;
+ int wdog_panic = -1;
+ int stress_rack = -1;
+ int cnt = 0;
+ pid_t pid = 0;
+ kern_return_t kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
+ uint32_t flags;
char * dstAddr;
+ uint32_t size;
uint32_t bytesRemaining;
+ unsigned bytesWritten = 0;
+ unsigned totalBytes = 0;
unsigned int len;
OSString * UUIDstring = NULL;
uint64_t code;
IOMemoryMap * logBufMap = NULL;
- if ( kIOSleepWakeWdogOff & gIOKitDebug )
- return;
+ uint32_t bufSize;
+ uint32_t initialStackSize;
+ if (isSpinDump) {
+ if (_systemTransitionType != kSystemTransitionSleep &&
+ _systemTransitionType != kSystemTransitionWake)
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if ( kIOSleepWakeWdogOff & gIOKitDebug )
+ return;
+ }
if (wdogTrigger) {
- if (PE_parse_boot_argn("swd_panic", &wdog_panic, sizeof(wdog_panic)) &&
- (wdog_panic == 1)) {
- // If boot-arg is set to panic on sleep/wake hang, call panic
- panic("Sleep/Wake hang detected\n");
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("swd_panic", &wdog_panic, sizeof(wdog_panic));
+ PE_parse_boot_argn("stress-rack", &stress_rack, sizeof(stress_rack));
+ if ((wdog_panic == 1) || (stress_rack == 1) || (PEGetCoprocessorVersion() >= kCoprocessorVersion2)) {
+ // If boot-arg specifies to panic then panic.
+ panic("Sleep/Wake hang detected");
- else if (swd_flags & SWD_BOOT_BY_WDOG) {
+ else if (swd_flags & SWD_BOOT_BY_SW_WDOG) {
// If current boot is due to this watch dog trigger restart in previous boot,
// then don't trigger again until at least 1 successful sleep & wake.
- if (!(sleepCnt && displayWakeCnt)) {
- IOLog("Shutting down due to repeated Sleep/Wake failures\n");
- PEHaltRestart(kPERestartCPU);
+ if (!(sleepCnt && (displayWakeCnt || darkWakeCnt))) {
+ IOLog("Shutting down due to repeated Sleep/Wake failures\n");
+ if (!tasksSuspended) {
+ tasksSuspended = TRUE;
+ tasks_system_suspend(true);
+ }
+ PEHaltRestart(kPEHaltCPU);
- if (swd_buffer == NULL) {
- sleepWakeDebugMemAlloc();
- if (swd_buffer == NULL) return;
+ if (isSpinDump) {
+ if (gSpinDumpBufferFull)
+ return;
+ if (swd_spindump_buffer == NULL) {
+ sleepWakeDebugSpinDumpMemAlloc();
+ if (swd_spindump_buffer == NULL) return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (sleepWakeDebugIsWdogEnabled() == false)
+ return;
+ if (swd_buffer == NULL) {
+ sleepWakeDebugMemAlloc();
+ if (swd_buffer == NULL) return;
+ }
+ bufSize = SWD_BUF_SIZE;
+ initialStackSize = SWD_INITIAL_STACK_SIZE;
if (!OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gRootDomain->swd_lock))
+ if (isSpinDump) {
+ hdr = (swd_hdr *)swd_spindump_buffer;
+ }
+ else {
+ hdr = (swd_hdr *)swd_buffer;
+ }
- hdr = (swd_hdr *)swd_buffer;
+ memset(hdr->UUID, 0x20, sizeof(hdr->UUID));
if ((UUIDstring = OSDynamicCast(OSString, getProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeUUIDKey))) != NULL ) {
if (wdogTrigger || (!UUIDstring->isEqualTo(hdr->UUID))) {
const char *str = UUIDstring->getCStringNoCopy();
- snprintf(hdr->UUID, sizeof(hdr->UUID), "UUID: %s\n", str);
+ snprintf(hdr->UUID, sizeof(hdr->UUID), "UUID: %s", str);
else {
DLOG("Data for current UUID already exists\n");
dstAddr = (char*)hdr + hdr->spindump_offset;
- bytesRemaining = SWD_BUF_SIZE - hdr->spindump_offset;
+ bytesRemaining = bufSize - hdr->spindump_offset;
+ /* if AppleOSXWatchdog triggered the stackshot, set the flag in the heaer */
+ hdr->is_osx_watchdog = isOSXWatchdog;
DLOG("Taking snapshot. bytesRemaining: %d\n", bytesRemaining);
- stack_snapshot_from_kernel(-1, dstAddr, bytesRemaining,
- &hdr->spindump_size);
- if (hdr->spindump_size != 0) {
- DLOG("Traced %d bytes of snapshot\n", hdr->spindump_size);
- dstAddr += hdr->spindump_size;
- bytesRemaining -= hdr->spindump_size;
- }
- else {
- DLOG("Failed to get spindump\n");
- hdr->spindump_size = 0;
+ while (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ if (cnt == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Take stackshot of all process on first sample. Size is restricted
+ */
+ pid = -1;
+ size = (bytesRemaining > initialStackSize) ? initialStackSize : bytesRemaining;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Take sample of kernel threads only */
+ pid = 0;
+ size = bytesRemaining;
+ }
+ kr = stack_snapshot_from_kernel(pid, dstAddr, size, flags, 0, &bytesWritten);
+ DLOG("stack_snapshot_from_kernel returned 0x%x. pid: %d bufsize:0x%x flags:0x%x bytesWritten: %d\n",
+ kr, pid, size, flags, bytesWritten);
+ if (pid == -1) {
+ // Insufficient buffer when trying to take stackshot of user & kernel space threads.
