extern "C" {
+#include <libkern/OSTypes.h>
extern boolean_t PEGetMachineName( char * name, int maxLength );
extern boolean_t PEGetModelName( char * name, int maxLength );
extern int PEGetPlatformEpoch( void );
- kPEUPSDelayHaltCPU
+ kPEUPSDelayHaltCPU,
+ kPEPanicRestartCPU,
+ kPEPanicSync,
+ kPEPagingOff
extern int (*PE_halt_restart)(unsigned int type);
extern int PEHaltRestart(unsigned int type);
// Save the Panic Info. Returns the number of bytes saved.
-extern unsigned long PESavePanicInfo(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned long length);
+extern UInt32 PESavePanicInfo(UInt8 *buffer, UInt32 length);
extern long PEGetGMTTimeOfDay( void );
extern void PESetGMTTimeOfDay( long secs );
+/* unless it's a "well-known" property, these will read/write out the value as raw data */
+extern boolean_t PEWriteNVRAMProperty(const char *symbol, const void *value, const unsigned int len);
+extern boolean_t PEReadNVRAMProperty(const char *symbol, void *value, unsigned int *len);
+extern boolean_t PERemoveNVRAMProperty(const char *symbol);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#define kIOPlatformMapperPresentKey "IOPlatformMapperPresent"
-extern OSSymbol * gPlatformInterruptControllerName;
+extern OSSymbol * gPlatformInterruptControllerName;
+extern const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformSleepActionKey;
+extern const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformWakeActionKey;
+extern const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformQuiesceActionKey;
+extern const OSSymbol * gIOPlatformActiveActionKey;
class IORangeAllocator;
class IONVRAMController;
virtual bool compareName( OSString * name, OSString ** matched = 0 ) const;
virtual IOWorkLoop *getWorkLoop() const;
+ virtual IOReturn setProperties( OSObject * properties );
virtual void free();
- virtual bool attachToChild( IORegistryEntry * child,
- const IORegistryPlane * plane );
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpertDevice, 0);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpertDevice, 1);
OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOPlatformExpertDevice, 2);