from atm import *
from bank import *
from waitq import *
+from ioreg import *
import xnudefines
@header("{0: <20s} {1: <6s} {2: <6s} {3: <10s} {4: <15s}".format("task", "pid", '#acts', "tablesize", "command"))
io_bits = unsigned(portval.ip_object.io_bits)
objtype_index = io_bits & 0xfff
if objtype_index < len(xnudefines.kobject_types) :
- desc_str = "kobject({0:s})".format(xnudefines.kobject_types[objtype_index])
- if xnudefines.kobject_types[objtype_index] in ('TASK_RESUME', 'TASK'):
- desc_str += " " + GetProcNameForTask(Cast(portval.kdata.kobject, 'task *'))
+ objtype_str = xnudefines.kobject_types[objtype_index]
+ if objtype_str == 'IOKIT_OBJ':
+ iokit_classnm = GetObjectTypeStr(portval.kdata.kobject)
+ if not iokit_classnm:
+ iokit_classnm = "<unknown class>"
+ else:
+ iokit_classnm = re.sub(r'vtable for ', r'', iokit_classnm)
+ desc_str = "kobject({:s}:{:s})".format(objtype_str, iokit_classnm)
+ else:
+ desc_str = "kobject({0:s})".format(objtype_str)
+ if xnudefines.kobject_types[objtype_index] in ('TASK_RESUME', 'TASK'):
+ desc_str += " " + GetProcNameForTask(Cast(portval.kdata.kobject, 'task *'))
desc_str = "kobject(UNKNOWN) {:d}".format(objtype_index)
return kobject_str + " " + desc_str
out_str = ''
fmt = "{: <#018x} {: <4s} {: <8d} {: <8d} {: <#018x} {: <#018x}"
- type_str = 'TASK'
if unsigned(iie.iie_bits) & 0x80000000:
type_str = "INH"
+ inherit_count = 0
+ else:
+ type_str = 'TASK'
+ iit = Cast(iie, 'struct ipc_importance_task *')
+ inherit_count = sum(1 for i in IterateQueue(iit.iit_inherits, 'struct ipc_importance_inherit *', 'iii_inheritance'))
refs = unsigned(iie.iie_bits) & 0x7fffffff
made_refs = unsigned(iie.iie_made)
kmsg_count = sum(1 for i in IterateQueue(iie.iie_kmsgs, 'struct ipc_kmsg *', 'ikm_inheritance'))
- inherit_count = sum(1 for i in IterateQueue(iie.iie_inherits, 'struct ipc_importance_inherit *', 'iii_inheritance'))
out_str += fmt.format(iie, type_str, refs, made_refs, kmsg_count, inherit_count)
if config['verbosity'] > vHUMAN:
if kmsg_count > 0:
out_str += "\n"
if inherit_count > 0:
out_str += "\n\t" + GetIPCImportanceInheritSummary.header + "\n"
- for i in IterateQueue(iie.iie_inherits, 'struct ipc_importance_inherit *', 'iii_inheritance'):
+ for i in IterateQueue(iit.iit_inherits, 'struct ipc_importance_inherit *', 'iii_inheritance'):
out_str += "\t" + GetIPCImportanceInheritSummary(i) + "\n"
out_str += "\n"
if type_str == "INH":
voucher = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ipc_voucher_t')
print GetIPCVoucherSummary.header
print GetIPCVoucherSummary(voucher, show_entries=True)
+def GetSpaceSendRightEntries(space, port):
+ """ Get entry summaries for all send rights to port address in an IPC space.
+ params:
+ space - the IPC space to search for send rights
+ port_addr - the port address to match, or 0 to get all send rights
+ returns: an array of IPC entries
+ """
+ entry_table = space.is_table
+ ports = int(space.is_table_size)
+ i = 0
+ entries = []
+ while i < ports:
+ entry = GetObjectAtIndexFromArray(entry_table, i)
+ entry_ie_bits = unsigned(entry.ie_bits)
+ if (entry_ie_bits & 0x00010000) != 0 and (not port or entry.ie_object == port):
+ entries.append(entry)
+ i += 1
+ return entries
+def ShowPortSendRights(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
+ """ Display a list of send rights across all tasks for a given port.
+ Usage: (lldb) showportsendrights <ipc_port_t>
+ """
+ if not cmd_args:
+ raise ArgumentError("no port address provided")
+ port = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct ipc_port *')
+ i = 1
+ for t in kern.tasks:
+ # Write a progress line. Using stderr avoids automatic newline when
+ # writing to stdout from lldb. Blank spaces at the end clear out long
+ # lines.
+ sys.stderr.write("checking {:s} ({}/{})...{:30s}\r".format(Cast(t.bsd_info, 'proc_t').p_name, i, len(kern.tasks), ''))
+ i += 1
+ entries = GetSpaceSendRightEntries(t.itk_space, port)
+ if entries:
+ print GetTaskIPCSummary.header
+ print GetTaskIPCSummary(t)
+ print '\t' + GetIPCEntrySummary.header
+ for entry in entries:
+ print "\t" + GetIPCEntrySummary(entry)
+def ShowTaskSuspenders(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}):
+ """ Display the tasks and send rights that are holding a target task suspended.
+ Usage: (lldb) showtasksuspenders <task_t>
+ """
+ if not cmd_args:
+ raise ArgumentError("no task address provided")
+ task = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'task_t')
+ if task.suspend_count == 0:
+ print "task {:#x} ({:s}) is not suspended".format(unsigned(task), Cast(task.bsd_info, 'proc_t').p_name)
+ return
+ # If the task has been suspended by the kernel (potentially by
+ # kperf, using task_suspend_internal) or a client of task_suspend2
+ # that does not convert its task suspension token to a port using
+ # convert_task_suspension_token_to_port, then it's impossible to determine
+ # which task did the suspension.
+ port = task.itk_resume
+ if not port:
+ print "task {:#x} ({:s}) is suspended but no resume port exists".format(unsigned(task), Cast(task.bsd_info, 'proc_t').p_name)
+ return
+ return ShowPortSendRights(cmd_args=[unsigned(port)], cmd_options=cmd_options)