- * Copyright (c) 2000-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
/* Copyright (c) 1995, 1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
* @(#)user.h 8.2 (Berkeley) 9/23/93
-#ifndef _SYS_USER_H_
-#define _SYS_USER_H_
+#ifndef _SYS_USER_H_
+#define _SYS_USER_H_
#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
struct waitq_set;
#include <sys/uio.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/resourcevar.h>
+#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <sys/signalvar.h>
-#include <sys/vm.h> /* XXX */
+#include <sys/vm.h> /* XXX */
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <sys/pthread_internal.h> /* for uu_kwe entry */
+#include <sys/eventvar.h>
#include <sys/eventvar.h>
* VFS context structure (part of uthread)
struct vfs_context {
- thread_t vc_thread; /* pointer to Mach thread */
- kauth_cred_t vc_ucred; /* per thread credential */
+ thread_t vc_thread; /* pointer to Mach thread */
+ kauth_cred_t vc_ucred; /* per thread credential */
#endif /* !__LP64 || XNU_KERNEL_PRIVATE */
/* XXX Deprecated: xnu source compatability */
-#define uu_ucred uu_context.vc_ucred
+#define uu_ucred uu_context.vc_ucred
-struct label; /* MAC label dummy struct */
+struct label; /* MAC label dummy struct */
* Per-thread U area.
struct uthread {
/* syscall parameters, results and catches */
u_int64_t uu_arg[8]; /* arguments to current system call */
- int uu_rval[2];
+ int uu_rval[2];
+ char uu_cursig; /* p_cursig for exc. */
unsigned int syscall_code; /* current syscall code */
/* thread exception handling */
- mach_exception_code_t uu_code; /* ``code'' to trap */
+ int uu_exception;
+ mach_exception_code_t uu_code; /* ``code'' to trap */
mach_exception_subcode_t uu_subcode;
- int uu_exception;
- char uu_cursig; /* p_cursig for exc. */
/* support for syscalls which use continuations */
union {
struct _select_data {
int count;
struct select_nocancel_args *args; /* original syscall arguments */
int32_t *retval; /* place to store return val */
- } ss_select_data;
+ } uus_select_data;
struct _kqueue_scan {
kevent_callback_t call; /* per-event callback */
kqueue_continue_t cont; /* whole call continuation */
filt_process_data_t process_data; /* needed for filter processing */
- uint8_t servicer_qos_index; /* requested qos index of servicer */
uint64_t deadline; /* computed deadline for operation */
void *data; /* caller's private data */
- } ss_kqueue_scan; /* saved state for kevent_scan() */
+ } uus_kqueue_scan; /* saved state for kevent_scan() */
struct _kevent {
struct _kqueue_scan scan; /* space for the generic data */
struct fileproc *fp; /* fileproc we hold iocount on */
- int fd; /* filedescriptor for kq */
- int eventcount; /* user-level event count */
+ int fd; /* fd for fileproc (if held) */
+ int eventcount; /* user-level event count */
int eventout; /* number of events output */
struct filt_process_s process_data; /* space for process data fed thru */
int32_t *retval; /* place to store return val */
user_addr_t eventlist; /* user-level event list address */
uint64_t data_available; /* [user/kernel] addr of in/out size */
- } ss_kevent; /* saved state for kevent() */
+ } uus_kevent; /* saved state for kevent() */
+ struct _kevent_register {
+ struct kevent_internal_s kev; /* the kevent to maybe copy out */
+ struct knote *knote; /* the knote used for the wait */
+ struct fileproc *fp; /* fileproc we hold iocount on */
+ thread_t handoff_thread; /* thread we handed off to, has +1 */
+ struct kqueue *kq;
+ int fd; /* fd for fileproc (if held) */
+ int eventcount; /* user-level event count */
+ int eventout; /* number of events output */
+ unsigned int flags; /* flags for kevent_copyout() */
+ int32_t *retval; /* place to store return val */
+ user_addr_t ueventlist; /* the user-address to copyout to */
+ } uus_kevent_register; /* saved for EVFILT_WORKLOOP wait */
struct _kauth {
- user_addr_t message; /* message in progress */
- } uu_kauth;
+ user_addr_t message; /* message in progress */
+ } uus_kauth;
- struct ksyn_waitq_element uu_kwe; /* user for pthread synch */
+ struct ksyn_waitq_element uus_kwe; /* user for pthread synch */
struct _waitid_data {
- struct waitid_nocancel_args *args; /* original syscall arguments */
- int32_t *retval; /* place to store return val */
- } uu_waitid_data;
+ struct waitid_nocancel_args *args; /* original syscall arguments */
+ int32_t *retval; /* place to store return val */
+ } uus_waitid_data;
struct _wait4_data {
- struct wait4_nocancel_args *args; /* original syscall arguments */