+ // Continue to take stackshot of just kernel threads
+ ++cnt;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (totalBytes == 0) {
+ MSG("Failed to get stackshot(0x%x) bufsize:0x%x flags:0x%x\n", kr, size, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ dstAddr += bytesWritten;
+ totalBytes += bytesWritten;
+ bytesRemaining -= bytesWritten;
+ if (++cnt == 10) {
+ break;
+ }
+ IOSleep(10); // 10 ms
- snprintf(hdr->cps, sizeof(hdr->cps), "cps: %d\n", ((IOService*)this)->getPowerState());
+ hdr->spindump_size = (bufSize - bytesRemaining - hdr->spindump_offset);
+ memset(hdr->spindump_status, 0x20, sizeof(hdr->spindump_status));
code = pmTracer->getPMStatusCode();
- snprintf(hdr->PMStatusCode, sizeof(hdr->PMStatusCode), "Code: %08x %08x\n",
+ memset(hdr->PMStatusCode, 0x20, sizeof(hdr->PMStatusCode));
+ snprintf(hdr->PMStatusCode, sizeof(hdr->PMStatusCode), "\nCode: %08x %08x",
(uint32_t)((code >> 32) & 0xffffffff), (uint32_t)(code & 0xffffffff));
- snprintf(hdr->reason, sizeof(hdr->reason), "Stackshot reason: Watchdog\n");
+ memset(hdr->reason, 0x20, sizeof(hdr->reason));
+ if (isSpinDump) {
+ snprintf(hdr->reason, sizeof(hdr->reason), "\nStackshot reason: PSC Delay\n\n");
+ gRootDomain->swd_lock = 0;
+ gSpinDumpBufferFull = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ snprintf(hdr->reason, sizeof(hdr->reason), "\nStackshot reason: Watchdog\n\n");
- data[0] = sizeof(swd_hdr) + hdr->spindump_size + hdr->dlog_size;
+ data[0] = round_page(sizeof(swd_hdr) + hdr->spindump_size);
/* Header & rootdomain log is constantly changing and is not covered by CRC */
- data[1] = crc32(0, ((char*)swd_buffer+hdr->spindump_offset), hdr->spindump_size);
- data[2] = kvtophys((vm_offset_t)swd_buffer);
+ data[1] = hdr->crc = crc32(0, ((char*)swd_buffer+hdr->spindump_offset), hdr->spindump_size);
+ data[2] = kvtophys((vm_offset_t)swd_buffer);
len = sizeof(addr64_t)*3;
DLOG("bytes: 0x%llx crc:0x%llx paddr:0x%llx\n",
data[0], data[1], data[2]);
gRootDomain->swd_lock = 0;
if (wdogTrigger) {
- IOLog("Restarting to collect Sleep wake debug logs\n");
- PEHaltRestart(kPERestartCPU);
+ IOLog("Restarting to collect Sleep wake debug logs\n");
+ if (!tasksSuspended) {
+ tasksSuspended = TRUE;
+ tasks_system_suspend(true);
+ }
+ PEHaltRestart(kPERestartCPU);
else {
logBufMap = sleepWakeDebugRetrieve();
if (logBufMap) {
- sleepWakeDebugDump(logBufMap);
+ sleepWakeDebugDumpFromMem(logBufMap);
logBufMap = 0;
if ( kIOSleepWakeWdogOff & gIOKitDebug )
+ if (PEGetCoprocessorVersion() >= kCoprocessorVersion2)
+ return;
if (!OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gRootDomain->swd_lock))
- // Try allocating above 4GB. If that fails, try at 2GB
- memDesc = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithPhysicalMask(
+ // Try allocating above 4GB. If that fails, try at 2GB
+ memDesc = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithPhysicalMask(
kernel_task, kIOMemoryPhysicallyContiguous|kIOMemoryMapperNone,
size, 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL);
if (!memDesc) {
- memDesc = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithPhysicalMask(
+ memDesc = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithPhysicalMask(
kernel_task, kIOMemoryPhysicallyContiguous|kIOMemoryMapperNone,
size, 0xFFFFFFFF10000000ULL);
- if (memDesc == NULL)
+ if (memDesc == NULL)
DLOG("Failed to allocate Memory descriptor for sleepWake debug\n");
goto exit;
hdr = (swd_hdr *)memDesc->getBytesNoCopy();
- memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(swd_hdr));
+ memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(swd_hdr));
- hdr->version = 1;
+ hdr->signature = SWD_HDR_SIGNATURE;
hdr->alloc_size = size;
- if (kIOPersistentLog & gIOKitDebug) {
- hdr->dlog_buf_offset = hdr->dlog_cur_pos = sizeof(swd_hdr);
- hdr->dlog_size = SWD_DLOG_SIZE;
