- * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
+ *
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
* circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
* terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
- *
+ *
* Please obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
- *
+ *
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
- *
+ *
#define _I386_PMCPU_H_
#include <i386/cpu_topology.h>
-#include <i386/rtclock.h>
- * This value should be changed each time that pmDsipatch_t or pmCallBacks_t
+ * This value should be changed each time that pmDispatch_t or pmCallBacks_t
* changes.
* Dispatch table for functions that get installed when the power
* pmCallBacks_t is the set of functions that the power management kext
* can call to get at specific kernel functions.
-typedef struct
- int (*pmCPUStateInit)(void);
- void (*cstateInit)(void);
- uint64_t (*cstateMachineIdle)(uint64_t maxIdleDuration);
- uint64_t (*GetDeadline)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
- uint64_t (*SetDeadline)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu, uint64_t);
- void (*Deadline)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
- boolean_t (*exitIdle)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
- void (*markCPURunning)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
- int (*pmCPUControl)(uint32_t cmd, void *datap);
- void (*pmCPUHalt)(void);
- uint64_t (*getMaxSnoop)(void);
- void (*setMaxBusDelay)(uint64_t time);
- uint64_t (*getMaxBusDelay)(void);
- void (*setMaxIntDelay)(uint64_t time);
- uint64_t (*getMaxIntDelay)(void);
- void (*pmCPUSafeMode)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu, uint32_t flags);
- void (*pmTimerStateSave)(void);
- void (*pmTimerStateRestore)(void);
- kern_return_t (*exitHalt)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
- kern_return_t (*exitHaltToOff)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
- void (*markAllCPUsOff)(void);
- void (*pmSetRunCount)(uint32_t count);
- boolean_t (*pmIsCPUUnAvailable)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
- int (*pmIPIHandler)(void *state);
+typedef struct{
+ kern_return_t (*pmCPUStateInit)(void);
+ void (*cstateInit)(void);
+ uint64_t (*MachineIdle)(uint64_t maxIdleDuration);
+ uint64_t (*GetDeadline)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
+ uint64_t (*SetDeadline)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu, uint64_t);
+ void (*Deadline)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
+ boolean_t (*exitIdle)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
+ void (*markCPURunning)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
+ int (*pmCPUControl)(uint32_t cmd, void *datap);
+ void (*pmCPUHalt)(void);
+ uint64_t (*getMaxSnoop)(void);
+ void (*setMaxBusDelay)(uint64_t time);
+ uint64_t (*getMaxBusDelay)(void);
+ void (*setMaxIntDelay)(uint64_t time);
+ uint64_t (*getMaxIntDelay)(void);
+ void (*pmCPUSafeMode)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu, uint32_t flags);
+ void (*pmTimerStateSave)(void);
+ void (*pmTimerStateRestore)(void);
+ kern_return_t (*exitHalt)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
+ kern_return_t (*exitHaltToOff)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
+ void (*markAllCPUsOff)(void);
+ void (*pmSetRunCount)(uint32_t count);
+ boolean_t (*pmIsCPUUnAvailable)(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu);
+ int (*pmChooseCPU)(int startCPU, int endCPU, int preferredCPU);
+ int (*pmIPIHandler)(void *state);
+ void (*pmThreadTellUrgency)(int urgency, uint64_t rt_period, uint64_t rt_deadline);
+ void (*pmActiveRTThreads)(boolean_t active);
+ boolean_t (*pmInterruptPrewakeApplicable)(void);
+ void (*pmThreadGoingOffCore)(thread_t old_thread, boolean_t transfer_load,
+ uint64_t last_dispatch, boolean_t thread_runnable);
} pmDispatch_t;
+/* common time fields exported to PM code. This structure may be
+ * allocated on the stack, so avoid making it unnecessarily large.