- int32_t *retval; /* place to store return val */
- } uu_wait4_data;
- } uu_kevent;
+ struct wait4_nocancel_args *args; /* original syscall arguments */
+ int32_t *retval; /* place to store return val */
+ } uus_wait4_data;
+ struct _workq_park_data {
+ uint64_t idle_stamp;
+ uint64_t workloop_params;
+ uint32_t fulfilled_snapshot;
+ uint32_t yields;
+ void *thread_request; /* request being fulfilled, for tracing only */
+ uint32_t upcall_flags;
+ bool has_stack;
+ thread_qos_t qos;
+ } uus_workq_park_data; /* saved for parked workq threads */
+ struct _ulock_wait_data {
+ thread_t owner_thread;
+ thread_t old_owner;
+ int32_t *retval;
+ uint flags;
+ } uus_ulock_wait_data;
+ } uu_save;
/* Persistent memory allocations across system calls */
struct _select {
- u_int32_t *ibits, *obits; /* bits to select on */
- uint nbytes; /* number of bytes in ibits and obits */
- } uu_select; /* saved state for select() */
- /* internal support for continuation framework */
- int (*uu_continuation)(int);
- int uu_pri;
- int uu_timo;
- caddr_t uu_wchan; /* sleeping thread wait channel */
- const char *uu_wmesg; /* ... wait message */
- struct proc * uu_proc;
+ u_int32_t *ibits, *obits; /* bits to select on */
+ uint nbytes; /* number of bytes in ibits and obits */
+ } uu_select; /* saved state for select() */
+ /* internal support for continuation framework */
+ int (*uu_continuation)(int);
+ int uu_pri;
+ int uu_timo;
+ caddr_t uu_wchan; /* sleeping thread wait channel */
+ const char *uu_wmesg; /* ... wait message */
+ struct proc *uu_proc;
thread_t uu_thread;
void * uu_userstate;
- struct waitq_set *uu_wqset; /* waitq state cached across select calls */
- size_t uu_wqstate_sz; /* ...size of uu_wqset buffer */
+ struct waitq_set *uu_wqset; /* waitq state cached across select calls */
+ size_t uu_wqstate_sz; /* ...size of uu_wqset buffer */
int uu_flag;
- sigset_t uu_siglist; /* signals pending for the thread */
- sigset_t uu_sigwait; /* sigwait on this thread*/
- sigset_t uu_sigmask; /* signal mask for the thread */
- sigset_t uu_oldmask; /* signal mask saved before sigpause */
- sigset_t uu_vforkmask; /* saved signal mask during vfork */
- struct vfs_context uu_context; /* thread + cred */
- TAILQ_ENTRY(uthread) uu_list; /* List of uthreads in proc */
- struct kaudit_record *uu_ar; /* audit record */
- struct task* uu_aio_task; /* target task for async io */
- lck_mtx_t *uu_mtx;
- lck_spin_t uu_rethrottle_lock; /* locks was_rethrottled and is_throttled */
- TAILQ_ENTRY(uthread) uu_throttlelist; /* List of uthreads currently throttled */
- void * uu_throttle_info; /* pointer to throttled I/Os info */
- int uu_on_throttlelist;
- int uu_lowpri_window;
- boolean_t uu_was_rethrottled;
- boolean_t uu_is_throttled;
- boolean_t uu_throttle_bc;
- u_int32_t uu_network_marks; /* network control flow marks */
+ sigset_t uu_siglist; /* signals pending for the thread */
+ sigset_t uu_sigwait; /* sigwait on this thread*/
+ sigset_t uu_sigmask; /* signal mask for the thread */
+ sigset_t uu_oldmask; /* signal mask saved before sigpause */
+ sigset_t uu_vforkmask; /* saved signal mask during vfork */
+ struct vfs_context uu_context; /* thread + cred */
- struct kern_sigaltstack uu_sigstk;
- vnode_t uu_vreclaims;
- vnode_t uu_cdir; /* per thread CWD */
- int uu_dupfd; /* fd in fdesc_open/dupfdopen */
- int uu_defer_reclaims;
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(uthread) uu_list; /* List of uthreads in proc */
+ struct kaudit_record *uu_ar; /* audit record */
+ struct task* uu_aio_task; /* target task for async io */
+ lck_mtx_t *uu_mtx;
- unsigned int uu_kqueue_bound; /* qos index we are bound to service */
- unsigned int uu_kqueue_flags; /* if so, the flags being using */
+ lck_spin_t uu_rethrottle_lock; /* locks was_rethrottled and is_throttled */
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(uthread) uu_throttlelist; /* List of uthreads currently throttled */
+ void * uu_throttle_info; /* pointer to throttled I/Os info */
+ int uu_on_throttlelist;
+ int uu_lowpri_window;
+ /* These boolean fields are protected by different locks */
+ bool uu_was_rethrottled;
+ bool uu_is_throttled;
+ bool uu_throttle_bc;
+ u_int32_t uu_network_marks; /* network control flow marks */
+ struct kern_sigaltstack uu_sigstk;
+ vnode_t uu_vreclaims;
+ vnode_t uu_cdir; /* per thread CWD */
+ int uu_dupfd; /* fd in fdesc_open/dupfdopen */
+ int uu_defer_reclaims;
+ /*
+ * Bound kqueue request. This field is only cleared by the current thread,
+ * hence can be dereferenced safely by the current thread without locks.