- memset(((char*)hdr)+hdr->dlog_buf_offset, 0, hdr->dlog_size);
+ hdr->spindump_offset = sizeof(swd_hdr);
+ swd_buffer = (void *)hdr;
+ swd_memDesc = memDesc;
+ DLOG("SleepWake debug buffer size:0x%x spindump offset:0x%x\n", hdr->alloc_size, hdr->spindump_offset);
+ gRootDomain->swd_lock = 0;
+void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugSpinDumpMemAlloc( )
+ vm_size_t size = SWD_SPINDUMP_SIZE;
+ swd_hdr *hdr = NULL;
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *memDesc = NULL;
+ if (!OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gRootDomain->swd_lock))
+ return;
+ memDesc = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::inTaskWithOptions(
+ kernel_task, kIODirectionIn|kIOMemoryMapperNone,
+ if (memDesc == NULL)
+ {
+ DLOG("Failed to allocate Memory descriptor for sleepWake debug spindump\n");
+ goto exit;
- hdr->spindump_offset = sizeof(swd_hdr) + hdr->dlog_size;
- swd_buffer = (void *)hdr;
- DLOG("SleepWake debug buffer size:0x%x\n", hdr->alloc_size);
- DLOG("DLOG offset: 0x%x size:0x%x spindump offset:0x%x\n",
- hdr->dlog_buf_offset, hdr->dlog_size, hdr->spindump_offset);
+ hdr = (swd_hdr *)memDesc->getBytesNoCopy();
+ memset(hdr, 0, sizeof(swd_hdr));
+ hdr->signature = SWD_HDR_SIGNATURE;
+ hdr->alloc_size = size;
+ hdr->spindump_offset = sizeof(swd_hdr);
+ swd_spindump_buffer = (void *)hdr;
gRootDomain->swd_lock = 0;
bool IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugIsWdogEnabled()
return ((swd_flags & SWD_WDOG_ENABLED) &&
- !systemBooting && !systemShutdown);
+ !systemBooting && !systemShutdown && !gWillShutdown);
+void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugSaveSpinDumpFile()
+ swd_hdr *hdr = NULL;
+ errno_t error = EIO;
+ if (swd_spindump_buffer && gSpinDumpBufferFull) {
+ hdr = (swd_hdr *)swd_spindump_buffer;
+ error = sleepWakeDebugSaveFile("/var/tmp/SleepWakeDelayStacks.dump",
+ (char*)hdr+hdr->spindump_offset, hdr->spindump_size);
+ if (error) return;
+ sleepWakeDebugSaveFile("/var/tmp/SleepWakeDelayLog.dump",
+ (char*)hdr+offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID),
+ sizeof(swd_hdr)-offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID));
+ gSpinDumpBufferFull = false;
+ }
errno_t IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(const char *name, char *buf, int len)
struct vnode *vp = NULL;
- vfs_context_t ctx = vfs_context_current();
+ vfs_context_t ctx = vfs_context_create(vfs_context_current());
kauth_cred_t cred = vfs_context_ucred(ctx);
struct vnode_attr va;
errno_t error = EIO;
- if (vnode_open(name, (O_CREAT | FWRITE | O_NOFOLLOW),
+ if (vnode_open(name, (O_CREAT | FWRITE | O_NOFOLLOW),
IOLog("Failed to open the file %s\n", name);
+ swd_flags |= SWD_FILEOP_ERROR;
goto exit;
if (vp->v_type != VREG ||
vnode_getattr(vp, &va, ctx) || va.va_nlink != 1) {
IOLog("Bailing as this is not a regular file\n");
+ swd_flags |= SWD_FILEOP_ERROR;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ VATTR_INIT(&va);
+ VATTR_SET(&va, va_data_size, 0);
+ vnode_setattr(vp, &va, ctx);
+ if (buf != NULL) {
+ error = vn_rdwr(UIO_WRITE, vp, buf, len, 0,
+ UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_NODELOCKED|IO_UNIT, cred, (int *) 0, vfs_context_proc(ctx));
+ if (error != 0) {
+ IOLog("Failed to save sleep wake log. err 0x%x\n", error);
+ swd_flags |= SWD_FILEOP_ERROR;
+ }
+ else {
+ DLOG("Saved %d bytes to file %s\n",len, name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (vp) vnode_close(vp, FWRITE, ctx);
+ if (ctx) vfs_context_rele(ctx);
+ return error;
+errno_t IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugCopyFile(
+ struct vnode *srcVp,
+ vfs_context_t srcCtx,
+ char *tmpBuf, uint64_t tmpBufSize,
+ uint64_t srcOffset,
+ const char *dstFname,
+ uint64_t numBytes,
+ uint32_t crc)
+ struct vnode *vp = NULL;
+ vfs_context_t ctx = vfs_context_create(vfs_context_current());
