+// PM state lock.
+ IOLock * PMLock;
+ unsigned int InitialPowerChange :1;
+ unsigned int InitialSetPowerState :1;
+ unsigned int DeviceOverrideEnabled :1;
+ unsigned int DoNotPowerDown :1;
+ unsigned int ParentsKnowState :1;
+ unsigned int StrictTreeOrder :1;
+ unsigned int IdleTimerStopped :1;
+ unsigned int AdjustPowerScheduled :1;
+ unsigned int IsPreChange :1;
+ unsigned int DriverCallBusy :1;
+ unsigned int PCDFunctionOverride :1;
+ unsigned int IdleTimerIgnored :1;
+ unsigned int HasAdvisoryDesire :1;
+ unsigned int AdvisoryTickleUsed :1;
+ unsigned int ResetPowerStateOnWake :1;
+// Time of last device activity.
+ AbsoluteTime DeviceActiveTimestamp;
+ AbsoluteTime MaxPowerStateEntryTime;
+ AbsoluteTime MaxPowerStateExitTime;
+// Used to protect activity flag.
+ IOLock * ActivityLock;
+// Idle timer's period in seconds.
+ int IdleTimerPeriod;
+ int NextIdleTimerPeriod;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex IdleTimerMinPowerState;
+ AbsoluteTime IdleTimerStartTime;
+// Power state desired by a subclassed device object.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex DeviceDesire;
+// This is the power state we desire currently.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex DesiredPowerState;
+// This is what our parent thinks our need is.
+ IOPMPowerFlags PreviousRequestPowerFlags;
+// Cache result from getName(), used in logging.
+ const char * Name;
+// Number of power states in the power array.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex NumberOfPowerStates;
+// Ordered highest power state in the power array.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex HighestPowerState;
+// Power state array.
+ IOPMPSEntry * PowerStates;
+// The controlling driver.
+ IOService * ControllingDriver;
+// Our current power state.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex CurrentPowerState;
+// Logical OR of power flags for each power domain parent.
+ IOPMPowerFlags ParentsCurrentPowerFlags;
+// The highest power state we can achieve in current power domain.
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex MaxPowerState;
+// Logical OR of all output power flags in the power state array.
+ IOPMPowerFlags MergedOutputPowerFlags;
+// OSArray which manages responses from notified apps and clients.
+ OSArray * ResponseArray;
+ OSArray * NotifyClientArray;
+// Used to uniquely identify power management notification to apps and clients.
+ uint16_t SerialNumber;
+// Used to communicate desired function to tellClientsWithResponse().
+// This is used because it avoids changing the signatures of the affected virtual methods.
+ int OutOfBandParameter;
+ AbsoluteTime DriverCallStartTime;
+ IOPMPowerFlags CurrentCapabilityFlags;
+ unsigned long CurrentPowerConsumption;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex TempClampPowerState;
+ OSArray * NotifyChildArray;
+ OSDictionary * PowerClients;
+ thread_call_t DriverCallEntry;
+ void * DriverCallParamPtr;
+ IOItemCount DriverCallParamCount;
+ IOItemCount DriverCallParamSlots;
+ uint32_t DriverCallReason;
+ uint32_t OutOfBandMessage;
+ uint32_t TempClampCount;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex OverrideMaxPowerState;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex DeviceUsablePowerState;
+// Protected by ActivityLock - BEGIN
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex ActivityTicklePowerState;
+ IOPMPowerStateIndex AdvisoryTicklePowerState;
+ uint32_t ActivityTickleCount;
+ uint32_t DeviceWasActive : 1;
+ uint32_t AdvisoryTickled : 1;
+// Protected by ActivityLock - END
+ uint32_t WaitReason;
+ uint32_t SavedMachineState;
+// Protected by PMLock - BEGIN
+ struct {
+ uint32_t PMStop : 1;
+ uint32_t PMDriverCallWait : 1;
+ } LockedFlags;
+ queue_head_t PMDriverCallQueue;
+ OSSet * InsertInterestSet;
+ OSSet * RemoveInterestSet;
+// IOReporter Data
+ uint32_t ReportClientCnt;
+ void * ReportBuf;
+// Protected by PMLock - END