+def KVToPhys(cmd_args=None):
+ """ Translate a kernel virtual address to the corresponding physical address.
+ Assumes the virtual address falls within the kernel static region.
+ Syntax: (lldb) kvtophys <kernel virtual address>
+ """
+ if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
+ raise ArgumentError("Too few arguments to kvtophys.")
+ if kern.arch.startswith('arm'):
+ print "{:#x}".format(KVToPhysARM(long(unsigned(kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'unsigned long')))))
+ elif kern.arch == 'x86_64':
+ print "{:#x}".format(long(unsigned(kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'unsigned long'))) - unsigned(kern.globals.physmap_base))
+def PhysToKV(cmd_args=None):
+ """ Translate a physical address to the corresponding static kernel virtual address.
+ Assumes the physical address corresponds to managed DRAM.
+ Syntax: (lldb) phystokv <physical address>
+ """
+ if cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) < 1:
+ raise ArgumentError("Too few arguments to phystokv.")
+ print "{:#x}".format(kern.PhysToKernelVirt(long(unsigned(kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'unsigned long')))))
+def KVToPhysARM(addr):
+ if kern.arch.startswith('arm64'):
+ ptov_table = kern.globals.ptov_table
+ for i in range(0, kern.globals.ptov_index):
+ if (addr >= long(unsigned(ptov_table[i].va))) and (addr < (long(unsigned(ptov_table[i].va)) + long(unsigned(ptov_table[i].len)))):
+ return (addr - long(unsigned(ptov_table[i].va)) + long(unsigned(ptov_table[i].pa)))
+ return (addr - unsigned(kern.globals.gVirtBase) + unsigned(kern.globals.gPhysBase))