+ struct vnode_attr va;
+ errno_t error = EIO;
+ uint64_t bytesToRead, bytesToWrite;
+ uint64_t readFileOffset, writeFileOffset, srcDataOffset;
+ uint32_t newcrc = 0;
+ if (vnode_open(dstFname, (O_CREAT | FWRITE | O_NOFOLLOW),
+ {
+ IOLog("Failed to open the file %s\n", dstFname);
+ swd_flags |= SWD_FILEOP_ERROR;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ VATTR_INIT(&va);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_nlink);
+ /* Don't dump to non-regular files or files with links. */
+ if (vp->v_type != VREG ||
+ vnode_getattr(vp, &va, ctx) || va.va_nlink != 1) {
+ IOLog("Bailing as this is not a regular file\n");
+ swd_flags |= SWD_FILEOP_ERROR;
goto exit;
VATTR_SET(&va, va_data_size, 0);
vnode_setattr(vp, &va, ctx);
+ writeFileOffset = 0;
+ while(numBytes) {
+ bytesToRead = (round_page(numBytes) > tmpBufSize) ? tmpBufSize : round_page(numBytes);
+ readFileOffset = trunc_page(srcOffset);
+ DLOG("Read file (numBytes:0x%llx offset:0x%llx)\n", bytesToRead, readFileOffset);
+ error = vn_rdwr(UIO_READ, srcVp, tmpBuf, bytesToRead, readFileOffset,
+ vfs_context_ucred(srcCtx), (int *) 0,
+ vfs_context_proc(srcCtx));
+ if (error) {
+ IOLog("Failed to read file(numBytes:0x%llx)\n", bytesToRead);
+ swd_flags |= SWD_FILEOP_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
- error = vn_rdwr(UIO_WRITE, vp, buf, len, 0,
- UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_NODELOCKED|IO_UNIT, cred, (int *) 0, vfs_context_proc(ctx));
- if (error != 0)
- IOLog("Failed to save sleep wake log. err 0x%x\n", error);
- else
- DLOG("Saved %d bytes to file %s\n",len, name);
+ srcDataOffset = (uint64_t)tmpBuf + (srcOffset - readFileOffset);
+ bytesToWrite = bytesToRead - (srcOffset - readFileOffset);
+ if (bytesToWrite > numBytes) bytesToWrite = numBytes;
+ if (crc) {
+ newcrc = crc32(newcrc, (void *)srcDataOffset, bytesToWrite);
+ }
+ DLOG("Write file (numBytes:0x%llx offset:0x%llx)\n", bytesToWrite, writeFileOffset);
+ error = vn_rdwr(UIO_WRITE, vp, (char *)srcDataOffset, bytesToWrite, writeFileOffset,
+ vfs_context_ucred(ctx), (int *) 0,
+ vfs_context_proc(ctx));
+ if (error) {
+ IOLog("Failed to write file(numBytes:0x%llx)\n", bytesToWrite);
+ swd_flags |= SWD_FILEOP_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ writeFileOffset += bytesToWrite;
+ numBytes -= bytesToWrite;
+ srcOffset += bytesToWrite;
+ }
+ if (crc != newcrc) {
+ /* Set stackshot size to 0 if crc doesn't match */
+ VATTR_INIT(&va);
+ VATTR_SET(&va, va_data_size, 0);
+ vnode_setattr(vp, &va, ctx);
+ IOLog("CRC check failed. expected:0x%x actual:0x%x\n", crc, newcrc);
+ swd_flags |= SWD_DATA_CRC_ERROR;
+ error = EFAULT;
+ }
- if (vp) vnode_close(vp, FWRITE, ctx);
+ if (vp) {
+ error = vnode_close(vp, FWRITE, ctx);
+ DLOG("vnode_close on file %s returned 0x%x\n",dstFname, error);
+ }
+ if (ctx) vfs_context_rele(ctx);
return error;
-void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugDump(IOMemoryMap *logBufMap)
+uint32_t IOPMrootDomain::checkForValidDebugData(const char *fname, vfs_context_t *ctx,
+ void *tmpBuf, struct vnode **vp)
+ int rc;
+ uint64_t hdrOffset;
+ uint32_t error = 0;
+ struct vnode_attr va;
+ IOHibernateImageHeader *imageHdr;
+ *vp = NULL;
+ if (vnode_open(fname, (FREAD | O_NOFOLLOW), 0,
+ VNODE_LOOKUP_NOFOLLOW, vp, *ctx) != 0)
+ {
+ DMSG("sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile: Failed to open the file %s\n", fname);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ VATTR_INIT(&va);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_nlink);
+ VATTR_WANTED(&va, va_data_alloc);
+ if ((*vp)->v_type != VREG ||
+ vnode_getattr((*vp), &va, *ctx) || va.va_nlink != 1) {
+ IOLog("sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile: Bailing as %s is not a regular file\n", fname);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Read the sleepimage file header */