+ */
+ struct kqrequest *uu_kqr_bound;
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(uthread) uu_workq_entry;
+ mach_vm_offset_t uu_workq_stackaddr;
+ mach_port_name_t uu_workq_thport;
+ struct uu_workq_policy {
+ uint16_t qos_req : 4; /* requested QoS */
+ uint16_t qos_max : 4; /* current acked max qos */
+ uint16_t qos_override : 4; /* received async override */
+ uint16_t qos_bucket : 4; /* current acked bucket */
+ } uu_workq_pri;
+ uint8_t uu_workq_flags;
+ kq_index_t uu_kqueue_override;
#ifdef JOE_DEBUG
- int uu_iocount;
- int uu_vpindex;
- void * uu_vps[32];
- void * uu_pcs[32][10];
+ int uu_iocount;
+ int uu_vpindex;
+ void *uu_vps[32];
+ void *uu_pcs[32][10];
- int uu_proc_refcount;
+#define UU_KEVENT_HISTORY_WRITE_ENTRY(uth, ...) ({ \
+ struct uthread *__uth = (uth); \
+ unsigned int __index = __uth->uu_kevent_index++; \
+ __uth->uu_kevent_history[__index % UU_KEVENT_HISTORY_COUNT] = \
+ (struct uu_kevent_history)__VA_ARGS__; \
+ })
+ struct uu_kevent_history {
+ uint64_t uu_kqid;
+ struct kqueue *uu_kq;
+ int uu_error, uu_nchanges, uu_nevents;
+ unsigned int uu_flags;
+ } uu_kevent_history[UU_KEVENT_HISTORY_COUNT];
+ unsigned int uu_kevent_index;
+ int uu_proc_refcount;
- int uu_pindex;
- void * uu_proc_ps[NUM_PROC_REFS_TO_TRACK];
- uintptr_t uu_proc_pcs[NUM_PROC_REFS_TO_TRACK][PROC_REF_STACK_DEPTH];
+ int uu_pindex;
+ void * uu_proc_ps[NUM_PROC_REFS_TO_TRACK];
+ uintptr_t uu_proc_pcs[NUM_PROC_REFS_TO_TRACK][PROC_REF_STACK_DEPTH];
- uint32_t t_dtrace_errno; /* Most recent errno */
- siginfo_t t_dtrace_siginfo;
- uint64_t t_dtrace_resumepid; /* DTrace's pidresume() pid */
- uint8_t t_dtrace_stop; /* indicates a DTrace desired stop */
- uint8_t t_dtrace_sig; /* signal sent via DTrace's raise() */
- union __tdu {
- struct __tds {
- uint8_t _t_dtrace_on; /* hit a fasttrap tracepoint */
- uint8_t _t_dtrace_step; /* about to return to kernel */
- uint8_t _t_dtrace_ret; /* handling a return probe */
- uint8_t _t_dtrace_ast; /* saved ast flag */
+ uint32_t t_dtrace_errno; /* Most recent errno */
+ siginfo_t t_dtrace_siginfo;
+ uint64_t t_dtrace_resumepid; /* DTrace's pidresume() pid */
+ uint8_t t_dtrace_stop; /* indicates a DTrace desired stop */
+ uint8_t t_dtrace_sig; /* signal sent via DTrace's raise() */
+ union __tdu {
+ struct __tds {
+ uint8_t _t_dtrace_on; /* hit a fasttrap tracepoint */
+ uint8_t _t_dtrace_step; /* about to return to kernel */
+ uint8_t _t_dtrace_ret; /* handling a return probe */
+ uint8_t _t_dtrace_ast; /* saved ast flag */
#if __sol64 || defined(__APPLE__)
- uint8_t _t_dtrace_reg; /* modified register */
+ uint8_t _t_dtrace_reg; /* modified register */
- } _tds;
- u_int32_t _t_dtrace_ft; /* bitwise or of these flags */
- } _tdu;
+ } _tds;
+ u_int32_t _t_dtrace_ft; /* bitwise or of these flags */
+ } _tdu;
#define t_dtrace_ft _tdu._t_dtrace_ft
#define t_dtrace_on _tdu._tds._t_dtrace_on
#define t_dtrace_step _tdu._tds._t_dtrace_step
#define t_dtrace_reg _tdu._tds._t_dtrace_reg
- user_addr_t t_dtrace_pc; /* DTrace saved pc from fasttrap */
- user_addr_t t_dtrace_npc; /* DTrace next pc from fasttrap */
- user_addr_t t_dtrace_scrpc; /* DTrace per-thread scratch location */
- user_addr_t t_dtrace_astpc; /* DTrace return sequence location */
+ user_addr_t t_dtrace_pc; /* DTrace saved pc from fasttrap */
+ user_addr_t t_dtrace_npc; /* DTrace next pc from fasttrap */
