-struct cccmac_ctx {
- uint8_t b[8];
-typedef struct cccmac_ctx_hdr {
- uint8_t k1[CMAC_BLOCKSIZE];
- uint8_t k2[CMAC_BLOCKSIZE];
- uint8_t block[CMAC_BLOCKSIZE];
- size_t block_nbytes; // Number of byte occupied in block buf
- size_t cumulated_nbytes; // Total size processed
- const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc;
- uint8_t ctx[8];
-} CC_ALIGNED(8) cccmac_ctx_hdr;
-typedef union {
- struct cccmac_ctx *b;
- cccmac_ctx_hdr *hdr;
-} cccmac_ctx_t __attribute__((transparent_union));
-#define cccmac_hdr_size sizeof(struct cccmac_ctx_hdr)
struct cccmac_ctx {
uint8_t k1[CMAC_BLOCKSIZE];
uint8_t k2[CMAC_BLOCKSIZE];
#define cccmac_hdr_size sizeof(struct cccmac_ctx)
#define cccmac_iv_size(_mode_) ((_mode_)->block_size)
#define cccmac_cbc_size(_mode_) ((_mode_)->size)
#define cccmac_mode_decl(_mode_, _name_) cc_ctx_decl(struct cccmac_ctx, cccmac_ctx_size(_mode_), _name_)
#define cccmac_mode_clear(_mode_, _name_) cc_clear(cccmac_ctx_size(_mode_), _name_)
-/* Return a cccbc_ctx * which can be accesed with the macros in ccmode.h */
-#define cccmac_mode_ctx_start(_mode_, HC) (((HC).hdr)->ctx)
-#define CCCMAC_HDR(HC) (((cccmac_ctx_t)(HC)).hdr)
/* Return a cccbc_ctx * which can be accesed with the macros in ccmode.h */
#define cccmac_mode_ctx_start(_mode_, HC) (HC->ctx)
#define CCCMAC_HDR(HC) (HC)
#define cccmac_mode_sym_ctx(_mode_, HC) (cccbc_ctx *)(cccmac_mode_ctx_start(_mode_, HC))
#define cccmac_mode_iv(_mode_, HC) (cccbc_iv *)(cccmac_mode_ctx_start(_mode_, HC)+cccmac_cbc_size(_mode_))
/* CMAC as defined in NIST SP800-38B - 2005 */
-/* HACK:
- To change the prototype of cccmac_init (and preserve the name) we need to
- proceed in steps:
- 1) Make corecrypto change (23557380)
- 2) Have all clients define "CC_CHANGEFUNCTION_28544056_cccmac_init"
- 3) Remove CC_CHANGEFUNCTION_28544056_cccmac_init logic and old functions of corecrypto
- 4) Clients can remove CC_CHANGEFUNCTION_28544056_cccmac_init at their leisure
- */
/* =============================================================================
@discussion Only supports CMAC_BLOCKSIZE block ciphers
-#ifndef CC_CHANGEFUNCTION_28544056_cccmac_init
-int cccmac_init(const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc,
- cccmac_ctx_t ctx,
- size_t key_nbytes, const void *key)
-__attribute__((deprecated("see guidelines in corecrypto/cccmac.h for migration", "define 'CC_CHANGEFUNCTION_28544056_cccmac_init' and use new cccmac_init with parameter key_nbytes")));
-// If you see this deprecate warning
-// Define CC_CHANGEFUNCTION_28544056_cccmac_init and use "cccmac_init(...,...,16,...)"
-// This will be removed with 28544056
-#define cccmac_init(cbc,ctx,key) cccmac_init(cbc,ctx,16,key)
-// This is the authoritative prototype, which will be left after 28544056
int cccmac_init(const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc,
cccmac_ctx_t ctx,
size_t key_nbytes, const void *key);
@function cccmac_update
int cccmac_final_verify(cccmac_ctx_t ctx,
size_t expected_mac_nbytes, const void *expected_mac);
-/* =============================================================================
- Legacy - Please migrate to new functions above
- ==============================================================================*/
- Guidelines for switching to new CMAC functions
- Legacy New functions
- cccmac_init -> cccmac_init w/ key kength in bytes
- cccmac_block_update -> cccmac_update w/ size in bytes instead of blocks
- cccmac_final -> cccmac_final_generate or cccmac_final_verify
- depending the use case preceeded
- by cccmac_update if any leftover bytes.
- cccmac -> cccmac_one_shot_generate or cccmac_one_shot_verify
- depending the use case
- */
- @function cccmac_block_update
- @abstract Process data
- */
-CC_INLINE void cccmac_block_update(CC_UNUSED const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc, cccmac_ctx_t ctx,
- size_t nblocks, const void *data)
-__attribute__((deprecated("see guidelines in corecrypto/cccmac.h for migration", "cccmac_update")));
-CC_INLINE void cccmac_block_update(CC_UNUSED const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc, cccmac_ctx_t ctx,
- size_t nblocks, const void *data) {
- cccmac_update(ctx,(nblocks)*CMAC_BLOCKSIZE,data);
- @function cccmac_final
- @abstract Finalize CMAC generation
- */
-CC_INLINE void cccmac_final(CC_UNUSED const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc, cccmac_ctx_t ctx,
- size_t nbytes, const void *in, void *out)
-__attribute__((deprecated("see guidelines in corecrypto/cccmac.h for migration", "cccmac_final_generate or cccmac_final_verify")));
-CC_INLINE void cccmac_final(CC_UNUSED const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc, cccmac_ctx_t ctx,
- size_t nbytes, const void *in, void *out) {
- cccmac_update(ctx, nbytes, in);
- cccmac_final_generate(ctx,CMAC_BLOCKSIZE,out);
- @function cccmac
- @abstract One shot CMAC generation with 128bit key
- */
-CC_INLINE void cccmac(const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc,
- const void *key,
- size_t data_len, const void *data, void *mac)
-__attribute__((deprecated("see guidelines in corecrypto/cccmac.h for migration", "cccmac_one_shot_generate or cccmac_one_shot_verify")));
-CC_INLINE void cccmac(const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc,
- const void *key,
- size_t data_len, const void *data, void *mac) {
- cccmac_one_shot_generate(cbc,16,key,data_len,data,16,mac);
#endif /* _CORECRYPTO_cccmac_H_ */