+ rc = vn_rdwr(UIO_READ, *vp, (char *)tmpBuf, round_page(sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeader)), 0,
+ vfs_context_ucred(*ctx), (int *) 0,
+ vfs_context_proc(*ctx));
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ IOLog("sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile: Failed to read header size %llu(rc=%d) from %s\n",
+ mach_vm_round_page(sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeader)), rc, fname);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ imageHdr = ((IOHibernateImageHeader *)tmpBuf);
+ if (imageHdr->signature != kIOHibernateHeaderDebugDataSignature) {
+ IOLog("sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile: File %s header has unexpected value 0x%x\n",
+ fname, imageHdr->signature);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Sleep/Wake debug header(swd_hdr) is at the beggining of the second block */
+ hdrOffset = imageHdr->deviceBlockSize;
+ if (hdrOffset + sizeof(swd_hdr) >= va.va_data_alloc) {
+ IOLog("sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile: header is crossing file size(0x%llx) in file %s\n",
+ va.va_data_alloc, fname);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ if (*vp) vnode_close(*vp, FREAD, *ctx);
+ *vp = NULL;
+ return error;
+void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile( )
+ int rc;
+ char hibernateFilename[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+ void *tmpBuf;
+ swd_hdr *hdr = NULL;
+ uint32_t stacksSize, logSize;
+ uint64_t tmpBufSize;
+ uint64_t hdrOffset, stacksOffset, logOffset;
+ errno_t error = EIO;
+ OSObject *obj = NULL;
+ OSString *str = NULL;
+ OSNumber *failStat = NULL;
+ struct vnode *vp = NULL;
+ vfs_context_t ctx = NULL;
+ const char *stacksFname, *logFname;
+ IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *tmpBufDesc = NULL;
+ DLOG("sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile\n");
+ if ((swd_flags & SWD_LOGS_IN_FILE) == 0)
+ return;
+ if (!OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gRootDomain->swd_lock))
+ return;
+ /* Allocate a temp buffer to copy data between files */
+ tmpBufSize = 2*4096;
+ tmpBufDesc = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::
+ inTaskWithOptions(kernel_task, kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryMapperNone,
+ tmpBufSize, PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (!tmpBufDesc) {
+ DMSG("sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile: Fail to allocate temp buf\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ tmpBuf = tmpBufDesc->getBytesNoCopy();
+ ctx = vfs_context_create(vfs_context_current());
+ /* First check if 'kSleepWakeStackBinFilename' has valid data */
+ swd_flags |= checkForValidDebugData(kSleepWakeStackBinFilename, &ctx, tmpBuf, &vp);
+ if (vp == NULL) {
+ /* Check if the debug data is saved to hibernation file */
+ hibernateFilename[0] = 0;
+ if ((obj = copyProperty(kIOHibernateFileKey)))
+ {
+ if ((str = OSDynamicCast(OSString, obj)))
+ strlcpy(hibernateFilename, str->getCStringNoCopy(),
+ sizeof(hibernateFilename));
+ obj->release();
+ }
+ if (!hibernateFilename[0]) {
+ DMSG("sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile: Failed to get hibernation file name\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ swd_flags |= checkForValidDebugData(hibernateFilename, &ctx, tmpBuf, &vp);
+ if (vp == NULL) {
+ DMSG("sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile: No valid debug data is found\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ DLOG("Getting SW Stacks image from file %s\n", hibernateFilename);
+ }
+ else {
+ DLOG("Getting SW Stacks image from file %s\n", kSleepWakeStackBinFilename);
+ }
+ hdrOffset = ((IOHibernateImageHeader *)tmpBuf)->deviceBlockSize;