+ user_addr_t t_dtrace_scrpc; /* DTrace per-thread scratch location */
+ user_addr_t t_dtrace_astpc; /* DTrace return sequence location */
- struct dtrace_ptss_page_entry* t_dtrace_scratch; /* scratch space entry */
+ struct dtrace_ptss_page_entry* t_dtrace_scratch; /* scratch space entry */
#if __sol64 || defined(__APPLE__)
- uint64_t t_dtrace_regv; /* DTrace saved reg from fasttrap */
+ uint64_t t_dtrace_regv; /* DTrace saved reg from fasttrap */
- void * t_dtrace_syscall_args;
+ void *t_dtrace_syscall_args;
#endif /* CONFIG_DTRACE */
- void * uu_threadlist;
- char * pth_name;
+ char *pth_name;
/* Document Tracking struct used to track a "tombstone" for a document */
struct doc_tombstone *t_tombstone;
typedef struct uthread * uthread_t;
/* Definition of uu_flag */
-#define UT_SAS_OLDMASK 0x00000001 /* need to restore mask before pause */
-#define UT_NO_SIGMASK 0x00000002 /* exited thread; invalid sigmask */
-#define UT_NOTCANCELPT 0x00000004 /* not a cancelation point */
-#define UT_CANCEL 0x00000008 /* thread marked for cancel */
-#define UT_CANCELED 0x00000010 /* thread cancelled */
+#define UT_SAS_OLDMASK 0x00000001 /* need to restore mask before pause */
+#define UT_NO_SIGMASK 0x00000002 /* exited thread; invalid sigmask */
+#define UT_NOTCANCELPT 0x00000004 /* not a cancelation point */
+#define UT_CANCEL 0x00000008 /* thread marked for cancel */
+#define UT_CANCELED 0x00000010 /* thread cancelled */
#define UT_CANCELDISABLE 0x00000020 /* thread cancel disabled */
-#define UT_ALTSTACK 0x00000040 /* this thread has alt stack for signals */
-#define UT_THROTTLE_IO 0x00000080 /* this thread issues throttle I/O */
-#define UT_PASSIVE_IO 0x00000100 /* this thread issues passive I/O */
-#define UT_PROCEXIT 0x00000200 /* this thread completed the proc exit */
-#define UT_RAGE_VNODES 0x00000400 /* rapid age any vnodes created by this thread */
-/* 0x00000800 unused, used to be UT_BACKGROUND */
+#define UT_ALTSTACK 0x00000040 /* this thread has alt stack for signals */
+#define UT_THROTTLE_IO 0x00000080 /* this thread issues throttle I/O */
+#define UT_PASSIVE_IO 0x00000100 /* this thread issues passive I/O */
+#define UT_PROCEXIT 0x00000200 /* this thread completed the proc exit */
+#define UT_RAGE_VNODES 0x00000400 /* rapid age any vnodes created by this thread */
+#define UT_KERN_RAGE_VNODES 0x00000800 /* rapid age any vnodes created by this thread (kernel set) */
/* 0x00001000 unused, used to be UT_BACKGROUND_TRAFFIC_MGT */
-#define UT_VFORK 0x02000000 /* thread has vfork children */
-#define UT_SETUID 0x04000000 /* thread is settugid() */
-#define UT_WASSETUID 0x08000000 /* thread was settugid() (in vfork) */
-#define UT_VFORKING 0x10000000 /* thread in vfork() syscall */
+#define UT_ATIME_UPDATE 0x00002000 /* don't update atime for files accessed by this thread */
+#define UT_VFORK 0x02000000 /* thread has vfork children */
+#define UT_SETUID 0x04000000 /* thread is settugid() */
+#define UT_WASSETUID 0x08000000 /* thread was settugid() (in vfork) */
+#define UT_VFORKING 0x10000000 /* thread in vfork() syscall */
#endif /* __APPLE_API_PRIVATE */
-#endif /* KERNEL */
+#endif /* KERNEL */
* Per process structure containing data that isn't needed in core
* This structure may or may not be at the same kernel address
* in all processes.
-struct user {
+struct user {
-#endif /* !_SYS_USER_H_ */
+#endif /* !_SYS_USER_H_ */