+ */
+typedef struct pm_rtc_nanotime {
+ uint64_t tsc_base; /* timestamp */
+ uint64_t ns_base; /* nanoseconds */
+ uint32_t scale; /* tsc -> nanosec multiplier */
+ uint32_t shift; /* tsc -> nanosec shift/div */
+ uint32_t generation; /* 0 == being updated */
+} pm_rtc_nanotime_t;
typedef struct {
- int (*setRTCPop)(uint64_t time);
- void (*resyncDeadlines)(int cpu);
- void (*initComplete)(void);
- x86_lcpu_t *(*GetLCPU)(int cpu);
- x86_core_t *(*GetCore)(int cpu);
- x86_die_t *(*GetDie)(int cpu);
- x86_pkg_t *(*GetPackage)(int cpu);
- x86_lcpu_t *(*GetMyLCPU)(void);
- x86_core_t *(*GetMyCore)(void);
- x86_die_t *(*GetMyDie)(void);
- x86_pkg_t *(*GetMyPackage)(void);
- x86_pkg_t *(*GetPkgRoot)(void);
- void (*LockCPUTopology)(int lock);
- boolean_t (*GetHibernate)(int cpu);
- processor_t (*LCPUtoProcessor)(int lcpu);
- processor_t (*ThreadBind)(processor_t proc);
- uint32_t (*GetSavedRunCount)(void);
- void (*pmSendIPI)(int cpu);
- rtc_nanotime_t *(*GetNanotimeInfo)(void);
- x86_topology_parameters_t *topoParms;
+ uint64_t (*setRTCPop)(uint64_t time);
+ void (*resyncDeadlines)(int cpu);
+ void (*initComplete)(void);
+ x86_lcpu_t *(*GetLCPU)(int cpu);
+ x86_core_t *(*GetCore)(int cpu);
+ x86_die_t *(*GetDie)(int cpu);
+ x86_pkg_t *(*GetPackage)(int cpu);
+ x86_lcpu_t *(*GetMyLCPU)(void);
+ x86_core_t *(*GetMyCore)(void);
+ x86_die_t *(*GetMyDie)(void);
+ x86_pkg_t *(*GetMyPackage)(void);
+ x86_pkg_t *(*GetPkgRoot)(void);
+ void (*LockCPUTopology)(int lock);
+ boolean_t (*GetHibernate)(int cpu);
+ processor_t (*LCPUtoProcessor)(int lcpu);
+ processor_t (*ThreadBind)(processor_t proc);
+ uint32_t (*GetSavedRunCount)(void);
+ void (*pmSendIPI)(int cpu);
+ void (*GetNanotimeInfo)(pm_rtc_nanotime_t *);
+ int (*ThreadGetUrgency)(uint64_t *rt_period, uint64_t *rt_deadline);
+ uint32_t (*timerQueueMigrate)(int cpu);
+ void (*RTCClockAdjust)(uint64_t adjustment);
+ x86_topology_parameters_t *topoParms;
+ boolean_t (*InterruptPending)(void);
+ boolean_t (*IsInterrupting)(uint8_t vector);
+ void (*InterruptStats)(uint64_t intrs[256]);
+ void (*DisableApicTimer)(void);
} pmCallBacks_t;
-extern pmDispatch_t *pmDispatch;
+extern pmDispatch_t *pmDispatch;
void power_management_init(void);
void pmKextRegister(uint32_t version, pmDispatch_t *cpuFuncs,
- pmCallBacks_t *callbacks);
+ pmCallBacks_t *callbacks);
void pmUnRegister(pmDispatch_t *cpuFuncs);
void pmCPUStateInit(void);
uint64_t pmCPUGetDeadline(struct cpu_data *cpu);
void pmTimerRestore(void);
kern_return_t pmCPUExitHalt(int cpu);
kern_return_t pmCPUExitHaltToOff(int cpu);
+uint32_t pmTimerQueueMigrate(int);
-#define PM_HALT_NORMAL 0 /* normal halt path */
-#define PM_HALT_DEBUG 1 /* debug code wants to halt */
-#define PM_HALT_PANIC 2 /* panic code wants to halt */
-#define PM_HALT_SLEEP 3 /* sleep code wants to halt */
+#define PM_HALT_NORMAL 0 /* normal halt path */
+#define PM_HALT_DEBUG 1 /* debug code wants to halt */
+#define PM_HALT_PANIC 2 /* panic code wants to halt */
+#define PM_HALT_SLEEP 3 /* sleep code wants to halt */
void pmSafeMode(x86_lcpu_t *lcpu, uint32_t flags);
-#define PM_SAFE_FL_NORMAL 0x00000001 /* put CPU into "normal" power mode */
-#define PM_SAFE_FL_SAFE 0x00000002 /* put CPU into a "safe" power mode */
-#define PM_SAFE_FL_PAUSE 0x00000010 /* pause execution on the CPU */
-#define PM_SAFE_FL_RESUME 0x00000020 /* resume execution on the CPU */
+#define PM_SAFE_FL_NORMAL 0x00000001 /* put CPU into "normal" power mode */
+#define PM_SAFE_FL_SAFE 0x00000002 /* put CPU into a "safe" power mode */
+#define PM_SAFE_FL_PAUSE 0x00000010 /* pause execution on the CPU */
+#define PM_SAFE_FL_RESUME 0x00000020 /* resume execution on the CPU */
extern int pmsafe_debug;
-extern int idlehalt;
+/* Default urgency timing threshold for the DEBUG build */
+#define URGENCY_NOTIFICATION_ASSERT_NS (5 * 1000 * 1000)
+extern uint64_t urgency_notification_assert_abstime_threshold;
+x86_lcpu_t *
+pmGetLogicalCPU(int cpu);
+x86_lcpu_t *
+pmLCPUtoProcessor(int lcpu);
+x86_pkg_t *
- *
- * All of the following are deprecated interfaces and no longer used.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
+* All of the following are deprecated interfaces and no longer used.
#endif /* ASSEMBLER */