+ DLOG("Reading swd_hdr len 0x%llx offset 0x%lx\n", mach_vm_round_page(sizeof(swd_hdr)), trunc_page(hdrOffset));
+ /* Read the sleep/wake debug header(swd_hdr) */
+ rc = vn_rdwr(UIO_READ, vp, (char *)tmpBuf, round_page(sizeof(swd_hdr)), trunc_page(hdrOffset),
+ vfs_context_ucred(ctx), (int *) 0,
+ vfs_context_proc(ctx));
+ if (rc != 0) {
+ DMSG("sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile: Failed to debug read header size %llu. rc=%d\n",
+ mach_vm_round_page(sizeof(swd_hdr)), rc);
+ swd_flags |= SWD_FILEOP_ERROR;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ hdr = (swd_hdr *)((char *)tmpBuf + (hdrOffset - trunc_page(hdrOffset)));
+ if ((hdr->signature != SWD_HDR_SIGNATURE) || (hdr->alloc_size > SWD_BUF_SIZE) ||
+ (hdr->spindump_offset > SWD_BUF_SIZE) || (hdr->spindump_size > SWD_BUF_SIZE)) {
+ DMSG("sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile: Invalid data in debug header. sign:0x%x size:0x%x spindump_offset:0x%x spindump_size:0x%x\n",
+ hdr->signature, hdr->alloc_size, hdr->spindump_offset, hdr->spindump_size);
+ swd_flags |= SWD_BUF_SIZE_ERROR;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ stacksSize = hdr->spindump_size;
+ /* Get stacks & log offsets in the image file */
+ stacksOffset = hdrOffset + hdr->spindump_offset;
+ logOffset = hdrOffset + offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID);
+ logSize = sizeof(swd_hdr)-offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID);
+ stacksFname = getDumpStackFilename(hdr);
+ logFname = getDumpLogFilename(hdr);
+ error = sleepWakeDebugCopyFile(vp, ctx, (char *)tmpBuf, tmpBufSize, stacksOffset,
+ stacksFname, stacksSize, hdr->crc);
+ if (error == EFAULT) {
+ DMSG("sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile: Stackshot CRC doesn't match\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ error = sleepWakeDebugCopyFile(vp, ctx, (char *)tmpBuf, tmpBufSize, logOffset,
+ logFname, logSize, 0);
+ if (error) {
+ DMSG("sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile: Failed to write the log file(0x%x)\n", error);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ // Write just the SleepWakeLog.dump with failure code
+ uint64_t fcode = 0;
+ const char *fname;
+ swd_hdr hdrCopy;
+ char *offset = NULL;
+ int size;
+ hdr = &hdrCopy;
+ if (swd_flags & SWD_BOOT_BY_SW_WDOG) {
+ failStat = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, getProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeFailureCodeKey));
+ fcode = failStat->unsigned64BitValue();
+ fname = kSleepWakeLogFilename;
+ }
+ else {
+ fname = kAppleOSXWatchdogLogFilename;
+ }
+ offset = (char*)hdr+offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID);
+ size = sizeof(swd_hdr)-offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID);
+ memset(offset, 0x20, size); // Fill with spaces
+ snprintf(hdr->spindump_status, sizeof(hdr->spindump_status), "\nstatus: 0x%x", swd_flags);
+ snprintf(hdr->PMStatusCode, sizeof(hdr->PMStatusCode), "\nCode: 0x%llx", fcode);
+ snprintf(hdr->reason, sizeof(hdr->reason), "\nStackshot reason: Watchdog\n\n");
+ sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(fname, offset, size);
+ }
+ gRootDomain->swd_lock = 0;
+ if (vp) vnode_close(vp, FREAD, ctx);
+ if (ctx) vfs_context_rele(ctx);
+ if (tmpBufDesc) tmpBufDesc->release();
+#endif /* HIBERNATION */
+void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugDumpFromMem(IOMemoryMap *logBufMap)
IOVirtualAddress srcBuf = NULL;
char *stackBuf = NULL, *logOffset = NULL;
errno_t error = EIO;
uint64_t bufSize = 0;
swd_hdr *hdr = NULL;
- char PMStatusCode[100];
OSNumber *failStat = NULL;
if (!OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gRootDomain->swd_lock))
bufSize = logBufMap->getLength();
if (bufSize <= sizeof(swd_hdr))
- IOLog("SleepWake log buffer contents are invalid\n");
+ IOLog("SleepWake log buffer size is invalid\n");
+ swd_flags |= SWD_BUF_SIZE_ERROR;
goto exit;
stackBuf = (char*)hdr+hdr->spindump_offset;
- error = sleepWakeDebugSaveFile("/var/tmp/SleepWakeStacks.dump", stackBuf, hdr->spindump_size);
+ error = sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(getDumpStackFilename(hdr), stackBuf, hdr->spindump_size);
if (error) goto exit;
logOffset = (char*)hdr+offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID);
logSize = sizeof(swd_hdr)-offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID);
- if ((hdr->dlog_buf_offset == sizeof(swd_hdr)) && (hdr->dlog_size == SWD_DLOG_SIZE))
- {
- logSize += hdr->dlog_size;
- }
- error = sleepWakeDebugSaveFile("/var/tmp/SleepWakeLog.dump", logOffset, logSize);
+ error = sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(getDumpLogFilename(hdr), logOffset, logSize);
if (error) goto exit;
hdr->spindump_size = 0;
if (error) {
// Write just the SleepWakeLog.dump with failure code
- if ((failStat = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, getProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeFailureCodeKey))) != NULL) {
- memset(PMStatusCode, 0x20, sizeof(PMStatusCode)); // Fill with spaces
- PMStatusCode[sizeof(PMStatusCode)-1] = 0xa; // And an end-of-line at the end
- const uint64_t fcode = failStat->unsigned64BitValue();
- snprintf(PMStatusCode, sizeof(PMStatusCode)-1, "Code: 0x%llx", fcode);
- sleepWakeDebugSaveFile("/var/tmp/SleepWakeLog.dump", PMStatusCode, sizeof(PMStatusCode));
+ uint64_t fcode = 0;
+ const char *sname, *lname;
+ swd_hdr hdrCopy;
+ /* Try writing an empty stacks file */
+ hdr = &hdrCopy;
+ if (swd_flags & SWD_BOOT_BY_SW_WDOG) {
+ failStat = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, getProperty(kIOPMSleepWakeFailureCodeKey));
+ fcode = failStat->unsigned64BitValue();
+ lname = kSleepWakeLogFilename;
+ sname = kSleepWakeStackFilename;
+ }
+ else {
+ lname = kAppleOSXWatchdogLogFilename;
+ sname= kAppleOSXWatchdogStackFilename;
+ sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(sname, NULL, 0);
+ logOffset = (char*)hdr+offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID);
+ logSize = sizeof(swd_hdr)-offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID);
+ memset(logOffset, 0x20, logSize); // Fill with spaces
+ snprintf(hdr->spindump_status, sizeof(hdr->spindump_status), "\nstatus: 0x%x", swd_flags);
+ snprintf(hdr->PMStatusCode, sizeof(hdr->PMStatusCode), "\nCode: 0x%llx", fcode);
+ snprintf(hdr->reason, sizeof(hdr->reason), "\nStackshot reason: Watchdog\n\n");
+ sleepWakeDebugSaveFile(lname, logOffset, logSize);
gRootDomain->swd_lock = 0;
IOMemoryDescriptor * desc = NULL;
IOMemoryMap * logBufMap = NULL;
- uint32_t len;
+ uint32_t len = INT_MAX;
addr64_t data[3];
uint64_t bufSize = 0;
uint64_t crc = 0;
uint64_t paddr = 0;
swd_hdr *hdr = NULL;
bool ret = false;
+ char str[20];
if (!OSCompareAndSwap(0, 1, &gRootDomain->swd_lock))
return NULL;
- len = sizeof(addr64_t)*3;
- if (!PEReadNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeDebugKey, data, &len) || (len != sizeof(addr64_t)*3) )
- {
+ if (!PEReadNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeDebugKey, 0, &len)) {
DLOG("No sleepWakeDebug note to read\n");
- return NULL;
+ goto exit;
- PERemoveNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeDebugKey);
+ if (len == strlen("sleepimage")) {
+ str[0] = 0;
+ PEReadNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeDebugKey, str, &len);
+ if (!strncmp((char*)str, "sleepimage", strlen("sleepimage"))) {
+ DLOG("sleepWakeDebugRetrieve: in file logs\n");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (len == sizeof(addr64_t)*3) {
+ PEReadNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeDebugKey, data, &len);
+ }
+ else {
+ DLOG("Invalid sleepWakeDebug note length(%d)\n", len);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ DLOG("sleepWakeDebugRetrieve: data[0]:0x%llx data[1]:0x%llx data[2]:0x%llx\n",
+ data[0], data[1], data[2]);
+ DLOG("sleepWakeDebugRetrieve: in mem logs\n");
bufSize = data[0];
crc = data[1];
paddr = data[2];
if ( (bufSize <= sizeof(swd_hdr)) ||(bufSize > SWD_BUF_SIZE) || (crc == 0) )
- IOLog("SleepWake log buffer contents are invalid\n");
+ IOLog("SleepWake log buffer size is invalid\n");
+ swd_flags |= SWD_BUF_SIZE_ERROR;
return NULL;
DLOG("size:0x%llx crc:0x%llx paddr:0x%llx\n",
bufSize, crc, paddr);
desc = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddressRange( paddr, bufSize,
kIODirectionOutIn | kIOMemoryMapperNone, NULL);
if (desc == NULL)
IOLog("Fail to map SleepWake log buffer\n");
+ swd_flags |= SWD_INTERNAL_FAILURE;
goto exit;
if ( (logBufMap->getLength() <= sizeof(swd_hdr)) || (vaddr == NULL) ) {
IOLog("Fail to map SleepWake log buffer\n");
+ swd_flags |= SWD_INTERNAL_FAILURE;
goto exit;
hdr = (swd_hdr *)vaddr;
- if (hdr->spindump_offset+hdr->spindump_size > bufSize)
+ if (hdr->spindump_offset+hdr->spindump_size > bufSize)
- IOLog("SleepWake log buffer contents are invalid\n");
+ IOLog("SleepWake log header size is invalid\n");
+ swd_flags |= SWD_HDR_SIZE_ERROR;
goto exit;
hdr->crc = crc;
- newcrc = crc32(0, (void *)((char*)vaddr+hdr->spindump_offset),
+ newcrc = crc32(0, (void *)((char*)vaddr+hdr->spindump_offset),
if (newcrc != crc) {
IOLog("SleepWake log buffer contents are invalid\n");
+ swd_flags |= SWD_DATA_CRC_ERROR;
goto exit;
ret = true;
+ swd_flags |= SWD_LOGS_IN_MEM | SWD_VALID_LOGS;
+ PERemoveNVRAMProperty(kIOSleepWakeDebugKey);
if (!ret) {
if (logBufMap) logBufMap->release();
logBufMap = 0;
if (desc) desc->release();
gRootDomain->swd_lock = 0;
return logBufMap;
-void IOPMrootDomain::saveTimeoutAppStackShot(void *p0, void *p1)
- IOPMrootDomain *rd = (IOPMrootDomain *)p0;
- IOBufferMemoryDescriptor *spindumpDesc;
- errno_t error = EIO;
- swd_hdr *hdr;
- if (rd && rd->spindumpDesc)
- {
- spindumpDesc = rd->spindumpDesc;
- hdr = (swd_hdr*)spindumpDesc->getBytesNoCopy();
- error = rd->sleepWakeDebugSaveFile("/var/tmp/SleepWakeTimeoutStacks.dump",
- (char*)hdr+hdr->spindump_offset, hdr->spindump_size);
- if (error) goto done;
- error = rd->sleepWakeDebugSaveFile("/var/tmp/SleepWakeTimeoutLog.dump",
- (char*)hdr+offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID),
- sizeof(swd_hdr)-offsetof(swd_hdr, UUID));
+void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugTrig(bool restart)
+ uint32_t wdog_panic = 1;
- done:
- spindumpDesc->release();
- rd->spindumpDesc = 0;
+ if (restart) {
+ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("swd_panic", &wdog_panic, sizeof(wdog_panic)) &&
+ (wdog_panic == 0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ panic("Sleep/Wake hang detected");
+ return;
-void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugLog(const char *fmt,...)
+void IOPMrootDomain::takeStackshot(bool restart, bool isOSXWatchdog, bool isSpinDump)
+#pragma unused(restart)
+#pragma unused(isOSXWatchdog)
-void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugTrig(bool restart)
+void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugMemAlloc( )
-void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugMemAlloc( )
+void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugDumpFromMem(IOMemoryMap *map)
+errno_t IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugCopyFile(
+ struct vnode *srcVp,
+ vfs_context_t srcCtx,
+ char *tmpBuf, uint64_t tmpBufSize,
+ uint64_t srcOffset,
+ const char *dstFname,
+ uint64_t numBytes,
+ uint32_t crc)
+ return EIO;
-void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugDump(IOMemoryMap *map)
+void IOPMrootDomain::sleepWakeDebugDumpFromFile()
return 0;
-void IOPMrootDomain::saveTimeoutAppStackShot(void *p0, void *p1)